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Design for User Experience: An Affective-Cognitive Modeling Perspective

Q.L. Xu1, F. Zhou1, J. Jiao2

School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

stage. This can be attributed to the lack of a proper

Abstract - This research proposes a new formalism to problem formulation of product ecosystems, and effective
embody the human-product interactions in the product modeling mechanisms of the affective and cognitive
ecosystem context for enhancing user experience. A aspects of users.
comprehensive formulation of the product ecosystem is Towards this end, this research proposes a framework
presented with emphasis on the event-driven user
experience. Next, a colored dynamic fuzzy Petri net
of product ecosystem design for user experience, with
(CDFPN) model is proposed to capture the causal relations emphasis on the affective-cognitive aspects. In particular,
embedded in users’ affective and cognitive processes. In a the user experience is modeled as interplay of user
case example of designing a subway station ecosystem, it is affective-cognitive aspects and the product ecosystem
demonstrated that the concept of ecosystem is an innovative qualities. To tackle the immense complexities related to
step toward affective-cognitive engineering and the CDFPN the causal relationships between these elements, a colored
approach is appropriate to include the user experience in dynamic fuzzy Petri nets (CDFPN) approach is proposed
system development toward high added-value. and its operational characteristics are manifested.
Keywords - Product Design, Product Ecosystem, User
Experience, Affective- Cognitive Modeling, Fuzzy Petri Nets.

A. Product Ecosystems and User Experience

In this research, a product ecosystem refers to a
Recent years have witnessed the emerging trend of
dynamic unit consisting of all products and users, as well
engineering design going toward high value-added
as their interactive relations in the business process. It is
products and service innovation. Notable progress is the
formally represented as a tuple: P e  E ,  , where E
dual consideration of users’ cognitive and affective
aspects in product design. While the cognitive aspect represents the entities involved in the ecosystem,
focuses on users’ information processing and decision- and  denote the relationships between entities. The
making that are rational in nature [1], the affective aspect entities belong to one of two types: E  E U , E P , where
focuses on the users’ emotional responses that are
typically intangible and transient. Both aspects may have E U  u1 , u2 ,..., u M  is a set of M users, and
an impact on each other, and importantly influence users’ E P   p1 , p2 ,..., p N  is a set of N products. Three types of
satisfaction and purchasing decisions [2]. Therefore, relationships exist between entity-pairs and are defined
product design must accommodate users’ affective and as:   1 , 2 , 3 . The interaction between users is
cognitive needs so that the manufacturers can differentiate
the product offerings and gain a competitive edge. denoted as a function 1 : EU  EU 0,1 , which is a
To better understand product differentiation and value mapping from EU  EU to a binary set, where ‘1’ indicates
profiles, an ecosystem view of product design for user that two users interact with each other; and ‘0’, otherwise.
experience would provide useful insights. An ecosystem Similarly, the relationship between products is
is a networked set of entities in a product or service represented as 2 : EP  EP 0,1 , which is a mapping
system that works together to create value for end-users
from E P  E P to a binary set. Finally, the correspondence
[3]. Accordingly, users’ affective states and cognitive
between users and products is represented
processes are manifested through users’ interactions with
as 3 : EU  EP 0,1 , which is a mapping from EU  E P to
multiple products, operating collectively in a consistent
business process. a binary set. The entity and relationship of a product
To design the product ecosystem, it is crucial for the ecosystem is illustrated in Fig. 1.
designers to uncover user mindsets and need states. Furthermore, the ambience is defined according to a
However, current practices in product ecosystem user’s interaction with his/her surroundings. It is context-
development rely heavily on designer’s intuition and trial- sensitive, i.e. depending on specific perspectives of users.
and-error processes. Little work has been reported in The ambience for user i ( u  i   E U ) is defined
developing the theoretical framework for designing user as Am  u  i    EU  i  , E P  i  ,   i  , where
experience, and providing decision support at the design
Product Legend User i Ambience
Product Entity:
3 Product Product
User (U) 1 N'

(affect & Cognition)

User 2

Internal states
Product (P)
User 1 a3
User M ' Product
a1 a2 ax aL
Product Product a4
2 N' P-P
User M
User1 User M '
Product ecosystem Ambience

(a) User experience in a product ecosystem
Fig. 1. Entities and relations in a product ecosystem
User i (GA, AF, CG) User i (GA′, AF′, CG′)

 i   u j | 1  ui , u j   1, u j  E U

,i  j  E U , State of user set EU(i)
New state of EU(i)
State of product set EP(i) New state of EP(i)
E  i    p j |  3  ui , p j   1, p j  E   E
P P P , and
(GA: general attribute; AF: affect; CG: cognition)
  i     u , p  (for u  u  i   E U  i  ; p  E P  i  ). (b) Functional model of an event

