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"  # cSean Ferrier-Watson, MA
$$ c# # cHL 126
$$ c%#  cMWF 10:00-11:00A; W 1:00-3:00P
$$ c&# cR R 

$$ c'( cu 03) 886.5 80
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Adkins, Tabetha.   R . Southlake, Texas: Fountainhead

Press, 2010.

Sunstein, Bonnie Stone and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater. 

 R. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006.

Three-ring binder that will serve as your Research Portfolio usee below)
Thumb drive or other means account, for example) of storing digital
versions of the essays and other written material you generate ualways, always keep a
backup of everything you turn in!)
A valid, working email address that you check everyday


Resources for Ethnographic Research uasking good interview questions, professional
associations¶ codes of ethics, etc.)
The Celebration of Student Writing at Eastern Michigan University Some of our past Celebrations:

# c1 ! # c
This course is all about conducting research. In the writing program at Texas A&M
University Commerce, we believe that students learn to do research best by conducting
research products of their own design but with some focus and help of their instructors.
Therefore, in this class you will conduct ethnographic research projects in which you will
³go out into the field´ in efforts to learn something about reading and writing in contexts or
in it¶s ³natural habitat.´ You will then become more informed about these findings by
comparing what you¶ve learned with scholarship conducted by professional researchers and
conducting further ³library research´ to help you create a more informative research report.
You¶ll finish the semester by presenting your findings in a public forum called The Celebration
of Student Writing.

  c  c # c

Students who successfully complete ENG 1302 will have:
1. an understanding and ability to make use of primary and secondary sources within a
focused, academic argument
2. an awareness of context and how audience and context affect a writer¶s rhetorical choices
3. the rhetorical flexibility necessary to negotiate a variety of academic tasks uresearch,
interviews, close reading) leading to a sustained argument that is convincing, informative,
and well-researched
4. an awareness of context and how our own subject positions as writers might affect our
findings²and how to work through potential biases toward more effective arguments
5. an ability to effectively report research findings in writing uvia a well-researched and
articulated essay) and in person uvia a poster presentation at the end of the semester²
Celebration of Student Writing)

 c 2" - .c

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 c&#+ *c
Attendance is mandatory. As with any college class, attendance is a vital part of the learning
process. If a student misses more than five class sessions, a deduction will be applied to the
student¶s grade uattendance is an important part of your grade, so please do not underestimate the
attendance policy). Absences are considered to be unauthorized unless due to a sanctioned
school activity. The student must present proper documentation for the activity before the missed
day in order for an excuse to be issued. If, through a misfortune, a student should arrive after the
instructor has recorded absences, it is the student¶s !# , + * to talk with the instructor
immediately after class in order to discuss changing the unauthorized absence to a tardy.
Excessive absences can result in a failing grade for the class. If the problem is serious enough to
miss a significant amount of class, then the student should consider dropping the course or
speaking with the university. There will be no make ups for missed assignments, but the
instructor may allow for extra daily assignments for students with authorized absences.

+c1  ! #c&#+ *3 )c&  ! #c&#+ *c

Disruptions will not be tolerated in my class. Cell-phones, laptop computers, audio/music
devices, and any other technological device that does not pertain to the lesson will be banned in
my classroom. If the device is used as a note taking instrument or as a way of performing class
activities, I might grant an exception to this policy. Newspapers, magazines, and any other
material not pertaining to the subject at hand may also constitute a violation of this policy. Any
violation of this policy can result in the student¶s immediate dismissal from the classroom for the
day and a grade of zero being entered for daily participation. Failure to participate in class
activities or behavioral disruptions will also constitute grounds for dismissal.
. *3) c  +*c&#+ *c
The occasional tardy is acceptable and often unavoidable in any given semester. I understand
that ³  happen´ and that missing a few minutes of class was not your design; however,
excessive tardiness²tardiness that results in missing more than fifteen minutes of class or
tardiness that occurs frequently²is unacceptable. In these extreme cases, I will generally mark
the student absent for the day. Unless I have given you permission to leave class early, cutting-
out before class is over will almost always result in an absents and zero for the day.

 c&#+ *c
I will NOT accept late papers. If you know you will miss the day a major assignment is due, please
contact me ahead of time or submit the paper early. I will NOT allow make up papers for any reason;
however, if you notify me ahead of time about a submission conflict, I will try to aid you in making other
arrangements for submitting a major grade.

