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All there is to Know about Healthy Sleep

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been running errands as quickly as possible, just so I
could get home to do housework that I’ve neglected after being at the office all week. I
don’t think I’m alone in thinking, at times, that there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
I’m commonly tempted to spend more and more hours awake, just to get more stuff done.
But how important is all of that “stuff”?

Many people don’t realize it, but much of your health and happiness depends on the
amount and quality of sleep you get each night. People who sleep more go to the doctor
less often and are less stressed. Eventually, going to bed later and waking up earlier will
catch up to you. This kind of lifestyle is extremely unhealthy.

But what can you do to stop the cycle?

Knowledge is power! In order to learn about relieving your sleeping tensions, you must
first learn about sleep itself. Sleep is scientific, and sleep is emotional. Most of all, sleep
is different for every single person. Learn the basics here and then begin to examine your
own sleeping habits. Find out what you can do to change unhealthy habits while
promoting the good habits. When you get more, healthier sleep, your life will drastically
change for the better!

The Stages of Sleep

First and foremost, let’s look at sleep a bit scientifically. No two people sleep in the same
way, but there are general stages of sleep which each person experiences. They are
broadly separated into two types:

ƒ Rapid Eye Movement

ƒ Non-rapid Eye Movement

Rapid Eye Movement sleep, known as REM sleep, is the stage of sleep in which the brain
is most active. However, for most people, REM also causes the body to be inactive. Most
of your dreams happen in REM sleep. Scientifically, your electroencephalography (the
measure of electrical activity in the brain) has a fairly low voltage during REM sleep, and
you appear electrically similarly to when you are awake.

NREM (Non-rapid eye movement) sleep, however, accounts for more than 75% of your
total sleep time, on average. With NREM sleep, your brain rests, but your body may be
active. Most sleepwalking occurs during the NREM sleeping time, which falls into four
sub-stages: stages 1 and 2 are “light” sleep, while stages 3 and 4 are “deep” sleep.

The sleep cycle occurs once every 100 minutes, on average. This varies from person to
person, but without all stages, the sleep you get isn’t very healthy. For the typical person
a sleep cycle should play out like this:
ƒ Stage N1 (Non-rapid eye movement): This is period of sleep when you are first
drifting off. During stage N1, your body many twitch as your muscles release
excess energy, and you wake up easily to noises and other sensations. Some
people experience a mixing of dreams and real life during stage N1, which I’m
sure you’ve experienced at some point or another!

ƒ Stage N2 (Non-rapid eye movement): About 50% of your sleep time will take
place in this stage. Your brain actively inhibits processing, which shows up on an
electrical readout as a “sleep spindle.” During this time, you begin to lose
awareness of your surroundings, and it is harder for external sources to awaken

ƒ Stage N3 (Non-rapid eye movement): The third sleep stage is when you fall into a
very deep sleep. This only occupies about 5% of your sleep time, probably due to
the evolutionary survival instinct that one needs to be aware of one’s
surroundings. Most night terrors, sleepwalking and talking, and bed wetting occur
during this stage.

ƒ Stage N4 (Non-rapid eye movement): Stage four is an even deeper form of sleep
than stage three. Your brain slows down and is allowed to rest. This stage is
extremely important for healthy sleep.

ƒ Stage R or Stage 5 (Rapid eye movement): Categorized, of course, by the rapid

movements of the eye, this stage of sleep is the transitional stage. It is common to
have dreams during this period, and your dreams can sometimes be very strange
indeed. Don’t worry; it’s normal.

The sleep cycle is regulated by none other than you! Your body controls sleep via the
brain and the hormones it produces. External factors, such as your body’s “need” for
sleep also come into play. In other words, when you’ve spent all day running a marathon,
the body will automatically try to allow you to fall asleep.

Why is Healthy Sleep Important?

But who really cares about the sleep cycle if it’s not clear why the sleep cycle is actually
needed. Sleep is about more than juicing your body for another busy day. Healthy sleep
actually dictates almost all parts of your life, simply because sleep has a large number of
functions. Scientists are still exploring all of the implications of sleep, but what we do
know is that sleep is needed for you to live a normal life.

ƒ Healing: During sleeping, the growth hormone’s level in the body spikes,
especially during stages three and four. The immune system is also affected.
Haven’t you ever noticed that you are extra tired when you have the flu? Without
sleep, you can’t growth and heal. That’s a major reason why children need more
sleep than adults.
ƒ Memory: If you’re studying for a test, the worst thing you can do is pull an all-
nighter! However, think back to your high school or college days. We’ve all had a
few sleepless nights. Your memory needs sleep. Studies have shown that retention
of material greatly increases with a good night’s sleep, and some scientists even
argue that long-term memory is not possible without healthy sleep. The function
of sleep is probably not primarily memory, but it does help an awful lot!

ƒ Protection: I talked a bit about evolution and sleep during the sleep cycles
discussion, and here it arises again. Sleep keeps you safe. In today’s world, this
may not be such a huge concern, but evolutionary-wise, sleeping was the body’s
natural way to keep the mind occupied in a safe and secure place. Think about it –
you’re less likely to be eaten if you’re sleeping in your cave then if you’re
roaming about!

ƒ Anabolic Concerns: During sleep, the body doesn’t simply grow and heal; it also
changes. Some theorize that during sleep, the brain takes the day’s offerings of
food and increases the production of proteins and hormones. The brain also builds
and repairs itself to better adapt, based on the learned knowledge of the past few

That all sounds a bit scientific. When it comes down to it, you need sleep to function
properly from day to day for more concrete reasons. Without sleep, your body is tired and
you can’t physically function. Without sleep, your mind is tired and you can’t mentally
function. Lack of sleep also can cause you to overreact to situations because you aren’t
thinking clearly or become ill because your immune system isn’t working to its full
potential. Here’s how the above “sleep functions” translate into the real world when you
lack healthy sleep:

ƒ Mood: Lack of sleep has proven to many to cause anger, irritation, stress, and
general unhappiness. You can see this in small children especially—when a child
needs a nap, he or she will be more likely to disagree with everything and throw
temper tantrums.

