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Law - Economics

and Technology


and Tourism

Business Sciences
and Management
Health Science

and Agroindustry

Arts - Design JA N UA RY 2 0 0 9

Programs Taught
in English

Les formations
en langue
A ujourd’hui plus de 265 000 étudiants étrangers vivent en France,
ce qui fait d’elle le troisième pays d’accueil après les Etats-Unis
et le Royaume-Uni.

Les raisons de ce succès tiennent à la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur

français, à la qualité de la vie quotidienne et de l’offre culturelle ainsi
qu’aux perspectives européennes ouvertes par un projet d’études
en France. Mais elles tiennent aussi au fait qu’il n’est plus nécessaire
M ore than 265,000 international students are enrolled in France’s
institutions of higher education. Only the United States
de pratiquer couramment le français pour étudier dans notre pays.
and the United Kingdom host more foreign students.
Un grand nombre de formations est en effet désormais enseigné
en anglais, comme le prouve le présent catalogue, France’s success in attracting students from around the world reflects
qui présente un nombre toujours plus élevé not only the excellence of higher education in France, but also the quality
de formations. of daily life, the variety and richness of French culture,
and the perspective on Europe offered to students who come
Cela ne signifie pas pour autant que nous renoncions to France to earn a degree or complete a short course of training.
à notre langue : ces étudiants qui maîtrisent bien l’anglais
au départ, deviendront progressivement francophones, It also reflects the fact that students no longer need to be fluent
non seulement parce que le français leur sera très utile in French to study in our country. Many programs are now taught
pour la vie quotidienne, mais aussi parce qu’ils en saisiront in English, as you can see from this catalog, which gets bigger each year.
progressivement l’intérêt culturel et académique, But that doesn’t mean that we’re giving up on our language!
parce qu’ils constateront l’ouverture Students may start out in English first, but we know that their French
que cela procure sur l’ensemble des pays francophones will improve as well. Not surprisingly, students find that a good
dans le monde, sur les possibilités d’emploi dans les command of French gives them a richer experience of daily life.
grands groupes industriels français installés aux quatre
Soon enough they come to appreciate the cultural and academic
coins du globe.
advantages of fluency in the language. They appreciate the access
Cette sixième édition confirme la vitalité French gives them to the world’s francophone countries and to the
de nos établissements d’enseignement supérieur possibility of a career with one of the many French multinationals
qui s’efforcent d’accueillir, dans de très nombreuses disciplines that operate across the globe.
et en anglais, d’excellents candidats qui, sans cette offre de qualité
This sixth edition of the catalog, updated in January 2009, confirms once
dans une langue qu’ils comprennent, regretteraient de ne pouvoir
again the vitality of our institutions of higher education, which welcome
venir en France.
top-flight students in the widest area of disciplines and in English.
En présentant pour chaque formation des informations précises Students no longer have to choose between coming to France
telles que le pourcentage d’enseignements en anglais (au moins and studying in a language they understand.
50% pour figurer dans ce catalogue), le niveau de français requis, As it includes practical features, such as the cost of courses,
le coût des frais d’inscription, il est un véritable instrument de travail the percentage of teaching carried out in English, the existence
pour les Espaces CampusFrance à l’étranger, où il est largement diffusé. of an institutional website in English and, where applicable, the level
Cette précision et cette rigueur ne sont possibles que grâce of French required, it has become a useful resource for our offices abroad.
à la coopération étroite que les établissements d’enseignement supérieur The catalog’s utility owes much to the advice and cooperation we have
et leurs conférences entretiennent avec CampusFrance : received from countless representatives of France’s institutions of higher
qu’ils en soient ici remerciés. education, to whom we offer here our gratitude and appreciation.

On retrouve évidemment ce catalogue, téléchargeable et imprimable, The catalog can be downloaded and printed from the
sur notre site website.

André Siganos André Siganos

Directeur Général de l’Agence CampusFrance Director-General, Agence CampusFrance

2 3
A national agency for the promotion
of French higher education abroad

Planning to study abroad is a process involving Get online guidance at

a sequence of steps that must begin well in advance Visited 100,000 times each month, the CampusFrance website provides easy access to
of your anticipated arrival in France. the academic and practical information that you need to plan a period of study in France: introduces you to the French educational system and helps you
compare educational programs, understand academic disciplines and fields of study, and
CampusFrance helps you gather information,
search for programs that match your educational background and goals.
compare educational institutions and their programs,
CampusFrance’s online catalog of French higher education includes more than
plan your budget, apply for admission and a visa,
35,000 programs-licences, masters, doctorates-offered by some 6,000 institutions.
prepare for departure, and accomplish essential tasks upon arrival. The home page provides basic information on the French educational system (institutional
types, degrees offered, fields of study).
Users are prompted to select a degree level and to provide keywords corresponding
to their fields of interest and geographic preferences. A powerful search engine then
generates a report of programs that match the user’s criteria and provides both a
summary of the institutions offering the programs and links to their Web sites.
Shortcuts are provided for common searches, such as Erasmus Mundus master’s
programs, programs taught in English, French as a foreign language, MBA programs,
profiles of fields of study.
The site also offers practical advice on applying for admission, getting a visa, obtaining
financial aid, locating housing, and enjoying life in France.
All this information is conveyed in more than 20 countries, in your own language.

Personal attention at CampusFrance local offices

CampusFrance has more than 100 local offices, in 80 countries.
Staff at these offices help students decide whether a study experience in France
is right for them. If it is, they help the student plan the experience-choosing an
appropriate program, assembling the application for admission, and remaining
in touch with schools and universities as applications are processed.
The online admission procedure used in 30 countries has reinforced the importance
of the local offices. CampusFrance offices in the countries that use the so-called CEF
procedure (CEF stands for centre pour les études en France) are now the essential
point of contact between applicants and educational institutions on all matters
relating to admission and visas.

Locate CampusFrance’s local offices at

> CampusFrance local offices

Let CampusFrance be the first to welcome you to France!

4 5
Understanding Research activities are an integral part of the universities: more than 290 doctoral
programs train 70,000 doctoral students in connection with research laboratories.
French doctoral schools have always been very open to international students:

the French System One out of every 3 doctoral theses is prepared by a student from abroad.

Programs in medicine, pharmacology, and dentistry are connected to the

universities in partnership with hospital centres, and have their own organization
and courses of study.

Grandes Écoles
The Grandes Écoles are uniquely French institutions. Created in the early 19th
century in parallel to the university system, they are extremely selective and offer

u Degrees education of a very high standard.

Grandes Écoles offer a diploma at Master level (Bac+5) but also intermediate
French higher education is adopting the common European architecture (LMD) degrees such as Bachelor (3 years), Master of Science (4 or 5 years), Mastère
that takes into account the number of years of validated study following the Spécialisé (6 years)...
Baccalaureat (French high school matriculation examination for university Most offer degrees in engineering and business, but others specialize in public
entrance). administration (such as the world-renowned École Nationale d’Administration),
defense, university teaching and scholarly research (the Écoles Normales
Thus, Baccalaureat + three years = Licence (180 ECTS), Baccalaureat + five years =
Supérieures), agronomy, or veterinary studies.
Master (300 ECTS), and Baccalaureat + eight years = Doctorat (PhD).
Licence, Master and Doctorat are the key stages of higher education studies.
Grandes Écoles for Engineering
N.B: The Baccalaureat is the first degree awarded in the higher education system;
There are roughly 240 Engineering Schools, which share common characteristics;
it gives students access to higher education institutions.
this guarantees the quality of the Engineering Master Degree (5 years), which is a
national degree and covers all areas of engineering science.

Grandes Écoles for Business and Management

u Higher Education Institutions More than 200 Business Schools offer specializations and training programs
adapted to the changing economic environment and new management practices.
Universities Instruction is often structured around internships and international exchanges.
France's 88 public universities are spread throughout the country, from the
Art schools
Sorbonne in Paris (founded in 1179) to the high-tech campus of Nice-Sophia-
France’s schools of art can be divided into two major categories:
Antipolis, and cover the entire range of academic disciplines: from the sciences,
• Public institutions that offer three- and five-year programs leading to national
including mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology; to technology, covering
diplomas at the bachelor and master level, respectively.
computer science, engineering, materials science, and electrical engineering;
• Private schools and schools administered by France’s chambers of commerce
through to literature, languages, the arts, the social sciences, law, economics,
(called écoles consulaires) confer institution-specific degrees that are registered
management, health, sports, and more.
with the National Commission on Professional Certification.
Both have selective admission policies.

6 7
Law To Help You Navigate

P.10 Engineering
Degrees Consistent with an international effort
to harmonize degree systems, this
catalog groups educational programs
and Technology
according to the number of years of

and Diplomas postsecondary study required for their

completion, counting from the student’s P. 26
first year of higher education.
Some of the degree classifications used
herein may be changed in the future as Mathematics
European harmonization proceeds.

Business and
National Degrees Institution Degrees
8 years Doctorat PhD

6 years • Mastère spécialisé - Ms (Specialized Master)
• Master of Business Administration - MBA

5 years • Master recherche - M2 (Master of Research) • Diplômes des Grandes Écoles d'ingénieur
• Master professionnel - M2 (Professional et de commerce - Master Hospitality
• Master of Science MSc (accredited) • Master of Science - MSc (5 years) and Tourism
• Diplôme d'ingénieur - Master’s degree Management
in Engineering
4 years

3 years
• Master M1

• Licence (Bachelor degree)

• Master of Science - MSc (4 years)

• Bachelor (3 or 4 years)
P. 220 Environment
Health Science
Agriculture and
These last 3 headings cover programs for which the level and duration may vary for specialized training.

u University Diplomas - DU: These diplomas unique to individual universities vary in their academic CampusFrance’s members :
P. 232 Agroindustry

level, subject matter and duration. CampusFrance’s extensive network
u Specific Programs of members includes more than 200
public and private institutions that have
u come together to share their experience
Summer in offering to international students a
Courses successful study project in France. Literature
CampusFrance's members
are identified in the index by:
P. 276 Arts
Erasmus Mundus Masters Design
are identified by:

8 9
P. 284
MASTER Université Lille1 - Sciences andTechnologies
Université de la Méditerranée, EHESS and GREQAM
u Erasmus Mundus M.A. Degree in Economics
of InternationalTrade and European Integration
u Master in Economics & Finance
• 50% of the courses are in English in the first year. • All courses are taught in English
All courses are taught in English in the second year • Length: 1 year (60 ECTS)
• Length: two years with the possibility to be admitted directly in the second year • Admission requirements:The program is open to students who have earned 240 ECTS
• Admission requirements: Students wishing to be admitted to the 1st year of the credits in an economics or applied economics university study program or have a
Masters must hold a B.A. (equivalent to 180 ECTS credits) in one of the following bachelor degree in these areas that are considered by the Joint Studies Board to be
fields: Econometrics, Economics, Mathematics, or Engineering. equivalent.
Students wishing to be admitted directly to the 2nd year of the Masters must hold a • English proficiency: The proficiency in English of the students of the participating
maîtrise in one of the fields: Econometrics, Economics, Mathematics, or Engineering. universities is checked by the local academic co-ordinators. Students from other
The decision concerning admission directly to the second year of the Masters is universities should submit proof of a computer-basedTOEFL level of minimum 230 (or
decided by the pedagogical committee after examination of the application and, its equivalent in the so-called next-generationTOEFL score system), or a IELTS grade
if judged necessary, an interview. of at least 6.5, or should submit proof of having studied at least one academic year in
Law - Economics

• English proficiency:TOEFL an English-language program.

• French proficiency:TCF4 for the first year • French proficiency: not required.

• Tuition fees: 226 € (national standard fees) • Tuition fees:The tuition fees of 3,300 € for EU students, for students from EEA-EFTA
states and from candidate countries for accession to the EU are paid at the university
• Objectives: The Master in Economic Analysis and Econometrics (AE2) trains where the student enrols.
researchers of the highest standard in the analysis, modeling and quantification of For non-MUNDUS students from '3rd countries' the tuition fees are the same as for the
economic problems. It provides general and specialized courses in economics and Erasmus MUNDUS students, i.e. 7,000 €.
econometrics.The first year (M1) consists of courses aimed at providing the basis of
modern economic analysis, both theoretical and applied.The second year (M2) allows • Objectives: This master program in economics is essentially geared to students
the students to specialize. We offer four research-oriented options: International interested in careers in research, in government and international organisations, and
Economics, Growth and Development Public Economics, Econometrics and Finance in research and strategy departments of large banks and industrial and commercial
and one professional-oriented in Banking and Financial Econometrics. corporations.

u Master in Management of European Affairs
Université Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III • All courses are taught in English
www.univ– • Length: 1 year (60 ECTS)
• Admission requirements: Application for Admission in the MEA program is entitled
u European Master in Law and Economics for students holding 240 ECTS credits in an economics and/or in management university study programme or have an equivalent education in these areas.This MEA
curriculum is also recommended for students with a technical profile, who hold a
• All courses are taught in English scientific and technical diploma obtained after four years of studies at a university or
• Length: 1 year graduated from an engineering school, having a basic knowledge in Economics and
• Admission requirements: It is a postgraduate course. Applicants must have law Management. Prerequisites will be asked.
degrees or economic degrees from a recognised university. Besides graduates in Law • English proficiency: A sufficient mastering of the English language is required.
or Economics, also applicants with a first degree in business administration or in Evaluation of student academic records, based on international tests such asTOEFL,
social sciences may apply under the condition that the completed study program will also include a motivated statement of purpose about Management of European
includes a substantial number of courses in law and/or economics. Students with Affairs.
high grades will be preferred candidates for admission. • French proficiency: Non French-speaking candidates should have a good command of
• English proficiency: Applicants whose native language is not English must provide the French language beforehand. French training is provided by the university.
original test scores for one of the following standardized English proficiency tests: • Tuition fees: fixed each year by the university
TOEFL: minimum score of 550 paper-based (or 213 computer-based)
• Objectives: This master aims to train high level experts, mobile, with a thorough

IELTS: minimum score of 6,5
knowledge of Europeans institutions, economy, management processes and finance.
CPE: Grades A, B, C (The Certificate of Proficiency in English)
The students will acquire the necessary skills to practise business in development as
CAE: Grades A, B (Certificate in Advanced English)
consultants, project leaders for European affairs programs, as managers for a
Applicants who have studied for two or more years in, or received a degree from, a European area, in consultancy and audit firms, private or public companies, local
college or university in a country where English is both the language of instruction authorities, consular organisations, trade unions, associations…
and the native language are not required to take one of the above-mentioned
proficiency tests. An official certificate from the applicants' school/university is
required to confirm that the medium of instruction is English.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 4,500 € for European students ; 8,500 € for non European students
• Objectives: This program offers the opportunity to study in two or three European
universities. It provides students with advanced knowledge on the economic effects
of divergent laws and prepares them for a career in public organisations or
multinational law firms. For both lawyers and economists, knowledge of the other

discipline and international contacts are crucial for a successful future career. It is
recognised as an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course by the European Commission.

Website in English 10 Website in English 11

MASTER Louis Pasteur Université - Strasbourg*
Université Paris Descartes -
u Master OIEC (Industrial Organization and Knowledge-based
u Master in common law et droit comparé
• Most of courses are taught in English
• 70% courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
• Length: 2 semesters
• Admission requirements: Undergraduate (Economy, Management, Mathematics-
• Admission requirements: French students registered in M1, M2 or doctorate
Economy from University Louis Pasteur) - Recruitment on file for the other students
Selection on file and after an interview in English
• English proficiency: Fluent
• Tuition fees: 450 € (included social insurance)
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: Give to the French students a general introduction about the common law
system and tradition. Introduce French students to the British and American • Tuition fees: 300 € approximatively
pedagogical approach. Facilitate the possibilities to continue studies in an American • Objectives: Courses in industrial organization and in economy and management of
or British university. Facilitate the possibilities to work in an important business knowledge and innovation.
consultancy firm.
• Specific website:
Law - Economics

* Info 2008

Université Paris X Nanterre - Université des Sciences SocialesToulouse 1

Toulouse School of Economics
u Master in Economics, speciality Anglo-American Countries
• 50% courses are taught in English u Master 1 in Economics
• Length: 2 years (4 semesters) • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: For students who graduated from Licence (BA) in • Length of the program: 1 academic year
Economics (Bilingual) issued by the Université Paris X Nanterre: selection if necessary • Admission requirements: BA (3 years), BSc (3 years) with distinction
according to the admission capacities. Selection is made after consideration of • English proficiency:TOEFL or equivalent
applications and possibly after an interview. For students who graduated from
Licence (BA) in Economics: selection made in order to assess their fluency in English • French proficiency: not required
and their knowledge of macro-economics. •Tuition fees: 300 €
• English proficiency:TOEFL score – min. 93 • Objectives: This master 1 program provides students with a rigorous training in
• French proficiency:TCF level 6 fundamental disciplines : Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics,Theory
of Games, and introduces them to some more specialized fields such as Industrial
• Tuition fees: 500 €
Organization and Finance.The course curriculum is a solid preparation of students for
• Objectives: This Master aims at training specialists in International economics and completing a Master’s degree at Toulouse School of Economics (Université de
finance analysis. Toulouse) or any other university.

u Master in Law – Law of Europe, speciality Anglo-American Law u Master “EconomicTheory and Econometrics”
(Bilingual) • All courses are taught in English
• 80% courses are taught in English • Length: 1 academic year
• Length: 2 years (4 semesters) • Admission requirements: BSc (4 years) or M.A. in Economics with distinction -
• Admission requirements: For students who graduated from Licence (BA) in Law – Law Quantitative and analytical skills
of Europe (Bilingual) issued by the Université Paris X Nanterre: selection if necessary • English proficiency:TOEFL score 250
according to the admission capacities. Selection is made after consideration of

• French proficiency: not required
applications and possibly after an interview. For students who graduated from
Licence (BA) in (French) Law or equivalent: selection made in order to assess their • Tuition fees: 300 €
fluency in English and their knowledge of English and American Law. • Objectives:This Master allows students to acquire a thorough general training before
• English proficiency:TOEFL score – min. 93 choosing an area of professional specialization and helps them to become
independent and efficient researchers and analysts rapidly. It fits the needs of
• French proficiency:TCF level 6
students who are interested in economic theory, econometrics, industrial
• Tuition fees: 500 € organization, or other areas that can cut across specific industries.
• Objectives: The objective of the Master is to train – in a comparative, European and
international perspective – bilingual jurists specialized in foreign law.
All the core courses of British and American Law (Contracts, Tort, Trusts…) are thus
taught in this program.

Website in English 12 Website in English 13
MASTER Université des Sciences SocialesToulouse 1
Université des Sciences SocialesToulouse 1
u Master 2 “International Business Lawyer”
Toulouse School of Economics
• 50% courses are taught in English
• Length: one academic year
u Master “Economics of the Environment And Natural Resources” • Admission requirements: a minimum of 4 years (240 E.C.T.S.) of higher education in
law studies
• All courses are taught in English
• English proficiency:TOEFL or equivalent
• Length: 1 academic year
• French proficiency: yes
• Admission requirements: BSc (4 years) or M.A. in Economics with distinction -
Quantitative and analytical skills •Tuition fees: 500 €
• English proficiency:TOEFL score 250 • Objectives:To train international business lawyers to face all international problems
met by law firms or business consultancies
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 300 € u Master 1 “International and European Law”
• Objectives:This Master fits the needs of a growing demand for quantitative economists • All courses are taught in English
interested in the fields of environment, natural resources, energy, agriculture and agro- • Length: one academic year
Law - Economics

industry. One of the chief objectives of this Master, like for the other research Masters, is
to initiate students into theoretical or applied research so as to enable those who wish to • Admission requirements: A minimum of 3 years (180 ECTS) of higher education in
pursue their studies to undertake a PhD. Law studies
All courses are taught in English except 3 courses in French High level in English
• English proficiency: sufficient to attend courses taught in English
u Master “Financial Markets and Intermediaries” • French proficiency: some knowledge is French is strongly recommended for day to
• All courses are taught in English day life
• Length: 1 academic year • Tuition fees: 2,500 €
• Admission requirements: BSc (4 years) or M.A. in Economics with distinction - • Objectives: Aims at giving students a comprehensive view of European Union Law
Graduates from Applied Mathematics courses - Quantitative and analytical skills and International business law through a civil law (French) perspective.
• English proficiency:TOEFL score 250 Gives the possibility to apply for a Master 2 year in France, depending on the
capabilities of the student (both in French as well as in the legal field), or it can be
• French proficiency: not required validated in the students’ own national curricula following the national regulation.
• Tuition fees: 300 €
• Objectives: The chief objective of the Master is to initiate students into fundamental u Master 2 International and Comparative Law - M.I.C.L.E.
research in finance within the MPSE team. It enables students to master the quantitative • All courses are taught in English
techniques specific to the field of finance and to specialize in one of the following • Length: one academic year
themes: financial engineering, corporate finance, econometrics of finance, economics of
risk and insurance, market finance, economics of banking and monetary economics. • Admission requirements: a minimum of 4 years (240 E.C.T.S.) of higher education in law
• English proficiency: sufficient to attend courses taught in English
u Master “Economics of Markets and Organizations” • French proficiency: not required
• All courses are taught in English •Tuition fees: 2,000 €
• Length: 1 academic year • Objectives:The Master 2 International and Comparative Law aims to afford the reflexes,
• Admission requirements: BSc (4 years) or M.A. in Economics with distinction. methods and knowledge necessary in the context of the internationalisation and
- Quantitative and analytical skills europeanisation of legal practice and legal rules, whether public or private.
• English proficiency:TOEFL score 250 During the 1st semester the students attend mandatory courses related to the general
methods and knowledge necessary to manage any International or European situation.
• French proficiency: not required During the 2nd, the students have the opportunity to specialise in a chosen field.
• Tuition fees: 300 €
• Objectives: This Master’s program allows students to acquire strong expertise in the
areas of strategic analysis of markets, economics and econometrics of transport and
networks, regulatory economics, and competition policy.The program offers such a

large set of options that students can choose to pursue either doctoral studies or a
professional career.

Website in English 14 Website in English 15
LICENCE - BACHELOR Université François-Rabelais deTours
Université du Havre
u Licence Droit-Langues (Law & Languages degree)
Faculty of International Affairs Law department
• 50% courses are taught in English
• Length: 6 semesters
• Admission requirements: There are no specific requirements as regards law since
u Bachelor of Law – American English law course
almost all local first-year students are novices in that area.
(Licence en droit, parcours droit anglo-américain)
• English proficiency: Our students are both law students and language students, and,
• Half of the courses are taught in English (all the courses concerning English law and on top of the traditional law classes, will attend four hours a week of legal English and
institutions). French law is taught in French. a number of other courses (grammar, translation, area studies) with other students at
• Length:Three years – equal to six semesters, 180 credits (ECTS) the English Department.
• Admission requirements: General baccalauréat and a very good standard of English. • French proficiency: All law classes are in French.
There may be an admission test in English in 2009. • Tuition fees: 800 € per year
• English proficiency: Very good level • Objectives: Set up in 2001 as a European program allowing students specializing in
• French proficiency: Very good level French law to concentrate on international, European and comparative law, build on
• Tuition fees: The tuitions fees are those paid by any student entering University their knowledge of one or two foreign languages (including English) and become
Law - Economics

(around 300 euros per year) acquainted with the legal terminology and system of other European countries,
Juriste-Linguiste (now Droit-Langues) aims at training future executives, lawyers or
• Objectives:Training students to become bilingual lawyers or to make an international translators - depending on their choice of master's degrees.
career (International or European institutions, NGO, Bank, Justice etc.)

Université Paris X Nanterre - Université de Valenciennes IUT (to be developed soon)
u Licence (BA) in Economics (Bilingual)
• 50% courses are taught in English u Licence Collaborateur des Activités Internationales
• Length: 3 years (6 semesters) • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Selection if necessary according to the admission capacities • Length: a year
and the level of English. • Admission requirements: Baccalaureat plus 2 years in such fields as management,
• English proficiency:TOEFL score – min. 93 law, economics, applied foreign languages and administration
• French proficiency:TCF level 4 • English proficiency: good level
• Tuition fees: 500 € • French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: The objective of the BA is designed to provide the student with an • Tuition fees: National tuition fees plus extra fees if the student is studying in a foreign
understanding of the principles and institutions governing economic decisions made country.
by households, business and governments. This type of knowledge, combined with • Objectives: The main aim of the training course is to train students in managing
studies in related areas, provides an approprate background for employment in economics activities in an international context. It also consists in training them to
financial and non-financial business firms and governmental agencies. work in departments within firms that have an international dimension.The training
also aims at mastering foreign languages, especially English (compulsory) but also
u Licence (BA) in Law – Law of Europe, speciality Anglo-American German and/or Spanish.
Law (Bilingual)
• 50% courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 years (6 semesters)
• Admission requirements: Selection if necessary according to the admission capacities

and the level of English
• English proficiency:TOEFL score – min. 93
• French proficiency:TCF level 6
• Tuition fees: 500 €
• Objectives: The objective of the BA is to train – in a comparative, European and
international perspective – bilingual jurists specialized in foreign law.
All the core courses of British and American Law (Contracts, Tort, Trusts…) are thus
taught in this program.

Website in English 16 17
UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA - DU Université de Cergy-Pontoise
University of Dundee (Scotland, UK)
IREA - Institut de Recherches Europe-Asie
Europa-Asia Research Institute
Université Paul Cézanne Aix Marseille III u LL.M. in French & European Union Law
options : Business &Taxation Law or Law & Business Ethics
u DESU de Droit Européen des Affaires University of Cergy-Pontoise (France)
(LL.M. in European Business Law) &
• All courses are taught in English
LL.M. in International Commercial Law
• Length: courses and examinations from mid-September to the end of February (then
3 months to write a paper, but the students can do it in their country) University of Dundee (Scotland, UK)
• Admission requirements: The selection is based on a thorough examination of the • All courses are taught in English
application forms (diplomas, English proficiency, work experience, motivations) due • Length: 2 semesters
to be submitted to the I.R.E.A. before April 30th. The LL.M. is open to holders of law
• Admission requirements:The LL.M. is open to graduates (French or foreigners) from
degree upon completion of at least 4 years of study (equivalent to a “maîtrise” or
non French jurisdictions and foreign professionals. Applicants are required to hold a
Master 1 in law), or to holders of degrees deemed equivalent by the LL.M. program
Law - Economics

recognised undergraduate or postgraduate degree in law according to the academic

coordinators.The number of students is limited to about 25.
requirements to seek admission to practice as a lawyer in their home country.
• English proficiency:TOEFL : 550 points (or IELTS)
• English proficiency: Applicants whose native language is not English must provide
• French proficiency: not required original test scores for one of the following standardized English proficiency tests :
• Tuition fees: 4,200 € (+ university administration fees : about 140 €) TOEFL : minimum score of 550 paper-based or 213 computer-based
IELTS : minimum score of 6.5
• Objectives:This diploma is intended essentially for foreign students eager to acquire a
Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) : Grades A, B
strong background in European business law through 8 law modules (Comparative
Certificate in Advanced English : Grades A, B
European Legal Systems, Judicial protection, European Union Legal order, European
Commercial Law, European Competition Law, European Social Law, Fiscal and • French proficiency: not required
monetary Law, European Policies) and a practical approach with practitioners who are • Tuition fees: European Students : 7,000 €. Non-European Students : 7,500 €
invited to lecture the students on highly specialised topics.
• Objectives: The dual LL.M. program is an exciting new venture which brings together
two dynamic and highly rated law schools. Students will be taught through English by
acknowledged experts and will gain an in depth knowledge of a wide range of
contemporary commercial law subjects from both a common law and civil law
Université de Cergy-Pontoise The program is unique and offers two qualifications delivered in two semesters. It is aimed at graduates from non French jurisdictions and foreign professionals settled in
France or doing business with French partners eager to acquire a strong background
in common law and civil law.
u LL.M. in Business &Taxation Law Students enrolled on the dual qualifying LL.M. will graduate with an LL.M. in
International Commercial Law from UOD and an LL.M. in Business &Taxation Law or
u LL.M. in Law & Business Ethics Law & Business Ethics from Cergy-Pontoise University.
u LL.M. in French & European Union Law To ensure quality, the Degree is selective and designed for law students who have a
high level of legal studies and a very good level of the English language.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 semesters
• Admission requirements: The program is open to graduates from non French
jurisdictions and foreign professionals. Applicants are required to hold a recognised
undergraduate or postgraduate degree in law according to the academic
requirements to seek admission to practice as a lawyer in their home country. Entry to
the LL.M. is restricted to applicants with the requisite level of honours or equivalent
grades.The level of English and the applicant’s motivations are important criterions.
Detailed presentation and application form are available on the UCP Website

• English proficiency: Applicants whose native language is not English must provide
original test scores for one of the following standardized English proficiency tests :
TOEFL : minimum score of 550 paper-based or 213 computer-based
IELTS : minimum score of 6.5
Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) : Grades A, B
Certificate in Advanced English : Grades A, B
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 1 Semester : European Students : 3,500 € - Non-European Students : 4,000 €
2 Semesters : European Students : 5,500 € - Non-European Students : 6,000 €
• Objectives: For both students and professionals knowledge of French and European
Union Law could be crucial for a successful career.Yet a French Law Degree requires a
good level in the French language.The UCP’s Law School offers for the very first time
a unique preparation to French and European Union Law in English.The seminars are

taught by university professors and by practising lawyers or other professionals.
Some seminars are taught by and within international firms based in Paris.

Website in English 18 Website in English 19

UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA - DU Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 -

Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II u LLM in International and European Law

European College of Paris • All courses are taught in English • Length: One year for LLM in International and European Law
• Admission requirements: Possess a background in law
u LL.M. in European Law • English proficiency: Possess a through knowledge of the English language

• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: not required

• Length: 1 year (October – May) • Tuition fees: Provisional tuition fees: 10, 000 € (for LLM in International and European
• Admission requirements:The program is open to:
• Objectives: This program seeks to enhance students’ knowledge of law at the
• students who have successfully completed at least 2 academic years at an American national, European and international levels, thus providing students with the tools to
Law School (through an exchange between their original University and University work more effectively in a global setting.
Paris II)
The LLM in International and European Law is a one year program and will be taught
• students who hold a Juris Doctor (J.D.) or any other law degree awarded by a non- exclusively in English. There will be two intakes per academic year into the LLM
French university after completing at least 4 academic years or 240 ECTS. program, namely in Semester 1 (commencing September) and in Semester 2
Selection is made after consideration of applications and possibly after an interview (commencing January).
Law - Economics

with the candidate. There will be one intake per academic year into the LLM program, namely in
• English proficiency: Language requirements for non English native speakers: Semester 1 (commencing September).
TOEFL Internet-based 100 points More information about this program can be found on our website:
Computer-based: 250 points
• French proficiency: No French proficiency required, students may opt to take a class in
French as a foreign language u Diploma in International and European Law
• Tuition fees: • 10,000 € • All courses are taught in English
• students enrolling via an exchange program pay the tuition fees at • Length: One semester for Diploma in International and European Law
their home University
• Admission requirements: Possess a background in law
• Objectives: The LL.M. consists of 12 seminars of 24 hours each and teaching is
conducted in small groups under an interactive method.The subject areas taught in • English proficiency: Possess a through knowledge of the English language
the LL.M. in European Law give students the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive • French proficiency: not required
understanding of European Law in most areas falling within the competence of the • Tuition fees: Provisional tuition fees: 5,000 € (for Diploma in International and
European Union. Courses are taught also with a comparative and international European Law)
• Objectives: This program seeks to enhance students’ knowledge of law at the
national, European and international levels, providing students with the tools to work
more effectively in a global setting.
The Diploma in International and European Law is a one semester program and will
be taught exclusively in English. Each year, there will be two intakes into this
Students who successfully complete the Diploma program at our Law School will
then have the option of continuing onto the Law School’s LLM program in
International and European Law.
More information about this program can be found on our website:

Website in English 20 Website in English 21
SPECIFIC PROGRAMS ENA - École Nationale d'Administration - Paris
National School of Administration (ENA)
Université Paris Dauphine -
u Specialized International Cycle in Public Administration
u Europe in the 21st century: Key issues
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: July 1st July-18th 2009 - Management in the Public Sector
• Admission requirements: Open to students having completed a minimum of two • All courses are taught in English
years in a business-related program. • Length: see website
• English proficiency: a good command of English is expected • Admission requirements: managers with significant responsability in central, regional
• French proficiency: not required and local administrations
• Tuition fees: Check our website • English proficiency: yes
• Objectives:This new Summer Program is designed for students who want to share an • French proficiency: not required
intellectually and culturally enriching experience. • Tuition fees: see website
Courses will focus on some of Europe’s latest challenges: Energy and sustainable
development, the welfare system, the banking system, globalisation and regional • Objectives: Better organization in the management of civil service is a growing
mobility, management and hypercompetition, innovation and creativity. necessity pressing governments to deliver improved public services by introducing
Law - Economics

The afternoons will be largely devoted to cultural activities and French classes. managerial change and supporting ambitious staff reforms in a context of budgetary
(several levels if necessary). constraints. While specific issues may differ from one country to the other, all
Visits of all kinds will be organized: companies, national and international countries face common public management concerns: better allocation of resources,
organisations, museums, historical sites. Students will be given the opportunity to better accountability and efficiency, development of competences, performance
make the most of Paris’ exceptional location and Dauphine’s academic resources. It is based systems of assessment, and research for new incentives to stimulate individual
a credit-awarding program based on an agreement with incoming students’ home and collective performance.
university. Strategic management allows modern administrations to set clear priorities and
objectives but such an innovative process can only be achieved through the
implementation of appropriate managerial techniques.
The aim of this training session is to study how an administration can improve its
strategic and operational management. This course tackles a large scope of public
management related issues through a wide range of pedagogical methods: lectures,
case studies based on French and international concrete experiences, simulations,
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - and role plays.

u SELF PROGRAM>international>SELF
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: One semester (Sept-Dec & Jan-May)
• Admission requirements: the program is meant for upper level undergraduate
• English proficiency: Language requirements


PBT : 550 TWE 4.5 6.0 TWE 6.5 740
CBT 213 TWE 4.5
IBT 80 TWE 21

• French proficiency: Beginners accepted

• Tuition fees: 2,750 € per semester

• Objectives:The Self program offers an excellent opportunity of spending a semester
in the heart of Europe.The Rhone-Alpes region is the second-largest economic centre
in France and Lyon is an attractive human-sized town, with its Renaissance old town
being part of the Unesco World Heritage.
The program offers a selection of 20 to 25 courses in Business, Law or Arts, most of
them designed from a European perspective stressing international comparisons,
together with a 60-hour French language course (5 levels).
The SELF program starts with a two-week introduction program combining intensive
French courses and seminars in the three given academic fields, as well as cultural or
leisure activities.
The Self program is taught in an international environment, offers much flexibility
(students can also combine courses from the French University system) and full
academic and administrative support.

Website in English 22 Website in English 23
Université PARIS X Nanterre (summer law program)
and (UFR droit)

u University Diploma of Comparative Law

• All courses are taught in English: Each course taught by a tandem: a French Professor
(or lawyer or judge) and an American Professor (or lawyer or judge)
• Length: last two weeks of June at Paris X
Law - Economics

• Admission requirements: Be a European student (EU + other European) having

completed 4 years of law at home university and with good knowledge of English
Application: A CV + motivation letter in English to be sent to Anne.deysine@u- Before April 15, 2009
(Give 1st choice & second choice) for seminars
• English proficiency: good
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: non PX students : 800 € - Some scholarships available
• Objectives: Give French and European students the possibility to take classes of
American law, taught by American faculty and interact with US law students (in their
second or third year, as law school is a graduate program in the US). And learn from
the differences in which the two systems function.
Seminars available in 2008
Equality law
Labour law
Corporate law
Criminal Law & procedure

Université Catholique de Lille - Lille Catholic University

u European Summer Program on European Studies

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 weeks (June 3 – 30, 2009)

• Admission requirements: completion of secondary education
• English proficiency: an intermediate level in English (level B2)
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 2,200 €
• Objectives: Based in Lille, a vibrant and entertaining city at the heart of Europe, Lille
Catholic University, who is reputed for the quality of its teaching and its personalised
approach to students, offers this program which is designed for students looking for
French language courses plus an introduction to the European Union. Its courses on
politics, economics and intercultural communication combined with a rich program of
fieldtrips and cultural activities offer a stimulating study abroad opportunity.

Website in English 24 25
MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ ENAC - École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile
French Civil Aviation Institute -Toulouse
CEMEF, Centre for Material Forming, Mines-ParisTech
u Master course (Mastère Spécialisé) Aviation Safety - Aircraft
Engineering and Technology
Airworthiness in co-operation with ISAE (Institut Supérieur
u Post-Master Professional Certificate in Materials and Processing de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace)
specialises/materiaux-mise-en-forme • All courses are taught in English
• 55% courses are taught in English • Length: One year
• Length: 1 year • Admission requirements: At least a bachelor of Science, preferably with an additional
3-year professional experience.
• Admission requirements: Engineering diploma, Master or the equivalent of 5 years of
university studies, speciality: material science, mechanical engineering, mathematical • English proficiency: Candidates who are not English native speakers must provide
engineering theirTest of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score.The minimum acceptable
score is 520 (paper based) or 190 (computer based).
• English proficiency: good
• French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: good
•Tuition fees: Please see specific brochure on the website.
• Tuition fees: 300 €
• Objectives: Aircraft airworthiness must be considered as a coherent process running
• Objectives: Providing students with solid multidisciplinary training in the industrial from the design of the aircraft to the monitoring of its technical condition in airline
field of materials science and material processing. service. The master covers both the technical aspects of certification, aircraft
Course work combines mechanical, physical and numerical approaches and applies operations and maintenance as well as its legal and economic implications. The
them to different types of material: metals, polymers, pastes & composites. 25% of constant objective is to detail regulatory aspects, associated technical ones and
the courses are devoted to lab training. In the last 6 months, a mission in research industry concerns.
institute and/or industrial environments is devoted to a complete study of real R&D
problems. u Master course (Mastère Specialisé) Satellite-Based
Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS)
u Post master Professional Certificate in Computational
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: One year
specialises/computational-mechanics • Admission requirements: At least a bachelor of Science, preferably with an additional
3 years' professional experience.
• All courses are taught in English
• English proficiency: Candidates whose mother tongue is not English must prove their
• Length: 1 year knowledge of the English language by supplying the official result of their Test of
• Admission requirements: Applicants should hold a Master’s degree in Science or English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).The minimum acceptable score is 520 (paper
Engineering.The selection process will be based on a resume and a grades list, and based) or 190 (computer based).
may involve an interview. • French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: Advanced levelTOEFL: 200 (550 old scoring scale) •Tuition fees: Please see specific brochure on the website.
• French proficiency: not required • Objectives: The International Civil Aviation Organisation (OACI) is leading research
• Tuition fees: 300 € into improving air traffic control world wide with a view to replacing different national
systems with a harmonized global and cost effective system. New space
• Objectives:This program aims at providing graduate engineers and academics with a
telecommunications technologies will provide an excellent means of achieving this

and Technology
high-level training in the field of computational modelling of physical, mechanical or
goal. This master provides training in the various satellite technologies relevant to
thermal problems. You will learn how to deal with industrial problems using
CNS applications.
numerical modelling techniques, select the most adapted software tools for solving
your problem, perform a critical analysis of numerical results, be able to validate
modelling approaches using experimental data and develop specific applications
u Master course (Mastère Spécialisé) Cooperative Avionics
for AirTraffic Management
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: At least a bachelor of Science with an additional 3-year
professional experience or a Master of Science.
• English proficiency: Candidates who are not English native speakers must provide
theirTest of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score.The minimum acceptable
score is 520 (paper based) or 190 (computer based).

• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: Please see specific website (
• Objectives: Avionics has constantly evolved over the past thirty years: switchover
from analog to digital, integration of electronics and information technologies. In
order to meet the challenges represented by the constant increase in air traffic,
avionics must now be capable of cooperating with the AirTraffic Management (ATM)
system and airlines. In the frame of European Sesar and US NextGen projects, this
master is at the edge of technical, business and operational civil aviation features and
trends. It will prepare you to project leaders positions in avionics or air traffic

Website in English 26 Website in English 27

MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ EPITA - École pour l’Informatique
et lesTechniques Avancées - Le Kremlin-Bicêtre
u Specialized Master’s degree
Engineering and Technology
• All courses are taught in English • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 months • Length: 3 semesters (2 academic semesters and a six-month internship in industry or
• Admission requirements: Applicants with a master degree, or an equivalent degree in
science or engineering, or a bachelor degree with 3 years of professional experience. • Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree in science or bachelor’s degree in
management with a strong background in computer science
• English proficiency:TOEFL : 550 (paper based)
• English proficiency:TOEFL 213 CBT or 550 ITP,TOEIC 750, IELTS 6.0 for all candidates
• French proficiency: not required
from non English-taught programs
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 11,600 €
• Tuition fees: 11,800 €. However, a 50%registration fee reduction can be offered for
young European students who have obtained a master degree or equivalent in the
year of their registration, or the year before provided they have not worked.
- Software Engineering
• Objectives: This program aims to offer the necessary knowledge to the students in • Objectives: This program emphasizes the development of quality software coupled
different aspects of digital communication, signal processing associated with network with the transfer of this knowledge to industry. Topics include requirements
techniques which are used in the design of telecommunication systems and the engineering, system design, testing strategies and software development using C++
navigation for aeronautic and space applications. and Java, with an overall emphasis on the development of reliable software systems.
At completion of the degree, students will know the principles of good scientific
u Mastère Spécialisé – EMBEDDED SYSTEMS software engineering practice, grounded in a hands-on understanding of the
applicability of these practices, so that they will be able to lead major software
• Tuition fees: 12,000 €. However, a 50%registration fee reduction can be offered for engineering projects.
young European students who have obtained a master degree or equivalent in the
year of their registration, or the year before provided they have not worked. - Computer Security
• Objectives: Aware of the real need for a multidisciplinary approach, the program • Objectives: This program aims at providing a solid background in the design and
prepares students with in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of the underlying management of the systemic engineering and architecting of security in the
technologies involved in embedded systems.The program focuses on both theoretical contemporaneous enterprise. This concentration is not exclusively about computer
and concrete aspects. security, network security, or cryptography, although it contains elements of each of
The training for this Master’s degree is multidisciplinary. It covers all hardware, those disciplines. The concentration is a disciplined approach to understanding the
software and control issues of Embedded Systems within an integrated system based management, technical, and legal issues associated with the security of information
perspective. from a multi-phased approach, resulting in optimal security within risk tolerances.

- Information Systems Architecture

• Objectives: The application of information technology and information systems is
changing not only the way organizations do business but also organizational
structures. Competition and cooperation in our global, networked, and dynamic
environment have created a need for people who can work together in teams and
apply information technology and information systems to meet organizations’
information requirements.

and Technology
This program aims at providing a solid background in the fundamentals of
information systems strategic planning, implementation and organisational
management. At completion of the degree, students will have a clear understanding
of how information systems can redesign business processes and organizational
structures, resulting in improved customer service, increased managerial
productivity, and improved competitiveness for the firm as a whole.

- InformationTechnology Management
• Objectives:This program aims at providing sound knowledge of the fundamentals of
IT strategic planning and IT implementation and organisational management.
Graduates will become highly skilled professionals with a multi-faceted
understanding of how technology can improve an organization's performance and
enable its members to share and access information, plan and collaborate, while
having the analytical edge to strategically plan for future growth.They will master the
technical and human skills needed to create successful innovations with information

technologies.The program places an emphasis on the dynamic interaction of people,
organizations and information technologies, within the context of the 21st century
organization, thus empowering graduates with the technical, system, and business

Website in English 28 Website in English 29

MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ Institut National des Sciences Appliquées deToulouse
in collaboration with the Institute for an Industrial Safety
Culture (ICSI), a leading organization in industrial safety
ESIEA - École Supérieure d'Informatique Électronique
Automatique - Paris* -
Engineering and Technology
u Specialized Master in Network and Information Security (N&IS) u Post-graduate Master (Professional degree) in “Risk
• All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 15 months (2 academic semesters and a semester of internship)
• Length: 1 year (1 semester for lectures and industrial case studies + 1 semester for
• Admission requirements: • a Bachelor in Computer Science
industrial internship)
• a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
• a Bachelor of Sciences with a background in Computer Science • Admission requirements: Master’s degree in science or engineering. Application
• a Master of Sciences (or Applied Sciences) in any field with a background in consists of: records of the current academic year certified by the University; certified
Computer Science. copy of the last graduation and of the current course; a curriculum vitae of the last five
Admission is competitive and applicants will be considered only if they have a high years; English language certificates (TOEFL or Cambridge certificate for English or
academic standing from an accredited educational institution. equivalent). After sending your pre-admission form (see web site), you will receive an
E-mail to confirm the reception and to ask you those documents.
• English proficiency:TOEIC 700,TOEFL 500 (pBT) / 205 (cBT) / 75-80 (iBT), IELTS 6,25
• English proficiency: Courses are fully delivered in English. Applicants should have
• French proficiency: not required
fluent English guaranteed by a certificate.
•Tuition fees: 11,800 € for the 3 semesters.
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives:The training proposed within the framework of the Specialized Master in
•Tuition fees: 7,800 €
“Network and Information Security” (N&IS) enables future specialists to give precise
answers to the very diverse security issues with which all components of numerical • Objectives: The curriculum aims at providing
information are currently confronted.The training specially emphases the concept of - An overview of generic aspects of risk management, analysis, treatment and
security as a continuous process that grows in an environment based on new and communication.
emergent technologies. Our motto is from codes to networks. - Domain- specific skills to handle risks: process safety, toxicological risks for human
health and environment, natural and technological risks for construction,
dependability of computing systems, risks associated with radiations, safety of
* Info 2008 electrical systems.
A large part of the lectures will be provided by professionals. Case studies will be
developed by students.

INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et
de Lyon* de l’Espace (SUPAERO - ENSICA)
INSA Strasbourg - Institut National des Sciences in partnership with EUROCOPTER -
Appliquées de Strasbourg* u Specialized master’s degree Helicopter Engineering

and Technology
• All courses are taught in English
u Professional Post-Master Certificates. 2 options • Length: 2 semesters
• Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or
- INSA Lyon : Environmental Policy, Risk ans Management equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of
- INSA Strasbourg : Innovative Design professional experience at least.
• All courses are taught in English • English proficiency:To apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper-
based) or 213 (computer-based).
• Length: 1 year (6 month of taught courses, 5-6 month internship)
• French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: A Master degree in the subject area, or a bachelor degree
+ 3 years’ work experience. A good English level, as the courses will be taught in •Tuition fees: 12,000 €
English (especially adapted for non French- speaking students.)
- Helicopter Engineering
• English proficiency:TOEFL 700 or equivalent.
• Tuition fees: 12,000 €
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: The master Helicopter Engineering is designed for graduates or
•Tuition fees: depending on the Post Master (between 6,500 € and 9,500 €)

professionals having a passion for this specific aircraft. Developed by ISAE and
• Objectives: This professional certificate prepares students for careers in industry. It Eurocopter - global helicopter manufacturer and market leader -, this 2-semester
can be a specialization or a second degree. program provides high-level of engineering and technical competences for careers
We provide students with the technological and scientific skills to exercise their in helicopter business world. Unique worldwide, the Master helicopter engineering
profession in their speciality at the highest technological level and to communicate takes singular advantages from the marriage of both teaching approaches that
and cooperate effectively in an international professional context. allows attendees well balanced mix acquisition of scientific and engineering
For top international careers! knowledge, as well as techniques and technologies from the world leading
company. This comprehensive program course starts with basic engineering
knowledge in aeronautical design, then emphasizes on specific techniques,
* Info 2008
technologies or management aspect related to the design, certification and
operations of civil or military helicopters.

Website in English 30 Website in English 31

MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et
de l’Espace (SUPAERO - ENSICA)
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et in partnership with ENAC -
de l’Espace (SUPAERO - ENSICA) u Specialized master’s degree Aviation Safety Aircraft
Engineering and Technology Airworthiness
• All courses are taught in English
u Specialized master’s degree Aeronautical Maintenance
• Length: 2 semesters
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or
• Length: 2 semesters equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of
• Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or professional experience at least.
equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of • English proficiency To apply, language qualification is requested TOEFL: 550 (paper-
professional experience at least based) or 213 (computer-based).
• English proficiency:To apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper- •Tuition fees: 12,000 €
based) or 213 (computer-based)
• Objectives: Aircraft airworthiness must be considered as a coherent process running
• French proficiency: not required from the design of the aircraft to the monitoring of its technical condition in airline
• Tuition fees: 12,000 € service.
• Objectives: Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul industry plays a key role in the The Master in Aviation Safety – Aircraft Airworthiness covers both the technical
aerospace industry for both civil market and military sector. MRO encompasses a aspects of certification and the legal and economic implications.
wide range of complex activities: engine overhaul, heavy checks, line maintenance, This course has been designed to give future managers a broad understanding of the
component maintenance, and major airframe modifications. Through regular issues and priorities which have an international dimension. Air transport
maintenance, MRO ensures the continued airworthiness and operational safety of deregulation and the development of a global economy necessarily imply an increase
aircraft, and therefore the safety of passengers. Beyond, it ensures aircrafts meet the in vigilance on behalf of both the regulatory authorities and the industry. Progress
rigorous certification, safety, or standards set by international authorities such as regarding safety has been constant. In the last 20 years, the accident rate per flight
ICAO, EASA and FAA. The boom in the aviation industry has set the stage for huge hour has been reduced by a factor of 10. This is becoming insufficient due to the
growth in the aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul market.The main economic considerable increase in traffic. Current trends should encourage us to make even
difficulties that the aviation industry is facing are the tremendous demands of more improvements, and this necessarily involves training.
qualified personnel. The Master in Aircraft Airworthiness will provide future operators with the key to
The objectives of the Master in aeronautical maintenance are to provide students with success in times to come.The Master offered by ENAC and ISAE takes advantage of
up-to-date exposure to modern techniques and methods, know-how, regulations and the excellent relations of both Universities with leading companies in the aeronautical
standards applied in aviation industry, leading to maintain operational aircrafts. engineering sector both in Europe and world-wide.
This 2-semester program aims at providing a wide range of knowledge from This master is intended to students who consider careers within civil aviation
engineering basis to management of maintenance organisation in the respect of authorities, which must design regulations, make them be applied, within
international regulations. Merging academic teachings, up-to-date maintenance manufacturers or airlines.
concepts or methods offered by experts from the industry, it prepares attendees to
face the competitive and fast changing MRO worldwide business. - Master selected and supported byThales Academia partnership:
This master is intended to students who envisage management position in airlines,
MRO organisations on civil market or military forces.
u Specialized master’s degree Systems Engineering
u Specialized master’s degree Integrated Logistics Support • All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English • Length: 2 semesters

and Technology
• Length: 2 semesters • Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or
• Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of
equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of professional experience at least
professional experience at least. • English proficiency:To apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper-
• English proficiency:To apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper- based) or 213 (computer-based)
based) or 213 (computer-based). •Tuition fees: 12,000 €
• French proficiency: not required • Objectives: Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering
• Tuition fees: 12,000 € integrating all disciplines and technologies into integrated team from development, to
design,up to operation and disposal of competitive and complex systems.
• Objectives: Introduced for Military concerns and developed by the aeronautical Systems Engineering approach is the capacity to federate and control various,
industry, the Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is a set of techniques ensuring that the interweaving and complementary engineering activities to deliver satisfying systems,
supportability of a complex system is considered during its design and development. on-time, within expecting budget, with the level of quality and performances meeting
Integrated Logistics Support is intimately connected to Systems Engineering concept in requirements of an open and competitive market. System Engineering Process
the frame of a cooperative and interdisciplinary methodological approach. Indeed, ILS implements technical processes (requirement engineering, design, integration,

contributes to the effective support of a system ensuring the economic performance verification; validation, …) as well as project management processes, agreement
and the competitiveness of industries. processes and enterprise processes.
The master ILS developed by ISAE aims at becoming a world wide reference in the field The Systems engineering master degree program is a one-year professional course of
of the maintainability of aeronautical systems from their initial conception up to their study, designed in partnership with the industry. This program aims at providing
out of service date. It is the first master in aerospace sector focusing on all techniques, worldwide industry with skilled professionals in System Engineering able to specify,
processes, methods applied all along the product lifecycle, either in civilian or military design, deploy and maintain competitive and complex systems, fit to purpose, in
context. various industrial sectors: space, aeronautics, air traffic control, land transport
It is particularly designed for engineers in activity who wish to embrace new systems, maritime transport, health industry, energy, communication systems…
challenging activities as ILS manager, ILS analyst in the aeronautical, space, defence,
civil aviation, air transport sectors or equipment design.

Website in English 32 Website in English 33

MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique
et de l’Espace (SUPAERO - ENSICA) -
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique
- Master selected and supported byThales Academia partnership:
et de l’Espace (SUPAERO - ENSICA)
Engineering and Technology
In partnership with ENSEEIHT -
u Specialized master’s degree Space Communication Systems
- Master selected and supported byThales Academia partnership: • All courses are taught in English • Length: 2 semesters
• Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or
u Specialized master’s degree Embedded Systems equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of
• All courses are taught in English professional experience at least
• Length: 2 semesters • English proficiency:To apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper-
• Admission requirements: Students with a master’s degree in engineering or based) or 213 (computer-based)
equivalent, or professionals with a bachelor’s degree and having three years of • French proficiency: not required
professional experience at least
•Tuition fees: 12,000 €
• English proficiency:To apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper-
• Objectives: Satellite system is an inevitable vector of communications as it has
based) or 213 (computer-based)
demonstrated its capability to collect and spread, better than any other network,
• French proficiency: not required messages and data in a vast coverage area for the benefit of thousand users, since the
•Tuition fees: 12,000 € sixties. Even if the space communications market remains a niche market of the
global telecommunications business, it represents one of the most commercially
• Objectives: Toulouse is one of the largest concentrations of Embedded Systems
profitable space applications in ceaseless evolution. Consequently companies of the
industry in Europe with the major aerospace manufacturers and equipment
sector, for space system development or for services and applications, recruit
manufacturers working either for aeronautical, or space or automobile industry, as
permanently junior executives with a specific expertise adapted to the specificities of
Airbus, CNES, Astrium, Siemens, Thales, etc. Embedded Systems have taken an
the environment and quickly operational.
increasing place in several kind of products in the daily life. Embedded Systems
The master SCS is designed to offer students with necessary and up-to-date
encompass a broad class of systems and are actively involved in all domains from
knowledge for mastering different aspects of digital communications, signal
transport systems (aeronautics, space, road, rail and sea), to energy sectors (nuclear,
processing, and networks techniques used in the communication or navigation
chemistry industry…) and also to communication systems (as mobile phones and
systems design for aeronautical or space applications.
So, the master SCS emphasizes on the following objectives:
The Embedded Systems Master Program is a one-year professional course of study, • Give global approach of systems by emphasizing the environments, the limitations
designed in partnership by both ENSEEIHT and ISAE, with the support of the and the constraints, the interfaces and the expected performances.
embedded systems industry. • Improve the disciplines interacting in the conception of these systems: signal
Aware of the real need for a multidisciplinary approach, the program prepares processing, communications, data processing and networks, etc.
students with in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of the underlined technologies • Acquire and master design and simulation tools of the sector
involved in embedded systems. The program is focused on both theoretical and • Initiate into the development of applications of these systems for space, aeronautical
concrete aspects. It aims at: and embedded-systems domains.
• developing competencies, at system level design for the development of Embedded-
Systems, based on strong basics of complementary subjects, such as electronics,
computer science, energy conversion and management, automatic control,
telecommunications and networks.
• developing the system approach through integrated projects to master specific

and Technology
methods and tools applied to the following domains: aeronautics, space, automobile
or multimedia.
The training for this master's degree is multidisciplinary. It covers all hardware,
software and control issues of Embedded Systems within an integrated system based

Website in English 34 Website in English 35
MASTER Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
Heriot Watt University - University of Girona

Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens

Engineering and Technology
u Master Erasmus Mundus in Computer Vision
Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille 1 - Université and Robotics
Paul Sabatier,Toulouse (France), University of Cordoba (Spain),
Warsaw University ofTechnology (Poland) - Heriot-Watt University: Erasmus Mundus Vision, Image and Robotics (VIBOT)
- Universitat de Girona: Màster en Visió per Computador i Robòtica
u Master in “Materials for energy storage and conversion”
(VIBOT) / Máster en Visión por Computadora y Robótica.
Erasmus Mundus
- University of Burgundy : 1ère année (M1) : Diplôme National de
• All courses are taught in English
Maîtrise – Domaine : Sciences,Technologie, Santé Mention : Sciences et
• Length: 4 semesters / 2 years
Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (STIC)-
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Science (Chemistry, Physical
Electronique. 2ème année (M2) : Master Recherche - Domaine :
Chemistry , Chemical Engineering, Electrochemistry, Physics, Metallurgy, Materials
Science) or its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of high Sciences,Technologies, Santé ; Mention : Sciences etTechnologies de
standing. Applicants will have to explain their interests for energy storage and in l’Information et de la Communication (STIC)) ; Spécialité : Image,
coming to Europe for their studies. Informatique, Ingénieurie) (VIBOT/ERASMUS MUNDUS).
• English proficiency: Students whose native language is not English must take the
• All courses are taught in English
TOEFL/TOEIC English examination prior to applying to the Master.
Minimum level required: 550 points • Length: 2 years
• French proficiency : not required • Admission requirements: Outstanding achievement in the applicant's first degree
which must have equivalent to UK First Class in either electrical engineering,
• Tuition fees: 2,000 € per semester for Erasmus Mundus grantees. 500 € / year for
electronics, computer science, mathematics, robotics, physics and industrial
European students and self financed students. engineering.
• Objectives: Education program in Materials Science and Electrochemistry 1st, 2nd, • English proficiency:TOEFL: 550 (Computer: 213) or IETS: 6.5
3rd semesters within 5 universities in 3 European countries (France, Poland, Spain).
4th semester : 6 months Master thesis in a European Research Laboratory of the NoE • French proficiency: not required
ALISTORE or a company. • Tuition fees: Tuition fees for the full course.
EU students: 8,800 €. Overseas students: 14,800 €
Non-EU students grants available : Up to 24 grants of 42,000 € (covering the 2 years
of studies)
EU students grants available: From 5 to 10 grants which will cover the tuition fees and
will provide a stipend of 500 Euros/month.
The Program is also open to candidates who do not request financial support through
Université de Cergy-Pontoise Erasmus Mundus program, they will be eligible for 300 Euros/month stipend. • Objectives:The courses start from a comprehensive coverage of the prerequisites in the field of digital imaging (hardware and software) and basic image processing
algorithms, and end up with research level teaching of their applications in the fields

and Technology
of robotics, medical imaging and 3D vision systems.
u Master in Maths, Physics and Informatics (MPIE) [Master 1] Besides technical skills and knowledge, graduate students from the VIBOT Master
• 50% of courses are taught in English (240h) Program acquire language skills and a sense of mobility and broadmindedness that
• Length: 1 year will be a real asset in their career.
Semester one is in Scotland, semester two in Spain, Semester three in France and
• Admission requirements: Admission to MPIE is conditioned on admission to a full
semester four is dedicated to the MSc research thesis which can take place anywhere
Master's program in maths or physics or computer science at Cergy-Pontoise or
in Europe (for EM granted students) and anywhere in the world for other students.
elsewhere. Priority will be given to successful applicants within a list of recommended
Master's at Cergy-Pontoise, Paris 1, 6, 7, 11, ENS-Cachan, UVSQ, Grenoble, Orléans.
• English proficiency: IELTS 6.0 orTOEFL 550/213
• French proficiency:TEF A1
• Tuition fees: 2,500 €
• Objectives: Consolidate knowledge from a Bachelor's degree in Maths, Physics or
Computer Science, and learn French so as to complete a Master's taught in French
during the following year. Courses taught in English include relational databases,

object oriented programming, computational fluid dynamics and structural
mechanics, statistics and statistical learning, partial differential equations. French as a
Foreign Language plus tutoring alongside specialty courses in French prepare for a
second year of a Master's taught in French.

Website in English 36 Website in English 37

MASTER Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1
u International Master in “Geomechanics,
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon Civil Engineering and Risks”
Engineering and Technology
Heriot Watt University - University of Girona • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year (2 semesters)
u MSc in Computer Vision • Admission requirements: This program is designed to be a 2nd year international option of a 2-year master program on “Mechanics, Energy and Engineering” at
Université Joseph Fourier. For entry into this second year program applicants must
1st year (M1) : Sciences,Technology, Health option Information and have already completed a 1st year masters program or the 4th year of an engineering
Communication technologies (STIC), Electronics undergraduate program (Bac + 4 in France) in one of the following fields: Civil
2nd year (M2) : Master of research in Sciences,Technology, Health option Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Solid Mechanics,
Information and Communication technologies (STIC), focused on Engineering Geology.
Imaging, Informatics, Engineering • English proficiency: strong written and spoken English
• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: not required
• Length: 2 years •Tuition fees: 445 €
• Admission requirements: Outstanding achievement in the applicant's first degree • Objectives: Geomechanics is integral to understanding a number of natural and
which must have equivalent to UK First Class in either electrical engineering, engineering phenomena, and associated risks.This master program involves courses
electronics, computer science, mathematics, robotics, physics and industrial by researchers from a top ranking department at the University of Grenoble, followed
engineering. by a 1 semester individual research project. The objective is to provide an
understanding of both the physics and the associated mathematics, which form the
• English proficiency: Candidates must meet the required standards TOEFL: 550 basis of an advanced engineering approach. The program will equip students who
(Computer: 213) or IETS: 6.5 wish to proceed to higher level academic research and those interested in work with
• French proficiency: not required government and non-governmental organisations.
• Tuition fees: Tuition fees for the full course are about 300 €/year (national fees)
+ 200 € (health Insurance) u M2P EEATS: Pilotage et Surveillance des Procédés Industriels
• Objectives:The courses start from a comprehensive coverage of the prerequisites in Master EEATS: Industrial Processes Automation
the field of digital imaging (hardware and software) and basic image processing
algorithms, and end up with research level teaching of their applications in the fields Formations/M2/EEATS/PSPI/ english.php
of robotics, medical imaging and 3D vision systems.
• All courses are taught in English (in fall 2009)
Besides technical skills and knowledge, graduate students from this Master Program
acquire language skills and a sense of mobility and broadmindedness that will be a • Length: 10 months (60 ECTS)
real asset in their career. • Admission requirements: The students must have a M1 (EU), Bachelor (US) or
For the 2nd year, semester 3 will be in common with students enrolled in the Erasmus equivalent engineering degree in Science or Engineering, and have followed basic
Mundus master VIBOT. Semester 4 is dedicated to the MSc research thesis which can automatic control classes. Professional experience and reference letters are also key
take place anywhere in the world. During semester four, grants are offered to help issues in the applications evaluation.
cover travelling expenses.
• English proficiency: Good command of written and spoken English
• French proficiency: not required

and Technology
• Tuition fees: 445 € (most of the tuition fee – approximately 6,000 € – is funded directly
by the French Higher Education Department)
• Objectives: Industrial processes are becoming more and more complex, with an
increasing demand in terms of safety, robustness, productivity gains and quality.This
implies a new, integrated, automation design which is no longer limited to local
regulation strategies but combines communication and interconnected systems. Our
master considers the automation of industrial processes in a global perspective, with
an emphasis on real-time and communication aspects. The students learn to act at
every step of the industrial production, from process control to supervision, while
taking into account communication issues and quality specifications.