Basically, the ambience consists of all the users and Fig. 2. Product ecosystem architecture
products that directly interact with u  i  , plus the
relationships among these entities. certainty factor (CF) is a value  j   0,1 representing the
Typically, user experience is formed as the evolution degree of belief in the truth of the rule.
of the users’ internal states along the chain of events, In the context of affective and cognitive modeling,
where the internal state includes two essential aspects, the fuzzy production rules are developed with respect to
namely the affect and the cognition as a result of human- the events along the chain of user experience. For a
ambience interactions. In view of these considerations, the specific event ax, let  denote a set of propositions, which
product ecosystem is re-formulated as in Fig. 2 (a). The are fuzzy concepts consisting of fuzzy variables and their
focal user (e.g. User i) interacts with relevant products in fuzzy values. These propositions are assertions about the
the ambience, which results in a sequence of events status and attributes of users, be it affect or cognition, and
(denoted as hexagons). The series of events that constitute those of the ambience. Next, knowledge about the system
the user experience is defined as A  a1 , a2 ,..., aL  , where can be codified as the fuzzy rule set, denoted as  , where
L is the number of events involved in the sequence. The a fuzzy rule is a mapping from a set of antecedents to a set
input to the event includes the focal user’s affect, of consequences.
cognition, general attributes, and the status of the ambient In view of the above context, the design of the
factors. The event is an information processing unit that product ecosystem involves determining the product
deals with an activity/task of the user. Accordingly, the attributes and the service processes that contribute to
output of the event is the new status of the focal user’s positive of user affect and cognition. Among the entities
affect, cognition, and general attributes, and the new that constitute the product ecosystem, the user set EU is
status of the ambience. The functional model of an event considered to be predefined, i.e. the users’ characteristics
is shown in Fig. 2 (b). can be predicated but not controlled. On the other hand,
the product set E P is controllable and is considered as the
B. Product Ecosystem Design Problem design elements. Moreover, the chain of events
A  a1 , a2 ,..., aL  in accordance with the user experience
In order to design and evaluate the product is partially controllable, i.e. some events are fixed while
ecosystem, there should be a reasoning engine to predict others are flexible to form the business process.
users’ affects and cognitions that involve immense Additional constraints are exerted in view of the diverse
uncertainties and dynamics. The classical way to tackle relationships among users, the ambience  , and the cause
this issue is to use fuzzy production rules. According to and effect relation existing between the ecosystem
fuzzy logic theories, fuzzy production rules are used to configuration and the user affect and cognition. With all
represent the knowledge and reasoning process [4, 5]. A these considerations, the objectives of ecosystem design
general form of fuzzy production rule is given as: are to (1) improve the customer service level by
Rule j: IF d i THEN dk (CF=  j ) (1) optimizing the affective and cognitive responses of users,
and (2) reduce the operational cost of the system by
where antecedent d i and consequent d k are propositions maximizing the utilization of the ecosystem capacities.
which may contain one or a few fuzzy concepts; and the Therefore, the product ecosystem design problem is
reduced to an optimization problem of configuration
design, as shown in Fig. 3.
Given: Entities belonging to a product ecosystem: User set EU , and places of a transition ( t j ) is called its postset,
product set  E .P
denoted as t j  P .

