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What is communication?

communication is the process whereby speech, signs or actions transmit information from
one person to another. It is involves the sharing of ideas and information. It is also an
interaction between two people in which something is exchanged.

Important of communication?

Communication is a very important aspect of the human life, since it is the communication that helps
human beings to connect with each other as individuals and as independent groups. Communication is
the very basis, which drives the process of development in all the fields. Here are some of the reasons,
which explain why communication is important…

 Information Dissemination: 
It is owing to the process of communication that we are able to send and receive information.
Various mass media are an important communication tool for information dissemination.
 Expressing Emotions/Ideas: 
Imagine a life without expressing yourself through words (spoken and written), expressions and
even arts and craft or painting, music or dance. Communication helps people express their ideas and
 Education: 
Communication plays an important role in the process of imparting knowledge as well.
Communication is instrumental in the process of education since it helps the educator and the
students to interact with each other.
 Building Relationships: 
Communication facilitated dialogue, exchange of ideas as well as expression of human emotions
between people. Thus, it helps to build and maintain relationships - be it business
communication or interpersonal communication.
 Entertainment: 
Movies, music, television shows, theater, or even anecdotes narrated by people are types of
communication, which are a source of entertainment for us.
 Decision-making:
Communication helps in the process of decision making, be it an individual decision or even
group decision making.

Does the technology have communication today?

Yes. Then, technology took a leap and communication became much faster with the use of
thetelegraph. Messages could be sent over vast distances faster than ever. Another leap
occurred when the telephone revolutionized communications. The telephone was still limited
by the wires that carried the signals, as was radio which also represented a great advance
in communication, but these limitations were eventually overcome by satellites. In 2009,
people take communication for granted. Any person anywhere can get a message to anyone
else anywhere in world instantly and inexpensively. The use of satellite phones has
succeeded in making virtually every location on the planet accessible by phone to every
other location. Since communication can be performed by body language and facial
expressions, communications will change again more when both audio and video become
the standards used for a “telephone” call. 
How to Understand Body Language
originated by:David J, Anonymous, Flickety, Glutted (see all)


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There are various estimates on how much of ourcommunication is verbal and how much is non - verbal.
In any case, body language is very important in all aspects of our lives to getting your true message
across and interpreting the message of others. Here is a beginner's guide. These are very general, and in
many cases, do not apply. Posture is often affected by physical issues, fatigue, an injury etc.


1. 1

Understand the meanings of looking.

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o When you look strangers in the eye, you are saying, "I want to know more about you."
o When you look people in the mouth, you are saying, "I am not comfortable looking into
your eyes" or "I want to kiss you."
o When your eyes are locked onto a specific part of a person's face you are saying, "I am
o When you look away from a person routinely or lean away from them, you are saying, "I
don't like you."
o When you raise one eyebrow, you are saying, "oh really?"
o When you roll your eyes upwards, you are saying, "I am imagining"
o When you close your eyes halfway, you are saying, "I am suspicious."
o When you look down, you are saying, "I'm thinking."
o When you widen your eyes, you are saying, "I am amazed."

2. 2

Express yourself through facial features.

o When you wink you are saying, "It's our little secret."
o When you smile subtly, you are saying, "Here is a gesture of approval."
o When you smile with teeth and close your eyes a bit, you are saying, "I am very happy."
o When you walk constantly looking at the ground, you are feeling unconfident.
o When you frown, you are saying, "I am bored/unhappy."
o When you drop your jaw, you are saying, "I don't believe it."
o When you bite your bottom lip, you are saying, "I'm flirty."

3. 3

Move your head.

o When your head is up, you are saying, "I don't mind people looking at me."
o When your head is down, you are saying, "I don't want people to look at me."
o When you turn your head to look at someone, you are saying, "I enjoy looking at you."

4. 4

Understand meanings of the placement of legs.

o When you hold your legs close together, you are saying, "I am modest."
o When you hold your legs far apart, you are saying, "I am not modest."

5. 5

Placing your shoulders.

o When your shoulders are open and wide, you are saying, "I would like to meet new
o When your shoulders are closed and hunched, you are saying, "Leave me alone,

6. 6
Understand the meanings of physical contact.

o When you touch someone on the arm, you are saying, "I want us to be close."
o When you touch someone on the waist/neck/face, you are saying, "I am physically
attracted to you."