Website in English 38 Website in English 39
MASTER Université du Maine - Le Mans
u European Master in Science andTechnology – Speciality:
Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 Computer Modelling in Physics and Mechanics
Engineering and Technology
• 50% courses are taught in English.The second year of master is tought in English.
u Master in Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information • Length: 2 years but admissions are possible in second year
systems • Admission requirements: To apply to 1st year of master, students have to be graduated with bachelor degree or equivalent or partial master, in Physics, Mechanics, Applied
Mathematics. They can also be graduated from engineering school or possess
Cryptology-and.html technology degree. If students wish to be registered directly to the 2nd year of master,
• All courses are taught in English they have to possess an equivalent degree to 1st year of master. Information can be
obtained to : Université du Maine – Av. O. Messiaen -72085 Le Mans (France) -
• Length: 1 year (60 ECTS) Contact: Pr. F. Calvayrac – email :
• Admission requirements: Students are selected and admitted to the programme • English proficiency: candidates should have a fluent level in English, written, spoken
based on their academic records, language skills, motivation and a judgement of their and read.
ability to successfully complete the Master program.To be admitted to the program,
candidates shall have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been • French proficiency: Fluent, if the candidates apply for admission in a first year
awarded of a Bachelor degree in either Science (BSc) or Engineering (BEng) that • Tuition fees: National tuition fees for master degree (around 200 €) + social insurance
includes courses in computing and solid practice in programming. Applications of (around 200 €)
candidates with bachelor in Computer Science or Computer Engineering will be • Objectives: The prospects of this curriculum concern automotive industry,
preferably considered. Skills in algebra are also requested for those that will take the aeronautics, new energies and computational physics. A choice of advanced courses
optional courses on advanced cryptology. Admission of students is always at the in physics and mechanics is opened. In this framework, main lectures are numerical
discretion of the Master team which may require that the student attend additional modelling of materials, numerical methods and special software for modelling,
courses in order to qualify for the Master degree. industrial-grade software in CAD, finite elements and fluid mechanics. A strong
• English proficiency: Applicants should be able to understand enough scientific cooperation is organised with industry. A joint master is being built between
English to attend the classes, be interactive and make project presentations. University of Maine (Le Mans) and University of Ostrava (Czech Republic).
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 445 €
• Objectives: With the increasing externalization of corporations and organizations in a
global multimedia and interconnected world, security of information systems and
integration of data protection technologies are among the most critical issues, from
private life protection to company survivability and protection of their funds. Yet, Université de Lyon
security of information systems is an active field of research. Especially, within the
Grenoble Universities, the Grenoble technopole gathers experts in computer science, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon,
mathematics and electronics from both INPG (Institut National Polytechnique de INSA Lyon
Grenoble) and UJF (Université Joseph Fourier), leading institutions involved together
on the field of information systems and security at an international level.
Based on its excellence and reputation, INPG and UJF propose a graduate program
on the engineering of secure information systems and embedded circuit design. u Master of Science – Nanoscale Engineering

and Technology
Within the Master “Mathématiques, Informatique”, this two year program leads to the • All courses are taught in English
title “Master in Security , Cryptology and Coding of Information systems”.
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements:The applicants should have a completed Bachelor’s degree
(180 ECTS credits) from a university. The degree must be in the same or applicable
field in which they wish to study. The program determines the applicability of the
degree. Even if the applicant fulfils the requirements there is no guarantee that he/she
will be admitted since there is a quota for the program.
• Tuition fees: 250 €
• Objectives: The objective of this program is to offer a very advanced education in
NanoScience and nanotechnology.The NanoScale Engineering program is resolutely
multidisciplinary; it is meant for students aiming at an academic or industrial career. It
provides both a theoretical base and a practical expertise in the fields of elaboration
and characterization of nanoscale structures and systems. It is supported by
technological platforms of three key-labs in Lyon and by companies of the Region


Website in English 40 Website in English 41

MASTER Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), ENS-Cachan,
Arts et Métiers ParisTech, École Polytechnique
MASTER OF SCIENCE ParisTech, École Centrale Paris et Mines ParisTech
Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
Engineering and Technology - u Master’s degree “Engineering sciences”, this program is a
specialization program Master’s degree, Engineering Sciences,
u EURO-AQUAE – Euro Hydro-Informatics speciality Solids Mechanics, Fundamental and Applied.
and Water Management
• Length:Two years • 100% of the main courses are taught entirely in English and entirely in French in
• Admission requirements: A 2nd class degree from university (Bsc) or its overseas parallel sessions (15 ECTS) and 50% of the options are taught in English and 50% in
equivalent (min. qualification). Preferred first degree subjects are Engineering (any French (15 ECTS). The program is built so as to ensure that a student can choose
branch), Environmental Sciences, Physics, Computer Sciences, Geography, his/her options so as to attend the program entirely in English or entirely in French.
Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology or similar. Advanced level Mathematics and a Basic • Length: One year, courses, exercise, practices and projects from the beginning of
knowledge of one of the other languages (German, French, Spanish, Hungarian) used October to the end of February, followed by a research internship in a research
by the consortium are required Evaluation is made by the consortium on basic laboratory or in a research and development department of one of our industrial
scientific and engineering knowledge. partners.
• English proficiency:TOEFL score of 500 or greater (or equivalent) • Admission requirements: The program enlists students having a bachelor degree in
• Objectives:The main objective of the Master is to prepare and train future scientists mechanical engineering, physics or mathematics. Preferably, the bachelor's degree
and executive engineers in charge of modelling and managing projects in hydro- must correspond to four years of university education or equivalent in Engineering
technologies and the environment.These professionals have vocation to assist local, Sciences, mechanics andTechnology.
regional, national and international collectivities, public services and to be involved in • English proficiency: TOEFL 550/213 (to attend courses in English)
private companies. The consortium issues a multiple degree (Msc) defined as a
• French proficiency:TCF level 4 required (to attend courses in French)
Master of Science and recognized by all the participating countries and with the
Erasmus Mundus label. • Tuition fees: 226 €
• Objectives: The program aims at educating future researchers in material science and
engineering, operating in industry or academia.The diploma is acquired in a research
environment, through lectures that emphasize the fundamental concepts of the
mechanics of materials and its applications. It aims at providing the graduate a deep
understanding of materials and engineering mechanics fundamentals and a better
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) knowledge of recent developments in the field, for advanced industrial applications
and innovative processes.The graduate will be able to read, understand and analyze a recent scientific paper, to evaluate the relevance of the various approximations
needed to solve a problem and to implement numerical simulations in the field of the
u Master’s degree, Engineering Sciences, speciality Fluid mechanics of material and processes.
Mechanics, Fundamental and Applied
• All courses are taught in English Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
• Length: one year, October to June or September Universita’ di Brescia - Facolta’ di Ingegneria
• Admission requirements: The program enlists students having a bachelor degree in

and Technology
mechanical engineering, physics or mathematics. Preferably, the bachelor's degree
must correspond to four years of university education. A degree of exposure to basic
fluid mechanics, numerical methods and to basic classical physics is required, as
u Master’s degree in Engineering Science specialized in
witnessed by grade transcripts Mechatronic systems for Rehabilitation
• English proficiency: required
• French proficiency: not required • All courses are taught in English
• Tuition fees: 226 € • Length: 1 year (60 ECTS): courses, exercise, practices and projects from the beginning
• Objectives: The program aims at educating future researchers in fluid mechanics, of September to the end of February, followed by a research internship in a research
operating in industry or academia.The diploma is acquired in a research environment, laboratory or in a Research & Development department of an industrial company
through lectures that emphasize the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics and its • Admission requirements: The program enlists candidates holding 240 ECTS after four
applications. The graduate will be able to read, understand and analyze a recent years of studies at university in the engineering field or graduated from an
scientific paper, to evaluate the relevance of the various approximations needed to engineering school, and having a basic knowledge in mechanics, automatic control,
solve a problem and to implement the numerical modelling of a fluid phenomenom. computer science and signal processing.
• English proficiency: sufficient to attend courses in English, TOEFL 550/213 or

equivalent English test certificate
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 300 €
• Objectives: This program provides skills in engineering for the design of innovative
technical equipment and medical aids. These intelligent mechatronic systems are
used in diagnostics, motor aids, functional rehabilitation, etc. This course enables
students to acquire the knowledge essential to mastering the design of these
mechatronic systems following a people-focused approach while including
technological development and biomedical research: mechanics, electronics,
automatic control, computer science, signal processing, image processing and

Website in English 42 Website in English 43

MASTER Université deTechnologie de Compiègne - UTC
u Master degree in Mechatronic Systems
Université Rennes 1 / jointly with Technische Universitat
Engineering and Technology
• All courses are taught in English
Munich (Germany), Ludwig Maximilian Universität München • Length: 2 years
(Germany) and University ofTorino (Italy) • Admission requirements: Required level to access the first year of Master (M1): Bachelor
Required level to access the second year of Master (M2) : Master grade
Candidates must have a diploma in the following fields or in neighbouring domains
u Master Mamaself : Master in Materials Science Mechanics, Mechanical engineering
exploiting Large Scale Facilities (Master 2) Electrical engineering, automatic control Mechatronics
Applied physics
• All courses are taught in English
Knowledge of the English language is necessary because specific courses in the
• Length: 1 year mechatronics systems" master program are in English.
• Admission requirements: Students must have • English proficiency: B1
- At least 4 years study (corresponding to 240 ECTS) in Materials Science or related
• French proficiency: not required
disciplines (chemistry, physics, geo-science…).
• Tuition fees: 538 € / year
• English proficiency:TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent
• Objectives: Main interest of Mechatronics domain is to design complex systems and
• French proficiency: not required.The students will benefit from free French language
to control them.The purpose of this cross-disciplinary program, oriented on a system
courses in Rennes (44 hours).
approach, is to address several trends of a fast growing domain, answering to current
• Tuition fees: 500 € for European students and future mechanical and electronical industrial needs :
5,000 € for non-European students.The non-European students can benefit from an - Miniaturization of mechatronics systems
Erasmus Mundus grant (21,000 €). European students can benefit from a grant in - Mechatronic actuation systems with embedded energy
order to spend the second semester at partners institutions in Japan or Switzerland. - Multiphysics modeling
• Objectives: MaMaSELF is a one year European Master program (2nd Master year) in - Robustness and reliability of mechatronics systems
Materials Science, which aims to teach the application of “Large Scale Facilities” for
the characterisation and development of materials.This degree provides a high level
qualification in Materials science, chemistry, physics as well as Management :
European market and consumer behaviour analysis, Production management and
logistics, International accounting , etc. In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus
program, the students will spend one semester in two of the 3 universities of the
consortium and will have 2 diplomas.The second semester is dedicated to the Master
Thesis and students will move to another university of the consortium.
Université deTechnologie deTroyes - UTT

u Master in Optics and Nanotechnologies

• All courses are taught in English

and Technology
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: First year: Bachelor of Science or equivalent
Second year: Master of Science or equivalent
• English proficiency:TOEIC 750 or equivalent
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: regular master fees (226 € in 2008-2009 + 200 € compulsory health
• Objectives: The speciality “Optics and Nanotechnologies” trains students for the
activities of research and development in the field of the nanotechnologies: to study
the various techniques and methods mainly optical, which make it possible to
manufacture nanostructures and materials, to characterize their physical and chemical
properties and to understand the associated phenomena.
This degree offers training mainly in the field of optical local probe microscopy and
other microscopic techniques (Atomic Force Microscopy AFM, Scanning Tunnelling

Microscopy STM).
Main research topics covered are geared towards the nanosciences. They tackle the
problems of nanodetection of molecular, crystalline or nanostructured objects,
modelling electromagnetic fields on the same scale, with an aim of understanding and of
interpreting the observed experimental results.

Website in English 44 Website in English 45

MASTER École Centrale de Nantes -

u 7 Masters Programs -
• 100% of the language of instruction and examination is in English during the 1st year
Engineering and Technology
École Centrale de Nantes - including 160 hours (7 ECTS) of French courses. During the 2nd year, courses and
Master thesis are either in French and English language.
• Length: Two years (120 ECTS in total). A possibility for directly integrating the 2nd
u Master of Science in Computational Mechanics year is opened and discussed by the Admission Committee.
Master Erasmus Mundus • Admission requirements: Students must hold a first university degree after at least 3 years of study (Bachelor of Science level or equivalent) or with 180 ECTS in the
European system.
• All courses are taught in English The application form must be downloaded form the website
• Length: 24 months (120 ECTS) spent at two different institutions. Six months spent at and submitted to
Barcelone (University Polytechnic de Catalogne) or Swansea (University of Wales) • English proficiency: The applicants must be fluent in English, both in writing and
followed by 18 months in a second institution (different from the first): École Centrale speaking. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a
de Nantes, University of Stuttgart, University Polytechnique de Catalogne, University recognized international English test such asTOEFL or equivalent test.
of Wales at Swansea.
• French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Bachelor in Engineering fields or equivalent (more details
on the website) • Tuition fees: For the 1st year: 6,000 € for non European students and 300 € for
European students.
• English proficiency:TOEFL orTOEIC (see the master website). For the 2nd year: 300 €.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 16,000 € for non-European students and 8,000 € for European students. - Master of Sciences in Control Engineering and
Grants up to 42,000 € are available for non-European students with excellent Production Systems on Automatic Control, Robotics,
academic results
Signal and Image
• Objectives: The goal is to provide the students with the skills for the modelling,
formulation, analysis and implementation of simulation tools for advanced • Objectives: The Master courses focus on automatic control and signal processing.
engineering problems, as well as skills for understanding these approaches in the More generally, it deals with modern techniques in systems engineering for the
broader context of engineering science. Students will benefit from a leading group of modelling, simulation, optimisation, analysis, and control to work on a variety of
academics and an exciting international environment. engineering systems such as robotics, industrial automation and production systems.
The quality of this Master has been recognized by the European Union by supporting
the European Master on Advanced Robotics (EMARO) in the framework of the
u European Master on Advanced Robotics Erasmus Mundus program.
Master Erasmus Mundus - Master of Sciences in Control Engineering and
• All courses are taught in English
Production Systems on Embedded Computer Science
• Length: Two years (120 ECTS) spent at two different institutions. One year spent at
and Production Sytems
Centrale Nantes (France), Warsaw University ofTechnology (Poland) or University of • Objectives: The Master courses focus on embedded computer science and production
Genova (Italy) followed by the second year spent in a second institution (different systems. More generally, it deals with modern techniques in systems engineering for
from the 1st one). the modelling, simulation, optimisation, analysis, and control to work on a variety of
• Admission requirements: Students must hold a first university degree after at least 3 engineering systems such as robotics, industrial automation. The quality of this
Master has been recognized by the European Union by supporting the European

and Technology
years of study (Bachelor of Science level or equivalent) or with 180 ECTS in the
European system. Master on Advanced Robotics (EMARO) in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus
The application form must be downloaded from the website program.. and submitted to
• English proficiency: The applicants must be fluent in English, both in writing and
- Master of Sciences in Applied Mechanics on Computational
speaking. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a Structural Mechanics
recognized international English test such asTOEFL or equivalent test. • Objectives: This Master is concerned with the application of mechanics, mathematics,
• French proficiency: not required and numerical methods in the practice of modern engineering for structural
• Tuition fees: 12,000 € for non-European students and 4,000 € for European students mechanics applications. Its purpose is to prepare for participation in advanced
for the two years. Grants up to 42,000 € are available for non-European students with product development or research in mechanical engineering, including virtual and
physical modelling, simulation and optimization. The course relies on case
excellent academic results.
illustrations from industrial studies carried by the course leaders.
• Objectives:The aim of this Master is to promote a high-quality educational offer in the
area of advanced and intelligent robotics. After graduation the students will have - Master of Sciences in Applied Mechanics on Design of Systems
mastered the different areas of robotics (mathematical modelling, control
engineering, computer engineering, mechanical design) to be able to deal with and Products

robotic systems as a whole rather than just to concentrate on one particular area. • Objectives:This Master provides tools, models and methodologies for the design of
Students will obtain two masters degrees from the institutions where they studied. mechanical products and for the design and management of industrial systems.The
stress is put on the improvement of the productivity, taking into account technical,
human and economical factors. The courses rely on both theoretical and practical
aspects and cover the following areas: mechanical design of innovative mechanisms
and products, customer-oriented design of products and industrial engineering.


Website in English 46 Website in English 47

MASTER ECE - École Centrale d’Electronique - Paris
u 4 Master degrees:
 Master in InformationTechnology
Engineering and Technology
École Centrale de Nantes -
 Master in Quantitative Finance
- Master of Sciences in Applied Mechanics on Metallic Assemblies
 Master in Embedded Systems
and Complex Composites
• Objectives: This Master provides trouble shooting and solution oriented approach of  Master inTelecommunications and Networks
problems encountered in materials successively during the selection and shaping • Language of teaching: English or French, according to student’s preference
phases and in service conditions. Theoretical emphasis is laid to apprehend the
• Length: 2 years
advanced material concepts in relation with the manufacturing engineering.The focus
of the courses remains on materials in shaping and application environments with • Admission requirements: Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Computer Science. Other
analysis of mechanical and structural characteristics. profiles may also be accepted – please enquire.
• English proficiency: TOEFL ITP = 560 or TOEFL IBT = 83 or TOEIC = 780 or IELTS = 6
- Master of Sciences in Applied Mechanics on Civil Engineering • French proficiency: None. French as a foreign language is taught to all non-French-
and Environment speaking students.
• Objectives: This Master is designed to prepare a student for research in the public and • Tuition fees: 7,600 € per year
industrial sector, and for teaching profession in civil engineering. The program • Objectives: Each ECE Master degree is a 2-year post-graduate program in one of the
emphasizes the following focus areas: Experimental and numerical methods, specialized domains of Information Technology, Quantitative Finance, Embedded
constitutive modelling, physical modelling, porous media, numerical modelling and Systems or Telecommunications and Networks. The academic program covers both
structural engineering, mix-design and behaviour of new concretes and durability of technical and business subjects, to provide each student with well-rounded, business-
structures. ready skills.
Each student designs his or her own curriculum, consisting of the courses of his
- Master of Sciences in Applied Mechanics on Hydrodynamics – chosen Master, a professionalization option, and a sectorial option. The
Energy & Propulsion professionalization option (first year) prepares the student for a particular business
environment, and the sectorial option (second year) introduces the student to an
• Objectives: This master lies on two distinct programs :The first one is the “energetic
innovative high-tech market sector with a high demand for engineers.
and propulsion” program which deals with internal combustion engines, jet and
rocket engines and also includes combustion, gas dynamics and turbo machinery Project work is a significant part (10%+) of the ECE learning experience. Project
courses, to prepare for automotive or aerospace R&D. The second one is the management, teamwork and communication skills are taught to all students. Pluri-
“hydrodynamic” program whose aim is to characterize free surface hydrodynamics in disciplinary projects involving all three of embedded systems, information systems
terms of physical aspects and modelling aspects. and telecommunications are encouraged, both for personal enrichment and in
response to increasing industry convergence.
In addition to the academic curriculum, each student is also required to gain
professional experience through two internships: A 3 month technical internship
during the 1st year and a 6 month engineering internship during the 2nd year. Regular
conferences are also given by our partner companies, to expose students to different
corporate cultures and job profiles.
Upon the successful completion of his or her Master degree, the young graduate will
have acquired solid technological and business skills, have had two professional

and Technology
experiences, and be ready to enter the workforce in France or any other country (80%
of ECE graduates find jobs before they graduate).
8 Professionalization Options: Audiovisual and Media, Business Engineering,
Business Consulting, Innovative Entrepreneurship, International Affairs, Research and
Development, Associative Project and Personal Project.
9 Sectorial Options: Multimedia and Broadband networks, WirelessTechnologies and
Services, Internet business and security, Intelligent Homes (Domotics),
Nanotechnologies, Biometrics, Intelligent Vehicles, Health, Energy and Environment.

Website in English 48 Website in English 49
MASTER École des Mines de Nantes - GEM -
Graduate School of Engineering -
u International Master of Science in Project Management
École des Mines de Nantes - GEM - for Environmental and Energy Engineering (PM3E)
Engineering and Technology
Graduate School of Engineering - • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 18 months – 2 academic semesters (all lectures in English) and a 6-months
u International Master of Science in Computer Science (EMOOSE: internship in industry or in a research laboratory
European Master in Object, component and aspect-Oriented • Admission requirements: The program is open to candidates with at least a Bachelor’s
Software Engineering) degree in science or engineering or at least who have completed 4 years of scientific
studies in higher education, with, if possible, a specialisation in Chemical
• All courses are taught in English Engineering, Civil Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Physics. An
• Length: 11 months – 5 months of academic courses (all lectures in English) and a 6- industrial experience would be appreciated.
months research thesis • English proficiency: Cambridge First Certificate /TOEFL new score of at least 200 (CBT)
• Admission requirements: The program is open to candidates with at least a Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
degree in 4 years (or an equivalent degree) in Computer Science or at least who have • French proficiency: not required. French language and culture training provided
completed 4 years of computer science studies in higher education. throughout the program.
• English proficiency:TOEFL new score of at least 230 (CBT) or equivalent level. • Tuition fees: 9,800 € for non E.U. students - 4,900 € for E.U. students and students from
• French proficiency: not required. French language and culture training provided foreign partner universities
throughout the program Living costs: approximately 500 €/month (the room is provided on campus for all our
• Tuition fees: 9 800 € for non E.U. students – 4 900 € for E.U. students and students students and restaurant facilities are available).
from foreign partner universities – 1 500 € for students from the SENSO and AOSD • Objectives:To form engineers eager to pursue a career in an international context, having
European networks managerial skills to pilot socio-technical projects related to Environment and Energy
Living costs: approximately 500 €/month (the room is provided on campus for all our fields.The program is inter-disciplinary and aims to develop :
students and restaurant facilities are available) • A strong scientific background and knowledge in environmental and energy process
• Objectives: EMOOSE provides students with a solid background in Software engineering;
Engineering with an emphasis on up-to-date as well as future technologies facilitating • Good command of modelling and simulation tools;
the modularization, reuse, and evolution of software. The program addresses the • Fundamentals in Social Sciences essential for project managers : economics, finance,
concept behind these technologies, the building of languages and tools supporting sociology, negotiation, international strategies, team & project management
the technologies, and their application to software construction, with a wide range of
application domains, from information systems and ubiquitous computing to
middleware and operating systems.
u AWM - Master in Advanced Nuclear Waste Management
The Master’s prepares the students for research and industrial positions where a solid • All courses are taught in English
background in state-of-the-art technology is required. Students also learn to work in • Length: 12 months (within 6 months in Industry)
international settings by interacting with foreign peers, professors and researchers by
• Admission requirements: The AWM program is open to candidates with a Master’s
going abroad and experiencing other cultural and working practices.
degree in Science or Engineering or a recognized equivalent diploma from an
accredited institution (minimum 5 years full time study) in a scientific or technical
u International Master of Science in Management of Logistics discipline. Preferred first degree fields are process engineering, energy, physics,
and Production Systems (MLPS) electricity, environmental science and similar subjects closely related to the objective
of the program.
• All courses are taught in English

and Technology
• English proficiency: Cambridge First Certificate /TOEFL new score of at least 200 (CBT)
• Length: 18 months – 2 academic semesters (all lectures in English) and a 6-months
or equivalent level.
internship in industry or in a research laboratory
• French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: The program is open to candidates with at least a Bachelor’s
degree in science or engineering or at least who have completed 4 years of scientific • Tuition fees: 12,000 €
studies in higher education. An industrial experience would be appreciated. • Objectives: The aim of the Master in Advanced Nuclear Waste Management is to
• English proficiency: Cambridge First Certificate /TOEFL new score of at least 200 (CBT) provide postgraduate students with a strong knowledge in the area of the nuclear
or equivalent level. waste treatment:
- strong scientific knowledge in nuclear waste management and environmental
• French proficiency: not required. French language and culture training provided
throughout the program
- develop techniques to identify and strategies to manage the nuclear waste
• Tuition fees: 9 800 € for non E.U. students – 4 900 € for E.U. students and students treatments.
from foreign partner universities. - study appropriate solutions for the nuclear wastes through industrial projects.
Living costs: approximately 500 €/month (the room is provided on campus for all our - consideration of human and social aspects of the nuclear waste management.
students and restaurant facilities are available)

• Objectives Logistics has to do with the management of product and information flows
throughout the production system and supply chain.The planning and optimization of
logistics and production systems has become a key factor of success for a company’s
productivity and performance of service in the increasingly competitive global
The program aims to give a competitive edge to industrial system engineers in the
field of production and logistic systems by providing:
- High-level technical and management skills.
- In-depth knowledge of industrial systems operations management, production and
logistics in all sectors of economic activity.
- An opportunity to put into practice the theoretical concepts in a real industrial

Website in English 50 Website in English 51

MASTER École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers - Arts et
Métiers Paristech -
u Franco-American Master Degree in HighTechnological
EFREI - École d'ingénieurs desTechnologies Integrated Processes in cooperation with GeorgiaTech Lorraine
Engineering and Technology
de l'Information et du Management - Villejuif (Paris) • 50% courses are taught in English • Length: 18 months
• Admission requirements: qualified holders of the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering or
u Master’s Degree in Engineering equivalent, earned outside France
nationally-recognized, accredited since 1957 by France’s only engineering • English proficiency: fluent (highTOEFL orTOEIC and GRE test scores required)
accrediting board (CTI) and by the French Ministry of Education • French proficiency: strong motivation to learn French
Domain of specialization: Information Systems • Tuition fees: up-to-date information on the website
• All courses are taught in English • Objectives: Studies in the program lead to 2 degrees:
- the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of
• Length: A two-year program including ten months of internships
Technology (Atlanta, USA) – taught on the European campus of GeorgiaTech in Metz,
• Admission requirements: B.S. in Computer Sciences,Telecommunications or Applied France.
Mathematics - the Master Professionnel in High Technological Integrated Products from ENSAM
• English proficiency:TOEFL 85 (iBT), 570 (paper),TOEIC 750, IELTS 6.5, or equivalent (Centre of Metz, France).
The objective of the program is to produce international managers possessing strong
• French proficiency: not required
scientific and technological competence (in design, manufacturing, materials,
• Tuition fees:Two year total of 15,000 € integrated engineering) directly applicable to the creation of innovative high-tech
• Objectives:The Engineering Degree at EFREI aims at broadening students’ scientific products in an industrial setting.
knowledge and providing managerial skills directly applicable to the professional They will also be equipped with intercultural skills.
world. EFREI graduates learn how to integrate InformationTechnology into business
processes to improve organization and efficiency.The program prepares students for u “A2MS - Master Degree in Advanced Modelling of Materials and
a large spectrum of professional roles in technological domains such as web, Structures”
multimedia, wi-fi, e-business, information systems, wireless and mobile
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 10 months
• Admission requirements: Holders of a BSc. or recognized equivalent from an
accredited institution (4 years of university studies) with enough undergraduate
training to perform graduate work in the chosen field and a satisfactory scholastic
average, usually a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B).
• English proficiency: fluent (highTOEFL orTOEIC and GRE test scores required)
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: national fees set annually by the French State
• Objectives:The A2MS Master program offers elective majors in the fields of materials
ENAC - École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile science, mechanical engineering, numerical modeling and structure analysis,
French Civil Aviation Institute -Toulouse combining high level courses and seminars by world-class faculty (semester 1) and a R&D project in French or international laboratories (semester 2).

and Technology
It opens the path to PhD study and to all R&D and high level engineering activities and
management in various industrial fields.
u Master Degree Course in International AirTransport
Operations Management u “KIMP - Master Degree in Design and Manufacturing –
• All courses are taught in English Knowledge Integration in Mechanical Production”
• Length:Two years (3 semesters of theoretical classes and a 4th semester of practical • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 10 months (2 semesters)
• Admission requirements: bachelor degree in a “science or technical” subject.
• Admission requirements: Holders of a B.Sc. or M.Sc. or foreign engineering degree in
• English proficiency: Candidates who are not English native speakers must provide mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical design or manufacturing.
theirTest of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score
• English proficiency: good working knowledge
The minimum acceptable score is 560 (paper based) or 190 (computer based).
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: Please see specific brochure on the website.
• Tuition fees: national fees set annually by the French State
• Objectives:The international aspect of today’s aeronautical world is an ever changing
context in which managers must be capable of integrating not only the technical • Objectives:The aim is to formalise the student’s scientific knowledge base in terms of

parameters of a high technology sector, but also the legal constraints of a tightly design, innovation, production planning, production and risk analysis. Main topics
regulated environment and the economics of an extremely competitive field. The covered in the course (semester 1) and research work (semester 2): Design of product
master covers aerotechnics, structures, airworthiness, maintenance, flight operations, and process and Knowledge engineering.
aircraft environment, air transport economics and management, human and social The program provides training for further PhD study or research activities or position
sciences. in industry as an expert in design, manufacturing and knowledge integration.

Website in English 52 Website in English 53

MASTER ENSIETA - École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs
Brest -
u 2 diplomas :
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers - Arts et • French diploma : Master en Ingénierie automobile
Engineering and Technology
Métiers Paristech - • Czech diploma : Strojní inženýr, Ing.
• Length: 1st year taught in English at the CzechTechnical University in Prague, 2nd year
u “Master Degree in Modeling and Simulation of Mechanical taught in French at ENSIETA in Brest
Systems” • Admission requirements: Registration forms: can be collected as of January.
Completed files must be submitted before the 30th June deadline.
• All courses are taught in English
Entrance level: bachelor degree or equivalent
• Length: 10 months (2 semesters)
Selection: is on the basis of written applications
• Admission requirements: Holders of a B.Sc. or M.Sc. or engineering degree in Requirements to obtain the degree: the degree is awarded to students who have
mechanical engineering (strong background in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, solid fulfilled all necessary examinations and their final thesis (120 ECTS)
mechanics, vibration dynamics and applied mathematics)
European funding: The SOCRATES ERASMUS and LEONARDO programs enable
• English proficiency: good working knowledge European students to obtain grants for periods of study or internships spent outside
• French proficiency: not required of their home country
• Tuition fees: national fees set annually by the French State • English proficiency:TOEFL (minimum 550), ComputerisedTOEFL (minimum 213),TOIC
(minimum 750) or IELTS (minimum 6)
• Objectives: The aim is for the students to focus on the questions which concern the
simulation of mechanical systems, in particular industrial type systems (a few • French proficiency: intensive courses of French language at Institute Francais de
examples: injection of polymers, turbomachines, hexapod robots for high speed Prague are included in the 1st year program
machining and assisted recovery of oil). The use of multi-physical models, •Tuition fees: 7,500 € for the 2-year program
investigated at multiple physical scales is a strong point of this program which
• Objectives:
provides training for further PhD study or research activities or position as an expert
Unique in Europe, this study program will enable you to:
in industry.
Complement your training through the acquisition of high level technical and
management skills in the fields of:
u “Master Degree in Fluid Mechanics” - vehicle design,
• All courses are taught in English - autronics (electronics applied to vehicle),
• Length: 10 months (2 semesters) - embedded systems,
- management of international companies.
• Admission requirements: Students who have validated at least 4 years of university
Make rapid progress thanks to teaching methods combining theory and application.
studies, with a strong background in general mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat
transfer, solid mechanics, vibration dynamics and applied mathematics. To be immediately operational in the fields of:
Admission based on academic credentials and interview. - applied research,
- engineering,
• English proficiency: good working knowledge
- production, organization and management,
• French proficiency: not required - customer service.
• Tuition fees: national fees set annually by the French State
• Objectives: The program aims to educate future researchers in fluid mechanics,
operating in industry or academia. The course benefits from a strong research
environment through lectures that emphasize the fundamental concepts of fluid

and Technology
mechanics and their applications. Graduates will be able to read, understand and
analyze a recent scientific paper in the general area of fluid mechanics, to evaluate the
École Polytechnique - Palaiseau (Paris)
relevance of the various approximations needed to solve a problem, to implement the
numerical modeling of fluid phenomena through the resolution of the Navier-Stokes
equations or more specific models, to propose and evaluate numerical resolution
methods using research or commercial codes.
u Master’s degree in Mechanics – Fluid Mechanics
• A small number of courses are taught in English inYear 1 – all courses inYear 2
u “MAGIS - Master Degree in Materials and Engineering Sciences” • Length: 2 years (Year 2 taught entirely in English)
All courses are taught in French for the first year. All courses are taught both in French • Admission requirements: The program is open to highly qualified French and
and in English for the second year. international students with a strong background in Mathematics and Mechanics, who
• Length: 1 year (10 months/2 semesters) to 2 years (20 months/4 semesters) hold a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Direct admission into the second year M2 is
possible for students who already hold a minimum number of 60 ECTS in the field of
• Admission requirements: Applicants can apply for admission in first year or second
interest, at post-graduate level.
year. First-year applicants should hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (3-year
university degree). Second-year applicants should have a 4-year university degree or • English proficiency: very good working ability.TOEFL (paper-based) 570 or equivalent
an engineer’s diploma in mechanical or materials engineering or equivalent. required by the end of the program.

• English proficiency: fluent • French proficiency: none upon admission – TCF level 4 upon graduation (French
language courses available).
• French proficiency: not required for second-year applicants. For first-year applicants:
strong motivation to learn French • Tuition fees: 11,000 € for the complete 2-year program. Some total or partial fee-
waivers available.
• Tuition fees: national fees set annually by the French State.
• Objectives: To provide students with a fundamental physical understanding of the
• Objectives:The objectives of MAGIS Master program are to provide students with a
concepts and methods underlying fluid mechanics and its main sub-disciplines, and
deeper understanding of materials science & engineering and solid mechanics and to
an opportunity to carry out advanced research projects in both years. Graduates of the
impart a better knowledge of recent developments in the field, for advanced industrial
program will have acquired the capacity to design effective, physically-based models
applications and innovative processes. It combines high level courses and a R&D
for a great variety of fluid flows.They will have learnt to critically assess the relevance
project in French or international laboratories. It opens the path to PHD study and to
and validity of approximation schemes, to develop efficient numerical algorithms
all R&D and high level engineering activities and management in various industrial
well-suited to specific situations of fundamental or engineering interest.

Website in English 54 Website in English 55

MASTER ESIEE - Groupe École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en
Electrotechnique et Electronique - Noisy-Le-Grand (Paris)*

ESEO - Institute of Sciences andTechnology (France) u Master of Science in MEMS Engineering

Engineering and Technology
University of Plymouth - Institute of Sciences and The Euro-Asian Dual Master of Science Degree Program in Micro Electro Mechanical
Technology (UK) - Systems (MEMS) Engineering, offered jointly by the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en
Electronique et Electrotechnique (ESIEE), in Paris, and Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) in Singapore.
u 4 Master’s degree programs • Length:The 12-month program is divided into three semesters:
 Master's Degree in Network systems engineering -1st semester: theoretical and practical academic period at ESIEE (Paris - France), from
January to April (4 months) ;
 Master's Degree in Information systems -2nd semester: theoretical and practical academic period at NTU (Singapore), from
 Master's Degree in Communication engineering and signal
May to August (4 months) ;
-3rd semester: project internship in industry or in an R&D laboratory, and completion
processing of a Master’s dissertation supervised and examined by NTU or ESIEE faculty
 Master's Degree in Embedded systems and robotics
members, from September to December (4 months).
• Admission requirements: Candidates who have completed an undergraduate degree
• All courses are taught in English
in science or engineering, or who are practicing engineers, will be considered for
• Length: 18 months : 2 blocks in France (February to August), 3 blocks in UK admission.
(September to July). During the 18 months, 6 months are fully dedicated to
• English proficiency:TOEFL and/orTOEIC for non native speakers of English
internships / industrial projects
• Objectives: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are integrated devices or
• Admission requirements: A Bachelor Degree or equivallent in the relevant field of the
systems combining electrical, mechanical, biological, optical and/or chemical
Master's degree. Please refer to the on-line application form for details.
components.They are made using wafer fabrication techniques and range in size from
• English proficiency: English proficiency for non-native English speakers, minimum micrometers to millimeters. Able to sense, control, and actuate on a micro scale, and
score at 6.5 in IELTS or 570 inTOEFL or 230 inTOEFL-computer-based or 770 inTOEIC. function individually or in arrays to generate effects on a macro scale, such systems
• French proficiency: not required include micro optical switches, micromotors, inkjet print heads, micro drug delivery
systems, biochips, and chemical sensors.
•Tuition fees: 8,000 € for EU-students. 12,500 € for non EU-students
The Dual Master of Science Degree Program in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
• Objectives: This modular MSc course has been completely revised to keep at the (MEMS) Engineering seeks to provide multinational firms and research institutes with
forefront of new developments, after having run very successfully for six years. world-class technologists possessing experience of both the European and Asian
During the 18 months programme, 6 months are fully dedicated to internships / contexts in the field of MEMS Engineering. The program benefits from the
industrial projects.The Master's degree is fully accredited by the English Ministry of outstanding, complementary MEMS expertise and facilities of its two partner
Education and Reseach. This Master's degree is also fully recognized by Europe. institutions and their networks of numerous regional academic and industrial
Please visit our website for all details and application form. collaborators, as well as from contributions by two additional academic partners in
Europe and Asia.

u Master of Science in System-On-Chip Design

• Length: Based in the heart of the European Telecom Valley, in Sophia-Antipolis
(France), this graduate-level 16-month program is specifically tailored to provide a
solid background to electrical and electronics engineers involved in the design of
highly integrated circuits.

and Technology
• Admission requirements: Minimum requirements for admission are a reputable
Bachelor-level degree or its equivalent in Computer Science or Electronics.
• English proficiency:TOEFL 580/TOEIC 810
• Objectives: The program aims to provide participants with hardware and software
skills for the design of integrated systems, and includes focus on such areas as analog
aspects of digital circuits, processing building blocks, processing architectures, design
tools, hardware description language, and embedded software. Digital signal
processing and its application fields will be covered in courses and through use of
case studies.

* Info 2008

Website in English 56 Website in English 57
MASTER ESIGELEC - École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs -
MASTER OF SCIENCE Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Rouen)* -

u Master of Science in Business Information Systems

ESIEE - Groupe École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en
Engineering and Technology
• All courses are taught in English
Electrotechnique et Electronique - Noisy-le-Grand (Paris)*
• Length: 18 months maximum including the internship in industry. The master program is divided in 3 semesters:
- 1st semester between October and January (Academic period)
u Master of Science in Electronic Engineering - 2nd semester between February and June (Academic period)
- 3rd semester between July and March for an internship in industry of 4 to 9 months
offered jointly by the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Electronique et
Electrotechnique (ESIEE), in Paris, and the French South African Technical Institute in
Electronics (F'SATIE) in Pretoria (South Africa) • Admission requirements: Candidates must have a bachelor degree in science or
• Length: Based in Pretoria, the program consists of 6 core courses, a 2-course
specialization and a research project.The choice of the specialization must be relevant • English proficiency:TOEIC,TOEFL, or IAELTS + interview in English with the head of the
to the chosen research project. The program duration for full-time studies is 18 master program.
months (maximum 3 years for part-time studies) • French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Candidates must be in the possession of a Bachelor’s •Tuition fees: 10,000 € for tuition fees + 75 € for application fees
degree in a relevant field. Mathematics IV and Signal Processing IV or Control IV are a
• Objectives:The MSc.BIS is a route whereby graduates from any discipline can adapt
prerequisite. Some bridging arrangement can be organized for students without the
their skills to an information systems perspective.This program equips students with
required background.
information systems and technology skills, organizational awareness and experience
• English proficiency:TOEFL and/orTOEIC for non- native of English speakers andTEF 1 in the running and operational management of projects. Students are trained to
level (Elementary) or equivalent as a minimum. become managers conversant with the use of information systems as tools for
• Objectives: Research Institutes, Universities and Industry are seeking high level transforming business processes.This program is a unique partnership, co-hosted by
students with both a solid background and specialized skills. Its aim is to provide the Rouen School of Management, and ESIGELEC.
participants with hardware and software skills to design electronics systems, with the
focus on telecommunications and control. A unique feature of the program is the u Master of Science in Management of Electronic and
inclusion of innovation and technology management in the syllabus. F’SATIE Embedded Systems
lecturers, experts from industry or lecturers from ESIEE and other French Universities
• All courses are taught in English
will present the courses at the Tshwane University of Technology. The program is
designed around the ECTS (European CreditTransfer System) with 90 ECTS credits. • Length: 18 months maximum including the internship in industry.
The master program is divided in 3 semesters:
- 1st semester between February and June (Academic period)
* Info 2008 - 2nd semester between October and January (Academic period)
- 3rd semester between February and October for an internship in industry of 4 to 9
months maximum
• Admission requirements: Candidates must have a bachelor degree in science or
• English proficiency:TOEIC,TOEFL, or IAELTS + interview in English with the head of the
master program.
ESIEE-MANAGEMENT - Noisy-le-Grand (Paris) • French proficiency: not required

and Technology
•Tuition fees: 10,000 € for tuition fees + 75 € for application fees
• Objectives:The program includes technical and theorical courses, an industrial project,
u Master of Science in Management ofTechnology and management courses too.
(Information systems) The ESIGELEC MSc in Embedded Systems trains international specialists who will be
• All courses are taught in English able to adapt to the requirements of electronics, automotive and aerospace industries
i.e. to control systems approach components programing, electronics,
• Length: 15 months minimum (9 months + internship)
microprocessors, electromagnetic and thermal stress. Major players and other
• Admission requirements: Each candidate should have a good Bachelor’s degree, or manufacturing companies constitute many of our numerous business partners.This
equivalent, in Information Technology/Computer Science or Social Science. program is taught by a team of professional and multicultural specialists.
Candidates with degrees in other subjects plus a minimum of two years experience in
the IT field will also be considered.
• English proficiency:TOEFL 580,TOEIC 800, IELTS 6.5, or equivalent. * Info 2008

• French proficiency: not required

•Tuition fees: 9,000 € for complete 18-month program

• Objectives:This program, beginning in 2009, is designed to equip its graduates with
the necessary skills, competences and vision to manage advances in technology in
the form of ideas, goods and services.
The program will enable students to develop and/or complement their technological
skills with expertise in strategy and knowledge management.
An array of specialist business and technical positions in internationalised, leading-
edge, knowledge-intensive enterprises and organisations will be open to them.

Website in English 58 Website in English 59

MASTER ESTACA - École Supérieure desTechniques
Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile
MASTER OF SCIENCE Levallois-Perret (Paris)
Aeronautical, Automotive, Space and Railway
ESIGELEC – École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs -
Engineering and Technology
Engineering School -
Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Rouen)* -
u European Master in Design andTechnology of Advanced Vehicle
u Master of Science in InnovativeTechnologies inTransportation Systems
Systems (ITTS) • All courses are taught in English
Program co-hosted by 2 French engineering colleges: HEI (Lille) • Length: 2 years (courses start in February): 1 semester of core courses + 2 semesters
and ESIGELEC (Rouen). A co-accreditation from CGE for HEI of vehicle specialisation (automotive or aeronautics or spacecraft or marine craft)
and ESIGELEC has been asked for the MSc ITTS. + 1 semester of internship/thesis in a company/university laboratory…

• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a Bachelor Degree in Sciences or
Engineering, or any field related to the program.
• Length: 3 semesters: 2 semesters of courses + 1 semester of internship in a company
(18 months maximum) • English proficiency: If English is not the first language of the applicant:TOEFL 560 (for
the automotive and aeronautics specialisations) / TOEFL 600 (for the spacecraft and
• Admission requirements: Opened to people with a bachelor degree (4 years of higher marine craft specialisations) / IELTS 6.0
education) in engineering or sciences.
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: Good level in English, which is evaluated through an interview in
English with a representative of ESIGELEC. • Tuition fees:
- For automotive or aeronautics specialisation: 11,000 €
• French proficiency: not required - For spacecraft or marine craft specialisation: 18,000 € for non-EU students;
•Tuition fees: 9,000 € 15,000 € for EU students
• Objectives: ITTS will allow students to: • Objectives:This program is the result of the co-operation among 3 European higher
- Provide a stimulating program employing skills and expertise of both schools education institutions: ESTACA (France), the University of Southampton (United
Kingdom) and Linköping University (Sweden). Combining the different national
- Learn in a multicultural environment with experienced international teachers
teaching traditions, this unique two-year full-time European Master aims at providing
available to provide the individual attention students need to thrive
students with the specific engineering skills required by the global industries involved
- Acquire specialist knowledge in the context of transportation systems (Analysis, with the transportation of people, goods and services on land, by sea, in the air or in
Design and Applications) space. The courses will give students a sound theoretical knowledge and practical
- Understand and master means of communication and integrated information training on new vehicle technologies in an international environment.
systems for embedded systems
- Manage the economic and human aspects of projects
- Provide projects based on industrial or research problems
Projects will consist of case studies proposed by companies such as AlstomTransport,
Certia, Hispano-Suiza, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Schneider, Sera CD, Sherpa Engineering,
Siemens, SNCF,Technord, VolvoTechnology...

* Info 2008

and Technology
Website in English 60 Website in English 61
MASTER IFP School - École du Pétrole et des Moteurs -
Rueil-Malmaison (Paris) -
u Master's degree “Processes and Polymers”
ESTIA - Biarritz (stands for Engineering Institute for
Engineering and Technology
• All courses are taught in English
Advanced IndustrialTechnology) - • Length: 16 months
• Admission requirements: Engineering degree or equivalent (standard duration of
u Engineering Degree + British Master of Science higher education 5 years, minimum 4 years)
• Up to 60% courses are taught in English in third year. • English proficiency: Min.TOEIC 750
• Length: 3 years, or 2 years depending on entry level (see below, “admission • French proficiency: not required
requirements”). •Tuition fees: no tuition fees for young graduates
During the three years, some of the lectures are taught in English representing up to
more than 60% of 3rd year-classes (options CGP and MPA – see below “objectives” for • Objectives: Tailor-made to meet industry's requirements, the program in Processes
options presentation). and Polymers is aimed at turning students into professionals skilled in monomer and
polymer manufacturing, plastics processing and applications of petrochemical
• Admission requirements products.
Admission in first year is opened after
- a special two-year preparatory course (called Classe Préparatoire)
u Master’s degree “Petroleum Geosciences,
- a higher scientific education degree corresponding to two or three years of studies
Success to the national competitive admission examination is required. Geology or Geophysics majors”
Admission in second year is possible for candidates with a higher scientific education • All courses are taught in English
degree corresponding to four years of studies.They have to pass the ESTIA admission
• Length: 16 months
In any case, a good command of French is required. • Admission requirements: Engineering degree or equivalent (standard duration of
higher education 5 years, minimum 4 years)
• English proficiency: English proficiency is evaluated during the selection stage, either
through the national competitive admission examination or through the specific • English proficiency: Min.TOEIC 750
school test. • French proficiency: not required
In order to become engineering graduate of ESTIA and of the British partner •Tuition fees: no tuition fees for young graduates
Universities, besides passing all other exams, students must obtain the minimum
score of 750 points at theTOEIC. • Objectives: The objective is to train young graduates and professionals from the
industry in the full range of rational approaches, methods and techniques used to
• French proficiency: yes. Evaluated during the selection process. explore, evaluate and characterize new fields or reservoirs likely to contain oil or gas
• Tuition fees: 4,500 €/year reserves. To maintain a global approach at all times, the “Geosciences” syllabus
• Objectives: ESTIA trains engineers with solid scientific and technological knowledge attaches great importance to project work and very frequently brings together
in mechanics, electronics, energetic, advanced computer science and geologists and geophysicists to work on basin or reservoir studies.
3 specialized fields are proposed: u Master’s degree “Petroleum Economics and Management”,
- Mechanical and electronic products design - CGP in partnership with Colorado School of Mines, Oklahoma University,
- Automated processes mastery - MPA Texas A and M University (USA), University of Dundee (Scotland),
- Industrial organisation and management
In addition to the ESTIA degree, the first two options lead to a Master of Science of a BI Norwegian School of Management (Norway) and ESCP-EAP
British University (Cranfield, or Wolverhampton, or Cranfield, or Salford-Manchester). (France)
• All courses are taught in English

and Technology
• Length: 16 months
• Admission requirements: Engineering degree or equivalent (standard duration of
higher education 5 years, minimum 4 years)
• English proficiency: Min.TOEIC 750
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: no tuition fees for young graduates (except forTexas A&M)
• Objectives: Aimed at developing internationally-minded professionals able to take up man-
agerial positions requiring multidisciplinary skills, the program offers a unique opportunity
to complement technical skills with management know-how and economic insight and to
acquire real-world knowledge from a faculty with strong ties to industry, in activities such
as management, research and consulting.

Website in English 62 Website in English 63
MASTER Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
Grenoble Institute ofTechnology -
u Erasmus Mundus Program: European joint Master
IFP School - École du Pétrole et des Moteurs - of Science “FAME” – Functional Advanced
Engineering and Technology
Rueil-Malmaison (Paris) - Materials and Engineering -
• All courses are taught in English
u Master’s degree “Reservoir Geosciences and Engineering”, • Length: 2 years, 4 semesters including 1 semester of master thesis
in partnership withTexas A and M University (USA) and • Admission requirements: BSc in Science (Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Materials
University of Gubkin (Russia) Science, Electrochemistry) or its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school
of high standing. Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on
• All courses are taught in English the condition that their Bachelor’s degree is awarded before they enrol. Evaluation is
• Length: 16 months based on the prior performance and professional promise, as evidenced by academic
• Admission requirements: Engineering degree or equivalent (standard duration of records and letters of reference. In addition, applicants will have to explain their career
higher education 5 years, minimum 4 years) goals and reasons for coming to Europe for education.
• English proficiency: Min.TOEIC 750 • English proficiency: As all the courses will be taught in English, students whose native
language is not English must take the TOEFL or IELTS English examination prior to
• French proficiency: not required applying to the Master. A minimum of 550 and 213 points respectively for paper-based
• Tuition fees: no tuition fees for young graduates TOEFL test and computer-basedTOEFL test is required. Marks of at least 6 (of a total of 9)
• Objectives:This program prepares petroleum geologists, geophysicists and engineers are required for IELTS test. Upon specific request, other English tests may be recognized
for teamwork and collaboration in order to cross boundaries in the geosciences and by the Consortium.
engineering sectors. It also aims at creating an environment conducive to continuous • Objectives:This Master of Science provides high-level research-oriented education about
learning and innovation through open communication between specialists. the synthesis, characterisation and processing of all materials with special emphasis on
hybrids and ceramics.
u Master's degree “Powertrain Engineering” The FAME master promotes excellence, innovation, and mobility between its
• All courses are taught in English 7 Universities.The attractive scholarship policy aims at bringing highly motivated students
from all over the world.
• Length: 16 months It prepares the students for continuing as a PhD for instance in one of the FAME network
• Admission requirements: Engineering degree or equivalent (standard duration of labs. Students will be also able to fill leading positions in industry as scientists or
higher education 5 years, minimum 4 years) engineers.
• English proficiency: Min.TOEIC 750
u Erasmus Mundus Program EURHEO : European Masters
• French proficiency: not required
in Engineering Rheology -
• Tuition fees: no tuition fees for young graduate
• All courses are taught in English (in the 2nd year)
• Objectives:This program trains engineers in the development and integration of the
automotive powertrain. It is particularly suited to those wishing to work in an interna- • Length: 2 years
tional setting. Graduates generally begin their careers with automobile manufacter- • Admission requirements: A good quality undergraduate degree with a minimum of
ers, engines and transmission manufacturers, global component suppliers and auto- 180 ECTS credits or equivalent qualifications in relevant areas such as Engineering,
motive engineering consultancies and centers of development. Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences.
• English proficiency: all the 2nd year courses are taught in English
• French proficiency: The courses of the 1st year are taught in English, French or

and Technology
Spanish, according to the partner university attended.
• Objectives: The objective of EURHEO – European Masters in Engineering Rheology is
to offer an advanced education program on Rheology and its applications to different
Engineering areas. EURHEO combines the expertise of seven leading European
Universities in the field of Rheology and the syllabus is designed to provide its
graduates with the necessary competences to understand the relevance of Rheology
in Materials Science and Engineering and apply the knowledge gained in solving real-
world Engineering problems both autonomously and included in multidisciplinary
research teams.

u Master of Science in Materials Science for Nuclear Engineering

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements:This program aims at training materials science engineers
to the specific problems posed by nuclear reactors. For students with a materials

background, a course on nuclear engineering will be provided. For students with a
nuclear engineering background, a course on the prerequisites in materials science
will be provided.
• English proficiency: no, but all courses are in English
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: The aim of this program is to give an advanced course in materials for
nuclear engineering.The course will focus on materials selection and reactor design,
materials in a nuclear environment, materials issues in ageing of power plants,
materials for the next generation.
The Master thesis will be done in research labs related to nuclear engineering (EDF,
CEA, university laboratories)
More information :

Website in English 64 Website in English 65

MASTER INPL - Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
Technological University of Lorraine - Nancy
MASTER OF SCIENCE EEIGM - École Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie
des Matériaux* -
Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
Engineering and Technology
Grenoble Institute ofTechnology / Université Joseph u Joint European Master’s degree in Advanced
Fourier-Grenoble 1 Materials Science and Engineering Erasmus Mundus program
• 50% courses are taught in English
u Master of Science in Informatics • Length: 2 years
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: BSc. or equivalent in the field of materials science and
• Length: 2 years. Students holding a 4- or 5-year Bachelor of Science degree with the engineering, physics, chemistry, or other engineering disciplines. Sufficient
necessary academic prerequisites may be admitted directly to the second year of the knowledge of the language of the first hosting university (at least a EU- B2 level, see
program. grading of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). At least a
• Admission requirements: open to high level students holding European Bachelors of basic knowledge of the language of the second hosting university
Science in Computer Engineering or Computer Science (European LMD Licence), a • English proficiency: LanguageTest Minimum required results:
degree in engineering or equivalent from any country. Skills in algebra requested for TOEFL: 550 points (paper test) - 213 points (computer based test) -TOEIC: 750 points -
optional course on advanced cryptology. FCE: Grade C - IELTS: 6.0 - BEC VANTAGE: approved
• English proficiency: provideTOEFL test scores (all courses in English) • French proficiency: upper intermediate or advanced
• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: 2,000 € per semester for non EU students
• Tuition fees: approximately 445 € /Year 500 € per semester for EU students
• Objectives:The Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble is a highly competitive • Objectives: The AMASE Program is a common Master Program delivered by four
program offering training in the areas of Embedded, Distributed, Mobile and European Universities.
Interactive Systems, Graphics, Computer Vision, Robotics, Intelligent Internet It is based on an existing European Engineering Study Program (EEIGM) and is
Systems, Secure Systems and Cryptology. supported by the FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies).
Graduates of this program are competent to define, formulate and direct scientific The Amase program provides:
research and technology development in most advanced areas of Information and A well-integrated language and cultural experience.
CommunicationsTechnologies (ICT). Education in close relation to the research activities of the four consortium members.
More information : Education in advanced materials, to enhance the innovation potential of the students
in their future activities.
Preparation of the students for life-long learning in new places and new
education/work systems.
Enhancement of networking activities within the EU and with third countries in the
Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
field of research and education.
Grenoble Institute ofTechnology -
* Info 2008
u Master degree in Micro and Nanotechnologies for Integrated
• All courses are taught in English

and Technology
• Length: 4 semesters
• Admission requirements: Bachelor and selection
• Objectives: The opening up of micro and nanotechnologies to several sectors
(microelectronic design, microsystems, nanotechnologies).Through the set options,
the students have the possibility of going deeper into some aspects or entering into
fields not dealt with in the main courses. Creation of awareness of the financial,
contractual and legal aspects specific to this field in an international culture
4 semesters: - semester 1 at the Politecnico diTorino (Italy) - semester 2 at Grenoble
Institute of Technology - semester 3 at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(Suisse) - engineering project in industry or a research laboratory
More information:

u Master Degree in Communication Systems Engineering

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 semesters

• Admission requirements: Bachelor and selection
• English proficiency: no, but all courses are in English
• Objectives: This course aims to train up engineers to specialise in the design and
management of communication systems. It provides:
- technological skills at the interface between hardware and software: a solid
knowledge base in upper layer programming, specialisation in the physical and
intermediate layers (systems and techniques used for digital communications,
network protocols)
- business, project and quality management techniques
semesters 1 and 2 at the Politecnico diTorino (Italy) – semester 3 at Grenoble Institute
ofTechnology - semester 4: engineering project
More information :

Website in English 66 Website in English 67

MASTER INSAToulouse - Institut National des Sciences
Appliquées deToulouse
MASTER OF SCIENCE National Institute of Applied Sciences, part of the
University ofToulouse
International Masters of Science - INSA France
Engineering and Technology
u French engineering degree – Master « Systems Engineering »
• At least 80% of the lectures will be taught in English during the first year, and about • 70% courses taught in English
20% during the second year.
• Length: 2 years (3 terms courses and1 term internship)
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: BSc or equivalent (minimum 3 years of study) in a field
• Admission requirements: Bachelor of Science or equivalent, in the field of the master related to the program mechanical, electrical, computing, industrial engineering.
required. A good English level, as 80% of the courses will be taught in English
(especially adapted for non French- speaking students.) • English proficiency:TOEIC 750 or equivalent test
• English proficiency:TOEFL 700 or equivalent • French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: approximately 250 € per academic year.
• Tuition fees: 10,500 € for the two years • Objectives: Industrial activity deals more and more with Systems Engineering,
especially concerning design.This raises new issues that are mainly due to:
• Objectives: We provide students with the technological and scientific skills to exercise - a high level of complexity in cost, delays or performance control,
their profession in their speciality at the highest technological level and to - a high level of multi-disciplinary integration,
communicate and cooperate effectively in an international professional context. - the decentralization of contracting,
Typical careers for students who graduate from this program include top - the consideration of the whole product life, from needs to recycling.
management positions in their countries of origin in high-technology industries, in
government bodies and in higher education and research institutions. For top This evolution generates a significant and increasing demand in Systems Engineering
international careers! engineers that is poorly covered by the current education offer. Setting up a new
Master degree in Systems Engineering at INSA Toulouse aims at giving an answer to
INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de this need.
Lyon The proposed course provides wide-ranging expertise, based on the complementarity
u International Masters of Science. “Embedded Systems - generic knowledge dedicated to systems that are relevant of methodologies and
and Medical Image Engineering” management,
- multi-domain scientific and technical knowledge related to mechanical, electrical,
u International Masters of Science. “Information Systems” industrial and software engineering,
- practical knowledge and know-how about the main sectors of industry, acquired by
INSA Rennes - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées projects and experience feedback,
de Rennes - ability to include the human dimension in engineering.
The course structure will meet industrial needs for chartered engineers able to act as
u International Masters of Science. “Electronics and interfaces between financial managers and technical specialists. It focuses on multi-
Communication System” technologies systems that combine data and power transmission, as they can be found
u International Masters of Science. “Computer Science” in the fields of transport or production industry.Typical examples are given below:
- Automotive: vehicle, power train, road handling, …
- Aerospace: aircraft, flight control, electric and hydraulic power generation and
INSA Rouen Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de distribution…

and Technology
- Satellite: communications, attitude control, …
- Production: production lines, fully integrated factories
u International Masters of Science. “Informatics and
The profile of INSA Systems Engineering graduates will be attractive both to
Computational Engineering” equipment suppliers and integrators.The numerous industrial relationships developed
u International Masters of Science. “Mechanics and energetics” for years by the current project promoters definitely arose the interest of the following
INSA Strasbourg - Institut National des Sciences - Groups: Airbus, Eurocopter, Astrium, Snecma, Liebherr,Thales, PSA, Renault, Labinal,
Appliquées de Strasbourg - Suppliers: Valeo, Bosch, Borg Warner, Delphy, Eaton, Siemens, , Motorola,Thomson,
u International Masters of Science. “Geomatics”
This master degree also contributes to the competitive cluster "Aeronautics, Space and
Embedded Systems" recently created inToulouse.
This two-year syllabus is composed of three semesters including 1250 hours of
academic contact and one full time internship semester. The Master in System
Engineering includes 30% hours dedicated to human skills and 27 specific modules of

30 hours:
- Part A: Projects (70 hours of academic contact)
- Part B: System Development Process (205 hours of academic contact)
- Part C:Technical Management (205 hours of academic contact)
- Part D:Tools (425 hours of academic contact)
- Part E: Human skills (265 hours of academic contact)
The courses combine top-down (methodologies and management) and bottom-up
(scientific tools and technologies) approaches. They are based on active pedagogy,
including one group project per semester. In order to benefit from industrial
experience, numerous industry engineers contribute to the education program, either
giving talks or lectures.

Website in English 68 Website in English 69

MASTER ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et
de l’Espace (SUPAERO - ENSICA) -
u European Masters Course in Aeronautics and SpaceTechnology,
Université Paris-Sud 11 and Institut d’Optique Graduate in co-operation with Uni Pisa,
Engineering and Technology
School, Paris, France - Delft University ofTechnology, TU München, ETSIA Madrid, Cranfield
The Netherlands - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany - • All courses are taught in English
Imperial College London,The United Kingdom - Warsaw • Length: 2 years
University ofTechnology, Poland - • Admission requirements: Application is open to students who have completed at least
3 years of undergraduate education in an engineering discipline or in an applied
science, (bachelor’s degree at least).
u Erasmus Mundus Master Course
“Optics in Science andTechnology” (OpSciTech) • English proficiency: 550TOEFL or equivalent test.
• French proficiency: not required
• All courses are taught in English
•Tuition fees: 12,000 €
• Length: 2 years
• Objectives: The Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Aeronautics and Space
• Admission requirements: Applications for OpSciTech are jointly handled by all
Technology is a 2-year program jointly proposed by the University of Pisa (Italy), the
partners of the consortium on this website. Applicants should have a BSc or BEng
TU München (Germany), ETSIA Madrid (Spain), ISAE (France) and Cranfield (UK).
comprising significant exposure to physics and optics fundamentals. Other criteria to
be taken into account are awards, external references, details of earlier projects, and Each course cycle will be hosted in turn by two of the partner universities with the
proof of English proficiency. delivery of a Double Degree in Aerospace Engineering. The students spend the first
year at one location, and then move to another location for the second year.
• English proficiency:
Based on ISAE’s master program – MAEST, EuMAS provides world-class education in
Delft Jena London Paris Warsaw Max. score the aerospace engineering field, preparing the students to start a successful
professional activity as an Aerospace Engineer. Students may choose one of two
TOEFL PBT 550 550 600 550 550 677 parallel options, Aeronautical Engineering or SpaceTechnology.
TOEFL CBT 213 213 250* 213 213 300 The professional qualification acquired opens the way to careers in the aerospace
TOEFL iBT 80 80 90** 80 80 120 industry, government and international organizations involved in aerospace as well as
IELTS 6*** 6 6.5 6 6 9 research labs.The final degree gives full access to doctoral study programs in Europe
and abroad.
For correspondance between tests, see for example
Other tests 990
u Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics
* to include a minimum score of 4.5 in the written English
** to include a minimum score of 24 in Writing and 20 in Speaking • All courses are taught in English
*** Nationals of the People’s Republic of China please note: You need a ‘NESO- • Length: two years
certificate’ to apply forTU Delft's MSc programmes.
• Admission requirements: The MSc AMA is designed for European or International
• French proficiency: not required students with an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering or a closely related
domain such as mechanical engineering: French licence, Bachelor of Science,
•Tuition fees: 4,600 €/year for European students Bachelor of engineering or equivalent degree.
10,500 €/year for non-European students • English proficiency: to apply, language qualification is requestedTOEFL: 550 (paper-
• Objectives: Optics: a vital branch of science and technology based) or 213 (computer-based)

and Technology
Optics: the branch of physics and engineering which describes the behaviour of light • French proficiency: not required
and its interaction with matter and utilizes it. More precisely, "Optics is the field of
science and engineering encompassing the physical phenomena and technologies •Tuition fees: 13,500 €
associated with the generation transmission manipulation detection and utilization of • Objectives: The two-year MSc AMA is an innovative and high standard program in
light" (ref.: Harnessing Light: Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century, science and technologies aiming at preparing future engineers to respond effectively
National Academy Press, 1998). and rapidly to demanding needs of the aerospace industry in Europe and worldwide.
Applications: biosciences to medical technology, quantum physics to telecom- MSC AMA consists of a combination of lectures, personal project or assignments and
munications, optical systems to mechatronics and image analysis. Optics has been thesis projects performed in industrial industry during the last semester work
around for many centuries and will remain at the heart of science and technology for placement.
century to come. MSc OpSciTech is your opportunity to be part of the vibrant After a common core program during the first semester, students choose
community of optics scientists and engineers. specializations programs in aerodynamics & fluid mechanics, structures & aircraft
Optics: engineering a vision of the future engineering or command & control during semesters two and three. Furthermore,
interweaving teaching of both masters, students have the possibility to take one
MSc OpSciTech is a unique European Master’s Course providing a comprehensive and option of the MAEST master program: aeronautical engineering or space engineering,
multidisciplinary coverage of the field of Optics, from upstream scientific aspects to during the second year.The final degree gives access to doctoral study programs in

engineering and applications in major sectors of the economy. Offered by six top-level Europe and abroad.
academic partners in five countries, it receives financial support from the European
Commission and is supported by major industries such as Alcatel-Lucent, Philips,
Saint-Gobain,Thales, Zeiss or ASML.

Website in English 70 Website in English 71


MASTER OF SCIENCE u Master of Science 2 options (nationally accredited

Masters by the Ministry of Education)
ISEP - Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris
Engineering and Technology
• All courses are taught in English • Length: 1,5 year
• English proficiency: -TOEFL: 550PBT or 213 CBT or 79-80 IBT/ IELTS : 5.5 /TOEIC: 750 /
u Master degree in InformationTechnology (IT) with 3 Majors: Cambridge: CAE
- SIPM (System Integration and Project Management) - or having English as your mother tongue
- or studies in an English-speaking country
- IS (Information Systems) • French proficiency: not required
- NTIS (Networks andTelecommunications: Infrastructures • Tuition fees: 10,000 € (scholarships are available for top ranked students)
and Services)
• Communications and Computer Security
u Master degree in Electronics andTelecommunications with
Admission requirements: A four-year Bachelor's degree in science or engineering related
2 Majors: to the field of the chosen Master. Good background in mathematics, computer science
- VASlead (Value-Added Services Project Leadership) and basic knowledge of computer networks are needed.

- ACE (Applications in the Communications Environment) Objectives:The Master of Science in Communications and Computer Security aims at
providing a solid background in the design and management of security in major areas of
• All courses are taught in English communications and computer science. The professional training in security will be
• Length: 3 semesters offered as a companion to an advanced program on computer networking, mobile
• Admission requirements: The MSc is open to graduates with a bachelor’s degree or services and imaging. The graduates will thus be able to tackle security problems
equivalent in related fields of the program encountered in networking, distributed software applications and in image processing.
Various technical areas ranging from cryptographic mechanisms to intrusion detection
• English proficiency: TOEFL (minimum score 550/213CB) or equivalent English
and practical countermeasures against network attacks through watermarking of images
proficiency for candidates from non English-speaking countries
and biometric identification techniques will be addressed in several courses and
• French proficiency: not required laboratories.
•Tuition fees: 12,000 € for the whole program
• Mobile Communications
• Objectives: These Master degree programs are specially designed for international
students holding a bachelor’s degree or high potential international young engineers
who are keen to study in France. Admission requirements : A four-year Bachelor's degree in science or engineering
related to the field of the chosen Master. Good background in mathematics and signal
Master degree programs enable to develop knowledge and skills for an international
processing is needed.
career in engineering and in the new information technologies.
Objectives: The Master of Science in Mobile Communications aims at providing the
The third semester of the program is dedicated to an internship in a company. This
theoretical background and the applied know-how for engineers in Mobile
internship gives the student the opportunity to display valuable professional skills
Communication Systems.The goal is to tackle the problems from a system viewpoint,
and attitudes.
taking a vertical cut and following a cross-layer design approach.This corresponds to
French courses are included in the Master degree. both the most recent trend in research and to the most desired professional profile for
engineers in this field. In fact, it is now well-recognized that problems related to physical
layer transmission techniques (RF design, signal processing algorithms, channel coding

and Technology
and modulation), and upper layer protocols (link layer control, multiple-access, routing),
that were traditionally treated in a separate fashion in wired networks, must be treated
jointly in mobile communication networks.

* Info 2008

Website in English 72 Website in English 73

MASTER OF SCIENCE u Master of Science “Computer and Communication Networks”

• All courses are taught in English
TELECOM Bretagne* -
Engineering and Technology
• Length: 4 semesters (24 months).The fourth semester is a research project
• Admission requirements: Academic requirements : the minimal entry requirement is
u Master of Science inTelecommunications and Electrical at least a four-year bachelor degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for
Engineering the course (bachelor of Science or engineering).
• Length: 2 years • English proficiency:TOEFL : 575 orTOEFL computer based: 220 or IELTS: 6.0 orTWE:
• Admission requirements: A good background in mathematics is a necessary pre- 4.5 orTOEIC: 750 or Cambridge: CAE.
requisite, as well as a sound knowledge of electronics and signal processing. A 1st • French proficiency: not required
class Bachelor degree is required for registration. • Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the whole program.
• English proficiency: when applying, students must provide evidence of proficiency in • Objectives: The MSc CCN gives students the opportunity to be initiated to research
the English language.This could include: and to acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in the network and
Having English as your mother tongue computer science area. The broad range of proposed modules gives students the
Work/studies in an English-speaking country opportunity to deepen their technical knowledge and discover new emerging research
Acquisition of an English-language qualification: TOEFL/550, IELTS/5.5, TOEIC/750, topics. A number of labs and projects are scheduled for students to practice and
Cambridge/CAE assimilate concepts more easily. The projects and the master thesis are useful for
• Objectives: The goal of this MSc degree is to provide a postgraduate research testing students’ ability and motivation to research and team working.
program focussing on the physical and processing aspects of communication
technologies. It offers a broad choice of topics including design of communication u Master of Science “Electrical and Optical Engineering”
systems, complex integrated circuits targeting communications, presentation of All courses are taught in English
optical communications, or mobile digital communications. This Master opens the
way towards PhD studies in internationally recognized research laboratories. • Length: 4 semesters (24 months).The fourth semester is a research project (in a lab or
in a company)
u Master of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics • Admission requirements: The minimal entry requirement is at least a four-year
bachelor degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course
• Length: 2 years (bachelor of Science or engineering).
• Admission requirements: A good background in computer science is a necessary pre- • English proficiency:TOEFL : 575 orTOEFL computer based: 220 or IELTS: 6.0 orTWE:
requisite, as well as a sound knowledge of mathematics and signal processing. A 1st 4.5 orTOEIC: 750 or Cambridge: CAE.
class Bachelor degree is required for registration.
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: when applying, students must provide evidence of proficiency in
the English language. • Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the whole program.
This could include: • Objectives:The goal of this graduate program is to give high level skills to students in
Having English as your mother tongue order to allow them to join engineering and development departments of leading
Work/studies in an English-speaking country companies or research teams towards a Ph.D. thesis, in the electronics and photonics
• Acquisition of an English-language qualification: TOEFL/550, IELTS/5.5, TOEIC/750, fields. The courses are designed to develop original thinking and anticipating
Cambridge/CAE capabilities for each student. Thus, a large part of the program is based on
multidisciplinary application fields in both electronics and optics.
• Objectives: The goal of this MSc degree is to provide a postgraduate research
program focussing on the applications of computer science and applied mathematics u Master of Science “Ambient & Home Services”
in communication technologies. It offers a broad choice of topics including human-

and Technology
machine interactions, systems and resource management in a distributed system, • All courses are taught in English
architecture of microprocessors and parallel computing, modelling and formal • Length: 4 semesters (24 months).The fourth semester is a research project (in a lab or
methods. This Master opens the way towards PhD studies in internationally in a company)
recognized research laboratories. • Admission requirements: The minimal entry requirement is at least a four-year
bachelor degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course
* Info 2008 (bachelor of Science or engineering).
• English proficiency:TOEFL : 575 orTOEFL computer based: 220 or IELTS: 6.0 orTWE:
4.5 orTOEIC: 750 or Cambridge: CAE.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the whole program.
• Objectives: The program responds to the strong demand of industry, commerce,
services for qualified specialists and advise on all stages of pervasive system design
and development. It offers advanced education in communication, computing and
Man Machines Interfaces. It aims to prepare students for further investigation and

research in Ubiquitous Computing and HCI design.

