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par TB Joshua The SCOAN, samedi 4 décembre 2010, 12:47

It is always easier to achieve something than to maintain it. The best man in the world holds his integrity

no longer than God upholds him in it. Ephesians 2:8-9says that it is not by our power or might but by

the grace of God. This is the mystery of grace - God will have mercy on those He wants to have mercy on.

PRAYER: Son of David, let Your mercy and favour locate me. Your mercy and favour are all I need.


Par TB Joshua The SCOAN · dimanche

The routine niceties of adoration and self-introduction over, Wise Man Christopher went straight to unfold

the substance of his Message entitled: Life is a Warfare. In it, he dwelt on the theme of the constant and

interminable struggle between evil and righteousness.

Wise Man Christopher

According to him, there is a constant struggle between light ...


Par TB Joshua The SCOAN · vendredi 3 décembre 2010

Are you facing challenges? Whatever happens, do not lose heart. Just as fire cannot destroy gold,

affliction, sickness, failure may test you but they cannot destroy you as a Christian; it is just to strengthen

your desire for God. John 16:33 has made us understand that when the goings are good or tough, Jesus

Christ is Lord! He has overcome the world. Relax! Jesus will never leave you without victory!


Par TB Joshua The SCOAN · vendredi 26 novembre 2010

Did you once feel close to God and now feel so distant? He has not moved, He has not changed. He is not

far from those who worship Him in truth and faith. Prayer is the shortest route between your heart and

God but in order to pray effectually, there must not be anything between you and God. Have faith in God.

Faith purifies and justifies the heart and thus removes the mountain of guilt that had separated you from

God (2 Peter 1:4)....


Par TB Joshua The SCOAN · jeudi 25 novembre 2010
In the words of the Wise Man, the Bible makes us understand that the name, Jesus Christ has authority
and power among those committed to His glory. Christ’s duty is to raise us from death and restore the
wholeness and fellowship between God and man. Power comes through the Holy Spirit to those who
accept Jesus. In His name you can! A Christian, according to the Wise Man, should depend entirely on the
power of Christ, if he must overcome satan. Citing Mark 16:15-20, the Wise Man told the Church that the
name, Jesus can drive out demons and poison will not have the power to harm believers. Those who
depend solely on God’s power show the evidence of this power in them. They are also the people who
can move mountains in His name. Citing Mark 16:17, he said the text advises us to kick the devil out of
our lives and the lives of others. Ephesians 1:21 says Christ has dominion over all powers and authorities
on earth and in Heaven. In His name you can make wonderful things happen!


Par TB Joshua The SCOAN · jeudi 25 novembre 2010
The only way to feel good about yourself is when you begin to believe and accept what Jesus Christ has

done for you. He died for you, He reigns in power for you and still prays for you. Jesus knew that the

troubles in this world could rob His followers of peace and thus cause their faith to fail. That is why He is

supporting us in prayer (John 17:2...

By faith, hear Jesus praying for you. Take heart, you and Him are majority.


Par TB Joshua The SCOAN · mardi 23 novembre 2010

As a Christian, you are a royal priesthood, a holy nation – a people belonging to God (1Peter 2:9). But how

many believers, because the Word does not prevail, live as common men? Many worry and think about

their trouble as if God is not aware. They discuss their sickness instead of the Healer. It is God’s Word

abiding in you that gives you an authority in Heaven. Let God’s Word abide in you and you in it.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, mardi 16 novembre 2010, 10:58

No man knows by his present signs what the future holds. He holds your future. God does not consult our

past to determine our future. When Jesus enters your life, He will put an end to your past and give birth to

your future. If you allow Him to enter your life today, He will lead you to your future success and your

past is over (Jeremiah 29:11).

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, enter my life today.


Prophet T. B. Joshua underscored the fact that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against

principalities and demons of all authorities and rankings. As our fight is targeted at demons and

principalities, it is not easy to determine our closing time in the Sunday service. In our case, we react

proactively to the attack of the devil as and when observed. Demons attack mankind everywhere and

every time and we must react as enjoined in Mark 16:17 where God says, in my name you shall cast out

all demons.


