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B. Tech.

(Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Schemes of Studies / Examination
(Semester- 3)

Sr. No Course No. Subject Teaching Examination Marks

Schedule Credits
L T P Internal Theory Practical Total
1 Ma 201 Mathematics- III 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
2 CO 201 Data Structures 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
3 CO 203 Discrete Structures 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
4 CO 205 Internet Fundamentals 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
5 CO 207E Analog and Digital 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
6 CO 209 Computer Hardware 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
and Logic Design
7 CO 211 Data Structures (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
8 CO 213 Computer Hardware - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
and logic design (Pr)
9 CO 215 Internet Fundamentals - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
10 CO 217E Analog and Digital - - 2 1 60 - 40 100
Communication (Pr)
Total 18 6 11 29.5 480 360 160 1000
Note: Duration of Examination for each subject is 3 Hours

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Ma 201 Mathematics –III L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Fourier Series : Euler’s Formulae, Conditions for Fourier expansions, Fourier expansion of functions
having points of discontinuity, change of interval, Odd & even functions, Half-range series.
Fourier Transforms: Fourier integrals, Fourier transforms, Fourier cosine and sine transforms.
Properties of Fourier transforms, Convolution theorem, Perseval’s identity, Relation between Fourier and
Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms of the derivatives of a function, Applications to boundary value

Unit 2
Functions of a Complex Variables: Functions of complex variable, Exponential function, Trigonometric,
Hyperbolic and Logarithmic functions, limit and continuity of a function, Differentiability and analyticity.
Cauchy-Riemann equations, Necessary and sufficient conditions for a functions for a functions to be
analytic, Polar form of the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Harmonic functions, Application to flow
problems, Conformal transformation, Standard transformations (translation, Magnification & rotation,
inversion & reflection, Bilinear)

Unit 3
Probability Distributions : Probability, Baye’s theorem, Discrete & Continuous probability distributions,
Moment generating function, Probability generating function, Properties and applications of Binominal,
Poisson and normal distribution.

Unit 4
Liner Programming : Linear programming problems formulation, Solution of Linear Programming
Problem using Graphical method, Simplex Method, Dual-Simplex Method.

Note: Examiner will set eight question, taking two from each unit. Students will be required to attempt
five questions taking at least one from each unit.

1. Higher Engg. Mathmatics : B.S. Grewal
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : E. Kreyzig
3. Complex variables and Applications : R.V. Churchil; Mc: Graw Hill
4. Engg. Mathmatics Vol. II: S.S.Sastry; Prentice Hall of India.
5. Operation Research : H.A. Taha
6. Probability and statistics for Engineer : Johnson. PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 201 Data Structures L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Basic Terminology: Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure Operations, Algorithms Complexity,
Time-Space Trade off.
Arrays: Array Definition and Analysis, Representation of Linear Arrays in Memory, Traversing of Linear
Arrays, Insertion and Deletion, Single Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional
Arrays, Sparse Matrix.

Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation of linked lists in memory, Traversing, Searching,
Insertion into, Deletion from linked list, Polynomial Addition, Header Linked List, Doubly linked list,
Generalized list.

Unit 2
Stacks and Queues: Introduction to Operations Associated with Stacks Push & Pop, Representation
of stacks- using array and Link List. Application of stacks - polish expression and their compilation
conversion of infix expression to prefix and postfix expression, Tower of Hanoi problem (with and
without recursion), Representation of Queues- using array and link list, Operations of queues: Create,
Add, Delete, Priority Queues, Dequeues, Circular Queue.

Unit 3
Trees: Basic Terminology, Binary Trees and their representation, expression evaluation, Complete
Binary trees, Extended binary trees, Traversing binary trees, Searching, Insertion and Deletion in binary
search trees(with and without recursion), AVL trees, Threaded trees, B trees.
Graphs: Terminology and Representations, Graphs & Multigraphs, Directed Graphs, Sequential
representation of graphs, Adjacency matrices, Transversal Connected Component and Spanning trees,
Shortest path
Unit 4
Searching, Sorting methodologies of data structure.
Array- Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Linear Search, Binary Search.
Stack -Quick Sort, Merge Sort. Two way Merge Sort.
Queue- Radix Sort.
Tree – Heap Sort.

