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Healthy living style

Цель урока: Применение изученной лексики по темам: «Еда», «Здоровье», «

Спорт» в новой учебной ситуации.
Задачи: 1. Введение конструкции “is considered to be”?, повторение степеней
сравнения прилагательных.
2. Формирование речевой и компенсаторной компетенций.
3. Воспитание стремления к здоровому образу жизни.
Оборудование: магнитофон, видеопроектор.
Наглядность: иллюстрации, изображающие различные виды спорта и продукты

I. The beginning of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the most important problem of our life - our
health. Why is this problem the most important nowadays? What’s your opinion?

- There are a lot of different diseases;

- Unfortunately, about 80% of pupils living school have health problems.

II. Choosing of the motto.

People of different nations have proverbs about health which underline the
importance of health. Let’s remember some of them:
1. Early to bed early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
2. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
3. You are what you eat.
4. Eat to live, not live to eat.
Teacher: What proverb can we choose as a motto of our lesson?
Учащиеся выбирают девиз урока.

Teacher: Our health depends on different things. What are they?

I. Speech drills.

1. Bad habits.

- They are: our habits, the food we eat, physical activity.

Teacher :Let’s begin with our habits. First name bad habits.
- eating lots of sweets
- eating between meals
- snacking
- skipping breakfast
- smoking
- taking drugs
- physical inactivity
- sleeping too much or too little
Teacher: How do bad habits influence our health?
Pupils: - they could lead to diseases
- lead to obesity
- such habits as taking drugs, drinking alcohol or smoking are really
deadly and could be cause of death
- eating between meals, snaking, skipping breakfast, sleeping too little or
too much are indicative of chaotic lifestyle

2. Good habits.

Teacher: On the contrary good habits promote our health. What are they?
Pupils: Eating healthy food, regular meals, sleeping 7-8 hours, doing morning exercising,
playing sport.
Teacher: So, to stay healthy for a long time we should have good habits and to avoid bad
Do you have any bad habits? Do you try to give them up? What good habits do
you have?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

3. Eating habits.

Teacher: Now let’s discuss another thing which influences our fit – the food we eat. “We
are what we eat” the proverb says. Pupils, what food do you prefer to eat?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.

Teacher: Pupils, are you sure that food you usually eat is good for your health? Listen to
Dr. Amy Murphy’s lecture about healthy eating and answer what food is good for our

IV. Listening.

1. Учащиеся читают и переводят незнакомые слова, которые встречаются в тексте.

Слова выписаны на доску.

Unknown words:

Balanced diet
Учащиеся слушают текст первый раз. Затем они получают текст лекции с
пропущенными словами, которые они вписывают во время второго
прослушивания.(Пропущенные слова даны курсивом). Проверка понимания –
учащиеся зачитывают вставленные слова.

Текст для аудирования:

In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet – in other words,

food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. These groups
are protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
You find protein in lots of food, for example meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk. It
helps your body to grow and to be healthy and it gives you energy. Fat gives you energy
but don’t eat a lot – it’s bad for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from
animals, for example milk, cheese, butter and meat.
Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your energy. Bread, pasta, cereals,
fruits, and vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage all contain lots of carbohydrates.
Fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts, brown bread all have fibre. It doesn’t give you
energy but it fills your stomach when you are hungry.
There are many different vitamins and minerals. They help our body be healthy.
You can get all your vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables.

2. Используя текст, учащиеся заполняют таблицу:

From For
Calcium (Ca)
Iron (Fe)

Работа в группах: учащиеся группами выводят правила здорового питания.

V. Group working.

Teacher: working in groups make “Eating rules”

For example: eat regular

don’t skip breakfast
don’t eat between meals
eat whole meal bread instead of white
eat high fibre food
eat low fat food
eat more fruit and vegetables and less sweet

VI. Physical activity.

Teacher: Now let’s discuss our physical activity. What does it mean?
- doing morning exercises
- playing sport
- spending a lot of time in the open air.
Do you do morning exercises? Do you go in for sport?
There are different kinds of sport, name them.
Pupils: boxing, tennis, running, potholing, mountaineering, windsurfing, parachuting,
trampolining, figure skating, skiing, horse riding and so on.
There are some kinds of sport on the blackboard: jogging, mountaineering, windsurfing,
parachuting, trampolining, figure skating, skiing, tennis, horse riding, potholing, running.
Characterize them using the construction: “is considered to be” expensive
Example: Windsurfing is considered to be dangerous.

Teacher: Sport may be competitive and uncompetitive, dangerous, tiring, exiting and
very expensive. People choose one or another sport according to their preferences and
tastes. It also depends on how much money they have. Compare different kinds of sport
in order to choose the most suitable for yourself. Make up a dialogue.

Учащиеся составляют диалоги, сравнивая различные виды спорта в соответствии

со своими вкусами и пристрастиями.
Примерный диалог, который составляют учащиеся:

P1: What’s your favorite sport, Andrew?

P2: Well, I like most sports, but I suppose I like football most of all. Like most people.
P1: Yes, I suppose football most popular sport. Personally, I don’t like football. I don’t
enjoy competitive sports. I like cycling and horse riding.
P2: Isn’t horse riding very expensive?
P1: Yes, it’s more expensive than cycling.
P2: I think horse riding is the most expensive sport. What do you think is the most tiring
P1: Well, horse riding is very tiring.
P2: Do you think it’s more tiring than, say, tennis?
P1: Oh, yes, I’m exhausted after I’ve been horse riding. What do you think is the most
dangerous sport?
P2: I think hanggliding is very dangerous.
P1: Well, that’s what many people think. But you know, there are more accidents to do
with windsurfing than there are with hanggliding.
P2: I didn’t know that. Which is the most difficult sport, in your opinion?
P1: How about climbing? I think climbing is very hard.
P2: Well, I think skiing is more difficult than climbing.
P1: No, I don’t agree. Climbing looks incredibly difficult.
P2: And what do you think is the most exciting sport?
P1: Well, tennis, I think. What about you?
P2: It has to be motor racing. Motor racing is the most exciting sport for me.

Teacher: Now, pupils, you know what to do to keep fit and to be healthy. Tell me ,
please, what do you do to promote your health.

Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Учащиеся рассказывают, что они делают, чтобы оставаться здоровыми и


VIII. Итог урока: подведение итогов, домашнее задание: приготовить

сообщение на тему:
«Как меняется ваш образ жизни когда вы болеете?»

Let’s Protect the Nature

Цели и задачи:

1. Социокультурный аспект – знакомство учащихся с экологическими

организациями Британии, их деятельностью по охране природы, экологическим

2. Учебный аспект - совершенствование навыков монологической и

диалогической речи, совершенствование навыков аудирования незнакомого текста
и текста с опорой на видеозапись с извлечением основной информации, контроль
грамматических навыков употребления в речи страдательного залога в настоящем

3. Развивающий аспект - развитие объема памяти, развитие способности к

логическому изложению содержания.

4. Воспитательный аспект - развитие обеспокоенности экологической ситуацией

вокруг, формирование ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание
правильного экологического поведения.
Дидактический материал: аудиозапись, видеозапись

Наглядность: картины с видами природы, работы учащихся, фотографии.

Оборудование: магнитофон, видеопроектор.

Ход урока:

I. Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя.

II. Основная часть.
1. Экологическая обстановка в мире. Выступления учащихся.
а) загрязнение воды;
б) загрязнение воздуха;
в) влияние экологии на животный мир.
2. Красная книга.
3. Международные экологические организации. Аудирование текста о
«Фонде Дикой природы».
4. Ролевая игра. Встреча с представителями экологических центров
Британии и Америки.
5. 5. Просмотр видеосюжета о больнице для животных.
6. 6. Обсуждение экологических проблем в своем городе.
III. Заключительный этап урока. Составление экологических правил.
IV. Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока.

I. Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя

Students, look at these landscapes. The world we live in is really wonderful: blue oceans,
seas and rivers, mountains, hills, fields and valleys. We live surrounded by this beauty.
But the situation isn’t the same in different parts of our planet. At this picture you can see
the Elba River. One of the most beautiful rivers in Europe is dying. That is the result of
people’s action. There are a lot of places like that in the world. The nature faces a great
threat. That’s why people who take care of our planet have established the 22nd of April
as a special day around the world- the Earth Day. It’s the day for people to learn what
they can do to protect the planet.
So, at our lesson we are going to discuss one of the main problem of the time- the
ecological problem. Tell me please, what does the word “ecology” mean?
P. - The word “ecology” came from Greek word which means “home”. This idea of
home includes the whole planet of ours.

T. - You are right. And now our “home”- our planet is in danger. We should answer two
main questions during our lesson:
1. Is the situation really so dangerous?
2. What can we do to protect the nature and to save our planet?
Now, please, describe the ecological situation.

II. Обсуждение экологической ситуации. Выступления учащихся. (учащиеся

представляют сообщения подготовленные дома)

P1. I want to tell you about water pollution. The situation is really gloomy and sometimes
even hopeless. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. Scientists
say “man will die if oceans die”. Over 5 million tons of oil products pollute the ocean
each year. About 2 million tons of these products come from cars. First the oil products
go into atmosphere. From the atmosphere they go into oceans. A ship wrecked tankers
spill a lot of oil into the ocean. In addition big rivers carry into the ocean a lot of waste
from industry and agriculture. Pollution means death to oceans. It kills fish, plants,
birds .Experts believe life in oceans will be destroyed within 25 years.

P2. The industry affects the nature greatly. For example more than 30 years ago a pulp-
and-paper factory was built on the shore of lake Baikal. As a result, because of the water
pollution, more than 50% of the world’s purest water has been ruined. The whole
ecological system of lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in
the lake Baikal are disappearing; trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-outs of the

P3. Well, we see that water which is necessary for our life is polluted awfully. As for me,
I want to focus to another problem - the problem of air pollution. Nobody and nothing on
the Earth could live without air. People pollute the air all over the world. A great number
of trees growing on the planet produce oxygen and clean the air. But vast forests are cut
and burn in fire. Their disappearance upset the oxygen balance.
Besides, the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the Earth from the dangerous
ultraviolet rays of the sun. It’s like a kind of a roof. But now, because of the air pollution,
the ozone layer is destroyed. The dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing
different diseases.
In addition awful harm is caused to our home by nuclear tests of atom bombs, accidents
on the atomic power stations, for example, Chernobyl tragedy in 1986. About 18% of the
territory of Byelorussia was polluted with radioactive substances.

P4. We must keep in mind that not only the industry pollutes the nature. Every year each
family create one ton of rubbish. A great number of dumps are all over the country. Just
only some facts: it takes more than 2 years to decompose paper. Cans and tins destroy
more than 90 years. Plastic packets decompose more than 200years, glass- more than
1000 years.

P5. People in cities suffer greatly from the pollution. But as for animals, the situation is
really dramatic. Almost all animals, insects, and birds living on our planet need help.
They could disappear forever. During 300 years 280 species were destroyed on our
planet. Nowadays the destruction of animals is going on. Indian tigers are among them.
Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skilful hunters and people are afraid of
them. So they kill them to safe their lives. But some people hunt tigers for their beautiful
skins and for fun. They sell the skins and get a lot of money. The result is sad. There are
few Indian tigers on the Earth.

P6. I want to tell you about elephants. They are wonderful, they can help men. Elephants
need a lot of water. They drink as much as 50 gallons a day. They spray their bodies with
water. They need a lot of food. Elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating. Today many
elephants in Africa are dying because thy do not have enough food to eat and space to
live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year for meat and for their tusks. Only
two million elephants live on the planet today.
As for the other animals the situation is the same:
1) 8 big cats are killed to make one fur coat;
2) only several hundred of rhinos are left in Asia;
3) about 3 millions kangaroos are hunted every year;
4) only 30 Californian condors were left in the world;
5) millions buffalos were destroyed by now;
6) over 40000 monkeys are caught every year;
7) about 300 dolphins and 30 sea turtles are poisoned by water pollution every day.

T. Well, the contradiction between man and nature are really very dramatic. But is there
anybody who does something to make the life of animals better?

P7. In 1949 scientists examined the living conditions of animals, birds, and insects. They
made the list of rare and disappearing living things and named in Red Data Book. The
colour red is a danger signal understandable to all people in the world. The red colour
means no passage, stop! The colour red is one of blood and life. The first volumes of Red
Data Book were published in 1966. In our country the book appeared in 1974.
This is unusual book. Its pages are of different colours. Animals which need immediate
help are placed n the red pages. Those which number is reducing are on the yellow pages.
Green pages are for animals which are already saved.

T. Environmental protection is an universal concern. That’s why a serious measure

should be taken to create a system of ecological security. Do you know any international
organizations trying to solve this problem?
P1. I know Greenpeace. This international organization fights with all kinds of nature
protection all over the world.
P2. There is Green party in Europe.
P3. UN member States have set environmental protection agencies.

T. There is one more international organization which protects the nature. Listen to the
record. You should answer the following questions:
1) What is the name of organization?
2) What is its aim?
3) Where does it get money from?

Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is
done about it, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now.
The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste.
The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. If nothing is done
about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
The tropical rain forests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things, are
being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will disappear in twenty years.
Fortunately, there are people who are trying to do something about it. In 1961, the
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was founded – a small group of people who wanted to raise
money to save animals and plants. Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large
international organization. It has raised over ₤ 35 million for conservation projects, and
has created or given support to National Parks in five continents. It has helped 30
mammals and birds to survive. Perhaps this is not much, but it is a start. If more people
give more money – if more governments think of what is happening, perhaps the World
Wildlife Fund will be able to help us to protect the natural world and all of us with it.
Учащиеся прослушивают текст два раза и отвечают на вопросы.

T. Not only the international organizations are trying to stop the destroying of the nature.
Lots of people organize ecological groups and do their best to help the nature in their
native places. Today we have some guests from Great Britain. They are representatives of
different ecological groups. Nice to meet you, dear friends. Introduce yourself, please.

Гости представляются и отвечают на вопросы учащихся.

a. Hello, I’m Jane Smith. I’m from “Liverpool Ecology Group”.

b. My name is Kate Servins. I live in Scotland. I’m a member of the group
“Friends of the Earth.”
c. Glad to meet you. I’m Helen Brown “London Wildlife Trust”.

P1.-How many ecological groups are there in Great Britain?

H.B- There are 300 nature centres in British cities and more than 30 in
London. Children go there with their teachers to study and enjoy the
P2- Do you celebrate the Earth Day? What activities do you suggest your
J.S.- We celebrate the Earth Day every year. Twice a month we meet and
discuss how to help the nature. We build bird-tables and bird-houses, plant
and water trees and flowers. Besides we pick up litter in the forest.
K.S.-We have special environmental education in our country. We teach
pupils how to reduce energy and water. We collect old newspapers, cans
and tins to recycle. Besides we reuse plastic containers and bottles.
P3. How do you help animals?
H.B.-We feed animals in our community park and we treat them if it is
necessary. We also advice pupils to buy only recyclable goods.
T. Students, our guests have brought video cassette about Tiggywinkles Wildlife
Hospital. Let’s watch it and say:
1). Where is this Hospital situated?
2). How do the specialists help the nature?
3). What are the aims of the organization?

Учащиеся просматривают видеоролик и отвечают на вопросы. Ответы учащихся:

1). - Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital is situated in the UK.
2). -The specialists take care of the animals which hurt and have some health problems.
3). -People want to take animals back to their natural home-nature. They teach them to
survive in the wild.

Let’s pass to the problems closer to us- problems devoted to the ecology of Muravlenko.
Our town is situated in the Extreme North of the Western Siberia. This region is famous
of the oil-production. Oil- mining objects influence water ecosystems, the plant cover and
permafrost soils badly. I’m sure that oil- companies must solve the ecological problems
more effectively.
Now I’d like to draw your attention to another problem. Our town lies in a beautiful
place. It is surrounded by deep forest called taiga. There are a lot of lakes and small rivers
around the town. People like to spend their free time fishing, gathering mushrooms and
berries, having picnics and lighting barbecues. Unfortunately, they leave a lot of different
litter in their campsites.
Students, look at these photos and say what can you see on them?

(Демонстрируются фотографии окрестностей города.)

P1,2,3,3.. 1) The water is polluted.
2). Birds are frightened.
3). Dogs are not under control.
4). The baby-trees are cut.
5). Fires are burnt.
6). Litter is left.
7). Bottles, cans and tins are left everywhere.
8). Papers and plastic packets are thrown out.
9). Trees are cut and painted.
T. And what about you, students? Do you behave yourselves in the countryside the same
way? What do you do at home to save the nature?

Примерные ответы учащихся:

-We never break trees when we go to the forest.
-We always take litter home after a picnic.
-We never throw rubbish into the lake.
-I never catch small animals and birds.
-I never paint the trees.
-I never cut wild flowers.
-We always leave the place clean when we hike.
-We save energy and water at home.
-We reuse plastic containers.

T. Now, pupils, let’s make the Code of Ecological Rules for all people of our town.
I think these rules should be placed all over the forest.

Учащиеся выходят к доске и записывают правила.

Code of Ecological Rules.

-Don’t break trees.

-Don’t leave litter.
-Keep the country tidy.
-Respect the life and work of the countryside.
-Keep dogs under control.
-Put litter away.
-Grow trees and flowers.
-Don’t frighten birds and animals.
-Don’t cut wild flowers.
-Don’t burn fires.

T. Our lesson is coming to an end. In conclusion I’d like to tell you that the protection of
nature is everybody’s business.
An outstanding English writer John Galsworthy said: «If you don’t think about the
future you will not have it.” Let’s think about the future. Let’s keep our planet tidy and
make it better place to live in. Let’s save the Earth for ourselves and for the next

IV. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.

My favourite food
1. Hello boys and girls! How are you? How is your mum? Is she at home? How is
your dad? Is he at home? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you hungry? Today
we are going to speak about food and your favourite food.
2. Now we are in the house. Whose is this house? Listen and guess!
a) She is thin and old. Her hair is white. She has got glasses. She has got a
garden. Who is she? (Miss Mumpkin)
b) Miss Mumpkin has got young friends. Who are they?
She is young and short. She has got fair hair. She is Rick’s sister. Who is
she? (She is Megan)
c) He is tall and thin. He has got brown hair. Who is he? (He is Rick)
d) He is tall and thin. His hair is black and curly. He has got glasses. Who
is he? (He is Ben)
e) She is tall and thin. Her hair is red. She has got a parrot. Who is she?
(She is Sally)
3. So, the children are in Miss Mumpkin’s house. Let us listen to them!
(Children play parts for Miss Mumpkin, Megan, Rick and Ben and act the scene in the
4. Let us ask other children what they like and what they don’t like. Let us have
an interview and choose a reporter.
(P1 asks Ps yes-no questions, e.g. Do you like pizza?)
5. I have got my favourite food, too. Look at the small pictures and guess what I
like ore don’t like. If I say “Yes” you put a tick(v), if I say “ No” you put a cross(x).
Well, what do I like?
But my favourite food is sausages.
6. Let us sing the song about my favourite food “5 fat sausages” and do
7. (Pointing to the pictures on the board ) Look at the pictures! They are about
food too. This is English breakfast. Englishmen like sausages, too and they have
them for breakfast. They have fried eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms, too. They
have fried bread and tea or coffee. This is English favourite food – fish and
chips. Englishmen have fish and chip shops. Boys and girls have lunch or dinner
at school. This is school dinner. On Sundays the family is at home and children,
their mothers and fathers have their favourite food and drinks. They like salad,
chicken and chips. In the picture you can see Sunday lunch.
8. In Russia we have breakfast, lunch and dinner. What do you have for
breakfast (lunch, dinner)? Do you have burgers for your lunch? Do you have
yoghurt for your breakfast? Do you have sausages for your lunch or tea?
9. Teacher shares the pictures of food to the groups of pupils. Lets sing the
“Pizza song“ together!
10. I like to go to our dining room. Lets look what we have got in the menu for
today (pointing to the menu on the board) So, what is for breakfast (lunch,
11. Now let us make our menu. I give you flash cards with words and one group
makes the menu for breakfast, one – for lunch, one – for dinner.
12. Let us have fun and find food words across and down on the cards. (Pupils
work individually).
13. Homework: to make a menu for Sunday (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

Health Problems
Цель урока: вывести учащихся на творческий уровень владения письменной
речью на основе подготовительных и продуктивных упражнений по аудированию,
чтению, говорению.


продолжить формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические
навыки и умения делать вывод, обобщать, выделять проблемы, сокращать и
расширять тексты в устном и письменном изложении в рамках изучаемой темы на
основе дифференциации; способствовать выработке умений формировать устные и
письменные неподготовленные сообщения с опорой на источник информации, на
жизненный и речевой опыт; продолжить формирование навыков и
совершенствовать умения составлять план устного и письменного сообщения.

развивать умение систематизировать знания, память, креативное мышление, логику
изложения в устной и письменной речи, делать умозаключения.

Формировать сознание необходимости беречь здоровье, что следует делать / не
делать, чтобы быть здоровым; прививать познавательный интерес, интерес к
творческой деятельности.

Тип занятия:
закрепление полученных ЗУН.

Вид занятия:
урок – практикум по аудированию, чтению, говорению, письму.

Методы обучения:
по степени самостоятельности мышления учащихся: репродуктивные,
продуктивные; по степени управления учебной работой: под управлением учителя,
самостоятельная работа.

Материально – дидактическое оснащение:

учебник, проектор, компьютер, экран, доска, MP3, карточки.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.
Hello, dear children! I am glad to see you! Today we`ll devote our lesson to reading,
writing, speaking about health, health problems and healthy way of life, what to do to be
healthy, because health is considered to be above wealth.

II. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.

1. What word is it? Listen to its definition and the number of letters in it. Then say a word
and spell it.
1) It is a dangerous disease. 6 letters - (c-a-n-c-e-r).
2) You should reduce it to be healthy. 6 letters - (w-e-i-g-h-t).
3) They are very useful for your health. 8 letters - (v-i-t-a-m-i-n-s).
4) It is one of the modern bad habits. 7 letters - (s-m-o-k-i-n-g).
5) When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. 5 letters - (c-o-u-g-h).
6) He is a person, who follows a diet. 7 letters - (s-l-i-m-m-e-r).
2. Аудирование: Eating habits are very important. Every person chooses his own eating
habits. One of them is to be a vegetarian. Listen to the text «Vegetarian». The text is a
summary, which presents a description of the word vegetarian and counts the reasons to
be a vegetarian.
While listening fill in the gaps to make the summary complete (слайд №1).
Заполнить письменно и прочитать.

Слайд №1

A vegetarian is someone who __________ eating meat. The word "vegetarian" comes
from the Latin word vegetus ___________ "whole, fresh, full of life". According to the
text people ________ to be vegetarians for six reasons. Here they are:

1. It's __________ to kill animals for food.

2. A vegetarian diet is ______________ than a diet that includes meat.
3. A vegetarian diet is ______________ than a diet that includes meat.
4. Some people are vegetarian because of their ____________ beliefs.
5. Some people have ________________ to be vegetarian for ecological reasons.
6. It's easier to grow vegetables than to raise vegetable-eating animals to _______
food for all the people.

Ключи: 1) avoids 5) healthier 8) chosen

2) meaning 6) cheaper 9) provide
3) choose 7) religious
4) wrong

III. Основная часть:

3. Eating habits have much in common in many countries. Look through the text «Eating
Habits in Britain» and write an outline and the summary of it. (группа сильных
учащихся выполняет задание самостоятельно, один из учащихся выполняет
задание на доске, чтение и анализ содержания текста выполнены на предыдущем
уроке) (слайд №2).

Слайд №2
Eating Habits in Britain
The traditional British breakfast is a cooked meal of bacon, eggs and sausages, preceded
by cereal or fruit and followed by toast. Nowadays, this large meal is served mainly in
hotels and is very popular with foreign visitors. Britons may eat this big breakfast at
weekends or on special occasions but they prefer a smaller, healthier meal to start a
normal day. Lunch is a light meal and is eaten at school or work at about 1 p.m. Lunch
takes 30-40 minutes. Some offices have installed a microwave oven for employees to use.
Popular lunches are: a salad or a sandwich; a baked potato; beans on toast.
Snacks are very popular in Britain, and many people frequently eat snacks between meals.
Schools may also sell snacks, such as crisps, chocolate, sweets and biscuits. Instant snacks
are the fastest-growing sector of the food market.
Dinner is usually the main meal of the day and consists of two courses-meat or fish and
vegetables followed by a dessert or pudding. Convenience and frozen foods are
especially popular. Convenience meals are already cooked- all you have to do is to heat
them up in the microwave. Most supermarkets sell a range of pre-packed meals to be
heated in the microwave.
Take-aways became extremely popular in the 1980s. The traditional British take-away is
fish and chips eaten with salt and vinegar. Some fish and chips still wrap your meal in
newspaper, others use special bags to keep it warm. Some give you a plastic fork. Most
towns and cities now offer a wide range of take-away meals, from American-stily
hamburgers to Turkish kebabs. Many families prefer to eat take-away food for dinner
instead of cooking.
The British are famous for their love of sweet things, and afternoon tea with sandwiches,
scones, jam and several different kinds of coke was once a traditional custom. Like the
English cooked breakfast, it is now more often found in teashops and hotels than in private
homes, and you can buy special guidebooks to tell you where the best afternoon teas are
served. Most working people do not have teas as an afternoon "meal", but they do have a
sport break in the middle of the afternoon for a cup of tea. Tea is often drunk with lunch
and dinner.
Since the 1970s eating habits in Britain have undergone a change. People started to eat
less fat and more fibre. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart
disease. Forty per cent of adults in Britain are overweight. High fibre foods and low fat
foods can now be found in all shops and supermarkets.
The British have also started to count calories. They try to take in fewer calories and to
follow a calorie-controlled diet. One of the fastest-growing sectors of the food market in
Britain is slimming foods.

4. As you know health depends on good and bad habits. People should avoid bad habits
to be healthy. At home you were to get ready for writing a dictation «Bad Habits». You`ll
have some minutes to write it now. ( Контроль домашнего задания группы менее
сильных учащихся на основе самодиктанта по лексико-грамматической таблице
упр.№4(2) стр.105.)
Выборочное прочтение диктанта с последующей проверкой; анализ плана и
summary коллективно.

5. Health problems are paid much attention to in mass media.

1). Read the article, fill in the gaps in it and spell the words. (Слайд № 3)
2). Name the problems the article covers.

Слайд №3
Fill in the blanks and spell the words. The first letter of each missing word has been
People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. We jog to keep f_____
or take other forms of regular e_____. Thousands of go to a g________ on a regular basis.
Many more d______ to lose weight. Fortunately, s______ has been banned on most flights
and in most public places because everyone agrees it does h_______ to our health.
However, there are killed d__________ like AIDs and cancer which still seem to be
incurable. And malaria is the biggest cause of d___________ in the Third World. Heart
a________ remain the most common cause of deaf in Europe. The importance of
h________ is reflected in everyday expressions such as "to drink to someone's health" or
saying "Your health!" as we drink a glass of wine.

6. Read the article «A Breath of Fresh Air» and mind the highlighted words. Name the
words they are derived from. (задание выполняет группа менее сильных учащихся)
(Слайд №4)
a) unpopular – popular
displeasing – please
unhealthy – health
undeniable – deny
Irresistible – resist
impossible – possible
ineffective – effect
illegal – legal
unable – ability
unbearable – bear
b) make the text short choosing key words and word combinations to name the main
problems of the article (упражнение на перефразирование предложений, сужение

Слайд №4
A Breath of fresh air
The British government has decided to take the unpopular decision to ban smoking in a
lot of public places. Though a lot of people find smoking displeasing, and though experts
all agree it is unhealthy and that it costs the state a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is
also undeniable that many people get pleasure from the habit and find smoking
irresistible when are in company.
However, it is now impossible to deny the anti-social nature of the habit. As advertising
has proved ineffective with many smokers, the government has now made smoking illegal
in most public places. Smokers who are unable to stop smoking may feel the new
measures are unjust, but for the passive smokers for whom a room full of smoke is
unbearable they will come as a breath of fresh air.

7. Релаксационная пауза:
Listen to the song”Daddy Cool”, please. It can be also a dance.

8. To be healthy grown – ups and children should lead a healthy way of life. What is a
healthy way of life? What should people do and avoid?
1). Describe the situations in details where the sentences are used, express your wish,
idea, doubts, agreement etc. (упражнение на расширение текста на основе домашнего
задания группе сильных учащихся “Healthy Way of Life’’) (Слайд №5).
a) We should avoid different bad habits.
b) Joined by less dangerous habits, they affect our health.
c) What is tasty is not always healthy.
d) The fashion for healthy food is growing all the time.
e) There are a lot of ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it.
f) People follow a calorie – controlled diet.
g) Excessive dieting is dangerous.
h) The way to stay healthy is physical activity.
i) It is necessary to take care of health.
j) Regularity promotes health.

Слайд №5
People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. They understand that
good health is above wealth.
To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. In my
opinion, smoking and drinking too much alcohol are the worst ones. It's common
knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for
example, causes a number of heart and lung diseases such as pneumonia, cough and
cancer. Besides, it makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. Fortunately, in recent
years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer people smoke nowadays.
Some companies don't employ people who are smokers. Smoking has been banned in
most public places because everyone agrees it does harm to our health. As for me, I don't
smoke, because I don't want to have unhealthy skin and teeth.
Smoking and drinking are joined by less dangerous habits such as skipping meals, eating
unhealthy food or even overeating. Of course, they are not quite as deadly as smoking or
drinking alcohol, but they affect our health.
If we eat too much, we'll become obese, and obesity leads to serious diseases. A lot of
people like drinking Coca-Cola and coffee and enjoy pizzas and hamburgers. But what is
tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat, that is why the Americans are the
fattest people in the world.
In recent years eating habits have undergone a change. People are encouraged to eat less
fat and more fibre. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart
disease. High fibre foods and low fat foods can now be found in all shops and
supermarkets. Salads, beans, and fruit have taken the place of steak and ice-cream. The
fashion for healthy food is growing all the time.
Many people feel they are too fat, even if their doctors disagree. And a lot of people try to
improve their fitness. There are lot of ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it. Perhaps,
the most popular of them is following a diet. If you want to lose weight, you should cut
out snacks and desserts and cut down on fat. People have also become more aware of
calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat
every day, so that they can try take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a
calorie-controlled diet. Manufacturers are increasingly producing special foods with
fewer calories for slimmers.
But excessive dieting may be dangerous, too. Some people refuse to eat meat as they
consider it harmful. They say a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians
live longer that others. I can't agree with them because meat is an excellent source of
good nutrition. In my opinion, it's wrong to put down a food simply because excessive
amounts can cause health problems. Consumed in moderate amounts, meat is perfectly
good for our health.
To my mind, the only way to stay healthy and to keep fit is going in for sports. Among
the benefits of regular exercise are a healthier heart, stronger bones, quicker reaction
times and less susceptibility to various illnesses. Besides, you can eat and drink as you
want because you are burning it all off.
To be healthy, it is also very important to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is useful to
go for a walk before going to bed or to air the room.
I think it is very important to be fit and healthy, and it is necessary to take care of your
health. Being fat, in fact, can cause real problems. It is harder for fat people to get a good
job, or even to make friends. If you want to do well, you must be thin. That's why I go in
for sports on a regular basis. I have been doing aerobics for three years and I feel great. I
am not enthusiastic about strict dieting, but I try to eat only low-fat food, fruit and
vegetables, which are rich in vitamins.
Personally I believe that regularity in life promotes our health. Sleeping eight or nine
hours, getting up early, regular meals, a healthy diet and going in for sports is really a
way to live.

2). You know much about bad and good health habits and the way to be healthy. What
would you advise your friends and relatives to be healthy?

IV. Заключительная часть:

1. Рефлексия.
2. Анализ работы учащихся и подведение итогов.
3. Домашнее задание:
группе продвинутых учащихся написать сочинение с планом «My Health»;
группе менее сильных учащихся написать статью в газету о здоровом образе

Использованная литература:

1.УМК «English-9» Кузовлёв В. П. Издательство «Просвещение», 2004.

2. Устные темы, диалоги и упражнения по английскому языку к учебнику
Кузовлёва В. П.и др. «English-9» Е. Ю. Смирнова; А. В. Смирнов. Издательство
«Экзамен», Москва 2004.
3. Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку Ю. А. Боярской к учебнику
В. П. Кузовлёва и др. «English-9». Издательство «Экзамен», 2003.
4. Дидактические карточки-задания по английскому языку Г. С. Макаровой к
учебнику В. П. Кузовлёва и др. Издательство «Экзамен», 2003.
5. Дидактические материалы Английский язык. Развитие навыков повседневной и
академической письменной речи О. Ю. Болтневой. Издательство «Дрофа», 2004.

Asking the way

Цели урока:
· Организовать работу учащихся по развитию навыка употребления лексики по
теме, предлогов места и структуры There is/There are;
· Развить навык общения через различные формы работы;
· Тренировать навык диалогической речи;
· Развить навык аудирования;
· Активизировать мыслительную деятельность через различные игровые приемы;
· Научить спрашивать и отвечать на вопросы о месте расположении объектов в
· Организовать работу в парах и группах.

Ход урока:
1. Good morning. What day is it today? What date is it today? Who is absent?
2. Look at the blackboard. You can see the sentence, but the words got mixed, please
put them in order. If you do it correctly, you will know the topic of our today’s lesson.
So, today we’ll speak about towns and give the instructions.
3.a) Please tell me what we have in our town using there is/there are.
b) Now, let’s play. I will tell you about the place and you have to name this place.
· You can watch a film there.
· You can visit a doctor there.
· You can change money there.
· You can send a telegram there.
· You can see old things there.
4. Look here. This is a plan. Here my friend Ann lives. She wants to tell you about her
place. But she needs the prepositions. Let’s repeat them.
a) Teacher – Students
Between In front of
On the corner Under
Behind Next to
b) Ann made some tasks for you. Take these cards. You work in groups. Your task is
to put in the prepositions. Don’t forget about the plan.
1. The post office is … the school and the flower shop. (between)
2. There is a café … of the street. (on the corner)
3. The hotel is … the café. (behind)
4. The club is … the factory. (next to)
5. The pet shop is … the hotel. (opposite)
6. The supermarket is … the cinema. (in front of)
Let’s check. Group 1starts to read and translate from Russian into English.
c) Now we work in pairs. You will get the card with wrong sentences. Correct them,
· The park is behind the museum. (No, the park is in front of the museum.)
· The police station is next to the post office. (No, the police station is opposite
the post office.)
· The bus stop is in front of the cinema. (No, the bus stop is in front of the
· The flower shop is between the museum and the café. (No, the flower shop is
between the post office and the café.)
· The school is in front of the supermarket. (No, the school is opposite the
Your time is up. Let’s read and translate.
5. This is my new friend. His name is Dima. He is a stranger in our town. He wants to
visit our school. Let’s give him instructions how to do it.
a) Tell me what words we need for giving instructions. I’ll show you the signs and
you have to sound them.
Cross the street Go ahead
Pass the café Turn right/left
Go along the street
b) It’s time to give instructions. Dima is at the bus stop. Please, give him instructions.
6. Now, imagine you’re in a big and unknown city. You want to visit the cinema. But
you don’t know the way. What will you do? You will ask a passer-by. How will you
do it?
Can you tell me the way?
What is the way to…?
How can I get to…?
a) But before let’s listen to the dialogue from our text book. Ex.3a p. 91. Listen and
tell me where does the stranger want to get?
b) OK. That’s good. Let’s read the dialogue.
c) I want you to make your dialogues on the plan from our text-book. You work in
pairs. You’re a stranger and you’re a passer-by.
7 Thank you for your work today. Your home task is ex. 4 p. 91. Read it please. Is it
clear? Now your marks are… Thank you. You are free.

Christmas Quiz
Сегодня мы собрались здесь, чтобы поговорить о предстоящих праздниках, о
Новом Годе и Рождестве. Вам предстоит выполнить несколько заданий. Задания
будет оценивать наше компетентное жюри, а выполнять задания будут две
команды: команда 6А и команда 6Б.
1. Прежде всего, давайте вспомним, когда англичане отмечают праздник
Рождества (приглашается по одному человеку из команды). Вы видите несколько
дат, выберите нужную дату. За правильный ответ вы получите одно очко.
March, 8th December, 25th
January, 1 February, 14th
May, 9th June, 1st
2. Праздники начинаются с елки, давайте и мы красим нашу елочку.
Буквы в наших украшениях перепутались, расставьте их по порядку
(приглашаются по два человека из команды, за каждое правильно угаданное слово
команды получают по одному очку).
3. Теперь самое время накрыть на стол. Какие традиционные английские
блюда вы знаете? Найдите их в кроссворде. Приглашаются по два человека от
команды, и за каждое правильное слово команда получает по одному очку.







4. Скажите мне, пожалуйста, кто главный герой этого праздника? Дед

мороз. А как его зовут по-английски? Давайте попробуем угадать. За это задание
вы получаете два очка. Нам нужен один человек от команды. Вы получаете
одинаковый набор карточек с буквами. Слушайте мои инструкции и четко их
· Найдите следующие буквы
· Добавьте еще по одной букве A перед I и E
· Отсчитайте семь букв и поставьте букву T
· Удвойте каждую пятую букву
· Поставьте первую S в начало слова
· Передвиньте вторую S в конец слова
· Уберите все K
· Поменяйте местами четвертую и десятую буквы
· Уберите все I
· Измените букву G на C
· Уберите все R и E
· Добавьте букву U перед последней буквой
· Разделите слова между второй A и C
5. На Новый Год и Рождество дети обычно пишут письма Деду Морозу и
просят его прислать им подарки. У меня есть письмо от Роберта. Но это не обычное
письмо, а зашифрованное. Каждой букве английского алфавита соответствует
определенная цифра, например А – это цифра 1, В – это 2. Расшифруйте его письмо
и скажите, какие подарки он заказал. Задание выполняют два человека и получают
по 1 очку за каждое угаданное слово.
· 3, 1, 13, 5, 18, 1 (CAMERA)
· 6, 15, 18, 4 (FORD)
· 23, 1, 12, 11, 13, 1, 14 (WALKMAN)
· 3, 8, 15, 3, 15, 12, 1, 20, 5 (CHOCOLATE)
· 2,1,12,12 (BALL)
· 16, 5, 18, 6,21, 13,5 (PERFUME)

6. Новый Год и Рождество это время особенное, когда мы принимаем

особые решения, даем себе обещания. Капитаны, сделайте, пожалуйста, новогоднее
обещание (не менее четырех предложений), вы получите по два очка.
7. На праздниках обычно поют песни, давайте и мы споем песню,
традиционную английскую песню.”JINGLE BELLS”.
Предоставляем слово жюри.
Спасибо, что пришли и приняли участие в нашей праздничной викторине.

Use of rhymes and songs for teaching

lexical and grammatical material
Successful and fruitful teaching English depends on lots of things, and getting pupils
interested in English being one of them. A teacher is to play an important part in the
process of teaching English. In my opinion a teacher should be a good designer of his
lessons, he should know what to teach and how to teach for pupils to enjoy English. And
I always bear in my mind the following: to use one and same method for a long time is
too boring for pupils, they lose their interest in English and learning it.
Of course, the central place is taken by communicative creative exercises including pair
and group work, making up stories, dialogues, discussions, different competitions. But a
special attention in teaching pupils lexical material and gramma I focus on rhymes and
songs. I think it is very useful and interesting for pupils. It adds a lovely note to a class.
It’s one of the best ways of brightening up the English lessons and at the same time to
advance the specific goal of helping pupils to have a better command of the English
language patterns. And the main thing is that I try to make up poems in such a way that
they would correspond to the lexico-grammatical material of the lesson. If it is possible
we sing the poems on the melodies of well-known songs.
Here are some examples of the poems and songs I use at my lessons.
I can
I can run and I can jump
I can sing and I can dance
Can you run? Can you dance?
Can you answer me at once?
I am at the window
I am at the window
She is at the door
He is at the blackboard
We are on the floor.
I have
I have a pen
She has a hen
I have a shirt
She has a skirt
I have a cherry
She has a berry
I have a cat
She has a hat.
My father
My father is a tall
And handsome man
His hair is dark
And his eyes are grey
He looks like his mother
I must say.
My mother
My mother is pretty
My mother is nice
She has a straight nose
And beautiful eyes
Her hair is fair
Her lips are red
She is always tidy and well dressed.
My friend
My friend is handsome
My friend is kind
He has a straight nose
And brown eyes
His hair is dark
His lips are thin
His clothes are pressed
And always clean.
My friend is strong and healthy
Because he goes in sports
He is fond of football and hockey
He is good at swimming, boxing and what not.
Seasons and weather
Your favourite season is winter
Her favourite season is spring
His favourite season is autumn
And summer is the best season for me.

The weather in autumn is windy

The weather in summer is hot
The weather in spring is snowy
In spring it is sunny and warm.

In summer there are many flowers

In spring all the trees become green
In winter we have winter holidays
The harvest in autumn is rich/
Seasons and weather
(Degrees of comparison)

The finest season is summer

The greenest one is spring
Autumn is the richest
With its fruit ripe and sweet.

When the weather is good

We shall be in good mood
When the weather is better
We shall go and play with Sveta
When the weather is the best
We shall have a good rest.
- Do you like to go shopping?
- Yes, of course.
- Do you like to go shopping?
- Yes, of course.
- Do you like to go shopping
And to buy some tea or coffee
Do you like to go shopping?
- Yes, of course.

- Do you like to buy the presents?

- Certainly.
- Do you like to buy the presents?
- Certainly.
- Do you like to buy the presents and to give them to your parents
Do you like to buy the presents?
- Certainly.

- Do you like to buy the chocolate and sweets?

Do you like to buy the chocolate and sweets?
- Oh, it goes without saying
All the children and teenagers
Like to buy and eat the chocolate and sweets.
The Christ resurrection is
A joyful feast
People bless pasky
And call it the Easter.
William Shakespeare
This writer is the genius
Well-known in the whole world
His books are read with interest
By young people and old.
School. School subjects
English Russian History
Nature Study and PT
Learn the children every day
in our school.
To read and write and
to sing songs
To speak English and to draw
Learn the children every day
in our school.

Our school is very nice

And the teachers give advice
How to learn and to get
knowledge at the lessons
And the pupils are all right
Clever, brilliant and kind
And they say that our school
for them the best is.

Maths Geography and Art

Computer Study Music Sport
Learn the children every day
in our school.
To do the sums to jump
and dance
To play computer and discuss
Learn the children every day
in our school.
Time expressions with Present Perfect
Ever, never, just and since
Yet, already and this week
Lately, recently are used
in Present Perfect.
We must remember all of them
To write to spell and to translate
Not to make mistakes
When we are speaking English.