Ours is a fight with enemies that we can’t see. He referred the congregation to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. The

weapons of warfare are not carnal, for ours are enemies without flesh. The first place to be victorious is in

our mind, he emphasised. It is a war between knowledge and ignorance. He enjoined the congregation to

find security in God’s hands. It is in God’s hands that we have victory and blessing. Freedom from fear is

in God’s hands. If God is with you, who can be against you? He further reminded the congregation of the

Lord’s promise to set a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He advised his listeners to look

up to the Lord for eternal victory. Jesus’ victory is a supernatural victory and we should rise up in heart

and mind for things above. Our victory is past victory as Jesus, by His victory over the devil, has

conquered the world for us. He gave biblical backing to his point by asking the church to open Matthew

4:3 for the Lord’s temptation. The devil tempted Jesus with bread because he knew that after His forty

days of fasting and praying, He must be hungry. The devil tempted Jesus to put on a sensational display
of power. Jesus, though had all the power, presumed upon the Holy Spirit. This teaches us that the power

given to us is not to be exercised at our own will but at the will of God.

DISCOVER YOUR REAL VALUE acknowledged and celebrated the omnipotence of the Lord. In his words,

“If God is with us, nobody can be against us”. He recognised the day as the time for God to deliver, heal

and save all His people. Jesus is the Word by whom God speaks to us. According to Hebrews 13:8 he

maintained, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. This means, he explained, whatever is

rooted in the Lord is stable, incontestable and untouchable. He reminded the Church that in life, we are in

a situation everyday where we make decisions. When insulted, we decide whether to forgive them or

insult them back. The question therefore is: are you making the right decisions or not? Are your decisions

rooted in God’s Word? Whatever is rooted in God’s Word is permanent. Unless your decisions are rooted

in God’s Word, they cannot stand at the time of great need. Whatever decisions you are making

determine who you are before God. What is the greatest decision in life? To put your trust in Christ Jesus

is the most important decision you can make in life. Life’s greatest decision is what you do with Jesus

Christ. You should see life as Jesus does. You should see yourself as the way Jesus sees you to see your

real value and the purpose of God.

At certain periods in life, we are persecuted because of the presence of God in our lives. At such times,

we ask ourselves many questions. He however, admonished his listeners not to be perturbed because, in

his words, uncommon blessings attract uncommon challenges. New things attract persecutions. Many

people are run down because of their achievements. He however, reassured the Church that integrity

cannot be broken down.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, jeudi 28 octobre 2010, 09:40

Many do not receive because they do not ask. Many do ask/ pray in Jesus’ name but they do not receive

because they ask amiss. Remember, the name, Jesus has power indeed but only among those who are

committed to the glory of God, not for selfish, classic and material reasons. Let us commit ourselves to

the glory of God. Ask and it shall be given to us (Matthew 7:7).


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, mardi 26 octobre 2010, 13:40

When you look at life, you will see that we do not always have it the way we expect it. I mean, fast

runners do not always win the race, the brave do not always win the battle, the wise do not always earn a

living and intelligent people do not always rise to high positions (Ecclesiastes 9:11). This philosophy

seems to work against common sense but it is the wisdom of God. It is the goodness of our cause that

interests God.
par TB Joshua The SCOAN, vendredi 22 octobre 2010, 11:02

Are you praying for a better condition - a better paid job, a bigger house? Apostle Paul discovered the

secret of contentment; he had the strength to face all conditions by the power of God (Philippians

4:13), ‘I know what it is to be poor and what it is to have more than enough.’ If you have not tasted

poverty, you will not be able to manage blessing when it comes. Learn this secret so that anywhere at

anytime, you are content.