7. 7

Understand the general condition.

o When you are tense, you are saying, "I am not comfortable."
o When you are relaxed, you are saying, "I am comfortable."
o When you fidget, you are saying, "I want to find something better to do."
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How to Read Women's Body Language for

originated by:Rembrant, Ben Rubenstein, [UCF] grego, Kazim_Hilaba (see all)


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Even the ancients claimed that you have to pay attention to a woman’s gestures instead of what she

1. 1

Watch her fingers carefully.

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o If she pushes her fingers through her hair, she is looking to get your attention. The way
she touches her hair is also very important. It tells you information about her temperament. If she does it
slowly you have encountered a cunning expert of the art of love. Quick, nervy movements disclose
impatience or embarrassment.
o If she touches the edge of the glass with her fingers, Freudian psychologists often
interpret it as a sexual sign. This theory is supported by the women themselves, who claim that they
deliberately pet the glass, in order to call the chosen man’s attention upon themselves. Elegant, caressing
movement is a sign of intrinsic calmness, self-control and waiting, so sit by her. Her beating a rhythm on
the glass with her nails is a sign of impatience or a broad hint of SOS, which she’s sending to her
boyfriend, who is fighting for another Bailey’s at the bar.

2. 2

Note any physical contact.

o If she touches you in any manner, this is almost always a good sign, with the exception of
the event in which she is striking you and telling you to get out. If she is lightly touching you on the arm
while laughing, or in general just finding any way she can to touch you, bump into you, or grab you, then
she is almost certainly interested.

3. 3

Check out her hands and arms.

o If she leans on her hand with her chin and her eyes seem to be thinking, it’s not always
the sign of her being impressed by your appearance. Generally the woman tries to answer her own
question this way: "Does this guy deserve me" You know the answer, but the lady needs time. If you want
to help her make the only right decision, be politely determinate and determinately polite. Flash your
sense of humor as well.
o If she sits back with her arms crossed together,she may be uncomfortable with her
weight or she might be annoyed. This is the worst possible thing you can encounter when out hunting.
This gesture is evidence of the fact that you’ve made the worst impression of all on the woman and she
doesn’t trust you at all. Nothing helps here, neither refined jokes, nor nice, muscular body. The only thing
that MAY help in this situation is to pull back away from her: Lean back, lean away, turn away from her if
you cannot lean back. Show her that you're not interested in her. Turn back and smile to her if she is
opening up, do it progressively. Tell her that you'll have to go soon, and sit/stand there talking with her.
Let her see that you're charming to other people, talk with other woman/people, let her miss you. If this is
the case, maybe she'll come back.
o The way the woman herself thinks of her hands is also very important. If she stares at
them for a very long time, it may imply that likes you and is nervous. if she is very shy,she will not be able
to look at you. another reason for this behavior is that something angers her (perhaps you?). If she beats
the rhythm on the table or the bar means a similar state of mind.

4. 4

Look at the lips.

o If a woman wets her lips quite frequently, it’s either out of habit or desire to get you to pay
attention to her lips and sooner or later kiss her.
o When a woman is biting her lips, do not interrupt her – everything’s alright. But
sometimes when she’s biting them, you may assume that she’s nervous. Why? Perhaps you are staring
at her too inquisitively, or she is subtly flirting with you.

5. 5

Eye the eyes. According to famous experts of the topic and authors of cheap romantic stories the fast
movement of the eye-lashes is the sign of women who like to conquer men of their own accord. Besides
they are emancipated, who like to take over the duty of initiation. They aren’t waiting for your jokes and
wide smile. They undertake to initiate. The only problem with such ladies is that not all of them will enjoy
herself in the role of the doped out game. But if you don’t mind losing the role of the hunter, swallow the
bait. Also, note her pupils. Basic biology tells us that when we like something (or someone) our pupils
expand (dilate). When we don't like something, they contract. If her pupils are big, it may be a sign that
she likes you, or likes what you're saying. On the other hand, if her pupils are small and pointed, it may be
a bad sign. However, this method isn't foolproof. If it is really bright outside pupils contract naturally,
regardless and if you are somewhere darker, they naturally dilate.

6. 6
Check out the legs. Researchers of body language emphasize that when a woman frequently crosses
her legs or let them swing, is also a sexually charged movement. The strongest of all these movements is
when she opens her legs without meaning it. It’s a classical Freudian opening symbol. A contrary sign to
this is when she puts her legs together.