ƒ Cognitive performance: If you’ve ever tried to do a rigorous mental activity

after a night of no sleep, you’ve probably found it hard to concentrate. Studies
have show that most people are affected mentally and perform lower on general
cognitive tests.

ƒ Weight: Because sleeping triggers the production of certain hormones, those who
do not get enough sleep are at risk of becoming overweight. This is especially true
in teens going through puberty and young adults. Lack of sleep has also been
linked to the onset of diabetes,

ƒ Illness: I’ve already talked a bit about sleep’s healing powers when you are sick
with the flu and other illnesses. However, most scientists believe that sleep also
helps to boost the immune system when you are healthy as well, making it more
difficult for you to fall ill in the first place.

ƒ Cardiovascular disease: When you sleep, your blood pressure drops. If you
aren’t getting enough sleep, your blood pressure may rise over time, contributing
to cardiovascular disease. This puts you at risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Everyone is affected differently by lack of sleep, and remember—the sleep you get needs
to be healthy in order for your body to reap the benefits. That means that you should be
getting longer periods of deep sleep, especially in the beginning of the night. Spending all
of your time catnapping won’t get you anywhere!

Sleep Problems and Diseases

Some people don’t just suffer from a lack of sleep; they actually suffer from a sleep
disease. The problem is that doctors don’t routinely ask about sleep (although this trend is
changing). As you’ve seen in the last section, sleep really does affect your life, so finding
the problem and curing it as best you can is important. It’s not normal to have problems
sleeping. Don’t let your problem go undiagnosed. Here are the most common sleeping
problems. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor right away.

ƒ Narcolepsy: This is one the most serious sleep disorders, and yet only a small
percentages of suffers are every positively diagnosed! Narcolepsy is cause when
the back lacks a certain neuropeptide (chemical) that controls wakefulness. In a
sense, a person who is narcoleptic suddenly begins too sleepy to control falling
asleep. Note that in movies, characters with narcolepsy fall asleep suddenly. This
is not always the case in real life. The onset of sleep can be much slower. It
depends on the individual sufferer.
o Symptoms: excessive sleepiness during the day even when you’ve gotten a
full night’s sleep, irresistible urges to sleep, the need for several naps per
day, frequently awaking at night, cataplexy (the loss of muscle function
while remaining conscious), hallucinations, sleep paralysis, insomnia

ƒ Restless Leg Syndrome: RLS has recently become more widely diagnosed. This
irresistible urge to kick or otherwise move your legs when you’re trying to fall
asleep can prevent you from drifting off. It also carried over into sleep, and the
constant tossing and turning will cause you to only sleep lightly, instead of
finding that restful, healthy, deep sleep.
o Symptoms: uncomfortable sensations in the legs that can only be stopped
by moving, restlessness, inability to relax, worsening symptoms in the
evenings, tingling legs, improvement of symptoms by moving

ƒ Sleepwalking: Also known as somnambulism, sufferers of sleepwalking literally

walk in their sleep. The person is not acting out a dream, and most of the time the
person will never remember doing it. Children are more prone to sleepwalking,
but it can happen to anyone. Unlike in the movies, sleepwalkers do not have their
eyes closed when experiencing an episode, but rather have them open (however,
they may look glazed over). Also, most people do not actually walk anywhere
when they are technically sleepwalking—they simply sit up in bed and look
around for a while before lying down again.
o Symptoms: awaking in an area where you did not fall asleep, doing
activities during the night that you don’t remember, drowsiness, stress

ƒ Sleep apnea: This is one of the scariest sleep disorders because many people
suffer from it and it can cause death if left untreated. Sufferers have risk of heath
attack or death increased by 30%! During sleep, a patient with sleep apnea will
actually stop breathing for ten seconds or more. This may occur many times
during a night, or even continuously. Those who suffer from sleep apnea rarely
notice any breathing problems while awake, making this very hard to diagnose.
o Symptoms: pauses in breath at night while sleeping, snoring, high blood
pressure even during sleep

ƒ Snoring: My dad snores, and let me tell you…count yourself as lucky if no one in
your life does! Snoring actually has two negatives effects. It hurts the person who
snores and it hurts the person who sleeps near them! At least 30% of people snore,
and it is caused by nasal obstructions, fat gathered in the airway, muscle tension,
allergies, and throat weakness. It can be, but is not always, a sign of sleep apnea.
o Symptoms: audible snoring every night, drowsiness, irritability, inability
to concentrate, decreased libido

ƒ Insomnia: This is a broad category whose only symptom is the inability to sleep
or remain asleep during the night. This can be caused by depression or bipolar
disorder, fear, stress and anxiety, excitement, medications, caffeine, pain,
overactive thoughts, grieving, or lack of food. Sometimes, the sufferer can’t
determine a reason at all. Transient insomnia, which only lasts for a few nights is
common for every person (for example, you may not be able to sleep because you
are nervous about a job interview). However, if the insomnia lasts for more than
two weeks, you should see a doctor right away.

There are a number of other sleep disorders as well. Children who experience bedwetting
have a sleeping disorder. If you grind your teeth at night, you have a sleeping disorder.
Night terrors and sleep talking are both sleeping disorders. Of course, some problems
with sleeping are more common than others, and some are much more serious. However,
the bottom line is that if you aren’t getting restful amounts of sleep, start looking for
patterns. See your doctor right away if you believe you may be at risk—better safe than
sorry, right?

