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Bongs and Hookahs Made From

Acrylic Tubing and Plexiglas S3

Ba<"c Acrylic Bong 56

Introduction 8
Pistol-Gnp Bong S9

Acrylic Hookcth 60

Getting Started 10

Horizontal Hookah 62

I. Bongs and Pipes From Materials

Dual-Chamber Bong 65

Found Around the House 13

Hybrid 61

Bc\'erage BOllie Bong 14

andem Bong 70

Stcamroller 16
Umbilical Bong 13

Tum-Pipe 19
Acrylic Steamroller 76

Cantaloupe Bong 20

Simplc Apple P1PCS 23

IV. Getting Creative 79

Honey-Bear Bong 80

Elaborate Apple Pipe 24

Rubber Duck Hookah 82

Aluminum Can Pipe 21

Snow Globe Bong 805

II. Bongs, Pipes, and Hookahs From

Coconut Bong 86

Common Hardware Store Items 29

Spyglas~ Bong 89

Four Pipes 30
Teapot Bong 90

Basic PlpC Bong 35

Book Slash-Box 92

Plunger Bong 36
Book Hookah 905

Bucket Bong 38

Waterfall Bong 41
V From the Past to the Present 96

Dryer Hose Suction Bong 42

Bamboo Bong. or Vietnamese TIll/or Lao Pipe 98

Vaporizer 101

One-Person Beverage Bottle Hookah 45

Pour-Person Beverage Bottle Hookah 47

Glossary 104

Any-Bottle Hookah Attachment 48

Frozcn Hookah SO
Index 106

odern bongs can be rather elaborate In through the water. The remalnll1g space
their construclJon. but most bongs are still \'/Ithln the cyllnder allows for the expansion
usually relatively simple They will normally or the smoke Once the bong is filled With
feature a small bowl attached to a stem. smoke. the carb IS released and the smoke


which IS inserted Into a cylinder that IS is IIlhaled.

usually partially filled With water. The bowl
holds the matenal that is to be smoked
and Will o11en hold only as much material
as may be burned and Inhaled in one deep
Despite the protestations of his body, man has long sought breath The stem connects the bowl to the
pleasure through the smoking of various plants and herbs. In cylinder, which wtll always have at least one
open end from which to inhale the smoke,
an effort to increase his pleasure, he has also sought ways
to increase the volume of smoke he may consume, while A bong may also have a hole on the side of
at the same time decreasing, through cooling and filtration, the chamber. above the level at the 'Nater.
which is referred to as the carb-a term
the discomforts associated with smoking. One such means
hat is likely derived from the word car­
is the use of a device commonly referred to as a bong. retor. The use of a carb makes It easier
Bongs have been around for ages, but it wasn't until the late o clear the chamber once II IS filled With
smok.e. Some bongs may not have a carb
'60s and early '70s that they were introduced to Western cul­
hole, but rather an easily removable bowl­
ture, by soldiers who had either seen or used similar devices
insulated In some way to prevent burning
while serving in Vietnam, There, simple pipes made from a one's fingers-which allows the chamber
section of bamboo, with a wooden bowl and stem and con­ to be cleared more easily as well. Hookahs
taining a small amount of water to cool and filter the smoke, ay or may not have any sort of carb at
are used for smoking raw tobacco, They are known as thuoc all Acarb IS not essential. It simply makes
clearing the chamber of smoke Quicker
lao (pronounced "took-Iau") pipes. The name bhang comes
and easier
from the Thai language, and the word "bong" first appeared
in Webster's dictionary in 1972. While the use of simple Using a bong IS qUite easy. First lhat which
IS gOing to be smaked IS placed In the bowl.
wooden water pipes for smoking tobacco is still widespread
lhen the mouth IS placed over the open end
throughout Southeast Asia, modern bongs have evolved into of the bong, and a finger is placed over the
a high-tech art form. carb hole. Smoke IS drawn Into the bong as
the contents of the bowl are burned. The
smoke IS cooled and filtered as it passes

The beauty oi bongs is that lMy are such
Tile projects In thiS book are designed to then mulliply tile resurt by Its heigh I To

Simple devices, they can be made from

yIeld bongs, pipes, and hookalls oj a given put It another way, radiUS x radius x DI x

almost anything. Some baSIL tools are

reqUired, but no special skills are neces­
~-r- size Keep In rnml1 thai these are slmpl
gUidelines Feel free to make yours larger 01
helght~ volume Or, v=To'r1h,

For example:

sary This boo~ shows you how to make a smaller, if ~ou like. Before domg so, however,
A piece of acrylic tubmg that is 18 long

variety of bongs It also covers hookahs. It may be useful to know how much smoke
and has an inSide diameter (0) of IV,

your lungs can hold and how to delermlfle

which are similar to bongs but have a (175) or a radius of y.' (875), Will halle
the volume of a bong or cylinder. Also It IS
length of hose through which the smoke IS Important 10 remember that a bong shoUld
a volume of about 43 cubic Inches, because
mhaled. as well as a few pipes The projects 875 x .875 x 3.14 x Ig = 4327
not be so tall that you cannol reach the
contained herein range irom Simple to bowl to light it While yovr mouth IS oller
elaborate, and use materials that may the opening; olherwlse you will need to have
To convert ..ullie '~cn~s 10 ~ubic Cenh·
someone else light It fOI ~ou l]lel~[S,munply Inches by 16,39, So
either be found around the house or easily
obtained Some are made entirely from Determining the volume 01 acylinder IS quite 4121,1( 1&,39 709 20. and 70920 cUbic
Simple. Flfsl. multiply lhe square of its radius cenllmelers IS equal 10 aootil 11 Iilers
items that can be found In the plumbing
(the radiUS IS half Its diameter) by pi (3 14),
and lighting sectIOns of your local hardware
store, while others also reqUire acryl! H
lublng and Plexiglas. which can be found
al plastics speCially stores. Some are
Intended to worll in a pillch and then be
discarded after they have been used, while
others are meant to last and even to be
qUite attractive
One needn't be an expellenced craftsperson
to create completely functional smoking
devices The projects in thiS book are
deSigned so tIlat ellen If you're a nOVice, you
WIll be able to bUild something thal cOllld
not only pass for store-bought. but will
likely Impress your Irlends as well Decidlllg 0-L

which project to make will be less a matter 3C,f'j(-J C;.,'P~\ln·y

01 skilileve!. and more a matter of ambition

and availability of supplies

10 11


Malerials and Supplies • Take a ,quare of f(1I1 a <,ouple ot

Idyer' lhle" anu work it IJlto the
One pla.aic pell OIl I-~hapcd piea of foLl. then folu
lhe. l'uge, down around the oLlt'lue
One small pla~li\.- bOllle. ,uch a, a of the howl. Poke a few 'mall hole~
16-ounce or I-liter beverage bOll Ie in the bo[(om of the bow I to ":l"eate
a ~ereen, then ,Hde the tin-Ioil hO\1 I
A lumwum foil
up the pla~til pcn tllbe a lillie to
a \-old mel LlDg It whe n the bOIl I i~
Tools iII. ThIS ma) ta"e ,nme practice.
X-Acto "nife. or 'Imilar 5harp. • lhe J."nifc:. CUI two hole." on
POIn[) In,Lrument oppo'lle 'Ides of the plaStiC bottle:.
Mal-.e ~ure Ihat the hole, ale as
Directions 'monlh and cln:uJar as pO"lblc. lInd
that at lea."L onc of the hole~ I ' Ju .. t
• Relllove the Loments of the pen ,Ii~htly ,malkr than the OltL."ldc
'0 that all thal rcmalns IS the empt) ulameler of the pen Luhe so that It lit,
pla,tic tube. Lightl) This will help prevent Jeab.
• Place either tile tip 01 your finger • Inser! the other ent! l.\f the ["lcn tube
or Ihe cap tram the bottle again"t the into the hole in the plastiC bOltle.
eud oi the pen tube. and wrap a strip angling it t()ward the bottom Add
of fnil a lew inc he.'> WIde arounu enough water '0 that the bottom of
the area where the tIl () meet. lhen the stem i~ ~uhmcrl!-ed. but n(ll '0
squccze the fOil '0 that 1\ i, "nllg much that there I' a risk of Iyater
again,t them. Then rell10\'C yOUr kaking all! of ellher the bowl or the
finger or Ihe bottle cap to reveal a Imlc through which the ,tell1 pass6.
bowl-,haped pie.ce of foi J.

II l~

• CUI a SIrlp of aluminum foil appro\­

Materials and Suppl ics
il1lalely 3" Wide anti 12" Inng. Wrap
ne cardboard paper-lll\\eltub lhe alUnlllWm 1011 around lhc wbe.
~ofllplcldy coveringIhe hole. Gently
Aluminul1l foil work the foil into lbe hole [0 create OJ
nO\\'\' This 1I1a~' lake some pracllce.
Tool., d\ the aluminum foil can le,lr easliy.

X-Acto knife. m similar ,harp. • Using lhe knife. carefllll:- poke a

oimv In"trllmenl few small hole\ in lht' bowl to crc­
ale a screen.
• Cover the end oi tbe wbe with
• Using the knife. cul a I" hole a few unc hand when 11gh' i njl the n(\\\ \.
inches from one end of Ihe p'lpcr­ Remove hand \'hen lhe lubc i" full
towel tube. tn rele:1se the smoke.

IIl 16 17

Matrrial~ and Supplje~
• Cut a ,>trip of aluminum toil approJ.­
II; ill1ntel~ I'~" \\ide and 6" long. Wrap
the aluminum f()iJ around the aIJpli­
One tampon \,ilh a can.lhoarJ
npplicator calor, completely ('n\t~ri ng lh~ bole.
Gently lVork the roil inw (h~ hole 10
Aluminum foil erc:utc a bowl Thi' ma~ take ,orne
II rrael1c~. a, the aluminum foil can
Tools tear ca\i I)
iI X-Aero knite. or similar sharp. • U~ing Ihe knife. larefully poke a
III pointy 1fI,trumcnt few "mall hole' In the buwl to c:rc­
ale ,I scree".
III DirecfiolJs
• Plaee :1 fUlger o\er Ihe ~nd III the
• Remove the tampon frullllhe appli­ ampon \\ hen lighting the btl\\ I
III cator and dIscard R,mo\, ringer III relea,c: the 'll1okt~.
• Using the knife. LUI a I,," hole
appro:-;imately I,~" (mm the end or
II Ihe larger half of Ihe applicator.




,'hapcd howl ju~r bclo1\ the rim,

Ml.lterial~ and Supplies U"ing an Ice pl~k, ~hopsti~k, or
~jmilar tool. po\..e a holc frolll (he
One cilnrl11l1Upe
bOltolll oj the howl through to
IIHlthpl~k, rhe in~ide of rhe call1aloupe. '\ng.le
the hole toward th~ botlllll1 Dr the
Tools ca\ it).

