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Michael I. P o s n e r a n d S t a n i s l a s D e h a e n e

Recent brain-imaging and neurophysiological data There has been evidence of more general mechan- Michad L Posneris at
indicate that attention is neither a properly of a singleisms related to visual selection. One way to select the DeN of
brain area, nor of the entire brain. While attentional information is to orient to it. Eye movements to Psychology,
foveate a visual stimulus is a clear case, since without
effects seem mediated by a relative amplification of blood University of Oregon,
foveation there is little ability to examine details of the Eugene, OR 97403,
flow and electrical activity in the cortical areas processing
USA, and Stanislas
visual scene. There are also brain mechanisms for
the attended computation, the details of how this is done Dehaene is at
through enhancement of attended or suppression of visual orienting that do not involve any overt changes the Laboratoire
unattended items, or both, appear to depend on the task in head or eye. In the 1970s, it was found that cells in de Sciences
the parietal lobe increased their firing rate in response
and brain-area studied. The origins of these amplifwation Co&nitivesand
to stimulation of their receptive field when monkeys
effects are to be found in specialized cortical areas of the Psycholinguistique,
attended to peripheral stimuli even when no eye
frontal and parietal lobes that have been described as the CNRS, EHESSand
anterior and posterior attention systems. These results movements were allowed ~. It was also shown that INSERM, Paris,
humans could covertly shift attention to peripheral
represent substantial progress in the effort to determine France.
how brain activity is regulated through attention. Whilestimuli and when they did so they responded more
many philosophical and practical issues remain in rapidly, at lower threshold and with enhanced elec-
developing an understanding of attentional regulation, trical activity to stimuli at the attended location.
the new tools available should provide the basis for Lesions of the parietal lobe specifically damaged this
progress. covert orienting ability on the side of space opposite
the lesion. These findings supported the idea that
The study of selective attention has been an important portions of the parietal lobe were involved in covert
area of research since the inception of psychology in orienting to visual stimuli2.
the late 1800s. However, it has remained contro- Since 1987, when we last reviewed this topic 2, it
versial whether there are any separate brain mechan- has become possible to use neuroimaging methods to
isms that subserve attention. Attention does not give observe the networks of brain areas that become
rise to a unique qualitative experience like vision or active when people perform complex tasks 3'4, Certain
touch, nor does it automatically produce motor brain areas appear active when subjects have to
responses. While we appear to be able to select orient, select or transform information in ways that
sensory stimuli, information in memory or motor would be said, by most psychological models, to
responses, this might not indicate a separate attention involve attention. These brain areas appear to fit quite
system, since all brain systems play a role in well with the idea of selection and control as properties
selection. of attention outlined in our previous article. In this

TINS, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1994 ~>1994,ElsevierScienceLtd 75

• 0--0" "! stimulus characteristics that are
relevant to the task. This 'pruning'
is depicted on the bottom of Fig. 2

W in a static manner, but in complex
tasks such as serial search, the

! Jm

appropriate processing stream
might change as a function of time
(for example, the subject might
attend to each stimulus in turn or
A to all vertical items first and then to

-- I !

0 - !- ! ! all horizontal items).
Recent advances in functional
brain imagery, such as positron
emission tomography (PET) scan,
have provided new evidence con-
III 0 l 1 cerning the cortical and subcortical
l networks responsible for these
two functions of selective attention.
0o A
- - I
As it turns out, the two functions
seem to be carried out by two