Note that some problems with sleeping can happen that are not necessarily related to any
specific sleep disorders. That doesn’t mean that the effects are any different! When
you’re not getting healthy, restful sleep, your days begin to be less enjoyable. Some
believe that when you don’t get enough healthy sleep every night, you begin to acquire
sleep debt. As you go longer and longer without paying that debt, the worse your health
will be.

Lack of sleep can be caused by a number of things. Some of the most common causes
ƒ Genetics
ƒ Stress (family, job, money, etc)
ƒ Uncomfortable sleeping arrangements
ƒ Heat or cold
ƒ Pollution
ƒ Allergens
ƒ Illness
ƒ Poor body positioning
ƒ Noise
ƒ Hormonal changes
ƒ Non-typical sleeping arrangements
ƒ Uncomfortable clothing

Is your Sleep Healthy?

At the end of the day the important question is: Are you getting the right amounts of
healthy sleep?

There are two important parts to this question. First, do you get enough sleep and second,
is the sleep that you are getting healthy. Answering these questions can help you
determine if you need to change your sleep patterns or daily activities in order to have
more restful night’s sleep.

Let’s start with talking about the amount of sleep you need. This varies from person to
person, depending upon age and upon your personal routine. Have you ever wondered
why children take naps and adults do not (most of the time)? Well, children physically
need more sleep than adults. The average child should be getting at lest nine hours of
sleep every night, if not more. Younger children and babies should sleep even longer—up
to 16 hours every day.

As a child ages to his or her teenage years, this number does not go down. In fact, it
increases. Puberty puts a lot of pressure on teens, and so they need more sleep to cope
(about 10-12 hours per night). Ironically, due to school responsibilities, after-school
activities, and part-time jobs, this is a time in a person’s life when they often get the least
amount of sleep.

Adults need slightly less amounts of sleep, but every person should get at lest seven hours
each night. Try to allow this by going to bed early enough to get seven hours before your
alarm clock begins blaring, keeping in mind that you may need 15 minutes to an hour to
actually fall asleep. More than seven hours is fine. The average adult actually would
enjoy eight hours, and some adults feel as though they need at least ten hours to feel

The key with timing is to do what works for you. If you could, how long would your
body sleep naturally? Trying heading to bed early every night for about a month and
seeing when you naturally awaken, without the use of alarm clocks. Also, how much
sleep is normal for your body? If you typically allow yourself nine hours every night and
then suddenly get a new job where you must wake up an hour earlier, you should begin
going to bed an hour earlier at night. Losing even as little as one hour (even if you still
get seven or eight hours of sleep in total) can hurt your body. Stick to your schedule.

OK, but is your sleep healthy? Even if you get 20 hours of sleep every day, you may still
feel tired, ill, and irritable during the four hours you are awake if you aren’t getting
healthy sleep. What is healthy sleep?

Your Biological Clock

First, are you listening to your biological clock? Naturally, human beings are
“programmed to sleep” between the hours of midnight and 7 A.M, approximately. This is
due to the fact that we are not able to see well in the dark—it’s an evolutionary survival
technique. Our internal clocks also tell us that we should catnap in the mid-afternoon,
which, in warmer climates, is typically when the weather is hottest and it is, therefore,
most beneficial to stay inside. This catnap also mentally prepares us for the “hunt for
food” for dinner. That may not be the case anymore, but the fact still remains that we
have an alarm clock in our brains that tells us to sleep at night.

So what happens if you have a night job or other responsibilities that dictate a change in
your sleeping habit? Well, one person can’t purely control the effects of evolution, but
that doesn’t mean you’re done for! Over time, you can “reset” your clock, so to speak, so
you’ll be able to adjust to sleeping during the day instead. However, this takes time, and
for the first few months of this routine, you won’t be able to get healthy amounts of sleep.

Notice that I’ve said “routine.” That’s the most important part of the whole ordeal. When
you stick to a routine, your body can relax and find healthy, deep sleep. If you’re going to
take a night job, then, figure out a way to keep this schedule. The first reason that sleep is
unhealthy is because a person doesn’t stick to a routine. It causes our internal clocks

Food and Drugs

Our eating habits, collectively as a society, stink. Obesity is on the rise world-wide. More
and more of our food is prepackaged instead of natural. The world also has a drug
problem. All of the things we ingest affect the health of our sleep. Watch what you put
into your mouth!

Alcohol is first and foremost one of the major causes of unhealthy sleep. There are
natural chemicals in alcohol that do make you drowsy, so many people enjoying drinking
a “nightcap” to help them drift off. However, alcohol actually has a negative side effect
on the sleep cycle. When you drink alcohol, you transition more quickly through the deep
sleep stages, staying longer in stage one and two instead. That means that you’re only
sleeping lightly, and when you wake up, you will not feel as rested. If you’ve ever drunk
too much, you may have felt this effect. The day after drinking, even if you got a lot of
sleep before waking up, you probably had the urge to spend some extra time in bed.
Alcohol makes you tired, but does not give you relief.

Other drugs have similar effects. This is true even with prescription medications.
Although doctors are beginning to realize the importance of sleep, sometimes the very
pills they prescribe to help you with other health problems may cause you to miss out on
the deep sleep stages. Always ask your doctor before you begin a new medication. Learn
about the drug’s effects on your sleep cycle. Most infamous for disturbing sleep are drugs
used to treat blood pressure, although drugs in many categories can hurt your healthy
sleep cycle.

Speaking of drugs, stimulants found in our everyday lives can also cause you to have
unhealthy sleep. Namely, nicotine, which is found in cigarettes, and caffeine, which is
found in soda and tea, are most volatile. Of course, most people realize that they should
not use stimulants before bedtime, but nicotine alone takes up to eight hours to leave the
body! Also, most people assume that they can use these stimulants if they still have no
trouble falling asleep after doing so. This isn’t the case. Remember, the amount of sleep
you get isn’t the same as the amount of healthy sleep you get.