* Info 2008

Website in English 74 Website in English 75

Université de Cergy-Pontoise
TELECOM SudParis* -
Engineering and Technology
u Master of Science “Software Engineering for Smart Devices” u Bachelor degree in Science and Technology – Bilingual
Option / Licence en Science et Technologie – Option Bilingue
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 semesters (24 months).The fourth semester is a research project (in a lab or
in a company) • 90% (L1-MPI), 100% (L1-PCST) taught in English
• Admission requirements: The minimal entry requirement is at least a four-year L2: proportion varies between 0% and 50% depending upon choices by students
bachelor degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course L3: 0% (French only)
(bachelor of Science or engineering). • Length: 3 years
• English proficiency:TOEFL : 575 orTOEFL computer based: 220 or IELTS: 6.0 orTWE: First year: All courses and tutorials are taught in English.
4.5 orTOEIC: 750 or Cambridge: CAE.
Second year: Proportion varies depending on the student’s course choices (50% to
• French proficiency: not required 90%), typically core courses and tutorials will be offered in English.
• Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the whole program. Third year: Proportion varies depending on the student’s course choices (0% to 50%)
• Objectives: The program responds to the strong demand of industry, commerce, All students are required to follow French as a Foreign Language courses.
services for qualified specialists and advise on all stages of pervasive system design • Admission requirements: High School certificate, equivalent to the French
and development. It offers advanced education in communication, computing and Baccalauréat
Man Machines Interfaces. It aims to prepare students for further investigation and Admission to university in home country
research in Ubiquitous Computing and HCI design. • English proficiency: TOEFL 550/213 or IELTS 5.5 (no prerequisite in the French
u Master of Science “Automatic Data Processing”
• French proficiency: not required
• This program is taught in English (first year) and progressively in French. All courses
are taught in English •Tuition fees: L1: 1,500 €, L2 and L3: 400 €/year
• Length: 4 semesters (24 months).The fourth semester is a research project (in a lab or • Objectives:This program offers the possibility to study for a three-year science degree
in a company) in a bilingual (English/French) environment.
• Admission requirements: The minimal entry requirement is at least a four-year In the first year the students follow courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Earth
bachelor degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course Sciences and Computer Science taught in English.
(bachelor of Science or engineering). In the second year students are required to choose between Mathematics & Science
• English proficiency:TOEFL : 575 orTOEFL computer based: 220 or IELTS: 6.0 orTWE: and Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science. Within each choice, the student has
4.5 orTOEIC: 750 or Cambridge: CAE. several course options, depending on the student’s scientific inclination and linguistic
• French proficiency: Student are offered intensive French courses during the first year
but it is strongly advised to reach a minimumTEF II. In the third year the student may continue his studies in the bilingual Physics
programme or the bilingual Physics & Chemistry programme or choose from one of
• Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the whole program. the many French degree programmes within the Science Faculty.
• Objectives:This MSc degree is designed to provide the tools allowing processing all The Licence in Science and Technology, awarded at the end of the third year, is a
types of real data captured by sensors. At the end of the 2-year program, students will nationally recognised degree, which allows the student to apply for a Master's
be able to model real and noisy data, to retrieve information in very large databases, programme (2 year curriculum) or to an Engineering School (3 year curriculum).

and Technology
and to conceive complex systems based on such techniques.
In the first two years the students follow, as part of the syllabus, French as a Foreign
u Master of Science “International Management” Language courses aimed at providing a good grasp of the language. Students follow
up to 6 hours of courses in French Language and Culture per week.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 semesters (18 months). The third semester is a research (in France or
• Admission requirements: The minimal entry requirement is at least a four-year
bachelor degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course
(bachelor of Science or engineering).
• English proficiency:TOEFL : 575 orTOEFL computer based: 220 or IELTS: 6.0 orTWE:
4.5 orTOEIC: 750 or Cambridge: CAE.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the whole program.

• Objectives: The MSc in International Management is a rigorous academic program of
study designed to provide participants with the skills necessary for assuming
positions of responsibility at the middle and upper management levels in private
enterprises as well as public sector organizations. Students will be able to model real
and noisy data, to retrieve information in large databases and to conceive complex
systems based on such techniques.

* Info 2008

Website in English 76 Website in English 77

LICENCE - BACHELOR Université Nancy 2 -

Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, IUT 1 u Licence Professionnelle “Concepteur Intégrateur de Systèmes Internet / Intranet”
Engineering and Technology
• 50% courses are taught in English
u Licence professionnelle (Professional Bachelor, equivalent • Length: 1 year
to a BEng (Hons)) • Admission requirements: Basic knowledge and practice on Computer Science
• English proficiency: intermediate
Final year of the Professional Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
• French proficiency: not required
Networks and Telecommunications specialising in Wireless
•Tuition fees: No fees for ERASMUS students
Networks and Security
• Objectives:The main objective of the course « Introduction to Computer Graphics and
• All courses are taught in English Multimedia » is to introduce theoretical and practical concepts on the field of
• Length: 1 year Computer Graphics, Image Processing, 3D modeling, Audio & Video Streaming, and
• Admission requirements:This class is open on an international basis to students who Multimedia.
have successfully completed the first two years of a bachelor’s degree, in the field of It is not mandatory to have any specific knowledge on the Multimedia field. However,
Computer Networks and Telecommunications, or in a relevant field: e.g. Computer basic knowledge and practice on Computer Science are required: using an operating
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, with some experience in computer networks system, and understanding the basis of programming languages.
• English proficiency: Applicants are asked to submit any documents that attest that
they possess an adequate command of the English language, for example:
TOEFL 520 (paper-based exam) or 210 (computer-based exam) orTOEIC 700 or IELTS
5.5 or BULATS 70
• French proficiency: not required, but it is encouraged to have some basics for
everyday life in France.
• Tuition fees: 400 € (the actual cost is 6,000 €, the remainder of the cost is funded
directly by the French Higher Education Department).
• Objectives: Students who wish to further their knowledge and skills in computer
networks, telecommunications, and particularly those interested in wireless networks,
mobile telecommunication and their security.
Students who want to discover France, its culture and its economy/industry, in an
international environment. All courses are taught in English. A course on French
language and civilisation/economy is taught.

Université deTechnologie de Belfort-Montbéliard - UTBM

and Technology
u DEUTEC, corresponding to the first two years in a Master’s
in Engineering
• 50% courses are taught in English (= 60 ECTS)
• Length: 2 semesters in the second year of the five-year degree course
• Admission requirements: Equivalent to scientific High School diploma. (see website)
• English proficiency: At the UTBM, no linguistic test is required for students who enroll
in the course, however a good knowledge of English is recommended. The French
students who sign in have obtained a minimum score of 650 in theTOEIC (equivalent
to 213 CBT in theTOEFL).
• French proficiency: There is no official requirement but students should be able to
follow 50% of their courses in French.
700 points in theTFI (Test de Français International) is expected to be able to continue

in specialization. In addition, a special course is offered to non-French students:
’French as a second language’.
• Tuition fees: Around 750 € per year, subject to change
• Objectives: The University has introduced courses taught in English in order to
encourage UTBM undergraduates to go abroad and do a semester of studies or an
internship in an English-speaking environment .The course should also make it easier
for exchange students to follow undergraduate studies at UTBM.

Website in English 78 Website in English 79


Université du Havre - Institut Supérieur d’Etudes u Validation of a study abroad semester

• All courses are taught in English
Logistiques - École d'ingénieurs
Engineering and Technology
• Length: one semester
• Admission requirements: - a Bachelor in Computer Science
- a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
u “Logistics and SCM at ISEL” - a Bachelor of Sciences with a background in Computer Science
• All courses are taught in English - a Master of Sciences (or Applied Sciences) in any field with a background in
Computer Science.
• Length: Spring Semester (February-June)
Admission is competitive and applicants will be considered only if they have a high
• Admission requirements: ISEL (Institut Supérieur d'Etudes Logistiques) offers a academic standing from an accredited educational institution.
special syllabus in English taught by experienced teachers and designed for foreign
• English proficiency: fluent in English
students (3 years of further studies) wishing to spend a spring semester in our
engineering school in Le Havre, Normandy. • French proficiency: not required
A tuition waiver will be granted to the students from universities or schools we have a •Tuition fees: 3,200 €
bilateral agreement with. For students from universities for which no signed • Objectives: PARIS ACADEMIC SCIENTIFIC SEMESTER at ESIEA offers a broad range of
agreement exists, fees have require to be paid. career services to support engineering graduates in their career decision-making process.
• English proficiency:TOEIC 700 or similar ESIEA, through its research services office provides unmatched opportunities for
students to join in an exclusive scientific, technical, and a comprehensive Visiting
• French proficiency: not required
Semester Program fully in English (VSP- certificate course).The total of European credits
• Tuition fees: tuition waivers for students coming as “exchange students” under an of this program is 30 (equivalent to 15 US credits or 60 equivalent UK credits)
agreement with ISEL, tuition fees for “direct entry students” : 516,60 €.
• Objectives: To study practical Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the only
State-approved engineering school in France. Classes will be given by experienced - * Info 2008
French, English and Dutch - teachers and professionals with whom ISEL has had
special links for years. Maximum number of students: 15, achieving 30 ECTS.
Le Havre’s ranking: first place among container French ports, car facturies and many
other industries. Syllabus :
• Supply Chain Design and Performance Measurement
• Operations management and underpinning concepts of Lean Management ESTACA - École Supérieure desTechniques
• Logistics Information Systems Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile (Paris)
• Business policies Aeronautical, Automotive, Space and Railway
•Transport Planning Engineering School -
• Strategic Management for Ports
• Retail management and Logistics u International Program in Computer Aided Engineering and
• Human Resources Management Design applied to Automotive and Aeronautics
• Cross Cultural Management • All courses are taught in English
• French as a Foreign Language • Length: 4 months (courses start in February)
• Firm visits

and Technology
• Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a Bachelor Degree in Sciences or
Engineering or have completed 3 years of studies in an Engineering Degree.
• English proficiency: If English is not the first language of the applicant:TOEFL 550 (210
computerised) /TOEIC 750 / IELTS 5.5 / Cambridge
Université François-Rabelais deTours • French proficiency: not required •Tuition fees: 3,500 €
• Objectives: The modern aeronautical and automotive industries need engineers who
u Curriculum for international students in computer science know more than the traditional skills. They need to acquire the latest and most
• All courses are taught in English technologically advanced computer skills and to be able to work in an international
environment.The objective of this program is to provide students with the means of
• Length: a semester
achieving high quality design, cost reduction and best time-to-market skills. Combining
• Admission requirements: This curriculum corresponds to a semester of a master the training in CAE and its immediate application to a design project carried out in an
degree. Hence a bachelor in computer science is required. international team, optimizes the training period for maximum results, after which the
• English proficiency: upper intermediate. students are immediately operational.

• French proficiency: only required for everyday life.
• Tuition fees: 1,000 €
• Objectives: This curriculum aims at providing theoretical knowledge and practical
techniques in the studied topics:
•The C++ programming language (30 hours – 6 ECTS)
• UML2: object oriented modeling (30 hours – 6 ECTS)
• Pattern recognition (30 hours – 6 ECTS)
• Collective artificial intelligence (30 hours – 6 ECTS)
• Intelligent systems (30 hours – 6 ECTS)
• French language, French culture (30 hours – 6 ECTS)

Website in English 80 Website in English 81

Engineering and Technology

Université Catholique de Lille - Lille Catholic University GEA Groupe des Écoles Aéronautiques et Spatiales : ENACToulouse, ISAEToulouse, ENSMA Poitiers

u European Summer Program for Engineering Students u GEA American Summer Aerospace Program
• All courses are taught in English • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 weeks in July (July 2 – 24, 2009) • Length: 6 weeks – June 5th-July 11th 2009
• Admission requirements: Completion of first year at university • Admission requirements: Junior and Senior Undergraduate students in
• English proficiency: Good knowledge of oral and written English Aviation/Aerospace
• French proficiency: not required • English proficiency: For students coming from American or Canadian universities
• Tuition fees: 1,800 € • French proficiency: not required

• Objectives:The course gives engineering students an opportunity to study specialised • Tuition fees: 2,500 € -This includes room and board (breakfasts&lunches on weekdays
topics in a European context.The program proposes courses on project management only)
and doing business in Europe. Company visits and many social and cultural events • Objectives: This course will provide the students with an overall knowledge of
provide students with a comprehensive experience. With its 5 engineering schools aeronautics fundamentals, as viewed from a European point of view. The contents
offering undergraduate and postgraduate study and its strong industrial and research include scientific and technical courses, together with conferences and visits to
links, Lille Catholic University is known as a pole of expertise in the field of aeronautical and historical sites; “French for beginners” classes are also provided.
engineering. This year’s program includes 2 field trips, one to the world famous Paris Air Show and
one to the Basque country.

EPF - IIWEThe International Institute of Women Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble

in Engineering* - Grenoble Institute ofTechnology -

u Summer School : 6 ECTS or 3 USA credits u MIGAS, International Summer School on Advanced

and Technology
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 weeks (5th July-25th July) • Length:one week (June/July)
• Admission requirements: The IIWE (The International Institute of Women in • Tuition fees: 900 € (600 € for PhD students)
Engineering), an EPF Summer program, is a forum promoting women in engineering • Objectives: MIGAS Summer School is designed to foster and promote expertise in
worldwide. new, advanced topics of microelectronics.The aim of MIGAS is to offer every year a
The Summer session, a course for all engineering fields, is open to both women and forum of detailed presentations on emerging topics of microelectronics.
men. All classes take place in English. Through active partcipation, you can create It is also a unique opportunity for senior and junior researchers to update their
your own lifelong international engineering network. knowledge in a very specific and emerging field. MIGAS brings together scientists
• English proficiency: Medium Level, Working Knowledge. from all over the world and from research institutes, universities, R&D small, medium
• French proficiency: not required and large companies.
• Tuition fees: 700 € Created in 1997 with CNRS partnership, MIGAS gathers each year about 50
researchers. Each session is focused on a different theme, and is managed by a
• Objectives: The IIWE seminar’s goal is to present the challenges women face as different Scientific Chair.
international engineers and prepare them for the future.
The IIWE will emphasize the engineer’s role in managing resources sustainably.

The 3-week seminar will include sessions on :
- Women and Sustainability
-The History of Engineering
- Engineering Education World wide
- Women in Management
- Ethics, Project Management, Standards, Risk Assessment
There will also be industrial visits and round table discussions on engineers and
leadership in a global workplace, and the challenges and rewards of being an

* Info 2008

Website in English 82 Website in English 83

Engineering and Technology

INSAToulouse - Institut National des Sciences

Appliquées deToulouse

u Spring Semester in Aero-mechanics

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 semester
• Admission requirements: 3rd year of Bachelor in aerospace engineering or in
mechanical engineering.
• English proficiency: A good English level as this program is especially adapted for
non French- speaking students
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 1,000 €
• Objectives:The Spring Semester in Aero-mechanics is jointly run by 3 leading French
Engineering Schools: ENAC, ENSICA and INSA, members of the GE3 consortium.This
program permits to validate 16 credit hours (American system) in the framework of a
student exchange agreement. The students study in a high-quality academic
environment and have the life-changing experience of living in France. Foreign
students are welcome in the best possible way, so that they integrate quickly into the
French academic system.

u Spring Semester in Electrical Engineering

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 semester
• Admission requirements: 3rd year of Bachelor in electrical engineering. A good
English level as this program is especially adapted for non French- speaking students.
• English proficiency: A good English level as this program is especially adapted for
non French- speaking students

and Technology
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 1,000 €
• Objectives: The Spring Semester in Electrical Engineering has been launched in
February 2008 by INSA, member of the GE3 consortium. This program permits to
validate 16 credit hours (American system) in the framework of a student exchange
agreement.The six modules include Database Systems, Computer Networks, Signal
Processing, Continuous Linear Systems Control, and a tutorial on French/European
The students study in a high-quality academic environment and have the life-
changing experience of living in France. Foreign students are welcome in the best
possible way, so that they integrate quickly into the French academic system.

Website in English 84 85
MASTER Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Université Bordeaux 1 - Université Paris-Sud 11
u Master in Maths, Physics and Informatics (MPIE) [Master 1]
Universita degli Studi di Padova (Italy)
Leiden University (Netherland) • 50% of courses are taught in English (240h)
• Length: 1 year
u Erasmus Mundus Master in Mathematics ALGANT • Admission requirements: Admission to MPIE is conditioned on admission to a full
Master's program in maths or physics or computer science at Cergy-Pontoise or
Algebra, Geometry and NumberTheory
elsewhere. Priority will be given to successful applicants within a list of recommended
• 50% courses are taught in English Master's at Cergy-Pontoise, Paris 1, 6, 7, 11, ENS-Cachan, UVSQ, Grenoble, Orléans.
• Length: 2 years • English proficiency: IELTS 6.0 orTOEFL 550/213
• Admission requirements: • French proficiency:TEF A1
- Have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics or equivalent, with
• Tuition fees: 2,500 €
good results.
- Have a thorough proficiency in written and spoken English. • Objectives: Consolidate knowledge from a Bachelor's degree in Maths, Physics or
Application procedure : Computer Science, and learn French so as to complete a Master's taught in French
during the following year. Courses taught in English include relational databases,
• English proficiency: Proof of a thorough proficiency in written and spoken English,
object oriented programming, computational fluid dynamics and structural
e.g. by a IELTS score of 6.5 (for non-native English speakers; students from China
mechanics, statistics and statistical learning, partial differential equations. French as a
should submit an Academic IELTS score; if possible proof should be submitted
Foreign Language plus tutoring alongside specialty courses in French prepare for a
directly from the test Centrex);
second year of a Master's taught in French.
• French proficiency: not required

• Tuition fees:Third-country students : 2,500 €/year. European students : 1,500 €/year

• Objectives: We propose a two-year Master course in Algebra, Geometry and Number
Theory (ALGANT). The teaching staff is very active in research and the students will
profit from the many connections it entertains with research centres throughout the
Traditionally number theory used the methods of algebra and analysis, to solve
problems such as finding the number of integral of solutions of equations. In recent
times geometric methods have been playing a more important role. Also, number
theory has important applications in areas such as cryptography, theoretical computer
science, and numerical mathematics.These led to a unification of number theory.The Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1
ALGANT course aims at introducing students into the latest developments of this
fascinating subject.
Our consortium involves the universities of Bordeaux (France), Leiden (The Mathematiques.html
Netherlands), Padova (Italy), and Paris-Sud (France). Classes will not exceed twenty
students and professors have long office hours. u Master degree in Mathematics
Every student of the ALGANT master will be offered the possibility to follow his entire
• Courses are given in English if some students are not fluent enough in French
curriculum in English. For each student a program will be tailored individually, but
(In 2008-2009, 75% of the courses are in English)
every student will have to go through at least two hosting institutions of the
consortium. • Length: One year (60 ECTS)
The students having successfully completed the requirements of the ALGANT • Admission requirements: beginning graduate students or advanced undergraduate
program will be well armed to pursue a career in research by preparing a Ph.D. or by students in pure mathematics
directly applying for a job in the many companies that are looking for the know-how
• English proficiency: Applicants should be able to understand enough English to read
we teach. They will be awarded a double degree composed of two nationally
books or research papers and to attend the classes.
recognized degrees issued by the two hosting institutions, completed by a diploma
supplement. • French proficiency: not required
Main focus on ALgebra, Geometry And NumberTheory : ALGANT • Tuition fees: 440 € (including national insurance)
The Master Course is built on wider Master programs in mathematics and our course • Objectives: The main goal of the master research in pure mathematics is to provide
allows for the choice of optional courses in other areas of mathematics, physics, the students with a solid knowledge in pure mathematics in order to prepare a phd
computer science, and the history and philosophy of science. Still the main focus is on thesis. The courses change every year and are related to the research fields of the
Algebra, Geometry and NumberTheory because: Fourier Institute (Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, real and complex analysis,
number theory, Riemannian geometry, topology mathematical physics and PDE,
- these are subjects that have a much greater tradition in Europe than anywhere else

in the world;
- some of the most important recent advances in mathematics have taken place in our
field and our staff is perfectly in synch with these advances: our departments have a
worldwide reputation in these fields;
- Number Theory is a "royal way" into higher, contemporary mathematics, thus
permitting to attract good students who might not have had the necessary formal
training at the bachelor level; starting with classical, "concrete" problems, such
students will be quickly introduced to the more sophisticated algebraic and
geometric techniques that lie at the foundations of so much current work;
- as is well-known, but still unexpected few years ago, the most recent advances in
Algebraic Geometry have led to important applications (cryptography, error
correcting codes, etc.); we offer training towards employment in areas were
expertise in these fields is necessary for the development of applications.

Website in English 86 Website in English 87


Université de Limoges -

u Master ACSYON “Algorithmics, Symbolic Computation and

Numerical Optimization”
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: The candidate must have previously an undergraduate
Licence level diploma (European LMD system), or an equivalent degrees such as
Bachelor’s degree in Science (BSc) or in Engineering (Beng) that include courses in
pure and applied mathematics.
• English proficiency:TOEFL for example or equivalent
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: less than 600 € per year
• Objectives: This master’s degree in Applied Mathematics prepares students for a
career as an engineer or a Researcher in the rapidly expanding field of Scientific
Computing. Cutting edge companies and research laboratories are in need of
specialists able to develop and apply innovative mathematical methods to solve
increasingly complex problems. ACSYON’s two years graduate program responds to

this challenge. ACSYON focuses on applications of Mathematics where the University

of Limoges has a leading expertise and strong research track records: Optimization,
Symbolic-Numeric Computation, Cuves and surfaces for Computer Aided Design,
Mathematical methods for controlTheory and electromagnetism. Most instructors are
researchers at XLIM ( a joint laboratory of the University of
Limoges and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). XLIM gathers
350 researchers in mathematics, computer science, electronics, optics and
telecommunications. Successful students may pursue a Ph D at XLIM or other
laboratories of research.

Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis

u Erasmus Mundus MSc course : MATHMODS -

Mathematical Modelling in Engineering :Theory,
Numerics, Applications
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: Applicants must have obtained a recognized Bachelor's
Degree (BS, BSc, SB, etc.) – or an equivalent degree, for instance from a college,
university, or technical school of high standing, or 180 ECTS credits in the European
system – in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Informatics,
Computer Science.
• English proficiency: Level of spoken and written English, certified by TOEFL
(550 points), IELTS (6.0 points), or equivalent .
• French proficiency: Students will be offered an introduction to local culture and French
language in each semester.
• Tuition fees: 5,000 € per year for «Third Countries » Applicants and 500 € per year for
« European » Applicants, which will include all the fees for the local University taxes.
• Objectives: Mathematical modelling lies at the heart of most current technological
innovations and has become a fundamental tool in many fields of engineering, as it
appears essentially multidisciplinary in its applications within industries and business
innovation departments.The MathMods programme reflects this multidisciplinarity,
drawing on the unifying mathematical aspects from various engineering disciplines,
for the development of an unified methodological approach to modelling and
simulation of real engineering challenges.

Website in English 88 89
PhD ESC Lille - École Supérieure de Commerce de Lille
EDHEC Business School, Lille - Nice
u PhD in Strategy, Program and Project Management
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 36 months
u PhD in Finance -
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: Master’s degree or equivalent. Senior professionals, with at
• All courses are taught in English least 7 years of professional experience, in the area of program and project
• Length: 3 years management. GMAT.
• Admission requirements: Master’s degree or equivalent from an accredited school or • English proficiency:Test in English (TOEFL (580 paper based / 235 computer based),
university (business, economics, science and engineering degrees accepted), TOEIC (785), IELTS (6.5), Cambridge Proficiency, or equivalent)
academic excellence, GMAT, international awareness, strong motivation, strong • French proficiency : not required
quantitative skills, a demonstrated ability to conduct research and projects.
• Tuition fees: 45,000 €/20,100 € subject to scholarship
• English proficiency:TOEFL: 100,TOEIC: 900, IELTS: 6.5
• Objectives: The main objective of the program is to facilitate the dynamic
• French proficiency: not required development of participants' managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, allowing
• Tuition fees: Candidates in the residential track receive a full-tuition waiver plus them to enlarge and enhance their expertise and to work as senior manager and
competitive research/teaching assistantship compensation. Executive track fees are leader in organisations or in large complex projects management, in an international
€ 25,000 p.a. and multicultural environment.The program is a dynamic framework and system, in
• Objectives: The EDHEC PhD in Finance program, which takes place on the EDHEC which all aspects of competencies - knowledge and cognitive; personal and
Campus in Nice, prepares participants to shape the future of asset management & behavioural; functional; values and ethics; and transversal competencies - are
investment banking. Its residential track welcomes high-potential graduates who will developed for current and future utility.
work within the EDHEC Risk & Asset Management Research Centre, while its
executive track targets high-level practitioners who will keep their full-time jobs. Its
world-leading faculty brings together the school’s senior academics and affiliate
professors from top research institutions around the world.

EMLYON Business School -

u PhD Management Program

and Management
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 years
• Admission requirements: Admission to the EMLYON PhD program is open to
applicants showing evidence of strong intellectual ability, sincere commitment to and
interest in academic work and teaching, as well as previous work experience.They are
required in general to have demonstrated basic knowledge in management and
organisation, usually by the completion of a Master in Management or in
Organisational Behavior (MSc), in Business Administration (MBA), or of a Master in
related disciplines (Sociology, Political Science, Economy…).
• English proficiency: Fluent
• Tuition fees: 10,000 € for the 1st year
10,000 € for the 2nd year
3,000 € for the 3rd year
3,000 € for the 4th year
• Objectives: The PhD in Management program aims to push the commitment of
EMLYON even further in doctoral training. It has the goal to develop future
lecturer/researchers of an international quality by offering them the possibility to
create and transmit knowledge and know-how in entrepreneurial management.

Website in English 90 Website in English 91
PhD Grenoble École de Management
Grenoble Graduate School of Business -
ESSEC Business School – Paris-Singapore
u DBA - Doctorate of Business Administration
with University of Newcastle uponTyne Business School
u Ph.D. in Business Administration
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English
u MS in Business Administration Research • Length: 5 years part-time and thesis in Applied Research
- Concentrations in • English proficiency: Fluent
- Management (Strategy, OB, HR, Management control, MIS) • French proficiency: not required
- Marketing • Tuition fees: 38,500 €
- Operations management • Objectives: The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) offered by Grenoble
- Finance Ecole de Management and Newcastle University Business school is a research-based
degree which is the highest-level business qualification attainable.
- Audit and Financial accounting It is a unique, research-based, issue-driven qualification that culminates in a doctoral
- Economics degree (Doctor of Business Administration).
It focuses on the broad area of the management of technology, organizational change
u Possibility of joint doctoral degree (French Doctorate) with IAE and innovation. It can also cover more traditional research topics in the fields of
of Aix en Provence and UCP management, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, etc.
• All courses are taught in English Students attend two workshops in Grenoble and two workshops in Newcastle.

• Length: 4 years
- 2 years of 700 hours of formal classes leading to the MS, after successful completion
of preliminaries exams u DBA Doctorate of Business Administration with the Lebanese
- 2 years to complete the dissertation leading to the Ph.D. Canadian University at Aintoura-Kesrouan, near Beirut, Lebanon
• Admission requirements: • Tuition fees: 31,000 €
- application form indicating degrees, grades, statement of purpose
- three letters of recommendation form faculty or research scholars
- high GMAT or GRE
u DBA Doctorate of Business Administration withTsinghua
University, Beijing, China
• English proficiency:Toefl 500 (paper based), 230 (computer based), 90 (internet based)
• Tuition fees: 32,000 €
• French proficiency : not required
• Tuition fees: 10,000 € per year for the first two years (reduced tuition of € 5,000 for EU u DBA Doctorate of Business Administration USA
citizens), then 2,400 € for students in residence.
• Tuition fees: 32,000 €
Ph.D. students are eligible for
• tuition fees waiver u DBA Doctorate of Business Administration with Webster
• teaching or research assistantship with a living allowance or € 15,000 a year over the
4 years of study
University, Geneva Campus, Switzerland
• Objectives: Train future professors, researchers and consultant at top international • All courses are taught in English

and Management
level. • Length: 4 years
The PhD in Business Administration is offered in six concentrations: • Admission requirements:Master’s degree or equivalent, and at least 3 years of
• Management, with sub-specializations in strategy, human relations, organizational professional experience.
behaviour, management control, management information systems, • English proficiency: Fluent
• Marketing
• Finance • French Proficiency: not required
• Audit and financial accounting • Objectives: The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) offered by Grenoble
• Management of operations and decision science Ecole de Management is a research-based degree which is the highest-level business
• Economics qualification attainable.
It is a unique, research-based, issue-driven qualification that culminates in a doctoral
degree (Doctor of Business Administration).
It focuses on the broad area of the management of technology, organizational change
and innovation. It can also cover more traditional research topics in the fields of
management, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, etc.
This DBA is delivered in different locations: France (Grenoble) USA, China (Tongji and
Tsinghua), Switzerland (Webster University in Geneva) and Lebanon (Lebanese
Canadian University in Beirut).
Students attend an opening workshop in Grenoble, followed by 5 weekend
workshops in Lebanon. Students return to Grenoble to defend their thesis.
Regardless of the location, the content of this program is the same and the awarded

DBA degree is that of Grenoble Ecole de Management.

Website in English 92 Website in English 93


HEC School of Management - Paris Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III Institut d’Administration des Entreprises – IAE Aix
Graduate School of Management -
u PhD in Management
Business and Management
• 70% courses are taught in English u MBA Change and Innovation
• Length: 4 years • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Applicants to the HEC PhD Program must hold a Master • Length: 12 months
degree in any field and should have a good working knowledge of English.
All the procedure of selection is made online ( • Admission requirements: A suitable candidate would have:
index.html), there is no "paper" file. An undergraduate degree or equivalent diploma
To be accepted, your file will necessarily include At least 3 years' work experience
-The file of application (required copies of diplomas) A good command of English
- Two recommendation letters directly sent to the admission office of HEC PhD Program Basic knowledge of management
- A letter in support of your application clarifying your choice for the HEC PhD Program The professional ambition to achieve in an international position
and explaining, through your centres of interest, your expected research • English proficiency: GMAT andTOEFL results.The program is delivered in English; for
-Your tests scores (capacity in the management: GMAT, GRE orTAGE-MAGE those who feel the need, a 3-week intensive language training in English is organized
and English:TOEIC,TOEFL, IELTS) - No exemption will be granted. just before the beginning of the MBA classes.
• English proficiency: excellent English is required, • French proficiency: As we consider very important that our foreign students are fluent
in French at the end of the program, the possibility is given to our foreign participants
• French proficiency: French is recommended to beneficiate of the intensive training in French, as well as 2 extra hours of French
• Tuition fees: 5,500 € for each of the first two years. 950 € for each of the following years. language classes per week throughout the academic year.
HEC provides financial support for all its PhD students as scholarships (tuition fees • Tuition fees: 18,000 €
reduced to € 240 a year). HEC grants are possible
• Objectives: Our alumni so often say that their MBA year at IAE was life changing!
• Objectives: TThe core objective of the HEC PhD Program prepares for an academic If you want: to lead your own change as well as you want to lead teams &
career in management sciences at the best level. organizations that can contribute to change the world, to leverage your personal
During four years, our Ph.D. students are gradually prepared for the realization of background in a broader business context, to really advance in your career and
scientific works of world reach and more widely for all dimensions of academic activity. become confident in your capacity to make a difference difficult business situations,
You necessarily have to apply for a specialization given among six offered: You should be interested in our MBA Change & Innovation and we want to hear from
• Accounting and Management Control you. Our goal is to enable you to be global leaders in a culture of collaboration,
• Finance and Economics innovation and social responsibility.
• Operation Management and InformationTechnology
• Management and Human Resources u Euro*MBA (in consortium with 6 well-known European
• Marketing
• Strategy and Business Policy
universities and Business Schools)
A settled subject of thesis is not required at this stage. • All courses are taught in English
Opening of the procedure: February 16th, 2009 • Length: 24 months

and Management
Applying deadline: in June 16th, 2009 • Admission requirements: 5 years of professional experience equivalent of a first
Decision of the Jury of admission: in Jully 10th, 2009 higher education degree (bachelor's degree), basic knowledge of functional
Individual Research Program (IRP) management areas such as organisation, strategy, finance, logistics and marketing.
• English proficiency: Fluency in spoken and written English (for non-anglophones
The core objective of the HEC PhD Program is to allow welcoming doctoral students TOEFL 250 or other proof of language skills, via interviews with our partner
wishing to work with a professor on their own field. institutions, or university degrees in English-speaking countries are exempt)
It’s necessary to explain the objectives and the contributions during their period (one or
two semesters) for the PhD Program (presentations in conferences, papers, articles...). • French proficiency: not required
Intensive Blocked Seminar • Tuition fees: 25,500 €
HEC Doctoral Program has set up new specialization seminars called "Intensive Blocked • Objectives: Put your international career on the move
Seminars".These high level doctoral seminars consist in intensive training courses about Develop an international executive network (at least five different nationalities are
very specialized research, representative of HEC scientific community. represented)
Sharpen your mind with international professors and representatives of businesses
Four department offer you blocked seminars:
and administrations (from six well-known European universities and business
• Accounting and Management Control
• Operation Management and InformationTechnology
Work on international business and management topics
• Management and Human Resources
Attend six residential weeks all over Europe
• Strategy and Business Policy
These "Intensive Blocked Seminars" are part of the HEC Ph.D. program, but they are also
opened to any international Ph.D. student from other institutions, as well as to any
student interested in this kind of training courses.
All specialized "Intensive Blocked Seminars" will take place in May and will be
concentrated in one week (4 to 5 days).

Website in English 94 Website in English 95
Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III u MBA in Wine Business -
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises – IAE Aix • Length: 15 Months PartTime
Graduate School of Management - • Admission requirements: BA or BSc and a minimum of around 5 years' professional
Business and Management
u Executive Part-time MBA • English proficiency:TOEFL orTOEIC
• All courses are taught in English • Objectives: To empower the future leaders of the global wine industry by providing
• Length: 18 to 24 months top level education through collaboration with 4 prestigious institutions.
• Admission requirements:The program is designed for managers with the following
minimum requirements: * Info 2008
A valid undergraduate degree or equivalent
Five years work experience
A good command of English
The professional ambition to work in an international environment
• English proficiency: GMAT, orTAGE-MAGE andTOEFL orTOEIC scores
• French proficiency: not required École Européenne de Gestion - EBS Paris*
• Tuition fees: 22,700 €
• Objectives: This MBA is set up for high potential professionals and combines an
exciting range of courses given over week-ends and full residential weeks u Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
A program to develop your competences in Management and Leadership • All courses are taught in English
Focusing on Innovation to achieve a profitable growth
• Length: 18 months
A shared investment between: organisations willing to develop and retain talented
people and individuals willing to boost their career • Admission requirements: Students entering this program are required to have a first
A return on investment for your company through the Business Consulting Project degree, and submit a copy with the corresponding academic transcript. Depending on
the selected destination in the second semester, you may require a defined GPA
and/or GMAT. Students must fill in an application form, and submit a photocopy of
their passport, and 2 passport photos. Forms can be found on the website. Fees
available on request.
• English proficiency: A high level of proficiency is required to keep up in class. Some
destinations require GMAT /TOEFL.
Audencia Nantes School of Management
• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: 12,000 €
• Objectives: EBS is able to offer to international students an internationally recognized
u Audencia International MBA (full-time) - MBA qualification.This program is suited to candidates with first degrees in varying
• All courses are taught in English fields who wish to gain the necessary tools and skills to develop their international
business competencies. With an emphasis on learning about the real business world

and Management
• Length: 1 year
from successful, active professionals, this unique program allows candidates the
• Admission requirements: Bachelor degree, 3 years professional experience opportunity to study in Paris and either Greensboro (UNCG), or NYC.
minimum, GMAT
• English proficiency: Official test of English
* Info 2008
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 21,000 €
• Objectives: Audencia International MBA provides advanced business education for
high-potential professionals from various backgrounds and origins. Audencia MBA
focuses on Business Development.

u Euro*MBA – Executive International MBA (part-time)
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: Bachelor degree, 5 years professional experience minimum
• English proficiency: Official test of English
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 25,500 €
• Objectives: The Euro*MBA is a unique general management program based on

distance- learning modules and a series of European residential weeks. It provides a
very flexible environment as well as a strong international network. The program is
offered by a consortium of six top European business schools and universities.

Website in English 96 Website in English 97


EDHEC Business School - Lille - Nice u International MBA
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12-month / full-time
u Executive EDHEC MBA
Business and Management • Admission requirements:
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
•The program is 50% taught in English and 50% in French. - Min. 3-year work experience.
• Length: 18 months (32 weekends plus 4 week-long intensive seminars) - Fluency in at least 2 languages (including English).
- GMAT score.
• Admission requirements: A minimum of eight years' professional experience, a
- English Proficiency test score (TOEIC orTOEFL or IELTS).
minimum of a bachelor degree, academic excellence, international orientation, strong
- Online application.
motivation, and the ability to contribute to and benefit from the international team-
- Interview for eligible candidates.
building and project leadership approaches characteristic of the EMBA.The program
calls for participants with strong teamwork and people skills, an ability to interrelate • English proficiency: Fluent
well with others in problem-solving situations, and a certain natural leadership ability. • Tuition fees: Academic year 2008/2009*: 30,600* €.
• English proficiency: A strong command of written and spoken English and French *To be confirmed for the academic year 2009/2010.
• French proficiency: Good knowledge of written and spoken English and French Scholarships available.

• Tuition fees: 30,000 € • Objectives: The main objective of this 12-month full time program is to develop
participant’s leadership skills and entrepreneurial competencies. From its unique
• Objectives: The EDHEC Executive MBA strengthens participants’ managerial skills, experiential learning design and tailor made electives to its innovative selection
brings them up to date with new management practices and techniques, and gives processes and career development assistance, this programme is proud to educate
them the unique opportunity for mutual enrichment within a group of carefully leaders with both an entrepreneurial attitude and core competencies to responsibly
selected high potential managers. Constant exposure to contemporary international build and innovate for the world.
economic issues will strengthen participants’ strategic competencies and prepares It also offers numerous international exchange opportunities.
them to succeed in top management positions.

uTheseus-EDHEC MBA –

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: Full time: 10 months (September-July). Modular format: 2-3 years.
• Admission requirements: A minimum of three years professional experience, a ENACToulouse
bachelor’s degree, academic excellence, GMAT, international orientation, strong LUISS Business School (LBS), Rome
motivation, and the ability to contribute to the team-based learning and project •
approach that characterises the MBA programme.
• English proficiency: A strong command of written and spoken English
u Aviation Master of Business Administration (AMBA)
• French proficiency: not required
• All courses are taught in English
• Tuition fees: 36,000 €
• Length: one year – from April 14, 2009 until mid-April 2010
• Objectives:TheTheseus-EDHEC MBA is a ten-month programme taught completely in

and Management
• Admission requirements: A bachelor’s degree with excellent records from a reputable
English on our campus in Nice.This programme is designed for professionals wishing
and internationally recognized institution in a field relevant to the programme. Work
to learn global business with a modern view of the company, exchanges, business
experience is a plus.
relations and entrepreneurship and would like to broaden their skills to obtain an
executive position or start up a new business. The Global Business Module takes • English proficiency:TOEFL 550 minimum or equivalent
participants on foreign business trips to future leading economies and a Consulting • French proficiency: not required
Project allows participants to apply their new skills to a real-life strategic customer
• Tuition fees: 19,000 € + VAT – Some financial help available for excellent candidates.
problem.Throughout the program, extensive counselling and personal development
activities help participants plan their careers. • Objectives: LUISS Business School (LBS), is one of the very best business schools in
Italy, based in Rome. The Aviation MBA provides the students not only with regular
MBA courses (such as General Accounting, Corporate Finance, HR Management,
Marketing, etc…) but also with in-depth knowledge of the International AirTransport
industry. Professors and lecturers are high-level academia and industry
representatives.The last portion of the theoretical courses is taught full-time at ENAC
inToulouse (France), followed by a 4-month industrial internship.

Website in English 98 Website in English 99
MBA - MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ENPC School of International Management - Paris
ENPC School of International Management - Paris u MBA inTechnology and Entrepreneurship (AMBA accredited)
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: full-time (10 months) or part-time (2 or 3 years)
u MBA in International Business (AMBA accredited)
Business and Management
• Admission requirements:
• All courses are taught in English • Min. 3 years working experience
• Length: Full-time (10 months) or part-time (2 or 3 years) • Min. bachelor´s degree
• Admission requirements: • GMAT (min 550)
• Min. 3 years working experience •TOEFL (min 240)
• Min. bachelor´s degree • Interview
• GMAT (min 550) • Completed Application File
•TOEFL (min 240) • Curriculum Vitae
• Interview • Motivation letter (English)
• Completed Application File • 2 Letters of recommendation
• Curriculum Vitae • Copies of transcripts and degree certificates
• Motivation letter (English) • 100 € application fee
• 2 Letters of recommendation • English proficiency:TOEFL (min 240)
• Copies of transcripts and degree certificates
• French proficiency: not required
• 100 € application fee
• Tuition fees: 32,500 € (full-time) 38,000 € (part-time)
• English proficiency:TOEFL (min 240)
• Objectives: The MBA inTechnology and Entrepreneurship is an optional concentration
• French proficiency : not required
within the MBA in International Business program. Ideal for people who have technical,
• Tuition fees: 32,500 € (full-time) 38,000 € (part-time) scientific, or engineering backgrounds and experience and who are looking to take
• Objectives: The MBA in International Business brings together people with different creative business and product ideas a step further, it teaches you how to make your those
backgrounds and interests and takes them beyond technical proficiency to mastering ideas and to develop and manage them into successful projects – from project and
the mental frameworks and analytical tools for lasting individual development and business plan writing to funding, launch, and longer-term development.
professional success. The program provides a multicultural and multidisciplinary
environment and curriculum with forward-thinking content, taught by internationally u Tri-Continent MBA - Paris/Philadelphia/Tokyo
renowned faculty, and addresses current issues and challenges that organizations face (AACSB accredited)
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements:
• Min. 3 years working experience
• Min. bachelor´s degree
• GMAT (min 600)
•TOEFL (min 240)
• Interview

and Management
• Completed Application File
• Curriculum Vitae
• Motivation letter (English)
• 2 Letters of recommendation
• Copies of transcripts and degree certificates
• 100 € application fee
• English proficiency:TOEFL (min 240)
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: Overall tuition and fees: approx. 30,000 € consisting of:
13,000 € - Paid to ENPC in Paris (Book fees for the fall semester (ENPC) of 600 € not
$ 20 772 - Paid toTemple in Philadelphia
$ 7 000 - Paid toTemple inTokyo
• Objectives: TheTri-Continent MBA offers a program for those seeking international, first-
hand experience in Europe, the U.S., and Asia. The Tri-Continent MBA is a dual-degree
program where each student cohort migrates through a one-year study sequence from
Paris to Philadelphia to Tokyo, ending with an optional study tour in Shanghai. In all
locations, through co-curricular meetings with company leaders, students experience the
management practices and local business culture of each region.

Website in English 100 Website in English 101
MBA - MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ESC Lille - École Supérieure de Commerce de Lille
ENPC School of International Management - Paris u MBA - Master of Business Administration • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 to 18 months, depending on the choice of electives
u Executive MBA
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. At least 3 years of prof.
• All courses are taught in English exp. GMAT.
• Length: 2 years; one weekend per month (from Friday 09:00 until Sunday 17:00) • English proficiency:Test in English (TOEFL (580 paper based / 235 computer based),
• Admission requirements: TOEIC (785), IELTS (6.5), Cambridge Proficiency, or equivalent)
• Min. 5 years working experience • French proficiency: not required
• Min. bachelor´s degree
• GMAT (min 550) or Internal AdmissionsTest • Tuition fees: 16,260 €
•TOEFL (min 240) • Objectives: The program offers a Core Business Curriculum in Business
• Interview Administration with 10 possible areas of specialization.
• Completed Application File The main objective of the MBA is to facilitate the dynamic development of
• Curriculum Vitae participants' managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, allowing them to enlarge
• Motivation letter (English) their expertise, and to work as managers and leaders in organizations in an
• 2 Letters of recommendation international and multicultural environment.
• Copies of transcripts and degree certificates
• 100 € application fee This program aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of
Management & Entrepreneurship through the development of knowledge, skills and
• English proficiency:TOEFL (min 240) expertise in the subject.The program is a dynamic framework and system, in which all
• French proficiency: not required aspects of competencies - knowledge and cognitive; personal and behavioral;
• Tuition fees: 39,500 € functional and practical; values and ethics; and trans-competencies (such as
Communication, Creativity, Problem solving, Learning / self-development, Mental
• Objectives:The ENPC Executive MBA is designed for engineering graduates and other agility, Analysis, Reflection) - are developed for current and future utility.
professionals wishing to complete a top-quality MBA while continuing to work. The
program is by nature generalist and takes a broad holistic approach to learning, aiming to The MBA Program Learning Objectives are:
provide a comprehensive set of skills appropriate for people who will go on to enjoy To provide a framework in which students develop an in-depth understanding of
senior, international, management careers. Management & Entrepreneurship and the different ways they contribute to
competitive advantage and to the wealth and advancement of society;
To provide students with a range of knowledge, tools and skills and the ability to use
these in a variety of operational & entrepreneurial situations through “learning by
To develop the students ability to think analytically in order to successfully apply their
ESC Bretagne Brest - École Supérieure de Commerce knowledge and technical expertise to the solution of real business problems;
de Bretagne - Brest To support and encourage students to develop their individual managerial and
research capabilities in order to equip them to become the effective Managers
Graduate School of Management of Brittany - Brest & Entrepreneurs and change agents of the future.

and Management
u MBA in Strategic Leadership and International Management
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 or 24 months
• Admission requirements: Students with a Bachelor’s Degree or a Degree with 3 years
of professional experience in management will have a one year MBA.
Students with a Bachelor’s Degree and at least 18 months of professional experience,

• English proficiency:TOEFL ≥550

will have to attend a preparatory year of courses.

• French proficiency: Not required but some basic French knowledge is welcome for
getting along in everyday life. French language course included in the program.
• Tuition fees: 8,600 €, the same for any nationality.
• Objectives:The main objective of the program is to transform managers with state-of-
the-art technical skills into strategists and leaders, capable of leading multicultural
and multidisciplinary teams to carry through strategic international projects

Website in English 102 Website in English 103
ESCEM - École Supérieure de Commerce
et de Management -Tours-Poitiers uTransport and Logistics MBA
• All courses are taught in English -
• Length: 13 weeks in 8 sessions over 2 years
Business and Management
u Master of Business Administration - • Admission requirements: Applicants for theTransport & Logistics MBA are required to
• All courses are taught in English - A university degree (minimum of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent). Professional
• Length: 2 years qualifications will also be considered by the admissions committee.
• Admission requirements: Bachelors degree and 2-3 years professional experience or - A minimum of 5 years' professional/working experience.
2 years University education and significant professional experience. - Fluent English. For non-native English speakers, aTOEFL iBT of 90 or aTOEIC score
• English proficiency: Fluent of 800 is required.Toulouse Business School does not require the GMAT for admission
• French proficiency: not required provided that applicants come from recognized universities.
• Tuition fees: 252 € per credit (ECTS credits) • English proficiency: The program is taught entirely in English (TOEFL iBT of 90 or a
TOEIC score of 800)
• Objectives: ESCEM’s newest and most innovative MBA Program was designed for
busy working adults who are unable to take a year or two off work to attend traditional - French proficiency: not required
courses. Four courses take place each semester online via ESCEM’s @stroLab • Tuition fees: 35 000 €
learning platform from your home or office and are completed by 10 hours per course • Objectives: •TodayTransport & Logistics companies are faced with 3 major challenges
of onsite learning at ESCEM’s largest campus inTours, France.The courses take place
at the end of July in one of France’s most beautiful regions.This flexible and attractive - The boom and the evolution of the international trade
program is a general MBA Degree with a choice between two capstone projects: - A move from local to global supply chain, from multi-transporters services to
Sustainable Development and Performance Management and Coaching. integrated door to door service
u EMBA - A constantly evolving regulation

• All courses are taught in English - The impact of increasing environment and energy constraints

• Length: 18 months including a 1-week seminar in Poland and a 2-week seminar in the - The ability to remain at the cutting-edge of technology while maintaining state-of-
United States the-art management efficiency

• Admission requirements: 4/5 year university qualification (master’s level) + 7 years of To be more flexible, more reactive, and more efficient in this permanently changing
professional experience minimum environment, which implies drastic changes in their organization and their strategy,
Transport & Logistics Companies must rely on their managers as essential cogs to
• English proficiency: Fluent implement changes, enhance individual and collective performance, be active
- French proficiency: not required "networkers" of their company and in so doing, play the role of "strategy
• Objectives: This Executive MBA is designed to teach change management. There is accelerators".
strong emphasis on team work and strategy. TheTransport & Logistics Companies need Leaders and Executives educated in such a
The program ends with a 2-week seminar at De Paul University in Chicago for a global context, this MBA has been created for them by Groupe Promotrans and Toulouse
real-world case study. Business School.
For the participants: the program allows qualified working executives to improve their •The degree aims
skills in the different management fields and to anticipate major changes, while at the

and Management
same time remaining active in their current position. - To give participants state-of-the-art knowledge and practices in management applied
For the companies: the MBA allows businesses to develop the competences of an to transport & logistics activities
executive member of staff and benefit from their newly-acquired expertise. - To provide them with the opportunity to meet (and benchmark) top professionals
and top companies who are the training partners of their MBA
- To be an international, multicultural and cross-sector program where participants
will share their experiences and build future professional collaboration
ESCP-EAPThe School of Management for Europe - Paris

u European Executive MBA

• Length: 18 months, starting once a year in January
• Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and
a minimum of 5 years of successful professional experience.
GMAT (may be requested depending on their educational and professional
• English proficiency:TOEFL test results or equivalent required
• Objectives:The ESCP-EAP European Executive MBA is designed for executives who
are expected over time to make a significant contribution to managing at the strategic
level in their organisation. The program is designed to foster the personal

development of each participant on three levels:
Update their knowledge in management, and put theories into perspective in relation
to corporate practices
Upgrade critical managerial skills
Benefit from the other participants’ experience through teamwork

Website in English 104 Website in English 105

École Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales
ESA3 (ESIAE) Appliquées -
u Master of Business Administration - MBA
u ESIAE Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English • All courses are taught in English

• Length: 12 Months • Length: 1 year

• Admission requirements: INTERNATIONAL MBA (1st year) • Admission requirements: The program is designed for all individuals with a strong
Students with a bachelor degree (1st or 2nd class only) are eligible. A first selection of career interest in global management regardless of their academic and work
applicants is made upon their academic file (original degrees - or certified copies - and experience.
transcripts) and application form. Selected students are called for an interview with an Bachelor’s degree (minimum)
ESIAE academic officer. The purpose of this interview is to check the student 1-3 years of work experience (preferred)
motivation for business studies, his personal skills as well as to complete the GMAT
academic assessment. • English proficiency:TOEFL (250), IELTS (6,5) orTOEIC (850)
Other qualifications may be considered when an applicant can demonstrate relevant • French proficiency: not required
business experience.
• Tuition fees: 14,000 €
• English proficiency:TOEFL (90/120) or IELTS (6/10) certificates to be forwarded by the
applicant • Objectives: MBA is an exciting program that prepares students to global
management. Career paths for graduates include management consulting,
• French proficiency: Students are advised to take advantage of the French language managerial finance, human resources management and strategic management.
courses included in the programme to attain a basic French level if they want to
pursue the option executive practice on the 2nd year.
* Info 2008
• Tuition fees: 9,990 € for the full program (plus social security insurance)
1st installment : 5,290 € to be paid before the end of August 2009 (including the
registration fees 590 €) to validate the application and the visa process
2nd installment : 4,700 € to be paid in January 2010 at the beginning of Business
project session
• Tuition fees: 1,200 € for the full program (plus social security insurance)
1st installment : 590 € to be paid in September 2010
2nd installment : 610 € to be paid in January 2011
• Objectives: ESIAE MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a general MBA, ESSEC Business School Paris Singapore
specialising in International Management. Courses are held in Paris within the ESA
facilities; classes are taught in English.
The programs are based upon international concepts and methods. Students attend
lectures and participate in workshops so as to acquire knowledge and skills necessary u ESSEC and Mannheim Executive MBA (part-time)

and Management
to succeed in increasingly volatile and competitive markets.
Courses and workshops are offered in such topics as Finance, international • All courses are taught in English
marketing, human resource management, cross cultural business, business research,
as well as personal development. • Length: modular track 18 months – Week-end track 18 months
Integrated to the multinational environment of the ESA campus, the students develop • Admission requirements: BA level
a sense of analysis and synthesis through international team-work. • English proficiency: fluent English (TOEFL)
The final thesis is the student’s professional “masterpiece” that culminates MBA
program. It concerns a topic chosen among the main issues of today’s economy. At • French proficiency: not required
the end it has to be defended orally before the Faculty members. • Tuition fees: 44,000 € for the modular track
The assessment of the student’s work is made under the ECTS (European credit 41,000 € for the week-end track
transfer system). A total of 120 ECTS Credits are necessary to be qualified for the MBA • Objectives: The Executive MBA program is offered for high potential executives
graduation. ECTS Credits are internationally transferable. wishing to advance in their careers and recognize the need for developing their
The second year “Executive practice” is devoted to an international internship in a managerial potential, stretching the current boundaries to functions lying beyond
Company, so as to get a master experience in Management and to put into practice those with which they are familiar.
the theoretical knowledge. ESA Group organization provides an help for the student This general management program is based on an innovative executive development
to find an internship and define his (her) professional project. The student needs to strategy.The Executive MBA offers an interactive curriculum that leads participants to
commit himself (herself) in the internship research, as well as to reach a sufficient develop corporate and inter-personal skills, preparing them to face the challenges of a
French language level when this internship takes place in France. global and moving environment.

Website in English 106 Website in English 107

ESSEC Business School Paris Singapore u MBA in International Hospitality Management

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 or 2 years
• Admission requirements:
Business and Management
One Year Track
• All courses are taught in English
• University degree in business or equivalent
• Length: 15 months minimum • Minimum of three years of professional work experience
• Admission requirements:The ESSEC MBA program is dedicated for young potentials • Fluency in written and spoken English: theTOEFL is required for non-native speakers
interested in becoming global leaders. French or international candidates from 22 to 32 • GMAT (Management aptitude test)
with a strong undergraduate degree, with or without professional experience, can be • Academic and personal references
admitted directly into the MBA. • Interview with Faculty and Alumni
This admission procedure is for applicants holding a non-French degree (Bachelor’s…), TwoYear Track
obtained upon successful completion of at least 3 years of higher education studies • Minimum three year undergraduate degree or Hotel Management Qualification
outside of France.They should also have an international profile. GMAT orTAGE MAGE • Minimum of one year of professional work experience
test is required. • Fluency in written and spoken English: theTOEFL is required for non-native speakers
• English proficiency: TOEFL,TOEIC or IELTS test • GMAT (Management aptitude test)
• Academic and personal references
• French proficiency: not required
• Interview with Faculty and Alumni
• Tuition fees: 25,000 € for European Union students (for 2 years)
• English proficiency:TOEFL 100
35,000 € for non-European Union students (for 2 years)
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: ESSEC MBA’s mission is to cultivate student’s leadership and managerial
skills, as well as the ability to deal successfully with the challenges and opportunities • Tuition fees: 14,500 € for the two year track per year
presented by globalization, technological developments and cultural diversity. The 28,000 € for the one year track
flexible nature of this MBA enables students to combine work and study as they wish. • Objectives: Business leaders need not only excellent analytical decision-making and
More than 200 courses each year are offered and since 70% are electives, students value-adding skills; they also require in-depth insight into the industries in which they
may choose to specialize in a particular field or to remain generalist. work. By focusing on hospitality, the IMHI MBA program enables participants to
differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive environment, thanks to their
u MBA in International Luxury Brand Management comprehensive understanding of this complex industry and solid grounding in core business disciplines.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 11 months
• Admission requirements: bachelor degree, international profile with at least 3 years of
professional experience.
• English proficiency: fluent English (GMAT andTOEFL)
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 28,000 €

and Management
• Objectives:This MBA provides an internationally focused curriculum that responds to
world standards, a necessity in today’s global economy. Not only are the courses
internationally oriented, so are the participants and faculty.The key objective is to provide
participants with the leadership skills needed to evolve in the change-driven,
multicultural environment of luxury global companies and holdings.The applicants will
learn to develop a complex vision and flexible managerial capacities to help anticipate
changes, and build up strategies.

Website in English 108 Website in English 109
Euromed Management - Marseille u MBA Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
u World Mediterranean MBA- PartTime
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: First degree and 3 years professional experience with an
• All courses are taught in English emphasis on diversity and international exposure. GMAT orTAGE/MAGE +TOEFL or
• Length:Two options: TOEIC + Selection interview
24 months • English proficiency: Fluent
12 months
• French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: First degree and 3 years professional experience with an
emphasis on diversity and international exposure. GMAT orTAGE/MAGE +TOEFL or • Tuition fees: 20,000 €
TOEIC + Selection interview • Objectives: Experience innovation, this is where innovation, entrepreneurship,
• English proficiency: fluent knowledge management and e-learning come together. A virtual MBA program, with
residential study in France, Canada, Brazil and India.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 20,000 € u MBA Shanghai (AEMBA) - 2 Majors: Finance -
• Objectives: Companies, wherever located, are now facing new challenges because Global Management
their environment is constantly changing. They both have to outperform their • All courses are taught in English
competitors on their traditional markets and to create new market spaces, thus sailing
• Length: 18 months
the “blue ocean”.
The World Med MBA is designed to train managers who will meet those challenges, • Admission requirements: Three years full-time work experience
managers who will make a difference, “creative” agents of change with a holistic Bachelor’s degree
management approach. Pass the interview and English test organized by the two institutions.
Strong motivation and commitment for completing the MBA program on a part-time
A unique, flexible PartTime MBA focused on integrating the learning experience into basis is expected.
the participant’s professional experience • English proficiency: Fluent
A unique focus on personal development • Tuition fees: 16,800 €
An investigation of the complexity and diversity of international markets & cultures
A unique mix of participants with scientific, engineering & managerial backgrounds • Objectives: In order to meet the critical demand for two kinds of people with
A programme geared to develop managers’ Project Management skills advanced talents, Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiaotong
University and Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management jointly established the
u Maritime MBA AEMBA (Antai Euromed Marseille MBA) program to satisfy the internationalization of
local companies as well as the localization of MNCs.
Is a part time program which consists of six building blocks
• Maritime industry in a global perspective
• Management skills Grenoble École de Management
• Maritime core competences
• Leadership Grenoble Graduate School of Business
• Culture and vision •

and Management
• Strategy thesis project
• All courses are taught in English u Master of Business Administration - MBA
Specialization modules : Finance, Management Consulting, Marketing, Global
• Length: 12 months program, taught in 9 modules of one week
Management, Business Intelligence,Technology Management, Entrepreneurship.
• Admission requirements: Bachelor degree and a minimum of 5 years of relevant
professional experience.
For non-native English speakers, aTOEFL IBT of 90 or aTOEIC score of 800 is required. • All courses are taught in English

Candidates can be from all sectors of the maritime industry (and from all related • Length: MBA FT program = course work 10 months + final project 10 months
sectors) non limited to shipping, ports, shipbuilding and marine equipment. Public or MBA PT program = 30 months
private organizations, military or civil, directly or indirectly linked to the maritime • Admission requirements: Study Level: the program is open to students with a
world are accepted as professional background. Bachelor’s degree.
• Tuition fees: 25,000 € Professional Experience: 3 years minimum

• Objectives:The maritime industry is confronted with major challenges, such as rapidly • English proficiency: Except native speaker GMAT, minimum score 550 – Not
expanding international trade and the impact on the global shipping and ports applicable for Part-Time.
sectors, the impacts of business cycles, global competition, resource-included TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
geopolitics, strategic alliances, complex supply chains, multi-national and multi- TOEIC, minimum score 800
cultural manpower, environmental and safety constraints, and so on. In order to find IELTS, minimum score 6,5
adequate tactical answers to this multitude of challenges, maritime executives have CAMBRIDGE PROFICIENCY EXAM A,B,C
to be trained in new domains of expertise. The Maritime MBA helps managers to • French proficiency: not required
widen their scope, increase their knowledge and skills, and prepare and equip them • Tuition fees: MBA FullTime: 24 000 €
with the hands-on experience and tools to address strategic challenges of today and

MBA Part Time: company sponsored = 26 000 €
tomorrow. Self sponsored = 24 000 €
• Objectives: The MBA program of Grenoble Graduate School of Business aims to provide
the core knowledge in all the functional areas of business, to develop the technical and
interpersonal skills necessary for managers today and to stimulate and to encourage
managerial and entrepreneurial initiatives.The program also seeks to meet the needs of
companies by producing graduates who understand and who can adapt to the changing
global environment and who are able to manage in a multicultural context.

Website in English 110 Website in English 111

Groupe ESC Rouen* -

u Rouen Normandy MBA u Aerospace MBA

• Length: there are 2 possible formats:
• All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
- Executive/PartTime: 13 weeks in 4 sessions over 2 years
• Length: 10 months full-time + 3 months customized (MBA exchange, Corporate - FullTime: 1 year
Consulting Mission, Internship or Entrepreneurial Project)
• Admission requirements: As an applicant for the Aerospace MBA you are required to
• Admission requirements: Applicants must have:
- hold a first university level degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) in any discipline
- A university degree (minimum of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent). Professional
- have at least 3 years of full-time professional experience
qualifications will also be considered by the admissions committee
- provideTOEFL and GMAT scores
- A minimum of 3 years’ professional/working experience for Full-Time or 5 years for
• English proficiency: Applicants must be fluent in English
• French proficiency: not required
- Fluent English. For non-native English speakers, aTOEFL iBT of 90 or aTOEIC score
•Tuition fees: 18,000 € of 800 is required. Toulouse Business School does not require the GMAT for
• Objectives:The principal objectives of this program are to provide organizations with admission provided that applicants come from recognized universities
effective global managers who, by the end of the program, will have developed: Our participants come from all over the world; representing 45 countries from the
The ability to identify, analyse and deliver on complex management scenarios in a offset. 80% of our students are from the aerospace industry: 60% are engineers and
dynamic global environment 20% have marketing or finance backgrounds. The remaining 20% come from other
The confidence to make strategic management decisions which have a critical impact industries such as IT, or chemical and petroleum.
on a global scale
Our typical student:
The capability to initiate and manage organisational change
- has an MSc or an Engineering School Degree
A pro-active and enthusiastic leadership style
- has between 10 and 12 years of significant experience
- is about 35 years old
• English proficiency: The program is taught entirely in English (TOEFL iBT of 90 or a
* Info 2008
TOEIC score of 800)
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: - Executive/PartTime: 3, 000 €
- FullTime: 30,000 €
• Objectives:The Aerospace MBA is at the heart of a world class aerospace complex. It is
an exceptional industrial, academic and research environment.
Inevitably, Toulouse Business School shares its management expertise with the
aerospace world. Management within the aerospace sector, be it in customer relations,
finance, production or human resources, requires specific knowledge for specific
practices and constraints. By carefully blending the expertise of our faculty with the
experience of top practitioners in the field, readily available inToulouse, we have the
means to fulfill your management needs, unique to this sector. The enthusiastic

and Management
participation and competition of world class firms provides the program and its
participants with greater added value.
This MBA is very much linked with the industry’s major players (and recruiters) and
offers you a highly attractive learning approach thanks to its setting and structure. It is
also one of the few triple accredited programs in the world.
The Aerospace MBA is a generalist MBA in its approach and a specialized MBA in its
application. Its goals are:
- to apply a flexible and creative learning process
- to encourage innovative thinking and open-mindedness
- to enhance your managerial skills
- to emphasize international issues

Website in English 112 Website in English 113
Groupe ESCTroyes -
u TRIUM Global Executive MBA
jointly awarded by NewYork University Stern School of
u MBA Business Cultures in South America and Europe Business, London School of Economics and Political Science -
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Master’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree with a significant
work experience • Length: 16 months

• English proficiency: English is assessed in a test. • Admissions requirements: Experienced executives with the potential to pursue an
international career in top executive positions. A minimum of 8 years’ professional
• French proficiency: not required experience is required.TOEFL,TOEIC or IELTS test is required for non-native English
•Tuition fees: 8,900 €/year speakers. GMAT required for those with less than 15 years of experience. Applications
• Objectives:The MBA program offers an international academic curriculum delivered are reviewed by theTRIUM Admissions Committee. Candidates may be invited for a
wholly in English that varies between 12 and 18 months, including one semester of selection interview.
classes at the UFRGS École d’Administration in Porto Alegre, Brazil, followed by one • English proficiency: TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS test is required for non-native English
semester at Groupe ESCTroyes, and culminating in a professional internship of 4 to 8 speakers
months preferably in a European or South American country. The MBA diploma is • French proficiency: not required
granted jointly by the two establishments.
•Tuition fees: 122.750 $
• Objectives: TRIUM is the first truly global Executive MBA program. It blends the
complementary strengths of three premier universities and five international learning
locations to ensure global depth and focus.TRIUM is carefully designed to arm high
potential business executives from around the world with the latest knowledge,
HEC School of Management - Paris know-how and networks to compete successfully in a business arena which is
changing rapidly under the impact of globalization.TRIUM can provide corporations with a unique professional development opportunity for their top employees, help
firms retain their most talented people and position companies for successful global
u HEC MBA Program business leadership and expansion.TRIUM also offers the exceptional opportunity to
pursue an EMBA in a cohort of fast-tracked executives from around the world, and
• All courses are taught in English
build lasting international networks.
• Length: 16 months (full time program)
• Admission requirements: The HEC MBA Program has adopted an online, rolling
admissions process, which allows participants to proactively manage their application
throughout the entire process. Application Checklist
- Completed online application
- Official GMAT
- TOEFL,TOEIC or IELTS results.

and Management
- Official academic transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation from individuals well acquainted with the
candidate's professional or academic performance
- Administrative documents, including a copy of passport or birth certificate
- Application fee of 130 euros (payable online by credit card only).
• English proficiency: English is the only language required for admission. Candidates
whose native language is not English, or those who do not hold a university degree
from an English-speaking institution, must demonstrate proficiency by presenting
one of the following:
TOEFL (minimum 100/250/600)
TOEIC (minimum 800)
IELTS (minimum 7)
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 42,000 €
• Objectives: The HEC MBA Program trains high-potential managers to assume
positions of international business leadership. Located in the heart of Europe, just
outside Paris, our program offers the best of all worlds: its human class size of 200
participants, combined with its ideal 16-month program length allows participants to
engage in a transformative learning experience that will give them the tools to

achieve their personal and professional goals.

Website in English 114 Website in English 115

MBA - MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IDCE - Institute for the Development of Consulting
and Enterprise - Angers
HEC School of Management - Paris
u MBA “Management and international development of the
u HEC Executive MBA small and medium enterprise”
Business and Management
This globally-recognized degree is a powerful and original program that recruits • 50% courses taught in English
rigorously selected senior managers and whose graduates bond through their
common personal experience. • Length: 2 years
HEC Executive MBA is a HEC School of Management Masters degree program • Admission requirements: French university degree (Bac +3) or any foreign degree or
recognized by the French Ministry of High Education. Its accreditations include AMBA, the same level in sciences, in economics, in management or in foreign languages, a
EQUIS (awarded by the European Foundation for Management Development) and cv, a letter explaining the student’s motivations and an interview.
AACSB (American International Association for Management Education). • English proficiency: fluent English
• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: fluent French
• Length: 16 months • Tuition fees: 6,590 €
• Admission requirements: The program is geared toward executives and senior • Objectives: This MBA provides students with a two year bilingual program
managers with: (French/English) and a high-level specialized training in management of companies. It
• A minimum 8 years of professional experience allows them to specialize in the internal functions of enterprises and external
• Recognized achievements and involvement in their company strategy functions (banks, insurances…). It helps them to develop their spirit of
• An international mindset entrepreneurship and gives them the experience of international development of
•The potential to take on greater managerial responsibilities enterprises.
• Motivation to pursue clearly identified professional objectives
• English proficiency: Good command of the language.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 45,900 €
• Objectives:The HEC Executive MBA program trains mid-career managers to assume
positions of leadership in their organizations. Developing a hands-on approach to the
issues that are most relevant to participants and their companies, its general
management approach emphasizes strategy, leadership, change management and
entrepreneurship. IECS – École de Management de Strasbourg*
A new specialization of the HEC Executive MBA: the Major in aviation.This major has
been developed to fit the specific needs of two types of executives: those already in
activity in the aviation industry and those interested in pursuing a career in aviation.
The program has been developed to address the specific needs of the industry, u MBA
including the complexity of current global challenges and opportunities. Successful • 50% courses are taught in English
participants receive a double degree: the HEC Executive MBA as well as one of the
two Concordia University degrees (Graduate Certificate in Aviation Management or • Length: 2 years
Graduate Diploma in Aviation Management). • Admission requirements: Master’s degree, Professional Experience in Management

and Management
• English proficiency: Good Level of English
ICN Business School - Nancy -
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 9,250 €/year, total of 18,500 €
u Executive MBA – Change and Global Management
• Objectives:To reinforce students’ competencies in International Management while
• All courses are taught in English by ICN Business School and the IECS Foundation improving on their professional status in the company in which they work.
• Length: 2 years part-time: 1st and 3rd Friday and Saturday mornings of every month.
A 3-day integration seminar starts off the program.The first year, a week-long seminar u International MBA
is held in Eastern Europe. The second year, another week-long seminar is held at
• All courses are taught in English
GeorgiaTech in the United States.
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: The Executive MBA is designed for three types of
individuals: • Admission requirements: Master’s degree, GMAT 500 minimum; minimum 6 months
- those who have an undergraduate business university degree and professional professional experience
experience. • English proficiency: TOEFL79/80(Internet Based) or 213 (Computer Based), Fluent
- those who have academic credentials and strong industry experience and who wish English
to validate this experience. • French proficiency: not required
- those who have an undergraduate degree in a different discipline, (literature, law,
medicine) and who have at least three years of professional experience. • Tuition fees: 10,600 €
Etc… • Objectives: To provide young professionals with the analytical abilities, teamwork
• English proficiency: have a solid grasp of the English language (listening, reading and concepts and leadership skills necessary for succeeding in an international
writing) environment.