4 c&#+ *c

Students will be allowed to rewrite one major essay for full credit. I will not permit students to rewrite a
paper with a grade above 0%. All rewrites must be submitted two weeks after the graded assignment has
been returned to the student. Since the final project is due the last week of class, it will of course be an
exception to the rewrite policy. I recommend that students only rewrite papers with a grade of B- or
lower. If you have any concerns about the rewrite policy, please address these concerns with me as soon
as possible. uNote: this policy will not apply to late submissions.)

%#4c# c c c1    c

    R  ÿ     
Using Chapter One from
explain your theory of the concept of ³literacy.´ What is literacy? How do you know a
³literacy event´ when you see it? How will you go about looking for literacy in its ³natural
habitat´ or in context? Think of this essay as the framework you are creating for your study.
ulength suggestion: 3-5 pages)


In this short essay, you should explain to your
instructor where you¶re going to do your research, what you will be looking for and at in that
research site, and why this site is appropriate for your research. In interest of conducting ethical
research, explain your connection to this site ui.e. you eat lunch there often, you know someone
who works there, etc.). You should also explain what you anticipate you will learn about literacy
in this site. ulength suggestion: 2-3 pages)


Using The Belmont Report
as a frame work and the Codes of Ethics developed by professional organizations like The
Modern Language Association, The American Anthropological Association, The Association of
Internet Researchers, or The American Folklore Society, create a Code of Ethics you will follow
in your own research. You may also find information in and to assist you with this
project. Once you have created your Code of Ethics, you will also need to create an Informed
Consent form that your research participants will read and sign. Remember that your research
participants are the audience for this text, so you¶ll want to create an informed consent sheet that
makes sense to them but also follows the guidelines and expectations of your instructor. ulength
suggestion: 5-7 pages, including informed consent.)
In this essay, you will show off your
ability to use descriptive language to ³paint a picture with words.´ Your goal is to describe your
research site so thoroughly and completely that readers feel they have been there themselves.
This essay will eventually become part of your final ethnographic essay. ulength suggestion: 4-6

Since good ethnographic research involves both fieldwork and
traditional library research, you will need to gather sources that inform what you learn in your
fieldwork. These sources should be books, peer reviewed journal articles, and other relevant
sources approved by your instructor. Since the research you¶re doing is scholarly, you will only
use scholarly sources to support your claims. uThat means no  or Dictionary entries,
for example.) You must annotate c .


This category includes in-class writing
assignments, informal writing assignments, homework writing assignments, etc.


May 13 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the SRSC
The Celebration of Student Writing is an event held every semester where students enrolled in
ENG 1302 demonstrate and show-off what they learned in their research projects. You should
create some kind of display with artifacts, visual elements, and information about what you
learned in your research. The ³celebration´ will look like a science fair with rows of tables and
projects displayed. Your participation in this event is mandatory.


A final essay detailing the results of your study, what your
findings mean in relation to the field of literacy studies, etc. Look to chapters four and five in
for what this project should . Keep in mind that other essays you¶ve composed
this semester including WA1, WA3, WA4, and the annotated bibliography will all be part of this
essay. ulength suggestion: 12-15 pages)


In your research portfolio you¶ll include your drafts from the
semester, informed consent forms, informal writing assignments, double sided observation notes,
reflexive writing, research artifacts, and anything else that help create an accurate portrayal of
the research you conducted this semester.

. %c 2" - .c

lFlash drive or other means account, for example) of storing digital
versions of the essays and other written material you generate ualways, always keep a
backup of everything you turn in!)
lA valid, working email address that you check often ueveryday)
l Regular internet access uadditional readings available online)
lAccess to a computer with a word processing program and a printer uassignments must
be typed and printed)

Some supplementary texts for this course exist exclusively online, so you must have Internet
access to read and/or view these texts.