Any kind of food can really disturb your healthy sleep if you eat it close to bed. Actually,
there are lots of bad effects of eating within a few hours of going to sleep, and doctors
and scientist alike have studied the effects this has. Some agree that a small snack in the
evening can help your body (especially if you’re trying to gain weight and muscle mass
or boost your metabolism), but almost all agree that a meal or anything larger than a few
bites is a bad thing. You body must stay fairly alert in order to digest this new food, so
not only will you have trouble falling asleep, but you will stay in the light stages of sleep
when you do drift off.

Cutting Yourself Short

Deep sleep and REM sleep are the most important stages of sleep in the sleep cycle. If
you wake up before your body has the change to experience these stages of sleep, you’
won’t be getting the healthy sleep you need.

Alarm clocks are not your friend. When we set a sound to wake us up at a certain time,
we are working against the natural sleep-awake cycle that out body dictates. Now,
because of work and family responsibilities, there is a good chance that you do need to
use an alarm clock to ensure that you wake up in time every morning. However, the key
here is to get enough healthy sleep prior to that alarm sounding so that you would have
waken up very soon naturally. Make it your goal to find the right balance so that you
naturally wake up about a half hour before your alarm sounds. Alarm clocks should only
be used as a safety, in the case that you oversleep.
Alarm clocks, of course, aren’t the only reason for waking up and missing valuable REM
sleep. We cycle through the stages of sleep at least four or five times every night.
Imagine, though, what happens if you live in a noisy area (for example) and the passing
traffic wakes you every a few times every night. You have to start from scratch every
time you wake up. Therefore, if you wake up every time you’re just about to enter deep
sleep, you have to start from the beginning at stage one. Even if you only miss a few
minutes of sleep every time you wake up, you’re really missing out on the deep sleep and
REM sleep that you need.

Naps can be great if you really need the extra sleep, but at the same time, you shouldn’t
rely on naps to catch up on your sleep. The reasoning here is the same as above. A nap
would need to last at least 90 minutes to go through the sleep cycle just once. Taking a
few catnaps during the day will allow you only light sleep, not the healthy sleep that you

And, in turn, catnapping during the day can make you less able to fall asleep at night.
This start a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Take naps carefully. Make sure that your
nap is truly needed, and don’t have naps become commonplace. Instead, napping should
be used for special occasions when you didn’t get enough sleep at night. Short naps all of
the time won’t be doing you any favors.

Psychological Disorders
Unfortunately, many people who suffer from psychological disorders also have disrupted
sleep patterns. Anxiety is the big culprit, of course, but your healthy sleep can also be
affected by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and a variety of other mental
illnesses. Also unfortunate is the fact that this is usually a slippery slope. The disorders
cause a lack of sleep, and the lack of sleep causes the disorders to worsen.

The real problem here, again, is the REM sleep. Psychological disorders can make it hard
to fall asleep, but staying asleep is what really hurts the health of the sleep you do get.
These disorders also contribute to stress, prolonging the effects of unhealthy sleep. While
stress is not a disorder on its own, it only adds to the pressure those with mental illnesses
feel during everyday life.

Changes in the Body

Like psychological disorders, you can’t control many of the changes that happen in your
body. However, you can respond to them in order to continue getting a good night’s
sleep. Truth be told, though, most people don’t. You need to listen to your own body!

Women are especially affected by bodily changes. First, as a teen, women begin to
produce more of the hormones need for getting pregnant and giving birth. Males also go
through puberty, and at this juncture of life, everyone has to adjust to new sleep routines.
However, for women, these changes aren’t done. The menstrual cycle great effects sleep,
due to the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is found in the body in great quantities
during the second half of a woman’s cycle, and this hormone makes it easier for a person
to sleep. Progesterone drops significantly just before menstruation begins to occur, so
many women find it hard to sleep the day before their period starts.

During menopause, progesterone production is also much lower. Many older women
have trouble sleeping as a result, and the sleep that you do get may not be healthy. The
answer? Learn to adapt to the changes in your body. Having restful sleep all of the time is
important, but understand that at certain times in your life, you may be more prone to
skipping REM and deep sleep. Take extra steps during these times to control your sleep.

60 Tips for Healthier Sleep

We’ve talked about how sleep works. We’ve discussed common sleep problems. We’ve
even gone over the amount and types of sleep a person needs. Now, let’s talk about ways
you can make healthy sleep possible. Like I said before, every person is different. That
said, there are general rules for finding that perfect sleep—the sleep of your dreams
(literally!). Here are 60 tips for healthier sleep, no matter who you are or what your
current quality of sleep may be!

1. Talk to your doctor about sleep. Less than half of all patients never mention sleep
to their doctor, even if they are having problems. Chances are, unfortunately, that
doctors wont ask either. Get the discussion rolling!

2. Replace your mattress. Old mattresses are less comfortable and can make it
difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

3. Buy a mattress you love. Test the mattresses in your price range first to make sure
that you find something that will work for you.

4. Have a schedule for sleeping. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each
and every day, even if you have the chance to sleep later.

5. If you have to change your sleeping habits, do so gradually. Start by shifting one
or two hours at most, every few days and give your body time to adjust to the new

6. Make sure that you’re sleeping in the dark. This is especially crucial if your job
requires you to sleep during the day. Our brains are receptive to light and you’ll
naturally find it hard to sleep if it is too light. Invest in some heavy curtains or

7. Exercise. Proper amounts of exercise are crucial to getting a good night’s sleep,
so try to get moving for at least 30 minutes every day. Even low-impact exercise
is great.
8. Don’t exercise right before bedtime. In fact, don’t exercise in the five hours (at
least) before you plan to go to sleep. This can make is extremely hard to drift off
and you’ll be more likely to wake up in the middle of the night.

