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Carol Bellamy, Executive Director.
United Nations Children 's Fund

unicef @

I'llbIiJMdj O" UNICEF try

Oxford University Press
fi'",,1ml by United Nation;: ScrI"ctary-{icncrn]
C"uplrr I
Th. Convention on t he Rig hls of the Chi ld : A n ew . r. for c h ild ren
Thr Coo.... "'i"" on I!Ic Rip '" of the <-'' 'ild i• • 1tho ron: dc. rt:VOIution:lty ,.hif, ;" I!Ic world', ~ ". r
childRo... The idt.l/Ill1 childrtn h.a'" '1'<"';"1nn:d<. whil:h spark«!Ihc f"""<ling of UNK"EF 50 )"".r< "8"- ha>
now ,i""" W. )' '0 tho cuwi<1ion WI childrtn have the """It "P"'1tu'" of ri~l< ... adal!$; aI-.l jlQlilical.
""'ial. cui ,,,,,,, and «:<>nomic. 1lle c:oa.... ntion. Pe.ring un;'"rsal ratir".nion, i. ""lIillg in """;on profwnd
c hong•• in low •• ""lic;"• . i"";,"",,", ond pra<l;cn. UN1CliF ;t.. lf has adopted • m iss,,,,, statement thai
looks l<llhc Convention .. ill< guiding fortt.
Thh c:~r show. bovo' Lbo world', ' 'IIIlr.;t WWlIn1s pcaoo. oqllllliry. de'<elopmem and jtblice call be Ms·
~ and ""l~ by tho"'""iic> ,/0: C~"'ion i.. ae""""ing. The YC:ll" 2lnl goab. established allh< WtlrId
Summit f t". Childr<n in 19\10. mUSl now be pur>U<.'d in thea>nlex' or the Convention.1'rogn:ss t<:M'2Rl.< lbo«
gooJ'.lIOCOfiling tu a l'I.'Jl"!l in tste 19% by I!Ie UN s..:""wy·(ienenll. show. greRI S\li<b mado. with mil·
lions 0( dliklrm', Ii""" ""val sina: 1990. But mU<h r<maiJt$ l<) he done. Tho C"",'tn\i<In • • pands the "'''I'''
of IClion now under ....y and calli for "",linuing «mrnilJJltJllS of bolh politi<lI will and """"""'"
elu,pler- II
Child ren at r is k: Endin g hazardous and a . p laitat ive child labour
(h"c! 2SO mil1i<fl cbildmllllOOoo Lhe ""<>rld ~ in coonlrie> rid. and JlU"I" - wtrl wllWly of I!lcm "'" >I
ri'k fm," b.,..:utIou, ~OO Uplo;lallvC Lthou,. Denied edllC~cion and lrapped in cycles or fI<J\Ieny.lllei, n\051
b<I>i<: rip. their heallh lVJd C>"CII their JivI:, lin' in jcupw'dy. This clIapIcrexamines the "'"'" uf child labour
in .n ilS ~"(Jmplexily . eXp<I$ing Lhe common mJ"IM .bou1 i' and u ploring Lhe C'u'<$. n.. conLribuling f"",.,..
"'" mulu r>!<' and overlappi ng. ineludmg ,I><: .xploitalion of fI<J\Icny. lock or accc<' tu ooll0<31 ion. and 'radio
'i"""IIt"triction.<. Pl"lirulorly f.... girl,. Compouooi~ ,he problem i' Ihe pallci'y of ""Iisties . lx;Jul lhe ntun·
bcr of cbiJdrcn wtrling. cspccially tlIooc inlmardous rondil"""'. Mnrc data "'" urgenlly nc:<:<kd in nrdc' ",
benc, moo,,,,," and ~enl child 1""'111' .iol~lions. Pl"lH:ularly . incc tl>c ...1majori'y or children labou' in
i!Msibi lit)'.
Bc.."""" tt.: co...... of cbild lohour "'" romplcx. Lhe ..,jillion mu,t to;: oomprchcn>ivc. The """"" calls for
lhe immediate end 10 hv.anlouHhild Jab<lw and proposes -SInIlCllics 10 I>clp e1imin:lle ond ~"cII' i' i""I,.j.
ing, acce", '0 ed uca'ion; wider legal pro ,«,i",,; binb rtgio"ati"" for all childrtn; coll"",i"" of info,-
mati on: IUId mobi liz:lI;on of tl>c .. idesl JlO'"ble roalitioo of p;ulncrs among g01lemme" u.. communilie' .
non·~ DIg""i" "ions (NGOs). employe.. and trade unions. The <inglc mosl Cn-caNC ....y 10 p«>-
" '" childrtn hum ~ and c.ploiwi'.. lahoo'. the "'pori "'¥'"'" i. 1O cxtend and '"'I"'>""cduc:alion >(I
lhaI it .., II altnlC1 I!lcm and 1N.p"" 1I>cirli.....

Chapter //I
Stat lUlcel u bi".
Slali>tia prooKlc ... """"nlial fOUlldaliun fur g. uj!ing children's _II-beinj; ......... level of <=<. nurlllft'. ..... n
fdOOlCCS they rccei>... Slll1~i<:s wc h lIS Ih<l<.e 00 child mor1lIli,y. immlQli'.alioo. III:llcmal mortal ity. malnn·
,rili"" and ""hool cnrol"",n' chari """ntrie,,· pros"'" ,,,,,..-ds achieving tht 1<».1" "'" al ,he 1990 World
Sl1!tlmit for Children. Despite ';gnif",...n goins, mon: lhan 12 million children llIIdC'r fIV" .,ilI die cach ye....
"'" inly f" wll l"""C"w blc dt"""-,,-,,, and m:llnulriliOll.11'Ie UbI'S CO'O'.... 1m;" irdic..."". hciltb . nUlrition. M U-
c'lllkln. de ""'l! ~ics. """""",;., progress mJ !be .ilU3ljoo of WOl1'lC1l. pi.... Indical'''' 00 Ics.<1"),,,.11,,,,, COUn-
tries. raleSo r PfOI:'"''''' ,,"" '"'8ion:ll w mn,.ries. C""" trie. ore Ib led in descending order of thoi, c.<limaled
1995 W>dt,· fiw morI:IJily "'tes. the fir.>! b:>:ii" indiclllurin Wok J.

I CHIl.1lIteI·S RIUll r.s . l"HI U lltl ~ ·S 'IOiCI'S 10
rae ~VE.'mllS ro UHI
B U ",",ISU
1..t<l......TI\·R t......'''Wl K.
4 11'F.c PA""" ilISlUI':IIOIl O fHJ,..,.,.
5 CHIIJ >IlOM1:>'"11C" ....010(: HlOOt!!<' liXlUllTATlOl<

6 K I'. M"AS CIRl.S >IS" IIOI'II A' S""-"CA

7 AmUnl\.I1 )1lM. 1AIlOI /Jl: A HAR.<H IlAllVI'S1"
It TIn; Si urns ARH" lItJ R WQkJ:P1.....:J;
9 htlow l·". l S1\IIrr?""
Hl t'l "",. ffiRM,AL IDlUTlOl<: " ,,"Ul(lIll<JII ...0Il. ],... Q UlJ ""'••

II 8<."1JUA NUl"VA: A1.TUt.'<ATlVl' UWU<1."O 1'I;Il1tIIItAI. ClUl .llllm

12 A~' .... ~,..FMf.t..T IS 1IA."l"4..'JlE.'H

IJ Tl IH ""VA1~ ~nn< : PAICT tlf" TlIE .<;Ol11Tllll<

14 R~"""" Rl(; Il ll J'WO TO " ":I'F O II,-""-,, OF!' mE t.OO~\£

Text figu re.

1'1l1. I CHn.o l.AIlOIJll: A 1.001< IJ ll llI PAST
FIG.2 T I m " 'ORUl' s ClIl1.01\E.. ; H "", MANY, I ICIW O!.D'/
Fk;,J THli WOIIRI% ClIII.l>: I 0l1T (I' b"VIllY 4 IN 'll l ~ WQlUJ) "ss
I'IG. 4 Loo;c; L\WS. WNG " 'IiliKS
FIG. 5
Fin. 6
FA" U.Y P1JllnlASl>lG """'U1 1>1 MM"V RS :.u<s
PlIRllW;I~ IQIrlHt: I.~ Ill lSTllW,J2Hl \ '5. IllN~J.llI'P.<G COU1mllliS "
FIG. ? CHIl..I*I:..OUT CI' :ICl 1OOl ~ A lUST "~,, A ~ OFnnw L.AIlOUl<


he .... II-being of children hall bttn the in.pit. .. i"" onll the purpose of

T the Uniled Nalio.... Children', Fund for SO yo"",. h i. from this unique porspc<:l;"c
and upcrienee lh:n UNICEF adds ;15 vnice. cllII«m and U l"'ni", to tile ""bale aboul
rhild laboYr. m. primary rocus of Thi S,Uff o{ rhf World's Child"." /99 7 re(lrcl.
<"111111 labour;. ~ controversial and cnIOIiooaIl"ue. II is also a rompJc:< and dullle"g;": 000: thai
dorM:> ,i mplc .\OI Ulionli.1lH: Lbouglllful and romprebcmivc app"-",,,1Jcs l't<luin:d mUS! Ill; guided by
I"" be>! ;nle",,-"" of Ih<: . hihJ and by I cummillnenllO children "s human rights. as enshrined in tbe
C"""""lion on lhe: RighI> of the Child.
In this repan. UNICF..f "'iC" thot pl'iPri,y be &i,~ l<>cff<>ll.< f'>r,he immediate end oflwMtklu.
and exploita,i"" child labour and 10 u,£cnl , uppor! for .,..""ation. SO tha i childrefl may ""'l ui", Ille
k_ lcdgc and "'ills ,,,,,,- c.....n.>b'" !bern 10 im"""" their Ii.... h also tbe .... d for basi<-
;c....icos. """.1 development .1"" ogie<. iJKome.gcntt:llion ""''''i"IT'> and ' 'lI'" J"'l"":lion r.". chil-
dren. \beir fomil ~ and con""""i ,k•.
"1'''. United Nation. and it> ",1.,0<1 "ll"ncie.< h",'e I long hmllf)' uf ""lIllbonllil'e a<1ion on cho.l-
longing quesliOOlS conceming hum"" <lcY<lopmcnl an d hum... righ... lhe c.....i"""""m ood globll
heallh. I' i. .. recttd of which Ibe WQfld can be ju.d y proud.
H, Slut, <if Ih, War/lr I ("hjldrr~ emph..ize. tilt nu<I for $tt<"h collccuvc a<l~", ' 0 deal w;lh
child 1.000r. By wur:1<ing logctber, ali 1M , epon make. de.r.l"",mmcm., ;nlcm'I1 ;"". 1.nd n.-
liOll.1I "'I",,;>.a l;""'-<.nd . ll m<mbr... of lhe ,,'. rid community ClII ht lp pmltcl chil<!ml from lht
","lIlul11ic expluil:lliun SO plIphicall y desaibed in lhi. ",pon. Ending haunIous child I.bour, • pri_
ority """""111 of tbe Im. ""'linnl l l.l bour Org""i>.alinn and of UNICEF, ""'" nttd . 10 become dlC
world', oh.m! """ ufl;tnl ~val. The United NOlion, . ySlcm must lO~e the lead.

B""lms BOUlrm·Ghtl/i
U nirrd Nalll>fU S«,.,rary-G,ntru/

Chapter I

The Convention
on the Rights of the Child

A Ilrl loa _t--J,,_,.,.,,_ ""' ~.--"....1_,."


Anew era for

Ifln " .... .,.,· in the ahmnatll Un il"" ">lions G. .... t:IJ ASS<'mbly.
of the n>o6l <b'2>lating war m Sinc. lhen. the C""""nli"" 11>.\ h<cn
hi.lory. UNiCEF .....' <",,,«1 ""in... (os <If mid ·Seplember 1\1%)
OIl II Ot<:cmbcr 1946 10 J'nl"idc suc· by .11 rountrW< ~ . t~pl the Cook
cour to child",,,. 11< c>tabllshme nt 1.lond<. Onun . Somali,. Swit""rlond,
... frtKn the e<>nr;<:m ,hat chil· lhe Uni1'" A",b Em ;"l<:< .nd 1M
dre" would nul be adtqu " ely pro- Unil"" SIal... m.king il thc mosI
lC<;!Cd in the ",..:,Ill l ",lid efron Wldcr widely r.l1ifl<d hwnon n glll:l treaty in
.... y in Eutop<. Th e ;nt. "u,,;OI\.O; hiSl<Jf}'.
"'CUplilioothai childre" requirM spe_ TIle Coo""nli"" hu produced • The idea thai childun ha ~
d.1 .lIcnlj(ln "":IS I'I'\IOluliurwy II ~
profoond . hllrlg. th.1t1 is .1",lId y be- spuwf nu ds "QS given way
MiMing I<> h.l>'C sub>lal1l;"" dTocl~ 00 10 the conriction that
A l the end uf.he po>l " rel.VII· lhe w<>r1d', ani1Udo Iowan!" ilS . hil·
SlNCli..., pc'fi<.:l. lb'doping c lries dr<!n. Once " . ou nlty ralm e •• il i. chi/du n hal't righls,
eme'1ing rrum tile CI'lIOf1 ial 0'" in· lIbIlged in I...· 1<I undc~ all appro- the sam,/ ull spectrum
w ked the "'"... princi ple l<> demand pria le """'SU"" 10 u,isl paren" and ofrights as adults: avuand
,Iu, ehildml b< Iliven >jl'Xilk 3n ",,· <>tiler responsible pan~ in 'ullilling
pofiJical, sociat, cultural and
lion in ;nlemOlI"".] <ool'<'"ul"". their obligations lOcllild", n ur.dcr lh<
UNICEF's inili.1 ",lief IIWIdate was COlw. mlon . Now. 96 ptr ~nl <If lbc economic.
enl. rged 10 i nd u ~ !II<- , urvival and ..'Or!d·s chikbt.-n Ii,,, in StalO$ th.1t1 an:
development or chiklrrn. 1q;.lIy lIbIigarcd '0 prtIIOCI . h;ldn:n·s
Now. the imc'm:l,ional &JlI'f'03Ch l<>
children ha.< changed d",malically '.....
Th os<: niJIl' at<: com pt<:h.",;"".
on<e ag. in. The ide. IMt child"," The Corwcnl iuo deli "",, . hi ld,."n ",
h."" . ""cial noclb ha' gIve" w. y 10 poopl. 1>01"", tho "lI" o f IX(llrlk lc: 1)
lbe convicli"" tIw child",n ..'bo,;c "b..<l inl.",..," must b. Iak.n
rights, ,he sam. rull . """ Inn" of inl<l ..C<>llnt in a ll sil unll"", (ank le
righi' as odulls: <Nil and political. 110- J). II proc...., ch ildren ', rir,hl l" "" .
. ;01 ."""URI and «<JOOmic. v ive and tlcvclop (ank le 6) to lh<;r
Thll ronviction. HJII't-<<td as the full poI~nli .1, .nd omong its pruv; ·
Con ve ntion <Xl \lie Right. of lhe ,ion" "'" lhose affirming Childre n',
Child.cnlen;<! iow imerna,;"""l'.,.. right 10 lhe hig""" . lIlI.inoblo . ..3rldanl
on 2 Scpl cmb<r 1990. nine montha "f heallh care (ank le 24). and 10 ...
after the Corl\'ttUioo's Idopion by lhe press ' ·ic..·• (. n ie le 12) lIJId rccci,..
inform.l;on (I n k le Il). Child",n

h>,.. " rig hl lO he ",giste~ inuncdi·

- ------------
Children's rights, children's voices

"Yolit r>«Id mQt8 ~ DOW tho rowJ.., .... cet> ger ro m. park.' M\oS.. ~. I.II~"'; yo",h l~ltlce; child;
~ frnm BMol tlJr>iI«I /lSngdomj. Across r1NI ~ Sea. l I - . . - d d Imm!g••lion .nd natlon.llty; chll-
~ 'You rwtI II _ I t n d you ttHd II big ~' M you rwtI II _ d•• n and vlol.nt con llicl lNon hetn
f\llbN dudt for yo<r bWl. \till rwtI_"""",. to f1II'I. • I,el .nd); .bduet1on; .nd Inle,n.-
,lonaI obI1Ql1llono, WithIn Ndl .....
IIPOmto the Commin"" an !he 'naI with the Com.mion. bu••110 Ihl UK'. compl'.""" wllh .11 'ok>-

R Right. 01 tile Child by Stet ••

thl' 11_ r8'Jno<t llwl Con-
"""bOn .r. lhI! vitli comIte·pieces of
10 . ... mi... wh f1 il llCtllallv haJ'Pllfl
ing in pnoct:ice.
MOf1lOVe" illncludes the Input 01
""nl onicl... ;o. ~ ,~ed •• Iong wi'h
oomplilnee wilh Ih ge...." p,in·
clple. 0 ' 'umb'ella' .rti<:lft; non·
tile manitOf;ng proee.<s. How "",", chlld,en. anG,h.. i"""""'ion Ih. t II di$/;f1ml_oon 1.<1icJa 1), lho but
ca,.fully In<! III.... m.lV lu.uat81 lha extenl 10 wh ich lila In' ...... ol lh. child (. <11<:1. 31 and
be 0;10...,.
nlNtl1\lIeless. offICial ee- Unit arod participallng NGOs we' e lhe lighl of chlld,.n 10 np,eu
PO"," can '.'ely C11l>lUf. til. full ... ! inlpl'ed by tha Convention's dl...,.. vIewo .nd h..... th.m ,. ken ......
pietu,," or
chi ldr.....•• ,;g1l1O ;" • giYlm ,1....1 lQ le"he ... ~ 0/ child.en be ouolv in .11 dec:ioiof>s .ffecling them
country, Thll if idoelly <It""" from • he. ,d and make Ih. Convention (.rti<:le 12l.
variety of sources _ voices. p,ovisionl wid.1V lnow n 10 adulls n~ •.• n 180yea,·old lrom No,·
AII.·m.lli.... ,.pons "II imponam f<>II child'en .Iike. Ihe, n I'aland. q~otad In I....••
oomplemenlilO o lfoclal repottJ. pr0- n........ ofctlilln:l echotllrougll- on the "odequata standard 01 IMog "
viding depth, de\.ell. end po,_. 0lJI: ' Po_ ohouldn~ hBve !tle rig!l' policy ..e• • mel<es the Impact of
tiwI. The words qUQ\ed lbove _ to hit childran,' "'VI a 13--yu,-oI<I ""snga. In Ihelnel.1 IflC\lfllV SYfr
''''''' tl>c UK AQ.n.... lot Cltlldr~.
lI"oduced by the Chlld.en', RilIh!.
Irorn LJnc>oInshinl. '11 ju$I ......... d\jj.
""'" g row up to be W>IenL'
le'm comelll ·w.
' kaWI In lode !tie
don', lum 011I IllIhlS .nd Pr".nd
Develoj)ment UnN. I small 8'111, 11 •AIthe 100 of 13, h"311 1ookir!g ~ we ... noI In I/'IQ(I/ 11m.! wane 'hi
Of'llen;l.uon .uppof1O'd by tile the lIou.... looting .11", my mum. , ...1 man or the m1l_,'
GulbenlUen F""n& til>n . nd lh1t UK $Iliekling my m<Jm h orn an-. S""h con'r1b~tion. help bring '0
Committee tor UNICEF. Conceived Irorn my dad- which is • hall of • klI life 'n n h. u..;ve .l~ dy 01 chilo
.. 8n ltIt<H'llll'liw tepOI1l1"" laoued In lot. 13--yeo,-oId 10 ,. . on." "'VIS d.en'••!ghta fo r whith no iU"1 i•
July 199. , til. AfJflfldll ha ........... 17._ -oI<i 1rom....... . ,,;"". 100 .m.1I 10' .nan1lon - oc:hool
wide pr.i.. for lIS Immediacy. ",Ie- ' Kids """'~ ploy wha,. I live; ...... ~n lfl>rm •• lho opening 01 In
_ 110><1 eomprt/leMO_.
II man"ll81 to be lho,OUgn lind
dl... _rywha<e. It""'" ""'IS. no """ child.en'. homes ~ or '00 1.'9"-
C" .I: lamenll a l .... ye . .. old lrom lor IMlanee . tho "".pte. on thild,on
wb$IInllve," '",ely". p,,,aorwl Monchal tar. School dub membefl. .nd violonl conflict, """ith is d.·
dillry, as p<lrli""", . . . mo,n,"V', <kild'en In jail, !hoM In inltittJllonl. ...o'ld • • ctu.I""ly 10 No<\h•• n
1INd1..... Ind II' u'gent •• , cry fo' tha l>onI&IHI, '"<WI """ing fo' aide I•• l.nd. T•• n.poll po licy. ho~.;ng
".lp, Cornmill... """"'ber Kod\I or diYblad paronts. abu_ child"'" CodlS, .nvl",nmlnl.1 '9gulf1iOnl
Bad,an hal ""'lied ,ha Agano» "a and oth8f:l wer. all heord In an otfort .ra .11 pul undat ,.... m i a _.
majo, IM,o...a,ory COnlrlblllion" to 10 rellec1 the wide and ollen dilflClJh Nor doelr .ny p"'bJem ~ soh...
,..nil... 01child'en·. lives . l1Ia Unil
IhfI metho<IoIogv 01 monitoring chlld
'Igh" 'tlatl mcrovidual CO,,,llry,
Tha lnnovatlonl a,a ""a,.L
..., up mo,. ' ha n ~(1 conl ~I ' ''ion
","I!onS wilh child,an, who fll"llld
for Complianta .we.'
lion, Sec llon s on Aclions Req uired
within cII.p-
le fl , .nd t .... "U9gaS1lonl made .ra
Tha <Iocumen' n. Ill' t~lmin8l1on In "9" from 6 ' 0 18 \'11.... summ...."" " e..,/I ch.",o< .n<!,
of rWO \'U'" of ,_rd, on rhe The~ WOld. OI,ongthon t.... Itudv, The Committao on the AllIhla of t....
perl er tn e Un;, 'nd iIOmtll8J non · which .nalyse. lha Conve ntion ... Chikfoookllwdiv h. ... . de. .... pic-
_mmon..1Of1Il'nilf1lonf INGOsl a<1;d.. g'<Hload in ' 2 key !>OlicY l~ •• of ilia 1\f11l. 01 thildron·o righ'.
In £n ~ land. Scotland. Wale....d a,•• o: pe.lonal ftH<iom •• ""'.. 01 in Ih. UK. no, • mora syslam,,;';.
North..... lrollfld. S...:h broad ~rtiti­ child ..n. phYli¢a1end petlon .1 in· con:Il..... CI.... nd .Ioq....,l guide to
!>lOtion , IIOWll IhfI ",pan no l on~ '0 l"lIlitv: 8lII<Iaquata stand . ,d 011....· what MOds 10be dono.
revi... Ihe UK'. I<lvlSlatJon arod acl- ing; .....Ith.nd ..... Ith """ e .. rviceo;
ml"IsI""ve p'ocad~_ for compl~ .nvl,onmenl; Id""allon; play and

.Iely Ifler binh anJ 10 "",'e. """.. The ''''''oning prucc"" hL' I'"'vcd
and ""ti"""lily (an icle 7)., righl lo dynamic: and cooSlfUC1 ivc, ,,'ilh the di·
play (:micle 3 1) and 10 proI~t jon aIoguecs1<tblis.bOO helping lCllldvance
from.U f<lfm.o r l<:~uaJ eaploilO1 ion cbil<ln:n's righlS. Unfon unat" ly, how-
and ""'oal .!>J"" (anide 34 ), e"'r. m....y C<>\Imric. Ilave mi. sed
Tbe C"""ernion recognizes the;. "'I""' inl deadlinc•. 2g of!hem
001 all governmern, have lhe re- by ~ , much "" three )"'an, "" of
SOIJ~' necessaty to en,o," . l1 ec0- Stl'ltr""'" 1996.
nomic . .... i. l .nd c.. II....1 right>: The pn""'" of implememing ,he
inuned i. lely. But it <;m>mit, !hem 10 Corrvcrnion ~iIl rcm:lin' in its inf.....,.
makel~ right>. prioriI)' and to en- bul, .... we have nOlcd, lhe imem. -
. lhem to lhe mu im..m UlCm o r 'XJna! trtar y f.".child",n i, ..",ady be·
. vailable n"'O\lmlS. ginning 10 make an im ~ l. As,lling Iheir obl igation. oome· reponed in 1996 in UN1CEF', IlOIIuaI
lime, Jt<j.. ire. Slale' to """'e f" nda· J>Ilblic~lion, 7'11< f",~r(;;s IIj Nutilltu .
menlal ehan;;c< in IIali"""l law, . or !he 43 """"tries "hose ",pons had
i"" ilOtions, plans. polie"", and prac. b<:cn revic:wed '" the 'ime. 14 hod in·
tices lCl hrint- 1!Ien' inl.. line wilJllhe corpur.ued t!Ic principles or the Con.
principles or lhe Convenlioo. ,eolian imo their e(lJl5, i,ulion/; and Jj
llw; lir>l prioriI)' m.." be 10 gener- !lad passe<! ncw laws or """'''ded
ale th< polilico! will ' 0 do 'h is. As lhe ", i" ing law, 1<I conform 10lhe Con·
dT1lftc'" o r lhe Convenli"" =og_ 'o'C01lon- And 13 had !>Jill the Convcn'
o;",d. real chanS" in lhe 1M:. of chil· ,ion inlu curricula or coo""", 10begin
d",o will como , boUI only ,,'hon lhe key I'r1""'"S of ed""",ing children
"""ial "" illJllc. and elhic, progres· abroll their right.<.'
sively chlU1ge 10 COIIrorm wilh laws AhJlInd 1M world. leochers, ~ /Itt " ,..., ", ....
and prindpks. And " 'heo, ""..,"" in law)"'". police official. , judge s .nd r _ _ ... ....• i~, ~"" c_ ~ ""
the """"""', childrcn IlI<msclvc.< ear'i;" " • .., be;ng Imined in l/Ie o-(to'< '" 1""1- A"", '''t ..
ktl<lW ennogh lllluol lheir rit-h~ (0 principle> and the . pplic. li"" of lhe 11<><-" , . ....... , r_ _ ", ""~
ci31m lhcm. Coovenl;on, Inspired by th. Con - HI IlI9O.
1'h. ofr",ia1 monil<O"nrthis proc.,'" venlion . Sic". J""""" has demobi·
o r clung. i' lhe COIllJJ1;n« "" !he littd child ..,Idi.",. In Rwand•.
Rigto< or llle Child. eoo., :mmcntll .... UNICF.F. under thc ClIM'1'ol i",,',
obliged to '''pen (0 "'" Commi""" lICgls, has bc<:o W<rlinllin move chi' ·
willlio Iwo )....... or l'lllilkOlian, and d ren ""id in aduh de' e",i"" ceo'rc.
= ry r,"')"I.'OJ"J ""''''''lier, specifyina ror allos,ed w>t off"""", to !f'<C'ial ju.

~ ...
lho! Sleps Inco lu Change ""I i""al
law. and rorm ula", policies and

llw; Commi"" , made up uf 10

venile ,nSlil" r;On, .nd !las hired
lawyers to defend ""'n,. And ",r"""",
clun g.. and imp..,..-""",n" corninue
10 ..rum"lalC around the wo rld
e~pcn" g:llllors cvidelltt fmm non· (1'aoe12).
govemm" ol.1 <><ganilalioo, (NGOs) llw; moni!Oring of the Coov"lioo
and iotergovcmmeolOl organi,;uioru. and media ""'''''''E''
ur I!>: ''''''''' have
ind udina UNICF.F,:onJ Ibc>c groops promoted inlern", ;"",,1 .ware....'" o r
may prepare allmI.lIi", repons 10 tJw Il"'" . iol.,ion, of children's righ ts.
or. government (1'....,1 I l. The Com· Majo< ;n;li. li.,," ......h as lh<: World
mince and !he grwemmenl I""" mccI C""JlO'SS againsl Commcn:ial So~uaJ
10 discus! the counlry 's "hild righls c ~plo;13lion of Chil<mn. held in
errons and lhe . teps no"e. >al)' 10 Slockholm In AU8usI 1\1%, llI>d the
~dimcull"" Inlcmaliona! Conference 01\ Child

_ 1---- - - - - - - - - - -
Bringing the Convention to life

oIIlkI righlJ """"'lflS. ellior-!""

_ 1IIstori<:..." lot AAica. Glllcle<I by
I!Ie CorwenIlon. the StMuIa amm.1tIe
00UI'II,y1 c:omrnilme<rl1O 0l'IeIIIncl1he
. . . . 01ill )'lIIIIIgIa ciIlIenI. Among
ott... _ iii'''''' ,....
~ 1oaoI fMJ-
thoritielt10estabIM Fsrmtv.nd Ch....
dno1 Cour\O" In...., di$Il'lI:l, ..,.... <IU1
!osler CIIre _ ecIoptiot, p<ooedur....
lIlld estlItIlil/>e$ hUll\llllll ~ Ill!
"""'"""_ 01 juvenkolleiclet..
TuniIOe'. Code lor Ihe Protection of
Childreo, adopIed io OClober 1995.
cooteln. 123 .0k:1ft II.." bung ne·
tion.l 1..... Into h.,mony w' th Ih.
Nepel hal .100 """'Pdd ~
I t>.n1Ml child rilltns Iegill.>lion in its
" Child"",'. Act. Child weIf"'" boordI.
OOMitting of _ _ 01110'"

_ _ """,kad by Iho !:oro.

OftIe' of the mosI signlflcam

1N!lighll of It>e 0Wd

a,a those naw occuning In !tIfI
~ Consmlltion allla contaiM
proteclio<w lor etollel.... """ famillea.
AngoIe'. F....... C<>do _ 0Ul.1!lIO oquoI
fMllOO'lo1irv '" moIl>ers and lBthets
omnwnt ............ NGOs_ptoks-
-'onel gr""",

e,. belng CfflOt-.l M
bDlh distfla lIlld netionIIlloYeb lO 1m.

Other coumriee It\et _ ~

legiolalion on cIIIkl righto a>r ...... ...

elude Chone, wtoictl enacled e law In
S'fIl.... of ooo.orcrieo.. for tIIei. dlild<en; the coumry'S Fornitv 1995lhet . .t.thalCh..-cd_
Thll_,angolrom_.,.. T,a:lng Lew Is 1N Iegel /oundoJ6on for r_rdIeso of IIlt>nk: lIfOUP. """. - .
dDrsementi of """d'...... J1ghliIO tho \he efforts to rwnite chIkhn IlIId famI. • . ~ P'Ol*tYNIUlI Of 1illI·
'1IYdion o f 1_ and ""1"- in no "'1IlIplWlIIed bV_of cMIto:1fta. IJIoue boI/ef, hoYelhe ~ lIlld ~
tional """'5tlMions. TD\IO. for"-'ce. In Hondur91. the"..""IIv's_.... Iiorlto reo:eiwem-oon. 51. KiMm
~I j ~ II$opetalr..artidel 01g bodv UI1IOimousl'/ ewQYOCIa ~ HoevlI poued e law In 19IU Me......
of the Conva->1ion 11110 itlI . - eon. d!Itai*:I Chilclrens flighu: CocIII t>.Md ;ng en ~ lO Iormu_ po6o::y end
MUlion. Cl!hoIf A1ric&n """,,1rieI1haI on the Conven6on. The _ Code. delivo1r _ bolo_nil'll chlkltOlfl. In
kaWI InIn>dlad .......,.,.. 01 Ihe d.-.fted ovet Ill'" years by membe<l IktItino F"""•• law Mo mede d'olld
ConvonIlon lnIo lheiI' Conslitu1Ion:1ln- 01 non -lIO...ernmem,,1 organi..,)o,", rights part 01 _ ptirnery .nd ....
cludo AI\lIOla. Elhio\lil, Namibia llIld INGOaI IIIId \IQ'o'elTl"'""" m,Nstnes. ondlory I:UJric<jffl. lind lhe country Ie
UQlnda. for .ample. E\l'WoPo'. Cor\- """'" ;."" Ion:ein ~ 1996, on estoblishing CO<IItI on<! toPPQlnring
.. ~ution 1IfilBbl",* the boost intmesu HondIJ,..' N _ o.v for Ihe Chile\. jt>dgoo lor<:hilclrM.
oIlhedlild .. a prima<y wollidolillt;on. TO imp/flmAnl the Code, trsin;"" Is
Sooth AfricIl"s PiOJKlled ConsUl ... being pfo.i""cl lo r 75 Judg... 193
Iio<J ,ec:ogni<es, among othll... ll\o mayo,. and 300 Nfl of lIO'Iommeo~
righ18 of cNldren to • """"" l<l bale ilsDtuDoosMd NGOs.
"ulrillon. 10 educMion. 10 Molt/l and In Ulllnda, the _ ClIiklren'.
aociaI ...........nd 10 Piotaalon hom Pr""""'' ' Y<lworl
Staru!II. signed by
M-.rInA,ri 1006, .,oga«ltd by
t ~ labour lI'acI--' Erit rea'.

L:>l>our. :w:hclJulcd fn, Oclobe. 1997 As loog os prt'~ " 13bl" "".th and
;n Oslo. <ltri~ lhci. impel,," fl'OOl lro: sulTering ,'OOlinue 011" large <eoJe in
Corr'tnt;oo. Il i~h nghlinll iIIe prob . lhe dc "oloping Wllrld. ohild "u""i"'al
lems ;n till. way i. an ~...,ntiaJ firsl m""t rcmain an urgon l priorily. lIu l
SIC'p u",.."nls Ilw:ir ~lim IlWicln. now. within tho COOle" of the Con·
In . I""'ill", in;", 10 invo l, . "",tiun. UNICEf' ond 1M ...0<kI com_
IIJo mcdi. in odocalint: childn:n obou1 munity muS! JlI>I ooly nuln!>in lhe
lIJoi. righl<. lhe A,ian Summ il on conun;lmen l In tJle 2lXXlS"" I.
Child Righl1. and lhe Modi... held in hut abo 1",* be)'Ofld lbem 10 soc;al
Manila in July 1996. iacludcd " wi« pmlcctinn and Ul1o:. impofU ll1 ne<:d. Th e world community must
range uf p.mki~nl' in four days of and righ~, nUl ""pre.<sly contained in not only maintain Ihe
di"""",,,irons on how W odllCOle. inform the World Summit DeclmliQJI an d commitment to the year 1000
and ~nle ehildren ,,'hile 0100 I.:lk- PI"" uf Action . Tile ion, by
in,g inlU"",......, 1lIJoir I"'SI inlo."",,~'.
goals but aso lool!. btyond
"I"'='ing and pru"'e1i", all the
UNICf.f iuo:lf is . 1 • Iurnin~· righl>of child"'n. e~p.:u><Is Ihc sc""'" Ihem to social protection
puin l. III il< SQlh y~",. llIe "'IllUli- or :se'ion l'OIl uircd ror children nnd and other important needs
,"lion h.. odOflled " mission , 1alo_ tltmw1; a cltar , har. of li~hl on patll.
and rights.
IMnI lh:il luoks 10 Ihe COllveRli"" lIS tII.:lt ""tend be)"Onll1lJo 2000.
ilSguoJing fun..~. Some of Iheoe will in",l"" f"OlOCl.
1'lIi. 1\<'" mandate 11.1< impo nanl iog cllildrm and youth in «>IImct ...lth
implicori""" for Iho work of lht orpni_ lhe criminal justice ' y" . m: OIho",
"-'1.1;00. I" efrons for children in the ...ill tnlure the <k.." clopmcll1 of the
JUSIIWO decade.'. including lhe year yoong child. """""" f""'ilie.... end Ihc
WOO g",,1s e>mblish:d by llIe inl"""," Ust or land·mincs ond cominoe to U}'
tiona! <vmmunil y al!he World Sum- 10 bring aboul a """" t<luil.:lblc di.,m -
mil for Lllildn:n iD 1990. an: de:\.igncd hulim of ""iOUfCeS.
10 . lIe,.ial. lhe "'0 t'S1 a'I""''" of h i, in ,hi. contexi IhOl The
1'O'"CftJI r", the nlOjorily ofllJo ,,"<lI'td·. S,u'e tlfll,e W"rI"~ Child"" /997
. hiklnon. These gM1.< oro:I"gJ\.'\'t'I\l'nlS report ••p lons l he subjec t nf ch ild
mU'1 tl<IWho p""u<'ll in "'" conl..1or I'Mland i15 im"",,' on chil d",n',
lhe Cunvention. deve lopment.
In ScprcmlJor 1996.1ht Sc<:n:l"/)'. The Con_,;"'" l'OIlui= familk•.
(it "'1 uf rbe Uni lcd Nalionl. societies, gov.rn"",nl' and lhe intor_
Bnu ' rcponed to rw io ",,1 cum",unily ' 0 '"~. :K:1ion
Ihc G~"" r.d A-s<mbIy on Ihc Pf'JP"l'< lbigncd '0 rulm lbe righi ' uf all <itil·
made in mteling 1M Summil', )'l:ar dren in • ., usl" i.....ble. parlkipatory
2OC() goa l, rur ettikln:n 3.< IIJo dec..... :rnd oolNIiscrimin3lory m""""•. In
for ""'Iioo p",,;ed lhe halfway mark. pBe'ied lorm , . lhi, me""" ,h at the
M uch uf the"".... i. good. w;lh mil · """"",I. nIU>' wlnerablo ond oflrn the
lion., or children '. live.' ha,ing been 010,01 ncglecu,d childrcn in all soci -
"",",-"<I siOCl' 1990, eties. rich and poor. mun have firs!
" ul much rem . in< lu be doll<. call 00 ~ ond cIT"",.
More man 125 m~linn childrm IlrId<t 1l'oc code""o,.., 10touch their live"
r,,,, ;" &..'Veklping CUlloM co,"inue wm be rompl. . .r.tI will require a
10 die oath year. 9 million or them >IlSlaincd ,I\;IC ~ on tlle TOOl eaui't1 of
from caUoel' f<>r which ioe.po....ive """eny and 1UI<k.·n!cvdupmcnl.
""Iulinn, and me..un:!' ,uoh ,,-, im· In • world " 'here techno logy tIOd
munililtion and ""tibiOl.... Im'"e been kno...ledge are avail "b le and 03<Y 10
mUli""ly applied in the ;t>JuSlrial i,.oo .IIl"". " nd 1"" capi l3 i"" orne ba., tri_
"'llf1d r...SO YC>l':<.' pled in lhe pa" qulllte. o r . <"'. Iury,'

a.c:", <an b< "" <>.Cum; !he righl> or f ponding on bask ""dal "''''ices
all <hild"'n. including lhos< who .,.. from lb. <:Ulfl:n' average ur oW",i .
"""I dh..d """'I~. <an be fulfllkd_ mat. l ~ 13 PC' <:nil to 20 pe' cenl. and
""'" in~marional ''UlTlmunil y ha.< for dooor cooll\rie$ 10 "~ 20 per
" i.d ,n lh " 1"'1 dteod< of 1ho 20th oem of uffidal developmenl ..",i,-
C<'I1,uty In ani ve at a ronsensu< on III< laIlCC (ODA).
" 'ay forwanl on a number of f.onw This kind of Ihift in ,he w~ y ,he
Redincring ju sl one quarter on human righlS. on pnllCCIioo of lhe world u...,; ' I' rcSUW'CC:'l is no longer
of /he del'efl1ping l>'Orfd's ....vimnrnc:nl. llI1 reducI;"" of uneon· on app::a1 lu lhe ,",mri,y of those with
l",lkd populolion grow'h and on lhe JIUW<"1 and lhc pu~g. hul '"
military exptndilUre - " d,m ,na li n~ g.nde, incq ualily. T1Ie a mane, of right<and obligations. The
$30 biflioll 0/$125 billion - a>'owed ai m if f llS" ,""b!e devdop- ncW era in ch ild righlS will still need
[or exsmpte, could pro,'ide menl for all on III< bi.o.>is of ,.,.';"1jus . undc'l'inoi!\ll by ~tl iI Udi ...1 <banlle.
11«: aroJ human r. l(,I"""". populM prcsourcand public dc-mands.
enough additiono/ resources
Good inlenlion' will no'" h3 v~ 10 Wbcn......., opinilJl1 poll. """" been
to reach most of/he gools/ or be .....lehed with lho polilioa l willm undenilirl1hcy h:!,'.~'n lIIal pc<>-
the yeor 2000. acl:md f<>rtiflcd by ehang es ;n indi o pte .' uppon III< ide.., and idea l. of
viduaillfld nalion:ol a"l loM . on<! pri. truman righlS.<bild righ.. ...... inl<l'J'la·
Ofil..... An addilional S40 hillion a riurud snHdaril)'. Pan of l!Je t:I.-.k. l!Icn.
)'0'" could . n'u", =e" for aJl lhc i' IU channel lIti' ' n.ppon inIU ..,ion.
world', people In hob;" snc:ia1 ........ic:es F<lt 1hc pa>l 15 )'Oar<. TIr<-S,,,,, 'f
<uch os hu hh ea"'. • duoalion and ,h. l\-\,, /d's Chil<lrt' ~ ha. mobil",ed
fafe ....ICf.· pub lk . rod polilie. l _ <uppnn for <h ild
T,,'u Ihird' of Ihi' amnunl ""uid , u]'Viva! a nd devolu """,nl. UN ICli F
be found hy devell>p,ng <uun,ri.f if will «Hll "'." to mobilize. oow Wilh
th<y ",aiignod lbe ir nwn budg.l prj. !he added JIUW<"1and legilima"y of 11",
uri lie•. R. di' « l ing Ju.1 One IIuart e. Convention. he<:au:;e lite need for pas-
of the de,.. lop'n~ world 's mililary .i""a.. ad\'Ueacy on bcluM of lhe
exrrndilun: - or $30 billion of $ 12S world ', <hildrt:n hl.l nOl diminished,
,"Il iun' _ for eumple. """Id prtl"ido: e ven I\UW. ha lf . « nlury arr., l h.
enou gh oddirinnal "'''''''''« 10 ",ach Deed for UNICEF " .... inlrnwilJll:llly
rnosl of !he guaIs for !he year 2lXXl. A acknuwkd~
s.imiJar shm in ihc WX" ,nl\uf dewJ- As Ph ilip AI"un, a leadi ng <hild
op~nt aid by donor rounlr1e$ could rig hI' la wyCf and 1Ct,>,i~, f 131es: " In
lCner.>1e much of !he rr$I , ,he final an oly<il. oppropria le poli-
This pm-nisc "' «.1 out in Iht 20120 cie., " 'il! be adoplcd... only in ..-
iniliative. " 'hieh <all' (or deve lOfling l po n.. lu wiclesp",. d ""d iO_';'le nl
cou ntries I() inc",,,,,, g.." 'emnltnr pubolic: oulra!:"."

Chapter II

Children at risk:
Ending hazardous and
exploitative child labour

---' .... _ .. ,..,-._

.__ "'_.4_...,...,.....


Myth and reality

-OIUl !rom 1McM m«af poto"dNJ tllId UnHlX \"tIj1Olln in boIh 1M

UortT'(Jt)Im ond 1M boiltr room 1<"('11" a1niOOll....W, fOflN 250
childrr" . moMly IN/OM' 10 ~rs ofQ~. "m;1I1 in u 10IlIMII
Jillinl( in Q sltlllt d!rolM 14;/11 sfiro. Rulto' upotI /'OM' ofrhildrn"
SOIIlt OOrt1),fil't )'tun old, It"t l1'' (m'o/,'rd ill tht "" 01"1:.- /

"' ~ ","y.lnot!inr. tho$lt:Ind< of lu.wy

ducriptlUll routd come
from ... ,~"'" • • 1'P"1~ a, c"'J'CI' for "'pori. In Ihc UnlIt<!
,'''' WOf~ inl "" lIdlll"", cn· S""C$, ch,ldrt n """ ••pluiltd in pr·
du~ by chiW..n in the 191 h cenNry ""'''I indu.lry $wel '......... In the
ilI l:lrilWl mill.:\I1d r"1'oriec. Philippill\:s, yoong bo)J I dive in<b.n.
The world. yO<l r.. l. mull surely ......... condi lion. 10 ""Ip .. t nel'l r",
..."" bouIi<hrd tIlI'h """"m";'"to m. "",,"p-... r..<hml ·
d l'WlI pul. IIUl lhc 4U<l1C II rrum . Tho _1<1 . .......1<1. Indeed. h;o""
",pan lhc nu ~hSlic k· m.a.l;ina

(III OUIl'O"'n ."" llWly forms or .bwc of mllllcm-day S,vak"';. in Iobootin& child",n ~ndu",. Rut it Th,. world . hould,
han'1.lIlhouJh _ ror IM:t 01 rtron.
ilfdud, ffillOf' oulg,."..."
And ..... Iw 01dlil_ 0Ii1d IaboIor .... .,. 01_ lin;o: IIId
dmIli "'1lI't iIlllmRlaul.lXIIIditioBs """"- imporwlI: " - ' ~ by
'h, "",,,,/flnlU ol abuu
. . to< .¥' ..df... .". ... ...... Iho _,~~, ........ klbouritlg cIIjldntl uduTt,
.. .....w.. I. M.,.....
dIiIdrnI may ;" dooo ............... Ubour Orpni• Bur iJ 1uu,, 'L
wor1t up 10 11....... fbr- 011 NIWt nOon', ULO \ 1919 Mi.......... AJe
planul.... e' f I ' 10 _ -' CIllI ' " (1'loPd 3),
snal.c bib. III dIo. UaiIod RqdU;: fI E.l)' dIUn>_~ • ~
.,..._. doc)' pitt. eo/l'rc . ;.a.-';., b«.- ".........,.. ~ 10
~ .. PonupI. cIIildn:n .. .... c.-.oId IotIour '\, I d ill monIify
t-lf ... 11 _ ~ III dIo. ~...,. - ...", .~ -"Y IIdrliolo:d by
......... IIl)'riod ....... "' !he .... 1llt lkWe for profit ad Ib< bard
>lnI<tion iJldalUY. '" ~ Ihry rWilies '" < .. " W Uk, Child
,.... II loom r.. .... ~ and iii· laJ:Iolrrm; .. -= objcI;tJ 01 dlarily or

_ __' _of,... .............. _

........... tu Ihey had ""

........ __.,. . . .._--

..-- (--...u._ ""J" _ ,
TodaY '1 world iJ difkn:III .. ......
dlis mpe<'I. OI ildml "".1'
ri~ l>

I! ,..-
J- ................... _ ....-. ...ubli>b<d ;" inlcmItionolloWi......
...... In tho C~l\Iion OIl Ib< RicN<

fig, l Chil d I.b o~r. A look It lll. pm of"'" OU ld. which has oow botn ",li· physic .1. !mnral. .pirito.1. moral or
Tho _ _ 1'OIl JIlJIi(J::n_ liod by all 001 I few cwnnk.. . social lopmeOl mU'1 cod . I I.,·
R' l ificI" oo .,~ilically obl iga,•• ardous child labuur i. a betrayal of
"'_ ....,.. ,00__ . 1110
-.,. _Il'1O .., ,,, "
go"emmenl' _ in anick 32 - '0 e.'ery c hild's riJhts LS a h"m""
-.n__ ..,;,.. 5G~_ f'I""""l c hilm"n ~from economic ex· being and i. on ofTcl>Cc ogai"" no,
_ 1'Io<tIng ...... _ ~ q fa ploi'~liOll anJ from porfonning .ny civiliulioo.
_ i I I Qml _ I I ISoII. • _ ._ w<>rk thai i> likely l<> be hv=lou.' OJ<

" _ ~ _ I8 _ ..
_ _lJO"III>Ir"'_ .'"'__
..""""'.... ---"'_.-

_ n. .......""
lO inlCJf~ with thr c hikr , atuca'ion.
or lO 1>:. harmful 10 the c hild '. holllth
Four myths about
child labour

OJ< physicll . "",nllll, xpiri,uaI, .-.d or

BolI'- OL 1150 ""'i.1.1 ~lopmen t." TOO recent X0'l!< of inlC~'t in child

1101 bey""" !hot anick , children's I,hour h.. 100 " flcn been founded
cxploitalioo in " ""' cont",vcnes 0P<J<1 - and contribu 'od 10 _ fou'
m:ony mon: of th<: righ ts enlhrinod in mylh s a bou l child I.bour that il i.

