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Requiem for a World

By Umar Al Mujahid Abdur-Rasheed


Anthony Navarro
No matter if you are Muslim, Christian or Jew, you know that Allah
(God) sent Prophets and Messengers. You also know that these
Prophets and Messengers came with signs, proofs and most
importantly…. warnings. They warned about Shaytan (the devil), his
tricks, his plans and how to protect yourself from him. They warned of
Hell and the punishment of the grave. Last but certainly not least, they
warned of a single day that would last 50,000 years. A day where every
person who had ever lived a life on this earth would stand before Allah
(God) and would have to answer for every wrong deed and wrong action
they did while here on earth. This day is called the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet Muhammad gave us many signs

to look out for in order to know when the
Day of Judgment is drawing near. He gave
us the minor signs and the major signs. The
minor signs come before the major signs. No
one but Allah (God) alone knows when the
Day of Judgment is, but when we see these
signs, we will know it is coming soon. My job now is to list these minor
signs and to prove that they are happening right in front of our very eyes.
We are closer to the End Times than we think and here is the proof.

Minor Signs of the Day of Judgment

-The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance

Television, video games, music, movies, sports, etc, all have given way to
the “lazy” person who only wants to be entertained. Time is no longer
spent reading books and learning from a knowledgeable elder like in the
past. Children and young adults have been under attack by none other
than “technology”, who fills their heads with ideas and thoughts not of
their own thinking and also wastes
their time with lies and perversions.
Televisions are the new babysitters
of your children and they are taught
whatever the major corporations want
them to learn. Ignorance is now
celebrated. If you question the norm,
you are ridiculed.

-Books/writing will be widespread and (religious) knowledge will be low

How many books are there in the world? Millions? Maybe billions. Now
some of you might think that books are a good thing and they are, but
only to a certain extent. Learning in
years past was not limited to text
books and note books. Students
had to memorize entire lessons and
didn’t have the option to look up the

answer in a book. Now how many people called themselves Muslim or
Christian and cannot tell you one verse from their holy book? Many of
today’s religious followers are just that…. followers and have no clue what
their religion even stands for.

-Adultery and fornication will be prevalent (The Prophet, peace be upon

him, said that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the
people, which their ancestors had not known.)
-When fornication becomes widespread among your leaders (The
Prophet, peace be upon him, said that this will happen when the people
stop forbidding evil)
-Adultery and fornication will be performed in the open
-Children of fornication will become widespread or prevalent

This one is easy to see with the

pornography industry being a multi-billion
dollar industry and by the amount of
illegitimate children being born across the
world. We now live in a world where
marriage is looked down upon and promiscuity is accepted. President of
the United States Bill Clinton was caught cheating on his wife in the
Oval Office and is still loved by many while Catholics priests have been
caught having sex with young boys. No wonder there are so many
sexually transmitted diseases killing off the world.
From HIV/AIDS to Chlamydia, Genital
herpes, Genital warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Syphilis, with new ones
still being found all over the world.

-The consumption of intoxicants will be widespread

Drugs and alcohol have become

such a big part of society in almost
every corner of the world, that if you
do not indulge in some form of
intoxicant, people will actually look
at you as if you are strange and not
from this planet.

-Women will outnumber men......eventually 50:1

This is happening right before our very eyes. It’s already a well known
fact that women, on the average live longer lives than men and with
increasing wars and conflicts throughout the world, it seems that this
number is steadily increasing.

-Widespread killing

With the advancement of weapons and

explosives technology, and with the mad men
who own them, people have been killed in
greater numbers than ever before. There is
not a day that goes by that you don’t hear

of some incident with someone losing their life due to some form of

-The nations of the earth will gather against the Muslims like hungry
people going to sit down to a table full of food. This will occur when the
Muslims are large in number, but "like the foam of the sea".

It’s not difficult to see that because of this

fake war on “terror”, the nations of the world
have waged a war on Islam and the Muslims.
Justified by the September 11th attacks on
America and other mysterious attacks
throughout the world, the United States has
been allowed to spy on, detain, arrest and even
kill Muslims without any questions asked.

-People will beat others with whips like the tails of oxen.

Could this have been the slave trade

where Europeans took Africans from
Africa and brought them to the
America’s as slaves? They used whips
and other methods of discipline to keep
slaves in line and force them to work out
in the fields.

