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Syllabus Development Guide: AP Computer Science A

To the AP teacher: Please take full advantage of this guide. It is designed to support you as you develop your syllabus for the AP Course
Audit. The guide contains the following sections and information:

Curricular Requirements The curricular requirements are Important Considerations Aligned with the Evaluation
the core elements of the course. Guidelines, these statements
Your syllabus must provide clear provide advice on the type of
evidence that each requirement evidence your syllabus should include.
is fully addressed in your course.

Scoring Components Some curricular requirements consist Reference As appropriate, references to

of complex, multi-part statements. specific sections of the official
These particular requirements are AP Course Description or other
broken down into their component pertinent publications are included here.
parts and restated as “scoring
components”. Reviewers will
look for evidence that each scoring
component is included in your course.

Key Terms To ensure the clarity of certain Samples of Evidence For each scoring component,
terms or expressions that may three separate samples of
have multiple meanings, each of evidence are provided. These statements
these terms is clearly defined. provide either verbatim samples from actual
authorized syllabi or clear descriptions of
Evaluation Guidelines These are the exact guidelines used by what acceptable evidence should look like.
reviewers as they evaluate the evidence in
your syllabus. Use these to interpret any
requirement you may find ambiguous.
These are the exact guidelines used by
reviewers as they evaluate the evidence in
your syllabus. Use these to interpret any
requirement you may find ambiguous.

Scoring Components, Key Terms, Evaluation Guidelines, Important Considerations, References and Samples of
Curricular Requirements Evidence
Curricular Requirement: The Scoring Component: Please see the scoring components below for detail.
course includes all of the
topics listed in the "Computer
Science A" column of the
Topic Outline in the AP
Computer Science Course
Scoring Component 1*: The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems
*Note Each Curricular Requirement may be subdivided into two or more distinct Scoring Components.
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Design: defining the class(es) with The syllabus must include explicit The syllabus must demonstrate For additional
their respective attributes, constants evidence that students engage in regular, that students design solutions to information see “I.
and operations, the interactions frequent practice writing programs. problems using object-oriented Object-Oriented
Programming activity constructs, data structures and Program Design”
among classes and the algorithms
algorithms; that students
that are required to solve a specific (assignments/labs/projects) must be and “II. Program
implement, document and test
problem. included in most units, roughly 75% of the Implementation” in
those solutions; and that students
time. learn how to solve problems by the Computer
Implement: creating those classes by creating working software. Science Course
writing the Java code and running and Representative examples of assignment Description.
testing the solution designed. titles and/or short descriptions must be Evidence of design could include
included in the syllabus exercises in writing, documenting
(for example, by using Javadoc,
A list of textbook problem numbers alone commenting, pre/post conditions,
Curricular Requirement: The is not sufficient evidence. For example, and/or assertions), and testing
course teaches students to “Various assignments from chapter 3” is
design and implement not sufficient evidence; likewise,
Evidence of implementation could
computer-based solutions to “Problems 8.2, 8.3, 8.4” is not sufficient include exercises and problems
problems in a variety of evidence. that involve coding object-oriented
application areas constructs, data structures, and

Samples of Evidence
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
The syllabus includes a variety of The syllabus includes a variety of projects The syllabus includes a “Lab Assignment”
problems involving interacting classes involving interacting classes integrated
under each unit of study, including throughout the course including a project
section under each unit of the course which
Lottery, Slot Machine, Pac Fish, where students design and implement an includes the name and short description of
Asteroids, Spell Checker, and Google application for a registrar’s office. This each lab.
Billboard. application has classes Student, Course,
CourseSection and Instructor.
Scoring Component 2: The course teaches students to use and implement commonly used algorithms.
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Use: knowing how to integrate The syllabus must include evidence of Sorting algorithms might be For additional
classes and methods written by instruction for individually listed, or they information see
• Operations on one-dimensional
someone else (the Java might be indicated by “V. Standard
implementers, the teacher, or the • Sequential and binary search phrases such as Algorithms” in
textbook author, for example). • Insertion, selection, and merge sorts "elementary and recursive the AP Computer
sorting" or "quadratic and Science Course
Implement: knowing how to write sub-quadratic sorts" or Description.
and test Java classes and methods "O(n-squared) and O(n log
"from scratch" - translating n) sorts".
algorithms described without Java
Curricular Requirement: The
course teaches students to (In English or mathematics, for
use and implement commonly example) into working Java code.
used algorithms and data
Samples of Evidence
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
The syllabus: The syllabus: The syllabus lists “Java Concepts, 4th edition
• Includes a lesson on “Simple • Includes a lesson on “Quadratic AP Edition, Cay Horstmann, 2005, John Wiley
(iterative) sorts and recursive sorts and n log n sorts.” & Sons” as the main text book and includes
sorts” • Includes a lesson on “Linear and topic and chapter titles throughout the
• Includes a lesson on “Searching binary searches.” syllabus including Chapter 8: Array and Array
in ordered and unordered lists” • Describes a lesson in which lists and 19: Sorting and Searching.
• Describes a lesson in which students learn about “construction,
students learn about “Insertion modification, and comparison of
and deletion of elements in arrays arrays and ArrayLists.”
and ArrayLists. Traversals of
arrays and ArrayLists.”
Scoring Component 3: The course teaches students to use and implement commonly-used data structures.
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Use and implement: using The syllabus must contain some study Scoring Component is clear For additional
ArrayLists and implementing and of (one-and two-dimensional) arrays and explicit. No Important information, see
and ArrayLists
using one- and two-dimensional Considerations are needed. “IV. Standard
arrays. Data Structures”
in the AP
Science Course