I have mentioned only one way of getting the interested in learning English. The more I
work the more I understand that a teacher should always be in creative search for ways of
getting pupils greatly interested in English and learning it. The profession of a teacher
requires constant work and learning enriching your outlook, enthusiasm and bright fresh


• Развитие языковой догадки, монологической и диалогической речи.

Творческого мышления, перевода, умения сопоставления.
• Воспитывать умение работы в группах, развивать уважительное отношение
к одноклассникам.

Наглядность и ТСО

• Картины со временами года

• Музыка «Времена года»
• Раздаточный дидактический материал.

I Организационный момент

Good day, my dear friend. I am very glad to see you. We will begin our lesson with
training you pronunciation.
Let’s start lesson with drill.
II Фонетическая зарядка.

Whether the weather be fine

Or whether the weather be not?
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be hot?
Well whether the weather what ever the whether
Whether we like it or not.
Now let’s translate this drill.
«погода может быть прекрасной, или нет
Либо жаркой, либо холодной
Мы любим погоду, какой бы она не была.
Хорошей или нет»
Now let’s read this drill all together.
Let’s read this drill one by one.
OK nice of you. Thank you.
Let’s remember all seasons and months.
Spring (March, April, May)
Summer (June, July, August)
Autumn (September, October, November)
Winter (December, January, February)
Now I will divide you into two teams. The first team will includes the children who
were born in winter and autumn. The second team will include the children who was
born in summer and spring.
You must give names for your teams.


Составить пазл.
С помощью загадок, в которых рифмуется английское слово отгадка, решите
этот кроссворд.
Вопросы (раздаются команда на отдельных листах)
Та команда, которая сделает задание первой, получает 10 баллов.
Время на выполнение задания 5 минут.

1) Беда у всех Танюш, Марин
Веснушки. Виновата …. (SPRING)
2) Шапку на уши плотнее надвиньте,
Ведь холод настал с названием .... (WINTER)
3) Любуюсь я листьев желтых полетом,
Пора золотая зовется…. (AUTUMN)
4) Нас от жары спасает панама
Оно в разгаре наше …. (SUMMER)
5) Полюбуйтесь–ка, сосною,
Её снегуркой сделал … (SNOW)
6) Из берегов выходит Рейн,
Неделю льет сильнейший …. (RAIN)

Характер погоды капризен
В любое время года … (SEASON)

«Найди потерянную рифму»

Подберите рифму к словам. Время на выполнение задания 3 минуты. За правильное
выполнение команде присуждается 10 баллов.
Командам раздаются карточки со словами.

Sing cold
Old spring
Not hot
Right sun
All snow
Three tree
One bright
Know ball


Каждой команде по очереди ведущий читает загадки, ответом которых является

один из месяцев года. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 10 баллов.
1) This month brings the snow.
Makes our feet and fingers glow. (January)
2) Cold month brings us skating.
The New Year we are waiting. (December)
3) This month snows again,
And sometimes it brings us rain. (February)
4) Red brings us joy?
Fun for every girl and boy. (November)
5) This month brings sunny days and winds,
So we know that spring begins. (March)
6) This month brings much fruit,
Then to gather them is good. (October)
7) This month brings the primrose sweet,
We see daises at our feet. (April)
8) This warm month brings us school,
Days are shorter, nights are cool. (September)
9) This month brings flowers, joy and grass
And the holiday for us. (May)
10) This month brings us golden corn,
Then the harvest home is born. (August)
11) This hot month brings apples and cherries,
And a lot of other berries. (July)
12) This month brings tulips, lilies,roses,
Fills the children’s hands with posies. (June)
III Итог.
That’s all today, dear friends. I hope you will like our holiday.
Команда, набравшая большее количество баллов побеждает.
"So many countries, so many traditions"

преподаватели английского языка

НЧОУ СПО "Юридический техникум"
г. Кропоткина Краснодарского края
В современных условиях становится всё более актуальным участие студентов
в международной коммуникации, когда происходит расширение и углубление их
знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка. Нестандартные формы проведения
занятий повышают интерес и мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранного
Уже в течение трёх лет мы проводим совместные занятия на английском и
немецком языках в группах студентов разных специальностей и хотим поделиться
нашим опытом.
За этот период были проведены занятия-конкурсы, занятия-экскурсии,
инсценированные представления по темам профильного обучения. Успех
мероприятий во многом зависит от организации совместного творчества
преподавателя и студентов, их общей увлечённости и интересу к выбранному
материалу, что позволяет развивать активность и самостоятельность студентов в
речевой деятельности на иностранном языке.
Проведение внеаудиторных мероприятий создаёт положительный
эмоциональный настрой студентов, что, в свою очередь, ведёт к сплочению
коллектива группы, формированию гармоничной системы отношений, которые
становятся источником активности студентов и мотивации в обучении
иностранным языкам.
Важно подчеркнуть, что вовлечение студентов в самостоятельный вид
учебной внеаудиторной деятельности даёт им возможность проявить свои
способности, организованность, умение работать индивидуально и в коллективе.
В наши дни в процессе развития самосознания народа все чаще возникают
вопросы: «Кто мы?», «Какие мы?», «На каких национальных обычаях и традициях
воспитывать наших детей?», «Как сохранить свою национальную
индивидуальность, язык и культуру?». Поэтому реализация регионально-
национального компонента становится всё актуальнее. В этой связи в учебных
заведениях нашего района и края идёт целенаправленное изучение истории нашего
края, особенностей культуры и межнациональных отношений.
Как воспитать подрастающее поколение в уважении и любви к своим
истокам, своему селу, краю, своей стране? Основу этой гуманистической
воспитательной цели составляют такие наивысшие ценности, как человек, жизнь,
счастье, семья, общество, природа. Позитивное отношение к данным ценностям
формируется у студентов на занятиях и внеаудиторных мероприятиях, которые
необходимо смоделировать таким образом, чтобы они содержали в себе
воспитательное воздействие на студентов.
В нашем техникуме в рамках филологической недели было проведено
внеаудиторное мероприятие преподавателями иностранных языков Синило Н.Ю.,
Торопко Р.В., Крупским В.А. “So many countries, so many traditions”. Это
мероприятие было представлено в форме телемоста студентов нашего техникума и
студентов из Шотландии, которым интересно было познакомиться с жизнью
кубанцев, их традициями, культурой, узнать историю нашей малой Родины,
увидеть красоту окружающей нас природы.
Цели и задачи данного мероприятия:
1. Повышение мотивации студентов к изучению иностранных языков.
2. Культурное и духовное обогащение студентов, приобщение к миру
культурных ценностей зарубежных стран, развитие их творческого
3. Создание среды творческого общения участников мероприятия.
4. Воспитание толерантности благодаря знакомству с культурой разных
5. Формирование способностей к саморазвитию, самосовершенствованию и
Предусматривается самостоятельная внеаудиторная работа студентов по
подготовке познавательного материала, игровых элементов и художественного
оформления «телемоста».
Данный вид деятельности включает в себя:
- формирование практических знаний, умений и навыков по предложенной
- закрепление и расширение лексического запаса;
- развитие познавательных способностей и активности студентов, творческой
инициативы, самостоятельности, ответственности и организованности.
Самостоятельная работа студентов осуществлялась под контролем
преподавателей индивидуально или группами в зависимости от уровня сложности
заданий, а также от уровня знаний и умений студентов.
Опыт проведения данного мероприятия продемонстрировал устойчивый
интересе всех студентов к изучению иностранного языка и сплочение групп в
процессе творческой коллективной деятельности.
Сценарий мероприятия “So many countries, so many traditions”
1. Место проведения: большой лекционный зал.
2. Оформление зала: шары, цветы, стенгазеты, плакаты, мультимедийная
установка, атрибутика конкурсов.
3. Музыкальное оформление: песни, слайд-шоу, видеозарисовки.
4. Мероприятие проводят двое ведущих, студенты-участники «телемоста».
Ход проведения мероприятия:
1. Приветствие ведущих:
Teacher: We are happy to great here our television stars. They are Mickael and Natasha.
Today we’ll have a conversation about everyday life, history and traditions of Scotland
and Krasnodar Region. Mickael is a TV-star of English channel “BBC” and Natasha
represents a Russian channel “KLC” (Kropotkin Law College).
Mickael: Hello, everybody. Our countries the UK and Russia differ much. So do the
cultures. But there is one thing at least that helps us to understand each other. Do you
agree with me, Natasha?
Natasha: Sure! We have a lot of people here who want to take part in the conversations
about traditions in our country… I see the first who is ready to tell us some words about
Mickael: OK. Let us begin our conversations!
Student 1: My native land with steppes and highlands,
The river Kuban flows through.
I love your fields with crops in lowlands,
Your wealth and prosperity will be true.
Student 2: Могучие горы,
Степные просторы,
Приморского берега грань…
Леса и поляны,
Сады и лиманы –
Все это родная Кубань.
Родные станицы,
Разливы пшеницы,
Плывет за комбайном комбайн…
Огни городские,
Гудки заводские –
Все это родная Кубань.
Дары свои щедро
Открыли нам недра,
Морями разлились хлеба.
Здесь величавый
Сроднился со славой –
Все это родная Кубань.
Веселые песни
Летят в поднебесье,
Открытая высь голуба…
И нету красивее
Края России,
Чем наша родная Кубань!
(в это время идёт слайд-шоу с фотографиями природы Кубани)
Natasha: So our famous poet V. Podkopaev said about our region. It is beautiful, isn’t it?
Our friends from the Kropotkin Law College want to know about your country. Please,
introduce it!
2. Знакомство с Шотландией и Кубанью. Выступление участников
мероприятия. Просмотр слайд-шоу.
Student 3: “He who has not seen Scotland
does not really know Great Britain”
Scotland is a land of paradox. A small nation, its presence is felt all over the
world. It is a country of preachers and poets, warriors and dreamers, inventors and
explorers. This is the land of tartans and fine whisky, of romantic castles and the
melodies of bagpipes. Scotland also has a rich cultural heritage. The appeals of Scotland
are undoubtedly unique and the hospitality of the Scottish people will make your visit one
to be remembered. Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England.
Its symbol is a thistle, its patron saint is St. Andrew. The country is consisting of the
Highland – a northern area with a harsh climate and the Lowlands – an industrial region
with about three quarters of population.
Student 4: The thistle has nothing pleasant in it, especially if you carelessly touch its
thorns. But it has an important meaning for the people of Scotland. It is the Scottish
national emblem. Scotland, as you may know, is now part of Great Britain. Why did the
Scottish people choose this thorny plant as the national emblem of their country? The
answer is interesting, and it can be found in the history of Scotland. The people of that
country chose the thistle as their national emblem because it saved their land from foreign
invaders many years ago.
A wonderful way to sample the spirit of Scotland is so to follow the Malt Whisky
Trail which takes you through the Grampian Highlands. The magical combination of pure
snow-melt water from the Highlands and carefully matted barley has produced the
unique, essentially Scottish taste which no other country can match.
The most important musical instrument of Scots is a unique bagpipe. It appeared
in the Highland in the XVI-XIX centuries. The bagpipe is a loud instrument. Its sounds
spread fairways to two miles around. For making the instrument serve a leather skin, a
blander (bull or horse) and reed (or any other hollow tubes) are needed. In Scotland
people say, that sounds of bagpipes must contain sound of man and sound of animal.
(в это время идёт слайд-шоу с фотографиями природы Шотландии)
Mickael: If we speak about Scotland, we also would like to tell you about tragic history
of our country.
Student 4: The unification of England and Scotland showed that religious differences
were now more important than old national ones. England and Scotland remained
separate during the seventeenth century, except for a period under Oliver Cromwell. In
1707, both countries agreed on a single parliament for Great Britain. Scotland retained its
own system of law and the church.
Some facts from Scottish History.
Scotland was united with England and Welsh although it kept its own parliament.
England and Scotland were joined by an Act of Union
1715 and 1745
Rebellions by “Jacobites” who wanted a Catholic King. In 1745 the Jacobite hope
was Prince Charles Edward Stuart “Bonny Prince Charlie”
Students 3, 4: “My Bonny” A folk song
1. My Bonny is over the ocean,
my Bonny is over the sea.
My Bonny is over the ocean.
Oh, bring back my Bonny to me.
Chorus: Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my Bonny to me, to me.
2. Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,
Oh, blow ye winds over the sea,
Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my Bonny to me.
3. Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay in my bed.
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dreamed that my Bonny was dead.
4. The winds have blown over the ocean,
The winds have blown over the sea,
The winds have blown over the ocean,
And brought back my Bonny to me.
Prince Charles was finally defeated and the people of the Highlands were forced
to emigrate.
(в это время идёт слайд-шоу с видами Шотландии)
Natasha: The history of our region is rich too.
Student 5: Kuban Cossacks or Kubanians are Cossacks who live in the Kuban region of
Russia. Although numerous Cossack groups came to inhabit the Western Northern
Caucasus most of the Kuban Cossacks are descendants of the Black Sea Cossack Host,
(originally the Zaporozhian Cossacks) and the Caucasus Line Cossack Host. The Kuban
Cossack Host is the administrative and military unit from 1860-1918 and from 1990
Student 6: The Black Sea host played a crucial role in the Russo-Turkish War (1787–
1792). As a result Catherine II rewarded them with the Kuban land in the North
Caucasus. At that time, the area was an uninhibited steppe region that the Russian Empire
had gained control of in 1784.
Renamed the Black Sea Cossack Host, a total of 25 thousand people made the migration
in 1792-93 from Ukraine, settling in the regions north of the Kuban River. Initially
Zaporozhian traditions were adhered to by the Black Sea Cossacks, such as the
democratic election of the host government, but in time many were replaced by Russian
Instead of a central Sich, they formed a defense line from the inlet of Kuban River into
the Black Sea to the inlet of the Bolshaya Laba River, and colonised the land north of this
line with stanitsas.
An administrative centre of Yekaterinodar (now Krasnodar (literally Cathrine's gift) was
set up. As the years went by, the Black Sea Cossacks continued their systematic
penetrations into the mountainous regions of the Northern Caucasus. Taking an active
part in the finale of the Russian conquest of the Northern Caucasus they settled the
regions each time these were conquered. To aid them, a total of 70 thousand additional
ex-Zaporozhians from the Bug, Yekaterinoslav, and finally the Azov Cossack Host
migrated there in the mid 19th century. All three of the former were necessary to be
removed to vacate space for the colonisation of New Russia, and with the increasing
weakness of the Ottoman Empire as well as the formation of independent buffer states in
the Balkans, the need for further Cossack presence has ended. They made the migration
to the Kuban in 1860 and merged with the Caucasus Line Cossack Host, which consisted
of migrated Don Cossack elements. Finally in 1864, the Black Sea Cossacks and the
Azov Cossacks were united into the Kuban Cossack Host, ninety years after the
Zaporozhian Sich was destroyed.
Student 7: Following the war, the Cossack regiments, along with remaining cavalry were
disbanded and removed from Armed Forces as they were thought to be obsolete. Most of
the cossack descendants living in the rural territories nevertheless kept their traditions
alive even though postwar USSR refused to officially recognise their existence.
Starting in the late 1980s, there were renewed efforts to revive Cossack traditions which
went to great lengths; in 1990, the Host was once again recognised by the Supreme
Ataman of the All-Great Don Host (Всевеликое Войско Донское). With the help of the
governor of Krasnodar Kray Alexander Tkachev, the host has become an integral part of
the Kuban life, there are joint combat training operations with the Russian Army,
policing of the rural areas with the Militsiya, preparation of local youth for the draft
service. Not only is their aid in military, during the floods in 2004 of the Taman
Peninsula they provided men and equipment for relief missions. Today, the host numbers
25 thousand men and has its own distinct forces: a whole regiment of the 7th 'Cherkassy'
Guards Air-Assault Division (the 108th "Kuban Cossack' Guards Airborne Regiment) in
the Russian VDV; 205th Motorised Rifle Brigade, within the North Caucasus Military
District in the Russian Ground Forces, in addition to border guards.
Student 8: The Cossacks have actively participated in some of the more abrupt political
developments following the dissolution of the Soviet Union: South Ossetia, Crimea,
Kosovo, Transnistria and Abkhazia. The latter conflict was in particular special for the
Kuban Cossacks, initially a number of Cossacks fled from the decossakation repressions
of the 1920s and assimilated with the Abkhaz people. Before the Georgian-Abkhaz
Conflict there was a strong movement of creating and Abkhaz-Kuban Host among the
descendants. When the civil war broke out, 1500 Kuban Cossack volunteers from Russia
came to aid the Abkhaz side. One of the notable groups was the 1st sotnia under the
command of Ataman Nikolay Pusko which reportedly completely destroyed a Ukrainian
volunteer group fighting on the Georgian side and then went on to be the first to enter
Sukhumi in 1993. Since then, a detachment of Kuban Cossacks continue to inhabit
Abkhazia, and their presence continues to influence the Georgian-Russian relations.
Recently, the Kuban Cossack Host, after years of negotiations was able to have its Host
regalias, including battle banners and many old documents, which originally were
evacuated from Russia in 1920, and were preserved in New Jersey after World War I, be
returned to Russia. One of the most prized documents was the original deed signed by
Catherine the Great that confirmed the granting of the Kuban Lands to the Black Sea
Cossack for "eternal use". These were delivered in April 2007. A special museum
exposition is being set up to have them displayed to the general public.
Mickael: I know your region is rich of traditions too. Would you like to tell us about any
of them?
Natasha: Many cossacks and their descendants lived here. They had their own mode of
life, traditions and culture. Because of the unique migration pattern that the original
Zaporozhian Cossacks undertook, the Kuban Cossack identity has produced one of the
most distinct cultures not only amongst other Cossacks but throughout the whole Russian
identity. The proximity to the Caucasus mountains and the Circassian people influenced
the dress and uniform of the Cossacks — the distinctive Cherkesska overcoat and the
Beshment scarf, local dance such as the Lezginka too came into the Kuban Cossack
lifestyle. At the same time, the Cossacks continued much of their Zaporozhian legacy,
including a Kuban Bandura movement and the Kuban Cossack Choir which became one
of the most famous in the world for their performance of Cossack and other folk songs
and dances, performed in both the Russian and Ukrainian languages. Let’s listen to the
song “Vareniks” in English. This joyful song is about the everlasting problem of
interactions in the family.
Students 5-10:
Ah, my darling wants to eat vareniks
Ah, my darling wants to eat vareniks
Cook and boil, dearest, cook and boil, dearest,
Cook and boil, cook and boil
Cook and boil, my dear wife.
There is no firewood, my dearest husband,
There is no firewood, my dearest husband,
Chop and bring them dearest,
Chop and bring them dearest,
Chop and bring, chop and bring
Chop and bring them, dear wife.
There’s no strength of mine, my dearest husband
There’s no strength of mine, my dearest husband
Leave this world, my dearest
Leave this world, my dearest
Leave this world, leave this world,
Leave this world, my dear wife.
Then let’s go home quickly, my dearest husband
Vareniks will soon be ready, my beloving husband
Cook and boil dearest, cook and boil , dearest
Cook and boil, cook and boil
Cook and boil, my dear wife.
Mickael: Oh! Cool! We were glad to know about your traditions and to listen to this
joyfull song. Thank you very much!
Natasha: In Scotland were born many people, became famous in the future. Our students
would like more about them.
Student 11: Yes, in Scotland were born many people, became famous in the future. For
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) – writer and poet, one of the greatest historical
novelists, whose favorite subject was his native Scotland.
Robert Burns (1759-1796) – Burn’s poetry falls into two main groups: English
and Scottish. His English poems are, for the most part, interior specimens of conventional
eighteenth century verse. But in Scottish poetry he achieved triumphs of a quite
extraordinary kind.
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe –
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go!
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birthplace of valour, the country of worth!
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below,
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
Farewell to the torrents and long-pouring floods!
There are many Scottish names it can tell:
David Livingstone (1813-1873) – famous Scottish explorer.
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) – inventor of the telephone.
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) – famous Scottish writer.
Mickael: Our land is very rich of customs and traditions too…
Student 3: They say, Scots are stingy and unfriendly people. It is true, but we can
understand them, after all during all their history, they had numerous wars for liberty.
Like other peoples, Scots severely stick to their traditions. The important part of their
house is a fire-place, which gives comfort and quietness to house. As a necessary
attribution in each home must be a checked fabric, maybe a table-cloth, or a plaid on a
sofa, or blinds on the wall.
Almost in every house on the wall there is a knife, which has on the hilt the
engraving of a thistle and set a topaz. Scots had the older tradition – wearing a knife over
the right stocking. If a man put a knife out on inner side of leg that it means he declared
the war. Peaceful people used to wear a knife on the right outside.
Student 4: Scots very like plants. There are many plants in their rooms. Behind house
there is a small garden. Owners carefully look after all plants, that’s why Scots have good
and splendid gardens. In good weather people like spending a lot of time in fresh air, in
their gardens.
Before the XVII century Scottish national dress was as follow a white linen shirt
and a 8 meter long plaid, which was fringed over one’s shoulder, a fastened brooch, and
clasped it around the waist. In the fighting days to poron helped to soldiers – it’s a big fur
bag. The bag was decorated with head of animal – fox or badger – and long fringe.
Really, only people, who lived beside hills, wore a kilt. Inhabitants of plain
preferred trousers. Highlanders wore a kilt and gaiters. Mainly because, it was a
Earlier Scots were divided into: cattle – breeders and land people. The most of
bright pagan celebrations for grain farmers was a Midsummer’s Day (June 21st). On that
day there is a fire going, around that there are rituals. Sheep-breeders celebrated their
holiday in June – they celebrated the end of washing, shearing and branded sheep.
That day the hostess makes a special pie from barley or oat flour and shares it
with children, who must raise and care for sheep.
Natasha: We also know your national clothing is unorthodox. Is it true?
Mickael: The Scottish Highlander considers himself the “true” Scot and he wears his
national dress, the “kilt”, with pride. Kilts, the pleated skirts made of the material with a
squared, colored design called a tartan, probably derive from the costume of the Roman
conquerors. Each Scottish clan (a Gaelic word for “tribe” or “family”) has its own tartan
with specific colors and design and only members of that clan are entitled to wear it.
3. Завершение мероприятия:
Natasha: As a practical part I chose a comparison Russia and Scotland. This comparison
with not many aspects, can give us a chance to understand the difference between
countries. To my mind these countries were united due to thing only one – the origin of
ancient traditions. But even in such a conservative country as Scotland, some traditions
are forgotten or lost their meanings. For example we can take into consideration the
present Scottish religion.
Mickael: You can see that nowadays Scotland has many religions, that’s why instead of
old traditions, new different sects have appeared. So to know the present situation of
Scotland, you must open all secrets of history of Scotland and then, may be you will see
that their customs are distinctive. Today Scotland is very popular. Tourists can see and do
so much: high hills to walk on, old castles to visit, mysterious lakes to cross by boat
and… legendary monsters to look out for! Scotland is famous for people from all over the
world come there to admire it.
4. Викторина для зрителей:
Natasha: Today we have gathered a large audience. They watched attentively our slide
show and listened keeping interest to our speakers. I think they can answer the following
1) What do you know about the Krasnodar Region?
2) What city is the center of the Krasnodar Region?
3) What Kuban songs or poems do you know?
4) What is the national Kuban clothing?
5) Tell us some words about nature in the Krasnodar Regoin.
Mickael: 6) What do you know about Scotland?
7) What city is the capital of Scotland?
8) Who are the famous Scottish people?
9) What is the national Scottish clothing?
10) What national Scottish songs or poems do you know?
Natasha: It’s a pity, our talk-show is over. But we hope it isn’t the last our meeting.
Mickael: Of course! It was very interesting! I think there are o lot of topics to discuss
with our students. See you soon!
5. Подведение итогов мероприятия. Награждение участников и активных