File Structure: Physical storage media, File Organization, Organization records into blocks, Sequential
blocks, Indexing & Hashing, Primary Indices, Secondary Indices, B+ tree Index files, B*-tree index files,
Static Hash functions, Indexing & hashing comparisons.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.
 Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data structures”, Galgotia publications
1. An introduction to data structures and application by Jean Paul Tremblay & Pal G. Sorenson
(McGraw Hill)
2. R.L. Kruse, B.P. Leary, C.L. Tondo, “Data structure and program design in C” , PHI

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

3. R. B. Patel, Expert Data Structures With C, Khanna Publications, Delhi, India, 3rd Edition
4. Data Structures using C by A. M. Tenenbaum, Langsam, Moshe J. Augentem, PHI Pub.
5. Data Structures and Algorithms by A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and T. D. Ullman, Original edition,
Addison-Wesley, 1999, Low Price Edition.
6. Fundamentals of Data Structure by Ellis Horowitz & Sartaj Sahni, Pub, 1983. AW
7. Fundamentals of computer algorithms by Horowitz Sahni and Rajasekaran
8. Data Structure and Program design in C by Robert Kruse, PHI
9. Theory and Problems of Data Structures by Jr. Symour Lipschetz, Schaum’s outline by TMH.
10. Introduction to Computer Science- An algorithms approach, Jean Paul Tremblay, Richard B. Bunt,
11. Data Structure and Standard Templete Library- Willam J. Collins, 2003, T.M.H

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 203 Discrete Structures L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Set Theory: Introduction to set theory, Set operations, Algebra of Sets, Combination of sets, Duality,
Finite and infinite sets, Classes of sets, Power sets, Multi sets, Cartesian Product, Representation of
relations, Types of relation, Binary relation, Equivalence relations and partitions, Partial ordering
relations and lattices, Mathematics Induction, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Propositions.
Function and its types, Composition of function and relations, Cardinality and inverse relations, Functions
and Pigeo principles.

Unit 2
Propositional Calculus: Basic operations; AND(^), OR(v), NOT(~), True value of a compound statement,
propositions, tautologies, contradictions.
Techniques of Counting: Rules of Sum of Products, Permutations with and without repetition,
Recursion and Recurrence Relation: Polynomials and their evaluation, Sequences, Introduction to AP,
GP, and AG series, partial fractions, linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Homogeneous
solutions, Particular solutions, Total solution of a recurrence relation using generating functions.

Unit 3
Algebraic Structures: Definition, elementary properties of Algebraic structures, examples of a Monoid,
sunmonoid, semi group, groups and rings, Homomorphism, Isomorphism and automorphism, Subgroups
and Normal subgroups, Cyclic groups, Integral domain and fields, Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem, Rings,
Division Ring.

Unit 4
Graphs and Trees: Introduction to graphs, Directed and undirected graphs, Homomorphic and Isomorphic
graphs, Subgraphs, Cut points and bridges, Multigraph and Weighted graphs, Paths and circuits, Shortest
path in weighted graph, Eurelian path and circuits, Hamilton paths and circuits, Planar graphs, Eular’s
formula, Trees, Rooted trees, Spanning trees and cut-sets, Binary trees and its traversals.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Elements of Discrete Mathematics C. L. Liu, 1985, McGraw-Hill.
2. Concrete Mathematics: A foundation for Computer Science, Ronald Graham, Donald Knuth and Oren
Patashik, 1989, Addison-Wesley.
3. Mathematical structures for Computer Science, Judith L. Gersting, 1993, Computer Science Press.
4. Applied discrete structures for Computer Science, Doerr and Levasseur, (Chicago: 1985, SRA)
5. Discrete Mathematics by A. Chtewynd and P. Diggle (Modular Mathematics series), 1995, Edward
Arnold, London.
6. Schaums Outline series: Theory and Problems of Probability by S. Lipshutz, 1982, McGraw-Hill
7. Discrete Mathematical Structures, B. Kolman and R. c. Busby, 1996, PHI.
8. Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computers by Tembley & Manohar, 1995,
9. Discrete Mathematics & Structures, Satyender Bal Gupta, 2 nd Ed. Luxmi Pub.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 205 Internet Fundamentals L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
The Internet: Introduction to networks and Internet, history, Internet, Intranet and Extranet, Working of
Internet, Internet Congestion, Modes of connecting to internet, Internet Service Providers, Internet
address, standard address, domain name, DNS, IPv6 modems, Web browser, search engines and meta
search engines, Telnet and FTP, HTTP, Gopher commands, TCP/IP

Unit 2
Electronic Mail: Introduction, advantages and disadvantages, User ids, Passwords, E-mail addresses,
message components, message composition, mailer features, E-mail inner workings, E-mail management,
MIME types, Newsgroups, mailing lists, chat rooms, secure mails, SMTP, PICO, Pine, Library cards
catalog, online ref. works.