Curricular Requirement: The

course teaches students to
use and implement commonly
used algorithms and data
structures. Samples of Evidence
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
The syllabus lists exercises labeled The syllabus lists exercises labeled as The syllabus includes a description under each
as follows: follows: unit of study. Unit 16, Arrays and Array Lists,
• Practice with arrays. • Storing objects in arrays and includes:
• Instantiate ArrayLists. ArrayLists. • Topics: One-dimensional arrays: Traversals,
• Storing numerical data in • Storing numbers in arrays. Insertions, Deletions; Array Lists: Discuss
ArrayLists. similarities and differences between Array
• Use loops to manipulate arrays Lists and Arrays.
and lists. • Labs: Pascal’s Triangle, Student Roster,
WordPatterns, Anagrams
Scoring Component 4: The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Select appropriate: determining The syllabus must provide evidence of An informal comparison of For additional
which among several alternative instruction of comparison of running time is sufficient to information, see
algorithms and data structures to
algorithms or data structures is meet this component (e.g., "F. Reason About
solve problems.
more appropriate for specific the course could present a Programs" and
applications. side-by-side comparison of "G. Analysis of
algorithms for sorting or Algorithms" and
choose to introduce “Big- “III. Program
Oh” analysis). Analysis” in the
Curricular Requirement: The
course teaches students to AP Computer
develop and select appropriate Science Course
algorithms and data structures Description.
to solve problems.

