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Battle of the sexes: Neither

gender is superior
By Linda Sajiw

The view that there is a battle between the sexes

and that one gender is superior to the other is the
core reason we have the problems we have on the
planet. This perspective has a base in fear and
domination instead of love and a connection with our
The real battle fails to be between the sexes but with
the Ego personality's limited view of who it thinks it
is and how it thinks we should live our lives.
The ego personality in the manifestation of both man
and woman is what creates the battle between the
sexes and a superior stance in this world.
In Truth we are equals and compliments. We just
operate differently in this world. I was sent this quote
which was reported to have been made a
relationship "expert." It says: "The bottom line
between men and women is that women like a man
with a plan and men like a woman with a smile." This
is an example of a viewpoint that comes from the
limiting ego rather than a Higher Self connection with
As both man and woman take back their true
empowerment they become more connected to their
Divinity and their place within the Divine Plan on
earth. They stop looking to each other to take
responsibility for fulfilling the plan they think their
partner should be following or an image they think
their partner should have. We begin to attract to us
naturally what is part of that plan.
This is why we have the collapse of so many
relationships and organizations at this time. The old
concepts of who we perceive ourselves to be are
collapsing. It is time to recognize that Love will
always be the answer to absolutely every problem
experienced on this planet. Love connects. This is
more than the limiting concepts to do with physical
True love runs through every interaction and every
plan when both man and woman recognize that they
are the love they desire. When we have this planted
within us that love begins to bloom watered by the
strength, courage and wisdom we acquire by
integrating our Soul essence and purpose. We
recognize that we are "One" as well as unique beings
with a purpose to fulfill.
Man and woman don't need to do battle or compete
with each other or amongst their own sex for they
have become the love that they are. This means
being fully present here and now in a male or female
body that is designed the way it is for a reason. Each
design is unique according to the purpose for being
here at this time.
At the same time the reference point ceases to be
from a body perspective that includes cultural
imprinting, past memories and belief systems. Then
the identification is with the Multi-dimensional being
that we are that is interacting with everyone else on
the planet whether we are in the same environment
as each other or not.
How can anyone be superior to anyone else when
there is recognition of the Truth of who we are that is
founded in an infinite love based consciousness? A
key point to remember is that we are all in a state of
evolution. It is very important to be actively evolving
your awareness of who you are and why you are here
in your own way.
Wherever we make ourselves superior to the
opposite sex we will have the opposite sex seeing
themselves as superior to us in the opposite way.
Both sexes have strengths and weaknesses. The real
challenge is to transform those ego based systems
created by both sexes that would annihilate us both.
Ultimately this is something that goes way beyond
anything that could possibly be conveyed with
language. The universe holds the keys.
By Michael Kellichner
Neither. This debate had gone on for generations,
which has been infinitely longer than it should have.
The country made a big step forward in
acknowledging that women can do everything a man
can and declaring that there should (even if there
isn't always) be equal rights between genders. Yet
now there's the debate of which is better, with pig-
headed men on one side saying that women should
never have been let out of the kitchen, and extremist
women on the other side saying that men should be
considered inferior for several different reasons, but
relating in some way to a belief that by putting males
into an inferior position, it'll somehow right the
wrongs of the past.
Isn't it a much nicer thought to believe that both
genders are equal and that each person is an
individual before whether he or she happens to be
male of female? There can be very feminine men just
as there can be very masculine women, especially if
roles that are stereotypically geared towards one
gender or the other. Just because someone is a
women doesn't mean she can't fix a car or like
football (or play football or any other heavy contact
sport, for that matter). Alternately, just because
someone is a man doesn't mean they can't cook or
clean. The roles that each gender fits into are only a
social construction that many fought very hard to
destroy. But it's important to keep in mind what was
being fought for during those earlier movements:
equality, not superiority.
Are there differences between men and women?
Generally, yes. But if focus is instead on individuals
rather than general, one-size-fits-all cages (they
never really do fit all), all the stereotypes break
down. Personally, I know next to nothing about cars.
I've met plenty of females who can identify makes
and models of different vehicles while I'm referring to
them by color. And, as a male, I despise watching
sports and enjoy reading poetry.
Just because differences exist between two groups of
people doesn't mean that one has to be superior to
the other. There is no winning or losing by being born
one gender over another. And, in today's society,
there are plenty of people undergoing operations to
change their sex, people who cross-dress because
they feel an affinity towards the sex they were not
born as, and as Thomas Beatie showed us, the line
between what the main, physical differences
between men and women is becoming blurred.
People cannot help which sex they are born. To say
that one sex is superior to the other eliminates a
long, arduous fight for women, and also for our
advancement as a society. We finally saw that which
chromosomes someone possess doesn't limit what
he or she could do. History shows magnificent men
and women. If one sex was superior, the debate
would have ended long ago.