Unit 3
Dynamic HTML and Web Designing: HTML Basic concepts, Good web design, process of web
publishing phases of web site development, STRUCTURE OF HTML documents, HTML elements- Core
attributes, Language attributes, Core events, Block level events, Text level events, Linking basics,
Linking in HTML, Images and Anchors, Anchor Attributes, Image maps, Semantic linking meta
information, image preliminaries, introduction to layout: Backgrounds, color and text, fonts, layout with
tables. Advanced layout: Frames and layers, HTML and other media types. Audio support in browsers,
video support, other binary formats. Style sheets, positioning with style sheets. Basic Interactivity and
HTML: FORMS, form control, new and emerging form elements. Introduction to XML and Java Script

Unit 4
Servers: Introduction to web servers: PWS, IIs, Apache, Microsoft Personal Web Server, Accessing &
using these servers.
Privacy and security topics: Introduction, Software Complexity, Attacks, security and privacy levels,
security policy, accessibility and risk analysis, Encryption schemes, Secure web document, Digital
Signatures, Firewalls, Intrusion detection systems.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Fundamentals of Internet and World Wide Web, Raymond Greenlaw and Ellen Hepp-2001, TMH.
2. Internet & World Wide Programming, Deitel, Deitel & Nieto, 2000, Pearson Education
3. Complete Idiot’s guide to JavaScript, Aron Weiss, QUE, 1997
4. Network Firewalls, Kironjeet syan, New Rider Pub.
5. Alfred Glkossbrenner- Internet 101 Computing MGH, 1996

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 207E Analog and Digital Communication L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
MODULATION TECHNIQUES: Basic constitutes of Communication System, need of modulation,
Amplitude modulation, spectrum of AM wave, modulation index. Detection of AM Signal; Diode
detector, Square Law Detector, Power relation in AM wave.
ANGLE MODULATION: frequency and phase modulation, spectrum of FM Wave, modulation index
and Bandwidth of FM Signal, Comparison between FM and PM Signals. FM and AM signals, FM
generation methods, Demodulation methods; slope detector, ration detector, Foster-Seeley discriminator.

Unit 2
TRANSMITER AND RECEIVER: Classification of ration transmitters, Block diagram of AM
transmitter, Frequency Scintillation, Frequency drift, Radio broadcast transmitter, Radio telephone
transmitter, Privacy devices, Armstrong FM transmitter, Simple FM transmitter using Reactance
modulator. Classification of radio receivers, TRF receives, super heterodyne receivers, image Signal
rejection, frequency mixers. Tracking and alignment of receivers, Intermediate frequency, AGC, AFC,
SSB receiver.

PULSE MODULATION: sampling process, PAM and TDM; aperture effect. PPM noise in PPM,
channel Bandwidth, Recovery of PAM and PPM signals Quantization process, quantization noise,
PCM,  Law and A- law compressors. Encoding, Noise in PCM, DM, delta sigma modulator, DPCM,

DIGITAL PASS BAND TRANSMISSION: Pass band transmission model; gram Schmidt
orthogonalization procedure, geometric Interpretation of signals, Response of bank of correlaters to noise
input, detection of known signal in noise, Hierarchy of digital modulation techniques, BPSK, DPSK,
DEPSK, QPSK, systems; ASK, FSK, QASK, Many FSK, MSK, Many QAM, Signal space diagram and
spectra of the above systems, effect of inter symbol interference, bit symbol error probabilities,

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Taub & Schilling, Principles of Communication System, TMH.
2. Mithal G.K, Radio Engineering, Khanna Punjab.
3. S. Haykin, Communication System, John Wiley.
4. Dungan F.R., Electronics Communication System, Thomson-Delmar.
5. : Kennedy, Electronics Communication System, TMH
6. John G. Proakis, Digital Communication, PHI

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 209 Computer Hardware and Logic Design L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Review of Number system, Binary codes: BCD, Excess-3, Gray, Error detection and correction codes,
Logic gates, combinational design using gates, Karnaugh map, TTL gates

Unit 2
Multiplexers and Demultiplexer, Decoders, Adders / Subtractors, Flip/Flops, and shift registers,
Converters: A/D and D/A, counters
Unit 3
Floppy disk interface, IDE interface, ATA standards, master-slave configuration, data transfer mode;
serial ports, parallel ports, USB

Unit 4

Memory, memory chips & modules, memory types, advanced memory technologies, ROMBIOS, ROM
POST, CMOS setup
Floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, CD ROM drive, DVD ROM drive, recordable drives, keyboards, mice,
printers and monitors.