Samples of Evidence
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
The syllabus includes The syllabus includes a comparison of The syllabus includes the following sub-topics
• A class discussion of when and the time required under various units
when not to use recursion. • For the execution of several sorting • Informal comparison of algorithm running
• A discussion of when an array is algorithms times
more appropriate than an • For inserting and deleting from • Exact calculation of execution counts
ArrayList. arrays and ArrayLists • Recursion
• Inefficient recursion
Scoring Component 5: The course teaches students to code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the
programming language Java.
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Object-oriented paradigm: The syllabus must include an Scoring Component is clear No references to
applying concepts of assignment/project that involves and explicit. No Important external
implementing a solution using a set of
encapsulation, inheritance, and Considerations are needed. documents are
classes that are related by
polymorphism in the solutions of inheritance. needed for this
problems; learning to model Scoring
Curricular Requirement: The
components of a problem and its If the syllabus provides evidence of Component.
course teaches students to solution with objects; learning instruction for the GridWorld Case
code fluently in an object- how to use given, existing classes Study, then this scoring component is
oriented paradigm using the met.
together with new classes.
programming language Java.
The course teaches students
to use standard Java library Students who study a language other
classes from the AP Java than Java during an AP Computer
subset delineated in Science course must also be taught to
Appendixes A and B of the AP
use Java, as specified in the AP Java
Computer Science Course
Description. (Note: Students
who study a language other
than Java in AP Computer Samples of Evidence
Science must also be taught to Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
use Java, as specified in the
The syllabus includes the following The syllabus includes exercises from In addition to the GridWorld Case Study, the
AP Java subset.) exercise: Extend a given BankAccount
class by writing a SavingsAccount class. the GridWorld Case Study extending syllabus includes units on encapsulation,
The BankAccount class provides methods the Bug and Critter classes. Inheritance, and Interfaces. Each unit includes
for inquiring about the balance in the
account, making deposits, and making
the following sections: Topics, Student
withdrawals. The SavingsAccount class Objectives, Guided Practice, Labs, and
also allows inquires, deposits, and
withdrawals but, unlike the general kind of
account, updates the balance during each
operation by computing accumulated
Scoring Component 6: The course teaches students to use standard Java library classes from the AP Java
subset delineated in Appendices A and B of the AP Computer Science Course Description.
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
All terminology in the Scoring The syllabus must provide evidence of Evidence may be inferred For additional
Component is clear. No instruction of standard Java library that the course introduces information see
classes, methods, and interfaces from
clarification is needed. students to the standard Appendices A
the AP Java subset.
Java library classes, and B in the AP
If the syllabus mentions the use of the methods, and interfaces Computer
Curricular Requirement: The
course teaches students to AP Computer Science Quick from the AP Java subset Science Course
code fluently in an object- Reference Guide in the course then through examples, e.g., Description.
oriented paradigm using the this scoring component is met. lectures, study topics, labs,
programming language Java.
The course teaches students
assignments and exercises
If the syllabus mentions the use of the
to use standard Java library Appendix B of the AP Computer in the syllabus (see
classes from the AP Java Science Course Description in the examples below).
subset delineated in
course then this scoring component is
Appendixes A and B of the AP
Computer Science Course
Description. (Note: Students Samples of Evidence
who study a language other Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
than Java in AP Computer
Science must also be taught to The syllabus includes an exercise The syllabus includes an exercise that The syllabus lists an exercise that asks
use Java, as specified in the that asks students to override the asks students to write a program that students to define a class named “Person.”
AP Java subset.) definition of the toString() computes the square root of a given Instances of the class contain a name,
method. This use of a method number through an application of address, telephone number, and date of birth.
that is inherited from the Object Newton's method. This implicitly calls The exercise asks students to sort a list of
class is evidence that the course upon students to learn about the Persons by age. This is evidence that the
introduces students to the Object Math.abs(), Math.sqrt(), and course introduces students to the Comparable
class, as well as the String class. Math.pow() methods. interface.
Scoring Component 7: The course teaches students to read and understand a large program consisting of
several classes and interacting objects. In particular, the course enables students to read and understand the
current AP Computer Science Case Study posted on AP Central.
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Current AP Computer Science The syllabus must include Parts 1 – 4 The GridWorld Case Study For additional
Case Study: GridWorld Case of the GridWorld Case Study. information see
can be integrated “Case Studies”in
Study throughout the course the AP Computer
either as part of instruction Science Course
Description. In
on data structures or by
addition, the
including assignments from Gridworld Case
the case study at various Study can be
stages of the course. It is downloaded from
AP central at
Curricular Requirement: The not necessary that an http://apcentral.coll
course teaches students to entire unit be spent on the
read and understand a large
GridWorld Case Study. public/courses/teac
program consisting of several
classes and interacting
objects, and enables students
to read and understand the
current AP Computer Science
Samples of Evidence
Case Study posted on AP
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Students read and solve problems The syllabus includes lessons labeled • The syllabus indicates that students become
posed in Parts 1 through 4 of the as follows: familiar with the code supplied as part of the
GridWorld Case Study. • Running the GridWorld simulation. GridWorld Case Study.
• Writing programs that create and • The syllabus indicates that students write
populate a grid. programs that modify and extend the
• Defining new kinds of critters and supplied code.
new behaviors for critters.
• Designing critters that can interact
with one another.
Scoring Component 8: The course teaches students to recognize the ethical and social implications of computer
Key Term(s) Evaluation Guideline(s) Important Consideration(s) Reference
Recognize the ethical and social The syllabus must include explicit Evidence that the course teaches For additional
evidence of how ethical or social students to recognize the ethical information see “VI.
implications: any activity that and social implications of computer Computing in Context”
implications of computer use are
engages students in discussions of addressed within the course. If the use can be illustrated in a variety in the AP Computer
of ways, including but not limited Science Course
principles for the responsible use syllabus does not identify an activity
scheduled lessons or discussion of Description.
of computers. (paper, presentation, etc.), then it must at
“ethical use of technology,”
least identify topics of discussion in the “responsible use of technology,” or
course schedule (protection of privacy, discussions of one or more of
intellectual property, public safety, etc.). topics like the following:
• Respect for/protection of privacy
If the syllabus states that this topic was • Respect for/protection of
addressed in another course, then it must intellectual property
also include content and materials taught • Defense against vandalism,
in that course (e.g., a textbook citation fraud, and other kinds of crime on
the Internet
Curricular Requirement: The and chapter titles or a descriptive
• Potential of new technologies to
course teaches students to narrative).
affect public safety
recognize the ethical and • Potential of new technologies to
social implications of computer Optional or extra credit assignments on affect employment
use. ethical and social implications of • Liability of software engineers for
computer use are not sufficient evidence. defects in their products
• Inclusion, free speech, Section
Reference to an “acceptable use of 508 compliance (US law that
school computer” policy alone is not requires equitable access)
sufficient evidence.

Samples of Evidence
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
The syllabus includes discussions The syllabus includes a day on which The syllabus calls for students to address a
of copyright law, software piracy, students view and discuss a video significant question related to ethical use of
intellectual property, privacy, and (such as Triumphs of the Nerds) technology in a paper.
network reliability in the schedule together in the schedule of lessons.
of lessons.

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