-The children will be filled with rage and will be foul

Today’s youth have this undeniable angst

inside them and most parents will tell you that
they don’t know where it’s coming from.
Could it be from the music and movies they
are entertained by, or how about their friends
in school? Either way, I have seen kids lash
out at their own family, cursing at them for no
apparent reason, only to be put on
prescription medication which depresses them
even more.

-Rain will be acidic or burning

Today’s airplane engines leave a streak

that looks like a cloud, but it is far from
natural. Aluminum chem trails are being
left all over the globe by planes going
from one destination to another. The
rain clouds pass through these chem
trails and rain down on us toxic acidic rain
that is not safe for planting or drinking.

-When men lay with men and women lay with women

Homosexuality has become so

widespread in today’s modern
society that it’s not accepted, but
celebrated. The people of
Prophet Lot were destroyed
because they practiced
homosexuality and we have made it
legal, so where do you think we

-Trade will become so widespread that a woman will be forced to help her
husband in business
-A woman will enter the workforce out of love for this world

Ever heard of a “mom and pop shops”? It’s a

family business where the father, mother and
even kids work the store in order to provide
for the family. Due to inflation of prices on
everyday goods the man could no longer be
the sole provider so the women worked, but
now you have a new breed of women who
work in order to gain materials. A breed of
women who will do anything to make it and for
a dollar, even strip her clothes off.

-Arrogance will increase in the earth

This is not difficult to see around us. With the

rise of hate crimes on people of different
nationalities and backgrounds, it’s arrogance
that fuels this. Also, with wealth and fame comes
arrogance and in today’s world where you can
become rich and famous for almost anything, it’s
no wonder why there are so many arrogant
people in the world.

-Family ties will be cut

-When a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend
kindly while shunning his father

The family is no longer sacred. Children

no longer honor their mothers and
fathers, but will do anything for
girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives
and regular friends. Everyone wants
something different and no one cares
about the family as a whole as long as
their desires are attainable.

-There will be many women of child-bearing age who will no longer give

Birth control and contraceptives allow a

woman to have sex without the risk of
getting pregnant. Women today aren’t
traditional in the sense of wanting to
raise a family. It’s more about wealth,
materials and enjoyment of one’s life
before baring the burden of raising a

-There will be an abundance of food, much of which has no blessing in it.

With the rise of genetically modified food, the natural way of eating is
longer available. Even the seeds you plant in your own home gardens
have been modified in some way. God made
everything perfect, but scientists think they
need to fix what is already natural in order
to make it bigger, grow faster, last longer
and taste better. There is no blessing in
what you change of God’s creation.

-Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men

With the rise and acceptance of homosexuality, a lot of homosexuals and

even straight men dress in women’s clothing and vice versa. Also, we have

a new phenomenon called the “metro
sexual” which basically is a straight man
who pampers himself like a woman. He
gets his hair and nails done, he worries
excessively about his clothes and what to
wear. Men’s clothes are getting tighter
and tighter and it’s at a point where men
don’t know what it means to be a real man
because everyone wants to look “pretty”.

-When a trust becomes a means of making a profit

Trust was once a sacred thing along with the family unit, but now people
are only caring about themselves and what they can gain out of any given
situation. Family members have killed each other to get at money given at
a certain family member’s death. Desire and lust are completely ruining
everything sacred in the world.

-Gains will be shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor

“The rich get rich and the poor stay

poor” was never truer than in today’s
world. People nearly kill themselves
working minimum wage jobs only to
make the owner at the top richer by the
hour. CEO’s of major corporations
make millions upon millions of dollars

while never thinking of helping out those who are less fortunate.

-Paying zakat (charity) becomes a burden and miserliness becomes

widespread; charity is given reluctantly

As I have said before, people’s desires are controlling them and are not
allowing them to care for others. While
people starve on the street, some of us walk
by them totally ignoring the fact that we
could feed them or help them somehow and
buy expensive clothing and other expensive
items that are not necessities to life.

-Miserliness will be thrown into the hearts of people

The mental state of people is a sad one. The majority of people are
either depressed, angry, two faced and just generally not happy for
anyone else. It is a selfish state that
doesn’t allow people to be happy for
others as long as they have what we
don’t have. The drugs and alcohol
aren’t helping boost people’s self esteem

-Episodes of sudden death will become widespread

With all of the poisons in the air and in the

food, it’s no wonder people have dropped
dead with no explanation. Scientists and
doctors have come forward and have
admitted introducing chemicals into the
food and water to experiment the effects
on humans. These experiments have cost
a countless number of people their lives. People continue to drop dead
from illnesses created in laboratories all over the world.