1. Digital Integrated Electronics : Taub & Schilling; MGH
2. Digital Principles and Application: Malvino & Leach; McGraw Hill.
3. Digital Design: Morris Mano; PHI
4. Modem Digital Electronics(Edition III) : R.P. Jain TMH
5. Craig Zacker & John Rourtrc: PC Hardware- The complete reference, TMH.
6. Mark Minosi: The complete PC Upgrade & Maintenance Guide , BPB publications.
7. S.K. Chauhan: PC Upgrading, maintenance and troubleshooting guide.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO211 Data Structures (Pr) P C

3 1.5

1. Write a program to search an element in a two-dimensional array using linear search.

2. Using iteration & recursion concepts write programs for finding the element in the array using
Binary Search Method
3. Write a program to perform following operations on tables using functions only
a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Transpose
4. Write a program to implement Queue
5. Write a program to implement Stack.
6. Write a program to implement the various operations on string such as length of string
concatenation, reverse of a string & copy of a string to another
7. Write a program for swapping of two numbers using 'call by value' and 'call by reference
8. Write a program to implement binary search tree.
9. ( Insertion and Deletion in Binary search Tree)
10. Write a program to create a linked list & perform operations such as insert, delete, update, reverse
in the link list
11. Write the program for implementation of a file and performing operations such as (insert, delete,
and update a record in the file.)
12. Create a linked list and perform the following operations on it
13. a) add a node b) Delete a node
14. Write a program to simulate the various searching & sorting algorithms and compare their
timings for a list of 1000 elements
15. Write a program to simulate the various graph traversing algorithms.
16. Write a program which simulates the various tree traversal algorithms.
17. Write a program to implement various Searching Techniques.
18. Write a program to implement Sorting Techniques

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 213 Computer Hardware and Logic Design (Pr) P C

3 1.5

1 Study of TTL gates – AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR.
2 Design & realize given function using K-maps and verify its performance.
3 To verify the operation of multiplexer & Demultiplexer.
4 To verify the truth tables of S-R, J-K, T & D type flip flops.
5 To make comparative study of motherboards; 386, 486, PI, PII, PIII.
6 To observe and study various cables, connections and parts used in
computer communication.
7 To study various cards used in a system viz. display card, LAN card.
8 To remove, study and replace floppy disk drive.
9 To remove, study and replace hard disk.
10 To remove, study and replace CD ROM drive.
11 To observe various cables and connectors used in networking.
12 To study parts of keyboard and mouse.
13 To assemble a PC.

1. Modem Digital Electronics(Edition III) : R.P. Jain TMH
2. Digital Principles and Application: Malvino & Leach; McGraw Hill.
3. Mark Mines Complete PC upgrade & maintenance guide, BPB publications.
4. Craig Zacker & John Rouske, PC Hard ware: The Complete Reference, TMH.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 215 Internet Fundamentals (Pr) P C

3 1.5

PC Software: Application of basics of MS Word 2000, MS Excel 2000, MS Power Point 200O,
MS Access 2000. HTML

1. To prepare the Your Bio Data using MS Word

2. To prepare the list of marks obtained by students in different subjects and show with the help of
char/graph the average, min and max. marks in each subject
3. Prepare a presentation explaining the facilities/infrastructure available in your college/institute.
4. Design Web pages containing information of the Department.

HTML Lists:
1. Create a new document that takes the format of a business letter. Combine <P> and <BR> tags to
properly separate the different parts of the documents Such as the address, greeting, content and
signature. What works best for each.
2. Create a document that uses multiple <BR> and <P> tags, and put returns between<PRE> tags to
add blank lines to your document see if your browser senders them differently.
3. Create a document using the <PRE>tags to work as an invoice or bill of sale, complete with
aligned dollar values and a total. Remember not to use the Tab key and avoid using emphasis tags
like <B> or <EM> within your list.
4. Create a seven-item ordered list using Roman numerals. After the fifth item. increase the next list
value by 5.
5. Beginning with an ordered list, create a list that nests both ffi1 unordered list and a definition list.
6. Use the ALIGN attribute of an <IMG> tags to align another image to the top of the first image..
play with this feature, aligning images to TOP, MIDDLE and BOTTOM.
7. Create a "table of contents' style page (using regular and section links) that loads a different
document for each chapter or section of the document.