---~- -- tho eo"""nt;on, among them chi l·
rno', riSh.. lO carehy ""'it """,nt...
to cornpolsory and r= p:;mary edo '
"i!all" coofront. TheliM is thill child
I.boor i' un;4""ly • problem or the
tlcvclnping world. The sec<>nd .. ,hal

c.tion, to the hillhext OIon· c hild I.""", emerge< inevilahly and
tUtwally OUt of pGYCI1)' ard diu, will
dan:I of he:1llh. lO oocial ...urity. and
~- ­ lO provi .ions for ,..>1 and ""'....tion. .l...... y. be with us . The th ird is tha'
• • II
_ ..
'1_f. • Tbe righ t> o f tII<><e children whose moot ch ild I.buurcn; an: II wori; in
primary acti.ity L< won: are. ,,'i!hou t 5w. . ..hops p:ocIucing c heal' llood s
(jUCSIion. in joopanIy, ror export III the stort."'l of the rich
ElotluoI_ W........ 11lI Looking .1 child",n', w' or~ world. And the roo"" L< thai ~ i..
through lhe 1.0. or ch ild,..n·, righl> ,implc ""Iolion to tho:. c hild l. bou,

and the C"""eotion on !be R ights of
til<: O1 ild. IS this Siale "" he Wurlu s
Child" . repon seeks to do, oIf.... nol
only new WI )'li "r uJ>d,c"tanding lhe
probIcm - . 'lrade ~ ' (lt 'hoy.
alii' - th:1t will end it once llIld for all.


-- _..'.-...
r-nblcm of child l.boor but also pro- Child IJz/JoMT 081, IInp"'" $ ;11 Ille
. iokJ new impelU$ and directi"" 10 p<HJr world _ WIllI<: the VaSl orajur.
thr """""""nl "ll"Jin;c it. ily of work ing cIIildren .re found in
As W'C will ""', child labour .. often dcvd<>pi ng .ount""". chi ldren "",.
• II .. II II ..
'" • oompkx i»ac. Plw.'Cfful forcc' . ...,. linely work in all roun1rics , In evcry
CQUIIlr}I. rich and 1J"<lI'. it ;' lhc " . tu n:

lain it, iI>Cluding mony mJl'lo)"<'",.
ve>Icd in"'ft$t group< ..... t'C<JI'<l<Jli«< of the WQf~ c hildre n do t11 11 de ter·
P""POSing thill tho m:u\:ct ,n"" be f"'" mines ,,'hc1hcr or nnt they ore harmed

a1 all <:o:Its. ard traditi"".liSlS bclicv·
iOj;the c>Sle or eI..", "f <'Crlain "h1l-
by ;\ - tlO1 the pl. in fact of their
workiog. Few people in thr indll>1ri:tl·

-_.- dn:01 t1cnucles thrm 0( righ ts. ;,.cd worl d. for • ..",plc. woo ld 100>;

Ou r Iodc.<w mUSl .lw.y$ be the ul"l" tht mJ]lluymtnt of • child 10 de·
l;Ql inlcn:>lS of the child. II ..." tlOVCT li""r 1\Cwsp.1pct1 (0 ' an hoor or tWO
be in tilt ""'1 in'='''-' 0( a child to be befM!- <ehool L< lit e>;ploitativc form
exp loi,ed Of to p<:rform hea.y ""d of child labou r, despile lhe rOCl Ihal
d.ngcrotl s fcmns of work. No child the c hild will «Mini)' be paid les s


u II
_ II
_ II
.. III
' hnu ld 1.l><>or in halMdou ' and c.· th-m nnrm al adn l' rate. f", the j<.>l>

.... _... _-,-

pluitati"" conditions. ju>l as no c hild Ofteo 'uch a job will he encouraged
_. _ lMO.-. should die of p,,:"eot.ble il1nr$,;u in 1hc inlc rcsl orl11e c hild', gaining
On tIIi' poiot tll<:rc cao be 00 cxpcri.:na: of the ' rea l w'OOd ' of w<rl
_ ..._ <M:O>_lMO _
".... " douhl. Work tlw endangcn chiklJ<,p's and romnll-n:c•

Legislative landmarks

""" Iabow""""""" ~

It-. fnl _ dlild 1191l11, wtIicIl - Minimum Ago IIKomnMndatlon No.
" " ' _ In IOfTn& of ~ in rormal__ ",....."oc:turing, the H6 ""HI on SW... to rBise the m,nj·
worId's pos/tb'1 on dIiId labour ,... evol-' and eq:e ided over lhlI ye;n k mwn age of empklymem 10 16 years.
hIIs ........ 1G _~I_ by cIIIldten, IlIId mosl.-nlly, 10 pt<ItojbiI WhI. r'lUI l<ogelly obIlg.""9. ~ .........
W"f lind 01 won:. pM! or _ld, "'SIlt injurious 10ddld,en....d 10"'" out saf.. _ I s a altOng callI<> ac:llon on the
guatllo IIId "'''''''''''''" kif <:IIll<nn who~ StD$1lBItia \0 !he Comw1Iion "" JIIrt of Irl8Onbe, SIal"" CorMlntioo No.
ll".-1IigIIII g I " 0>iId, lor ~ _ ~ to """""" lor. ml,.."",." • or 138 and !No fI«om"""",",1on ..
mIn1mumagMforad,, ! iMlIl~"havIng -"101he ......... ~ Il"fdtd .. the moat comprehe h••
s>oot 0/ Olhor inlerrIIlIonII ~.l-.tio::It 321. The lr/'o'S outliood btlow-.e imemlIlionaI insttumenlS and 51.11>·
i n l _ INldmatb in ...UI8CllI ... c:I'ti'en. ...... "" dIiId Iol>out.
1989: Conve ntlo.. on tM Right.
1919: MinImum Ave (IM II. t ry! 1966: lm_1oMl eo-I on ollha Clllld. Enshrines aa inle,de·
<:0..... ,,100 , No. 5, AclosMd II the Ar1t rooo_.. SoeIM _ CuIhnl Alghu. pendenl Ind I"divi,ible the lull
Hnlon of Ill. Inl.""",on.1 llIbo<1r AdopIed bY lite UN G.rteraI A 'obl¥ range of 1he eMl, poillical. eco-
0f91......lion IILOt end "'1I1Ied by 72 in 1 966 O<td ~ inlo Ion::ain una, no""", lOCialand cult....r.1 righ" of
CCl<lI\triH. "'" eon-.ti"" ~
1. ve_ .. 1he mlnlmum _ fo< ch;f-
".ffi"". the pri<tCip"'" of lite
III children Ihel 're vit.1 10 thoi.
.urvival, ""volopme,,1, prot",,"on
reg.'" .nd participation In Ihe II.... 0'
d,en '" be "",pIove<lln lnd""ry. k
"'In 'M r.-.. lm.metion.1 ofton "'
"'llulale <:!IUd.....'. partlcipotlon In \he
culW<1ll right$. Artido> 10 ""**'"
to """"""'........t and
p"r1Io. 10 proleCI young people ' rom
lh&i, lOCieli"", Beca""" (>f lhie coo·
n,,",i(>n be.-n chrldren'" ,Igh '.
worl,p1_ and wall followed by flU- ee:onorttO: e.llIoitsl"", and from em· end ,heir survival a!ld <!evftlop-
.......... 11..0 IMlt\ImenIi appr_ to ploymem In """" MrmM 10 their ment , virtuftlly alltha Conventlon'$
other ~ NCIOIS. """"Is. tMlr hNlth .,.. llteir lives. 01 art,cl... addrMS Is.un - aueh ""
1930: 1.0 I'of<..t l8boI.' Coww__ like/v 10 ~ their IIllftltlll dolYeIop- education, he.nh, nu\tlllon, ,eSI
tttefll. II. "'"" oommo SI.aIoo pat1lM to an<! relnalion, soclaIHcu,lly. lha
don No. 29 Jl"O'Oda fot !he lIUppre&-
oiDn oIlI-. ... of loft:ed Of """""'*'" . . . . . r.mjts below whidl "'" PIli<! ...pon81bllitl.. 0' ""rent. _ tha,
ere rftle,ad 10 child itlbour end ilS
8I'lllI<tf" ... n of Dhiklllbout """'Ill till
W>wr in 011 .. ""- TNleml """-I
llfO/liblted and pounlmable bY 1IIw. ell~," on chlld'en. One of the
Of C<IfI1IIUloory lebout" IS conooder8d to
. . - . all WOIl< or ....u -.od rn:.m
I!l>IiI'i<:etJo 135 St.ot.... " f rnl<I- lftne15 of Ihft Convanll(>n i. "'al in
Soif*ii' rbw 1998. ell Klion8 cortl;ernlng child,en,
_ JIIlCIIIIIo """",, the ""... of peNllry their 1>&51 Inte"st. shottld .... l.I ~an
end lor which they _ not oflv"'ll
1973: ILO MinIMUM Con· tully Into accounl, Artlcla 32 recog
1h<ImM~ """''''''"..... RolifQli<>i", n ntlon No. 138 ""poIrsed... p<lor nl.88 chlld,en's ,ighl 10 be pro·
139 StMH.of """ S j'wnt>er 1996. r1'l\tun'Nltltll ~ to liMilll<leoo- lected from w(>rk lha, ,h,ealon.
1966: I",...n lonll ea..... am: on nomic -'\.,.... The Con""nllon l!>al, h""~. edtICIIlion Ordevelop-
CMl IlIId PoItaI Righa A<ktI>t<><l by <lbI'Il'" membltf Sta,e. '0 poJtsue. m..nt and ..nloins SII>I... pa,,'" 10
th. UN GonG,.1 AsMmb/v In l _ na,ional policy dHlgned to ......, . ""I mrnimum _ for employment
and tIl lenKllnto loroIln 1916, ~ resf· the IIfrIlCli've abolillon of child Illbour. and to regulate wotllltlll coodltlO/l5.
firmllM pri""ipln of lh e Universal In this connec:tion. 1I ..lIIbl1..... lhal f'lallficelIOlll: 181 SISI"" IS 01 mid·
Oec:la,alion of Hu""," R11lhll1l9108) no child _ be eml'k>Ved in lltlY ..... sapwmt>e< 1996.
wtIh regard IOcrvll_ pgI~iclIl rights nomic _0' below the eQe deaig-
_ -..mhs S..". parties ,0........ '-!of "'" ....,,petiol, of ~
1996: LOpo.p lor' 'Im,.
new con....,\lon "" ~ chlIcl
llon 10,..Ii,. rhese ""hI.. ArTicle 8 xlIoofong - and 1"031 lese then 15
- . . . or Iha _ j o n oIlht1 mosI
llil" lhlt no 0... fhQllld be Qp1 in yee~ n. ........... "IJ8fot~ IllIol,,,,,bloo """- of chid .......
"""""01 _ _ or be """'i..... 10

I<> ..... wed Iiko/y '" joooperdile hea"",
"'" roo", forced or <:<)mpuloory Iabou,. ulery Il< "'OtM is 18 V-....
A.tiflCaC\o,.., 135 S,.,...... o f mid- llI>trfIcaliorts: ~ sma .. of mid·
Soif*iinb... 1996.

Thi. ill 01«> how children's wod is • lhird ~ !hem.<elv,," httn spr.>yed.
regarded by """'y fomilie> in lhe de- eilher dil'CClJy '" indll'CClly.'
veloping wtlfld- ,,'im the difference
lhal lhese romilk ! lin' UflCn in d~ MJrh Two
rIffiI of !he il>COOlC ,.. help their chil· Child 141>0", ...ill " .lVr bt . U",j" QUd
drro can prlJI'idc. whe......, ,hiklren in until "",."trfJ dWlppean - II ill ,roe
indu,lriali,ed counuics ..... often lila, lhe pooreSI. m<>S1 diudv ~nlagod
" <:d ing fnr pod;cl money. sccrors orsociety suJlPly !he va>l mao
"'"hen oil f"""" uC ....m: .... COMid- jorily of child 1~"""f1'1'$ . Tho COOIClu·
<rod. "'" ~lagc uC d1ildren,,<:d- .i<>ll often drawn from lIIi. i. lIIal
ing in indu.triaJ.ized coonlties can be dtild labou, and p:>V<'t'1y ore in>cfl'l"'.
sulprisingly high. In the lJnilCd blc and !hal ,all. fot an immediate
Kingdom. f... c~ample, lhe: """" reli· end ' 0 ~ child labour ore un·
able C$tirTWC' a"" il. bJc show lIIat h0- ...alistic. We In' ,Did " " mu;llok=
I..'..... J:'i and 26 pee ceu cr lhe inl<>ll:rable unlil world povcny ;,
II .ye.u -(Jlds and he:1....,.,n J6 and 66 """,-
Jl"1 CCfIl ollS.~-okl.:or<: _ing.' Thi. i> verycon....""', fur alllhose
Most <>f "'""" child w<>r\:c,.. in who bendi, m,,"Ibc WIlt» qU<>" BUI i,
induilriaJilCd COIlnlries all<> 3ncnd is also unlTUC. Tho fart l1-"l11aios lhat
school. BUI !here i• • naIvc1y in the wbcfJ • child is eng.~ in h.uanIous
assumptioo !luI !he <>Illy kind of l.bou,. """"""'" _ an employc,• •
wort undcn.o.l:cn by childmo in !he ctt"o",,,r ... a pan:nl _ """'filS rrunt
WeSi is 00 the ·pockOll1llllley· model lltiil labou,. II is (hi. clemeOi of ex-
lAdustrialiled nalien:< lend to ..... dim>-

pl<><>o lhaI i, overlooked by ""'""
oelves as havingcompIelely enMlicalod who .... child labour a< in-efl'l"'b lc
the har>t.o. rorm, of cllild labour and from I""'.ny. !low"...... JlllO< thei,
mus JlI'ea<h mal poorer countries families may be. children WOIlld 001
T'" ~ _ " _ ",,,b., of.......·......,;"" slnJld follow thoi, ..amph,. be hanncd by wort if lhen ,"'en 001
.....". _ "-.w", <!iuIun ... ~••""'"
....;_ <t...,."fi"" ....t ~
YCI "",...,dous f<>rms of child po"l'k prepare"(! and .bIe 1<> cxploil
Labour can be found in mosl rich them. And child labour. in r"",. Cl1lI ee-
-", ,,~~ , ~ "-'7 ;"
COWlIries. Usually. the ,,-,pl<>ilCd chil- "wiy Jll"l'I'Iuale pcl\"1'rty. .., • "",",in8
"',~ ~ "' . - dun c<>me rmm ellmic minurilie. '" clIild ~"",'s inlOan ..Julllr'llJlJlC(l in
immignu'll group$.. ;1$ willi thc GY!"'Y WlSkilJcd and badly paid joIls.
and Albanian comnamities in Gmu. or C1lUDC. I'"."erty mu" be .....
En the US. for eurnplc. the "",jorily duced . h. rc<lueti"" by CCOfIOmic
or cllild wurten< are cmploycd in grow'h. by empl<>ymenl 8e..nnion
agkuitu.... aud a high proponion of and by iove>lmeOi. by bet"" dislril7.J ·
1bcm are from immigrant Of elllnk- lion or iocumc. by changcs in ,he:
minority famili",,_ A " udy by the US glob>J ccunumy. IS well as by be".,
General At'COUUling Office ............. a .110<... "'" of govmm>cm IoIdgt\$ and
250 Jl"f cenl ioe.... se in child Iab<>u, betteI" lal'gcting or aidf\o:rsw will rrducc
vio l.~ OO$ bel\'l'e<:r1 19l13 and 199O.ln Ibc potcmi&! pool of cbild I. bourers.
• lII...e-day Sliug opo,"li"" ;" 1990. RUl hazaT<l<>us child labour can
the US Depanmcnl of Lab<>< dis«w_ and "'uS! be'" iodcpondcnlly
t:red mm: lIt.1n 11.<KXl chill:lron WDri;_ or wider measure! aimed al pOYcrt)'
ing ill<gally.' The same year. • >lU'iey rWlia ion.
<>f Mc>.icao·Amcrican d1ildrro wort:_ Alike highc.I I=l.g<l"Cntr1lCnlS
ing on N..... Yorl< .. ate fant1$ s!Io'o--M ha_c begun IU move 00 lhe issuc. lO
tbal allOllSl half IIad ,"..mod in m""" I:ood ,he wounilrncn's ,hey
>liU wet willi pesti<i<b and JOUIC than l.«umcd in m iryin! the C"""enli""

<WI !he Ripu, oll11e Child. In New acIM in _ ..... 30ll diITcn"u
Delhi III 19lJfl. fnr uamplc. llboor kinds <Iijob< OfIlJidc .... u pon ......
lIlirIi>lM IJlIbe Noa·AIipd MoYe- IOf. n.- ranl"d from !M>IBdIold
_ .,.-llhll -u plaiw i.., mikl wnrk 10 bncl;.mat,,,,. f"""....-.
l.Ii>ow .."""""" il iI pB<tiIcd ...
men! ....... _ _ Iff...... 10
'-"'Ole '" ...
- . r"""
11'" ;" ....... ond . .
bib-ftpainq II>
..... dipy.-lky ""'liwd In &M ~ond,.,~'
......... 1i... prionI,. fnr InW ... do WhoIf is ~ Ih.. aooaunml _ Tlrt ' lid of " lQInltJlU d ild
finn d-...ciooo <JI dlild ~ in . . . _ _ 0fIly jobodoae.. ciID.
lIlbouT dou lIot "/l ~ 10 _
~~"' Allhe Moot cllildtn "'Oft: .. f . - .....
IDc::II ....d ..c;. i:lb' 1fO'IllS n1 __ /lIfd".1UI If ot - _ ilf flr th
p1·NUn or lIome$. r. rr- Ibr:
""£Ii .. 0Ipftif,aiano (NOOsJ I't'IdI <JI ~ ~.., han ,NI(}lpo~n,..
.., UfIloonn. " 10)'5 In.........., chil- 1DOdiI~.
..... f... -,.... .. od loi~ If we allow .......ioo lbaI . .
IIIld Jlf'O"icIe a1~ ra- lbrm.. _ oploilCd dlild ""lIfkas IJC all
And .. ",.,Ibl 1996. Illr 1IIlnl Soudt .. ...................pon_lnlah
..uw. "-1M;" rnr ~ bnlcL ..., Id 1Io ......., disoomrice
Cllo'lpOnIinn (SAARC) Mini:<ltri al In 1hIl FM joriry ol dIi\dmI .......
Confo:mlO.'C' on lbo Chi"""" of So.>ullI \aboo,ar in vinual ....,\i!lilily.
A". """mIll"" rnrmbo« SllIln 10
endi", borld<d Ilbour by l11e 'fU'" Myth f o ur
lOOO llnd tll "chmill:lll: IIlL: C'o'il of TIl, '''''' ..., '0 "'d t 11..04_,
d tikllobuur'" b)' '2010. "f"iMt . lIiJd Itdt<>lir IslIN "''''''''''' ''
The <lid ol hat".ardous child li bour 0~4 ",..r~",ul$ l" 0''''' ,",,,,,re
<loeo no! h..e 10 - an d IIl.J I IlOI - 1~r<>Mg~ . u rll" 'f$ ~~4 HJC"/II - for lhe: end or l'O".ny. WQI1d Th is i~ inconta "" IW\l CUWll$. Fin!.
p""eny eannDll he ..lin,II" """ by tbr il impl'" tllal all lhc momrnl ~'" f<ll"
md oldoo: docadr. 8 111 huardoo«dtild acIion "" mild Iabout ;. 1",,,,- b)'
Wlnur - Md meJTI~ v;.,winn uf ~ Jln'S$<If'O - and 1hIlI proplo.
lbo n&bI> ollbo doIkkttl inYuMd - NGOs. Ibo modiIlfld ~ ia
~ '"' dNo
m, .. COl
~""'" bem ......-
,. .... ",,,10k" .. 10 ~
M, thThn e acI ~ hadlluoaI
CtiW ........ fIrl-iIJ K<W'I ill ..r- ond ~ hm: bem djlivn" Y
,." /lHi1UlM _ E>.pon ~ ..................loopuIiJ couatrie> fOf
..., lbo ...... Y1Sillk _ .. ""hidI ,,'pnr"
)ftft. cIIild lab<- ~
dIoliiraI wort.. Sotftr bIl h . . . by
d1i1drao .. PX~ for _ by rhiI-
&-ot." IoaI alii JIIII..... pn>-
pm... alii "'..,..... ......,...
.... . ~Wd_IU ..y ...-.aoeso. .. lbo1r...... its ...
be, a I _iRe Jr-bol BuI _ _
'" the We>t ltwuuP ialcmaIioaaJ
.... IuJc oipI ol lllr ..... <JI _Ii*-
<JI dlildrea all uo-;I . . world .. ho
wnrt .. -.npon - - . an." in
~ <II"expIoitaIm: DDndilinm..
la l'acI. only I "elY JmIll ~
ol aDchild wnrtm ..., ~ in
u port. _ i ~ _pnbt>Iy
.... Ih>n S pet rcnL'
A IWj ~ud,. in H;\Il'~ (or
...:amplo. ~.Ird thaI child"'n """"

Penet a

IPEe partnerships for children

Uli .._ ID mdi_ 1Ill..nco..

..... r. .....
..""..,... ~ " . C ' . , Thol l...
_. II of ......, . - . bOIh
...."lJtI*•• _ "1001-

Itcl <:haI>go _ buikll • _ 01
COUIIlIy _""'" of £fIEC

.......... iIiiIl . ,•• 01 "'"

lP£C..... ""10_' ,.,..
of . . _ _ , _ _ of ....,

_ tn." 8 • .....-:lin .....

.... ~ adl . . . . .
....tIid'I ' - _
"'' lI'., ".
.. Ill'. ~ IIId
",....rIoclrveICl/lI, ponicuIM1y in ......

_ _ In lhIilio;ld, ............... po:IurOi
_ _ ...,,;1>0 " . dlngorl 01 chilcl

lPEC • ..., heIpoI cou...... ~

on logisl..- . 1Id ""I..........." .....
tI'IOI\IIOt'o'I OIiI*R. Mony .........
_ 1WI8d 1t.nn; w.o...~~..
1I 8razil 1l'D ~ ~ P'~
It-. p'~,.-ofdlild w.o... _ ~
tIM Germ8rI Goo-IImWIl, HC CUt' .tt...,_""" lhoonlY_ """"'an
1 ~ II> - . . . dIilcl - .
_ _ n Uliill_ Wllll ~ III
8& , ..... ..--1lrNi. """"'­
Ch/It, e-
IIic:t, ~ EJ W' l d, , ~.
gIOn _ _
A ..... '
do .•• '""HC"
, -...
clloIcI worIlwo.
, ........
.,-pM ' . In
....... . .. Sf 1011 . . . . _111
_ ThooiIInd, 0.
........ _dOl II . Koif¥I,. ....... __ PI"",.,.,...
~ fr ..... _ _ " - . . bt\:lldII< ....,.. iii-
PI""",.,.,•• """'" Ofl;on
_glrIo .. 1 O _ ......

__.,I _
. . . -.d .... nowog



TIoOby. ....-lO ...........

w" '. bl\IiN

M IP:EC.. O£l'
01 •
wllh Ihe
.... ,. . ...... <II
, ,

it; hill'*' """ .. _

t.bout W

• ...." • ~
~ ,. ~

0. ....... .,, .... ~blr , .... - . - .

f+ •_ _
_ _ Le. ' 01_ _ ...... Uli'...' . . . ••
•~ ~Uli._
dIrlgIn - IX
'"-_odf_" ", <II .-..s..o._.................. .......... 111-''''
__ .. e.-.,. _ .. '.... ['*-0
' - IN • •, uto- Or- . - end ""0' . do 01d'oIcl t.bout
IP' , .., Pro- ..utlIw.. .. . ---.. "81" _ •
C/o!, "a~",," -.I....
CCRl:DAJ. ........ *'

_Ulil _ _ _ ....
e - - <II a-;
......,. . . . 0. Itdon by- ....
utlow 1I'£Cl.- -"'9'" end 11m ...... 11.-... "' . Gowo'.'.11 _ ftC. _ _ •
..... -.d _,':t_d'oIcl_, wIdo . " • • _ ""''''''9'' -'II

ftC ... , £1'_ _. ' . ' ............... "., IooorI - - . .
a-..end-.d* ,",lei' ""'-...........,. .
..... .,.
~ _
II'" end ct ~ """ ' .5lXl ~
... liIdildo __ ~ea-
--...~NGOo. - ---.. Ioift ~, Tho III
'.duo"''"' u....-.....
.-0 -....cI .-:t'"
_ _ 0. ...... -..... . - . Sn:ot

no JingIol ~ (It"-MelIY call
__ Uli, • •
on- • 010 ' ' ' ' mkIIloII lO the pn>t>-
.... ." c:HId1lbc:u, . . .. . . IIId ..
0lEDA ""'.-: I/Illllllw . . . ~ "'"
-8'ooodinc" "" ......
.....-..1 It. . . . _,;e."
l.Ion:hed III ,99' .... '1IfIrII ""'" liIoDI .... .... "'w.nrv_ tU• • ""Ilh _ eNId oghll. I<a • ,.... of
a...... iIlopoaor<. """"'"
pol"", NGO>. ".....,."..., . . !he

.....,.. ~y ~plC wad...,

dlil<lrnr'J rondiIionr, fmlmUl& dIcK
in danger. A nd in 1bIlgJa<bh.... tom-
primIry ......oll;.,., iJ .. hiJh prinriry• •
join! NGOf, cwemr1l<:nl noo,(orm..J
otrong par-
aoppon, _ - c:I'wldNtl
...... communny__ oduo•• ioo! JlNIflII'lllIC for 1.4 million
poor urbin t h,/dm>..... duiped in
••' r from
loomI; . . .d dill",...
l ,5lXl . . . . d1lIIhn _ ido . .... 1995.
DOlI iI • • • idooo& Scmad. Ihia 11I)1II iIIIpIlC> I/IiI
The III~ __ .... . _de.- ~-ay,.....u,. ...
__ od'lOOI . . _ ...
"'IlMoc Irido lOao::titw ",.,;...;
dr-.I "" IPEC. In ~doo b bor-u- ~J '" ly .........
• -'.'9"-" ' -
I .... .sioo<d &lobil >«oecy ill Ihe way 10
_""" 'c.... IIof ... in.lirv- tho resollllion (rl .... f" ubkm. I
00"*......·1IwIid 1lDtI-bmil _
UCIlion ", ogr••• •• Thecurrio:tAlrn l!llmlOlimil t"I.,ti~' lel.;nI ~ I
Inclu_ iUt>jem - " • Ilteteey. ...'" an! otldoutH~l y impot1:l1\l. Bot A "'" ~. r_ _ rw-, I. /11_
...........",b8c~ trv­
~t ;OI\ll .ff« . DIll y upon Indus_ G..... oIo Soo/' A.-.:JI),
..... _IiIi .... _OUIin. tries. wh l<'" a:, '. ... , """" """". C. pIoil
............... . 0 _.. "~ I • ",laUvdy l»loaIl pm:eola&e 01 cbild

s...II ..Oft( ""pl.".OllIlg ~ ADd ....Iioib iW .....
..... e......
..... ...."""'Joac .
Norwlll .....,
lleq .,tIIiI may . . b< ro =
.. I - _ _ til
.. wiIrIOUI Olidr. !he - . . "lhcy baoIn, ~
~ ......... ......." inoludi vi hdp, dIilcfta.
At . . 9iIgUl'o. e.-li. ~ The HiItiJo Rill .... iclI _ inrJo.
Germany, ~ Nor-v duttd"'o .ho US ConI'=' in 1\192
InlI h IJIIiIid ~ 1M. yea,; h with lho I..udlrbl" of pmhibil illJ

GoYowomon. 01 SpeIr> ",ovided •
;ra'lll<l~ ftCIO 13..........

Thor ftC
1""".'. budfII .......... _
Ihe imporl Or prodllClS made by t hil·
dml undor IS.... ca\<! hi point, A. vi
ScpICmhor 19\16. lIM: 8 it1 had )l'IIO
find iIs -'lly ....0 !be $llllllie boob.
"lid ~

Bul dw: -.: __ vi SD:lI .. ~
i&I: . .h
I(liIniI . ._
.....W I1Ic P"""'">uy 01
Pq 1k' .. 60 per CCiI 0/"""",,,
podiocb S900 miD. . ill
....... - """"' nponcd 10 the US in
auld ~.- of them p I>,
w"", sumllwily di""ls.<ocd fn'm lho:
garment f;o;:1.,""". A "'OOy .por,.or~
by io.~"""i"n;1I ",pllial""" 0001<
lho ........w""'" of tra<:illJ """'" 0(
tbcse dllklrno 10 _ _1lIl1liWcnal
10 Ibca afiI:r lbrir dismiual. s-,
"""" road ~ ... - ' f t ......
ink-. You ' . I i -ur" wort-

_10 ' _... _.
_ ftC,,", ..., - . . !ItIop5 wborc doey w= piid ...... or..

flI.l TN -'1'. cllildr..:
.._ _
,... _ _ 1
llili. Ihtn.
.-...l I d_ic caw of
mol""" I""" wron,. II".",..",,..
<2kt)' hmnllihoy pmmI: .... eum-
pk. 11M: clwcoal fumxa ;n lbe
_ 011 .... ","" Acn:-d~ Bnnl.... _ of~e..-doSul.
__ _ ..." 10.. _ . , . . .... _ _ .." ..-hod 10 JWOII'Cl .... ... tht . ....'-&10 f-w:. 01
it . ' . _ Ufa:Ia1 dIikftn (I'wl 12). Fwat.! io IncIia. liaDnIuID aat Ii
A d .., , _. . lie bnoo!eI ..
""""" b all ........
• oflhil. B«oeoc vi ..... ~ 10
dD..... inq " . ' .tIm::.-:.
_ _ .. "i t l leW il ;at
_ ~
.=. . '"
_ .u """" by ehiIdrao •
RIO raatc iI
• ...-leI lad 10 lie ..te. """'" diffi<'-" 10 end ot.eI. n-
1lIepun of ....ic:aioo.Ind _ Or why it .. importaN III di>tirtpiIlI

- " ' & ,."..Jd k nrtdI!d th=. bmo'('Q beadlelll and IlII<Iknbk

• .......
II'\or 10 s-F tile . . . , _ df_ ... ......and lO' Z ' "" IhII ...e dlild

lob<.- bib inIo I pC)' Ira broo'.....

What is child labour? A doodo IJO, UI"ICEF dtin·

nUn«l1hll d\lId ~ i> e.l*'iI-i>o;:

.II II is time: ... cItfiM "'f'lM, Tho rn-

'dIiJd labour' aJIIl'lI'Cl' up I JlII'Iicul.
if it m.olw:r;:
.. l'ulI...... ....n.."'"<arty .. ...,:

" " "
~: we see , bildfl,n cIWnro III
k>om. in dart mills ond .~..""""'.
a, if ,n a Jonl _ ni&hlmati>b Ii...
.. 100 ",""y IICIun >flClll worlinl:
.. """"' [hll CAm. lind... phy'icll.
_ia1 or [><Ytho.>loPcat ~

-"... _------
"- ---- .- nIIlDinB fmm Lanc:ll<hi", In llll: IlOlJli
rigt., lIIrnush l(> lhr Swlh A<il vflb<:

In ",lli' y, childrt.. dD• "";',y of

wort in widoly dive'I"fU rondilians,
This ......., lOW P'-"""" I <Ullin-
.. wort ron<! lif. on lhc:>1,...,I. in bIId
.. i lllldc<jum POl"
.. 'oo "" "" """"",.i!>ililY:
.. """rk Ih31 hampen aCU U 10
........ AI mol oflbe aIIl1inullm.lhr .. W<rl INI IIlMkTml.... chlld ml'l
....n: ;1 r.dal.l'f"I'IO'Iln..... no- diptity -.d ..,If-o:omn. """'" .. >1n-
~ ... I cMd ', p1t)')ical, mrnIIJ, ny ... bonIInl libour and "'~Ull
,.,;riNal mcnI... __ <kwoclnpnrr.l
widtuul inoMm.o, wi" llC!Iooofin&. .. '"""' m. Ii cku iae,1laI III fIIlI_
~Ind ...... cilia ~ "'.. .... "' .dop...." ·
AlIIM: OIlIer md. it is JIlIll-iIIy ~ Thr: impKl Qf wort 0-
>U1ICtive ... e>.pIoolall"e. "T1Ieft _
.. _ ol ltt;.,iI" ...,
...... _...n:b«
. *...,. I dIiId',
«,,:o " •
'CIOt 1llII noel! Wort; Iha is llannlcu 10
pnll . .
lb . .
_ ~ ~ 011 tIIc ...1<1'1

-W publicly 1llII ~
. . ...
k 1lar=f.1 10
""""" . . ..,.n> '" I ehiId. dcvd-
t>pIDl:a _
.... k -'-Jft'<d II)'

dDIdIaI • p""' « " pIbIo: .. .. pII)'SIaII dndup.m - incIoIdinI

any~lk_CIIlk O'>'<nll hcaIIh.~ ~
$aid . . . . '''-kd cllild 1Iobour·. 11M: ...;.;""and hearin&:
ICnn wid<ly IIICd fur tho: ~Jnllll
...... .. COI'"11"e <;bd."o,..... inchld .
,1.......- of clIildten 10 rtpay debo inc lilerKy, '.. ,a k y ond Iht.:qui·
inaItn:d by their ~u ... ~ s.i!ioQ 01 k _lftI", lIll<'tiSIIY 10
C1IIS. Thi. II", appliu 10 indll'''''''' DOrII\llIik
lI<lluril>ul r.... 1"" dirt hcallh IIlld .. nn<JIionrol ~Iupmcnt _ ind "",

in, :sdcquale ..,If·"''''''m. famir y ...-hieh Slreel c hild"", .'" p;u-1icolarly Fig.] TIwt worti.g ~hild :
aUochme ni. feeling, "f hwe """ oc_ V\lln<-rabk:: 1 out oI e~ ery 4 mthe d..eloping
~ptaIIoOC; .. childre" mi't",..ed in lhe _rk · world
.. !IOci. 1and m<mil de"e IOl'flll'nl - plac e may he sc Iraom.lizcd rh..
induding 0 ""osc "f gmup iden,i,y. ,hey c. nnol c on ~ n l r;n e on sc hool
u ·

II>: a bilily 10 cOOJlC""e wiib OIl>:rs ...-orl< OJ' "'" ",jec'ed by teache.. as
and ,he c~pacilY In disl;ngui, h riglll disruplive ."
from " 'rong. 1O •
l1Ie phy>ic>.l hann i ~, of """""',
How old is a child l
,he e o.''''.'1 '" "" e. Cony!ng heav y
Io:Ids or , ining for Img. periods in 00· All cul lu"", share the v ~w llInl the
.-..--- .--•
na1W1l (l<I«i'iooo = pennaro:..."ly di.. Y"""8c r ,i>c chi ld~n. ,he """'" vul·
ab le growing b<>dic• . Hard rh y>ical nerable they IItr physi<a1ly lind I"y-
lahooruYa". poriod of year.; = S' OlII cl>ologicolly Ind 1he "",-, 1her a A: llblc •
clUJ""'o ', phy,~ >la"" . bj-' up to.J() to fend for 1hemse1 ve<. Age limi\< an:
pe, ~n l of lheir biologi<::ll flOIenli>.l, a fnrmal ",f\cctil>n of "",iely"s judSC·
11S lhc y pond $'''''"' of .tami .... ,hal ItlC:nl aboo'lhc cvolm"", of children '.
s.hould I inw adullhood.II _opacities and n:spcltI'ibilitio:s.
Childrc:" . .... a lSl! vuliltrable ps y' AII1lOOl '"''CrY'''hae, ~ limits for·
elK"",ie.Uy: 1hey c.... ",ffer ~nr· m.lly ",golOle chi ldren', oo,;"'il;"';: Fig. 4 l ong d. p . 10"11 wuks
ins; I"YCI!<>lol'~ d:un:tgc from being when lhey """ leave sc hoo l: ...- hen
190 OIiIIion~ dOboo ..
in an onviroom<'nl in whic h the y.",
dc"..~ or upprc....,. Sclf-c,;l«m
they Can many: "·""0 lhe y ca n "Ok: ""'1 ll-"._..
01 "'" .........
_1lI _ _ ..

...-Iltn llJey ClUl be tteal«l .. lllIul\> by ..,. . ~_,._ ~

is .. impona", for child",n "" 'I is for lhe c rimina" ice system; ...hen _"'" _ .......... ' dOr ,. ......
"""lis . 1her can jooin the""""" forcn - and
Edoc~lion i~ one orthc keys Ihal when !hey can ""->rIc.
will unlocl lhe pri<on ~ II " f 100:. lI ul age limi ts d iff.r frnm "",jvi,y
~ labwr in which sa nWl)' ch il·
dn-n an: """r,...... It is a1n""" imp""-
In a<:1 ivi' y ~ from coo nl!)' to coun·
try . The legal mi nim om age for . ll - -.• .• •
sible 10 O"crrmpha:<i/" this poW. ,,'on. in " gyp!. for aamplc, " 11, in

-_ __ -
_ -
_.. _- -
' "

Educa,ion helps . child develop the PlIUippine, 14, in Honj; K""ll l~ .
cugnilively. emotionally ~ "",ially.
and i, ;, an ore> ofl... p oly jc<lpar_
di1.c.d by ch ikl laboor. Wort Clln illlor-
fe~ wilh cducal''''' io lhe fuUowin g
Pe", ad"l'ls . vanel y n f . la nd.,d"
!he minim"", aile i. 14 ;n a gric " l·
IUA:; I~ ;n ind"SI')': 16 in deep.sea
lishi nll: and IH for ...'OI"l in po<1' and
-. __ -....-...
.... . _ .... ...
ways: "",f>ring. "
.. il f""llll'lllly a~ '"" moch Ii...., Many coo nlries nuke a di.<1;ne1ion
Wll school a llcndanc:e is impossible; helw«n liglll and IInzaniUllS worlr,
.. ' I of", n leavo. e h i ld ~n "> c ~· ...' iib !he minimum ' 10" for 1he funncr
h,u'led Ihalthey lad I"" c""rg y 10 JCOCrally be;n, 11. for 1he Ian.. uso·
a ttend .,"-,hnot or Canooc >iudy effec- ' 11Y>"3r)'mg bcN-...... 16 and Ig." The
li""l)' ,,'I>:n in cI.....; lLO Min imum Age C nnven' ion al $O
.. some l>C-'CUP"'i""". espc:ci.lly ...· broadl y ado pt_ lh L, appm:>eh, allow·
>00<11 . "kullural work, c ao"" chil · ing liglll wm . t "'!e 12 '" 13, ,"-II
dren w m is~ (00 many day s of cia", 1IaJ.ardous worI< l1Ul befm 18, ~
"",n Ih<>Ugh lhey :tn: c n..l1«1 in Ne"Mhd ' ." - U.o .1", ....,blishcs
<chool: • &<neraJ minimWl' ~ of 15 l'I'ars -
.. the soo ial environrncn' of won. provided 15 i< nol \eo; than lhe o.s:e- of
s.-.ncrimcs ,n1:nnlres 1he vallie cnu- complc,ion of compulsory 5ChooHng.
""'" pi..... on «lllC'dion. """,,'1hing ~, Thi. ;s 1he ,1>001 widely ",oedJ'lI'd-\liek
wbto CSlOb!ishing !'loW many chill1zm ILO. III bellet quanlify lhe
"'" cum ntly working aroond the pn>bkm. I'<'C<'n,ly launched ... peri.
0""', "",n,al sum:y. in (l h:1na. Indi;"
In<lunesia and s..n<gaJ, which " m·
plo)'<'d Illeal stati",icians til study.
How many
....>pIc of ahoot 4.lnl hoosch<>lds and
c::hildren work?
200 "". ines.... io each rollntlJl, Th..
Nnllody k_ ", for sure.. lLO. UN: lIlI· ""ul,. , h'!"' t d thallhc aVCt:lge pet_
' hority O<l Ihc suhjecl. ConSil....'" """ « ntage of «"OOOI'Ilically aclh'e th i!-
ni sting M~';'l"'" v"" ty inallcljuale dren a]!Cd bo1 ...een j and J4 was l5
ODd """,liable and tb< prncrss of do,. pe' =t. and in s..""ga1 it W:lS a< high
c"llec1ioo ft:lup" willi compli<:3lion,;. a< 40 pe, Cl.'lll. "
fI n:a: nl n.o limit'" su"""y. ,,'hich W(II'ld...idc . ,he big pictun: I""",
indicaled thal 73 million uf tho sornc'hmg like lbis: the va.' ! "",jori' y
world', children are employed _ of . ll child lahuu"-",, livc in A,i a.
"'Iuivalcm 10 13 ptr cern oflhosc "Mtd Africa and Latin Amcricu. Half of
W,,, 14 " - he ll'" ilh.."",lC """'" of lhem can bt (oond in A, i. 01""". al_
lht problnns. though the i, proponion ""'y be rI&
l hc , urvey ...... limilOd for m"" y dining in Sou 'h·Eas, fI,i . as pe,
...>:lOI1.. Many Jl,J., iooal JlIVCTrlIDCnl> capita income il1l'n:a'C\, hasic ed......-
did no< n,.pond. II did t10l include '""" . "",ads and fam il)' size de·
ehildml a' w""" min<Iu>lria li~ no" creases. Africa tw an av...~gc of <>no:
Ii"", . II did not counl lhr milli"", of in thn:e children ,,·" In Lal in
child wortc... b<lio=d '0 be WIder 10 Amorita. one c!rild in fIVe " lHb. "
II N!MVS.... ,..uJl<~;"""- - - . '" )' of age. I>Ot th_ employed in The"" proponiuns haye ;nc"'ascd
Nlil.k. us Iio<udo "' ~ . .. -../<'" ,ho ior""",,1 sector. or a"end ing partly due '0 the C<:Ut1omk cri.;, of
1"''' ' _'" '"f-i/1
' '.
.4 . " , io M......1. _
~ I>j MM .
"'_ iiChoul ..'110 mighl al!<l be "'oding. the 191«1< and. in Africa. becauseor
Nor did il include lht biUesl ,he lad or publk in"",'"",n, in cd,,"
fI""" . "",,1/W11 «_'" J""'P uf invisit»< workers: an ,h<llie Cali"" "" well as tJc<,au", of armed
child",n ~ mainly gi,l, _ whu ""' connicr. In both Mrica and Lalin
engaged in domeslic labour he1her A"", ric:a. 0II1y • tiny I'IlIf'Ortiun ()f
for tbcir",,'n f.."i1ie, or "" "",,",,, child WtJflc,. arc in' vl ,l'd in the for-
The collc<1i<>n of solid and reliable malS<:<.'Ior. The VISl majori,y W<aiI for
0>1. re£"'d ing child MlOUr i. ]imilet! 'lIei, families. in h......... in the r.dd"
. 100 by lho fael lhat. in ecn. in in· and "" tho >trects.
St""""". il is presumct! otr", i.lJy not OI ild la.b<>ur has inc",. sed ' uh-
10 CJl i>l and lhoref,,", i. IIl>l included . """ ially in Cen,,,,1 . nd Ea" em
in , u",ey' (II' c"ve~ by officjaJ lOu""",an otlW1lrit< as • n:.ul 'of the
. talblics. Furthe, uDCQll/l I...d ,'hild abnIpi $'A'i' Ch from temnJty pl:ann<d
l:Ibour'efSCOIl he disooo"<.'l'C<l if " " ""'- 10 nurke1 c-ronomic•. In indu"rial.
mise 'ha' childr<n eu,",n,Jy DOl "" . ;...'<1 countries. SlICh as the UK and lhc
fOiled in or " ",nd ing school .n: US, ....." " .. hilt. the IV"...I/1 oflhc ser-
...ort ing in ""'"'" f""" or """,!leI. In vice $e<."lor aml lhe 4"""' for a more
Indi. alone lhal ....ould add """" 90 flcx iblc wt>d:ftn:c hav<: rontrillul<d ' 0
million children. mo<' of lhem girls. "" CJlpansion orchikl la hoor. Political
10 the ",raJ. So. while i, is impossible unm:' and lil Y/AIDS in African
' 0 ci'e • •ingle au'hori,.,i"" figu",. il Coontries have ","u hed in inc",""""
i,dut tlw tho muoborof ctUkI W<aiI- n:li;lJl<'e on ""itd labour.
" 1'$ " orldwide nlllS inlo hund,«Is of To SO<: bchilld,his big pic,,,,,,. the
mil1ioos(Frg. 3). """" for ",liable l1ItOSUromcnlS of lhc
prevaI<~ 0( chIld lahour, l!mlnlllll ,wcm hunll'" BId . ~ If,d.".y. Fil. 5 F i l, pew..,

'0In,emalMonaJly a~,~", .. Survey .fI.......""'y malt lhi< t !c..-, t.U" i_ ' ...loM

.... -
is pa"'mO,ml, Qo\..,n\nIm\l;, Nco" A high propMi"" " f child emp loy. 0-000 _ _
,he" ."'S'" '"
ond inlCnWim:l1 in,;,i"llion< Ilffil ,o ees l ive en",e 'Ilti,
P"'l'n" . ClIiI~n', ..."'" I.""".Id·

~"""'" rna....."" la>I..