K iliff • With the I-nlfe. cUI IWO holc~

about I,~" 111 ulameter In the lid ()t
kc piel-... chop"tlck. or '1111l1ar tool the ~antaloupe-l)ne to\\ ard Lhe lront
(clo,er to the blm I) for the carbo
Directions and one toward the bal'k r<lr rhe
• I ay the cantaloupe 011 Il~ ~Jde ilnd
l'Uloff the top one-thinJ of the rndon. • Before u,ing, fill the lantaloupe
JU'L abo~e the dimple un olle end. with \\ilter to ju;,t below the leyel of
the bowl. ancl replace the lid In,ert
• Scoop out the ,ecd, from lhe i Ilsiue toothpick, to hold the lid in place,
of the c:lllta[oupe and d','card them,
In OItC end of the larger pan of
the cantaloupe. emvc H ,mall l'one­


Simple Apple Pipe #1 Simple Apple Pipe #2

Material, and Supplies Materials and Supplies

One apple One apple

Tools rools

Small knife Pla:-.tK pen

Directions Oirectiotls

• U'JIlg the knl1e. cane a cone­ • J'u,h the pen through the: apple '0
shaped bowl 1rom the top of the there I' a hole trom olle ,id", of
apple to the center of the core. the apple to rhe other The core wll!
he tough [0 penetrale. '0 you milY
• Carve another ,mall hole til one ave to push the pen in from each
side of the apple that ju:-.t barely con­ ~iuc toward the cort" fhe vpcning on
Ilect~ With the bowl. one 'ide will ,erve- n.' a mOlltllplecc.
the other Ivill ,crve as a carh .
• To create the bowl. remove the
apple ,tem allli pusll lhe tIp of
the pen InTO the inuentatlon in the
lOp of the apple toward the cnrc "0
thar it connects II IIh the fir'l hole,
being careful not to pu,h the pen (lut
[hI: bo[[om of the apple.


eurbo,vrfe, APPLE PI PE
Materials and Supplies • Remove the l'OO[Cllt, of Ihe pen
,0 lhat all rhat remain, i, an empt"
One apple pla'tic tube. Insert the pen rllb.:
Pla,tl\: pen into \lne of thl" hole, in the ;.Ide of
Th.: apple. TIll!. 11'111 be uo,;cd for a
Aluminum foil mouthpiece. The orher end of thl"
halc. in Ill(' other side of lhe apple,
I\il! serve a, a carbo

Knife • Make ~ small ,quare of aluminum

foil that is it couple of layer, Ihid
L.,ing the knife. poke a few small
holes in the center of rhe foil squllre.
• USing the knIfe, l:aT\l" a cone­ Place one finger In Ihe center of the
,haped bo\\ I f rom I he top of rhe 'quare. and form the foil around it to
apple to the cenrer ()f lhe C(lre, create ij bowl In~err the.: f01l lnrn the
hole in the top of the npple. foldIng
• Pu"h thl" pen through the april.' The edges 01 the fOil c!0\\1I ,Iround
so there i, a hole from one ,ide (If the uUI"ide of the apnle,
tbe appk to the other. The .;o!'C will
he lough to penetrare. so you Inay
have to pll~h the pen in trom each
,ide fOl\anJ the core.


Material~ and Supplies Direclions

Onc empty aluminum c:an • Remove the tab trom lhe lOp of
the can.
ake a deep indt'ntation III Iht' 'Ide
Knife of the c:~n 10 creatl' a b(1\\ 1. ll'lng
the knife: pnh.e <J few ,l11all hok" III
the indentati!ln to create: a ,creen
• Cut a Il<lic in the '>Ide of the cun lor
it carbo


It 26

Pipe #1 Pipe #2

Material~ and Supplie~ l\Ialeriah and Supplies

)IlC 'i" or 1/.;" f- X"," t-I bra', OIlC ~t," or I.,~" f- X'.',' M hras~
(11\ Ilouk (lJt 11lluk
Ont' 3" x l,.~" 1\-1 bra" nipplt' Ont: ~~" F x II,,' 1\\ 90-degree-anglc
bra'" ripe elbo\\
Ont' '/,;" F x ~;''' r 90-degree-angle
hra" pipe dbow One '.\.." Flirt-h., coupkr

One J..; ' F bra" pjranm! knob with One ',,," F hras, pyramid knob with
a holL for a beaded cham a hoh: for a beaded cha1l1

Screen (all aerator ~C'n:en CUI to fi\ One 3" x 'f,' M bra" nipple
the bo\\ I. or an appropn.lld) ~Izc:d
:-.crecn pur( from a ,mokc Sen'en (an aerator ~creen CUI 10 fil
,!loP) lht' hOWl. or lin appropnalt'l) "zed
,ercen purLha,,",d frpm a 'Illoke

• Thread the ,'ut Ilovk and Ihe fllp­

pIe Ill\() ellher ~jue of the elbo\\, Directions
and thread the p) ramid knob OnTO • Thread the nil 1101Lk InlO th('
lhe other end of the nipple. IIl~Cl1lhe female ,.,Idc ot Ihe l)O-Jcgr~e-anglc
,dl ,eree!l Into lht' bo\\ I. elbol\'. and thread the male: ,>Iue "i
the 90-c!t'g,n::e-,ll1gh: elbow into one
end of Iht coupler. Thread Ihe p}rn­
1l1ld knoo OIllU lht' 11 ipple, and
thread the nipple into Ihe otha end
oj the cOl/pier, lmert Ihe scrten in\ll
the bowl.

Pipe #3 Pipe #4

Materials and Supplie, I\Iatl'rials and Supplies

One 3/," or 1'0" Fx I~~" Iv! bra~~ LlI{ One :,," or I,." F x !Ii." Ivl hra'.,
nome cut nn71Je

One V," F x r,," M 90-J~grce-angJc One '....' F x I.. ~·' 1\1 lJO-degrce-allglc

brass nozzle hras~ Pl[W elhow

g" F bl'3~~ barrel Lnupler One Is' F x 1/," r- 45-Jcgree-angle

hra,~ pipe elbow
One W' J- hr~s pyramId knob with
a hole for a beadC'd l'hain hra,~ pyramid knoh \\'1111
Onl' 1.'"" I-'
a hok for a bcadt·J t~baJn
One 3" x Jh." M bra,;, nJppk
Oll~ J" x>'" M bra" Illpple
Screen (an aerator ,cr~en ellt ll.J
fil the bowl. or an apprnpriat<:l) S,reen (an aerator ,creen cut to fit
.,iLed screen purcha ,cd from " the bOIl I. 01 an appropriately stuLl
,mo"e ,bop} serccn plil'l:ha'L'Ll from a smnkc
• Thread the Clil nozLIe Into the
female side of Ihe angkJ nt\ule and • Thrcall the cut 1J(1111c Inlo tht'
thread the barrel coupler onlo the fem,tlc ~ilk
of lhe 90-Jcgr<"t'-angle
male sille. Thread tbe pyramid !..nob elbo\\'. and rhreaJ the male siJe of
onto lbe I1Ipple, and thread the nip­ lhe 90-tkgret'-anglc elbow inw une
ple inlo the t·oupkr. [nsert the q:rccn end Ilt Jhe 4:i-ut'grL'c-anglc clboll.
ioto the bOWl ThIem.! the pyrilllllll knob 11l11O the
lppk :JIld lhread lhe nipple inl\l
the otht'r cnu 01 the 45-dcgree-dngle
elb~)\\<. Insert the screen inlo the


• Sand the em]:'; III' lhe pipe "mooth

Materials and Supplie<;
• In'>ct1 the ho'\: b:lrb, which I" the
One. IS' length or I';," 10 }\B~ or bowl. Il1tO the villyl hm,e, IdllCh \"
pye pipe the ,tc'm, In,erl the hose in1lJ the
pipe. ang.JlIlg the hose tll'l ani the bot­
One y.' H13 x I."" I- bra ''> hi "e harb­ tom of the. pipe. In,crl the ,I
to-pipe aJaptcr
II1tl' the bOI' I.
One 5" kngth oj I,j" ID X '/," Ol)
• Place the pIpe cap on the hottum
llexlble vinyl hose
end Ill' lhe pipe
Screen (an aerator screen ellr to fit
the bowl. mall appropflalely ,i7CU
screen purcha~cJ from .. ,mokc

ne I 'n' pIpe ca


Drill and y," drill bIt

)l1li Sandpaper

• Drill two v." hole, on 0PP(1o;IK'
,ide~ of lhe pip.;: appnnll11:ltcl) ()"
up from the bottom "nt!. ('\nghng.
one of the holes uownward for the
'tI~m amI howl ma" be dc,ir:lhk. hUI
i. nOl nece""ary. Drilling It ,hallc)\\
starter hole \\'Ith a '>mullcr Jrill hit
first will make drilling. at ;111 <lI\gli: J
lillIe easier.)


MalE,'I'lal" and Supplie~ one of the pIpe cap, ,nugl} Of) till'
,hor! piece of pipe on the bottom Ilj
One 24" length or I !,j" ID ABS llr tht: \\ ye-.I0lnl.
• Drill a ,~.,' hole in (he center ot thl
One I'~" \I)e-JOInt other pipe eap,
T\\'(j 1!t1" pipe caps • In~ert the ho'e b:lJb. which I '
the bowl. inro (he hO~t: which I~ the
On<' 1.:." HB x j~" F hra" ho,e harb­
to-pipe mJuptcr stcm. In,t:rt fhe screen Into the bOIl I
In,cJ'l the ho,c Into tht' llllle in the
One :-I" length ot ~,," ID x',," 0 cap. and place the crlp on the ~hor1
t1exihle \'Inyl hObc piece '.If pipe 011 tile ,Ide l.t tlie
\\) {--Jotnt Do not put lhe cap on w
Screen (an aera{nr 'CTeen c'UI to fit righll) Ihm J( l ' dl!ficllJr ttl remo\c.
the how/. 01 an apprOpriiJfel) sized
~(reCIJ plll'chil,ed ('rom a ,mob.c Note: Till < ho!!~ c!oew'( h(J\'(:' (/
,hop) rex II 1,,1' ('(/1'11 If 1
lI.\<'. rt'fIll!\ I:' 111"
cop ,\,1/11 (I1t bml'/ (flld S[('/Ii 0111','
(he dW/IIhel is .Ii/led 10 relt>o II' I/It'

Drill (lnd W' Jnll hit


• Cut the pIpe Inl!l lwo pieces ~"
long. and one piece 20" long,

• Sand the end,,> 01 the piece, of pipe


• Insert fhe lung piece or pipe into

the top ot the II) "-Joint. ItheM the
(wo :!" piece' snugl) into the hO[lol1l
and ,ide of the wye-Iolnl. and place


Materials and Supplies Direction~

One large plil~lil DonIe, <;lIeh a, a • Cut off the bot!om of the bOllle
l-Itrer bc\crage Donie \\Jth the knile
On.: )~" or \.'" F X ~i<" [\] bra',~ (lit • Dnll or CUI a';," hole in the belCf
nOZlh: Jge boltle (,Jr,

Snec:n (lin a.:rator ~(Teen cut to fit • Thread the <.lIt nOLlle IntO Ihe h(\k
the b01\ 1. (Ir an appropnatt'l) slled on the outside of the ~ap, <Ind "crell
,<:reen purcha~ed from a ~mllkt' the cap onto the hut!le. In,cn the
~h(lr) ,creen Into the bowl.