Find: Optimal configuration of the product set E P * and the business

  is a set of triangular norms (t-norms) and co-
norms (s-norms).
process A* .
  : P   0,1 is an association function that maps
Maximize: (1) Service level,
from places to fuzzy numbers.  i is the truth
(2) System capacity utilization. value of the proposition associated with the place,
and is called the token.
Subject to: (1) Ecosystem relations  |ai , for ai  A ,
  : P  C is a generic color assignment function
Fig. 3. Formulation of the product ecosystem design problem which defines a mapping from places to color
names. Specifically, define  * : P   C  as a color
C. Colored Dynamic Fuzzy Petri Nets assignment function which is a mapping from
places to a specific value of the color.
In this research, a CDFPN model is developed with
respect to the functional model of events in the user
  : T   0,1 is a threshold function that maps
experience. A colored CDFPN is defined as: transitions to fuzzy numbers, indicating the
threshold value for firing the transition.
CDFPN   P, T , C, I , O, , ,  , ,  ,  (2)
  : I | O   is an association function that maps
where the notations are specified as follows.
from input /output arcs to  .
 P   p1, p2 ,..., pn  is a finite set of places.   : T    is an association function that maps a
 T  t1, t2 ,..., tm  is a finite set of transitions. transition to an internal time stamp, which is a
non-negative integer.
 C  c1, c2 ,..., cr  is a finite set of colors, which are
linguistic variables [6] for describing the status of The CDFPN provides a concise, graphical
the ecosystem, including affect, cognition and interpretation of fuzzy production rules. In CDFPN, the
general attributes of users, and the characteristics token/marking   pi   0,1 (For simplicity, let i    pi  )
of the ambience. Each color ci may assume a few in a place pi (for pi  P ) is a fuzzy number. Assuming
values, i.e. ci  ci*1 , ci*2 ,..., ci* x  with ci*x   ci  . ci is
that  *  pi   ci* , the degree of truth of the fuzzy statement
called a color or color name, while ci*x is called a
c i* is  i . Provided that the preset of transition t j
color value.
contributes to it in an AND-wise manner, at any time τ,
 I :  P T    0,1 is the input function that maps
t j is enabled to a degree of firing (DOF) z, which is
directed arcs connecting places and transitions to
computed as [7]:
values between zero and one. The value is
  (3)
considered as a time-dependent, normalized z     s   ji   i , d iI 
distance function, denoted as i 1
where s(,) is an s-norm and “  ”denotes a fuzzy
d iI    I  pi , t j      0,1 . It indicates the
relative contribution of a place to the transition - 
implication such that     sup b   0,1 t   , b    .
the larger the distance, the smaller the contribution. According to the above formalism, if the threshold
The complete set of input places of a transition ( t j )  ji  1, then  ji   i   i , which implies a linear type of
is called its preset, denoted as t j  P . The preset impact that the colored token  i has on the DOF. If a
of a transition contribute to the transition in either smaller value of  ji is adopted,  i has a more significant
an AND-wise format, indicating a conjunctive contribution to the overall DOF; once  ji   i ,
relation, or an OR-wise format, indicating a
disjunctive relation.  ji  i  1 . The distance function diI is used to reflect
 O :  P  T   0,1 is the output function that maps the influence of the input on the DOF. Owning to the
directed arcs connecting places and transitions to aggregation property of (3) the smaller the value diI , the
values between zero and one. The value is more profound effect of this input place.
considered as a time-dependent, normalized Firing of a transition leads to the update of tokens in
distance function, denoted as both the input places and output places. For each input
d iO    O  pi , t j      0,1 . It simulates how the place belonging to the preset of transition tj, the marking
output of the system changes due to the continuous i   is updated by
effect of the input. The complete set of output  i   1  t  i   , z    (4)
Apparently, this marking is dependent on the C language. Similarly, all the other are represented as the
complement of the DOF, z . At the same time, the respective CDFPN modules, and are coded as DLL files.
marking of the output place is updated according to the s-
norm. Let yk denote the marking of the output place. The p1
firing results in c1 t1 p5
 
yk   1  s yk   , s  z   , d iO    (5) p2 0.2 c1
c2 0.2 p6
Colored tokens are used in the CDFPN formalism to
allow multiple rules to be handled by a single PN p3 0.1 0.1 c2
structure. In this research, the color is associated with the
users’ affective and cognitive aspects and the ecosystem Element Description Element Description
attributes. In view of the fuzzy rules, a color is denoted as p1 ux affect t1 read information
a fuzzy variable, which is associated with a set of fuzzy p2 ux cognition c1 valance
values. For example, a user’s “valence” is considered as a p3 IB status c2 familiarity
color, and it can assume three values: pleased, neutral, p4 ux affect c3 visibility
and displeased. A single place is used to host “valence”, p5 ux cognition
while it may take any value from the three.   R1  R1    R 2  R 2    R3  R3    R 4  R4 
The dynamic properties of the CDFPN are coded in  p1 , t1 , c1   neutral 0.5  displeased 0.5   neutral 0.5  pleased 0.5 
the time-dependent input/output distance functions. In  p2 , t1 , c2   unfamiliar 0.75  unfamiliar 0.75 unfamiliar 0.75 unfamiliar 0.75
fact, the CDFPN can be considered as a dynamic system,  p3 , t1 , c3   high 
0.8   high
0.8  low
0.8  low