-There will be people who will be brethren in public but enemies in secret

The “two faced” human being has always

been around, but now it seems as if being
two faced is taught in school as a way to
gain what you want. People are no longer
honest with each other and take the easy
way out by lying and being sneaky.

-When voices are raised in the mosques

Because of the divisions caused in not just

Islam, but in every religion, arguments and fights
have broken out in our holy places of worship.
People no longer hold these houses of God as

being sacred and respected. They act as if they are in the street and do
what they please.

-People will walk in the marketplace with their thighs exposed

Modern fashion is exposing more and more skin than was ever revealed.
People no longer care to have themselves
exposed in front of others. They walk around
anywhere wearing as little clothes as they
please. In the summer heat women even walk
around in bathing suits, which is reality covers
the same amount of body as underwear.

-Great distances will be traversed in short spans of time

-People will hop between the clouds and the earth

With the invention of the automobile and airplane, great journeys that
might have taken months or even years can be traveled within just a few
hours. Also, spaceships have allowed men to travel into outer space,
farther than any man has ever traveled.

-The people of Iraq will receive no food and no money due to oppression
by the Romans (Westerners)

This recent war on “terror” by the

US and its allies has left the
innocent Iraqi people in horrible living
conditions without food, water,
medical supplies and without money
or jobs to buy these basic

-The leader of a people will be the worst of them

-Leaders of people will be oppressors
-People will treat a man with respect out of fear for some evil he might do

It’s obvious that many of today’s leaders are

not fit to be in control of any population of
people. People all over the world are in
oppressed states without basic necessities of
life. The oppressed do not stand up for
themselves and allow these “leaders” to do as
they wish. People are so afraid of having harm
done to them and their family that will gives all
rights to the oppressor.

-Men will begin to wear silk

Today, much of men’s clothing is made from

silk, including the staple piece of the modern
business man, the tie. Also, men’s underwear
and some shirts are made with silk which are
forbidden for men by God.

-Female singers and musical instruments will become popular

-When singers become common
-People will dance late into the night

The entertainment industry is a multi-billion

dollar business that includes male and
female singers, dancers, and musical
instruments and causes the masses to party
and dance late into the night in clubs, bars
and social gatherings. This industry
intoxicates people with different sounds
into different moods and trains of thought.

-People will claim to follow the Qur'an but will reject Hadith & Sunnah
(traditions of the Prophet Muhammad)

Many Muslims today say that they follow

Allah’s commandments and the Prophet
Muhammad’s teachings, but have no beard,

wear tight clothes, don’t pray, the women
don’t cover their hair, they drink, smoke,
date and everything else that the
Prophet taught us not to do. So really,
how much do we follow the Qur’an when
Allah says in it to follow the example of
the Prophet?

-People will believe in the stars

Today people follow astrology and

astronomers to tell them what is in
their future. Some people even
pray to stars as if these balls of fire
in outer space can affect the course
of our lives in any way.

-People will reject al-Qadr (the Divine Decree of Destiny)

Allah tells us that whatever happens in our lives, He had it written for it to
happen that way, but now people think that they have control over what
happens in their lives rather than just having control over the decisions we
make every day.

-Time will pass rapidly

How many times have you thought to

yourself, “Wow time’s flying”? People live
lives that are packed with so much to do
that they don’t even realize how much time
has actually passed. People have become
busy bodies who very rarely take a minute
to sit back and take a break.

-Good deeds will decrease

People don’t love one another anymore and this has lead to people doing
things selfishly and not caring about others. People hurt each other and
allow others to suffer. The good deed is almost a thing of the past. If
you wish to help others people will look at you as if you have an ulterior

-Smog will appear over cities because of the evil that they are doing

Cars, planes, industrial complex all release

fumes that have been collecting in the
atmosphere over the years, leaving us in
the big cities in a fog that doesn’t go away.
It’s very noticeable especially when flying in
and out of these cities.

-People will be carrying on with their trade, but there will only be a few
trustworthy persons
-Wealth will increase so much so that if a man were given 10,000 dinars,
he would not be content with it

Greed has taken over people especially in

business. How many times have you been
robbed for a few extra dollars when buying
something? Did that extra dollar really make
that much of a difference? People aren’t
content with what they have and are always
trying to get more, no matter what it is.