• French proficiency: have a solid grasp of the French language (listening, reading and
writing) * Info 2008
• Tuition fees: 19,500 €
• Objectives: To guide the learning and professional activities of participants, always
keeping in mind the clear intention of career path progression.To prepare students for
executive responsibilities and give them the best and latest management tools
available. Contents: Fundamentals Management and International Management
courses designed specifically for future business executives.

Website in English 116 Website in English 117

MBA Institute
INSEAD* - Fontainebleau (Paris) -

u Masters Business Administration u European Master in Business Administration

• All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
• Length: 10 months • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: INSEAD MBA is a full-time international general • Length: one academic year (fall or spring session)
management program offered in France (Fontainebleau) and Singapore. • Admission requirements: Graduate of Universities, business or engineering schools
- Bachelor Degree minimum with a four-year postsecondary degree in any subject may enrol in a master program
- Completed MBA Application after approval of the application by the Admissions Board. Eligible candidates are
- Essays offered an individual interview to assess their goals and design an appropriate career
- Recommendation letters plan. For students completing a four-year postsecondary degree, admission is
- Academic transcripts granted on condition of the completion of their degree.
- GMAT score • English proficiency:TOEFL 80
• English proficiency: INSEAD MBA is taught exclusively in English and is highly • French proficiency: not required
participatory, requiring well-developed written and oral skills. TOEFL/TOEIC/

• French proficiency: not required • Objectives: The INSEEC Euro MBA, taught in English, enables participants to
understand the complex aspects of companies operating in a multicultural, European
•Tuition fees: 50,000 € context and to develop skills allowing them to fill top-management positions. It is
• Objectives: As an educational institiution, our mission is to promote a non-dogmatic aimed at both students (with a four-year postsecondary degree) and professionals.
environment that brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world, The curriculum includes core courses in marketing, law, finance and general business
changing lives and helping transform organisations through management education. practices. In addition to core courses, the participants are required to choose a field of
The principal objective of the INSEAD MBA is to provide a solid foundation for your concentration (finance or marketing or RH or Luxury brand Management). Great
future in general management in a constantly changing global business environment. emphasis is placed on cross-cultural management issues and on recent or emerging
trends in the European business environment.
u INSEAD MBA for Executives
In addition to standard courses, participants will attend a seminar in personal
• All courses are taught in English management aimed at developing their interview skills when seeking employment
• Length: 15 months with top European companies and at enhancing their skills in project management
• Admission requirements: Length of Work Experience: 10-11 years average work and teamwork.The seminar will also provide students with advice on writing resumes
experience with at least 3 years of management experience - References and managing business meetings.

• English proficiency: GMAT – average of 650 -TOEFL: if applicable A number of visits to companies are scheduled throughout the academic year.
Participants will also be invited to conferences given by top European managers.
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 90,000 € u Master in Wine Marketing and Wine Management – INSEEC
• Objectives: In a modular format, compressed into 15 exhilarating months, INSEAD’s BORDEAUX
Executive MBA program gives high achievers the chance to earn an MBA while they
work. But this is no “part-time” MBA. It is an MBA targeted at thoughtful, motivated

and Management
business people who want to further their career and personal development.
Participants need an international mindset, strong analytical skills and emotional • All courses are taught in English
maturity. On average, they have 10-11 years work experience. • Length: BAC+3: 18 months - BAC+4: 12 months
Crucially, they have leadership potential. In a dynamic environment, the program • Admission requirements: Bac + 3 or Bac +4
gives successful, ambitious executives the skills to become business leaders. Their
international outlook is also developed, as participants in Europe and Asia come from • English proficiency: not required
some 30 countries. • French proficiency: not required
Without disrupting their career, participants spend time in both Fontainebleau and •Tuition fees: 7,800 €
Singapore. And now, there is another option: the new dual degree offered by INSEAD • Objectives: This twelve or eighteen month curriculum (depending on students’
andTsinghua University in China and Singapore.( academic level when they enter), with its strong international bent, welcomes not only
- from many worlds (commerce, universities, engineering, etc.) but also professionals
* Info 2008 - from viticulture itself.
The first academic year (M1) is open to those who possess a three year post-secondary
degree (bac+3); the second year (M2) is open to those who possess a four or five year
degree (bac+4/+5). All classes in M2 are taught in English.
The objective of this master’s program is to equip the students with the business and
technical skills in order to work as highly qualified executives in the wine sector.

Website in English 118 Website in English 119
MBA - MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Paris Graduate School of Management - Group ESG*
u American Master of Business Administration
accredited AACSB
u MBA in Management with International Development and
Entrepreneurship • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
• Length: 18-month to 2-year degree program. 1 semester in France, 1 year in the
• All courses are taught in English
United States
• Length: 1 year (2 semesters)
• Admission requirements: min BAC +4, GMAT (min 500)
• Admission requirements: Direct Admission into the MBA for students with a
• English proficiency: Must have a minimum of a 213 (computer) 500 (Paper) TOEFL
minimum of 4 year studies in the field of Business (240 ECTS or equivalent).
score along with an Interview with either the Admissions Director, the Dean or the
• English proficiency: Good command of written and spoken English (B2 level on the Vice-President. (PGSM’s ETS code: 7989)
European Framework portfolio,TOEIC 750 or equivalent)
• French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: Between 6,100 € and 13,000 € depending on the program
• Tuition fees: 10,000 €
• Objectives:The program enables students to pursue their studies in the United States
• Objectives: You will develop your view of management through teamwork, group and obtain an American accredited degree. Students must successfully complete one
interaction, case studies, business simulation and work-based learning and reflection semester in Paris before leaving for the States. During this time students receives
for a international career. Seminars + workplacement in Geneva. help in preparing their admission requirements for the US while completing the
Skills that enable: necessary core classes here in Paris.This offers students a first glimpse of studies in
- elaborating a marketing strategy; an American style atmosphere while validating course work toward their Degree.
- identifying problems in a company and finding a suitable solution; Students can do an internship in the United States for up to 18 months after the
- analysing financial data; completion of their degree. This provides them with a real professional experience
- managing projects; abroad.
- benchmarking;
- establishing the human resource policy;
- managing people and processes across cultures.
u European Masters of Business Administration with Majors in
Finance, Marketing, and Luxury Brand Management
• All courses are taught in English
ISUGA: Europe-Asia Management Institute - Quimper • Length: 1 year program. • Admission requirements: Minimum Bac +4, English proficiency, interview. GMAT exit
u pre- MBA degree Chargé d’Affaires Europe-Asie • English proficiency: TOEFL 76 (internet based) or 207 (computer based) score, or
• All courses are taught in English equivalent.
• Length: 1 or 2 years (according to admission level) • French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: French « bac+2 » or « bac+3 », i.e. 2 or 3 years of higher •Tuition fees: Between 6,100 € and 13,000 € depending on the program
education and a strong motivation to study Europe and Asia and build a business • Objectives:The EMBA program enables students to develop management and team
career in East-West trade. building skills, to learn to identify and use human resources effectively, to understand

and Management
• English proficiency: Admission: good English level required (to be assessed during competition in a global business environment and to know competitive advantages
face to face or phone interview), no IELTS orTOEFL score required and respond competitively. An MBA student can then anticipate managerial and
Graduation:TOEIC 700 required organizational changes and understand customers' needs and expectations. Finally
its purpose is to teach students to work and manage efficiently and effectively across
• French proficiency: not required
different cultures and countries thanks to a student body and faculty of over 30
• Tuition fees: 6,200 € (1 year program) different nationalities.
12,400 € (2 years program)
• Objectives: ISUGA « Chargé d’Affaires Europe-Asie » course combines business u Middle-East MBA
studies with specialization in Asia (for Europeans) or Europe (for Asians). Visiting
• All courses are taught in English
lecturers from a variety of academic and commercial institutions teach major
business and management subjects in English, while languages (English-French- • Length: 1.5 year program.
Chinese-Japanese) and computing courses are taught by resident staff. Curriculum • Admission requirements: Minimum Bac +4, English proficiency, interview. GMAT exit
allows time for internships, too. requirement.
• English proficiency: TOEFL 76 (internet based) or 207 (computer based) score, or
u MBA in International Business Negotiation equivalent.
• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: not required
• Length: 1 year •Tuition fees: Between 6,100 € and 13,000 € depending on the program
• Admission requirements: French « bac+4 », i.e. 4 years of higher education and a • Objectives: The program enables students to pursue their studies in an Israëli
strong motivation to build a business career in International Business. University and obtain an accredited degree. Students must successfully complete one
• English proficiency: good English level required (to be assessed during face to face or semester in Paris before leaving for Israël. During this time, the student receives help
phone interview), but no IELTS orTOEFL score required in preparing his admission requirements for the partner university. This program

Graduation:TOEIC 750 required offers the student the possibility to study one semester in Paris and completing his
• French proficiency: not required degree at a partner university abroad.The student can do an internship abroad after
completion of the degree.This provides the student with a very enriching international
• Tuition fees: 8,000 €
• Objectives: ISUGA MBA in International Business Negotiation course combines
business studies with foreign languages. Visiting lecturers from a variety of academic
and commercial institutions teach major business and management subjects in * Info 2008
English, while languages (English-French-Chinese-Japanese) are taught by resident
staff. Curriculum allows time for internships, too.

Website in English 120 Website in English 121

Paris Graduate School of Management - Group ESG*
u International MBA
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 10 months – Courses start in September
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: in order to be eligible, candidates must meet the following
• All courses are taught in English conditions:
• Length: 1 year program. - Bachelor degree
- 3 years of professional experience minimum
• Admission requirements: Minimum Bac +4, English proficiency, interview. GMAT exit
- GMAT orTage-Mage score
• English proficiency:TOEFL,TOEIC or IELTS score required
• English proficiency: TOEFL 76 (internet based) or 207 (computer based) score, or
equivalent. • French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: 20,500 € (2009/2010)
•Tuition fees: Between 6,100 € and 13,000 € depending on the program • Objectives: Our FullTime MBA is a truly international program (80 % of international
students, 36% from Europe) and a ten-month fast track to global business. Courses
• Objectives: The Euro-Australia MBA (EAMBA) draws on the latest business thinking
fully taught in English. Core courses + electives. Personal development (public
and methods in courses grounded in case studies-based learning. Students learn
speaking, leadership development …) and career guidance services. Exchange
powerful business concepts by drawing on real-world business issues.
programmes with international universities (UK, USA, Spain, Mexico, China, South
The program features courses designed to provide students with knowledge and Africa). Business Plan
applied skills in business management in the Pacific Rim and opens windows to Asia,
Reims MBA prepares participants to assume responsibilities at a senior level. The
and more specifically to China, the emerging giant.This program is designed in two
international dimension of MBA Program stems from the cultural diversity and
parts, to provide students with both a solid foundation in classic business disciplines,
international origins of both participants and professors.
and advanced skills in business. Successful students can be awarded two graduate
degrees: the French EAMBA and an Australian accredited MBA degree
u Executive MBA
u EURO-CHINA MBA • All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English • Length: 18 months in part-time: 3 days/month and 3 intensive one-week study tours
(South-Africa, USA, China) + Business Plan.
• Length: 1 year program.
Courses start in May.
• Admission requirements: Minimum Bac +4, English proficiency, interview. GMAT exit
• Admission requirements: in order to be eligible, candidates should have:
- a Master level (bac + 4)
• English proficiency: TOEFL 76 (internet based) or 207 (computer based) score, or - 5 years minimum of professional experience at management positions
equivalent. -Tage-Mage or Gmat score
• French proficiency: not required • English proficiency:TOEFL,TOEIC or IELTS score required
•Tuition fees: Between 6,100 € and 13,000 € depending on the program • French proficiency: not required
• Objectives:The Euro-China MBA (ECMBA) program prepares managers for a successful • Tuition fees: 20,500 € (2009/2010)
and realistic approach on the Chinese Market. Students will attend the first semester in
• Objectives: Our part-time Executive MBA prepares participants to assume

and Management
Paris and finish their course work in China at Shanghaï University.The program enables
responsibilities at a senior level. Participants are trained to develop the competencies
participants to:
expected from a top manager. They are also required to make the transition from a
- develop strategic thinking in a global context and develop competencies needed to focused functional approach to a multidisciplinary global vision of the corporate
operate effectively in diverse economic and cultural environments. Participants make world.
new contacts, creating new network opportunities within the fastest growing market
Management courses : “Learning the ropes”, “Getting ready for action” and “Making
in the world.The program helps them to identify new potential careers via a personal
things happen”. Important focus on personal development (public speaking,
discovery and development.
leadership development…) and career guidance services. Courses fully taught in
u International MBA
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: 4 years of previous studies
• English proficiency: 85TOEFL or 6.5 IELTS, 550 GMAT
• French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: Approx 16,000 € per year
• Objectives: This unique program, teaching you intercultural knowledge and
understanding, is held in cooperation with the ScholarShip, the university campus on
sea, aboard a passenger ship offering a voyage around the world. Students applying for
this exclusive program spend one trimester at ESG, go onboard of the Scholarship for 4

months and complete their MBA by a specialization in Luxury Brand Mangement,
International Finance, Tourism & Hospitality Management or Global Marketing
Management in Paris.

* Info 2008

Website in English 122 Website in English 123

MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ ESCP-EAPThe School of Management for Europe - Paris
ESC Lille - École Supérieure de Commerce de Lille
u Specialized Master (15 programs in different disciplines)
• Length: 12 months (starting once a year in September)
• Admission requirements: Admission is based on a review of the application file,
u Specialized Master: 4 programs
Business and Management
written exams, and a personal interview. Eligible applicants must have completed a
• All courses are taught in English post-graduate level degree, Master’s degree (or a Bachelor’s degree plus 3 years of
• Length: 12 months professional experience). Proficiency in French is required.
• Admission requirements: Master’s degree or equivalent.The course is also intended • English proficiency: Advanced level required, courses taught in French and English
for corporate employees with substantial professional experience. • Objectives: ESCP-EAP’s 15 Specialized Master’s programs permit post-graduate
• English proficiency:Test in English (TOEFL (580 paper based / 235 computer based), students to become experts in their chosen professional field.Through an approach
TOEIC (785), IELTS (6.5), Cambridge Proficiency, or equivalent) that is both conceptual and applied, students explore their field’s business
environment and develop the capacity to adapt to new situations and challenges.The
• French proficiency: not required
emphasis is on initiative, innovation, action and reflection. 350 to 400 hours of
•Tuition fees: 11,450 € coursework and 4 months minimum in-company internships.

- Specialized Master in Supply Chain Management

and Purchasing
• Objectives: The main objective of the program is to facilitate the dynamic
development of participants' managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, allowing
them to enlarge their expertise, and to work as manager and leader in the
management of operations, supply chain, organization, performance, and
international and multicultural environment. With a view to gaining the high academic ESSEC Business School Paris Singapour
and professional levels students can prepare and take the main professional
certifications in the program domain (APICS, ASQ, Six Sigma Institute, AFAV, SAS,
u Mastère Spécialisé (Specialized Master) in Strategy and
- Specialized Master in Auditing, Management Accounting and Management of International Business -
Information Systems • All courses are taught in English
• Objectives: To provide the techniques and tools required for internal auditing and • Length: 1 year full time (7-month courses and 4 to 6 months in internship followed by
management control. To develop behaviors and know-how in harmony with these a professional thesis)
functions in France and abroad. With a view to gaining the high academic and • Admission requirements: - Candidates must hold degrees equivalent to a Master's
professional levels students can prepare and take the main professional certifications Degree and these may be degrees in engineering, degrees from business schools,
in the program domain (CIMA, AACEI, AFAV, IFACI, SAS, SAP, PMI®, PRINCE2™, degrees in medicine, pharmacy, veterinary science, law, architecture, etc..., or a
MSP™, Six Sigma Institute) Bachelor's Degree with three years of professional experience.
- Other candidacies from applicants with unusual backgrounds or quality career paths
- Specialized Master in Marketing and Quality Management. will also be examined as special cases.
• Objectives: The purpose of the program is to achieve mastery of knowledge in - Application form with GMAT orTAGE-MAGE andTOEFL orTOEIC or IELTS

and Management
marketing, management and more generally organization-related topics. Since 1992, - Interview.
we help managers who will have customer responsibilities to meet the demand of • French proficiency: not required
today's international competitive markets, to help participants master the customer-
supplier relationship, and to reinforce leadership skills and effectiveness through total •Tuition fees: 14,100 € in 2007-2008
quality management and project management. With a view to gaining the high • Objectives: We train generalists with international expertise. The MS will provide a
academic and professional levels students can prepare and take the main maximum of expertise in a variety of complementary fields (strategy, management,
professional certifications in the program domain (AFAV, ASQ, SAS, SAP, international business, marketing and financial engineering).
PMI®,PRINCE2™, MSP™, P2M, Six Sigma Institute) Six tracks:
- Mixed track: courses at ESSEC Cergy, 60% in English / 40% in French.
- Specialized Master in Project and Program Management - English track: courses at ESSEC Cergy, 100 % in English.
• Objectives: The main objective of this program is to facilitate the dynamic - American track: courses divided between ESSEC Cergy andThunderbird (USA).
development of participants' managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, allowing - 50 % Asian track: courses divided between ESSEC Cergy and ESSEC Asian Center
them to enlarge their expertise, and to work as manager and leader in complex (Singapore).
projects management, and international and multicultural environment. With a view - 100% Asian track: 2 weeks at ESSEC Cergy and 7 months in Singapore at ESSEC
to gaining the high academic and professional levels students can prepare and take Asian Center (with NanyangTechnological University).
the main professional certifications in the program domain (AACEI, AFAV, APM, IPMA, - Latin American track: courses divided between ESSEC Cergy and EGADE, Tec de
PMI®, SAS, SAP, P2M, Six Sigma Institute, PRINCE2™, MSP™). Monterrey, Mexico.

Website in English 124 Website in English 125
MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ ESCToulouse /Toulouse Business School ;
Euromed Management - Marseille
u MS Marketing Management and Communication
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 15 months (including a work placement lasting 6 months full-time). Lectures =
u MS in International Sport & Event Management
Business and Management
• 50% courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Bac +5 or Bac +4 / Application form + Meeting with 2
• Length: 12/15 months professional members /
• Admission requirements: Bachelors or Masters Degree + 3 years of professional • English proficiency:TOEIC = 730 points min.
experience + GMAT orTAGE MAGE
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: Fluent (TOEFL orTOEIC)
•Tuition fees: 12,400 €
• French proficiency: Fluent
• Objectives: To train students and executives with a high level of specialization in
•Tuition fees: Application Fees 100 € marketing and communication.
Cost of course: 8,400 €
Our twofold commitment, i.e. priority given to:
• Objectives: This postgraduate degree aims at preparing students for positions of • Employment: timetable enabling professional networking, active involvement of
responsibility in all aspects of sports organisation. It is therefore necessary to not only alumni, individual sponsorship, career plan assessment, customized assignments to
have a perfect knowledge of the mechanisms of the entire sports sector but also a match individual goals…
deep understanding of the cross interests of all the parties. • Economic performance: managerial marketing and professional skills taught
As sport is increasingly being identified as a major social and economic activity, a real throughout exercises, on-field cases, lectures provided by teachers and high-
demand exists throughout the world for specialists in sports management, sports experienced professionals.
promotion, etc.

Groupe ESC Rouen* -

u Specialized master in Management Strategy for International

Development (MDIE)
• 50% courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 months
• Admission requirements: Applicants must:
For international students hold a first university level degree (Bachelor’s or

and Management
For French students : hold a bac +4 or +5 years
• English proficiency: applicants must have a good knowledge of English
• French proficiency: applicants must have a good knowledge of French
•Tuition fees: 10,500 €
• Objectives: The MDIE is a postgraduate program, taught 50% in French and 50% in
English, designed for French and international university graduates. It gives students
up-to-date theoretical insights in internationalising a company; as well as practical
internship experience. There is a strong emphasis on international project
The program prepares students for careers in the wide area of internationalisation of
organisations, enabling graduates to become an international manager, a project
manager, a product developer, head of a business unit or a consultant in an
international context.

* Info 2008

Website in English 126 Website in English 127
MASTER Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Aix
MASTER OF SCIENCE Graduate School of Management -

Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III u Master’s in International Financial Management

Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Aix • 70% courses are taught in English
Business and Management
Graduate School of Management - • Length: 24 months, with possible direct entry into the 2nd year of the Master’s
• Admission requirements:The application file requires GMAT orTAGE-MAGE scores,
u Master’s in Management of International Business TOEFL,TOEIC, IELTS and an oral interview with the admissions board.
• All courses are taught in English - 1st year of the Program: a first university degree obtained after at least 3 years of
higher education (Bachelor or equivalent qualification or 180 ECTS in the EU
• Length: 24 months, with possible direct entry into the 2nd year of the Master’s context)
• Admission requirements:The application file requires GMAT orTAGE-MAGE scores, - 2nd year of the Program: a first university degree obtained after at least 4 years of
TOEFL,TOEIC, IELTS and an oral interview with the admissions board. higher education in the field of Management Studies (Bachelor or equivalent
- 1st year of the Program: a first university degree obtained after at least 3 years of qualification, or 240 ECTS in the EU context)
higher education (Bachelor or equivalent qualification or 180 ECTS in the EU • English proficiency:TOEFL,TOEIC, IELTS. English proficiency seminars are organized
context) before the beginning of classes
- 2nd year of the Program: a first university degree obtained after at least 4 years of
higher education in the field of Management Studies (Bachelor or equivalent • French proficiency: French Proficiency Seminars are organised before the beginning
qualification, or 240 ECTS in the EU context) of classes.

• English proficiency:TOEFL,TOEIC, IELTS. English Proficiency Seminars are organized •Tuition fees: cf. website
before the beginning of classes. • Objectives: The aim of the program is to prepare students for positions in this
• French proficiency: French Proficiency Seminars are organized before the beginning renewed financial atmosphere. It includes strategy, the institutional environment,
of classes. practices and tools that will enable them to contribute to the success of their firms. It
is essentially concentrated on the advanced study of the financial mechanisms of
• Tuition fees: cf. website firms and financial institutions. The most recent developments related to financial
• Objectives:This program is geared towards the candidates wishing to work within the markets, financial strategy and control are presented in all their academic and
European companies. Europe includes an important number of specificities which we professional aspects.
have to know to succeed in business.These specificities are cultural as much as they
are institutional or even economic. u Master of Science in Global Innovation Management
It is through varied educational activities (business games, realisation of
monographs, courses, training) that the student can acquire this knowledge. Validated by a double diploma:
- Master of Science in Business Administration with a major in Innovation awarded by
u Master’s in General Management, EnglishTrack the IAE Aix-en-Provence Graduate School of Management.
- Master of Science in Innovation Management awarded by North Carolina State
• All courses are taught in English University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC.
• Length: 12 months All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements:The application file requires: • Length of the program: 1 year
- a four-year university degree (240 ECTS) or more, or equivalent foreign degree.
- GMAT or FrenchTAGE-MAGE scores • Admission requirements:This program is intended for students in initial training, with

and Management
- an oral interview with the admissions board diplomas from an engineering school or a Master's 1 or 2 or the equivalent in a
scientific domain (foreign diploma).
• English proficiency:TOEFL,TOEIC, IELTS. English Proficiency Seminars are organized Applicants must have solid technical expertise, a great interest in innovation and be
before the beginning of classes. very open-minded.
• French proficiency: not required Admission is based on the application file (Management AptitudeTests:TAGE-MAGE
• Tuition fees: cf. website or GMAT, English level tests:TOEFL orTOEIC, professional project, previous studies,
internships or other professional experience) and an interview with the admissions
• Objectives: This program provides solid management training to participants from board.
varied backgrounds to complement their initial education, thus broadening their
career paths through the acquisition of a second competence. The international • English proficiency:TOEFL orTOEIC
participant body and faculty leads to international career paths. • French proficiency: not required
In addition to key managerial knowledge and tools, it also fosters the critical analysis • Tuition fees: cf. website
of complex situations, develops participants’ individual skills (active listening, self-
reliance, resourcefulness, willingness to question and change) and offers extensive • Objectives:This program, which is taught in English, will enable students to develop
practice in sharpening corporate social skills. the skills and mind-set required to effectively participate in corporate innovation.
In particular, it exposes the students to varied cultural and economic environments.
On completion of this program, students will have acquired:
- specific insight into the stakes and organizational aspects of corporate innovation.
- mastery of the latest concepts and approaches in innovation: innovation networks,
developments in technology, protection and transfer to markets, innovation

Website in English 128 Website in English 129
MASTER Université de Cergy-Pontoise / California State University -
Stanislaus -
Website in English :
Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Aix u Master in Finance – International Program
Business and Management
Graduate School of Management /Tilburg University • All courses are taught in English
Netherlands /Turku School of Economics Finland • Length: 12 months or • Admission requirements: The Master de Finance – Programme International
corresponds to the second year of a French professional master’s degree (M2).
Candidates must have successfully completed a first year master degree (M1) or the
u International Master’s in Management of Information equivalent in economics, finance, business or engineering.
Technology - Erasmus Mundus program All candidates may submit an application form at Cergy-Pontoise University. Selected
• All courses are taught in English candidates will be invited for an interview which is conducted in English. The final
selection is based on the quality of the application (grades and professional
• Length: 2 years
experiences) and the interview.The program is limited at 15 students from the Cergy-
• Admission requirements: IMMIT is open to students with Bachelor or equivalent Pontoise University and 15 students from California State University - Stanislaus
undergraduate degree (180 ECTS) either in Management/ Economics/Business
• English proficiency: Fluent
Administration or in Computer Science/Information System.
Students with an engineering degree can be admitted if their previous education • French proficiency: not required
includes ICT and information systems (at least 24 ECTS). • Tuition fees: 215 €
• French proficiency: not required • Objectives: The Master de Finance – International Program is a joint program with
• Tuition fees: cf. website California State University – Stanislaus. It offers a new opportunity to learn finance in
• English proficiency:TOEFL,TOEIC, IELTS. English Proficiency Seminars are organized a truly international setting.The objective is to train qualified students to join French,
before the beginning of classes. European and American companies doing business on the international scene. The
target companies are banks, financial and insurance groups, multinational groups,
• Objectives: IMMIT is a co-operation and mobility program between 3 locations in
pension funds or small and medium size firms working on foreign markets. With a
Europe (France – Finland and Netherlands). Upon completion, students get three
strong emphasis on corporate finance both from a theoretical and practical (case
studies) perspective, the program is also concerned with financial dealings and the
Information technology (IT) are increasingly an integral part of products and services
political, cultural and social differences between France, Europe and the United
as well as the foundation of business processes. IMMIT addresses this new
Information & Management challenge.
The program is designed for highly motivated students who are fluent in English. It is
The IMMIT program is designed to prepare students to become “hybrid” managers
12 months long and includes studies both in California and France.The first semester
who can act as intermediaries between business users and IT specialists in an
takes place at California State University – Stanislaus in Turlock while the second
international environment. IMMIT consists of integrative skills needed for effective
semester takes place at Cergy-Pontoise University. Students progress in cohorts for
use of IT to support international business operations and management.
the first eight months.They are then required to validate an internship experience of
at least 3 months. All courses are taught in English.

and Management
Website in English 130 Website in English 131
MASTER Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble 2
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises IAE Grenoble
Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2
Groupe ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management u M2 : Master Degree in Management, specialization in Manager
Business and Management
French-Chinese Business International • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
u Dual award programme in French-Chinese Business leading to: • Admission requirements: a 1st year (M1) in a Master degree and pre-requisites in
a Master's degree awarded by Blaise Pascal University Management (or foreign diploma equivalent, or professional experience)
(professional master "Affaires et commerce franco-chinois") • English proficiency: intermediate to advanced level of English
• French proficiency: not required
Master in Management awarded by the Clermont Graduate
• Tuition fees: 800 € minimum for the tuition fees on which is added the national
School of Manageement (“Diplôme de l’ESC Clermont” registration fees (2007-2008: 238.50 € for a Master-degree) and the mandatory national
accredited by the French Ministry of Education, Research student health insurance (2007-2008: 192 €)
&Technology) • Objectives: The objective of the Manager International (Master of Business
• First year: 100% in English; second year: English and French Management) is to educate managers in order to make them capable of developing
and controlling the international activities of corporations and companies. These
• Length: 2 years with 6-month internship in semester 4
managers will have to be operational not only in a European context but also in an
• Admission requirements: American and Asian one.They are meant to acquire a competence that makes easier
a) Prior qualification. A bachelor’s degree or Chinese benke or recognized equivalent the adaptability to foreign cultures and behaviours.
from an accredited institution obtained at the latest in July preceding the beginning of
the course.The degree may be in any discipline.
b) Academic record. An above-average academic record is required for all students.
Holders of a Chinese benke must have a minimum grade-point average of 75.
c) All applicants must be proficient in English and in either French or Chinese (have a
Université du Havre -
C1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
• English proficiency: TOEFL : Minimum 550 for the paper-and-pencil test/80 for the Students with overseas qualifications can obtain advice
Internet-based test on equivalency from our International Office (SRI):
IELTS : Minimum 6.0.
TOEIC : Minimum 750.
Study at an English-speaking university : Completion of at least one year’s full-time
study at an English-speaking university with a minimum grade-point average of 50%. u Master’s Degree in Banking and International Finance (2nd year)
• French proficiency: Lower intermediate
• Tuition fees: Approximately 14,000 € for two years (for the dual award) • 50% courses taught in English

• Objectives: Train trilingual graduates to conceive, implement and manage French • Length: 2 semesters

and Management
companies' business strategy on the Chinese market and that of Chinese companies Please note that from mid-March onwards, students are expected to undergo a period
on the French market.The course leads to managerial positions in international sales of training of a minimum of three months. Following this traineeship, they will have to
and marketing, import-export, purchasing, commercial communication. Course write a report which will be marked by the jury.
content: fundamentals of management; International Business; French and Chinese • Admission requirements: 1 original of your birth certificate translated into French -
markets; French or Chinese language; 6-month placement in France or China with 1 covering letter - 1 certified copy of the original of all your certificates - Mark sheets of
integrated research project. your three previous academic years - Level of English: certified
Your form will be carefully considered by the Admissions Board. Students who have
not followed the first year of the Master in Banking and International Finance will be
invited to an interview.
• English proficiency: Applicants need to provide evidence of English language ability
(e.g IELTS average score of 6.5; or aTOEFL score of 550-600 (paper-based test) or 213-
250 (computer-based test)). The Board will also take into account study and
traineeship in English-speaking countries. Students have access to various
pedagogical tools to support them in improving their linguistic skills.
• French proficiency: International applicants need to provide evidence of French
language ability.The Board will also take into account study and traineeship in French-
speaking countries. Students have access to various pedagogical tools and courses in
FFL to support them in improving their lingusitic skills
• Tuition fees: as determined by the French National Education Ministry
• Objectives: The holders of this diploma can aim to become bank branch managers

abroad or to hold posts within the financial arm of export companies. As such, those
who achieve this diploma can quickly apply their economic, legal and linguistic
knowledge to international relations as seen within the financial world. The
postgraduates can quickly move from back to front-office functions where their
initiative, ability and strategic skills can be tested.

Website in English 132 Website in English 133

MASTER Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises – IAE Lyon*

Université Lille 1 - Sciences andTechnologies u Master of Business Studies – General Management Program (GMP)
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English
u Master Global E-Business - • Length: one academic year consisting of two semesters: September to December and
• All courses are taught in English January to March, followed by a required Internship (3 months minimum).
• Length: 1 year (60 ECTS) • Admission requirements: Applicants for the GMP Program must:
- hold at least a first year of a Master’s Degree (240 ECTS) from a recognized
• Admission requirements: A four-year undergraduate degree in the field of computer
sciences, information technology, telecommunications, management, economics
- have a good command of English in writing and speaking.
• English proficiency:TOEFL score of 580 or IELTS score of 6,5 If English is not their native language, applicants must submit scores from theTOEFL
• French proficiency: not required but “survival” French is welcomed for better exam (a minimum of 233 computer based test score or equivalent is required).
integration in French life Applicants are first screened on the basis of their application form. Successful
• Tuition fees: fixed by the university. See on the website candidates are interviewed by a panel of IAE staff and company professionals.

• Objectives: The future manager will solve complex organizational problem due to • English proficiency: advanced
Webmethods implementation. Information Technologies (IT) have changed deeply • Objectives: The purpose of the program is to provide strong general Management
company’s behaviour. These changes mean a new organizational template inside courses for students who do not necessarily possess a Business academic
companies and consequently, new relations with their partners. Inside the company, background (candidates typically come from the fields of Engineering, Law, Human
IT and Business Process Management (BPM) bring new models and new practices of Sciences...). The program specificity lies in its ability to receive students from very
business management. With the customers and the suppliers, the relations are varied background and to round-out a strong initial education with an overall
changing. Customer Relation Management (SCM), Enterprise resources Planning approach to Management. Courses are taught by combined Faculty of IAE de Lyon
(ERP) have become fundamentals tools of E-Business and Business Process and International Partner Universities.
Management. This master program is composed by Business Professionals and is
reviewed on a yearly basis so students’ profiles correspond to what the market wants. u M.A. / MBA - General Management Program (GMP)
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: four semesters
• Admission requirements: Applicants for the EBR program must:
- Hold at least a bachelor’s degree (first higher education degree) from a recognized
Université Lille 1 - Sciences andTechnologies - - Have a good command of English in writing and speaking.
- Have basic knowledge in Management Fundamentals
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Lille
• English proficiency: advanced
Graduate School of Management
• Objectives: The EBR program leads to a graduate degree in Management preparing participants for leadership roles in the emerging global economy with the
understanding of compulsory European questions.

and Management
u Master degree in Business Management, specializing The program aims to provide students with a comprehensive, advanced grounding in
in Executive International Management - EIM the core Business areas preparing them to be confronted with European Realities. On
successful completion of this program, students should have enhanced their skills about what is Europe from a bottom-up perspective and will be able to give suitable
answers to all different actors based on Europe as a reality.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year (60 ECTS)
• Admission requirements: - Bac+ 4 / 5 – post-graduate students with sound academic * Info 2008
- Good knowledge of French language
- No nationality criteria
- 24 places
• English proficiency: Excellent in English language (level A2 or above on Council
of Europe scale)
• French proficiency: a working knowledge of French is required
•Tuition fees: fixed by the university. See on the website
• Objectives: The objective of this option is to educate holders of degrees and senior
executives who are responsible for business development and for managing
intercultural issues in the complex international business environment.This program
uses an approach focused on social and economic aspects of the European and
international environments and on the development of technical and personal skills in

different domains of strategy and management.This program develops two types of
skills: those for international development executives and those for managers with
not only appropriate qualifications but who intend to work in various, multicultural
environments, to manage high level and complex business situations and
negotiations, to make decisions quickly and to lead international work teams.

Website in English 134 Website in English 135

MASTER Université Paris X Nanterre -

MASTER OF SCIENCE u Master in International Business and Management speciality

Anglo-American Countries (Bilingual)
Université d’Orléans - • 50% courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years (4 semesters)
Business and Management
u Master’s degree in European Management and Business • Admission requirements: For students who graduated from the Licence (BA) in
• All courses are taught in English International Management (Bilingual) issued by the University of Paris X Nanterre:
selection if necessary according to the admission capacities. Selection is made after
• Length: 4 semesters (3 semesters of courses, 1 semester for a training period in a
consideration of applications and possibly after an interview.
European company
For students who graduated from Licence (BA) in Management: selection made in
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree in various subjects such as sciences, order to assess their fluency in English and their knowledge of international business
languages, social sciences or human sciences. and management.
• English proficiency: Upper intermediate- to advanced • English proficiency:TOEFL score – min. 93
• French proficiency: not required • French proficiency:TCF level 6
• Tuition fees: standard fees (approximately 400 Euros including health insurance) • Tuition fees: 500,00 €
• Objectives:The aim of this Master is to train students in the following areas: European • Objectives: This Master aims at training immediately operational Managers in
management, administrative management, Community Law and Community Business.
Corporate Law.The courses will be taught in English and will be coupled with intensive
French language courses. u Master 2 International Business and Cross Cultural negotiation
Thus, this diploma is exclusively open to students holding a foreign degree. It is
designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in European management with
the added advantages of a good working knowledge of French and knowing the • 50 % courses are taught in English, including the IBT, international contracts and
running of the European Union and European companies. negotiation modules
• Length: 1 year from September 15 to September 30 (following year)
• Admission requirements: The equivalent of at least a Master’s degree and some
professional experience (or several internships), good knowledge of both French and
English, hard working and team work.
• English proficiency: good
• French proficiency: good
CIFFOP – Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II • Tuition fees: 260 € + 50 € • Objectives: Enable the student to function in a multinational and multicultural
environment in any functions of organizations (business, NGOs) : marketing,
u Master’s Degree in International Human Resources communication, import, export, finance.The emphasis is on being, doing, team work
and a responsible attitude (SRE, Environment, ethics, anti corruption).
Management The programme is taught 50% in English, includes 2 days a week (from Oct to End of
• All courses are taught in English March) in a small entity during the academic semester, a 3 to 6 month internship, a
• Length: 12 months real negotiation (videoed and debriefed) and many business speakers (in

and Management
international business, finance,Transfers of technology, JV etc).
• Admission requirements:The course is aimed at students below 26 years of age. In
addition, candidates will preferably have the following profile:
- A degree in Management, Law, or Humanities
- Some work experience in an international company
- Fluency in English (min.TOEIC score: 750), and at least a basic level of French
- A high degree of motivation for a career in HRM
• English proficiency: Fluency in English (min.TOEIC score: 750)
• French proficiency: basic level of French
• Tuition fees: No tuition fees for students (apart from an administrative charge)
• Objectives:Train operational HRM officers. Acquire the necessary HRM skills in areas
including: global staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits,
mobility, skills management, employee relations, and diversity management. Operate
effectively in a multicultural environment. Develop concrete experience in an
international setting.

Website in English 136 Website in English 137
MASTER Université de Rennes 1
Graduate School of Business Administration (IGR-IAE

Université Paris-Sud 11 u 2 Master’s degree programs

Delft University ofTechnology, Netherlands • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
Pontifical University Comillas, Madrid, Spain • Length: One academic year • Admission requirements: Good Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics or other
Science dominated related field and English fluency
u Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Economics A research proposal of 3-5 pages will have to be submitted with the application form.
Pre-selected candidates will be interviewed via internet and the final Admission
and Management of Network Industries Board’s decision will be communicated to successful applicants by email. • English proficiency: All applicants must submit official international scores of one of
• 50% courses are taught in English the following tests:
• Length: 2 years -TOEFL score of at least 550 paper test (100 IBT Score)
-TOEIC 750 or above
• Admission requirements: Students must have obtained a BSc diploma (or equivalent) - IELTS overall band score of 6 for the academic version
of substantial quality and level corresponding to 3 years studies at University, - Proof of prior Higher Education in English speaking country (GPA of 2-4 scale)
equivalent to 180 ECTS. They must have studied Engineering, Economics or
Management (for studying at Delft, these studies must be in a technological field or • French proficiency: Not required, however interest and openness towards the French
the natural sciences). language and culture is highly recommended. 300 hours of French language classes will be offered to each student. 100 hours of intensive French preparatory classes will
be given to students in September.
• English proficiency: Students have to follow courses in English (Delft, Comillas and
Paris XI), French (Paris XI) and Spanish (Comillas).Therefore, a high level of English is • Tuition fees:The tuition fees, inclusive of 300 hours of French, is 2,330 €.This does not
required, plus at least a basic knowledge of French and/or Spanish. include affiliation to the French student social security scheme and other living
For students whose mother tongue is other than English and who did not follow all expenses.
secondary and tertiary education in English, an International TOEFL score (English
test) of at least 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or IELTS (academic u Master’s Degree in Finance – Advanced Studies and Research in
version) overall Band score of at least 6.0 is required. Finance
For Spanish and French, basic understanding may be acknowledged in two ways:
• Objectives: The «Advanced studies and research in Finance» program is a one year
- presenting an official proof of language skill: Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française,
course leading to a Master’s degree in Finance. Inspired by the Master by Research
Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera
degree created in 1995, the program’s main objectives are:
- or passing the DIALANG European test (free of charge).The DIALANG results must
• to serve as a stepping stone for students wishing to continue their studies at doctoral
be certified by a professor from the last University of the candidate, who verifies the
level in Finance Research
applicants’ identity and the score of the test. Our consortium will only accept students
• to provide a solid theoretical base and training for students wishing to pursue
who have at least a B2 level.
careers in the banking and insurance sectors as research analysts, financial
• French proficiency: not required consultants or executives
• Tuition fees: Students. For each student the scholarship amounts to 21,000 € per Students will acquire up-to-date knowledge and become experts in their chosen field
academic year.This includes 10 monthly grants of 1,600 € and a fixed amount of 5,000 of financial specialization. The Master’s thesis constitutes an essential part of the
€ for fees, travel expenses, relocation costs, etc. As EMIN lasts two years, the student program and great emphasis is placed on the development of critical analytical and

and Management
will receive double this amount: 42,000 €. innovative skills.The program is supported by the Research Center for Economics and
Scholars.The amount of an average three-month scholarship for scholars is 13,000 €. Management (CREM), the only research center specializing in Economics and
This includes three monthly grants of 4,000 € and a fixed amount of 1,000 € for travel Management Sciences in the western part of France, accredited by the National
expenses. Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
• Objectives: The core objective of our Masters Course, to produce highly qualified
professionals, able to manage and regulate efficiently network industries and u Master’s Degree in International Management and Skills
infrastructures, either in companies' staff, in consulting teams or in public entities like Development
ministries, development or regulatory agencies and hence to improve their • Objectives: Aimed at English-speaking students with a good bachelor’s degree in a
competitiveness and efficiency, not only in Europe but also in other (developing) business studies or related field, the program has the particularity of combining
countries. intensive French language courses with a comprehensive academic program in
Another crucial improvement our Masters course will bring is interdisciplinarity. Our Management taught exclusively in English.
masters students will learn simultaneously the engineering, the economics and the Tailor-made for future managers, the program arms students with a panorama of up-
management principles relevant in the network and infrastructure industry area. to-date and indispensable «hard» and «soft» transferable skills in International
The last important feature of our Masters course is that it will combine its teaching Management necessary to pursue a career as a dynamic and competent International
and research with the actual life and work of these businesses and their regulators. All Business
our core teachers and researchers are deeply linked and interacting with this milieu
and have worked in this area for many years.
In the applied research area, our Masters course will notably cooperate with the
Electricity Research Program of the CMI (Common Research Institute of the University
of Cambridge -UK- and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -USA-), with the
Brazilian Energy Institute at the federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with the Florence

School of Regulation - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European
University Institute in Florence (Italy) as well as with the European Energy Institute in
Leuwen (Belgium).
At the end of their stay, students will be required to present their research results in
the university and also in a dedicated research seminar to be held at the Florence
School of Regulation - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European
University Institute in Florence (Italy).

Website in English 138 Website in English 139

MASTER Université des Sciences Sociales -Toulouse 1
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises

Université Rennes 1 / jointly withTechnische Universität u Master in International Management - MIM

and Ludwig Maximilian Universität München (Germany) • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
and University ofTorino (Italy) • Length: 2 years (M1 + M2) • Admission requirements: - 1st year : students holding a French Licence or a foreign
equivalent worth 180 ECTS + evidence of mastering the English Language
u Master Mamaself : Master in Materials Science - 2nd year: students holding a French M1 (4-year degree) or a foreign equivalent worth
240 credits (ECTS) + evidence of mastering the English Language + GMAT or
exploiting Large Scale Facilities (Master 2) TAGE/MAGE exams The Admission Committee looks at each application individually and selection are
• All courses are taught in English based on exam results, English proficiency and personal experiences (international or
• Length: 1 year
• English proficiency: Evidence of mastering the English language (TOEFL or TOEIC
• Admission requirements: Students must have preferably) is requested.
- At least 4 years study (corresponding to 240 ECTS) in Materials Science or related
disciplines (chemistry, physics, geo-science… ); • French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency:TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent • Tuition fees: approximately 1,000 € per year
• French proficiency: not required.The students will benefit from free French language • Objectives:The Master in International Management (MIM) is a full-time postgraduate
course in Rennes (44 hours). program, entirely taught in English, designed for international and French university
graduates. It gives students up-to-date theoretical insights in relation to practical
• Tuition fees: 500 € for European students
experience in an intellectually stimulating environment. Courses are practice-based
5,000 € for non-European students.The non-European students can benefit from an and cover all management disciplines.The MIM provides companies with managers
Erasmus Mundus grant (21,000 €). European students can benefit from a grant in ready to deal with cross-cultural management situations and transnational business
order to spend the second semester at partners institutions in Japan or Switzerland. issues.The MIM equals 120 credits in the European CreditTransfer System.
• Objectives: MaMaSELF is a one year European Master program (2nd Master year) in
Materials Science, which aims to teach the application of “Large Scale Facilities” for
the characterisation and development of materials.This degree provides a high level
qualification in Materials science, chemistry, physics as well as Management :
European market and consumer behaviour analysis, Production management and Audencia Nantes School of Management
logistics, International accounting , etc. In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus
program, the students will spend one semester in 2 of the 3 universities of the
consortium and will have 2 diplomas.The second semester is dedicated to the Master
Thesis and students will move to another university of the consortium. u Audencia Master in Management (Grande École Program)
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2/3 years ; 18 months for the Engineers‘ track

and Management
• Admissions requirements: Bachelor’s degree and GMAT orTage-Mage

Louis Pasteur Université - Strasbourg* • English proficiency: Official test of English.The program can also be taken in French • French proficiency:The program can also be taken in French.

• Tuition fees: 7,200 € per year
u Master OIEC (Industrial Organization and Knowledge-based • Objectives: The most popular program of its kind in France, Audencia’s Master in
Management has evolved to combine core competencies in management, specialisations
Economy): in eight areas, study abroad and internships. This prestigious Grande École program
• Most of courses are taught in English matches businesses’ call for well-balanced and informed young managers.
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: Undergraduate (Economy, Management, Mathematics-
u International Master in Management (IMM)
Economy from University Louis Pasteur) - Recruitment on file for the other students
• English proficiency: Fluent • All courses are taught in English

• Admission requirements: : Bachelor’s Degree (≥ 240 ECTS Credits) and past business
• French proficiency: none • Length: 1 year in 2 to 4 European countries
• Tuition fees: 300 € approximatively
• Objectives: Courses in industrial organization and in economy and management of
knowledge and innovation. • English proficiency: Official test of English.
• Specific website: • French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 13,400 €

* Info 2008 • Objectives: A program in international management taught wholly in English giving
students the chance to study in France, Poland, Spain and the UK.
IMM trains international managers to face the highly challenging reality of today’s
international business world. The program is jointly run by Audencia, EADA
Barcelona, Bradford University and LKAEM Warsaw.

Website in English 140 Website in English 141

MASTER CERAM Business School – Nice – Sophia Antipolis -
u MSc in Management /Grande École Program
BEM Bordeaux Management School* • Students can choose if they want to study in English and/or in French • Length: 2 years
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: GMAT or TAGE-MAGE + Interview in French or English
u Master of Science in International Business (more than 30 examination centers worldwide). This admission procedure is for - applicants with a non-French degree (Bachelor's degree…) obtained upon successful
completion of at least three years of university outside France.
• All courses are taught in English
• French proficiency: not required
• Length: 1 year Full-Time
•Tuition fees: 7,550 € for the first year, 7,700 € for the second year
• Admission requirements: BA or BSc
• Objectives: Within the institutions of higher education in France, the Grandes Écoles
• English proficiency:TOEFL orTOEIC
are the major training grounds for the nation’s leaders in applied sciences,
• French proficiency: not required government and business. Alongside the university system, the Grandes Écoles
• Tuition fees: 11,000 € represent a separate, prestigious educational pathway to positions of high
responsibility. The Grandes Écoles shape the leaders who shape France. Their
• Objectives:To open the way to positions such as business engineers, commercial-area
graduates occupy over half of the high ministerial-level posts in the country, head fifty
managers, product managers, heads of subsidiaries
per cent of its businesses, and manage two-thirds of its 100 largest firms.
u Master of Science in Supply Chain Management u Master of Science in International Marketing & Business - Development
• All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year Full-Time
• Length: 13 months (including a 6-month internship)
• Admission requirements: BA or BSc or have acquired equivalent industrial
• Admission requirements: 4-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
experience to compensate for the academic level
People with a 3-year university degree can apply for the “MSc Preparatory Program”
• English proficiency:TOEFL orTOEIC (year 1) that prepares students for the MSc (year 2).
• French proficiency: not required • English proficiency:TOEFL 580 (PBT), 237 (CBT), 92 (IBT), orTOEIC 830 or IELTS 6.5
• Tuition fees: 14,175 € • French proficiency: not required
• Objectives:To prepare students and executives to become high performance Supply •Tuition fees: 11,000 €
Chain Management professionals and to contribute to the development of research in
• Objectives: The program offers a marketing course with a resolutely international
Logistics and Supply Chain Management fields.
perspective that is aimed at students looking to a future as product manager, or
market researcher in an international context. After a more general foundation
u MSC ESC – AMP (Advanced Management Program) semester, it moves on to examine consumer behaviour and market research methods while providing a range of marketing electives. The course draws on the latest
• All courses are taught in English thinking in marketing and balances more theoretical input with practical application.
• Length: 2 years

and Management
u Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
• English proficiency: UNIVERSA Criteria :
• All courses are taught in English
TOEFL =540Pbt/75lbt
IELTS >6 • Length: 13 months (including a 6-month internship)
TOIEC >727 • Admission requirements: 4-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
• French proficiency: not required People with a 3-year university degree can apply for the “MSc Preparatory Program”
(year 1) that prepares students for the MSc (year 2).
• Tuition fees: 15,000 € for 2 years
• English proficiency:TOEFL 580 (PBT), 237 (CBT), 92 (IBT), orTOEIC 830 or IELTS 6.5
• French proficiency: not required
* Info 2008
•Tuition fees: 11,000 €
• Objectives: In today’s context of intense global competition, firms need to develop
supply chain strategies that serve the needs of their customers whilst maximizing
overall profitability.
The program aims to provide students with in-depth understanding of the concepts
and principles of Supply Chain Management that will help them find employment in
this fast-moving strategic area. Students can also take a professional certification
examination offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Website in English 142 Website in English 143
MASTER CERAM Business School – Nice – Sophia Antipolis -
u Master of Science in Financial Markets
CERAM Business School – Nice – Sophia Antipolis •Tuition fees: 11,000 € - • Objectives: If you have the desire and the dedication to achieve, this specialized
Business and Management
program will prepare you for a variety of rewarding careers in financial markets by
• All courses are taught in English providing the analytical, the quantitative and the decision-making skills required for
success in the field. Students gain understanding of equity markets, bond markets,
• Length: 13 months (including a 6-month internship) commodities markets and structured products through courses such as Portfolio
• Admission requirements: 4-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Management, Quantitative Management, Trading, Fixed Income and Derivatives.
People with a 3-year university degree can apply for the MSc Preparatory Program Electives give room for differentiation.
(year 1) that prepares students for the MSc (year 2).
• English proficiency:TOEFL 580 (PBT), 237 (CBT), 92 (IBT) orTOEIC 830 or IELTS 6.5 u Master of Science in Human Resources Management
• French proficiency: not required •Tuition fees: 11,000 €
• Objectives:This is specialist training that turns motivated students into effective HR
u Master of Science in International Business Managers capable of working in a field that has been becoming increasingly complex
•Tuition fees: 11,000 € over the last decade. Graduates are able to enhance organizational performance and
can satisfy company strategy while taking employees’ needs into account. Courses
• Objectives: This MSc is unique in that it provides a variety of perspectives on the cover Global HR Issues, Strategic HR, Managing Change, Recruitment and Selection,
current practices in international business. This MSc is an ideal option for those Compensation and Benefits, Managing Careers, Employee and Social Relations,
wishing an in-depth preparation for working in an international environment. Ethics at Work, Working Conditions.
Students will be able to develop, consolidate and deepen knowledge of the various
issues associated with doing business across boundaries and across continents while
u Master of Science in Information Systems Management
sharing this experience with students from a range of countries and backgrounds.
•Tuition fees: 15,000 €
u Master of Science in International Finance • Objectives: Created with SAP, Ernst & Young, PMI France-Sud and CIGREF, the
•Tuition fees: 11,000 € program offers two specialization options: the SAP option or the Audit & Consulting
• Objectives:This one year program is taught by finance experts and professionals and Content is defined and taught by the world’s prominent players in IS with specific
organized in collaboration with the University of Westminster in London.The course is reference to their recruitment needs and those of their principal clients; it is unique to
designed to provide individuals with an expertise in International Finance, thereby France and one of few worldwide; students can obtain internationally recognised
enabling them to pursue careers in any area of the finance profession. Graduates will professional certifications – SAP’s E2E 100 and E2E 200 as well as PMI’s CAPM or PMP.
be able to work with specialists in wider areas and to present analysis and
conclusions of complex subjects to non-specialists.
u Master of Science in Luxury and Fashion Management
u Master of Science in Corporate Finance •Tuition fees: 11,000 €
•Tuition fees: 11,000 € • Objectives: Students become expert in the key areas, including Design & Innovation,
Brand Management, Communication and Advertising, Flagship Products, Point-of-
• Objectives: It has been created for those who wish to lead successful careers in sale Promotions and Specific Financial Goals.These professional skills are learned in
corporate financial management and auditing in national or multinational firms.The the context of a global market environment, with market-oriented courses such as

and Management
focus is on the company and the company’s relation to the markets. Graduates will International Luxury Brand Management, International Consumer Behaviour,
have the know-how for work in capital budgeting, mergers and acquisitions, Innovation and Economic Intelligence Analysis. There are frequent guest-speakers:
leveraged buyouts, financing techniques, risk analysis and management, high-profile market specialists who give classes, seminars and conferences.
management control, performance assessment, options and other derivatives, capital
structure accounting as well as other areas.
u Master of Science in Web-Marketing and Project Management
u Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation •Tuition fees: 11,000 €
•Tuition fees: 11,000 € • Objectives: The program combines two fundamental aspects of today’s and
tomorrow’s firms that no manager can do without. On the internet side, courses
• Objectives: It is dedicated to those who would like to start and manage innovative cover: Website Design, search-engine optimization, Web-marketing and Research,
projects either within existing organizations or to realize new business endeavors. At benchmarking, e-CRM, legal issues. On the project management side: Strategy,
the heart of this program is innovation, its development, exploitation and Project Management Techniques, HR Management, budgeting, scheduling, quality,
consequences.The program covers new products and services, product and service risk analysis. And combining both aspects of this MSc: MS Project, data-mining,
improvements, technological innovations and new business activity. The course of Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management, technical specifications and
study is transversal: financing innovation, entrepreneurial finance and venture capital; requirements.
business plans; the value of innovation; team management for creativity; risk
analysis; marketing; rapid business expansion; legal issues and property rights; SME

u Master of Science in Events and Meetings Management

•Tuition fees: 11,000 €
• Objectives: This is a brand-new program tailor-made for the MICE (Meetings,

Incentives, Conferences Exhibitions/Events) Industry following extensive consultation
with leading professionals in the field.The program profiles stakeholders within the
industry (corporate, government and association clients, venues and event services
and destinations) and follows market trends. It also focuses on teaching specialist
strategic skills in the areas of management, finance, IT and sales and marketing in the
events and meetings management profession.

Website in English 144 Website in English 145

MASTER École de Management de Normandie
Normandy Business School

École Européenne de Gestion - EBS Paris* u MSc Supply Chain & Logistics Management
Business and Management
u Masters of International Business (MIB) • All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: One academic year (End of August – end of May + Internship, Internship (4 to
• Length: 12 months 6 months) to be served anywhere in the world, + 2 field consultancy projects focusing
• Admission requirements: Students entering this program are required to have a first on logistics issues (supplied by NBS - optional).
degree, and submit a copy with the corresponding academic transcript. Students • Admission requirements: Undergraduate first degree
must fill in an application form, and submit a photocopy of their passport, and 2
• English proficiency: IELTS 6.5,TOEFL CBT 237 or IBT 92, orTOEIC 850
passport photos. Forms can be found on the website. Fees available on request.
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: A high level of proficiency is required to keep up in class. Good
TOEFL /TOEIC score desirable. •Tuition fees: Application processing fee: 100 €
Total Program : 7,700 € for EU citizens - 9,900 € non-EU citizens or professionals
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: Acquiring those concepts and skills that enable executives to identify,
•Tuition fees: 8,000 €
maximize and monitor at global level the elements that contribute to adding value to
• Objectives: Acquiring key competencies in the techniques of world commerce is the entire logistics chain in a company. The general concept of value chain is the
without doubt essential for any young professional. With this imperative in mind, EBS economic model used as a modern tool for planning and supervising the logistics
has been offering a Masters Degree in International Business for many years, activities, viewed as a transversal activity of paramount importance in the new global
requiring both course work and a dissertation from the student, as well as an economy.
internship linked to the professional project being undertaken by the student. This
program begins with the first semester in Paris, followed by a semester in one of our
partner institutions.
u Cross-Cultural Marketing & Negotiation (MSc)
u Masters in Global Management (MGM) MSc_Cross_Cultural_Marketing_and_Negotiation-56.html
• All courses are taught in English • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 months • Length: 15 months (2 academic semesters, Sept-May, and 4 to 6 months Internship to
• Admission requirements: Students entering this program are required to have a first be served anywhere in the world)
degree, and submit a copy with the corresponding academic transcript. Students • Admission requirements:
must fill in an application form, and submit a photocopy of their passport, and
- hold a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, in Management or Business-related studies
2 passport photos. Forms can be found on the website. Fees available on request.
with a minimum of 180 ECTS credits or equivalent,
• English proficiency: A high level of proficiency is required to keep up in class. Good
- HND/BTS/DUT/Diplomado or equivalent two-year degrees plus at least 5 years
TOEFL /TOEIC score desirable.
relevant experience,
• French proficiency: not required
- Students with non-relevant qualifications may be asked to complete a short portfolio
•Tuition fees: 8,000 €

and Management
prior to commencing the course,
• Objectives:This program is aimed at students who wish to expand their horizons by - Other applicants with extensive industry experience will be considered on an
adding an international business dimension to their professional profile. Students are individual basis.
guided towards their career goals by highly qualified professionals and academics.
• English proficiency: TOEIC 790 or TOEFL CBT 230/IBT 88 or IELTS 6 overall or
The program includes some courses in French. Students spend the entire year in
equivalent or business degree obtained in an English-speaking institution within the
Paris, but may depart for the internship period.
last two years.
• French proficiency: not required
* Info 2008 •Tuition fees:
• Application processing fee: 100 €
•Total Program: 7,700 € for EU citizens - 9,900 € for non-EU citizens or professionals
• Objectives: The CCM&N program equips students with those skills needed in
marketing and negotiation in an international environment. By adding a truly cross-
cultural perspective to their business education, it prepares students to communicate
with culturally diverse business partners as well as to cooperate in, and to run
successfully, multi-cultural working groups. The program is deliberately
professionally-oriented and offers a large variety of career opportunities in marketing,
sales, and purchasing.

Website in English 146 Website in English 147
MASTER EDHEC Business School – Lille – Nice
u 5 Master of Science programs -
École Polytechnique - Palaiseau (Paris) • All courses are taught in English • Length:12 to 15 months (depending on the length of the internship)
Business and Management
• Admission requirements:
u Master’s degree in Economics and Business Management • Bachelor's Degree or Higher
• Academic Excellence
• All courses are taught in English in Year 1 (“Quantitative Economics & Finance”
• Scholastic potential (certified by a GMAT score of 550 to 650 minimum)
program) – In Year 2: all courses are taught in English for the “Economic Analysis
• strong quantitative and analytical skills
& Policy” specialty, none for the “Economics of Sustainable Development,
• interpersonal competencies
Environment and Energy” specialty.
• international awareness
• Length: 2 years (Year 1 taught entirely in English, as well some courses inYear 2) • strong motivation.
• Admission requirements: The program is open to highly qualified French and • A strong command of written and spoken English
international students with a solid level in Mathematics, who hold a Bachelor’s degree • English proficiency:TOEFL: 100,TOEIC: 900, IELTS: 6.5
in Economics or its equivalent. Direct admission into the second year M2 is possible
• French proficiency: not required
for students who already hold a minimum number of 60 ECTS in the field of interest,
at post-graduate level. • Tuition fees: 13,900 €
• English proficiency: very good working ability.TOEFL (paper-based) 570 or equivalent - Master of Science in Finance
required by the end of the program.
• Objectives: EDHEC is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence for Asset
• French proficiency: none upon admission – TCF level 4 upon graduation (French
Management and Alternative Investment research. Its professors are regarded as
language courses available).
international experts in the fields of Asset Management, Fixed Income Securities,
• Tuition fees: 11,000 € for the complete 2-year program. Some total or partial fee- Alternative Investments and Risk Management and act as advisors for financial
waivers available. institutions and investors. EDHEC's Master of Science in Finance programme is a
• Objectives:To provide students with a strong background in quantitative economics programme partner with the CFA institute, covering the Level 1 at 100% and offering
and finance, including notions in social sciences, and a specialization in either more students the chance to graduate with an MSc and at the same time, prepare a
economic analysis and policy or in economy of sustainable development, energy and professional diploma.The demanding Master in Finance programme draws heavily on
environment. The program provides an opportunity to carry out advanced research the expertise developed in the EDHEC Risk and Management Research Centre and is
projects in both years. Graduates of the program will have acquired the fundamental designed to prepare participants for a wide variety of international careers in
and advanced knowledge to start a Ph.D. in Economics or Finance and later apply for corporate financial management, investment banking and private equity, commercial
high positions in international organizations or major financial institutions. banking and financial services. The coursework – taught entirely in English – is
complemented by a Master’s Thesis and professional experience in a specialist

- Master of Science in Corporate Finance

EDHEC Business School – Lille – Nice • Objectives: The Master of Science in Corporate Finance has been designed to be a focused programme on all areas of Corporate Finance and is ideally suited for those
who wish to specialise in this area of professional activity.

and Management
u Master in Management Increasingly, the global financial industry is demanding specialists with a very
focused knowledge of corporate finance, debt and equity financing, corporate governance, financial accounting, mergers and acquisitions and investment banking.
• All courses are taught in English These fields of study will be dealt with at an advanced level both in terms of theory
and practical application. The coursework – taught entirely in English – is
• Length: 2 years
complemented by a Master’s Thesis and professional experience in a specialist
• Admission requirements: Bachelor degree, GMAT/TAGEMAGE, English proficiency, position.
academic excellence, strong quantitative and analytical skills, interpersonal
competencies, international awareness, strong motivation. - Master of Science in Risk & Asset Management
• English proficiency: TOEFL: 100, TOEIC: 900, IELTS: 6.5. Applicants who are native • Objectives: Few other establishments of higher education can boast their own
English speakers or have graduated from programs taught in English can obtain internationally acclaimed research centre, and even fewer can say that the experts
English test waivers. involved in this research are full time professors of the same school.These specialists
• French proficiency: Students choosing the French Track are required to take the are called upon by investors and financial institutions to impart their insight from the
TAGEMAGE test. A French language test is not required. City of London to the Private Banks in Switzerland and these same professors share
An English test is also required for French Track students to prepare for the their knowledge in the classroom. EDHEC's Master of Science in Risk and Asset
international part of the program. Management is indeed a programme that is difficult to match. Drawing heavily upon
the expertise developed in the industry acclaimed EDHEC Risk and Asset
• Tuition fees: 21 000 €, for the complete 2-year program.
Management Research Centre, the course brings the latest advances of applied
• Objectives: The Master in Management at EDHEC Business School is a flexible two- research into participants' portfolios of skills. Its demanding curriculum focuses on
year full-time post-graduate degree program, known in France as the "Grande Ecole" capital markets and allows participants to develop expertise in traditional and
program.This business program is a perfect blend of academic excellence and hands- alternative investment analysis, asset management, financial modelling, financial
on experience, combining theoretical coursework, case studies, group work, in- engineering and risk management.The MSc in Risk and Asset Management is also an

company placements and international exposure. EDHEC offers several paths through official CFA programme partner. The coursework – taught entirely in English – is
this program with the possibility to study in French or in English, choose campus and complemented by a Master’s Thesis and professional experience in a specialist
opt for the innovative Financial Economics Track for those seeking global position.
competencies and maximum Finance exposure.The first year classes provide
participants with a solid foundation in general Management while the second year
gives participants the opportunity to specialise in a chosen field of business and >>>
acquire professional experience through a specialisation, double degree or
international exchange program.

Website in English 148 Website in English 149

MASTER EML GENEVA – affiliated to EMLYON Business School
u MSc in Luxury Management & Marketing
EDHEC Business School – Lille – Nice • All courses are taught in English • Length: 16-month specialized Master’s program.
Business and Management
• Admission requirements:
- Master of Science in Capital Markets - Bachelor or Master's degree.
- GMAT score.
• Objectives: Since the 1970s the exciting field of Capital Markets Finance has seen - English proficiency test score (TOEIC orTOEFL or IELTS).
significant global growth in terms of the complexity of financial instruments traded - 2 letters of recommendation.
and the overall extent of money transacted.This MSc course is designed specifically - Online application on
to impart a thorough knowledge of the operation of global capital markets, the state- - Interview for eligible candidates.
of-the-art financial instruments currently employed, advanced pricing tecnniques and
global risk management concepts.The course is ideally suited for those who seek to • English proficiency: fluent.
build on or embark on a career in trading or sales on the trading floor of multi- • Tuition fees: Academic year 2008/2009*:
national banks or corporations. Again, the use of elective courses allow the student to - For EU + Norwegian + Icelandic + Liechtenstein + Swiss citizens: 19,800* €.
further tailor the course curriculum to their specific needs. The use of the FININFO - For non-EU citizens: 21,800* €.
trading floor at EDHEC is a useful means of putting into practice much of the theory *To be confirmed for the academic year 2009/2010.
imparted during the courses. The coursework – taught entirely in English – is • Objectives:The main objective of this program if to give the students an opportunity
complemented by a Master’s Thesis and professional experience in a specialist to explore success in the luxury market thanks to studies in two world capitals of
position. luxury: GENEVA & SHANGHAI. Participants of the MSc in Luxury Management &
Marketing program first follow a core curriculum aimed at the acquisition of
- Master of Science in Marketing Management fundamentals in management, a thorough knowledge of which is necessary to tackle
• Objectives: EDHEC's Master in Marketing offers students a unique learning the specialization. During their studies, participants will also learn to work in groups
opportunity to meet and work with international faculty and students. Its modular and to improve the quality of their relationships within a team, thanks to real-life
approach provides an intensive introduction to marketing theory and concepts which situations and simulation games. They will also meet managers from the leading
students then apply to different management and industry settings such as luxury firms in the sector of luxury, and visit their plants and stores.
brand management, services and e-commerce. The rich cultural mix of EDHEC's
Master in Marketing is a strength that allows students to benefit from a global
perspective both in course material and in class discussions. Participants have regular
opportunities to exchange thoughts and ideas with students of diverse nationalities
through the numerous group assignments and learning teams. The coursework –
taught entirely in English – is complemented by a Master’s Thesis and professional
experience in a specialist position.
EMLYON Business School in partnership with Aston
Business School (UK) and Munich School of Management (DE)
EMLYON Business School
u European Master in Management – EMLYON Master of

and Management
u Master of Science in Management Science in Management + Aston University Extended Master
• All courses are taught in English of Science in International Business + LMU Master of Science
• Length: 2 years in Management.
• Admission requirements: - Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree obtained outside • All courses are taught in English
France after at least 3 years of higher education outside France. • Length: 2 years
- GMAT score orTAGE MAGE score (Test for Managerial aptitude in French). • Admission requirements:
- English proficiency test score (TOEIC orTOEFL or IELTS). - Bachelor’s degree.
- GMAT score.
- Online application on
- English proficiency test score (TOEIC orTOEFL or IELTS).
- Interview for eligible applicants, which can be administered in more than 60 centres - Online application on
over the world. - Interview for eligible applicants.
• Proficiency in English and French: Fluent in one of these languages and basic • English proficiency: Fluent
knowledge in the other one.
• Tuition fees:Tuition for 2008/2009 academic year*:
• Tuition fees: 10,000* € per year for European candidates.
Tuition for the academic year 2008/2009*: 8,200 €*. 15,000* € per year for non-European candidates.
*To be confirmed for the academic year 2009/2010. *To be confirmed for 2009/2010.
• Objectives:This 2-year graduate program taught in English and/or French for students Scholarships available.
with a Bachelor’s degree concentrates on developing business acumen through • Objectives:This 2-year program is provided by 3 major European institutions: Aston
specific experience and personal awareness.The aim of the MSc Program is not only Business School-Birmingham (UK), LMU-Munich (DE) and EMLYON Business School

to teach management techniques, but also to develop a business style. Using a wide (FR). It is designed for European and international students wishing to develop their
variety of pedagogical and interactive methods and techniques, the courses focuses personal, cultural and managerial skills within a European context on 3 campuses.
on developing decision-making abilities and creativity, the approach to taking risks. This program builds on the major strengths and Faculties of the 3 institutions and
Students personally choose their courses and organise their curriculum including reflects the complexity of international business life. Students will benefit from a
work placements and international mobility according to their personal and three-pronged vision of one Europe and the world with the teaching expertise of 3
professional project. leading business schools.