I_ 0_ A

! distinct systemsT: the posterior
attention system (superior parietal
cortex, pulvinar and superior col-
liculus) is largely responsible for
Fig. 1. Visual search for a vertical rectangle among a large number of distractors (horizontal and selecting one stimulus location
vertical ellipses and rectangles). The target is defined by a conjunction of form and orientation. In among many and for shifting from
most cases, selective attention is used to sequentially search the display until the target is found 5. one stimulus to the next, whereas
the anterior attention system (an-
article, we use the neuroimaging data to outline what terior cingulate and basal ganglia) serves a more
is known about networks of brain areas involved in executive function (attention for action) and is in-
selection during visual search and then extend the volved in the attentional recruitment and control of
discussion to mechanisms of selection and control brain areas to perform complex cognitive tasks. This
more generally. network is also involved in selecting visual objects
when the instructions emphasize properties of the
Visual search object. Ultimately, however, the effect of both
Throughout this article, we use the example of a systems is relative amplification of activity within the
simple visual-search task in order to illustrate the role cortical areas relevant to a given task.
of attention in finding objects 5. Data indicate that the
time for a subject to locate a target (for example, the Attentional amplification
vertical rectangle in Fig. 1) increases almost linearly In the visual display of Fig. 1, if you are attending to
with the number of distractors, as though the subject the correct location it is easy to see the target.
attended to each item in turn. The reaction time when Otherwise, the target is not seen. How does the brain
there is no target has twice the slope found for 'yes' implement such target detection? It appears that brain
responses, indicating that one stops as soon as the activity, in many cortical areas, can be selectively
target is found5. amplified or suppressed as a function of attentional
A simplified view of the problem faced by the ~rain set. When subjects are instructed to pay attention to
in this task is presented in Fig. 2. The visual array is one particular dimension of the stimuli, the brain areas
processed through a diverging tree of cortical areas 6. that specialize in the processing of this stimulus
Cortical cells early in the stream have narrow dimension are selectively enhanced. These findings
receptive fields and respond mechanically whenever are striking in the prestfiate areas of the visual
their preferred stimuli are present, whether they system. In one experiment, subjects viewed passively
correspond to a target or not. As one moves up in the either stationary or moving objects, presented every
hierarchy, however, receptive fields widen and the second for a minute s. When blood flow during the
cells become more sensitive to attentional and inten- stationary control condition was subtracted from that
tional influences, and react less effectively to the found in the moving condition, a prestriate area of the
passive presentation of a stimulus. midtemporal lobe was found to have a significant
The simple illustration in Fig. 2 makes it clear that increase in blood flow. This might be the human
selective attention serves at least two distinctive equivalent of area V5 or MT which, in the monkey,
functions. First, the brain must enhance the process- contains cells with a strong selectivity for moving
ing of the selected stimulus relative to other stimuli stimuli. In a different experiment 9, subjects always
present, otherwise all stimuli would be processed to a viewed moving objects of varying color and form, but
similar degree (Fig. 2, top). Second, processing of the in one set of trials they were instructed to detect
selected stimulus must be actively oriented or guided differences in velocity, whereas in a control set they
towards the cortical areas appropriate for a given had to detect changes in other stimulus parameters.
task. The diverging tree of cortical areas, each of Even though the physical stimuli were the same in the
which specializes for a distinct aspect of the stimuli, two conditions, the instruction to attend to velocity
must be selectively 'pruned' to focus only on those activated a brain area that was similar to that found in