0.8 
with the aggregated input and output distance functions  p4 , t1 , c1   pleased    neutral   displeased   neutral  
constitute the state variables. Let i   denote the input of  p5 , t1 , c2  familiar 0.7  familiar   familiar   familiar  
the CDFPN, and yk   , the output. The dynamic nature of Fig. 4. CDFPN representation of the “read information” event

fuzzy inference is specified as the input-output relation

with respect to the state variables. However, due to the A simulation model is developed in the commercial
existence of thresholds and fuzzy operations (t-norms and software Flexsim ( The configuration
s-norms), the CDFPN is inherently a non-linear system. of the subway ecosystem is designed according to the
Thus, it is unfeasible to study the dynamics of the system specifications of the system parameters. Digital users are
analytically, e.g. by developing the transfer function in the created with their initial status following certain
state space and solving state differential equations. As an distribution functions. The users’ actions are instructed by
alternative, simulation methods can be adopted to the respective CDFPN models in the form of DLL files.
approximate the system behavior [8]. The performance of an ecosystem is evaluated
according to two criteria, i.e. service level (V) and system
III. CASE STUDY capacity utilization (U). In this case study, the service
level is evaluated using two measures: commuter valence
This case study involves the design and evaluation of and commuter stay-time in the ecosystem. System
the subway station ecosystem, which involves a indefinite capacity utilization is computed from the average
number of users (passengers) and nine products, namely utilization of the subway facilitates that require relatively
general ticketing machine (GTM), information board (IB), large capital investment or operational cost. These
narrow gate (GN), wide gate (GW), service person (SP), facilities include GTM, GN, GW, SP, ES, LT, and TR. In
lift (LT), escalator (ES), staircase (ST), and train (TR), the simulation environment, all these performance factors
each with a unique set of configurable attributes. The can be computed automatically by the software.
CDFPN is used for knowledge representation and a
simulation model is built for analysis. B. Results and Analysis

A. CDFPN Modules and Simulation The simulation is first carried out with respect to a
legacy system, whose configuration is specified in Table
The knowledge of how the ecosystem affects I. The performance of the legacy system is evaluated
commuters’ affect and cognition is coded as a set of against the service level and system capacity utilization.
CDFPN modules. For example, the CDFPN module for These results bring about useful implications of system
representing the “read information event” is shown in Fig. design in the following aspects.
4. The module dictates that the user’s valence state
changes due to the visibility of the information board (IB)  Service level evaluation
– high visibility leads to pleasurable feeling and low The effectiveness of the system on the commuter
visibility causes displeasure. At the same time, the IB valence is reflected by the average valence of all
usually improves users’ familiarity with the subway commuters, as shown by the solid curve in Fig. 5. Overall,
station. Next, the reasoning logic of the CDFPN is the system produces an average valence of 0.31. Because
translated into a dynamic-link library (DLL) file coded in the initial average valence of all commuters is set as zero,
this result indicates a possible effect of the ecosystem on
the commuter valence. From the commuter stay-time (the 0.9
dashed curve), it is shown that the commuters stay in the 0.8

system for an average period of 6.35 minutes, which is 0.7

Capacity utiliation
shorter than the expected stay-time of 6.5 minutes. This is 0.6
an indication of acceptable operational efficiency of the 0.4 GW
service process. 0.3 SP
 Cost evaluation 0.2 LT
The system capacity utilization is computed to find 0.1 ES
out the cost-effectiveness of the ecosystem. Fig. 6 shows 0
the utilization of the products with relatively high capital

















investment or operational cost. As can be seen from the Time(×103 )
results, the lift (LT), the service person (SP) and the train
Fig. 6. Capacity utilization of individual products
(TR) are characterized by high utilization rates. While a
higher average utilization rate of a product indicates lower
unit cost per service process, it suggests a possible
bottleneck of the service process, if the users’ valence 0.4

level is significantly reduced by the respective product. 0.3

Valence Change
 Design improvement 0.2

Combing the results of the service level and the 0.1

system capacity utilization with respect to the products, a 0

designer can find useful guidelines for improving the ‐0.1 GTM IB GN GW SP LT ES ST TR