Website in English 150 Website in English 151

MASTER ESC Bretagne Brest - École Supérieure
de Commerce de Bretagne - Brest
MASTER OF SCIENCE Graduate School of Management of Brittany
ESC Bretagne Brest - École Supérieure
de Commerce de Bretagne - Brest u Master of Science « InternationalTrade and Food Products
Business and Management
Graduate School of Management of Brittany Marketing » • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 15 months (or 18 months for foreign students, including foundation course,
u Master in Management (MIM) : English track of the ESC February intake) 450 hours of academic courses in 10 modules (60 credits) and a
Grande École program research dissertation carrying 30 credits.
• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: Bachelor’s Degree or French Maîtrise (M1). Eligibility to the
programme given by a jury through its review of the application form, then interview
• Length: 2 or 3 years, 120 ECTS to assess the candidate's motivations and language skills.
• Admission requirements: If you hold a two-year degree in higher education you can • English proficiency:TOEFL ≥550
enter the first year of the programme (L3), you’ll have a three year MIM. If you hold a
Bachelor's Degree you can directly enter the second year of the programme (M1), • French proficiency : Not required but some basic French knowledge is welcome for
you’ll have a two years MIM. Candidates will send a completed application form with getting along in everyday life. French language course included in the program.
secondary school final certificate, marks sheet, CV and statement of purpose. Eligible • Tuition fees: 8,600 €, the same for any nationality
applicants will need to be interviewed about their motivations and get their language • Objectives: Created in 1982 to respond to the growth within the food products sector
skills tested. in France, this Master trains executives destined to fulfill high responsibility functions
• French proficiency : Not required but some basic French knowledge is welcome for within the enterprise. At the end of the course the future executives will have
getting along in everyday life. French language course included in the program. developed an expertise in international trade, finance and law, will be capable of
• Tuition fees: 6,700 € per year, the same for any nationality finding openings within the developing world markets and to create marketing
strategies and will understand the fundamentals of the development of Agro-Industry.
• Objectives: Our Master in Management program trains managing executives to be
capable of comprehending the complexity of companies and economic globalization,
capable of working with and managing multicultural teams, capable of becoming
rapidly operational, capable of integrating the logic of both ethics and sustainable
development and capable of innovation and evolution.
Internship or apprenticeship in a company in France or abroad is available in M2.

u Master of Science in International Business (MIB) ESCEM - École Supérieure de Commerce

• All courses are taught in English et de Management -Tours-Poitiers
• Length: 15 months (or 18 months for foreign students, including foundation course, -
February intake) 450 hours of academic courses in 10 modules (60 credits) and a
research dissertation carrying 30 credits.
u Double degree: MSc Global Financial Management /
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s Degree or French Maîtrise (M1). Eligibility to the MSc International Financial Strategy
programme given by a jury through its review of the application form, then interview

and Management
to assess the candidate's motivations and language skills. • All courses are taught in English
• French proficiency : Not required but some basic French knowledge is welcome for The student will get 2 awards: MSc Global Financial Management (ESCEM) and MSc
getting along in everyday life. French language course included in the program. International Financial Strategy (London Metropolitan University, UK)
• Tuition fees: 8,600 € for the program, the same for any nationality • Length: 12 months. 2 academic semesters: 1 at ESCEM and 1 at London Metropolitan
University, a workplacement of minimum 4 months, a dissertation
• Objectives: Provide the student with the opportunity to become a multicultural
manager. This innovative and participative program, based on lectures, seminars, • Admission requirements: Bachelor Business degree or equivalent
case studies and group discussions will train you to define and manage successful Interview with the program director and one academic person of the school
strategies. Based on 3 linchpins with strong emphasis on the European economy : • English proficiency: Those for whom English is not their first language must
International Strategy, Marketing and Sales, Exporting. it will get you prepared to get demonstrate sufficient fluency in both written and spoken English.
integrated rapidly into business and quickly be operational in changing international IELTS: 6 minimum
contexts. TOEFL paper-based 580 minimum
TOEFL computer-based 237 minimum
TOEFL internet-based 92 minimum
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 8,100 € for European Students – 12,200 € for International Students
• Objectives:The courses are taught in English in both France and London, so you do not
have to be a French speaker to undertake the program. It gives you a chance to study
International Finance in two separate European countries. The course will provide
masters level instruction in the specific area of International Finance with a focus on
strategy and it follows European educational policy with regard to pan-European

masters programs.This course is likely to attract students who wish to have a career in
Industry, the service sector and Financial Markets.

Website in English 152 Website in English 153

MASTER ESC Lille - École Supérieure de Commerce de Lille
u International Master in Management - IMiM
ESCEM - École Supérieure de Commerce • All courses are taught in English
et de Management -Tours-Poitiers • Length: 2/3 years
Business and Management - • Admission requirements: Degree-seeking international students holding a bachelor's
degree or recognized equivalent may apply for admission to the IMiM program.
u Double degree: MSc International Marketing Communications Applicants holding a bachelor's degree in Business Administration may be admitted
to the 2nd year; while applicants holding a bachelor's degree in all other fields will be
Strategy / MA International Marketing Communications admitted to the 1st year. Admission is competitive
• All courses are taught in English • English proficiency: ATOEFL (paper) score of at least 580, or equivalent
The student will get 2 awards: MSc International Marketing Communications Strategy • French proficiency: not required
(ESCEM) and MA International Marketing Communications (London Metropolitan
• Tuition fees: Imim 1: 8,487 € - Imim 2: 8,322 € - Imim 3 : 8,322 €
• Length: 12 months. 2 academic semesters. 1 at London Metropolitan University and 1 • Objectives: The International Master in Management (IMiM) program forms global
at ESCEM, a workplacement of minimum 4 months, a dissertation managers with highly developed international business skills.The program is open to
French and International students who wish to graduate with a Master in
• Admission requirements: Bachelor Business degree or equivalent Management, which is fully recognized by the French Ministry of Education.
Interview with the program director and one academic person of the school It is designed to provide future managers with an understanding of the challenges
• English proficiency: Those for whom English is not their first language must and complexities of managing projects at a global level and to prepare them for
demonstrate sufficient fluency in both written and spoken English. business careers in an international and multi-cultural environment. Courses are
IELTS: 6 minimum taught in English by native English-speaking faculty, visiting business professionals
TOEFL paper-based 580 minimum and visiting professors from the School’s partner universities. Courses include
TOEFL computer-based 237 minimum lectures, case studies, projects, and seminars, using an international and a
TOEFL internet-based 92 minimum comparative approach. Students undertake compulsory work placements in France
• French proficiency: not required and abroad during summer recesses.
In September 2008, ESC Lille International Master in Management was ranked at the
• Tuition fees: 8,520 € for European Students ; 15,000 € for International Students 14th position in the Best European Masters in Management in the FinancialTimes.ESC
• Objectives: The world of marketing communications is changing rapidly in content, Lille is an EQUIS accredited School.
reach and form. This innovative course offered jointly with London Metropolitan
University aims to equip students with an understanding of major themes in u Masters of Science: 3 programs
marketing communications in an international context. • All courses are taught in English
The courses are taught in English in both Poitiers and London, so it is not necessary to • Length: 18 months
be a French speaker to undertake the program. It gives you a chance to study
Marketing Communications in an international context, taught from two different • Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.The course is also intended
perspectives. It also provides you with an understanding of the cultural differences in for corporate employees with substantial professional experience.
this field between the UK and France, giving you the skills to research and evaluate • English proficiency:Test in English (TOEFL (580 paper based / 235 computer based),
aspects of the marketing mix from an international perspective, from branding, TOEIC (785), IELTS (6.5), Cambridge Proficiency, or equivalent)
advertising and public relations to developing communications strategies. • French proficiency: not required

and Management
• Tuition fees: 11,450 €
u Master of Science in Management (Grande Ecole program,
Master’s grade) - Master of Science in Supply Chain Management and Purchasing
• All courses are taught in English • Objectives: The main objective of the program is to facilitate the dynamic
• Length: 24 months, 6 months are a compulsory internship at the end of the program. development of participants' managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, allowing
them to enlarge their expertise, and to work as manager and leader in the
• Admission requirements: the candidate must hold a non-French degree certifying at management of operations, supply chain, organization, performance, and
least three years of higher education study by 2008 + interview led by a panel international and multicultural environment. With a view to gaining the high academic
responsible for evaluating the candidate’s profile and their aptitude for an and professional levels students can prepare and take the main professional
international career in management. The oral test of 30 minutes will be held in certifications in the program domain (APICS, ASQ, Six Sigma Institute, AFAV, SAS,
English. SAP, PMI®, PRINCE2™).
• English proficiency: GMAT, Graduate Management AdmissionTest: 450 minimum.
• French proficiency: not required
- Master of Science in Project and Program Management
• Tuition fees: 16,000 € in 2008/2009 • Objectives: The main objective of the program is to facilitate the dynamic
development of participants' managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, allowing
• Objectives: The objective of Master’s 1 is to allow students to analyse, synthetize, them to enlarge their expertise, and to work as manager and leader in complex
diagnose, propose and recommend solutions. projects management, and international and multicultural environment. With a view
• 1st semester: Students take 6 management courses and a project in Sustainable to gaining the high academic and professional levels students can prepare and take
Development.They also take a foreign language course. the main professional certifications in the program domain (AACEI, AFAV, APM, IPMA,
• 2nd semester: Students take 5 management courses, a methodology module to know PMI®, SAS, SAP, P2M, Six Sigma Institute, PRINCE2™, MSP™).
how to write a research paper, a foreign language course and a project
(entrepreneurship or economic intelligence). - Master of Science in Auditing, Management Accounting

During the Master’s 2, students follow a specialization study track, that includes 225
and Information Systems
hours of training in one semester, and they complete a long internship in a company
for at least one semester. The objective of Master’s 2 is to allow students to • Objectives: To provide the techniques and tools required for internal auditing and
accompany, manage, evaluate, audit, perform in complex situations and implement a management control. To develop behaviours and know-how in harmony with these
strategic approach. functions in France and abroad. With a view to gaining the high academic and
professional levels students can prepare and take the main professional certifications
in the program domain (CIMA, AACEI, AFAV, IFACI, SAS, SAP, PMI®, PRINCE2™,
MSP™, Six Sigma Institute).

Website in English 154 Website in English 155

MASTER ESCP-EAPThe School of Management for Europe - Paris
u Master in Management ESCP-EAP
ESDES School of Management • 80% of the courses can be taught in English.
Université Catholique de Lyon - • Length:
Business and Management
• Entering into the Pre Master year:
u Master’s in International Business (MIB) 3 years (starting once a year in September)
• Entering into the Master Course:
• 95% courses are taught in English 2 years (starting once a year in September)
• Length: 2 years • Admission requirements:
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant area Entering into the Pre Master year:
- Multiple-choice test of logic and problem-solving skills (TAGE-MAGE) • Pre-Master International AdmissionTest:
- TOEIC English test Admission is open to students having completed 2 years of higher education outside
- Interview and English oral test France and having taken the upper secondary education certificate outside France and
• English proficiency:TOEFL 237 (92-93 Internet-based) or equivalent not older than 28 during the calendar year of application.
• French proficiency: letter of recommendation from French professor The Pre-Master AdmissionTest is based on:
• Tuition fees: 6,100 € per annum in 2008-2009 - a computer-based written test
- 3 oral tests (individual interview, short presentation, and group interview)
• Objectives: Two-year program, mainly in English. Second year includes six-month - 2 language tests
internship. Final dissertation to be submitted July-October.
• English proficiency: Proficiency in two languages other than the candidate’s native
Modules include Global Financial Strategies, International Business Law, language is required. No path is entirely in English.
International Corporate Finance, International Strategy, International Marketing,
Negotiation. Entering into the Master Course:
• European Master AdmissionTest
Bachelor's degree awarded in a European country outside France after at least 3 years
of university studies in Europe (180 ECTS) outside France and not be older than 28
during the calendar year of application.
The European Master AdmissionTest is based on:
- A computer-based written test
- 2 oral tests (individual interview and group interview)
- 2 language tests
• SAI AdmissionTest:
Bachelor’s degree awarded (or have successfully completed 3 years of higher
education outside of France) after at least 3 years of studies outside France and be
under 30 years old during the calendar year of application.
The SAI AdmissionTest is based on:
Interview in French or English
• English proficiency: Fluency expected. Oral interview in English or French.

and Management
• Tuition fees:>practical information>cost and financing
• Objectives: Study in different places
- 5 ESCP-EAP campuses in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid andTorino
- 60 exchange programmes all over the world - 310 places per year available on the
5 continents
- Develop excellent knowledge of management
- follow mandatory courses in all the main areas of management
- choose electives among a portfolio of 140 elective courses
- choose a specialisation option among 20 offered
- Build and test your own career project
- take gap semesters on internships
- choose the Apprenticeship track
- Apply to several European and international degrees
- Master of Science in European Management by City University in ESCP-EAP London
- Diplom Kaufmann/-frau or German MSc in ESCP-EAP Berlin
- Master Europeo en Administración y Dirección de Empresas by Carlos III in ESCP-
EAP Madrid

- Laurea Magistrale from the University ofTorino in ESCP-EAPTorino
- 13 dual degrees in the US, in China, in India, etc.

Website in English 156 Website in English 157

MASTER ESLSCA Graduate School of Business - Paris*
École Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales

ESCP-EAPThe School of Management for Europe - Paris u Master of Business Communication - MBC • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
• Length: 1 year
u Master in European Business • Admission requirements: The program is designed for all individuals with a strong
• Length: 12 months, starts once a year in September career interest in corporate communications regardless of their academic and work
• Admission requirements: Graduates with a first degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) in
Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent
all subjects except business are invited to apply. Admission is based on written and
2 years of work experience (preferred)
oral exams offered in the spring, trough June. Applicants choose among 35 different
GMAT or GRE (only for scholarship applicants)
2-country study tracks.
• English proficiency:TOEFL (250) / IELTS (6.5) /TOEIC (850) or completion of ESLSCA’s
• English proficiency: English is the language of instruction in London, Bangkok,
3-month intensive Pre-Masters program
Monterrey (Mexico), Gurgaon (India) andTurin. Languages of the countries selected
(English for Bangkok, Gurgaon and Monterrey) • French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: The program gives participants a broad understanding of the concepts, • Tuition fees: 12,000 €
opportunities and challenges in international business, with a special emphasis on the • Objectives: Our MBC is an exciting program that prepares students to become
perspective and skills of the manager operating in an international business creative and effective communication managers. It provides students with the
environment. Students spend one semester on an ESCP-EAP campus in Paris, London, opportunity to study various aspects of strategic and operational corporate
Madrid, Turin or Berlin and the second on another ESCP-EAP campus or at a partner communications. Career paths for graduates include public relations, management
institution in Mexico,Thailand or India. consulting, human resources management, marketing communications, and
A minimum 12 weeks internship is required. advertising.

u Master of International Marketing - MIM

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: The program is designed for all individuals with strong
career interests in Marketing regardless of their academic and professional
u Master of Science in Management ofTechnology backgrounds.
(Information systems) Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent
2 years of work experience (preferred)
• All courses are taught in English GMAT or GRE (only for scholarship applicants)
• Length: 15 months minimum (9 months + internship) • English proficiency:TOEFL (250) / IELTS (6.5) /TOEIC (850) or completion of ESLSCA’s
• Admission requirements: Each candidate should have a good Bachelor’s degree, or 3-month intensive Pre-Masters program
equivalent, in Information Technology/Computer Science or Social Science. • French proficiency: not required
Candidates with degrees in other subjects plus a minimum of two years experience in
the IT field will also be considered. • Tuition fees: 12,000 €

and Management
• English proficiency:TOEFL 580,TOEIC 800, IELTS 6.5, or equivalent • Objectives: Our MIM is a specialized program that provides students with applied
knowledge in international marketing. In the required part, students learn various
• French proficiency: not required
components of marketing: market research, consumer behavior, branding, etc.
• Tuition fees: 9,000 € for complete 18-month program Elective courses allow students to specialize in 3 areas: Strategic Marketing, Luxury
• Objectives:This program, beginning in 2009, is designed to equip its graduates with the Brands Management, and Sustainable Tourism. Career paths for graduates include
necessary skills, competences and vision to manage advances in technology in the form market research, brand and product management, and marketing communications.
of ideas, goods and services.
The program will enable students to develop and/or complement their technological
skills with expertise in strategy and knowledge management. * Info 2008
An array of specialist business and technical positions in internationalised, leading-
edge, knowledge-intensive enterprises and organisations will be open to them.

Website in English 158 Website in English 159
MASTER Euromed Management - Marseille
u MSc in Management Programme Grande Ecole (ESC)
ESSCA – École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales (Equivalent to Junior MBA)
d’Angers • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
ESSCA Graduate School of Management • Length: 2 years • Admission requirements: via the UNIVERSA entrance examination for students with a
foreign degree
u ESSCA Grande Ecole Master Program in English – Major Registration deadlines: 20th June 2009
GMAT is mandatory followed by an interview in English.
in International Business – Marketing – Strategies, Application Fee: 160 €
Supply Chains • English proficiency: Fluent
• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: Basic French (for students intending to work in France)
• Length: 2 years •Tuition fees: 6,000 € for 2 years
• Admission requirements: Applicants should have a Bachelor degree (any major), and Contact Person: Ms. Priyanka SHAH
provide transcripts, a GMAT score, and 2 letters of recommendation. Individual • Objectives: In a world of perpetual change, companies are seeking to recruit multi-
interviews are conducted in the applicant’s country of residence. skilled executives with a transversal corporate vision.To acquire knowledge about all
• English proficiency: ESSCA asks for a GMAT – no specific language exams are sectors, Euromed Management proposes a general management programme.
required The teaching approach provides the student with a flexible and individual study
• French proficiency: not required course which will make it possible to select the classes, work rhythm and schedule
• Tuition fees: 6,665 €/year for 2008-2009 that suits him/her best.

• Objectives: ESSCA’s state-accredited Master in Management is taught entirely in The ambition of our school is to see and show the world differently.
u MSc in Management Functional & Sectorial Specialisations
Semester 1 offering a broad foundation of academic knowledge with a distinctly
European focus and semester 3, an international business specialisation semester Choice of 9 majors in a specific management field
developing professional expertise, are taught in Angers. - International Marketing Management
Semester 2, an international semester focusing on the economy and business - Corporate Finance and Globalisation
environment of central and Eastern Europe and offering a wide choice of electives is - Operations & Supply Chain Management
taught in Budapest, Hungary.
- Personal Development & Leadership
Semester 4 is an applied research semester focusing on a Master thesis.
- Global Management
ESSCA assists students in their search for accommodation and with their
administrative formalities. - International Sport and Event Management
- Healthcare Company Management
- Economic Development
- International Business (double diploma)

and Management
FESIA - • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 months

u MSc in European Animal Management (EURAMA) • Admission requirements:

- Entry Level: Graduate (Bachelor’s Degree)
• All courses are taught in English - TOEFL* students who have studied for 3 years in English are exempted/ mandatory
• Length: 2 years for students choosing the “International Business” major
• Admission requirements: - Bachelor degree in animal sciences - GMAT
- Interview
- Highly motivated by international experience
• English proficiency: Fluent
• English proficiency: Good English level (550 atTOEFL, 750 atTOEIC or equivalent)
• French proficiency: Basic French (for students intending to work in france)
• Tuition fees: 4,280 € per year
•Tuition fees:
• Objectives: The MSc EURAMA prepares students to high management - 8,550 € (including 350 € pedagogical materials)
responsibilities in any animal professional sectors (scientific as economical jobs), - 12,000 € for International Business major
with a very good ability to work in international conditions. Many specialisations are - Application fees: 100 € (not refundable)
proposed in different countries in Europe. *1,500 € merit based scholarship available
(Conditions apply)
Contact Person: Ms. Priyanka SHAH
• Objectives:The emphasis on diversity and sustainable development enables student
at Euromed Management
to acquire the competences required to advance humanly in their lives and

professional careers, in an increasingly complex world. Our Euro-Mediterranean
orientation offers an opportunity to approach different managerial contexts
worldwide, in particular in zones with pronounced regional specificities (Latin
America, and South East Asia).

Website in English 160 Website in English 161

MASTER Grenoble École de Management
Grenoble Graduate School of Business

Euromed ManagementToulon u Master in International Business - MIB

ESCT-EID : École Internationale de Design - École
Business and Management
Supérieure de Commerce etTechnologie • All courses are taught in English
Graduate School of Business andTechnology* • Length: Course work, 1 academic year + International management Project 1 year • Admission requirements: the program is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree.
ECTS Credits: 120
u BtoB Account & Project Manager Master’s degree-level • English proficiency: Except for native speakers
qualification (Ingénieur d’Affaires) TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
TOEIC, minimum score 800
• 50%courses are taught in English IELTS, minimum score 6,5
• Admission requirements: • French proficiency: not required
A 4-year Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s degree (M1 or M2) in a technological, scientific •Tuition fees: 12,600 €
or industrial subject (Engineering, Information Technology, Computing, Project
Management, Industrial or BtoB Marketing, Manufacturing, Production, Logistics...) • Objectives: The MIB is a high-quality comprehensive program of business
administration subjects which are all studied from an international perspective.
Alternative qualifications and/or significant business experience may also be
accepted for company professionals. The program focuses on the knowledge required by managers in different sectors to
work in international companies and environments.
• English proficiency: High level of written and spoken English : IELTS 6.0 /TOEFL score
of 550 /TOEIC 750. It is a strong generalist program that helps students become operational very quickly.
• French proficiency: DALF. Graduates have both international business and management skills and foreign
language and cross-cultural competences.
•Tuition fees: students : 6,200 €
• Objectives: To enable graduates with technical, engineering or IT qualifications to u Master of Science in Finance
develop their career prospects by developing the dual skills of technical and
managerial expertise in the BtoB field , thus enabling them to provide complete BtoB
solutions in a complex, international, industrial context. Graduates can expect to find • All courses are taught in English
employment in the following areas/professions : BtoB consultancy, BtoB Account & • Length: Course work, 1 academic year + International Management Project 1 year
Project Management, Managerial roles, HighTech Client/Account handling, Industrial
Business Development, Sales Engineer… • Admission requirements: The program is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree.
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers
u MSc in International Business TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
TOIC, minimum score 800
• All courses are taught in English IELTS, minimum score 6,5
• Admission requirements: • French proficiency: not required

and Management
A Bachelor’s Degree from a French, UK or any other institution of higher education •Tuition fees: 18,000 €
with degree-awarding powers, in the subject of Engineering, InformationTechnology,
Computing, Project Management, Industrial or BtoB Marketing, Manufacturing, • Objectives: The Master of Science in Finance provides a preparation for careers in
Production, Logistics… corporate finance (as opposed to financial markets) and in financial management.The
courses cover the fundamentals of finance, as well as advanced topics in financial
Alternative qualifications and/or significant business experience may also be accepted. management, corporate finance, and financial markets. It provides the students with
• English proficiency: High level of written and spoken English : IELTS 6.5 /TOEFL score both strong foundations in the principles and practice of finance, as well as tools to
of 575 (or 232 computer-based) with aTWE of 4.0 or above. make sound financial decisions at a managerial level, in an international environment.
• French proficiency: not required Those experienced students who are already working in the financial services sector
• Tuition fees: EU students : 6,000 €, non-EU students : 11,450 €. Possibility of merit may finally gain formal training in Finance throughout this program. It is also suitable
scholarships and living expenses grants for graduates from a wide range of disciplines, such as management or engineering,
who feel they can deal with quantitative subjects.The students following the MSc in
• Objectives:To enhance the skills portfolio of graduates with technical, engineering or Finance generally wish to prepare for careers in banking, financial services or hold
IT qualifications, and to provide engineers with a significant advantage in the highly corporate finance positions within international companies at a management, control
competitive environment of international business. Applications from students with or decision-making level.
industrial marketing and business backgrounds will also be considered.
Graduates can expect to find employment in the following areas/professions : BtoB
consultancy, BtoB Account & Project Management, Managerial roles, High Tech
Client/Account handling, Industrial Business Development, Owner Management,
Sales Engineer…

* Info 2008

Website in English 162 Website in English 163

MASTER Groupe ESC Clermont
Graduate School of Management

Grenoble École de Management u Master in Management

Grenoble Graduate School of Business • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management - • Length: 2 years (including 6 months internship in France or abroad)
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
u Master of Science in Marketing • English proficiency: TOEFL: minimum 80 Internet-based/213 Computer-based/550 Paper-based;TOEIC: minimum 750; IELTS: minimum 6.0
• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: not required
• Length: Course work, 1 academic year + International management Project 1 year •Tuition fees: 13,300 € for two years
• Admission requirements:The program is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree. • Objectives: The Master in Management program educates students to acquire the
necessary managerial competences to take up positions of responsibility after
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers -TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer
graduation in a global business environment. Students can customize their program
based) – 587 (paper based) -TOIC, minimum score 800 - IELTS, minimum score 6,5
from a wide choice of advanced management specializations and an optional
semester abroad. Students with outstanding academic records can also apply for one
• French proficiency: not required of our double degree tracks to obtain an MBA or MSc. in addition to the ESC Clermont
•Tuition fees: 13,400 € Master in Management.
• Objectives: In today’s global competitive environment effective Marketing is often the
key contributing factor to sustainable success and makes the difference between u Masters of Science: 3 programs
successful companies and those which fail to grow. • All courses are taught in English
Hence there is a continual need for well qualified, competent Marketing Managers who
• Admission requirements: « Graduate » degree (4 years higher education) -; or
can work in fast-moving international environments and who can make Marketing
“Bachelor” (3 years of higher education) – on condition that you have at least 3 years
contribute to the competitive advantage of their organisations.
of working experience.
An MSc in Marketing from Grenoble Graduate School of Business is a passport to a
Engineers, Jurists, Finance, Marketing, Management, Economics, Business, Human
fast-track career in marketing positions worldwide.
Resources, Languages (English and/or French and other languages)
u Master of Science in Innovation andTechnology • English proficiency:TOEFL: 550 orTOEIC: 750 ; IELTS 6 minimum or ITB: 80 • French proficiency: not required
• All courses are taught in English •Tuition fees: 10,500 € ; Excellence based scholarships are available
• Length: Course work, 1 academic year + International management Project 1 year
• Admission requirements:The program is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree. - Master of Science in International Project Management
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers-TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer with a Double diploma: Conférence des Grandes Écoles and
based) – 587 (paper based) -TOIC, minimum score 800 - IELTS, minimum score 6,5 Professionnal « Export-Manager » ranked highest in its field in
CAMBRIDGE PROFICIENCY EXAM A,B,C the official listing of trades in France.
• French proficiency: not required
One program totally in English. One program bilingual French/English

and Management
•Tuition fees: 13,400 €
• Length: 16 to 20 months (depending on the duration of the internship)
• Objectives:The Master of science in Innovation andTechnology management meets the
• Objectives:Train students to become international project-managers, who are able to:
needs of both start-ups and established companies and provides managers and
- analyse an ever changing environment
professionals with both technology and business skills.
- be innovative in order to create new activities and/or new companies
It contributes to develop managers responsible for R&D function within high-
- Elaborate plans of actions and putting them into function
technology firms.
- Manage project-teams
Not only will these managers be able to exploit existing technologies, they will also be
Main module: fundamentals in management; entrepreneurship;international project-
able to recognize technological trends, explore new ideas for the generation of radical
management with all the commercial, legal, financial, social, managerial aspects; Real
innovations and manage the commercialization of such innovations.
entrepreneurial project in team-work in multicultural classes. Internship.
u Master of Science in Management Consulting
• All courses are taught in English
- Master of Science in International Business Development
• Length: FullTime program = course work 10 months + final project 10 months
with a Double diploma: Conférence des Grandes Écoles
PartTime program = 30 months and official Professionnal « Export-Manager »
• Admission requirements:The program is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree in ranked at the highest level in France
an area related to business and management or technology with excellent academic • Length: 16 to 20 months depending on the duration of the internship
2 to 3 years work experience • Objectives: Train students to become commercial development strategy experts
capable of:
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers - analysing an ever changing environment
TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based) - setting up business development strategies
TOIC, minimum score 800

- Elaborating plans of actions and putting them into function
IELTS, minimum score 6,5 - Managing sales forces
CAMBRIDGE PROFICIENCY EXAM A,B,C Main modules: fundamentals in management; international marketing; export and import
• French proficiency: not required business; logistics and international transport, financial, legal and managerial techniques,
•Tuition fees: 13,400 € E-business; Internship; several projects in team-work in multicultural classes.
• Objectives:The objective of this program is to train consultants, both internal and
external to solve complex business problems and assist companies in improving
corporate performance. Participants will develop competences in the practical
application of theory, in diagnostics and the formulation of creative solutions.

Website in English 164 Website in English 165

MASTER Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne
Burgundy School of Business -
u Master in Management (Grande École Program)
Groupe ESC Clermont • All courses are taught in English
Graduate School of Management • Length: 2 or 3 years
Business and Management • Admission requirements: French-speaking foreign students having completed 2 years
of higher education outside France:
- Master of Science in Finance and Auditing Into the 1st year (Passerelle international - competitive exam):
-TOEFL andTEF tests,
• Length: 16 to 20 months depending on the duration of the internship - test of economic analysis,
• Objectives: This Masters degree aims at training specialists in the internal and - oral languages exams,
external auditing field, with a command of the main international accounting - individual interview.
standards, budgeting techniques and strategic piloting. International students holding a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a foreign
Graduates will be capable of understanding and anticipating the risks for the institution:
company and implementing both internal and external auditing. Into the 2nd year (specific selection procedure):
- language and admission tests,
- individual interview.
Application for the program in French:
- Command of French:TEF (4), DELF (B2) or equivalent certificate obtained not more
than two years before submission of the application.
- Command of English: TOEIC (650), TOEFL (61/173/500), IELTS (5.0) or equivalent
Groupe ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application.
Application for the program in English:
French-Chinese Business - Command of English: TOEIC (750), TOEFL (80/213/550), IELTS (6.0) or equivalent
Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2 certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application. • French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 7,000 € per yearr
u Dual award programme in French-Chinese Business leading to: • Objectives:The objective of this program, which can be completed in French and/or in
English, is to develop students’ ability to assume top positions and offer them a range
Master's degree awarded by Blaise Pascal University of career possibilities.The "Grande École Program" is the main program of the French
(professional master "Affaires et commerce franco-chinois") Business Schools.The degree is recognised as a full Master's degree in the European
higher education system. It is fully accredited by the French Ministry of Education
Master in Management awarded by the Clermont Graduate (Grade de Master).
School of Manageement (“Diplôme de l’ESC Clermont”) First year (Introductory management course): to assess the knowledge acquired by
• First year: 100% in English; second year: English and French students in the various areas of management and personal development.
Second year (Advanced management and specialization courses): to acquire the
• Length: 2 years with 6-month internship in semester 4 ability to understand and analyse complex projects in a global environment.
• Admission requirements: Third year: to acquire know-how and expertise applied to business and management.
a) Prior qualification. A bachelor’s degree or Chinese benke or recognized equivalent - in French, 8 possible specializations: Audit and Accounting, Banking, Corporate

and Management
from an accredited institution obtained at the latest in July preceding the beginning Finance, Financial Markets, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Management
of the course.The degree may be in any discipline. Of Business Units, Management Of Cultural Organizations
b) Academic record. An above-average academic record is required for all students. - in English, two options are available: the MSc in International Management or the
Holders of a Chinese benke must have a minimum grade-point average of 75. MSc in International Business Development
c) All applicants must be proficient in English and in either French or Chinese (have a
C1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). u Master in International Management
• English proficiency: TOEFL : Minimum 550 for the paper-and-pencil test/80 for the • All courses are taught in English
Internet-based test • Length: 1 year
IELTS : Minimum 6.0.
• Admission requirements: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in a business-related
TOEIC : Minimum 750.
Study at an English-speaking university : Completion of at least one year’s full-time
Admission and language tests, individual interview.
study at an English-speaking university with a minimum grade-point average of 50%.
• English proficiency: TOEIC (800), TOEFL (88/232/575), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent
• French proficiency: Lower intermediate
certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application.
•Tuition fees: Approximately 14,000 € for two years (for the dual award)
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: Train trilingual graduates to conceive, implement and manage French
•Tuition fees: 8,000 € for EU citizens, 10,000 € for non-EU citizens
companies' business strategy on the Chinese market and that of Chinese companies
on the French market.The course leads to managerial positions in international sales • Objectives: This program covers the various aspects of the reconfiguration of the
and marketing, import-export, purchasing, commercial communication. Course international competitive environment and its implications on business management.
content: fundamentals of management; International Business; French and Chinese It is designed as a high quality English-taught program aimed at executives and
markets; French or Chinese language; 6-month placement in France or China with graduate students with the ambition to become corporate specialists, able to apply in-
integrated research project. depth business-related theoretical knowledge and practical know-how to advanced

international management practice.

Website in English 166 Website in English 167

MASTER Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne
Burgundy School of Business -
u MSc in International Management
Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne • All courses are taught in English
Burgundy School of Business - • Length: 3 semesters (internship included)
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: International Bachelor's degree or equivalent, individual
u MSc in European Business Administration interview
• All courses are taught in English • English proficiency: TOEIC (800), TOEFL (88/232/575), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent
• Length: 3 semesters, including a 4-month minimum internship in France or abroad certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application.

• Admission requirements: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in a business-related • French proficiency: not required
subject. •Tuition fees: 9,000 €
Admission and language tests, individual interview. • Objectives: The program covers the various aspects of the reconfiguration of the
• English proficiency: TOEIC (800), TOEFL (88/232/575), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent international competitive environment and its implications on business management.
certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application. It is also designed as a high quality English-taught programme aimed at executives
• French proficiency: not required and graduate students with the ambition to become corporate specialists, able to
apply in-depth business-related theoretical knowledge and practical know-how to
•Tuition fees: 8,000 € for EU citizens, 10,000 € for non-EU citizens advanced international management practice.
• Objectives:The MSc in European Business Administration covers the implications of a
changing international business environment on international management practice, u MSc in Wine Business
with a focus on European matters. It is an English-taught postgraduate program, • All courses are taught in English
aimed at executives and graduate students wishing to develop their understanding of
international and European business and management matters. • Length: 4 semesters (internship included)
• Admission requirements: Bachelor's degree with an academic background in
u Master in Business management or technical (vine, wine, agrifood) fields, international trade, law or
languages, and seeking to pursue a career in the wine sector and connected activities
• All courses are taught in English (facilities, wine tourism, etc.)
• Length: 1 year Individual interview
• Admission requirements: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in a non business related • English proficiency: TOEIC (800), TOEFL (88/232/575), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent
subject. certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application.
Individual interview. • French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: TOEIC (750), TOEFL (80/213/550), IELTS (6.0) or equivalent •Tuition fees: 9,000 €
certificate obtained less than two years before submission of the application.
• Objectives: • To train future managers in all aspects of management for wine
• French proficiency: not required companies in various wine-producing countries:
•Tuition fees: 8,000 € • Wine estates: taking over and running an estate
• Objectives:The aim of the program is to develop graduate students' understanding of • Merchandisers
business and management matters and to produce managers capable of applying in- - Managers of cooperative wine cellars
depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the business environment to advanced - Wine merchants

and Management
international management practice.
• Distribution and marketing
- Sales agents
u MSc in International Business Development - Importers
• All courses are taught in English - Distributors
• Length: 3 semesters (internship included) • To train tomorrow’s managers of distribution or import companies for a) French,
• Admission requirements: International Bachelor's degree or equivalent (scientists, Italian, Spanish, Chilean or American countries (each country has its specific
engineers, linguists…), individual interview features), or b) international companies (production or distribution subsidiaries in
different countries)
• English proficiency: TOEIC (800), TOEFL (88/232/575), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent
certificate obtained not more than two years before submission of the application.
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 9,000 € ESC Rennes School of Business
• Objectives:The program is aimed at dynamic students of all nationalities wishing to -
start their career in an international context.
It seeks to train the future executives to acquire not only an excellent economic and u MA in International Business (MAIB)
finance culture background but also all the skills necessary to develop a business • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 15 months
It is designed as a high quality English-taught programme geared towards students
• Admission requirements: Bachelors (Honours) in Business studies or equivalent + a
with an ambition to coordinate and negotiate efficiently in a multicultural
good working knowledge of English + application form + phone interview

• English proficiency: TOEFL (80/213/550) or TOEIC (750) or IELTS (6.5) or equivalent
In connection with hundreds of companies in Burgundy and with UBIFRANCE, the
certificate, if non native English speaker
French Agency for international business development, we will assist and support you
in finding your work placement in France or abroad. • French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 11,200 €
• Objectives: this program aims to provide students holding a first degree in Business
Studies with a solid grounding in the principal elements of doing business

Website in English 168 Website in English 169

MASTER Groupe ESC Rouen* -
MASTER OF SCIENCE u MSc in Global Management
• All courses are taught in English
ESC Rennes School of Business
• Length: 10 months + internship and Master’s thesis -
• Admission requirements: Applicants should hold a first degree in business,
Business and Management
economics or a related field.They should complete and submit an Application Form.
u Masters of Science: 6 programs • English proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate their competence in English by
• All courses are taught in English providing certified documentary evidence such as aTOEFL score of 220 or an overall
• Length: 18 months including 9 months courses + 6 months internship (in France or score of 6.0 in the IELTS. Other evidence of English language competence may be
abroad) + a professional thesis acceptable.
• Admission requirements: Any bachelors or equivalent qualification + a good working • French proficiency: not required
knowledge of English + application form + phone interview •Tuition fees: 10,500 €
• English proficiency: equivalent to aTOEFL 550 orTOEIC 750 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent • Objectives: The Master in European Management is a 80-credit, 10-month full-time
(for non native English speakers) program, running from September to June of each academic year, offered by the
• French proficiency: not required Rouen School of Management to graduate-level students from all over the world.The
objective of this program is to provide participants with a solid foundation in the
• Tuition fees: 11,200 €
specificities of doing business in Europe at the very time the process of European
integration is accelerating.The program is particularly useful for those wishing to work
- MSc in International Marketing (MSc IM) at some point in their careers with or for organizations with extensive European
• Objectives: The aim of the program is to qualify candidates for leading marketing operations. While all courses are taught in English, non-French-speaking students will
positions in international companies. acquire an operational level in French. In view of the wide cultural backgrounds of both
participants and faculty, participants will gain cross-cultural insights from this very
- MSc in International Business Negotiation (MSc IBN) enriching experience, thereby making them more effective global managers.

• Objectives: This program is aimed to train top level international negotiators and u Master of Science in Management (Grande École program)
mediators, able to perform equally well in all areas of negotiation from sales through
to human, social, management, institutional or shareholder issues • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 or 5 semesters
- MSc in International Finance (MSc IF) • Admission requirements: Admission through the Universa entrance exam for
• Objectives:This program aims to provide an intensive education and training in the - students holding a non-French degree attesting to at least 3 years of further
tools and techniques of international finance, as well as giving MSc graduates the education, of which 2 have been studied outside France, regardless of study area
confidence and skills to work in an international environment. Corporations, as well or
as financial institutions are, nowadays, looking for people whose background and - students holding a non-French degree attesting to 2 years of further education studied
diversity will help increase profitability in a global environment. abroad (regardless of study area) and providing evidence of at least 3 years of work
experience, in France or abroad, in the management field
- MSc in International Human Resource Management (MSc IHRM) • English proficiency: GMAT and interview in English
• Objectives: Training managers to handle international human resources and • French proficiency: not required
recognise the multicultural and global dimensions of large corporations.

and Management
•Tuition fees: 7,500 € / year
- MSc in Services Marketing & Management (MSc SMM) • Objectives: the program allows students to acquire the knowledge necessary for each
of the functions in a company, as well as the cross-functional skills essential for taking
• Objectives:This program aims to training marketing managers wishing to specialise management decisions. It ends with a specialised major in the final semester. The
in « pure » sectors (banking, transport, leisure and tourism, public sector, etc) and in program studied at ESC Rouen can be completed with one academic semester in a
service functions relating to the secondary sector (customer support, after-sales partner university and an internship in a company.
service, training, financing, etc.).
The Program Grande Ecole is a seven-semester program designed to train future
high-potential managers capable of grasping all the functions of a business, of
- MSc in International Accounting (MSc IA) summarizing them from a strategic management point of view, and of acting as
• Objectives:This program aims to educate graduate students in a fast-growing area of responsible leaders in companies.
international business.The demand for graduates who have skills and competencies The Master’s period is comprised of four semesters including a study-abroad
in international financial reporting standards and in their consequences for cross- semester.The program allows students to orient their work progressively towards the
border businesses is increasing. Major they choose in the last semester. The objective is to give each student the
possibility to define his or her own learning path in line with his or her professional
project and according to its background and level of entry.

* Info 2008

Website in English 170 Website in English 171
MASTER Groupe EscToulouse /Toulouse Business School
u Master of Science in Management
Groupe ESC Rouen* - • 50% courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years full - time
Business and Management
u MSc in Marketing • Admission requirements: Non-French degree attesting to at least 3 years of higher
education, of which 2 have been spent studying outside France, regardless of study
• All courses are taught in English
area.This can be the equivalent of a BA or BSc.
• Length: 15 months GMAT
• Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a first university level degree • English proficiency: Interview in English to assess sufficient level of proficiency
(Bachelor’s or equivalent)
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: fluent
• Tuition fees: 15,000 € for the 2-year MSc Program
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives:To obtain a degree that is recognised in France and throughout the world
• Tuition fees: 10,500 € (Grande École program, Master’s grade) approved by the National Education Ministry
• Objectives: The Master of Science in Marketing trains non-experienced and To take part in a generalised management training program taught in either French or
experienced students for international careers in Marketing. The program firstly English, or both.
covers the fundamentals of management, and then more advanced topics in
international marketing, branding, research marketing. The final phase is a thesis
(practically oriented or academically oriented).
French courses take place during the program.
The program prepares students for careers in the wide area of marketing with an
international perspective, enabling graduates to become product managers, market
Groupe ESCTroyes -
researchers or marketing professionals in an international context.
u Master’s Degree in Management
u MSc in Supply Chain Management
• Between 50% and 100% courses (according to the specializations) are taught in
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 15 months
Proposed specializations:
• Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a first university level degree
• Marketing major (including communication/advertising, commercial/intercultural
(Bachelor’s or equivalent)
negotiation, marketing of luxury products, purchasing/logistics, biotechnologies,
• English proficiency: fluent etc…).
• French proficiency: not required • Finance major (including financial markets, cost control, audit…).
• Tuition fees: 10,500 € • Innovation and Entrepreneurship major.
• Human Resources Management major.
• Objectives: The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management trains non-
• European Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
experienced and experienced students for international careers in Supply Chain
Management.The program covers the fundamentals of management first, and then • Joint degree in partnership with Université de Technologie de Troyes: - Master in
advanced topics in international Supply Chain Management, logistic, manufacturing, Sports Engineering and Management – Master in Knowledge Engineering and

and Management
operational management, purchasing.The last part is dedicated to a thesis related to Management of Communities.
an internship or not. • Length: 3 years
French courses are provided all along the program. - 1st year: Fundamental general purpose cycle, operational experience.
- 2nd year: “Opening” cycle; abroad and/or in France : tailor-made programs to match
The program prepares for careers in the wide area of Supply Chain Management with
the ambitions of each and every student.
an international perspective, enabling students to become a SCM manager, a logistics
- 3rd year: Synthetic managerial cycle ; choice or specialisation and completion of
manager, a purchasing manager or a consultant in an international context.
professional project ; End of cycle work placement.
u MSc in Finance • Admission requirements:
- in 1st year: students from preparatory schools or holding a degree at Baccalaureate
• All courses are taught in English +2 years level (BTS, DUT, DEUG) or equivalent French or foreign degree.
• Length: 15 months - in 2nd year: students holding a degree at Baccalaureate +3/+4 years level (Licence,
• Admission requirements: Applicants must: hold a first university level degree maîtrise…) or equivalent French or foreign degree.
(Bachelor’s or equivalent)- have an emphasis in mathematics • English proficiency: English is assessed in a test.
• English proficiency: fluent • French proficiency: B1
• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: 6,200 €/year
• Tuition fees: 10,500 € • Objectives: Groupe École Supérieure de Commerce de Troyes positions its Grande
• Objectives: The Master of Science in Finance trains both non-experienced and École program in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship area.
experienced students for international careers in finance.The program firstly covers The "Oser and Discerner©" approach: the School’s fundamental pedagogical project
the fundamentals of management; and then more advanced topics in corporate values an original general purpose approach to management with 4 main points:
finance, financial management, and financial markets. The final phase is a thesis project management, culture of innovation, open-mindedness vis à vis the outside

(practically oriented or academically oriented). world and operational professionalism.
The institution is located 90 minutes from Paris city center in the Champagne area,
French courses take place during the program.
directly linked by train or car.Troyes is a human-size town with plentiful opportunities
The program prepares individuals for careers in finance, such as commercial banking, for students: culture, night life, history, sport life, shopping... Troyes is also well
investment banking, asset management and consulting in international companies. known for one of the biggest factory outlet centers in Europe.

* Info 2008

Website in English 172 Website in English 173

MASTER HEC School of Management - Paris
u HEC Master of Science in Management
Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle Ranked #1 MSc in Management in Europe in the last 4 releases of the FinancialTimes
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English
u Master’s in Strategic Management awarded by Groupe Sup • Length: 18 months
de Co La Rochelle • Admission requirements: A non-French Degree in any discipline (Bachelor) with a
• All courses are taught in English minimum of 3 years of study outside France.
Students must provide
• Length: two year programme (possible direct entry in year 2). Next intake: September
2009. • Application file
(available on msc_admission.html)
• Admission requirements: Bachelor Degree or equivalent Higher Diploma required,
good proficiency in English. • GMAT orTAGE MAGE (French test similar to GMAT),
Our admission procedures for international students consider their location abroad • Interview.
and they do not have to come to France to apply: Selected students will be invited to the interview in one of the SAI testing centres
Pre-selection on the basis of application documents (50 centres worldwide).
Phone interview with the course leader Deadlines for application:
• English proficiency:TOEFL score or other evidence of proficiency • Outside Europe: March 10th
• French proficiency: not required • Europe: March 1st
• 2008/2009 Tuition fees: 6,950 € for European students, 8,000 € for non European Final Jury: Beginning of June
students. Please contact us for 2009 / 2010 tuition fees. Intake : September
• Objectives: This is a program in strategic management with three professional M2 • English proficiency: Fluency in English
specializations in industrial management, international strategy and audit and • French proficiency: not required. However, Students are invited to take a French
consultancy. language course during their studies at HEC
The program includes seminars, case studies, professional development, a 4 to 6- • Tuition fees: EU citizens: 24,600 € - Non EU citizens: 32,800 €
month training period in France or other countries in the world.
• Objectives:The 18-month MSc in Management is comprised of
For further details, contact us: / tel: 0033-5-46517771 • Core modules, electives in management and general culture, managerial behaviour
seminar and language modules (MSc - year 1)
• Specialization and an in-depth Research Project (MSc – year 2)
The curriculum uniquely balances practical leadership and professional skills’
development with the more theoretical requirements of the Research Project. With the
diversity of courses and specializations on offer (12), students develop expertise in
business administration, shape their career plans and also prepare their entry into the
business world through internships.

and Management
Website in English 174 Website in English 175
MASTER HEC School of Management - Paris
u Master of Science in International Finance (MIF)
HEC School of Management - Paris • All courses are taught in English • Length: 12 months
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: Candidates must hold a non-French Bachelor in Business
u Master of Science in International Business (MIB) Administration, Bachelor in Commerce or show a solid background in the field of
• All courses are taught in English finance and financial analysis with strong quantitative skills.

• Length: 12 months They must provide HEC with

Option 1: Full year at HEC Paris •The on-line application,
Option 2: CEMS Master in International Management (dual degree): 4 months •Two letters of recommendation from Professors,
international exposure through the CEMS network ( ) • Resume,
• Official scores of GMAT or GRE,
• Admission requirements: Candidates must hold a non-French Bachelor in Business • Official scores ofTOEFL or IELTS for candidates whose mother tongue is not English
Administration, Bachelor in Commerce or show a solid background in the field of or for candidates who do not hold their university degree from an English-speaking
management. Institution,
They must provide HEC with • Application fee: 75 €
•The on-line application, • Interview (optional)
•Two letters of recommendation from professors, Application deadline
• Resume, December 15th
• Official scores of GMAT orTAGEMAGE, February 15th
• Official scores ofTOEFL or IELTS for candidates whose mother tongue is not English April 15th
or for candidates who do not hold their university degree from an English-speaking June 15th
• Application fee: 75 € • English proficiency: Fluency in English
• Interview (optional) • French proficiency: not required
Application deadline •Tuition fees: 24,000 €
December 15th (CEMS option) • Objectives:The HEC Master of Science in Finance (MIF) is designed to train students in
February 15th (CEMS option) both corporate finance and capital markets with the objective to prepare them for a
April 15th future top-level international career in finance.The program comprises compulsory
June 15th courses covering the fundamental fields of financial theory, financial engineering,
Annual intake: September advanced corporate finance, international financial markets, derivatives, financial
• English proficiency: Fluency in English markets, energy markets… Students have access to practice in the HECTrading Room,
which is unique in Europe.
• French proficiency: not required E-mail:
•Tuition fees: HEC MIB: 20,000 € - HEC MIB + CEMS (dual degree): 22,000 €
• Objectives:The Master of Science in International Business (MIB) is designed to give
participants the pertinent academic and practical knowledge in management for an

and Management
international career. Students are offered the possibility to compose their own
curriculum in the fields of Int’l Finance, Int’l Strategy and Int’l Marketing by studying
12 months at HEC or by choosing the CEMS option and obtain the CEMS Master in
International Management together with the MIB HEC. The HEC MIB benefits from
long-established links with corporate partners who participate actively in courses,
training seminars, conferences, consultancy projects, etc.

Website in English 176 Website in English 177
MASTER IÉSEG School of Management, member of the Lille
Catholic University -
u Master of International Business
HEC School of Management - Paris • All courses are taught in English • Length: One year
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: This program is open to students having completed a
u Master of Science in Managerial and Financial Economics Bachelor degree or equivalent.
(MMFE) • English proficiency: confirmed level: IELTS Band 6 and over or equivalent
• Length: 12 months • French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Candidates must hold a non-French Bachelor in Business • Tuition fees: 9,000 € (September 2008)
Administration, Economics or Commerce or show a solid background in • Objectives: The underlying theme that runs throughout this programme is the
mathematics. development of a systematic and a global mind-set. Our success is based on a sound
They must provide HEC with understanding of world cultures and business practices: through this degree, our goal
•The on-line application, is to give you the fundamental skills to manage corporations in any international
•Two letters of recommendation from professors, context.
• Resume, The MIB is made of 8 core courses, 14 electives, an international business case study,
• Official scores of GMAT or GRE, the learning of a foreign language and an executive internship.
• Official scores ofTOEFL or IELTS for candidates whose mother tongue is not English Core courses are:
or for candidates who do not hold their university degree from an English-speaking • Warm Up: skills and behaviour
Institution, • International Economics
• Application fee: 75 € • International Human Resources Management
• Interview (optional) • Intercultural Management
Application deadline • International Marketing
December 15th • Global Finance
February 15th • International Business Strategy
April 15th • Learning Contract: business research methods
June 15th Degree customisation
Annual intake: September MIB students may choose 14 electives (an elective is a one-week intensive course).
These electives are an opportunity for students to customise their education and to
• English proficiency: Fluency in English shape their own professional course.
• French proficiency: not required The following electives are shown for illustration purposes: Doing Business in the New
•Tuition fees: 20,000 € Europe, Corporate Identity, Risk Management, Marketing in NAFTA, International
Business Ethics, E-Business Models,Trends & Issues…
• Objectives: The Master of Science in Managerial and Financial Economics (MFE) is
designed to equip students with a solid foundation in economic analytical skills as You can find more information about the MIB on
well as specialized knowledge in the economics of strategies and in finance. Its aim is
to impart not only knowledge of modern economic theory and empirical methods but u Master of Science in Management with 8 specializations:
also their applications to real world economic and business problems. Courses are Audit-Control, Finance, General Management, International

and Management
taught by recognized scholars with track record in publication as well as top Negotiations and Sales Management, Human Resources
professional economists and managers.
E-mail: Management, Information Systems Management, Marketing
and Operations Management.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 semesters
• Admission requirements: This program is open to students having completed a
Bachelor degree in Business Administration or equivalent.The IESEG Bachelor gives
students a direct entry into the Master of Science.
ICN Business School - Nancy - • English proficiency:confirmed level or if applicable official English test:TOEIC,TOEFL,
BULATS (official score)
u Master (MSc) in International Business • French proficiency: not required
• All courses are taught in English • Tuition fees: 6,800€
• Length: 2 years full-time • Objectives: The MSc in management program, taught in English, is a two-year
programme consisting of 8 specialized tracks in:
• Admission requirements: Admission is open to graduates holding at least a university
- Marketing
bachelor degree or equivalent. A limited selection will be made from the applications
- Finance
- General management
• English proficiency:TOEFL: 80,TOEIC: 750 - Human resources management
• French proficiency: not required - Audit-control

- Operations and information systems management
•Tuition fees: 10,000 € (1st year: 7,000 €; 2nd year: 3,000 €)
- Business administration
• Objectives: Carried out over 3 campuses, this program inspires international mobility - International negotiations and sales management
and fine tunes each student’s leadership capabilities and autonomy. The first 2
At the end of the Master of Science in Management program, all IESEG graduates are
semesters are held in Nancy and Bologna respectively (mid-September – June) or
operational managers, understand business from a strategic perspective, contribute
Milan and Nancy respectively (January – August). The third semester takes place in
to a change-management process, are aware of ethical issues in business.
either Uppsala, Moscow, Mexico City, or Shanghai. Open to an international
Moreover, the professional and personal development of each participant is
recruitment, this program provides the foundation for a true international career:
monitored and mentored during the program by means of personality tests, technical
flexibility, open-mindedness, and the ability to adapt in a global world.
reports, interviews with consultants…

Website in English 178 Website in English 179

MASTER ISC Paris - School of Management*
u Master of Science International and Corporate Finance
IPAG - •Year 1 (2 semesters): 50% in English
•Year 2 (2 semesters): 50% in English
Business and Management
u Master of International Business in partnership with Escuela • Length: 2 years (4 semesters)
de Administracion de Empresas Madrid and Camilo José Cela • Admission requirements:The minimum graduate admission requirements are: (1) a
University Madrid, awarding triple accreditation : Ipag state- bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution; (2) enough
accredited diploma + Master EAE + Official Master Camilo José undergraduate training to do graduate work in your chosen field; (3) a satisfactory
scholastic average.
Cela University
• English proficiency: Good command
• All courses are taught in English • French proficiency: Good command
• Length: one year in 3 semesters: 1 in Madrid, 1 in Paris, 1 anywhere, dedicated to • Objectives: This program is designed to provide individuals with an expertise in
thesis and work placement. International Finance, enabling them to pursue national or international careers in
• Admission requirements: BA (Honors) / Bac+4 (Master 1) / 240 ECTS. any field of the Finance professions.
• English proficiency: ITP TOEFL 550 points orTOEFL 207-220 CBT The courses cover fundamentals and advanced topics in finance and will provide the
students with all the necessary skills for careers in banking, finance, corporate finance
• French proficiency: not required. French courses are proposed during the second and financial.
semester in Paris
•Tuition fees: 10,600 € u Master of Science International Business and Management
• Objectives: the aim of the program is to prepare students to work in a management Year 1 (2 semesters): 60% in English
position in an ever changing international environment.They should be able to design
strategies and implement policies most relevant for the internationalisation of the Year 2 (2 semesters): 100% in English
firm. Graduates of the program are expected to be able to move easily in international • Length: 2 years (4 semesters)
organisations, foster and manage the required flexibility and change faced to new • Admission requirements:The minimum graduate admission requirements are: (1) a
technologies, new markets, social evolutions and increasing globalisation and bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution; (2) enough
anticipate effective international business strategies. undergraduate training to do graduate work in your chosen field; (3) a satisfactory
scholastic average.
• English proficiency: Good command
• French proficiency: Good command
• Objectives: At the completion of this course, the student will:
- Learn basic terms, facts, concepts, and theories of international trade
- Have thorough understanding of the export-import business environment
- Be able to research and identify foreign markets for export of European made
- Be able to prepare and present an export-oriented business plan

and Management
- Improve proactive managerial discussion skills supported by measurable factual
knowledge of the subject matter.

* Info 2008

Website in English 180 Website in English 181
MASTER Sciences Po Paris -
MASTER OF SCIENCE u Master of Public Affairs (MPA - Master’s degree program)
Paris Graduate School of Management - Group ESG* • All courses are taught in English • Length:Two years.
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: Successful candidates for admission to the MPA will come to
u Manager of International Development Program Sciences Po from every nationality and background, have an excellent academic record
at the bachelor’s or master’s degree level, and previous relevant work experience,
• 90% courses are taught in English
whether in the public or private sector. All will have demonstrated a strong interest in
• Length: 2 years leadership and problem-solving at a national, regional, or global scale.
• Admission requirements: 3 years of previous studies (bachelor) • English proficiency: For non native speakers, either the TOEFL or IELTS test is
• English proficiency: Excellent English skills, oral interview required, unless the candidate has a degree issued from an institution whose medium
• French proficiency: not required of instruction is English.

•Tuition fees: 5,350 € per year • French proficiency: not required

•Tuition fees: 22,880 €
• Objectives:Today, in every job description and requirements being international has
become a prerequisite. Here at ESGCI, we offer a program that is taught entirely in • Objectives:The Master of Public Affairs at Sciences Po is a challenging Master’s degree
English while being held in the heart of France, in Paris, surrounded by French designed for young professionals looking to master complex organizations in an
students. Future managers will learn how to adapt to different cultures, learn at least evolving global environment, solve problems using sophisticated analytical tools, and
3 languages and complete their program with an exchange semester or internship assume leadership roles in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.The mission of the
abroad.You will not find a more internationally shaped program. program is to nourish the reflective and analytical capabilities of future decision-makers
in the increasingly complex world of public policy, while teaching them the
u International Financial Manager Program management skills essential to making high-level policy decisions in a global context.
The new MPA brings together five of the world’s premier teaching and research
• All courses are taught in
institutions at the cutting edge of the current thinking on global public policy: Sciences
• Length: 2 years Po, the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University in New
• Admission requirements: 3 years of previous studies (bachelor) in a Financial York, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, the Hertie School of
background Governance in Berlin and the London School of Economics and Political Science
• English proficiency: Excellent English skills, oral interview (LSE). Thanks to this partnership, selected students will earn a dual MPA degree,
spending one year in Paris followed by one year at one of the partner institution, and
• French proficiency: not required receiving two MPA’s – one from each institution they attend.
•Tuition fees: 5,350 € per year
• Objectives:To be successful in the field of International Finance, every student has to
u Master of International Affairs, International Security:
have an idea about the different regulations applied in the most important countries a bilingual track
for financial markets: Germany, UK, US, France. Our program prepares future • 75% courses are taught in English
managers for this challenge, teaching in English in the heart of France, and preparing
• Length: 4 semesters
the students for the most important accounting exams in the world.
• Admission requirements: The program “International Security/Sécurité internationale :
a bilingual track” has been created for candidates who do not have a sufficient level of

and Management
* Info 2008 French to join our regular Master’s program in French. During the first year the students
will follow all the courses in English.They will also attend specially designed intensive
French language courses which will enable them to attain the necessary level of
language proficiency to follow the second year Master’s courses in French. After two
Reims Management School (RMS) years of studies the students will have acquired an expert knowledge of issues pertaining to international security and will have attained a good level of written and
spoken French.
u MSc in Management (Grande École programme) • English proficiency:TOEFL Internet BasedTest (IBT) : 79-80 or
TOEFL Computer BasedTest (CBT) 213 or
• All courses are taught in English
TOEFL Paper BasedTest (PBT) 550 or
• Length: 2 years IELTS 6 (with no individual band less than 5,5)
• Admission requirements: Holder of a bachelor’s degree. • French proficiency:TCF 300 or DELF B1
International admissions via UNIVERSA ( : GMAT + face to
•Tuition fees: 5,000 € per year
face interview.
Domestic admissions via TREMPLIN 2 ( : TAGE-MAGE + English • Objectives:The program is organised into four semesters and is built on a progressive
language test + face to face interview acquisition of knowledge.
First Semester (in English): A study of fundamental theoretical and methodological
• English proficiency: Good issues and a general overview of international relations and international security
• French proficiency: not required (Theories of International Relations, Ethics of International Relations, Quantitative
•Tuition fees: 16,000 € for 2 years Methods)
Second Semester (in English): A study of different domains of international security
• Objectives: Students will achieve a solid foundation in all management disciplines via (Peace-keeping and Peace-building, Humanitarian Phenomenon, Economics of Security).

the core curriculum. Specialist electives will enable students to deepen their The students will also be required to follow two optional courses of their choice.
knowledge in the field of their choice that best corresponds to their personal and Third Semester: Internship or International Workshop
professional aspirations. Fourth Semester (in French): A study of different security actors and methods of
Management is an applied science, all students are required to undertake an managing international security issues (UN Security Council, New Technologies,
internship (in France or abroad) to combine theory with practice. Furthermore, all Simulation of Conflict Resolution)
students will benefit from an international experience abroad.

Website in English 182 Website in English 183

Université du Havre -
TELECOM Business School (ex INT Management) u Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs andTrade
Business and Management
(3rd year) -
u Master of Science in International Management • 50% courses taught in English
• All courses are taught in English • Length: 2 semesters of 12 weeks
• Length: 2 semesters of courses and 1 semester of internship • Admission requirements: - 1 CV - 1 original of your birth certificate translated into
• Admission requirements: Undergraduate degree,TOEFL and GMAT French - 1 covering letter - 1 certified copy of the original of all your certificates - Mark
sheets of your two previous academic years - Level of English: certified
• English proficiency:TOEFL
Your form will be carefully considered by the Admissions Board.You may be invited
• French proficiency: not required to an interview. Students with overseas qualifications can obtain advice on
•Tuition fees: 10,000 € equivalency from our International Office (SRI):
• Objectives: Rigorous academic courses providing managers with the skills required to • English proficiency: Applicants need to provide evidence of English language ability
occupy decision-making roles. (e.g IELTS average score of 6.5; or aTOEFL score of 550-600 (paper-based test) or 213-
Our graduates are equipped with the skills to face: 250 (computer-based test)). The Board will also take into account study and
• organizational changes within businesses, particularly with the advent of new traineeship in English-speaking countries. Students have access to various
information and communication technologies, through knowledge of the technical pedagogical tools to support them in improving their linguistic skills.
constraints in their managerial reasoning, • French proficiency: International applicants need to provide evidence of French
• internationalization of processes and exchanges that require business to employ language ability.The Board will also take into account study and traineeship in French-
managers capable of managing the flow of information. speaking countries. Students have access to various pedagogical tools and courses in
FFL to support them in improving their lingusitic skills
u Master in Management •Tuition fees: as determined by the French National Education Ministry
• All courses are taught in English • Objectives: This program is intended for students aiming for a career in an
• Length: 3 semesters of courses and 1 semester internship international environment.This is achieved through a mastery of basic economic and
• Admission requirements: Undergraduate degree,TOEFL and GMAT legal studies as well as through the study of two modern languages. Applicants
require a good level of English and French and 120 ECTS.This degree opens the route
• English proficiency:TOEFL to a Master’s in International Professional Affairs (see our Masters at the university of
• French proficiency: not required Le Havre).
•Tuition fees: 1,060 €
• Objectives: The program is based on three principles:
• progressive combination of courses in management and information technologies,
• focus on action through project-based teaching,
• strong international orientation with a global dimension.

and Management
Website in English 184 Website in English 185
LICENCE - BACHELOR CERAM Business School - Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Université Lille 1 - Sciences andTechnologies u CERAM Bachelors EAI
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Lille
Majors : Bachelor of Science or Art in Business, Bachelors
Graduate School of Management
of Arts in Communication, Bachelor of Science in Engineering,
Business and Management
Bachelor of Science in Aviation, Bachelor in Marine
u Bachelor of Business Administration in Organisation & Environmental Science, Bachelor in Computer Science
Management • All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English • Length: 4 years
• Length: 1 year (60 ECTS) • Admission requirements: CERAM Bachelors EAI proposes two entry dates:
September and January.To apply for an admission you need to be at least 18 years of
• Admission requirements:
age in September of your entry year, and have obtained one of the following
- Higher education: Must have completed a two-year higher education course;
diplomas: a French Baccalauréat, an American High School diploma (with a GPA >2.0),
selection on the basis of the application and/or interview
an International Baccalaureate Diploma, or British qualifications (GCSEs). The
- Further education: Must have completed a two-year higher education course or
application form is available on the website or by calling
obtained a Validation of Professional Experience.
CERAM Bachelors EAI (+334 93 95 44 51).
• English proficiency: excellent level required - certificate of English proficiency
• English proficiency: must be fluent, but you can improve your English by taking some
• French proficiency: not required but “survival” French is welcomed for better advanced English courses.
integration in French life
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: fixed by the university
• Tuition fees: 3,050 € per semester, that means 6,100 € per annum
• Objectives: General aim: To train beginners in the basic skills and knowledge of
• Objectives: CERAM Bachelors has six faculties (Business, Communication,
Business Administration: candidates from higher education or further education
Engineering, Environment, Aviation, Computer). Students follow a unique
-To provide students with dual competency degree who previously attended two-year
programme with a four year degree course, taught in English, incorporating two
courses in different subjects (in particular, other than management: technical,
years of study in France and two years in a partner university (USA, Australia,
scientific studies or linked to social sciences) and wishing to find a satisfactory
Canada, UK, mainland Europe). The CERAM Bachelors EAI degrees are recognised
vocational opportunity in management to obtain a three-year level of higher
throughout the world, and are accepted as a valid qualification for further study in
Master degree and eventually a doctorate.
- To enable an acquisition or an updating of the knowledge in the different
management domains to an audience of in- house training: someone who has had a
first short career path and wishing to acquire or enlarge management skills or
someone working for a long time and wishing an updating of its skills to be globally
more efficient.
- To enable trainees coming from companies to acquire management basics before École de Management de Normandie
applying for a master degree (that degree is useful in the case where a student wishes Normandy Business School
to opt for a general course before entering a management specialization).

and Management
u Normandy Business School Bachelor in European Business
• All courses are taught in English
• Length:Two semesters (Sept-Dec & Feb-May)
Université Paris X - Nanterre - • Admission requirements: Independent students apply by submitting an application
form (downloadable on site) + official transcripts showing completion of a minimum
u Licence (BA) in International Management (Bilingual) of four semesters of higher education in business-related subjects (120 ECTS Credits)
+ English language proficiency certification
• 50% courses are taught in English
• English proficiency: TOEFL : CBT 213, IBT 79 or PBT 550 or equivalent (IELTS,
• Length: 3 years (6 semesters) Cambridge,TOEIC)
• Admission requirements: Selection if necessary according to the admission capacities • French proficiency: not required - A French language module is included in the
and the level of English. program
• English proficiency:TOEFL score – min. 93 • Tuition fees: Full program (2 semesters) + award of Bachelor certification : 6,350 € -
• French proficiency:TCF level 4 One study-abroad semester : 3,175 €
• Tuition fees: 500,00 € • Objectives: Those management skills required for business and/or tourism
• Objectives: The BA focuses on the integrative nature of international business and management in a European & French intercultural context.Taught entirely in English,
management. It aims to help students to appreciate the dynamic nature of the global the program offers two successive semesters. For enhanced cultural diversity, faculty

business environment, the decision-making faced by international managers, and the come from a variety of EU countries. 8 modules per semester : 6 core courses :
competencies and cultural adaptation required for success. • semester 1 : Marketing management , Finance, European Business Law, Project,
HRM, French Language & Culture (all levels) ;
• semester 2 : Corporate strategy, Finance, Compared International Law, Project,
Intercultural Management, French Language & Culture (all levels) & 2 options:
European Marketing orTourism management.

