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Role Of Banks in Indian Economy

Banking in India originated in the first decade of 18th century

with The General Bank of India coming into existence in 1786.
This was followed by Bank of Hindustan. Both these banks are
now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State
Bank of India being established as "The Bank of Bengal" in
Calcutta in June 1806. A couple of decades later, foreign banks
like Credit Lyonnais started their Calcutta operations in the
1850s. At that point of time, Calcutta was the most active
trading port, mainly due to the trade of the British Empire, and
due to which banking activity took roots there and prospered.
The first fully Indian owned bank was the Allahabad Bank,
which was established in 1865. By the 1900s, the market
expanded with the establishment of banks such as Punjab
National Bank, in 1895 in Lahore and Bank of India, in 1906, in
Mumbai - both of which were founded under private ownership.
The Reserve Bank of India formally took on the responsibility of
regulating the Indian banking sector from 1935. After India's
independence in 1947, the Reserve Bank was nationalized and
given broader powers.
The Public Sector emerged as the driver of economic growth
consequent to the industrial revolution in Europe. With the
advent of globalization, the public sector faced new challenges
in the developed economies. No longer the public sector had the
privilege of operating in a sellers market and had to face
competition both from domestic and international competitors.
Further, in the second half of the 20th century in the developed
economies, the political opinion started swinging towards the
views that the intervention as well as investment by Government
in commercial activities should be reduced to the extent
Why banking:
Without a sound and effective banking system in India it cannot
have a healthy economy. The banking system of India should
not only be hassle free but it should be able to meet new
challenges posed by the technology and any other external and
internal factors. For the past three decades India's banking
system has several outstanding achievements to its credit. The
most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to
only metropolitans or cosmopolitans in India. In fact, Indian
banking system has reached even to the remote corners of the
country. This is one of the main reason of India's growth
process. The government's regular policy for Indian bank since
1969 has paid rich dividends with the nationalisation of 14
major private banks of India.

Job Satisfaction, Definition(s) of

"Job satisfaction is defined as "the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction)
their jobs" (Spector, 1997, p. 2). This definition suggests job satisfaction is a general or global
affective reaction that individuals hold about their job. While researchers and practitioners most often
measure global job satisfaction, there is also interest in measuring different "facets" or "dimensions"
of satisfaction. Examination of these facet conditions is often useful for a more careful examination of
employee satisfaction with critical job factors. Traditional job satisfaction facets include: co-workers,
pay, job conditions, supervision, nature of the work and benefits." (Williams)

Source: Williams, J. (2004). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment, a Sloan Work and Family
Encyclopedia entry. Retrieved May 10, 2007, from the Sloan Work and Family Research Network

Jane Williams , Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis- Industrial/Organizational Psychology

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Definition: job satisfaction

the sense of fulfillment and pride felt by people who enjoy their work and do it well. Various
factors influence job satisfaction, and our understanding of the significance of these stems in part
from Frederick Herzberg. He called elements such as remuneration, working relationships,
status, and job security "hygiene factors" because they concern the context in which somebody
works. Hygiene factors do not in themselves promote job satisfaction, but serve primarily to
prevent job dissatisfaction. Motivators contribute to job satisfaction and include achievement,
recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. An absence of job
satisfaction can lead to poor motivation, stress, absenteeism, and high labor turnover.
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Factors that influence employee job

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by Timiarah A. Camburn

Employers are well aware that job satisfaction is what causes employees to say with a company,
but they may not be aware of the factors that contribute to such. Knowing what makes the
workers tick can help employers to retain quality team members and decrease turnover rates. The
following are the top four factors that influence employee job satisfaction.

1. Pay Rate: The number one factor that influences employee job satisfaction is pay rate. An
extremely low pay rate does not fulfill an employee's desire to take care of his or her family
. That in turn can make the employee very displeased with the position. If the employee is
displeased because for financial reasons, it is likely that he or she will leave if better paying
position comes up elsewhere. To avoid turnover, an employer may want to offer quality workers
a few more extra dollars an hour.

2. Shift: work hours make a big difference in an employee's life. People sometimes have to work
around school, family, or other jobs. If work hours do not coincide with a person's lifestyle he or
she will most likely be unhappy and leave the job. Employers should be willing to work with a
productive employee as much as possible to suit scheduling needs.