1. Instilling internet & external modems. NIC and assign IP address.
2. Study of E-mail system.
3. Create your own mail-id in yahoo and
4. Add names (mail-id's) in your address book, compose and search an element.

1. Complete PC upgrade & maintenance guide. Mark Mines. BPB pub.
2. PC Hardware: the complete reference, Craig Zacker & John Rouske, TMH
3. Upgrading and repairing PCs, Scott Mueller, 1999, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 217E Analog and Digital Communication (Pr) P C

2 1
1. i) To study Double Sideband Amplitude Modulation and determine its modulation factor and power
in sidebands.
ii) To study amplitude demodulation by linear diode detector.
2 i) To study Frequency Modulation and determine its modulation factor.
ii) To study PLL 565 as frequency demodulator.
3. To study Sampling and reconstruction of pulse amplitude modulation system.
4. T study the Sensitivity characteristics of superhetrodyne receiver.
5. To study the selectivity characteristics of superhetrodyne receiver.
6. To study the Fidelity characteristics of superhetrodyne receiver.
7. i) To study pulse Amplitude Modulation
a) Using switching method
b) By sample and hold circuit.
ii) To demodulate the obtained PAM signal by IInd order Low pass filter.
8. To study Pulse Width Modulation/Demodulation.
9. To study Pulse Position Modulation/Demodulation.
10. To study active filters (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch filter).
11. To Study PSK
12. To Study FSK
13. To Study IF Amplifier
14. To Study Balanced Modulator & Demodulator
15. To Study PCM
16. Setting up a Fiber Optic Analog Link
17. Setting up a Fiber Optic Digital Link
18. Losses in Optical Fiber
19. Measurement of Numerical Aperture
20. Time Division multiplexing of signals.

NOTE: At least 10 experiments are to be performed with at least 7 from above list, remaining 3
may either be performed from the above list or designed & set by concerned department as per
the scope

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Schemes of Studies / Examination

(Semester- 4)
Sr. No Course No. Teaching Credit Examination Marks
Schedule s
L T P Internal Theory Practical Total
1 ES 202 Environmental Studies 4 - - - - - - -

2 CO 204 Statistical Modeling and 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100

Queuing Theory
3 CO 206 Computer Architecture 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
4 CO 208 Computer Networks 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
5 CO 210 Object Oriented 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
6 CO 212 Operating Systems 3 1 - 4 60 - 40 100
CO 214 Computer Networks 3 1.5
7 CO 216 Object Oriented - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
Programming (Pr)
8 CO 218 Operating Systems (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
9 CO 220 Seminar - 2 - 2 100 - - 100
Total 19 7 9 26.5 440 240 120 800

Note: Duration of Examination for each subject is 3 Hours

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 204 Statistical Modeling and Queuing Theory L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Probability Models, Sample Space, Events, their algebra, graphical methods of representing events,
Probability Axioms and their applications, Condition probability, Independence of Events, Bayes' Rule
and Bernoulli Trials.

Unit 2
Random variables, and their event spaces, Probability mass function, Distribution functions, some
discrete distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, poisson uniform, Probability Generating Function,
Discrete random vectors, Continuous random variables: some continuous distributions (Gamma, Normal),
Functions of random variables, joint1y distributed random variables. Expectation, Expectation of
functions of more than one random variable, Brief introduction to Conditional pmf: pdf and expectation,
Moments and transforms of some distributions (Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Poisson.
Exponential, Gamma, Normal), Computation of mean time to failure.

Unit 3
Stochastic Processes, Classification of stochastic processes, the Bernoulli process, The Poisson process,
renewal process, renewal model of program behavior.

Unit 4
Markov Chains, Computation of n-step transition probabilities, State classification and limiting
distributions, Distribution of times between state changes, Irreducible finite chains with aperiodic states,
M/G/l queuing system, Discrete parameter Birth-Death processes, Analysis of program execution time.
Continuous parameter Markov Chains, Birth-Death process with special cases, Non-Birth-Death

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. K.S. Trivedi, Probability, Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications,
PHI, 2001.
2. J.F. Hayes, Modeling of Computer Communication Networks, Khanna Publishing, Delhi.
3. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its applications. 2vo1s. Wiley Eastern, 1975., L.
Kleinroek, Queuing Systems, vol.2, John Wiley, 1976.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 206 Computer Architecture L T P C

3 1 - 4
Unit 1
Data representation: Number system, radix and radix-minus-one, complement representation. Fixed point
and Floating point representation, error detecting and correcting codes, Register transfer language and
micro operation, Instruction sets, Instruction formats, Instruction cycles, addressing modes.