76 TINS, VoL 17, No. 2, 1994

the comparison of moving and stationary targets. In
other words, attention to velocity activates a brain
area that is similar in location to what is found when
motion is physically added to the stimulus.
The same general correspondence also occurs
between brain areas activated by presenting color and
form stimuli and those activated when the person is
instructed to selectively process color or form infor-
mation9. Increases in blood flow have also been
reported in motor areas 1° when subjects are in-
structed to attend to motor actions. In general, there
appears to be a relative increase in blood flow in
nearly any area of the brain when subjects are in-
structed to attend to a sensory or motor computation
thought to be related to that brain area. A possible Early Time Late
exception is the primary visual cortex, which does not automatic automaticity requires attention
seem to be affected by attentional manipulations1'9. narrow receptive field wide
So far we have looked at the effects of attention
when people are instructed to attend to sensory
dimensions such as color, form or motion. But in the
search task above, neither the orientation nor the
form of the target is sufficient to find it. Only a
combination of the two dimensions at the same
location will work s . Under these conditions, subjects
often search serially by shifting their attention from
location to location. If there are no eye movements
allowed, these shifts must be mediated covertly, and
they should produce a sequence of amplification at
each successive location. Indeed, electrical record-
ings of the scalp have been used to measure such
location-specific amplification 11,~2. First, the time for
subjects to find a target conjunction was found. At this
time, a white square was presented as a probe
stimulus, either at this attended target location or at
another unrelated location that did not contain a Activation level
target, and the brain event-related potential gener- Attended
ated by this probe was recorded. The results showed
that by 80 ms after the probe, the potential elicited
over the posterior regions of the scalp was greater
when the probe occurred at the target location. The
covert shift of attention to the target location had
amplified the scalp electrical activity for probes
presented at this location. The scalp amplification was Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the effects of attention on visual processing.
strongest over posterior sites contralateral to the Boxes depict the diverging tree of visual cortical areas, with activation flowing
hemifield where the probe appeared. In other studies, from left to right. Shading is used to represent the strength of activation at
where attention was deliberately cued to a location, a each stage. Passive presentation of two visual objects, a rectangle and an
similar amplification of target ERPs at the cued ellipse (top), induces a high level of responding in early visual areas, with a
location was also found 13. In these cueing studies ~3, progressive decrease further down the processing stream as receptive fields
widen and the neurons become less stimulus-driven and more sensitive to
current source density analysis has shown that the attentional influences. When attention is selectively oriented towards the
amplification originates from prestriate areas similar in vertical rectangle (middle), there is an early suppression of the irrelevant
location to those shown to be activated in the above ellipse. This is followed by an amplification of the activity evoked by the target
cited PET studies 9. rectangle in the cortical pathways relevant to the task (for example, those
Cellular recordings in awake monkey have shown extracting its location, but not those extracting its color). The bottom diagram
that the relative amplification of the attended stimulus summarizes the time course of suppression and amplification effects in
might actually involve suppression of activity evoked successive areas as compared to the passive situation.
by unattended events. When monkeys were required
to attend to a particular location in order to respond to
a change in color at that location, cells in area V4 Based on the model in Fig. 2, we speculate that
stopped responding to a stimulus at an unattended attentional effects should generally appear as a
location that would otherwise be optimal in initiating suppression of unattended information early on in the
cell firingTM. Similar suppression effects have been processing stream, and as an enhancement of relevant
observed in the inferior temporal cortex during a information later on. The reason is that neurons in
visual search task: cells that initially fared strongly to a earlier visual areas are already activated to a near
given visual object stopped responding when the optimal level by visual stimuli even in a passive
monkey attended to a different object at another situation (or in the anesthetized animal), and that
location, even though the preferred object was still therefore there is little room for firing enhancement of
present in the receptive fieldz~. the target, but more room for firing suppression of the
TINS, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1994
non-targets. Neurons in the retina, lateral geniculate a deficit of disengaging attention from a cued
and area V1 fire strongly to their preferred stimuli location16.
whether they are attended or not. Extra-striate areas Recent PET data 17 from normal subjects show
such as V4 seem to be the first visual areas to show that when attention is shifted from location to location
the influence of attention 14. Because the neurons in either voluntarily or as a result of being summoned by
early visual areas already respond at a high-firing rate external events, the major focus of increased blood
even in a passive condition, attention has the effect of flow is in the left and right superior parietal lobes.
selectively suppressing some or all of this automatic This is the only activation to be specifically related to
activation. Later on, as the cell responses become the attention shift. As mentioned earlier, cellular
less automatic, attention can have the effect of recordings in the parietal lobe of awake monkeys have
boosting the activation of cells coding for the attended also supported the involvement of parietal neurons in
stimulus, as well as suppressing those coding for visual attention. Parietal areas appear to be im-
unattended stimuli. Finally, even further downstream, plementing aspects of the act of shifting attention
in cortical areas that activate only during specific tasks rather than being sites at which attention is affecting
and not in a passive situation, attention appears target detection 1'7.
necessary for any activation to occur. The PET data also support the clinical observation
Indeed this predicted sequence of suppression that the attentional functions of the two hemispheres
followed by enhancement has been observed recently are not symmetric. The right superior parietal lobe
in studies of event-related potentials during cued increases in blood flow for attention shifts in both
attention tasks 12. The task involved three conditions. fields, while the left increases only for right field
In the correctly cued condition, attention was brought shifts 17. This finding might explain the clinical obser-
to the correct location prior to presentation of the vation that right-hemisphere lesions produce greater
target. In the neutral condition, the cue provided no attention deficits than do left-hemisphere lesions. In
information on target location. In the miscued con- the normal subject however, the left and right parietal
dition, attention was brought to a location other than areas are integrated into a single mechanism, so that
that at which the target was presented. The P1 covert attention has a single focus. The corpus
component of the evoked potential, an early positive callosum appears crucial in unifying the attentional
electrical event which appears about 80 ms following focus. In visual search tasks, normal subjects are not
stimulus presentation, was the same for correctly faster when the same number of distractors is
cued and neutral conditions and both were larger than distributed across the two visual fields than when all
when the target occurred following a miscue. For this are concentrated in one field. However, patients
component, activity is suppressed when attention is whose corpus callosum is cut can search at twice the
located at the wrong location. However, for the rate when distractors are split evenly between the
subsequent N1, a negative component that arises two visual fields in comparison to when they are
about 150-200ms after the stimulus, there was in- concentrated within a single fieldis. This suggests that
creased electrical activity for correctly cued stimuli attentional mechanisms in the left and right hemi-
with respect to the neutral or miscued conditions. In spheres can become decoupled after callosotomy.
the N1 component of the evoked potential, the Positron emission tomography studies suggest that
relative amplification appears due to boosting the the anatomical circuitry which enables the parietal
attended location. areas to selectively modulate brain activity in other
According to our interpretation, this suppression- prestriate areas passes through the pulvinar nucleus
enhancement sequence should be observed most of the thalamus. When one visual field contains an
readily with stimuli that are sufficiently intense to array with only one large target, while the other
passively activate the early visual system and there- contains a target surrounded by distractors, there
fore leave little room for an early enhancement by is evidence of increased metabolism specific to the
attention. On the contrary, with low-intensity stimuli thalamus of the side opposite the complex array. The
that cause little passive activation, enhancement act of filtering out the distractors or amplifying the
should be seen earlier in time and suppression should target seems to produce a larger effect in the pulvinar
hardly be perceptible at all. of the opposite side than in other structures 19.
Control of orienting Guiding and controlling search
In visual search, attention moves from location to Suppose you are asked to locate the vertical
location until the target is detected. How is the rectangle. Must you search all the target locations or
internal focus of attention moved? In order to isolate can you confine your search to the vertical objects
the attentional network responsible for searching only? There is considerable evidence that search can
locations, a cue can be used to direct attention to that be guided by information about the color or orientation
location. Such cueing experiments have shown that or other non-locational features of the target 2°. How
stimuli that are presented at the cued location are is this implemented in the brain? It seems that the
responded to more rapidly, have a lower perception recruitment and control of posterior brain areas, in
threshold and generate brain potentials of a larger this case, is supervised by an anatomically distinct
amplitude 7'16. When brain-lesioned patients are system which has been called the anterior attention
tested in this form of cued attention, different forms of system 7. In the study of attentional amplification of
deficit are found depending on the site of the lesion. color, form or motion, mentioned above, there was
For example, patients with lesions of the right parietal evidence for activation of a frontal attentional system,
lobe are severely impaired when cues are in the good but no parietal activation was found9. It thus appears
right visual field and targets in the bad left visual field, that two different attentional systems serve as
but not much impaired in other situations, suggesting sources of activation for color or form (frontal areas)