3. Benefits: the issuance of benefits (or lack of) also influences employee job satisfaction.
Benefits give workers a feeling that they are appreciated and being taken care of. Out of pocket
medical expenses are so high that a person often seeks medical insurance in a job. An employer
who does not provide some type of benefit is not going to be able to keep a top notch group of
employees as theirs will seek benefits elsewhere. .

4. Stress: Family life is stressful enough. People do not want to come to work and be stressed out
any further . An individual's stress level on the job will also have an influence on his or her job
satisfaction and happiness. The boss's attitude, co-worker conflicts, and customer aura all play a
part in whether a person smiles or frowns about having to come into work.

Employers should do everything they can to ensure the satisfaction of their workers. After all the
workers are the ones who push the products and face the customers. Happiness goes in down a
chain: Happy workers, happy customers, and then a happy establishment from more money spent
by the happy customers.

Job Satisfaction
"Job satisfaction is defined as "the extent to which people like (satisfaction)

or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs"

This definition suggests job satisfaction is a general or global affective reaction that

individuals hold about their job. While researchers and practitioners most often measure

global job satisfaction, there is also interest in measuring different "facets" or

"dimensions" of satisfaction. Examination of these facet conditions is often useful for a

more careful examination of employee satisfaction with critical job factors. Traditional

job satisfaction facets include: co-workers, pay, job conditions, supervision, nature of the

work and benefits."

Job satisfaction, a worker's sense of achievement and success, is generally perceived to

be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction

implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for one's

efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one's work. The

Harvard Professional Group (1998) sees job satisfaction as the keying redient that leads

to recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to a

general feeling of fulfillment.

Importance to Worker and Organization

Frequently, work underlies self-esteem and identity while unemployment lowers self-

worth and produces anxiety. At the same time, monotonous jobs can erode a worker's

initiative and enthusiasm and can lead to absenteeism and unnecessary turnover. Job

satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-

respect, self-esteem, and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a

pleasurable emotional state that often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker

is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.

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For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated

and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity—the quantity and

quality of output per hour worked—seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of

working life. It is important to note that the literature on the relationship between job

satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. However, studies dating

back to Herzberg's (1957) have shown at least low correlation between high morale and

high productivity, and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend to add

more value to an organization. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of job

loss, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful

motivator, it is also a temporary one, and as soon as the threat is lifted performance will


Tangible ways in which job satisfaction benefits the organization include reduction in

complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved

punctuality and worker morale. Job satisfaction is also linked to a more healthy work

force and has been found to be a good indicator of longevity. And although only little

correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity, Brown (1996) notes

that some employers have found that satisfying or delighting employees is a prerequisite

to satisfying or delighting customers, thus protecting the "bottom line." No wonder

Andrew Carnegie is quoted as saying: "Take away my people, but leave my factories, and

soon grass will grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories, but leave my people,

and soon we will have a new and better factory"

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Creating Job Satisfaction

So, how is job satisfaction created? What are the elements of a job that create job

satisfaction? Organizations can help to create job satisfaction by putting systems in place

that will ensure that workers are challenged and then rewarded for being successful.

Organizations that aspire to creating a work environment that enhances job satisfaction

need to incorporate the following:

Flexible work arrangements, possibly including telecommuting

Training and other professional growth opportunities

Interesting work that offers variety and challenge and allows the worker

opportunities to "put his or her signature" on the finished product

Opportunities to use one's talents and to be creative

Opportunities to take responsibility and direct one's own work

A stable, secure work environment that includes job security/continuity

An environment in which workers are supported by an accessible supervisor who

provides timely feedback as well as congenial team members

Flexible benefits, such as child-care and exercise facilities

Up-to-date technology

Competitive salary and opportunities for promotion

Probably the most important point to bear in mind when considering job satisfaction is

that there are many factors that affect job satisfaction and that what makes workers happy

with their jobs varies from one worker to another and from day to day. Apart from the

factors mentioned above, job satisfaction is also influenced by the employee's personal

characteristics, the manager's personal characteristics and management style, and the

nature of the work itself. Managers who want to maintain a high level of job satisfaction

in the work force must try to understand the needs of each member of the work force. For

example, when creating work teams, managers can enhance worker satisfaction by
placing people with similar backgrounds, experiences, or needs in the same workgroup.

Also, managers can enhance job satisfaction by carefully matching workers with the type
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of work. For example, a person who does not pay attention to detail would hardly make a

good inspector, and a shy worker is unlikely to be a good salesperson. As much as

possible, managers should match job tasks to employees' personalities.