7. 7

Look at her feet. If her feet are pointed at you, this means she is interested in you. But if not tell her
something that will catch her attention.

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 Check to see if she turns away quickly when you turn to her direction: this can be a bad sign, or
she just doesn't want you to catch her looking at you. Some people call this "eye tag."
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 You can also try the clock trick. look abruptly at the clock, then back at her, unless you were
watching her from the corner of your eye. Any object works for this. If she was looking where you were
looking, she was probably watching you. But beware,she might have thought you saw something
dangerous or interesting and wanted to find out what it was.

 Not all women have the same body language! Not all women correspond well; it may be due to
shyness or any other cause.
 Women may be offended by you checking them out.
 Refrain from assuming that seemingly sexual gestures mean the girl wants you. If you make
advance and she's not looking for that, things will probably not end well.
 Also do not stare at the woman's cleavage if she has it partially exposed. Some men when
talking to a "sexy" woman have a very bad habit of doing that. Any woman will take offense when she
notices that your eyes are wavering (especially on the very first date). Try to resist the temptation!
 Small talk is the key. Don't talk about your past previous relationships or a three hours talk about
your job. Get her to do most of the talking, so she'll think you're a good listener. Alternatively some of us
prefer it when a man takes the lead of a conversation. Try to find things you have in common, and
casually mention them. Most of us are unimpressed with sports and video games. (hint, hint.) Try animals,
books, music, theme parks, rollercoasters, colors, nature, movies, be careful with T.V. shows unless you
both love it. Comedy works really well here, so try making funny faces, imitating people (not too
offensively, unless you know for a fact she hates them, doing funny voices,and acting a little clumsy, but
make it known you are acting shows her you know how to have a good time. Inside jokes make great
fillers for awkward pauses, but don't use the same one all the time if she seems to think it's getting old.

Dynamic Features

Facial Expressions.

Facial Expressions. A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.
Facial expressions continually change during interaction and are monitored constantly by
the recipient. There is evidence that the meaning of these expressions may be similar
across cultures.

Gestures. One of the most frequently observed, but least understood, cues is a hand
movement. Most people use hand movements regularly when talking. While some gestures
(e.g., a clenched fist) have universal meanings, most of the others are individually learned
and idiosyncratic.

Looking. A major feature of social communication is eye contact. It can convey emotion,
signal when to talk or finish, or aversion. The frequency of contact may suggest either
interest or boredom.

The above list shows that both static features and dynamic features transmit important
information from the sender to the receiver.

Tortoriello, Blott, and DeWine have defined non-verbal communication as:

". . . the exchange of messages primarily through non-linguistic means, including: kinesics
(body language), facial expressions and eye contact, tactile communication, space and
territory, environment, paralanguage (vocal but non-linguistic cues), and the use of silence
and time."

Let's review these non-linguistic ways of exchanging messages in more detail.

Lamb believes the best way to access an executive's managerial potential is not to listen to
what he has to say, but to observe what he does when he is saying it. He calls this new
behavioral science "movement analysis." Some of the movements and gestures he has
analyzed follow:

Forward and Backward Movements. If you extend a hand straight forward during an
interview or tend to lean forward, Lamb considers you to be an "operator"- good for an
organization requiring an infusion of energy or dramatic change of course.

Vertical Movements. If you tend to draw yourself up to your tallest during the handshake,
Lamb considers you to be a "presenter." You are a master at selling yourself or the
organization in which you are employed.

Side-to-Side Movements. If you take a lot of space while talking by moving your arms
about, you are a good informer and good listener. You are best suited for an organization
seeking a better sense of direction. Lamb believes there is a relationship between
positioning of the body and movements of the limbs and facial expressions. He has
observed harmony between the two. On the other hand, if certain gestures are rehearsed,
such as those made to impress others, there is a tendency to separate the posture and the
movements. The harmony disappears.

Studies by Lamb also indicate that communication comes about through our degree of body
flexibility. If you begin a movement with considerable force and then decelerate, you are
considered a "gentle-touch." By contrast, if you are a "pressurizer," you are firm from
beginning to end. The accuracy of Lamb's analyses is not fully known. However, it is
important that corporation executives are becoming so sensitive to the importance of non-
verbal messages that they are hiring consultants, such as Lamb, to analyze non-verbal
communications in their organizations.