Website in English 186 Website in English 187

LICENCE - BACHELOR Euromed Management - Marseille
ESC Bretagne Brest - École Supérieure de Commerce
de Bretagne - Brest u ”Diplôme du CeseMed”(Bachelor with honors)
Graduate School of Management of Brittany • 60% courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 years
Business and Management
• Admission requirements: 1st year: Competitive exam for student holding a
Baccalauréat: Sesame
u Bachelor in Management - PAE Application file examination and interview for student holding an international
• All courses are taught in English equivalent of Baccalauréat
• Length: 2 or 3 years (4 or 6 semesters) Admission in third year: Application form and interviews for students with two years
of university level studies
• Admission requirements: Open to students with General Certificate of Education A
Level or equivalent, they will have a Three years Bachelor. If you hold a one year • English proficiency: Fluent
degree in higher education, you can enter the second year of the program, you’ll have • French proficiency: Fluent
a two years Bachelor. Candidates will send an application form with secondary school • Tuition fees: 7,300 €
final certificate, marks sheet, CV and statement of purpose. Eligible applicants will
need to write a synthesis, be interviewed about their motivations and get their • Objectives: This program aims at preparing students to operate in an international
language skills tested. context and provides them with a sound knowledge of different economic and cultural
• English proficiency: Very good level of English is required.
• French proficiency: Not required but some basic french knowledge is welcome for
getting along in everyday life. French language course included in the program.
• Tuition fees: 4,700 € per year, the same for any nationality
• Objectives: Our educational goal is to train operational executives in the fields of Grenoble École de Management
management, selling or international trade who are able to work ethically in a
multicultural team and who are capable of working with France in the future and of
Grenoble Graduate School of Business
comprehending the logic of sustainable development in an environment which is
constantly changing.

u Bachelor in International Business - BIB

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: Course work, 1 academic year + International management Project 1 year
• Admission requirements: Study Level: the program is open to students from high
school to 2/3 years of university education.
ESCEM - École Supérieure de Commerce ECTS Credits: 120 Credits for the 1-year program, 60 Credits for the 2-year program
et de Management -Tours-Poitiers • English proficiency: Except for native speakers TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
TOEIC, minimum score 800

and Management
u Bachelor in European Business Studies IELTS, minimum score 6,5
• FromYear 1 to 3 : 50% to 100% courses are taught in English
• French proficiency: not required
• Length: 3-year program
• Tuition fees: BIB 1 year = 7,400 €
• Admission requirements: Baccalaureate (High school diploma or equivalent)
BIB 2 years = 15,600 €
+ examination entrance
BIB 3 years = 23,400 €
• English proficiency:TOEFL with a minimum of 500 PBT, 173 CBT or 61 IBT
• Objectives: The BIB provides thorough understanding of all aspects of international
• French proficiency: DALF C1 if non native speakers business management. This program which is open to students from high school to
• Tuition fees: 20,400 € for the length of the program (3 years) or 6,800 € per academic 2/3 years of university education has a very international student body and includes
year + 150 € file handling fees French language and culture courses.
To obtain the Bachelor in International Business in 1 year, students must pass 60 ECTS
• Objectives: Iseme Bachelor’s original course prepares its students for efficient practice
in the field of business and management in a European corporation. Iseme offers a
To obtain the bachelor in International Business in 2 years, students must pass
professionally-oriented curriculum and places great emphasis on openness to other
120 ECTS credits.
cultures, mastery of foreign languages together with knowledge of European
To obtain the bachelor in International Business in 3 years, students must pass
economy and institutions. Iseme provides its students with a program that is both
180 ECTS credits.
academically rigorous and practical through a combination of business subjects,
Please consult our website.
excellence in languages, study abroad and intensive work experience.

Website in English 188 Website in English 189
LICENCE - BACHELOR ESCToulouse /Toulouse Business School
Chambéry Graduate School of Business u Bachelor in Management stream International Management
(Programme accredited by the French Ministry of Education
u Bachelor in InternationalTrade + EQUIS + AACSB)
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English • All courses are taught in English
• Length: one year • Length: 3 years (6 semesters/180 ECTS) withYear 2 at partner university abroad.
• Admission requirements: minimum level of two years of studies in higher education, • Admission requirements: High School Diploma (baccalaureate, A-levels or equivalent)
at a university or equivalent establishment. + Admission Test (Multiple question tests in Logic and English + summary of texts)
and interview.Tests and Interview in English. 2 sessions May + July.
• English proficiency: -TOEFL paper test 520; computer test 190 ; IBT 68 Possibility for international students having completed 2 years of undergraduate
- IELTS 5 studies to apply for direct entry into 2nd year.
-TOEIC: at least 650
• English proficiency: IELTS/ 6.0 –TOEIC 780 or equivalent
• French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 5,990 €
•Tuition fees: EU citizens: 6,300 € – Non EU citizens: 8,000 €
• Objectives: To develop management skills in the area of international business. The
first semester covers general subjects key to trade management, and the second • Objectives: The BIM Stream IM aims to prepare students for careers requiring the
moves into more professional, operational activities. Students who plan to develop intercultural skills essential to perform on a global market and/or to handle and apply
careers involving import-export, international sales or purchasing, or international NTICs into the management of businesses.
supply chain management (SCM) will benefit from this program. Those who have a Through the exposure to a broad range of cultures, practices and techniques, students
more general interest in international business will also find it an interesting and are prepared to face the new challenges faced by young managers: A multicultural
enriching course, which is taught by an international team, a mix of academic and workplace and the development of new technologies as managerial tools.
professional contributors. (English program + French language support).

Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne

Burgundy School of Business -

u Bachelor in Business
• All courses are taught in English Groupe ESCTroyes – INBA, International School
• Length: 1 year of Management
• Admission requirements: A 2 or 3 year undergraduate degree (according to home
country educational system) in a non business related subject.
Individual interview. u Bachelor with Honours in International Business
• English proficiency: TOEIC (750), TOEFL (80/213/550), IELTS (6.0) or equivalent
certificate obtained less than two years before submission of the application.
+ diploma of foreign partner (Bachelor (with Honours), Diplomatura

and Management
• French proficiency: not required
en Ciencias Empresariales, Diplom Betriebswirt/Diplom Kaufmann,
•Tuition fees: 8,000 €
Licenciatura, Bachelor Marketing Management, Laurea in Economia
• Objectives:The main objective of the Bachelor in Business is to produce young delle Imprese e dei Mercati).
graduates with skills in applying theoretical and practical knowledge of business
matters to international management practice. The program is aimed at dynamic • Between 25% and 100% depending on the specialization
undergraduate students of all nationalities, wishing to complete their education by • Length: 4 years
developing their understanding of business and management issues. • Admission requirements:
- to the 1st year: Baccalaureate (all French Baccalaureates and international
Groupe ESC Rouen* - - to the 2nd year: students at Baccalaureate + 1 year level, or equivalent French or
foreign degree (60 ECTS Credits)
u Bachelor Degree in International Business (IFI Diploma) • English proficiency: English is assessed in a test.
• 75 % in year 3, 100 % in year 4, courses are taught in English • French proficiency: B1
• Length: 4 or 2 years •Tuition fees: 5,480 €/year
• Admission requirements: Recruitment is after the Baccalaureate (SESAME entrance • Objectives: The INBA program trains managers in International Management.
exam) or at Bac+2 (STEP exam) Surrounded by resident teachers and experienced professionals, the INBA program
provides high quality teaching for future managers who will showcase their skills in a
• English proficiency: fluency
highly competitive environment.
• French proficiency: not required A strong emphasis on professionalism and on an international aspect, with 12 months
• Tuition fees: 6,250 €/year in internships abroad and two semesters in a partner university abroad, spread over

the duration of the program. Obtaining a double-degree studying at one of our
• Objectives: The aim of the IFI is to train students for careers in trade, marketing and
international partner universities, students can capitalize on their acquired knowledge
management in companies with an international dimension.The study program offers
and expertise in several countries.
an alternation between periods in France and abroad as well as a six-month internship
The pedagogic approach is based on a realistic vision of the business world, open-
in a company. The linguistic dimension of the program is one of its main distinctive
mindedness, good human relations, and team spirit through the management of
elements as it requires fluency in English and French and good command of another
projects, case studies, and involvement in the school voluntary associations.

* Info 2008

Website in English 190 Website in English 191

LICENCE - BACHELOR INSEEC – Paris International Business School
MBA Institute
ICN Business School - Nancy - or

u European Bachelor of Business Administration

u BBA, Bachelor in Business Administration
• All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English • Length: 3 years
• Length: 1 year full-time • Admission requirements: International Students applying to the PIBS MBA Institute
• Admission requirements: - 2 years of completed university education Program must have a high-school diploma or its equivalent (A-levels, Abitur,
- Completed and signed application form: Baccalauréat, etc.) from their respective countries. Other students, slightly older, who
• English proficiency:TOEFL (80) have begun their postsecondary education elsewhere are admitted directly into the
second or third year after passing an advance entrance examination.
• French proficiency: not required
French students applying to the PIBS MBA Institute are recruited through a
•Tuition fees: 5,050 € competitive written entrance exam administrated several times throughout the
• Objectives:This program has a true intercultural dimension as it welcomes not only academic year in Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Nice and New York. Applicants are also
students from throughout the world but also local French students. Visiting professors interviewed by a jury of administrators and faculty.
from around the globe conduct courses such as entrepreneurship, European Union In a first-year entering class, most students come directly from high school (lycée)
and European institutions, corporate strategy, marketing, new global geopolitical when they are 18 or 19 years of age. In general, students hold a French baccalauréat.
challenges, corporate finance, international negotiation… all the tools necessary for
the business world. • English proficiency: International students must have a satisfactory level of English,
which they can demonstrate in their answers to the essay questions found in the
application form. PIBS MBA Institute has two working languages: French and English.
Courses are taught in either French or English, depending on the subject matter and
the professor’s native language. In practice, roughly half the courses are taught in
each of the two languages.
Classes in French are delivered at our INSEEC Language partner school.
• French proficiency: not required
IDCE - Institute for the Development of Consulting •Tuition fees: 6,500 € per year
and Enterprise - Angers • Objectives: For the European BBA program (three years) the mission of this BBA is to provide international students mixed to French students with the tools that they need
to prosper in the world of international business.
u Bachelor of Business Administration “Small and Medium The students go through a three-year post-secondary program, after which they
obtain a BBA (European bachelor’s degree in business administration). Before
Enterprise Business Administration” embarking on their professional lives, they may then apply to a Master 1 optional
• 50% courses are taught in English fourth year which stands like a preparation for a specialized master MBA program.
• Length: 3 years
u North American Bachelor of Business Administration
• Admission requirements:The French baccalauréat or any foreign degree of the same
level with a major in sciences, in economics, in management or in foreign languages, • 70% courses are taught in English
a cv, a letter explaining the student’s motivations, copies of diplomas • Length: 4 years

and Management
• English proficiency: basic English • Admission requirements: For the American BBA (four years), French students will go
• French proficiency: basic French (possibility of courses of French as a foreign the same basic three years – cf. European BBA for international students - then carry
language) on a fourth year with specialised classes to obtain their American BBA.
•Tuition fees: between 3,320 € and 3,462 € •Tuition fees: 7,500 € per year
• Objectives: This BBA provides students with a three-year bilingual program • Objectives: Students will have special preparation for the G-MAT examination. An
(French/English). It offers them extensive knowledge of the economical and the American style business curriculum taught in English to prepare international
managerial practices inside the enterprise and brings them quickly in touch with work students for admission in Master’s Program. Thirty-five percents of the PIBS MBAI’s
experience. It also helps them to grasp the international development of the graduates have gone on to obtain a MBA from a major American or European MBA
enterprise. program or to a double diploma in a joint International Master’s.

Website in English 192 Website in English 193
LICENCE - BACHELOR Paris Graduate School of Management - Group ESG*
u Bachelor of Business Administration (degree)
u Bachelor in International Business Studies with Marketing • All courses are taught in English
(IBSM degree) or withTourism (IBST degree) • Length: 3 years
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: high school degree
Admission is on a continuing basis and applicants are notified immediately of the
• Length: 1 year (2 semesters) jury's decision. Interviews are conducted in Paris and if necessary by phone. In some
• Admission requirements: Direct Admission into the year 3 bachelor for students with cases, the jury may decide to waive the interview, when the applicant has suitable
at least 2 years studies 120 ECTS or equivalent) in the business field. qualifications.The Admissions Office reserves the right to require a candidate to take
• English proficiency: Good command of written and spoken English (B2 level on the remedial courses in English, mathematics or other subject areas before admission
European Framework portfolio,TOEIC 750 or equivalent) into the program.
• French proficiency: not required • English proficiency: For non-native English speakers, aTOEFL score of 200 (or other
English test such asTOEIC
• Tuition fees: 7,500 €
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives:The course allows students to fit into international careers in any aspect of
brand management, market research, advertising public relations or sales • Tuition fees: 2008/2009
management in the field of marketing or tourism. Academic year
Pre BBA: 5,500 € - Level 100: 6,200 € - Level 200: 6,700 € - Level 300: 6,700 €
Seminars + workplacement. One Semester: 3,350 €
Skills that enable: Summer Session: 1,950 € (minimum 3 courses)
- setting up a business plan; One Course: 650 €
- developing a product or service from conception to sales;
• Objectives: The BBa is based on foundation in the basic disciplines of business
- implementing a marketing strategy;
administration, according to the norms of the best angloamerican and international
- organising internal and external communication;
business schools.This is accomplished by a course sequence, which begins with core
- developing customer relations.
business courses (level 100 and 200), followed by specialization in one of the three
major disciplines: Marketing, Finance and Management (level 200 and 300). A minor
is also possible.The selection of a wide range of electives enables students to pursue
a fulfilling career in a rich professional environment and to be operational in an
evolving global environment.
Anglo-american Academic standards and processes are entirely implemented in the
BBA Program (textbook based courses, oral presentations, GPA - Grade Point

* Info 2008
ISUGA : Europe-Asia Management Institute - Quimper

u Bachelor in Europe-Asia International Business - « BBA degree »

and Management
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: French « bac+2 », i.e. 2 years of higher education & a strong
motivation to study Europe & Asia and build a business career in East-West trade
• English proficiency:
Admission: good English level required (to be assessed during face to face or phone
interview), no IELTS orTOEFL score required
Graduation:TOEIC 650 required
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 6,200 €
• Objectives: ISUGA « Bachelor in Europe-Asia International Business » is a unique
undergraduate course which combines business studies with specialization in Asia
(for Europeans) or Europe (for Asians). Visiting lecturers from a variety of academic
& commercial institutions teach major business & management subjects in English,
while languages (English-French-Chinese-Japanese) & computing courses are taught
by resident staff. Curriculum allows time for internships, too.
It is a unique program focused on International Business between Europe & Asia.

Website in English 194 Website in English 195
UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA - DU Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble 2
Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2
u University Diploma in Skills of International Co-operation Projects (DUSICP)
u University Diploma in International Business with French
Business and Management
• All courses are taught in English
(for students completing two semesters study)
• Length: 1 year
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Entry from a four-year degree
• Length: 1 or 2 semesters
• English proficiency: fluent English and French, another useful language if possible
• Admission requirements:
- basic business background • Tuition fees: 2,000 to 5,000 €
- final year undergraduate level or bachelor’s degree • Objectives: University Diploma in Skills of International Cooperation Projects
- above average grades
- no previous knowledge of French required.
Private students and exchange students from partner institutions accepted.
• English proficiency: TOEFL : Minimum 550 for the paper-and-pencil test/80 for the Grenoble Universités - Université Pierre Mendès France
Internet-based test
Grenoble 2
IELTS : Minimum 6.0.
Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Grenoble
TOEIC : Minimum 750.
Study at an English-speaking university : Completion of at least one year’s full-time
study at an English-speaking university with a minimum grade-point average of 50%.
u University Diploma in International Management
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 800 € per semester
• Objectives: Centred on contemporary business issues, the programme aims at • Most of classes in English (around 80%)
developing the essential business skills required for managers working in a • Length: 1 year
competitive international environment. Classes include: Doing Business in France, • Admission requirements: A three-year degree
Negotiating in International Markets, Web Management, International Business,
International Marketing, European Union, Research Project; French language. After • English proficiency: Intermediate to advanced level of English
obtaining the diploma, students who have the required proficiency in French qualify • French proficiency: not required
to apply for a Master’s degree programme within the Faculty of Applied Languages, • Tuition fees: 3,000 €
Business and Communication.
• Objectives:The University Diploma in International Management (DUMI) is a one year
graduate degree awarded by L’IAE Grenoble and open to candidates with a 3-year
university degree from a foreign university (or equivalent) and looking for training in
general and international management, with a view to integrate the IAE masters
degree in 1st or 2nd year.
Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1

and Management
> Formations professionnelles : BioTechCo
Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
u DU. Lab’ScienceTrading. (Second degree Master) Faculté de Droit, Sciences Economiques*
of the University of Grenoble
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: one year (Two semesters) u Diplôme Universitaire: “International Business Management
• Admission requirements: Students can come from all over the world to attend this in French”
course.The lectures will be in English.The student must have at least a M1 scientific • All courses are taught in English
level (or equivalent). The students must be motivated to travel. They should like to
• Length: 2 to 4 sessions, depending on the number of modules followed each time -
meet other scientists and to have communication skills.
July 1 to July 25
• English proficiency: High
• English proficiency: Level B2 (advanced) on the European Framework Portfolio
• French proficiency: Medium
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 3,780 €
• Tuition fees: 200 € basic annual tuition for the University of Nice plus 525 € per
• Objectives: Sales Marketing Communication Management… and Science (60 ECTS). module (3 credits for 45 hours instruction) of pedagogical fees
The students are trained to: Manage and follow-up international sales activities, have • Objectives: • Provide a forum for cultural and linguistic exchange for speakers of
the capacity to negotiate in English, to listen to the customers needs and understand English both as mother tongue and foreign language
their culture, Theoretical knowledge associated to a real international experience. • Enrich the offerings of the standard Licence curriculum
Lectures during four months at the university of Grenoble followed by a six months

• Introduce the student to traditional academic English-language teaching methods
practical training in a company anywhere in the world. and evaluation
Contacts : Ghislaine Pellat :, +33608246727, • Link with the August program in French for foreigners
Francis Pithon :, • Combine the pleasant with the practical, thanks to easy access to beaches,
Francoise.Gabert : mountains, historic villages, Monaco and Italy

* Info 2008

Website in English 196 Website in English 197

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS Université de Rennes 1
Graduate School of Business Administration (IGR-IAE
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 de Rennes) -
u Postgraduate Certificate (Bac+4)
u SELF PROGRAM • All courses are taught in English
Business and Management>international>SELF • Length: One academic year

• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree in non business management or related
field and fluent English
• Length: One semester (Sept-Dec & Jan-May)
• English proficiency: All applicants must submit official international scores of one of
• Admission requirements: the program is meant for upper level undergraduate the following tests:
students -TOEFL score of at least 550 paper test (100 IBT Score)
• English proficiency: Language requirements -TOEIC 750 or above
- IELTS overall band score of 6 for the academic version
TOEFL IELTS TOIEC - Proof of prior Higher Education in English speaking country (GPA of 2-4 scale)
PBT : 550 TWE 4.5 6.0 TWE 6.5 740 English Proficiency:
CBT 213 TWE 4.5 • French proficiency: Not required, however interest and openness towards the French
language and culture is highly recommended. 300 hours of French language classes
IBT 80 TWE 21 will be offered to each student. 100 hours of intensive French preparatory classes will
be given to students in September.
• French proficiency: Beginners accepted
• Tuition fees:The tuition fees, inclusive of 300 hours of French, is 5,800 €.This does not
• Tuition fees: 2,750 € per semester
include affiliation to the French student social security scheme and other living
• Objectives:The Self program offers an excellent opportunity of spending a semester expenses.
in the heart of Europe.The Rhone-Alpes region is the second-largest economic centre
• Objectives:The Postgraduate Certificate is a one-year Management course combining
in France and Lyon is an attractive human-sized town, with its Renaissance old town
intensive French language studies with an academic program taught exclusively in
being part of the Unesco World Heritage.
English. It is intended for students with limited business studies or related
The program offers a selection of 20 to 25 courses in Business, Law or Arts, most of
background. An ideal stepping stone for further studies, students who successfully
them designed from a European perspective stressing international comparisons,
complete the program will be accepted to enrol on the Master’s degree in
together with a 60-hour French language course (5 levels).
International Management and skills development course, taught in English, the
The SELF program starts with a two-week introduction program combining intensive
following year. Students wishing to enrol on one of the French taught programs the
French courses and seminars in the three given academic fields, as well as cultural or
following year, need to show proof of their proficiency in French.
leisure activities.
The Self program is taught in an international environment, offers much flexibility
(students can also combine courses from the French University system) and full
academic and administrative support.

and Management
École Européenne de Gestion - EBS Paris*

u English Semester Certificate Program (ESCP)

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 months (Sept-Dec and Jan-April)
• Admission requirements: Open to students of all nationalities who have completed at
least 2 years in a degree seeking undergraduate course. (In a business related area of
study). Students must fill in an application form, and submit a photocopy of their
passport, an academic transcript and 2 passport photos. Forms can be found on the
website.The semester can be on an institutional exchange basis (Erasmus or other) or
paid directly. Fees available on request.
• English proficiency: A high level of proficiency is required to keep up in class. Good
TOEFL /TOEIC score desirable.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 3,000 €
• Objectives: The “English” semester in Paris is designed to allow a non-French
speaking student the immense pleasure of studying in the world’s most beautiful city,
whilst at the same time learning from highly qualified English speaking professors.

Students are able to choose from a wide range of courses in Marketing, Finance and
International Business. Students will be with both French and other international

* Info 2008

Website in English 198 Website in English 199

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS ESSCA - École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales
d’Angers - ESSCA Graduate School of Management
EMLYON Business School (FR) in partnership with
BABSON College (USA) and Zhejiang University (CH) u Central and Eastern Business
Certificate program - 30 ECTS - Spring semester
Business and Management
u Global Entrepreneurship program • All courses are taught in English • Length: One semester
• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: Minimum 3 years undergraduate Business Studies
• Length: 1-year program • English proficiency: 550TOEFL or equivalent
• Admission requirements: - General Management Degree (US BSBA, European BA/MA • French proficiency: not required
program, Chinese Business School program), • Tuition fees: 3,800 € (2008-2009)
- English Proficiency Score (EPT,TOEIC,TOEFL, IELTS), • Objectives: Focusing on the Central and Eastern European Business environment, as
- GMAT score well as more specific socio-economic and political issues, this program provides a
unique opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of this part of the European Union.
• English proficiency: Fluent
Its general aim is to provide an insight into the specific management practices and
• Tuition fees: 27,000 € Including tuition, program logistics and assistance, travel and business environment of the area, while giving the participants the opportunity to
housing among the three sites, as well as other scheduled events (this cost does not improve their intercultural skills while working in multi-cultural teams.
include meals and books.).
The programme covers the following:The Central and Eastern European economic,
• Objectives: This rigorous Master of Science degree prepares you to be a successful Business, finance and trade in CEE, Management and Law.
entrepreneur in a global context. The program is unique - it is offered on three
continents (Europe, Asia, USA) by the world’s most prestigious entrepreneurial MBA u Angers European Business Semester
programs. Certificate program - 30 ECTS - Spring Semester
EMLYON Business School (Europe), Babson College (USA), and Zhejiang University
• All courses are taught in English
(Asia) are ranked #1 in Entrepreneurship in their respective regions.
• Length: One semester
Combining the world’s best entrepreneurial teaching with three diverse global
markets, the GEP prepares you to begin a global entrepreneurial career. • Admission requirements: 2 years undergraduate studies
• English proficiency: 550TOEFL or equivalent
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 3,800 € (2008-2009)
• Objectives: The program focuses on different aspects of the European business
environment, as well as modern history and contemporary social, economic, and
political issues. It is a unique opportunity for students who want to examine
European affairs first-hand and to understand what the European Union is all about.
Courses are taught entirely in English except for optional French language instruction.
ESDES School of Management Non-native-speaker applicants should therefore be sure to communicate well in
Université Catholique de Lyon - English and to have sufficient language skills to successfully pass written exams.

and Management
u International Business Program
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 or 2 semesters
• Admission requirements: At least two years (bachelor level) or three years (master
level) of study in the area of business management. Students following the optional
French-taught modules must have a good operational knowledge of French.
• English proficiency: A good grasp of English is necessary for all students.
• French proficiency: letter of recommendation from French professor for optional
studies in French
• Tuition fees: 3,050 € per semester in 2008-9
• Objectives: Full program available in English including modules in Banking &
Finance, Cross-Cultural Management, Financial Analysis, Foundations, Institutions
and Perspectives of the EU, International Business Law, International Finance,
International Marketing, International Strategy, Marketing Strategy. Optional modules
taught in French include Employment Law, Human Resources Management and a
Foundation Course in Marketing.

Website in English 200 Website in English 201
SPECIFIC PROGRAMS Grenoble École de Management
Grenoble Graduate School of Business
Grenoble École de Management -
Grenoble Graduate School of Business
u International Winter School : Intercultural Management OR -
Doing Business in Europe (UNDERGRADUATETRACKS)
Business and Management
u Undergraduate Certificate – Certificate in International
Business or Certificate in Business Studies • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 weeks : 3-16th January 2009
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: We recommend that students have completed at least two
• Length: 1 semester, from January to June or from September to December
years of undergraduate academic studies before applying for this program and have a
• Admission requirements:The CIB program is open to students with 120 ECTS Credits GPA above 2.75
(2 years of university level) The French language module is mandatory but necessitates no initial language
The CBS program is open to students with 60 ECTS Credits (1 year of university level) knowledge.
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers • English proficiency: Total fluency required
TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
• French proficiency: not required
TOEIC, minimum score 800
IELTS, minimum score 6,5 • Tuition fees: 1,990 € including tuition, shared accommodation and cultural events as
CAMBRIDGE PROFICIENCY EXAM A,B,C specified on the schedule (skiing excursion and weekend in Paris). For more details,
please consult our website.
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: These high calibre operationally-focussed business programs will be
• Tuition fees: 4,600 €
essential to your future success, contributing to your career by opening doors for you
• Objectives: The certificate programs provide students with no prior professional right from the outset, differentiating you from your peers by this exceptional
experience or knowledge of the international business environment with a broad academic and cultural experience abroad.Take the opportunity to make friends from
introduction to management, international business, foreign culture and foreign around the globe, expand your view of the world and learn how to optimize your
languages in an international learning environment. business performance in different cultural settings.

u International Winter School : Innovation Management u Certificate in Business Intelligence

(GRADUATETRACK) • All courses are taught in English • Length:Three intensive weeks from February to June.
• All courses are taught in English Participants should have a Bachelor’s degree and at least two years of work
experience.They should also be fluent in English.
• Length: 2 weeks : 3-16th January 2009
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers
• Admission requirements: We recommend that students have obtained their initial
TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
degree + business-related masters or PhD and have a GPA above 2.75 with an interest
TOIC, minimum score 800
in innovation and new product development.
IELTS, minimum score 6,5
The French language module is mandatory but necessitates no initial language
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: Fluency required

and Management
• Tuition fees: 3,800 €
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 2,250 € including tuition, shared accommodation and cultural events as • Objectives: The school, through a unique partnership with SAS has developed a
Certificate in Business Intelligence for today’s organizations to succeed in a
specified on the schedule (skiing excursion and weekend in Paris). Please consult our
competitive marketplace, and gain critical insight to evolve and dominate in the
website for further details.
• Objectives:Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to learn from experts and Upon successful completion of the three modules (Business Intelligence Strategy,
practitioners in the heart of the French Silicon valley based here in Grenoble. Discover Customer Intelligence, Corporate performance Management) and assessment,
the economic theory related to innovation management and master the tools and participants will be awarded a Certificate in Business Intelligence by GGSB and SAS.
processes necessary to succeed in technology transfer and innovation management.
This course will provide you with both case studies and real life situations to enable u Diploma in Management Consulting
you to analyze the conditions necessary for successful innovation management.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length:Three intensive weeks.The program starts in February each year.
Participants should have a Bachelor’s degree and at least three years of work
experience.They should also be fluent in English.
• English proficiency: Except for native speakers
TOEFL, minimum score 240 (computer based) – 587 (paper based)
TOIC, minimum score 800
IELTS, minimum score 6,5
• French proficiency: not required

• Tuition fees: 4,200 €
• Objectives: This program will provide the participants with an understanding of the
consulting process and the challenges facing consulting firms today while acquiring
expertise in current management issues and improving their skills in complex
problem-solving, decision-making, critical and strategic thinking.

Website in English 202 Website in English 203

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS HEC School of Management - Paris
Groupe ESC Rouen - École Supérieure de Commerce u International Open Enrolment
de Rouen* - Develop yourself as a leader
• All courses are taught in English
u Certificate in International Management – CIM
Business and Management
• Length: 2.5 days
• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: Seminar dedicated to managers and executives
• Length: one semester (fall or winter) • English proficiency: Good command of English
• Admission requirements: 2 years at university/business school level • French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency:TOEFL 220 CBT or IELTS 6.0 • Tuition fees: 3,700 €
• French proficiency: not required • Objectives: - Building on a practical approach examining hands-on leadership and
•Tuition fees: 3,000 € (Undergraduate level) / 3,750 € (Graduate level) team problem-solving issues, the program will help you:
• Objectives: Candidates must complete one academic semester at Groupe ESC Rouen: - Develop deeper levels of self-awareness to assess your individual leadership style,
- taking courses totalling a minimum of 30 ECTS credits your goals and your motivation.
- taking the French language refresher course (all levels offered) taught during - Create your personal agenda for self-improvement and set the goals to enhance
orientation week just prior to the beginning of the semester your leadership skills.
- taking as part of the program a French language or culture course - Improve your overall leadership and people management skills within your
The CIM is offered both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students choose organization by exploring sources of power, examining personality types and
from the whole catalogue of courses offered at Groupe ESC Rouen behaviours, judging emotional reactions, diagnosing organization values and
culture, identifying motivation key drivers.
* Info 2008 - Transform leadership into action by developing meaningful delegation, mobilizing
people toward achievable goals, managing stress, maintaining motivation in periods
of uncertainty.
- Manage change processes by creating a culture of learning and sharing your vision.

HEC School of Management - Paris u Certificate in Europe at Work

University of Oxford -
• All courses are taught in English
u HEC / Oxford Consulting and Coaching for Change • Length: 3 days • French proficiency: not required
The program leads to the Executive HEC Masters of Science degree in Consulting and • Tuition fees: 2,900 €
Coaching from HEC (upon submission of a thesis). Participants who successfully complete
the course gain the HEC / Oxford attendance certificate. • Objectives:
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 11 months (+ 3 months for the MSc.Option)

and Management
• Admissions requirements:
Participation in the program is open to managers, executives and consultants who fulfill
the following criteria:
- Hold at least a bachelor degree in any field (or any graduate or post-graduate degree)
- Present a minimum of five years professional experience in a managerial position or
as a consultant.
- Decisions concerning eligibility will be taken by the program Academic Directors.
Eligible applicants will be invited for a one hour interview with the HEC or OXFORD
CCC Academic Director or with a senior faculty member involved in the program.
• English proficiency: English LanguageTest Scores
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 44,900 €
• Objectives: Individuals who implement change must be coaches, consultants, leaders,
and facilitators.This intensive and intellectually rigorous program equips you to:
- understand better what constitutes change,
u Be effective in your communication in English
- understand complexity and the limits to control,
- understand yourself, the people and organizations with which you work, and the • Length: 3 days
drivers for change,
• Admission requirements: Seminar dedicated to managers and executives
- connect the big picture with the detail and be able to make thoughtful interventions in
organizational change. • English proficiency: Good command of English
The program will give you a theoretically informed and practically grounded approach

to dealing with change in organizations and the challenges this poses for individuals.
The approach is multidisciplinary and multifunctional, linking the social sciences and
management theory to practical situations and drawing upon relevant concepts from
psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology, ethnography and sociology. Action learning,
intensive tutored study and the depth and breath of outlook of a top international faculty
combine to provide an experience unlike any other.

Website in English 204 Website in English 205

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS HEC School of Management - Paris
HEC School of Management - Paris u Key Account Management • Length: 5 days
• Tuition fees: 4,500 €
• All courses are taught in English
Business and Management
• Objectives:
• Admission requirements: Admission is selective, and based on experience and
• Position your company as an indispensable actor in your customer's business
current responsibilities.
growth: identify strategies for client loyalty based upon value not price.
• English proficiency: Good command of English • Understand organizational change surrounding Key Accounts. Clearly define the role
• French Proficiency: not required and responsibilities of the Key Account Manager and increase the customer focus of
your internal teams (back and front office).
u Creating ValueThrough Strategic Financial Management • Develop and implement strategic key account plans including new tools and
techniques: models, matrices and scorecards.
Length: 3 days
Tuition fees: 3,600 € u Leading Strategies for Outstanding Performance
• Objectives: Value creation is at the heart of corporate strategy, and gaining a well- • Length: 5 days
grounded understanding of financial management is essential in today’s competitive
• Tuition fees: 6,250 €
environment. It is the responsibility of every general manager to develop an
understanding of the way a company’s strategic decisions and operating activities • Objectives: Those firms that do survive, grow and create value for their shareholders
affect its financial performance and its ultimate value. Linking strategy and financial and stakeholders are firms with a clear vision of where they want to compete, and
performance has therefore become more crucial than ever. how they want to compete.
As senior managers with a global outlook, it is your responsibility not only to shape
u Crisis Management that vision, but also to turn it into business reality.
• Length: 2 days This high-impact five-day program will provide you with the latest insights, methods
and tools which will help your business achieve outstanding performance.
•Tuition fees: 1,800 €
• Objectives: u Managing Across Cultures
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of risk and crisis management. • Length: 2 days
- Identify the key factors for crisis management in your business environment. • Tuition fees: 1,800 €
- Anticipate and prepare to manage crisis situations. • Objectives: You will be able to apply the concepts and tools you learn to facilitate:
• Improved working relationships across cultures.
u International open-enrolment programs
• Enhanced international organizational effectiveness.
Strategic Marketing & customers orientation (module 1)
• Enhanced personal effectiveness in relating to others in a diverse team.
Corporate Finance (module 2)
• Making better deals and negotiating solutions across cultures.
Mastering Performance and Operations (module 3)
Managing People and Organizations (module 4) u Mastering Performance and Operations
Competitive Business Strategies (module 5) • Length: 5 days

and Management
Main Strategic options for Growth (module 6) • Tuition fees: 4,900 €
Strategic Implementation (module 7) • Objectives: This module explores how the efficient development of people
contributes to organizational flexibility and competitive advantage.
• Length: 5 days per module (total modules 25 days)
• Tuition fees: beetwen 3,745 € and 4,650 € per modules u Marketing and Sustainable Development
• Objectives: This program exposes participants to a diverse range of business • Length: 2 days
practices and cultures.These modules are suitable for mid-career managers aiming to
• Tuition fees: 1,800 €
assume positions of leadership in their organizations. For those who have followed
one or several modules it is possible to integrate the HEC EMBA program as a degree • Objectives:
seeking candidate following full admissions and selection procedures. - Build up you knowledge of sustainable development including impact on corporate
strategy, and the links between sustainable development and economic
u Strategic Marketing and Customer Orientation performance.
• Length: 5 days - Understand the expectations of stakeholders including consumers, civil society,
• Tuition fees: 4,900 € regulators, competitors…
• Objectives: This module addresses the importance for companies to adopt a market- - Use current business data to frame issues of sustainability (costs, margins,
driven and customer-focused perspective, whether they operate in a B to B (Business profitability, competitive advantages, social value…).
to Business) or B to C (Business to Customer) environment. - Create new products and services with positive environmental and social values and
learn how to sell them.
u IRSMI Senior Manager’s Program
• Length: 15 days u Mastering Performance and Operations

• Tuition fees: 20,000 € • Length: 5 days
• Objectives: Designing successful strategies in a fast changing environment requires •Tuition fees: 4,900 €
that managers have the skills to develop a clear long-term plan of their companies’ • Objectives: This module presents how operation functions have become a source of
objectives. They must also never lose sight of implementation issues. The IRSMI competitive advantage in the global economy.
Program seeks to balance those perspectives by providing a holistic view of the firm
and focusing on state-of-the art management techniques for participants to build new
managerial skills. With an emphasis on “Action Learning”, participants solve real-life
problems in the classroom, and then implement the solutions back in the office.

Website in English 206 Website in English 207

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS ICN Business School - Nancy -

u International Program in Management 1

HEC School of Management - Paris
• Studies are both in French and English
• Length: 1 year
u Negotiating in an International Context • Admission requirements: The IPM1 is open to all foreign students who have
Business and Management
successfully completed their second year university studies or possess a two-year
• Length: 3 days
degree (or equivalent) from a non-French university.
•Tuition fees: 2,700 €
- Completed and signed application form:
• Objectives:
- Applicants must demonstrate above-average academic achievement or ability, as
- Identify the key stages and techniques of commercial negotiating and practise indicated by their overall academic record. Special emphasis will be placed on the
applying them in a European context. applicant’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the area of Business
- Practise negotiating singly and in teams during simulations. Management.
- Discover the added value of explicit negotiating techniques • English proficiency: Students must be able to understand, speak and write in English.
- Identify the real success factors in negotiation. • French proficiency: have a solid grasp of the French language (listening, reading and
- Reconsider the negotiation process in light of the cultural factors that affect and
underlie behaviour, expectations and communication styles. All applicants must have a good command of French and English; their knowledge
will be tested during an interview with a school official.
- Benefit from expert feedback on their performances.
•Tuition fees: 6,100 €
- Examine your own relation to Win-Win and Win-Lose negotiation.
• Objectives:
- To immerse students in an international learning environment in France.
- To enable them to continue their studies in business or related fields at home or
- To give them the qualities which today’s rapid global companies are looking for, i.e.
flexibility, an international outlook and a sensitivity to intercultural differences.
ICN Business School - Nancy -
u International Program in Management 2
u Automotive Management Program • Study are both in French and English
• 80% courses are taught in English • Length: 1 year
• Length: 13 months • Admission requirements: The IPM2 is open to all foreign students who have
• Admission requirements: The program is open to students holding the following successfully obtained their 3rd year or Bachelor degree (or equivalent) from a non-
degrees: French university.
• Engineering school degrees - Completed and signed application form:
• Business schools with master’s degrees - Applicants must demonstrate above-average academic achievement or ability, as
Selection will be based upon the candidate’s application file. Applications can be indicated by their overall academic record. Special emphasis will be placed on the
found on applicant’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the area of Business
The admission process will include:

and Management
• A test of business aptitude
• An interview with a jury composed of one of the program leaders and a • English proficiency: Students must be able to understand, speak and write in English
representative of the automotive industry. Part of the interview will be in English. • French proficiency: Students must have a solid grasp of the French language
• English proficiency: have a solid grasp of the English language (listening, reading and (listening, reading and writing)
writing) All applicants must have a good command of French and English; their knowledge
• French proficiency: have a solid grasp of the French language (listening, reading and will be tested during an interview with a school official.
writing) •Tuition fees: 7,700 €
•Tuition fees: 13,000 € • Objectives: The program aims to develop student’s intellectual ability, executive
• Objectives:The objective of this program is to prepare promising young graduates for personality and managerial skills. It assists students in developing the qualities
management posts on the international level in the automotive industry, including required for successfully managing functions.
manufacturers, equipment makers, suppliers and services. The specific objectives of the program are:
This program includes: - To produce up-to-date assertive and effective executives.
• Managing international development - To prepare students for higher studies in Business and Management at home or
• Acceleration of innovative product development using new technologies which take abroad.
into consideration existing constraints (sustainable development) Students who have met the requirements of this program are entitled to continue into
• Optimizing operations in compliance with worldwide standards the final year of the ICN Master of Science in Management degree.

Website in English 208 Website in English 209
SPECIFIC PROGRAMS Sciences Po Paris - (in French)
IDCE - Institute for the Development of Consulting and
u International Program /Programme International
Enterprise - Angers -
• 50% to 100% courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 academic year
u Certification of “Consultant in Management”
Business and Management
• Admission requirements:The International Program is open to international students
• 50 %courses taught in English
who are not students of one of Sciences Po’s partner universities. Students must have
• Length: 9 months studied for at least two full years at university level (four semesters) before starting
• Admission requirements: Managers or directors moving into new types of their studies in the International Programme.They should ideally have a background
employment – Job seekers with three years of professional experience – Students in social sciences.
with at least a three-year degree. • English proficiency: If your native language and/or the language of instruction at your
• English proficiency: fluent English home university is not English, you will need a TOEFL IBT(Internet based test) 80 or
IELTS 6, or the equivalent scores in all other major English language proficiency tests.
• French proficiency: fluent French
• French proficiency: If your native language and/or the language of instruction at your
•Tuition fees: between 3,100 € and 6,800 €, depending on the status of the student
home university is not French, you will need aTCF 400 or DELF B2.
• Objectives: Know the management consulting profession – Acquire the tools and key
• Tuition fees:Tuition fees for 2008/09 amount to 5,300 € (maximum). Please note that
methods of the management consultant – Master the engineering of consultancy
tuition fees are voted by Sciences Po’s administrative council in December 2008 and
practice and accomplish consultancy test missions – Build a personal offer of
subsequently may change for 2009/10.
consultancy services – Learn how to sell intellectual services – Build and develop a
personal network of consultancy professionals. • Objectives:The International Program is a one year undergraduate program, it is part
of the educational tradition of Sciences Po and provides international students with a
broad grounding in social sciences, emphasizing comparative studies in an
international context. Areas of focus include: history, economics and business,
European studies, international relations, law, political science, sciences and
sustainable development, interdisciplinary studies and journalism. The program
IÉSEG School of Management, member of the Lille offers students the possibility to earn a concentration in one of these academic
Catholic University -
“Please note that no financial aid or scholarships are available for the International
u Graduate Certificate in International Business
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 6 months
• Admission requirements: This program is open to students having completed a
Bachelor degree or equivalent.
• English proficiency: confirmed level (IELTS Band 6 and over or equivalent).
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 3,000 €

and Management
• Objectives: The objective of the GCIB in international business is for students or
professionals to add an international value to their core competencies. Here, they will
customise their education to meet the company's or professional project's specific
international requirements.
Students enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in International Management are
required to complete successfully a small research project and 12 elective courses.
Each elective is an intensive one-week module.Thus, the Graduate Certificate enables
students to choose their own specialization in one area of management.
The starting date is January.

u Graduate Diploma in International Business

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 6-7 months
• Admission requirements: This program is open to students having completed a
Bachelor degree or equivalent.
• English proficiency: confirmed level (IELTS Band 6 and over or equivalent).
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 4,500 €
• Objectives: The Graduate Diploma comprises 8 core courses, 4 open electives, an
executive internship plus a foreign language course.

The objective of the Graduate Diploma is to give students a general knowledge in
International Business.
The starting date is September.

Website in English 210 Website in English 211

Business and Management

Université Paris Dauphine - Chambéry Graduate School of Business
u Europe in the 21st century: Key issues
• All courses are taught in English u European Business, Summer School in the French Alps 2009
• Length: July 1st July-18th 2009 Summer School certificate
• Admission requirements: Open to students having completed a minimum of two • All courses are taught in English
years in a business-related program. • Length: 4 weeks
• English proficiency: a good command of English is expected • Admission requirements:
• French proficiency: not required • English proficiency: -TOEFL paper test 520, computer test 190, internet test 68,
•Tuition fees: Check our website - IELTS 5
• Objectives:This new Summer Program is designed for students who want to share an • French proficiency: not required
intellectually and culturally enriching experience. • Tuition fees: 2,000 €
Courses will focus on some of Europe’s latest challenges: Energy and sustainable • Objectives: How is Europe evolving ? What do you need to work successfully in
development, the welfare system, the banking system, globalisation and regional Europe ? The courses focus on the European Union and its Single Market, with the
mobility, management and hypercompetition, innovation and creativity. participation of professors from Britain, the USA, Germany, France and Central Europe.
The afternoons will be largely devoted to cultural activities and French classes. This is a 8 US credits program which includes business classes, visits to firms and
(several levels if necessary) international organizations.The program includes 24 hours of optional French language
Visits of all kinds will be organized: companies, national and international
organisations, museums, historical sites. Students will be given the opportunity to
make the most of Paris’ exceptional location and Dauphine’s academic resources. It is
a credit-awarding program based on an agreement with incoming students’ home

Université Catholique de Lille École Européenne de Gestion - EBS Paris*

and Management
Lille Catholic University
u Summer School Certificate Program (SSCP)
u European Summer Program on European Business • All courses are taught in English
and Management • Length: 1 month (mid-May to mid-June) • Admission requirements: Open to students of all nationalities who have completed at
and-management.asp least 1-3 years in a degree seeking undergraduate course (in a business related area
of study). Students must fill in an application form, and submit a photocopy of their
• All courses are taught in English passport, an academic transcript and 2 passport photos. Forms can be found on the
• Length: 4 weeks in June (June 3 – 30, 2009) website.The semester can be on an institutional exchange basis or paid directly. Fees
• Admission requirements: Completion of secondary education available on request.
• English proficiency: An intermediate level of English (level B2) • English proficiency: A high level of proficiency is required to keep up in class. Good
TOEFL /TOEIC score desirable.
• French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 2,550 €
•Tuition fees: 1,200 €
• Objectives: Based in Lille, a vibrant and entertaining city at the heart of Europe, Lille
Catholic University, reputed for the quality of its teaching and its personalised • Objectives: The EBS Summer School is an intensive 4-week program which allows
approach to students, has designed this program for students who wish to deepen English speaking students to discover the essentials of European Marketing,
their understanding of Business and Management within the broader context of Management and Culture. Classes are of mixed nationality with native and non-native
Europe and the world. A rich program of fieldtrips and cultural activities will make it a speakers. Fridays are free to allow students the liberty to explore the city and

stimulating study abroad experience and give a unique insight into France and surroundings. Modules are designed to allow easy US and European credit transfer.
* Info 2008

Website in English 212 Website in English 213

EDHEC Business School, Lille - Nice École de Management de Normandie Normandy Business School
u Strategies for Europe - Summer Program
• All courses are taught in English u KNOW EUROPE Summer Program - 8 ECTS credits (6 US) -
• Length: 4 weeks, from 25 May 2009 until 19 June 2009.The program takes place both
Business and Management
in Nice and in Lille. • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: 4-year bachelor degree, or 3-year equivalent plus • Length: 4 Weeks (2nd week June to 1st week July)
professional experience 4 countries (Brussels – Amsterdam – Normandy & Paris – Barcelona)
• English proficiency: A strong command of written and spoken English • Admission requirements: Intended for MBA/BBA Majors/MSc in business related
• French proficiency: not required subjects – Other backgrounds welcome depending on professional experience.
• Tuition fees: 2,950 € • English proficiency: level corresponding toTOEFL 213/79-80/550
• Objectives: During the intensive four-week “Strategies for Europe” Summer Course, • French proficiency: not required as program is entirely in English
course participants explore the most important topics of the European business • Tuition fees: 3,080 € (includes double room accommodation with breakfast (4 weeks)/
scene, become acquainted with several regions of France, visit leading companies in transport between 4 countries within Europe/excursions & field trips)/All courses &
Southern and Northern France and meet with their management.This combination of related hand-outs/ Internet /Welcome & Farewell Events & Final Banquet
coursework, conferences, travel and company visits allows participants to acquire a
• Objectives: To develop awareness of the complex European business context & the
sound understanding of the special factors influencing how business is done in
North-South European cultural divide.
Europe during their short stay.
To offer field experience to gain international business credits and maximize the time
graduate students can be away from home and office.
Organised by consortium of European Business Schools, the program spends one
week in 4 successive locations (Brussels-Amsterdam-Normandy & Paris, Barcelona).
Focus is on cultural differences (North-South) and societal elements in a business plan
for Europe.
A very special feature is the team project assignment. Throughout the program
students conduct the necessary research and creative work to produce a business
plan into Europe, to be presented to a panel of experts on the last day.This enhances
team building and constitutes an exhilarating challenge, while ensuring that
participants are in touch with the real business life in each of the countries.The focus
is on wines/spirit & soft drinks or tourism products and provides a unique means to
EMLYON Business School approach the cultural differences in each country visited.

u Summer Session 15 ECTS credits

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: The whole program lasts 6 weeks (June - July) with the possibility to

and Management
participate in 2 weeks or 4 weeks or 6 weeks of the programme.
• Admission requirements: Students/Participants of an MBA programme or a Master’s
ESCEM - École Supérieure de Commerce
programme. et de Management -Tours-Poitiers
• English proficiency: Fluent
• Tuition fees: Academic year 2008/2009*:
800* € for 2 weeks - 1,500* € for 4 weeks - 2,000* € for 6 weeks. u “Doing Business in Europe” – MBA Program
*To be confirmed for academic year 2009/2010. • All courses are taught in English
• Objectives:This program is designed for participants who wish to spend a significant • Length: 2 or 3 weeks (end of June/mid July)
period in a top French Business School and who aim to play a role of top manager in a
global context. • Admission requirements: MBA students – English natives

This program focuses on the following issues: • English proficiency:

>The European Business Environment. • French proficiency: not required

> Entrepreneurship as a key to success: from venture capital to private equity. • Tuition fees: 700 € for 2 weeks, 1,000 € for 3 weeks, accommodation included for
partner university students – 1,350 € for 2 weeks, 1,800 € for 3 weeks,
> Specific electives given by world leading professors (global strategies, international accommodation non included, for non partner university students
business strategy, global capital markets, international mergers and acquisitions,
international strategic HRM...). • Objectives:The objective of this program is to give you a good understanding of the
business in Europe

Website in English 214 Website in English 215
ESSCA - École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales Grenoble Graduate School of Business
d’Angers - ESSCA Graduate School of Management Grenoble École de Management

u Angers Summer program • All courses are taught in English

• All courses are taught in English • English proficiency: Fluency required
Business and Management
• Length: 5 weeks (June-July) • French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Open to students of all levels
u International Summer School for Undergraduates:
• English proficiency: good command of written and spoken English
EuropeanTrack: Doing Business in Europe AND Intercultural
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 2,050 € (None for exchange students) + Organisational costs : 2,250 €
including Housing in Angers, Brussels and Paris, all breakfasts and lunches in Angers, International BusinessTrack: International Strategy AND
Brussels and Paris, transport Angers-Brussels and Brussels-Paris, local transport in International Business
Angers, Brussels and Paris and all field visits organised by ESSCA. Earn up to 7,5 US credits/15 ECTS credits
• Objectives: This intensive 5-week program offers an in-depth introduction to • Length: 21 May – 13th June 2009 (just under a month) and 3-31st July,2009
economic, political and cultural aspects of the European Union.
The first 3 weeks are spent in Angers where classroom time is complemented by visits • Admission requirements: We recommend that students have completed at least two
to some of France’s outstanding cultural heritage sites.The Brussels week follows with years of undergraduate academic studies before applying for this program and have a
a series of visits and meetings, including to the European Commission and the GPA above 2.75
European Parliament. The final week in Paris, timed to fit in with Bastille Day The French language module is mandatory but necessitates no initial language
celebrations, wraps up the courses and includes some visit of the city. knowledge.
- European Union Studies • Tuition fees: 2,990 € including tuition, shared accommodation and cultural events as
History and Emergence of the European Union specified on the schedule. Please consult our website for further details.
The Institutional Framework of the EU • Objectives: These high calibre operationally-focussed business programs will be
4-Day Brussels visit essential to your future success, contributing to your career by opening doors for you
- European Economics right from the outset, differentiating you from your peers by this exceptional
academic and cultural experience abroad.Take the opportunity to make friends from
- Culture and Communication
around the globe, expand your view of the world and learn how to optimize your
International and cross-cultural communication
business performance in different cultural settings.
Aspects of French national culture.
u International Summer School (GRADUATETRACK): Innovation
management and Entrepreneurship
Earn up to 7.5 US credits/15 ECTS credits
• Length: 21 May – 13th June 2009 (just under a month)
Euromed Management - Marseille • Admission requirements: We recommend that students have obtained their initial
degree + business-related masters or PhD and have a GPA above 2.75
The French language module is mandatory but necessitates no initial language

and Management
u Summer School Programs (For both graduates & • Tuition fees: 3,250 € including tuition, shared accommodation and cultural events as
undergraduates) specified on the schedule (consult our website for further details).
The European Business Environment Culture & Economy • Objectives: Learn from experts and practitioners in the heart of the French Silicon
in Marseille & Provence valley based here in Grenoble to understand the tools and processes necessary to
succeed in innovation management. Learn how to optimize the conditions to
• All courses are taught in English.Those students wanting to do the courses in French encourage successful entrepreneurial actions by analyzing both case studies and
and/or follow French language courses can do so. interviewing key executives in start up companies. Develop your skills as an
• Length: 4 to 5 weeks in the month on June-July entrepreneur in an innovative context by participating in operational workshops.
• Admission requirements: Undergraduate / Graduate degree
• English proficiency: Fluent
• Objectives:
• Provide students with an insight into the complexity of management against the
background of Southern Europe.-Illustrate the diversity of cross cultural
relationships with examples taken from local firms.
• Provide students with an intellectually challenging and culturally enriching
• Provide participants with the opportunity to meet regional business leaders.
• To enable students to deal with complexity and diversity in new and more effective

Website in English 216 Website in English 217
ICN Business School - Metz -

u ICN Undergraduate Summer Program Certificate

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 weeks
• Admission requirements: undergraduate students in Business, Economics, Language
Business and Management
and InternationalTrade, Ag-Business, Political Sciences.
• English proficiency: A very good command of English is required
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: see
• Objectives:The purpose of the ICN Undergraduate Summer Program is to introduce
the students to the European institutions and culture while focusing on marketing or
human resource management or supply chain management.The program includes a
one-week trip to Brussels, Normandy, and Paris.

Reims Management School (RMS)

u Beijing Summer Program

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 weeks / 4 courses
• Admission requirements: holder of a bachelor’s degree or studying at graduate level
• English proficiency: good
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: € 2,000 + € 600 activities fees
• Objectives:The celebration on November 11th 2001 of the entry of China into the World
Trade Organisation marked the beginning of times of action.The WTO treaty opened
the door for expansion of foreign companies into the Chinese market.
Opportunities are available especially in financial services. Furthermore, sino-foreign
joint ventures will be more than ever the privileged routing for forging business
It is also true to say that foreign direct investment will significantly affect the Chinese

and Management
economy as competition will sharpen and the pace of foreign operations is still
determined by Chinese authorities. Reims Management School and the International
University Business and Economics invite you to discuss these issues with Chinese
and international professors and business leaders.

u Reims Summer Program

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 8 weeks / 8 courses (4 two-week sessions)
• Admission requirements: holder of a bachelor’s degree or studying at graduate level
• English proficiency: good
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: € 800 + € 220 activities fees per session
• Objectives:
- To enable participants to have a cross-cultural work experience on an international
campus with students of MBA level and professors from different countries
- To help students and young executives to more fully understand international
business and learn about the global economy with an international perspective
- To make participants aware of the impact of cultural differences on management
techniques and practices.

Website in English 218 219
Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA - MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION VATEL International Business School Hotel and
Tourism Management -
IMHI, Groupe ESSEC -
u MBA in International Hotel & Tourism Management (Eurhodip)
and D.U. de Mastère International en Tourisme et Hôtellerie
u MBA in International Hospitality Management
• All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1.5 year or 2.5 year, 2 intakes per annum (March & October)
• Length:1 or 2 years
• Admission requirements:
• Admission requirements:
- FoundationYear & MBA Degree - 2.5 year: Bachelor Degree in any major
One YearTrack - MBA Degree - 1.5 year: Bachelor degree in Hotel Management
• University degree in business or equivalent
• English proficiency:
• Minimum of three years of professional work experience
TOEFL: 550(PBT) or 213(CBT) or 80(IBT) or
• Fluency in written and spoken English: theTOEFL is required for non-native speakers
IELTS: 5.5 (Academic) or
• GMAT (Management aptitude test)
Students have attended an international English / American university and have
• Academic and personal references
obtained an English / American Bachelor degree.
• Interview with Faculty and Alumni
• French proficiency: - FoundationYear: Not required
- MBA Degree: basic French level
• Minimum three year undergraduate degree or Hotel Management Qualification
• Minimum of one year of professional work experience •Tuition fees: upon request
• Fluency in written and spoken English: theTOEFL is required for non-native speakers • Objectives: Vatel is a Business Management School, specializing in the Hotel and
• GMAT (Management aptitude test) Tourism Management.
• Academic and personal references
The MBA in International Hotel & Tourism Management program combines a
• Interview with Faculty and Alumni
university teaching approach with a professional edge, designed to train and equip
• English proficiency:TOEFL 100 responsible and operational managers in the field of hotel complexes with a wide
• Tuition fees: 14,500 € for the two year track per year range of equipment and amenities (business, leisure, sports…) pertaining to
28,000 € for the one year track international companies.
• Objectives: Business leaders need not only excellent analytical decision-making and The aims of the MBA:
value-adding skills; they also require in-depth insight into the industries in which they - To become an operational individual responsible in one of the many areas of tourism
work. By focusing on hospitality, the IMHI MBA program enables participants to - To become a quality manager capable of reflection and analysis

and Tourism Management

differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive environment, thanks to their - To master becoming a cultivated manager, courteous to the wishes and needs of
comprehensive understanding of this complex industry and solid grounding in core clients in this industry
business disciplines. - To become a competent and effective manager adept to evolving and adapting to the
needs of the clientele whilst remaining attentive to the challenges and benefits that
are integral and rewarding elements of this industry
Lastly, Vatel's International Development office based in Paris, is available to assist
students wishing to enrol in one of Vatel's schools in France and in guiding them with
their applications.

Le Cordon Bleu and the Management Institute of Paris and

u MBA in International Hospitality Management

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 9 months
• Admission requirements:
Academic transcripts indicating both the Diploma and grades obtained
GMAT exam scores
A TOEFL or IELTS exam is required for non native English speakers, as well as an
interview with a MIP representative
• English proficiency: very good command of English
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 25,000 €
• Objectives: Applicants will obtain a strong foundation to success as a leader in the
hospitality industry (accounting, economics, finance, marketing, operations, and
In the four leadership modules offered applicants will learn how to elicit commitment

and productivity from employees and business partners and improve interpersonal
skills to motivate key actors in the workplace.
Applicants are to obtain an international perspective thanks to the classes given by
executives from global companies.

Website in English 220 Website in English 221

Hospitality and Tourism Management MASTER
École de Management de Normandie
Normandy Business School

Institut Paul Bocuse and IAE de Lyon u Double award:

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - MScTourism and Leisure Management de l’Ecole de and Management de Normandie (accredited by the French
Conférence des Grandes Ecoles).
u Master’s Degree in Hotel and Foodservice Management (M.Sc.)
- MATourism Management (University of Brighton UK).
• 75% are taught in English. 25% are taught in French course/
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: - Students holding a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality, Hotel
and / or Foodservice Management or a Business degree (Bachelor’s or Master’s level) • All courses are taught in English
plus professional experience. • Length: One year full-time (Sept-Dec & Jan-May) at Centre International de Deauville,
- Applicants holding a BTS diploma or Bachelor’s of Arts in the hotel and foodservice Normandy, - 228 hrs - 7 modules.
industries and having a minimum three year managerial experience in the sector
• Admission requirements: Application form with supporting documents.
- Professionals with a sound experience at high executive level in the Hotel and
Undergraduate first degrees or Professionals with Honours Degrees or equivalent.
Restaurant Industry.
- Applicants currently changing profession and holding a Master’s Degree in business • English proficiency: English language certification required for non-native speakers:
related fields IELTS 6,TOEFL CBT 230 or IBT 88, orTOEIC 790.
• English proficiency: Fluent • French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: Fluent • Tuition fees: Application processing fee: 100 €
Total Program: 8,500 € for EU citizens - 10,900 € non-EU citizens
• Tuition fees: 7,900 € per year
• Objectives: Our program is designed to train and educate current and future • Objectives: Acquiring such managerial skills required to fill executive positions in
managers who have an excellent vision of the demands and financial consequences firms and organisations in the tourism and leisure sector, with an emphasis on the
of investments made in the Hotel and Foodservice Industry, the control and decision ability to identify and analyse management issues specific to this industry. Included: 5
making tools at the strategic and operational level permitting the optimisation of –week consultancy projects supplied by NBS, 6 field seminars, 3 one -week residential

and Tourism Management

results, a return on investment and the creation, optimisation and maximisation of seminars (Paris, Marrakech (Morocco), 4-6 month internship (to be served anywhere
value for the clients, shareholders, management, employees and all stakeholders in the world) + 1 research project.
within the business environment. This program is specialised in Operations
Management, Financial Management and Strategic Management Accounting and u Double award:
- MSc International Events Management (Ecole de Management
Among our objectives we can mention:
- To develop the flexibility, the ability and the capacity to make the decisions that de Normandie), accredited by the French Conférence des
executives must face by affording them the skills and methodologies specific to the Grandes Ecoles.
general management.
- Master of Arts (MA) International Events Management awarded
- To train future executives and business managers in the sector by allowing them
initially to master the operational context and thereafter to move towards positions by the University of Brighton
and responsibilities within a top management perspective.
- To deliver the specific tools and methodologies that allow executives in the sector to MSc_International_Events_Management-35.html
consolidate their knowledge and to optimise their decision making process within
their business. • All courses are taught in English
• Length: One year full-time (Sept-Dec & Jan-May) at Centre International de Deauville,
Normandy, - 228 hrs - 7 modules.
CERAM Business School, Nice - Sophia Antipolis • Admission requirements: Application form with supporting documents.
Undergraduate first degrees or Professionals with Honours Degrees or equivalent.
• English proficiency: English language certification required for non-native speakers:
IELTS 6,TOEFL CBT 230 or IBT 88, orTOEIC 790.
u Master of Science in Strategic Tourism Management
• French proficiency: not required
• All courses are taught in English
• Tuition fees: Application processing fee: 100 €
• Length: 13 months (including a 6-month internship) Total Programme: 8,500 € for EU citizens - 10,900 € non-EU citizens or professionals
• Admission requirements: 4-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. • Objectives: Acquiring the specific managerial skills and knowhow required for
People with a 3-year university degree can apply for the “MSc Preparatory Program” executive positions in events management for Consulting Firms and Operators in
(year 1) that prepares students for the MSc (year 2). PR/Communication & Events Marketing (logistics, resorts, venues, communications,
• English proficiency:TOEFL 580 (PBT), 237 (CBT), 92 (IBT), orTOEIC 830 or IELTS 6.5 etc). Field seminars in relevant locations with executives operating famous venues or

• French proficiency: not required sites. Plus 2 one-week residential seminars in Paris, Marrakech (Morocco), Las Vegas
(USA) (cost included in programme fee), a 4-6 month internship (to be served
• Tuition fees: 11,000 €
anywhere in the world) + a research project.
• Objectives: A unique program, entirely taught in English, that focuses on international
and strategic tourism issues. The approach is not sector-driven (i.e., focused
specifically on tourism sectors such as transportation, hospitality, or attractions) but
transversal and multidisciplinary. The objectives are to give students an
understanding of the issues that tourism professionals have to face and the tools to
help strategic decisions. Courses are project-oriented and the program requires
writing a thesis based on a managerial issue.