Managers who are serious about the job satisfaction of workers can also take other

deliberate steps to create a stimulating work environment. One such step isjob

enrichment. Job enrichment is a deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope, and

challenge in the work itself. Job enrichment usually includes increased responsibility,

recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement. Large companies

that have used job-enrichment programs to increase employee motivation and job

satisfaction include AT&T, IBM, and General Motors (Daft, 1997).

Good management has the potential for creating high morale, high productivity, and a

sense of purpose and meaning for the organization and its employees. Empirical findings

show that job characteristics such as pay, promotional opportunity, task clarity and

significance, and skills utilization, as well as organizational characteristics such as

commitment and relationship with supervisors and co-workers, have significant effects on

job satisfaction. These job characteristics can be carefully managed to enhance job


Of course, a worker who takes some responsibility for his or her job satisfaction will

probably find many more satisfying elements in the work environment. Everett (1995)

suggests that employees ask themselves the following questions:

When have I come closest to expressing my full potential in a work situation?

What did it look like?

What aspects of the workplace were most supportive?

What aspects of the work itself were most satisfying?

What did I learn from that experience that could be applied to the present


- 4 -

Workers' Roles in Job Satisfaction

If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her own

satisfaction and well-being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker find personal job


Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more

challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and

other recognition.

Develop excellent communication skills. Employers value and reward excellent

reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills.

Know more. Acquire new job-related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks

more efficiently and effectively. This will relieve boredom and often gets one


Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most

organizations and often result in recognition as well as in increased

responsibilities and rewards.

Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to

work well with others to get the job done.

Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their

imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.

See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can

lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This helps to give meaning to one's

existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction.

Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burnout by developing healthy stress-

management techniques.

- 5 -

Assuring Job Satisfaction

Assuring job satisfaction, over the longterm, requires careful planning and effort both by

management and by workers. Managers are encouraged to consider such theories as

Herzberg's(1957) and Maslow's (1943) Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to

a stimulating, challenging, supportive, and rewarding work environment is vital. Because

of the relative prominence of pay in the reward system, it is very important that salaries

be tied to job responsibilities and that pay increases be tied to performance rather than


So, in essence, job satisfaction is a product of the events and conditions that people

experience on their jobs. Brief (1998) wrote: "If a person's work is interesting, her pay is

fair, her promotional opportunities are good, her supervisor is supportive, and her

coworkers are friendly, then a situational approach leads one to predict she is satisfied

with her job" (p. 91). Very simply put, if the pleasures associated with one's job outweigh

the pains, there is some level of job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

"Job satisfaction is defined as "the extent to which people like (satisfaction)

or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs"

This definition suggests job satisfaction is a general or global affective reaction that

individuals hold about their job. While researchers and practitioners most often measure

global job satisfaction, there is also interest in measuring different "facets" or

"dimensions" of satisfaction. Examination of these facet conditions is often useful for a

more careful examination of employee satisfaction with critical job factors. Traditional

job satisfaction facets include: co-workers, pay, job conditions, supervision, nature of the

work and benefits."

Job satisfaction, a worker's sense of achievement and success, is generally perceived to

be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction

implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for one's

efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one's work. The

Harvard Professional Group (1998) sees job satisfaction as the keying redient that leads

to recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to a

general feeling of fulfillment.

Importance to Worker and Organization

Frequently, work underlies self-esteem and identity while unemployment lowers self-

worth and produces anxiety. At the same time, monotonous jobs can erode a worker's

initiative and enthusiasm and can lead to absenteeism and unnecessary turnover. Job

satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-

respect, self-esteem, and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a

pleasurable emotional state that often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker

is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.

- 1 -

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For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated

and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity—the quantity and

quality of output per hour worked—seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of

working life. It is important to note that the literature on the relationship between job

satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. However, studies dating

back to Herzberg's (1957) have shown at least low correlation between high morale and

high productivity, and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend to add

more value to an organization. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of job

loss, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful

motivator, it is also a temporary one, and as soon as the threat is lifted performance will


Tangible ways in which job satisfaction benefits the organization include reduction in

complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved

punctuality and worker morale. Job satisfaction is also linked to a more healthy work

force and has been found to be a good indicator of longevity. And although only little

correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity, Brown (1996) notes

that some employers have found that satisfying or delighting employees is a prerequisite

to satisfying or delighting customers, thus protecting the "bottom line." No wonder

Andrew Carnegie is quoted as saying: "Take away my people, but leave my factories, and

soon grass will grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories, but leave my people,

and soon we will have a new and better factory"

- 2 -

Creating Job Satisfaction

So, how is job satisfaction created? What are the elements of a job that create job

satisfaction? Organizations can help to create job satisfaction by putting systems in place

that will ensure that workers are challenged and then rewarded for being successful.