One large or other container' N!l1(': To iI,H', 1I1II1l'''',\{' Ih!! houf<' 1If!
filled I\lth Willer /() til 11('(k iii H(/I!!r, Be ,'lin In fllad
111 .. hml'! <Iller Ihe 111111/e 1/lI~ hel'lI
Tools Im/Ilenei/. 1'1,"/1, I"hile frglili/ig lilt'
howl, 1/01"1.1' fili Ihe hOIl/e IIll1il
X-A.. . hl knife. or "llTlIlar ~hart-', Ihe hmlrJJ/l " .iIl,\'1 bf//I\" Ihe \/1/
pOinty In,trumenl )(/('t' of Ih., lI'ar<'T~ Hold Thf !.>ollg
III plol'!' II'llIh' reI/lOPing Ihl! C(lI'
Drill ilnd "'/ unll bIt <OPlI011<l11 Plflll ill(' bOllg dOll'll IU releuse I!I('
III/oke Through Ihl.' /'/.'l'cragl' !>Ol/Ii

II[ Materials and Supplies Directions
II One large pla'ilil' boule. such as a • CUI II I" hole Ileal' Ihe hottom of
2-lller beverage boille lhe bottle lind II1~erl lhe rubber stop­
II per. (CUlling the hole <\, srnolllh and
One I" rubber sin" siopper round as po"slhh: Will help prevent
One l.!ti" or !tl" F x 'l~" M brass l'ut
nOLLIe • Dnll or CUI a 'i,"
hole in the lid of
he heverage bottle.
Screen (an aeratur screen CUI to fil
the bowl. or an appr\lprlatel) siled • Thread the cut nOZlle into the hole
screen purchased from a smok~ on lhe \Iut",dc of the cap. Insert the
shop) "creell Inlo thc ho\\ I.
I Tools 'Yult'. '](1 1I1'1!. jill rhe hOflle 1/1' 10
il" nl:'ck Huh \I·illa. awl SOTl< Ihl:'
III' X-Acto knife. or sImilar sharp.
POIIH)' instrument
id OlJlu lilt' !Jollte. Load Ihe bOll,r
Ihell plIlI 011/ tile Hoppa (JIlll light

~ II Drill and ¥So drill bit copunnal)

Ihe howl us Ihl! 1\'(/ll.'r drain., Oil!.
A., Ihl.' 'l'(I(cr drum.1 01/1. il \vifl drt/\,.
iI .\IIlOAt' 11110 I/W bOlllt~. Rom),·c Ihe
cap IIfft·r Ihl! WOU!I' Iras drail/ed OIl!
10 re!ea,\(' Ihe \/1l11ke

II Iii
III 40
\' 41

M3tcrial~ and Supplic~

ends of lhe dr> er hO'ie. and secure
hem \VJih the hlbC L'lamps_
Onc 12" IcJl~th 01 I" x (J" pille
wood. nr similar • Thread the nipple Illto (he hllk II]
the PICCC of wood.
Onc 12" Icn,l!lh of -+" dlHmetcr • OrJil a :<'i" h..le in thc threaded
Jll'~jhle pla.qjl dryer 110<'<: cap.•Illd rhl'cad the cut no/Z1c 1l1ltl
the ollhlde of the C£lp. Thread a 11(\
Two 4" adJustablc ho'c elalllp>­
nut ,mIn [he (ul no/zle ll!l [IK' Ilhlt!.:
One Ii," x 2" PVC nipple of the car It ne.:es,ar) to ,('cure tht'
Jlo/zle to the cap..ind thread lhe lei!,
One J.)" P\'C' threaded cap lInlO the nipple. (nsert the ~Lr<:<'n
into the bowl.
Olle 'k" or V' r x I/~" M hras, Cllt
!lo/lle Nn/e. Ii) 1I.lf. ("f)/IIpn:.I',1 Ih;' dr,l' I
then lood Ihe bml'!. LlgllI I!I"
OI1C ',~" thin bra~5 he.\ /lUI. If needed hlJlvf wilt/e 111)\1-/.1' exrendilll{ /he
!W.I('. Rel/l(l\'t;' The ('ap. anti rUIII/)I'<",'
Screen (an aerator screen CUI 1O 1"1\
IIII! h(J~e 1(1 release 111<' 1'lI!tJ;"e.
the howl. Of all appropnatd: sized
screen rlUfcha,ed frol1l a ,make

1'001.. .
J ig~aw

Onl!. and I.""," boring bit. and

\,.," dnll bit


• CUI two 4" (ircles of \yood with

(he Jigsa\\. and drill a "IIl>" hole In
[he CCnler of onc or the pieee~,

• In,crI the pieces of wood InlO thc

(!}'l.e- !Z!e'WOfI..
the outside cJHIllH>ttr of the ho~c to
Materials ~Illd Supplies
avoid leakage.
One plastic bOllle. such a~ a 2-l1tel
• Cut or dnll a W' hole in the
bc\erage bottle
bOllle cap
Approximately l' llf I.~" II) x h" 00
/ tl~xible vinyl hose • Cut one piece of hose slightly
} I /

Onc It,· HE x 'II" r bra,s ho,c barb­ shorter than the height of Ih.;: bot­
. /I II .'

Io-pipe adapter tit:. angling the cut at one end. (The

anglc \\ 111 make il easier to i nseIl
~ Screen (an aerator screen Clit to fit the hose laler.) Insert the hose harb.
the bow\. or an appropriately '1/C which is the bowl. into the straight
screen purchased 1rom a smoke end Ilf the measured length of hn~e.
,hop) \l hlCh i~ the ,rem, dml lI1~crt the
angled end of the hose into the lid
Insert rhe screen into the bowl.
X-Acto knife, or ~imllar sharp,

POllll} in~trumel1l

• Insert the angled end of the

remaining hose about 112" inro l)f1
Drill and W' drill bit (optionn])
Ill'rhe holes In the ~jde of the bailie.
fill [he bottle halt\va) wlrh water,
d • Cut or lIrill two W' holes in the
and screl\' rhe cap ontO the bClllle.

side of the bottle ncar the neck.

U B~ sure to make at least l)nc of the
hoJe~ as smomh and mllnu as p()~­
'ihle. amI just slightly smaller than

Materials Hnd Supplie<; Dircctions

One large plastii.' hottle ..,uch a~ a • Drill five I,;." hok~ In Ihe ,ide of
5-g,1Ilon waler boule lhe bOllle near Ihe neck.

One large cork or ~t(lpper [<-I Led to • DJ'i II a '-;;" hole In I he c(J[k Of
iitlhc mouth oflh~ bOltle) stopper.
ApproxlDlately 8' of 1:'," ID x 1/2" OD • Cut one plL:ce (1\ hl"~ ,Ilghll~·
lk"'ble vinyl hose ,hor1cr Ihan the height of the bOllle.
angling the cut al nne end (The angle
One W' HB x v," r bra" hose harh­ will mak.e It easier to insert the hose
to-pIpe adapter later) Insert the ht"c h'lrl1. whll.:h I '
the bowl. IIlTu the stnllght end of Ihe
Screen Ian aeralllr 'creen eLlI ill fit
mea'urnl lcnglh of hn'e. which i,
the bowl. or an appn'pnatdy ,ileu
the ,tcm. alld In'en the :1ngled end
\creen pureha,ed from a <.m"ke
III the ho~~ Into the cork or stopper
[n,ert the ,creen Into the bowl

Tools • Cut the remaillllll;' piece ot hose

into tour e4lH11 length,.,. each \\'Ith
Drillund ~H drill bn
one lIngled LInd line '>traight end.
In,cn Ihe .tngled enth' of tht' t·OU!
hll~c", annut 'I:''' into four of the holl::­
In th" '>,Je of the bottle. Fill the bottle
halfway \\ nh water. LInd Illsert Ihe
cork or stopper wl1h the bo\\'1 and
stem into the m01lth of the hottlt-.

Materials lind Supplies Directions

One rubber ~lOpper. or cork (si7.e • Drill two ,,,," hole' in the stop­
may vary) per by cutting off a 4" length of lh~

bras~ lubmg anJ in5ening it into

Onc 12" piece of 14" OD round the drill and uS1I1g it <IS a bH.

bfa~s tubing
• Slide the compres~i()n nut anJ
On~ 'A"COMP x Vi" F brass sleeve onto the end of the remain­
compres..,ion nut-to-pipe adapter I1lg piece of bra~s lubing. and imcrt
Saeen (an aerator ~creen cut to fit
tbe rube into the compressIOn fHung
untIl it reache, the end. Tighten th~
the bowl. or an appropriate I) silt~d
compression nut Ollto the cOrllpn:,­
screen pllrchaseJ frolll U ~moke
,ion filling with the wrench. Illse!'
the screen into (he howl
One 12" lenglh Ilf '/," ID x '.\" 00
flexible vinyl ho~e • Inser( the brass lUbing and COI11­
pn:ssllJn filting all the way into Olle
ot Ihe hole~ In Ihe larger end of the
Tools stopper. and in,ert the VInyl h,lSc
Drill 1I11l) the other hole until it Ju,t cleur,
the other side of rhe ~r()pper.
hl~ auachmelll mil> be u~ed \\ jllt
any boule that has an opening In
\\'hich the rubber ~topper or corh
will fir SJlugly

48 49

Materiab and Supplies Directions

One 3' lenglh of I," "ID x '<," 00 • Coil the Yin) I hose around lhe
fle\ibJe ,inY! ho,e Inside of the drinking glas". le,,\·
ing a few Inches of either enJ abo\C
One large drinkIng glass. ,uch a, ' Ihe rim of lhe glas~, One end will be
pinl glass the mouthpiece. and the other \\ III
One ~4" HB x I~ II F bra~s h'bc harb­ be the stem f~)r the howl.
to-pipe adaoter • In,ert I he hll'ic barb i nlO onc enu
Screen (an aerator screen cut to fjt of lhe ho,e for the b(l\I1. :tnu tl1'iCrl
the bowl. or an appropnatcly siLed the screen into the: bUll I.
,ereen pllrcha,eJ from a smoke • Fill the gla" about two-third'i flJll
shop) nf \\ater. and place ilIn the freelel
to prepare II tor usc.

