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Review: The Question of Needs

Author(s): Kathleen M. Blee

Source: Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 15, No. 6 (Nov., 1986), pp. 823-826
Published by: American Sociological Association
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Accessed: 23/01/2011 17:14

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Contemporary Sociology.

professors' side, their own careers and/or family surprisinglyclear sense of purpose and direction.
demandsstructureadditionalobstacles to important Komarovskyskillfully explores why and how some
mentoringrelationships. students manage to deal successfully with aca-
Not surprisingly, relationships with men con- demic traumataand sociopsychologicaltransitions,
tinue to pose problems in this historical period of while others fall victim to the special demands of
tortuously changing gender roles. The feminist an elite academic institution.
ideal of heterosexualegalitarianismcreates confu- Reliance on in-depth interviews is simulta-
sion amid a palpablestruggleto establish mutually neously the obvious weakness and the unique
satisfying relationships. Behavior between male strengthof the study. The method bears the usual
and female friendsis more likely to be markedby a statisticalburdensof a relatively small sample, as
deliberateegalitarianismin financialarrangements, well as a host of other methodological shortcom-
initiation of interaction, and self-disclosure. This ings to which qualitativedata are heir. In addition,
stands in marked contrast to the initial stages of the capacity to generalize from this very special
dating, where sharing financial responsibility, elite academic context to a wider world is
particularly, conveys the "wrong" signals. The obviously problematical.Nonetheless, in the hands
early dating phase is fraught with ambiguity, of this sensitive and skillful investigator, these
confusion, and strain stemming largely from interview data offer a window on the college
rapidlyevolving gender-roleexpectations.Komarov- experience of bright women students struggling
sky describes both interpersonaland intrapsychic with the challenges of a world in transition.
conflicts arising from the "clash between some Astute educational policy makers and adminis-
idiosyncratic psychic wish . . . and an internal- trators will find various cues for developing
ized value" (228). She notes that, in the process, policies, practices, and institutionalarrangements
"each sex may reach out for the double dose of thatmight enhancethe college experience. Parents,
privileges . . . laying the burdenof all obligations too, might gain a penetrating glimpse into the
upon their partners"(228). anguish their expectations can impose on their
Thus, the earlier and simpler female conflict of children. Other, more methodologically sophisti-
thinkingsmartand acting dumbis replacedby a far cated researchers might gather the seeds to
more complex picture. The rope burns of braided generatemore quantitativemodels. To answer our
new and traditionalexpectations leave their mark initial question, "No, we don't really need another
on the minds and spirits of some. Almost study of college students, but it certainly would
miraculously,otheremerge unscarred,conveying a have been a shame to miss this one." f

The Questionof Needs

Capitalism, Consumption,and Needs, by EDMOND PRETECEILLE AND JEAN-PIERRE TERRAIL. New York:
Basil Blackwell, 1985. 220 pp. $34.95 cloth.

Universityof Kentucky

The applicability of Marxist theory to the waged work. Gender and family relations, the
analysis of advanced capitalist societies often has quality of the environmentand consumer goods,
been questioned. Recently, the rise of consumer and the level of state services all have served as
movements in WesternEuropeand North America pivotal issues for importantsocial movements in
has shed doubt upon the traditionalcentralityof the advancedcapitalist societies.
workplace in Marxist analyses of political move- Traditional categories of Marxist analysis are
ments. Social movements have proliferated in challenged also from a different direction. Re-
areas seemingly distant from the relations and searchon twentieth-centuryworking-classpolitical
processes of production. Workplace and labor quiescence locates its source in a matrixof power
union organizinghave declined, even as organiza- and domination shaped by commodified mass
tions for social change and societal transformation culture. Oppositionalmovements by an organized
have flourished in neighborhoodsand municipali- working class are seen to be less likely and less
ties. Moreover, the issues that provoke mobiliza- viable as class domination becomes systematized
tion among the middle and working classes have into a patternof manipulateddesires and artificial
not been restrictedto production-basedissues but needs. Capitalism penetrates work and nonwork
include struggles over the nature of life outside life alike, channeling discontent into desires that