. ..- .
_ _...-~ _ I"' ..
Ab<;,.., a1 1. ..., .....".l '" ~ hnw cn>d ~ 10 rnaIntaininI: "'" «0- - , , _ _ 1BI. . _ _ •
In.Vl)' dlildn:n an: ilMJlwnl In do:tri· nomic level of Ihe bou...hold
mefIlal wort••, doe ""'"'" mel 0( doe
"<D"""-. Thio;' Ihe JI'l'IP 0( chil o
( r ip. ! and 601. " .-",.. of nifto:
I.-in "'w,it• • tvUDlrie> hal; ..........
.s._ifnI:I __. _....
...... \hal polie~ and prvplIRl""" ,bat • imouo. "'" i""...... of -n.-i", . . . . _ _ taol_ _ _

,.- /=."
need Ill lr&il _ ~y, dIokftJl~ U ·I7,lheilcidu.. "of
W"nb<>ul 1lU< ekartt iQf_illn. poveny _Id ri.. by be>ween 10
doe ..... oeaIeof lbe .."bldn .. ib ~
..... . - - . . . 'o1/ba Juo, Nt Iliddooo
ia doe ~ .illllOlly mIr11'" inIu
.., 20 pet <at."
If ........,.n•....,
II1II prqwed III '/\-'-
aplooI dliIdmI lIla'C "Wid be ...
"'" liPI- fully and r.oall)• • '..... we dIoId labour. The pon:nb '" doild
'I ' / __
... ....,-., it. _ 11_ 'r - " !ol .#..,""""' ..... .-,al "' .... , -/~-

The roots
Li:I"'fIk>Jt'd, ~ rot_
boIlhrit <biJdn::,o
YetiI i:l llOC Ibe)
.., all...,.. ItIe ! : «=-.y
of child labour ;ot.. ~1l)'1' a.:e-o. <IIiIdr<Io . . be
I-.l_ot- . 0,. ~ AmericL
dlildI&..., - -
MoM dIUdoao. . . wat. Iio II1II u-,,,,
Iloe JIO""Cf of fltt .......,. Tky iW
"'" 0100< ... bel."",, ...... . -
r.,," I. 11-11 ....
.......... lIaIf .... f*Yof a .....
....u.s yea'" '" . . . .
....."1 Il«:ws: dliJdral .., .....,
-- - --_. •
_l.oveh vl pl)', A r... _ . .........Ihey willlio . 'Iowlhey ..,
bft"1Ql -m.aJ ..... ION ...~ <pe>l--' Fig.i p., ' · 1 ......

II}' Wllllonly.

lItb ind lIo<M '" lit pollod 10WW'd0 a.e- ....... '"" __ po ub&: I' .islirsII........ aI"...
won. as.. IIUXU"" ....... o«~
e<_ ,,, !bey_ a 1&dy1D..-.:e~

1be.. C\'C1O _ ~
........"..- -.I . . be phy>.ialIy .. 11 .....
"'F", 8u, 1M majonly _
vasI *""'d ..1Iboul !Irib'I: taL
~ """ wort WI is of",,, ...... I'll: ....,pr. chiIdrca ..." "_ _
"Sins '" dlci. ....... 1qA.,.
,• --
II')' tlIltt ~ !bey are _i<'t 10 nploll.
ley f ~ \lie • • p1oi",,_ of
povnty; Ihe ......... of e<I\lca';":
M...,. ~ ifchalknpd. ill ,
plnd tIlei. _ 'n n:bt"'" powcny .....
andlhe~otndi,ion. tIle.. 1lCIIId to ply IoloGl ill
onkr '" CU',,""," """';'e. Olb<rs !
The txploiUuion ofpolTn,
The . . . -mill r..... driv"
d..... UrlO 1IaunloIr.. dcbillwllI'
ehiI- _in,
..... _ ~ allouIlheir m1e.

,he e~ pl oi bll iool "( childrm·. as . ,.01.l"".1 ........ ~ pan I
•- •

labour is ItIe • • p1oil2000rr of prI"'Cf1y.

...............iely .. ."""-o1Crittd lly
poverty:rnd inequity. "'" ineodc:ft,..... <II
of dle ... ia... _ioIonkr.~of
l:oln<lal1allollt<t> quoIed by .. Indim
":'iI"''''!Ior.fur tollIn(lIe. helieved dw ._--
.. _
__ ...
.bild Iabow i. li 10 iacn:as.:. III ~ chlkrcll ,'iIlou1d . llflr; r.lth<T
o.Ion "'" ~ Ihar II i. ~ ""'" SO 10 ochool. -0....., lIley . . . 1-
For ""'" famil"" .lfo:: """'II em·
lribulion of a chi ld', i",'OIIIl;! '" ..U;'"
kM'ed "' come up '0 an "'1...1 level. ...
noIltJdy ...illln '<l ,he Fie ld!;
......, ;II hQrne lhal a11 _ ~ 1101: fIlI",nl> ...,11 be!cll u""" I'i....' td ........,..."""' .
' 0 w< ,,~ .an mal.. ,he di rr• ..,ntt be· W. nay. to ~•..,p lIoI:m u........ OW'

MIOOg thumb in order 10 gel wuri ing numbo'" of child laboun:rs. In
donc. M
:: :rJmbabwe. ror ,xamp"'. bolh govern.
ExploilOli"., of the poor and lho "",nl :did ILO ...ports lu,.. linl;.,:! lho
JlOWCr\e;.< no! only ~ans Ihal Adulls explosion or child lab¢our di,.,.,ly Iu
an: donicd jobs !hat CO\IkI bener m..e Ihc impa<.1 of !he COIlnlry'SSllllClufll!
. uMaJ""d lhoiI famme•. II 001 only adjustmenl progr'JIt\II1O.lI
means l!\al ehild",n ~ "",n i""d 10 Gradually. " ruelu",1 aIlju.tmenl
wort in ard uoos. dangerous condi· prugrllI!UIlOS have been modified irian
tion:<. II 01.<0 means a life of unsI:illcd ant rnpllOrni,;ptc tbc:ir , lfcw; "" lhe
In hal/ oJ 14 countries wuri and igo"",,,,,,, no! ""Iy for lhe '''• . In new 08m: m<:nl> being
sun'e~d, c/lUsroomsJor child t.JI often for tho clUl<In:d ",. ~ ... roncludc<l ocIWC<'n gov.mmelllS and
grade I hal'f! sining pUJt:e.f cnllions 10 cOOl<:. Any small. short- lbc inrenwional fUllllriaI irWilUlion<.
ICrm financial gain for the fomily is al public cJ< pond~ 00 pri mary cd,.,...
for only 4 in 10 pupils. lhe COSI of"" i""aleulable 1""ll' 1mIl lion IIId <llhcr w ic "",..I se",itt:~ is
Hal/ the pupils hfl l'e no 1"",. Poverty OCgcl. child labou, i"" rea, ingly being P<"'!t<'lod rmrn
textbooks, Hal/the Iqcc; lad of educabonbcgct.'l poverty. budgcI Cui•• ~u, most developing
cUJssroams f,al'f! no V... ~ is "'" an Oll.'mal "";1)'. CO\Inm IlI'C >lililivi"l: .... ith I!lc poli.
II i. .lIssaintd or dimini>hr:<l hJ' polili- ciesorlOO~ nl pass: unmodiflCd Ad_
chal kboards. cal and economic p<>Ikics one! oppor_ jw.lmenll'""laJles Slill iml'""l be.vily
nmil~ Unfoounald y. both nali<>rnll 011 their poon:.! cili1.ens .l\nd il i, in
. 1Id inlCm:olion,l economic dewl ,,!," thi' ''''Ie tha' "'-'Y ma. 1now face 100
menl$ in R:C<:nl <leeade. have ..,,'ed implications or I!lc ""Urldwi<lo """"".
10 increaseinequalily and pover1)'. ble for cum~li livenc.« a~roci,":d
Tho 19l1Os lI\llrl:e,h .serious down· " 'ib 'globali, "'ion'.
lum in tho fortune. "f mallY de· And many <till e""," ocam:
vd oping counlri... a. guvcmmcnl f<.<OIl rt:CS 00 miHlary "'ther "'~ .....
indcblcdnc.., IInwi"" inlem,l «:0- ci. l priorities. Sul>-Sallaran Afric.
"""' iI: p<lJicil:. or.d l'OCC$ioo ""'oiled now . p::nd, around $8 billion .nnu_
i" C<'OIIOII'Ik crisis. The World Ban~ ally on "'" mililary. dc.<pllc lho f;lOl
and lbe lnlC" "'ti",,"1 Monetary Fund l!\al 2 11> milli"" people in the "'li".,
(IMFl f'.'sp<IIKlcd by imflO'ing no in- I~ in ~'. Similarly. SooIhkia -
dobled n'liQUi. in ""Ium fur I""" ....ilh:l62 million in poverty _ spenl
gaOfaflI=. a par;~ age of pulicy pre- S I4 billion "" tho mililary in 1994.~
.rnpli""" It--. a;s stnlrtl1rlll adjusl_ A .<tnuu< au 3C ~ on flO"Crty will re-
menl prognunme•. Th e~ . ....""ping <Iucc the number of childml ,'aloen ·
C<:OIIUII1ic ref"""" aimed 10 orienl ble 10 . , ploil";"" .1 ....,,-k. Soci,l
cuunlric. lowardli: tbe .....s.. of lhe safely ntlS "'" cSSo01I,ial for lhe poor.
glollol economy, promoIing exporl "" lire acces, ,0 credi l and ;""oml:'
c,.,.",. and olfering j""cnli,..,. 10 fur· gm;:nIing liCbc:me<., technology. cdo-
eiPl i,,,,,,,or:< ...hik at the _'" lime cali"" and ba'ic he. hh ..,,,,icc•.
•I»hing govcmmont expendilu",. All lIudgelary priorili'" II.-,~-d ru be ",.
too often. tbc ~"1S in exp::ndiru", fcll examined:dld ~i~ in Ihis li!dU.
00 heahh and ed"""'ion. on food SIll>- TOc~Hn~ lhe ""ploitalino i!Stlf
.id'C$ and on """ ial ..",itt•. all does 001 ha.. 10 wail unlil"",,", fu·
r>orded """" by lho poor. ,urc day when \\-tIfId pow ny ha.. bccfI
fi nlhand cxperience in mo>l brough l 10 an end. H' fJlrdoos child
COlIJl lrics <how, mal tbc ",al =1 of I>bour provides tbc """,,I puwaful or
adj "" olCnl i. being p;lid dispmpor. "'l: amenlS for cqualiry and IIOtial j"".
li_ Iely by lhe poou tld by w ir chil- \i(:e. II can and m"" be: ahoIi'hed hen:
drcn, ll is a1>;o boing paid by iocn:a.<- ""_.
The lack of mnd. lhe~ "'oold "'" ' e.:h u•. So I
rekl'ant tducaJion dropp:.J """ gf ld>uoI:
Cut< ... .ouI ~n, N~ hi, fdu· Sudhir·. deci,ion l<J drop DIll of
~ ion - lhc: _ imponam , inllt $<:_ i, twdJ ~ ~ 'in!. And lhaI
decWon _ oII<:n .-so by pon:m<_
5I<p .. ~dtild Iabour -poniat-

"'" """
In all n'Joo. lpOlldin. PC' ....
dcnl for hip.. cducatiorl feU dIwilI.
.. mimnd W<lr1d...ide. o.m.Jl. 30
PC' o:nl of eMil"", in deYclopLlI'
(01 lO a ... .....,. .. primoly lIdloo4

do< 198OJ.. ond in M.x. ond 1..aIIII do _ corllpleIc it.- Tho fi&"'" risc:s
Arn<ria.. 'f"'*'i per- P'4'il abo rdl 10 60 pel' cau in ...... """"tria. In
ror p-imay iw. IMiII AlIaic:t. CllItIImml ill dlonl is
A pi"'~. ~ by !be cou_ lti wdy hiP. f"l nrdy half
Uni"'" 11I.01..... Eduoalional. SciC'fo. lhoic .... """ tdIool rJniol> it.
lir.. Iftd Oolllnl Otraniufioa bn.dIy !he . . . po ...... 1iiM .. in
(U!'o'ESCOl"'VNK»' IOId QIIJnOI;j Africa ..-idI ill mlldllouwa kwb '"
_ .. 19904 ill 14 oldie ·1 1eul mftII-. Evea ...., 0Ilb<
"'"dopcd~ ~- ridat . - a .. ..., rqioa. Iou a
ttnIJa"- Ille aaaaI CIDfldiIioaJ of ..ia., Khool cou......_
....,. -to per"""-.,.
I'ale 01
primary >dloob. In half ol \how
--.s.d. · ··rorpal .... Edoo<.... hal; ~ poW! 01 dl<'
siaiItc plao:u for 0DIy 4 .. 10 pIIpiIt.
lillrlhr: ~ u.e .. Iru hooh
IoaIl' dlI:: c~"'''''' cNll-
po " iL II _Ill "" """""'. poW! (If
Ih: ......
hoonlo. ToxlIcn ..........y ......
.......10""""'" dbta _ _
1'rfJditioJUd txpt~tatio tu
The . fuftl . . pqorl cbil· I
;romp: ol61 pllpib pel' ICXhtr ill Iiral.., ....... ...n.., ""_

B . ..... .. . . -.ly90por ......... _ po-ur,,1 "ha _ b '.' om
iIlE, ialGoooooct..b110gf_1 4 ud ......hid lOlICiIlII ~ pby a
-'lCS. _ cllildmo ." ...,.. ..
a ~ _.....,.
_Ilonla.. gf.-.... /8we boob
Md ....III iIIdulriali4d ..
_ aa-. ~ I y att< plUllIlol
.... II ..

or~in..,..... • ,. ifcbddml ... 10 ... . oI ..-IIy

FJluwiorI iI dnrIy ...,;\ttfunclrd. Iftd h<'aIdlily. Ihcn1tIqr _ P<"-
boa die :iellool .)"lefII .. ~ in f""" lbablia, wcrt. I" ~ •
_dtw....... -.. iolllip!rd Ieaol. play Iftd ...........
by """" IhaajIDl a bd. 01.........",., r I""'d looaIlh lIIId prvp:r =01
II iI ........ ripllOId ..m.pnn, in must III N ..... irnpolUnl pbce ill
..,.,..._h. ~ a cwriclII..... dw:. Iiw:r..
_ iI ,""Ic¥ant 10 and . . . - from Thi, idea..."..rp oaly ...lIti..,ly
childmo·........ .....",~y. ... "'" early ~ 01
The '!U'Ji,y of lnIdlinl ~ r~ lncMIri:dinrioa. W<rt ..... 1h<Ju&II; III
q..endy ab)'>maI ' " !he dilcipline yj. "" 1M. . - cfl'...m.: way ol ~
01.... OS 11-,...:lN>ld S..... if from d.iklren . haul lif<: and lhc wOOd.
KorE in Indio eM Iblify: Min sellool. Some ...,id..., nf lh" _ inn ~lIS
lCac:laeTI would _ leach well If "'" in !be ...iduprnd expecwion tlw
as k 1M", l<J leac b ... a1ph1bou •• l/Iq Itt"",., cllikbal shnuld Ia~e "" c.-
would bra' .... Thoy ....... ld , I<'<'p ill l'.Oal Jo3t>' alnnloid<' JCbool. bnlh l<J
the ctu.. If we u k<'d IM m .boo,• pin In unll.-rsbIIdilll ol..., .....y lbo
smaU doubl.. lhc~ "'.... Id 1><:.01 u. ond " ",ld funcl ..... ond I" urn sp<nding
:ICfld "" 011I. E""" if " " dill nul under· """"'y oI l""i._n.
Child domestic work:
Hidden exploitation

.......II.II_dol. ' .....

....... <II. "CfUIl-'· a.I ~
..-_ '10 ..,: lII _
_ _ . , . . by """ :he'd ........
f I ,.... ""v-~ ' .....,
IUJIPOIt. _ $ '''' i T

by lho dlild<•• d _ II
a I _ .... <MepIy aIlIIct II-. .....

n. boon . . Igng. ~ clcw.-

...... . . - - - " U 10 1511ours.
dIY. In llNb ,8IIIglIdIIItI1. tile No"
- . . . _ _ In .....
____ -
11 10 18 ..........
Along wlIh ....dar d!ofos. Ih .......
dry. cool<Ing, "*"'''9. _ m,nding
1tIei' employeta' dlildten, U>ey ..
often on eooIIlnco IlllI nIgh~ lltlnlIfng ....
!rIoItItnetItI.oo poIisIHng _ _ ., 1M
whim 0I.1I1louMho1d "".Wi.
Theot ....., 1itI... MId gi,1s _ .
lonttv -.. ... m.n boyo. Sol • • ,...

~ ITIiIlIcQ aI o:hti'WI 1M Pall dIcade Of 10. llll IIfltIV 01 IN~ ......-.lIon It W\o-Iood
lail '01 -.nt\l' ~ privaN ................ InIo,.,.",....-.d •• 100". - '. . . .dldclclltlo1Q. A _ ~

~ t.t"ncl e"-<l doorJ, _ nwt<-. 1*,,* wI1tl "'" ... Ketty" IlIowId tt... 78 l * CIIf'Il 01
.dool~ o...dlhlmoel bKb ... 1OOllI ....... on ....",_ dlild dDo'..... I'IipOtl. pe,<i''''K "in
11'_ _ cr..-d.Ioorgtt_ ...
AM' : wei ..-d i e..ed - - . . : -....... _ _ on<! - . " ~ .. 1M Iomo 0I1lll1 ",...
01 dl
" okk
pIoolal_. ~·
nib lor It>o
- • OUI of 100# _ _
..... ...., ...... ct.... ffom_
...... 100' I *'0
.., . . __
_ _ _ 0I_CWIII1 ....

~ _ - ' " td>ooL In - .

viril -_"'II~In ....... of . . - . . . by -...v !rom nnllO """ ....... ."., lll .... CIIf'Il • III
- - ,.... --*,O~D_ ___ '4.4 . .
-. B . . ...ell - ' " .1ootgiIIy Nof.
• .-,
aI _ _ OI'ICII
do . 'llon_ .......~_.
buI . . . . . _ " ' ciIIbIIDlI""'ll"o

.... ~ _dMrtv·lnJ.-
'pottonIIp", _
~ 1M .·IOA' "good'" _ .
_be' -«N ..,.... 'ald'olO
do'" II _
do<r "_in............ t_

!he publoo,. oI-'V Ind ... 01


l.,_., IIwd ... -"""'Y .. ....,

_.... dot._..

<too. ....... 0-.. , ••", bY If . . g&nd&t ~ Dtwb, """ 'I
. . -Itlo.. «Jll,llOll - lS.. 1ImiIi-. by d . - - .... tnv IboulIO _ 01.... do:lrN&-
IWb r- _ "w, 2"SO.llOll _
t <:oo'M butlMnt _ _ ~ 0;01 _ _• -

600._ 20_ ... ",,-.. . . 7 In IN 000:. ._ , d'oId

10 10_ _ aiel. n.. doildo., . . oIlIIl .. peawd 10 kIIOWI'I • • '~ _.
O>oIclr-" _ • d.... "" .. ~ ........ u..,tIn, ...... ~
IIoot Of .. IN _ d. <hId'f room.
, . " . Of '' - -
a.. gl
door' MrY-. In
'!My ... IN "bed _ .
AIriI:a,~ ~ ""-'coo. ..... ~ 1

Eal aod $*U of ....mem Europe. TheV IlWV Il.-elor ~ on Ilfud - ' Their iIolIIbon c.n be _ _ com
s.-.ll_.".. .... ~ "' ......
_ _ lIWy ondu.. lI<OkIong& _
pl&hI. 0iI'ldunng • tMv do _&1>01,
jII'ICiplI.oltId ~o : 'Ii of beetlnoo.In T~. for lnstenoo, .. flOfTl J*'8IU of\erIlor fI'IOf\dW ., •
~ .., InIO I!lllIom! 0 1 ~ _ overwt>elming _joI!tf of el>1\drftl bltlll. In 0h&U. 0 - I'I&Il u I _ ...

Tben: ;,; 1 dottct fi<k 10 iii: ...,.,...
lilion. IInll cllildtm'• .....t. l1Ic
IlIIdcr and lIlOl't hiwdouIlbI: jIJb>
become. !he ....., dI<y_lil;dy he:
.OA . , ,cd IndoilOlUllty .... p"' ......

_ - - . . or _ _
_ _ "" ........... M 11M
s.- sr- "" doiId.....

..... .. ,I .... ri<w' - boftI

1laI -... pcopk.., hom 10 . . -.:I
10wort ..ilIIlhtw
• .....111
1liIe CJIIlM.
TII~lllU'du IIlId "'(J~
ItcJudoIlS tilt jlJbf buo",~.
drt tIIOTY ,II ~:! tin Ubf:! III k
M Of
. . - WOO.,. WI I'on~
. . ....jon.,.. OR .....t

..-- ...... d>rir""""'" M..,. . ," ' et;" . ~(JlI.JidtrttllrlldiJi4/IIJU:!

lHNiI. • l* _ '" 1M c:fWoio...

,...,.. ".-"""-
.... _......... - <e- ...... bccft~. . . . . .n_ til, fKGrillU of '1I~ poor
' taue tllildml f~lonc 10 earol in or IIlId disDJll'lllltaJ:rd. /lI r ki-rffr
dI""",*'l_ 0I1d1w1. And iflhosc
F_ progr.......- Nd,_ 11M tIoildml mol up ..... hinnlouI b· ~Itusa IIlId t /lIT1ic miTloritiu .
to... "*
en ' -. no. boor. iI. if. Ibly 10 he: """" .. .........
Mourb S<J<to ShelIet Ii ...... in ~fe.llI
prog<... me. Nong 300 chlId ..... i1Ioe ril;.liIY 01."" ~ 'y_ in
rr-a -ti"ll In • Pt>n ... lndilo only dt*nlo,lwo .. tool i. """ in
F'rirq ... bu.b. S,** won... mosI of "'" wOOd. inoludint .... West..
p,n "'- _ployfwI' c:on->t 10 Tlr o.kmirwIl cuhur.IJ puup may iJOI
""~. child domula .. often •• wish il:< ,",,'n chi kln:n ,.. do hat.anlOll.
ponlble WIth ,"-I,
MM.I lam l-
labour. hoIl I> ...ili .... he II<> <OOCI.. .....'Il
I• . n,. CI>ild W()fkefr; _nil .......
formal 01_ Wllh ...,... c/H16f.., if y"""~ peorIl4 (rom ""iii. l1hnic or
In 1tIIo
Anolh,,, _.m",. II ltIlI
Sin.aga Women -'" ChIld>u"
CC'OtIOII1;" miDuril.... do;~ In
Europe. rur ",..mpte. child bbw",,.
... Jil;ciy ... be African ,.. Turtish. In
fIeIou"", C""lrll in NwobI ,100 US. lhry an' A,jllll Of I.~in
CKMvaI, ~ WI \9901 , h ' - ~ in e...ta.1boy ...,A.....
... -.11M rw-of_of
III Brazil. ihty otnd kl "" lhc ~

_ _Ion

....... byllfO'>'donll-
~ ¥O'Id ....>-

....,n,'. . . . ~
din!> of wvo. or . . ~bildrm 01 in-
~ people wulI no poIitia1
doul. t............. . - y _ ~
_~ In'T1lalbnd·.r.wn,

nob . . i
GtJI9od '~_ . n.._.
iINII", "9""'doil-
iodItwy. ruay"", r-. Mr - -.
AIIdM 01_:;,,1111 ~ dIiI-

- ..
.... __ nob . . _ N

... ...,.- ." ,,--

" - .................. .-.....d
dn:oo .... .......t in.-y *' __ ..
of "'"
,.. all
~ .....
01 1M
d hy

""'" II .............. BIOI deft,",,,, lOin-

diIioi i< ot\o:II cJlIld a I n::aoa lOr Il(I(
KIm. OJ:>iDOl ....olenbk r....... of
do,ld labour. Childm> IYvl' .. _I>-

--_ -
,..,... r ..." ...

..._ _ •• ' ' I


.. H

......... ...."..u.ble riJIM kl r--s-
from ~d'lild labour - ..
...... ~hlhrd In ;n",,,,,,,ionallllw
ItId lClCt"plod by ""''1 COlInII)' lhal

' - nl,rlCl1 IK Com..,nt;"" .,., lhe IbiIL She i,. rr.w.'ri _ Cm>k lor
RiJfIu ofllo: C1likl. ~ r.... c1i_ '"'""'....- .... I0<:oI_ bol)'pC
_ <" II""" .......Id ... d<fIffi ... of elbld ~ fooonll all 0'"," 1hc:
rrom ... in& . 11 dlr _ _ .. ourd... a'OO1d. OIl< wtoo IlU bcm llondecIlMI'
poAI lO ...... c<n:f'1 ooriety. tntry by . poCIf nihil t.mily ... live ....... _
ecuoonIy• .,...,." _ ...._ _ 1qlIId prv'ridc duo I e . . . .!p. lOr . ""'"'""'r
dor,~_flt~H_ ___ '" H.' r r-iIy. Sl'l'Jt'>1Ip.
ClliJd doMntk "","un lin 1M .. 1Ir . . . .. - ' ~ brf day
rt,., oft,,,
: ' I ••

(~t offfro. til, by r..dIiQc __ r.- • .-by 0Idl.

........., IX - , . JIII- . . heod
(otlfm. "u,. dt";,4 ~JI turd The sh.pes of
child labour M.. I'I'tWM. She " <"0 lIrtaJ.
pili, . I" U- (1'' '''), 01 SUrN, md...,...,. I 10 !he ollloe
nlitJMfld,II41 "uri, 01 third nt- ....,. -.;r"'''·lol dli.ld 10 I :.101 l1Ino . . ,,-.Its r_ .
oftJomeui( worUf'f .'rtF w- ... he bruI:aI ...... .... ~ i1y'a~-akI_ lOtdlool: .....
IIIUII)-pdo."'" ol whic:ll_ uniquo • _me 1taa 1IOmc.-l
k o,'t tlr, Irom, ""Ir,~ ,II" 10 Oft! l * ' rqion of .... - . 1'IIrll< bdpo him cIl:Mha.
'""*- .., domeooc: ......iot . fon:cd aDd Nell. 10<1"" l'J<"T"Ift"" ......,
bondod loboI-. ~ ........ eo- ,he f....ity·. 1.1ldI . f"", m"",in,
pIoiwioa. induWial and pUnwKlll lbc boy 10 Khool. In MWttn n>eIi
""011<, w<d. """" ,." "'" f..... ly rimca ..... mu>Ibuy food in ll1r
and gtl't, ""'. lIIld lUll ~ffOIId>; . ~ 1hc: t~
fut . ....'OCp 1hc: yard. " bh cl<.>lhca IIoIld
Oome~·ti€ u rvke dishel;. <lean lllr kil<ltrn llIIIl - II
O,i1d <k>n'Ie. llc wOl'l;<no a", !he Ie••• once • <!oy - .....' h her « "",Ie
world', """I fOfIOllcn <hild, en. """". fect. She i. ai'cn kflo'u. ....
which is why il I. ...'OOh <Ol1siderini rom.mcallO <>I. Ila.....gcd r1ochc:,
lIo:ir pli&hi boron: lhal of Cllhrf. """'"' on<! 110 """', and . lccl'" OIIldoon or
("", iliar I""'''''
of child .......ten OIl ll1r floor. She i. no! .llow1:tIlO
(Ponel s~ Allhwab~k tcfViox ...the in thr ......... silo" brioI", 10 1lIc
nro:d DOl K ~ _ oflbl: housdloId. S"" is "'I"larly be..<"
....., if .. ju>I rtIIL CM drt " ;" don'o:s- wid> IIcahcf>lnp if. . ;, 5k><I1O.e-
rio liCT\'iIJMk may well lit Ill< ....,.. 'l"'ftd .... ~ or d .............
.....lnmbIc .,.j upkIilld ch.ldrm oi ~.~'u n....IOMJ." io
1IJl.,.....u.1bI: _ dift'il;d ... prl>- lIIlIoUo-.."'" "' 1lI:nd ldool"
II:et. Thry.., oRctI eoumdy pl<lfIy nt- -r"""'" "' ~
_ _ _ _ duo.., il lft wool<
poid'" poid.. 01: ... ...- _
e rlitio .., W<:rI oIInl -wly .. .nyf_'" ")'bol .... -w._
lb< _ _ ol '"lfI'lo:Icn''' ute Jl"*'C"Cd frvm abu.K. "'" "c u..:
... ~ fit Iop1 ripe.: Ihcy ....... lbtIi .·io· ildif-
__ ... i..: ol sdooolinJ. pby _ lic..tIlO cstohli>lrl " I <$l_

oori>l Kln'I Y. . . . fit....,...... "'P- or !be DlIII'Ibcf01 dlildrn .......,YeIl

I"'" rn.. r..iIy ' " T'hty.., S<wnc idra ollbe KaIc ol me .....
...'-<nblc 10 piI)"ical se.uW Icm cu. /oooIo'e .c•• bo JIaJw:d m-
...... 'NhM......, " ......b 1. . .
coult !bat lit rOf • <hikl -
lima .. )'OIII'lI".
IbM ...
. """"'"'"
..... .. Cokmbo ISri * - d
Clpaic:_ .urn tondiliools _ I _ .... in _ Ju.:l. cIIild ...... I.
o/\ca ......... ~1 l'"'ar:< of.., .. . ..........ic: A
COII>idc:r. ra cumpk. I day in 1hc: SlII1yof .Iowef-m~ ~
life of _.., ·ycar~ld Marie. from tial ...... in Nairdli rKonpI fuund !hoi
20 pcr ""m of housdl<>ld< ~mpk>yed A ,h,rd nf domestic ...-""'....... Vct
childrm in 19l12, lhoogh by 1991 !his Ie..o rbe home whell: lhey ..'Urk ....
tIad droppN 1<> 12 per cent. perh~1'S Haili... psychologi st< 10"" h.v"
d"" ' u fall,,,! S1011lll:urls, A"" , """"cd ...-i rh rt's'a''t'h dc-"ribc """.
""y <Ifdomc<lic wot\.:m in Uruguay dlrion, u f de!""",i, pas<ivily, sk<:p
foond th:Il >I p""'''''' b.>d ~W1 \fI1lIl(. and carins diliOrdc , "'cn IS
ingocf""" lhey ~ 14." '" s"""y in chronir fear and an.<icIy:'" Ammg the
India. lIUling thai 17 Pc'''''''1uf ~ mo>' c<l"'mun adjc<:li"" used ro dc-
,;" WOfI;en; ,,~ ... undo, 15 }'ea", old . ...'ri b< chi ld do<nc$lk ..-ol1<c", are
"'f'OI1Cd IlCIl girl, agrd 12 l<> 15 """" 'limit!' and 'il>!l"",' . C1rildhood h.,
tIli: p!t'feTml ehoi« of 90 PC' f;l:nl uf been 5Iukn frnm thc.<e ch ikln:ll.
"",plnying """"'--!loki.!' o.'ld",n "'" Resea rch in thi, r.. ld is . rill in it<
oft",n prefeTmllo aoJulis p""'isely be- infancy. BUI ro promo.. i'. carll' in
moe~' can be domiJl.Ue'd _ ""'" 1\l96 AnIi-St..'Cry lnlcmal ional orp'
it)' and. of COUI'l'C, fWd lc:sl. a se minar'l Owncy Manor,
The 'OIl"""of a life like Marie 's on (hford ,hill: (UK) fur NGOs and in·
a child's <Icvoklpmcol is pmt'0UI01 An S1lrur.. tIw ba>" invc>ligatcd rbe ,ir. ·
oooiou, IlCpri". is poor n Uln,iOll . Ilion of child",n in domes,i• .etVicc.
, i....' " il is rolf" rhal child dom<sl ics Snppnrted ron:uK:ially by ILO-I Pf.c
share oqu:IJly in lhe ramily me.l s. and by U NIC F.F, l"'lIi.ipaJll' ca me
A PeN"i.n I!irl says: "They "'oold from B:wgladc.\h and Ncpal in South
gi"" us r\Oln rolls 10 car " 'i!h ~... Afief Asi.. lll<lunc!<i. and ,he I'h~ippi""" in
rhal I used 10 go ro bcd. M. ""...hile Soulh · A,ia, Kcny. in East F-JIy •....,Ilw _..-.. If<>lI_
die)' '..,... earing bullC...d toasl, eoff"" Mrkl. ScllCpl and Togo in Wc>' "'- ",. ..u.•...,'" '-'ifc/8/ -J. ,,,,
",irh mill ...eak .•nd on lOp uf thar,
gtOp<:>, pc>rs. 'Wl.s :and pc=;>dICS:'"
,.,.., ""i~ is nol j u" "","""",al: a
>ludy olI5·yc",..,1d rt'sM't'b;n Hai,i
Africa. llaili in the C aribbean and
Goalcmala in CcnIral Amc-rica -elo-
~""o, ,..rimony 'u lhe . o f rhe
pNblcm, Seve",l major oommun
_ ft-_.
~ . '''''' If "If·""""·"'" ~ -.y
~ .... ....-4- IfrlliM-r. ,.. ,.. tt.p,..
" , rl ,

~ .,01 ....
JJ .....,,>IJ...
"""PO""'" lbern ,,'ilh UlM Iucal chil· rhcrnos cnwgcd:
d",n .nd found rltem un a"'T~p' .. ' '"'"'' '" 00 prol:llcm:'1n vinuall ~
4 c.n,imN~ sll<>nc, .nd 18 k ilu- 011 <:oUIIllieo whoro " hildren carry the
grams l'ghtcr.JJ burden s o f household wu<k. """i.,y
Se~u.l abuse ;, ofrcn ..gardctl by docs 1'1<11 ICgard il I S I .. ~""nsiblc
rbe e mploy" , a, p.ut o f lb. em pluy ' 1""""''' ' "Ev some of tIli: octivi>ls al
mcm "rm• . l eanne, I IS.year.o ld rho ..min", nor ("",,ineed lhal
,,'Ott ing in COlOllOll (Ile nin), Iw tIli: tho: ptlIClice il<elf - IS <>pJl'l"'d ",
OOl"lal be.vy """"'load. i, urrpaid and ill mo,r e.ploir'live form, _ 10"
is bcaIC<l ,,'hen bet employ",,,,,", dl<· dam'ginS-
<Ol,,(>ed ",ilh her ""'"'. nUl he, VC"" .. Acces, '0 ch ildre n ""'l1<in, in
e-'l problcm is the f"",il y'" 2J.yur· h,,",,-'S i, VCI)' diffie"h . Seve",l
old >un, who 11fle:i he< rogul",ly. If ~ reponed <.>b>lru<.1 im from
• he ""isr,. he ."""es si,ualions Ihal ompiuyc.... Even ",here """''' .....
lead 10 bet bein! bcaIC<l.'" nbla ine<!. ir "'-1' difficuh 1<> <'Ullducr
Even ..·lIt n r.ot ,,"u.Uy abused , me.,.iogful i"lO"'ic...-, ,,'ilh . h ild","
. hild dome>!i", ClU1 ",ff.. """II: whon <-mpl\>yc... in,i'lcd on reo
Ibmog<: in lcmI' of ,hoir psycbolol!i. m-oining "",1<'01.
...1 and soc ial de>'dupmcnl . The y "'" .. 1lle """'" for """''''Ie CSlimorcs of
' 'C1}' on.n CUI off from lbe .<>Illmu· rhe numho", of child domcslics and
niry. deoicd ...>'1 and play. In Lima lhe CIIIldili<lll< WMict ",hich lbcy ""'"'
(I'<'m ). a . n""y ""1lI'IlN 'Mr ...arly "-:I.' cmph..ized, Infonn..;" ••bmn
_ 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - -
Kenyan girls find hope at Sinaga

Fewd1h!l gris areasstWtiYe, ~

'AcIWlol12_"~~in a
l>orr40ir<:0ohe _7, Q.II offfrom <Xl<>-
_ofI1wI~ bulildmd
um. '""'-d by !he ......... .......rly
-V oowecl.• WI ",e 'If SlnegU """"
dinltcor, J_ OnIfolo. ltw CoonIre. "' -
thauQIl fundiDning 10 on _ BI I
NlI\Ige'" lhe girb. ' - alii mIin atl;oo-
1M ",..,..;p lIwn IDrlhot. . 1hotIr""*'
t.n. 0nIJ''*' ~ ....., olIen~
gIrlo"'" PfII'IIMI'Il81 1.... 15. Onoo "*

~ they. . ~ 0Ill onthe sr.-s,
and me;. 0IlIi0<>0 lo< .............. e><.

krtsd ne. l\I'O 11, ......... ftuohed
....nh IloO\, ~ lifbI. hot Ir8V
(""",!he ovtKI and d!q>ltys he,
Ivlliclol day. 1\1. ahoo ......"'" 01hopJ
I-IouHd in • 1'WO-SIOfWV, whII:e-
IWoing _

11J11hot olOl"........ 10< the

Sin'II' " lIni;Ang !Nt \I-. •
/01" ~....-roa
<>UI1lI'MdinII1lIIIIic lit-
8rfI<"\I b"!hot \'OUf\IIlISl: gifl&, _ _

a o;Iem.-d
III . . . lha in-
baki~ _ .. do_ glisl ening bu..., painIed ~. block buo1dinll in ~girIa. "WtIrenol . . '~
~h.....-Inlwlnlccd­ NoIrabo. incluoIriIl ..... IN NGO SinoIgI '" I'""""lcla a _ tiUllha ..-.1no;I-
in\! ........ They are"" on lmIJoRInt oIferI basi<: .........,... and ll'ainlllg eatecI. Wo WIItlkl" 14Ile'" ofIw DlII.Ot-
1*\01 CMIliM.. jobtralning.. COUrseI - InclI>dlng t:OOkinO c I _ aeIIing a'ld 1ag818CM:e lorgitIs ..m ...

CMsti.. ill one'" lhoo ~ of ~._ ... oomb1lO_do'''' _ ... * - i s/;O.oD.Ml$1hey .....
domestlt: child ~ who PlOYi<Ie "'>II<lR 8an11v...... .,...,. old. illI M11il1o _ _ """'" ....... _ tiUl .... dotI,
the laboot in the IIrbatl ~ of is WomIw> II1d CIIild UIbour Resoun::e I\ava lila i'&IIO<liOM III act as a sheIlM,·
~ .~ \he will or 1.......10 CenIre, """ 1\ ;. Iundod by the
lleld oIlhe _ _ to ....,.;, for In- InIemIIionof Lobout 0rglwIi"""",.. ,.. 1hot aoIa <:oIfWre. 01 ill _ in K.oya
CllITIII <>.aide lIle - . ~ f'rogrartwne 10 EI.......... !hal oIf.-a bolh skills IrM1IOll Wld~
Vorv ofton ~ "'" - . lite . . Q1iId l8bo<o' Il.QFEO. litetacy III gIfIa........ < wort·
I<Ud tolhe~ , c:hi:Iren "'br0il>- Ne8o:I'I' 100 CLo'lG"IIIy~ to. • ground-brNlOng ...
ers. ~ and <:CltISIflS In runi """"" .......-maIh thIllrPJdes bolIII;
liIu<locv. DOOkinlI. _ io:ltnxIuction fo
10 play in ~ and informing 1M
ganonI pUbiI: and ..-t>OriIiaa _ ai>;Jul
lhlIllQI "".,.., ;0 <o"IIy 1<0> gild 10 l>o ..
.....,"'me ,_wibil~ offeed\ng. oldlIs suoh .lailor\ng end tvPioI/,
gQ -.;!",-IIiIMr-"'1Iw ~
n.. <:or1dillono 10< donlHIIc child wori:afs
dIik1 And usually, !hi ...... lIIldof
_1C>.a-lhod'lld. or lIle af\wl' _ ..."..,. 9" •• nogIlli- ..... .,."..,., 01_ Io<doiIdreoI wi
_willi 1h8iterl1lk¥n bvtheCtrlN's nol tlisac'l*l" bul _ _ Ill>-
Onoo io tI>o ar,.. ~ no one Is ~

~ 10 _ _ lhio PfOITIi-" !iekl~, May MI,Mungu. ....... \haI beIw<b-'. and '*""""'It
I!JIlIJIed - or 10 I'Ole lhoo long l>o<n 01 10 no dwvo to lhe~. ~""'rr._¥ ..
dtudgorv. ~ II1d isoIIlIOrl Ms.M.....-ogu_ " 0r0t 1tley 1&lltle
tt. ... ofIenlholQld_-... ".. I!Ie ....ild wlIIl/IIl_ dIcation

_8fJlSinaga it lhe fIlIme 01 • «>-I In

I(onv". To Chrisli"" and thII
(JI;Iw girls. the name hao bec:<lme svn-
8QI8& IlI.l WIl '-Inslarols""'*' grit
am p<--.d from_dio .. llhuy_
, .."" R"";".. rlOM"_~""
_~ __''''o.. 4 .... _

(l<'>yJtI(IUlJ willi "'lief /rom !he $onAl; 10belOO-w., 0/ ~ how !heir ~ "dOIJ", u.......,.,."...,..••
. - end negIea that~lI<28ri>ethe/f "'" ~ln1heIlomol.. ~.~
how many , uffe. physical or en><>- or pledged by lheir p;m:nlS for paltry
liunoJ dornltgt , on<! ' 0 "'1\:11 <1<:&,,-'0:, i' "'''''<If """'"1. MuM of them ... kepi

tv on mon: hidden bthind d osed

Aoc"",.. informali"" .on be pu' 10
"'C. In ""n)'a, for ..amp,", .".i·
dcoce of p>)'Chululical :IlId O1lIOIion:Il
dam"S" h.ts holpod ron~i llC1! J>31"n"
in eapliyily. 1000lll'l'd ""d 10
work f", l U huu.. a day Wilboul a
break. l illie childnn . '" I"
<much un lhoi' "'"s.
from dawn to
du.' " ev~'Y day. """,,.,ly S1unling lbcir
I:"",,'th dlllini formmiYe ye=. Soci3l
and ,"""icly allargc thal Ill<' prohlem 3C1 ivi' l'l in lho anoa ftnd ;, hard 10
n"'-<1 he la<:kled W.nd 6). Borh th= ""'"' bccau>c uf "'" suung n>afia·liI<c
and in Scmg." commllllity dl'lllTl' eonlrol lhol the carpel loom Owl1CJ1I
IJRljec" h.,'e ",i~ . "" rene... par- b:<vc on rile "
licularly in "'" run! orcas li~ly '" bt or COu ""'" wllN-expluilC'd
lho:lOOm: of fUlun: <lomc,;li. wurt_ ehik!n-n hclong 10 1hc mu>l m:uPn>!'
.n. A diff.n:m 3pproo<:h has bc<:n izcd segments of """icly. As in OIbc'
I.ken in Sri I.olnka. whe", lho ,,,,,"rri<:>.""""" ..1liiie minorirics and
Go'emmenl h.. la/l'e ted .mploye.. disadv""la ~cd ! roups = fOlI li lW: l ~
wilh large....w.pape, ,,h..nillCl1ll'1lt. stl'n IU haYing 110 ,;gIliS "'hal""""".