9. Avoid caffeine. Even in the morning, coffee, soda, tea, and chocolate aren’t your
friends. It takes eight hours for that caffeine to leave the body. Try to find
decaffeinated alternatives.

10. Avoid nicotine. Try to stop smoking if possible, because nicotine is a stimulant.
That means you’ll find it hard to fall asleep at night and harder to reach the deep
stages of sleep you need to be healthy. Note also that those addicted to nicotine
may find themselves awakened earlier than normal because the body is going
through withdrawal.

11. Learn about the negative sleep side effects of any drugs before you take them
(whether the drugs are legal or illegal).

12. Don’t assume that herbal remedies have no affect on sleep. They do. Treat these
like regular prescription drugs and avoid any that hurt the health of your sleep.

13. Limit your naps. Napping cannot replace quality sleep over long periods of time.
You can use naps occasionally to make up for sleep, but you shouldn’t rely on

14. Don’t nap late in the day. Napping after mid-afternoon can cause problems falling
asleep at night, which means that you’ll get less sleep and need a nap again the
next day. It’s a cycle into which you don’t want to fall.

15. If you do decide to nap, keep it short. Although this won’t allow you to cycle
through all stages, when you take naps longer than 45 minutes, you’ll find it hard
to wake up and even harder to fall asleep again at night.

16. Cool your home in the summertime. Living without an air condition can be good
for the environment, but it can also be bad for your health. Instead, purchase one
to use on an as-need basis. During especially hot nights, make sure that you cool
your house in order to have a more comfortable sleeping environment.

17. Avoid becoming too cold! Our bodies experience a temperature drop at night, so
while you may be warm enough when you fall asleep, there’s the chance that
you’ll wake up in the middle of the night shivering. Keep an extra blanket by the
side of the bed so that if you do wake up, you’ll be able to fall back asleep fairly
quickly and avoid waking up again.

18. Relax in the evenings. If possible, spend your nights winding down from your
day. Put away the work and plan quite activities, like television watching a
reading, for you and your family.
19. Listen to music. Soothing music on a low volume is a get way to help yourself fall
asleep and transition to deep sleep. Make sure that the volume is low and that
there are no spikes that will wake you up. If the machine playing the music is on a
timer and will shut off during the night, also make sure that this noise isn’t loud
enough to wake you up.

20. Take baths at night. A hot bath helps to sooth your body and mind, and when you
step out of the bath, your body temperature will drop minutely, which is
mimicking what happens when you fall asleep. This alone helps you feel tired.

21. Make sure that your bed is large enough. This is especially important if you’ll be
sleeping with a partner. You should both have enough room to sprawl a bit
without bumping into one another or laying in awkward positions.

22. Have a backup plan when sleeping with a partner. If you or your partner is
restless, make sure that you have another bed or couch where you can retreat for
the night. There’s no need for both people to suffer!

23. Use a comfortable pillow. What’s the use of a great mattress if the most important
part of your body—your head—isn’t supported correctly? Don’t go cheap here.
Get a quality pillow.

24. Close your windows. Traffic, passer-bys, animals, and the weather can all cause
noise that may wake you up in the middle of the night. Close your windows if

25. Keep the bedroom for sleeping. If you have a home computer, put it in the office
or living room. Having a TV in the bedroom is fine, but don’t use it for watching
a program that you could easily watch in your family room—save the television
in the bedroom for shows that you watch to help you fall asleep. Your bedroom
should be the perfect sleep environment, which means that it is not perfect for
most other activities. Keep it that way.

26. If you’re suffering from insomnia, get out of bed. It’s better to subconsciously
associate your bed with sleep, so if you can’t sleep, get out of bed and do
something until you’re ready to try again.

27. Keep a sleep log. If you believe that you may have a problem, tracking your
sleeping patterns, as well as what has happened during your awake hours, can
help you determine causes.

28. Go to the doctor if you have back pain. This is one of the most common reasons
why people have a hard time sleeping. Your back pain may or may not be caused
by the mattress you have, but in any case, it is causing a bit of insomnia, right?
Learn about your treatment options.
29. Lose weight. Healthy sleep can help you lose weight and losing weight can help
you have healthier sleep. They work hand in hand! When you lose weight, you’ll
have less pain problems and be less likely to snore. You’ll also be able to find a
comfortable position more readily.

30. Get outside during the day. Studies have shown that having at least 30 minutes of
sun exposure during the day can naturally help you sleep at night. Don’t forget the

31. Have a nightly routine. This might include things like taking a bath, reading a
book, or engaging in religious activity. Whatever you do, make sure you do it
every night. We’re creatures of habit, and having a routine will tell your body,
“Hey, it’s time for sleeping soon!”

32. Avoid activities that cause you stress, especially right before you go to bed. For
example, paying the bills can wait for the morning. Your mind, in general, should
have some time to relax to prepare for sleeping.

33. Use a fan. When the air is circulating, it is easier to breathe. On top of that, a fan
creates a bit of noise, and a little noise can make it easier for sleeping than if
you’d try to fall asleep in complete silence.

34. Speaking of noise, why not try a white noise machine? These gadgets can help to
bring a soothing, low sound level to you, making it easier to transition through the
sleep cycle. The use of white noise also blocks sounds for the outside world so
they will be less likely to wake you up.

35. Humidifiers are your friends. You know you own body, and if you are more
comfortable when awake if you have the humidifier (or dehumidifier, depending
on your climate and preferences) running, you’ll also be more comfortable with
this working when you are asleep.

36. Keep the clock out of site. Looking at the clock anxiously every time you’re
worried about falling asleep will only make it harder to finally drift off. If you
must have a clock nearby, keep it turned away from you so that you have to
actually move in order to check the time.

37. Avoid sugar before bedtime. Sugar can kill your diet, but most importantly, it
gives you a burst of energy. This isn’t a good thing when you are trying to fall
asleep! You should treat sugar like you would caffeine.