By Just Dee

Battle of the sexes, why does the fight go on? I am

female, I might shock a few females by saying this
but a man is different to a woman and visa versa, so
this battle is ridiculous. Women are important, don't
get me wrong, we carry a very unique quality that
men don't have; we are mothers, carers, teachers
and helpers.
Men are also very important, if we didn't have men,
we wouldn't be where we are, a man is very much
needed for a woman to be a woman. A man is the
provider, this is what he is supposed to do, provide. A
woman is the carer, this is what we know how to do
best. Feminism has made woman into believing that
we need to be more like men and that men have to
be more like women, what a crazy outlook and belief!
A man is strong, powerful and he is a leader. A
woman is the man's helper, she helps her man lead
wisely, she guides him in his choices and supports
him at all times. A man is the head of his home, this
is how it should be, but he is not to be a dictating
controller who beats up his wife. He is to love his wife
with passion and he has to be man enough to be
there for his family at all times.
A woman shares her standing with her man. A man
cannot live without a woman and a woman cannot
live without a man. We both need each other. My
personal view is that women need to be women and
start acting like it instead of trying to run the rat race
of being in control and fighting for the 'superior' role.
If we can just stand together, side by side with equal
respect and dignity, life would be much easier.
In the work place, certain women have a passion and
a drive to excel, like men; they should fight for their
dreams regardless of what it might be. The fight for
the 'stronger' sex is unnecessary. If we are talking
about muscle, then yes, a man should be stronger, I
have yet to see woman punch a man until it knocks
him out. This ideal of women being super strong
almost like men has created a 'fake' outlook on what
women are and what women should be like.
Women, enjoy your femininity, it is a beautiful gift to
be able to multi task, keep the house in order and
look good all at once. We should be honored to be
women, we are beautiful. You are a mother; you hold
the key to comforting your family and supporting the
foundation within its values and goals. You have the
ability to look marvelous, far more beautiful than any
man on earth.
Men, honor who you are. Take a stand as a man and
fight for your family. Stick with them like glue and
take honor in the ability to go out there, work hard
and provide a good life for your wife and children.
You hold the key to bringing joy to your family by
your strength, love and commitment. You have the
ability to be strong and courageous, wild and
We are not above one another; we are to walk along
side each other. Team work is by far more superior,
male or female, end of story!
By Jac Alyn
In this modern day and age of technology and
information, I find it deeply amusing that we are still
debating whether or not women are superior to men,
or vice versa.
Haven't we learned yet that each gender has
superiority over different areas, and that one cannot
blatantly state that men are better, or women are
better without sparking a plethora of angry calls
stating otherwise?
Each example of superiority is equally opposed by an
'except for'.
"Men are superior leaders, except for Queen
Elizabeth, Catherine the Great and Cleopatra"
"Women are superior communicators, except for
Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare and Gandhi"
"Men are superior warriors except for Joan of Arc,
Athena Goddess of War, and the Amazons"
"Women are superior artists, except for Andy Warhol,
Picasso and DaVinci"
Men and women are two halves of a whole. What is
more superior? The pie crust or the filling? Neither.
Both come together to make something deliciously
enjoyable. That is men and women. Without a wife, a
man is a bachelor. Without a husband, a woman is a
spinster. Which is superior? Both are at a
disadvantage. Who is more important, Romeo or
Juliette? There is no story about them individually.
They are only important because they have each
Neither sex can claim superiority over the other. Men
try to claim superiority by using brute force against
women to dominate her. And women try to claim
superiority by seduction. Each is enslaved by the
other. Continuously seeking each other out.
My husband is superior in cooking. I am superior in
financial decisions. Who is superior overall? Without
him I would starve. Without me he would be buried
by debt. We need each other. That is why we have
marriages. If men were superior, they would not
need women. And we know they do.
However, if there were one woman left on Earth, the
human race would become extinct. She cannot
reproduce fast enough to keep up the human race.
But if there were one man left on Earth, the human
race would still flourish and grow and eventually
Who is superior overall?
By Susan Percy
Call me old-fashioned. Or call me a wishful thinker
who hopes "this too shall pass." But if you're one of
those trendy types, a metro sexual kind of a guy-in
touch with your feminine side-don't call me at all.
Anyhow, I'm married. To a former Marine. I'm not in
the market for another committed relationship with a
man, but if I were I'd be beating the bushes looking
for a guy like the guys I've lived among the last thirty
years. Men who are not ashamed of-nor apologize
for-their maleness.
I prefer men who act like men and that covers a lot
of territory because manliness in not necessarily
"macho." I can't even define manliness because I
know it more by what it isn't than by what it is.
Remember when Paula Coles, one of the Lilith Faire
songbirds, warbled the plaintive tune, "Where Have
All the Cowboys Gone?" Her melancholy lyrics asked,
"Where is my John Wayne?"