II 50 51
._a. "
When It comes to CuttlOg, almost anything If these are not available standard drill bits acrylic cement IS not available, plas­ what the average person will be able to do
that will cut wood will work fine on acrylic will work so long as the hole is started With tl~ model cement. Silicone caulk, or some In their home or workshop The projects in
tublOg or Plexiglas. Carpenter"s saws, miter a smaller dnll bit and enlarged incremen­ epOXies may work In certain Situations. he follOWing sections address thiS problem
saws. Jigsaws. Circular saws. and band saws tally using successively larger bits until the Always read and follow the instrucllons on through variOus means
are just a few options. deSired size is achieved. ThiS method may the product package. and expenment on In thiS sectIOn you will find projects tha
sometimes be necessary even when a spe s~rap pieces I range from Simple to elaborate, represent­
When cut1lng thinner material, such as
clahzed billS available, It Is always a goo Il , worth mentioning a pnmary difference 109 lust a few of the possibilities. There are
W -thick sheets of Plexiglas a scoring tool
will also work well. Idea to practice cutting and drilling on a belween manufactured bongs and bongs an almost infinite number of ways to put
piece of scrap first Ou tan make yourself. Most manufactured together afew feet of tUbing, some Plexiglas
Drilling acrylic tublOg or Plexiglas is a lit­
You can also find adhesives specifically bongs are made uSing a process called and maybe a length of flexible VInyl hose
tle tougher than cutting it though, Acrylic
formulated for use WIth acrylic tubing and vacuum-forming. In whIch plastic is heated You may be surpflsed by how easy It
tublOg and Plexiglas are more brittle than and then molded into various shapes uSing Is-once you are familiar wrth the mater:·
Plexiglas, which are generally referred 10
wood, and will crack if you don't dnll care· vacuum pressure. ThiS is what allows the als-to make something that IS both clever
as acrylic cement Acrylic cement usually
fully Drill bits With either a fiO-degree 1
stem and bowl to be Inserted Into a bong and unique all on your own These projects
comes In both regular (thlO) and thick
angled tip or what is referred to as a 'bullet at <l~ angle. Vacuum forming reqUIres spe· also serve as a good rntroduction to the
ened versions A thicker adhesive will be
point" will minimize the fISk of craCking. cial eqUipment, and goes a little beyond world of plasHes.
easier to use because it IS less likely to
run It IS always best (0 use the appro­
priate adhesive whenever possible When


54 55

l\laterials and Supplies • Thread Ihe cut noule 11110 the

angled flll2l1t:. and thrcaLl the HlIgkd
Ont" 12" lengTh ot 2" OD x I·~,," ID !louie inlU the \ In) I ho,c In,nl th.:
,tcrrll" tubIng 1'111) I ho,c thruugh nne of the lroJ,-,~
III rhe out,lue 01 the pipe, all!.!linl:
One 'I," or I,~" F x';;''' t,,\ hra." cut
tht hmc [llilurd the bottom ni rh­
pipe. In~ert the ,c n:ell IIlW 'he bUll I.
One I,;." .I- x W'M 4S-degree-anglc
• Place the polyethylene cap (HI iilL'
br<l" noule
bot 10m Dfthe acrylic rublng, or ,11I,le h
On<:,5" kngth of '-11" ID x I,:" OD [he lH.:ryllc rubing to the pIece (It
fleXible Vinyl h\.);(' Ple,ligla:- IVlth acrylic cemen£.

Screen (an acrawr \creen ('ut [0 fir

rhe no\\ ,. or an appropriately 'lied
'>creen purcha,eJ from a '11l11!-..C

One 2" lD polyethylene cap. \)1' one

4" x 4" piece of W'-thick Plcxlgln,

An) lie cemellt. if u~Jng PJe,jgla~

Drill and ,..;" drJlI bll (\Iith " 60­
degree or bul/el·point tip)



• Drill t\\'O ill" hole, (1j] oppositt'

~Ide, of the an)'llc tubing apprOli.'­
rnalely 4" up trom the bOltOlll end .
• Sand rhe enu" of the acrylic tlIbing
>.1110ot h.

56 57

Materials and Supplie'> Directions

One 18" length 01' 1" 00 x l-'~" ID • CuI one piece of aeryl Ie lubing
acrylic tubing appfl)\imately 14" hlng (overall
length). wuh a ~5-degree-anglt' on
Acrylil: cement one end. Cut both end" of the remain­
ing plcee at ~5 Jegrees. so Ih:H it
One 4" x 4" piece PI' ),'h·'-thid.. has a mean length of about 4".
• Drill ,\,/;''' hole about I" in from
One W' or ~4" F x '..'i" Ivl brass Cllt the angled end of lhe long piece of
nozzle tuhing tor tht' stem and bowl. and
drill a ~1" hok ahout 1" in from one
One lis" F bras~ coupler
end 01 the shon piece of tubing for
m: 4" x '/," M bra..' nipple the carbo

One: ¥s" [D x '11;" 00 rubber

• Sand all end.. of thl; acrylic tubing
Screen (an aeratOr screen cUt III lit • Cement the tll,O cnth of the tublog.
Lhe bowl, llr an appropriately :>\7eU \\'Ith holes in the III wgelher at a right
screen purchased from a ,moke angle. anJ cementlhe short plt:ce onto
,hop) the PIc'(igla, ba.,e.
• Thread the cuI noulc InLO the cou­
Tools pler. and rhreaJ the coupler onW
Drill and 0-" drill bll (II ith a nO­ rhe nipple. Insert the grommet
degree or bullet-point tip) into lhe hole in Ihe longer piece of
<lcr) lte tuhing. aml insert the lllp­
Sandpaper pie Into the grommet. In,;ert the
~crecl1 Into the bO\1 l.

MaferiaJ.~ and Supplie'i

ne 6" length of 2" 00 x I ~'J" ID
ncr) lie rubin!!

One 4" x 4" ple.:e of ~N' thIck


AcryliC cement

One 2" If) pol) ethylene cap

• Drill one ~" hole ill the Hlfylk

lubing about IV'dlll\ n Iroll1lltt fup.

Two ~/," ID x Y,' OD mbber

gromrnel~ • Sam1 lhc end, of Ihe aer) Ill' (IIbltlg

'Illl)()! h
and ,Iliac h II to the piC,,· 01

ne ';." or 1.\" F X':,' M bra,s Ctll Plc",gJas "Jlh a,:rylic cement

no/ Lie
• Drill 11\0 ~,,, hole, in the rJUI .I ­

lie J,,\<" r bras~ coupler elh) lene cap. and in,en the ruhher

groll1ll1ets lIltn thl' holes.

One 5" x IN' l\f bra" nipple

• Thread the L'UI nO/LIe Illtn the

Screen (an aerator '<.Teen elll 10 fir coupler. lhread the coupler OIlllJ Ihe

rile bowl. or an appropriately ",zed nIpple. alld IIisert rhe Ilippk 11*1

,crecil purcha,;ecllrollJ a '111\1).:e one of the grommeh In rhe pol:

,110P) elhylene cap. In,crr the ,,1'('1:'11 JIIIO

rhe ho\d.

Onc 12" lenglh of ~" ID x ~.~" OD

flex Ible \ in) 1 bn,~

• In,err olle end of the \·inyl hIJ\l:
abo\!t I~" Illto thL' other Qr,Hll­
One 0." J" bra" pyramid knob \\irh a
met. anti lhrcatl lhe pyrall1lu' kIwI<
hole tor II beaded ,hain (oplil)nal l
(If lI,ing I onto the other c'nd 01 Ihe
ho;;c .

• Fililhe aCfv!Jc tub,' two-third, 11111

with waler before pbcil1g rhe C,IP
0'1 the tube.


Materials and Supplies I" bonng bil

One 6" length of 2" OD x I'~" lD Sandpaper

acrylic tubing
nIl) 3" x 3" piece" oJ W'-/hlck
PIt~xJgla~ • Drill three I~" holes 'paL'ed .1I'<'ul
11-:)" apart alnng one ~ide at (he
Acrylic cement tier) lie tubing
rwn .~,~" JD x W' Of) rubber
• DnlJ a l" hole in rhe center O! line
oj the pieces ot Plex Igla\.
One ~" or I,," F xl;"" 1'v1 bra.'s CUT
• Sam) the cnds of (he acr) lie lllb­
no! Lie
Ing and the edge~ of Ibe PIl').lgl~s
ne W' F bra,,~ I'oupler "!llooth. and attach the plen::, "I'
Ple'lglas to cllher end of the a..:r.1 Il~
nl: 2" x \1,:" M brass nipple lubmg wilh ;lCr) Ill: ccment ' ( I thai
the hoJe\ arc IOwaI'd [he top.
Screcn (an aerator screen cut t(l fir
lhe bowl. or an appropriately Sl/Cd • In'en lh~ rllbb~r grommet> into llh~
screen pu[cbtlsed from a smoke {II'O bole" ill the 11cryJil' lubjn~ lhat
shop) are the furthest apart.

ne ) ~" length of 1,.1" m x 3,," Of) • ThreaJ the CUl nuule into the
flexible Vinyl ho"e cOllpler. [hrend the cnupkr ,'nl(1
thc' nipple. ,tnd jll~ert the Ilippk
One y,," F brass pyramid hllllb wiTh tI into one uf the l!rommets In the
holc for a beaded ch:lln (optl()nal) acrylic lube. In,ert the 'creen JilIn
th~ b(m!.
One 1" rubber 'topper
• ]nserr oue end of the I ill) J !to'l'
Tools abour i:''!'' i nro the other 2r0I11­
mer. and thread the pyrulnlCj' K[1<,b
DriI I and 'h" dri 11 bit Iwith" 60­ (It u,ing) unto the olher end (It tile
degree or bullet-point lip) 110'e.

• In,crt th~ stopper itllu Ihe hnk III

Ihe PJC>dgJaS.