Список использованной литературы:

1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. – М.: Просвещение, 2001. с.184-
2. Колодянная Л. Great Britain. – М.: Айрис Пресс, 1998. с.31-50.
3. Проценко Ю. The Highlands of Scotland. – Киев: Знание, 1996. с.32.
4. Хасанова О. Country “in square”. Таллинн: Глобал информ XXI век,
2003. с.56-57.
7. Краснодарский краевой институт дополнительного
профессионального педагогического образования «Кубановедение» - методические
рекомендации по «Истории Кубани» - Краснодар, 2005
8. Б.А.Трёхбратов «История Кубани» - Краснодар, 2000
Урок - ролевая игра
по темам “At the lesson”, “In the street”, “In the corridor”, “After watching the film”,
“At home”
для 6 класса
Юрьева Мария Иннокентьевна,
МОУ СОШ села Ербогачён, Катангский район, Иркутская область

Тема: “At the lesson”, “In the street”, “In the corridor”, “After watching the film”,
“At home”.

Цель: провести практику в устной речи по темам, закрепить формы

гл. to be, Past, Present Simple.

Оснащение: к/ф «The friends», pictures, к чаю: чашки, еда.

I. T.—Today we have a lesson – a role game. We can be in different

(на доске). It cane be at the beginning of the lesson.

P1.—Good morning! I’m sorry I am late. May I sit down ?

T.—But why are you late ?
P1.—My watch is wrong.
T. – Sit down, please? but don’t be late.
P1.—I’ll never be late.

II. T.—Every morning you go to school. On your way to school you meet

P2.—Hello! P2 – Nice to see you!

P3.—Hi! P2 – Glad to meet you!

P3.—How are you ?

P2.—Fine, thanks. And how are you?
P3.—Well, thank you.

P2.—What a nice winter day!

P3.—What good weather! It is cold, but the sun is shining.
P2.—Yes, it is a nice day today.

P3.—Do you like winter?

P2.—Yes, I do. What do you like to do in winter?
P3.—I like to ski, to skate, to play snowballs, to make a snowman.
P2.—We’ve come to school. Let’s go to the classroom and prepare it for
P3.—Well, we are on duty today.

III. T.—After every lesson we have breaks. And we can have such situations.
Two pupils touched each other in the corridor.
P4.—Oh, I’m sorry.
P5.—Not at all.

IV. T.—Now, let’s see the film “The friends”. And pupils discuss the film,
after watching.

P6.—We have seen a catoon, the haven’t we ?

P7.—Yes, we have seen a good, short film ?
P6.—What is the film like ?
P7.—It is a nice, coloured film ?
P6.—What is its name ?
P7.—It is “The friends”.
P6.—What is the film about ?
P7.—The film is about four friends.
P6.—What are they ?
P7.—They are the elephant, the monkey, the parrot, the boa.
P6.—What are their names ?
P7.—Their names are Chita.
P6 and P7.—Role out the scene, where the friends measure the snake.

V. T.—We visit each other, have tea, have birthday party.

P8.—Visits her friend.
P9.—At home on Sunday.
P8.—Good morning !
P9.—Good morning ! We are glad to see you. (We are going) let’s have tea.
Sweets, please. Biscuits, please! A cup of tea, please.
P8.—Thank you. Do, please.
P9.—A piece of cake, please.
P8.—With pleasure.

The end: So, be polite in every situation.

Итоги, оценки.
для 8—11 классов
Юрьева Мария Иннокентьевна,
МОУ СОШ села Ербогачён, Катангский район, Иркутская область


1. Высказывание “Poetry is for ever”.

2. Портреты поэтов англоговорящих стран:
· W. Shakespeare;
· Robert Burns;
· Persy Beshe Shelley+имена+годы жизни…
3. Карта Великобритании;
4. Магнитозаписи «Английские песни»;
5. Видеокассета «Шотландский фестиваль танцев в Hyde Park
в Лондоне».

I. T.—Good evening, dear teachers, quests, pupils! I am glad to see you. And very
pleased to greet you! I invite you to join our poetry party, devoted to the famous
poets of Great Britain. These words are the symbol of our party: “Poetry is
Look at this port rail!
· Who is it ?
· It is W. Shakespeare;
· Right!
· What is he!
· He is a poet, a writer, a famous dramatist;
· Is he an American or English (writer) poet?
· He is an English poet;
· Good of you!
II. P1.—W. Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford—on –Avon. In his
childhood he went to Grammar School, where he studied Latin besides reading
and writing, Greek. The school began early in the morning and ended late in
the evening. So he knew a lot!
After finishing grammar school he worked a teacher there. At the age of 18 he
married Anna Hathaway. He had 3 children Susanna, Hamlet and Judith.
When he was 21 he left for London, made friends with many actors there.
Sometimes he worked as an actor. William began to write plays. Soon they
built (he and his friends) their own theatre and called it “Globe”, the famous
Globe theatre.
There was a sign on its door. “All the world is a stage”. Shakespeare wrote 37
plays, among them are “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, “Othello”,
“Romeo and Juliet”, etc.
“Romeo and Juliet”:
(Act II, Scene 2. (Romeo and Juliet are in costumes on the stage).
P2 Romeo: He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
But soft! What light through younger windows breaks ?
It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That though her maid art far more fair than she.
Be not her maid, since she is envious,
Her vestal liberty is but sick and green,
And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off.
It is my lady: O, it is my love:
O that she knew she were.
She speaks, yet she says nothing what of that ?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
That I must that cheek.
P3 Juliet: O, Romeo, Romeo! Where fore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou will not, be but sworn my love.
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.
Romeo: Shall I hear more or shall I speak at this?
Juliet: This’ but thy name that is my enemy.
Though art thy self, though not a Montague!
What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man! O, be some other name!
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d.
Retain that dear perfection which he owes.
Without that title, Romeo, doff thy name;
And for thy name, which is no part of thee,
Take all my self.
Romeo: I take thee at thy word.
Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptiz’d.
Hence forth I never will be Romeo.
Teacher: This wonderful love story is about two lovers, Romeo and Juliet.
Unfortunately, they died, but they didn’t stop loving each other. They stayed
young forever!
P3. W. Shakespeare wrote 2 long poems and 154 sonnets.
P4. Sonnet 21.
So it is not with me as with that Muse,
Stirr’d by a painted beauty to his verse,
Who heaven it self for ornament doth use,
And every fair with his doth rehearse,
Making a complement of proud compare
With sun and moon, with earth and sea’s rich gems,
With April’s first-born flowers, and all things rare
That heaven’s air in this huge rondure hems.
O, let me, true in love, but truly write,
And then believe me, my love is as fair
As any mother’s child, though not so bright.
As those gold candles fixt in heaven’s air:
Let them say more that like of hear say well.
I will not praise that purpose not so sell.
Не соревнуюсь я с творцами од,
Которые раскрашенным богиням
В подарок преподносят небосвод
Со всей землёй и океаном синим.
Пускай они для украшенья строф
Твердят в стихах, между собой споря,
О звёздах неба, о венках цветов,
О драгоценностях земли и моря.
В любви и слове—правда мой закон,
И я пишу, что милая прекрасна,
Как все, кто смертной матерью рождён,
А не как солнце или месяц ясный.
Я не хочу хвалить любовь свою,--
Я никому её не продаю!

Сонет 65.

Pupil 5. Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But sad mortality o’ersways their power,
How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O, how shall summer’s honey breath hold out
Against the wreckful siege of battering days,
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays?
O fearful meditation! Where, alack,
Shall Time’s best jewel from Time’s chest lie hid?
Oh what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?
O who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
O none, unless this miracle have might
That in black ink my love may still shine bright.
Уж если медь, гранит, земля и море.
Не устоят, когда придёт им срок,
Как может уцелеть, со смертью споря,
Краса твоя—беспомощный цветок?
Как сохранить дыханье розы алой,
Когда осада тяжкая времён.
Незыблемые сокрушает скалы
И рушит бронзу статуй и колонн?
О горькое раздумье! Где, какое
Для красоты убежище найти?
Как, маятник остановив рукою,
Цвет времени от времени спасти?
Надежды нет. Но светлый облик милый спасут,
Быть может, чёрные чернила!

Сонет 116.

Pupil 6. Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever fixed mark,
That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wondering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge, of doom.
If this be error, and upon me proved,
I never write, nor no man ever loved.
Мешать соединению 2 сердец я не намерен.
Может ли измена любви безмерной положить конец?
Любовь не знает убыли и тлена.
Любовь—над бурей поднятый маяк,
Не меркнущий во мраке и тумане,
Любовь—звезда, которую моряк определяет место в океане.
Любовь—не кукла жалкая в руках у времени,
Стирающего розы на пламенных устах и на щеках,
И не страшны ей времени угрозы.
А если я не прав и лжёт мой стих,--
То нет любви и нет стихов моих!

Sonnet 25.

Pupil 9. Let those who are in favour with their stars

Of public honour and proud titles boast,
Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,
Unlooked for joy in that I honour most.
Great prices’ favourites their fair leaves spread
But as the marigold at the sun’s eye,
And in themselves their prid lies buried,
Far at a frown they in their glory die.
The painful warrior famoused for fight,
After a thousand victories once failed,
Is from the book razed quite,
And all the rest forgot for which he toiled.
Then happy I that love and am beloved,
Where I may not remove nor be removed.
Кто под звездой счастливою рождён—
Гордится славой, титулом и властью.
А я судьбой скромнее награждён,
И для меня любовь—источник счастья.
Под солнцем пышно листья распростёр
Наперсник принца, ставленник вельможи.
Но гаснет солнца благосклонный взор,
И золотой подсолнух гаснет тоже,
Военачальник, баловень побед,
В бою последнем терпит пораженье,
И всех его заслуг потерян след.
Его удел—опала и забвенье.
Но нет угрозы титулам моим пожизненным: любил, люблю, любим.
/Перевод С. Маршака/

Song by W. Shakespeare.

Pupil 7. Orpheus with his lute made trees,

and the mountain tops that freeze,
bow themselves when he did sing:
to the music plants and flowers
ever sprung; as sun and showers
there had made a lasting spring.
Every thing that heard him play,
even the billows of the sea,
hung their heads, and then lay by.
In sweet music is such art,
Killing care and grief of heart
fall asleep, or, hearing, die.
Pupil 3.
Shall I die? Shall I fly lovers’ baits and Умереть? И презреть миражи этой лжи?
deceits sorrow breeding?
Shall I tend? Shall I send, От напасти убежать? И не знать ни
Shall I sue, and not rue my proceeding? надежд, ни утрат и ни страсти?
In all duty her beauty Но любовных оков не смогу разорвать
Binds me her servant for ever. никогда.
If she scorn, I mourn, Мне одно суждено быть слугой её, вечно
I retire to despair, joying never. страдая.

Pupil 8. This unknown poem by Shakespeare was discovered in 1985, it was

analysed on a computer. It’s a beautiful poem about love. William Shakespeare died on
the 23 of April 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford-Upon-Avon. But Sh.’s
plays are still popular. Now many people like them. We laugh and cry with Sh’s.
Teacher. Look at the North of Great Britain and we see the mother land
Scotland of the famous Scottish national writer and poet. When we speak of this country
we imagine men in tartan kilts: 1)Porridge in the morning (звучит Шотландская
музыка); 2)Sad and monotonous sounds of bag pipes;
By the way, what date is it on Sunday?
Pupil 9. January the 25 th.
It’s Burns Night, his birthday. He was born in Alloway, south-western Scotland, in 1759.
He was the eldest of seven children. Burns spent his youth in hard work and poverty. The
sources of Burns’ poetry are the life of common people and Scottish folklore.
Scotland! A beautiful country that inspired Robert Burns to write so many
wonderful poems about its country-side and its people. He felt a special bond with the
Highlands and wild lochs.
Pupil 10. (На сцене ученик в Шотландском наряде).
My heart is in the Highlands,
My heart is not here;
My heart is in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe.
My heart’s in the Highlands, fare well to the North,
The birth-place of valour, the country of the worth;
Wherever I wonder, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands forever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys bellow:
Farewell to the forests and wild—hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud—pouring floods.
Pupil 11. Burns’ name became popular in London and Edinburgh. In his
epigrams he criticized upper classes.
На Лорда Галлоуэй.
1) В его роду известных много,
Но сам он не в почёте.
Так древнеримская дорога теряется в болоте.
Тебе дворец не по двору,
Попробуй отыскать
Глухую, грязную нору,
Душу твоей под стать.
2) Кто честной бедности своей
Стыдится и всё прочее.
Тот самый жалкий из людей
И всё такое прочее.
3) Настанет день и час пробьёт,
Когда уму и чести
На всей земле придёт черёд,
Стоять на первом месте.
4) При всём при том,
При всём при том,
Могу вам предсказать я,
Что будет день,
Когда кругом
Все люди станут братья!
Pupil 12. The last years of Burns’ life wery very hard. On the 21st of July
1796 being 37, Burns died of heart disease, but the name of Robert Burns is still alive.
For Scotsmen Robert Burns is a symbol of national pride. Every year on January 25 (on
his birthday) Burns night is celebrated not only in Scotland but throughout Britain and
Scottich-speaking world. The celebration is usually held in the form of a supper (Burns
supper), burns’ poems are recited and there may be Scottish dancing after the meal.
ВСЕ: May Burns’ memory live forever!
Pupil 13. Out over the Forth by R. Burns. Out over the Forth, I look to the
North but what is the North and the Highlands to me? The South nor the East gie ease to
my breast, the far rolling land or the wide rolling sea! But I look to the West when I gae
to rest that happy my dreams and my slumbers may be; for far in the West lives he I loe
best, the man that is dear to his baby and me.
Pupil 14. Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Came of an aristocratic family, but already in a youth he was a fighter for
freedom. He lived in Ireland, England, Switzeland, Italy. He wrote much at that time,
mostly poems. Shelley’s death was tragic.
In his poem “Song to the Men of England” written in 1819 he wrote he
expressed his social and political ideas, his protest against capitalists.
Pupil 15. Men of England, where fore plough
For the lords lay ye low?
Where fore weave with toil and care
The rich robes your ty rants wear?
Люди Англии, зачем
Господам служить вам тем,
Кто вас давит? Платья ткать,
Чтоб тиранов наряжать.
Pupil 16. Where fore, Bees of England, forge
Many a weapon, chain and scourge,
That these sting less drones may spoil
The forced produce of your toil?
Пчёлы Англии, зачем
Цепь и бич ковать, и всем
Трутням всячески служа
Силу дать для грабежа?
Pupil 17. Have you leisure, comfort, calm,
Shelter, food, love’s gentle balm?
Or what is it ye buy so dear
With your pain and with your fear?
Кровь и пища есть ли вам?
Отдых и любви бальзам?
И за что из этих благ
Платят ваши труд и страх?
Pupil 18. The seed you sow, another reaps;
The wealth you find, another keeps;
The robes ye weave, a no the weas;
The arms уe forge, another bears.
Вы сеете, другой пожнёт,
Вы копите—другой возьмёт,
Вы ткёте ткань—не вам надеть,
Куёте меч—не вам владеть.
Pupil 19. Sow seed,--but let no ty rant reap;
Find wealth,--let no impostor heap;
Weave robes,--let not the idle wear;
Forge arms,--in your de fence to bear.
Ты сей—но пусть не жнёт тиран!
Ты грош копи—но прочь обман!
Не трутням тките ткань—себе,
Вы куйте меч своей борьбе. (перевод В.Д. Меркурьева).
Pupil 20. The poem “The invitation” by P.B. Shelley.
A way, a way, from men and towns,
To the wild woods, and the downs—
To the silent wilderness
Where the soul need not repress
Its music, lest it should not find
An echo in another’s mind.
While the touch of Nature’s art
Harmonizes heart to heart.
Pupil 21. In his lyrical poem “The Cloud” (1820).
Written, the poet speaks of Nature, its changes and development.
I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
From the seas and the streams;
I bear light shade for the leaves,
When laid In their noonday dreams.
Pupil 22. From my wings are shaken the dews that waken
The sweet buds every one,
When rocked to rest on their mother’s breast,
As she dances about the sun.
I wield the flail of the lashing hail,
And whiten the green plains under,
And then again I dissolve it in rain,
And laugh as I pass in thunder.
Я ливень свежий с морских побережий
Дам иссохшим цветам
И в знойный день прохладную тень—
Уснувшим листьям.
Отряхну от крылий росу, чтоб открыли
Все ростки нежный глазок,
Их спать—дремать укачала мать.
Пляской солнцу вслед на Восток
Дам граду цеп, чтоб хлестал, свиреп,
Убелив поле—несжатым.
Его потом я рассею дождём,
Смеясь громовым раскатом.
Pupil 23.I am the daughter of Earth and Water,
And the nursling of the Sky;
I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores;
I change, but I cannot die.
For after the rain, when with never a stain,
The pavilion of Heaven is bare
And the winds and sunbeams with their convex gleams,
Build up the blue dome of air
I silently laugh at my own cenotaph
And out of the carvens of rain,
Like a child from the womb,
Like a ghost from the tomb,
I arise and unbuild it again.
Рождён я, слушай, Влагой и Сушей,
Небо вскормило меня.
Пройду сквозь туман, берег и океан, меняясь—бессмертно я.
Ибо после дождя, когда пуст, блестя,
Шатёр небесных высот, и лучи и ветра сберутся с утра
Крыш воздуха синий свод.
Я, там притаясь и молча смеясь, разрушаю свой кенотаф,
Как из лона младенец, из гроба—как тень,
Из пещеры дождей восстав.
(перевод В.Д. Меркурьева)

The first part was the matical. The second part consists of reciting poems and giving their
own translation, and the translations of fam. people.
1) “Oh, Russia, I’m in love with you!
Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the field of battles past
But in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.
Your sunrise in a splendid sight
Which gives me always such delight!
L.A. Khusainova.
2) “The Sick Rose”
W. Blake.
O. Rose, thou art (you are) sick!
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does the love destroy.
3) “Leisure”
W.H. Davies.
What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheepor cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broard day light,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn, at beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began,
A poor life this is, if full care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
G.G. Byron
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music in its roar;
I love not Man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I my be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe, and feel
What I can ne’er express, yet cannot conceal.
(from “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”, Canto IV).

J. Thompson
Give a man a horse he can ride,
Give a man a boat he can sail;
And his rank and wealth, his strength and health,
On sea nor shore shall fail.
Give a man a book he can read;
And his home is bright with calm delight,
Though the room be poor in deed.
Give a mane a girl he can love,
As I, o my love, love thee;
And his heart is great with the pulse of Fate
At home, on land, on sea.

5) Sukey, you will be my wife.

And I shall tell you why:
I have got a little pig,
And you have got a sty;
I have got a dun cow,
And you can make good cheese;
Sukey, will you marry me?
Say “yes”, if you please.
6) For every evil under the sun,
There is a remedy, or there is none.
If there be one, try and find it;
And there be none, never mind it.
Good night,
Sleep tight,
Wake up bright
In the morning light,
To do what’s right
With all your might.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
All good children go to heaven,
Some fly East.
Some fly West,
Some fly over the cuckoo’s nest.
7) When I was a little girl.
1) About 7 years old,
I hadn’t got a petticoat,
To keep me from the cold.
1) So I went to Darling ton,
That pretty little town,
And there I bought a petticoat,
A cloak and a gown.
3) I went in to the woods
I built me a kirk,
And all the birds of the air,
They helped me to work.
4) The hawk, with his long claws,
Pulled down the stone,
The dove, with her rough bill,
Brought me them home.
5) The parrot was the clergyman,
The peacock was the clerk,
The bull finch played the organ,
And we made merry work.