Jesus chose to deal with the root rather than the pain itself. Sin is the disease of the soul. When it is

pardoned, you are healed. Sin in the soul is the cause of sickness. If we knew no sin, we should know no

sickness, poverty, depression or any form of affliction. We bring sin upon ourselves meritoriously. In

Romans 7:15, Apostle Paul lamented: what I don’t want to do is what I find myself doing. This means sin

is a spiritual thing under which we are powerless. According to Wise Man Daniel, no one can say no to sin

unless God is involved. After the message, Prophet T.B. Joshua expressed the hope that the

congregation’s faith had been lifted by it, and proceeded to recite his usual affirmation. I am justified. I

am no longer condemned. Defeat and failure are things of the past.

Prophet T. B. Joshua reminded the Church of the greatness of God and His ready disposition to forgive
sins, however grievous some of these sins may be. In his words God is capable of doing anything and also
forgiving any sin. To His power nothing is impossible. Breaking in on the choral music which had been
reverberating all over the Church and to which the congregation responded in unison with elegant steps,
Prophet T. B. Joshua enthusiastically spoke on the forgiving spirit of God with copious illustrations. In his
words, the past is forgiven. We have seen a sinner’s character healed, the drunkard becoming sober, the
harlot becoming chastened and the liar becoming truthful. “What then is the fear?” he asked the
congregation. He spiritedly reminded his listeners that if they trust in God, that trust will save them.
Trusting in the suffering of Christ is enough to save us, deliver us and make us whole. He concluded the
sermon by advising the congregation to remain in trust.

Wise Man John Chi introduced his message with a series of questions. How do we achieve a desired goal?
Who wants to be saved? What must I do to be saved? He aptly referred the congregation to Acts 16: 29-
32 which provided the answer to his questions: Believe in the Lord and you will be saved. According to
him, God has promised salvation for whoever shall trust His Son. Race, age brackets, academic
qualifications, wealth or any other attribute cannot save us outside Christ. If you are willing to be saved,
Jesus is willing. Jesus brings hope and succour to those who trust Him. He is the bread to the hungry and
road map to the lost. Whatever you are, you need Christ to be saved. God has a role to play in your
salvation just as you too have a role to play. It takes your willingness and God’s ability to bring about
your salvation.
Our hearts and minds must be reset to agree with God’s plan for our lives. You must get rid of those
things that derail you from God. You cannot experience peace under the dominion of satan. Satan is sin.
Another name for satan is sin.

par TB Joshua The SCOAN, mercredi 13 octobre 2010, 12:31

What God values in you and me is beyond human discernment and is planted in the heart. Therefore,

what God requires of men does not consist in the fat of rams, burnt offerings, costly sacrifices, waving of

hands in worship, prayer and fasting without a thorough reformation of heart and life. Psalm 40:6 says

that it is not sacrifice you require but obedience, meaning obedience is better than sacrifice.

Wise Man Harry defined an excuse as a reason whether genuine or fake which we give to explain or

defend our wrongdoing. When the children of God make mistakes, they do not run from God – instead

they run to Him, because they know that if you make an excuse for your mistakes, your mistakes cannot

be excused. He quoted the book of Genesis 3:8-13 where excuse making actually began. He said Adam

had disobeyed God’s instruction not to eat the fruit of a particular tree in the Garden of Eden where he

lived with his wife, Eve, and enjoyed good fellowship with God. The consequence of disobeying God and

eating the fruit was death. Eve was deceived by a serpent to eat the fruit, and she shared with her

husband, Adam – and since then, life changed. Their eyes became opened and they started hiding from

God because they realised, for the first time, that they were naked. When God asked Adam why he did

that evil, instead of admitting his wrongdoing, Adam blamed God that it was the woman He gave to him

that gave him the apple to eat. Eve, on her own part, blamed the serpent for deceiving her. So they both

made excuses for their sins, but their sins could not be excused, hence the punishment of sorrow and

hardship we inherited from the first-parents.