Materials- and SUI>plies Tnul.,

One 2' length l)( 2" 00 ~(ryli( Drill and 0." unll hit (With a (,0­
lUhing degree or bullet-point lip)
Dlle 4" x 8" piece of !'i<"-tlllt:~ Sandpapcr
AcrylIc ccmcnt
• ("ut the acryllc tubing Into one piece
Three lh" lOx '/," OD rubber
6" long. and one pi..::ce 18" long.
• Drill two J,~" holcs on opposite
One 8" length of I;''' ID x'" OD
slUes of the longer plcce of acrylic
fleXIble vll~)'l hose
lublng, .. bOUl 4Y." up from the bot­
Onc 2" 10 polyethylene l':lP IOIll Drill one I,,:" hole in lhe ,horter
piece ot lllblng, about -+~;" up from
One h" or 1,(," F x v." \{ bra", clil the bottom.
• Sanu the end'> of the acrylic tub­
ne til" F bras, coupler ing alll! lhe cugC'i of the Plcxiglm,
One SOl x W' M bra" nipple

Screen (an aerator screen cuI to III

lhe bowl. or an appropriatel) 'il.el!
screen purchased from a »Jl1o!-.e


• Cem':111 Ihe (WI) picc!.", of aerY]le
uhing 01110 rhe Plnjgla~ ba,e 2"
ap<\r1 from cach other and ~o IhaT
The hole III lhe 'horter plCCC and the
11I1)e~ in tilt" longer piece are all in
• In,cll ,1I1e grommel Intfl the hok
In {he .,Ih)rfcr piece or acrylic lllbing.
and anorher inlo Ihe hole opposilc it Materials and Supplies Tools
In the longer piece of acryll<: lub­
ing. ln~crt one tond <)f the ho~e about One 2' length of 2" 00 lIU";' JJC Drill and I,.~" c1ntl biT (with a 60­
grommet 1tI the ,horter
Ill" Win The tubing dq;ree or hullet-point lip)
piece of anylic TUbing, and Insel1
the other enu of the hose about 4" Three 4" x 4" plece\ of 1","-thICk I" b'lring bil
illto the grommet III the rallcr piece Plexiglas
of 3tr~ Ill' tUbing. angling it to\\'arel
·\(:r) lie cement
lhe bo!tol11
• Drill a ~'.?" llOlc in {he lap ot Ihe
Three %" m x l;X" OD rubber
grommet~ , Cut th a<:r) IiL' lubing Into olle
polyethylene cap. and In.,crt a rub­
pin:e 6" lon!!._ anu OIlC pIece
ber grommel IlIto The hole. Thread One v." or \!.." F x j.." 1'1 bra,~ Clit
lhe CliT nozzl!." Into the coupler. and noule '8" long
Ihread tht· coupler Olll(l lhe nipple. • Dnll tWO 'j" hole, 011 oppoSite
In,crllhe nlpplc inl(lthe gronllllel III One 1,1' F bras~ coupler
\Idc\ 01 rhe long piece of acrylic
The polyC'thylcn..: cap. anu place the wblng ahout -lY.i" lip from the
Une 2" x W' M br~l~., nipple
cup on lhe ,horlcr piece of acrvlic bN(Om
llIblng. II1~el1 the ~t:rcen Into The Screen (au aerator ,creen cui to fil
howl • Drill two 111" hllle\ about Y' apan
the bo" I. or an appropriately s'led
~creen purcha~cd from a ,moke from each other on one ,Ilk of the
No/(: , to !I.II'. "llIIp/-" fill 111" smaller ~hop) .,honcr plcce of llIbing.
("-"!tII(/er Willi a/)Oll( 4" (if waler. or
Jill fhe .Ilnaller cylinder Willi abOUI One 12" len~th of I.,' ID x h" 00
-/" of hOI Wule!' and the tuller <"."t­ 11<:>.ible vinyl hose
illl!e}" "'/111 (/11 equa! amOUllt {If ICe
wafer One )" rubber stopper


• Drill a I" hole In the cenler of onc
hreaLi the cut no/Zle Inlo tile cou­

of the ple.:c~ of PIe'Xiglas

pler. threaJ (he ('oupler onro the

• S;)nd the end, of the un)"llL:: tub­

I1lpple . .tnu in,ert the IlJppk 11I111

in!! and the cd);c:> of lhe Ple"igla.' the gn l mll1et at one enJ of Ibe ,llnner

bll1oolh. piecc of acrylic lllbing JIl'en Ihe

screcn inlo the howl.

• Cement lhe longer piece (If aLT~ lie

lublllg Ollto nile ot lhe pH:ce, of • Insert one enLi of the hose ah'llJl
Ple\igla.., Without a hole. Vl" into thc olher !!rommet )11 the
,hUrl PIC('C of ,Kryli<: Wbillg. anu
• Cement picce~ of PkxIgla,. one Ill:-.ert thL' other cnu uf the ho,c
With a hole and one without. to each annUl 4" IIlIo [he grommet III Ihe
end of the shorter pIece of acr) Ii(; !ongt:r piece of anylic [ubinl". ~lIJgl­
lublng So lhnl the hole., in the [ublng Illg it do\\ l1\\'ard.
ure lacing lip.
• In~ert the ,(opper il1to the hole 111
• Insert rubber grommets Into the the piece of PleXiglas.
two hole, in lh.:: shoneI' piece of
an) I,l' tubing.. ul1L1 into one of [he
hole.' III lhe longer pieee of acry IIe


Material., Tools
One 3' length of :2" 00 x 1"I" W Drill dnd ',1" drill hit (1\lth af)()­
UU} l1e lUbing.
deg.ree Of bullet-point tip)
One 4" x 12" ple..:c of I,J"-thiek

Acrylic cement

• Cut nne piceI:' 01 aer) Ite luhlllg 6'

One 2" If) pnl)elhylene cap

long. and ellt the rClllaHllng plCcC in

Fil'c ~," 10 x;,," 00 nJbb~r
half lit a ~llghL angle. 225 dt'~rcc5
grommet, or k".

One ~" 01' I.:;" F x h." M bra~\ cut • Drill t\\O 1".1" holes on 0T'T'0'IlC
nozLk >Ides of the ~hoflcr plcce of "l:r~ III'
tuhing. abllU! ..j l " up f)'om {he [lllf­
One II," F bru" _'oupIer tOIll of (he luhe Orill IWO !.;" hllle~
on Oppv'lte ~ldt~ ., of each lit the
One 5" x W' 1vl bra\\ nipple jonger pieces of tuhlng. aboul ':\'.j'
up from the bnllolll.
Screen (un aerutor '>creen ellt III fit
lhe bowl. or an nppropnatcly ,i/Cd • Sand thc emb of the acr~ Ill' tub­
~('n:cn pureha,cd from a ~moke
ing and the edgc~ or the p!e\lglas
shop) ~nl(llJlh

One 2 length of b" JO x Yo," OD

flex Ihle \ in\' 1 ho"c


70 7)
• Cemenl tht' shorter piece of acrylic in each lIf the long plece,~ or alr)lic
tubing IInto the center of rhe Plexl­ tUbing,
gla~ biJse_ ~nd ,'emenl the longer
piece, \111 ()PP(l~It(:' el1lh of the Plexl' • Cut the \ inyl ho,e in h~11 In\er:
gla,. angled <twa;- trom eiJ\:h other. one enJ of each pieet' or b(l,e ahout
The hole, on all tht' picee~ !>hould ~.':" 1I1to the grommets in the 'honer
line up with cad other. piece of ilCf) lie tubing In,en rh~
other end, of th~ ho~e nboul 4" Info
• Dnll a W' 110le In the cenler of rhe rubher grommet' In the taller
the polyethylene cap, and IIbcrt a pll:t:e" of acrylic lllblllg, ~f1glrng
gromlllet Illto the hole, Thread the
CUI I1ll/Zle Into the coupkr. and
them down ward,

rhreiJd the loupler onto the I1IP­ !Ym(': To I/,It', ,limply fill lire jllta[fer
pic, Insert the I1Ippk lIlro the rub­ el'll/uler with Il/)our 4" of \I'lI//r, or
ber grommel. and place the Cilp on Jill Ihe ,If)wller /'I'lrllder II irh 0/)0111 Materials and Supplie~
Scr~en (an "erator ,crcen Cllt to fit
the ~horlcr piece of acrylic tubing, 4" of hOI W01<'I: ([lid (hI! wlh" 1',1i­ rhe bo\\ 1, Of an appropnately ~iLed
Insert the ,creen into the hOI\ I. IIld!!r.1 wuft (//1 equal (//11011I1! 0/ "'/' One 2' length of 2" OD acryiJc ,crcen purcha't'd fr0m ~ ,moke
uhmg ~h()p)
• In,ert grommet;, II1l\1 the t\\'o holes
in the ,horter piCe'': of acrylic lub­ Une 6"x 6" piece or W'-lhlCJ.. One 2' length of ~.i" X \/." OD
ing, and the 1\\'0 holes opposite lhem Plexlgla, f1c>.ible \'in)-I ho"e

Anyltc cement Tools

Two 2" ID polyethylene eap, Drill and t~" drill bit (with a 60­
rhree lh" ill x W' OD luhher degree or bullet-point tJp)
grnmmcb Sandpaper
One lil!" or Vi" F x I.." ~ bras5- ClIt

One I~· F bras, wupkr

One:''' x W' M brass nipple

'il (continucd)

72 73
• Thn:ad the cut nozzle 1111l> llie
coupler. and thread thc ~~()t1pler Olllo
• Cut (Ile ~crylic tubing IllW one the nipple Insert lhe nipple l!Hotlie
piece 6" 1l1ng. and one piecc I X" grommet In one of the pnl)cth\l.
long ~nc C~tps. and plul.'e tli... cap \\ IIIl Ihe
,tCIll and bowl on the ... hllrter piece
• Drill ont: !.~" hole in the ,horter or ,Icr) lie tubing. IJl~ert the ~l'fI:cn
piece of acr) lEe tubIng about I b" intl' Ihe bowl Place the olhc:r cap Ilil
do\\ n from the lOp. anJ drill nnc ';" the end of lhe longer piece nf an) he
hole in the ]llllger piece l,r ~ltTyllc tUblllg nearest the hole
tubing abllut ~" In from onc end.
• I n~..::rl the rc IllUJIllng grommet ;n[o
• S~nd the enJ~ of the acrylic tub­ lInc of the hole', III lhe ,h~ll1cr piece
Ing LInd lhe ed!:,c' of llle Plnlgla, Ilr aer~ llc tubing C\lnnect thc !lInger
~lt\ooth. and CCIl1CIll tlie ,honer
pien: tll the ~hllrt<:r plcce h)' llls~rt·
piece oj aer) lie luhlng onlO the cell­ tng \ll1e cnd of the \'illy[ ho"e ahmll
tCl llf the PIc,igla" base. I,," inlo [he ['ubber grommet'> ]'II! Iii
end nf the longer pl<:ce aJlt! ahout
• Drill one ~.:" hole III the center of
4-' jJlf(1 thc 'Iue uf (he ,horter j11l'1 e.
C~dl of the polyethylenc cap" Jnd
angliJlg It Jll\\nwurd.
In,crt rubhcr ~n'rnmd' into thc


Materials and Supplies Directions

One 12" length of 2" 00 x I~" ID • Drill l\lle Yl" hole ill the aef)·lic
I aer) Iit tubing tlIbillg ah(.lut .I" in from 011\" end,
i I! One ·'A" JD x y," OD rubber • Sand the clld~ or 'he ,IL'rylil' Illbill?
II "moot h.

ne %" Or Ill" r x 1/,," M hra,s CUI • Insen the rubber grommet IntI' the
n077I" In the au) lie llIbing. ThreaJ
the Clit noule Illto the coupler,
One 1/." F bra,,, coupler
threaJ the, coupler \)1110 the 11irplc:.
ne 2" x 1/," M bra,s nipple and in\cr! the nrppk Into the gn>m­
met In~t'Tt the screen into fhe hnwl.
Screen (an aerator \(Teen cur to fit
the bowl. or an appropriately SILeo NOle: 'Ii) /I~e, (0\', r the elid ,'f llil;
screen purchu\ed from a smoke lube ,qlh ()lit' !lulld, ullcI rell/!I\' ,,!I,'n
II the Ill!>/' "fidllll r('/ea\e lire SIW)~('.

