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AP Putty

This is a useful mixture containing both acetone peroxide, and

nitrocellulose, I used smokeless powder but you can also use homemade
nitrocellulose in this mixture on account that it has been dissolved in
acetone and dried so you can measure the volume right, or you could
experiment with different weights. If mixed well, this will be more powerful
than AP.

- Nitrocellulose or smokeless powder
- Acetone peroxide
- Acetone
- Acetone resistant container, a butter container works well, I would try to
stray away from glass in case of anything going wrong.
- stirring rod


Measure out your smokeless powder out using weight, and use a ratio of
about 60/40 having more AP than NC. Now take the smokeless powder and
put it in the container and stir in enough acetone to cause the smokeless
powder to be a gel. Next, add your acetone peroxide, and carefully mix it
until it is a thick paste, you should not see any sign of AP in the mixture, it
should all look black/green (if using smokeless powder) it should look white
if using pure NC, so you could always add a small touch of finely powdered
charcoal to your NC before you add the AP, so you can tell its mixed well. I
continued stirring the mixture for a couple minutes afterwards to get a nice
even mix, then I pressed mine between two pieces of 3/8 inch pipe which I
cut lengthwise, and then once I pressed them together, I used a wooden
skewer to put a hole down through the middle, to decrease drying time,
then removed the two pieces of pipe and let it dry.

This is what my putty looked like when dry

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