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions usually communicate emotions. The expressions tell the attitudes of the
communicator. Researchers have discovered that certain facial areas reveal our emotional
state better than others. For example, the eyes tend to reveal happiness or sadness, and
even surprise. The lower face also can reveal happiness or surprise; the smile, for example,
can communicate friendliness and cooperation. The lower face, brows, and forehead can
also reveal anger. Mehrabian believes verbal cues provide 7 percent of the meaning of the
message; vocal cues, 38 percent; and facial expressions, 55 percent. This means that, as
the receiver of a message, you can rely heavily on the facial expressions of the sender
because his expressions are a better indicator of the meaning behind the message than his

Eye Contact

Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication. The superior in the
organization generally maintains eye contact longer than the subordinate. The direct stare
of the sender of the message conveys candor and openness. It elicits a feeling of trust.
Downward glances are generally associated with modesty. Eyes rolled upward are
associated with fatigue.

Tactile Communication
Communication through touch is obviously non-verbal. Used properly it can create a more
direct message than dozens of words; used improperly it can build barriers and cause
mistrust. You can easily invade someone's space through this type of communication. If it is
used reciprocally, it indicates solidarity; if not used reciprocally, it tends to indicate
differences in status. Touch not only facilitates the sending of the message, but the
emotional impact of the message as well.

Personal Space

Personal space is your "bubble" - the space you place between yourself and others. This
invisible boundary becomes apparent only when someone bumps or tries to enter your

How you identify your personal space and use the environment in which you find yourself
influences your ability to send or receive messages. How close do you stand to the one with
whom you are communicating ? Where do you sit in the room ? How do you position
yourself with respect to others at a meeting ? All of these things affect your level of comfort,
and the level of comfort of those receiving your message.

Goldhaber says there are three basic principles that summarize the use of personal space in
an organization: The higher your position (status) in the organization,

(a) the more and better space you will have,

(b) the better protected your territory will be, and

(c) the easier it will be to invade the territory of lower-status personnel.

The impact of use of space on the communication process is related directly to the
environment in which the space is maintained.


How do you arrange the objects in your environment - the desks, chairs, tables, and
bookcases? The design of your office, according to researchers, can greatly affect the
communications within it. Some managers divide their offices into personal and impersonal
areas. This can improve the communication process if the areas are used for the purposes

Your pecking-order in the organization is frequently determined by such things as the size of
your desk, square feet in your office, number of windows in the office, quality of the carpet,
and type of paintings (originals or copies) on the wall.

It is obvious that your personal space and environment affect the level of your comfort and
your status and facilitate or hinder the communication process.


Is the content of your message contradicted by the attitude with which you are
communicating it? Researchers have found that the tone, pitch, quality of voice, and rate of
speaking convey emotions that can be accurately judged regardless of the content of the
message. The important thing to gain from this is that the voice is important, not just as the
conveyor of the message, but as a complement to the message. As a communicator you
should be sensitive to the influence of tone, pitch, and quality of your voice on the
interpretation of your message by the receiver.

Silence and Time

Silence can be a positive or negative influence in the communications process. It can

provide a link between messages or sever relationships. It can create tension and
uneasiness or create a peaceful situation. Silence can also be judgmental by indicating favor
or disfavor - agreement or disagreement.

For example, suppose a manager finds a couple of his staff members resting.

If he believes these staff members are basically lazy, the idleness conveys to him that they
are "goofing off" and should be given additional assignments.

If he believes these staff members are self-motivated and good workers, the idleness
conveys to him that they are taking a well-deserved "break."

If he is personally insecure, the idleness conveys to him that they are threatening his

Time can be an indicator of status. How long will you give the staff member who wishes to
speak to you ? How long will you make him wait to see you ? Do you maintain a schedule?
Is your schedule such that your subordinates must arrange their schedules to suit yours ? In
a healthy organization, the manager and his subordinates use time to communicate their
mutual respect to each other.

Closing Thoughts

Regardless of your position in the organization it is important for you to develop some
sensitivity to nonverbal messages. Cooperation improves as we recognize and respond
appropriately to non-verbal cues. Of course you have been aware of non-verbal
communications all of your life, but how much thought have you given them?

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