-A man will pass by a grave and wish that he was in their place

Life has become so difficult for some people

that they would rather be dead. Suicides are
increasing every year and it doesn’t look like
that’s changing anytime soon.

-Earthquakes will increase

The USGS statistics show that in

1990 there were 16,590 earthquakes
worldwide. In the year 2000 there were
22,256 and in 2008 there were 31,777.

This is a dramatic increase in the number of earthquakes worldwide.

-There will be attempts to make the deserts green

In places in the Middle East like

UAE there have been many projects
to lay down a form of hydrophobic
waterproof sand that holds water and
allows plant life to grow. The deserts
have been made green in order to
attract tourists from all over the world.

-The appearance of false messengers (30 dajjals)

Allah clearly states that the Prophet

Muhammad was the last and final of all
His Prophets. Since then there have
been many people who said that they
were messengers from God and that they
had received revelation. Some of these
many false prophets were:
-1960: Piazzi Smyth, a past astronomer royal of Scotland
- 1970's: The late Moses David (formerly David Berg) was the
founder of the Christian religious group, The Children of God.
- In 1983, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Guru of the Rajneesh

- 1986: Moses David of The Children of God faith group
- In 1992, David Koresh of the Branch Davidian group in Waco

-Women will be naked in spite of being dressed; these women will be led
astray & will lead others astray

Fashion over the years has been

revealing more and more of women’s
bodies, whether it’s bathing suits or
just tight clothes. No matter what a
woman wears in today’s society you
can always tell what kind of shape she
has. Nothing is left to the
imagination anymore.

-The conquest of Constantinople by the Muslims

Ancient Constantinople is modern

day Turkey and has been under
Muslim rule since 1453 under the
Islamic Caliphate (leadership).
The Caliphe was overthrown
during WWI in 1917 by the British
and their allies.

-When people begin to compete with others in the construction of taller

Just take a look out your window

and you can see the tall sky
scrapers making up the sky line.
Engineers, architects and
business men have competed in
building the tallest buildings in
the world for decades. The
tallest buildings in the world are
the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (2,712 ft), The Mecca Royal Clock Tower in
Mecca (2,680 ft) and The Taipei 101 in Taipei (1,670 ft).

-The Euphrates will disclose a treasure

Ancient buildings have emerged from

the river bed in Iraq’s western Anbar
province as the Euphrates River
dries up. For the first time,
archaeologists are able to access
sites that had been flooded by
Saddam Hussein in the mid-1980s
and have even found gold in the soil.

-Two large groups adhering to the same religious teaching will fight each
other with large numbers of casualties

Sunnis and Shia Muslims have

been fighting and killing each
other in places like Iraq and Iran
for the past 80 years with great
numbers of casualties. Both are
considered to be Muslims within
Islam, but share different views on
its teachings.

-Wild animals will be able to talk to humans

Modern techniques have allowed

zoologists to communicate with animals
through sign language such as Koko, a
gorilla in the San Francisco Zoo. She
understands over 1,000 signed words and
over 2,000 spoken words in the English
language. Koko also has the ability to
speak back to her handlers to relay
emotions and feelings.

-A man will leave his home and his thigh or hip will tell him what is
happening back at his home

Could this be talking about cell

phones which people place on or
near their hips? A father will
receive a phone call from his family
letting him know what is happening
in his home from a phone placed on
or near his hip or thigh.

-Years of deceit in which the truthful person will not be believed and the
liar will be believed
-Bearing false witness will become widespread

Many people today have

mastered the art of lies and deceit
in order to get what they want or
to get out of trouble. It’s almost
impossible to tell whose lying and
who’s telling the truth. More times
than none you will believe the liar
because they are so convincing
while the truthful person will be
ignored and not believed.

These are most of the minor signs of the Day of Judgment that the
Prophet Muhammad warned us about. Even a child can clearly see that
we live in these times. All of these
signs are happening right in from of
our very eyes and have been for
years. So much so that we look at
most of them as normal, but if we
were from the time of any of the
Prophets of God and came to see
the world at this age we would be
able to see the difference in morals
and values, deeds and actions. We
are closer to the end of the world than most people think. Only the ten
major signs are left and I can make a solid argument that some of the ten
are happening now as well.

Forsake the Godless world that Shaytan (the devil) has created by
keeping mankind blind and ignorant to God’s true path. Return to your
Lord with true devotion and humbleness. Do not get caught up in what
goes on in the world with all its lusts, desires and rebellion. And soon
when this is all over, God willing you will have Paradise to look forward to,


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