I II1 Tools
Drill and '/~" llrill bil (with a hO­
degree Dr bullet-pOint tip)


76 77
_. - .... - -~=-

Matt'rials and Supplies Tools

Ollt." empty pla~lic hcnr-\haped X-ACIO knife. or similar sharp.

honey c\lntainer pointy InqnJJ1It:nt

One '/," I[) x ~x" OD rtlhber

• L''lJ1~rhc knife .. lUI one ~~' hole
One 1/X " Dr ~:\" r x ~/..' ,,1 bra" ellt
in lhe bad of the honey bear '" h<:au,
nOlll... and one In lhe hone) bear's ch,>l.
One '/x" F bra\s couDkr
• I nscn the "ubber gmmmct 111m
One 2" x ll." M bra" nipple the hole 1n lhe honeY bear"' che'l
Thread the eLiI n()7Z.1~ intn the cou­
Screen (an aerator ,ereen CLit tn lit pler. thread the coupler nnw \he
the bowl. or an arpmpflately si"cd nipple. and in,ert the lllpplL' 11110
s\.'rcen plln:.ha,cd trolll a <.ll1oke the I1rol11J11et in Ihe hone\ bear's
:"hnpl che'-~ In,en the screen lilln lhe

Materials and Suppli~5
l1C larg.e ruhber duck irhc bIgger.
[he helter) CUI .lrunJI on!:' I.:," hole 111 till rUb­

ber Jilek', tnrl'head. and one In

Two W· ID X 'Yb" 00 rubber

tht' back L1f lile rUbber dll~ k , head

Makt' .wother '1" hole III rhe rUhber

duck'~ reilr i.:nd lor <,carb.

One 'Ix" or ~<i" F x Ih" M bra,,, ~ ut

nou.le • In'ert fhe t\\'o rubber i!rorwt1ct<

inrn the holes III (Ih: rubber dud ~

One 1/-" F bra,,, coupler forehl'a<1 and the had, oj II', hcud

One 'i'" )\1 bra~, nipple (lhe 1cnl!rh • Thread rhi.: cur 110ZLh~ into rh~ ~uu­

wlI' depend on lhe 'dZt' of the rub­ pier. thread the coupler I"rlil rhe

ber duck I 11IppJe. and rn,>cfl the nipple into

the grommet in (he rubbcl dtl<:k\

Slrcell (an aer:.Il0l'screen cur 10 fir foreheaJ. In<;ert Ihe ~creen infO the

rhe bow!. or an appropriarej~ bowl. screen purchased from a
,make ShOD) • In,en one end of the l'il1y1 ho,>c

about I" II)to the !!rOJl1nl('t III lhe

Onc j 2" lengrh of I,j" If) x J,',," OD hack ot Ihe rubhcr dUd." head and

fle,\lbk vinyl ho,c thread the pyramid kllob (If 1I,inp)

onto the other eJld of rlie hl).,l.

ne ",<"
F bra.. . ., pyramitl knob \\'lIh
cl hole for ~l beaded chain (opti()llal) .VOIe' 1/ l!lere 1\ /llqUl!lI~lIIli ,kl'll (.
III fhe bO{(tll/I <1/ llil! rubher dUI A. II
Tool" 1111/11 hi' phlf(gecl 10 {I)'old Inl~lIg,·
flrl1l' \'tllI pllif( it dep/!ud ('II th,'
X-ACIO klllfc. or <'imilar sharp. poinry ~II/(I of .I<jI'I!(//o.ll/g dlTicl!, llJ(· ,\1:" 0/
t!l,. !loll.'. (ind 1!'llal you /1((\ (' r,'(/d­
Drill an<1I~" Jrill bir (option,ll) il.\ (1':ailuh!l!. SiIIC','l/c ('allik til' ,/II
(/{lprO!'I'1(/te 11:1' "(Irk are jli.11 ,I (I'l"
pIt' of!)I),I',)Ibil/{ie,l,


MaterjaL~ and Su pplie~ Directions

On.: large pla~tic snnw globe (lhe • DI illI.")" hole., in Ihe fr(lnt Hill] hack
hlgger. rhe berter) of Ihe ~1H1\\ glohe near rhe LOp. and
Jrain out Ihe lt1luld Be sure that the
One 12" length of I" OD acryliC hole~ are centered and ar ka,t I"
tubing apart. Nole: Because liIOW [:Iobe\ arc
IVII/nill)' lIlade of 1011'- Rrade I'lasllc.
Acrylic cement
"'hlch lend.l !O he eXlremeh brill Ie.
One -'I~" or l,ij" F x 1/," M bra,,~ cui IIII' ('0111;/111 \I'hell dr/lllI1!:, Tn aVOId

nOll.le brt'aklllg rhe glo/w, II is "1'1/ 10 Ilarl

lilt, hoh',l WiTh a .Il1lqllt!f "fllI!Ji1 and
One If," F bras, coupler lI'(JrA. .lfmr 11'0.' up 10 Ihl' largl'r hIT.
One lf~" M bra" nipple ((he • Drill u I,~" hole in tIle' In\\cr part of
depends on the ~i/c of lhe :-1]<)\1.' lhe acryliC rube tor a carbo and ..m ach
globe) the lIIbe III the ,now globe with acr)­
lie cemellt. cell1enn!? it over the hole
One Vi" ID x v," OD rubber In the bad.. 'Ide ot the globe.
• Thread Iht: cut nozzle lnlo the
~crcen (an aerator screen cut to fll c·cmpkr. and lhread the coupler OnlO
the bowl, or an upprnpni.llely 'lIeu the nipple. Insert Ihe rubber grol11­
screen pun.:ha,eJ from a 'Jll(J~e met II1to lhe hole in the front of the
snl)\\' globe. anu in~ertlhc nipple InlO
Glitter rhe grommet [n~erl the ~crcel1 IntOlhe
Tools NOle: To achieve 1I ., IlImj'" ejli'cl.lIllcl
glilll'r 1(/ Ille Wilier when ll.\mg,
Drill and !t.l" drtll bit (with a 60­
degree or bullcl-pl)ior tip)

84 IlS

J\1<tlerials and Supplies Directions

)ne Iarge coco nut • Drill one I,,~" hole in one (lj Ihe
lhmple, in the top of Ihe cnCOfllll,
One sturdy pla,til' bcver~gc stra\\. [Ind one 'N' hole in each of the otlwl'
sLich as tl K razl Stra\\ two dimple,.
ne I,~" HB x P:\" F bms, hose barb­ • Cut the lower pan of Ihe <,(1[\\\ ,,)
lo-plpe adapter thaI 1\ is ani} slightly lon§'.er thallthe
One (')" length of I~" 1D x J,i" OD thJckne" of the coconur. aJlJ in'crt
tlcxtble l'llly! hosc
it Into the 1/.1" holc.
• Insel'l the hose barb into one entl (If
Screen (an aeraWr screen cut to fit
lhe hose. and insert the Nhel' elld
the bowl, or an appropriately ,il.eJ
of the hose into nne of the 'I,' hLlIe,
screell purchased from a smoke
In the coconu\. In,ert the 'lI'ccn Into
the bowl.
One paper cockwil umbrella
• In,ert the paper COCKtail umbrcll,l
One small cork (~rnall enough to fit pick int~llhe cor\... andln,cn the Clll'~
111(0 a h" hole) into the other ;,i' hole In the l'()c'l)­
nUl, When using, remove the cor \.. to
release thle' ~m()ke.
Dnll. y.," drill bit. and W dJ'lJl bit NrJlc: Til" liqlllll il/\idi' t!le ('()r'Ofl/ a
/llaI' he tl.'<,d ill p!ac'c of Il'a{t'l'.
(actual ,lZes depcnd on the oUhtde
diameter of Ihe ~tl'a\, l(l be useu)


• Drill a ,~" holL: un Illle slue of the

largest pnn 01 the 'pyg!a,,;s or tele­
One SP) gln,,- or telescope scope about .i" in from the lens end
for the stem and bo\\ I. and drill
One 'I." 10 x y~" OJ) rubber ~lIJL)th("r If," hole on the Opposite slue
grommet anout 4 ,. III from the kn, enu for the
One 1" x 1(," 1\.1 bras, nipple
• Insert the l'lIbheT gnHllmet Int,) the
Om: 1j(I' F x I,,"" F lJO-degree-angle lower hole. Thll'au the 2" nipple I11 to
br'.I$S pipe clbuIV one Side of the 90-degrec-:lllglc:
pipe doow. In,ert the I" nipple into
One I" x W' M brass nipple
the grommet. nnd thread 1l Into the
One >/," or 'I"" F x '\" M hrass cut other SIlk of the clh...l \\ on the lO~ldc
nonk of the ,pygla,s nr lele,cope. Thread
the ellt n0711e Into the coupler.
One If." coupler and thread the couplt'r onto the -+~­
dell-rcc-angle nOZ7le. Threau the
One Vw· F x ,/x" M 4S-degrcc-ungle
5-degree-anglc n07,le into the nip­
bras~ nol./ Ic
pic on the uUblue oj the "pygla,s or
Screen (all aeralor screen l ut to fit tele,copc. Insert lhe ~crecn 11110 the
the b(l\vL or an appropnateJ) ,izeJ t1Pwl
,creen purcha~cd from a smoke • ellt a piece Ill' gasket material (0
"hop) I'll Inside the larg.c lens ri ng. and
Rubb.:r gasket malenal lhn:nd it bal'k nnto the large end o!'
lhc telescope'.
• I{emove the lens irom the eyepIece
ring.. and thread the eyepiece hack
Drill and W' dnll btt

01110 the small end of the telescope.