Spades for digging,

Pens for writing,
Ears for hearing
Teeth for biting,
Eyes for seeing,
Legs for walking,
Tongues for tasting
And for talking.
Man is a fool
When it’s hot
He wants it cool
When it’s cool.
He wants it hot.
He always wants
What he has not.
8)Oh, Russia, I’m love with you!
Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the field of battles past,
But in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand,
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.
Your sunrise in a splendec sight
Which gives me always such delight!
/L.A. Khusainova/

О, Россия, я влюблена в тебя!

Не в битвах прошедших,
А в зелёных полях,
В чистых лесах и садах.
Я люблю тебя всем сердцем, земля дорогая.
Твои холма и реки, песчаный берег
Твои песни и танцы, моря и озёра
Твоих животных и рыб, пенье птиц на деревьях.
Твой прекрасный восход солнца,
Который вызывает восхищение !!!
/Л.А. Хусаинова/

Teacher. The Arrow and the Song

by H. Longfellow.
1. I shot an arrow into the air
I fell to earth
I knew not where
For so swiftly it flew
The sight couldn’t follow it in its flight.
2. I breathed a song into the air
It fell to earth I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of a song?
3. Long, long, after wards in an oak,
I found the arrow still unbroken;
And the song from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
Я выпустил стрелу
Когда она упала, я не знаю,
И где найду свою судьбу,
О которой постоянно я мечтаю.
Надеюсь, что стрела
Мне точный путь укажет,
Царевну ли, сердечную
Подругу и любовь
И как найти подскажет.

Teacher. My Dear school boys and school girls!

Thank you for taking an active part.
You all get fives.
I’m very pleased with you.
Thank you for enjoyment.
Good luck to you.
Заключительный урок развития умений по теме “Traditions, Manners” -
ролевая игра.
УМК: В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа “Happy English-3” 8 класс, 4 год обучения.
Пивторан Оксана Сергеевна, г.Улан-Удэ
Задачи урока:
1. Научить учащихся читать письмо - приглашение с извлечением полной
2. Научить учащихся рассказывать о традициях и праздниках в Британии, России и
Бурятии до уровня неподготовленной, творческой речи и обосновывать свою точку
3. Научить учащихся диалогу расспросу и диалогу обмену мнениями в ситуации
"My favorite holiday"
4. Развивать умения письменной речи при написании поздравительной открытки
1. Способствовать воспитанию позитивного отношения к культуре страны
изучаемого языка и воспитанию патриотизма в ходе беседы с иностранцами и при
сравнении праздников и традиций разных стран.
2. Способствовать развитию умений общения с партнерами в ситуации
меняющихся пар.
Развивающая: Способствовать развитию мышления (в процессе обоснования
своего мнения, сравнения и доказательства разных точек зрения), воображения
(при создании воображаемых условий) и эмоциональной сферы личности учащихся
(общение с иностранными сверстниками) в процессе ролевой игры.
Образовательная: Способствовать расширению социокультурного кругозора
учащихся через двусторонний диалог расспрос по теме “Traditions” и посредством
РУ на сопоставление культур России, Бурятии и Британии.

Оснащение урока: Ролевые карты, бэйджики, магнитофон, кассета с записью

традиционных праздничных песен России, Британии и Бурятии.

Ход урока:
I Этап: Организация класса (5-6 мин.)
1)T: Hello Guys! Glad to see you! You know, today I received a present from my friend.
Do you know why? Can you tell me what holidays we have now?
T: Right, we celebrate Sagalgan, a traditional Burjat holiday, and also today is the first
day of Shrovetide week - a traditional Russian holiday? Or Maslenitsa as we call it here,
in Russia.
There are some tests for you. (Учащимся со слабой подготовкой)
Look at the blackboard, there are some symbols of holidays. What holidays they
Do your family celebrate them?
How do you celebrate them?

II Этап: Role-play (30 мин)

Exposition to role-play
1)T: I think you know enough about British, Russian and Burjat holidays and traditions
and you are ready to take part in ²The International Folk Festival². Today we are going to
have a role-play and become the keepers of traditions. We are going to have three groups
with representatives from Britain, Russia and Burjatia. Here are your role-cards. Read
them attentively, please, and find out what you are going to do.

Act I: Getting ready

1) T: Imagine that we are in different places now. This group with P1,2 is in Britain, the
other group with P1,2 is in Russia, Novgorod and the third group is from Burjatia,
All of you are pupils and I’m your teacher of English. Today our school received letters
especially for you. Here they are.
Unfortunately I don’t know what is written there, but I hope that you will share the
information you learned with me.
(group I - P1,2; group II - P1,2; group III - P1,2)
2) T: That’s great! We need to get ready before we leave. Don’t you think it would be
better to discuss your presentation? Let’s make a plan of presentation.
(group I; group II; group III)

Act II: At the Festival:

1) T: So, we are in Britain now at our “International Folk Festival”.

I’m very glad to meet you at our Folk Festival. You know that we have invited three
groups of the keepers of traditions from Russia, Britain and Burjatia. I think it’s high time
to start our festival. Let us start with the presentation of the group from Britain, the host
of our festival.
T: That was great. Thank you. Now, let’s give the flour to the group from Burjatia.
T: Very nice. Thank you for wonderful presentation. And now it’s my pleasure to invite
group from Russia.

2) T: Good job! Thank you. I hope that you liked all the presentations. I know that when
you come home you will tell your friends about your visit. Now you have an opportunity
to talk to your friends from other country. Choose for you a partner from another group,
please and have a talk to him.
(P1, P2)

3) T: That’s enough. I hope that this festival helped you to become friends. There is a
tradition all over the world to congratulate friends with holidays by giving them
souvenirs and post-cards. And now you have an opportunity to write a post-card for your
new friend. Remember how you should write a post-card for a foreign friend.

T: Now you can present post-cards and souvenirs to your friends. You know the rules of
giving presents, don’t you? Mind them please.

III Этап: Завершающий (4-5мин)

1) T: Thank you very much, I think that you learned a lot of new interesting things about
traditions of other nations. You might like it or not, but you should understand that
traditions remind traditions in any country. All of you worked good and took an active
part in the lesson, but it’s time to close our festival and turn back to reality.

2) For your active work I put five for P1,2; P1,2 you’ve got four and sat for P1,2

3) Now, please, write down your home assignment: write an article to a local news-paper
about the presentation of the group, you like best, and why.

Thank you very much! Good-bye. Have a good day.

Ирина Соколова из г.Харцызск Донецкой области, Украина прислала подборку
стихов, посвященных Дню Матери (Mother's Day) и красивую презентацию к Дню

Mothers Day Poems

Mommy I Love You
Mommy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile 'cause I love you
On this Mother's Day.
Nicholas Gordon

More Than A Mother
When God set the world in place,
when He hung the stars up in space,
when He made the land and the sea,
then He made you and me.
He sat back and saw all that was good,
He saw things to be as they should.
Just one more blessing He had in store;
He created a mother, but whatever for?
He knew a mother would have a special place
to shine His reflection on her child's face.
A mother will walk the extra mile
just to see her children smile.
She'll work her fingers to the bone
to make a house into a home.
A mother is there to teach and guide,
a mother will stay right by your side.
She'll be there through your pain and strife,
she'll stay constant in your life.
A mother will lend a helping hand
until you have the strength to stand.
She'll pick you up when you are down,
when you need a friend she'll stick around.
A mother is one who listens well,
will keep her word; will never tell.
A mother never pokes or pries
but stands quietly by your side,
giving you the strength you need,
encouraging you to succeed.
A mother is one who can be strong
when you need someone to lean on.
You're more than a mother to me;
a reflection of Him in your face I see,
a love that knows no boundaries.
I'm glad that you chose to be
all this and more to me.
You share a love that knows no end,
you're more than my mother,
you are my friend.
Kari Keshmiry

A Poem For My Mother
I miss you so much,
your laugh, your smile, your touch.
You always brightened my days
with all the smiles you sent my way.
I need you as my angel
to always be at my side.
I need you as my angel
to give me peace of mind.
I like to think your near to me
to know that you are there.
Even though I can not see you,
I feel that you are near.
Please do not forget me mom,
for you are always in my heart,
my thoughts and prayers.
I love you.
Shari M. Blom

I Love You Mom!
Mom's smiles can brighten any moment,
Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us forever
and touch our lives in precious ways...
The values you've taught,
the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
have enriched my life
in more ways than I can count.
I Love you Mom!
Author Unknown
A Mother's Love
There are times when only a Mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.
There are times when only a Mother's love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.
There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.
For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the Angels
And sent from God above.
Author Unknown

You filled my days with rainbow lights,
Fairytales and sweet dream nights,
A kiss to wipe away my tears,
Gingerbread to ease my fears.
You gave the gift of life to me
And then in love, you set me free.
I thank you for your tender care,
For deep warm hugs and being there.
I hope that when you think of me
A part of you
You'll always see.
Author Unknown

You Were There...
You were there when we took our first steps,
And went unsteadily across the floor.
You pushed and prodded: encouraged and guided,
Until our steps took us out the door...
You worry now "Are they ok?"
Is there more you could have done?
As we walk the paths of our unknown
You wonder"Where have my children gone?"
Where we are is where you have led us,
With your special love you showed us a way,
To believe in ourselves and the decisions we make.
Taking on the challenge of life day-to-day.
And where we go you can be sure,
In spirit you shall never be alone.
For where you are is what matters most to us,
Because to us that will always be home...
Author Unknown

If I could give you diamonds
for each tear you cried for me.
if I could five you sapphires
for each truth you've helped me see.
If I could give you rubies
for the heartache that you've known
If I could give you pearls
for the wisdom that you've shown.
Then you'll have a treasure, mother,
that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match
the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I'm sure you're well aware
So I'll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.
Author Unknown

To My Mother
For all the times you gently picked me up,
When I fell down,
For all the times you tied my shoes
And tucked me into bed,
Or needed something
But put me first instead.
For everything we shared,
The dreams, the laughter,
And the tears,
I love you with a "Special Love"
That deepens every year.
Author Unknown

A Mother...
When you're a child she walks before you,
To set an example.
When you're a teenager she walks behind you
To be there should you need her.
When you're an adult she walks beside you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together..
Author Unknown

I Miss You, Mom
I used to think that people didn't need
their moms so much after they grew up.
But I've realized that's not true.
So often, when I'm making a decision,
I wish you were here
so I could ask your advice.
And so many times,
when something happens
that I know you would enjoy,
I wish you were here
to share it with me.
Now that I'm older
I've realized how special our relationship is.
And while I'm thankful for this bond,
somehow it makes me miss you more..
Mom, I love you so very much.
Renee Duvall

If I Knew As A Child
If I knew as a child what I know now, Mom,
I probably wouldn't have made things
so hard for you.
I would have understood
that you were looking out for my best interest.
even though it may not have seemed so at the time.
I would have known how difficult it is to let go,
to stand back and let someone you love
learn from their mistakes.
I would have realized
how fortunate I was to have a mother
who was always there for me,
even after an argument,
even after I'd said things
I shouldn't have.
While it's too late for a lot of things
it's not too late for me to tell you
that I appreciate how loving you are,
how giving you've always been
and that even though
I may not always be good at showing it,
I love you very much.
Renee Duvall

I Wish I Could Tell You, Mom
I wish I could tell you, Mom
how much you mean to me....
But there are no words to say
how much I admire you...
how much I appreciate you...
how much I thank you
for everything you've done.
Author Unknown

Thank You Mom
I know how often I took you for granted
when I was growing up.
I always assumed you'd be there
when I needed you...
and you always were.
But I never really thought about what that meant
till I got older and began to realize
how often your time and energy were devoted to me.
so now, for all the times I didn't say it before,
thank you, Mom...I love you so very much!
Author Unknown

Your Mother Is Always With You...
Your mother is always with you...
She's the whisper of the leaves
as you walk down the street.
She's the smell of bleach
in your freshly laundered socks.
She's the cool hand on your brow
when you're not well.
Your mother lives inside your laughter.
She's crystallized in every tear drop.
She's the place you came from,
your first home...
She's the map you follow
with every step that you take.
She's your first love
and your first heart break...
and nothing on earth can separate you.
Not time, Not space...
Not even death...
will ever separate you
from your mother...
You carry her inside of you...
Author Unknown

Mothers Day
A Mother loves right from the start.
She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falter.
Her love is so strong it will never alter.
A Mother gives never ending Love.
She never feels that she has given enough.
For you she will always do her best.
Constantly working, there's no time to rest.
A Mother is there when things go wrong.
A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near.
Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.
So on this day shower your Mother with Love.
Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind.
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
Happy Mothers Day.
Carol Matthews

Mom And Me
Best friends forever mom and me
picking flowers and climbing trees.
a shoulder to cry on secrets to share
Warm hearts and hands that really care.
Author Unknown

I Said A Mother's Prayer For You
I said a Mother's Day prayer for you
to thank the Lord above
for blessing me with a lifetime
of your tenderhearted love.
I thanked God for the caring
you've shown me through the years,
for the closeness we've enjoyed
in time of laughter and of tears.
And so, I thank you from the heart
for all you've done for me
and I bless the Lord for giving me
the best mother there could be!
Author Unknown

My Mother Kept A Garden
My Mother kept a garden,
a garden of the heart,
She planted all the good things
that gave my life it's start.
She turned me to the sunshine
and encouraged me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing
the seeds of self-esteem...
And when the winds and rain came,
she protected me enough-
But not too much because she knew
I'd need to stand up strong and tough.
Her constant good example
always taught me right from wrong-
Markers for my pathway
that will last a lifetime long.
I am my Mother's garden.
I am her legacy-
And I hope today she feels the love
reflected back from me
Author Unknown

A Precious Mother
Mom You've given me so much,
Love from your heart
and the warmth of your touch.
The gift of life and you're a friend to me.
We have a very Special Bond
which only comes from God...
I'm sure you agree.
As a child I would say Mommy I Love You,
Now you're my Mother so dear
I love you even more
with each and every new year.
If I could had chosen,
I would have picked no other.
Than for be my lifelong friend
and Precious Mother.
Author Unknown

My Mother
My Mother, my friend so dear
throughout my life you're always near.
A tender smile to guide my way
You're the sunshine to light my day.
Author Unknown

As I Look Back...
As I look back on my life
I find myself wondering...
Did I remember to thank you
for all that you have done for me?
For all of the times you were by my side
to help me celebrate my successes
and accept my defeats?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
good judgement, courage, and honesty?
I wonder if I've ever thanked you
for the simple things...
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared?
If I have forgotten to express my gratitude
For any of these things,
I am thanking you now...
and I am hoping that you've known all along,
how very much you are loved and appreciated.
Author Unknown

My Mother
My mother is so sweet
Sweeter than all sweets you eat'
She is gentle and kind
and works by using her mind.
Her ears are sharp like a knife
and she is a perfect wife.
If someone is in need, oh dear
My sweet mother is always there.
Hena Dhawan

Love Everlasting
My Mother is charming,
Her food is Enchanting,
But her love is everlasting.

If my mother wasn't living,

I would go to her like her sibling,
Ask her for her love,
In the Seven Heavens high above.

My mother's balmy,
Not because she is my mummy,
but because of her love,
The everlasting feathers of a dove.

A love Everlasting,
Is by a mother who is a darling,
Whoever has a mother like me,
Has a wish-to-be!
Contributed By: Mary

This One Is For Grandmothers!
Grandmothers are mothers who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change much over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, giving on demand,
More inclined than most to grant the wings
On which we fly off to enchanted lands.
Though grandmothers must serve as second mothers,
Helping out with young and restless hearts
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
Remembering our passions more than others,
Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.
Nicholas Gordon

I Love You Mother
I Love You Mother
You are so special and kind
And I love you so
You helped to build my mind
And I want you to know.
The thought of you by me
Just makes me smile.
We are so close
Forever and not just a while.
I appreciate you mother
And I love all your style.
Nicole Ruddock

God's Gift
My Mother is a special gift,
A special gift that God gave to me.
I'd be lost and lonely without her,
If God took her away you see.
I love her so very much,
That I couldn't bear to live without her healing touch.
Thank-you God for giving me such a loving Mother,
For I wouldn't want to be a part of no other.
Melanie Reid

A halo that reflects a life of
wisdom, kindness,and caring.
Eyes that sparkle with pride
and show how much she believes in you.
Shoulders that have been slept on
and wept on and
carried a world or two.
Arms that never run out of hugs.
Hands that know
just when to hold on
and when to let go.
A mind filled with amazing things,
from fairy tales to family tails
and long-ago stories of you.
A smile that can jump right into your heart
and warm you faster than hot chocolate.
A heart of gold
that holds more love
than you can possibly imagine.
Author Unknown

We only have One Mom, One Mommy,
One Mother in this World, One life.
Don't wait for the Tomorrow's
to tell Mom, you love her
Author Unknown

The things I never told you I'd like to tell you now;
Of feelings held contentedly inside my heart to swell;
Of thoughts and dreams, wants and happiness too;
A Mother's prayer to finally share with you.
Lord, govern their lives as you have mine,
Touch them with Your sweet divine,
Make them happy, guide their paths,
Tickle their funny bones, let me hear their laughs.
Dry the tears sliding down their faces,
Hold their hands when the love heart races,
Make them stand tall when the burdens are great,
Prepare them to carry the loads of fate.
Heal the hurts and sufferings of the spirit,
Make them listen until they hear it;
That sweet song of yours that will touch their soul
And carry them forward until they are old.
Lord, let them see the meaning of life,
Protect them from the evils of strife,
Gently guide them in the path of your ways,
I pray, Lord, I pray for them everyday.
I know, Lord, that I fell short many times;
In my guidance as "Mom" there were crimes,
Times that I failed to help them see
The beauty that you have bestowed around me.
Take their hands and lead them forward
Give them strength to avoid the coward
And evil ones that lurk about
Waiting` to swallow them up and shout
The conquest of their gentle soul
Provide them the coin to pass the toll.
Please make things right, Lord, once again
To help them to see the meaning of friend
And loved ones that hold them close to the heart
With a Mother that loves them, never apart.
Author Unknown

Hi mom,
I miss you
When we're not together.
I'm growing up so fast
See how big I've gotten
since you saw me last?
As I grow, I'll change a lot,
The years will fly right by.
You'll wonder how I grew so quick
when and where and why?
So save this card in a safe place,
And take it out each year.
The memories will come back of me,
When I was small and dear.
Love ya!!
From your daughter Vanesita

Miss You Mom as i Grow
I miss you
When we're not together.
I'm growing up so fast
See how big I've gotten
since you saw me last?
As I grow, I'll change a lot,
The years will fly right by.
You'll wonder how I grew so quick
when and where and why?
So save this card in a safe place,
And take it out each year.
The memories will come back of me,
When I was small and dear.
Love you!!

Love to you Grandma
Love to you Grandma on Mother's Day,
May lots of happiness come your way.
I love you Grandma with all my heart,
I loved you from the very start.
At Grandma's house I love to stay,
She always lets me have my way.
I sit and listen about her youth,
I bet dear Grandma, you were real cute.
So - today, have lots of fun,
From the very start, till the day is done.

The Sweetest Mother
Our mother is the sweetest and
most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise
than angels can recall.
She's not only beautiful
but passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise
as one who has lived long.

Her love is like the rush of life,

A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid light
And makes the mountains sing.

You shall never go away
I think of you all day
I love you so much
that I just can't leave you alone
no, no, no.
never will
never will.

Mum you are so brilliant

you clean
you work
you cook me lovely dinner
and it's not just that,
that I love you with all my heart.
You will never go away
I just can't leave you for one single day.

You are so cool

you never embarrass me
and you never will
never will.
I love you so I want you to know I'll always be right here!
I love you mum
When Mother Says
by Charles J. Barnes
When mother says, "Do this," or "that,"
Don't say, "What for?" and "Why?"
But let her hear your gentle voice
Say, "Mother dear, I'll try."

Mother's Eyes
by Mary D.B.Hull
What are the songs the mother sings?
Of birds and flowers and pretty things;
Baby lies in her arms and spies
All his world in the mother's eyes.
What are the tales the mother tells?
Of gems and jewels and silver bells;
Baby lies in her arms and spies
All his wealth in the mother's eyes.
What are the thoughts in the mother's mind?
Of the gentle Saviour, loving and kind;
Baby lies in her arms and spies
All his heaven in the mother's eyes.

by Roger J. Robicheau
A Mother’s love, is sure to find
A way to comfort, ease your mind
She knows just how, to build you up
When you’re so down, and can’t look up
You love the way, she makes you feel
Like you’re so special, her ideal
Her thought must start, with God above
To bring such caring, with such love
And as it flows, like gentle rain
It surely helps, when troubles pain
The love from mine, is oh so clear
I only wish, she was still here
Her warming glow, is missed each day
Even though, I seldom say
But she did leave, her gift behind
To help me through, when I may pine
And that’s the feel, known deep inside
Her faith and love, I still confide
Mother's Day
Mum your the best,
And I owe you the rest,
I make some mess,
And you make it less,

Mum I love you,

And so do you,

So I'll make you happy,

And you'll feel merry.