Website in English 222 Website in English 223

Hospitality and Tourism Management MASTER
Groupe ESCTroyes - EMVOL, International School
ofTourism -

u Master in International Tourism and Leisure Management

Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, en partenariat • 80% courses are taught in English
avec l’Université d’Angers - ESTHUA • Length: 2 years (for an admission with a Bachelor) • Admission requirements: A bachelor’s degree (and international equivalents) or
foreign degree
u Double Master Degree: • English proficiency: English is assessed in a test.
- Master’s inTourism and Event Management awarded by • French proficiency: B1
Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle • Tuition fees: 6,200 €/year

- Master’s inTourism Management (Economie et Gestion - • Objectives: The EMVOL Program proposes professional training for a market
undergoing profound changes.This program offers significant tuition in management
Management des OrganisationsTouristiques) awarded by the subjects and tackles the specifics of tourism-related jobs in a transversal way.
University of Angers The Master’s Degree in InternationalTourism and Leisure Management is specialised
in luxury tourism with more than 80% of the classes taught il English.The students are
• All courses are taught in English encouraged to spend a semester abroad in one of our partner universities.
• Length: 2-year program (possible direct entry in year 2).
Next intake: September 2009.
• Admission requirements: Bachelor Degree or equivalent Higher Diploma required,
good proficiency in English.
Our admission procedures for international students consider their location abroad
and they do not have to come to France to apply:
1. Pre-selection on the basis of application documents
2. Phone interview with the course leader
ESC Rennes School of Business -
• English proficiency:TOEFL score or other evidence of proficiency
Website in English:
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 6,950 € for European students, 8,000 € for non European students. u MSc in Sports, Leisure & Tourism Management (MSc SLT)

and Tourism Management

Please contact us for 2009 / 2010 tuition fees.
• All courses are taught in English
• Objectives:The program trains International Events managers as well as International
Convention and Meeting managers with focus on program planning, budgeting, • Length: 18 months including 9 months courses + 6 months internship (in France or
marketing, public relations, food and beverage and hospitality planning, human abroad) + a professional thesis
resources.The programme also trains students to plan, organize, finance, market and • Admission requirements: Any bachelors or equivalent qualification + a good working
assess Sport and Cultural Events. Meetings with well- experienced professionals in knowledge of English + application form + phone interview
the sector are organized.The program includes seminars, case studies, professional • English proficiency: TOEFL (80/213/550) or TOEIC (750) or IELTS (6.5) or equivalent
development, 5-month of academic lectures and a 6-month training period in France certificate, if non native English speaker
or other countries in the world.
For further details, contact us: / tel: 0033-5-46517771 • French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 11,200 €
u Double Master Degree: • Objectives:This program is an international, high-level, specialised study program. It
- Master’s inTourism and Hospitality Management awarded by provides managers, administrators or decision-makers with the tools they need to be
operational in sports, leisure or tourism areas. A sound knowledge of international
Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle business is required to deal with the globalisation of all economic sectors and the
- Master’s inTourism Management (Economie et Gestion - speed at which changes are occurring.This international-standard program is taught
at ESC Rennes by a team of professional and multicultural specialists.
Management des OrganisationsTouristiques) awarded by the
University of Angers
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2-year program (possible direct entry in year 2).
Next intakes: January and September 2009.
• Admission requirements: Bachelor Degree or equivalent Higher Diploma required,
good proficiency in English.
Our admission procedures for international students consider their location abroad
and they do not have to come to France to apply:
3. Pre-selection on the basis of application documents
4. Phone interview with the course leader

• English proficiency:TOEFL score or other evidence of proficiency.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 6,950 € for European students, 8,000 € for non European students.
Please contact us for 2009 / 2010 tuition fees.
• Objectives: The program is designed to prepare students for careers in a variety of
management positions in events, festivals and business travel, business tourism,
conference and exhibition centers, leisure, shows and media events, marketing.
The program includes seminars, case studies, field studies, professional development
and internship in France or abroad.
For further details, please contact: / tel: 0033-5-46517771

Website in English 224 Website in English 225

Hospitality and Tourism Management MASTER

Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, in partnership with

the University of Angers (ESTHUA) and the University
of Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO)
u Master of Science International Marketing and International
Marketing withTourism and Events in partnership with Napier
University Business School, Edinburgh, awarding double u Double Degree Programme:
accreditation: Ipag state-accredited diploma + Master - Bachelor inTourism awarded by Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle
of Science Napier University - “Licence Professionnelle” inTourism awarded by University of
• All courses are taught in English Angers or University of Littoral Côte d’Opale, depending on the
• Length: one year in 3 semesters: 1 in Edinburgh, 1 in Paris, 1 anywhere, dedicated to chosen specialization
thesis and optional work placement. • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: BA (Honors) / Bac+4 (Master 1) / 240 ECTS. • Length: 3-year program (possible direct entry in year 3).
• English proficiency: ITPTOEFL 550 points orTOEFL 207-220 CBT Next intake: September 2009.
• French proficiency: not required. French courses are proposed during the second • Admission requirements: Baccalaureate or equivalent High School Diploma, good
semester in Paris proficiency in English.
• Tuition fees: 12,000 € Our admission procedures for international students consider their location abroad
and they do not have to come to France to apply:
• Objectives: The aim of the program is to offer students the opportunity to gain a Pre-selection on the basis of application documents
general qualification in International Marketing with an optional specialisation in Phone interview with the course leader
Tourism and Events. It will enable students to acquire a thorough knowledge of
international Marketing, in particular with regard to cultural differences, marketing • English proficiency:TOEFL score or other evidence of proficiency.
strategies, brand management and e-commerce and to gain a solid understanding of • French proficiency: not required
the ways of operating in the international marketing profession, through case studies • Tuition fees: 4,950 € per year for European students. 5,700 € per year for non
and simulation games, international negotiation practice and a research project. European students. Please contact us for 2009 / 2010 tuition fees.

and Tourism Management

• Objectives: The program is designed to prepare students for careers in a variety of
positions in tourism industry (accommodation, catering, transport services, sites and
tourist attractions, culture, sports and business travel).
The program includes seminars, case studies, field studies, professional development
and internships in France or abroad.
For further details, please contact: / tel: 0033-5-46517771

Website in English 226 Website in English 227
Hospitality and Tourism Management LICENCE - BACHELOR

École de Management de Normandie

VATEL International Business School Hotel and
Tourism Management -

u Bachelor Degree in International Hotel Management

Normandy Business School
(Eurhodip) and Licence de Management du Tourisme,
spécialité "Hôtellerie Internationale"
u Normandy Business School Bachelor in European Business • All courses are taught in English course/Bachelor_European_Business-34.html • Length: 3 years (3 academic semesters and 3 paid internship semesters), 2 intakes per
annum (March and October)
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: High school diploma or equivalent “A“ level or University
• Length:Two semesters (Sept-Dec & Feb-May) Entry Examination. - Strong motivation to work in the hotel andTourism Industry.
• Admission requirements: Independent students apply by submitting an application • English proficiency:TOEFL: 500(PBT) or 173(CBT) or 61(IBT) or IELTS: 5.0 (Academic)
form (downloadable on site) + official transcripts showing completion of a minimum
of four semesters of higher education in business-related subjects (120 ECTS Credits) Students have attended an international English / American secondary school and
+ English language proficiency certification have obtained an English / American High school diploma.
• English proficiency: TOEFL: CBT 213, IBT 79 or PBT 550 or equivalent (IELTS, • French proficiency: not required
Cambridge,TOEIC) •Tuition fees: upon request
• French proficiency: not required - A French language module is included in the • Objectives: Vatel is a Business Management School, specializing in Hotel and Tourism
program Management. Our main aim is to be the leader in Hotel and Tourism Education and
• Tuition fees: Full program (2 semesters) + award of Bachelor certification: 6,350 € - secondly, the benchmark of excellence amongst other hotel and tourism schools
One study-abroad semester: 3,175 € throughout the world.The result being Vatel was granted the Worldwide Hospitality Award
in 2003, in the category of “BestTraining Program“ from the international professionals in
• Objectives: Those management skills required for business and/or tourism the hotel and tourism Industry. Our programs are targeted at students particularly
management in a European & French intercultural context.Taught entirely in English, motivated by their future careers.
the program offers two successive semesters. For enhanced cultural diversity, faculty Vatel believes that comprehensive and thorough teaching requires regular contact with
come from a variety of EU countries. 8 modules per semester: 6 core courses: the real aspects of the industry and profession. The Vatel philosophy that all academic
• semester 1 : Marketing management, Finance, European Business Law, Project, knowledge should be consolidated through practicals and paid internships is fervently
HRM, French Language & Culture (all levels) ; implemented. Vatel students are eligible for a double degree: a French National Degree
• semester 2 : Corporate strategy, Finance, Compared International Law, Project, and a European Degree. Both of these degrees are internationally recognized.

and Tourism Management

Intercultural Management, French Language & Culture (all levels) & 2 options:
European Marketing orTourism management.

Institut Paul Bocuse and IAE de Lyon Université
Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - Le Cordon Bleu & l’Institut des Hautes Études du Goût
(HEG) & Université de Reims, Champagne-Ardenne
u Double degree: and:
- Bachelor’s degree in business administration by the University
of Lyon 3 u University Diploma of Taste, Gastronomy and The Arts
of the Table
- Degree in hotel and restaurant management by the Institut
• All courses are taught in French and simultaneously translated into English
Paul Bocuse
• Length: 2 weeks and an a thesis to submit within 6 months
• 30% (1st year) to 50% (3rd year) courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Applicants must have:
• Length: 3 years - A professional experience in the area of gastronomy and fine living or the
• Admission requirements in year 1: Baccalaureat (or other equivalent high school possession of a post-graduate diploma.
diploma) - A strong and clear motivation from the candidates for our multidisciplinary and
Selection based on candidate’s application, written tests and an oral interview unique program.
• English proficiency:TOEIC: 700 pointsTOEFL IBT: 70 • English proficiency: very good command of English
• French proficiency: DELF Level B2 • French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 9,800 €/year • Tuition fees: 4,000 € (including accommodation, meals and transportation between
Paris and Reims)

• Objectives: The I.A.E., University of Lyon Business & Management school and the
Institut Paul Bocuse have united their academic and professional experience in the • Objectives: Le Cordon Bleu, Les Hautes Études du Goût (Institute of Advanced Studies
framework of a unique pedagogical partnership in order to offer two high-quality inTaste, Gastronomy and the Arts of theTable) and the University of Reims present a
programs in hotel management and the culinary arts. unique and multi disciplined 15-day intensive program that encompasses the many
The pedagogic concept: Academic and professional training, training in direct facets of the world of gastronomy, combining a historical, economic and sociological
partnership with the world of business, involvement of professionals, diversity and approach. It includes a conference on “Gastronomy of the 21st Century” given by
harmony of the teaching staff, a human dimension, personal pedagogical mentoring Le Cordon Bleu and pedagogical meals directly linked to the syllabus.
and accompaniment, multi-cultural environment and international perspective. The program takes place in Paris and in Reims.

Website in English 228 Website in English 229

Hospitality and Tourism Management Le Cordon Bleu - Paris
SPECIFIC PROGRAMS Le Cordon Bleu - Paris -

u Le Cordon Bleu Basic Pastry Certificate

• All courses are taught in French and simultaneously translated into English and
• Length: 10 weeks (intakes 4 times a year) + Possibility to apply for intensive sessions:
4 to 5 weeks (intakes 2 times a year)
u Le Cordon Bleu Basic Cuisine Certificate • Admission requirements: High School Diploma and Certificate (USA/Japan),
• All courses are taught in French and simultaneously translated into English GCSEs(UK), Bac.(France).
• Length: 10 weeks (intakes 4 times a year) + Possibility to apply for intensive sessions: Other qualification accepted by the Admission Jury (Academic Directorand Head
4 to 5 weeks (intakes 2 times a year) Chef) or as evidence of prior study if the applicant demonstrates that his qualification
is equivalent.
• Admission requirements: High School Diploma or Certificate (USA/Japan), GCSEs
Application fee of 500 €
(UK), Bac. (France).
Other qualification accepted by the Admission Jury (Academic Director and Head • English proficiency: not compulsory
Chef) or as evidence of prior study if the applicant demonstrates that his qualification • French proficiency: not required
is equivalent.
•Tuition fees: 5,650 €
Application fee: 500 €
• Objectives: The Basic Pastry program is a real career booster and your preparatory
• English proficiency: not compulsory
course to gain the French classical pastry techniques and skills.
• French proficiency: not required You will learn, for example, how to create choux pastry, “biscuit” sponge and puff pastry.
• Tuition fees: 7,750 € The demonstrations and hands-on practical classes will take you systematically and
progressively through the basics of French pastry.Techniques will reappear throughout
• Objectives:The Basic Cuisine program is a real career booster and your preparatory
the term in order to familiarize you with their various uses.
course to gain the French classical culinary techniques and skills.
Obtaining the Basic Pastry Certificate allows you to enter the Intermediate Pastry level
The demonstrations and hands-on practical classes are menu oriented, incorporating
leading to Le Cordon Bleu Superior Pastry level, and Superior Pastry Certificate and
aspects of organization, preparation, balance and timing as the term progresses.
consequently to Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie.
If you are a more experienced student, this allows you the opportunity to relearn as
well as strengthen existing skills, and for the beginner, this lays the groundwork on
which to build in the following levels (Intermediate and Superior).
u Le Cordon Bleu Intermediate Pastry Certificate
Obtaining the Basic Cuisine Certificate allows you to enter the Intermediate Cuisine • All courses are taught in French and simultaneously translated into English
level leading to Le Cordon Bleu Superior Cuisine level, and Superior Cuisine • Length: 10 weeks (intakes 4 times a year) + Possibility to apply for intensive sessions:
Certificate and consequently to Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine. 4 to 5 weeks (intake once a year)

and Tourism Management

• Admission requirements: Prerequisite: Le Cordon Bleu Basic Pâtisserie Certificate
u Le Cordon Bleu Intermediate Cuisine Certificate Or if direct entry, applicant must demonstrate to the Admission Jury (Academic
• All courses are taught in French and simultaneously translated into English Director or Head Chef) that his qualification is equivalent and if so, applicant must
• Length: 10 weeks (intakes 4 times a year) + Possibility to apply for intensive sessions: pass successfully a practical examination. Application fee of 500 €
4 to 5 weeks (intake once a year) • English proficiency: not compulsory
• Admission requirements: Prerequisite: Obtention of Le Cordon Bleu Basic Cuisine • French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 5,550 €
or if direct entry: applicant must demonstrate to the Admission Jury (Academic
Director and Head Chef) that his qualification is equivalent and if so, applicant must • Objectives: Intermediate Pastry is based on hands-on practice to improve in-depth. As
pass successfully a practical examination. you begin to master important techniques, you also become more efficient allowing
Application fee of 500 € more time to devote to the decoration and presentation of your cakes. You are also
introduced to the basics of chocolate making and cooked sugar.
• English proficiency: not compulsory
Obtaining the Intermediate Pastry Certificate allows you to enter the Superior Pastry
• French proficiency: not required level (taught in French only) to obtain the Superior Pastry Certificate and leading
•Tuition fees: 7,600 € consequently to Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Pâtisserie.
• Objectives:The Intermediate Cuisine program continues the in-depth study of French
Classical Regional Cuisines.You will improve professional kitchen skills, learn more
advanced technical cuts and presentations, study seasonings and flavour appreciation,
food presentation techniques for platter and plates, learn the combinations of colour,
taste and texture. Obtaining the Intermediate Cuisine Certificate allows you to enter the
Superior Cuisine level (taught in French only) to obtain the Superior Cuisine Certificate
and leading consequently to Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine.

Website in English 230 Website in English 231
CEMEF, Centre for Material Forming, Mines ParisTech formations/
Université de Provence / Université
de la Méditerranée Aix-Marseille I et II or
u Post Master’s degree in Bioplastics
• All courses are taught in English
u Master M2 BIODEV International course included in UNESCO
Sciences - Environment

• Length: 1 year UnitWin international chair (France, Brazil, China,

• Admission requirements: The post-master program is open to graduates with a Madagascar, Morocco). (
Masters degree or equivalent diploma and to professionals from industry to widen
their knowledge in Bioplastics. Candidates are selected on the details of their • All courses are taught in English
application (application form and CV) and personal interview.The interview involves • Length: 1 year; level: M2 master year
assessing the applicant’s potential, motivation and personality. Applicants are
• Admission requirements: Eligibility and admission to the M2 year BIODEV will be
expected to be fluent in English.
pronounced by the jury after reception of the complete results of the first year of a
• English proficiency:Original certification in English Proficiency (for example:TOEFL, master’s degree (M1) or Maîtrise, accompanied by the letter indicating your selection
TOEIC…) should be provided from within the last 2 years. in the training course proposals (see the web site, masters
• French proficiency: not required proposed).
Students will be eligible with a « Assez Bien » mention in a French Maîtrise (average of
• Tuition fees: 14,000 €
marks over 12/20), or with a M1 master’s degree passed with at least a grade C (lower
• Objectives:The objectives are: second-class honours) distinction.
• to give high level up-to-date education in Bioplastics: physics, chemistry, polymer In addition, students from Universities other than Aix-Marseille I and Aix Marseille II,
processing - with the accent of polymers from biomass and biodegradable have to join to the application the confidential form completed by the studies
polymers, biotechnology, modelling, sustainable development and management. supervisor of the last degree passed.This form is available:
• to provide close contacts with companies deeply involved in the bioplastic industry. on web sites of the 2 universities: (click on “UFR”, then on
“Sciences de la Vie”, then on “Master mention MBVB”), and,
(click on “Informations LMD”, then on “Masters”, then on “Microbiologie, biologie
végétale et biotechnologies”).
• English proficiency: Minimum level requiredTOEIC 550
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 500 €/each university
• Objectives: The BIODEV (BIOtechnology in sustainable DEVelopment) course is
focussed on specific advanced aspects of genetics, physiology, economical aspects,
process use and applications of the biotechnology of bacteria and filamentous fungi,
connected to present and prospective aspects of microbiology. The first half of the
academic year is devoted to teaching units to be chosen from a proposed list, the
second half of the year is devoted to practical work experience in research
laboratories selected in the participating countries, and to a dissertation with an oral
defence through videoconferencing. A weekly self-e-learning program is proposed on
the server of the Université de Provence, with written and on-line tutorials, self-
evaluation and chats. Choice of either English or French language.

Website in English 232 Website in English 233
MASTER Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1
u Masters in Earthquake Engineering and
Université de Cergy-Pontoise Engineering Seismology - • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 12 or 18 months
u Master in Maths, Physics and Informatics (MPIE) • Admission requirements:The minimum requirement in order to apply for the MEEES
[Master 1]
Sciences - Environment

program is a bachelor’s degree, or past professional experience, in Civil Engineering. Admission to the course depends on academic qualifications, past professional
experience, reference letters and English proficiency. For this reason, and in addition
• 50% of courses are taught in English (240h) to the online submission procedure described here, applicants are also asked to send
• Length: 1 year to the MEEES Secretariat, by post and before the application deadlines (postmark
• Admission requirements: Admission to MPIE is conditioned on admission to a full date), original copies of: academic certificates, English language certificate, three
Master's program in maths or physics or computer science at Cergy-Pontoise or letters of reference
elsewhere. Priority will be given to successful applicants within a list of recommended • English proficiency: With regards to English proficiency, applicants are asked to
Master's at Cergy-Pontoise, Paris 1, 6, 7, 11, ENS-Cachan, UVSQ, Grenoble, Orléans. submit any documents that attest that they possess an adequate command of the
• English proficiency: IELTS 6.0 orTOEFL 550/213 English language.
• Tuition fees: 2,500 € Such documents may consist of:
- a score of at least 230 (computer-based exam) or 570 (paper-based exam) in the
• Objectives: Consolidate knowledge from a Bachelor's degree in Maths, Physics or TOEFL test
Computer Science, and learn French so as to complete a Master's taught in French - a score of 6 or more obtained with IELTS
during the following year. Courses taught in English include relational databases, - a degree obtained in an English speaking environment
object oriented programming, computational fluid dynamics and structural - other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to those listed above.
mechanics, statistics and statistical learning, partial differential equations. French as a
Foreign Language plus tutoring alongside specialty courses in French prepare for a • French proficiency: not required
second year of a Master's taught in French. • Tuition fees: 8,000 €
• Objectives:The MEEES program is an Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course, that aims to
u Master of Sciences in Theoretical Physics and Applications provide higher-level education in the field of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering
Seismology. Graduate students involved in this Erasmus Mundus Master’s course
Specialties: have the possibility of following one-year MSc programs on either Earthquake
A) Dynamical and Complex Systems: exact and computational Engineering or Engineering Seismology. In addition, the proposed EM Master’s
approaches course envisages also the possibility of students following a 18-month study program
that leads to the attainment of a Master’s degree on Earthquake Engineering and
B)Theoretical aspects of Nanoscale Physics Engineering Seismology.
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: A level corresponding to 180 ECTS will be required for all
the students (equivalences will be established for the non-EU students). Applications
will be ranked according to the following criteria: academic background, academic
results in physics and mathematics, recommendation letter, student motivation letter,
proficiency in English.

• English proficiency: working scientific English
• Tuition fees (per year): 2,700 € + 500 € for French Language and Civilization courses.
This includes health insurance and access to specific administrative facilities for
foreign students.
• Objectives:This Master aims at providing students, in an international environment,
with a high-level formation in modern Theoretical and Computational Physics at
crossroads of several domains: Mathematical and Statistical Physics, Condensed
Matter, Nanophysics, Biology, Ecology…
Students will learn the tools and key concepts of the field in first year. They then
specialize either in Integrable Models or in Complex Systems (semester 3). The last
semester is devoted to a first contact with research work.

Website in English 234 Website in English 235
MASTER Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1
u University Degree in Lab’Science Trading
Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (Second degree Master) of the University of Grenoble, click on “Formations
professionnelles: BioTechCo”
u Master in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies • All courses are taught in English
3 specialties: Nanophysics or Nanobiology or Nanochemistry
Sciences - Environment

• Length: OneYear (Two semesters) • Admission requirements: Students can come from all over the world to attend this
• All courses are taught in English course. The lectures will be in English. The student must have at least a Master1
• Length: One year scientific level (or equivalent).The students must be motivated to travel.They should
like to meet other scientists and to have communication skills.
• Admission requirements: Application of candidates holding a first year of Master
degree in sciences will be considered for entry in one of these second years. Many • English proficiency: English language test (TOEFL level 550 or IELTS level 6 or
options are offered. They focus on one of the following fields: physics, chemistry, equivalent)
biology and health. • French proficiency: Medium
Available options can be looked at on the programmes web pages accessible through • Tuition fees: 3,780 €
the web site of the Master.
1st year majors: Physics or Chemistry or Biology • Objectives: …Sales Marketing Communication Management… and Science
(60 ECTS). The students are trained to: Manage and follow-up international sales
• English proficiency: Expressing with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes activities, have the capacity to negotiate in English, be able to listen to the customers’
usual interaction in English possible, also with native speakers. needs and understand their culture, Theoretical knowledge associated to a real
Producing clear and detailed texts in a wide variety of topics. international experience. Lectures during four months at the university of Grenoble
Expressing one’s point of view on a subject, showing the advantages and followed by a six months practical training in a company anywhere in the world.
inconveniences of the different options.
Understanding the main ideas in texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including
texts belonging to specific semantic fields, professional areas, etc. Contacts: Ghislaine Pellat:, +33608246727, Francis
Pithon:, Francoise.Gabert:
• French proficiency: Very basic French knowledge is required. Courses of French for
foreigners are organized.
• Tuition fees: 450 €
• Objectives:The Master N² programme provides the appropriate background to both
fundamental and applied doctoral studies in the rapidly developing and diverse Nano
areas. It also prepares students for a high-level appointment in the nanotechnology
This interdisciplinary master programme in physics, chemistry and biology, equips
students with in-depths knowledge in their field of study while they are being
immersed in an exceptional research environment: the international scientific
Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble 2
community of Grenoble which includes the UJF laboratories, the Grenoble INP, the Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble
CEA Grenoble, the CNRS and major research centers such as the Synchrotron (ESRF)
and the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL).
Students can apply either to the first or the second year as long as they have fulfilled
the appropriate requirements. Students who are not fluent in French should only u Master Erasmus Mundus Urbano

apply to the second year. Masters Course in International Cooperation
u Master in Chemistry - and Urban Development.
• All courses are taught in English • 90% classes are taught in English
• Length: 2 years • Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Science (Chemistry, Physical • Admission requirements: Entry from a four-year degree. Being a student from one of
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science) or equivalent the partner universities (Darmstadt University, University of Rome Tor Vergata,
degree from a college, university, or technical school. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya in Barcelona)
• English proficiency: If English is not the native language, applicants are asked to submit • English proficiency: MinimumTOEFL score for applications: 88 (internet based)
any documents that attest they possess an adequate knowledge of the English language. Additional and proven language skills in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese or
Such documents may consist of: Italian are appreciated!
- a score of at least 230 (computer-based exam) or 570 (paper-based exam) in the • Tuition fees: 5,000 € per year
TOEFL test • Objectives: The main objective of this Master course is to prepare both, professionals
- a score of 6 or more obtained with IELTS and academics, for critically analyzing and assessing the growing problems in urban
- a degree obtained in an English speaking environment areas internationally and to increase their capacity to develop appropriate solutions in
- other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to those listed above. terms of architecturally, socially, economically and ecologically sustainable urban
• French proficiency: not required development.

• Tuition fees: 300 € plus national insurance (around 200 €).
• Objectives: The first year, you can choose options to be prepared to one of the 4
specialities proposed during the second year. Physical Chemistry: main
spectroscopical methods and computational chemistry Polymers for Advanced
Technologies: Biopolymers, micro and nano electronics, nanomaterials. Bioorganic
and Bioinorganic Chemistry: chemistry at the interface with life sciences Organic
Synthesis for the Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Industries: asymmetric synthesis,
and heterocyclic chemistry.

Website in English 236 Website in English 237

MASTER Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient*
u Master degree in “Eco-Design of Polymers & Composites”
Université du Maine - Le Mans - • Year 1: 20% courses are taught in English – year 2: 50% courses are taught in English
Surfaces & Interfaces, New plastics processing technologies, Technical English,
u European Master in Science &Technology – Viscoélasticity of liquid polymers, Diffusion in polymers, membranes, Eco-Design,
Speciality: PHYSICS AND NANOMATERIALS Life cycle analysis, Plastics recycling, Interactions-colloïds-wetting, Conductive
Polymer NanoComposites, Functional NanoComposites, Thin films of hybrid
Sciences - Environment

• 50% courses are taught in English.The second year of master is taught in English. polymers, Polymer nanophase, Biodegradation, Chemical ageing, Physical ageing,
• Admission requirements:To apply to 1st year of master, students have to be graduated • Length: 2 year-long program after the Bachelor’s degree.
with bachelor degree or equivalent, in physics, material sciences, engineering,
chimistry. If students wish to be registered directly to the 2nd year of master, they have • Admission requirements: Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree with any of the
to possess an equivalent degree to 1st year of master (diploma of “Maîtrise”, following specializations:
“Engineering school”…). Information can be obtained from: Pr. A. Kassiba – email: - Polymers & Composites - Science of Materials
- Life & Earth Science
• English proficiency: It is wished that candidates have a fluent level in English, written, - Physics & Chemistry
spoken and read. - Mechanics
• French proficiency: Fluent if the candidates apply for admission in a first year All other bachelor’s degrees with equivalent contents
• Tuition fees: National tuition fees for master degree (around 200 €) + social insurance • English proficiency: Applicants should be able to understand enough scientific
(around 200 €) English to attend the classes, be interactive and make project presentations.
• Objectives: The Master Physics and Nanomaterials benefits from international • French proficiency: (European Language Framework) Level B2 (Intermediate)
partnership and deals with innovating aspects of the physics of nanostructured and • Tuition fees: 274 € in 2007-2008 plus 192 € for social security
mesoscopic materials whose properties are of a great interest for potential
applications in electronics, optics, magnetic or optoelectronics. It is built as a joined • Objectives:The future scientific manager must be able to design, develop and transfer
master program between University of Maine (Le Mans - France), University of Silesia to industry the complex environment-friendly materials to be. The target industries
- Katowice (Poland) and University of Czestochowa (Poland). For the students are those of plastic processing, composites, packaging and derived products
registered in University of Maine, the curriculum is organised in France with stays of 3 (formulated systems: inks, coating, adhesives, paints...) as well as high developing
months and 5 months in Poland Laboratories (or private companies). industries in the field of green materials (bio-degradable, bio-composites, recycled
plastics...) and hi-tech materials for optics and electronics.

* Info 2008

Université Lille 1 - Sciences etTechnologies Université de Lyon, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
u Erasmus Mundus Master of Science “Advanced
Spectroscopy in Chemistry” u Sciences de la Matière is a Bachelors (BSc) and Masters (MSc)
• All courses are taught in English degree program in Physics and Chemistry

• Length: 2 years (120 ECTS) • Most of the main courses are in French but tutorials are proposed in English. Students
• Admission requirements: Application for admission in the ASC program is entitled for have the option of writing exams in French or in English.
students holding a Eurobachelor in Chemistry or equivalent education in the field of • Length: - Bachelors (BSc) degree program: 1 year
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry and Physics. Students from all over the - Masters (MSc) degree program: 2 years
world are welcome to join the program.
• Admission requirements: Half of the 80 students recruited each year are admitted
• English proficiency: A sufficient mastering of the English language is required. Internal through a competitive entrance examination allowing them four years of study with a
Evaluation of student academic records, based on international tests such as GPA, full salary. The other half are selected from students applying from undergraduate
TOEFL, IELTS,… will also include a motivated statement of purpose about studying colleges and from Universities worldwide after two years post high school education
Advanced Spectroscopy in Europe. Please visit the website for required scores to at the BSc level. Applications can be made by following the instructions on the Matter
international tests. Sciences website. A small number of study scholarships are open to foreign students.
• French proficiency: optional courses taught in national language (consortium of • English proficiency: A good command of English is required of all students. Students
7 European institutions) who are not native speakers of English must improve their English language skills
• Tuition fees: A fee of 4,000 € per academic year will be charged for third-country through the English language improvement Program.
students (outside European Union). A fee of 2,000 € per academic year will be • French proficiency: A good command of French is not required of all students but,
charged for European students (within European Economic Area). international students who are not native speakers of French can improve their French
• Objectives: The ASC network aims at preparing students to become experts and language skills through the French language improvement program.
develop international skills towards doctoral studies, and/or professional industrial • Tuition fees: 500 €/year

careers in chemical analysis and characterization of the structure of materials. • Objectives:The “Sciences de la Matière” Masters degree directly competes with the
A mobility scheme ensures that, in addition to high specialization and access to state of World's leading MSc programmes, preparing our students for a career in research in
the art technologies, students will do a common core curriculum of studies in different Physics and Chemistry.Tutorials with small groups of selected students are managed
higher education institutions throughout Europe. by professors who are involved in international research programs. Each year, a
research project is carried out in research laboratory of international reputation giving
students a first taste of cutting edge research in a subject area of their choice.

Website in English 238 Website in English 239

MASTER Université de Poitiers (UP France, Co-ordinator),
Christian Albrechts Universität in Kiel (CAU Germany),
MASTER OF SCIENCE the University of Coimbra (UC Portugal) and the University of
East Anglia in Norwich (UEA UK)
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
in partnership with Uppsala University and Roma III University u “European Master in Applied Ecology” (EMAE)”
• An integrated Masters Program designed by 4 Universities
u International master in material and nanosciences nanomat-
Sciences - Environment

The completion of the curriculum is rewarded by a multiple Master Degree

master detailing both the interdisciplinary and specialized curriculum. A Diploma
Supplement describing personal curriculum contents is delivered.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year equivalent M2, 60 ECTS • All courses are taught in English

• Admission requirements: nanomat is open to any nationalities, applicants must hold • Length: 2 years.
a degree corresponding to four years of full-time studies at the university in the field • Admission requirements: A Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. degree or a nationally
of physics, i.e. approximately equivalent to undergraduate level. Students coming recognized degree equivalent to 180 ECTS), with a minimum grade of “B–“ in the
from Uppsala university and Roma III university can benefit from special grant ECTS grading scale (at least a score of 70%), from a field in relation with the scope of
provided by UPMC (850 euros). the EMAE master (for instance: Ecology, Biology, Population genetics, Evolution,
Application includes (send to Environmental sciences…).
- A curriculum vitae describing courses followed in the previous year • English proficiency: A fluent level in English, certified by aTOEFL score of 550, IELTS
- A letter presenting the motivation of the applicant to follow Nanomat-Master 5.5 or equivalent, is needed as proof of the sufficient knowledge of the English
- Absolute results obtained in physics during the 2 last years language.
• English proficiency: Intermediate abilities (B2 levels on the European reference scale) • French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: Erasmus Mundus studentship for non European student is 1,600 €
• Tuition fees: about 250 € (University fees) monthly and 5,000 € per year as an integration fund. European students involved in
• Objectives: nanomat-master aims to provide in-depth knowledge in materials physics the master course must apply to common Erasmus studentship, EMAE consortium
and extreme miniaturisation at nanoscale; keys to the design of new materials with grants and any other possibilities of funding.
basic electronic, magnetic and optical properties by taking advantage of exchange • Objectives: Our goal is to form specialists able to develop and lead ecological projects
programmes in UE (Erasmus, Leonardo), financial and administrative support throughout the world by providing them with a wide range of competences and a
provided by UPMC and C-Nano IdF (additional grant of 250 euros/month during 5- professional specialization in one of several leading fields of Ecology (Conservation,
months internship). Possibility to obtain 3 years PhD grants at the end of the Master Toxicology, Functional Ecosystem Dynamics, and Evolutionary Ecology).

Université Paris-Sud 11 - Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza,

Poznan (Poland) - Universita degli Studi di Genova (Italy) -
Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

u SERP Chem International Master course Surface, Electro-,

Radiation-, and Photo- Chemistry
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: Applicants should have a BSc or BEng comprising
significant chemistry and physics fundamentals.
Other criteria to be taken into account are awards and external references.
The selection will be jointly handled by all partners of the consortium.
• English proficiency: An applicant with a degree from an institution where the language
of instruction is not English is required to provide official score reports from either the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or the International English Language
Testing System (IELTS).
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: European and Non European Students: 1,000 €/ year ; excluded medical
entrance (198 €)
• Objectives: The Master SERP-Chem aims at training young students in the most
performing experimental and theoretical tools used and developed in chemistry and
physical-chemistry. It is an answer for an increasing need of skilled people to

participate in the efforts developed scientifically or industrially in areas of great
relevance towards economic sustainability and environmental safety, conservation
and protection such as: development of renewable energies and "no-energy"
chemistry based on photon-induced reactions, use of radiation induced processes to
optimize applications, surface treatment and modification, development of
compounds for catalysis aimed at enhancing the selectivity and the efficiency of
chemical and industrial processes. This international study programme stems from
existing scientific links between participating institutions.

Website in English 240 Website in English 241

MASTER École Centrale de Nantes -

MASTER OF SCIENCE u Master of Sciences and Techniques in Urban Environment

on Atmosphere, Water and Urban Environment
Université Rennes 1 • 100% of the language of instruction and examination is in English during the 1st year
including 160 hours (7ECTS) of French courses. During the 2nd year, courses and
Master thesis are either in French or English language.
u International Master Catalysis, Molecules and Green
Chemistry • Length:Two years (120 ECTS in total). A possibility for directly integrating the 2nd year
Sciences - Environment

is opened and discussed by the Admission Committee.
• Admission requirements: Students must hold a first university degree after at least
• All courses are taught in English 3 years of study (Bachelor of Science level or equivalent) or with 180 ECTS in the
• Length: 2 years European system.
The application form must be downloaded form the website
• Admission requirements: Bachelor BSC
and submitted to
Deadline for applications: no later than 15th June each year
• English proficiency: The applicants must be fluent in English, both in writing and
• English proficiency: fluent technical English required (Chemistry courses and research
speaking. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a
tutorial will be conducted in English)
recognized international English test such asTOEFL or equivalent test.
• French proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: The tuition fees of the academic program is 2,500 € per year. It includes:
• Tuition fees: For the 1st year: 6,000 € for non European students and 300 € for
• Formal registration at the University
European students. For the 2nd year: 300 €.
• Scientific and cross-discipline courses
• Personal tutorial assistance • Objectives: This Master curriculum offers a well-balanced education to future
• Research training at the UR1 engineers and town planners by providing the skills necessary to solve environmental
and energy issues through an integrated approach, combining technological
• Objectives: The International Master of Science in Catalysis, Molecules and Green
development together with the consideration of human, social and urban constraints.
Chemistry is a postgraduate course in English for students in Chemistry and related
The programme is designed to provide scientific knowledge and tools through
fields. The program offers education and research training in Fine Chemistry,
advanced lectures and research work in recognized and renowned research
Chemistry of Life, Organometallics and Catalysis, Molecular Materials and
Nanochemistry and Green Chemistry. It provides the necessary skills for
understanding recent and future developments of modern, multidisciplinary
chemistry at the industrial and academic levels.

u Master Mamaself: Master in Materials Science École des Mines de Nantes - GEM -
exploiting Large Scale Facilities (Master 2) Graduate School of Engineering
jointly withTechnische Universität, Ludwig Maximilian or /
Universität München (Germany) and University ofTorino (Italy) u European Joint Masters in Management &
Engineering of Environment and Energy (ME3),
• All courses are taught in English
Erasmus Mundus Label
• Length: 1 year
• All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: Students must have
- At least 4 years of studies (corresponding to 240 ECTS) in Materials Science or • Length: 2 years: 3 academic semesters (all lectures in English) and a 6-months

related disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Geo-science…); internship in industry or in a research laboratory
• English proficiency:TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent • Admission requirements:The ME3 program is open to candidates:
- with a Bachelor’s degree in Science or Engineering or a recognised equivalent
• French proficiency: not required.The students will benefit from free French language
diploma from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years full time study) in a
courses in Rennes (44 hours).
scientific or technical discipline. Preferred first degree fields are Process Engineering,
• Tuition fees: 500 € for European students Energy, Mechanics, Physics, Biotechnologies, Chemistry, Civil Engineering,
5,000 € for non-European students. Non-European students can benefit from an Electricity, Environmental Sciences, and similar subjects closely related to the
Erasmus Mundus grant (21,000 €). European students can benefit from a grant in objectives of the formation.
order to spend the second semester at partner institutions in Japan or Switzerland. - with an advanced level Mathematics.
• Objectives: MaMaSELF is a one year European Master program (2nd Master year) in • English proficiency: Cambridge First Certificate /TOEFL new score of at least 200 (CBT)
Materials Science, which aims to teach the application of “Large Scale Facilities” for or equivalent level.
the characterisation and development of materials.This degree provides a high level
• French proficiency: Not required. French language and culture training provided
qualification in Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics as well as Management:
throughout the program
European market and consumer behaviour analysis, Production management and
logistics, International accounting, etc. In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus • Tuition fees: 15,000 € for non E.U. students – 7,500 € for E.U. students
program, the students will spend one semester in two of the 3 universities of the Erasmus Mundus scholarships (42,000 € for the whole program)
consortium and will have 2 diplomas.The second semester is dedicated to the Master • Objectives: To form engineers eager to pursue a career in an international context,
Thesis and students will move to another university of the consortium. having managerial skills to pilot socio-technical projects related to Environment and

Energy fields. The program is inter-disciplinary and combines environmental and
energy process engineering with management and social sciences.
The program is developped along a mobility path in Europe:
- Semester 1: Foundations of Management (UPM - ETSII, Spain);
- Semester 2: Environmental Process Engineering (EMN, France);
- Semester 3: Rational use and design of energy technology (option 2 EMN, France) or
Sustainable Energy engineering (option 1 KTH, Sweden)
- Semester 4: Professional project carried out in Europe.

Website in English 242 Website in English 243

MASTER École Polytechnique - Palaiseau (Paris)
u Master’s degree in Chemistry – Molecular Chemistry
École des Mines de Nantes - GEM • A small number of courses are taught in English inYear 1 – all courses inYear 2.
Graduate School of Engineering • Length: 2 years (Year 2 taught entirely in English) or / • Admission requirements: The program is open to highly qualified French and
international students with a solid background in Chemistry, who hold a Bachelor’s
degree or its equivalent. Direct admission into the second year M2 is only possible for
u AWM – Master in Advanced Nuclear Waste Management
Sciences - Environment

students who already hold a minimum number of 60 ECTS in the field of interest at
• All courses are taught in English post-graduate level – good basic knowledge of organic and organometallic chemistry
• Length: 12 months (within 6 months in Industry) and catalysis is required.
• Admission requirements: The AWM program is open to candidates with a Master’s • English proficiency: very good working ability.TOEFL (paper-based) 570 or equivalent
degree in Science or Engineering or a recognized equivalent diploma from an required by the end of the program.
accredited institution (minimum 5 years full time study) in a scientific or technical • French proficiency: none upon admission – TCF level 4 upon graduation (French
discipline. Preferred first degree fields are process engineering, energy, physics, language courses available).
electricity, environmental science and similar subjects closely related to the objective
• Tuition fees: 11,000 € for the complete 2-year program. Some total or partial fee-
of the program.
waivers available.
• English proficiency: Cambridge First Certificate /TOEFL new score of at least 200 (CBT)
• Objectives: Molecular Chemistry and Catalysis are at the heart of much of industry,
or equivalent level.
where chemistry is implicated. Access to all that modern technology offers, from
• French proficiency: not required highly complex medicines to high performance plastics, hinges on the ability to
• Tuition fees: 12,000 € master chemical reactivity which, in turn, enables the transformation of all raw natural
materials.The program covers the main aspects of modern Molecular Chemistry and
• Objectives: The aim of the Master in Advanced Nuclear Waste Management is to
Catalysis, and provides a high level of training and preparation for young chemists
provide postgraduate students with a strong knowledge in the area of the nuclear
wishing to pursue a PhD degree towards an academic career or a position as a
waste treatment:
- strong scientific knowledge in nuclear waste management and environmental
- develop techniques to identify and strategies to manage the nuclear waste u Master’s degree in Physics – Fusion Sciences
treatments. • A small number of courses are taught in English inYear 1 – all courses inYear 2.
- study appropriate solutions for the nuclear wastes through industrial projects.
• Length: 2 years.
- consideration of human and social aspects of the nuclear waste management.
• Admission requirements: The program is open to highly qualified French and
international students with a solid level in Mathematics and Physics (incl. continuous
media physics and statistical physics), who hold a Bachelor’s degree in Physics or its
equivalent. Direct admission into the second year M2 is possible for students who
already hold a minimum number of 60 ECTS in the field of interest, at post-graduate
• English proficiency: very good working ability.TOEFL (paper-based) 570 or equivalent
required by the end of the program
• French proficiency some prior knowledge of French, while not compulsory, is strongly
advised (TCF level 2 or higher).
• Tuition fees: 11,000 € for the complete 2-year program. Some total or partial fee-

waivers available.
• Objectives: With the construction of ITER and LMJ on its soil, France becomes a world
centre on thermonuclear fusion sciences both in magnetic confinement fusion (ITER,
Toresupra) and inertial confinement fusion (LMJ, LIL). This master's program is
supported by a joint effort of graduate universities within a federation "Education for
fusion sciences". It provides interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to scientists and
engineers, from France and foreign countries, keen on studying energy and fusion
research programs, specifically within the framework of large projects, both in
national or private laboratories.

Website in English 244 Website in English 245
MASTER ENS Lyon - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon –

ENS Cachan - École Normale Supérieure de Cachan u Master BioSciences joint with Université de Lyon
in partnership with Complutense University, Madrid, Spain;
University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland; Wroclaw University english/view?set_language=en
ofTechnology (WUT), Wroclaw, Poland • 3 semesters are taught in English
Sciences - Environment • Length: 4 semesters of 30 ECTS credits each

• Admission requirements: Candidates must have a solid educational background in
u Erasmus Mundus Master Course MONABIPHOT: biology. If possible, they should have participated in an internship of at least two
Molecular nano- and bio-photonics for months in a research laboratory. Successful applicants will be contacted for an
telecommunications and biotechnologies interview consisting of a five-minute scientific presentation, followed by a ten minute
discussion. This aims to evaluate the student's critical thinking, their ability to use
Multiple degree encompassing: experimental results and to propose models.The student's comprehension of English
will be examined.
- Master Degree in Molecular Photonics for bio- and
• English proficiency: fair
nanotechnologies (ENS Cachan)
• French proficiency: fair
- National Master Degree in Molecular nano- and bio-photonics • Tuition fees: 226 € (2008/2009 rates)
for telecommunications and -biotechnologies (Complutense • Objectives: The BioSciences master is a high-level academic program in general
University, Madrid) biology with a special emphasis on research. However, a certain degree of
specialization is possible through the choice of electives and internships. It is
- MSc in Chemistry (University of Wroclaw) designed for students who have done their undergraduate studies in biology at a
- MSc Eng in Materials Science (WUT) university, studied in an engineering school, or studied medicine, pharmacy, or
veterinary medicine. The program is also open to students from abroad. Total
• More than 50% courses are taught in English. Courses given in national languages are enrollment is limited to 60 students.
accompanied by written material en English. Language courses are available free of
charge in the host institutions. u Master of Science in Physics and Chemistry
• Length: two years - M1: cursus Physics-Chemistry-Biology (1 year 50% English taught) - M2: European
cursus in numerical simulation (1 year) - in collaboration with CECAM (European
• Admission requirements:Top-level Bachelors (180 ECTS) in various fields of science and
Centre for Atomic and Molecular Computations).
engineering (Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Electrical Engineering, Materials
A GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 70 % of the scale maximum is required.
Students must not have spent more than 12 months as a resident in Europe during the
last 5 years before their application.
Examinations results, project proposals, motivation letters and letters of
recommendation will form part of the admission process. ENS Lyon - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
• English proficiency: Applicants are required to either prove that some of their previous joint with University of Amsterdam and University of Rome
studies were completed in English, or by submitting the results of a recognized
language proficiency test, such as the TOEFL (minimum score: 500 or 200 on a
computer-basedTOEFL test) or another equivalent English test.

• French proficiency: not required
u Masters degree “ATOSIM”
• Tuition fees: for EU students 1,000 €/year ; for non EU students 6,000 €/year
• All courses are taught in English
• Objectives:This Master Course offers an original qualification in the highly innovative
domain of molecular photonics for telecommunications and biology. Skills will be • Length: 1 year (4 month taught courses, 6 month research internship)
acquired at the strongly interdisciplinary level needed to master the emerging • Admission requirements: Applicants should have an excellent University record, with
technologies in telecommunications and biology, and to develop original concepts and at least 4 years of prior studies corresponding to 240 ECTS, with a major in one of the
applications aiming at novel technological breakthroughs in this domain. following fields: physics, chemistry, engineering, applied mathematics,
• English proficiency:TOEFL 570 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 5,000 € – scholarships offered to selected applicants
• Objectives:This degree, operated jointly by ENS in Lyon, Univ. of Amsterdam, Univ. of
Rome, provides a high level qualification in the rapidly expanding field of computer
modelling in physical, chemical and biomolecular sciences.The methodology covers
the full range from quantum mechanical descriptions to mesoscopic models.
Applications include condensed Matter physics, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry,

Materials Science and Biomolecular Science.The program involves a substantial part
of practical courses.

Website in English 246 Website in English 247

Université de Cergy-Pontoise -
ISARA-Lyon, France and
u Bachelor degree in Science and Technology ¬ Bilingual
Option / Licence en Science et Technologie ¬ Option Bilingue
u Master of Science in Agroecology. Double degree diploma
(France – Norway)
Sciences - Environment

• Website in English:

with the possibility to receive a Double Degree Diploma
• First year: All courses and tutorials are taught in English.
depending on the program chosen
Second year: Proportion varies depending on the student’s course choices (50% to
• All courses are taught in English 90%), typically core courses and tutorials will be offered in English.
• Length: The course of studies is a 4 semesters (24 months) of full-time study Third year: Proportion varies depending on the student’s course choices (0% to 50%)
curriculum (120 European credits).
All students are required to follow French as a Foreign Language courses.
• Admission requirements: BSc-degree or equivalent based on 180 ECTS in agriculture,
horticulture, economics, natural resources, biology, food sciences, nutrition, • Length: 3 years
engineering, rural sociology or other fields related to agriculture or the food sector • Admission requirements: High School certificate, equivalent to the French
may apply for this course. Baccalauréat
• English proficiency: Applicants should have the required language skills to attend Admission to university in home country
classes and carry out the required work in English (TOEFL >550 or equivalent). • English proficiency: TOEFL 550/213 or IELTS 5.5 (no prerequisite in the French
• French proficiency: not required language).
• Tuition fees: information, please have a look at the website • French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: -To understand structure and function of complex agroecosystems • Tuition fees: L1: 1,500 €, L2 and L3: 400 €/year
- To use knowledge and skills to create farming and food systems that securely provide • Objectives: This programme offers the possibility to study for a three-year science
products and services in sustainable ways degree in a bilingual (English/French) environment.
- Through cooperation with farmers, food system professionals and consumers, to In the first year the students follow courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Earth
shorten the distance between practice and theory, motivate for learning and develop Sciences and Computer Science taught in English.
individual and group action skills. In the second year students are required to choose between Mathematics & Science
- To exchange different backgrounds, cultures and knowledge among students and and Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science. Within each choice, the student has
professors. several course options, depending on the student’s scientific inclination and linguistic
In the third year the student may continue his studies in the bilingual Physics
programme or the bilingual Physics & Chemistry programme or choose from one of
the many French degree programmes within the Science Faculty.
The Licence in Science and Technology, awarded at the end of the third year, is a
nationally recognised degree, which allows the student to apply for a Master's
programme (2 year curriculum) or to an Engineering School (3 year curriculum).
In the first two years the students follow, as part of the syllabus, French as a Foreign
Language courses aimed at providing a good grasp of the language. Students follow

up to 6 hours of courses in French Language and Culture per week.

u Bachelor of Physics/Licence de Physique
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: Physics studies equivalent to the first two years of a French
degree. As a guideline, students studying in the US should have completed the first
two years of a science degree having studied the physics courses required for
continuation on a BA or SB/BSc program in Physics.
• English proficiency: Good grasp of scientific English
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 3,000 € + 500 € for ‘French as foreign language’ course
• Objectives: The Bachelor of Physics is equivalent to the French Bachelor’s degree
(‘Licence’). It is aimed at students wishing to spend a year abroad in France with
English as the language of instruction as well as students requiring a transition year

before higher studies in France.
Also suitable for French-speaking students with sufficient English, who wish to
extend their knowledge of both English and Physics in an otherwise French-speaking

Website in English 248 Website in English 249


Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 Université Montpellier 2*
> Formations professionnelles: BioTechCo
u International University Degree of Perfume and Cosmetics.
u DU. Lab’ScienceTrading. (Second degree Master)
of the University of Grenoble • 80% courses taught in English, with French lessons, to share the French way of life.
Sciences - Environment

• All courses are taught in English • Length: 12 months.

• Length: oneYear (Two semesters) • Admission requirements: This program will be open to Scientifics or professionals,
who want to become specialists in the Fragrance and Cosmetic area. We recommend a
• Admission requirements: Students can come from all over the world to attend this
first-year graduated degree from a scientific University with outstanding academic
course.The lectures will be in English.The student must have at least a M1 scientific
records or any equivalent professional experiences. Admission depends on the
level (or equivalent). The students must be motivated to travel. They should like to
required diplomas or/and professional experiences, on the level of English language.
meet other scientists and to have communication skills.
The enthusiasm through an interview, as well as the number of seats available per year
• English proficiency: High will be taken into consideration.
• French proficiency: Medium • English proficiency: Toefl,Toeic, IELTS, or Bulats.
•Tuition fees: 3,780 € • French proficiency: not required.
• Objectives: Sales Marketing Communication Management… and Science (60 ECTS). • Tuition fees:The total cost of the course is 11,000 €, including University cost, training
The students are trained to: Manage and follow-up international sales activities, have period with an independent perfumer, symposiums, free access to the fragrance’s
the capacity to negotiate in English, be able to listen to the customers needs and creation room and personal samples of raw materials.
understand their culture, Theoretical knowledge associated to a real international • Objectives:The first International University Diploma of Perfume and Cosmetics, offers
experience. Lectures during four months at the university of Grenoble followed by a a strong interaction with the fragrance and cosmetics industry ensured by a two
six months practical training in a company anywhere in the world. months training period and prepares students for future employment in their own
Contacts: Ghislaine Pellat:, +33608246727, Francis countries.The original part of our Diploma is the three-weeks exclusive experience of
Pithon: instruction with an independent Perfumer; each student will benefit from a total
immersion in his institution with individual advises to create a perfume.

* Info 2008

INSTN - Institut National des Sciences etTechniques

Nucléaires - Paris* -
ENEN - European Nuclear Education Network*

u International Seminar on Nuclear Fuel Cycle

• Validate: 4 European CreditTransfer System
• Length: 2 weeks: 23/06/08 to 04/07/08
• Admission requirements: For students having at least a university degree in
engineering or science related to nuclear technology - For professionals engaged in the
nuclear field, in the framework of their training activities
• English proficiency: fluent scientific English
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 6,300 €
• Objectives: Main goal: to disseminate comprehensive information and acquire in-
depth knowledge on the industrial operations related to the nuclear fuel cycle in
France, from the extraction of the uranium core to the reprocessing of spent fuel, as
well as on the management of waste produced during the different stages of the fuel
cycle. Technical visits: one week including Uranium enrichment plant, spent fuel
reprocessing plant, a Nuclear Power Plant…

* Info 2008

Website in English 250 Website in English 251

MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2
coordinated by the Humboldt Universität-Berlin
Euromed Management - Marseille
u Joint or multiple Degree
European Master of Science Program
u MS in Healthcare Company Management
in International Health - Erasmus Mundus
• 50% courses are taught in English
The European Master of Science Programme in International Health is part of tropEd, a
• Length: 12-15 months network of 28 European institutions for higher education. In existence since 1996,
• Admission requirements: Postgraduate degree - 3 years of professional experience - tropEd collaborates closely with institutions in Asia, Africa, and the Americas in
TAGE-MAGE or GMAT providing postgraduate education and training opportunities.
• English proficiency: fluent,TOEFL orTOEIC The eight institutions awarding this degree are: University of Bergen; Charité Medical
• French proficiency: Fluent School, Humboldt and Free Universities Berlin; Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2;
University of Copenhagen; Queen Margaret University College Edinburgh; University
• Tuition fees: Application Fees 100 €. Cost of course: 8,400 €
College London; the Royal Tropical Institute, Vrije University Amsterdam; and
• Objectives: Most companies in the healthcare sector (pharmacy, skin cosmetics, Karolinska Institute Stockholm
medical equipment, biotechnology, etc) are active in international markets which are • 50% courses are taught in English
still highly differentiated (regulatory systems, behavioural patterns for healthcare and
treatment, consumer purchasing power, etc). • Admission requirements: Bachelors degree (with honours) or the equivalent (240
ECTS credits or 4 years)
In this context, growing competition, the management of increasingly expensive and Minimum of 2 years of Professional experience
Health Science

uncertain R&D procedures, a demand-driven logic which affects customer relations, Convincing letter of motivation/statement of intent
and so on or encourage companies to look for managers who have a dual skill set, Convincing recommendation by an academic and/or professional body
able both to work in a team and at the frontier where scientific occupations and Proof of ability to cover living expenses and tuition fees (scholarships available)
managerial and financial issues meet. Submission of a 1-2 page thesis outline
Applications for fellowships are available on the website:
• English proficiency: Internationally recognised English proficiency certificate
equivalent to aTOEFL score of 550/213 or an IELTS score of 6
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 5,550 €
• Objectives:The main objective of the program is to raise awareness of current global
health concerns. Students become qualified to identify and critically analyse key
factors shaping the health and well-being of populations in low- and middle-income
countries and to formulate effective and appropriate responses to complex health-
related issues.
Six possible study tracks are offered for this degree within the Erasmus Mundus
Program and reflect the strengths of the consortium institutions: Tropical Medicine
and Disease Control; Health Systems, Health Policy and Management; Sexual and
Reproductive Health; Child Health; Health Research Methods; and Health in
Track 1 is studied at the following 3 institutes:
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Humboldt University and Free University Berlin
(tropEd Home Institution); Centre for International Health, Universitetet i Bergen
(tropEd Home Institution); Centre René Labusquière, Université Victor Segalen
Bordeaux 2 (tropEd Home Institution).
Each study track begins with a 3 month core course from September to December.
Core courses provide a common basis of the main subject areas for all students.
Students receive 20 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credit points upon
successful completion of their core course. Advanced modules are taken between
January and June. Each study track consists of advanced modules equal to 20 ECTS

Health Science
credit points. Students also carry out a research project within their study track and
submit it as a thesis, equivalent to 20 ECTS credits.

Website in English 252 Website in English 253

MASTER Université Rennes 1
EHESP - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique
Université de Limoges
Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy
u European public health master « europubhealth »
Institute of Epidemiology andTropical Neurology and Partners: University of Rennes 1, University
of Copenhagen, Jagiellonian University of Cracow,
u Master of research M2 "Neuroepidemiology and Tropical Andalusian school of Public Health, University of Sheffield
Parasitology" Website for the program:
• 30-40% courses are taught in English
• 10 to 100% courses, depending on the chosen training pathway courses, are taught in
• Length: 1 year English.The 2 integrative modules taught in English take place in Rennes.
• Admission requirements: Capacity: 20 to 25 students Each student can choose one training pathway among 9 different possibilities with
Acceptance condition: on files courses taught in English, French or Spanish.The specialization “Environmental and
1- students having validated the first grade (M1) of a Master type «Biological and occupational health” delivered by EHESP in Paris is taught in English.
Medical Sciences »
• Length: 2 years
2- or students having validated 240 ECTS credits in the field of Sciences of Life or
Health, according to the objectives of the Master • Admission requirements:
3- minimum French or English knowledge (B1 level) • at least a university Bachelor degree (180 ECTS)
• proficiency in the languages suitable for the chosen combination:
• English proficiency: medium
Health Science

- English
• French proficiency: medium - English + French
• Tuition fees: 245 € - Spanish + French + English
- Spanish + English
• Objectives:The main objective of the Master is to enable students to pursue doctoral
studies in the tropical neuroepidemiology and parasitology field. The concerned • Submission before the deadline of a full application, together with all the supporting
professions are those proposed by the tropical health field: tropical medicine, medical papers required (diploma certificates, language certificates, letters of
biology, epidemiology, tropical environment, hygiene, public health. recommendation, etc)
• English proficiency: - For the first year at the University of Sheffield, a level equivalent
to at least C1 level of the Common European Framework of reference scale (CEF) is
TOEFL (paper based: 600; computer based: 250) or IELTS: 7
- For students who choose a specialisation in English (year 2), fluent written and
spoken English, certified by either a score of at least a level equivalent to B2 of the
CEF is required:
Université Paris 12 Val de Marne TOEFL (paper based: 550; computer based: 213) or IELTS: 6 • French proficiency: B2 on the Common European Framework of reference scale (CEF)
for students undertaking their specialisation year in France.

u Master Specialty Tissue, cell and gene biotherapies • Tuition fees: 12,150 € for 2 years

• 75% courses are taught in English (translation provided) • Objectives: Europubhealth is a Master degree for professionals and students with a
minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in economics, in economics, law, management,
• Length: One year political science, life sciences, health sciences, nursing sciences, social sciences,
• Admission requirements: Bachelor degree plus 1 year, or graduate level or equivalent physical sciences…
in biology or physiology The Master provides a high level education in public health issues.
• English proficiency: good understanding Its main goal is to enable students to improve the health of both specific population
groups and the population as a whole through:
• French proficiency: basic understanding The designing, planning, implementation, advising and assessment of health
• Tuition fees: around 400 € prevention and promotion programs.
• Objectives: Acquisition of competencies applicable to the field of biotherapies, The management of health and social services and facilities.
including gene therapies, cell therapies, immunotherapy, innovative pharmaceutical It is intended to provide students with methods, analytical tools and conceptual
therapies, etc.Their implementation is based on upstream basic science, in a context knowledge required to understand public health issues. It is based on imparting
of very wide ranging basic biology, and on development and transfer of biomedical academic knowledge and basic know-how related to public health and on acquiring

Health Science
research towards the realm of biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry. The the necessary skills for the various functions which the students, as future public
syllabus of this program takes into account the most recent concepts and applications health professionals, will have to carry out at local, regional, national, European or
in the field. even international level, in both public and private sectors.

Website in English 254 Website in English 255

MASTER Louis Pasteur Université - Strasbourg*
EHESP - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique
u Joint Master in Neurosciences
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
u Master international de santé publique (Master of Public
• Admission requirements:The program is open to students of all nationalities Eligible
Health) are students with a bachelor's degree or equivalent in one of the Life Sciences disciplines including medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology and biology.
Application of students with strong background in physics, mathematics, chemistry,
The Master in Public Health takes place in Paris at the French School of Public Health. It is
computer sciences will be also very seriously considered
of high scientific and academic quality and delivered by experienced public health
teachers coming from universities and research organisations which are among the • English proficiency: fluent
most productive in the field. • French proficiency: beginner
• All courses are taught in English • Tuition fees: University registration in France (about 250 €/year) Includes health
• Length: 2 years (M1 and M2): 120 ECTS insurance.
• Admission requirements: Bachelors degree in the following disciplines: economics, • Objectives: University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg (France), together with its partners
political sciences, management, social sciences, law, engineering schools, medicine, from the Universities of Basel (Switzerland) and Freiburg (Germany), offers an
pharmacy, biology, veterinary or dentistry schools and a wide variety of scientific international training in Neuroscience for English-speaking students who wish to
subjects. obtain a master degree in this field. The teaching program includes the fields of
Students might also start directly in second year if they already have completed a first excellence of the three partners in their respective research domains, such as cellular
Health Science

year Master course (M1) or equivalent. and integrative neuroscience, neurogenetics or computational neuroscience. The
2 year training includes high-level academic training and extensive laboratory
• English proficiency:TOIEC > 785 or equivalent
research training. The positioning of this Joint Master in Neuroscience within a
• French proficiency: not required.Training in French will be offered during the first year trinational network of more than 1000 neuroscientists working in both public and
(M1). private organisms provides excellent opportunities of career in various neuroscience
• Tuition fees: 6,000 €/year for international students. research areas.
• Objectives: The main goal is to provide young professionals with the methods Website:
required to identify public health problems, analyse the means needed to preserve or
improve public health and take the appropriate decisions. * Info 2008
The Master is based on 5 basic disciplines offered in the core curriculum where the
interdisciplinary nature of public health issues will be stressed: social sciences and
public health behaviour; management and analysis of health politics; epidemiology;
information sciences and biostatistics; environmental and occupational health
The master is both professional and research oriented. In addition to the classes, with
majors and minors allowing for progressive concentration, it provides a field study
(M1) and practical placements (700 hours) that can take place in a public health
institution or a research laboratory, in France or abroad, during year 2. SPECIFIC PROGRAMS

INSTN - Institut National des Sciences etTechniques

Nucléaires / CEA (FR) -
Université Paris Sud 11 - INSTN/CEA
in parnership with universities of Antwerp (BE), u PET and SPECT Radiopharmaceuticals Preparation: Design,
Torino (IT), Crete (GR) Radiolabelling Strategy and Radiosynthesis (course 1)
u EMMI - European Master in Molecular Imaging • All courses are taught in English • Course location: Service de Médecine Nucléaire - CHU Bretonneau -Tours – FRANCE
• All courses are taught in English • Length of the course: 4 days (2 days of lectures and 2 days of practical work)

Health Science
• Length: 2 years (M1 + M2) • Admission requirements: Master or PhD students in biology, chemistry, medicine,
veterinary, pharmaceutical science, physics, mathematics and informatics as well as
• Admission requirements: EMMI is suitable for students with a bachelor degree (at researchers and professionals from public and private institutions are invited to apply
least 180 ECTS) from a recognized institution in biology, chemistry, biotechnology or
any discipline related to biomedical sciences. EMMI modules are also open to • English proficiency: Fluent scientific English
experienced scientists as vocational training. • French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: fluent • Tuition fees: DiMI/EMIL/MOLIM member: 100 €
• French proficiency: not required Public institutions: 450 € - Private institutions: 800 €
• Tuition fees: 230,57 €, plus 195 € of national insurance. • Objectives: To enable students to start the preparation of tracer agents labeled with
iodine or fluorine for SPECT or PET applications. A certificate of attendance is given to
• Objectives: EMMI offers an interdisciplinary program dedicated to molecular imaging each participant at the end of the course.
in all its multimodal aspects. Brought together by prominent European Molecular
Imaging research groups and supported by the ERASMUS program, EMMI prepares
students for academic and industrial positions. The programme covers relevant
molecular and cellular biology, animal and human physiology, physics of
instrumentation, chemistry of probes and labelling, image treatment and clinical

Website in English 256 Website in English 257

SPECIFIC PROGRAMS INSTN - Institut National des Sciences etTechniques
Nucléaires / CEA (FR) -
INSTN - Institut National des Sciences etTechniques
u Research and Medical Applications of Radiopharmaceutical
Nucléaires / CEA (FR) - or
u PET and SPECT Radiopharmaceuticals Preparation: Gmp, • All courses are taught in English
Regulatory Aspects and Prerequisites for Human Application • Course location: Centre CEA de Saclay - INSTN - Saclay - FRANCE
(course 2) • Length of the course: 2nd to 12th March 2009 • Admission requirements: Master or PhD students in biology, chemistry, medicine,
veterinary, pharmaceutical science, physics, mathematics and informatics as well as
• All courses are taught in English researchers and professionals from public and private institutions are invited to apply
• Course location: Service de Médecine Nucléaire - CHU Bretonneau -Tours – FRANCE • English proficiency: Fluent scientific English
• Length of the course: 4 days (2 days of lectures and 2 days of practical work) • French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Master or PhD students in biology, chemistry, medicine, • Tuition fees: DiMI/EMIL/MOLIM member: 100 €
veterinary, pharmaceutical science, physics, mathematics and informatics as well as Public institutions: 500 € - Private institutions: 3,090 €
researchers and professionals from public and private institutions are invited to apply
• Objectives: The aim of the course is to get an insight into the use of radiophar-
• English proficiency: Fluent scientific English maceuticals in research and their clinical applications. A certificate of attendance is
• French proficiency: not required given to each participant at the end of the course
• Tuition fees: DiMI/EMIL/MOLIM member: 100 €
Health Science

Public institutions: 450 € - Private institutions: 800 €

• Objectives: To describe each step from the design of a potential new tracer to its
clinical application, including GMP production aspects and regulatory affairs. A
certificate of attendance is given to each participant at the end of the course

u Geant4 Application for Emission Tomography
IRCAD-EITS - Strasbourg -
• All courses are taught in English
• Course location: Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand - FRANCE
European CME credits (ECMEC) and North American (AMA) category 1 credits™ are
• Length of the course: 3 days (50 % lectures and 50 % practical work) delivered for attendance. For French surgeons, CNFMC credits are also available.
• Admission requirements: Master or PhD students in biology, chemistry, medicine, • All courses are taught in English
veterinary, pharmaceutical science, physics, mathematics and informatics as well as
• English proficiency: Good understanding of English
researchers and professionals from public and private institutions are invited to apply
• French proficiency: not required
• English proficiency: Fluent scientific English
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: DiMI/EMIL/MOLIM member: 100 € - Others: 600 €
u Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
• Objectives: GATE is a novel free software based on GEANT4 developed by the
Educational methods: interactive theoretical and video
OpenGATE collaboration for Monte Carlo modelling of emission tomography (Single sessions between Faculty and course participants; hands-on
Photon Emission ComputedTomography - SPECT and Positron EmissionTomography training on live tissue (mini-pigs) in experimental lab
- PET).The OpenGATE collaboration organizes a 3-day training session dedicated to
students and scientists working in the field of nuclear medicine and willing to learn
how to use GATE.They will be given an opportunity to understand the architecture of • Length: Two-day course.
the GATE code, to design and run all sorts of simulations using GATE. More advanced Two options available for the course:
lectures will concern running GATE on a cluster and basic information regarding how
to introduce changes in the GATE code. A certificate of attendance is given to each Option A: didactic portion only: lectures and theoretical courses (11.5 hours), and live
participant at the end of the course surgery demonstrations (6 hours)
Option B: Didactic portion combined with hands-on practice in experimental lab on
u MRI Guided Focused Ultrasound : Principles and Applications live tissue
in Molecular Imaging - [Didactic portion comprising theoretical sessions + lectures (5 hours) and live surgery

Health Science
demonstrations (6 hours); Hands-on portion (6.5 hours)
• All courses are taught in English
In 2009, the course runs: March 27-28, May 29-30, November 13-14
• Course location: University of Bordeaux 2 - Bordeaux - FRANCE
• Admission requirements: Course organised for colorectal surgeons, GI surgeons,
• Length of the course: 5 days (60 % lectures and 40 % practical work)
laparoscopic surgeons
• Admission requirements: Master or PhD students in biology, chemistry, medicine,
• Tuition fees: Option A: 875 €. Option B: 1,603 €
veterinary, pharmaceutical science, physics, mathematics and informatics as well as
researchers and professionals from public and private institutions are invited to apply • Objectives: Cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in colorectal surgery.
• English proficiency: Fluent scientific English Provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications.
• French proficiency: not required Highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of live
• Tuition fees: DiMI/EMIL/MOLIM member: 100 €
Public institutions: 500 € - Private institutions: 800 € Allow real-time discussion between the operators and the surgeon trainees.
• Objectives:The aim of the course is to enable students to 1) use MR guided focused Provide hands-on sessions to improve skills in laparoscopic surgery through practice
Ultrasound equipment for local hyperthermia, 2) the temperature sensitive HSP70 on live tissue under experts’ tutorials.
promoter to control transgene expression, 3) optical imaging based on the luciferase Describe postoperative clinical results and practical applications of evidence-based
marker gene to quantify transgene expression, and 4) applications in the field of stem clinical medicine.
cells. A certificate of attendance is given to each participant at the end of the course

Website in English 258 Website in English 259


IRCAD-EITS - Strasbourg - u Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery:

Current Techniques in the Treatment of Severe Endometriosis
Educational methods: interactive theoretical and video
u Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery
sessions between Faculty and course participants; hands-on
Educational methods: interactive theoretical and video
training on live tissue (mini-pigs) in experimental lab
sessions between Faculty and course participants; hands-on
training on live tissue (mini-pigs) in experimental lab
• Length: Three-day course, Didactic portion comprising lecture, live demos, and theoretical sessions (15 hours); Hands-on portion (8 hours)
• Length: Three-day courses. In 2009, course runs: September 14-16
Two options available for this course: • Admission requirements: Course organised for laparoscopic surgeons, gynecologists
Option A: didactic portion only: lectures and theoretical courses (4.5 hours), and live • Tuition fees: 1,603 €
surgery demonstrations (11 hours) • Objectives: Review the different options for pathophysiology.
Option B: Didactic portion combined with hands-on practice in experimental lab on Understand the different classifications and their limits.
live tissue
Be able to refer the patients who need bowel resection.
[Didactic portion comprising theoretical sessions + lectures (4.5 hours) and live
surgery demonstrations (11 hours); Hands-on portion (8 hours) Know the guidelines for ablation of severe endometriosis.
In 2009, the course runs: April 16-18, November 5-7 Understand the complications, their management and prevention.
Health Science

• Admission requirements: Course organised for digestive surgeons, colorectal Know the prognosis and the postoperative management.
surgeons, laparoscopic surgeons
• Tuition fees: Option A: 420 €. Option B: 1,603 € u Advanced Techniques in Operative Gynecological Endoscopy
• Objectives: Cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in digestive surgery. Educational methods: interactive theoretical and video sessions
Provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications. between Faculty and course participants; hands-on training on
Highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of live live tissue (mini-pigs) in experimental lab
Allow real-time discussion between operators and surgeon trainees. • Length: Three-day course, Didactic portion comprising lecture, live demos, and
Provide hands-on sessions to improve skills in laparoscopic surgery through practice theoretical sessions (13 hours); Hands-on portion (10 hours)
on live tissue under experts’ tutorials. In 2009, course runs: May 18-20, November 30-December 2
Describe postoperative clinical results and practical applications of evidence-based • Admission requirements: Course organised for laparoscopic surgeons, gynecologists
clinical medicine. • Tuition fees: 1,603 €
• Objectives: Provide the basic skills required for good progress in clinical laparoscopic
u Advanced Course in Interventional Gi Endoscopy Techniques practice.
Educational methods: interactive theoretical and video Describe the technical steps, which are used for advanced laparoscopic procedures.
sessions between Faculty and course participants; hands-on Describe results and potential complications, and how to prevent them.
training on live tissue (mini-pigs) in experimental lab Practice on both pelvic trainer and live tissue in order to give participants the technical capacity to improve their skills.