SI"''''ing rhol employing child do- Often lhe~ lheff\l'C I,'" ha.e corne 10
meslics is ilh:gol." bel;"'"", rhal1hcy <ksm'l/.IIO ';ghlS.
This kind of . irtual "hild 0I..... 'Y i,
Forced and bonded labour usually as.« >cialcd only wilh IlIdia.
Many of I"" f.".,.,.• <If child laM " ' N.""I .nd Pak;'lan. BUI il exists io I.,.'f"'/. <I04Irto ONI __ ....., _ .
pra"l ised aronnd lho "..,.Id on: o<hcrJ""U or the world. W<>. In Brazil. _ I.N.I.""'" 11K Ioriri fl;kJ h'" rnri.
·f",,-.:d· in lhe "'"'" IIw . hildren "'" fo' . n mple. forced labour i, found , ,...,..... 1lJ~./M ...... /00 """",
llIU~1 II' llCCC'flI lIIe condilionl uf lheir from 1hcctwooal·buming projccl.'l or
Ii""" IlIld nol to . ha.1lcnge Ihcm. Millll' Genis and Ilah", ' 0 the ...gar-
BUl the , ilU:llion of ........hi!drcn <lIIIO """'Ie< 01 Espf'; IUSan,o and !he
gQ!.'S far beyond ~ :>«<1'1''''''' uf north..,.,!. While most . uch labour l<
poorconditions.1bey fmd ""'nISCh"" p<:rfomlCd by lIC!ult,. c/lildrc-n arc in-
in rff<t1i...., s13V1;ry. ln Suulh Asia. Ihi> e,·il.bly in' ol""d nl"". In 1993, •
Iw "'ken on a quasi-iMilUliooaJ form Bri,i'" Mernbt r of Parlia"",n, ..,.
koown IU ·horld••f child b boor. ported having "",n children W<lfking
Unde, Ihi, sy.lcm••hildreo. enen to cool oown cll.uwal kilns with moo
""Iy .ighl ". nine years nld. "rc in A"iIWi.. OIl AI"" in 1993. ehildn.:n
plcdg<!d by lhoi, ~ t> 1<1 fo<'ury u' ~oung .. foo' we.. 10 IIC' a'
""""'" or rhdr . gems in ..change for ""'"' in the roIlon h:irwsl in 1'oran1."
",",,11 I""", . Thei' lifel"" g ..tvi lnde In M.uril""ia. lbou<and. of ehild"'n
I',:-Of ><Icece.ll in even rod<lcing lho • ..,:\t ill """' ... /1 yea' inln . ffecli, .
"'...In India. Ihi' I)'\"' <If tm~ioo l<
,la'e'Y. A lradili"" for !le,.m'l i",,",.
..,tyiludc "'II.' officially oUll.,,"C<! in
widc>prcod in agne ullu",. a' weU .. 19lIO. bul 400.000 blad Af,ican.
ill ind",,"", <lICit as . igarcl'....olling. "'......... . In-c. , .ither formally or in·
••rpel.making. ",",ch'lick.making. formaU y. 10 lhei' H-c'bcr m",re J1l.'1
SI. lc . nd silk. 'l1Ie mO&I ROlorious 1'. 1'10100 ex.mple i. in Myan",ar.
<If rhcsc is lhe Clll"Jl"l iodu",y of when: /lWIdrc:<l> of thou:.:and< of pc:<1"
Mirzapur·Bhadohi· 'I:o",...., i in Uttar pic. illCluding children. ""'"' "" """.
I'radosh. AW>l'din, to " ftt<:nl .<rudy. <lruC1iOll prop rs oifl'H'd or f", renng
rhc r!J<>u>ands uf chiW",'n in 11>0 Carpel lourism "Od "",,,,,,,,,,ie ex!"",-<io<l.
indnsuy "'" ~k idnappcd or lurtd a"'ay often in appodJing ,...ooillons.
(jQVl;mmems of cUl.lnllies when: employ<:rs. eitlier '" pcrp< lral..... or
fOf'CCd child la""'" e.ISI.< IOU>! rWou- IntcmlCdl>ric<.
hie tholr eff<l<t< Ill.tamp 1lUlII>: """,. Vill:lj;r loan-ohaTb of\co a<1 as pm-
li<c ond challenge Ihc "'sm\ interem cwmt for city hmlh<L" Icnding TrIOOC)'
11\:11 .., ImrTl<lf1lIly moun..ln and bono· ,,, tho fumily lila, ,hi: doopu",·, ,,'DrS:
fi, fran I,. mo" payoIT. H....'....' ;, h.1ppe1\ll•• 1·
m' &11 such ohildren arc bclrayed by
Yillage loon-sharks often ael Com mercial sexual tho,;< 1bt.')I IN>I and may end"l' lraf·
as proc urrrs fo r city brothd .s, exploilation fided leng dL'lonces and acfT>$.$ bor-
1lJe WI<I<1gn>und """'''' of tho Inulti· de r<. Ro"''''' and "'habili""ian i,
lending monty to lht family billioo-<lullar iJIe~aJ indu;!ry in ,be e"mplicale<l f,O' childn:n. 1bcy oflen
fhat lhe daughler's work curnmercial sc."al • • plol'''II"" uf end up bein, pru>ttTI'ed by lbe vcry
mUJI payoff. .hildren make$ i' dln....ulll" salher Icgal .)'l'ltm ,"'" should he pmIC<:1ing
"'Ii.>blc d,,,... Dnl NGQ,; in II>< field Ihcm. F."m if ""'}' make il hurnc. per.
rSlirnar.:: lh:>lr..h ~It .rlra>! 1 mil· haps ""vin, h=1 dtpllltcd as illegal
Ii<>n ~irls wu,ldwidc un: IUl'I'd lIT immip,s.lhey may rlCC !>li~ and
forced inlO lhl. form of hazard"". ",jtclion by !beir f""'ilies and ruruno·
labour. ,,·hi.h can verge "" slavery. oi' ies.Shunned. Igoon,d and Invisible.
B<.>ys If\'- aJS() ofIrn<>IlCd. they often haw: lillie ehooice blll, n~ ­
Wh.:n scandals aboul child 1'f'U'l1· t"," , 10lhe \lrulh<.'1 .... lll<: >'If\)I,'\S.
luli..... In d<."'eloping Ct>UIl,nc. bn:al< 1lJe phy. ical and psychosocial
in Iho: Imemalional media, il is ...... Uy damagc innkle<l by cornme"'ial "'• .
",:lory abool 100 phcl1l>llll.'flOI1 rallrd ual explnilalion ma ~es il one of ,110
$C' ""'rism In which IIc>lidly-mlIke", mo:>t ha1.anloo' form' of chikllabow'.
from the rich "'"(Ifld. mainly. lhough N" maucr bow high Iho: woge. or bow
nol ,""du,I<'.ly. men. I",vell" 1",,"- few rhc hunf\', tl>< dlikJrcn
tloos such lll' Brazil. lhe Dominicl n ha,e 10 coofrom srriou ~ heal,h riSk'
RCpllblic. Thailand and elsewhere in every day, i""lading re:spl"'tory dis·
jOart:h of """ wilh childfcn. . ases. HIV and """u.lly """"",11le<l
BUI we should rool low < of!be di...... . LIIlwanted pnognancic. and
fori thai mony ""'u"""ds "f y""ng dru£ uddklion. BUI Iho:y = 01",
llirl. ;n nume""" Ct>UIluic. """'" II>: plunged inlo • dj'turte<l ",,,lily in
"""UaJ "fll'Cllle:l of locallllCn from all which ' i<>lcnce and distrust.shame and
social""" economic backgrounds, rejection IU'C Illc lIOn1lS. o.wc ha<'" the
And child proolilUlion ..- ...... place lbat bu.... do in _ie1y.-
lSI, in iDd uiali,.cd """"uics, In ,I>< <aid a I~· Scnq;all'<t girl Q _
US "I""" lu." lllO,OOO child",n ploite<! ,bn..¢, proolitolloo. "No "'"'
"'" beli<:vrd 10 be invoh'cd. w:lnll: In kllC"'" us or he "",n with lIS."
Di<e<:1 links 1><1 ......0 the commer- hi' eruciai liull lho In'emalion.l
cial >e. ual ••plnllallon nf rhll<Jn,n public """'-Id understandII>: lay",,, of
and oIhcr forms uf ,,"plui1arM: W>our complicily lhal CTIvdop lhi, "",a of
"'" numerou.. NOlOrioo, in lhcir 0¥01l child e.ploilalioo.IlIIOOugh il is .1-
righl for appalling wortinl: «>01di_ "'ay. ea.,ie-r and """" """,funable to
tion>. Nepale,," eupel fac'~. blame the • • plul'ing 'pimps· Of 'pcr -
whe", SO PC' nnl of ,he wori:cr< ...., nrt.<' Of ....... Ihc , kl i"'" lhe,,,-,,,I...,,.
e>timalcd 10 be children. "'" rom""", no sudol ""'lor can =pc n:.poosi ·
,ire, of <c~ual ""-plui'ali",, by cm· bUily fot lhe commercial ... ual CA·
pluycrs as well as ltt1Ltilmtm O 'n~ pluiralion of children . Families -
for Indian broI!I<\§. o.ikln:n m espt- .ntfUlled "" itll ,he ea",. "onUre and
ei.>lIy puwc,k:l< lU "'fu",- .bu~ by dt... lop"""'t of ehildren ~ may be

"",mplid' in allowing tbe child's sex- g lass ","d 00 lhe lip, "f iroo rod•.
t>a.I aploilaliun . RC>ClItt!I """ .." ", is- which a", j"" ''''0 fe.. away from
temly indica,ed tMt child abuse .oo lIlci' budic.: dra wing IlIlIllOn ! I:I..<.
it>\."C>' are common p1ttllrsot:S of lII<: frum lank f~ in whi<.'h lIlc ,,,,,, .
ronu"creial ...",al c~ploit.tiun of pcr~ulJ'C is helw"" o 1.5UO and 1.800
ch ildml. Then. in add ition t" d.., p.,..... degrees ce nligr.>dc and lhe """ i' al-
pic ,,'110 actt>a.lly!my ...... there llI"C the JlI(ISIlouching the fum:ox bee....."" tile
lnff"'k."'. al\'""" and in'''''''''diaries ann 0( a child i. SO small: joining and
who proJi' fmm lhe sa le "f child"'n. """""ling tbc glass ~k:s wh<", lIlc
The", .", lhe profe s,innal c rim ina ls " 'or\( is done ""er a sm.1l kc~ne
aOO . yndk a lc, lh>l I'\In broIlIcls. nam< in I room wilh liuk III 00 \'Cflli·
T1lere are ,he Cfll"''''''t>:\IlS ,,'ho "'P' l>lim hen""" a ,,'hiIT of ai, c1ltl bIuw
ni'~ ....~ """" ...- wbn prod""e lO\IM nur 1hc!lame. The .. hoIc fa<1Ory l1<>or
brochures e neoorag ing !be notion 1Iw is ""''''n wilh brot;cn gloss and lhe
Y""n! girl, .... boy, are ""-,,,,,lly anil_ child",n ru~ '" and fro .any;ng lhi.•
able. And lhcre are all It.: P" 'lple. ;n_ hun,in! "", II...", wilh no . hoes ' 0
cluding ennuI'! <lJ """d'ltlic "tTlcial•. prolCClthei, fuel. NaI;cd CICClric wi...
"'00 Ioollll<: llIhcr w:I)'. an: 10 be <cen dangling ove rywhe",
1k)'OOd C>C1\ _ """'" .... """'" b....:.o~ lhe faclOfy ""'...... oooid nol
el"..h" ond im"""",1lllll in!l~ 1Iw be boIhe...-d l<> 10>",11 insolated inler-
"",,'ribillC l<> It.: child SC~ In>dc. ""'h n.l wi,ing." Thi' is . descrip,ion nf
"'" tlcqlIy rooI,'d eenOO discrimina· tile glass·bangle indusuy in Ftrol.abod NWMI, M_ ,{ th< ...,..oh~ ..>rl/....... i.
lim lhal blunts It.: pcn'C'plim of vi<>-
len« """,m;tt,-d agoi"" girl,,- Glubol
(India). in which one quane' of'lIe
wor\(foru _ a..,,,oo SO,lXXl - "'"
........,.,..... . . -ri<• •, - "1'."
. .. ~_"" ... ........../1.0 ...,.,..,
mart<,l f"""'" hove aL<u """ribilled '" childml under 14.... ~ ._ ..- ,..,..., I> ,_ ~ -.IN;'... "

lhe probk."Il1 by widcn iol\ the gap he- All O\~, lhe world••hikJ",n wor\( rlIi*lr>. - . . 1/0- .... r( ; ~ • •.ot;... i,
lwcen rie h a nd poot ~ e""""",gin, in hazanluu' e""d il;," " , TIt< ;nd".. 8 r..:i1.
mil\Jlll;"". dc""ab\lizing f"",ilk de- lric.. are manifold. frum Icalhe,-
slroJIing ""PflOrT systems and fely " , ld ing in lhe Napl"" region of 1t>.ly
"""'. Cunni"", and w.... dO""JI$ o f I"!h<' pre.indu"rial brick-maldng of
,,'him are """,,!ring around the " "rid. Colombi. and Pe..... which can in·
al.., .." ,a'e .." ",dilloo, in "'bleh 1'01"" children a> )oont ... ei&h'.
children lire l'CxliJ,lIy •• pk.ttd. Child,en arc ~imes""ploilcd
The problem i. "'" in 1"" open in mining up",,'ioos lhal "'oold he
"""'. aftc' dccadc.' of whal M ' "",,-,idcred ''''' risky for ad"ll< in lhe
"""""'ted to a ...",..."IIU..1COIl.'ipi,- w....ld - fur. ..",plo.
acy of .Hera. The World Cong..., in the: di."",oo and J1.uld mine s of
'8.ill$l Commereial s.:~wd F.xplui", . CiiIc d'lvulre and Swth Afrio.""-. and in
lioo of Ch lld"'n. 1Icld in S-.lcn in Colomhiall coa l mines. Typically.lhe
Aogo>! 1\1%. pul lhe i.,oo on lhe .hild",n ,,'un: ",,;,h the baresl min;-
",orld's agend:l for the: Jillllime.1hc mom o f ..rcly cq"ipmcm and eon -
Agend. for M';oo ag~ upon by O13Il1Jy hlY"tbe in cQal du-",
pun ic,pan" will gllide I "vemn",nt' The n:spinll"'Y prob":m , f"""" by
in &vcloping JlI'Ul:rammcs to address chiId mil'lCtS m .150 c<lr11mno in odler
lhe problem. induslrics. MluIy ""If'"
from 10borcu-
losi.. brurtthitilo and ""1hma. Children
Industrial and w<ldingln ...,hcnlVlll"C and p"" ,d ain
plantation work f""lOri"" . f", ""ample . . .. oflen un-
-(.1Jild",n wnrI: "".11 ')'1'''''
uf j<>b<. pru1cc'cd from the . ili. " d"" . In tbe
s uch "" "'arry;n~ moh"n I"""", uf loc k ind" stry. the:y inha lc ",,~;oo .

-...- - - - - - - - - - - -
Agricultural labour:
A harsh harvest
CUI d.' _on!OUllh 1Il....
lh& !<lOb 1Ny .... Rioing -'It
.,.., ......,..,..,

in the clan'll) and cold, 011.., IweIoa4
and _ inln8<leql.-<:Iolh8I, they
dor...-Iop chronic """"Qlla ...., pneuma..
..... The houri In lh& Mldolrtl long_
1l-1Il 11).hauI dByI ... nat uro:ommon
- """ """" _ ffom running _ or
od>a< oirnPt .... , 01'00 la.
Skin. ..,... respimOt'l Of roeurll4oOi-
.,..po_ ,. OI:(:UI' in dlll(lr., "'IlOMd
10 lII 'lIChemkaIo or Involve<l in pro-
'*""'II ...._ like ...... Cll'ld,., "I"
.estit>g1Obaooo In lanmnia _leo QI
lh& 01'-, vomiting _ flIintl>IIsa of
fIioorine ...... oI"l1. F~ heNV tifI..
Ing and rl?B\nlYe IlRlI/II can penTul-

nentIy Inju", growing opi.... And
Illig... plagueo i'-1ucI<v """""" 10
II\IIId IC!IaoI aflet1hlMt-'

i 8ecao .... dllkltan ~ ltadltIanaIIy

helped on lamify fatms and In fiekIs,
leg. t" ~ 10 pt<X8<:tchildoetl

F ' DIIl I dlll.nee. l/w ""'"' """ I

b'Jco!ic: beau!V. witt> deoop _
II. pl.n,. mUMd "Illins, thl
hll l. ide lind " " ures mlWinv , low ly
through l h l 'OWII. The s un ls borel"
up, .nd 1M "'Iy"ll mill
world rood and ~illnll'CWJ1l"OOlllV

In Bang_ . fully 82 pet cent 01

!IIoI <X>Il1IIrY'1 &.1 mlilion econom icallv
..we children _ Illlrlc<l",,,,
....... '1110. 19B9... rvey. As manv.
f,om dom"""", _
m,,- .,.., _
""" nat
- ,n flOClotiel,

IIItlcullural worke<s among lh& lea5t

ptCIIICI.Od of all.
8ul auch _ has always had lh&
owlY In IIIncu11urtI, matinCI

d lPilI low on the ground. OjltaflCO. 3 miIIicIn dlildrar\ ago 1<1 101.t, Inl "~ polamlal ln harm cluldt.n'. deYeIap-
_ , mlOSb_lity. m.ted '0 _ ... a..rlr. _,
......... 5ofr,. toX:ioI... meQo pnMsiorlt
n - who pIct the 1$1 or ""III''''''''' _nod ~ p~ "'iono . lor dllldt.n·, help In Ihe fields -long
Of l:1li ...... <If rlsa ~ or harYfll ruIlbor In TuJt8y" 1981hll><!y bmd thot ro _ ~ l nlh&~henIi­
...... """"'" - knDw the Iwsh.- 01 per DIlnt of workIn involved in COItl>n sphenr lor ,tllIlMlCe, 11(1 children"
agricu llurll WOfIc fl.-har>d. The blICl:. cultivation _ re 20 _ .. old or sd>ooI war\( dc>esn' ...."",. M...... lI\t>.
bone or cou Is _ - vounger.~ 0<. ~lOcom­ ~oo_

IltUkiI'og labour. lloIle with little hell! I)tilIe <ltle Io<ttlh 01all ~ work· And COtIIfl'llIteialagriclJlIu", - . .
!tom ~ under gruelling .... in Keny•. And • 1993 OlUdy in """""'ll Imm oigtrl, on <am<>!<' larm-
e(H'>dltionl , A..... ,n ,h i. pl.nting a nd MaIIIwllound I!\aI the mejoIif>f of _ linda and p!ltI\lIllc>ns _ wi1tl IIa
pluckil\{l, hoeing . nd ,.kinv. chll . clton liYing on l ~ 0SIlI18I _ . QII(llM, high .... of dlo!mk:als stld
dren pl. V • la'gl - Ind 1.."_1,, WOIting full. or patt-timll(7llp« C8II\01 pro/il prasutn - two tnCIte In \lOfll'-
"w'.,bloI _ ro.... 10-10 1 ~ _ 56 pet coni 0(7_ man wiIIl i<>duotriel -.IIopo than
N(looo ....._ lIIoedMo_on llaw '0 ~_-oldsl. Tho _ • by no with an ldMllamllv Iatm.
many chlklr8n wa<l< the WOIId'IIieIdI meafII rosmttod to ,he _loping legal. aocial. economic and e:luca ·
a... - " ropo<t~orn I M _ ~ Enlirtl famlI'" of mig """
l.1l>our'n, ~ ehiklrbn,help pl/IO'II
tionallniliallYM "'" III _ '0 pro-
labour O'~lIIion 111.0 ) ...... It\OOI !n lllCI ehild"", Itom the dango>rs they
_ dl'vel'll>i''ll eountl'iN, IIPlIY I and harvest lh& lndustrialimd Yl'OfId'. Iact. MPN".lt,I....... agnc:ullufalwork-
lhItd 01 . he 8gric:ulIuta1 ..." "kfooco Is Inm. _ ",-, ... ant """"'lIlh& worlds porIrtISl.
ooo.... bod oIc:1l1dren.On!v,eIICi.., m- The rilles .... mu/lipIe. CI>iIdren plct Tho C!Illcl WeltanI AIIIociaIicn cf
cen1lV t\IMI ~ IlOcounlr'V"'- ",...,. IOlIq dripping with putIddeo: or Thailand, In coIlsbo<lIlicn with the
:shownrow!lJ.dl~~1O "Il'"lI'I' lhe chlImltala!hllmselvtls. They <:oIIfItty'a MonislOV '" A;/rieulture and

~0lUdi0d_-' fum<s ~i""n oCr by dlul8cmus ch:mi-
In ~ne .,., rubbet pIanl• . cal •. In 11'00 bra«w"", In<! u' lry. c hll·
lions and 1l'0I'0Md th.. me_ d"," woO:. al h lp ·l emper:llu rc fur,
lM>our lor me induarIal_ nace; """ inh:tlc lbe du.", prod''':cd In
"" ~ ""'" eppoopiMfl _ _ poli, hing."
lIors, IO me ~ _. Tlwv ih<- numben <1f dUldmJ e~ ploi ltd
iooori,i. odlId 1hIIIllrMl po:tMdo lor. hy plam al ion agrie nll"'" across lhe
minio'Tmm _lor ~ booc:euN world ""'y bej u." .. p'CaI - and Iho: In fhe b, asS!l;are industry,
01 .... ardo<l. wo<b>g concrn.....; dangers associa 'oo ,,"'im moch of tNir children work at high-
wrinon ~ ClOI'Jlrk:IlI: and ..'or!: a", no I""• • ppalling (""""I 7),
Mvs 011_pald IMYe "" all W<lrt In IllVoirs sugar plamaliuns, far ex-
tempualure f urnaces and
.... A minimum wagoo "11 01 '1 amp le. c hildren cui C;lfIC ... ilh rna· inhale 'he dust produced
lMst 80 JIftI" COII1l 01 the IlduK mini- che"'s. a JlUI'i"'in~ IUk pUlling lhem in polishing.
'""'" Wage _ u,ged I", <:Illfdt"" al con~1 ri' k of mUlilat ion . They
WI\(Il'Iad reoched th& _ 01 t.glIl
makc up _ thi rd of the ...ork lorce in
~ To......."' ccwnpIlenco
"""'" "",a.s and "'" invol'cd in <We<
with lI'lelegal ~ • opeciel
.1(1 per ce n' of lhe ""'k-rclalod xc;·
_ "i.,1 bodySllOukl~'
<ltn". Bruili:m c hild",n are a l-l<l c~ ·
!nO"" inspecl",-. with ~
iOSi><>'slhIlrty lor cI'llkl egricultu..1

Thoftldy ...... _
posed ' u ..,>kcbilcs and inse<:! >lings
un l nl>a CCO pl_malion' . and carT)"
load.< far ","yood lheit c"I""'ilie<. In
111M pubIC lIdoUlion campejgo. be Co lomhia. youn!: pc:oplc who work
condu:lell WId thIIl/CMIf11mUnI of- on n""",,-export lamI< ~ c Xposed 10
~NGO~~ I""'kldc, han""d in ind"-'lrialiud
chiIdnln ...... lheir!rlrniliee be ....... «IUII1 rics.
fn Arti e.. mc"" ...hile, chi1~~n

tI'Iortlugllly IemHier witK the ~
lng _ ' <IIcNld lebcur "">I'k on tho plau..' i"", lha' grow tN
- . G....I.. ~ - " ' " CJlpon crops on which tho romi"",,".
n/tieI. _ Itilll treir\ing were ... "COOIOItI ic!< ~ly - from !he cuooo and
coffee .,...,.,. uf COle d' lvoi", 10 lbe
ClriIdien wKo live if> _ . ",..I lea, co ffee and . i..1 plan'a' i<>IL' "f
"""""lIfll r-Ihot ~ rIob Ton' '''''ia. In Zjmbabw~. c hildren
from .....rdowi aod . llJ)IoitalMl wOflr. a 6O--huu r """kp iding roI lon
egricuK"",lliIbou', lmJlfOY/"lllbe or coffce fOf _boul $1. An IU) Mooy
lnfroostruc:tIn of <ural _ t!Irough on c hlid labour ;n Zim bah..,c fou n<!
better ,~dl end power supplies 1,,"llhe II1<>SI ";gnift<:"'" eaploilCn. <>f
CIIn _ egricuftUfal pr<>duccivi1y
ch ild labou r ,",c"",d 10 Ill' lhe l"'1\c-
_ ,",Ip Pffl\eCI the r\g!1ts o f
selic cumrncn;ial la rm<:JS wb<> have
""ilo.-"" and famili.... 8.oadet

--.-. . children in 'he ir f..ld, for
f. mI.... lIOl1iQlNllion In 0'IlIit and <k:c>dc., c.,pccillly duriog pl... ting
i ocoo ,.enllancing oct>omeI are
:lIld 1t.>rv<, ling." Tllc,;c com mercial
f""""", campaigned again,1 tho
GO\«:mmcru', dn(, chikl labour <qU'
lations in 199$. "" lhe grou nd' ihal
lhe y wnuld iu,c rf" ", ",i'h c hildren·s

_. - -
~,. ... O_-"01'........ ~ . righl lO The.woe year. Ianncn<
_ .... . , . -.. b"-t~fit
u ktd a Di' IOcI F.<I"". lion Om",r 1<1
,...,.,...IW-....__ .",Ii
J-lhJ-o ,ldolWlo,.,.. ',.".,
d o,e down tho school. 10 :tIlo... chil _
dren '0 heip brin, in lhe Ie" and cof-
f"" e!Ups. The rcq""SI, which ......
rcpol1«1 in til< lox. 1 jlI<'ss, ...__< romp;mies need 10 adopI tudes uf
turned <J<r,.,.". condll<1 lh. l bar h""anIou, child
In Indonesia. children - most of lobuul.
lhtnl gim - worI: on l<ll:xK= p [:lIIlll-
ti""" fOO" $0,60 . day, <1 1b<l"", til<' Street work
legal min;mlll1l w.g In N.pal. In COlllllL'-l ... ith ohikl d<me>lic ",m ·
chikb<:n ,,'on:. on lea C>l:IICS for "'"ll"" ''', ""'"" "hild",n work in ,he ,"OS!
"" low th:tl thcy ollcn noc<l to ...m 14 . iaible pl~~ possible _ on the
Iloo", • day. Child",n arc oJ"" I'm· SIMI< of ~lopin~ ...orId cities aJ>d
ployed "" the lea pl:rntltions of lowns (Panel R). They ar. """'1'
Ih ngll <ksh, Indil :rnd Sri Lonh.'1 ",'he"" ha"" king io mark'l' ond don·
while child l"bou",,,, in ,he ,ugar- inil in <ll1d 0"1 uft raffi. ;am', plying
1''"'" and nlbber plamation, of Ihoir lr".lIk: at blls and tnJin >lation.. in
Thoil""" on: II «lIWaIII ri.., of injury front of hoIol. and <.hopping mall•.
fmon dan~""" «juiPlll'M.. . They sh:1n! 1M Y=ts with millions of
Whilc much of ,hi. iJ>dultriol and adlllt.. many of whom ~ lhtnl "'
pl:rn1.11ion""""'" is carried OOt by na· nui"""",., if"", as <lange"",. mini·
li"".1 ",bcomroctors. S<>IllC of it i>. criminal., Wh. l ,"osl of ,he><: chil -
OIIe..-o by transnational rorpora_ drrn ...1U.l1y do on Ibe streets is. of
tiQllli whose Jl<OdlJoCl$ roJ>d t""ir ....y ""lIWSC. ",m.
into ...... ordin:lJy .. orcs :rnd""""" of 'The SlROCt is • cwcl .... ~
...... West. The nraquil<ll1ora<(assem.
bly planu) of Central America and
wortplae<', often joupardi~ing ""en
cbild","" Ii•• s. They can be mur-

TIH _ To If ritI_ .~ ,.. ,'"

I Mc.. ico ore I 0""" in po;nl. ~ O<lI"_
poralion, ba.'Cd in rich rounrne. h:111C
,,,,,,,fm"" l1>ci , a.scmbly for>ctions
deml hy ""Ini/cd crim<, by <><h<1
yoon, pe<>flle or O"on hy lhe ""Iico .
The """Id ",,,,,,oJ in hom>< in 1\1',13
>IT......... . _~ I. ........ ""'" w,'....... to poo.II'eT rounlries to taLc advam~ when Rio de Janeiro police ofIjCOl!l
-.... ~ ~ " Jt, _ ~ "',.,. ,_ , "". of ...... i, lowe, wag<: :rnd bc"" ro, """". tna><a<n:d sis SI""-1 ""'iklrn,, In 1\196,
n.,"""" j" I'm- In a much puhlici,.ed .a.", ;n HOll- a Rio police offic<T conf"'-"'<l .... be-
d u~. for .~""'ple. 12· and e2llll' flm.......... ""Ike orrlCOr 10bo
oW girl> "'orl<ing for a US·t:-«l """' td of the ,""""'r of "'(eel "hil_
t"",onalionll ....'" lock«l in,ide • drcn. BU ltbo killing, o f st....'01 yoolh
t• • ,il.
factory. Hoo", .... '" lonil . h:1d a1""a<iy ='11 In Rio by 19\1O. A
wages pitiabl., tile icmpcm urc hit ""p,m from lilt Il:I.le l"'enile COIl"
100 degrees Fahrenh"';t and lhe", " "td 111111. on ave...go. Ihree >treet
.....' 00 ",fc drinking ..."'.r," ehildrcn"" killtd "01)' d3y i" Rin.
Such ..."'. ba." 1«1 ""tivist. many by police.I ...... .......... of",.,._
hoIh in the home wthe hosl .oon- chant' "" ho c~ide, Ihc beggIng.
rrk> of lhc<e t""'.nllionals to p""'- thievinj; and j;lue-.nirr"'l1 • rnajut
surc ,hem til "'tlblish c<>de:< of coo- nu;","""" !<I
dlJoCt n<Il only for lbeir opcnuions 1>Jt M3J1}' chil""'" do pllrSOC """'" ""-
.1"" for thoo<c of tll<' ,Uboonl...,ton; tivitics. 8 U1 many"""" struuJe Ilk:-
they use. All ""rpon"ioos ,hould gi,im., e ",'ork on the ''''ttl for lboir
odopI such ro<ks Ilf ronJuct .. on es- ",,'n or lheil family's ",,,,;,,,,1.
~nlial .<l¢PI""'ards eliminating hsz- Children who work on t!le sln"' ls
arOOuHhild labour. oft.n CQ1l1C tmon ,Ium, and >qu.".r
8U1 """" .hild \;>00.... in the furnod ""1I1e""'nl<, whc", poverty and pn:_
e<"On(lm)" aruIOI be ,ied JIO <lI=,ly 10 C'IIrioos family .ituatiuns are rommon.
the operalion of lJ:OINI:II.ionals. Th is ia ",·lItre sebool. :u'C (,,"ore"""de<! .nd
why natiooN.l as well as tra/lSn31ional poor. and ...'here"""o to play

.imply do I>Ol exi..,. The ir numbers dlUJ Ir.Ilflc king and ",,»lilulion. The
have inCT...,. ,d in pi"""" cxf""kn<;n, . ubcellU '" Ihal cn.dop> the Ii... o f
anncd ronfliCI. like Freclo'''"" (S iem those child"'n i, mark. d byaggre••
Lc<""'l and Monro.ia (Liberia). as oion and "bu""....."""in~ tho,.. '0 . x_
caM al"", have bo<:n killed . lho ,.",.... h:u=k
.,.,,,,,omy di,rupI""" and ra", ily ,nd Sc"'cngi"i' i, <lQe exampl. nf the
cum"'un; ly llos .. ,-.\'\:d. nl"'me ri'ks chi ldren foe. in .' In' ' :1
SI", el child labollr. • i,. o, lIy un· work, In <I'les.."". lhe: dc,...I,,!,ing
hotud of prior ' 0 lho Ir:lI\SiliOO ' 0 a WOfld. you ng chi ld",n SjlCnd 'heir
m,rI:c1 e«>nomy. i' now, growi ng day. picl i"ll up used p3[K"r. plaslic>.
pmb lan in tho Ru!o.w fodol1lliOll. In nlg s. bonl••, lin ;md melal pic~e>
K~ 'l\)'ZSlan. in Ccntral A.i .. tho num. from the . In:cl. galbagc dump, and
bers of child"'n workin~ "" lho "-aslC bins. and .. Iling lhem '" retail·
•mots. selli ng fond and otlltr prod. .,.,. for IT<'Y''ling.
11<"1>. have ir<."n:a"<d ~a1ly 0VCf -rtJc nalu", of thoir ,,'0<\( i, ._.
lhe II.." Ihn:c ym, Many have ""'" unhygien;"" dang""""" demean ·
dropped oul of ..hool 0< al· ;OJ .... Thoy develop!iCVCn1 kind., of
!Coded cl=es. d in dise 'S(' Ille uittl'S..., bios. cle .
On lhe >In:cIS. lhey .hine . "'..... Whlle collming ""'lC<! i, oo piece..
waoh aOO g""rt1 Car>. I'llIT)" luU "'o. lhey u'u, lIy "",civ. Cu" oo lhe,r
ha...k !lo<o.'n) and lrinl:<.'IS. rolk"C1 ",. h.ntI, "nd bo:eomc , u« e plibl. 10
.~dabk:s and fmd . myriad """'r in.
gen;"", " 'ays ,,, malo nl<>ncy. "..,
an'''llIlllhoy e"," n.. ~ be small bul is
........."imc.< more 1h.1n lhey ",,,,,ld ",.
lelan"'. The hrukrn gil.." ly ing hid-
d on in lho prba,l<: may injure lhe,r
how f....a. which n ", ~ .......'clop inlo fes-
tering """,nd.... Many IlIher sick........
«i.. rrom ronn.:<l .~1Of Wfrl. moo from CJlpo:>u", 10 ex I",mc 11"" ' - ~ "" .. JIft'tf ""'U..
11K- large majnri,y of Ih,,,'e ohil· we.,he, ..,...Ji,ioo •. lile ,,_, of ""'_
'" ~n_",o,/<x """ ... ft " . . . . . . .
dnon JOIum h:lme e..,h nigh,. Tht~ "'" , o, "'c. m eunlOnia. inll""n.. and J-dI.• ....,;.w1, I. ·n..,:-«.•• '" ., __ ,
children on ,he .<tree l<. IlOl "f them . 10.1",;•. Currying he.,,~ l... d, or.tkr ,
SliII. life i' "r", n pm;.riou> and vi<>-- the am" III oo lheir ""'=k ud'~ ly ,f·
le"l. unhe.llhy and unrair. Sume "'" r.. ~< lhe he'p.,. weight . " ",ngth and
abl< '0 rombi"" $Om< schonrin, ...ilh """'inn.. Add..'<l to lhcsc 1w-,;anI, is tho
"'cir S1Tffi "'or\;. hul """enheles., lu", of caling Ihrow n ''''''y or len·
many.", ul'loilM and ohuled b ~ <JVC1" loOO... ll<:uding) 10digesti\/<: di..
adull<and 1ft'" and mU>l"""00 man ~ URl<:rs and food poioooing.... '
hou r> uming lhoir ... ",i..1. M:m ~ Allempl' a.., being . . - in many
'urrer rrom "",Innlriti"" and from "'OIInlri,,,, III ,,'. un child"'n off lbe
ill......""" i"" ln<li"llube"",""i• . Sclf· st....,l< and ' n 1""'''''' them wbile ""'y
."""m i. "f'en I<>W. IIc>pilc lilt "'" <In ,be """'IS. One in,pi,ing cx-
, upc:<fi. iaJ ai' <If"'n",""ed "" If· "",p ic "f aclion i, in 1""1'
coofidc"""th::y may llS."""" 10 lIjlp<'Olr ~"",,Iry ido:nlirood wi'" tho ' prubk.-m'
..",... .SItI.iI1. of meel children. Tho Na'i"""l
For abolll I in Ilf. lbe . treel """'" Child",n·. M"",,""'"' _ " par",.,_
become h<Imc. IlIOVilably lhe... chil_ <hip bel..-...'CfI the chHd"'n and ~ulun·
dren 1;Io.,c""", """'" I"""" III engage in IlIr)" '0<1"""'0"" . ""'""",lve' rrom
"'"'Ili... l .nd ill. gal "'Orl<. , ncb as poor background< - " ' "","bli""""
begging and peny Ih.:ving. M"" y "'" in 1~K5 . and its fi'M inll in 1986
1«1 inlo lhe illicit. Ihrilling and dan - caused . n:uiOll1I ",nsaliOll . helping
gelOllS ,,-..rId 0( crime syndkal.., l!IaI 10 c n<hrine child ';Jh.. in the fkdg_
run rin¥o' fur pickpod :cling. "",,-I..-y. I;ng ....m""""'y. 10,,1.'1, of its nali<rnal

_ f-- - - - - - - - - - ----i
The streets are their workplace I
_ ' 'b\I""""1iaod em.. _
_ ~oond~_

~ .. im . . . . . . . .
......-b'Ig .. Pi • In.,. WM:lI of
.-.1O.wtlo ... '-> .........,...
"" ...... 11.. 04 . . ._ . ._

""" "E-v.,., l ID\' _10 _
_m_ oIp ~
_ liN_ ltd-
'4' in

PtOYidII ~ lor
lhIir ~b'_
own_iOn e.'I. '"*
QiInC:1I"'" ........ -Mll1O -
.......... l h M _ ~ _oI

. ..- !of the mMl'... ·fT>lIlM in d'IIo
mIlrtets 01 Clakat. or. " in lhe
~ I"V"'IIIn '*"- on be--
in • lIlI1ku'tg COIlIfNlIO lilt IlIrvotv

- ....--
lIItow--.y cu~u. . oIlhe 1rIclwtrW·
iud wooId. in ,... ~"lI worid,
......,. ~, """"'"' .. w.... ~ ..p

T -- _... _.--
Iz.._ • .....-.... popuIM"", at_
_ _
--~ SIw-.. · ~
,lid lnctH""'II ~ ... -""- Wi ctw ~ choIdr wlIo 1M

~ 10IdloOlIM the . ....
.. lht ........ . . , . o f _ i f
_ _ 30 ",50 "'_
.... ' ··,01_..-.__
Thtot <bong numbors . . . ~te. _"h",
PI'; .. _....,_-.10..
f'n_ lhI

cul~in~"""Md . . .....-.. lrom _ - . 10 old

~_~blgI. _ _ Uld\ .... 0:.'0_ bl'Clgltt .. _ .. lhoI "'I' , ...... ~.~ ...... Ihe~
...... _ ......... ~ IGNPl ..

SodI _ _ crwlbul.. ' ......
. . . . . . - . l I y _ .......... ' - - .,...S9Otl,"'-cHohoI-"l4IlIDQ
"'~nliloton ... _ dOldl.''''''".' I ;;'vWU

.. -
~ 10 _ of ......".. of In Zon,lt-.y ... ..
Of ' _ _t, In _
II' • Ilo1e:t..Jdo.,"~ &o-.ocl,_-.l" :u; _ . ;; ' ..
10 ..,. on ary - . _ " - .... ".".,....... --v- $im,Isrt'y. ... ~ .... Ill....· ......
WI'>tIhf '*'9 tIItough ~
- . d>ti., -tong
_ aN
"" _
_,..cI. mitotI--.d_ ....... "Sfnoty " ' - -' 0 on
dlsnp ... .... , dIiIcI . . - IIwo ....

bue1.....oI _ _
or;ng lOll
... lMng ~
, !My
_ ,-~lIon'_
..... _ T....... . 12._-old .... . rOIIMd bIIIIy - ' begiI_
~ _

to< , l(l.ftou1 IIIofI • ,

7 Clf_ !Wf•
....... 1..I~1ouncl u.. ' ,- - . . ""'" ligI>IIiIolht ~ , .................... t: .......
~ -'d _buI_ on -""-'t ........ ...... of Addit Aboi;>lo. ... m , sci .. dsgIsdIng bl' 1M
triM - children WOf\lI'oll 01'1 !he Ofteo Ileewlg . . . . iWd negIea II dlildo" Itwnul.- lIw. mel\I QU«,
oUNtS _ IN Pf"lll"'V 01 ...... 0 1 '""'"" chiIclnn lInd"- _ _ _ """*'lI1O ....... __ -no. ...
1M __ d;f\uttling ...oat phenom IUt1I '" ItIsif _
ON ,n the worlel tod l'(: tlllld urban- - . .....nIooIII ~ idInutV. lhIoV ... ,,*,,0'- ~ ~
C"<Igre '''' '' ~ ,he rounn wa, held in
l ':l'l~ - ha.' heroldcd a new advance
in Ihinking .I""ucbildrm '< JIfOhlI'm<.
JUI' al iml"' Ihc M<>ve mcnl
boise:< ir- <q:lI1i1.ation on <mall groups
(lIud~'-'S <k hclJt' ) of " u ll" " 8 children
,,'no mtello di""u,,! cOlnmon prot>-
dan-.lng ..,. .-ruct of_· lcm' ond l<> ,ok. joi nl OClioo , Thi" Of allthe IOWk. children
w<>r1tI,' wm... "'"" Klentisl modol o r "l);oniUl lion .",,1:.< l<l em·
who haS IIIUlIiIKl Iloa rag~ of do, tht most common i<
1'0"1"•.,. e hildron. "Wh" wou ld I do if
Bangolotoo IlndiII), Tram_ agricultural Dr dlJmntic
lhc", WllS 00 lI""t~(I <k !JIm?'" an II ·
lhlOllQn !I8/l>olIo hoaps ;n ........,
year-<>Id Jclcgale 10 lasl year 's coo· work. within Iht ir " w"
skIrI Infeclionl. ,_ _ ~
8"'''' ""ponded In • "'p<>n'I, "I !a milits.
f III lIad<....col jllu1ocd....n " "OOld 80 riglll (lUI and <laIt 01\(',""
lIfowth. ..... NIiny <l*:er<led Iood
often bmge _ _ Fur1hetmote,
lhIlife of lIUIl coIlecli"ll otlets Ill> Of .11 the wOIl child":n do. lbc m,,"
hop> rot c _1uIu",-
cumm"" is agricullural or domcSlk
OtventleOOos lil e flCoUC!l Up In
wori; " 'i,hi" !heir "",n fomilics. Most
!toe PhlI<wl_ ..... !he Bosco
YINOdeve SInoeI ~ Project of -...w.,.pea
romil... . """'00 lhe ... lbeil
8enyelo<e ....... begun I1eIPinll chi\. cb il"'. n 10 help in ,he hou...hold.
droo 10 ba nd lOQIlIlllIlf and coIlIll:- w'hclbcr jHCparin& food. 1.'clUng
llveIy defend l/>eil ;"w",1U. Op.
PO"unlrite for ronn.l end .......
"'.,01 or ,"""''' :s, herdin! onimal. ,
ca ring ro< younge' .ib ling. or mot<:
!omII1 WUClIIIOn WId .pprenl" antuws work in !he Thi. kind
..,;p1nlII>ing. euch • Ihoeeo oIfamd
t.( lJyer>de', Africe Foundelion end of work can he beneficial. Cbild",n
!lie Unduyu SocieIy 01 Ken\tU, ""-
Icam from. ", ,"-,,,,,,,bl. I.,~I of par'
1J<lP'l 1or . beIIerMUfe. ' ;':ipa, ion in hou~hold cborel. 'ub-
O1ild ren living on II'te W Ht, siJ:le ncc lood.VO"'i n& . nd i""""",·
"""""'" _ Of Iemlliet. _ ih8 goncrating activi~ They . 1.\0 dorive
• ~n", rn from Ihrif wor\:
billmlon. often .-ling """",""" "ilhin ","il r"",ili"".
...............<:oLtr-'IIncI. ~
_ _ _ c'c, l!>erefoN. VItellO !II"'''''
8111 i' i' by 00 alw.ys bonoo·
proIJICt chlIdren from !he rid; of lui
r,ci,I , On the <""t"")'. "'(Irk for ,Ite
~ 10 IiIe on lIIe ....... family may ""'m:me1 100 much nl c!\il·
d"' R, ""l ui,;ng lbem 'n I.bour Inng
Ioi;lurI: Ilw I=p them IIQI>I 5Choc>l ord
Ial< too l!"'a' a '011 00 !heil de,,,I"P"
ing bt>dics (Panel 9). Such wort "on
p",,'cnl c h ildro " from c"c n:ising
lbeir rishls and developing 1<> 'heil
full poIcn'w .
One powerful le'li""",y '" lite
rigoo .. "r work in "'" ",n.l """'"
comes from a group rnNopol... eM·
d"," ""'"' wod:in! in , Ka' bmondu
'·"'1"' 1 la<:lory. They"".. allrac lod by
~'-, '" ~ "'... <wi,.,.......J. ilorios 01 (he e"cilOmenl nf "'" cily
f_." tttI ,v(In;b ......., oN and by lhe ide. of <aming wages bt>Ih
_ri,.,..... loq f"" Ihcm ""l v", and '0 send w k 10
lheir p"",nl'. BUI "","I uf .U, lhey _ery kOSI ;1 .... ill .pn:ad lhe: "",.,ast
Wd. they hlId <vrnc to !he r..,,"'Y be· rbal thc:", an:: .Iri.l limil S as hi ,,'Iw
~.usc lir. It horne "'... so diffkuh: can he: Cllpcctcd of • ch ild', I.boor in
climbin, up Sleep J lope~ 10 gel fod· 111< may also make amnn a'
dcr, ri,king lc<:che$: having 10 labour Ii.... aclioo mon: """,ibk. and ope n
endlessly hi f<'Cd lhe r.mily.» To . nd . 1 di""~"i"". In..." I_ing """,m.
avoid Ibe>e lives. they """.nd<d up in a nd eommuni,y ""'mbe.. on ....IIal i.
GirlJ alid women routinely ~:trpOI.makin" an induSlry notorious rornidcred 10 he JOOd for a tbild.
bear bu rdens and end ure fa< il< o.<ploil3lion.
In runtl Afria and in Soolh I\. i• . Girts' work
In a/menl that ref/ee/ their children l>q;in holpin, ",im domc>lk ~ N.arJy ali nor , irl. "' ,d .......cq...
unequal status. Working girls ~oo"", well bofon: school .ge:. Girls =- says a rnolh:r from India, he",,]!"
an of ten invitibte, treated as m\lq fCI.h lhc hou",hold·.' ...·1ICr and • ''''''''per '" !lIrine·de"""•. - W hy
if they did n Ul u-u t. f""lwood. Childn:n ofbolh ..","" help .......Id I ......'" my lime and """"'Y OIl
with f:mn wort.: .looI:ing allet animal s .<oerldi", my daughlet 10 <cllooI "here
and perfoooin, . UI...k, to Ik> " 'ilb she n<>lhing oru..? ... So
~",.jobs often phy.ically taxillJl in " 'hy rtOI pul my girl 10 work "" lhal
!he ,::."....,..,. They also...m in Ihc in- . hc: ....ill learn """.thin, ahoul our
funnal """lor of th. rullli «:onomy, pro f=iOll'! My elder girt " '00 i. IS
iocilldi., uadili"".1 crar", an<l <mall y""" uld will be mamed .oon. He r
If':kk<""",nli.llu village lir., espe- m'NI'..' · in·I. ... ...ill p" he.,. tu d c:aning
dally slIopI:«ping. 1.1rinei ""","",hcn:. Too much scbuul-
Similar pall""" of early l3bour = ing will only givt girt, hig iclt"", and
rep<Jfle<l in a .• olVey of five !..luin Ihc:n Ihc:y ill hc:be.,•• up hy lheir
A""'"'-.... eoun~.... In nlJld CoIom- h...t>and< "" hy lh<it in-I.",......
bi.. for in.'13n<:e, one in fOOl ~hlldrcn M""I of the haz.rdj (aced by boy
.,cd 6 hi 9 and one in Ihn:e .,<d 10 l.bouren Me faced by girt., Ion . Yel
g;rl. ""vc ex'" prol>km. of lhei,
and II wcrl , eilher in """ """""- teoo ·
in, .he family ....g.t.ble gatdcn, ~ar· ",,'n : from the """ua1 pressures of .m·
ing for .nimals. or helping in a pkl}'m 10. xclusion from edtlC;llioll.
grQ('<"ry Slort or .<m;JJ1 bysil>css, In !he Nc stroll' gy I... combal c hild lahoo,
coonUY"laIJc-ci.ics, one in .i~ or Io. .an begin lu he • ....,,,(ul unle ..
and l l· ye..·nld children and uoc in I~ spt<'i.1 dang.... f:ICing girts an:
len o f 6 · to 9- ye.,-oIils panidpare in syslemal ieally ""'m into ICCOUIII.
!he labour mor\;cI in l.UmC ..... y. In ...inually """ry an". nflik and in
Muoh oflhi. WQrl:, p""irularly by .....ry O>IIIluy, as thcsc annual J'IJI~ r{
girl, lhei, homes, i. invisillle In Ih~ World's Chj/dr~n repon. have

the ~laliSlici." aiming hi roc""'" lhe long 00I<'d.. girl. and ...." ""'" roulincly
..ale or c hild labour. It i, a1 !<O ...- ""IT bunkn, and e ndure lrell"",nl
dudo:d f""" .hild lahour kgi.• buion, ""'I relke, rh<ir unc:qual <lalus. So i,
p.utly becau", or the dillkull y or is ...·ilh .hild Ialx>ur. \I,'tIfl;;", girl" 01'0
poIicin, child, within lhe f"",,- nllen in_isihle ,lrealed a, if lhey did
Hy. y.l hi ""'p1 lhll . uch ""'" can· nol ... iSl.
not be rq1ulalod i, .n ....-.:pI rha1 hun- Accord ing 10 IW , Sb pc, ccnl nf
drI'd< of million< of childn:n C3I1 ha"" lhe 1lJ.- 10 14-yu.--olds r:ulWlliy <>li -
00 legal pnllC<"tion. maled In hc: wut king in the dcwlup-
lcgi,lalinn mu<l be madc morc in· ing world are boys. Yel , if ,,'e ...·ere
dU'ivt, bw rbi. will not of i""lf pro.- . bl< to ....asure 1M numhers nf girts
I"'" lho:sc c h.iklrr n. The difTir:ulric~ of doing unregistered ,,'00: IS domcSlie
cor""'e....n' ",ill ",main. DUI a, lhe: ".Ip. Of ",....ting al h""", 10 c nable

Qlhcr family membc,. l<> Ulk up poid wri' e - 37 PC' cent - i• • ' trClIlCly
.",pl")'"":n,, the figure> wool<! show low, lhe 11 pc... cenl figure fur female
moll: (e",ale cbild labourers than literacy i. appolling.'" The liver·
male, Girls llso """"" longer"""" "" ,.,helming maj<>rilj' of girl' ci1bc1'
a"" mg. I""" boy• . carrying a double hoi". ,,,,,..,, g"'" 1<, "" hool 0< hoI"e
W(,r1doad - a job OI".ido 11>0 homo dropped oul '" work . Oiscri",inali""
and <lom:>llc <.llllics00 their ll:tunL """" become. e,pklit:ltion. Lack or
In vl&a1Cmala, W<Jrl;;"g@irl>spcto;l ,'<I ncali"" . • m y ammgcd manias••.
an of 21 lin".. a ,,"""k on .wi: [X!Verty and lacl: of power nuke
hou~lInl<! du,k. "" Kll' of a -lO-1lour gid. e"""""",ly;sble. Lon ~
"w~ng """'k lI\IlSiok . Md in fi"" bef"", they = ph}'>i<aUy prc~d
~in American c""ntrio. ,u""ycd. (I< il. many an: f",,-....t t" wur\:;. n..... t
domeslk "..".k by@irl,in!heir"",n ....lhc:m .nding up. if IlOl in d<Ime<lic
IIo.>rnc "'"-< ... iole<pn::sd . ...ilh m.ny ........icc lhen in "'" carpel indu>1ry. to!
(ailing III anend ",,1IonI.'" tea <'S1a.l<'S or in bric:k·
AU uvcr !lie "''IIrid. """" ;.irl. lhan The gen&r PI' bc<:<Imcs a vkiou.
boy. ""'" Jcniw 'lIo:ir fulldomenlal circle f()l' gill. all ,,'.r the developing
righl lO primary ""bool,n!, In some world. Unable 10 at~1ld school be-
"'tlKm'- including ,he Middle Ealil CO""" ....their k>w """iaI.",n,s or their
and North Afric... StIb-s..IIaran Nrica d<lrnc:sIic re,.p,n'ibililies. lhey "'" de·
""" tspC<'ially Sootb NO" lhe &<ll<h nie<! the cxtr;s puwet and widcr!l<lri·
gap i. MitienomlOOl." F.;I"'atiooal 'lOIU lholl cdllC ~lion weald hri",. If
cquaJi,y be'''''""n "'"c.
the i. being lbey <cek won: outside !he h<!rl>c,
"l'PR""'hed in Ea'i A, i. and lalin their "JIPOl1uniti~ an: limiled '" the
America llI\d tlIc ear;""""", buletse.- mr>sl menial '"":.<. lkit low ""'111$ is
w!I= link ~ bas bm1 r«oo<led. '0
reinforced .rnJ 1I",><:d "" lhe r.c~1
Gender hi... i' r.uI , imply . 'I""". generation.
lion ,, ( a" il""'" _ il i. .... hrincd ,n Botb !lie individual and !he socict~
all lhe main inSlitUlion. of .< suITer. It is well ' _'Iahlished lhal
Nepal iU", lral.. llIe: ""inl ""Iy "'" lhe m<>rc ><bo<>I ing a lill baa. the
well. Womo:n 'J socin-ocmomk """'-< f..... r .hild.. n , he will be... n.e
.. ,,(t. n doplonbl• . And ...bile lhe more children . poor r.mll~ h"", Ille
propor1ion of men ,,"'ho canrc.d alld more child "'OI'ktn there w~l be."