Organizations that aspire to creating a work environment that enhances job satisfaction

need to incorporate the following:

Flexible work arrangements, possibly including telecommuting

Training and other professional growth opportunities

Interesting work that offers variety and challenge and allows the worker

opportunities to "put his or her signature" on the finished product

Opportunities to use one's talents and to be creative

Opportunities to take responsibility and direct one's own work

A stable, secure work environment that includes job security/continuity

An environment in which workers are supported by an accessible supervisor who

provides timely feedback as well as congenial team members

Flexible benefits, such as child-care and exercise facilities

Up-to-date technology

Competitive salary and opportunities for promotion

Probably the most important point to bear in mind when considering job satisfaction is

that there are many factors that affect job satisfaction and that what makes workers happy

with their jobs varies from one worker to another and from day to day. Apart from the

factors mentioned above, job satisfaction is also influenced by the employee's personal

characteristics, the manager's personal characteristics and management style, and the

nature of the work itself. Managers who want to maintain a high level of job satisfaction

in the work force must try to understand the needs of each member of the work force. For

example, when creating work teams, managers can enhance worker satisfaction by
placing people with similar backgrounds, experiences, or needs in the same workgroup.

Also, managers can enhance job satisfaction by carefully matching workers with the type

of work. For example, a person who does not pay attention to detail would hardly make a

good inspector, and a shy worker is unlikely to be a good salesperson. As much as

possible, managers should match job tasks to employees' personalities.

Managers who are serious about the job satisfaction of workers can also take other
deliberate steps to create a stimulating work environment. One such step isjob
enrichment. Job enrichment is a deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope, and

challenge in the work itself. Job enrichment usually includes increased responsibility,

recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement. Large companies

that have used job-enrichment programs to increase employee motivation and job

satisfaction include AT&T, IBM, and General Motors (Daft, 1997).

Good management has the potential for creating high morale, high productivity, and a

sense of purpose and meaning for the organization and its employees. Empirical findings

show that job characteristics such as pay, promotional opportunity, task clarity and

significance, and skills utilization, as well as organizational characteristics such as

commitment and relationship with supervisors and co-workers, have significant effects on

job satisfaction. These job characteristics can be carefully managed to enhance job


Of course, a worker who takes some responsibility for his or her job satisfaction will

probably find many more satisfying elements in the work environment. Everett (1995)

suggests that employees ask themselves the following questions:

When have I come closest to expressing my full potential in a work situation?

What did it look like?

What aspects of the workplace were most supportive?

What aspects of the work itself were most satisfying?

What did I learn from that experience that could be applied to the present
- 4 -

Workers' Roles in Job Satisfaction

If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her own

satisfaction and well-being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker find personal job


Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more

challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and

other recognition.

Develop excellent communication skills. Employers value and reward excellent

reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills.

Know more. Acquire new job-related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks

more efficiently and effectively. This will relieve boredom and often gets one


Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most

organizations and often result in recognition as well as in increased

responsibilities and rewards.

Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to
work well with others to get the job done.

Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their
imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.

See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can

lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This helps to give meaning to one's

existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction.

Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burnout by developing healthy stress-

management techniques.
- 5 -

Assuring Job Satisfaction

Assuring job satisfaction, over the longterm, requires careful planning and effort both by

management and by workers. Managers are encouraged to consider such theories as

Herzberg's(1957) and Maslow's (1943) Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to

a stimulating, challenging, supportive, and rewarding work environment is vital. Because

of the relative prominence of pay in the reward system, it is very important that salaries
be tied to job responsibilities and that pay increases be tied to performance rather than


So, in essence, job satisfaction is a product of the events and conditions that people

experience on their jobs. Brief (1998) wrote: "If a person's work is interesting, her pay is

fair, her promotional opportunities are good, her supervisor is supportive, and her

coworkers are friendly, then a situational approach leads one to predict she is satisfied

with her job" (p. 91). Very simply put, if the pleasures associated with one's job outweigh

the pains, there is some level of job satisfaction

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