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Class : Bijak

Subject : English Language

Date : 12 July 2010

Time : 10.40 – 11.40 am

Number of pupils : 5 pupils (slow learners)

Topic : Body

Sub – Topic : Parts of the Body

Objective : At the end of the lesson plan,

1. Pupils should be able to name 4 out of 7parts of body when teacher shown the pictures of body
2. Pupils should be able to read the names of 5 parts of body.
3. Pupils should be able to match words to the correct picture.

Pupils’ knowledge : Pupils know the part of the body in spoken format

Moral Values : Love, Respect and Appreciate

Teaching Aides :Video, chart, flash cards and worksheet

Steps Content Activities Aides / Notes

Induction Set Introduction ☻ Sing a song ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and

(5 minutes) ☻ Teacher plays and sings the song first, pupils ♥ Video
pay attention.
☻ Teacher and pupils sing the song together.

Step 1 Let’s Learn ☻ Teacher says the name of parts of body as she
points to the chart.
(20 minutes) ☻ Teacher asks a pupil to come to the front of the
class. ♥ Chart
☻ Teacher points and asks pupil the name of parts
of body.
☻ Teacher guide pupils to say the name of parts
of the body.

Step 2 Practice ☻ Teacher shows flesh cards of parts of the body.

☻ Teacher and pupils read together.
(15 minutes) ☻ Teacher guides pupils to read words of parts of
the body.

Step 3 Drill ☻ Word with picture

Teacher matches one word with one flash card
(15 minutes) Teacher asks pupils to match the word to the
correct pictures. ♥ Worksheet
☻ Teacher gives each pupil a worksheet 3
☻ Pupils may discuss with their peers.

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