Ideas and actions

ik l<gi,lalion and ;xl> or milm<:'" 10 gi'.. high ",iorilY '" 11>0

Wi raliliculion arc imponam

lirsl Sltps. lhe li,'C' of
woridngchild= will nol e~ un·
right< of child",o. ' 0 thei, . " , vivol
and 10 lheir prolce,ioo.nd dc"elop'
men',"" MOlC'w <r. Ihey mode In
k", lhe WOl"ld bach ilS "'Of<b< with .. plieil pledge , "'We will work for
acli<>ll. A. tbi. "'port b... ahndy sped al proteclion of Ihe w",king
malIe clear. the Con"enl ioo on lhe child and for ,he abolili"" of ilkgll
Ri&llt< ,he Child. Ibc I1'I\lS1 ",idely child l.bou'.""'
flllificd bul1W1 righ...g=mcnl in !he The PI. n of AClion . melnwhile.
hUIOry or the Uni,.d NaliOll'. hold, indude. ' he follow ing ..."me n"
""""iol prorlli.. in !hili",gard. bindiJlg "'1'1= !h.n 100 milli" n ehild",n on:
"" ifying cOUnlrieS '0 lAke COlle"'le engaged in emplo~men ,. "flen
<>Clions '0 uphold it heavy and haz...""". I nd in eOO 'Ol'
Le.. Ib. n a yelt afler lhe venlion of inltrn01io".1 co",·en·
Jn loluQ bl~ jurm s ofchild C"rwen lion was adop led. the Wood ,ion; Which provide fOf ,h. ;, pro .
IDbour are so grave a ll abuse Summit for Cbildren ,,'.s held al ,ecliOll from ccunumic exploilalion
of h uma n rights tllat Ih~ lhe Uni..d Nalioo, 00 2Y·30 Sep . .nd from perform in, ,,-ork ,ha ' io_
le m~r 1'190. II W. S lhe 1. 'icS! e,'er lerfere.. Wilh lheir edtIC.lion.nd i.
"'Qrld nmst com~ to regard galhe ring of world le&<klll lill lbal hl rmf"l t" lhe" healih ...d full de ·
Ih~m in 11I~ it dueJ lim• . The 159 eou n!ric< rep"'- "e lopmen,- Wi,h rhi, in mind . all
sID~ry -s- os somelhing .e nled - 71 of Ihem by He. d. of Sial"" ,ho" ld " 'ork 10 end . uch
51.'e or Govemmenl - >lrung ly .hild labour praclice. and ,,",c how
U /ljustifiabf~ under allY
endor""d lhe Con"en ri"n . The y lhe condi lion. IOd drcum<laocc.> of
circumSlanus. j"inlly <i, ned a Wu, ld De<:l ,,"tion child" n in legi,imale employmcnl
on 1M 50rvivl1. Proreetlon .nd ea" he prolec ted 10 pro_ ide ade-
l)c velupme nl of Children and . 4u'" opportuni ,y fo, lheir hc.lihy
Pion of ACli"" fo, implemen, ing "pbringi"l.nd de"e lopmenl: "'!
the [)cclarariun in ,he 1<f'JOs. The voice of Ihe wo,ld i. fifm
The Deelanllinn i, nol l legally and cryMa! ek ",. Tbc re i~ no ambi-
bindin g dQ<nmenl. bot irs mo..) guilY 0' eqni _Q<alion he",. 11.0
r" rec i. de ar. The ,",,,rid'. leade .. effo,, _, I" eMoblish • oew inlem . -
agnx'<llo be guided by the rri""ipk li"".1 convenlion on lhe dimi n. ·
thar the e. sent i. l need. of cbildren lion of har.ardon. chi ld 1000"1' j, an·
., hou ld be liven high priori'y io ,he Ulhcr eumple of cominuing glohal
a[[Q<a1 i"" of "'''''''''•• in batl lim<:< commilmen1 and h•• UNICEF'.
• • ,",ell o. goud . They "mrmo:d Ihol full ,upporl.
.11 childreo muSI ~ I I\len Ihe YCI cnding hazardous child
choo"" I" ""realize Ihei, W011h 1.1><>", . nd pro lecling children . '"
in 0 . afe and . 0ppo11 ive envi,,,,, _ nol os e... )· ....ying you will do ....
menl ..."'" They v"wed : " We "ur- In addiTion. lhere :ore differen l upi,,-
sdve< hen:by make " .olemn cum - ion . amonl lho ,e ...",ki ng 10 end
Iw.ardoll< child laMur 0<1 how ~<l Any comprchen, ive a" "ck on
10 pr""ced. Some ~Ii "v" Ihal Iw,lll'l\oos child labOIIr mU:II ad V'olIl<:<:
I.hour Ih., i. 10 child"'" on """,,,,I fronts. It maSl aim 10' re-
hi' '0 ~ Ireated like .la, ory, i' i. Ic"-'" child"", immediately from the
an abu <e nf c;,·i/ """ p"lil;co/ most damagin s .i!Ualion•. ' <IOh ..
hum,," righlli >0 fundanwmol ,hal il bo:/nd(d labour and prosl;IUli",,; "'ha-
ma" s imply he oUll a,,',"<I ,,·i,hout bililale loose cbi ld",n who ore "'_
<ompromi"". (},h<~ see haurdou ' leased from work tbrough lhe
child la""u, a, prima rily an abo.. pn.wi.iou " f adetjuale scJ\lice• • nd
uf 'Minl ond N'on""'ic human focilil ie<.especially education; and
righl5. Whilc jU'1 a. commitlcd lu proltt[ " 'orking ehildnm who (·onnol
it<e=lic.ti"" in ,he long lerm, they inltl1c<lil lely be . making
lJC immcdiOie ly concerned a""u , thei,life as ufe ond Iscooduci,.., 10
pmt""ling ehil d",n", ...ork, r.othcr developmcnt IS poo.oiblc.
than Ii~rating them in,o coneciv, 8 u[ tl;o m""t im""nanl fronl of
.bly more difficull circum"a""",. all is prc"olion; ensunng th. , ,,,,,,'
Collcrom programme. 10 COnlNI
h. u rdou. and explnila,i,e child
lloour will hl" c lU dr .... from the
c>peni.., ."d uperiOIl<'C of both
gmcratioos of chil~o are Ill,lI driVl.'1I
in"''''''"""" ha>.o<dous foems of work.
Thetc i. I VISI range of i<lea.
abou! bow 10 !ad~ UnllC<:tplable !kIIook1OIdn-o pamJr........... ,10".
CI"'pl . IntOlerable form' of child forms of cbild IlIhwr, and a 1"'8-" and "-'J"'---''''''.'-
__ -
la""ur I re S<I grove abuse or growinl body of c>""ricn cc. The
human rights that the orld muSi fdI-~ "'rr.
problem 1< "" huge and divc"" th.,
com e to regard tbc m in Ihe "'ay il mulliplc Slrutcgic. ~ tI<tded. Sine<:
doc.' . I",ery - u ""'''''hing unjus- the 1990 World Sammi'. <M: ' 1.'>0 in·
lifiable andor any ei"'umstances. d."ri. lizcd and develop ing nIl ion'
The internlli"nll e"mmunily must have d","'n "p no,i"""lp<ogrnmrne<
iuv,," in pub lic «lucalion cam- of acti"" for m"",iog lhe \\'o<1d
paign, thll drive borne lhe ""'''"ll'' Summi' 1031•. C""" tn'" 1lC«l 10
lhat h. ,. . rdO\l, child labo. r ...ill ~ revie... their national p"'gramme< 10
..' u""""eplable in Ibc OC"' OCnlul)' eo,ure Ihal lhey in<:ludc provi,iQ/l'
as , ll,..,'Y h... l>c<:~ in ,hi s. on child I."""r and p,u lcCliun <If
Yel il i. e4a,IIy clear Ih.l . ny ehiMrcn from ha,.rdous and e>ploil-
programme of eliminalion tho, d"". alh.., lal:K>ur.
n(ll pr<Wide ",uQ/lable I ltemati'e. Any comptc hen,i' e au"" k on
flit child workers _ ...hich from child labou[ mull . Iso mobili,.c a
IUgh m"",1gn>ond simply caw lhem wide range of pr<>llgoni"" gn,'=·
0"1 of. " 'orkplocc Ihey had only menl.' and 1"". 1 c"mmuni tlc, .
cnlered duc 10 c>lrcmc povcn y _ r>(;o,; llIId spiriluallc~. employ,
wO<lld triggcr an . ,·.100<00 of ncga- Cfl' WId lr.Idc uni""". !he child I,bouc·
,i,e col\M'qnc""" . c~ Ihem",l""" and the;r 'omi lies.

S<lm< will be 111m' roolivated by pro- h.,ardoo, cllild luboor mu.l begio
,«,ing ,I>< child..... ,",-nlvN: Ollie... with ilS 10gi".1 .hemali.,,: high.
by CIlh.ncing lhe <:d"".I;"".1 """'..- </""li1)' school s . "" ", cdoel-
runities 1M! pnlYidc. "':Iy oot uribe li(lO;ll pNgr.>mmes In whicll families
<-y<lc of c:bild I.boor:llld fI""<'"y; and " 'i11 ""'.10110 ..rid 1hc:i. childmlllfld in
"ill o,he,." by helping ""'" lll<>blL1 ,,'hid! d,ildn.", "'ill " ..... l<l participole.
awarc""'-' of ,his fulI<I.m,n,.1 abuse 1k", am r4() million child....n l;>.l.
of human rights.. The impomol point I"~ the .ges of 6 and I J lIOl . " end·
i. "'" m., "'~ p:trticular <l"'",~Y inS ...,Iloo1- 23 J'C'f cenl nf primal)'
dominates bullhal m•• imum """"l'Y ....hool ' ll" child",n in <I<,v.:l""ing
:nl:mrr<ion ""' W'o<d '""'" rrnblom- «>110''';''' _ and 1"''''''1'' an equal
Rdi .hle and compa,.ble ....,. on nomber who drop 001 0Jf ",hool c.vty
,"" ultn, and n.11.'" of child ,.bou.- (Fig. 7) . IfaJl tha;c nndc..- Ill ... con·
f .'" a key c1omen, in the d fon '<> side red to be children, as IIIe Con-
:I dim,,,,,,. lhe problem.• nd effect;"'. vemioo "" lilt RighI. of lhe C!lild
, ",Iuti"". cannQI be f.,hiQl>Cd ,,-ilh· . til"' l" te.<. 1hc: Jigo.. (lO1 of school
; oo,.""h inf<>rm.,ioo . G,w ommen ... ri"", 10 4(!.1 mil1ioo. (If 3ll per ""'" or
• JI . o.nmun;l"'. N(;()s and UN . gen· lhat . &e &roup."' M""y of 1hc."<C chil·
A bry_IwW",.,¥l lu " ",.. _ des mu~ tOil"lher ""'ale • '~lCm of dren worlr, m:lny in johllhat an: dis-
loN..,.,J d:l,a roIlec1ion ,lui .... ill ~"'''Ilify lho abling and dangtroo•. Milli""" mon:
"U",ber5 of children now I.bouring arc trying hard 10 bol:rnce lhe de ·
in h,,,-,m:l,,,,. and ...plolullive condi. mands uf wurk and .. hoolitlJ!• • jUl!°
lions _ wbether on plant,'ions. as gling ..llhal JlO"" panicu].. prot>-
domo_" ic wort.,.,.. on 'h. " «<'S. in 1<015 rflr llUl<.
, "" " lSh",,< III in facluri.s _ and ILO. reneeling • hfmd """",n·
document the c,,"dit inn. "r thei. sus. Jak". lho posilioo lhat 1hc: singlc
I.bour. In thi, context, l~ panidl"- mo,t drcctive woy to ."'em the now
l"'l' learning aIWI acti"" lcchni</u.e>. uf ",hool aile child",n in' n '''''.,h'e
i""olving communily members in ... form. of employment Of w<n'k i. to
,'...~inll .rId devising so luli(W 10 lh<l e~tcnd .nd iml"fl""C scl\ooiin~ S(> lhal
child larour probkm ;n lh<lgl."" in· it will a'1.....1 "'ltd ",,,,in lhctn.'"
dum)' 0Jf ~1",,11blId (India}.are prov- !'.ducati"" and cllild I.buu, in'e<o
ing p""irulariy ••I"able . act profoundly. As ,,·e _no
MoS! key hein, Ial:en work Can keep children a" 'a)' f,om
fall intoolle of Ii.e c"'lq;urit<: rro- ""hooI. Al ""' .<arne Ii"", . JIOO""'l""I .
rnolmll and enhanl:inglhc: educ.lion ity cdUC:~lioo often eou... childJ"n to
.llemati",,; ""ilding "" n.lion.l arld dmp (lOt or ""hooI.nd Sian worlring
;ntcl1t3til)/UlleJ!:i.<l.ti"" and imp""" ~t an emy .ge. Good-<.jU3lity cd""a.
inll enf(><Cement: empowering lhe lion. on lhe uthe, h.nd. can keep
rnor: mabiJi,ing all 1"",,1, or _;el)' children ''''-:or from wort. T1'oc IOOgCl
IU "umbol Ih" ",pluilali,·" f<lflfls of ",nd belte< tbe oducation . the les""
child I"bour: and campaigninj; 10 lite likcl,huud lh.t • child will be
P"f>l""Jc curporaIion, l<l >how l!realor forced mtn darru.SinS wort,
re,pon,ibilily fur lhei, ae,i<n\S aIld l1lC COIwenl;"" "" 'he Rig hts of
""*' or ""'i, SlIbronI1lH:IOl'S. the t'hild in.<i't' that primary educ.·
lion rnu>! be uni"e,sal.n<I compul·
. ory. If llo.omment, deliven:d un
The power
lilt!, lega ! eommilmenl 10 thi•. the
of education
<~l<nt of <~ rl"ital ive child lahltu,
A "",npre""",i." ,tralcgy 10c"",bal w"" ld be signifICanlly redua:d. ' I'he

--1_ 1--------------
"How can [ study?"

In ,lie opjnlon r>I mlllY ~ 11I1 dJlld.M .h<>uld bolt III school until 'hrf.'"
15 or 16 yu..
old BIJfwMl if IN 5d>00Js.rtI ...-y "'~ .tld ....,..,. poorly eqlllfJPfdl And wtI.t If m.n ~
f.m/lm poor 1M' '''''/lIM ~mall ..moon/ll lImed bY chlld,.n "",_nfi./IO Po1Y fo,
th. fMMc ~1iH of Itv/tlg? Wh.-I ,bou,
child,." who J>..... lost one or bof/> /Mr.fII., WlfIt
whom do 1!Iet' liwH f:...." w/l<J,.
1lOIl11O""m"*lIM .rtd om., o,ganin/IOIlS Mt.blWI«i' ' lIe
!ICIKxl1s In I" '"sidenr~l.reas. th,,. Ire d/s/ressillfl numbolTS of cfllldrfNI who ",mply
o:.lInrn>t 10 110 10 them, Oth.n ....m;ngly warn ,,, wr>Ii;. or /I ' lent (HI """lurf doing thfI
SlIme """i ... IId ullS.

fdUQIiort pI.nn,,. tr.qu""'/y nk thl qUHrion: "00 WDriling rJrlld••n tull'l_m 10go I"
~r Rocem Im.~ wllh WDttlflfl child,."" In fUmgllldttsh cot>eIudil fill' v..1.ry.
tMjorlfY do MIll/O ,11tl1ld school Iml h..... clHrJde.s '/}O<Jllhfl v.rue ¢ fldUC.IJri"". as /he
following .yllG/>RS show.

oslOma,"'9" 13, began working Amine beePn _Ing to Gam not WO<1<. She ..... III,,,,, Nt"" .nd

T In •g..........., f8elo<y when she

_ 9 yeIn okl Now"""_
lib -... '"""" 10 go .. octood CO IIU<Iv
~ It \lie lIge of 1, ooIlec:Ungwastll
_ . Now 10. ..... &pen<lo. her ""VI
_i"ll _ Into..".,11 piu<;M!of
lour biotha... He< main duly II 10 klok
.fter lila employer'l 1.....1 child, but
she . Is o .nisll in a ll houoeh<>ld
__ _ &ntl
maIM EflOiOO. IlICllOOlh
proyIdod, conlllrUl:Iion pmfIICI5 on 0N0b. Ami,," choreL "II-. IamiI\r gos 011I. J\IIekhI
II _ad ,n !he hOUse. Julekh. ' -
.. very """"L She _ bteIk """'I'
would be ~ to.!lMd ...... In bn<:b. She _ not kn<>w how mud! .-.. aneoodad Ichool bacIIU911 01 her
the mOfn"'ll and wolt In !he aftM· she ...... her I'I'lOlher keeps Ir.lCk 0( IImlly's poo.etty, but says she would
nQOrI. wt., "'*ed IIbo<IIIhe benIIfit of lIl.-lhingoo. SomeIimes tI>ey d/Icide like 10II ~ __ poeaibla,
~io<I. _ _ rhot......... ~......, 10_ «:tal' peper ~ becIo.- Aum&,_ 12, wanta to ItUdy. Slle
10 COUnl and wr~. letlen. She would lhoO, hInc!s and fingers hUf! f,om IhIl lhUIbif sha"""""" an lldo.allorI sha
""like'" ._rn........ _.....,;r,p. Y-'- lind blows lhel happen """'n wwld be .... '" ....Pher _ _ ...,
gMI !Ilem a<M:a. And, .... - .
SIIu)Dn._ B. """'" 1<> llNlut With lhe bricb tweak in une><peo:Ied wa\'l,
lUI JJ>CIhef, b<<IIher _ grondmolhet Of lIle hamn'lllf slip' in Theif I!ands. "when tali of I!'IIfrleue isl/Olrlll 00, I
In -.:to ",.livIng. HiI m<>!IIeI'_ AmINI would liks 1<> find "'" whit! will h.v. aome1hlnglo "'1'," SlIe
. . . ~'" MfVMlI ar.d .., ... ,00 _ Is r.k<I, If ""tv _. __ -"" would liks 10 le.em how 10 Ol*lIte •
tIIQ 11 IoN Is llbout 50.ll2l per month. .,wlng machine. Then h., ..Iery
WfI<I III 1"'1' """" the minimal <XC$.
SII~j<>n ar.d hill>oolhor e<Mlec\ p1Mlc Shilpi 10 • u .yea,-oId gatm"", \IlIll<lldlliO'II,_"""'Ybodv_
b8gIo, _ _ ancI oct>ow ~ ... 'o"<Jrt<er!rom MWpui-, She Ioo.ond • job .. sutler lao. Sha ho!leo ohe will be ....
wtIlch !hey sell
_ 1* !»gIIll
-.:lIool .....' ~
n. boyl
• ohop for 5 10 10

MlIIior>. They
, ~ in• ....,......a ractory, Sha IoldI
!lie ....". lhaI Sf. produced ~ me-
ctdne <>petat<n. He< oatary 10-100 laI:a
1O!llID,' whIla 00f'Ilinuing '" ...n.

go Ihore e'YefY daV rur _al hoIn PIlf lIIOI1th. Sha says she would Iik8IO
.nd .... 1MrlII>110 .-.-..1 wnl• • The 1lU<ty but IIlIl earning • living" the
KhooI g/Y8I!IIem • .....,., of ,011_ IitIl pr\orIIy, "' haYe " ' _ ~ 01 my-
blI~ awrv dav .-.I "I che _ lIeIf. How l:lIn IsMly?" When a$ked
.-v b<>oIoln ~-.q>I_ about her future. ..... 1llYllstII wara 10
Ft.tkib It 10 ...... old _It now.· be'_.s.._I0 _ _...
Ienli'lg IKtoool alw loR lUI Job Ill' Ill,clling Olhe<l, She t.ughl he<
IIMmMI II<:IOf'\I !of bIII"Il undtr . ' y{lur>ga< bl'Olhe< \() ,pd, .he OlIVO.
RIIl<ib warns 10 .wdy. HoI - . Ju,""," is 13 year. <>kl and hu
. " 15IIKFf. f ll geu flOOd Ic>t>, I wlll be be\lrl. ~ worIler from tho age
lOI>Ie 10 help my molher." 0/10. Her fW>. is . ."",_ _ cal>-
_ 1--- - - - - - - - - - -
Non-formal education:
A bridge for working children

lob ~ -..-Ionel rikl/l&.1lratil'f

wkW, _ F'f<>jeco A><8 o/Iof5pri-
mary ochooI age, ch;kQrI ~
d . - 10 holp them IIt\lIl< tile ~1
IlySterrL It aIIo wgrl<:I WII!I1_oager..
wching eYeI','thing from dllIIc:. at>d
prine"", ~ to .......-N.l .....
do", ' 0 pruyide -. IrlIftSitio<l from •
"""* ~ lD.cilI(en ~ . aEDA.
"" NGO In ndIe .. l/lulr
lies opened 60 """""" lot 1......-
_ IlIIlou<en ItIIII """""MS live
-..oI _ _ into_
Other projects focus on imptOVi"ll
YO'JII(l ~ '*"'""-cyOt trlIlnIng
\hem lot • new trede .~. The
lJnduQo.I SocJofy 01 Kenye. for ........
f\II1lI fiYe Id-at fordIIIllren """" ......
lhelt Wing . . - ' " _ 1M ecIIooIe
__Ill. heK4evf. lQ eccommo<!.'.
hen llardol>lp lon:ed S<dIao ...... dlo'lllO the .-cis of 1he.-tot. w,,,l( IIClledul• • • • nd ,,*-err>pI-..

W s.un. "lIIinII_1D pull

10""'" l:"'I' eried
him IlUl '" "*'00111I<I put him
kong hoIn... . lIhop, "'- _
""(Ill LoI:>ooIr_ £<lI>t8don, -.lial ..
""""""lI opportun.... lordlilcl
--... is 'l'O<,M,lQO' llve8<llhtO<lgl>-
oile """""KY 1O ....- <:lllIc!ttln lQ
In~. the ENOAl1e", Monde
_ -old _......-v
bl!IfIrIo;. .. O<lI_ptOQl'8tIItnA The cNlltnge orvenilluon \&MI'oIOd up WI\h 1M
- '" my ~ my boa, ff"/ P/lrent&. • Is to malte 1C!>ooIl"ll eo:onombJl'I vi · MirOolry/or5m3, DotIiilkJpi,.« In 198t
lie ..-.... TMn . Ii8kl workers fo<- IN - . . ottr8CIlvo _ ~ "" wcwtinB '0 im_ ".,. oeIf_eern oIlMnao-
Balia Gram UnMjlll" SlImily "",joel chidren .-.d I!leO" fImIiea. girt. wortifIIl .. doo'MIIlita. ... _ ..
!BGUSJ, in ...... Wesr llengaI .... ir> MII!hodI used to pursue !his QODl giving llwtI professiooeI ~
- . . d end convInted hill perenl$1O ,,~. "'" v..,.. Ord<lf>ez of UNESCO The 1lt<I9......... '"'*- _ _ICY
let s.dh8n ,,<>1\ W(>I'k.oM..-..... h.. _ "Dowellyend_ non-lonnloI ~ lOIld vocetional .,.... ,"11
to ,e;"" thei.
srudieL Now ltIiRI III his pnmsryICIIIlOI ~ to lIl't o;hikhn I>o!P INo!heI'lg- d\enooe of ol:IuininlI belief Iobt. ...weI
"'-.lie..,... "I haYe. """" rote, •.,.,
Iougt> _ pUvl<ld..........
$a<:IIen iI one cI ~ "'.,riII;
worIunu c:lIikIrwn htlI*l oinclll!l93 bI' -_.....
....... """""" ~ or "*'" lhIIm....Ml
\hey '-'1(1 ........... <!fylOday1"l.J<e
BGUS, many prog,1lMlOS alm lot
.. ~ o n _...-.1ncIuO-
.,"'"A common PftIbIem In d8eling willi

worId"ll cIlRdren it /low ' 0 " - !he
9GUS,. ~
lion lNGOl .. T'f~r .1Iil,_
with II-. OwIstlan CIIlklren'. Fund.
_1l'Yt 1IaYe
Ir>g wotl<ing dlUd
aI bott>, ~
WJt!I lI<Iul:aIIon
poorut, wtIoeo rfII)Sl ~
III lhIIir own Ot Iheir -...y.............. ..
Il:hOOl ~""""""IIII>cillIe_
Throug/'I'WPCIOllIVSW" IhlIl ~ A lWO-yIlAr.old prog ......... lot cIIiI· echeduiooI end quaIilv "" "*im "'" . .
d>ooIlUppr _!lh~_. <htI_1rcm fII<tI>oI'l cao)lfII Jaao. -.beL ~lOIld _ _ '"
midday lIGUS $<li..-lhM 370 riM, opet'IhKI by tile U~1eQed """"""0 'he df""" """'" of ed><>oI......
chlklnln haw - . . llblo 10 qui! WOIt
_ «>nbnuo:t IhfIir 8ducaIion. w!IlIe 01>-
Chlllttlln's Educallon Prog",mme aM
the Asian-Ametbn F. . labor !nIIi·
"" welI_""'" aipIlndr; 10 ..... ,. . .""'"
l.... t;eo /of 1ost' lrw::ome, fofm iMpOt.

Olher 19cilikllen..- "9" 1~ llaYeol> llIIIl. """'" 0 1 _ prcgr~
.'lIedjobo: th!OUlIh vocational
IUle, """'" """ Io<:d lQduit'lg _ . """
of IonnloI nl k>rmaI educMiDn.1ts AI UloOlI--.ed wille Bai~_ _.,

Scc<_ of orvanir.uons """ilor to ibed hcJJIeUy.- n wtJV.. alion
bettet ' '*' ' ' doo. Gml_ Wc.ton UrOon. ""
~ cNIonn who IoeI ~ In II-.
lilt," ~he< enrolmenI in lId>oal or. _ _ .....,..,.,. .eee;", Inle boob_
BGIJ5 haw ilPfUlIg UP in """"'l \'IIlKI.
~ \0 Cf\!".,ood ... """1> alJ
....,.. "'" could he round ir "'"
will_ u.-.. WhII il _ . ___
IriYedunki", ........ _ 10 "'JC""'"-
au: "'" ~K'lI011 0r".1Il j, we pl
............y. IOI'd """"",,r.J pn>-
Il':lInI'nIn u ig alP O't" Ilw .. vr\d
IIaI ............. ...,,-., ...... _ a.IcI_ .. Mo<kb. A ,,~ u..prol'f-tIf'4t IfUJlk to
. . . 2,OQO two
AD)· "1""""_ ""* '" - -_ .i..CGli04 - wltt,htr b~
'-boi • Ilo'oI bmoI _ ,..,...
........... « • • Pro,oa:_
""'. . - .."""Iocr IIrdwl,in, u dtQ4KUrK trim", schDt1/$•
_ .~~...­ iRlIII > -..., '" m-.iYe b~ u tti", up rlWllirt tuuI
....., - . ""' 5 .. ~ MId lIciible "PP"*".... 10 cdxa-
•• I ' .... fa". -.t. wNn u.. ... by WJC"llI .....tint: ellil- jleriblt IIpproochn 10
.-:l01I. - U .,.. P llloipa "'" do... ..,.cllinlPy _ .,ill ......, • tduNlio" Dr b, l4'1t6",
~ . ' ..,.... F.odLioiP. po!Oilj.~ impICf 011 dild 1MIDur. The I"Driin, rhiklJT4 sp«iflCtJ/l , _
0S0l.. in ' " - lfowWj. ~ """" we do. Ilw:, ''''''., .-m he"'"
.....-:Iv.. .. 1NI _wclo.... ~ ..... WhoI ......... pownful j""nI_
".ill ha rt a politi", impoct 04
aI • boot,
»'ll ..........oI!t pt<lCIuc- I... could lhe", he? rhils /abour.



children ....-
..,.__ lid lmpro~jng
The 1990 Wllfld
lxuic education
c""r.",,,,,,, ""
b¥ _ 0lCP0t'tlI wtoo EdllCllI,OII for All. kid in Jom. i...
Ill,,,,, tt...,. _ . """",_oc,;

(T'h.oilandj. proclaimed rhe.-d for

o<hefr, I..... lhM JlIl>Of\dO _ ..... di.. n:e. n.. ihle Nl'f'II'OIlChcs within .
~_ """'" IomIIeoCOfl ollood lU
unified n.. iunol .~"cm of primary
~ ..... c/IildIon.
M ~N iO "" " O\Ii . ' N ' . ""
cd",... ;oo. TOKhieYc!lll.'..,.J <If ~u;tI­
Il'IllIll1Ild b¥ lI'oe Fodor 01 ~ of i'y primary .ducOlion r", all. cd""o -
llrIIliI_ on : I N' grWlI ...... lim >)'>ICn\' mu<l:
101110 10 1IU<Jr" .. r".... "g/"I d ilh . If """""",, ....
.. *"- '*'
d'IilcloYl nlJI .... to IItrIf;l and fl:U1in chikbal, ""'ir
...... ll.- _ .... aI odloaIllOf

-....... -----
.......,. ""'" 10 be a:n .. Idn_ by
.......1I'l Tho SctiOoI S-"III P<o-
_,0IItwdI_~._ bal h ~ .... chi"""" (PInolIO).

~ ~ 1M dr4"'. . .
""""'" poo< • ~ 10 - . 1 ....
o..c ~ ol o ~aP _
~ ~;" lhoI it limb
Ibo ............ 1O.wo-.ylik.
ofIo,"" ...... _nwog _ 111 plooo> .. 11m: _ childmo wed.
_ , pol' _ of 1M 110\" itdnlOS . . . . _ .. " t · .
. . .Sucft
' .... buclgoI. .. ir ..,. do __ Ctllldml be
lalI!Il ...... d<I< fJI worL-1*Ik-
.c.rty ~ Mel be advi$C<l ..
..... """'"""...
..... • I , '" ctIlIcl
• ... II <fli.
hi: • So
how 10 ~ rht 01 n·
GcMo, ............. .....,.
_ _ _ IOId ___
NGOI, ~'4""'''''
CWIdrcn 01>0 .-d 10 he taII.1lI
...... _""'-"llIM ..... _ - ee..nJ lire lb ond ...... beir
..... 1Nl . . , ,ID-*,,- ,",n rilhu. !lO tIw tbcy . lIfknIaad
h .. II 1."'.. . . tUno_ dlild 10"'- 10.... IIld wtw lhq
....... in prxtioc. ~ I n !OdIooollh<y do
1 ' - ,... _,...., _ _ no! I...h u. abw1 our nJhlS.~ "'Y'

'" , A_II*f_ LabIImi. [fOOl KolblT '4 JOU rbern
India. - We CIM<ll unlil l""" I"

-...........- n "u'_
fig. J Child '\!fI 011I oj $CbllOl: A COS! le• • abool lbcm. T" pml""t rapi d improve men' would prod uce
e nd I cellSe 01 child lebou, ""Ive•• "" e ne. d Ihat infQl1llalion bendi ls tha' wou ld now down. ,en-
ri&h' """" . - cr.l1ion ru gcn<:ralioo .
~ He ItION f1eribk. School< have III M<N inililli, es limc<:l ~ I dra w.. g
I dapl to ehi ld..n·, eitc um<lantt<. more c hild,." in'o SChool w ill al",
~'= •••• T1H: ann",,1 calendar and da ily help bridge the gender gap. RUI spc-

~- .
,imct:lblc of . ""boo) can be adjuSI<:d
~ 10 lhc """""""I farming cal-
rotbr in ille 1m:\. This Iw bc<.'n 01'ol: of
Ih<: .llIlegie. lI< by the Indian
stal. or Kellis. where. very k>w ",,11oo1
d fk m':l"u"", "'" needed ' u !>Ver_
come lbc w d al and cu hural harricTs
for gill.. High 1"""I"'f1;on; of women
lea,:he", WCfC fou nd "" he n UNICEF
,<I ndic<l 10 coun'ric> ",'lie.. ,Ilt fOnde'
drop-oul r.Ilos "'" morcbffl by low in· II"!' ;" primary,''''..,o l clII\llment has

. .. . . .
..C::: • cidcnci: of rn ikl laboor. nllTOW~." IlOlh lC:>che.. 1lId Icam-

. _-"',
School. also Nve 10 move tov.aldl
" in& IllIllCn..JS Ilave to be gcndl.T orosi·

--.- c hild ..n . pulicular ly in rulll.l ar....

Sm.ll mu \tigrudc d ..""" can bring
edueati"" within casy " 'alking di.·
tive an<! avoid "" ga,i.. "Crcul}·pc.
lboo, lIirh and ",-omen. Aeli.. cum ·
mun iry p;1lIieil"'lion in ,;choo l life.
~. A simplirlCdCWTiculum and l0- p;orIiculatly by "'WlCn. "' c,scMlia.l. As
cally produco:d lcaming malCm l. can experience in Inti", indica,• .' . ,,-hen
",,"'UI'C thai the bas;':. an: " 'ail>ble to poor wome n b<wmo genu;""ly em ·
'"'= - aU: lhe programme can be c"""hed po",'cn:d 1" la k. rotllrOl u.... thei.

"'= 1

• • •
grl>du. i1 y ove r lime. Tca,:hel> with
III<l<IcosI f<ll"mll! edllO",ion h.o.~ pnlV'en
'0 be df<CI.i~ when gi' en """,,"n_
mned pra<lloallrain;ng and fR:<jUCllI
in·""","icc upgn>dcs.
~" el i hoods :wd lboo;c of lhcit chiklml.
n:marltoblc e~es ,.:. .....
~ Ra i, e Ih, ,,,,,iiI} ud "at".
I"""hers. I':u1 ly bec.~ of lhe .ri.~
in education fundi ng in mlll Ydcvcl -

--- MoS! importan t. rig id ,rad i1iona l

1.""hin; ....dltld . mu, t give w. y to
e hild..:c ntl'fll I pproocbc, . Ch ildren
mO." <nj<»" M UClIIion if it
I""'crfol cffCCl.
i,", haw •
""'' lI coon""". the ",-age< and .talUs
of lu che ", have d imi niShed. espc -
cia lly "' ,h o all. import..,t prima ry
level. Th ••. tho q ualily uf leae he"
enlering ..honl . y" om5 has a l",
l1>c Escto<la Nueva programme in Ilcclined . Ma ny have bc<:n fon:cd ru
Colombia ucmplir. e l many of Ibcs.o aband"" lCa(hinll. l>r (0 la ke scetmd
ne.ible apJlfO""Ilt s. Th is .....,..,ful lUJd even Ihird jnbs . , imp ly (u ,u,-
prog nu""",. bringing <docl lion to vive, In Ihc", c1rcumstane"". many
"".1 ar,,,,' iii.... 1975. allow, child~ e hild",n do DOl..., ", hoot ... place
to be ebscruin peak agricul'nnl ~ri­ ,ha, will e xp. nd lhe ir ho ri1.on, . e n-
Ql!j ; p<lIfI><>Iel pr""'licaJ I7'\'blem· hanee their opponunilies or "uflUrc
solving ""he, lhan leaming by roI.; thei, individual Jl'lIC'l.ial.
and .. duces ."'IS by all.....ln& """ T "",,""" with negarive and MtlC(>-
rc..heno cove , five grade, in .mall I}'pica! ido.. need ,u be .. lr.Iincd or
"" «hooI, with lhc hd p u( ek:e l•.,j ", placed. Poor. low......1C or worting
M '" leodors (l'aro:l I II. children o(ten:>n: ill ~l<d and phyo-
~ G.. girl. i.,o , eAw l. T"'" lhi rd, ically lIbuscd. One ","' poosc. 5IIC«SlI.
of oUI·or·« hool c hildren 1<0 gifl ,. fUlly ad<>pIcd by lilt
.:uul en, uri" ! lhcu- Ctlnal parl icipalioo Rural Ad........"",nl Cornmillcc
""lui..,. ~flieu lar "" nsiliviW to ,;o- (B RAe) i" i., ..honl.' . i. 10 l'«I\Iil
d .1. ec",,,,m 1<: and c.11U1I1batric... 1"""1>:,, fr,>m the <arne comm un;ly as
A.' " .• ha" c seen. Ihis i. onc ur Ihc lheir popii,. :uld to ..n, irize litem to
mO." triliea! "",as o.nd u"" ",·h..." the c hild,.,.', .i""""",,,,,,,,,,."
Of""""",. ""'tUning ~ frnm $il billion """" 'hal i' ,.nn<>t
local""'''nwn ities may """'" """ ""'I' I"'y, In """,pari""". j ll.<' ooont 10 per
""'" lc.'" form:tl ll'. inin~. Rul """" are <xn' " f thal lnul ,",'oulll pnwid<: lhe
"",.u.'c i"",marion:>J tl.1tIIpll's 10 fl>!- cnsa ed""aliooa l resoU rce! n<:<:<kd
low. I'Jmbabwc. for t=rnple. xhievcd """h yur '0 give oil the ",gioo', "hit·
unh'. ...1 pimary .. hoo ling ".ry <In.... a plal'" U. -"'hooI.'"
quiri:Jy:tlk'f i~ byemp loy· ~Wo . re I.. p~d .- ",ill Alber!
ing ",nm ned teOC'!lm. It thl''''f"", in- Mberio. Mini.,c, o f F.d uc.. iun of
t!Uduct,d !he Ziml»h...., Inl<:S"'lcd the Cen lral Artie.n Re pub lic . · O n The chronic underfunding
Nali"",,1 Tc""her Educa'i"" C OU1'$C- the OIl< hand. the Gonmmenl bn<- of basic edu(f<tion in devt/opinl:
(". llNTEC). o four-Y""'roIII'!;O in whidl roW'; muney ' 0 ge' Our ed lle.lIon countries nuds 10 be ove rcome
ooly !he fll>l and I:L\J. I,,",," ;""01"" col- sy.."m 10 " 'nrk i n ord er 10 "
"",i.l a nd econom ;' dov e lop"",n!. on d is 0 motler o[ g/obal
kg" OIl"<I<tlncc, "'" ~l io Spen l aI
"""" in "'hoo l" ZIml'.c h;i, bc<:n On ' ho mho, hand. Ih" .. me oon"", concern and responsibilily.
'Ul,:~""fu l in """,bini",. qu.lity " 'ith OXpo< l lho Glw e m mc nl lO pay ~k
low ro<l: ,mining . I"""her thi.. WIly boTT"""d m"ney I" ng befo re Iho
C. n lie: <!on< ru r Ie.. Ihon half 1M OOUnlry hal< achicvod a ce rla in le,' .1
""PO"'"' of """""nliurlll ,m ning ," or de" e lopmcnl:""
le.rning n""erial$ with detailed 1<:<. Tbe Convenlion on ,he Righ ts of
"'" pi""" rlY<biII' cl3.""",,~n a.:ti\Iilies; It.: Child CJlplicid y spocifies in :ulide
. nsure thai teac""" with Il'IOdc<I f",_ 2~ thai S"'l($ fWIi<'s IllU>II""""'J1C ard
m.I "";ni"g p<!Jfunn O>«=i,'e ly.Th io c""",",,,11" inu:m..innal cooper;uioo in
"l'Jlf'OKh eould lie: ""Iuable foc mony , nJll'O'1 of dovcloping CUUIIlrio, ' of-
1">Jm C\lIIIIIrics. where m:IIIy prin1lll}' f.-1> 10 C""'''' :lOtt'.' 10 od""-"ion ror
""hoo l t""'hl'r5 Ihem." ,I', ,, h;i,. linle a ll l"hild "'n. lnlom:uiooal "'S""i,..-
!\lUI<' dun primary cdLlC".olion. lion<are "",,"i"ll in tho righl: diltttion.
.. c:."he/_ily'. ",!fool bill. Survey The W",1d Bank "'-< " gnl1i"arI' ly
~f1 CT su"'ey mtn,ioo$ lhe COSI.~ of raioed its lending ",,,,,I, for basic cdu·
..,l>ooIin&.. a nujor p<>blem for poor ""Iioo in the ' ix )'ea r5 .inc<: 1990,
fon ,i l ~ . F."" n wben ,he", "'" no ' u- UNICEF. ' ' ' II
medillnl-u:rm l:UiC1 io
Ili"n f""" ,here "an be myriad Olher '" double i.. opcndlng on b»ic cd""a-
ro>l>: for hool $ and .upplie.: unl- tim by ce end orlilt: do.:cadt,.
f"rms and shoes; lransporta,i"" on<! Thole...., ,ig.... ' 00, ' hoi bil.teral
lunch ; "'" '1I111Cf1'''''' III< I"", of !he aid dooOO'$ a re ">rI ing '0 pl:>cc •
ch lld '. incumc. higher I'fiorily on basic oduc01Ion. . 1·
Bask l'll"".tion lhal dele " c hild though wilhin shrinking o "e rall aid
I.bour mw;, be: f"'" " f . ""h COSIS ror budS.... In May 19'96, the- nevclup"
poor r"",ill<:;. BUIlhe n=l ror ti1lllll_ _lit A <Si<l.Utt Commit"" of <he0<-.
ci. 1,..,,,,,,,,,:.:>
pl<" ""'II beyond the gani.<:llioo ror F.ronomic Co-q>er.i1i<l<'
rosts " rt"""h<r>, ..,hnoI buildinisllIIlI ond D<:vctOfltnenl rOECOl comrninod
adm'ni".... i"". l1te eh""'ic unde,- itse lf W helpi '\l\ """'c1uping c,,"nlrie.,
fundi n~ " f ba'ic <:<I""'lion in devel - '" red~ ··.I>:<olule """eny" hy h;ilf
oping rou nlrin needs 1o "" """""..,"" and to ""hi """ primary c'llUCal"'" r",
and is • mlI11er of glnbal con::em :uld all hy ..... ~ar 201 5 althe l;nest
","<ponsibilily. fWI",u!:uly hoc"" .. of Inlport""'lhoosh 'hi' extcnul ...
,he 11<",,1' <kbl butlkn$ "" many de· <i<lanc:e is, i' """"""IS to onl y 'bout 2
" d oping " ou ntric< earty. For ."'m· per ",,"' of m. tOlaI spent by low· and
p l•. ,<ub·Saha r.u1 Africa p;l)" mom middle·iooome countries lhenuel v".
'h"" $ 12 billion in delll _.""""""'- on pri""'l)' <:<Iuc'" ""'. e.xlS"fVlIl,""ly
oh~". ""nually.nd ......'''" 'l'11..... i· ""im,u cd '" some $210 bill"", an nu ·

ally. In ,,' her ",,,rd•. de"e lop ing in basi<: oo",,",ioo. and Mal. y, i.
o" " n,,I., themsclvo . hove 10 m<>bi· "",rd' $1ZlI. On lhe OIher hanJ. Indi.
Ii"" ,be re, ,,,,,,,,,. no.,,,"""'Y to 'adlo irwc"", ju." $9 pcr J'lI'I>OIl, l'al:i""" S3
lhe: job tlu' lies ahead ," :md B.1ngI:IlIcsh $2.71
At rhe W"rld Conf" reno. on Govcmr11Cfl l< rnu" rededi . .. c
Eduoation fur All in 1!l9lJ. ~ov. m· Ihem.. 1\',,", to en. uring Ih.. . 11 ehil·
men'" promi ,ed '0 inneaR the d",n .-....:cjvc high ",!""lity primary
re",,,rces ,.ailabl e fur edu "a, ion . educatlllll. reg.rdl.." , nf .... x, geodel
A' rhe momon'. ,he sh" re .. f ,ho: de- or C<:lIIII>mic"at".. They can dn rhi•
• e l"pins ",o , ld', Bros< nar ion al w here noc<:""'l' by . dop< ing.n in·
producr (GNP) de vo,e d ' 0 ed ucI - cte menl. l appm. e h. • dd ing. new
tlcn c~pc"d ilU'" "'e'ag• • 4 iX'1 eohun .. r primary ",hool aj!e chil-
ccnt. thc ",mc fi, ,,re a. in 1990. " dren in p/nL"'-' . nlil lhe largel of uni·
In """" of ,he Ie",-" dovel<>ped CQWl. '..,.... 1l"',m,1'}' ooucation j; reach<.-d
tn es it i. belicved to ha. e d..,li"..d . in In. >l>0l'1 C"51po:<sible lime,
Ik llh debl burden. and "",olU",1 In Indi• . for ".. mple. ""er 100
adju.rmenl me ",-'ure, conrin"" r" d i.",ic1> are implemen' ing a gm...1
m.~ c il diffio ult ll> ed uca- "Pproa<h In Cflrolrncn, . nd relen""n
li"n ' I'" ndinll. Vet except for the in prim.1'}' sc hoo K ClI1!1mu nilic"
"ery poore>! c" " n" ie•. 010., re- di'trici oflie leach" ," focu,
",Uree, "'quire<! 10 . chic," univ"r· <>II en rolling . il " hild",o . ged fi,'e
....1 p,im ary edu c"ion could be and!'i, in grade I and in.,,,,• •;ng ",•
found with;n cxlslinll national hud· le nrion Ihrough Improved qu. lily of
gel•. A m id·decade reVieWof prog- Ihc cI. .... .. . nd 'joy fur re. ming·