38. Treat PMS and menstrual problems before you go to bed.

39. Try not to drink anything for at least three hours before you go to sleep. This will
prevent you from waking up during the night because you have to use the

40. Use a covering over your eyes to block out any excess light that may be waking
you up or preventing you from falling asleep in the first place.

41. Reduce stress in your life. Many people find that they experience insomnia when
they are worried about something. Cut out this worry! At the very least, if your
job is stressful, don’t bring your work home with you. Try to keep stressful parts
of your life quarantined.

42. Use rugs in your bedroom. Not only is a hardwood floor cold on bare feet in the
morning, but it also creates a lot of echo and sound, so it is noisier. Rugs help to
muffle sound.

43. Find a mattress that you can share with your partner. Everyone has a different
idea as to how much support is most comfortable, and your fluffy mattress may be
agonizing to you, even if it is best for him or her. Look for a mattress that you can
both enjoy or consider the electronic beds that allow you to adjust the firmness of
the mattress.

44. Schedule sleep into your day. This sounds a bit weird, but if you’re regularly not
getting enough sleep, right it in your day planner. Sleep needs to become a top

45. Talk to you kids about sleep. Also, talk to them about the importance of everyone
(including you) getting a good night’s sleep. When they are old enough, help
them learn how to play quietly on their own for an hour or two before you wake
up. If possible, start to work with your children to find a sleep pattern that has
everyone waking up around the same time.

46. Drink a small glass of warm milk if you’re having trouble sleeping. Milk contains
tryptophan, the same chemical found in turkey and the reason that everyone likes
to sleep on Thanksgiving afternoon. This chemical naturally promotes sleep.

47. Don’t go to bed hungry. We talked about the need to cut food out of your life a
few hours before you go to bed, but at the same time, you won’t sleep well if your
stomach is rumbling. Have a very, very light snack if you need it. Something
high in carbs, like a plain bagel or a few pretzels, is a good idea.

48. Consider sleeping aids. Medications to help you sleep were once very dangerous,
and can still be dangerous if you abuse them, but they can also help you. Make
sure you go over the side effects of each drug that you’re considering, and tell
your doctor about the other medications you take that may interact with the
sleeping pill.
49. Have your pet sleep somewhere else. Although Fido may enjoy curling up at the
foot of your bed, having a dog or cat in your bedroom is typicall not a good idea.
Animals simply have different sleeping schedules. They may feel like playing at
three in the morning! Instead, have a specific area in another room where the pets
sleep and try to start a bedtime routine for them (especially dogs) so that they
understand that you won’t be available for playing, petting, or feeding, until

50. Address problems with your partner. In a perfect world, all married couples would
sleep together every night without incident, but this world is far from perfect. If
your partner snores or otherwise wakes you up in the middle of the night, address
this problem. Once in awhile, this will happen to every couple (hence the tip
about having a retreat for nights you’re finding it difficult to sleep), but if this is
an ongoing issue, find help.

51. Use relaxation techniques. Many companies and massage therapists sell CDs that
prompt you to relax yourself. These really do work. Using them during the day
can help you feel calmer all of the time, making it easier to fall asleep at night.

52. Help to cut stress by writing down any problems that you want to remember to
solve in the morning. Close the notebook and mentally close the issue in your
mind until morning.

53. Make sure that sleep is a priority for everyone in your household. Have a house
rule that everyone should be quite between certain hours. That includes mom and
dad too! If you live in a group environment (like a dorm building or an apartment
building with common spaces or thin walls), try to come to an agreement with
your neighbors as to what times should be deemed community “quite” hours.

54. Wear comfortable clothing to bed. In fact, consider sleeping in the nude if that’s
what is most comfortable to you! Take into consideration material and tightness
of the clothing. You don’t want anything scratchy or too tight.

55. Count sheep! This really does work. You don’t have to necessary literally count
sheep, but visualizing and doing a monotonous activity can help to wind down the

56. If you feel tired, go to bed. Don’t make yourself stay up to watch your favorite
TV show—that’s what TiVos and VCRs are for!

57. Clean your bedroom. Dust and other airborne allergens can make it hard to
breathe (and in effect, sleep) at night, especially when lying down.

58. Don’t stop trying to find that healthy sleep. Some people find it easiest just to give
up and live their lives with sleep deprivation. This is not your only choice. No
matter how many tips and tricks have not worked for you, there is always another
tip or trick to try. Continue to work with your doctor to help your sleep problems.

59. Participate in sleep studies. Scientists and other researchers are continually
studying sleep in order to better help those suffering from sleep problems. By
volunteering for these studies, you will find that you are not only helping your
problem and the problems of millions around the world, but you can make a little
cash as well!

60. Talk to your doctor. Ok, ok, you caught me. This was tip number one. However,
you’d be amazing to find out how many people are having health problems but
never go to the doctor’s office for relief. See your doctor today.

Common Sleep Myths

Don’t let these myths fool you! There are quite a number of misconceptions about sleep,
so in order to have the healthiest sleep possible, it’s time to bust these myths! Please note
that, as with most myths, a number of these myths begin with a shred of truth. Being able
to discern the truth from the myth is the most important part!

ƒ “We need sleep because our body has to shut down to rest for a few hours.”

Not quite. While yes, our bodies do need rest and yes, sleep provides rest, our bodies
never shut down. In fact, studies have shown that the brain is more active during sleep
than during certain activities while awake (such as watching television). However, the
activities the brain and body do during sleep are much different than the activities the
brain and body do while awake. Sleep is very important for “rest,” but don’t ever believe
that the body is basically dead when it is sleeping. If nothing else, the brain has to keep
running so that we continue breathing and our hearts continue beating!

ƒ “Adults need less sleep, and senior citizens need even less sleep.”