78 TINS, Vo/. "17, No. 2, 1994

and for location (parietal), although both might enter cortex appear to hold the relevant information on-line, AdmowledEements
and amplify activity within the visual system at the the anterior cingulate is playing a role in the executive Thisresearchwas
same site (for example, V4). functions of awareness and control discussed in supportedby ONE
In guided search, selection by location and selection cognitive studies and often found impaired in subjects GrantNOOO14-89-
by color or form occur simultaneously with relatively with frontal damage. J3013andby the
JamesS. McDonndl
little interference 2°, unlike the situation for location Foundationand Pew
when the corpus callosum is intact in which attention Concluding r e m a r k s Charitable Trusts
cannot be shared between the two fields is. One Recent brain-imaging and neurophysiological data through the Center
speculative possibility would be that time sharing is indicate that attention is neither a property of a single for the Cognitive
possible when two anatomically distinct attentional brain area, nor that of the entire brain. While Neuroscienceof
sources are involved. attentional effects seem mediated by a common Attention. Stamslas
The frontal areas that serve to guide search appear principle of attentional amplification at all levels of the Dehaenewas
to involve a network that includes at least portions cortical circuitry, the origins of these amplification sponsoredin part by
of the basal ganglia and of the anterior cingulate effects are to be found in specialized cortical areas of INSERM,CNRSand
gyrus 7'21. The anterior portion of the cingulate gyrus the frontal and parietal lobes. These results represent the NationalScience
appears to be involved in a wide range of activities substantial progress in the effort to determine how
that have been termed collectively 'executive func- brain activity is regulated through attention. While
tion '~1. In PET language studies, when subjects were many philosophical and practical issues remain in
required to name the use of familiar nouns (for developing such an understanding, the new tools now
example, pound to hammer), activation of the anterior available should provide the basis for the efforts still
cingulate along with left lateral areas were most ahead.
prominent4'22. When subjects were required to re-
spond to the ink color in which a conflicting color name Selected references
was presented (Stroop effect) there was strong 1 Wurtz, R. H., Goldberg, M. E. and Robinson, D. L. (1980)
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some control over the system. The anatomy of the 19 LaBerge, D. and Buchsbaum, M. S. (1990) J. Neurosci. 10,
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TINS, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1994 79

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