Nearly everyone has become a conscious sinner. A conscious sinner is one who knows his sin but does

them and makes excuses for his actions, oftentimes shifting the blame to others. The Bible says no one is

righteous, not even one. Perfection eludes all of us. This means mistakes will come – but the question is,

how do you handle it? He concluded the message by saying that until a person is willing to admit that he

is a sinner in need of salvation, he cannot experience freedom from guilt and condemnation. So stop

making excuses for your wrongdoing, admit your guilt and receive God’s forgiveness which makes the

future possible.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, samedi 25 septembre 2010, 12:38

Will you be around tomorrow? The answer you get depends on who you are before God - I mean, on who

is involved in your plans for tomorrow. If you include God in your plan and make Him your source, He will

give you the right to say, “Yes, I will be around tomorrow”. When your trust for the Lord is born of faith,

He is able to guarantee and willing to provide for your future security, because He is loving.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, lundi 4 octobre 2010, 12:06

Many people today, think in this way: “If God wants to bless me, He will bless me – If He wants to make a

way in my life, He will make a way where there seems to be no way”. This does not mean that you must

fold your hands, because the person that folds his hands will not have any record. In James 4:8, the Bible

says, “come near to God and He will come near to you”. This means, for your needs to be met, you have

a part, a role to play. It is not just all up to God and certainly, it is not just all up to you. It takes both

God’s ability and your willingness to bring about a new birth.

This is a parable. Let’s open this parable and discover the truth in it.

Here, the two servants represent two sets of people in the world today who are given an equal

opportunity to hear, believe and obey the Word of God. To the wise in heart, this parable shows that

there are those who hear but do not believe and obey the Word of God and there are those who hear,

believe and obey the Word of God. By their fruit you will know them.

God always rewards the obedient. He does not necessarily reward good, smart or wealthy people; He

rewards the obedient. When God the Almighty comes to reward mankind, the question will not be, “Who

comes from the North, South, East or West?”, “Who can read and quote the Bible from Genesis to

Revelation?”, “Who can preach and teach powerful sermons?”, “Who can fast and pray all day?” but this

very question will be, “Who is a doer of the Word of God?” because it is the doer of the Word of God that

receives things from God.

Proof text: James 1:22-25

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the

word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at

himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the

perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—

he will be blessed in what he does.”

Today, we study the Word. We know all about the Word, but we do not do it. We fail to know that knowing

God is not only seeing His works but also learning His way. It is the will of God to bless you, to prosper

you, to heal you, to deliver you and to save you but you have a role to play. The great Gospel duty is to

believe. Do you believe? Remember that in life, everything has theory and practical. Your life is full of

theory and practical. Christianity is two-sided – theory and practical. For us to enter the practical side of

Christianity, we must understand that what God wants from us is far more than just saying, “Thank You,

Lord for healing me”, “Thank You, Lord for delivering me”. It is as much about listening as it is about

speaking – I mean, how we respond in the dialogue.

Christ is the Word by whom God speaks to us. When you know that the Word is God speaking to you now,

it is not difficult to obey it – to act upon it. How do we act on the Word of God? The Bible says in the book

of Romans 10:8-10, for with the heart man acts on God’s Word. The heart acts and drives the mouth to

confess. We are called to God’s kind of lifestyle based on positive faith, thinking, talking and acting.

Mankind is designed to think, talk, act and plan with God. When you act with God, you will know God’s

opinion about yourself and others. But this can only happen through His Word, by His Spirit – when His

Word and His Spirit become an integral part of our being. For it is only the doer of the Word that receives

things from God. Ask Solomon – the wisest man in the Bible – in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 and he
will tell you that those who are rich in the true sense of the word act on the Word of God. . The doers of

the Word of God receive at their obedience a gift from God – the gift of the Holy Spirit. I do not say a part

of the Holy Spirit, a measure or a manifestation. What I mean is the gift of God.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, mardi 12 octobre 2010, 11:30

When you face trials, you can ‘count it all joy’ if you add faith. It is through hard times that you gain the

necessary experience and maturity to handle whatever responsibility given you. God visits His people

with hard times so that they may learn His way. His ways, though hard to unGodly men, are desirable and

profitable because they lead us to safety and eternal life. Therefore, to withstand hard times, stand with


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, lundi 13 septembre 2010, 12:51

If you must have faith, you must learn to hear God’s Word. It is important that you hear not only with

your ears, but also with your heart. Through hearing, belief comes; through believing trust comes;

through trusting, confidence is established. However, this process is not automatic but gradual. Those

who refuse to take these tiny steps cannot trust God and understand the basic truth about faith.