Ресурсы Интернет:

St. Valentine’s Day
Разработка урока английского языка для 6 класса.
Автор: Советова Татьяна Алексеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ "Верх-
Чебулинская средняя общеобразовательная школа"

Подготовка: нарисовали газету, посвящённую празднику, провели конкурс

рисунков, разучили стихи, песню, подготовили инсценировку сказки "Золушка",
- Расширить знания учащихся о традициях празднования Дня Святого Валентина в
англоязычных странах;
- Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию, активизировать учебные
умения и навыки школьников.
- Повышать познавательный интерес в процессе игры, драматизации.
- Развивать творческие способности обучающихся.

Ход занятия
Good afternoon, dear pupils and guests. It's so lovely to meet you here at our Valentine's
I hope that Valentine's Day will bring you lots of fun. We'll speak about the history of the
holiday, listen to beautiful songs and poems and watch a wonderful performance about
Cinderella and her Prince. I hope you will enjoy the party.

Ученик 1:
Let me call you sweetheart
I am in love with you.
Let me hear with you
That you love me too

Ученик 2:
O my love is like a red red rose
That newly sprung in June:
O my love is like the melodie
That's sweetly played in tune.

As fair art though, my bonnie lass,

So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear

And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands of l life shall run

And fare thee weel, my only love,

And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my love,
Tho'it were ten thousand mile! (R.Burns)

Ученик 3:
Любовь, как роза, роза красная,
Цветёт в моём саду.
Любовь моя - как песенка,
С которой в путь иду.

Сильнее красоты твоей

Моя любовь одна.
Она с тобой, пока моря
Не высохнут до дна.
Не высохнут моря, мой друг,
Не рушится гранит
Не остановится песок,
А он, как жизнь, бежит

Будь счастлива, моя любовь,

Прощай и не грусти.
Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет
Пришлось бы мне пройти!
(Перевод С. Маршака)
Ученик 4:
A legend says that a longtime ago in Rome there was a priest named Valentine. Claudius
II who was Emperor at that time made a law that no one could become engaged or
married. He was afraid that if men had sweethearts or wives, they wouldn't want to fight
in wars. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who were in love. So he married them
secretly. When Emperor found it he had Valentine put to death. Some people say this
happened on February 14th.

Ученик 5:
Nowadays Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love
them and care about them. To celebrate the date, people send special cards with romantic
messages. They give small gifts and tokens to their sweethearts. Many poems are heard
on this day.

Ученик 6:
Your heart is like a treasure.
A source of wealth to keep.
Impossible to measure.
Unfathomably deep.

And now you can see a performance about two sweethearts: Cinderella and her Prince.

Scene 1
Stepmother: There will be a ball in the King's palace. Let's go to the ball.
Stepsisters: Great! Fantastic!
1 Stepsister: Cinderella, give me my white dress!
Cinderella: Here it is!
2 Stepsister: Cinderella! Give me my hat and the mirror!
Cinderella: Here they are!
1 Stepsister: Give me my fan!
Cinderella: Here it is!
1 Stepsister: Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, don't laugh at me. I have neither a beautiful dress nor glass shoes
2 Stepsister: Of course not. You can't go to the ball.
1 Stepsister: Yes, she is too dirty to go there.
Stepmother: Well, my dear, let's go to the ball!
Scene II
Fairy: Why are you crying my dear child? Please, don't cry!
Cinderella: I can't go to the ball. I have neither beautiful dresses nor glass shoes.
Fairy: I'll help you and you will go to the ball. Here are glass shoes and a white dress. But
remember. You must go home when the clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh, thank you very much!
Scene III
(in the King's palace)
King: Look at that beautiful girl!
Prince: Oh, how beautiful she is! May I dance with you?
Cinderella: With pleasure!
Prince and Cinderella are dancing. The clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh. It's 12 o'clock. I must go!
Cinderella is running away and losing her shoe.
Scene IV
Cinderella: Did you like the ball?
1 Stepsister: Yes, very much, there was a beautiful girl at the ball.
2 Stepsister: She ran away and lost her glass shoes.
Stepmother: Prince wants to marry her!
(Prince and heralds are coming)
Herald : Please, try on this glass shoe!
1 Stepsister: Oh. It's too small for me!
Herald to Cinderella: Will you try it on?
Stepmother: Oh, it's our Cinderella
Cinderella: But I want to try it on!
(Cinderella puts on the shoes)
Stepsisters Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon.
Cinderella: Never mind. I pardon you.
Prince: I love you!

So, the prince has found his Cinderella. As for our party, it goes on.
You see, there are split hearts on my desk. Take the halves of hearts, and find the other
half to make a heart.
Now we have couples. Let's do the tasks.
1. You have to get acquainted. Make up dialogues.
2. Say compliments to each other.
3. Look at the hearts on the blackboard. Choose a heart and you will see the tasks written
on the other sides of the hearts. Do the tasks.
(Answer the questions about St Valentine's Day, make up sentences, find the words, sing
a song, recite a poem)
4. Write a Valentine to the best couple.
So we have chosen the best couple. And now let's listen to a beautiful song. (A pupil
performs a song: Speak softly, love.)
I hope all of you liked our party. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
Разработка урока по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. «Английский язык» 6 Кл
Тема «Do you like your house?»
Урок №1 раздел III
Тип урока: Вводный урок-повторение, с введением нового лексического материала.
Оснащение: применение ИКТ технологий (презентация), карточки с новой
лексикой, рисунки учащихся
Цели урока:
образовательные: презентация новой лексики, употребление в речи оборота речи
«There is.., There are..», предлоги месторасположения
развивающие: развитие логического мышления, творческого воображения,
развитие долговременной памяти, внимания, речевых навыков, коррекция
произносительных навыков
воспитательные: воспитание эстетического вкуса, чувства прекрасного, умения
выслушивать собеседника
• Развитие грамматических навыков
• Развитие вокабуляра учащихся
• Развитие коммуникативной компетенции
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент
Проверка готовности к уроку.
T: “Good morning, boys and girls!
Are you ready for the lesson?”
St1-7 ”Yes, we are”
T: “Who’s on duty today? Well, Misha is…Misha, what is the date today?
S1: ”It is the 5th of November.’’
T: “What day of the week is today?”
S1: ”It’s Thursday.”
T: “Well, let’s begin our lesson!
Our theme today is “Do you like your house?”
You had a home task to draw pictures of your own room, or may be a room you
wish to have. Show me please your pictures!
Thank you. Will you put them aside? We will need them later.”

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Проводится в игровой форме. Учащиеся должны

хлопнуть в ладоши, если услышат звук, на котором акцентировал внимание
T: “Students, now we will revise some sounds, I will pronounce the sound, and
you have to recognize it in the words. If you recognize the sound, clap your
[ ] - rose, nose, brother, teeth, father
[ ] - mouse, sound, health, songs, thank
[ ] - park, car, come, love, mum
[ ] - happy, hen, red, fat, Canada
[ ] - picks, likes, loves, plays, hates

3. Речевая зарядка:
T: “Students, answer my questions!”
На данном уроке идет повторение раннее изученной темы «Предлоги»
Учитель вывешивает на доску плакат с изображенным на нем видом города.
Прикрепляет к различным местам города изображение котенка.
T: “Students, where is the cat?”
S1-7: “It is behind the tree” и т.д.
4. Учитель представляет новую лексику по теме «Название комнат,
предметов мебели»
Для этого можно использовать презентацию, либо картинки.
Учащиеся получают раздаточные карточки с новыми словами,
прослушивают запись, повторяют за диктором, а затем читают
самостоятельно. Во время просмотра презентации, учащиеся проговаривают
слова еще раз, и отвечают на вопросы, написанные на слайдах.

4. Конкурс рисунков.
Учащиеся защищают свои рисунки
Перед этим следует напомнить учащимся правила употребления оборота
речи “There is…There are…”
T: “Now, children, you have to describe your pictures. Tell the class 4-5 sentences
about your room.”
S1: «My room is comfortable, because there is a computer, with a lot of CD’s.”
There is a cozy bed” и т.д.
S2:“I think that my room is nice, because there is a DVD player, I like to watch
movies on Sundays”и т.д.

Учащиеся голосуют за рисунки.

Выигрывает тот, за кого проголосуют большинство учащихся. Учащимся
следует напомнить, что выигрывает не тот, у кого самый красивый рисунок,
а тот, кто скажет как можно больше грамматически верных фраз.

5. Подведение итогов.
T “Students, thank you for the lesson! You worked hard. Your homework is to
learn the words, use your cards.”
6. Выставление оценок и их комментирование.Your marks for today are…
Dima got an excellent mark, because there were no mistakes in his description of
the flat.
See you!
Пояснительная записка к учебному проекту.
Учебный проект рассчитан на учащихся 7-8 классов, занимающихся по
учебнику Кузовлева В.П.
В течение 7-8 класса, учащиеся на уроках по данному учебнику изучают не
только язык, но и культуру носителей данного языка. Иногда у учащихся возникает
вопрос, зачем нам нужны так называемые «заметки о культуре», ведь можно не
терять времени и продолжить изучение грамматики, иностранных слов, заняться
развитием речи.
У нас в школе классы малокомплектные, поэтому 7 класс взял одну
гипотезу, 8 класс другую.
Работали ребята самостоятельно, но раз в неделю на уроке я помогала
ребятам, решала какие- то возникавшие трудности в течение 8-10 минут.
Ребята 1 месяц работали над проектом, затем в конце 3 четверти мы сделали
презентацию данного проекта на одном из уроков.
Ребята сами ответили на вопрос «Зачем изучать культуру других стран?»
Данный проект создан по учебнику Intel «Обучение для будущего», при
поддержке Microsoft.
Я прошла обучение по данной программе в Хабаровском Институте
повышения квалификации педагогических кадров в 2008 году.
Цели данного проекта
• Образовательные: развитие и совершенствование грамматических
навыков, навыков перевода, коммуникативной компетенции в целом.
• Развивающие: активизация навыков работы на компьютере, развитие
исследовательских навыков, развитие активного и пассивного словаря учащихся
• Воспитательные: воспитание уважения к представителям других
культур, развитие кругозора
• Коррекционные: коррекция памяти, внимания, речи учащихся,
логического мышления учащихся. (Для коррекционных классов и школ)

Задания на английском языке и работу с англоязычными сайтами,

литературой проводили наиболее подготовленные учащиеся, работу с
русскоязычными текстами проводили менее подготовленные учащиеся. Буклет –
результат работы учащихся по программе 7 вида.
На уроке проводилась работа с дидактическим материалом, подобный
материал каждый учитель может подготовить самостоятельно, это лишь один из

Лист планирования содержания учебного проекта и этапов его проведения

Тема проекта: Традиции и обычаи Британии.
Возрастная категория учащихся: 7, 8 классы
Основополагающий вопрос: Почему важно знать не только иностранный
язык, но и культуру страны изучаемого языка?
Цели проведения проекта:
Формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся.
Методические задачи:
1. Освоить особенности культуры страны изучаемого языка.
2. Научить кратко излагать свои мысли на иностранном языке.
3. Научить сравнивать, анализировать информацию.

Проблемные вопросы учебной темы:

1. Каковы традиции и обычаи Британии?
2. Каково отношение британцев к традициям?
3. В чем схожесть британской и российской культур?

Темы индивидуальных исследований учащихся:

1. Для понимания представителя другой страны достаточно знать только
иностранный язык.
2. Для понимания представителя другой страны необходимо знать не только
иностранный язык, но и культуру другой страны.
План работы групп учащихся:
1. Изучение страноведческой литературы.
2. Изучение ресурсов Интернет.
3. Сравнение культур Британии и России.
4. Анализ полученной информации.
5. Вывод-ответ на вопрос «Достаточно ли знать только иностранный
язык для понимания представителя другой страны?»

Источники информации:
Ресурсы Интернет
Http:// “Традиции Британии”
Http:// “Традиции Британии”
Http:// “Эти странные русские обычаи”
Http:// “Путешествие англичанина в Россию”
Лингвострановедческая литература
А.Д.Томахин “Англоговорящие страны”
Статья “Великобритания и Северная Ирландия”

Методические рекомендации
1. Ознакомление с основополагающим вопросом и проблемными вопросами
2. Постановка целей исследования
3. Ознакомление с методами исследования
4. Выдвижение гипотез и формирование групп
5. Поиск информации в Интернете, страноведческой литературе
6. Анализ и сравнение полученных фактов
7. Вывод ответ на основополагающий вопрос. «Почему важно знать не
только язык, но и культуру страны изучаемого языка?»
8. Подготовка презентации 1группа
9. Подготовка буклета 2 группа
10. Проведение анкетирования
11. Работа с дидактическими материалами на уроках английского языка
12. Представление проекта на одном из уроков
13. Подведение итогов

Наши гипотезы
Группа №1
Достаточно знать только иностранный язык для понимания
представителя другой страны

Группа №2
Недостаточно знать только иностранный язык для понимания
представителя другой страны

Заполни пропуски в таблице:

Российские традиции Британские традиции Схожесть британской и
российской культур
Россияне чтят не только Британцы любят Русские, так же как и
официальные праздники, животных британцы чтят Рождество
но и Пасху и Рождество и Пасху
Всем в мире известно Британцы трепетно
выражение о русских «У относятся к Рождеству и
русского человека душа Пасхе
Русская кухня известна
своей обильностью и
разнообразием блюд.

Презентация "British traditions and customs" (1,1 Мб)

Разработка урока «Christmas» для начальных классов.
Юлия Сергеевна Олту
МОУСОШ №5, г. Муравленко
Ямало-Ненецкий АО
Брошюра к уроку (250 Кб)
Презентация к уроку (500 Кб)

Цели: расширение знаний учащихся о культурных традициях страны

изучаемого языка.
o Познакомить учащихся с особенностями традиций празднования
Рождества в Великобритании.
o Учить употреблять новую лексику в речи.
o Активизировать имеющиеся знания учащихся по теме "Праздники и
o Учить воспринимать на слух рассказ учителя.
Оборудование: доска, наглядный материал (картинки с изображением
изученных лексических единиц), компьютер, экран, мультимедийная установка
для показа презентации, магнитофон. Аудиозапись “Jingle Bells”
Оформление: классная комната украшена новогодней мишурой,
гирляндами, рождественскими открытками и плакатами. На столе стоит
рождественская ёлка, горят гирлянды. На доске в виде шифра написана тема:
Christmas. Под темой висит плакат с изображением рождественской елки и
снеговиков, предметные картинки по теме на доске и на стенах

Познавательный аспект: учащиеся познакомятся с традициями и

культурой страны изучаемого языка на основе праздника Christmas.

Развивающий аспект: целенаправленное развитие психических функций,

связанных с речевой деятельностью, таких как внимание, способность к анализу и
синтезу, логическое мышление, способность к выявлению языковых
закономерностей, языковая догадка, зрительная и слуховая память,
фонематический слух.

Учебный аспект: работа, направленная на овладение всеми видами речевой

деятельности: говорением, аудированием, чтением и письмом.

Воспитательный аспект: повышения интереса к изучению английского

языка, воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к
другу, умения внимательно слушать собеседника.

Языковой материал: слова, речевые образцы, монологические и

диалогические высказывания по теме " Presents ".

Ход урока:

Звучит музыка “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” (lyric)

I. Мотивация учебной деятельности, сообщение темы и цели урока:
Организационный момент: приветствие и ознакомление с темой, целями,
задачами урока.
T: - Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. Today we will
speak about Holiday. Do you know what does it mean?
P : - Holiday – это слово обозначает – праздник.
T: - Boys and girls do you like Holidays?
P: - Yes, I do.
T: -What Holidays do you know?
P: - New Year, Workers’ day, Mothers’ day...
T: - Я, надеюсь, вы уже догадались о каком празднике сегодня пойдет речь?
P: - Новый год / Рождество.
T: - Название его зашифровано, вы должны разгадать шифр.
This is the name of our Holiday. Please, let’s guess this name.
(На доске висит шифр, у каждого ребенка есть такой же. Дети
разгадывают название и потом у доски вывешивают правильный вариант.)

3 8 18 9 19 20 13 1 19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

T : -Today we ‘ll speak about Christmas. The 25th of December: Christmas.

P: - Рождество отмечают 25 декабря..
T : - Итак мы начинаем наше знакомство с самым любимым праздником

II. Основной этап

См. Презентацию
Слайд №1
T : - При всей своей замкнутости Англичане любят от души повеселиться.
Они умеют искренне радоваться, казалось бы, даже незначительным событиям. Что
уж говорить, когда начинаются праздничные дни.
Рождество – самый грандиозный по своему размаху среди всех праздников.
- Ребята, а вы знаете, почему он получил такое название?
(учащиеся высказывают свое мнение)
Это христианский праздник, посвященный Рождению Иисуса Христа. Его
празднование основывается на библейских событиях, описанных в Новом Завете.
Эти события на протяжении более двух тысяч лет вдохновляли многих
художников, поэтов и музыкантов.

Слайд №2
T : - Апостол Лука (Лк. 2) рассказывает о том, что после рождения Иисуса
Ангелы явились пастухам и сообщили им эту радостную весть. Пастухи сразу же
отправились в город Вифлеем и нашли в хлеву Деву Марию, её мужа плотника
Иосифа, и Младенца, лежащего в яслях.

Слайд №3
T : - Рождество - праздник для всей семьи, но больше всего его любят и
ждут дети. Они вывешивают у камина чулки для подарков, которыe Санта ночью
наполняет подарками. Эта традиция связана с одной из легенд о Св. Николае
(прообразе Санты). Согласно этой легенде, святой подарил трем бедным
бесприданницам по кошельку с золотом, тайно положив свои дары в чулки
девушек, которые они повесили на ночь, на каминную решетку - сушиться.
С тех пор дети оставляют у очага свои чулочки, в надежде утром найти в
них что-нибудь приятное.

T : - Boys and girls do you like presents?

P1: - Yes, I do.

(Учащиеся выходят к столу, где лежат игрушки, разыгрывают мини диалоги

о том, чтобы им хотелось получить на Рождество)

Слайд №4
P1: - What presents would you like to have?
P2: - I would like to have... (a car, interesting books, computer games & e.t.c.)

T : - Оказывается, англичане не только любят дарить и получать подарки…

еще они очень любят украшать свои дома и даже соревнуются в этом…

Слайд №5
T : - Британцы первыми начали украшать дом.... Дом, украшенный к
Рождеству, часто становится предметом гордости хозяина. Соседи соревнуются
друг с другом - у кого это получится лучше и богаче. Иногда дело доходит до того,
что стены и крыша дома, деревья и кустарники в саду покрываются гирляндами из
сотен разноцветных лампочек. Соревнуются не только домовладельцы, но и
владельцы магазинов, ресторанов и пабов.

Слайд №6
T : - и дарить в подарок висячие растения - такие, как остролист, плющ и
омела. Обычай этот очень древний и существовал еще в языческие времена.
Растения должны были очищать дом от злых духов и напоминать о том, что весна
не за горами.

Слайд №7
(про омелу рассказывает ученик)
P2: - За много лет до рождения Христа друиды использовали ветви омелы
для украшения домов, празднуя наступление зимы. Они почитали ее как священное
растение и верили, что омела имеет свойство излечивать многие болезни (в том
числе и бесплодие), помогает при отравлениях и защищает от злых чар.

Слайд №8
T : - Самой главной рождественской традицией англичане считают гимны.
Она называются "кэрол", их поют в церквях перед приходом Рождества, и на
улицах, проходя от одного дома к другому. Раньше, таким образом, собирались
пожертвования для монастырей и детских приютов. Сегодня это просто веселое
развлечение для большинства граждан.
В этот день почти в каждом доме звучит чудесная рождественская музыка.
Кстати, многие традиционные английские мелодии - “Jingle Bells”(“Колокольчики
звенят”) и “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” (“Мы желаем Вам весёлого
Рождества”) пользуются огромной популярностью во всём .

Слайд №9
Дети поют песенку “Jingle Bells”(“Колокольчики звенят”)

Слайд №10
T : - Белизна леденца символизирует непорочное зачатие Девы Марии и
безгрешную жизнь Христа, а твердость сахара говорит о его непоколебимости и
стремлении служить опорой и защитой тем, кто в него верит.
Три тонкие красные полоски, по одной из версий, обозначают Святую
Троицу, а одна широкая – Единого Бога. Иногда на леденце делают еще одну
полоску – зеленую, которая напоминает верующим о том, что Иисус – это дар
Божий (зеленый цвет символизирует дарение).

Слайд №11
(про печенье рассказывает ученица)
T : - Дети оставляют на камине печенье для Санты в знак благодарности за
работу, которую он делает каждое Рождество. А те, кто вел себя нехорошо,
надеются, таким образом, его немного задобрить, чтобы тоже получить подарок.

Слайд №12
T : - Одна из главных традиций этих недель - это венки со свечами, которые
имеют особое значение. Такие венки делают на первое воскресенье этого периода,
и обычно они состоят из 5 свечей: четырех красных и одной белой. Каждое
воскресенье зажигается новая красная свеча. Они зажигаются в то время, когда
семья собирается вместе за молитвой, праздничным столом и т.д. Белую свечу
зажигают в вечер перед Рождеством как символ того, что в мир придет Христос и
осветит тьму.

