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26 Irony

S Attardo, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, something else,’ runs the risk of obliterating the dif-
OH, USA ference between irony and other forms of figurative
ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. or indirect speech. However, this loss of distinction
may be a positive aspect of the definition, as has been
recently argued (Kreuz, 2000, Attardo, 2002).
The term ‘irony’ is commonly used to describe both a While the idea of ‘oppositeness’ in irony is
linguistic phenomenon (verbal irony) and other phe- problematic, approaches to irony as negation have
nomena including ‘situational’ irony (i.e., irony of been presented (Giora, 1995), who sees irony as ‘in-
facts and things dissociated from their linguistic ex- direct’ (i.e., inexplicit; cf. Utsumi, 2000) negation;
pression; Shelley, 2001) such as a fire-station burning related ideas are that of contrast (Colston, 2002)
to the ground, various more-or-less philosophical and inappropriateness (Attardo, 2000).
ideas (Socratic irony, Romantic irony, Postmodern A very influential approach to irony is the mention
irony), and even a type of religious experience theory (Sperber and Wilson, 1981), which claims that
(Kierkegaard, 1966). While there may be connections an utterance is ironical if it is recognized as the echoic
between situational and verbal irony, it does not ap- mention of another utterance by a more or less clearly
pear that literary and religious uses can be fruitfully identified other speaker. Furthermore, the ironical
explained in terms of linguistic irony. This treatment statement must be critical of the echoed utterance
will be limited to verbal irony. (cf. Grice, 1989: 53–54). Similar theories based on
Other definitional problems include the purported the ideas of ‘pretense’ and ‘reminder’ have been pre-
distinction between irony and sarcasm. While some sented as well. Criticism of the mention theory notes
have argued that the two can be distinguished (for that not all irony seems to be interpretable as the echo
example, irony can be involuntary, while sarcasm of someone’s words, or that if the definition of men-
cannot be so), others maintain that no clear boundary tion is allowed to encompass any possible mention
exists. A further problem is presented by the fact that it becomes vacuous (since any sentence is potentially
in some varieties of English, the term irony is under- the mention of another sentence). Furthermore, there
going semantic change and is assuming the meaning exists an admittedly rarer, non-negative, praising
of an unpleasant surprise, while the semantic space irony, called asteism (Fontanier, 1968: 150). An ex-
previously occupied by irony is taken up by the term ample of asteism might be a colleague describing
sarcasm. Chomsky’s Aspects of the theory of syntax as a
The word irony goes back to the Greek eironeia ‘moderately influential’ book in linguistics. Other
(pretense, dissimulation) as does the history of its approaches to irony include the ‘tinge’ theory, which
definition and analysis. Irony is seen as a trope (i.e., sees irony as blending the two meanings (the stated
a figure of speech) in ancient rhetorics and this analy- and the implied ones) with the effect of attenuating
sis has remained essentially unchallenged until recent- the ironical one (Colston, 1997).
ly. In the traditional definition irony is seen as saying All the theories of irony mentioned so far share the
something to mean the opposite of what is said. This idea that the processing of irony is a two-step process
definition is demonstrably incorrect, as a speaker may in which one sense (usually assumed to be the literal
be ironical but not mean the opposite of what he/she meaning) of the utterance is accessed and then a
says; cf. It seems to be a little windy (uttered in the second sense of the utterance is discovered (usually
middle of a violent storm), in which the speaker is under contextual pressure). Thus, for example, in a
saying less than what is meant. Similarly, overstate- Gricean account of irony as implicature, the hearer of
ments and hyperbole may be ironical (Kreuz and an utterance such as That was smart (uttered as a
Roberts, 1995). description of clumsy behavior, such as spilling one’s
A recent and fruitful restatement of the irony-as- wine upon someone’s clothing) will first process the
trope theory has been presented by Paul Grice who utterance as meaning literally roughly ‘This behavior
sees irony as an implicature, i.e., as a deliberate flout- was consonant with how smart people behave’ and
ing of one of the maxims of the principle of coopera- then will discard this interpretation in favor of the
tion. Relatedly, speech-act approaches to irony see it implicature that the speaker means that the behavior
as an insincere speech act. Initially, Grice’s approach was not consonant with how smart people behave.
saw irony as a violation of the maxim of quality This account has been challenged recently by ‘direct
(i.e., the statement of an untruth) but this claim has access’ theories.
been refuted, as seen above. Broadening the definition The direct access theories claim that the hearer
to, for example, ‘saying something while meaning does not process the literal meaning of an ironical
Irony 27