"   #c4 c"  # c   c
Please contact you instructor with any questions you may have. Your instructor¶s
communication preference is e-mail, and his/her address is: TBA. Also, each instructor in
the department of literature and languages is required to keep at least three office hours per
course per week.

 )c& #  c
If you have concerns about the class or about me as an instructor, please speak to me about
those concerns. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our conversation, the next
person in the chain of command is the Director of the Writing Program, Dr. Tabetha
Adkins. Her e-mail address is

 c1c"5 ".c& 1 3&"" c

# c! $ c& #  c
The Writing Center offers writers free, one-on-one assistance. We welcome all writers,
majors, and disciplines²undergraduate and graduate students alike. In fact, we work from
the premise that all writers, no matter their ability level, benefit from the feedback of
knowledgeable readers. The Writing Center staff is trained to provide writers with just this
service. In short, we are here to help you help yourself. In order to ensure the most
effective session possible, we offer visitors the following suggestions: u1) Get started on
your writing project early, and visit the Writing Center at least one day before your final
draft is due. You will need time to work with the ideas and suggestions generated in your
tutorial sessions. u2) Bring a written copy of your assignment, any relevant readings, and
one or two specific questions or concerns you would like to discuss with us.
We are located in the Hall of Languages, Room 103 u 03-886-5280) and online at

R R  

The official departmental policy: ³Instructors in the Department of Literature and
Languages do not tolerate plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonestly. Instructors
uphold and support the highest academic standards, and students are expected to do
likewise. Penalties for students guilty of academic dishonesty include disciplinary
probation, suspension, and expulsion. uTexas A&M University-Commerce Code of Student
Conduct 5.b [1,2,3])
If you ever have any questions about a particular use of a source, always ask your
instructor. They want you to avoid plagiarism, too, so they will help you do so whenever
and wherever they can. Do what you can to take advantage of this support²to look
innocent in addition to being innocent when it comes to charges of plagiarism.
Students guilty of academic dishonesty of plagiarism can expect to fail the assignment in
question or the entire course depending on the nature of the incident.

!  R R  

To accommodate students who participate in university-sanctioned activities, the First-
Year Composition Program offers sections of this course at various times of the day and
week. If you think that this course may conflict with a university-sanctioned activity in
which you are involved--athletics, etc.--please see your instructor after class on the first

 )  *c! $ c& #  c
The Americans with Disabilities Act uADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other
things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning
environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you
have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact:

$$ c#$c  c1 , + *c# cc ) c

.(c6-c )  *7# c
c ,  *cc
&#c89:c;;7<<c# c89:c;;7<;<c
Student Disability Resources & Services

All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and
acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment. uSee   
R   # 

. .."5 c c." c3c 1c
  R = EIIW
= FW

/c: chapter one

/c: ³Literacy Practices´ by Barton & Hamilton


/c c³Literacy in Three Metaphors´ by Sylvia Scribner in 
³Literacy, Opportunity, and Economic Change´ by Deborah Brandt in 

/c= c  
Introduction to Chapter three in 


/c< c Chapter 68-10

³The Belmont Report´ in 


/c c³Seduction and Betrayal´ by Thomas Newkirk in 

³Ethnographic Research Ethics and Amish Values´ by Tabetha Adkins in 

/c> c
Introduction to Chapter four of 
³Reading Rites and Sports´ by Jabari Mahiri in 

/c; c-   c#$ c8+c4 ++c,c#c c+:c

! c /?c

/c9: ³Blinded By the Letter´ by Wysocki & Johnson-Eiola in 


/c c³Introduction´ by Bronwyn T. Williams

3 annotations for bibliography due

/c: Chapter 8

#  c ,+ # !*cc


/c c³Becoming Literate´ by Andrea R. Fishman in 

/c c $ c#$c$ +c # ! c *cc

Read over students examples, Chapter 5 in 

/c= c7#7#c#$ c


/c< cPrepare Research Portfolio for Presentation uCelebration of Student Writing); Peer
review final papers

+,  #c#$c  c

 c' *0c-*cc 7= c c.c+,0cc
' +c#!*c#$c # ! c *c1cTBA


&# $#+ #ccTBAc

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