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Chapter 2: Spreading the Message Lynch

Notes 2011

I. Christians endure persecution for the first three hundred



Edict of Milan:

• Martyrdom is the ultimate witness to a person’s faith; a martyr bears

witness by ______________ for the faith
• Persecutions in began in ___________________
• _________________ persecutions affected the Church most profoundly
• Many factors made ________________ more susceptible to persecution:
o Once separated from Judaism, it was ____________
o Spread quickly throughout the empire
o ___________ the worship of _____________ and the __________ of the
o Its members met in secret
• ____________ initiated the first Roman persecution
• Many Roman emperors persecuted Christians after Nero
o Some Christians would leave the area or hide
o Many Christians suffered ____________ and ____________ during
these periods
• Constantine became in control of the entire Roman world in 324
o He became Christian on his death bed

II. The Church develops structures and statements of beliefs…





o The Church needed to addressed ways it expressed its beliefs, the way
it celebrated and ritualized its beliefs, and the way it structured itself
o Once persecutions has subsided, Christian apologist began to
formulate a Christian __________ (intellectual study of religious matters)
o It took the power of the _____________________ to come to a true
understanding of God and Jesus
o The Church had to decide which books to include in its canon
o Although a number of ___________ circulated the Christian community in
the first century, only _________ of them were accepted as part of the
o Questions asked when choosing what Gospels to include:
 What the work written by an eyewitness to the events, by
someone who actually knew Jesus or an apostle?
 Did the writing accurately reflect the teachings of Jesus?
 Had the writing been used in liturgical settings by Church
o The Bible is not the only source available to us for the transmission of
beliefs, we also have the ______________ of the Church
o Communicates the _________ and _____________ of the Church

III. Through development in its theology, liturgy, and initiation, the

Church takes shape…
o Sacramental life began to take shape
o ______________________ went through a process of formation which
prepared them for entry into the Christian community
o Much like RCIA, which was restored into the Catholic Church after
Vatican II
o The RCIA process models the initiation process for those received into
the early Christian community

IV. During the first three hundred years, leaders emerge who guide and
shape the Church…



• The Church is one body, with many members who have different
• As the Church grew, defined structures of authority grew with it
• At an early stage, the model that exists today became the standard
o Individuals were appointed to lead local communities (like bishops,
o ____________ assisted these local leaders, especially in the important
work of caring for people with special needs in the community
o Eventually, ______________ became exclusive representative of the
bishops as local communities expanded farther

V. In conclusion, during the Fourth Century, the Church emerges as the

dominant religion of the Roman Empire

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