Unit 2
ALU Hardware, Processor Organization, micro programmed control unit, algorithms for addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division for fixed and floating point arithmetic operations, instruction
pipelining, RISC v/s CISC, superscalar processors,.

Unit 3
Memory hierarchy, main memory, auxiliary memory, associative memory, cache memory and virtual

Unit 4
I/O Devices, I/O interfaces, asynchronous data transfer, programmed I/O, interrupt-driven I/O, priority
interrupt, DMA, I/O channels and processors.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. J. P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw Hill.
2. Harvey G. Cragon, “Memory Systems and Pipelined Processors”, Narosa Publication.
3. V. Rajaraman & C.S.R. Murthy, “Parallel Computers”, PHI.
4. R. K. Ghose, Rajan Moona & Phalguni Gupta, “Foundation of Parallel Processing”, Narosa
5. Kai Hwang and Zu, “Scalable Parallel Computers Architecture”, McGraw Hill.
6. Stalling W., “Computer Organization & Architecture”, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 208 Computer Networks L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Network Functions, Network Topology, Network Services, switching Approaches, Transmission media
and systems, multiplexing and signaling techniques, Error detection and correction, ISDN and BISDN
OSI Reference Model, Overview of TCP/IP architecture, Socket system calls, SNMP, Electronic Mail.

Unit 2
Protocols, Service Models and End-to-End requirements, ARQ, Sliding window, RTP, HDLC, PPP
protocols, Statistical Multiplexing.
Multiple access communication, Random Access-ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA-CD,
Channelization -: FDMA, TDMA,. CDMA, Channelization in Cellular networks LAN Standards - 802.3,
802.4, 802.5, 802.6, FDDI, 802.11, LAN Bridges.

Unit 3
Packet network topology, Datagrams and Virtual Circuits - Structure of Switch / Router, Connectionless
and Virtual Circuit packet Switching, X.25, Routing Algorithms, ATM Networks, Traffic management
and QoS - FIFO, Priority Queues, Fair Queuing, Congestion Control techniques.
Unit 4
Internet protocols - IP packet, Addressing, Subnet addressing, IP routing, CIDR, ARP, RARP, ICMP,
Reassembly, IPv6, UDP, Transmission Control Protocol - TCP, Reliable stream service, operation,
protocol, DHCP, Mobile IP, Internet Routing protocols, Multicast Routing:

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Leon Garcia and lndra Widjaja: Communication Networks - Fundamental Concepts and Key
Architectures, TMH, 2000.
2. A.S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks, 3/e, PHI, 1997.
3. Forouzan, Coombs and Fegan: Introduction to Data Communications and Networks, TMH, 1999.
William Stallings: Data and Computer Communications 5/e, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 210 Object Oriented Programming L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
C++ Standard Library, Basics of a Typical C++ Environment, Preprocessor Directives, illustrative Simple
C++ Programs. Header Files and Namespaces, library files. Concept of objects, basic of object modeling,
object classes, associations, Object Oriented Analysis & Object Modeling techniques,
Object Oriented Concepts: Introduction to Objects and Object Oriented Programming, Encapsulation
(Information Hiding), Access Modifiers: Controlling access to a class, method, or variable (public,
protected, private, package), Other Modifiers, Polymorphism: Overloading, Inheritance, Overriding,
Abstract Classes, Reusability
Classes and Data Abstraction: Introduction, Structure Definitions, Accessing Members of Structures,
Class Scope and Accessing Class Members, Controlling Access Function And Utility Functions,
Initializing Class Objects: Constructors, Using Default Arguments With Constructors,
Using Destructors, Classes: Const(Constant) Object And Const Member Functions, Object as Member of
Classes, Friend Function and Friend Classes, Using This Pointer, Dynamic Memory Allocation with New
and Delete, Static Class Members, Container Classes And Integrators, Proxy Classes, Function
Unit 2
Operator Overloading: Introduction, Fundamentals of Operator Overloading, Restrictions On Operators
Overloading, Operator Functions as Class Members vs. as Friend Functions, Overloading, «, »
Inheritance: Introduction, Inheritance: Base Classes And Derived Classes, Protected Members, Casting
Base Class Pointers to Derived- Class Pointers, Using Member Functions, Overriding Base -Class
Members in a Derived Class, Public, Protected and Private Inheritance, Using Constructors and
Destructors in derived Classes, Implicit Derived -Class Object To Base- Class Object Conversion,
Composition Vs. Inheritance.
Unit 3
Introduction to Virtual Functions, Abstract ,Base Classes And Concrete Classes, Polymorphism, New
Classes And Dynamic Binding, Virtual Destructors, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding.
Files and I/O Streams: Files and Streams, Creating a Sequential Access File, Reading Data From A
Sequential Access File, Updating Sequential Access Files, Random Access Files, Creating A Random
Access File, Writing Data Randomly To a Random Access File, Reading Data Sequentially from a
Random Access File. Stream Input/Output Classes and Objects, Stream Output, Stream Input,
Unformatted I/O (with read and write), Stream Manipulators, Stream Format States, Stream Error States.
Unit 4
Templates & Exception Handling: Function Templates, Overloading Template Functions, Class
Template, Class Templates and Non-Type Parameters, Templates and Inheritance, Templates and
Templates and Static Members.
Introduction, Basics of C++ Exception Handling: Try Throw, Catch, Throwing an Exception;- Catching
an Exception, Re-throwing an Exception, Exception specifications, Processing Unexpected Exceptions,
Stack Unwinding, Constructors, Destructors and Exception Handling, Exceptions and Inheritance.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