can be commodified and satisfied within the insist that this theory ultimately subordinatesclass
existing social logic. A productionprocess based relationsto ideological relations. Such analyses of
on alienated labor redirects workers' resultant the consumptionof signs of difference and of the
dissatisfactioninto a desire for nonwork time-a penetrationof the commodity form into all aspects
leisure that can be packagedby capital and sold to of daily life, they conclude, tend to minimize the
the working class at a profit. transformativepotential of working-class move-
Preteceilleand Terrail,in a series of four related ments. The differentialist approach positions the
essays, develop a comprehensiveMarxisttheoryof creation of desire and needs outside the relation-
needs that addresses these political and cultural ship of consumptionto productionso that domina-
dimensions of advanced capitalist society. They tion ceases to be amenable to revolutionary
examine the issues of consumption,consumerism, restructuringof productionrelations.
and the creationof needs that have been centralto PreteceilleandTerrailrefuteboththe economistic
social movements and mass culture in late and the differentialist conceptions of needs.
twentieth-centuryWestern capitalism. In contrast Instead, they pose an analysis of social needs as
to works that simply criticize the nature of the product of the reproduction of a particular
"consumer societies," Capitalism, Consumption, mode of production. Needs are both an outcome
and Needs probes the patterns of individual and of, and a contradictoryinfluence upon, the logic of
collective consumption that exist behind an capitalistproduction.For example, Preteceille and
appearance of mass consumption and advances Terrail argue that needs for improved working-
how we understandthe creation of needs among class education (an outcome both of increased
dominatedclasses. While not minimizing ideology requirementsfor the reproductionof labor power
and daily life practicesoutside the workplace, they and of class struggle) tend to increase both the
avoid overinterpretingsymbolic relations of status value of labor power and the political resourcesof
at the expense of materialrelationsof social class. the working class. This analysis is a welcome
As such, they make an importantcontributionto corrective to theories of state services that either
the development of a Marxist theory of politics, stress the manipulative,cooptive natureof services
culture, and daily life. to dominated classes or view services as the
In Capitalism, Consumption, and Needs, victorious outcomes of working-classstruggles.
Preteceilleand Terraildevelop a Marxistapproach PreteceilleandTerraildrawupon the differential-
to the questionof needs that is sharplyat odds with ist understandingof the expansion of capitalist
the analysis of consumption in non-Marxist relations as a total way of life in state-monopoly
economicsand sociology. Neoclassicaland Keynes- capitalist society. Yet, they situate this within an
ian economics have situated consumption as a analysis of social relations and materialpractices
determinantof production,sparkinga vast research as these are mediatedby work and the relations of
literatureon consumer behavior and demand in production. Preteceille and Terrail thus avoid a
which class relations and the interrelation of sociology of despairin which assertionof desire by
production, consumption, and needs largely re- the workingclass serves to strengthenthe matrixof
main unanalyzed. In contrast, the materialist class power and domination. Instead, they pose
analysis proposed by Preteceille and Terrail class struggleas the means by which the emerging
situates consumptionwithin the logic of capitalist needs of the working class to escape capitalist
production.The contradictionsof uneven develop- relations of production and reproduction-needs
ment, overproductionof commodities, and scarcity that can never be satisfied within a logic of
of essential needs in affluent societies are analyzed capitalism-can be realized.
within a logic of capitalist production and Preteceille and Terrail apply this theory of
reproduction. consumption and needs to current conditions in
Preteceille and Terrail are critical of the state monopoly capitalism. Needs, they argue,
sociological studies of consumptionexemplified in arise not from capital's manipulationof insatiable
what they refer to as the "differentialist" move-
consumerappetites,but from class struggleand the
mentof Bourdieuand Baudrillard,where consump-
changing conditions for the reproductionof labor
tion is seen as the production of differentiation.
Veblen's (1912) indictment of the consumption power. They note, for example, the increasing
practices of the leisure class and Halbwachs' amountof hidden labor time and consumer goods
(1958) studies of how class membershipshapes the involved in householdconsumption.The shift from
translationof income into consumption practices corner marketsand delivery services to supermar-
are echoed in contemporary studies of the kets and shopping malls (requiring automobiles
organizationof class in, and through,consumption and time to travel) represents a transfer of work
activities.Although"differentialists"like Bourdieu from capital to consumers, and thus an erosion of
may argue the primacy of relations of production nonwork time for the working class as a whole.
over symbolic distinctions, Preteceille and Terrail Shortening the work day, therefore, does not

