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LegaL S t a f f P r o f i Le w 1. 800 . 9 7 3 .117 7

Matthew Shawver, Legal Assistant at Hinkle Elkouri

[By Douglas M ay]
Matthew Shawver was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas, a city known as a major aircraft manufacturing hub and cultural
center. Wichita is the largest city in Kansas and boasts cultural and recreational venues that make it one of the 10 best
cities to live in, according to Money magazine. The first complete recording made by jazz musician Charlie “Bird” Parker
occurred in 1940 at the Trocadero Ballroom in Wichita, and the Wichita Jazz Festival remains a significant annual event on
the national jazz calendar every year. There’s also a Wichita River Festival held each May, and as one of the longest running
festivals in the state of Kansas, it features over 70 events, including musical entertainment, athletic competitions, traveling
exhibits, cultural and historical activities, plays, and a flea market. Undoubtedly, growing up in such a culturally rich
environment must have made Shawver a very well-rounded individual.

Sha wve r left Wichita to earn a ba chelor’s degree Sha wve r says that he did inte rn in the beginning State University. Sha wve r says that he cre dits
from the University of New Mexico with a double of his career, and that the inte rns hip was a what success he ’s had as a legal assista nt to
major in e conomics a nd political s cie nce. Afte r re quire m e nt of the legal assisting program “those attorneys I’ve worked with who challenged
gra duation, he worked for a few yea rs for the whe re he re ceived his As sociate of Scie nce me while at the sa m e time being supportive
State of New Mexico but always ke pt the idea degree. He states, “Technically, I ‘inte rne d’ the and patie nt while I learned.” He says that
of going back to school to obtain a law degree last se m este r of the program at the law firm there are many be nefits to the paralegal
in mind. Sha wver recalls, “I thought that by where I ha d been working pa rt-time as a legal profes sion and that “work is consta ntly
working in a law firm as a legal assista nt I assista nt for the prior six months.” challe nging, both intelle ctually and from a
would have a better feel for whether purs uing time -ma na ge me nt pe rs pe ctive, which I find
a law de gree would be a path I wanted to Although he doe s n’t curre ntly belong to any exciting.”
follow. During my interviews with law firms profes sional orga niza tions, Sha wve r says that
in Albuque rque , they all said the sa m e thing: I in his ea rly yea rs working a s a legal assista nt Sha wve r works at Hinkle Elkouri La w Firm LLC,
needed a prior substa ntive law background or a he belonged to the local chapter of the National which, a s he says, is the second largest law firm
legal assista nt degree from an ABA accre dited Ass ociation of Le gal Assista nts (Ka nsas in Wichita, Ka ns as, and a large firm for a city with
legal assista nt program. I returned to Wichita, Ass ociation of Legal Assista nts), in addition to a population a pproa ching 500,000. He works in
Ka nsas, a nd was hired as a pa rt-time legal se rving on a legal assista nt committee at Wichita the firm ’s estate pla nning/probate /re al estate
assista nt and completed my Ass ociate of Scie nce pra ctice group where the majority of his work
degree at Wichita State University and have Q. What do you do for fun? is “prima rily focused on real estate a cquisitions
been working as a legal assista nt for the past 22 A. I enjoy riding mot orcycle s , re a ding, and sales, tra nsa ctional work, and trust funding
yea rs.” and ga r de ning. work a ss ociated with estate planning.”

Q. What CD is in your CD player right

When he first got out of s chool, Sha wve r worked When aske d if he has any advice for his peers in
now, or what w as the last son g you
for a m e dium -size d law firm where he says the liste ne d to? the legal field, Sha wver says, “Continually s trive
legal assista nts we re encouraged to work in A. The CD cur re ntly in my pla ye r is Time to lea rn. Keeping a bre ast of changes in your
all pra ctice a re as in which the firm pra ctice d. Out by the Dave Brubeck quartet. a rea of the law is im pe rative. Equally im porta nt
“Accordingly,” he says, “I provided assista nce is re maining technically proficie nt with computer
to the attorneys who pra ctice d in the following Q. What’s the last magazine you read? software, whether it be legal, word processing,
a re as of the law: real estate tra nsa ctions, A. Air and Spa ce Smit hs onia n. or accounting/s pre a ds he et progra ms. And
corporate a nd tra nsa ctional work, oil and gas, re me m ber that a proficie nt legal se creta ry is one
Q. What’s your favorite TV s how/ movie ?
ba nkruptcy, se curitie s, probate a nd estates, of the m ost valua ble assets you ca n have as a
A. I am a fan of the Coen Brothers a nd
and litigation. I s ubse que ntly worked for the legal assista nt. Always treat the m well.”
e s pe cia lly enjoyed the movie Raising
state ’s largest public utility in Topeka, Ka nsa s,
Ar izona .
and for the City of Wichita La w De pa rtme nt.”


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