1. C++ How to Program by H M Deitel and P J Deitel, 1998, Prentice Hall
2. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ by Robert Lafore ,1994, The WAITE Group Press.
3. Programming with C++ By D Ravichandran, 2003, T.M.H
4. Object oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy, 2001, Tata McGraw-Hill
5. Computing Concepts with C++ Essentials by Horstmann, 2003, John Wiley,
6. The Complete Reference in C++ By Herbert Schildt, 2002, TMH.
7. C++ Programming Fundamentals by Chuck Easttom, Firewall Media.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 212 Operating Systems L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Introduction: Operating System Classifications, simple monitor, multiprogramming, time sharing, real
time systems, Multiprocessor, Networking & Distributed Systems, and Interrupt based Systems,
Operating system Services, System calls, and system programs.
CPU Scheduling: Basic Scheduling concepts, process overviews, process states, suspend/resume
operations, multitasking and multithreading, schedulers and scheduling algorithms, multiple process

Unit 2
Concurrent Processes: Critical section problem, Semaphores, Classical process coordination Problems
and their solutions, Interprocess Communications
Deadlocks: Deadlocks Characterization, Deadlock prevention avoidance, detection and recovery.

Unit 3
Memory Management: Partition, Paging and Segmentation, Virtual Memory: Overlays demand paging,
performance of demand paging, page-replacement algorithm, and thrashing.

Unit 4
File Systems: File support access methods, allocations methods, contiguous, linked and indexed
allocation, Directory system: single level, tree structures, acyclic graph and general graph directories, file
Device scheduling: Physical characteristics, disk scheduling, and algorithm: FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-
Resource Protection: Mechanism policies and domain of protection Access matrix and its
implementation, dynamic protecting Structures.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Peterson, J.L. & Silbersehatz, A.: Operating System Concepts, Addison, Wesley-Reading. .
2. Brineh, Hansen: Operating System Principles, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Haberman, A.N.: Introduction to Operating System Design Galgotia Publication, New Delhi.
4. Tanenbaum, A.S.: Operating Systems.
5. Hansen, P.B.: Architecture Of Concurrent Programs, PHI.
6. Shaw, A.C.: Logic Design of Operating Systems, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 214 Computer Networks(Pr) P C

3 1.5
List of Practical:
Experimental work based upon the course Computer Networks course (CO 208).

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 216 Object Oriented Programming (Pr) P C


1. Raising a number n to a power p is the same as multiplying n by itself p times. Write a function
called power ( ) that takes a double value for n and an int value for p, and returns the result as
double value Use a default argument of 2 for p. so that if this argument is omitted, the number
will be squared. Write a main ( ) function that gets values from the user to test this function.

2. A point on the two dimensional plane can be represented by two numbers: an X coordinate and a
Y coordinate. For example, (4,5) represents a point 4 units to the right of the origin along the X
axis and 5 units up the Y axis. The sum of two points can be defined as a new point whose X
coordinate is the sum of the X coordinates of the points and whose Y coordinate is the sum of
their Y coordinates .
Write a program that uses a structure called point to model a point Define three points, and have
the user input values to two of them Then set the third point equal to the sum of the other two.
and display the value of the new point Interaction with the program might look like this:
Enter coordinates for PI : 3 4
Enter coordinates for P2: 5 7
Coordinates of PI + P2 are: 8 11