utterance first and only later accesses the figurative as indirectness, and metaphoricity. Finally, it is worth
(ironical) meaning. Rather, they claim that the literal noting that dialogic approaches to language (e.g.,
meaning is either not accessed at all or only later. Ducrot, 1984) see irony as a prime example of the
Direct access interpretations of irony are squarely at co-presence of different ‘voices’ in the text (see Literary
odds with the traditional interpretation of irony as an Pragmatics), in ways that avoid the technical problems
implicature. Some results in psycholinguistics have highlighted in the mention theories.
been seen as supporting this view (Gibbs, 1994).
The mention theory of irony was commonly inter-
preted as a direct access theory, but recent work See also: Figures of Speech; Implicature; Negation; Prag-
(Yus, 2003) seems to indicate that it too can be inter- matics: Overview; Relevance Theory; Speech Acts.
preted as a two-step process. Other researchers (e.g.,
Dews and Winner, 1999) have presented contrasting
views which support the two-step approach, although Bibliography
not always the claim that the literal meaning is pro-
cessed first: claims that interpretations are accessed in Anolli L, Ciceri R & Riva G (eds.) (2002). Say not to Say:
New Perspectives on miscommunication. Amsterdam:
order of saliency (Giora, 2003) or in parallel have
IOS Press.
been put forth. Anolli L, Infantino M G & Ciceri R (2002). ‘‘‘You’re a real
Psycholinguistic studies of irony have focused on genius!’’: irony as a miscommunication design.’ In Anolli,
children’s acquisition of irony (Winner, 1988), progres- Ciceri & Riva (eds.). 135–157.
sively lowering the age at which children under- Attardo S (2000). ‘Irony as relevant inappropriateness.’
stand irony to under ten years old; on the Journal of Pragmatics 32(6), 793–826.
neurobiology of the processing of irony (McDonald, Attardo S (2002). ‘Humor and irony in interaction: from
2000), emphasizing the role of the right hemisphere mode adoption to failure of detection.’ In Anolli, Ciceri
alongside the left one (in which most language proces- & Riva (eds.).
sing takes place); and on the order of activation of the Bara B, Maurizio T & Zettin M (1997). ‘Neuropragmatics:
various meanings in the ironical text. A significant issue neuropsychological constraints on formal theories of di-
alogue.’ Brain and Language 59, 7–49.
is the degree and nature of the assumptions that the
Booth W (1974). A rhetoric of irony. Chicago: University of
hearer and speaker must share for irony to be under- Chicago Press.
stood; this can be summed up as the ‘theory of mind’ Clift R (1999). ‘Irony in conversation.’ Language in Society
that the speakers have. In particular, irony involves 28, 523–553.
metarepresentations (Bara et al., 1997, Curcó, 2000). Colston H L (1997). ‘Salting a wound or sugaring a pill:
Considerable attention has been paid to the option- the pragmatic function of ironic criticism’ Discourse
al markers of irony, i.e., primarily intonational and Processes 23, 25–45.
kinesic indications of the speaker’s ironical intent. Colston H L (2002). ‘Contrast and assimilation in verbal
While several phonological and other features have irony.’ Journal of Pragmatics 34(2), 111–142.
been considered ‘markers’ of irony, it appears that Curcó C (2000). ‘Irony: negation, echo and metarepresen-
none of these features is exclusively a marker of tation.’ Lingua, 110, 257–280.
Dews S & Winner E (1999). ‘Obligatory processing of
irony. Reviews of markers include phonological
literal and non-literal meanings in verbal irony.’ Journal
(e.g., intonation), graphic (e.g., italics, punctuation), of Pragmatics 31(12), 1579–1599.
morphological (e.g., quotatives), kinesic (e.g., Ducrot O (1984). Le dire et le dit. Paris: Editions de Minuit.
winking), and contextual clues (Haiman, 1998). Fontanier P (1968). Les figures du discours. Paris: Flam-
Recently, the social and situational context of irony marion. Originally published as two volumes in 1821 and
as well as its pragmatic ends have begun being inves- 1827.
tigated in sociolinguistics and discourse/conversation Gibbs R W (1994). The poetics of mind: figurative thought,
analysis as well as in psycholinguistics. Work on the language, and understanding. Cambridge/New York:
social functions of irony has found a broad range of Cambridge University Press.
functions, including in- and out-group definition, Gibbs R W & Colston H L (2002). ‘The risks and rewards
evaluation, aggression, politeness, verbal play, and of ironic communication.’ In Anolli, Ciceri & Riva (eds.).
many others (e.g., Clift, 1999; Anolli et al., 2002;
Giora R (1995). ‘On irony and negation.’ Discourse
Gibbs and Colston, 2002; Kotthoff, 2003). It is likely
Processes 19, 239–264.
that this list may be open-ended. Giora R (2003). On our mind. Oxford: Oxford University
The relationship between irony and humor remains Press.
underexplored, despite their obvious connections, Haiman J (1998). Talk is cheap: sarcasm, alienation, and
although some studies are beginning to address the the evolution of language. Oxford/New York: Oxford
interplay of irony and other forms of implicature, such University Press.
28 Irony