" . , ..01"", ..
"", I>IJ"
. , _11> 101_ • ." "'.
~ "mad> '1""', "' ,... .......
,. ,.."~",. .... ....,, ZOOIJ. U...., • .m
i reOS in achievin, cd ucati"n for all.
held in Amman in Junc 1996. c",, ·
oluded thai as many a. ~ O of Ihe
o" u"" i" Ihat ha\'c nnt cnr" lled all
. he ir ohild ren in ><; h<>oJ ""urd do
thi~ q uire nlpidly if IlI<y mlldo: ben or
thmuSh &ra"" 0 . Thi. i, provi ng '"
be . prxlic.laod imp..n ,,,,, .,":" ,,gy
for pre"enli ng lhe cnrry .. r prese nt
.nd fUI"re generali"". inw rhe eyd o
of ohild r.bour ond poverty,
Inlem" 'oo . 1 ~cncic. and dtvel ·
_ ",,'''~ f<>r mood X"'\vl ", A'.,.,t u," of lheir resoIIrees. hy redeploy . "I' "",nl banl:,; mu" give lhe furre."
ing leachin~ " alT. ",. I1""alin, bud· I"'"-,i bre ' uP!'<'"In nat;oo.1elTon, to
gel< . nd improvi ng efficiency.'" "'..... brioh primary cd...... inn for.1I
And over . rhird of devel oping as an .hM>lule prion ly. UNICEF.
euu ntne . eomm illcd ," in· . lung ,,'i,lI Olhc, ;nL<:mO' ion.oJ organi.
ere... . pending "" ed <><:ar ion." ,,,"ion.... ha> ,.. lIN fur &OVen.nenlS tn
Of ow.... giving priorily lU "".... .. all""alc 20 pcr oenl nf the ir budge"
lion i. nOl oniy . ..... y of CQIIlootin, 10 edncoLion and boI._ic ,. nciol .<c,.
child b bour. ;, i,. stlUJ"d economic",. ' ·;cc'. .ond for dnnnr gnvernmcnlS 10
Vemll"nl. A<:<:<Jrdirq:: lu lhe WOfk! <In lhe . aIDO with lheir aid. Many
Rank•...., n1w'n on i"""",,""-"1II '" ""u· cUI1nlno. h","" already endoN:d Ihi.'
cation in low· and middle· income 2W2O inirialive - il i. a ,i mpre for·
oaunrries i, high _ lind "in hi~ for mul•. eo; ily ~ flCd. """ if the ",·",-ld
primary ,,"huoHng. romp,,,,,<lto """ . g<.1S behind ir. ~ ..",ld ",'nn. wonde~.
ondMy Of hign.r ed""ation. Prim,ry F1.. ic cd"",,,ion can be . f1i>rdcd if
<d"",,,ion.." '}" Lhe llanl;. i, Lhe 1;uge>I ~ is ma<Ie. pri(lrily."" the Co.>n=llion
single co nlributnr tn ...., oo<)""mio "" lhe Righ" of .he Chi ld demand '
gro....Lh '""" of 1be high .perfonn ing LhaI ir must be. We- say again. rhi. is.
Asi"" economics.1t The Republic of qllOS1Oln 001 of scanl R:SOlIn:CS bill of
Kn= inve<ls s1311 per pets"" perl""'" political el>t>ict Ir "",l1d .,.,., "'l$Ii.
m.I<OI1 Sf> billi".. • y~ar. "" Wp "f field.<. The BRAe ""houl day. on ly
,,·h.1 i•• lre~ l' spenl. 10 1"" ,,,..cry ,wo and a half ho...... ,2k.. inlO ac·
child ;n school by lIlc ycor 200l Thai COWII the <!:lily WId ,...,;ona) rIIylhms
may.cem.., .nonnoo. sum. Y~I il" ,,(lif•. Each .m.U schwl uni' of 30
Ic.~ 'h>!l 1 pcr cem nf " 'M t tho ""<lrId child"'n. 'wo ' hirds of lhem lillo. i.
>prnd< CVC'f)' }"'" "" ....".p<)It.'l.,. I""OIN! in ,he ... ighhour1>nod. 1'he
I.amil\l cOIltenl. whIle bo.>ed OII lhe
Reaching working children "1:" lar primary c..";"ul om. cmpha.
W",* in~ "hild",n them""I 'e•. ,,'hen ' iUll pr:lC'ical skill' for the child...... ',
li,·..n Ih. opport""ily '" . po. k. h,,"C environment. The: school ;ml""C' no
""dct>londably 001 shown g re. l en- cbargc "f any kind 011 parent>. Tile re-
'hu,i..,," (or rel uming I" an ,-due.- . ul, i. oul<landins. wilh complelion
li"n . y" . m Ih. , h..<.-.I ,hem in ...,.. of ....... 93 pe, ....t fOO" 'ho lh...' C'
,h.. firsl piKe. In Bamako ( M.m in )'Cor COlltSC • ..rt<, which _ child..n

1995. CJ\amplc, ,,'ortini children em.r fourth vade in ,he mairu;tn:arn
r",m 21 cltie. in 9 We.. African primary ""hool, " By mid·I9%. QYCr
c"untr;" c.m" l<>gelhe, 10 discu," .1O.lXXl IlRAC schools "-en: "ffmng a ,i'nal;on. They denau!lCt'd the bal;~dlK:~liOl1 Ofl\'lOM uni,y '0 <1"""
inhum.n .n<! del!",din~ ' ",.' m" nl I.. I milli"" B.ngl.....hl chi ld"'n. in 1...-",;"" II"" ,,""pont of lltr ,1riSJ Iabr_
Ilw "","y child "m e", moci'"ed hu' wban "-' well.., ",r.>I ~"'"
II"" affirmed 12 ho.ic 'illh" 1o im_ AnoIh<' sue...' .<1ory. " hkh "p" _ .1. _ .,*,-,.•
~ --""-_ {f""

pm.', thei' lot. Amooll the:", "'''''' plies ma ny nf BRAe ', me' hods . is ll~'rcu'"""""" -fi>t-II ...... ~
_"...,-11.. _ _ """,-
- Ihe righllo he laughl' ,r.t<k.·· ,·the tb< Fl a ", h a n~ ; pmj« ' in Indio ',
righllo """u rily " hen ...",kin{· and Una' I'nd".h ".,e. Thi' cOle", for
*' he , ig h, Iu pl.y... ....ilh ou r f,icnds 0·. ..' 3.500 POO' " ·",king children
on S.,urday~ alll! SuOOoy• .* The from lbe J""'",,H:a'te familiC$. moo:
rigll! '0 g" I" ..hool .. 'bei, primary ,h.n Iw" Ihird. " f ,h.m gi,ls. The
childOOod .cliyily .....< not lJOe "f I'",j,><;, ' okc' in'o aceounl ,he con-
Ihci,ch<>scn 12." cern< of pareUI, oOOnl lru" ing thei,
S'udio:> "hlmol childrl:n in flrowl Sir l child,.o rc the care of ' o UI-
and l'ar:<guay ha... shown 5im)l", re- . kk...·: Ie"",ing etnl"'. am infurmal
...11>. with """'I ..yinl they """,Id and <1"", lu hu 'n.: hull'" art n.~i·
tath<..,. C<lI1tinue ..""'inllhan go boook hi. : l he eorricnlum I, ad'pled 1<>
lu ""hool.'" Af,e, experiencing darl- 1«01 coodilion,: olll! 'eKhe"" rom<
geron, fn.'Cdom 011 Ih. 511'tttJ;. 'he-<&! from 'h. same C''-''e ond panici"",.
chiklA.... an: the lcasc likely 10 ~ in ",~o la, ;n·""""ic" tr.ini nl:.
to • fom'al c1,,-, ,••uing. Thi s Chi ldren mo"c f,um Ihcse ""bool.
mok< n all the """" dimc"J, lU mee' into ,he m.inSl,,,.m hy IOking Ihe
tht ir «Itl<'3Ii<>ruI .-s. 1101., primary hoard .,<arI,ioa'ion.
AI"",,, all .ucmp" '" hring cd,,_ E<!uc:>,ion Carl be lak.n to chi ld
c.,ion to woo.-;nll child"'n lui'" llcen ..irl:c",...,en more di=1ly. l k idOl
through """.furmal pruv"'",""". in· of the '.""" cdue a' or' has bee n pOo-
dependen' of ,he cd....'llion _y'I,·m. """"'d in u lin Amerie•. though i' i.
O~ of lhe: """ k"""'" i' lhal of !lOW boinl: o,.,(ully 'm;I",-d all ,we,
IIRAC. which c.utr:< 10 pool" o;hildl\;n the world. In 1'\:1\1. UNICEF suppons
aged MIn 14 y.""'. Alll>ough noIl .- o "...,1 <'<lllC.lur projeci run b~ Ih.
bell«l",' a proll"""n.. for "'orkinl N.,ion.1 In" iw' e for Fami ly W. II·
chi],dn,n. il ~ize.' !he ",olily lbal lItin!. The 54 educolor< make CMllI<:l
poor chi ldren <kYo,c • tnlljnr par< " f with succ , ch ildren. helping tbem
lhei,doy lO """';';ing .. bool< or in the baek in'" sc"""I•. o..i-,'inl[ 'hem in
_ _f-- - - - - - - - - - -
Escuela Nueva: Alternative oIlllllrslil"""'" dn:Jppe<l out.
1lIa _ l I g u , " ~ IIJOY'"
learning for rural chi ldren ern"*llllUl!llor un/Vemlrural pri-
me'Y IldUC3Uon""" 'apid g'owth III
ElocuoII~. From 2,000_1n
1982, 1M numbo. sl<Y-rocl<elod III
"Im..-I 18.000 In 19139.•e...,h1Jl1I
900,000 n.I,IIl childr"n. Tod-V. lhe
COUIIby hao OVWI 10,000 EN oc:tIooIo..
TheIr lmjMd !\as - . olgn1lic3nt
'Nhon ~ wilh 8lU<lentI in reg-
ula' """""la, EN IlU<len1. ha""
""".ad higher on echr.vem..-n e"...
a nd lhown Imp.owd MI! ·etI .
~ ondcMebeMYlour.
EtcueIe N........·.IUOClIII"' 111I . .
..,11 of a no ml»f 01 inllOYat/onI,(n.
duding multigr8de ~ dctelltd
laldllrs' lI"ldfll and III5Of\ plano .
oon einuing luehe. l,a1Ornll l "" SU·
PI' vlslon, and InYOlve""",1 01 lho>
community. The ... I. one lnstruc:to.
_ oneclawoom lot children 11 .U

f"", ,*",,11 or p"me'Y o<I""al1o n
Muh;g,. dfI claIM. mI~" it POU, ble
10 have • compl". prhna"" Icl>ool
_ 1 0 children's """- In oporMly

0lom tHa•• Escuela Nueva (ENI moliv,l8d do. Too oft...,
rela l,onshlp. TlwI 1_.
""publed ,u.-l ........ They .Ieo
char'II" tho ir'llimidllrng l-.pupll
more 01 a laeilirllOf, and me ltudenl
C . . - lIIOlI,amme il" ptOOf<IIM
IIadI>I8. "",,~ior'IaI ......
catIOn can gal rur.1 child ..." into
lC!>ooIing ,. nd. to be .u[hotil.,l""
Inflo. lblo, ~"""'" """ ...... _ lie
to chlld,en, pe rriaJlar ty girls. Add to
a "...,...1oK1I....
Uoing easy-w-Iollow*-' guidM
p'ePll,rld 10 II'Y' d"lll,en an Eme
ocl>ool and k.." tMm thar•. MQrfI \hill til<! pr_ur" chi ld ..." 1_ Irom role In learrlil>g, "",poll progress on
1111n JUS! • mettlo<lolOOV. E""".1a Iam~1es _ who. es.,...ll1llV in ",,'" thei, own""" with II>I.... p 01 oklo,
Null>" (um InlOgl1l100 and_... .re••, may bIo _ p\ic.11 . bout Ihe stvden\s. leIlmlng Ie ~k: rether
n.nsi". Iyslem of cumeuillm devel- 01 odUC'lio<l and OJl8ll .bout lhen by rol. afl<l 1nYo1.... pi... aOO
opment. I_h" " alnlng. adrn;";s. wWllng thol ,,,.. , chIld,,,,, we<. group study. wrlh an oml)haoie on
,..11011 Irld """""''''lV mobiHI'Iloe>n, _ _ rnon. And \he 1NC!lers ofIen prll<1icel "IlPlrcMiom ern! ""IU'I.
Co&ling only 5 10 10 po.r "*",, ""',. ....... baso;. ~ic: oklllf. lKlJIlPnw T_ rs. speelallV I"'''''''' to ad.."
than _ntlonal ~1"9, i\ II.. 0IIt ol..noollO worll ~ an if· IltISOnI 10 the dd"',,,,," I,mound-
'h.matl<oalfy lmprowd the kNIrning ' .....ible CCl'J.... lot many c:llllcl""'. ing.. elb ,nto oonlld.flllion IUbjeets
~andlllel""'01~ To h......e ".,.;tive _Ion ~ liI<. local lopogrsplly, "lI,IcuIt.... r<I
of oftoo forgollen st\IdolInu in ru..1 r1tnee, studenll m\lSl believe in iMigenoul c:ustornI_
...... oIColo...... It>ernsetva end be lIuloXtlby INCh· I't amotion .. Ihoxible, nOl au ll>-
10> ill rwo decades oIll><istenc:ol. EN I rs who .,,, confidflnl In th&i, , olf>. moll,:: studentJ _enee """" ......
has gO<l& from local . ~ peri"'"""10 Children Mu$l leeiluppolted by !am- lI"'de co th. nllCl onlV when Ihey
nMiot1oIl policy. • • fully inuoofuo. IIV end communily end. PI""'''" """""'" "'" adllClllro",,1 objoawee.
ing ,nnQV..,lo n with", lIIe g... arn· m06\ ~ ""joy ....... inII. This ........... INn lhe ""~ fi.. ,he
ment ",11ooi netw<>ri. to ...rve rut.l As _Iv lIS 10 yelI'''''II''. hollof tlm et8ble ot lhe dlilclren. benollting
""'lthn. CoIom~'s Mill .."..",.. did nol oil'" _lowe, learners end clHklnln w ho
II COnvtlllional ~,jllll
railed in rullll_, ~ is W"'188 01 its
inablr,ty to eapdya .. ~ . Qau.
rooml, I>ooU and ""ppU. . don~

_01 7 _9_
complelll pri.... 'Y fId~ion. rr/ly·
live per celli 01 children between 11>1
O/IIqua_ 01...
1(1. 10 l " yeo ,-old. in tho counuyoicII
must I.... llChoolllu""ll busy "lIn-
culturel ee aso'". In lIelllf~l, pupils
how mo,. ole voice 1"'lI."ding Ih."
ed\lCllllon. n..., rnonI1OO'!heIr own It
mak, a school - wiPing puP/isand hid ' - ' tnende<l td-'- OnIlhlnl lende""" Imd cerr eomnlurUcel.

problems anel c"""",.... th....ugh
tUlltlMllon bc»(n loc:MlKl al the
obI.;nin! m,die.1 care and '''won·
..-The "'nIOspNlO olIO IIf\COU,-
;ng a1t,"'pI< 10 rein",!""", 'hom with
tlleir famili es. S<l far. thcy ho....,.....,·
"II"" learning. Mo... Inln IItSI 1 eCl'O'fuUy n:integnu.<I 1,200 chil<ln:n
col...";o,, 01 cl_room.. the into ""hool•.
_ are vibrant COIn"". 01 """ In ,he PhiliWi""". NGO:< p:lnici-
IrvitY 1hel include ~ d<nino- p.1ling in ,he National Project on
""""" a<><l WIlOl>'<>CInIS. ,ud,,,, S<n:<1 Chi~n how "w'''ed .. ~. hI Br azil, Proj eloAxt htu
grounds .nd <:ommI>/ltly leollit/es.
Ii"" e<lll<allon "r:uegics for >t=t and
a(h;~v~d i"ttm alio"al
"roon " ..".king child",n. Scheme.<
ElICh hat • ..,..,. bbrery en<! OIo><tv ru ognuion f or us ;maginali"e
",nging from 'mohilc ..,hooh' lu
""......... which .... a'rallll'ld by
wbjact a<>eI dia$>ley _
..., min.
'"Itt, ..,1>00'" to 'bad·to--oclwol' educational "'ork ",i'h (h~
progrJll1me.. h•• c ",,,,,bed """. slrut children o/ Sol"ador,
.., <lIhet lopjo..ralaled ob;tcts.. 60.000 .<t= t and wur ling child...,n
G<><><1 oom""",ity ~ .ra across D ,ilies and" municiJlO.lities.
lIllhe Man of lha EN ll'1l9'omme. I.oeal voIlUlt..", and SltC<1 cd.......on.
Teeehets nlreined 1<> bola1... l....
incl",,;"!! former Slf<Cl childn::n. WOI1:
Iuming ~ by lrrYoM/lv .,.....
""'" 01 $lVdent•• n<! 01IM. """1- alMJ;<itle g<WCmmenl u1T'clllb in ""'.
munirv members 'n ochool ee- nin, th;: prup;tmmc.
'Mh.... The och<>oIlib,.rin S10d In Brvil, Prujcto /Ju~ """ achieved
....~ Il\a egt\cultural calendors international =<>gIlili"" fat iu- imag•
...<1 monographs lh", in.,i"e edu<:atioo.1 "-..ri wilh the
bilK Inform.don on l<>cel h1A01Y. >If<el children of S.I.oOOc. lIScduca·

geogr"fllly end ""...... Thory lI<>u- t<n .,'" a.n afllllO"Ch called the 'pI,da.
ble.lhe<vI_. lOIeommun,ly mf<lr.
logy of dc.i,,' to cnable !he <hil""'n
Th,ough • Iltong etu<lenl· to male plan; for lhe fntnft. wl'h e
govemmem PfOll... m..... - In mosl ,hing." ... y' A.~·.
whlctl eIe<olod .. Io<lem COtIncil rOllnder c.._ dc A",io L.o RtlCca,
membors decide on oc/Ioollll:'1M- ~i. lu .Iimulate lhe <hild to dream
lin _ EN lICho<>lo Inuodl>ce dll~ and ...i.\I>, aod to offel" number uf
dren 1<> \he Iel. .. of <lemoc.-.:y concre'e opponunitlc.< to help Ihc
ond fOIl.. Illitu<lM of coopera-
child rcali,e ,ho"," dream...." Chil_
tion . And by blum"ll ttMl boundaty
betw-. ocI><><>l and C<>n\munitv. dreo ntJI <mly Ie.rn lu ",ad and wrilC.
EN flh....... lOme of Ihe .ittIe,1or They ean ...or\; While thcy ",udy.
_ , e chd<1fen IW wI>en I8cod .ilk-oclttniog ·1' . hirts or making re-
wIIh - . _ and work. cycled paper prodoc l,. and studying
Through III innoYlhY1l ap. io A..·• lileraey programme. They
Ploadl. EN " . lurne!ll/'ll Iredi- CIUI nv.n ""Cfl(/ A.~·. citeu, ;chool.
lioNllll$a<l>'~ 01rural area
wile... lhey le.m lu juggle. • Iown 01"
1010 Mt.Ianl/lllllS --""-'Ilen<l,
II"""" _ . _ with I\lIlu", fly on a tr~pelC. "Life <.\II lhe ,,=,.
"""''''unlly C<><\1IoC1. 1/ keeping i, risky but .1<0 f"-<dnatina:' oay.
ehUdran I" td>ool " one 0111>1 M" L.o Rocca. 11>cliC l id , .... "sed
boll ways 10 pr...."'" thom I",," to ri,k. H,,,,. "·e "",ale pI" itiv< ri;J,;,
h&'ling 1<> worI<, EN ila m<>deI ...... .nd ch.lleol\<':' A.~ h., Ile,n 50
him lor irnprovI"lll/'le I;v. 01 , .ueee ssf.l thaI il i. now lra;ning
m'_ o ,her NGO., in its methodOI"l!Y of
" 'o rking ...r,h ,tr.. t child. . . .nd
1'_, c_ .... •"'......... wilh lhe municip,d gO"emmen! ttl
omIiojI,...",'" ... 1-" _ ,~""u Iry to l'f'C"e.1 child",n ",",hing the
1"'_"'(....-. .......l< in (he firs, pl:o«.""

Loo.:al SeOUl ~rouJI" . wilh • rdng" u f foTnllll and nllll·funnal
UN ICE F ""Jl!lOfI. provKlo w«,lIy lil_ .pf'l'lJ'iChc>c
.nocy .los.",.. he3llh .. "'~ and ....,.
rali...... 1 lraining to 5l>IIIC I~ WM -
ing childre" in 311 induslrial an:. of
Alexandri. (F.gypll; lhe model proj- i UM a" the C""","";"" un lhe Rig h,.,
"'" h;t., ""'n rq>Iica'od in Cairn And of the Child M; laid de"...n in in.. ma_
Th~ choice in / act is nOI in SI. Pclcr:sOO~ ( Ru" ian Frtlcr_ ' ion.1l low new .tandards lh:Il nation:ll
strictly b~IJo'f!~II specw { ",ion ). UNICEFha., <:<>-funcL'd a """- gow-mmt!ms mUSt Slri"" l(I ........ <0 a
funnal cdllC.liun prtJg",mtn<: f'" cou"try', ~ I code nt:Il<e<:lIt imp"'_
non-/ ormal programmes Mlttl children lhal "",. Ide••helter. lalll """cmcnt.bout ,,'h:I, ""ciclycon-
and the regular schools. rt&ul.r meal ' and Iro;:;<"" for lW<" siders It> be ooccptablc bohaviuW". All
FfuibiJiryis lh~ b y. 200 c hildren. coo"tn c. shou ld .M. bli>h . Ct>l><rcnl
Educalioll is more li1«'l)' 10 It i' """""imes ...gllCd lhol non- ~, of ch ild iaboor la"' s bolh ,,-, a
formal cdurali"" prop-ammcs "'" . tol"""'''t "f inl...., .nd ..' a spring_
mttl lh e nttds o/ ,.,o rking somehow inf.ri",. BUI. ;os ...., boon! fur their "'iderdfum.
children ifil reachu out to """n. many arc ,•••""•• ful: OIhc' non_ Aomhel ,·h.llcnIlC cunfmnlin g
lhem Illrollgh (l rong~ u/ fom..1appr<IlIChcs na'.., nOl y'1 """n g" \"em men« i' to cXlend the :<c<>pc
fUll y tried and tested. And ~ llull of IlIoir ~gi,lalion '" inc lude 'hoe in-
rail tlo so in p.1n \leeau ". lhey h" 'e fOlmal sec"". s
which • • Ihi ~ rc pon
locl;ed lhe nt'Ce>.<llf)' resoo=.' in lhe ha. con.i"'enlly , hown. ocr ,", ","
ri... place. fn, 'he va" m.jnri,y of child
llrin~ing wor\ing child.en imo lhe . M u. e indu~i "e legi.l.-
main>lteam of lhe eJuolIlimaJ ' )'>f0ll lioo wuald nol by ilse lf 1'.01.."
i' ..,n ain ly the """",11 <>bjcc'i"". lhe .. c hildre n - no labnu. in,pec'
A lt em a, i ~ prClg,,"nmes do nN ,..,. In'a'. cou ld .n..', all "' ral are"" '"
lieve gO'..,"'II1On.. of lhei. obliga- monim. condi lio,.. fur child.en
'ions. lI ul $O f.... 1J\Olj ' fonna! MIIC.O· "'o,kiog in 'hei ' OWn hn m« n, as
linn sy. "",,< h:I"e J'fO"M ""i"an, l<. d,,,o ,,,,,k. in mhe", ·. But , uc h leg.
:&dapling 10 lhe dreum"onces o f i.lalion would l""" ide.uH>lhcr b<1K:h-
worI;ing children."l'hc 'ed ucalion for ma rk from wh ich the allilude ~ of
air e«on has Iended 10"""""",'r.Ue on _iety could . pnnll. It woald .I so
~,nimaJ eJuolIliooal "l'PfO"Chcs. help e.<lnbl i, b a kgal f,amc wor k
",hich hyp.1.« l h ~ c hildren "'hom wilmn which """'icc' wch IS """, .
lhe ' y" e m h... pn:.ioudy f. ilC<!. An munily'ruo e hild ea"" cOilld be <up- UN mi"ion to """Nan. plied. all,,"'i"ll parco .. ,o goin an
f", eX;II" p!e. found Ib:tl ,. ,."" :!O mj[· incootC wilhoul bcrtlcning lhei. chil·
lion c hild"'n :uId young people. d"'" wilh lhoe ",or!< of running humc
a!ll"<l$l 1" '0 Ihil'lb of Ibo>e. woo will he and y.
in ,he age mnge o f 10 10 Ig yeOlr'$ Oild labou. "'as sharply 0.... "'...-<1
between I'.l9S and 'he e"d of the in W.......... c oun l~ ., Ihe beginniog
dende. h,,'. olteady miSS«J primary uf lhi~ celllury In fill" by combining
schoo ling and are grow iog up ..inu · ltgi,I"'i"" and i,. eof""",menl ",ith
ally ilIitera"' ." . ompul;ory prinwy .....lIOlllion. OIhor
'the choice in fact i.< IIOl slrictly ..... ;mpuno m b clors iod udt'd a rise in
t"'ee" ~"ed .l noll-formal pm- family inrontes and Icchnological im·
g",mmc, and the 'cgula' schools. proveme"" ""', tJl.lllk ch ild",n',
FleXibility i' lhe ~ ry. Educ.,illn i. l.bolI, less useful ,n ,·mp'uyers. But
mare likel y 10 meet the.....'d< of chil- lellijlOlIon had an undeni .b1. imp61.~
dttn if il rr",r he ~ out to locm Ibrougll f;<r beyund tlelt llTlIC'f'. ll.\d new Mall·

d:>rd.<...:1 ch;mged nRillldes ,""russ ><>- 'lIOling deb3te on the i.., ,,,,. A ll00d
,·ic,y. l1k".'" in lum prov ide<! - . nd . n m ple of leg.islali"" b<:i"l1 u.' Cd in
»lill pwvid< _ lbe be»l in'orarlC<' ,-doc"',,'......
Ihi' y como:s frum Br.ail,
ogailb l " Mum'" high 11...<'1 , l>fch ild " 'here c blld"'n ,he <In...,
I3bourin indu>lri3l ilcd counlri<s. w. re eonside n.-d """"i. 1 " 'elf.", m
M"", n.w nlly. Hong K",,~ ho., publ" <ccnriry problem:rnd de.m
providnl. llIJluhlc .""ctS.'I "lory. hov- ' delinqucnt' . kl he flll)ndcd up peri_
inll all bul .I imin" ed ch ild I.boor odically in pol;"" , w"" l"'. In 19lI2. ,he Child labour lI'as n duud in
Ihroollh, Gov ern"''''' 1 and lJ!'ICl: t·looncbcd Wes/em coulltries in pan by
.. I'tl\ur.r.nd pc",i>!enl inspecl ion, lbe Ahem.ti", SeNk .. for $t rttt
try lbe Labllu r lkpartmcnl. In 1986. (''hihlreo I'rojecl. ~ild ing upoo exi...•
combininK legislation ond its
""'" 2.5().m o inspc:clillns ,""cre ~ ing NGO.od commonity initi. ti"e,. etiforcemellt ,.'ith compul!w ry
nut in roo..,tri.1 .nd oommcre iuJ ..· Qild..."' ntrcd p"lide, .... '" dcv" l· primary education. Other
t:Ib1i, hmcn,s: or><d. :and <ltttl childr<:n bepn III be factors included a n'se in
.. . pxial annual C1lIl\p;Ul\R-' 10 deLeel :setll iIlo ;o<:li". and ",£p"",lbk: .!'CUI>;
ch ild c-mrl~_"': or lheir (1"';0 <hIini..... fa mily incomes and
.. '"'lui ring " II ynu ng .. <>rl;m to lIy ,he I.., 1~ 11()• . il became cle'" technological improl'ements
cmy K1cnlily cards. wilh Ihc,r JIholl>- Ilw ;1..."" tI(~ etl( 1(1 rely on Iocol tllat made children'S lobour
lIf'1PIIs. thus facili""ing ""r",,'cmem: initi o'i""". S"me SOO 1",,"1 pro-
.. imn-.lLICing " 'elr... be·"di~, .
It st usef ttl /0 t mploytl'$.
l\f'lm1llC' . 'i.<I ed . wb"rc a. SO.llllO
ci.lly ." ", i. 1. ,,-,i"l:lnce '" poor rom_ " .....Id he ne<rled 10 <kill " Ith .1Il"""
ilies, which . «Illl:d • minimom nrllnn dUklrcn . ~ Gov"mmcnt had
inmmeand rcm'~ the need 10",Iy In loke on """" at"t"'" ""pon$;hili')'.
on d likllot>oor." .11<1 it did ,." ., . rc., ,,11 of. n"i'lflal
or c..... ""'. Hong KOIIII i< uJmn" do""", foeu'l'<! on lhe inclw.ion ot on
complelcl y orban iUld has a Ih, iv inl\ ank le on child righl£ in Ihe new
« .... orny. A mo re ch.llenl\;ng co.'" C""",i,oti.,.. lh: Go>"mm",u <Slat>.
wou ld be Indi• . leg i.laling child lishtd • commi" i"" '0 d"'fl lhc oni _
l>bour 00' of u i.l<'....., in Indio. .. in cle, A h.llC pllblie infO<'nlniiOll
:my """'r """,,try. would be imp'""i· ""mp. ign "' mOOili,.. ' ''pplln ror
bk in . 11<1 o f i1.""rf. and legi,l.tion ." ""'11 "'lflS,lloli"".1 1I0>ranl.,,. of
muM a h. .. y, be rwt o r a comprd• .-n. e bildr.-n', ri~ hl"......,.J. n.",nlting;" •
<i", .<ll':u ollY. YCl I.w ~ b.lockc-d hy :u\ pcliliOCl sig ned by owr 1.4 milliM
i""" pende nl. iDrolTUplible in, poe. . Ilildrcn,
I"r:ne would be indi, pcn,.hle t" The neW . niele nr the Crnl-
el'\;u'lging . lIi, udes to "h ild I.b" " r .• tll utio n. p..,.,d by Ihe Brazili .n
righ, ac:ros' IlIdi." lIOCkly. Sneh • COOllte.<.' in Oclobcr 19X8. rcad: " 11
My. wilb in' I"'''''''''' who " " rc I"~ ,he duty of lhe f. mily. " f S""i Cl~
hillhly ,.. lord in""ad " r poorly paid. . nd nf lhe 51>te to . "u re c h ild rcn
oll<l'"rtraincd . n<! ' .... "'·orlt<d. "" . , .oJ . dolo..c n.. . wi'b . bso lute
pm;cnl. wookl ttnainly be e. retlSive. priority. lbc rig h l tl> life, b<:al'h .
1101 it "boold nOl be beyond llle re· Il"IIi,ion. ,'ducal ion. n."",.,ion, ,"'-....
• 00= ' or the c. 'i"" of IfIlli>. li"".lprep.",' ;O<I. c ul' ofe . d ig n; t~ .
whith h:lS rcttI\lly """",.. ro!l~ «>n· n::>p.;c l. liben)' ..."J f"",il)' md "om·
ducl<.-d ;\fIl/ polittll a general .Iec,ion monity ",I;du ily. ,, "cr .nd beyond
"r "'.lSt ",.le. (M:rco,,,inll e normoo, m.king IMm from Desleet, dl, ·
lojIiSlicalond aJmin i ;tr~I iv<: proble1lls cr imin.tion . •• p loi'OIlnn . c ruelly
ancl poo.-nlial 'OCi.I,unnoil. and Of\PI'Cl',ion:'"
QUd labour k.-gi>l:>1ion ,,"" .1", be Thi. was fo ll....'ClI by the passing
• me"", l>fcdLJ<.ting poople ;\fIl/ pro- of the 51a'u le on Child ren . nd
---l_ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An agreement in Bangladesh

" J"OSlillltion - all 01 'hem mo<e Iw lebcur. elOtll of 'O.soo chlldn!n. Forty

impootorn O>luauve to p«lUlI:t
mild wOO«n Is unfolding In .rdous and .><pIo/taliw IIIlln lI""M"t P'" COI1t of tI>I children _ e - " ' "
~ ThlCQUnIrV'I _ ~ In _ a1.-.. lt4 ITIOII>- ll>o_or 10 end 12, _I>aIIIwKl ....

erlul garment indoIlry ill aIITIInkIlng 11- W'S at dismissed chllc!nH1 had to luve ori II'Ilion.
..., 10 _ <ImnwJi: _ ...-..'.. 1IWIir ;00. In arde< 10 look ",,-Iloelr <NI- With l in_...elll w p po rt f, om
by an iO _ _ ~ 1I/QroMI" 199f>. UNICEF. I'M) NGOf - Gcno Shlohjlo
The country is Dfllt al lhe wOl1d', Out of thil unhappv siluatlon and ShiogDlhe and tho IlinglDdeIh FllI<pj
""'lor !lan"enl ... pon".... er>d the alter lWO years of diflicuII """",,,0110<>1, _~t Commlllle (BI\ACl _

InduWV. whiell em""",* ......, .. .. foonal M...-andurn of Unde,....... " - ' - ' -nempling to lind ~ in
million workers. mOSl of them di"ll was dgned in July 1995 by !he IChOoIs 10, r_ chll<lr..... As o f
women, "Iso empl oyed cIlild labou,. llangladeo.ll Getmenl M""""actu<_ 0Ct_ 1996, 135 now od1Qol,oorno
In 1992. betw.en 60,000""" 75.000 of ..... E><~ Auoclation IBGMEN. ........ opererional and mora ,hln .,000
fill WOfIJon:e we", chiklren under 1(, ...-.I the UNICEF end IlO ofli~M In children werell'ltOlled. lllechiklren In
mainly !lim. !llIngIlIdooh n..
r85Ull""u ~ roooiYingpr;mery_ ...., . . . . .
no. ""11Inn __ illegally om· . . . to be funded by ~ til""" __ """"'" , _. lfoOroy and alTlllfll:l>V cah
ployed K\1Of(l"'lI to lIMiorlal ....... but nilillol1l. BGMEA lione hII con1ml!.. IIlpood to C<Knponsat/l for \heir IOIIl
It-. oiluIWn <:8IIIW.t rmlll elIenIlI>n. Irl lad ibouI S' mUiIon _,da thi w-. In addition, p<H'S(IfI.Il bani: ..,.
~Of all ........ urotil "'"'90'" ~ ~ of tho Memorandum counlI MIll C'odil ilociIitia "" IfIW f.....
"*11 rKtoriel beg-., to I>ido the eM-
a- from Uniled s..... ~ ." ~
",- Under !he terml 01 the .... jN"_~
kIUO' by pr<MIions __ !<lImuIIIIGd:
.... . boirog - up.
Tho 1u'Y.~ CUI en lha!ong-lBrm
off 11>1 chddrwl, IalIowlng l!II inrIaduo\.- off~ ollho MemonIndum of
lion of tIM Child I.abor ~ ...... Act tho remoIIIl of lOll ............ w<l<IoIrs""IOf ...-
on 1992 by US s..-- Tom H.wldn. 1M - _ boIow 1. - within e period emple. is wlIottI* .. nIng up spocIel
8<11 v.ouId ' - pro/lbled the ~ of kIUO' monIhI; a:hooIs tor IIfSIWhiIe t:hiId \Nl)I'QnI and

d>ild labour. Then . wilen SanaIot

lion Into I/Mr US of II'>'><!' IT\lIcie no furtho, hi,i"9 of undo, ·oyo
~ e pod<ega oIinoonuvasuct>
II mon1lliy 1Iipende,l>eeIII1 c:ao-e .....
Hlullin rttimrotb:ed l!II 8iIllhe Iollow- ee placomeol oA !hose. child,,," . . skilts developmlnt Is _ SIISlIinDble
InQ yaM. It>Itimpect _ lar ....... deY. mcwd fromltegerTTWllllOCfOrile .. rncdel tI>M c:ouId be eppIlod _'-0
-.lrq.lPffl'8I'I ............ <iIo, . J _<;>pRato ~.. pflr oncl on 0 IIfVIII' .... Ncru '" d I , lho
., eo\imaIO<I5O.OOlI c:Nldrwn from !heir grInVTWI WIIh _ mc:nINy supend; oventIlK1d irtllg hto thai lad up to tho
~ ~1!i.,.., cent 01 tho oItIlr of tho oIlJldten's jobIlO Momcrllrldurn mUSl infom1 Ih/I ....
all "hild....n 1<> tne lndl>S1ry. queliIiad adultIamilv ....mbofs. PfOICh 01.. lIloMeeoking toerornineco
Tile co qyeoc.. lor tho di, . n.. MimorInII\IIl'l 0/ Under- ~ ctolId Itibour,
Tho W<Jrld _ cIlIId - . . _
m~ ell and !hilt pet8I1lIWW1I Dnding aJ<PIicitty dif"""'" flClory
""" .,licI.-d, The d'>iIdI.-l ""'" h8ve -.s. in tho bost i_ 0/ th_ -.......gful all:a<M\nIa ~ I!>ov /IJOnot to
- . freed. buI al lhe ... me lime they <:lliIdNn. _ to diImiIo d:lid ........ """'" from tomII of lho ..... _ n i l
_trapped in .. l>srsto lIIIYi,oo.,..." ..... until 0 r.odOry ... ""'Y _ CQm. dltsigo old to tIfllp !him.
..wi! no $llI", IiIlIo <II' noedocadon. and pletsd ifill 1~"",1liw IrfIn{IOITIOnli
~_~S<hoolol __ C<IUId be made "" the _ chll<h<i.
,A In 0I'd0, to delormlno tho ...'o nt of
. . . . of follow -up visits by UNICU, ....."'Qlinml &nd DIlw f1II\dtMion
local ~","",1lI1 _ iUlion. fIoiIitioo; r-'od. 0 ........... of oil BGt.£A
INGOsJ ,,0<1 the lnl<'lmlllionOl l.abou< members' 1"", underte\on
o.g.nil8OOl1 (11.01<b:oYefecl1hM chil jcindy trv tho \flnle ~ in coop-
dren - " looking ' 1)<" ' - """<t1III '" ....tion wrth tl>o Gowrnmom of
"""""", and Ioond 1hBm In work""'"
lIS $Ione-crushlflll, SIre8I I>llSlIfng and
8engtecIesh. Tho ....rvey of ' ,821 flIcto.
rlIII round ltUIl helf ~ cIIiId
AOOI",o:UIl. in July 11190...'hick ... , 'alC'Mi • • «_.. ,,,,,,,'til. lD ID_
ebild llo/:Qw in lllc COlIl~~1 or ebild ~ poor p.. ocaw III prudolc-
nlhb b)' e.....y -iaJ """ Ib< .-d_ ....., ~ .,.j J<r>io:t... ....
r-oilbodUld_*~ 1lI_&he lIOlaju£ ..-...nil; Mld
............ udI<t~ .............. IOC1Il ""-'101I 01.1........ SIICh
dudoIlIlIu;c oIlllo CamiIy. Thr phft- " CI -.ol6 unoluooIlIt'dly bdp..,..
( IpIc tUabl~ Is 'dlildml flfSt·. ....... bodI doe <llpp/y of MIl .... ok-
~"'Jll"'dialcWIcmI'l . . - lOr tWd IIbo&
"PI> .. """ ~ "' .. B.I p:;><.- t.ail - ... CSfI"-

........ Ind. ~finl.ty ...