ecosystem configuration. In essence, a product related to ‐0.2

low service level and high capacity utilization indicates a ‐0.3

TABLE I Benchmark Optimal

Fig. 7. Change of valence level due to individual products
Product Parameter Benchmark Pseudo-optimal
General Number 4 3
Ticketing (5,3) (15,-3) (5,3) (5,4) (5,- possible bottleneck product; whereas high service level
Position with low capacity utilization suggests excessive capacity
Machine (GTM) (5,4) (15, -4) 3)
Number 1 2 of the product. For example, Fig. 7 shows the shift of
Visibility high high valence level with respect to individual products.
Board (IB)
Position (3, 0) (5, 2) (5, -2)
Obviously, SP and TR lead to significant valence decline.
Narrow Gate
Number 8 8 Considering the high utilization rates of the two products
Wide Gate (Fig. 6), they seem to be designed with insufficient
Number 2 1
(GW) capacities in the benchmark system, and hence have to be
Service Person enhanced. Similarly, the result indicates that the wide gate
Number 2 3
Speed moderate moderate
(GW) is designed with excessive capacity. Based on the
Lift (LT) above analysis, a designer is advised to allocate more
Position (25,0) (18,0)
Speed slow moderate service persons and increase train frequencies to remove
Escalator (ES)
Position (25,0) (25,0) the bottlenecks, and reduce the number of wide gates to
Staircase (ST) Position (25,1) (30,1) reduce investment and operational cost.
Train (TR) Interval 6 5
 Optimal solutions
This legacy system serves as a benchmark of newly
0.34 6.55
designed systems. New ecosystem configurations can be
designed to improve various aspects of the legacy system.
Average valence  state

As shown in Fig. 8, a Pareto-frontier can be found,
Average Stay‐time

suggesting the optimal trade-offs between capacity
6.3 utilization and service level. It should be noted that the
6.25 optima in the Pareto-frontier may not be found in reality
0.28 6.2 because it is impractical to explore the design space
0.27 6.15 thoroughly. The data points in the figure are computed
manually, and are called pseudo-optima.

















Time (×10 3 ) Obviously, the relation between the two performance

Average Valence State Average Stay‐time
measures is inherently non-linear. The extremely high
service levels are associated with low capacity utilization.
Fig. 5. Service level w.r.t. average valence state and average commuter This means the system have excessive capacities, such
stay-time that adding more capacities does not engender significant
affect and cognition by using varying arc distance
0.4 Optimal functions. Third, the CDFPN provides various
Aggregated Service Level

0.3 mechanisms, such as the color, fuzzy thresholds, and

0.2 degree of firing, to deal with the uncertainties involved in
0 Benchmark the user-ambience interaction.
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Aggregated Capacity  Utilization
Design of product ecosystems suggests a new
perspective of product design with expanded scopes and
Fig. 8. Aggregated service level vs. aggregated capacity utilization
objectives. On the one hand, it signifies more added-value
to the products or service processes owing to the
improvements of the service level. The other extreme can differentiation enabled by the inclusion of user’s affect
be found at points with high capacity utilizations together and cognition. On the other hand, it fosters the
with the plummet of the service levels. This means that development of new methodologies and technologies to
the cost saved from lower system investment is eroded by tackle the unprecedented complexities related to the
the worsening service level, causing it to be unacceptable ecosystem design problem. In this regard, a few
to the users. Highlighted in the chart are two points constructive observations are made based on the outcome
indicating the performances of the benchmark system and of the study. First, the ambience is a useful and promising
a newly designed pseudo-optimal system. As can be seen concept in design for user experience, with its rich
from the data, the new system outperforms the benchmark implications, such as the multiple entities, multivariate
system by providing higher service level at lower system relations and event-driven processes. Second, the CDFPN
cost (indicated by the higher system capacity utilization). is suitable to capture the uncertainties of the ecosystem
and enable consistent reasoning with respect to user’s
affect and cognition. Third, the proposed modeling
IV. DISCUSSION framework provides decision support to product design
owing to its capacity to construct and simulate user
The case study shows that the roadmap towards experience in relation with product ecosystem
designing complex, high-value added systems is viable configurations. In practice, the concept of affective-
through the design for user experience accommodating cognitive modeling sheds light on industrial applications,
users’ affective and cognitive needs. The CDFPN model such as cabins of airplanes, trains, yachts, subways,
is capable of describing the fuzzy causal relations exhibition halls, shopping malls, and the like.
between the products and the user experience.
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the user experience. First, the CDFPN is flexible in the activities”, in Proc. Joint 9th Int. Fuzzy Syst. Assoc. World
sense that the color scheme allows multiple rules to be Congress & 20th North American Fuzzy Information
handled in a single structure. Second, the CDFPN Processing Society Inte. Conf., Vancouver, Canada, IEEE
accommodates the dynamic, temporal properties of the Press, 2001, pp. 1494–1499.

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