• Remove all Ien"es from thc tele­
scope or j(pygla~, ~o (hm you are
left with an unobstructed telescop­
Ing. tUbe.

Materials and Supplies T()ol~

One ~maJI. lightwcight. melal tea­ Drill and "x" drill bll
pot (with a rcmov<lhle knob dnd a
hanLile thai i, either mounted on the J)jrecti()[l~
:>Ide of thc p<lt or hlllged . ,0 th~t it I'
not al\\'a)~ directly above lhe lid) • Un,cre'l and remol'c the knob
tram the lid Ilf the teapot lind
One nlcl,.d-ehromc pipe bOIl J and
e.nlarge tbe hole to V"'. Fnlarge t/it.
Iid. ,til h a:> the k II1d found at a
tWle of the cxi'ling vent If there is
<;moke ,hop (il ,houltl more or Ie,s
one. for the carn
malch thc teapot)
bread the pi pe bOil j and lid into
One II." F bras~ coupler
tbe Ollhldc of tlil' IIlJ of the teapnt.
W'M bras, nipple (the lenglh will thread the couplcl onlll thL' bm\!
depend on the si/L' 01 the teapot) Iln the Inside: of the jill of the t,;apot,
and thread the nIpple Illln thO' cou­
Screcn (an aerator screen cut to fil pler 11l~t:rt the screc:n In(() the Dcnd.
the h011 I. or an appropnatcly Sl-eCc!
screen purchased from a smoke


Materials and Supplies Directjon~

One large hardco\'er book, such a\ a • Reillove the pllgl'S oj the book fronl
dlclIoJUtry the cover b) carefully t'utllng alollg
the bInding with rhe knite.
B00k board ,11' hea\ \' cHn.lhoard ([he
amount will depend nn (he \17.e of • Mea,ure rhe \tllLk of page\ II ilh
the book) lhe rukr and. lI"ing (he book b,)aru
and gille. make a box \\ illt four
Glue \lde~ and a hOllOll1 thai i\ Ill,' '.lme
finisheJ ~Ize a, (he 'lack of rage,
Plain wbite paper
• C0\er (he book board II"llh rhl
Tool .. lalll whirc paper lI\ing the 01'11,11
alld glue.
X-AelO knIfe, or simJlar sharp.
pojnt~ in.'.trulllent • Glue the nottom of the bo\ tLl the
In<;lue of the buck co\'cr of lhe hlllik.

Di\posable foam brll~h, abotH

~Il \vlde

92 93

Di,pmabk foam brush. about

Mall:rial!> ~., Wide

One large hardcl)\(:r book. SUl h a~ a Drill and W' drill bIt
One large piece of book board or Direction~
heavy cardhoard (~izc w1l1 Jepend
• follow the procedure for the Book
un the '17.e of thc boo\..) Sta,'h-l3ox (page 92).
Plain Ivhite paper • Cut lhree )/," holes in the hJ Df
Glue lhe pJastll (oJllainer. "nel cjnll lhree
cmrespondlOg 3.~" hole, in lhe fr(lllt
One empty pla"-li<: fOOd-storage con­ cOl'cr 01 the book.
tainer (,lIghtly ,halloll"cr than the
tlucknes, of the book) • Altach the three IhreaJed nipple,
tothe lid of the plastic containCTwilh
Three I" x '/," threaucd nipplc~ lhe bra~, nul,. and one 11t" the 11\),(;
barb-to-pipe adaptcrs as ShOll n
Five W' thin br:i~' nut"
• Fill the container approxim3tcly
1\vo \4" HB x 1/." I- brass ho"c two third., full of waleI', Placc the. lill
barb-to-pi pc aJapter~ on the eomaincr. nnd place the con­
tainer inSide the book bo~, Ali~n
One%" or 1;1" I- x 1/," M bra" l'ut
the hole, J 11 the front C(l' er of the
llOT.z.le book II ilh the nipple,. and closc the
One 'N' coupic cover,

Screen (an acrawr "creen Cllt to l'i I • Thread the -.:ut nOLzle Into the c<,u­
lhe bal\'I , Of an appropriatcly "i/~d pier. ancl thread the coupler onto one
SCreen purcha~ed from a ,l11oke (,f the nIpple" Jnsert Ihe ,creen lnw
,bop) the bowl. Insert the llther hose barh­
to-pipe adapter InW on" end of the
One 1" length of 'I'!" ID x %" OD ho,e. and threat! the adapter onto
nexible vinylllOse one of the other nipplc.,. Thread "
p) rnmid knob (jf u,ing) Ollto the
One small br~l~~ pyramid knob with other end of the bo'c.
a hole for a beaded chain (oplJonal)
• When nl,ll in use. cll,assemble and
Tool~ store the pIeces in,ide the bo,. A
p"per jacket mal be useo to mask
X-Acto knife. or ~imil,lI ,harp. the hole, In the COl cr of the book.
pointy in~trumenl

. ­

SE,,,,O;;": V:

Fro- the Pa
o the Pre
Smoking devices have come a long way from their hum­
ble origins. This section will explain how to make two
smoking devices from opposite ends of the spectrum:
first. a bamboo bong, much like those first encountered
in Vietnam in the late '60s and early '70s, and last, the
vaporizer of today.

Making a bong from bamboo may prove harder than you


might think, since bamboo is less common here than it Meanwhile, making and uSing a vapOrIZer and supplies, There are, of course, certain
is throughout most of Asia. It is [JQssible to find bamboo Will help you appreciate how much smok­ dangers inherent In any device that uses
Ing devices have evolved VaporIZers are electriCity However. if the instructions are
at some garden-supply stores, though, and well worth
considerably more high-tech tha n their followed carefully, your vaporizer will be as
the effort it might take. Simplicity often belies richness, ancestors. They use electriCity rather than safe as can be,
and you may find that it is easy to appreciate the tech­ the flame from a match or a lighter to get
Somewhere between the time-tested thuoc
nological advances of the day through understanding lllngs burning, and they do not get Quite lao pipe and the ultra-efficient vaporIZer.
as hot. Because of thiS, vapoTIZers are said there Is probably a bong, pipe, or hookah
what they evolved from. Making and using an actual
10 burn cleaner and more efflcrenlly,
for everyone and every occasion, If you ,\111
bamboo bong can help put history into perspective. releasing fewer harmful emissions, While haven't found the one that's right for you,
not nearly as simple as constructing an
then Invent your own!
l7J average bong. it is possible to make a vapor
Iler with a few easily obtainable mat8lials

96 97


Materials and Supplies Be <:areful' Dry bambllll can be hrit,

tic and Will splinter ea\ily
One long sel:tlOn of dry bamboo
dpprO:l.lmately 2" In diameter (If it • Drill a (,tralght) l~" hole ~'. fmm
IS nel'e~sar) to CUI a section of bam­
the bottom on the opplJ',ite \IU<:: of
hoo from a Jonger ~talk. eut .Ipprox­ (he bambo<> for a carb. If de\lred. (A
imately 11.:" below a "knuckle,") tradllioncli Vielname~c Iltlloc lao ripe
doe~ not have a earb. When lhc l'OIi'
One 3" long piece of ~~" hardwood tenlS of the bowl have been burnt:u.
dowel a ~hort. ,harp breath i, bJtlWII balk
into the pIpe to clcar the b(\\\ I \\ hie
One 1" long piece of I H hardwood then serves as (he carb, :.Ind Ihcli the
dowel smoke In the pipe is inhaleu Tim
may take practice)
• Dnll a It"" hnlc allihe 1\ ay ttHough
Saw lhe cenler of the J..~" dOlVel.

Drill and W' through i~" drill bit:-­ • lJ,tllg the bonng bit. drill a I,"
diallleter hole about halfway (hr0118h
~'.l" boring bit one ,ide 01 the I" dowel. Ih,'1l drill
Sandpaper from the Olher ,Hk of the dllWc!
until the bMing bil breaks thr(lLl);ll
to the other hole,
• Sand all rough edges smoot",
• Drill a hole for the stem 3" from
the bottom of the sel'tion of bamb\.lo • Insert one elld of the In" do\\.ellllill
by lllrtking a ~hallow starter hole lhe l' JoweI. and In~ert the other
wllh the W' dnll bit. Once the end of the \I:" dowel into the :.Illgku
hole j~ \taned. drill the req of hole in the sectIOn of bamhoo
the way through with the bit angled
tOI\ arc! the bonom of the section uf Nule: S(){//"ill~ Ihe thuoe hill I"l'''
bamboo. Enlarge (he hole by mo\!­ be/ore il.\ firSI lI.le \\'11/ UI/I.\C "It
bamboo {Inc! hardlH)od 10 .\In'lI, Ilt'I,,·
ing up to lhe next lar!!est drill bit
(Y,."). again angltng toward the bot­ IIlg prel'l'llIll!okl,
tom, Continue to enlarge the hole al
angle until it is W' in diameter.

98 99
Un<:'. ,... " f- hmss pyramid ~nnb with
Material" and Sllpplie~
hole for a beadcd chain (optional)
am: soldering Iron OS walt. or
11:". with removahle ,0ldcrJng II Tools