Слайд №13
(про рождественскую ель рассказывает ученица)

T : - Обычай украшать ель появился в Англии сравнительно недавно, в

середине XIX в., и был завезен сюда из Германии. Королева Виктория и принц
Альберт впервые устроили елку для своих детей в Виндзоре, и эта мода быстро
распространилась. Сейчас почти в каждом английском доме к Рождеству украшают
разноцветными блестящими игрушками и сладостями елку, на верхушке ее обычно
укрепляют Рождественскую фею или большую серебряную звезду.

Слайд №14
T : - А давайте сами себе сделаем елочку и украсим ее игрушками. Только
елочка будет необычная…
(Учащиеся вырезают из цветной бумаги, приклеивают на основу)

Слайд №15
(про рождественское полено рассказывает ученица)
P2: - Рождественское полено должно быть срублено главой семейства, а не
куплено у кого-то. Оно должно сгорать в камине вместе с остатками
прошлогоднего рождественского полена. Полено должно гореть все двенадцать
дней Рождества. Существует суеверие, что если человек увидит свою тень,
отбрасываемую от камина, где горит полено, без головы, он умрет в следующем
году. Пепел же рождественского полена излечивает болезни и оберегает жилище от
ударов молнии.

Слайд №16
T : - Главное действующее лицо рождества, это, конечно, Санта-Клаус или
рождественский дед. Санта Клаус - толстый веселый старичок, который разносит
подарки, стал неотъемлемой частью празднования Рождества по всему миру. У
него обязательно белая борода, красная курточка, штаны и шапка с белой меховой
оторочкой. Он разъезжает на запряженных северными оленями санях,
наполненных доверху подарками. Он проникает в дома через дымоход и оставляет
подарки под елкой или в специальном носочке, но только послушным детям. В
Англии его называют Father Christmas, что переводится, как Батюшка Рождество.
Санта-Клаус - это не единственное, хотя и наиболее распространенное его
имя. В Германии он Санта-Николаус (святой Николай), в Финляндии —
Иолупукке, в Италии — Баббо Натале, во Франции — Пер Ноэль, в Норвегии —
Юлетомте, в России - Дед Мороз и т.д. Но миссия у него одна — дарить детям
подарки на Рождество.

Слайд №17
T : - 1.Верхняя одежда
Санта-Клаус носит короткий красный камзол на пуговицах.
Дед Мороз одет в длинную роскошную шубу, расшитую диковинными
2. Аксессуары
Санта-Клаус подпоясан широким кожаным ремнем с большущей пряжкой.
Дед Мороз подпоясан широким атласным кушаком.
3. Руки
Санта-Клаус прячет руки в тонкие белые перчатки,
На руках у Деда Мороза расшитые рукавицы.
4. Головной убор
На голове у Санты красный колпак с кисточкой.
На голове у Деда Мороза Шапка-боярка.
5. Обувь
Штаны Санта-Клаус заправляет в черные кожаные сапоги.
Дед Мороз обут в сафьяновые сапоги или валенки.
6. Что в руках
В руках Санта-Клаус держит мешок с подарками, а иногда елочку или
В руках у Деда мешок с подарками и волшебный посох.
7. Средство передвижения
Санта-Клаус разъезжает на оленях.
Сани Деда Мороза запряжены тройкой лошадей.
8. Куда кладет подарки
Подарки Санта-Клаус складывает в носок, подвешенный к каминной полке,
а в дом пробирается через каминную трубу.
Подарки Дед Мороз прячет под новогоднюю елочку, а появляется тогда,
когда его три раза позовут маленькие дети.
9. Зрение
Санта-Клаус носит очки-"велосипед"!
У Деда Мороза отличное зрение.
10. Семейное положение
У Санта-Клауса есть миссис Санта-Клаус. Но ее почти никто не видел.
У Деда Мороза есть хорошенькая внучка Снегурочка.

(Учащиеся делятся на две команды «Санта Клаус» и «Дед Мороз» и из

предложенного списка выбирают 10 отличий для каждого персонажа)

Слайд №18
T : - Вот мы с вами и познакомились с некоторыми символами и
традициями Рождества в Англии. Конечно же это не все символы и традиции.
Наше с ними знакомство еще продолжится на следующих уроках. А для начала,
давайте подведем небольшой итог, выполнив для этого кроссворд.
Вам нужно вспомнить и сказать, как называется тот или иной предмет,
который изображен на картинках и какое отношение он имеет к Рождеству и
записать их название в пустые клеточки.
Santa Claus - Candle – Candycane – Angels – Presents – Star -

(дети разгадывают кроссворд)

Слайд №19
T : - Ну, вот, наш урок и подошел к концу, но наше знакомство с символами
и традициями празднования Рождества не закончилось, мы его продолжим на
следующем уроке.
Вы все замечательно сегодня поработали, и каждый заработал себе оценку.

(учитель выставляет оценки)

А домашним заданием на следующий урок будет: приготовить сообщение о

том, как празднуют Рождество в других странах.

(учащиеся записывают Д.З. в дневники)

Слайд №19
T : - Boys and girls! Our lesson is over. Thank you very much!
- Goodbye!
Ps: - Goodbye!

(звучит музыка и дети уходят)

Урок английского языка 11 класс к учебнику В.П.Кузовлева
A High-Tech life. What are pros and cons?

Познавательный аспект – знакомство с мнениями людей о высоких
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обобщению, развитие
логичности и доказательности.
Воспитательная цель - формирование уважительного отношения к мнению
другого человека, потребности в высказывании своего собственного мнения.
Учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков.
Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения вести диалог с обменом
мнениями с использованием речевой функции agreeing/ disagreeing, уметь решать
проблему, поставленную на уроке.

Речевой материал:
Рецептивный: intercity – междугородний, managed - управляться; rely -
доверять; rush hour - час пик; not reliable- не заслуживают доверия.

Продуктивный: Internet – Интернет; invaluable-бесценный; junk - ненужная

вещь, хлам; to store - хранить; essential – необходимы.
Конструкций для выражения функций согласия и несогласия agreeing (That’s
right. I also think so…)
Disagreeing (On the contrary…, It is said that…, I think, it is absolutely right/
wrong to…)
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийное оборудование, подключение
компьютера к Интернету, магнитофон.

1. Организационный момент.
2. Установка учителя. Постановка цели и проблемы:
Teacher: Today we are going to speak about things which are very
familiar and interesting for you.
There are a great number of technological advances that make our life easier
every day: computers, calculators, digital recorders, CD players, and all of the other
gadgets that have become so commonplace. Without a doubt, many of these
technological toys have become popular in your class and family. They can make our job
and study easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and
family. But through all of this, children, like adults, are not immune from the "gotta have
it now" syndrome. Before considering those big-ticket purchases, take a moment to
weigh the pros and cons of the latest goodies to decide if they're right for your family!
So our purposes for today’s lesson are:
1. To know different opinions about high- technological things, advantages and
disadvantages of modern inventions and their role in the life of people.
2. To give your own opinions, arguments for and against electric and electronic
gadgets and machines.
3. To discuss some statements: (Проблемные утверждения в течение урока
высвечиваются при помощи мультимейдийного оборудования)

1. We can not live without modern inventions.

2. The mankind can do without modern inventions.
3. Everything should be in measure.

Введение незнакомой и редко употребляемой лексики

Internet - Интернет
Invaluable - бесценный
Junk - ненужная вещь, хлам
To store - хранить
Essential - необходимы
Managed - управляться
Rely - доверять
Rush hours - часы пик
Not reliable - не заслуживают доверия
3. Работа в группах
(выполнение упражнения 1, страница 232 задание 1, 2)
1. So, work in groups. Name 3 things that you can hardly live without and 3
things that you can live without. ( 2-3 минуты)
2. Compare your list with the list of your classmates. Which things were named
most often in the first category? And in the second category?
(учащиеся выписывают на доске наиболее повторяющиеся вещи)

4. Аудирование и обсуждение прослушанного текста

(выполнение упражнения упражнение 2, страница 232.)

1. Учащиеся поочередно прослушивают и читают тексты о компьютере,

машине, мобильном телефоне.
Отвечают на вопросы к текстам (задание 1, страница 232), отмечают
истинные и ложные факты из текстов (задание 2, страница 233)
(задание 3, страница 234) – Один учащийся выходит к доске для заполнения
таблицы, остальные вычитывают из текстов факты и записывают их в тетради.

Device For Against

computer 1. It is a typewriter and address book. 1. People are getting a bit too dependent
2. It is used for checking spelling. on computers.
3. We can go the Internet. 2.We rely on them too much
4. We can play games and learn 3. Computers replace seeing your
5. We can do website friends
car 1.Cars can take you where you want 1.People use them when they needn’t
and when you want 2.They pollute the environment and a
2. We can travel freely and cause of accidents
3. It is a way of self-expression
4. It is a necessity rather than a luxury
phone 1.can get touch with friends 1. It is too expensive the police or an ambulance 2.Mobiles are dangerous for health
3. It saves the time 3. The rays may cause headaches and
dangerous diseases

5. Развитие монологической речи

(Задание 4, страница 234)
Which arguments do you agree or disagree with?
Учащиеся выражают свое отношение, к записанным фактам, используя
конструкции согласия и несогласия.
It is said that…
I also think so.
I don’t agree.
On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand …

6. Релаксационная пауза.
Если компьютер подключен к Интернету, можно выйти на сайт Hello, online!
– Интернет журнал, для изучающих английский язык.

Quiz Inventions: irresistible trivia and historical breakthroughs

Если компьютер не подключен к Интернету, можно заранее записать все
материалы сайта по данной тематике, учащимся очень интересно узнавать новое,
угадывать. Неплохую роль для релаксации играют предложенные картинки.

6. Беседа с учащимися, имеющими компьютеры, телефоны и машины

(контроль домашнего задания).
Teacher: I am sure that all of you have a computer at home. Have you?
1. Lena. What can you say about the value of computer in your life?
Lena: (As for me, I can’t imagine my life without a personal computer (PC). It is
so fast, convenient and reliable to work on a PC. It helps me in solving many routine
problems and not only. Computer is extremely multifunctional appliance. Either it is a
complex calculation of some mathematical tasks or large text word processing, Hi-Fi-
quality music composing or high-definition video watching computer is a very useful and
labor-saving gadget. I study on my PC, entertain myself during the free time. It is a great
possibility to easily develop different skills yourself with the use of Internet, containing
immeasurable amount of helpful information like encyclopedias, teaching programs,
smart guides and much more. At all this is available only through the computer).
2. Volodya and Sasha, I asked you to prepare a short conversation about the
Are you ready?
( учащиеся представляют диалог в виде вопросно-ответной формы)
· Do you have a computer?
o Do you have a computer at work and at home?
o Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?
o Have you ever studied English using your computer?
o How many times have you upgraded your computer?
o What company made your computer?
o Do you send photos by e-mail?
o Do you know any computer programming languages?
o Which languages do you know?
o Which computer magazines do you read?
o Who taught you to use a computer?

3. Tanya, as far as I know your family has a car. Tell us some words about
advantages and disadvantages of using the car.
Tanya: Well. Our family has a car. It is Toyota. It is very comfortable to have a
car when we are coming to the holidays. We can see many interesting places,
countryside, cities and towns, rivers, lakes. But if we are tired, we can stop any place to
have a rest and snack. There many fast food cafes along the roads. We can bye necessary
things and to stay at night in small camping. But there are some disadvantages of having
a car. Fist, they are very expensive in exploitations. Second we can’t use our car if it is
very cold in the street.

4. Sergey, you wrote, that you can hardly live without the television. What is the
meaning of TV in your life?
Sergey: Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is
the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed
much since the time of its invention and so has its role. There have been numerous
debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared
its main purpose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the
government. Now television plays a big role in every civilized society. Today television
gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilized pleasures." The
programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see.
Television provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to
specialized subjects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to
know a lot of wonderful things concerning the world flora and fauna. TV teaches the
ideals of democracy and political argument. Watching television can be compared with
reading books.)

7. Работа в группах.
1. What are your arguments for and against the computer, the car and the phone?
Work in group. Make a list of arguments.
Учащиеся записывают новые аргументы за и против использования данных

1. Mobile phones are very easy and convenient things; they do not borrow a lot of
2. It is possible to take photos of the interesting moments of the life
3. It is possible to keep (store) and change all work made by you
4. It is possible to store (keep) photos, books, encyclopedias, dictionaries in a
5. Helps in homework.
6. Saves time in information search.
7. Through Internet sites it is possible to exchange opinions with different people
8. It is possible to ask for advice at other people.
9. You do not feel lonely

1. Many children become nervous when they play violent games on a computer
2. Computer distracts from school lessons
3. You become dependent from a computer
4. Spoils sight and become the cause of many diseases
5. Influences on hearing
6. It is impossible to use during the lessons
7. Not all families can allow ( позволить) to buy to themselves the car
8. It is possible to get in accident or to get stuck in a traffic jam
9. They demand much money in service and using

8. Развитие диалогической речи.

Discuss your arguments with other group mates. Let them agree or disagree with
Учащиеся слушают и соглашаются или не соглашаются с мнениями
одноклассников, используя конструкции:
That’s right. I also think so.
I must agree that…
You are right.
On the contrary, it is … I think it’s absolutely wrong to…
On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand …
Don’t forget about the other side of the problem.

9. Развитие монологической речи

(если не успевают на уроке, можно дать в виде домашнего задания)
There are some things that we couldn’t live without. Some other things we
consider useless.
1) What things couldn’t you live without? What thing is totally useless for you?
Describe the thing without mentioning it. Let your classmates guess what it is?

10. Завершение работы. Выводы. Решение проблемы, поставленной на

Well, students. Let’s do the conclusion. Do you remember the purposes of our
Look at the blackboard.
You can see here some arguments. And they are approximately equal. What are
your decisions according these statements?
Учащиеся делают выводы:
Technology- especially consumer electronics- are some of the greatest advances
currently being made available to all members of Russia society. They can make our jobs
easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and family. But
through all of this, children, like adults, are not immune from the "gotta have it now"
syndrome. Before considering those big-ticket purchases, take a moment to weigh the
pros and cons of the latest goodies to decide if they're right for your family!

11. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке

I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with your
answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson.
Your marks are:
See you in a week.

I Вступление.
(слайд 1)
Today we have unusual lesson because we’ll work with computer. Our lesson’s theme is
“Holidays”. But first of all you should answer my questions:

(слайд 2)
1. Do you celebrate any holidays?
2. What is your favorite holiday?
3. How do you celebrate your favorite holiday?
4. With whom do you usually spend your holiday?

(слайд 3)
Last lessons we’ve learned some holidays and traditions. Please tell what Russian
holidays you’ve learned…

(слайд 4)
Now, please, speak about American, Russian and British holidays…

(слайд 5)
Look at the sentences in your cards and match the holidays and their description

II Основная часть.
What holiday is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November?

(слайд 6)

Yes, you are quite right.

Now let’s read the text and then answer the following questions.

(слайд 7)
(questions to the text)
1. When did the pilgrims sail to America?
2. What was the name of their ship?
3. Who helped the pilgrims to survive?
4. Why did the pilgrims decide to celebrate the Thanksgiving feast?
5. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
6. What is the main dish?

Listen to the poems about that interesting holiday.

(слайд 8)
Читают дети
It’s happy Thanksgiving, Thank you for all my hands can hold –
Thanksgiving! Hooray! Apples red, and melons gold,
We’re going to dinner Yellow corn both ripe and sweet,
At Grangma’s today. Peas and beans so good to eat.

Though the weather is windy Thank you for all my eyes can see –
And chilly and gray, Lovely sunlight, field and tree,
Our family is happy White clouds – boats and see – deep sky,
This Thanksving Day! Soaring birds and butterfly.

Thanksgiving Day is here today, Thank you for all my ears can hear –
The great parade is under way, Birds’ song echoing far and near,
And though it’s drizzling quite a bit Songs of little stream, big sea,
I’m sure that I’ll see all of it. Cricket, bullfrog, duck, and bee!

(слайд 9)
Nobody knows the date of the first Thanksgiving feast. But we do know that the Pilgrims
and Indians enjoyed a huge feast of deer, goose, duck, oyster, eel, bread, fruit and corn
meal pudding. Everything was cooked over open fires. The first Thanksgiving feast have
lasted for 3 days.

(слайд 10)
Do you know what meal people enjoy nowadays?...
Yes, you are right. And now I want to suggest you time for fun. ( читают уч-ся по
очереди; небольшая инсценировка)

1. Here we go over to Silly Tilley’s 5. Mr. Chipmunk brought cranberry stew,

Silly Tilley’s, Silly Tilley’s, Cranberry stew, cranberry stew,
Here we go over to Silly Tilley’s Mr. Chipmunk brought cranberry stew,
On Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day.

2. Mrs. Squirrel brought acorn 6. Mrs. Fieldmouse brought oat bran

jam, pudding,
Acorn jam, acorn jam, Oat bran pudding, oat bran pudding,
Mrs. Squirrel brought acorn jam, Mrs. Fieldmouse brought oat bran pudding,
On Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day.

3. Mr. Woodchuck brought nut 7. Mr. Bunny brought potato pie,

cake, Potato pie, potato pie,
Brought nut cake, brought nut Mr. Bunny brought potato pie,
cake, On Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. Woodchuck brought nut cake
On Thanksgiving Day. 8. It was the very best Thanksgiving,
Best Thanksgiving,
4. Mr. Turkey brought corn to pop, It was the very best Thanksgiving,
Corn to pop, corn to pop, The animals had ever had!
Mr. Turkey brought corn to pop,
On Thanksgiving Day.
And now, children, answer my question:
What is the name of the holiday on the 31st of October? It is an American holiday too. All
children like that merry day…

(слайд 11)

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!

The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night.

Oh, yes, that holiday is called Halloween. And what night would it be?

(слайд 12)

If the moon shines

On the black pines,
And an owl flies,
And a ghost cries,
And the hairs rise
On the back, on the back
On the back of your neck –

(слайд 13)

If you look quick

At the moon-slick
On the black air
And what goes there
Rides a broom-stick,
And if things pick
At the back, at the back,
At the back of your neck.
We know what we mean –
That’s Halloween!

(слайд 14)
Do you know that Halloween is celebrated in the United States more than in Europe?
And now I want you to read the text about the history of that holiday. And then let’s do
exercises. But first of all you should read these words.
Read and understand the text you have.

(слайд 15)
Answer the following questions to the text:

1. When did Halloween begin?

2. Why do people wear scary masks on that holiday?
3. What do children dress up on the 31st of October?
4. What is the traditional question?
5. What is one of the Halloween's symbols?
6. What do children like to make lanterns out of?

(слайд 16)
They say that all creatures become alive at 12 o’clock at night. Let’s get acquainted
with them.

(слайд 17) в форме загадок.

Уч-ся друг за другом читают загадки, класс отгадывает

What are they?

1. Out of the graveyard 5. My eyes are gold,

Filled with stones, My fur is black,
No hair or skin, I hiss and spit,
I’m nothing but bones… (skeleton) And arch my back.
My claws are sharp.
2. My hat is black, I might attack!
My face is green,
My laugh is mean. 6. I like to stay
I ride a broom Just out of sight.
On Halloween… (witch) If you see me,
I might be white.
3. My door is gone, I float through houses
My windows cracked, In the black of night…
Ghosts float through walls
And then float back. 7. I grew on vine,
You hear strange noises: Right on the ground.
Bam, bang and whack! I have a big smile,
My face is round…
4. I fly at night,
I hunt by sound, 8. The shadows chase
I live in a cave, The sun away.
And sleep upside down. The stars come out
People are scared, To dance and play.
They shouldn’t be. I’m at the end
I eat mice and bugs. Of another day…

(слайд 18)
This fun Halloween quiz
is about the holiday that
sends shivers up your
spine. Match the right

1. Who started Halloween?

a) the Celts b) the Druids c) the Britons

2. The largest Halloween parade is held in …

a) New York b) Paris c) Moscow

3. The animal that best symbolizes the holiday is the…

a) fox b) black cat c) wolf

4. Which of the following countries does not celebrate Halloween?

a) Canada b) Italy c) Great Britain

5. The colors traditionally associated with the holiday are…

a) orange and black b) white and yellow c) blue and red

6. Halloween is also a harvest celebration. Name the fruit that best symbolizes the
a) lemon b) pumpkin c) orange

III. Заключение.
Today we have remembered some holidays and have learned their history, symbols. And
let’s check up what you’ve learned at the lessons.

Match the holiday with the picture.

A. Independence Day
B. Christmas
C. Halloween
D. Columbus Day
E. Presidents Day
F. St. Patrick’s Day
G. New Year’s Day
H. Easter
I. Valentine’s Day
J. Martin Luther king’s Birthday

Подведение итогов урока.

Приложения к уроку.

Приложение №1.

1. April 1st is a day a) people in our country honour works.

when… b) people play tricks on friends.
2. Victory Day is a c) people have parades and ceremonies to honour
holiday when… those who died in the Great Patriotic War
3. Easter is a religious d) people have parties, light candles and give each
holiday when… other gifts.
4. Labour Day is a e) many people have gathering eating dyed eggs,
holiday when… paskha and kulich.
5. Christmas is a
religious holiday when…

Приложение №2.

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a
big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day. The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day
in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in
September, 1620. They came to America for religious freedom. They were among the
first European settlers in America. The name of their ship was the “Mayflower”. They
landed at Plymouth Rock in December, 1620.
There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people
were the Native American Indians. They began settling in America about 25,000 years
ago. They hunted, fished and farmed to survive. The pilgrims’ first winter in the New
World was difficult. Without food, half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the
Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did
well, and in the fall of 1621 the pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and
decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn,
beans and pumpkins and they invited their Indian friends.
Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall, on the 4th Thursday in
November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.