IXIIOlpC*d <'qUIIy oIlDaI
1Il ......1ciaIo aftd NGO 00
aa1ly dw. d1ildml 1lII", lIotm ......
""lltd . , IwMllou> worl - IlfIO.'d.
....... a f t diirKt ani ...... MIJIPOil.
CU_, J~" 0... I:ty ....,. 01 "'llJIOO'''''''
hio_(.ty ... Af ...... ~ r-diw;" IOpwrlhtm ...............
fully dIf _ ~ C'OIIIIciI< aI" ....., bao'r at",.)" id"ulfltd qu;alily
pmoeo:tJllj: ""'ldrno from ~ compul-r primary im .. &he
..'Oft< _ a:nainl)' tIot)' '-e ..... "'- ...... ~no<1"'r 8",
....-d lllo lOCCCOIily In en(om: labour ,........., UIhtr .....1' lIS...:lL
Ill...,.. And dll' Sl.IIlllle iJ lIIl<kf he~ Oro: .. 1lI IIIdfn$ 11£ p""'-e ~
~ rna ........ inu:fcsls llw "'- ""'" tIuI, ullen ",,,,1,,, frunl ebu.
""m inc"",;"". on ' hoir ';O<I.1 asse ....&<nd<r d ~ion apin<l
"'".. <If innutrw:. RUI ~ i< elear llu.l • """il l ,"",p. In Indi•. undtr rho
the k'Ji,I"ion. lIIld 1h< pIIX.'<:liO or en>' 7~rd Amendmenl «> till' Con., ~(uli lJfl.
Olin~~. h.., ' oOO.'I1 Il......ilian"", irl y lu c<>mmunily ·l•...,1 l u...,min, b<>d i..
• new bel or lie""'" ond .... 'ion. "'" l<>"""" """ lhird of ,.,"dS "'~

,,w,,I~ . 110, ,10<

".-................,.. . ..
ror won..n and I..,..,.,• poop lt . L~<f_""' ''' ''-'"''
_ _ _ tt-koo! ........
Empowering the poor whic h ..ill . iV if", ontly lwclp "' <or_
rccl lh<-1J"'¥e' Ilolm... llllhe . illa&<: ~ , ../01.,
, ,
4!fI< _ ,., ,...,..
As. ~ 1Io .' ~ .....,.,. ",,",'M Y _ and ..... '"'I.
lIlIrair advanup: rhot """'" pcClpIc Aoother is IU 1JIU"idr: ....'tlil1O poor
!lib: <liil _ if ..("""", I"'JP'I1in& poor
dliildn:n illlO tw.douo wort. lis .... fmm _too:
("",ita in """'" nffllli_ """"'"
I .. 0Ild fftlllllllip ito_
pKt aa be ",,,,,,,,,,,,10:0 ond lOW. .."".. ...., ...... is. <ftrial ~
dri.-lllI P<Ol* .. cbp.T.lIim. ~ in prrvcmirlf bDndtd eblld Ia'-r.
t.ty ...... -.-.aI SIIli:ly _ _ '-it S«a:»f'" .. ben.e.. 1ft ..........u., in
>enXn 110 _ ui>t 10 miriplc it. 1llIIIJ' .... 0I1ht dlM:lopIne -w.
EnahI..... P"'" f...d.ic:< ... ~fl th<m- Tbo Gno.n Sri .. fl_,' I I
... ( I ..t f.,.,.. -.lnI WI
.= '.:JIIlIlI<..... .,hte-w ..·, d oaf
.a:,,__ IK ! fw its _ -
1nI"'1oooI-- cblF- <ali in p ... " <:fCldil .......,..
Global ''''''....,.,.,'' .. ee lIf:lIId 10 lQtall>o:u vI->et)' - 0'JI::f 90 P"f
mtuee ani eo....ny .liIniftaIe otClI 0I1hem .._ _ .. loa ~

poont)" " : M ~ U ~in .,...,. ~ it ( nJal ~ _ fi ·

Iho PIIn 01A<tion "'"""PlI fmm lht .-mI 1llc: 8anl ..-iI1 od-
1m ..... orid s..-il few Social oma: IlRIy ull)' hullJny _
~Ilddin( :~ To ..., o/\cn all _ an: llI<IId<d l<l hreaI:
I'l.'duce P"'""fIy. bnMd-baod lOa>- ..... l'D""fly <')Ck. G....-.. dIaIJe<
......ic .-.l >ncial cbd,,, ;. ron...n blc>I; lmtn::A. ral!lcf Ihan lhe
~"'ial . n., Summir ralk:d ""'- c~'OiIionl1lf I"lt'r nl.,n dc>mndcd
cineoll)" (00 polm It>""'''''' labour· by mant)'ltrdtn.. 10day till' Gnmttn

B:ulk tmp!oy , 14,000SIIlTilIld "UOOi Tbcre i' a1su a di=t l in~ llc1...'""n
in '""'" 'han h:lJf nf Ih ngt. lIe, h'. Lh<: exlenl aod ""'U", 0( .....,"",n·,
Nl.OOO vill.&CS. It lend< ,hi.: oqoiva· ,;."pw;"" in lahoor """""Is aod child
lem of SSOO mill..... . in """,Iy I. hour. m.u:ing gende. ~q o ilY in .m ·
.. million .,.,.ll·bu,i"... ad..... ~ 10 pl")'mcnl , 000llcr iss", lhal mO'1 be
rural cli.n"_ I.. 'ocial <k>dopmenl ..wresscd . Siudic, ha", dem",, ·
an<! <'II""ation progmJl"n. reachi.:' straled Iha' ,he i"" ide"". of child
"""" lIun 12 million JI<."'P1c. 1'h" I.bon! tk'Cl irK.'S wilh inc:=se.- in
Bank h.1s . ho tric:<l to . p«:I<l ils ",... w"""," "s i"""""".
The Gromee" Bonk in ' age 10 llIhi.:' pan, of ,hi.: dcv"">ping Whcre womcn do nOl , fo' a
Bon"lmIe sh.jor example, """Id. and ,...... are now J6!l orpni. v",l cly t>t' ..."",""" hold jobs . nd ,he
has achie,~d M'idnpnod Vllian' in 44 "OlInlric~ aiming 10 ch.tlCCS "f caminll incomes lhrouSh
n:pIicale iuo ach,",~menl$ ." <>ttK" nlc"" ,.re limiled , addi lional
intf'rnational recognition The (l, ild Uibou' Abolilion P"""U'" boild. <>II ehild ..n 10 w"r!<
f or its suctess in prol'jding SUpporl Schomc (CLASS) " """"I><, I" ,uwlemen' h.,..,.h"ld ;ncom'.
cn dit to the poorest members ' XMlpk . Il\lCmling in II>< Ambrrll<ar livcn when ...·om. " do huld p"yin~
Di. 1ri<:1 of lndi... Tamil Nado >1>lc jobs. ,bey ' cnd '0 urn low w. ges .
of socie'y - QI'" 90 pe' cem
will> ,"" objc<:lm: uf c1iminaling cttild annltK" faCiO. r" " lng .hild"n 10
ofthem women - "rho would Liboor in 1110 hNJi (tobo<."co) roIting in· work . Gende, equily ;n . mploy·
nel'" reeei"e u from du.'ilI)". Lo':al tra1.-.s. ...1>0 diSlrihuli: ~, tllI:nl "an hdp prolo:c1 children fmm
mainstream financial fum ilic:s lhl: Ie" ,',," 10 b<rolled IN" dll·",. . lahour. hn p "", j n~ work·
.....1 Ic""in t....i' IIome>, haw 11"" ,radi· ing condilions 'h"'~gh me OSU""
institutions. lionaJlI' ~n Ibc m.tin $OUn:e of mch as minimom w'8' ,lali",, "
;nform,1 credil. (l,ild,cn', !ahnur is prumOlion of g.nder "lo ity and III<:
on"" tIM: only "",:uri'y fno-Ihe loon. ilIld provi, ion of ch ild ca", C'n h. lp '0
many Y'1UI111 chikln:nmel up ill bond:d "d oc. ' he pre"alen'" or child
snvinldt, flX')'I::II'l' rolling ,ig;m1lc<. labou, . all mcasor" c.lI~d fo' in
Il<gun in 1995. CLASS now ",",'. Ih. Con,·" ", i" n un 'hc I::limi ••'i ....
>t . . in 49 Yillag..... ,:.",,,,ing ""arly or All Fonn. of Il i« , i"" n' li" n
2.500 child"'n and 'I>ci, ramili<>. .galn" W" men.
MtIlhers' grouP' hove bt." n fOOJ'l«l IO Nalional c<:o,,,",, ie
fII"II""'" tho """",,pi .,r group ' ' 'i''ll' pI'O/;r.mmcs can help stim. la' . « ...
and '0 cha""d loaos I" menlb<,,, oomic g"",, ' h. r.U<c liYing ' llIndan:ls
Lo<:~1 hank! off., •• ","idi,..d lnan,. ilIld pmlec1 f:unilies. In Mauril;u... for
os.:d 10 "'p"y "'on, In Lh<: ~."i . "ample,lhe Govern"lCnlcommill<'d
lnldel':<. Prima!)' ""bool ' c"" he", are ;1""lf in I.... 1%0> IU 8.......",' ing 'm-
being l\""d l<> he mon:: pani cip"· pill)',",,", and improving " 'om,·n·,
Ii'" and entho,i a'-li. in lheir ' ech · ""pon"n'lk. 10 wort. (io ,,,mmcnl
ni4oc' , 1M ,imple "PI'f""'h Im·. " "",nb in in(ras,rue,"", c",alcd
call<'ll 'j<syful I.amilll( . Vol ~nlCC'" hc".' mad' and t[':ltl>porl.'i"n ""d
a.. helping 10 "",alc" imf'l'O''Cd "".:." l<> c~ri,:i1 y. • hange...
""'''''g holh the llCl\I'[':l\ public ""d which, in lorn.'<l joh 1I"""lI>
governmen l "rnda ls of ,'''' ".ga' i~ :>nd led I" iml"""'oo he,l lh .are and
inl~lkatloo, or chi ld labour. Uiws '-doo>tinn.
. g. in'l child lalx"" hay. been in· In B.......""". ,he S,D1c ..... . imi·
voI<cd again>ll>u,/j I!1Iders 10 ..I..." larlyrommincd 10 ,""'ulinj\jol:!s. mul·
.hil~n from bond:igc. The am'''' of ,iplying work Of'IK'rl0nlli<:s by 100
$OTJ\'-' lr:Idcrs has helped to cllm'i""c ,im... Iklwl'Cn I%.~ .nd 191\0. ,he
o!he'" that the , itna,i"n has 1",ly . ".ng. anno.1 GNP per ~'f>il:l
changcd.~ gt'O"'th roll'; grew by 10 per '''"1. l1lc
ri"" in iJl<umc helped PfDd""" an in- lhal nol I sing i( ""pl"irc, llf c hild
crease in pli.a'. 'I"'nd,n$ for eol>- 1. 000r in India has 0"'1' bttn impris_
IIOmic dc,-elopm.m. panirulorly in oned. or rho ~.OOO cases regi~,crod .
heahh cafe .nd «!u<::lliun." "'"I< 3.500 hu"c b"cn lot off " 'i1ll
Ii""s of I. .. . lhan $6. whilo ,he ",.1
Mobilizing s ociet y <..,.,Iin"" Ill lan",i"" in ,11< ...........01
NGO. church ami <"""moni,y oc-
11>0 bc>I g~lCe ","1 a ~mrncnl livh m rull> hiP. in lho l'hiliwi""'.
",ilIlah' its ""ponsibili'.... "'riou.<ly and fOf many )'(;If1l 1ll<.. VOOI'" ""'"
i~ "''''''' . 11 <tc10f'$ oh""icly bee""", I"" only one. hdpiJl(! o:I1i!dn.'f1 a, rial;:
im'u1>W ;n • $(nu;". rwional """",. Iho MOfWl; dicl:ullf>hip roulinely ig.
men' . A' th< ,mplicali"", "f c hild nored ' o<ial problo m, arising oul of
righlS and Ille prin"iplc.< of th. in<'<l uali,y and iniu"ice_ W;,h III<
Convenrion 00 ,be Righ' l ortllo Odd obango in g""",mnl<nl. "'" , i' " al i""
stan 10 pcrme:<l. ,."..iely. OIli'\I6;: s. ;>s· chanllcd. and in 19S6. lIamM:d by "'"
' uJllplion, """ valuc.' ,,-ill co,.... ex",m of dlild l>hou' and o:I1ild pms_
spondingly cha nge. And ""'h 8feal"" lilUli"". lhe n Pre!;idenl COfaf<>n
communi,y . ...:IfCIlCSli rom,,. 8"'.1"" A4llioo dccl:<ml , Y( ", of the
invol"""",nl. kadin$ to a I""""rllll. if
infOfm:lI. labour ilL'pec,oralc _ of
"""(C,ion "f Filip ino l'xploi,cd
Child "'n. A joinl gove mmc n,-NGO
1_""_ iIltI ........,....
....w",.- ;-;Ii<, "-,,..
I"" W

fa",il;", ""d lICip.bours. Slrangt'1lI I. .... f""", hogan on ;nle"","" publ ic Jt/or .. /i..J_ .......... - I """..... . -
and friend,. Such I ......."IOJIII"'nl reI'" ad,'"",.<=) <ampaign 10 lhe Ii.... CIl_".~"" "' ."_X "'"
~ _' ''f'rn<.''''''un·~Iw ..
resen" ,II<: be" clw>oe o r PfUlCclin8 problom s Ind launclJ<d provam"""
.11 ehildlen. but « pec iaJly ,huo;c far- - flIng;ng from impr<Wod'parenling
""",1,,1' .. </w"Io//""'"'"",
'''''-'I from " fIlei.1 ",ruliny. wllo ,u" .,orb"""s I" ""ho"",.' gC""f1Ilin8
YI'IIfl<ing in Il1c informal ",;, ,, ,,, lUld in ""Ira illC<lOI( fur tho f"",ily - ' " ad·
noral ""''''. d~\hem ,"
.. NGO. - These orpni,,,,ions have One of ' ho ncWesl ","'lI< lOf 1M
a . iW mIe p13y hoIh in r.>i'ing lev- cum inuing cOllabora lion i. lhr
<Is lOf public """,:cm and prvIffiing Brookiog Ground project. an ambi -
chikl...... 'lh:y "an """,i l'" \he coodi · ti"", llIldcrtaI<ing ;n 66 Filipino""", .
'ioo' in ,,'hk h o:I1ildrtn wor\: and ""Ip mu"i lic. whe'" haZlUdou. child
bunch tile 10Ili. indl,pcnsobk I.bou, ha' bo<on idrnlified. 1l\( proj.
JII"C"S' lOf clI.uIging public .ni'.des. ee, (""bl~< g""'l'" or 1"'","1$ in lhe
1lIcir independence all"" . ,lIem ,. communi'i« ' 0 m"" l ",gu la, ly and
U j>OIIo< abuse '" llI1lIC~ """mj in~" shan: ""p.:ri<:"""" and informal;oo 00
,,'ithoul yielding 10 poIi''''') p"""""'. lho; ( x,(nl o f child I.buw. Social
S<,m( "'" oWply involved in l>1lCmplS w""'on; ond communi ly orgon;""...
10 r"", .hildren from ,be W<>I'<l dan- olso au ond lbc- """" ;ng. 10
$"'" of "uri;:. e hild riP.lS i",,,,,g. P'U'i""I..-ly c hild
In Ind ia. fUl,' mmple. tM Sou lh I.hou, con((mS. Tho project helps
A, i.n Coalilion on Child SrNil.dc p""'nlS goi" , kill. and impm"" lhoi,
\SAceS) ,,<><I<. wilh 8"'"mnl<n, pf- oc"""",1e opjlOf1unili"" so IlIey can
r",i.l. in ",it!ing ,;1<." "' ,", re child"'n bc"", pmloc, tll<i, rhildftO. throoP.
an: known 10 l>c worki nll in inwlera - II<livilios III go""ra,o o",plllJl"",m in
hi( c i",. mSl~"'. SACCS In .. Ibe communily and PfOilr..-nlfl'-'1 f",
""'dil for cilhr' d""':tJy '" ind;""lly adults lO impmoe lircraoy and pamll_
b(ing iQ\'Ul w d in lhu ",lease or some ingskill.<.
29.000 child"'n . ince ilS ineeplloo in In B"",H. the Norion"1 r....rum rOf
19l1). I' hiurdy poinlS oul. IhOUllh. I"" Pre",m;oo I nd Eli",i""l;on "f
_ 1--- - - - - - - - - - - -
The private sector:
Part of the solution

I'<lleIa Cerpo!J, one oIlhl1lforgeot '__

..... ee 1CaIl•• ,,"w VlIIIW. po:vfvnIto
......". tIlrough an NGO, q>oIlICIring
JO fOtmer child _ " at • IdlOOl
run by tho ~Ieged Childten..
£d...mion P"'ll"lI/T\ITIII ond !he AlIa",
~ F, . Lobo< hMue.. Anolhef
company, I'otrnlllion ~ is an lO<>
live P/If1ll'If with UNICEF O:'IUIP"blting
cM d Iebout in lI'oeClrpelln<lostly. n..
<:onl.,.-.v 'urns ....--'_ 1~ ".'11
of profllO. l:OmIl1nod wiIIl .mpIoyw
conlritlullon&, ,,, P<OVide its "'I-edu~
WlIItfoo oe with........ chiiId <::aM. «:I'd-
arshiPs 10< Iheif ci\lldren, hullh .........
...-..00 lita<cv _ _
Ba!~ io home '" v!go<ouJ CI/TI-
paiQn. ~inIll cIlild lobau., ...."" or
!hom "*""'" boi 1M ~ Forum d
f'fevwl6on and ~ of 0Illd>utCIIIl'JII'II8d of flO"'II'I'I*Il non-
"". _ lI<Id mukilal..... "rgan;.
IlIiRenl Il'Jblil: ~III can be 8 p0w- odIool PR'>llrammes 10 monk"""ll lMians, fa< example. !he Bralilian

I erful c.aWyst fo< posilive ...oal

cI>ange. In .toooJOO.OI to lI'ownu
lic concern llV9f tile WOI'$l ~ of
<"moli''''''' with lobou, 'landa,do.
In the _
~ Of
ole UNICEF repo<t: "The
1. 1Ime of Iho pmjoIcI hinged
_ l i o n of Ci\JiC Export8nl, wt>;,;tI
~80 per ..... "'the-....ciclnal
",..u(. "'"""9'l juice, ~ '" etmi-
eNId labour, • numbe< of publio- en lIwir coopenilic:n• ...... cHd l/Ibour ""'" lls ~
mir'ldod to'lfb po_ haw IllIllld lhollni- ArIoI!lftr~ _ lhat _ 1I AnoI!ler Initial.... IS the AbrInq
tiaIIw, ta king S1fl1ll1lo "fl'IllOlTlMhing B3ngledesh COInJlllnies had already Fourldat;oo, a group or JlMrly 2,000
bad<' into ~ wI>ooa lhay do aocte<l Or"! tIl<M own. Among them. two busInaamen atId lOy manuloc:hi......
~ Whilo sliIIin 8 mitIoriIy. ~ II'Irment factories - Oppel< and formed In \990 In the m- of dllld
IitmI " - demon-OO IIYllhll ..... . l~ ltd. - opened .,;11ooI0 00 rigtU. Abrinq """"'*'d a ~ ___
tIonsIIip" " " - ' Ihe prIvN _ -.d Iaclo<y grounds lor ~ wortero ' - d ...... UIllny the . . - meWo """
-=tMst. fighting child bIbour....,.;lllOl ond offered $lipend$ 10 ~l' Iobby4ny la<ge comparoiN and Ihf,
be I<!w<sarial- _ corelruttive co- 1....... 1or!he ,,* of <hiIdo1In's ~ ao-nrr-t t<:I SlOp buying ....ppu..
A """liar b'ond II ....... l{Ilng in p<o<Iuced Wllh th1ld lab.",," On" ,.
~mes Ie"'" the 'best IntefatI' of Nejl6l', CIt",l illdustry, wher& child sui t is " ..-J'Il etIIlOU_'le>'>l by
_""eMd'...R a n g _ o I 1 _ tIu Deen . rec:urrlno;I po oblem . \Ioll<swegen. Ford. ...... - . lIeN enlI
Gen&r,,1 Mo<ot$ lhal they will _
1'IT\PkW.....u and _Ing conditions Some 20 ..... joIlactoriM lIMo SGl up
cflild-ca,. ... ,. ,..cidllIlaODns wiIIlanv rom that
_..,._-II'M*I_""".. . m
.Iso _

to Cfllll'ta • f'IN)ftI elfocienl.

.... c:llldl
_ _..... prog<lIn'u"' " Somling
CAtpellnduwiea, lot . ><ampIe. 011....
ornployo; children. Al>IInQ ..... _do
a rpecial '~friencI( lobollOc:o<npe-
!he Il8ngIash (larlT*lIlrlduslry WluI·
_ jusl _ aiticala role lhlI
meo:bl Cl'Q. dItI' care lot mewIIO'\'IPIO't- nills lho\\ ptlIVtI they do not .... child
llIbour III ""YlII"II""'~ "" the
phly -.... ... .
.... VOUnoges! child,., and • liIe<tICV
_ C8II in en . . of Pf<l9O'mmIl fa< oct>DOI "'9" chi_ Piogo.,,,.... fir1l 10 trICInCht. 150<>00"11-
llediring ~ aid. Negotial:"., .... Once 1Pl.... lhD90 cN4drlIn .... 1IIlfll1O pan... oame<I AbriroQ"s stamp of ap.
~ to P>- DUI. child Wxu.,.." nleI- ~ scN:>ols. iII<Id l!Iftit pa_
shon rime. the ccmpan_
ptOYIIi. "We didnl o:>;pea \hat, "1I.dl"
woukI nul
11m IiIM !he Inc:lusuv I'I'OOJkJ be. criIicIoI .eoe!v& ~ "1I'ol)IlIl\iw foes'
penner-OIl ~ fromIInilrociog upon "'~ of IdlooI r8flOOS. only "lI''''' 00110 _ cl'Illd Ietlo<ll, bu1
OI il<! Labour. an ;ni,ialive """,,,,,,,,d
by UNICEF ond ILO ih:l, i"""l""" illc
G<n"Cnunen l and NG<X. " "as cstal>-
Ii""'" in 1994. I' moo i,or1 glW\-, ",.
mem e[fort.< Ii> ",gulale and ""I"'rvi!ll;
condilions in the moM grie>"". child
ll bour,i hl,"i"",,. withan ':rnpha>i.<on
would abo ocwaIlV lI'eau", !hei, child.-rn W<lrting in chan:oa.l camp".
~lOdolhot_. ·...,.c.lo
0rIe " Olc·l evel flJtllm has t>tt n
Magri, COOfd'lI'IIlOt oIl1w """,f lU'
o'labli,1Ied in MIIU0 "",,,,, do Sui.
lion"".....'.".. And • ~ for .hiklren " ""'iog in
,,\ lh&mulli...lio II• •• I, ,he
m.ny hul/'O corpo.&,Jo - """"' ooaJ ", i"",. joimly , ponwred by
o f I""'" baNd in lnduariol COlIn· UNICEF and ,oc Cul<>mNan Gov·
triH - lhal .... dIIIp dIiId!about cmmen, 1\1$ boon rrpl kated with the
&long lIIe _ of pradueliorI l'\IWl
putici(Xll1oo or NGOs aOO ~ agm-
only _'Iv come und&t 1CnItIny. de. in Olllrr mun'ci","li'i.. wllrre
Bu, LiM S" ..... . mlljof lllI""I'lI "",,1is produced.
manur_ wittlll'odoJcI;an , . . . • Tit, ,." du, - Reports OIl ohild
lieo In rnaroy <ltIv&toP"II eounlrief.
WlIlilooti"llI!leld.1n 'M l!lfb, if labuur canicd in prim and ck:<;,runk
_ ..... 01 "'" Iitot .....1\>nriofI. media Ufl"" focu, on lhe """" ap-
.... 10oddrea "'" ~ 0I1CICiII palling <lutic. of oll. ·llIis i, untler-
~~dtawIogup ' I.nd able and. ind<:cd. hel"" to
"""" 01 ~ lor b<.'*- i . lv....i.., re<'ple in'o p"-;.si""alc ac_
port ....... """"""" "'''.;~ tion. ""'" ..."" ;,,.......also he ,<:
........ IIIoIth ffId N1etv stIrldardil
in explainini 10 lhe J>IIbli<: the wide,
- wIIh • .,.....It>M ""'"' ~ wiI!1
componiH employing ch;Jd,,,,, problems of child labour aOO in
UfICl&r. ,. or below 1Iw "lie of "I'",ading die wunl about how indl_
vid....1initiati>u italIC W<lfked.
""""",tsory 9OI>ocllIng. ... ...... .-..
su.... ~ out & cornpn.
A eelcbra,«j eum ple it ,1Il1l of
1'a&SlLI\iOll in the l'llilippirIC' . which
found employing """,",,"1gII ......... hwJ by 1985 hecome a ""nln: for
1O'. _
&R. """'" ..... ,"il, the
poId child Il""" i' u,ion " IVin& W""lem
_ _ _ ... lhGv_ .... IOIIrists. A local MII1monity organi"•.
tim .... 1«1 ROAD (Rn (lrpniUl i<ln
~.IgII ''''
ov.. mulbnatlonolo ' - olso ""d A"i 'lanCe for Ocvd opnlC1lt)
......' ."., 1 IUOl"lliel to iml'f'OY& launch-'\! I m;:dill ",,,,,paign. rOC""ini
ornpIoyrneo, II'lIl:llces III lhe Ioeel fir..t on A" " raIian mogaline, and
1eYel, In..,..,. ~ ~ng 1M ,"",,"i. ian <t:Uian•. Ch..., ' oc """t foor
righl loCll>O&l. ,.;!hout cam_
)m. ROA D pili ,lie i ~ on boIh
lIofI, 00rl9ignmenll In willen eMd
,he nalional and lhe inlernational
IIIbour IIa ~ .-d.
Empl.,.,... ifl 1M formel_ llg<'oda. ROAO·s experience is being
" - .. : ' ul" -on _ to """d by die Na';on.l I'rujc<:' on
_ meir eIfom to e/imln.ottl cl'IiId S,..." Oli ld ~ n in Olher IIlajur d ,Io, .

lobour _1hiIt fmm lHIin;. """""
oIl11e"'.-." to boocomll'l\l port 0'
"The Projttl ronlim..,. 10 adv"". lc
mc<Ii. in,·olvclmnl in child prolec-
lion iSSUCL During lIIc: Ii,.., Asi""
e ooferenee on Stree , Ol ild"'n in
M3l1'1 . in M. y 1989. a 'a1 i""al
"",,.,.. tI pi _ "' • ..,. .... " . _ media advocacy group kJlO\<'n IS
," • ..J~ .. ,,,, PRUSSHOPE _ , formally launched

under the 3u,pkes of the N.lion.l wurte'" " "'e asl<ed to Ik""ue one
Projca "" SUffi Childron," hour', W1>J:<$ from Iho . >lru dtIy in tho
1be imponan<:<: of rnobili,i nglh< l"eaf. 29 r..,brwuy, 10help suJ'POl1 pru.
mrdi . i. now being ...idely recog- ~l' hencfitin! child~n ,n
nized tllroughOUt Asia. ".., A.ion B""Slad"'h, Nepal:ond P.k i ,,~ n. In
5uftlll1il on Child Righu. .nd the Finland, • •;mil" 'Ie."..y••r· ~am·
Med i. (M"" il•. July 19%) in.ol,~ paign w"" 1'''''l<hcd.
miniu~rs of infonnation, cd"""ti..... In countri"" .. ' bc~ labour union s
_ If"", and """ial dcw!opmml from I,.. _"" 0.- non_ui"..." eoll""li,,~
111 coun tries where labour 27 A.ian ~ounttie<,,,, w.lI", NGO boI'iainirJl ""Iwcen ".-.rUrs and em·
unions au M,tak or /lon- and roodia n:~W/'o'e1.. II dcd:wd ployers ean still be effec live. as
t¥;s/tnt, colfeclil't bargaining that the modi. wvering child","', if>"- impro....""'n'" in lhe work ing oond i·

between worktn and

.... should addres' all fonn. of <»>- 'i"", o f ad"lr, roduee lhe I""ss,,~
""",ie, romm<r<:iaI and s<xU31 ..._ on ebitd~n 10 wllrk. F"rtherm",.,
tll/ployers can still be pIoiUlim of children in ~ lTllioo - colle<'liv. h:ug.ining ~an al'" se",e
efftc/il'e, /IS improl'ements and shoukI'~ thai. thoi, own _- ,he interes,; of ...orki "g ehild~n in
in tilt work ing conditions =go do« r>OI "iol:". d1i1d rithts. ""'n.... 'uch as "'m,,""ration.
In Sri Lanka, wbe~ """'" h:az- • Employe" _ Employc..' associa-
of adults rtduct /he prt,~$Urt an!ou, Child i;obour still pc"i'\< tion. ere oflrn neglected when it
on children to work. !bpi", a good 1I.'C<lfd in ""hool all<:II ' ~omcs to building. broad .1Ii.nee
d"""o. lhe Gov~"' n><n' 13uncb<d all .ga;n\l "~ U1i...., ,·hikll3bolJr.l1>oy
i'land· ...ide multimedia"ian in ~an be • v. luabl. condoil for brinlinl
1'193 apillSl lhe cxploillllic>n of child inOoc.... to bear upon ioo",idu ~l em·
"""'k.... "Tho ~amp.1ian focused 1""- rlO)"= or """,ior" of indu"l)'. on ~hild prt>stitu lioo and "... F<:<kralion of Kenyan f",,-
~hild",n ill <lomo<ti~ sc:rvi«. l1Ic pl~ .., like "",,,,,,,,I countef"p.1rlS in

cllmp.ign g~IlC"'led O'I~r 1.000 "'- other OO\Imms, implemcmed • pro-

pons of """so. complll'ed with only 32 """,me 10 rai"" .....11.""""" a""""t\ it.<
u.... roponcd the)'Car bcfon:.'" n><mhe" ~11O<,, !be ",,"" pI.hle limi,•
• TrtJlI~ union, -"The aim, of Ih~ of ehild labwr. II "., up • pi"" of..,_
lm.m'lion.l C""f<:dor.tion of Free ,i"" '0 p,,",vent and .'im in",e chilli
TIlId< Uni"'" (ICfTUl ar" tile P"'- Iabnut ."111118 it< ,nomhers and to tq!_
,nOli"" of the ILO COfw.nlion "" uille working condllioo., requcMinl(.
Minimum Ag. for EmplnymCIIl and members 10 withdra ... all chi1d~n
lhe adoplion of mullil'IO",1 and uni· rrom nigb! WOfi:;."'
131Cn1 legal in.,mllne,,,,, to Slop lr;l(\e UNICEF', ""n cxpcricn<c in
irJ 100<h; prod.rcd by d\ildrtn." ........"'1(. ...ilh the prj""e >ector has
The F.IIrope.n Tra<lo Unioo Cum- shown lrol eorpordtions Can be rttqs.
mi" ,,,,, TU liles. ClcMhinl(. and Leath., the to ~hanie. One irJitiati"" 10 which
I.unched a ~,,",p.1ilJl in 1'l94 to.nd UNICEF is • major QI>Olri\lotor is the
~hikl loboor. and irJ 1995 the Gem"'" Memarondum of Un<lor.\tandinll <'<111_
Textil. and Cl othe. Uni"" foU.,."d eluded wilh ~mplo)"ers in Bangl.·
.oil. In F~bruary 1996, II..- 1Ialo"" desll', I"""""t ioJll>11)' (Panel 121.
Commi"... for llNK"EF, irJ oooper- • Childre" - Their roI. ;, laI¥o and
ation w;lh ILO "".I the lu li.1n Min- ,,,,wing, hr~h in S\.... le and inO..., ,\,.
i,try o(l...a.bour, l~ullChcd the Labour The "ory of one: ~hild, 14ba l M ih,
Pro~I, I fntld, and a...are"".,·",i,- .. ited lhe ima,jllalion and COd ,
ing campaign, wilh broad social ",p- IICkncc of pouplc sroond the .'orld.
pOll indudin, thtlt of tr3de ullions AI • "'I)' young age this PokisllUti boy
and ~o, ,,,, ,,' ion •. (he' 15 million '"""'" gi.~n inlo bondag. lu a C.rp<1

m~"f, Af'''r ~I'. r.Il y."", of long Ch ild",n h . e ,he right 10 f.ce-
houl'> and .. ploit.ti"" <"O<l<Iili<lru:. be dom o f ...:sod. tion. ond ' h<:y "'" e,, ·
managed one day to ("", bim><:lf >Ild e rcis ing i,. Child labou ",,, hal'''
bc=<n<: pan of a campaisn to liboral. . I<u furmed their OW n organl""" i"",
otber c hild",n, lie 51">Io;c 011 1 aga;nSl in llle P!lili""inc•. ,umcd .. . horing
child labour f""" hi-, ""'11 unique per- e. ""d.nee ' . lraini ng Ihem""lvc:< in
opocti"", ill>Piring lldull:'l and dlildml ad'·oca.:y and communica ling ...ilh
a1ik. <Ir1;l\lI>d l/>o •.-orkI.... o,her c hild worker. Ind II>< wider
A 13.ycar..,ld C",,;>di"". Crnig "ommu n,ty 'hrough co mmuni ty
K~i lburgcr. lull Iul<l a romparnble im· lhe.lf< . In 01""\131'10 C ily. c h ild",n Worksh ops and conf erences
pacl on lb. NOf\lI Al11I:""an media. have fonn .d lheir ow n sc p.1M e as· in which child ,,'orars gather
Wbe n .. ill in prim. ry scbool. lie 11<:1 """ i.,ioo. fo , n..... .. ndo rs , bag IU exchan ge experiences are
op . n inl.mali"".1 "'l!an i>...'i"" ..,ne",. scI .cng""'. pu, he.n o pcr.·
ci lled 1'= the ClliJd",n. """ of 10f$ .nd buo w..he rs. Th" "!lOCla-
increosingly comm on. Thi.~ is
whose ol<, domands i. lha1 com- tio ", a100 <IlOpCr.Jle to "'" leaden-hip Q ,,'d come derelopmenl, as

"""... "' Ie..... chiltlren from w.-n and scm inars and lal:e put in l p" n, and article IS of the Conl"ention
hire an un.mploy..><.l ad ull famil y "",,,,"i,,n and io lroe planlin g. 1'be
slipul6/es: " S/ates Parries
member in!u>d. groups .re run o n d"m ocr:",c lines.
Wurking ol"""ly with IIIe Sooth ,,·ilh sec", ' M ilots . 1 l he ir Iwie,,· recognize the rights of /lie
A,ian t'l1IIJ" ion OIl Ch ild SCr>'ilo<lc . yearly m«tingl. child /o f reedom of
C rai, K" il""'1" an;) 1'",,, the In January 1996. ltundn:d< of c hil· assoeimion:'
Chil dre n are no'" raisi ng fondS fnr. d ren. """'" of lhem fr=l bonded
",hl bi Ii,., ion/. d uOlIio ""'""alion.1 lobou"''', d<1non>'r:ll«! in fn)rll ort!>:
~n l'" for f=<l bnndcd child labool- lndi.., Uboor Mini, try in New Delhi
.IS from olrjl<·t and ,1..., flClnri<.. in to demand ,lie C1'3dica,ion nf c hild
loo;~·s UlW Pradt:slJ .1alO."' scr<'iludc. '· ' 1\ m""lh laler. in . his-
Worl<shop$ and c""fore""", in Iorio ,...,"". 40 fiwd bllnded labIlur<rs
" 'hich " hild worker; ,.the' 10 . " . from Indi••nd Nepal. "'getller with
cb,n~ C"peri~1IOOi are incrt".singly 2.S SOIIlh Asian child righlO IClivi-.' s.
rom moo , Th is i, a"",,, deve lop- .....,hod from Cokul11to I<athmardu.
m. r1l .nicle IS of ,he Cnr",.nli<lll holdin g public meeli"", alOllg the
<1ipula , "S..."" Pan ic> =ogniu roo,•. 111< " ·..,k-IOIIg jIlomcy entlctJ
l/>o riglwio(lhe dliltllO fr=l<>m 0( a.<- wilh • la rge rilly in Kllhm.ndu.
"""iati",,:' A' ,he ir I99S muting in ,,-bcro ,lIey tailed for • m""" moI'e-
B:llnako. working dlil""'n from ni"" "","' .imcd . , tho ,oW e hminllioln nr
We:.! African counlric> produo:cd the" <'h ild labou, and fru. cornpul....-y.
n' , n 11C\lIspajlc:f. lISedilorial "-.., "';1- high-qwlily <dI.calion for all ctIildren
len by R~ Dicns. • <lomeslic st:t. tlJ' to 14 ~M:5 of. 8"" "
""nl from Sc nc~, ..",., fish' 10
"""'in OCCC'publc ..atus in all uur
cotmlri<:s mu>l COOlin... 111< IQ>om
drawn from "'" 'IlIriuu, moctinp are •
ld1«:1im of I"'" dclmni iml. Wilb ".., acc<:lcr~'in8 imj>3C1 of a liberal·
the d>ily worsening ~, iOll ~ iud in'"mot ion.l «OII,,",y. led by
by s'"",'ural adjo:;lmcn, and rapi4ly Ir;min.,i<lnal corpnr.t ' ion.<. mak es it<
. " pand ing p"".ny. .elf.., mpIO)·m<n' ",,·n co ntribution '0 ,he pn.>bk m o f
Iby young peoplel """ pmYido . futuro e>.ph>;'at i"" child I.boor.
if. and t111ly if. il i< rorn hin«l wilh. In tho global crooomy. m:my c..".·
figh\ [o",be defence of 'hoir righls 1»' POrl t,,,"s loc.te ,heir fact ori e< . nd
the indi"idn:tls cun':,mll.'d.·'u, p l.ntatio n, in c nun,ries wi,h , ""

_ f--- - - - - - - - - - - -
Rugmark: Helping to keep children off the looms

IQI Technlt:el Coopotaion!G1Zl. The ",.

In lhe fifSl 20 """"'- of _ _ lIOn.

ltl.n 100 "4>0'''''.opetmjng 13,000
loami, """*' well....... :mum ~
were 0Ifli1ied, labelIe<l and PIlI on the
man.. MosI of ~ were ..pOrted
to Germal\'f, 11\0 ""OlId'. largest im·
JXK181 of oriemal carpalS, _Ioday
~ ona third of l1li CIfJI8lJ
imponed InIo Geml...,." Inlm
baM the fIu9matlo .-. M6anwIIIIIt, a
grwMg numbaI of.,IfIOI""'. In_
coumriel, including c.n.da. the

Na!herland$. Swnzerland """ the
UniIod S<MM. .... asking auppIiars lor

M A""rnett label. whicll pic- ~ lNGO.!-.tcIng In me '*"""

In tha fiqr ....... """ c:!Jld<a by ....
IItqrwk ............. 1ourd7f/J

T 1luW a a'IIiIIngf8C8 on " eatll'Il.

"" be<:<>rnlI dwo 1r<Odem8rl< b a
.-=teII' C8<'
of Mir7apur4lhadchi In lndis,
the Yal... of expoIt ....... '11' of the
chiIdrIWl worting IIegaIy on iIlIll<lon-.
_ _ by Rugman;.lWoI Sejxei>bao
1996, I &l I<lon-. _ ~ Iied; ....
promislng .-lnI\iri.oI to IcIe<1tify - kand-"'-ed cwpeI indusIry In I~ or the otkers were llbI9 It>pess subsft.
aood p<omole - prDdUCIS"- wkh "-lltown1enfold bot> .m. 1979 end quowll • ...-:t>t>.. Funtw........ Iio.. »
OUI ill6gal mild labour. ClIl"wod in 1993. Allhe. _llmt.lheVWim 1Nl Sa1ioII Son<IIl, &ecutiwt 01_ of
1_ In InciII and ..-tly llXlonlod 10 !he numbo<of dIiId"" """"""lIM "'" Rug"""'·IndilI.• number- 01 newtv
N<I~L 1M hldllp.",k1m RlIgITIMIc foomI h.... .ed from 100.000 .. 1975 _ _ e><p:>l1etS .... 1tatIeCllnapc-
FoundMion ~,,~ 0IlIll- to 300.000 In 1990. ~ SlUdV, fo< _ of _ awn. The Irdan Gowm-
fiQI'on p'''lI'ammtl II)< "'rpeI "". the Inwnatlonal LaDoil' Organl>lllon manl """ aIao ... lIP'" ill8ll8Qiol i and
pon..... f1u9,,,,,,k _ rocenceo - (1.01, PUt lhe lOlal Ill (20,000. AWmed .... tifL40 i 0y$l8fT> lor tha carpal in6.s.
and the right 10 lIII ils distinctM. '1iITlll bY thetiIuaOoo, .. wolI.. the possible lrylnawn .. KaOMn.
In; cafII"I' l¢>IIo - !D QfpeI exporqn _ to tile CIlIJIII irdJslry from_· ~ of R~ carpola
who . . bmll to " mon~,,"ng rvstem .... ~ "9'..... , 00(1 movemenI :00"'" 1<> tonlribuw 1 Il<Ir 0001 of tha
!hat "",h,odH""'Jl(iM inIpocliono..-.:l oIlike-minded NGOs. uroclIIt!hl dire- markal .....1... of ""~ imp<>(lad ....

CfOSS-dlecl<lng of ex;>on recordt and

In -'dilion to Ita, ,."oimf;'IlI wI.-

lion of Kallas11 Satyanhl, otganlzed In
1989 to fonn SACCS. 1111991." IJnlled
NaI:ior-. Ibnan RighI$ CammioIIion I'ft-
wardl ld>o<>I$ _ \1llnlng pro-
1I'8Il'iI1"IU. The ..JXK1ers Iiso pay a
'"" - 0.25pot "'"" '" 1he IIlIlue'"
belling ~ fIugmart 10 ~ In pori I 000' ,., '" Ided Ihat • Pf'lll.ocU ouctl CIof1l'IIIS - whicII 908li -os rinlw'I;.
<:hiIdIerfs .... --.n end f1lhabiijcM!on.
lho r... Rugma<l< -=hool _ opened
.."""*"_ ~ 10 IiabII InQ irospeaio<... With t t - fundo, k io
to ............ o;:hild laI>aot ahollld beat " projoo:lad thot by 1998 Rug.moric wi"
In 8IIIdDhlllrdalin Au9Osl1996. A ..... special mati< guarameelng !hal tt..., paylor"""".
,*","1IMlon C8I'Il11I in Mhapur was
-....:l1O_InClclcllw." " I
J>INlI nDl been pnxIuce<l try mlldlwl.•
gMr.g "bocIl to !he eIIotta 01SACCS.
Ilug<r.-tc "'* alb ... """" not - .
_ '" po,ltM..... _ Of cntics. E-.
on"" MuIlli Aohram IWlaI i ., ' " pm- c:ansum. groups. <:arPfI ~r · strong suppoola.<:tIt-*tthol...."...
jIQ. "'" bv theSo<.lh AaiaI> CoallIion on en ancl Intommanal DflIS/IlzaticlI IactoIv a - on not 1ua\><><01f. n....
01lId Sr.oiIudo l!WXSI. joined \oglIthe<, with $lJPPOII from io a p<IIrIIiallor <:Om/lllion. alono ""th
~1O~0I - UNICEF and from the Getnw1 .....,., tha dif6c\IlIy of I "'IlOQio 'II UOOO Ioonw.

do<lflCSIUI><u" Of !he wulel.llnldc:
""_. .so-
fanooics Of
.void """'II
plallw_l . SOIhcDo-
lI'-.1il1J prodolnioe 10 loul _"'_
"""'"" Of ..ubhopI.
All ~ "",,_"in """
.. _ _ . . . . 0'
...-goona.-y.",-.. _ .
.7 I
Cl,JUIIII"in " - ~1f«ltW:1y IxcI:lno:
.....spc.... "".... r...- _ _
bOn:II corponlMIOIL EtrOfb by _
• pc
'II ' - ' CO Il!I'I!ln IhII chlI-
-.lIN b" ~-""" ..
lillnal ,.,.~".t
ilnpru'o"c ~ IIld
..,...ronditions. or
wort"", 10
CO ret
AU _rUn. comm ll llilit!s
Qnd countri" hQ I~ tfftCtiTtfJ
.-.IIID naI ........ 1O Ite~ micll fore;, n corpunlioo ·. xl;.I · ~('omt compttilors fo r tht
TO . . - the <h-""goM, II"" lies. moy """"pllhe rorponliM ll>
mott I>u pull<>g8<Mt ....... 0/. &imply"""", ..1_Jo:rc.
fa>'Oun of transnotional
do:lori I'/Hr>IlKlooM II'ld COIl'tj)IQflI An onmph: from South Mm. il- corporations.
InlJlK\ot1i. W11h <hecla.nd 1111 lu..... ~ polni. F.nrouflFd by ....
of "".. uplion. I" _iT_,
10 """,mil. !hoi _bilnv

lIugmlr!<·_ <:arpiIt ilia rtli

Hell e1CC1iM of Nd-. Mandrl. ', Gm-
<'mIIlenl. 1Ile black " 'omen ...'110
own nurrblr.llIor1IifvInliI !l'll1oonl .......ted ill .T"",~,"",.weMeI'
_""I'OfW. Tho RugrnIrli_ faoooo-y "'*"d b it and
.... ; ad ...... "''4f......... lIlo riP. 10 jad Tho -
1POi.....'" Ie> 1MIlUId- onIlo'
IX ~ 'lltSpOillC lOdoo<' 11111
. ._ _ n . - " I X - - " >C"'OII 01 irs SaMh IIf..... r.:--.
.. ~ "9"r' ",.....oed_
__ Iha ., flo i'IIll _ ,.nia& 1,000 """"'" out ul....t.
....... ~ ca'PIl _ bIiIll Ttk......,. m..,. U:t 10 pay .. s-h

..... ( 'tor_ Afrial .... y havr: 1o:C!I1ow. blIl m..,.
'M-.l flovnwk-Nopll . ...~'" IlifJoeo' doIn t"'- on Or.... 00'
_ 1 : .. t_blIr 0 .."'.....
Joe> . '0 "" io 'lI1oorN. • Tho ...< II'lIlnlo ~ ror 01Jnlpeli.
.....""-""lI ~ .. 1M:nCM <hws dliklm1 iNo Ito: wort·
_!tom",. _ lie ~
fom: , In India. " 'hi<h """ only ill
.'01 f ' ',lnldlooll&.-.I_1Il'I
1O'-'d .... d.I_'" rioIcy .....
n:cenl y<:ars openod up fully 10 lhe
IllOfll. N> of $apqmbl< 1!IM. 30
.Iobol <WnOmy_ inI<"",IQIal rompe-

laflIlI l'II&I>IIfIClu"'"'. "'PfM'Intlng !ilion has Ilrc ady led iCC!\lfS..,r
10 por '*" of Nepofl carPII' I x- IIld U.U]l IO Sttk an &d""""J~ loy n:-

1l"'tI. 1M... commlnld 10 _ ....

o.r.... SoIuw-............. IX
eNil;n! ohe.p ohild l.bour _ ohil·
dn:n '~ ..... gell in Indian Indu'>lr)' .'"
ku iIwI half lbosc of .'1.< f..- II",
1111 e;..m., CoI,I_b UNICEF
...... 0UIpIL IAt:reaw:> ill cDld IIl>our
_of~ __ . . Ie"",,,",, ia ......aoh...,.>-
_ _ l1li .......... ill • ""f>. <ftlIing. food ~inI and 1llr F"
-...:L. III ~ "Nolo' ~ ... lI<'lio~ul--'''
C"'I""'''' 1o:U>..... is Io:ol infho.
uo:ai II III<' ialefUlional ""-d,. A
room: dtbII<' twrendy ~ om'

""_Ilr_ .1o:1bu. oorioI ~ "'-W "" ...

_.. # .. _ .. clMd in III<' nlu 01111<' WofId

..... _ , .. \..,.w. r-._ 'io Trado Orpnizal;'" and il "'11 ....1
t ,_
,.... ~_. ~l uad ;n. "!J"""""11b, Sueh • olluse
...... Id by"""'''' min imum >WICI:anb

gl .... ....... brl\aYiour u • <unWtioa or c:duc:al.... (Panel l3). ln 1992. for
gl doi_1 ~_ I lobolly. Alld it - . . . . LeYi 51...... found N lwe
would in<lude """'i""-''' 100m, gl ito 8 an. bdnlIi <clRlra<IOB ..... .
d1i1d Loboul', pIo)"ed c.iidmlllllClor rllt .,.of 14.
/)eve.,1 <OUtriao. espccillly Thi:I .-aJ Ic'p l i_ t."
"""" ill Al..-1IId .... A""'"""- '*- ~ lIoe ODrIlplQ)". - . .