The shred of truth here comes from the fact that yes, children do need more sleep than
adults. However, that doesn’t mean that you can deprive your body of sleep when it is
tired under the assumption that you don’t need any more sleep. The sad fact is that most
adults are averaging way less than the recommended 7-8 hours every night.

Also, keep in mind that every person is different. Let’s say that your neighbor’s child
sleep for nine hours every night. You shouldn’t automatically assume that you need less
sleep because you are an adult. Perhaps as a child you needed 11 hours of sleep every
night in order to feel rested. Now that you’re an adult, nine hours might be perfect. Stop
comparing yourself to other people.

ƒ “I can make up for lost sleep on the weekends.”

Many people believe that there is such a thing as a “sleep debt.” This means that you
accumulate lost sleep and you get more and more tired every day you don’t “pay” that
debt. While this is somewhat true, it isn’t as black and white as it seems. If you sleep in
on the weekends, you may feel rested during those days, but it will be just as hard, if not
harder, for you to feel rested during the week.

Instead of worrying about paying your sleep debt on the weekends, start a routine for
sleeping every day of the week. At first, you won’t want to get up at 7:00 in the morning
when you could very well sleep for another few hours, but if that’s the time you have to
wake up Monday through Friday, it is best to maintain this schedule. Once your body
adjusts, you’ll feel more rested and awake every day of the week!

ƒ “Getting less sleep is ok, as long as the change isn’t drastic.”

Ok, maybe 15 minutes here or there won’t change much, but your body will notice when
your sleep changes as little as one hour. Our bodies are really sensitive and we don’t like
changes! If you decide to get one less hour of sleep at night, you’ll see the effects. Over
time, you can work with your biological clock in order to get slightly less sleep, but this
is generally not a good idea. Instead, work at switching your sleep schedule to allow
more sleep. If you have to go to sleep later at night, allow some extra time in the morning
and vice versa.

Remember, change your sleeping habits slowly, over a long period of time. If you
normally sleep from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM and will be moving to another time zone, start
changing that pattern about a week or two before you move. Adjust about one hour few
nights, and by the time your schedule changes for good, you’ll be readily to sleep in a
healthy way.

ƒ “The more sleep you get, the better.”

Sleeping for long enough periods of time is very important, but the quality of sleep you
get is much more important. Sleeping for more every night won’t make a difference if
you aren’t getting that deep sleep and REM sleep that the body so desperately needs.
Instead of going to bed an hour earlier, spend that time readying yourself for bed. Make
sure that there are no external forces, like traffic noise, temperature changes, or pets,
which will awaken you and take a hot bath to relax your body. Once you’re in control of
the quality of sleep you’re getting, the you can start adding more hours to your sleep

ƒ “Snoring is normal.”

Just because hundreds of thousands of people around the world snore doesn’t mean that it
is normal or healthy. Snoring have quite a number of bad side effects, since it effects not
only the person who snores, but also all who are sleeping within earshot. If you snore,
you should take steps to stop.
After all, snoring can be a sign of more serious problems, like sleep apnea. Studies have
also shown a link between snoring and heart disease. At the very least, snoring can cause
sleep deprivation for your spouse and other members of your family. It simply isn’t
healthy. Thankfully, doctors have devised a number of solutions to snoring problems.
There are both medical and non-medical fixes, and the answer to your problem could be
as easy as learning to sleep on your side or wearing a mouth guard that prevents snoring.
You don’t necessarily have to get surgery to stop snoring. Talk to your doctor today
about your options.

ƒ “Medication is the best cure for insomnia.”

While prescription drugs are one solution, it is important to note that they are not the only
solution, and often they are not even the best solution. Medications put you at risk for
dependency and uncomfortable side effects. Some are even a bit risky to use. Of course,
you can take sleeping medications if that’s the option that is best for you, and if that is the
answer to your problems as determined by both yourself and medical professional.

However, consider the alternatives. Removing the stress from your life is also a huge
player in insomnia, and doing so can help you worry less. You can also learn relaxation
techniques from your doctor in order to help you fall asleep faster. Of course, insomnia is
a side effect of a number of illnesses and disorders, so rule these things out to make sure
that your problem isn’t a sign of something even more serious.

ƒ You should never, ever eat anything after a certain time at night.”

Some people say that 7:00 PM is the cutoff. Others give a later time. Still others insist
that the exact time is not important—it is the number of hours before bed that you should
count. These people say that you should never eat or drink anything at all after the
specified time.

Wrong. Yes, you should avoid large meals or drinks. When your body is trying to digest,
it will have a hard time sleeping as well, especially deeply. However, eating a healthy
snack before you go to bed isn’t a bad idea, if you are hungry (and only if you are
hungry). Going to bed hungry will make you more likely to wake up and less likely to fall
asleep quickly.

Keep in mind that you want to have a very small snack, and you want to make sure that
the snack is appropriate. Look for something that has a measurable level of tryptophan,
which is a chemical that promotes sleep. Milk, turkey, and yogurt are good choices. Look
for foods with carbs as well, such as a bagel, so that you don’t get a quick burst of energy
like you would with a sugary product. Of course, avoid products with caffeine.

ƒ “Alcohol makes me sleepy, so having a nightcap is a good idea.”

This myth is more like a blurred truth than an all-out lie. Alcohol is a depressant (unlike
nicotine, which is a stimulant), so it does slow down the body. That’s why drinking and
driving is such a bad idea—you can’t react as quickly. Therefore, having a drink before
you head to bed can help slow the body so that you relax and fall asleep.

But wait just a minute. Alcohol also prevents you from entering the deep sleep stages of
the sleep cycle. If you’ve ever drank heavily, do you remember what it was like in the
morning? No matter how long you slept, you were probably still very groggy and you
probably had not dreamed. Alcohol will typically not help you sleep in a healthy way.