Приложение №3

Halloween is an old English holiday of joke. It is the last night in October.
Halloween began more than 2 000 years ago among the Celtic people of Britain and
France. Now many Englishmen like to celebrate Halloween. It is a popular American
holiday too. For example, in New York old and young take part in Halloween festivals.
There are many legends about Halloween. The people wear scary masks of the
witches and wizards, because they say ghosts and witches come out on Halloween. The
witch has a broomstick and her favourite pet is a black cat.
On the 31st of October many English and American children like to have parties.
They dress up as witches, ghosts, goblins, devils, vampires or anything scary. They also
dress in a costume as cats, pirates, clowns, TV characters. They take pumpkins and big
paper bags and go along the streets and knock at the doors of the houses. Children ask the
traditional questions “Trick or treat?” On Halloween English and American boys and
girls eat, sing, dance and play funny games. They always enjoy Halloween parties a lot.
One of the Halloween’s symbols is a lantern made of pumpkin. Children like to
make lanterns out of big orange or yellow pumpkins. They cut out the eyes, nose and
mouth and put a lighted candle inside the lantern.
Комментарий к проведению урока-презентации по теме "Герундий"
Цели урока:
1. Введение грамматического явления герундий, закрепление и проверка
знаний по теме.
2. Развитие умений учащихся обобщать полученные знания, проводить
анализ, делать необходимые выводы
3. Воспитание творческого отношения к учебной деятельности,
формирование умений и навыков самоконтроля.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
2. Речевая зарядка. Слайд №2
3. Ознакомление с герундием.
Герундий неличная форма глагола, которая обладает Слайд №3
свойствами как глагола, так и существительного.
В русском языке нет соответствия герундию. Наиболее близки ему по значению
отглагольные существительные, такие как слушание, ожидание, чтение, и т. п. На
русский язык герундий может быть переведён существительным, неопределённой
формой глагола, деепричастием или придаточным предложением с глаголом в
личной форме.
Функции герундия в предложении. Слайд №4

1) Подлежащее
Reading books is useful. Чтение книг полезно.
2) Дополнение: Слдайд №5

А)Прямое; после глаголов to like, to love, to enjoy, to hate, to mind, to remember,

to begin, to continue, to finish:
I like playing tennis. Я люблю играть в теннис.
We began talking. Мы начали разговаривать.

Б)предложное после глагола или Слайд №6

3) прилагательного с предлогом: Слайд №7
to thank for
to depend on
to object to
to be fond of
to be tired of
to be interested in
to be afraid of
When do you think of going there? Когда вы думаете поехать туда?
I am fond of skating. Я люблю кататься на коньках.

3) Часть составного глагольного сказуемого: Слайд №8

I enjoy listening to music. Я люблю слушать музыку.
The manager has finished dictating a letter to а secretary.
Заведующий закончил диктовать письмо секретарю.

4) Часть составного именного сказуемого: Слайд №9

My task was looking after my sister.
Моей задачей было смотреть за младшей сестрой.

5) Обстоятельство: Слайд №10

After reading the text, we wrote a dictation.
После того как мы прочитали текст, мы писали диктант.

Герундий образуется, как и причастие настоящего времени, Слайд №11

Путём прибавления окончания- ing к неопределённой форме глагола

(инфинитиву). Слайд №12
При этом соблюдаются следующие правила написания:
1) если инфинитив заканчивается на согласную букву, которой предшествует
краткий гласный звук, согласная буква удваивается:
to run- running

2) eсли инфинитив заканчивается на немую букву -e, эта буква опускается:

to come- coming

В остальных случаях изменений основы не происходит:

To read- reading
To study- studying

4. Первичное закрепление.
Упражнение1: образуйте форму герундия. Слайд №13
Упражнение2 : образуйте словосочетания. Слайд №14
Упражнение3: дополните предложения , используя Слайд №15
Упражнение4:ответьте на вопросы. Слайд №16
Упражнение5: переведите на английский
язык предложения. Слайд №17

5. Проверка знаний и умений.

Упражнение 1: найдите предложения с герундием. Слайд №18
Упражнение 2: образуйте предложения по образцу. Слайд №19
Упражнение 3: определите функции герундия. Слайд №20
Упражнение 4: образуйте предложения. Слайд №21

6. Подведение итогов.
7. Рефлексия.
Комментарий к проведению урока-презентации по теме
“Do you have an example to follow?”
Ancient Chinese proverb.

There are lots of famous people all over the world. All people know them well. They love
and respect those heroes, who did a lot for their nation. And today will speak about them.
The theme of our lesson is “Do you have an example to follow?”

But first of all you should remember the names of different professions. But you should
make them up yourself.

What professions do you know else? Let’s read them in chorus. Please, read after me.

What do you think people respected these outstanding and famous people?
I think people respect them for his/her …

Why do people respect them?
People admire/respect them whose… courage serves as an example
ideas can change the world
actions are brave and generous
achievements can change the system of

And now let’s speak about Russian famous people.
There are people who are widely known in Russia. Can you name them?

СЛАЙДЫ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 .

13 – V. PUTIN

What spheres were these people famous in?

What did these people do to be famous?

But as you know there lots of famous people not only in Russia, but in Britain too.

СЛАЙДЫ 17, 18.

They are: R. Baden-Powell, H. Nelson, H. Ford, C. Wren, R. Kipling, W. Shakespeare, F.
Nightingale, W. Churchill, Princess Diana, C. Darwin, I. Newton

Let’s speak about them. Do you know these names?

СЛАЙД 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

And who can tell us about that people?
R. Baden-Powell, F. Nightingale, H. Nelson, Princess Diana W. Shakespeare, H.

Look at your cards and say why the British are proud of them?

How do people honour them?
Establish a medal, build monuments, name some places, put their names into
Guinness Book.

What places are these names connected with:

And now let’s remember American outstanding people. Last lesson we’ve learned about
them. Look at the photos and tell what they are.

There is one more interesting place in America. It is RUSHMORE MOUNT.

Now I want you to read the text you have and tell about what it is.



supported people in trouble.

The British are won the battle of Trafalgar.
proud of… changed the system of hospitals.
raised money for sick people.
The British created a new image of a royal.
admire… invented new machines.
he / she
treated many people.
The British reformed the system of the army
respect… hospitals.
served his/her country best.
The British look
up to…

CARD 2. False or true.

1. Y. Gagarin was the first cosmonaut to orbit the Earth.

2. D. Shostakovich was a film-maker who got the Nobel Prize.
3. H. Nelson was a symbol of industrial technology.
4. Princess Diana was involved in many charities.
5. B. Pasternak is the only Russian writer to get the Nobel Prize.
6. A. Popov was the first man to invent an assembly line.
7. Ch. Columbus was the last European to come to Central America.
8. W. Shakespeare was the world’s most famous playwright and poet.


There are many ways to honour famous people. In America there is a mountain which
attracts many people.
Mount Rushmore is an interesting place to visit. It is in South Dakota, USA. It’s a
granite (гранит) mountain. Four faces are carved (высечены) on the mountain. They are
the faces of four famous presidents. The presidents are Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson
and Roosevelt. The faces are sixty feet high (в высоту). Many people come to visit this
place every year. There is a large and interesting view (вид) from Mount Rushmore.
In Britain new banknotes have been introduced. The Queen is still on one side. Now,
the other side of the new £ 10 and £ 20 notes show Charles Dickens and Michael
Read the text and enjoy the poems.
Winter starts in December. The days are short in winter, and the shortest one is on
the twenty first of December. After that, each day becomes longer than the other, but they
are still shorter than the nights. It often snows. Snowflakes fall fast and thick. Snow is
everywhere – on the roofs of the houses, on the trees, on the ground. The air is crisp and
clear. Cold makes the air smell better and the streets look cleaner. The temperature drops.
The lakes and rivers are frozen. Everything looks so nice covered with ice and snow!
Sometimes a blizzard sweeps in. Snow stings like sand; it piles up in waist –
high drifts. There is nothing to do, but stay indoors and wait it out.
Sometimes, it gets so cold that classes are cancelled and it makes children happy.
Some of them stay home and get some extra sleep, but there are some bold ones, who go
out and enjoy the cold weather!
It is difficult for birds to find food in winter. They need your help. Make a bird
feeder, place somewhere – on your balcony or among the tree branches, and don’t forget
to put some food every day. Keep feeding birds all through the winter. They will
appreciate that and their songs will make you happy in spring.
Children like winter very much. In winter, they can do a lot of things that they
cannot do during the rest of the year. The most popular outdoor winter activities are
skiing, sledding, and ice-skating on a lake or pond. If you like to do this, be sure the ice is
thick enough to support you. Besides, kids like to make snowmen, build snow huts, play
snowballs, throwing them at one another. It’s great to speed down snowy slopes, with a
group of friends! Even if you don’t like winter, don’t hide from it, go out, and meet it. A
hard walk with a breath of a frosty cloud is much more refreshing than a sweaty walk in
the hot sun.
In winter, everybody is looking forward to celebrating Christmas and New Year’s
Day. Even St. Valentine’s Day is now celebrated In Russia where it was not observed
before. It is a great pleasure to see happy people enjoy the holidays!
All of a sudden, in winter we have some warm days, with icicles dripping from
the roofs, and the sun shining brightly. It looks like spring’s around the corner; and many
people who don’t like winter very much would like to say, “Come, spring, come again!”

When All World Is Full of Snow

by N. M. Bodecker.
I never know I only want I only want
just where to go, to watch and wait, myself to be
when all the world while snow moths settle as silent as
is full of snow. on the gate. a winter tree.
I don’t want And swarming frost flakes To hear the swirling
to make a track fill the trees stillness grow
not even with billions when all the world
to the shed and back. of albino bees. is full of snow.

by Eve Merriam.
Snow fell in the city, Red fire hydrants
It fell through the night, All turned white,
And the black rooftops Blue police cars
All turned white. All turned white.

Green garbage cans Yellow “no parking” signs

All turned white, All turned white
Gray sidewalks When snow fell in the city
All turned white, All through the night.

I Heard the Bird Sing

by Oliver Herford.
I heard the bird sing “We are nearer to Spring
In the dark of December. Than we were in September.”
A magical thing, I heard the bird sing
And sweet to remember: In the dark of December.

by Mary Jim.
Merry little snowflakes Merry little snowflakes
Falling through the air, Do their best
Resting on the steeple To make a soft, white blanket
And the tall tree everywhere, So buds and flowers may rest.
Covering roofs and fences, But when the bright spring sunshine
Capping every post, Says it’s come to stay,
Covering the hillside Those merry little snowflakes
Where we like to coast. Quickly run away.

by Karla Kuskin.
We’ll play in the snow We’ll make snow eyes
And stray in the snow In a round snowman.
And stay in the snow We’ll sing snow songs,
In a snow-white park. And chant snow chants,
We’ll clown in the snow And roll in the snow
And frown in the snow In our fat snow pants.
Fall down in the snow And when it’s time
Till it’s after dark. To go home to eat
We’ll cook snow pies We’ll have snow toes
In a big snow pan. On our frosted feet

Ex.1. In the text “Winter” find the English equivalents for these Russian words.
Кормушка, наваливать, метель, склон (наклон), отмечать (праздник), пережидать
(бурю, шторм, и т.п.), бодрящий (о воздухе), потный, смелый, сугроб, мчаться,

Ex.2. Which word means...

1. ... “a mass of snow formed into a ball”?
a) snow-drop b) snowball c) snowman
2. ... “snow piled up by the wind”?
a) snowball b) sand c) snowdrift
3. ... “easy-broken or fresh and firm”?
a) gentle b) crisp c) thin
4. ... “covered with, or made into ice”?
a) frost b) frozen c) froze
5. ... “a severe storm accompanied by heavy, driving snow”?
a) storm b) snowstorm c) blizzard
6. ... “a body of water smaller in size than a lake”?
a) pool b) river c) pond
7. ... “to celebrate”?
a) to play b) to observe c) to watch
8. ... “a hanging spike of ice made by dripping water that freezes”?
a) ice water b) ice pick c) icicle

Ex.3. Answer the questions.

1. When does winter begin in your region?
2. How long does it last?
3. Your winter is cold, isn’t it?
4. Which is the coldest month?
5. February is different from the other winter months, isn’t it? In what way?
6. Are the shortest days in February or in January?
7. Does it often snow in your region?
8. What is the snowiest month?
9. What does your town look like in winter?
10. Do you often have blizzards?
11. How cold is it supposed to be to cancel classes?
12. Do you like it when your classes are canceled? Why?
13. What is your favorite outdoor winter activity?
14. Do you like to have PE lessons in the park named after Yuri Gagarin?
15. What holidays and festivals do you have in winter
History Lesson
The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water
temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be.
Here are some facts about the 1500's:

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still
smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried
a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence, the custom today of carrying a
bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege
of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the
children. Last of all were the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually
lose someone in it. Hence the saying, “Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water.”

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the
only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs)
lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery, and sometimes the animals would
slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying: “It's raining cats and dogs.”

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in
the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence,
a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how
canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence, the saying,
“Dirt poor”. The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet,
so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on,
they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping
outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway. Hence the saying a thresh hold.

(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the
fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables
and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the
pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it
that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, “Peas porridge hot, peas
porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old…”

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors
came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a
man could, bring home the bacon. They would cut off a little to share with guests and
would all sit around and chew the fat.

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some
of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most
often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were
considered poisonous.
Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom
of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the
upper crust.

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock
the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them
for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple
of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they
would wake up. Hence, the custom of holding a wake.

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people.
So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the
grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch
marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would
tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground
and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the
graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell or was
considered a ...dead ringer…and saved by the bell.

And that's the truth...Now, whoever said History was boring!!!

The Improved Burial Case. Patent No. 81,437 Franz Vester, Newark, New Jersey. August
25, 1868. USA Patents Office
Урок английского языка по теме:
Защита окружающей среды
“We are the World”
по учебнику Верещагиной И.Н.для 5 класса школ с углубленным изучением
английского языка

Автор: Некрасова Татьяна Михайловна, учитель английского языка

МОУ СОШ №1 г. Комсомольск-на-Амуре
аудиозапись и презентация к уроку
Цели урока :
Образовательные-развитие лексических навыков; развитие навыка диалогической
и монологической речи; совершенствование навыков аудирования незнакомого
текста и текста с опорой на видеозапись с извлечением основной информации,
Развивающие- развитие логического мышления; развитие объема памяти, развитие
способности к логическому изложению содержания; формирование
познавательного интереса к учению;развитие умений учебного труда.
Воспитательный аспект- формирование ответственного отношения к природе;
воспитание правильного экологического поведения;

Тип урока: обобщающий урок, как урок совершенствования ЗУН по теме « Защита
окружающей среды»
Вид урока: урок проблемного характера с элементами исследования;
Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая
Методы и приемы: метод эвристической беседы; метод исследовательских
заданий; метод диалогического изложения; метод монологического изложения.
Оборудование и наглядные пособия- аудиозапись, видеоролики, компьютерная
презентация, магнитная доска, экран, опорные карточки, картины с видами
природы, работы учащихся, фотографии, плакаты, учебник.

План урока
1. Организационный момент
2. Фонетическая зарядка в виде мозгового штурма
3. Речевая зарядка
4. Домашнее задание
5. Просмотр Видео и описание увиденного
6. Домашнее задание. Защита постеров.
7. Итоги
1.Организационный момент: Музыкальная заставка (звучит песня Майкла
Джексона “We are the World”) Вступительное слово учителя.
Teacher: Children, you’ve just listened to the song of Michael Jackson
“We are the World, we are the Earth.
We are the ones who make a brighter day.”
That is the theme of our lesson. We are concerned about the ecology today. There are
some problems indeed Today we’ll try to explain some problems of ecology and

Slide1. /целеполагание, активизация лексики по теме, работа с терминами/

Teacher: Look at the first slide. You can see an ecological tree and many problems
around it. Sound up the problems, please: / учащиеся читают слова около
экологического дерева/
Pupils 1.2.3. Pollution, ecology, environment, litter, overcrowding, distruction,
extinct, habitat, living creatures, air,water,soil, ozon layer, greenhouse
Teacher: So, at our lesson we are going to discuss one of the main problems of the time-
the ecological problem, connecting with you, the world around you.
Slide 2. Teacher: Let’s train our ecological vocabulary. Card № 1/ Give the
definitions/P1 ---- Class/
 The scientific study of organisms and environment Ecology
 All around us – all living things, climate, air, water, soil Environment
 Keeping the nature clean. The wise use of environment. Conservation
 Evergreen woodlands, where there is much rain. Rainforests
 The natural home of animals and plants Habitat
 Plants, animals, people Living things
 Too many people in one place Overcrowding
 Destroying everything around you Pollution

 Making air, water, land a dangerous place

Основная часть
Slide3. Построение проблемы. Формирование монологического высказывания
по тексту с. 118 Animals in Danger.
 What does the life of the people on Earth depend on?
 Why are some animals and birds disappearing nowadays?
Slide 4
Teacher – I see, you concern much about the problems.. Now look at this picture.
What do the animals worry about?
Pupils 1.2.3….
– Animals suffer much because of the pollution.
– The water is polluted.
– Animals are frightened.
– Much litter is left.
– There is not much place to live. The habitat is poor
– There are harmful gases. The animals suffer because of the bad air, dirty water.
Teacher -Now we see that the situation is really dangerous. It is really dramatic.
Slide 5. 6. I suppose we shoud make a choice what kind of world we want to live.
Relaxation Close your eyes and listen to the music of nature.
Now open your books ( p.144), look through the text The Earth in Danger and tell
us as much as we can about the ecological problems.
We should answer the main questions during our lesson: What can we do and what
should we do to protect the nature and to save our planet?
/учащиеся строят предложения с использованием речевых клише/
Примерные ответы учащихся::
P1.2.3. . I think that the land is overcrowded. I suppose people should not pollute the
environment. Our world is polluted. There is much litter. The Earth is overcrowded.
There is little place for living creatures. Many birds and animals extinct. The habitat is
poor. People worry about the greenhouse effect /about the distruction of the Ozon layer/
Card № 2/Express your opinion/
(+) (-)
I think I don’t think
I am sure I am not sure
I believe I don’t believe
I consider
Slide 7 Grammar should / should not / учащиеся распределяют фразы по разделам,
произнося их/
should should not

Relaxation (close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature / Звучат голоса птиц и
на этом фоне идет демонстрация видов природы.
Slide 8-9
II. Основная часть
1. Работа с текстом учебника Animals in danger.
Open your books , look through the text and answer my questions.
What does people life depend on?
Why do people kill animals?
Видеосюжет №1 You tube Исчезающие животные /1мин./
1. Обсуждение экологической ситуации. Выступления учащихся.
T. Well, the contradiction between man and nature are really very dramatic. But is there
anybody who does something to make the life of animals better?
Slide 10. Красная книга
P1The first list of the Red Data Book was made in 1949; it was published only in 1966.
The scientists examined the living conditions of animals, birds, and insects. They made
the list of rare and disappearing living things. It’s the unusual book. Do you know that the
pages of this book are red, yellow and green? The colour red is a danger signal. It’s a stop
sign. It’s the colour of blood and life. Animals which need immediate help are placed n
the red pages Those which number is reducing are on the yellow pages. Green pages are
for animals which are already saved. In our country the book appeared in 1974. Here it
is. ( монологическое сообщение по красной книге)
T. Do you know anything about the animals of your region? Look at the page of the Red
Book of Khabarovsk Territory.
Let’s play by chain. //Ролевая игра/ What do we do to keep the Earth clean?
Q. What do we do to keep the Earth clean? //Учащиеся повторяют вопрос по цепочке/
Ps. (хором) We love the Earth- our home.
Ps. ( возможные ответы) I don’t smoke. I do not cut trees. I don’t make fires. I stopped
using aerosol cans. I plant trees. I don’t catch butterflies. I save energy and water. I turn
off the light when I go out; I water home flowers every morning. I never catch small
animals and birds. I never paint the trees. I never cut wild flowers. We always leave the
place clean when we hike. We save energy and water at home. We reuse plastic
containers. I do not buy the New Year Tree, I use artificial. etc …
III. Заключительный этап урока. Защита постеров. Составление
экологических правил
Slide 11-12-13
Now, pupils, let’s make the Code of Ecological Rules for all people of our town. I think
these rules should be placed all over the forest.
Учащиеся выходят к доске и записывают правила.
Code of Ecological Rules.
– Don’t break trees.
– Don’t leave litter.
– Keep the country tidy.
– Respect the life and work of the countryside.
– Keep dogs under control.
– Put litter away.
– Grow trees and flowers.
– Don’t frighten birds and animals.
– Don’t cut wild flowers.
– Don’t burn fires.
T. Our lesson is coming to an end. In conclusion I’d like to tell you that the protection of
nature is everybody’s business.
An outstanding English writer John Galsworthy said: ”If you don’t think about the future
you will not have it.” Let’s think about the future. Let’s keep our planet tidy and make it
better place to live in. Let’s save the Earth for ourselves and for the next generations.
IV. Подведение итогов урока

I want to live and not to die
I want to laugh and not to cry
I want to feel the summer sun
I want to sing when life is fun
I want to fly into the blue I want to swim as fishes do
I want to stretch out friendly hands
To all the young of other lands
I want to live and not die
I want to laugh and not to cry
I want to mate, No atom bomb
My shining world!

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