Katz A N (ed.) (2000). ‘The Uses and Processing of Irony Sperber D & Wilson D (1981). ‘Irony and the use
and Sarcasm.’ Special issue of Metaphor and Symbol mention distinction.’ In Cole P (ed.) Radical
15(1/2). Pragmatics. New York/London: Academic Press.
Kierkegaard S (1966). The concept of irony, with constant 295–318.
reference to Socrates. Capel L M (trans.). London: Toplak M & Katz A N (2000). ‘On the uses of sarcastic
Collins. irony.’ Journal of Pragmatics 32(10), 1467–1488.
Kotthoff H (2003). ‘Responding to irony in different con- Utsumi A (2000). ‘Verbal irony as implicit display of
texts: on cognition in conversation.’ Journal of Pragmat- ironic environment: distinguishing ironic utterances
ics 35(9), 1387–1411. from nonirony.’ Journal of Pragmatics 32(12),
Kreuz R J & Roberts R M (1995). ‘Two cues for verbal 1777–1806.
irony: hyperbole and the ironic tone of voice.’ Metaphor Winner E (1988). ‘The point of words: children’s under-
and Symbolic Activity 10(1), 21–31. standing of metaphor and irony’. Cambridge, MA:
McDonald S (2000). ‘Neuropsychological studies of sar- Harvard University Press.
casm.’ Metaphor and Symbol 15(1/2), 85–98. Yus F (2003). ‘Humor and the search for relevance.’ Journal
Shelley C (2001). ‘The bicoherence theory of situational of Pragmatics 35(9), 1295–1331.
irony.’ Cognitive Science 25, 775–818.

Irony: Stylistic Approaches

J Boutonnet, University of Wolverhampton, linguistic message whose meaning is other than the
Wolverhampton, UK literal meaning, in many cases understood to be the
ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. opposite of the literal meaning conveyed. There is a
discrepancy between the words and what the speaker
means by these words, an opposition between the
Most books or articles on the topic start with a warn- surface and the underlying meaning. This is also
ing that the concept of irony is elusive (Muecke, called traditional irony in most writings and is often
1970) and that it takes many forms. Myers (1981: attributed to Aristotle (Barbe, 1995).
410) said that ‘‘in irony we inherit both a device An oppositional model of verbal irony holds that
and a concept.’’ Nash (1985) alerted us to the lack the speaker says the opposite of what he or she means.
of consistency in usage even among literary critics. In this account, irony is unveiled by a process of
Although dictionaries offer definitions and exempli- substitution of lexical items or propositions. In the
fications, they point to the complexity of the phe- case of stable irony (Booth, 1974), where the intended
nomenon rather than enlighten the reader. The meaning is fairly clear, as in ‘‘What a lovely day!’’
word has both positive and negative connotations uttered on a day when the weather is anything but
today, a mark of its complex history and range of pleasant, meaning may be retrieved by word substitu-
functions in discourse. The word does not appear tion (e.g., ‘lovely’ for ‘awful’), an example of lexical-
in the English language until the 16th century and antonymy. Oppositeness is at the heart of Raskin’s
is only commonly used by speakers from the early semantic theory of humor (STH) (Raskin, 1985)
18th century onwards. Clearly the phenomenon where he discussed oppositeness in terms of local
existed before it was named, even prior to the Greek antonymy, two opposite meanings arising from a par-
word from which the English word derives. The ticular discourse. At the propositional level, consider
word eironeia to describe the Greek philosopher Myers’s (1981: 411) example ‘‘I always wanted to
Socrates’s treatment of his conversational opponents spend the summer in Detroit,’’ uttered by a speaker
is first recorded in Plato’s Republic. Socratic irony who does not want to spend the summer in Detroit.
today refers to a discourse strategy whereby the Here we have an example of negation at the proposi-
speaker pretends he or she is learning from an inter- tional level. Some linguists argue that examples like
locutor whilst trying all the while to uncover the the one above constitute an instance of criticism cou-
flaws in that person’s argument (Nilsen and Nilsen, pled with a complaint, also known as nonce irony.
2000). Common irony refers to expressions which have be-
Conveniently, a distinction is often made between come stock phrases in a language, such as ‘‘that’s a
situational irony and verbal irony. In the first we have likely story!’’ (Barbe, 1995: 18–22).
an observer who notices a state of affairs or event When considering verbal irony, a number of
which is in some way incongruous. The second is a assumptions need clarification. One often-debated
rhetorical device. We have an ironist who produces a issue is that of intentionality and sincerity of the

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