increase uncommitted time if household and tion, ratherthan to the sphereof circulation,make
consumerwork is expanding. class conflict central to their analysis.
Conditions of collective consumption are ana- Preteceille and Terrail acknowledge the greater
lyzed also as the result of contradictorytendencies burden of household and consumption work on
of class struggle and pressuresfor reproductionof women relative to men, but their analysis would
labor power and the political integration of the benefit from greaterattentionto issues of gender.
workingclass. Preteceilleand Terrailsee consumer Two aspects in particularare problematic. First,
movements as neitherfutile nor revolutionary,but Preteceille and Terrail situate their analysis of
as having the possibility of challenging capitalist consumption practices at the social unit of the
productionrelations. Although consumerneeds do household. This encompassesthe widest varietyof
not necessarily contradictexisting arrangementsof living/consumption arrangements,but at the ex-
production and class, they may raise more pense of a sharpanalysisof genderrelations. Since
fundamentalissues. The desire for higher quality family and gender relationships structure most
consumergoods or for socialized consumption,for households in twentieth-centuryadvanced capital-
example, may shape needs for a logic of ist societies, a focus on household rather than
productiondifferent from that of profitability. family mutes the analysis of gender. Closer
The same contradictory dynamics of class attention to feminist research and theory would
struggle infuse relations of production in state- strengthen Preteceille and Terrail's argument.
monopoly capitalism. Preteceille and Terrail dis- Feminist researchnot only affirms the inseparabil-
cuss how the introductionof smaller work groups ity of production and consumption/reproduction
by capitalist managementin search of stable labor (which Preteceille and Terrail also argue, from a
relations and higher productivitymay create needs materialist perspective) but also clarifies the
for nonalienated work-needs that cannot be differential effect of relations of production and
satisfied within a capitalist mode of production. consumption on women and men (Hartmann,
Similarly, local movements against plant closure 1981; Kelly, 1983). Indeed, gender relations are
are defensive struggles, but may also challenge central to the analysis of individualand collective
capital's drive for profit and affirm workers' needs consumption in advanced capitalist society. A
for identity as productivelaborers. more comprehensive exploration of the gender
Preteceille and Terrailconclude by proposing a basis of consumption work also would enrich
broadpolitical agendain which needs are acknowl- PreteceilleandTerrail'sdiscussionof consumption-
edged across the range of daily life concerns, from based politics and the possibilities for interclass
work to health, the environment, and living gender-basedpolitical alliances.
conditions. They stress the importance of a Second, by not confrontingcontemporaryfemi-
class-based politics, but see a tendency toward nist researchdirectly, Preteceilleand Terrailfail to
interclassalliances as heightenedcapitalistproduc- elaborate on the gender consequences of class
tivity increases the objective benefits of socialism issues. For example, they see the increase in labor
in work and nonwork life for the middle and force participationby marriedwomen as supple-
working classes. As the traditional separation mental to the wage of (male) workers and as
between the politics of productionand the politics representinga decline in the quality of life for the
of consumption and daily life is eroded by the working class. This analysis addresses the aggre-
contradictionsand crises of state-monopolycapital- gate quantityof uncommittedtime amongworking-
ism, social movementsbased on productionand on class households without sufficiently exploring the
consumption, they suggest, may converge in complicated issues of gender relations and finan-
ideology and practice. cial dependency that underlie women's position
Capitalism, Consumption, and Needs is an within production and reproduction. Although a
importantcontributionto developing a genuinely materialistanalysis of consumptionhighlights the
Marxist theory of needs, consumption, and the nexus of class and productionrelations that shape
politics of daily life. It presentsa thoroughcritique gender relations, it runs the risk of minimizingthe
from a materialist perspective of the issues of dynamicsof family and genderthat shape the work
commodificationof leisure and the dominationof of consumption and reproduction. Research on
desire. The insistence on consumption and needs gender in advancedcapitalist society confirms the
as crucial in an analysis of advanced capitalist impact of gender ideology and the material
society is not new to Preteceille and Terrail, yet practices of family life on the structure of
other work, as Kellner (1983: 69-75) argues, has consumptionand the creationof social needs.
tended to downplay class conflict and pose Future development of a materialisttheory of
ideological/culturaldomination as impervious to consumptionand needs must address these issues
significant challenges from dominated groups. of gender and family relations. Nevertheless,
Preteceille and Terrail, by linking issues of needs Capitalism, Consumption,and Needs is a major
and consumptionto the logic of capitalist produc- advance in Marxist understandingof advanced