• Length: Three-day course. u Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery:

Two options available for the course: Gynecological Cancer and Laparoscopic Approach: State of
Option A [Didactic portion comprising lectures, theoretical and video sessions: the Art
15 hours]
Option B: [Didactic portion comprising lectures, theoretical and video sessions
(15 hours), and Hands-on portion (8.5 hours): 23.5 hours. • Length: Three-days, Didactic portion comprising lecture, live demos, and theoretical
In 2009, the course runs: April 27-29, October 26-28 sessions (16 hours); Hands-on portion (8 hours)
In 2009, course runs: June 22-24
• Admission requirements: Course organised for hepato-gastroenterologists, GI
endoscopists • Admission requirements: Course organised for laparoscopic surgeons, gynecologists

Health Science
• Tuition fees: Option A: 420 €. Option B: 1,603 € • Tuition fees: 1,603 €

• Objectives: Provide the knowledge necessary to progress in gastrointestinal • Objectives: Understand the rules and the risk of using laparoscopy for cancer.
interventional endoscopy practice. Know the anatomical landmarks of the lymph nodes, the techniques used, and the
Describe the technical steps used for advanced endoscopic procedures. indications for lymphadenectomy.

Describe results and potential complications, and how to prevent them. Know the different types of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and compare with the
vaginal route in terms of radicality and results.
Practice on live tissue in order to give the participant the technical capacity to improve
his/her expertise. Have an overview of the place of laparoscopy in genital cancers.

Website in English 260 Website in English 261


IRCAD-EITS - Strasbourg - u Intensive Course in Laparoscopic General Surgery
u Advanced Course in Gynecology: “Tips and tricks, anatomy • Length: Five days, Monday to Friday, Didactic portion comprising lectures, live
operative demonstrations and theoretical sessions (26 hours); Hands-on portion
suture and more…” (18 hours). In 2009, the course runs: February 2-6, March 9-13, May 11-15, September 21-25,
• Length: Three day course, Didactic portion comprising lecture, live demos, and November 23-27
theoretical sessions (14 hours); Hands-on portion (11 hours). • Admission requirements: Courses organised for digestive surgeons, laparoscopic
In 2009, course runs: April 6-8 surgeons
• Admission requirements: Course organised for laparoscopic surgeons, gynecologists • Tuition fees: 2,380 €
• Tuition fees: 1,603 € • Objectives: Provide the basic knowledge required for clinical applications
• Objectives: Perform surgery in this field Describe all the basic principles (instruments, materials, anaesthesia equipments) and
The laparoscopic pelvic surgeon should master the knowledge of genital, digestive present the most used basic laparoscopic techniques
and urinary tract techniques mainly associated with suturing. Hands-on training sessions to learn or improve performance of basic technical tasks
The course will provide extensive lectures focusing on these principles and training is in laparoscopic surgery such as intra-corporeal suturing and knot tying techniques,
given in an optimal lab environment: trainees will gain first-hand experience of two hands co-ordination for dissection, safe use of energy in laparoscopy.
animal tissue Describe results and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures.
Health Science

u Advanced Course in N.O.T.E.S (Natural Orifice Transluminal u Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery
Endoscopic Surgery) • Length: Five day course, Didactic portion comprising lectures, live demonstrations
• Length: Two-day course, Didactic portion comprising lecture, live demos, and and theoretical sessions (25 hours); Hands-on portion (18 hours).
theoretical sessions (9 hours); Hands-on portion (8 hours). In 2009, course runs: June 8-12, December 7-11
Two options for the course: • Admission requirements: Course organised for urological surgeons, urologists,
laparoscopic surgeons
Option A (didactic portion only): 9 hours
• Tuition fees: 2,380 €
Option B (didactic portion and hands-on portion): 17 hours
In 2009, course runs: January 16-17, March 6-7, October 2-3 • Objectives: Provide the basic knowledge required for clinical applications
• Admission requirements: Course organised for hepato-gastroenterologists, Describe all the basic principles (instruments, materials, anaesthesia equipments) and
GI endoscopists, general surgeons present the most used basic laparoscopic urological techniques
• Tuition fees: 420 € for option A. 1,895 € for option B Hands-on training sessions to learn or improve performance of basic technical tasks
in laparoscopic urological surgery
• Objectives: Become familiar with flexible endoscopy
Describe results and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures.
Become familiar with transluminal surgery
Understand the rationale and challenges of endoscopic transluminal surgery
u Advanced Course: Pediatric Endosurgery
Discover the latest and future technological developments
Provide hands-on sessions to learn endoscopic transluminal surgery through practice
• Length: Three-day course, Didactic portion comprising lecture and theoretical
on live tissue under experts’ tutorials
sessions (12 hours); Hands-on portion (12 hours).
Promote research and define guidelines In 2009, course runs: March 19-21
• Admission requirements: Course organised for laparoscopic surgeons, pediatric
u International Advanced Symposium: Radical Prostatectomy surgeons • Tuition fees: 1,728 €
• Length: Three-day course, Didactic portion comprising lectures, theoretical and video • Objectives: Cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in pediatric endosurgery.
sessions (8 hours) and hands-on portion (8.5 hours).
Provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications.
In 2009, the course runs: September 10-12.
Highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of videos.
• Admission requirements: Course organised for urological surgeons, urologists,

Health Science
laparoscopic surgeons Allow discussion between the experts and the surgeon trainees.
• Tuition fees: 1,603 € Provide hands-on sessions to improve skills in laparoscopic surgery through practice
on live tissue under experts’ tutorials.
• Objectives: Present operative techniques by live transmissions from expert centers.
Describe postoperative clinical results and practical applications of evidence-based
Describe common laparoscopic urological techniques and operative procedures. clinical medicine.
Provide hands-on training sessions to learn and improve performance of basic
technical tasks in laparoscopic urological surgery.
Describe outcomes and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures.
Hands-on training sessions to improve technical performance in laparoscopic
urological surgery.

Website in English 262 Website in English 263


IRCAD-EITS - Strasbourg - u Wrist Arthroscopy – Basic Course
• All courses are taught in English
• English proficiency: Good understanding of English
• Length: 2-day course. Only 1 option available.
• French proficiency: not required
Lecture and theoretical sessions: 2,50 hours
Practical sessions: 12,25 hours
u Arthroscopic Surgery "Knee course" • Admission requirements: Course organised for orthopedic surgeons In 2009, the course runs: February 20th & 21st
• 50 % courses are taught in English • Tuition fees: 750 €
• Length: 2-day course. Only 1 option available. • Objectives: To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through
Lecture and theoretical sessions: 3 hours demonstrations performed by the course director prior to participants starting the
Practical sessions: 12 hours 50 procedures themselves.
• Admission requirements: Course organised for orthopedic surgeons To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills on Wrist arthroscopic surgery through
In 2009, the course runs: October 13th & 14th practice on anatomical parts under expert's tutorials.
• Tuition fees: 903 € Theoretical sessions in auditorium and hands-on training on anatomical parts in
• Objectives: To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through experimental lab. Experts help students with simultaneous teaching. Individual
demonstrations performed by the course director prior to participants starting the practical training by students.
procedures themselves.
Health Science

To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills on Knee arthroscopic surgery through

practice on anatomical parts under expert's tutorials.
Theoretical sessions in auditorium and hands-on training on anatomical parts in
experimental lab. Experts help students with simultaneous teaching. Individual
practical training by students.

u Arthroscopic Surgery "Shoulder course"
• 50 % courses are taught in English
• Length: 2-day course. Only 1 option available.
Lecture and theoretical sessions: 3 hours
Practical sessions: 12 hours 50
• Admission requirements: Course organised for orthopedic surgeons
In 2009, the course runs: October 15th & 16th
• Tuition fees: 903 €
• Objectives: To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through
demonstrations performed by the course director prior to participants starting the
procedures themselves.
To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills on Shoulder arthroscopic surgery
through practice on anatomical parts under expert's tutorials.
Theoretical sessions in auditorium and hands-on training on anatomical parts in
experimental lab. Experts help students with simultaneous teaching. Individual
practical training by students.

u Wrist Arthroscopy – Advanced Course
• All courses are taught in English

Health Science
• Length: 2-day course. Only 1 option available.
Lecture and theoretical sessions: 3,50 hours
Practical sessions: 12 hours
• Admission requirements: Course organised for orthopedic surgeons
In 2009, the course runs: November 27th & 28th
• Tuition fees: 900 €
• Objectives: To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through
demonstrations performed by the course director prior to participants starting the
procedures themselves.
To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills on Wrist arthroscopic surgery through
practice on anatomical parts under expert's tutorials.
Theoretical sessions in auditorium and hands-on training on anatomical parts in
experimental lab. Experts help students with simultaneous teaching. Individual
practical training by students.

Website in English 264 Website in English 265

MASTER • AgroParisTech
Paris Institute ofTechnology for Life, Food and
MASTER OF SCIENCE Environmental Sciences
Agriculture and Agroindustry
Montpellier ENGREF centre
• AgroParisTech • Wageningen University (WU), the Netherlands
Paris Institute ofTechnology for Life, Food and • BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences,
Environmental Sciences Vienna, Austria
Montpellier ENGREF centre • Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU), Kiel, Germany
• University of Copenhagen, Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark • The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Aas, Norway
• University of Wales, School of the Environment and Natural Resources,
Bangor, Wales, UK
• Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of international Forestry and u European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics
Forest Products, Germany • 50% courses are taught in English
• University of Padova, Faculty of Agriculture, Padova, Italy • Length: 2 years • Admission requirements:
- BSc degree or equivalent degree in Animal Science or related fields with a number of
u Erasmus Mundus MSc Course in Sustainable prerequisites (e.g. knowledge of Statistics and Genetics)
Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) - Grade point average needs to be at minimum 70% of the maximum score.
• 50% courses are taught in English • English proficiency: - Result of TOEFL exam paper based has to be at least 580,
computer based at least 237 or internet based at least 92-93. An alternative is a
• Length: 2 years
minimum score of 6.5 from an IELTS test. The Consortium Committee can admit
• Admission requirements: - A good first university degree in Forestry, Biology or excellent third-country students with a somewhat lower TOEFL score (550 cq 213 or
related fields such as Environmental Science or Geography, alternatively in 79-80 and IELTS 6.0).
Economics, Management or Political science
• French proficiency: Students who plan to specialize in Paris must demonstrate their
• English proficiency:TOEFL minimum score 560 / IBT minimum 84 or IELTS score of 6.0 proficiency in French
• Language proficiency: All non-native speakers must demonstrate their English • Tuition fees: 5,000 € per year for EU students / 8,000 € per year for non European
proficiency with a test result in English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL minimum score students
560 / Computer score 220 / IELTS score of 6.0). Applicants who plan to specialise in Possibility of Erasmus or Erasmus mundus scholarship
Montpellier must also demonstrate their French proficiency with a test result in French
• Objectives: The integrated European Master of Science Course in Animal Breeding
(Delf – B2 level orTEF>500)
and Genetics (EM-ABG) aims to offer high quality international training, both in terms
• French proficiency: Delf - B2 level orTEF>500 or a strong commitment to attend French of scientific knowledge as well as in didactic skills, provided by a limited number of
courses during the first year on a regular basis excellent university groups within EU.

and Agroindustry
• Tuition fees per year: 4,500/3,000 € for EU/EEA-EFTA students and 8,000 € for third- The EM-ABG aims to provide a European dimension in the knowledge-intensive area
country students. of animal breeding which is operating internationally. European animal breeding
organisations are world leaders, with global market shares of up to 90%.The EM-ABG
• Objectives:The MSc program in SustainableTropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) is a top-
aims at training students who wish to contribute to the development of sustainable
level program aiming at preparing qualified graduates to deal with the huge
farm animal breeding. Graduates will be able to find positions in and outside Europe,
contemporary challenges in tropical forestry. It provides students with direct access to
either in their country or in a national branch of an international breeding
the best tropical forestry teaching in Europe. The first year provides a thorough and
broad introduction to sustainable tropical forestry. This allows students to choose
freely among the five specialisation options in the second year. The first year ends
with the Joint Summer Module including field work in a tropical country.
Specialisation options in the second year are agro forestry systems (Bangor), socio-
economics of tropical forestry (Copenhagen), tropical forest management (Dresden),
environmental management and policies for tropical forests (Montpellier), or ethics in
forestry and responsible trade in tropical forest products and services (Padova)

Website in English 266 Website in English 267

MASTER OF SCIENCE u MSc in European Animal Management (EURAMA)

Agriculture and Agroindustry
• All courses are taught in English
• AgroParisTech • Length: 2 years
Paris Institute ofTechnology for Life, Food and • Admission requirements: - Bachelor degree in animal sciences
Environmental Sciences - Highly motivated by international experience
• Wageningen University (The Netherlands) • English proficiency: Good English level (550 atTOEFL, 750 atTOEIC or equivalent)
• University of Cork (Ireland) • Tuition fees: 4,280 € per year
• University of Lund (Sweden) • Objectives: The MSc EURAMA prepares students to high management responsibilities in any animal professional sectors (scientific as economical jobs),
with a very good ability to work in international conditions. Many specialisations are
proposed in different countries in Europe.
u European Masters Degree in Food Studies
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 22 months total, of which 12 months of courses (2 at AgroParisTech) and 10
months of internship in a company
• Admission requirements: BSc in Food Science or FoodTechnology
ESA groupe - École Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers
• English proficiency: fluent English required
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 1,565 € / year for nationals from EU or EFTA
u International Vintage Master - Erasmus Mundus
8,250 € / year for nationals outside EU or EFTA
Master course - Double or triple Master’s degree
• Objectives: The purpose of the program is to provide academic training in an
international context, with a strong emphasis on the European Food Industry. This from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Hungary.
educational journey provides the students with a strong awareness of cultural, social
and economic realities of modern European and global Food Industry.The program
• 50 % courses taught in English
has been established with financial support from the European Commission. Now
several European companies are supporting the program.This program takes place at • Length: 2 years
4 different well known universities throughout Europe and culminates in an industrial • Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Science (Agronomy,
thesis period, thus offering a unique public-private partnership to the benefit of the Biology, Agriculture, Chemistry, economics, marketing…) or equivalent, and mention
students. career plans in the wine industry.
• English proficiency: minimum scoreTOIEC 550 or equivalent
• French proficiency: minimum scoreTEF 541 or equivalent

and Agroindustry
• Tuition fees: 10,600 € per year for non European students.
5,600 € per year for European students.
• Objectives: This Master’s program aims to train experts in viticulture, familiarising
them with the European dimension of viticultural production.
Toulouse Agri Campus Seven training modules are followed by the students in three countries: applied
a network of 8 higher education/research institutions of the languages in the wine sector, oenology, economics and the international marketing of
“University ofToulouse“: INP/ENSAT, INP/ENSIACET, Université wine, European wine “terroirs”, the organisation of the European viti/vinicultural
sector, and viticulture and environment. Plus a study trip and a final 6-month thesis
Paul-SabatierToulouse III, INSAT, ENVT, ENFA, EI Purpan, INRA work.
Toulouse Graduates of the Course will be employable at a manager level in European and international companies dealing with the viti/vinicultural sector.

u Master in Agrobiosciences:The Agrofood Chain u International Master of Science Agribusiness

• 50 % courses taught in English
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 semesters (18 months)
• Length: 2 academic years
• Admission requirements: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in one of these
• Admission requirements: For Master 1: BSc or equivalent (minimum 3 years of study)
fields: Agriculture, Agronomy, Food Processing, Commerce, Management, Economics
in a field related to the programme: plant and animal sciences, agriculture, food
sciences... and show career plans in the international trade of food industry products.
science, ecology and economy…
For Master 2: Master 1 or equivalent degree in a relevant field • English proficiency: minimum scoreTOIEC 550 or equivalent
• English proficiency:TOEIC 750 or equivalent test • French proficiency: minimum scoreTEF 541 or equivalent

• French proficiency: not required • Tuition fees: 5,602 € per semester
• Tuition fees: National registration fees for Master’s degree (around 220 € per • Objectives: The aim of this course is to prepare future executives capable of
academic year) + student social security (around 220 €) establishing and developing agribusiness commercial relations worldwide. The
course offers future executives who have already acquired a technical training in the
• Objectives:The purpose of this multidisciplinary Master’s program, open to students
field of agriculture and the food industry, a sound practical knowledge of positions
worldwide, is to create awareness of scientific, social and economic realities of the
related to international trade in the markets world context.
modern agrifood industry and to provide scientific and practical training in an
international context. The graduates of this course get various job opportunities in all situations requiring a
It is designed to train future researchers and executives aiming at international solid knowledge and ability in international trade, and the capability of working in a
careers in the sectors of agriculture, agrofood, rural and land use planning, multicultural environment.
environment, non-food valorisation of agro-resources.

Website in English 268 Website in English 269

MASTER Groupe ISA Lille - Institute of Agriculture, Food Industry
and Environmental Sciences
MASTER OF SCIENCE (in cooperation with the FESIA Institutes)
Agriculture and Agroindustry
INSAToulouse - Institut National des Sciences
Appliquées deToulouse u Master Cheng in Agribusiness – MSc accredited by the « Conférence des Grandes Ecoles » in France
• All courses are taught in English
u International Masters of Science. “Agrofood” • Length: 2 years:
• 80% courses taught in English 2 academic semesters in China
• Length: 2 years 1 academic semester in France
1 semester of internship in France or in China
• Admission requirements: Bachelor of Science or equivalent, in the field of the master
required. A good English level, as 80% of the courses will be taught in English • Admission requirements: BSc in agriculture, biology, environmental sciences or other
(especially adapted for non French- speaking students.) related scientific discipline

• English proficiency:TOEFL 700 or equivalent. • English proficiency:TOEIC 700,TOEFL 500, IELTS 5.0 or equivalent

• French proficiency: not required • French proficiency: not required

• Tuition fees: 10,500 € for the two years • Tuition fees: 5,000 € / year

• Objectives: We provide students with the technological and scientific skills to exercise • Objectives:Training future leaders for international agro-food companies, developing
their profession in their speciality at the highest technological level and to the management skills to cope with international competition constraints, taking into
communicate and cooperate effectively in an international professional context. account specific aspects of Chinese and European agriculture, developing
intercultural skills are the major aims of this master.
Typical careers for students who graduate from this program include top This program gives you the opportunity to study both in France and in China together
management positions in their countries of origin in high-technology industries, in with French and international students and to acquire an international understanding
government bodies and in higher education and research institutions. of the agro-food sector.
For top international careers!

Groupe ISA Lille - Institute of Agriculture, Montpellier SupAgro

Food Industry and Environmental Sciences International Center of Higher Education in Agricultural Sciences

and Agroindustry
u Master’s degree in Industrial Biotechnology Management:
a specialization in the Food Process Management u Vinifera EuroMaster - European Master of Science
• All courses are taught in English of Viticulture and Enology (M. Sc.)
• Length: 2 years (3 academic semesters + 1 internship semester) • More than 50 % courses are taught in English: all courses are taught in English in year
• Admission requirements: BSc in biology, biotechnology, food industry, agriculture or 1 (M1) and partly in English in year 2 (M2). See extract from flyer below:
any related scientific discipline. Vinifera EuroMaster is a multidisciplinary two-year programme of 120 ECTS
(European CreditsTransfer System).
• English proficiency:TOEIC 750,TOEFL 550, IELTS 6 or equivalent First year takes place in Montpellier, France, and all classes are taught in English.
• French proficiency: Min 150h French course (Delf A1) Second year students choose the hosting country according to their objectives and to
• Tuition fees: around 4,000 € / year EMaVE partners' specificities. Second year courses are mainly delivered in the
national languages except for Germany where teaching is in English.
• Objectives: The objective of the Master’s program consists in training managers for
the food industry, especially in strategic departments such as Quality, Food Safety, • Length: 2 years
Industrial Risks and Environment. • Admission requirements: Minimum academic requirement = Bachelor of Sciences
The future managers will work with all the departments of a food company: Degree or equivalent degree.
marketing, production, development… For example, they will have to carry out • English proficiency: Preferably certified level B2, according to the European
projects on: framework:
• Food safety and quality system management, of_Reference_for_Languages
•Traceability system performance improvement,
• Environmental impacts management, • French proficiency: not at all required.
• Working security management… • Tuition fees: Non European applicants: 18,000 € for the two-year programme.

European applicants: 9,000 € for the two-year programme.
• Objectives: Vinifera EuroMaster is delivered by the EMaVE Consortium, a partnership
from France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain, leading universities & institutions
renowned for their expertise in: Viticulture, Enology & related Economic Sciences.
Vinifera EuroMaster aims are: train competent professionals and/or researchers to
work efficiently in: direction/management of Vine & Wine Estates & laboratories, cellar
œnology consultants, viticulture, market & trade management, higher education
lecturing, etc.

Website in English 270 Website in English 271


Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais* Summer

Agriculture and Agroindustry

u Master level 30 ECTS (12 to 15 US credits)

Technology and Management of Food in France: Trends, Stakes
and Perspectives
• All courses are taught in English AgroParisTech
• Length: 15 weeks of teaching of 24 hours (January 19- May 07) Paris Institute ofTechnology for Life, Food and
• Admission requirements: Students in Master or Undergraduate levels (3rd and Environmental Sciences
4th year) in the fields of life sciences – agricultural sciences. in collaboration with Penn State University (USA)
• English proficiency: AdvancedTOEIC 750 orTOEFL 550
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: Erasmus Mobility or other mobility agreement u Summer University: Comparing the United States and the
• Objectives:This course is dedicated to the future development of the agrifood sectors French Agricultural Systems
and their new outcomes at different levels from an international approach to an
analysis at the European level and then focused on French aspects. • All courses are taught in English
Whereas the markets of agricultural raw materials are globalized, and the • Length: 2 weeks (From June 1 till June 12, 2009)
continuation of the sectors involves the development of durable practices, new • Admission requirements: Being at least in senior year (last year of Bachelor degree) in
opportunities and constraints emerge for the outcomes of food. This includes the a curriculum related to agriculture, life sciences, environment or agricultural
awareness in the food industry of new trends of consumption and the nutritive needs economics.
of the populations.
• English proficiency: high level
Diverse modules focused on technology and managerial sciences will be delivered.
Then we will focus on quantitative and qualitative trends of the consumption (volume • French proficiency: not required
aspect, raw products, consumer behaviour. Assessment of the needs of populations • Tuition fees: 1,500 US $ for the whole program
and the nutritional quality of proposed products. Rules and comparisons of the
• Objectives: Get into the French agricultural system, research, education and extension
nutritional politics by country. Innovation and food products (+marketing process).
systems through lectures by Professors of AgroParisTech and high level speakers from
The food supply chain.
the political, institutional and business world.The following topics are raised:
• French agricultural Policy (positions towards CAP, WTO)
u Master level 30 ECTS (12 to 15 US credits) • Food Quality/Safety Policies
Technology and Management of Biorenewable Products: • GMO Issues
Trends, Stakes and Perspectives • Crop Protection & Pesticides Management

and Agroindustry
• Agricultural Lending
• All courses are taught in English
• Agricultural Associations and Unions
• Length: 5 weeks of teaching of 24 hours (September 07- December 18) Site visits like the Champagne vineyard, Versailles Kitchen Gardens, Paris wholesale
• Admission requirements: Students in Master or Undergraduate levels (3rd and 4th year) food Market at Rungis, and INRA research centers are included.
in the fields of life sciences – agricultural sciences. Accessible to French and This program is a unique opportunity of intercultural exchange with students from
International students. France and other countries.
Accommodation in the heart of Paris is provided to participants at competitive prices.
• English proficiency: advancedTOEIC 750 orTOEFL 550
The Summer University is limited to 20 students.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: Erasmus Mobility or other mobility agreement
• Objectives:This course is dedicated to the future development of the bio renewable
products and their new outcomes at different levels from an international approach to
an analysis at the European level and then focused on French aspects.
Whereas the markets of agricultural raw materials are globalized, and the
continuation of the sectors involves the development of durable practices, new
opportunities and constraints emerge for the outcomes of non-food products.
Diverse modules focus on technology and managerial sciences will be delivered.Then
the courses will focuse on new ways of using the plant resources for energy
purposes. New ways of using the plant resources for non energy purposes:
ingredients, bio-materials...
An example of cluster for the outcomes of the plant: the case of the cluster of
competitiveness oriented to a global context. Industries and agro-resources: a

comparative approach with other aspects of organization at the international level
(visits case studies…).

* Info 2008

Website in English 272 Website in English 273

Agriculture and Agroindustry

Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais*

• All courses are taught in English

• Tuition fees: From 900 to 1,100 € per students, all included (without flight)

u European Summer Program BSc level with an

“Agrohealth” Orientation
• Length: 3 weeks + optional thematic week
• Admission requirements: Minimum BSc level
• English proficiency: Sufficient comprehension level in English for the short programs.

u Japanese Fall program: BSc level with 2 orientations “Nutrition”

and “Parks and Gardens in France from
the Middle Ages to Nowadays”.
• Length: 2 sessions of 10 days
• Admission requirements: Minimum BSc level
• English proficiency: Sufficient comprehension level in English for the short programs.

u Executive education Spain: Master level with 2 orientations:

• “Logistics Week”
• “How to make business in Europe”

and Agroindustry
• Length: 2 seminars of 1 week
• Admission requirements: Minimum Master Level or MBA
• English proficiency:TOEFL 550

u Summer Intensive Course for NCHU students (Taiwan)

“From agricultural globalization… to French particularities”
• Length: 2 weeks
• Admission requirements: Minimum BSc level
• English proficiency: Sufficient comprehension level in English for the short programs

* Info 2008

Website in English 274 275
Humanities - Languages - Literature MASTER

Université de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres

Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
The other six partner institutions are Bergamo, St Andrews,
Tübingen, Sheffield, Universidade Santiago de Compostela,
et Sciences Humaines in collaboration with the Institut & Nova Lisboa
d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon u Crossways in European Humanities - Post graduate
Mundus programme: Multiple degree -.
u Professional Masters in Administration of Research
The successful candidate is awarded 3 fully recognized / accredited national Masters
Institutions and the Diffusion of Knowledge
degree certificates + a parchment + a Diploma Supplement listing all sorts of info on
• 50% approx. courses are taught in English the academic progression of the student
• Length: one academic year, from September to July • 70% courses are taught in English. Besides the two British universities of the
• Admission requirements: Post-graduate students: applicants will either have consortium, there are courses taught in English in everyone of the other partner
successfully completed four years of university study in the Humanities or Social institutions
Sciences - at least 240 ECTS (French M1 for example) or be engaged in PhD studies or • Length: 2 years, 4 semesters
have gained a Masters degree.
• Admission requirements: Minimum BA with top 10% results
In-service training students: administrators or managers with appropriate experience
in France or abroad in the field covered by this Masters. Three European languages including English and two of the following (German,
French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish)
• English proficiency: a good command of English is required of all students. If
necessary, additional tuition in English is available at the CEREL language service. Some research project focusing on cultural phenomenon of cultural hybridization in
European arts, literature and visual culture.
• French proficiency: a good command of French is expected of all students.The CEREL
language service may provide non-French students with advanced tuition in French • English proficiency: this is a post graduate program, so of course students must be
for study purposes, if required. fluent in English
• Tuition fees: for 2008-2009, 231 € (this does not include medical insurance) • French proficiency: if they choose Perpignan as part of their mobility, they must be
fluent in French
• Objectives: The Professional Masters in Administration of Research Institutions and
the Diffusion of Knowledge gives students the theoretical knowledge and practical • Tuition fees: Non European: 8,474 € a year
training required for a successful career in the management of both private and public European: 2,964 € a year
sector research establishments and services.The main features of the Masters include Many different forms of scholarships are possible and made simple to successful
a 16 week internship and courses in the fundamentals of research institutions, public candidates (see website)
research policy, the governance of research in Europe, project management and • Objectives: Crossways i.e. ways (of thought, of behaviour, of outlook; but also of
English. student travel and study) which cross boundaries (between states, education systems,
cultures; but also between collective identities, national culture-spheres, mindframes,

Languages - Literature
value-sets and modes of thought…).This programme draws on insights, perspectives
and methods borrowed from: film criticism, history, linguistics, semiotics, cultural
Université Nancy 2 - studies, media studies, critical theory, philosophy, but the major discipline is
Literature, with a resolutely newly-defined comparative approachThe course modules
have been chosen in relation to a common theme - European crossways and cultural
u European Master Erasmus Mundus “Language hybridisation - each university offering a specific yet complementary or contradictory
and CommunicationTechnologies (LCT)” approach.
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
• Admission requirements: Applicants must have a Bachelor degree or equivalent in the
area of (Computational) Linguistics, Language Technology, Cognitive Sciences,
Computer Science, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, or other relevant disciplines,
subject to the consent of and the approval by the consortium's admission committee.
• English proficiency: Proficiency in English (for non-native speakers) must be certified
by one of the following:
- TOEFL score of at least 250 (computer-based test) or 575 (paper-based test).
- Cambridge Proficiency Exam -- pass.
- IELTS -- > 6.5.
- Possession of a first degree taught in English.
- As defined by the individual partner institutions as being sufficient for pursuit of
university courses taught in English.
• French proficiency: not required

• Tuition fees: 400 €
• Objectives: The Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in LCT provides
students with profound knowledge and insight into the various disciplines that
contribute to the methods of language and communication technologies and it
strengthens their ability to work according to scientific methods. Moreover, the
students acquire practice-oriented knowledge by choosing appropriate combinations
of modules in LanguageTechnology, Computational andTheoretical Linguistics, and
Computer Science. It involves studying one year at one of the Universities of the
consortium, and completing the second year with a stay in one of the partner
Universities. After this, the student will obtain two already approved Master of
Science/Arts degrees with legal value in the countries of issue.

Website in English 276 Website in English: partly 277

Humanities - Languages - Literature MASTER

Université de Perpignan Via Domitia Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3


u Master des Sciences de l’Homme u SELF PROGRAM

• All courses are taught in English>international>SELF
• Length: 2 years, 4 semesters (possible entry into 2nd year if MA) • All courses are taught in English
• Admission requirements: BA in English studies (Arts/Literature) • Length: One semester (Sept-Dec & Jan-May)
• English proficiency: Excellent • Admission requirements: the program is meant for upper level undergraduate
• French Proficiency Average students
• Tuition fees: around 350 € • English proficiency: Language requirements
• Objectives: Generating knowledge, understanding, transferable skills TOEFL IELTS TOIEC
• so as provide future managers with top-class methodological and communicative PBT: 550 TWE 4.5 6.0 TWE 6.5 740
skills, and with the knowledge and insight required of people who are to play key
roles in e.g. international exchanges, national administrations, parliamentary CBT 213 TWE 4.5
research, large media groups but also for all those who want to embark on doctoral IBT 80 TWE 21
research in the context of doctoral studies…
• to give to doctoral researchers and managers alike an inventive flexibility of mind by • French proficiency: Beginners accepted
promoting teamwork and teaching practices which exceed national particularities; • Tuition fees: 2,750 € per semester
and to confer the critical acumen, the multi-track thinking, the innovative propensity
required to deal with a rapidly evolving world • Objectives:The Self program offers an excellent opportunity of spending a semester
• to promote fruitful networking between different areas of knowledge, research, and in the heart of Europe.The Rhône-Alpes region is the second-largest economic centre
discovery in the study-fields related to European cultural identities and its different in France and Lyon is an attractive human-sized town, with its Renaissance old town
homogenous and heterogeneous aspects over the centuries.This experimental aspect being part of the Unesco World Heritage.
is the key element in the establishment of a free circulation of ideas benefiting The program offers a selection of 20 to 25 courses in Business, Law or Arts, most of
students and researchers alike. them designed from a European perspective stressing international comparisons,
A common agenda of discovery together with a 60-hour French language course (5 levels).
The main originilaty of this series of seminars is to confront students with various and The SELF program starts with a two-week introduction program combining intensive
sometimes contradictory methodological approaches to grasp the heterogeneity and French courses and seminars in the three given academic fields, as well as cultural or
hybrid nature of current global cultural landscapes. The motto of Heterologies is leisure activities.
“Mind the Gap, do not fill the Gap”. Beyond the humanist ideal of links and

Languages - Literature
The Self program is taught in an international environment, offers much flexibility
correspondences that enriches our traditional European culture, time maybe has (students can also combine courses from the French University system) and full
come to consider the holes and gaps in today’s forms of transmission. academic and administrative support.

Université Catholique de l’Ouest - Angers

u University Diploma in translation for non-native speakers

of French
• 50% courses taught in English
• Length: 11 months (September-March: theoretical and practical training; April-August:
work placement in a translation company)
• Admission requirements: BA or its equivalent in languages (high proficiency in both
French and English)
• English proficiency:TOEFL score: 600; Cambridge Proficiency Examination
• French proficiency: Bachelor in French or DALF C1 minimum orTCF5
• Tuition fees: 3,500 €
• Objectives: The objective of this one-year postgraduate course is to train graduate

language students to become professional translators working with at least two
languages (English and French). They follow a program of studies in Angers from
September until March and go on a work placement in France or abroad from April until
August.The curriculum includes general and specialized translation (economic, legal,
technical), terminology, CAT, localization, project management, word processing tools,
revision and desktop publishing

Website in English 278 Website in English 279

Humanities - Languages - Literature SPECIFIC PROGRAMS

Institut de Langue et Culture Françaises Summer

Institut Catholique de Paris -

u ILCF Certificate: Program in English about France and Europe

Course 1: Politics and economy in France and Europe
Course 2: French cinema and immigration
Course 3: Contemporary Art in France
Course 4: Europe today Université de Perpignan* -
Course 5: Islam in France
• All courses are taught in English
u Summer University of Wine,Tourism and Culture
The students can take the courses taught in English (from 1 to 5 different courses of • Length: 9 days – 50 hours
4h/wk for 11 weeks) in combination with French or culture courses, taught in French. • Admission requirements: Course designed for foreign people over 18 who love wine.
• Length: from September to December and from February to May (11 weeks) • Languages proficiency: A good level in French or English is required.The possibility of
• Admission requirements: 18 years old minimum translation depends on the participant’s nationalities.
Baccalaureate or equivalence • Tuition fees: 690 € (tuition fees include visits and transport during the stay and all
Pre-registration form filled with 320 € of deposit. study material)
Program available in addition to a minimum of 1 other course in French at he ILCF.
• Objectives: - Discovery of Southern France’s atmosphere and landscapes at 12 km
• English proficiency: This program is for foreign students who speak or use English from the Mediterranean coast. Wine tasting to learn how to talk about wine.
language as their native, professional or second language.
- Programme 50 hours
• French proficiency: not required
- Foundations of wine science, specialized vocabulary.
• Tuition fees: 545 € per course (4h/11 weeks)
- How to talk about wine.
• Objectives: The ILCF offers a new program in English about France and Europe.
- Exploration of the famous French wine growing regions
It makes it possible for foreigners who do not speak French to discover France today,
the French culture, and the place of France in Europe. - Winemaking
-Tasting workshops to practice methods and techniques
- Language of wine
- Practical experience of theoretical foundations focused on the special character of
the wines of Southern France

Languages - Literature
-The work of professional winemakers including visits to wine cellars
- Cultural visits organized by professional guides
ISUGA Europe-Asia Management Institute - Quimper
- Food and wine pairing
- Excursion among Mediterranean coast or Pyrénées or Cathar castles or
u Diploma in Languages & Cultures Europe-Asia
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 or 2 years * Info 2008

• Admission requirements: French « bac », i.e. high school diploma or UK “A” level,
Chinese “gaokao”, Indian “10+2”
• English proficiency: Admission: medium English level required (to be assessed during
face to face or phone interview), no IELTS orTOEFL score required
Graduation: no requirement
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 4,500 € (1 year program). 9,000 € (2 years program)
• Objectives: ISUGA « Diploma in Languages & Cultures Europe-Asia » is a unique
undergraduate course focused on European (for Asians) or Asian (for Europeans)
languages & cultures. It allows significant training in two foreign languages (English &
French for Asians, English & Chinese or Japanese for Europeans); moreover it allows a
good understanding of European culture & civilisation for Asian students, Asian
culture & civilisation for European students. Some time is reserved for study abroad
periods, too.

It is a unique program focused on European & Asian languages, cultures and

Website in English 280 Website in English 281

Humanities - Languages - Literature
Université François-Rabelais deTours Université Catholique de Lille program.asp

u The Invention of Modern Europe (14th – 17th centuries) • All courses are taught in English
Participants will earn 6 European Credits (ECTS) • Length: 3 weeks in July (July 2 – 24, 2009)
• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: Completion of secondary education.
• Length: from 15 to 26 june 2009 • English proficiency: An intermediate level of English (level B2)
2 weeks: 30 hours of teaching, 3 hours in the morning and program of cultural - European Summer Program for intermediate students in French
activities in the afternoon
Optional intensive French course from 2 to 12 June u European Summer Program for intermediate students in French
• Admission requirements: Any student who has completed two years in higher • French proficiency: an intermediate level in French (level A2)
education and has a genuine interest in the Renaissance.
Inscription from November to March 2009 • Tuition fees: 1,800 €

• English proficiency: intermediate • Objectives: Based in Lille, a vibrant and entertaining city at the heart of Europe, Lille
Catholic University, who is reputed for the quality of its teaching and its personalised
• French proficiency: not required approach to students, offers this program to students looking for an intensive French
• Tuition fees: 700 € (250 € deposit) – If there are fewer than 15 students registered, the language course in the summer with conversation classes in the afternoons. A rich
University reserves the right to cancel the programme program of fieldtrips and cultural activities will give students a stimulating study
• Objectives: - To understand the political and cultural stakes of this crucial period in abroad opportunity.
European and world history, the huge changes affecting religion (the Reformation),
the amazing inventions and discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci or Copernicus, the u European Summer Program on European Studies

Languages - Literature
artistic achievements of Michel-Ange and Josquin), and the very rich literature of the • French proficiency: not required
period (Petrarch, Montaigne, Rabelais, Shakespeare). • Tuition fees: 1,800 €
- To discover the most famous monuments and locations associated with the • Objectives: Based in Lille, a vibrant and entertaining city at the heart of Europe, Lille
Renaissance in the Loire Valley: Castle of Amboise and Clos Lucé,Chenonceau, Castle Catholic University, who is reputed for the quality of its teaching and its personalised
and old city of Chinon, La Devinière (birthplace of Rabelais), Richelieu, Castle of approach to students, offers this program to students looking for French language
Chambord, Poitiers, Castle of Azay le Rideau, Prieuré St Cosme (Ronsard’s home) courses plus an introduction to the European Union. Its courses on politics,
- To enable participants to attend the International Conference on “Psychee and the economics and intercultural communication combined with a rich program of
Renaissance”. (from 29 June to 3rd July, free access to participants of Summer fieldtrips and cultural activities offer a stimulating study abroad opportunity.

u Europe in the Making: Understanding the History and

Workings ofToday’s European Institutions
Participants will earn 6 European Credits (ECTS)
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: from June 29 to July 17, 2009
(3 weeks: 38 hours of teaching, and cultural program)
• Admission requirements: Any student who has spent at least already one year at the
university/ in college. Inscription from November to March 2009
• English proficiency: intermediate
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 860 € (250 € deposit) If there are fewer than 15 students registered, the
University reserves the right to cancel the program

• Objectives: • To understand the evolution of the European Union, its development
since 1950 and its future.
• To discover important places in the Loire Valley area that have a direct relationship
with Europe through a series of conferences and visits:
-The Loire river, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site
-The city ofTours and the AVEC network (Association of European Cultural Cities)
- Loire Valley castles: castle of Amboise and Clos Lucé, Azay-le-Rideau, Candes Saint
Martin – Montsoreau - Fontevraud
- Local food products (conference and local cheese and wine tasting).
• To visit the European Parliament during a parliamentary session

Website in English 282 283

MASTER Institut d’Études Supérieures des Arts - Paris -
u Master in History and Business of Art and Collecting,
EICARThe International Film School of Paris validated by Warwick University • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 2 years
u Master of Fine Arts in Filmmaking • Admission requirements: Applicants must have a BA or its European equivalent.They should be able to show a good general knowledge of art history at interview.
• English proficiency: Fluent in English
Arts - Design - Fashion

• All courses are taught in English

• Lenght: 2 years • French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Achieved a Bachelor degree or equivalent degree. To • Tuition fees: 17,000 € + accreditation fees for Warwick 450 €/year + social insurance
complete an application with all necessary material. 330 €/year (admission fees for non EU students 2,000 €)
• English proficiency: Complete aTOEIC English exam • Objectives: The course is intended to provide students with a sound, overall
knowledge of art history from 1500 to 1900, the ability to research provenance and the
• French proficiency: not required
history of collecting and the essential elements of working in the European art market
• Tuition fees: Postgraduate program (MFA 1st or 2nd year): 18,150 € today. In this context, students are able to discover the relationships between the fine
• Objectives: The European Master program Filmmaking here at EICAR has been and decorative arts, the aims of collectors in the past and the display and access to
carefully designed to provide students from all over the world the opportunity to collections.
study the art of visual storytelling at one of the finest film schools in Europe, while Provenance has increasingly become a major concern for art historians and experts as
integrating into the magnificent and culturally rich city of Paris, France. Our European a guarantee of ownership and authorship. Knowledge of the historical art market,
Master’s program is constructed specifically to have each filmmaker and their crew archival resources and the ability to use these sources are important tools in today’s
complete a short production of ten to fifteen minutes in length. art world. Moreover, knowledge of the history of a work of art enables students to
better understand the various contexts in which these works were understood and
IESA thus offers a unique opportunity to combine academic and practical training.The
study of the art market today opens up legal issues such as ownership, authenticity
and the transport of works of art, the finances of the art market and European practice
within the contemporary art market.The course takes place in London and Paris with
study programs in Florence and Brussels. The aim is to make students aware of the
different practices in European cities and the European Union in general through
direct experience and studies in four European centers of the art market.
EUROMED ManagementToulon Students should complete the course with the ability to assess works of art in their
EID - École Internationale de Design - International historical and contemporary context.They will also have research and presentational
skills that are increasingly important in the job market.
School of Design* -

u Master of Science in International Business and Management

for Design
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Degree from a French, UK or any other
institution of higher education with degree-awarding powers, in the subject of Design
(Product, Graphic, Interior, Fine Arts Design, Packaging, Multimedia, Corporate
Identity, Architecture or related subjects) or General Business/Management.
Alternative qualifications and/or significant business experience may also be
• English proficiency: High level of written and spoken English: IELTS 6.5 /TOEFL score

of 575 (or 232 computer-based) with aTWE of 4.0 or above.
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: EU students: 6,000 €, non-EU students: 11,450 €. Possibility of merit
scholarships and living expenses grants

Arts - Design
• Objectives:To educate participants to the level of Design Project Managers capable of
working with international teams, understanding marketing and business issue in
Design and of leading design projects or programs.
Graduates can expect to find employment in Design Management, Brand/Identity
Management, Design Consultancy, New Business Management, Owner Management.

* Info 2008

Website in English 284 Website in English 285

EICARThe International Film School of Paris
Mod’Art International - Paris -
u Bachelor of Fine Arts in Filmmaking
u MBA specialized in Luxury Goods and fashion Industries
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 terms • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 3 years
Arts - Design - Fashion

• Admission requirements: A higher education diploma (equivalent to Bac+4) and

professional experience of at least 1 year (work experience included) • Admission requirements: Achieved a high school degree, or equivalent secondary
• English proficiency: Fluent English/TOEFL score 76/80 iBT degree.To complete an application with all necessary material.
•Tuition fees: 10,850 € • English proficiency: Complete aTOEIC English exam
• Objectives: A triple aim: • French proficiency: not required
- To build up a global vision of the different roles present in the heart of the Luxury and • Tuition fees: Undergraduate programme (BFA 1st, 2nd or 3rd year): 11,250 €
Fashion trade in order to create links and improve the understanding of the most • Objectives: The main objective of the school’s Bachelor of Fine Arts program is to
significant problems in each professional family for creation, production, marketing educate new directors to the language of cinema. Over the three years students are
and administration / management. immersed in every aspect of filmmaking. The program is intentionally designed to
- To prepare the participants for the techniques and methods of management in a permit a student to master each step the director has to make through the various
complex industry which is undergoing massive changes in order to give them the stages of production.
means to integrate quickly the different worlds of the luxury industry and to bring an
added value to the companies in that area.
- To develop a spirit of ‘entrepreneurship’.The Master reinforces the desire to take on
projects: the students show their capacity to undertake projects, to develop their
entrepreneurial personality by acquiring the specific know-how (development plans,
project management, coaching, human resources, real life experiences…).
Mod’Art International - Paris -

u Bachelor (Hons) in Fashion Design

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year
• Admission requirements: A first degree in Fashion Design equivalent to a Bachelor in
Fashion, a complete file (resume, portfolio, motivation letter…)
• English proficiency: Fluent English/TOEFL score 76/80 iBT
•Tuition fees: 7,650 €
• Objectives: This program gives students a fantastic opportunity to work on a joint
Franco-British program in English in Paris.The Bachelor (Hons) program is validated
by a British University but run in Paris, giving students an excellent opportunity to be
integrated in the heart of the Parisian fashion world and to have their studies
validated by a British university.This year of exceptional opportunity enables a young
fashion “createur” to produce his own collection in collaboration with a firm.
This course can also be coupled with a French as a Foreign Language course, students
can also take part in work experience in French fashion firms.

Arts - Design
Website in English 286 Website in English 287

Mod’Art International in partnership with Perpignan Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

University -

u University Diploma (equivalent of a MASTER 1, level BAC +4): u SELF PROGRAM

Post Grad Course in “Fashion, Luxury Products and the Art>international>SELF
of Living” • All courses are taught in English
• All courses are taught in English • Length: One semester (Sept-Dec & Jan-May)
Arts - Design - Fashion

• Length: 1 year • Admission requirements: the program is meant for upper level undergraduate
• Admission requirements: High school graduates who have successfully completed a 3 students
year Higher Education programme (including non Fashion students with more • English proficiency: Language requirements
General Qualifications in Business, Management and Advertising). Artistic profiles
can also be accepted with a complementary course in business & trade. Candidates TOEFL IELTS TOIEC
also have to be accepted by Mod’Art (through a complete file and a motivation PBT: 550 TWE 4.5 6.0 TWE 6.5 740
interview) and Perpignan University validation board.
CBT 213 TWE 4.5
• English proficiency:TOEFL (76/80 iBT)
IBT 80 TWE 21
• French proficiency: TEF required (students live in a French environment and have two
internships at the end of the course) • French proficiency: Beginners accepted
• Tuition fees: 9,290 € • Tuition fees: 2,750 € per semester
• Objectives: A one year program including two internships (one is compulsory) with • Objectives:The Self program offers an excellent opportunity of spending a semester
the possibility to follow up in a 2nd year for a MBA qualification: the university MBA in the heart of Europe.The Rhône-Alpes region is the second-largest economic centre
specialized in “Luxury Goods & Fashion Industries”, an English taught program or the in France and Lyon is an attractive human-sized town, with its Renaissance old town
European MBA in “Fashion, Luxury Goods & FairTrade”, a French taught program. being part of the Unesco World Heritage.
• A Fashion program divided into modules The program offers a selection of 20 to 25 courses in Business, Law or Arts, most of
The Fashion, Luxury Products and Accessories Module program them designed from a European perspective stressing international comparisons,
Language: English together with a 60-hour French language course (5 levels).
Management and Law
The SELF program starts with a two-week introduction program combining intensive
Marketing and Merchandising and Visual Merchandising
French courses and seminars in the three given academic fields, as well as cultural or
• French as a Foreign Language courses leisure activities.
• A professional experience obtained while working The Self program is taught in an international environment, offers much flexibility
(students can also combine courses from the French University system) and full
academic and administrative support.

Arts - Design
Website in English 288 Website in English 289
SPECIFIC PROGRAMS Institut Français de la Mode -

u Certificate of the International Fashion Design

ECV Paris – École de Communication Visuelle
Post-graduate Program
ECV Aquitaine – École de Communication Visuelle
• All courses are taught in English
Bordeaux -
• Length: 1 year + a 3 months internship
• Admission requirements: Every year the International Fashion Design Postgraduate
u Post-Graduate program in Visual Communication
program recruits 10 to 15 designers from all over the world chosen for their strong
• 60% courses are taught in English personality, their creativity and their willingness to develop concrete projects in direct
• Length: 1 year partnership with industry and the big fashion houses.The international character of
Arts - Design - Fashion

• Admission requirements: A minimum of four years of higher education in a relevant the class engenders a high level of creative emulation within the group.
field (Applied arts, Graphic design…) In order to apply for the IFM’s Fashion Design postgraduate program the candidate
must have a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or the equivalent according to international
• English proficiency:TOEFL Paper-based score: 533,Computer-based 200 and Internet- standards, from art, fashion or design school.
based scale: 72 Selection criteria: solid organizational capacities, precision, conviction and a sense of
• French proficiency: basic teamwork are also essential to bring a project to term.
• Tuition fees: 7,460 € Exceptions are possible for high level creative profiles reinforced by extensive
professional experience.
• Objectives: During this year, students choose to specialize in the field of their choice:
graphic design, publishing, advertising, multimedia or animation 3D.This program is • English proficiency: Fluent English is required.
a year of maturity for talented students and their ability to bring an ambitious project • French proficiency: not required – French courses are given to foreign students
to a successful completion.The strength of ECV program is its recognition among the • Tuition fees: 9,500 €
professionals in France and abroad. Students are prepared to enter the market with
the highest skills at an international level. • Objectives: This program is a veritable « talent incubator » and aims to enable
designers, managers and companies to synergyze their talents running projects on all
levels. It trains the designers of tomorrow at the crossroads of the creative and
industrial worlds.The Postgraduate Fashion Design Program incites applicants to put
aside their specialty so as to conceive and undertake creations from a global
Indeed, artistic ability is not all that counts in the creative industries.

u Certificate of the International Accessory Design

Post-graduate Program
EICARThe International Film School of Paris • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 year + a 3 months internship
• Admission requirements: Applicants must have an undergraduate level diploma in
design from an art, architecture or design school (Bachelor of Arts or the equivalent in
u FastTrack Program in Filmmaking accordance with international standards). However candidates who have a very strong creative project and a significant professional experience may present their
• All courses are taught in English application.
Selection criteria: a powerful personal project, exceptional creativity, pragmatism,
• Length: 1 year interest in innovation and openness to the professional environment.
• Admission requirements: Achieved a high school degree, or equivalent secondary • English proficiency: Fluent English is required
degree.To complete an application with all necessary material.
• French proficiency: not required – French courses are given to foreign students
• English proficiency: Complete aTOEIC English exam
• Tuition fees: 9,500 €
• French proficiency: not required
• Objectives: Enable outstanding designers from both French and foreign design
• Tuition fees: FastTrack one year program: 11,250 €
schools to work alongside engineers, technical experts and craftsmen to create iconic
• Objectives: The Fast Track is a non-degree, one year intensive filmmaking program objects that make a mark on the times ahead, using traditional handicrafts as well as
taught in conjunction with our European BFA.The goal of the FastTrack is to acquaint new manufacturing techniques ; facilitate their employment within companies of the
people who do no have any previous experience with filmmaking to the craft of fashion & accessory field ; bring together all the facets of design, from production and

cinema. May be utilised as a Gap year course. marketing to the communication of new and innovative ideas.

Arts - Design
Website in English 290 Website in English 291
SPECIFIC PROGRAMS SPEOS - Paris Photographic Institute
Mod’Art International - Paris - u FullTime – Professional Photography - Spéos Diploma
• All courses are taught in English
u French Fashion Design Program • Length: 32 weeks
• All courses are taught in English • Admission requirements: equivalent A-level with 2 years of professional experience
• Length: 1 year or equivalent Bachelor degree
• Admission requirements: 'A’Level or foreign equivalent, previous training or course in • English proficiency: Fluent English, at least a good understanding
Fashion Design is required as well as a complete file (resume, portfolio, motivation • French proficiency: not required
Arts - Design - Fashion

•Tuition fees: 15,600 €
• English proficiency: Fluent English/TOEFL score 76/80 iBT
• Objectives: The eight month intensive program focuses on these aspects of
•Tuition fees: 7,440 €
professional photography: commercial and fashion photographies in the studio,
• Objectives: A personalized approach to creativity. A rare program in Fashion Design in photojournalism reportage and documentary, image processing and management,
Paris.The course is adapted to the profile of each student depending on their stylistic black and white lab and visits to galleries and museums. Students who attend the full
experience in order to extract from each personality the creativity inspired by living academic year program acquire current digital photography skills.The first semester
and working in the capital city of Fashion. A made-to-measure program orientated program comprises core courses. During the second semester, students choose one
essentially on Design and Accessories. A module in Marketing is also possible to or several class options.
obtain another credit. Successful students can enrol in the third year of Mod’Art’s
degree program. Previous training in Fashion Design or Fine Arts is required. This
u Professional Photography – Expert modules - Spéos Diploma
course can also be coupled with a French as a Foreign Language course, students can
also take part in work experience in French fashion firms. • All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 weeks for each module – part time 15 h per week
• Admission requirements: Spéos diploma or equivalent Bachelor degree
• English proficiency: Average to good level (not necessary to be fluent) in English.
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 2,900 € for each module
• Objectives: The expert modules treat the subjects of business management, digital
image publication management, studio and photo reportage. Courses are taught by
professionals who daily use the expert skills they present in the module. Emphasis is
placed on the practical acquisition of this knowledge, in the context of a project
established with each student.

u Professional digital Photography - Spéos Diploma

• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 24 weeks
• Admission requirements: equivalent A-level with 2 years of professional experience
or equivalent Bachelor degree
• English proficiency: Fluent English, at least good understanding
• French proficiency: not required
•Tuition fees: 12,000 €
• Objectives: « Professional digital photography » is an intensive program with a
professional objective, lasting six months. All aspects of photography are tackled.The
students start acquiring basic up-to-date photography techniques. At the beginning of
the second part, they specialize in digital photography while continuing to improve
their skills.The last quarter is also focused on image enhancement.

Arts - Design
Website in English 292 Website in English 293
Institut d’Etudes Supérieures des Arts - Paris -
Courses u Summer Program 2009 – Art and French in Paris
• 60% courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 month from the 29th of June to 24th of July 2009
• Admission requirements: Applicants must be over 16.
• English proficiency: not required
• French proficiency: not required
École du Louvre - Paris -
Arts - Design - Fashion

• Tuition fees: 2,350 € for the full program (6 hours teaching per day and accreditation)
and 800 €/module
u International Museology Summer Class • Objectives: Four complementary studies are offered, which can be taken together for
• Length: two weeks credit or separately for your own pleasure. Studies take place in the museums,
galleries and streets of Paris, with excursions outside the city and on weekends.The
• Admission requirements: Master degree in heritage studies (history of art, options in Photography and Plein Air painting are practical courses with some art
archaeology, anthropology, museum studies) history ; the art market program allow students to study the fine and decorative arts in
• English proficiency: We work on the principle of receptive multilingualism and it is the museums and galleries of Paris, within the context of the Parisian art market.
necessary to have a minimum knowledge of both languages (French and English) and In addition, students may take part in an optional weekend excursion to Venice, 11-
a proficiency level either in English or French as all participants could use indifferently 14 July, to study the great Masters of Italian Renaissance. Visits will be led by art
both languages. historians from IESA and will cover both old master and contemporary art collections.
• Objectives:This seminar is aimed either at students who are beginners in museology Each of the modules is worth 3 credit points at 2nd 3rd year level so a student taking the
or who wish to develop a comparative approach within the French system of entire program for credit would get 6 credit points.These are awarded by Jacksonville
museology.The topic of the seminar varies every year, which allows for deeper study University.
of the different themes, related to objects, public, institutions and their programs.The
multiplicity of different nationalities enriches the debates. A certificate of attendance
will be provided. Academic evaluation can be discussed in advance, if necessary.

SPEOS - Paris Photographic Institute
Université Catholique de Lille - Lille Catholic University
u Summer session: Photography workshops
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 1 to 10 weeks, depending on the number of chosen workshops
u European Summer Program on French Arts • Admission requirements: equivalent A-level with 2 years of professional experience
or equivalent Bachelor degree
• All courses are taught in English
• English proficiency: Average to good level (not necessarily fluent) in English
• Length: 4 weeks in June (June 3 – 30, 2009)
• French proficiency: not required
• Admission requirements: Completion of secondary education
• Tuition fees: 490 € per workshop
• English proficiency: An intermediate level of English (level B2)
• Objectives: The summer session is composed of workshops: Museum and Gallery
• French proficiency: not required visits - Aesthetics of images - Black and White Darkroom - Introduction to studio -The
• Tuition fees: 2,200 € Portrait - The Nude - Computer imaging / Photomontage - Photojournalism -
Commercial photography -, several designed for beginners and the others for
• Objectives: Based in Lille, a vibrant and entertaining city at the heart of Europe, Lille
advanced students.The workshops point out the major arts and techniques of modern
Catholic University, who is reputed for the quality of its teaching and its personalised

photography.The participants choose one or several workshops, depending on their
approach to students, offers this program to students looking for French language
own interests.They may also enroll for the full summer session.
courses plus an introduction to French Arts. Its courses on French contemporary
literature and cinema and intercultural communication combined with a rich program
of fieldtrips and cultural activities offer a stimulating study abroad opportunity.
u Summer session: Professional photography -
Expert modules

Arts - Design
• All courses are taught in English
• Length: 4 weeks for each module – part time 15 h per week
• Admission requirements: Spéos diploma or equivalent Bachelor degree
• English proficiency: Average to good level (not necessary to be fluent) in English
• French proficiency: not required
• Tuition fees: 2,900 € for each module
• Objectives: The expert modules treat the subjects of business management, digital
image publication management, studio and photo reportage. Courses are taught by
professionals who daily use the expert skills they present in the module. Emphasis is
placed on the practical acquisition of this knowledge, in the context of a project
established with each student.

Website in English 294 Website in English 295

o Université Paris 12 Val de Marne - page 254

o Université de Perpignan - pages 277, 278, 281

o Université de Poitiers - page 241

o Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne -

Index o Université Rennes 1 -

Université de Strasbourg Louis Pasteur -
o Université des Sciences Sociales Toulouse 1
page 229

pages 44, 139, 140, 199, 242, 255

pages 13, 140, 257

pages 13, 14, 15, 141 -
o Université François Rabelais - Tours - pages 17, 80, 282

o Université de Valenciennes - page 17

Universities o EHESP - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique - Rennes - pages 255, 256

o EHESS - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales -

o Université de Provence Aix-Marseille 1 -
page 10
page 233
ENA - École Nationale d'Administration - Paris - page 23
o Université de la Méditerranée Aix-Marseille 2 - pages 10, 233
ENS Cachan - École Normale Supérieure de Cachan - pages 43, 246
o Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III - pages 10, 18, 95, 96,128, 129, 130
ENS Lyon - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon pages 239, 247, 276
o Université de Picardie Jules Verne - Amiens - page 36 -
o Université d'Angers - ESTHUA - pages 224, 227 IRCAD-EITS - European Institute in TeleSurgery - Strasbourg pages 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
o Université Bordeaux 1 - Sciences et Technologies - page 86
o Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 - page 253

o Université de Cergy-Pontoise - pages 18, 19, 36, 77, 87, 131, 234, 249

o Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2 - pages 132, 166, 196

o Université de Dijon - pages 37, 38

o Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale - Dunkerque - page 227 Engineering Schools
o Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 pages 39, 40, 66, 78, 87, 196, 235, 236, 237, 250 o AgroParistech - pages 266, 267, 269, 273

o Université Pierre Mendès-France Grenoble 2 - pages 133, 197, 237 o Arts et Métiers ParisTech - École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers pages 43, 53, 54

o Université du Havre - pages 16, 80, 133, 185

o Université du Maine - Le Mans - pages 41, 238 o École Centrale de Lyon - page 41

o Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies - pages 10, 134, 186, 238 o École Centrale Nantes - pages 46, 47, 48, 243

o Université de Limoges - pages 88, 254 o École Centrale Paris - page 43

o Université de Bretagne Sud - Lorient - page 239 o École des Mines de Nantes - pages 50, 51, 243, 244

o Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - pages 41, 239

Mines-Paristech - pages 26, 43, 232

o Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - pages 21, 22, 135, 198, 222, 228, 279, 289 o École Polytechnique - Palaiseau (Paris) - pages 55, 148, 245

o Université Montpellier 2 - page 251 o ECE - Groupe École Centrale d’Electronique - Paris - page 49

o Université Nancy 2 - pages 79, 276 o EFREI - École d’Ingénieurs des Technologies de l’Information page 52

o Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis -

et du Management - Villejuif -
pages 42, 88, 197

o Université d'Orléans -

ENAC - École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile - Toulouse - pages 27, 33, 52, 83, 99

o ENSEEIHT - Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse -

page 136

o Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II -

pages 28, 34
pages 20, 136

o Université Paris Dauphine -

ENSIETA - École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs - Brest - page 55
pages 22, 212

o Université Paris Descartes Paris 5 -

ENSMA - École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique page 83
page 12 Chasseneuil du Poitou -
o EPF École d’Ingénieurs Généraliste - Paris -
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC - pages 42, 43, 240
page 82
o Université Paris X - Nanterre - pages 12, 16, 24, 137, 186
o EPITA - École pour l’informatique et les techniques avancées - page 29
o Université Paris-Sud 11 - pages 70, 138, 240, 256 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (Paris) -

o CampusFrance's members 296

o CampusFrance's members 297
Management and Business Schools
o ESEO -
o Audencia Nantes School of Management -
page 56
pages 96, 141

o BEM - Management School Bordeaux -

ESIEA - École Supérieure d’Informatique Électronique Automatique - Paris pages 30, 81
pages 97, 142
o CERAM Business School - Nice - Sophia Antipolis -
o ESIEE - Groupe École Supérieure d'ingénieur en électrotechnique
pages 143, 144, 145, 187, 222

o EBS Paris - École européenne de Gestion -

pages 57, 58
et électronique, Noisy Le Grand (Paris) - pages 97, 146, 199, 213

o ESIGELEC - École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Génie Electrique, Rouen pages 59, 60 o École de Management de Normandie pages 147, 187, 215, 223, 228
o ESTACA - École Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et pages 61, 81 o EDHEC Business School, Lille - Nice - pages 90, 98, 148, 149, 150, 214
de Construction Automobile, Levallois-Perret (Paris) - o EMLYON - Business School - pages 90, 99, 150, 151, 200, 214
o ESTIA - École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées - Biarritz page 62 ENPC School of International Management - Paris pages 100, 101, 102
FESIA - EURAMA Consortium - pages 160, 269 o ESC Bretagne - École Supérieure de Commerce de Bretagne - Brest pages 102, 152, 153, 188
o Groupe ESA: École Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers - page 269
o IFP School - École du pétrole et des moteurs - Rueil-Malmaison (Paris) pages 63, 64 o ESC Lille - École Supérieure de Commerce de Lille - pages 91, 103, 124, 155 o ESCEM - École Supérieure de Commerce et pages 104, 153, 154, 188, 215
o INP Grenoble - Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble pages 65, 66, 83 de Management - Poitiers/Tours - o ESCP-EAP - Paris - pages 104, 125, 157, 158
o INPL - Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - Nancy - page 67 ESIAE - ESA 3 - Paris - page 106

o INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon pages 30, 41, 68 o ESIEE - MANAGEMENT - Noisy-le-Grand - pages 58, 158 ESLSCA - École supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales - Paris pages 107, 159
o INSA Rennes - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes page 68
o ESSCA - École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers
pages 160, 201, 216
o INSA Rouen - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen page 68
o ESSEC Business School Paris Singapore -
pages 92, 107, 108, 109, 125, 220
o INSA Strasbourg - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg pages 30, 68
o EUROMED Management - Marseille - pages 110, 111, 126, 161, 189, 216, 252
o INSA Toulouse - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées pages 31, 69, 84, 270
o EUROMED Toulon - ESCT - École supérieure de Commerce et de Technologie page 162
de Toulouse -
o EUROMED Toulon - EID École Internationale de Design -
Institut d’Optique - page 70
page 284

o Grenoble École de Management -

Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais - pages 272, 274
pages 93, 111, 163, 164, 189, 202, 203, 217

o Groupe ESC Chambéry-Savoie -

INSTN - Institut National des Sciences et pages 251, 256, 257, 258, 259
pages 190, 213
Techniques Nucléaires - Paris
o Groupe ESC Clermont -
o ISA Lille - Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture de Lille -
pages 165, 166

o Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne -

pages 270, 271
pages 167, 168, 169, 190
o Groupe ESC Rennes School of Business -
page 248
pages 169, 170, 225
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace -Toulouse
o Groupe ESC Rouen -
pages 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 71, 83 pages 112, 126, 171, 172, 190, 204

o ISEP - Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris - www. page 72 o Groupe ESC Toulouse - pages 105, 113, 127, 173, 191

Montpellier SupAgro - page 271 o Groupe ESC Troyes - pages 114, 173, 191, 225

o TELECOM Bretagne - Brest- page 74 o Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle - pages 174, 224, 227

o TELECOM ParisTech - page 73 o HEC School of Management Paris - pages 94, 114, 115, 116, 175, 176, 177, 178,

o TELECOM SudParis - www.telecom-sudparis

204, 205, 206, 207, 208
pages 75, 76
IDCE - Institut pour le Développement du Conseil et de l’Entreprise - Angers pages 117, 192, 210
Toulouse Agri Campus - page 268
o UTBM - Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard - page 78 ICN Business School - Nancy - pages 116, 178, 192, 208, 209, 218
o UTC - Université de Technologie de Compiègne - page 45 IECS - École de Management de Strasbourg - page 117
o UTT - Université de Technologie de Troyes - page 45
o IÉSEG School of Management - Lille - pages 179, 210
INSEAD - Paris - page 118

o CampusFrance's members 298

o CampusFrance's members 299
o INSEEC - Paris International Business School - pages 119, 193
IPAC - pages 120, 194

IPAG - pages 180

o ISC Paris - School of Management - page 181

o ISUGA - Europe - Asia Management Institute - Quimper - pages 120, 194, 280
MIP - Management Institute of Paris - page 220

o Paris Graduate School of Management - Groupe ESG pages 121, 122, 182, 195
o Reims Management School - pages 123, 218

o Sciences Po Paris - pages 183, 211

o TELECOM Business School - Evry - page 184

Hospitality, Tourism and Restauration Schools

Institut Paul Bocuse - Lyon - pages 222, 228

o Le Cordon Bleu - Paris - pages 220, 229, 230, 231

o VATEL International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management pages 221, 229

Art Schools

École du Louvre - Paris - page 294

o ECV Paris - page 290

EICAR The International Film School of Paris - pages 284, 287, 290

o IESA - Institut Etudes Supérieures des Arts - Paris - page 285, 295

o IFM Paris - Institut Français de la Mode - page 291

o Mod’Art International - Paris - pages 286, 287, 288, 292

SPEOS - Paris Photographic Institute - pages 293, 295

Catholic Institutes

o Institut Catholique de Paris - Institut de Langue et de Culture Françaises page 280
o Université Catholique de l’Ouest - Angers - page 279

o Université Catholique de Lille - pages 24, 82, 212, 283, 294

o Université Catholique de Lyon - ESDES - pages 156, 200

o CampusFrance's members 300

79, boulevard Denfert-Rochereau - 75014 PARIS - France
Tel: (33) 1 53 63 35 00

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