So what should you do? Every person is affected by alcohol different, so know your own
body’s needs. If you do choose to drink, pick a healthy beverage, such as a glass of red
wine. Also avoid drinking too much. This will not only make it difficult to sleep but
you’ll also wake up in the middle of the night because you’ll have to urinate.

ƒ “If you can’t sleep, you should just close your eyes and pretend to sleep until you
do drift off.”

This might be what you tell your kids to do, but it is generally bad advice. You should try
to keep you bed solely for sleeping (and relationship activities). Otherwise, your body
won’t associate it with sleeping. If you haven’t fallen asleep after about 20 minutes, get
out of bed and do something else until you’re ready to try sleeping again. The activity
you choose should be low-impact and not strain the eyes (so avoid the bright lights of a
TV. An activity such as reading is a good idea.

On that note, it is also a good idea to avoid other waking activities in your bed. Don’t site
there doing bills or watch television in bed when you get home from work. In fact, avoid
the bedroom for these activities altogether if you can. Instead, stick to other rooms for

ƒ “If your child has a bad dream, allow him or her to sleep in your bed.”

This is really the family’s call, but it shouldn’t be the rule. This is a bad idea if is effects
your sleep especially. There are certain circumstances in which it is a good idea to have
the child in the room with you, but instead of having a second or third person in bed, why
not try moving a small cot into your room?

At the very least, your child should know that he or she can always come to you if
needed, but at the same time, solving his or her own problems is preferred. If you are
constantly disrupted during sleeping, you’ll be better able to care for your child or work
during the day. Its important to find a solution that works well for everyone.

ƒ “If I feel tired when driving, I should turn up the radio and open a window.”

Healthy sleeping means safe sleeping, and if you are tired when you are driving, the only
safe thing to do is to pull off the road and take a nap for as long as possible. Driving
while you are tired is dangerous to you and dangerous to other drivers. Even if you use
aids like loud music, it is still very possible for you to fall asleep at the wheel, causing
accidents that can sometimes be fatal.

However, remember to be safe when you pull over to sleep as well. If you can’t afford
the time or money of getting a hotel room for the night, you can sleep or nap in your car.
That said, make sure that you are in a well-lit rest stop parking lot when you do so. Avoid
simply pulling to the side of the road, where you can easily go unseen and be hit by other
cars. Also, lock your doors and, if possible, park close to the gas station attendant booth.
Avoid the dark corners of the parking lot.

ƒ “People who sleep late are lazy.”

Every person has a different need for sleep. Although nine hours may seem long
compared to your seven hours, another person’s body may not respond well to only seven
hours. Keep in mind as well that age dictates the need for sleep. Teens are notorious for
waking up late or falling asleep during class, but this is simply because most teens never
get enough sleep in the first place. Because of the hormonal changes happening in the
body, parents should insist on at least nine hours of sleep every night.

The Healthy Sleeping Quiz

So when is enough, enough? When is time to talk to your doctor about your sleeping

Actually, if you’re considering talking to your doctor or even remotely worried about it,
your best bet it to actually make an appointment. What do you have to lose? If you’re just
not convinced, though, check out these assessments of sleep. They can help you to
determine if you do or do not have a problem.

How Sleepy are you during the Day?

On a scale from one to four, one being “not sleepy” and four being “very sleepy,” how
sleepy do the following activities normally make you? Write down your answers for
ƒ Driving your car
ƒ Being a passenger in a car
ƒ Watching television or a movie
ƒ Having a conversation
ƒ Lying down after lunch
ƒ Reading
ƒ Working
ƒ Taking a walk

Add all of your numbers together. What does your score say about you? A score of 8 to
15 is moderate and normal, while anything over 15 is cause for concern. Primarily, in the
best case scenario, your score for each answer should be 1, with the exception of maybe
“lying down after lunch.” Unless you specifically choose to rest in the afternoon, you
should not feel sleep at all during the day, especially when driving.

Answering Some Sleep Questions

Now, answer the following questions. Afterwards, you’ll see the “correct” response. If
your answer deviates greatly from any of these answers, you need to make some changes
in your life.

1. How many hours of sleep do you get on the average night?

Answer: 7 – 9 hours. Anything less would be “cheating” yourself from sleep.

2. How old is your mattress?

Answer: 10-15 years at the most. Mattress do have a life, and if you’re sleeping
on an older mattress, you’re not getting the support you need and you’re sleeping
with millions and millions of old bed bug colonies. Gross.

3. Do you get more sleep on the weekends?

Answer: No. You should be sleeping the same hours every day of the week,
regardless of what time you must be awake for work and other responsibilities.

4. Do you snore?
Answer: No. If you do snore, you should see your doctor to make sure that the
problem isn’t more serious and to stop the snoring so as to not keep your family
awake at night. Snoring can be irritating, and it can be dangerous.

5. Do you often feel drowsy during the day?

Answer: No. If you do, again, you should see a doctor. Feeling drowsy could not
only mean that you’re not getting enough sleep, but it could be a symptom of
something even more serious.

Tonight, Get a Good Night’s Sleep on Me

I hope you’ll take the information we’ve talked about here and actually get a good night’s
sleep tonight. Remember, sleep is one of the most important aspects of life. If you don’t
get enough sleep, your entire world will be affected. Lack of sleep can account for failed
relationships, problems at work, and health concerns. It can cause you to miss
opportunities in life as well. Sleep is necessary. For people who like to keep busy, the old
saying goes “I can sleep when I’m dead.” However, if you don’t sleep now, that won’t be
a problem.

There are countless things that affect the way you sleep, from the quality of your mattress
to the temperature of your house to the stress your experiencing at work. Take a moment
to actually learn how to solve these problems in the best way possible so that tonight you
can get that awesome sleep you’ve been wanting. Better sleep requires a lifestyle change,
but these changes that you make today could help you live a longer, healthier life.

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