On<: large. \\"ide-mOlllh Jar (a Drill and '/i.." drill bIt (wilh a
n-(lum:e mayonlldi,e lar \\ It Ii a (;()-tkgre~ or hullet-point tip) and
pJa,tlc lid wtll wor~ well) '>mall drill bit (~17e \\ ill depend on
Ihe ,>l/l' of the ~cre\\S u'>cd tll :mach
OIlC 4" x 4" picl'c o! " "-thid the Ilu 111' the lar to the Plexlgla~l
Burillg hll r~lle uepcntl'> 011 the
Two "mall Sl·rc\\',. 't'" to
1ll1lchlilC t1lllI1lC(.:r of the handle of lhe '>older­
•..• long wllh COITc'pOlldI Ilg. lIul, ing IrOIl)
Qne 0" length I1f ;2" 00 x 1\.1" I D SanJpaper
. lubw"'"
One 0" x Ii" piece of '·,"·thll: Directions
NUll' The .!o!loll iflg (IIre('(ul//\ are
Al>rylic I.e-men I itlli'lIc!ed /() ~er\'e f/I gUlllelll1f.:,\
l1<'col/se 11111.\1 \(Ilderilig 11'(111\ (ire
Two ,mall-g:JlIge W'fe lilli' (gray ,lllIIilor ill I/WII\' r<'\pen" hut dif­
or him:) {en'lII til (lllIer,l, I/iliell will depelld
011 Ihe ,\o!derfllg fro" 1(\£:11 for Ihi.\
One~" bra-,s 1I11t Cdp. or ,imllar. pro/ect.
ttl he lIst:d as a ho\\ J
• Cut the cJeo:lricaJ lord (If the ,01­
One small bra" wlIllu-hcad tlcrJl1g iron about -+" rrom the end of
Inaehlnc screw (SI7t.: dt:pcnus Oil the hanulc.
solderin2 iron. It,holllu IiI into
rhe t'nd ~f the Iron. III place of Ihe • USll1g the drill and b0ring bit. drill
soldering lip. This will be u'>cd II hole 111 thl' ccnter of the liu of the
II) llttach the nUl cap to the 1\ 111 of tar and the 4" x 4" plt'ce of Plexiglas.
lhe soldering iron, I The hl1k should be large enough
to tll,ert the bOllorn of Ihe handle of
One 12" length of \,~" II) X 't," OD the ,>()It.lenll~ Iron Into, but not ,0
!lc.xible Vinyl ho'>c

large that the soldenng iron will fall approximalely I.'i". Re-atta-:h Ihc [w"
through II. piece, 01 CICe[fleal cord by [II I'tlllg
rhe ends together and Ihreudlng Ih~
• Attach the lid of the jar and the \\ ire nuts onto rhe e\pO'>cd \I'lre.
4" x .+" piece of PIe\Jgla, to each
other with the two ~maJi maciline • Once the ekctflcaJ cord ha, been
,crews and nuts. These II ill then re-anaehed. pull the cord bad,
el'entuaJly be attached to the end ot lhrough the holes ~o lhal the hanuJe
the acrylic lllbill£. ;;;0 II i, importalll of the "nlderlflg iron now Te,t' III
to make ~ure thaI [he 5ercw, and the hole In Ihe !lu and --1-" x 4" piece
nUls \\'111 fit jn~idc the tubing. ot P!e\lglas,
• Drill a %" hole in the piece of • Remove the 'oldenng lip IrolTI
aery Ill' tubing about 1" up frolll the rhe soldering iron. Drill a hole
bonnm. In the center uf lhe nul cap ju<,1
big enough for the bra,s rOlln,l-head
• Silnd the edges of the Ple\lgla~ ,crew to pa,s through. and thrCcrd
anJ the end, of the acrylic tubing the slIe\\, into lhe lip of thc '11Idcr­
,mooth and attach lhe 4" x 4" piece giron, Thl!' will bc Ihe bowl
of Plexigla, and lid to the top of the
acr~ lie tUbing With acr) lie cemenl. • Insert one end (lfthe \'in) I h(he 11110
Attaeh lhe bOltolll of the acrylll: tub­ one of the ,t,," holcs in the lid alld 4"
111£ to the center of the 6" x 6" piece x -+" piece ot Plexigla,. and thrcau
of Plt:xigla,. and allow the cement the pyramid knob (If u,ing) nnw rite
to (Jr-v according to direction.> on il~ other end \)f the \ Ill) I ho~e,
pad-age before proceeding.
NIIII:'. ]() I/.,e Iht· \'0[111 rr: er. .fill
• After the eemel1l l1a.' dried com­ Ihe bOll'/. I'CreH' fhl! jar lIl/o ill 1111
pletely. dl'lll tIVO !j~" diameter hole and plllg Ihe mlila;II,f: Imll ill/o (111
through the lid and 4" x 4" piece e!!!Clril',d (l/I/Iel, YOli f\ ill kllOIl Ih"
of Ph:: xiglas III the area between \'(1!J()l'i:,el' 11<1,\ 1'('II('he(/ Ihe ('orren
the walls of the lid and the aCT) lic temperatllre. whirh ,an I(//..e 11'1'(101
tlIblng. mit/Iller. when (/ whire c!()(J(! hCQ1t"
10 oppear illslde lire chilli/her, Till I
• Feed the end of the soluering iron's 1//1:'1111,1 Ihl:' comenll of Iht' hml'! IH/I'f
electrical cord (the end thaI I ' still hegllll III l'apori:,c. ~\,I J()()11 as lite
attached to the plug) through the ermlOII.1 of l!It' bowl bl:'gill 10 1'1Ij!or'
hok in the bottom of the acrylic ;::.e, Illlpll(g II,e soldcrlllg il'(l1I 1<'
tubillg. then through the hole in the prel't'11/ (l1't'rhellliIJg. The \'0[1(11' in
lid and 4" x 4" piece of Plexiglas. Ihe c!lolllber IS r,'a,II' 10 iJ,' III/wlnl
Once through, split fhe ends 01 both Tlte ('arb !Iole lI1ak~" clearlllg til,'
the cord attached to the plug and the ('!Jamb",r ca~tel'. ''''' il need !!OI he
,oldering iron approximatelv 1"_2 n • ,'(l\ered 10 pre\,£'nl Ihe ~'a/JlJ" JrtJl7I
then stnp the end.> of all fOllr wire, escaping Ihe c!loll/ber, II,\' hltlc \'apur
1.1 /iI.;t!I.1' fo ('.fCCIpe.

% hose barb Will fit into It When Inserted Pyramid knob: the Inouthplece on mosl

snugly Into lIle approprrate diameter liole,
flexible vinyl hose will prOVide a relatively
pipes IS usually what IS leferred to as J small
pyramid knob With a hole for a beaded chain
le<lk-proot seal Without the use at a rubber Rubbllr grommets: RulJber grommet~ may
ABS/PVC: ABS and PVC are plastiC com, h
compressIOn nut to a li F pipe adapter WIt! grommet be lound In either hardware stores or smoke
pounds used ta make pipes and litlrngs tor " 00 ~ra,s tubing This type of bo\'ll anti Hose barb-to-plpe adapter Just as the name hops. They pn)\/ldr, a seal between a stern cr
lumblllg and Imgatton ABS and PVC plastiC stem requires some farm M seal 10 r",.,vent Implies, hose barb-to pipe adarxters can lOin hose and the body of a bong or hookah help­
pipe come rn a few different diameters lhat leaks lIexlble hose to threaded pipe The Simplest Ing to pre.vent leaks.
work well for bongs. and are otten sold In way to make a bowl and stem fo! a bong J~
Coupler' A coupler IS a tlttln~ that /010, lM Scrllens Screens are 110t reqUired for use With
englhs as sharI as four tee! There are also to insert a blass 110se barn-to ·prpe adapter
Ihlctgs logethe: It IS Ih/eadel! orr the IIISlllr; lore-bought bong bowls, as the rnslde diam­
assorted rJlastlc lorn1s and fitllngs avariahte Into a piece of lla~lble Vinyl hose Huse barb
and can be used to connect a male Ihrr'~dpIJ eter of th" opening 111 IIle holtom of the bowl IS
tor ASS and PVC pipe to-pipe adaplers are available In both mal
Dlpe to a male threaded fitting tor exampl Iisually very small anrl acts as a screen, and
AcryliC cement· Acrylrr cpment IS a clear. and lemale t11readm the water tl/lers out anytiling else that mlgl1t
Cut nOlzle Cut lIozzles are found In the II~ht
solvenl-type adheSive that is spBCIlicaHy for­ Male/female Male and female indicate get througll Screens can be found In either
Ing sectron of the hardware store 01 Iii ItNes
mulated for acryliC aod Plexiglas. It literally whether the threads are on lile outSide or hardware stores Gr smoke shops In hardware
that specialize In lamps and II[!htln~. Ih"
welds pieces of Dla~tlc together inSide of a pipe or titling. Male pipes and hI stores the) are found In the pluml:nng depart­
standard size used {(lr bowls is '"' f " ,,'
Angled nozzles' Nonles 01 different angles M fThe nexl smallest Sile. /, F). " M. lings are threaded on the outsll1e, mean ment. and are referred 10 as aerator screens
90 and 45 degrees. for example-can be also works well) 109 they get threaded Into something Female They (Ire usually sold In a varIety of diameters
used 10 turn pipe and bong stems In a particu­ pipes and fillings are HHeaded on the IIlslde. but larger screens can eaSIly be cut down Wit
Elbow· In 118rdware telmrnology. an plbow I rnllalling thai something IS threaded IOta tham a palf at scissors when a smallel ,creen IS not
lar directIOn,
a fitting lIsed to lorn sections at pipe, luhlng Male or female threading IS usually Indlcatad readily available
Bowl The Mwl IS the wntaine( In which the or other fittings al a particular angle u~[Ially by Bither an M or an Fit maya Iso anpea r as Stem, The ~tem connects the bowl to lhe body
material that IS to be burned and smol-.ed is 90 (lr ·i5 degrees. IIlther MIP or FIP of a bong or hookah or to the mouHlillece ~f
FleXible Vinyl hose FleXIble Vinyl /luse call MJP/FIP: MIP slands for male iron pIpe rIP a pipe
Carb Tile word carb IS likely deflved Irom the be used for the stem of a bong, or In conn~(\ slands for female lion (JIlJe. Iron pipe SIZes Threaded nipple' Found In the lighting ,ectlo
word carburetor Acaib Increases the amaunl a mouthpiece to a hookah Flexible vln'll h are nomlllal. meanlllg they do not rellect Ihe of lhe hardware ~tore or In stores that sflecral­
of air that can enler a smoking deVice by prG­ IS usually sold hy lhe linear fool, atld can bQ actual diameter of tnt: pipe or fitting Ize rn lamps and i1ghtlng threaded ntppl~.s are
vldrng a point ot entry other Ihan tl1/'. relatively found at hardware stores;;s well as aqua[lt!
small and conslrlcted opening /Il lhe bottom of Nipple: In plumbing terminology. a "mpple" IS Similar to regulal pfumbtng nipples. but they
supply shops The sizes of the outSlue and
Ihe bowl. The use of a carb makes clea,ing the a short length 01 pipe (12" long or less) that are threaded down Hlelr enlire leog1h.
inSide diameters are given as OD and 10
smoke-filled chamber easier respectively The OD Will determine the ,1/ IS threaded on both ends These are useful tor

Compression nuHo-plpe adapter: Bowls of the hole the hose will fit Into, and ID will bong stems, as well as for pi pes
and stems can be made using a compressloll determine the Slle of lhe flttrng thai will III Plexiglas: Plexiglas IS !nand name. but used
nul- to-pipe adapter and a length of brass /Ilto It For example. a piece of I,.' 00 x'" generically It reters to ilnv translucent slleel
tubing, A good standard combination IS a V," 10 hose will fit Into a II" dlamater hDle, and a acrylic.

I S8N-'0 0-8"8-~
1 S8~-' 3 .78-0-8'

9 ~1IJ~ijl~J1IJ)JI1~~ I I IfJI

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