capitalist societies. Preteceille and Terrailprovide Hartmann,Heidi I. 1981. "The Family as the Locus of
a careful, systematic overview of the issues of Gender, Class, and Political Struggle:The Example of
consumer culture and the production of social Housework." Signs 6:366-94.
needs that are basic to the agenda of politics and Kellner, Douglas. 1983. "CriticalTheory, Commodities,
theory in twentieth-centurycapitalism. This is an and ConsumerSociety." Theory, Culture, and Society
importantbook for understandingthe complicated 1:66-83.
nature of consumption and politics in modem Kelly, Joan, 1983. "The Doubled Vision of Feminist
capitalistlife. I Theory." In Sex and Class in Women's History, ed.
Judith L. Newton, Mary P. Ryan, and Judith R.
Other Literature Cited Walkowitz. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Halbwachs, Maurice. 1958. The Psychology of Social Veblen, Thorstein. 1912. The Theory of the Leisure
Class. London:Heinemann. Class. New York: Macmillan.

Are Health Systems BecomingMore Socialized?

National Strategiesfor Health Care Organization:A World Overview, by MILTON I. ROEMER.Ann
Arbor, MI: Health AdministrationPress, 1985. 426 pp. $27.00 cloth.

Universityof ConnecticutHealth Center

This book collects adaptedand revised versions and services, health insurance, and planning
of twenty-five articles, chapters, addresses, and methodologies).
reports written since 1976, some of them previ- This is rich fare for the student of comparative
ously published and others in the form of working health systems and international health. It is
papers, essays, or reports to internationalhealth informed by deep, wide, and long experience.
agencies. The author is the preeminentscholar of From a sociological perspective, one of the most
our time in the comparative study of national valuable contributionsis found in chapter3, "The
healthsystems. He is a mentorof mine, and I am a Structureand Types of Health Service Systems."
long-term admirerof the author's work, but this Having recognized a set of forces, including the
review will present a balanced view. There are physical and social environments, the biological
points to be criticized as well as many to be status of a nation's population, and the health
appreciated. services as determinants of a "population's
The twenty-five chapters are organized in five physical, mental, and social well-being" (the
parts: WHO definition of health), the author gives
-historical backgroundand overview of health primacyto political economic forces. Fromthis, he
care organization,includingtrends, financing, derives a nine-cell typology of national health
and structureof systems; systems.
-developing countries, made up of one chapter Along one axis is level of resources (affluent or
industrialized,moderate or developing, and poor
on overall health care organization and
or underdeveloped);along the other are political
structure, plus individual countries (Guate-
economic forms (permissive or laissez-faire, coop-
mala, Barbados,Thailand, Kenya, Malaysia);
erative or welfare, socialist or centrally planned).
-industrialized nations, including an overview By way of examples, the United States of America
of health policies and strategies and their fits in the affluent permissive box, the UK in the
effects in Europe, as well as chapters on affluent cooperative, and the Soviet Union in the
Norway, the United Kingdom, and Canada; affluent socialist. At the moderatelevel, the three
-socialist countries, including analyses of both political economic types are exemplified by the
industrialized and less economically devel- Philippines, Peru, and Cuba, and at the poor level,
oped nations (USSR, Poland, Cuba, People's Ghana, Tanzania, and China.
Republic of China); There would be much to discuss about such a
-an examinationof general health care policy typology. For example, how dynamicor frozen are
issues under different national strategies the placements of countries? Ghana and the
(ambulatory care, regionalization of health Philippines today are in ferment and challenging
services, coordinatingpersonneldevelopment their dependenceon the capitalistworld-system(of

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