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The usage of internet by youngsters and online shopping


Abstract - overview

What is the research will be-This study is covered about\will explore 2 3 lines

The research questions, method (quantitative or qualitative) & how to collect the data

How to analysis the data (graphs, charts)

Background of the study- what am I researching

Set out the topic

What prompted you to carry out the study?

Ways the research should be different

Objective and questions

Literature review

Research desing

Outline the method to use your data analysis, where to use quantitative qualitative method. Analysis is
done so that the data won’t be biased, correction (mean) method which is shown in graph .

Analysis and discussion: what to do with the data collected, present and analysed by using statistical
tool. E.g.

Mean medium charts

1.0 Abstract - Overview

This study will explore the process of youngsters purchasing and discover
whether, and how, the Internet is used within youngsters purchase decisions. It is
important to understand how the Internet will be used by youngsters as an
additional shopping medium and to explore the issues surrounding this use.

Literature review

Balabanis and Vassileiou (1999) argued the Internet is one of the fastest growing media in
human history and Kraut etal (2000) argued that is provides consumers with the opportunity to
access additional shopping medium. Specifically, e-shopping has brought the – space into the
home. Murphy (2001) agreed with Balabanis and Vassileiou (1999) that Today’s teen ages have
grown up with the internet and reportedly see it in the same way as a previous generation saw the
TV. Hughes and Hans (2001)collaborate that Internet shopping is relatively low, online shopping
is likely to grow as the level of Internet use increases and users become more comfortable with
the technology.

Jones (2009) opinion is over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old.
But larger percentages f older generations is online now than in the past and they are doing more
activities online. Lee (1992) disagreed with Jones (2009) opinion they argued this can relate to
culture, stage in the family life cycle, sex-role orientation and soico-economic class.

Argued, agreed and disagreed, opinion did not agree with,

The aim of the study will be


The study employed an interpretive, qualitative methodology using semi-structured, in-depth interviews
with all young people from 20 families in Colombo. A total 40 interviews were completed, 20 with
siblings and 20 with parents. A qualitative approach to data collection was viewed as appropriate given
that the research aimed to generate initial insights into an area given limited attention in the literature.
It was also felt that this approach would generate depth description of process, meaning and
understanding, facilitating the generation of new conceptual frameworks. The study aimed to generate
deeper insights into those areas of youngster decision making research, that to date have been explored
using predominantly quantitative approaches.

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