~ "'" JOciIlI ~ as cb- fUiddines. Tky unftICd r.. ,he

I t if tim~ ..oraJitJ prt'fGikd. ........ p,*,um 1llrw __ • • d!IiIdmI ' ,d .. be pIIid .. hUe
A.s _ u~, illto Ilr~ Il~XI . . . - loa bMo!hot . . . 1ndIl_ dlry ..laIded ~
>OciaI po .........., ...,..... .... eadI I!IomI jDIw; ....""'" l.lie)r l - - . l 14,-
",ill~""i"",, htlZJU'dollS rllikl
' - "'1 ~ vi de> ,L : .. -S A.Kber uampk it 1M c.ooi<
UIboUT m"u 1M I4t IMlliIul. dw I JOciIlI ~ .aulk .... ~ by'" 8nu>ll ~C.tA.
CDlI$iI" «l ,,, lIiU011 /If ~L , • vi ""'""'" ....hidli .... co: MEo ploolal;'" of dlild
c._ pfd d , tIS ,Jlln t Ofll~T by dqioi. "" 01 . . - ....... labow t>r lIoe .~pIoi lal _ or ...,.
parati\'l' ~ in illtunDllIIl IlIhcr '1Ilncnhlc I""'P - roo ......
Irmru of sllJlYT)"1ull it s" tndo.. M-r e,,"""en
in incIIwrial· pk, ilk r al immilfUlli - II ab-
((0"" rtsrmbln . """........... .....-. u~_ ooIulcly ~--
Europtan ....e".'.,,4 ..... ....joc.1 In _Iocr __, IbI: retail deohirlll
1lle social daoIW!. Frant.! and the US tilJll Glp com< ......... <OIIS,<lenblc:
...,~inf .._ ,
publ" pre»U~ in IbI: US ...'ben lhe
ReliJ ious. """""""", ................ fl(1 """"led lhol Pl. I S )'OUnI" 13
tal and hum... rip"'IIOOPS on: IU · we,., making ,,,,",,n'j
r... Ihc """ .
ing more dj~ l me1L"I~ '0 innUCllC't' porI)'. " m in, up 10 70 houR I ,"'oxk
''''"''', ' i"". 15. prelI,lOri ng them 1<1 in dbm,,) F.I S.I. ........ f"',, '~h"J'$,
.dopI, for t bo ll\SC' l~... and 'he ir ' lOt>- and being paid Je.. lhan $0,60 In
<:oIOIB<l<>n.. L"tlIi<:< rot oondUCl (or opo- huut. Oop ~ 1<1 ;n>i>l lhol ,,~ kl<ol
e lalior\$ in fI"O<C'" LWnui<:a. crwllJa<lOI'J ""p<C-I bIo>ic " 'OO'kc l>'
n.: lnIimai'hCmICr "" C<>rp<nle ri&hU alkI lO a1..... illd<p",oIc.nI .........
Rc:..-siboht)' (leeR). r<w e.umple. 'orinJ 01 it_"",n ecole of conduct. oar
' - beetI ~ (or 2S YnQ in The iudq>adm ~ Wonln,
r _ 01 CCII'pIJnI< IIC!IOIOIUbilily, In Group, r ia Jarwary 1996 by
IU'CIlt yean.. ICCR ... mbe", flied ICCR , 8 for SociII Respoa-
""",holde, """""- . ·idl _ <aaF Iibilit)' IIId rllt US·....oed NIlIOOIIIl
a( anc-" iKludin& well .~ labor Colnmi...... is R'SJICll"oillk for
doIbml_"'~ euonIiDolinf IbI: _oIeNIl of Cop
e. lliol& ... Ibnn III adop or ........ """"'ieD ond i a i . 1r.. 1apUted
eodelI 01 eadocIl'or ~ -.I m;p-... ~ oad liouIa. riJhb
" - AlppUm.. Scolnl proo-_ _ ~ ill EI SoMdar III rIlCllWl ee-
iN. . ",f"a ..e ., ) axb,
~ III ICO t 1lIey w.Id
speeificolly pMlihii ~ bhoIlr -.I
....... l""l""ioioIb 011 fr=bn vi.
511!lC"tSCC'< lib; """" """" IeIl
c.IoIloiIII. r - _
.am, mrprnUoM lU hM; oIIoI'k'd

~= '
p1......... - - - . ,
S- ~ '-" oIlUdy
I pr.IO
...... l1le dial""_ .
<leal c( 1hcir pn>diII<I_ .-...
10 ... ornd
Ibis IIeliooI <Ji _poow* """';hilily
~ axb, I _ _IN ...... fordUlloOOur - lIld ee C-IIIIpIi,n-
dlttlhey _ ...... .we.....,.....will iag 11>1I an bring illlboul _ 10 .....
mlflloy childml .. condition.< "'- ,.;. ,"-I enmpan..... The Abrin<t """".
obi. oarionlll..... Ill" thaI lId..." dorioll for !he Rip ts ,of Cllild"", in
alfecl chi""e n', ri&ll..... LleY<:lopnen' I:llv jl iJ roc Ofl"oi"lion - rlll3nCCd
Ioy w rn-.-_-Itw is ~ in... bc>n<Icd labour'! Whol terrifym,
hard III wori "" lb~ Abnnq .... ~. bioi>< 1$. dlild pruII~lIIC in:d 10
..,Md ~ media allcnlioa 1ca1:I..-y doy?r.- UOll'CbM-
ror iu ImINlion dIM JiMlt inlcma- ioI. pOllIi>Ililll r - of " Id Iobour
lirnal ................. """" char· ,iolue _ '" doo ripI$ .. dec
.... JlfOIl-'d by • partinalOfly
IIuInloti r..... 0/ dlild bbIu. B.
dor .. :Wioa .w I:«p ""*'"..
"Tk _
•• WI de itlefti ollie a.iId
01 ail ot..
,,_ 1"" lkwiaa 01
• ric ....... ... iu diad- "'.......... a.a» -.y dIiIdraI
fntwdIy c • ) ~ an. W'1lbooIl f l .e . . . . . . . . . . . . .
paUtm: _ioa 10 Bnzililll buR- .....ioa MIl IinIdl QR .w bdllID
_ _ lbal do _ caopIoy driIdn:tI
dii<fte hriorc nplo ' l OOld 1 C j
....... ""JIP'W'l du~ by wen. Thaoc ~ ,.11$I _
~(P.nd I ) )." __ _, lhc -'d', CO'CII.,.,ill<
All , ..,..."'" _ e>'COllbooc lIw. line """'Iniml (~IIdrm'$IIb:lol,*,
do _ hi", or 0 . . . . chi....... _ " . ...... II>....rc-.d ptly$icaL socioI ond
be ~ by the llCpu"C publiciI)' nrooUoNol 6co'c....... ond ""'" be
MIl ,1ol>oi M ,itlSal ........ led .. ilb held 10 lbci. word. Ju IhiJ rcpoo1 has
n. _ _
... .

..-- ~ ,.

lIuWw> cllikl !.aboill' pnctit6. ~1.-.J. buic primay <du-

Clearly, 'I io in lhc inteI'C!ll$ '" all ...... ror all cllildn:ft u .1IcysIor>: of ~- ..,.._

c<J<l1pMioo. Jo lend Ih.:ir wcietw LO lhc I!cs< riih<" and In _ "'YII con· .~. *",,-"""'.'Q r 0(
movmlC1Il l0 lbolisll cllild labou•• dition ror or
Ito:I'1 l..rn.. olhrr ri,mo. -.-
Child labour u 10a'nOIlve ... jOMJe
JlfCCi""ly bc<.'IU'C' i, brin,s prop lc
A bre ak with t he past
f""" ' 0 r" .,.wilh tilt humin ron.._
Growina t hild"'ll m'qeT 10 learn qucll<'a or. world lIIal i. beeomina
llhow the: workl - .buw it, """,lion- """. m/:IK UlC<lUI1. "The 'molion i.
its ond ib wuodcl'l. 11~ ""l<JnU MIl P'O"oU< mUll rICI . clwJc<.t
II; "'''''. They """" up information .he unrelcntilll "I'fI"C>$ion ond mol·
wilh lIliAcldous -'O$ ir ~..-'1cdCe wm..... at ~ llc dcni.Il at<duca-
indr __ rWllq dri" dc:Yc1opmcat. ,.... 10 UO ..ill... or dlI! -W'$
....... rr-. "'" -'d ..........,l them. dlik\rm. ihc ooonomic ,ystem
r""" 1Chool, r ploy, fMnl ~ 1baI thal dlI! p(IOOaII _
r.- te rn. Olber dlildmI tiJhlcft LIlrir bdIl. 10 pay oIf <Ida . .
..:I >Oil.,iom I'mm __ cumdloy.~ ......
',"Ihol b ..d 0/ bowowt. ...
• dIiId 10derWc IioIIl ...t iol dmleJ..-
11 .. W.I_afiIJ "'c. AI _
$ICp ialo \he ae.1 .,;1 WlII. bu-
Iit .................... i... _11'mm ..... diild ~ be Idl
r.-iJy """ , "r! WhoI _ bcbiIod. c " d lID btJlory • .,..,...
_ _ .....-.- an: opncd. by !be ~.""'''''fonaot.a-.,.
WOI't. . U, pt:l kua: 0/. dlild said IIuI i JOcIwody maibJel,.

Ending child labour:
The next steps

U7.llrdOUS and expleirmivc child labour violulc" child rights as enshrined U1 the Convention

H on the Rights of the Child. lmmed iate actio n [0 elim inate suc h labou r mu_. be guilkd by
the best inlcre.o;a(lf lhe chi ld. Concern for lhe well- being of raml l ic~ whose survival may
depend upon the earnings Oflhclfchildre n mll$l ioclude d fons 10 upandjob opportumlJes for adults.
Since the causesof child labour are complex and lIId lide povt'ny. Cl:OOOOlIC ('""lulla'ion. weia!
values and cultullll cilt'Um.staIlC"e'i. soIulioflS musibe compceben.<;A'C and mUSl 111\'01\'1: the "'idtst p0s-
sible 1WIst' of pmncn in each society.

1. Immediate elimination of 2 . Prowl.ion of fre.

ha<ta,dou. and exploitative and compulsory educa ti o n
child labour Govcmmcm~ mU~1 fuHillhcir J':S(Xlnsibilily
IhQ.:lrdous (100exploitntivc Icrms of child 10 make primLlr)' educatlon free
and ccmpubory for mil chlldren (lIItick 28
tebcu r. illCludi ng bonded labour.
ol ille Coo\cntiOll) and ensure lhal llJ l
commercial <,e;(ual l.'.lploilulion and ",or\.
Chl ~ ancnd pnmary!>ChooI on a
111:11 hampers lhe chikl"s ph} ~ical. social.
full-lime bcIsi~ until cornplellOll.
togrllll\'C. t'IOOtional Of moral OO\-elopmenl. Oo-~rttmmts: muS! budge! lhc necessary
m USI not be tolerated. and gO\'el'TI/l1Iel\tS ~ for this purpc:l'C. .. ,m doJIorl;
mU~1 uLe immediale steps 10 end Ibnn. a1S\Inng :IlkqU31l' resoum:s from l'l.iS/In!
de\~klprnent aid bud1!fu.

3 . Wider legal protection 5, Data collection
1.lIw~ on child labour 1100 education should a nd monitoring
be Con ~ I SlC llt ill purpose and impleme med Data on child labou r are !>CUr«", National
in :l mu tually suppunivc ....';Iy. National and inlernational system, mu.,t Ix, put in
plllC\" to galhe r and arutl}'il' g lobally
child laboer taws mLl.Sl accord .... ith both ltx:
tomparllble d3Ia on c1nld labour. irtlle
"fIlril and letter or the COIJ\IcolJon and .... iUl
problem is to be 3ddres:sed cffec1I\'c fy,
~~l fLO oon",:ntloll.'l.. Soch Iegl$lai<:ln
SpeciallIItention mtrn be fl'lid 10 the
m~ nlOOIT\fI'lSS ltx: ''ilM IlQjorily of child forgonm or 'ill\'isibk' ~~ of child
....' l)fl m the mrormal $C!dOl"of the IXUJOmy. labour, ,'UCh as ""lhin ltx: home. 00 the
tneludlllg lIl'Ott. 00 lhl: Sl.l'tCtS and farms. family Iarmor in ~IC .loC:f\'Ia',
domestic: ..m Of ",on. "'tUlin lhe child'~ Mooitoring It) commumtleli themsdves is
0\1>." bou5clloId. HlIpOfUtlI, and ....o ning children 5houkl
at1iwly panicipale in 1:>!>I:S511lg their
~itWlt iOfllO and in prtll)05inr. ....';Iys 10
4 . Birth registration impr'O''C ltx:ir oondltl(ln~,
of all children
All children !lIould be rcg i\tcrcd lit birth 6 , Co des o f c o nduct
[article 7 of the: Convention), Registration and p r ocurement policies
is csscnnafto permit the eseose of the Nutional and imematlonal corpol1nions ere
child's ri!!hb. soch as :itt(').~ to educatlee. urged 10 adopt cojes or condlJt1
ht:zIlth care and odler services. as well a:. 10 gual".U1l~ing Ih:tt ne ithe r they nor thei r
pI'O\'ldc ffllp\o)'ers and labour IllSFJOfS ubcontl'llClOl"; will anplo) children in
""UI ~ Idence of ~ry c1nkrs:age. condllion:.tha1 violate lhelr nr.J!I!>.
I3Lc inlO scrotInt the best m tCrnb of ltx:
mild and illCfude measu~ 10 protect those
U:'IIICEF rnffirms il!>
IntereM 'i.
ronmlltmerltlO its own procurement palic}.
through ",hich it lIndm:U;o rlOl: 10bIIy
rrom an} suWfkrlh31 Clploil$ ctu ldrro.


a..- t T1lt t ;.. . . • .......c.... 'tIoiIlI~ .~ 8 .....-.~ ... ....,.Jer ........

Gor.- " , .. '-'o- 'not_Ill I '. E l' l I
.... " .... ao;w r , ; elf.......,.
• ._ ".wr,
_ ..
UNlCEf,Ntoo - . . . . . _ -( . _do?
.= S"""
I UNICEI', IIIo $rDJ dilo _ _'
. '

~ lt~ .

. . . - ' - " ' - -' ' F .,""
1w1S <A _ " ' _
Wwlol B.... w.$hontIOI\ ac, 1_
~ 1" \I~ I W. N... 'foil:. 1m, • UNICEf, b ploU ......,tinoj p. 41.
II. IIl:; .rod \iHlen . 1M""""" of clWd,.. ond <lIildrtn', n lMCilUlO r<••i<NISt Educ.\i. .
N_ I n u..-_ , mEJltEft
ar-. '"'

_.... "-...
"" Q •
....... r-. QiIIIoM'"
r. I.I CIP._ -.......
Lli 'i '1!fIIcwl
t • •
IWICll'.3. "Wood
1............. w.E........ 1nI
. . . .. dJiII_ _ m · •
2t _
S-.""'WOIlO U - SIll
"'-' _ \WI . ... "
.-t_: ' . cMitIIII. B If a-,n' '
• • F, ,
iC. A_~p..Ir
i,NCIffllQ, s-w. \tIS, ....., "-1IillMS C n 4..'IIn:afol:
brlJNDl: UNfSCD. Uo\Iffll. UNICH
11III WH!l.UNW. _ lbot. 1991p.l
I' 51 ~1lL _""'WlIO.
<IIIIl io" - ...., bnd. IIlIl ".."..,.,
s,.;n, 'roI:on """""', lIodder ""
CMl_..'. .... ,- ' -
1910, ....,-.1 1>1' Bil
SolIo' .. .. unpulllithtd ,"'¥co
s \l ND P._ o. , .~>"",, 1kpIIff
1M lJtlOf', _ Yor" 1" , Po 50.
S!DU;tltDol, tlIIIdon. 1", Po It (>IP« tw lUI.. _ _ OOM!:• . pp.

a..,e. 1l: CWIINa It . . boIiIII

........ . . . .; 7oillli•• dllN

~"'''''''''.''''lIP-l :J.l ''
r I :CIIIilf~.Illl.s--.
.... a
.... oM "'"" '-no
e-.\MO.l. El i .... No-':
• " - ' wUllio'-",

" L O _ AgoIC." . mJ II
....JM;ghl.,..., ClI/IIt SIr-.
EOI1IlK tn. L - . l!!O,• . " IS
lNa.t• •
IlO.,............. _ _
. . . . . CtriII/IHO,
f'r.... ~ . I....... ..
I 'CIWd~in9<Uin',t~" "'" ·thildubour:WMillObo_T. Stilt,. 0\1. til.. p, ~ .
w-._..Womnt llr<Iup on CIWd <10< _ . . disc...... 01 "'" :l3 ~.cil. ......
~~1",, )I. WorIOIl1riPri>l - - . " IN )l c.-..o.n.btr_*,_
J lD. _ l * - " - ! ' . l D .
,,-,1m ... l' "' .
~ __...
iII\.owol.-..,12 ..... 1_
... . . _
5 " " " " "'BiIloIl;II
I 10 .~.

... ,.
t ..-.1.11.. 'lllI1Ioo/IIl ~......,.,-..-ot If I IC-.I
Ka.l_ _CWl~ , . ,I I:" . _ lW 1. ,.. . - _
...... __tIiIoo<. $ ' t .. ,. .Il, Illl. c;..n.•
s... a.
W. Eo ...... In! r-..1nI=
CIIold UNr. flirIO>otilr-*
tt Ropon
Stuion. G
LD G" • ••• I ootr.' _ 1Ii
~ S*'
""". p, 51

M.. c ~ 19, p,4,
~1 1II t/lilihfI UHIClf/llO. 31 alo<:k,M,Wo. _ lIcn_
~1" ,, 1.. " 11.0. l'btfIII ~ Rfporf ISIll. ... 11 ,. . . . . cloiIIl ....... -ur.·.
S 0<'"_-. . ZI o . - _ E _ '
... _ 'tllO'IoI"~

r:- I $01..- ..... ....t-.~
S«>II _ _ otUllioAww'<.. Iwo ES-1ooIiI. Orwwr

...... " _a.-
.... ~O II . UlD-J l - . r

bo I : Ie ... _lIoiIIi, 13 Ea.At. $Illllogo 0iI0l 1tI5.

I US I ... _._ I tlL.llor
3D s-. ~1.
.......... lOI'. 21 1IooP. .
1lI -.. ~ •. n.
'Z2 e.t.. tw... B«o. ~ (NIl
CIIiolrM: T1tf _ 01tlriIIlo/Ior .. us .e 5<aIoIo. AIiaon, ~ i11 lJfw
_I'._....t_~v ... _.,.odot, ~
iI ~ c/lul of_
A "'"
lioII, AnIi·

_. .....
P,.... OtN, 15195. ~ 22S ·m
I, USDtll o<9MrIl of Lobo<,
23 liInb.o_ " - _ ropwI, cilowl io
$IOftIy ............. l t.-. 1!11l,
Wubio ~ .... o.t. l181p. t Illl. " . , . _...... CIIiIII .a
, ton-o.lloI, ,. . . QiW'.....
"-'"" t.loow.. r .,Illl. '"-01. h
........ 21.
_ _ CIloIIoo. .... .. t-.

1..... e,
.... oil F '
........ wr.n.,.....
$""" f*. . . .
N 1,IIoIlI';_1lo II "-'

•• 'Jfl I$riOP, ... n. -..13 .... 1• .

e 6.."... M.. 'ClIdd llt>our in HllIld_
wm.. blllio: SiN,tion """ ~y
-"1ishoO 1bJ<ty kIr
• S. Io,., 1011 A1".6n 01..,....... 11. Gp .
oil. p. l l • WOtlllB, .k. _ /if ill '",1••
hrornM fin_I '"' ~
" ,.
n;periln.o", . _.. Vall . .... tIysis I rld
IlD,1!l19, qUOleO .. 8_ 1t 0IId
UNICEI': rho frDgrou ofNIHm 1$96.
S""",."I T.~ .... WO<\ij a . nl
Myon, op. oil. p.l

" Wein... MJ"<If\,

ck. pp, ,·n
foI_. in B<m•• op. • UNICEf, "'" $Im.f rhtI World'I
I:IWdrfn p••
WI ~ D.C. 216.
1 ., ~ .
'fu/ldirlol: Counting "'" C... 01
Ed""....., kn A1t. in l due.1i<Nt "" All;
" ILa, rOWMdf A<tioII Agltiul Child
Ub< IIP- ...l .
• BO\'dt<I. J•• IIlIt ~ _ _
l d"' "bM "'<IChild W!IIt. lMo , mi
~ , .G~ l"ts. bllo< lII.
Mid· O...d.MNtingol....
O, ,,sio..1Plpt/o, eMil Righlll s.....
• thid WorUn inlllt TobI"olnduary.
locIonHio', in Child _ 1OfJ IttNil ,
Val J, No. 1. JI'I. ·M... l !!It P. 11
No.l UN ICEF 1........Ii..... CIOIc!
Dtvtlopoqrll CIon. no,,,,,", 19M,
IPIt"",,""""1 ~ Forum ..,
Edo...... "" ..... _ " , 1~ 19 J_
I. , UNESCO, PIns. M
., 19S1
"a."" Wort... in .... T.. I"""stry;,, ~. 21. Warld e...... Prioritin Ifld srr.,....
" ChiId~itlillio,
pp . ~-
• WooIcI lac........., on"" S..........
~"'t<lion 10ld O" '''''momol
" lor Ellvcnon; A _
o,. ''',p. l53.

• 'thiId l.o""", WI 1M Agficullur. 1Soetor

;" Tho, "Oll; A'fit nudy 01 chid
C!IiIdron', PO" , 11 " oiled in UNICU,
11>1 Sr". drho l'Ib.11', CJWdrft! /991, " UNEsro. World E d".,....,R_
,~ UNESCO, P.Iio, lm.p, 1M.
.loIIr. Richl"j, <aneluding Mom..l.l
war1lff1 1n 1lM ..gorc""" . rld "'.
'IIbbtrpl. ........ In CbiJd 1\M-ff1 in
UNICl:F. NowYM, 1991h . \04,
" !tit Uid· "'Hting 01110.

.. AIiI.p. lo'
1..0"""'Y prosontf<j ".lIoNu''''
~" 10 I US Cong,... i<InIl
c..._ .•••nOll In 8011 H_rt.
ibid. p..... 19. p. S!i.
Ibid. po". 2D. ",m J. ~. 51.
'f'jan 01 o\c1ioo ,.. i1npl. mI_ "'"
Wo<Id Do,ia"tian an 1ht ~
Im"",Ilion.1CoMulmrYo Forum an
[dueolian fa< ..... """,,.n. 1&-19J"1lI
1991 pp.H .
fdu<_ lorAI! ," cl>it ~ 1Mlim
1MIi, Fit'. logic', IM _1IJIt
r..... ISJunolS')l.
PrwclionI rld OIVl!opmlRl 01
CIOb-I. In 1ht 1" ', p... . zt IS
" ."tiSlic~ <lDeum... lo,!h. M"' ·
DIe.d. MeOlioQ "'''''' IRIIrnOlionoi
• So.... Mictwotl 5., 'U"""" Canl.ssiooc
A<op an m.11o<. "' . ...c"" aI "'..,
c.OIl In UNICEF. I!>f Sr, tl otm.
_ . C/oiIdron IlISl. n• . d. 19!1l.
Ccn... ~ . "", Forum an EducoliOll I!II
~ ........... 15-19 J.... 1!l98, JIll. »3l
chid,"" ""'., B",jj IIy ~ on
'~.'1IiIIg c.....•• 11m•• 13Moy1996.
.R I nd UNESCO. rrllld" nd
• WI>id B. ot. PrioriN, 1M Sa, • •
lor Educt';""" A " - g, nl 1If>'im\
•n " Proi«-~ of f",_, It, 1_01
.... c... .. 23.
H. q. "'o/Illub ul' ~ peopIllIolP"
" llG$lrio, A., ·Rogp«kirol ....
119pic l...· Hue ...... nIl
Edue. ,;"". It, ~ ..odbrS." 19511-
2Il?i 11$_...t it> 19!13~ UNESCO,
........... _ ........" oIIDplo,
......m joIoT. 1'1>0 r..... ot hW. N....
dooIlopm. m"homl In a'''9flo<1 POlis, 1993,
CiIy'. In ~.tId prtnC""" 01
~ c IJiJdm> Md _ • ILO. 'Ct>iId Lobo"" Whol ilr to ba
d_ r .•. n •
Odli, 28Mm h 1996. p. 11.
UNICU. 1'1>0 1Ofi01t>iliItM: ~

cllilflrm <oomry ,"potts,otI
_ .. Soc.1IdA$ioo ~ ion.'
Coo1l '....' .. ChIld ........ oIld
Nog" c~ Bangkol"ll F.tIru...... I.
.... in IlequoIo oncI Myon,.... r:iI.. p.l
S>mI. AAllIooy. 'S<:I'od 010\11' """"
\:idl ', 1'1>0 N..... IrtI:wn.rlonA'ol. No.
• can,_ 1<>< ~ 00Idr0..
'EducIlion: ViIIOI d "'" -'iog
, !'OIdrln ', rlpo ~ . l l od on diu".......
MIddurOuj "'" Wopti. .. Eduu"".
W",kI!Iop ~oId ill N.mmllllloooolli. •
~ 1< .... /0 "'sic $DCi,1
.,.,·c.. lor 11/$/.... /110_
d.~.od UNOP._.
~ IlIpon IJ9( p.U .
A tie:.< /rom lI>I SUHt.liIisan . 1Id
ouppo.1IuIIo1irI fo, worti/lg child,..,
~ ' 1IIII.h<.... lIndio). A;>ri! 1!l91!i .ocI shlnry10Wll <hiIrI,,,, prod\l<od by

2/1. Flbruar; 1996. pp. 14-1&,
JoImoon. Vlr:tori.. Jo .... Hi. I Ad • "II _ I , S. ntosl\. '1I11lJth and
Ed. co' " Poitill in"'" H"'h.
f NOA·Toers MondlIllaur), No. 14.
F.b"""" 1996, 11. 1.
Eddo "'" n·Smilh. lJst~ /O SIn.iII<
\\liel" CItiId"" "1Il onWot>mllll' O'
"" ~ CoonIriH: Somo .......... in • a oquol. and """"ro..... cil, p.l:l1.
_ II.MlrIlOOt, Ol il . op.'"
c/oonft.A.clionAiII. london. Ie. p. n.
S. nIOII1 M. "'WI I IId ...-,III'd JoIIV
r.....LIW....,...... _.1IoIman " pp, ...... Js.
• SoI'lI', Mario CrisIirIo,.1Id W. 1tt<
AIIrcOn GI._d, _ Scl>oolo. FlU, dfOfI, '0 ba pobbNd by Oxlor<
llmv-ff1iIv "'.... p.13,
• l.IIOn... A....... lI11ntng III d,um . 1
ProjrIbAXIi', Fim Cal lot Chi/droJI,
lIS< C1liid ltM:: ChiM ..",.. ond
lduo.1i«J in 8fOtt Cdi>mIJiI.
EclJldnt; G..toIIYJ• • ndp",,-
• ........011, MI_ . I l I L, PriIIIIrt
EduW ion lotAI! 1,I/1!ing from lfII •
AJriLIJ... 1SS1. p. l
UNICEF, 'Ch.~,"od
O~Mi..: a l.i, Id uellion tln.1
/mcJunfj E.II'I' WI, UNiCU 8JlAC ~ ••"". dlOlY I.. in Pl listo. ·. "pot! oil UN InII!'
Imlrnllionll CIIiId 0-0""",""", fdu<1IlioMl 0......._
. ~ • ..., Minion an BasicEd.colion.
CIIIIrI. F/oronCl,1996. W""inII""" O.c., 1!i113. p, ~1. 1m, II <ittd in AhmId . ocI ' 9lm.
ss B' n l . 0ll · ... 211 .
• Ml f>rorr. , op. ,it.
PP.JJ-Jf. op. cil., p. l

,......... _e.,ioo, ... CIl, "'" os. '" c....-..~D•••Iop=hl

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I_ w......... DC. 111.- I!!I.
ID!I "llu.- lllu.<_ .._
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• "Wootwo .~'. C/IiIno.- s.. P- . Do<

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...",., lMrEC, i 1. _loIIon ""'" AtfioMIIO"
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......... oI IPfC a ' W ·ts, III"'" B' ..... 1oaK ol
IlO!lPlt,lltMYl, 0<1. ,'»5, " , 2t-.J3. [< p01W1 ot(;lNo h llill l0 ...
• _ _ -.d ~'" ClIoO-ol1ho N _ Ao_ ~ 1II

, .
I " fot.ncI....... lohort. 22", ...'h 1.1, ,"-,,0_ otAutlllllCllM
v - . Z3 J... ltl'.
Chapter ill

Statistical tables

El'wlorIlk Utll} s/K'i(ll 1I'/llliSlicS l)1I IJr~ /Ull io f/S /If Ihr wor ld. wilh
/Hlf/;l'IIlur refnrnu /0 rhi/tlrfl(s ",'ell-m'il/lI_

G "'-. ERAl. NU1'E ov nl~ OATA

E 1>I'I.ANlm O N Of SYMWI..s "'-Iii. 711
11'lD£X TO CQlr-'TR1ES

CotINTIlY GItOlJPI'I(lS FOR TAlIl.£ 10 (,v" . 100

D f:flS mQNS /Wit. / ()2



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0/ Ite ,ogulw ..... CII_ _ " , prO!lC'
lInllldeo\al81 til" Iha lhllld Nnol:l ~
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used 10 jekll1llllls III CWll'" 11<1:",

Sooa. . _ '" lilt ~ doIpIar

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. ymbol. ......... IIaIIl ...- allIlI _ vi "*- _ II lIJ

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ill 7
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NOli' Child motUI'tl' ....""'1.. for individ<al ~,_ . .. Pf' """,fy dlt-
ri>«l from dill flpt1f1ttd by lho UfUf«J Nlligm I'opc;"/;QII o.wsk>n, In
....... ca.o. ~ .airNI.. fOllY Iii,,", from ,1>1 11,_ _1OtIIIfic1....... In
1IffflIf~ lIMl rMIM«J ooriflljl IPPfOJI;ffl6/rt/y 11M , . J'lIIII' .re nt1f inl:orpo-
roted In dlftI,
Index to countries
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Table 8: Basic indicators on less ~",u"lo",u",s-"c"o",un"'t"rj"es,,--- _
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Measuring human development
M IOIl1:ldlr:lJDn (l) table 9


f __ ___
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_.a.. "IIll
__ a
I _ _ IIiu_col . .

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l.IIaF),..at_ n. . . '"'*'. -.. ..

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l.SIl c..1lo .. lIrllbolluu:l lIS"
__ of doIiII ... lilt. . . oil . . of ~~
.. 1 _11_ ..
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allllll'~ - ' . IJIu """""" ..

hlHoll .. _
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. . - . - _ .. ..,r MIl. a1I:IOI

" '••
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. . . . . ,.. __

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.... _ of.-.etoQl T1lI AAIlIl

."'.C'" ...--... ".
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IIInb'U __ ,..,.. . of .,...-I!J'.
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1uIuln- _ . . _m.. "" _ i i ' -.iMIo1 ....,/Ioou_,tr
SIco:rut. lhel"Y,tll ~ " - ' milo .. Ii' II< IIlI HI ISlA Dll0 _II m... 100 11> 90
-.Ilof._....."ol ......_ ''''_il>allQaonolIO''''' .... _ _
'*"" IflIlIhe "'llII!,MOO ., of IIID\tleIII- thI_10-_ tull han 20 III 10 >apI"
11lI lMi aI _I~on IflIl OIl!use; thI _ I ~oan of5Il.. l&lIl
I'..... ~,of _ .... o;:jjIcI llIiu/tll.-, Wtllin _ HI ~""' .. iIIl GNP
_11I:I", ~ W.l _ nI pwdl_ ... t!if,Illnl iU..t.clroa . .
food •• llIlIibII'., NIIMoIy II.. 11I", ... ~a "'" IllitlId oIlloI.....,..
lit . . _ . . 'I!li _JCU<, nib ...- b!'.... =oM'y Ilf ..... _ _
........,.. Ihu~., Q l ..,....-lol\JlOt,_Ihu_' .. ill!
n.rt IJIuIl'-Ml II lull ......tIko ..... _col . . _...."rol ""-' . . .
1IIIlu'.-...... O' .....,...
.... - ........ __ ...
. . . . . CI(III fM'llft ~col"_' As
.....,"*"*"..' "
. . _.-:t_._ .................---
1(1I lIlioo ......... _ _ ....

_.. '---_.-
. . . . . . ~col ...... IlIlu_ ""'.,.,...ell •

. . .
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.. CIJIIlU GIlP sa , I...

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. . _ _ ..... ~I N
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. . . ba . . . .

s-tIIl fII*Iat"lIl-._attol_
_ col ..... tuouII col _ - .. a.....

110_. . _ ' "

Fcw_-... I8M
:iJJ . . . . .
...- US/oII _ _ .......
• [ t .~

of.. _"'.~d*&I n.O'_

Table 9: The rate of "ro",o",e"",=,; -:---------==-----1
--- --_.--

.... .... ... !i.,•• -....• -".. -....." ..

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. -
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Table 10: Regional summaries

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- S
• • '•.
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.... ...." ...."" """ ". .."". """ .."" ...." ".."
_ _ _ t.a

1oIII _ _ _ . . . . . .

.... _...-.

Country groupings for table 10

.-....... ,. -......... ......

- . -_ ....

s.... S.hM... Alnc.

Il '

....-- ............. ......


U n tN;joe

"'- --
c.mI AIr_flop Gw.&'.,

.... --
" """" Z. .

--_... .. -.........-
,., '

......... .... 1
, J 1 $ ... -

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Europec. C • •uo n-.tth
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oflnd., 1 t ,15_ _
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_loattIcS_ .

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co u nt ... .

..... "'~-
o.v. lo pinll
....... ,-.........-
,-- ..._.. .....
....-...-- - ---

"- ....-~


....""" - -

............... --
""'- Sjo.... ArIb flop

... . .....

...... ......
!IIwniI . U flop
.- gl

........ ""
I'...... '"' f<IbIgo

-.. ... ,-

.... ,.."IIIUll

C&ormII4Ir_ "-' Nuoop

"'" ...... ........

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"" -,
I:l:ne.llon.l'wI fI!l;
-". ---......

/'apIII _ GoO-.

...- . ...... Klno.flop al


... ..... '''-
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t.... t " .... ,oped

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c ou nt ri• • 1lInlnIIUfloplll

........ --
..- ,-
--. .....

ltrI "'" Ilom flop

1,1....... --

Unc*-tN. m<>rUI~ty .. II UndIowe;ght Tot,l l.rtliity ,ale

M/Jdemtl _ _ - _ ..... _
I'r<IIlIIIoIlI'/ d dyJn; ~ bfII_ ftQfl7r n. ......"'_.. ltvl_bolrlm
""'''' 01 • .,.. !Pot I.OO:n... -.linl doMa!IonI han ..... we9IIl..
..or ..-..:.1l'PJat0\ _ - bIIIlw
...., !hlII tllII'IdInl dIMIIuII"""' ..w..
,,_~"'__ 0lMlIIlho"'ol
mo.. 1lDIfIlIr'(8..",
lBIIlIl'I , _
Infant monal/f'/ rite WltIltIl b IQll 01 n*,l!J'ClI~ ~o;

I'lDbO,Jyol ~ ~ l:iI1Illnl ~
QnII ~ 01,. Wi per UDlI", Wilting U, banpopulMion
s-.- bolrlw ..... _

Modtr' ff 1<>11 ~1JIP'1""-WIllI ....

rardIIU - . . m.n"..., WI!9'It kJI • dofllllld 1O'l>'tWl; tolho lIfI~

6IoI.s lWbCIIIDI pIOdu:l, Bq>'ISl*lI l l _
lbJId SlJIe$ iIallln GNP Il'Il apr\I~
"""1C 01 re/n:a ~ _ .. d1lI_.- ~ CIllIlIl.

. -. . _ ~_1hal 1oIIItHn,.
Stunti ng
_ ....... - beilW _ _ Absolute povlrty '->1M
ThI-.lMllalawwtldl • . . . -
_ _ a>mpJIII:I filUng ltInI .... lIl _ _C _1rIn _hoiItIllor OloViIiDnIti diotllklf.-bol non
IIJ"\Ii"U"" ~ ot GNP l* """iii" "" or ..hi<l!rc:lt ~ flDj 'II ~

_1IIIIkel_1Qf..,;,.,.. oliN
Total goitre
~ ottMhn 19ld& I! \00111

"o.. .....f _
LH. eq>ectanc:y , t blnh PtIpoblo .. ,;,;I,lo~lnI ThiI: ..... nIiI:IIao

Tho _IJI .... """""""~"'lUll
.... ~ IIlt;tIa ~ hi IIlOr\lIIdy ri$b IV........

Adult llt...acy 1111,

I'IIilaiilll\lll 01 JIO"IQnS 19lIll~dtIlI __ •

Aoteu to "-lilt!> ~
~ oIll11l /IOliWloon trI-'I~ ~
~ IIxlIIheIiri'I_1IV lilt looII
_0I=-.. no_1hIn cr-.I'QI
" ,""","

~ '"_

Conv..:eptive "'...._

PIIIr.enlagtol ...... - l _ ogod 1s-.t9

ca>_..clwrolS !'BiU \>,ll1I\Itj II5lI$ Will.........

Pl'lmary e nd sec:ondatV BII1M manc*!

...,olment .. lias ~ol_~bv~
Ibo OOtI:\IIlO.CibioU _ .. !lie lOlllI . . . . - . - ' o r "'""" """",,en
oIlNihn lIOldlIollll iil<t""*'llllHl!l om ON YIQ'I:InlI.-J .. ~.tIt
..t1l!It.-« f'IlIl lheJ "'*"'II"' .......... ~ 01" _ 01 diomlIlIlI ..
""'~ b lIliIlMl - ~ ~"
-.lJ!hI' 1OlIIl ...... 01 do..... III
lbI ""-"t l1li'""'" b Nt IMl Ibo JlM
•• '
• 'll!llIlSlllt 1lIlIIl .......lll tbb81
leIII!l who beioI'll in
chiIIhrl .... rrve \Nl olagtlnlaled WIlfI
cwaI~oaln .. , _i ' i "' o:kd ~

Chi""'.. rlNdllnv g,e6ol 5 01
M_ .... mortality rat.
ArnIIlI_ oIl1Mhsol_ ""'"
~ ........ ll».ool"'"

IndIed in e
ee IlIlMac lIQll~, aprml!d IS "
~ ~ lIJIlQIIII-a .......... ~01 dloIohn nt!I'JlII "" fnl
QfIIII 01 . . - IC:llDoI wllD IWI'IlilIlII' '1IIl:lo
lncoml shlo••
CnIcM death . 111

-- ..-
an oIlaao1dd1_ ... t.JlIII- .............. alduI!lIlII1,tOl
and"" l!MI «Ill'll C8II a11n1slhl1otl Wlll't hi
Main sources

-- .
Undtt·flve MOd
w_ """tali.,
..,. ...-- ...
E041 oditufl"" l>MItI\,-..:.dotJ

..- ..
lI«lf 1 " , - ' - -

.... ... --
..... - ....
W _

.... -....--

..... "" -- ..
TOb! popoolIbOn
'--...-. f-.l _I

o •

_ _ to "-ftfo _
.NIlJ1Oll . ., . .
IIiIMefnIl ..... hIlil •

- .
ur..: tao", ,
ul*1. . '
fIIAaII,. ..-

''1 ......_
K'«l_loffW _Mllot.-H
........- ......
School _
...., ' l..-&

....... ~­
~p p" .....
___""-,,,' ·Dr

B" ,, 'f
...,IlooIfoSOO ,Mog
••. : """_ _ e:.-
~ ~ftlWl'o1ll""

WMtinllI"" -Mint
u.- ""'" ,..... __

O-V..... .-.dl'Wlhs..- ~
....a.. s.-AAClI 'Ill Wllrld


A ....1Iar "' .....
""""" _ . . 18"~ 601-&1;, 111-11 tItliloool ClIidI.. ~ C
N....... fonn "" Ill. _ .... ~_ ChHr... ~ r..... llndiol. lO
_loboor ..... lJ ,JO. _ .. fioIjo...., aI CIloId ~ io, 1i3~ _oI,_ITor<OfllO" ..... ~ 10

in, ~ ~

cUll in tdll<JIi. ".11UIIIlft; in. :l'

a_ ro",12 __ 31. . ... 6!i
"'........ ;",53
AIri<. Fo\ood,lIOO I\IgIoAdol U
... 01 '1IiIIII""
_0<1 .. 'llild
ogric_oI '1iIIIIIlbou<. 2\1.31.00. G"
11_. ~ ,c Ea<uo4.
_'" ~ ( <ural l
0111\0 ClOId. Ill. 11
P'hiIill. 14 r.onv.r- "'" _ 01 .... _ 01

_~ ...... SIrMIClOIdoto
, , . . , _ ... 31
Il'tt """",, 1Iy, 13 0....--0;_-.51
C _ ... "'" RigIII:I at ""' ClIiId, ..\• • 1/.
!'r ojo<1 I8 ,, ~ :ill ell. AIfirIl; 8011." III
...",.... 1l , or", 1Id1l""". :ll Il4, M. A-S Il'" II. sa 51. Sl, fl. 1\
"""'·Sln.y Coelilltnds. '

-. . . ._on
33 ">II~'''' .oM...... 51 , ........."4Q. M-liI5.IJ·/1
" - . to<a.r i3 c....... Ar.;,o, 1lIl",,*. !13
....._ . )1 e-.._ •.*1 Costo fllo.. zz
C. ""01 E%IlO.lI Colla dlvoin•• 1IiIIl1I_'" 39
,liHIllbaut lI, JO.:I5, "
"""' f. . L_ InstllUl., 50
ChIld lli;/!I> ond "'" - . .
Conn lor""'01E"""_ .... 0••• 10.... ...
A.oo<i..... ICilEOklnIl" l12·n 50
CIIoliIlobot llt1,,-. Act IHaRiII lliI; u.s. •
0 ---. EilIM:.- "-ammo mo...."""
IMoniio. 1 !li6 ~ 116
.............. ., tori< U-. 1 8''''~ tol
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llIWollo, lJ age 01 ,1IiIIl,," _ ~ In,lS-2t budIo' , riotDoo.... I'
o;rIo""",",, 2lI.lHI, to , ..... _ ... 11--211. 3&, 3I-3l 4iJ

BoIlr. 1\.1IlllIO. 10
lIoIio ~, lInrwpo So"",, IBOOS, lnd>oL 50
, ... in ' '''''' - !uncInII ...... l!
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_ <10"" 1'0
. ,"","" ... OI!IJ, .... Dr, l3-SI
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Ilonor.6l 21 ",,,,.Oon,,,,.e <lise"""";"'" 15. 6\. 52
'1IiIII1ol>ao' in.21. 22. :0.»3\. 38,<0, 10. 1MWr_ ... <3-" ........, 11-' O!I, ~ l3-<U."
5O.11S. 111 tor,.., bondtt :l5.3& SOlI" w_ .... CIIiId lo/IcMI' """",,.
0Il",,1lionIn,IIH l l__ fur1rI>I1; lt trl ~ CMtIr,,,,, 3<
iI< oI _ _ ... 1lt Domftoon IlopubK.:llL3I
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_ _.. I'rot,
onII ,.. 31..00

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ot 0Iild 1.0
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800<. Y<M>day;t _ (:1;1,1... "'*'"
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... """ii
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1~ ..l l1.1!i Russio. _ '....
NItJOnO" ostiIut, l<:r Forii' W...8.... 1_1. <t>Id _ In,.'
Od",,_ ill, SlI.....1omoII
"'...... 11
AIric. _ ;"' <3
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pOl, 11 1lwI",11 ~_l N .PJIl,5G
<~ Ioboa, ... 32. J5... Oll,l4. <5. 61 Undugu So<ielf( ~~.L tJ, 5G
.....""·. ; _ _ ... 11 UNl:SCo, 2!1
0Ilu,_." 1Il 1Ja·1ofJrIoIl
P.lgmo "'~ iII,"
N~"' ~. :12
I L l<I$"'!'IMo. 11
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. 1Il<IioN, 1 1 ,IH~
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"""._ alluc_ ZH3.~11 . ~ 11·51
_."'land. 'JOId Il bour"' ;IO, II

C/;Nroon'. "'a/IOI DiI>U_ U r1irl~

10 S._ . IO
N_'V. Z3 .... ~ ... 10
'llili _ ill, JI, 35, 36-37 _~~ f .. UNlC!f. l0
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o,po.llM, B' oglod' ''l 6l
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... u.o! . <pIoOttIOln .......... • -11
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<tOld ....,
1,. Z2.:IS
....- lIv. fI4 <IIiId II_"':IS1I_"'3S.'"
Saudo AIric.. 12. 119

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_'cY""~ S<llJIh _ ...._ _ for IIIojIoo1Il
, ....... :12

eoop.",.., 1 $.WIC~21 W

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dON ll bo.. ill, J:J,31. (I
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StrHt EIu< I'rojl'tt i". !I5-51 .~ ...,hild,...
«J-tJ. !6. SJ·ll! _ C<>nlo........ Ed"" . ... for ....
I'thfr.. .... _!or, ~ 11 fThoiIInd. l!lIIl 51. 501
tIIiId.. 110 a.
It l1.l:l 42. S3. 1!i ..........ln Bra:il ... 5Hl World ConI" .. .\1_ eo.-n:joI Soxu.oI
_reo", ~ otions 11 "'tel td"",... I1'~ Il'''''~ ~ ~ ... ofCIIild... fSto<_ 1!llSI.

N_ p., 25
011 Sg.., 0IiIdrwI "' 51
1Ir''' won.~
"""'10111 . .
SWItltlll,d, ,
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_ D.d.,_ .. V>os..ivol,~

pI""'>tio<l ehilllo_ _ and IlftolopoM",orCllildrtnI 19!lOl. "

,,-01, 11 _ _ forClOlilrMllBlllJ. lI6
Wo<lIl s...r,,;,!or $0<111 D.......,• ••
P...II I;,,_ tfino, NopaIl.61 T
1ICJI't'l\'. IiI~ T......... <1OId llboor ill, 1I,n. 3l:lS 1~ ... III51"
cIiH llbo ... ond. lO-ll. V -a. ~ ........ 12-53 World T,' " 0<;_ ...... 119
PllESSH01'E I~_ l l!i

.. E....... N...... 56,51
........ 00<""'..·11 Ruparl f<>und.....
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_ .. indUIlrY,1l2
2. ... . 1
Projo<1 AIIMn. .... & OpparUllWo' 1<Igo.12
<IIiId 11_ ... 30 orIv<_"'53
par_ . .
(_"'..1. 11
Pr..... AxllB ' u450.51 ~Ht~. d "" lIbour"' _
_ 36-Jl .15 ~.""",tIon ..... II! lIr""lUIoI ..._ 1'"" , _ ... 11

........bwt I'lell"lfd I l I _T..,lIet
£......... eou,... I2INfECl53

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~Ior Ec_ e.-Mion
ond De, ' $ Inc
Blnlrod..,., G" ......
a _ n Agon<y lor llKl'Inio:"
RulliOr,I"" '"Otl . f'>d Aulrl,., I lor
MlnIII' OIU'" l l llll Exponen O...lop/IIIn,
_ .~

aIlI Gr. u..,.n SaaIy prajKt
1oIorI"""e--... t.per*
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- . - . . . MOIIeWY f\IOlll

UniItd N_

Educ-..L ScIenIiliI:
W CoIba! Orprl&llllion

e-. to< AUlII Educlli<ln In.
Intern.DonIIp'GII" ....... "" 11M UNICU

O...:opO\llllAsoot"riof1 EJimln' tion of Child tabo<J< IllO! Unlrod N. tior>. Child,.n·, FIlncl

EICIIIlIN__ lftb,o ~ ......,.., N. DontI Tt Kt.t

o«oc>.ldl' 2 , •

unicef @
UIIICU '. 'a.. lor
UIICff H .
3 UNPlaz ,
'; ••
boI.wo,:,... ....
NewYort. NT lllln, USA P.O. llox.l-I 5t
1l1"Stol 1ll2Ol. ThIn""
l/lIIlCU ' - - 0lIic:.
UNICU !Ieg 1otroce lor 1IHI
Pal. ;. dn Nation. MidolJI EQI N~ AIricI
CH,121 1Gen.~. Ill. s.,.;uwar>d P.O. 8ol ,lInl
lIIllCll' ...... . 0lIice lor
e-.r"' ~~' s-. lJMC( f. - d .....
r "lOl ' 7
. . a.IIic s.n i _s-. .;..
Pi t. 11 dn Nation. P.o. Bo.lolI 1S
CH·1211 Gensv. 10. Swiu. rli nd Loldlnitll Ma rg
kl1lwrla ndu, N I
UNlCU Clllicoo ..
~ Aloia llNICU lllIa ......
I'.O. 8ol44I'S UNI l.d q~~
Nairobi, k lllYl

UMICEf R........ I Ollie.

_ .... CnlraI AIricI
53-70, Jingumlt S-chom a
Shibll'/I ·ku
Takyo l!iO, Japan
P.O. Bo>: 443
~ 04, ClPbIlI1wain

UNICEf' • '0lliA ....

.-nc . :.... tdkM
Ajllrudo 1555
Santi F, dl Bllgotj, Colomb;.

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