I heard the words and looked around me, wondering,
"What's she missing that I'm not?"
That song exposed a quandary for the feminist elite,
the near extinction of the strong, hero-type among
their sympathizers of the opposite sex. My theory is
the strident anti-male message sung and preached
by many in the "sisterhood" simply ran "The Duke"
out of "their" town, their hang outs and watering
holes. Saloons out. Salons in. And, oh, how they miss
John Wayne.
To regain that lost treasure, all Paula had to do was
look at, sayParris IslandQuanticoto name a couple.
Then again, the Lilith Faire itself had overtones rife
with "woman good/man bad" messages. Lilith,
according to some obscure myth, was Adam's first
wife, pre-Eve, Eden, and the snake, and she rose to
heroine status among the Amazons by blowing off
Adam even before God got a shot at him.
Or, perhaps, adding to their dismay, the shrill
feminists let John stay in their midst, as long as he
promised to add a purse to his ensemble, cry with
frequency, and amble on over to their pajama parties
where he could listen sympathetically as they fretted
over the woes of "hormonal imbalances, Pilgrim."
So, the feminists demanded a makeover of the
American heterosexual male and there is abundant
evidence on our streets that more than a few men
submitted. We see them as they emerge from the
centers of haute couture, laden with bags of products
from the cosmetics counter. Sorry gals, the pots of
vanishing cream and make up are for him, not you.
In cases where the man-bashers met with success in
overhauling men, they looked hard at what they had
wrought and went, "Yuck." They should have been
more careful in what they asked for. Having taken
the "new model" man of their own design out for a
trial run, they now whine he has no horsepower.
On the rare occasions I'm overcome with emotion
and dissolve in tears, I want a sturdy arm around my
shoulder, not his tears intermixed with mine, soaking
my silk blouse. In the movie line I want a deeper
voice than mine to say to the person using profanity
in front of me, "Please don't use that kind of
language in front of women and children." Further, I
want the look on my companion's face and the thrust
of his chest to suggest to the offender that
compliance would be the prudent response.
A man who is as adept as I at tittering small talk with
the girls leaves me limp. I even cringe when a
member of the opposite sex willingly orders blush
wine without embarrassment.
Who needs a man who could understand a woman's
every whim? I prefer the comfort found in the
consistency of a man's inability to fathom a woman's
logic. A man I could enjoy would likely find the term
"woman's logic" oxymoronic anyhow. But he'd love
women passionately just the same.
Besides, a confident woman already knows she sits
in the "cat bird's seat." With no desire to upset the
chemical balance in his brain that blocks his ability to
follow her thinking or motivation. She knows if he
actually "went there," civilization as we know it
would come to an end. She certainly doesn't need to
attack a good man's image of himself to find her own
My parents taught me long ago it's wrong to pump
oneself up by putting others down. But, until a few
years ago when arch-Feminist Susan Faludi found
bugs in the reality (it bites!) of a man created by
women, not God, the most vocal elements in the
women's "movement" were relentless in attacking
men as a group. The endgame was that certain
insecure, psycho-babbling men "became" women
with alternative plumbing. I guess the logic used was
that it would somehow make the sexes equal. Well, it
ain't natural and we know what comes of messing
with Mother Nature, the real feminist who knows all
the skinny about survival of the fittest.
I know many women who share my view, including
women Marines I've met. We want our message out
there too so we don't confuse men even further as to
what women really want (It's a moving target, fellas;
You'll never figure it out). But we'll do our work
honorably and professionally, just like men, and lift
them up where they need us and vice versa.
We women who love men being men have always
believed in the equal worth of the sexes. We believed
in ourselves, too, long before we were told by the
National Organization of Women that we should. We
preferred being humanists over being feminists,
understanding that our differences from men should
be complementary. Making us all stronger when we
worked together for the common good. What was
right and respectful of others was gender-blind. Not
defined by the men in our lives! Nor did we want the
men in our lives defined by us. We understood that
testosterone and tender hearts weren't incompatible
hence Toys for Tots and untold acts of unheralded
kindnesses by men in "high and tights." By the same
token, many of the most courageous, steel-spine
constitutions are embodied in delicate, feminine
frames. Or the dress blues of a lady Marine.
We support self-improvement in individuals of both
sexes. We just prefer that men and women make
those improvements within the context of what the
Good Lord or nature, depending on your beliefs,
intends us to be.
One of my favorite observations on the matter came
from the "Roseanne" sitcom. Advising a girlfriend to
avoid a permanent relationship with an over-
sensitized man, Roseanne explained, "See, after
awhile it's like being married to your brother. Or
worse to your sister."
Thank goodness women like me can look to the
Corps where real men will never go out of vogue.
And for those of us who prefer real men, we can only
hope Metro Man is a fancy in the process of passing.
Truth is, a metro sexual wouldn't find me his type
either. I'd just hurt his feelings. Just as well. I already
have a sister.

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