Wise Man Daniel made us understand that if we are faithful to God, then our God is powerful. In other
words, God is powerful and faithful to His faithful servants.
Proof Text: Daniel 3:15-18
What do you need God to be for you? God is what you need Him to be; and your faithfulness counts. That
is, your faithfulness to Him makes it work. Do you need God to be your Deliverer, Healer, Saviour,
Rescuer and Friend in life? Then, your faithfulness to Him makes it work. As faithful Christians, our God is
faithful, very reliable, trustworthy and dependable. To His power, nothing is impossible.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, samedi 4 septembre 2010, 13:16

There are two sides to life. First is the spiritual side and ultimate conclusion where satan was defeated.

Second is the natural side in which people try to figure out God with their natural mind. In Mat

16:23, one minute, Peter was spiritual; in another minute, he was acknowledging his natural feelings and

Jesus rebuked him. Getting you to look at life, its storms and its adversities from a human point of view is

a trap of satan.

par TB Joshua The SCOAN, vendredi 20 août 2010, 12:10

Ask any Christian and they will tell you that they need God, but how much we need Him, we just don't

know. If God were to remove His grace, His support from us, we would fall, for according to Apostle Paul,

"In Him, we live, we move, in Him, we have our being" (Acts 17:28). If we are complete in Him, we can

do nothing without Him. If we knew how much we needed God, our communication with Him would be

without a break.
par TB Joshua The SCOAN, mardi 17 août 2010, 13:16

Certainly our God is powerful and faithful to His servants. In Daniel 6:10, Daniel's enemies lost no time in

plotting against him, he too lost no time in committing his way to God through prayer. When we are

faithful, our God is powerful. What situation are you in now? Is your God able? If He is, is He faithful to His

promises? If He is faithful, are you really faithful to Him?


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, dimanche 15 août 2010, 11:35

How are you living your life today? Are you looking for amore convenient day to serve God, to help

someone in need or to act on God'sWord? Remember, such day may never come. Listen to Apostle Paul

in 2Corinthians 6:2, "Now is the acceptable time, behold now is the day of salvation." All offerings of

convenience are not sacrificial. Therefore, giveGod your quality time, strength, effort and love – even

when it causes you somepain to do so.


par TB Joshua The SCOAN, samedi 14 août 2010, 14:05

Many today complain that they don't know how to hear from God. They fail to understand that we are

created to dialogue with Him. When we pray, we talk to God. When we read the Bible, God talks to us.

One is not complete without the other. The more we read the Bible, the more we think about what we

read, the more familiar we become with God's voice (2 Timothy 3:16).

Meditation in the Word of God is a visit with Him.

Advice To Christians

“When you want to serve God – serve Him in truth and in spirit. If I may quote right – seek first the

kingdom of God and his righteousness. Forget about other things. Your mentality first should be the

kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is not by physical appearances. It is by your inner mind, your spirit

being. How do you fortify your spirit being? By living in righteousness, in truth. Let your yes be your yes;

let your no be your no. Sincerity, honesty, genuineness.

“Be committed to God. And more over – what empowers you as a Christian is the name of Jesus Christ.

Not only Jesus, but Jesus Christ. Conclude it with that name Christ. When you travel all over the world,

you see some people bearing Jesus but nobody ever bears Christ. For God has highly exalted His name

and He has given Him the name above every other name and every knee shall bow to that name.The

second one is the blood of Jesus Christ.

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