3. Create the equivalent of a four function calculator. The program should request the user to enter a
number, an operator, and another number. It should then carry out the specified arithmetical
operation: adding. subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the two numbers. (It should use a switch
statement to select the operation). Finally it should display the result.
When it finishes the calculation, the program should ask if the user wants to do another
calculation. The response can be 'Y' or 'N'. Some sample interaction with the program might look
like this.
Enter first number. Operator, second number: 10/3
Answer = 3.333333
Do another (YI N)? Y
Enter first number. Operator, second number 12 + 100
Answer = 112
Do another (Y I N)? N

4. Create two classes DM and DB which store the value of distances. DM stores distances in metres
and centimeters and DB in feet and inches. Write a program that can read values for the class
objects and add one object of DM with another object of DB.
Use a friend function to carry out the addition operation. The object that stores the results maybe
DM object or DB object. depending on the units in which the results are required. The display
should be in the format of feet and inches or metres and centimetres depending on object on

5. Create a class rational which represents a numerical value by two double values- NUMERATOR
& DENOMINATOR Include the following public member Functions:
 constructor with no arguments (default).
 constructor with two arguments.
 void reduce( ) that reduces the rational number by eliminating the highest common factor
between the numerator and denominator.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

 Overload + operator to add two rational number

 Overload » operator to enable input through cin
 Overload « operator to enable output through cou1.
 Write a main ( ) to test all the functions in the class.

6. Consider the following class definition

class father {
protected: int age:
father (int x) {age == x:}
virtual void iam ( )
{cout« "1 AM THE FATHER. my age is:"« age« endl:}
Derive the two classes son and daughter from the above class and for each. define iam ( ) to write
our similar but appropriate messages. You should also define suitable constructors for these
classes. Now write a main ( ) that creates objects of the three classes and then calls iam ( ) for
them. Declare pointer to father. Successively, assign addresses of objects of the two derived
classes to this pointer and in each case, call iam ( ) through the pointer to demonstrate
polymorphism in action.

7. Write a program that creates a binary file by reading the data for the students from the
terminal. The data of each student consist of roll no., name ( a string of 30 or lesser no. of
characters) and marks.

8. A hospital wants to create a database regarding its indoor patients. The information to store
Name of the patient
Date of admission
Date of discharge
Create a structure to store the date (year, month and date as its members). Create a base class to
store the above information. The member function should include functions to enter information
and display a list of all the patients in the database. Create a derived class to store the age or the
patients List the information about all the to store the age of the patients. List the information
about an the pediatric patients (less than twelve years in age).

9. Make a class Employee with a name and salary. Make a class Manager inherit from Employee.
Add an instance variable, named department, of type string. Supply a method to toString that
prints the manager's name, department and salary. Make a class Executive inherit from Manager
Supply a method to String that prints the string "Executive" followed by the information stored in
the Manager superclass object. Supply a test program that tests these classes and methods.
10. Imagine a tollbooth with a class called toll Booth. The two data items of a type unsigned int to
hold the total number of cars, and a type double to hold the total amount of money collected. A
constructor initializes both these to 0. A member function called payingCar ( ) increments the car
total and adds 0.50 to the cash total. Another function, called nopayCar ( ). increments the car
total but adds nothing to the cash total. Finally, a member function called displays the two totals.

Note: Other than these problems a set of 5 to 10 problems will be set by the concerned faculty of the

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 218 Operating Systems (Pr) P C

3 1.5

1. Study of H/W & S/W requirement of different operating system.

2. Implementation of contiguous, linked and indirect allocation strategies assuming randomly
generated free space list.
3. Implementation of worst, best & first fit for contiguous allocation assuming randomly generated
free space list.
4. Implementation of Compaction for the continually changing memory layout & calculate total
movement of data.
5. Calculation of external & Internal fragmentation for different program & for different page size.
6. Implementation of resource allocation graph.
7. Implementation of Banker's algorithm.
8. Conversion of resource allocation graph to wait for graph.
9. Implementation of Bernstein's condition for concurrency.
10. Implementation of Fork & Join Construct.
11. Implementation of "Semaphore" for concurrency.
12. Study of system calls and various OS management services in Unix/Linux OS and their

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 220 Seminar T C
2 2

Concern Teachers/Experts in the selected area must be identified by the students for approval of
the topic. Students are required to submit Three copy of bound report of the seminar One week
before the presentation to office of Head/Concerned faculty (examiner) appointed by the Head.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)

Scheme of Courses/examination
(5th Semester)

Sr. Course Subject Teaching Credits Examination Marks

No No. Schedule

L T P Internal Theory Practical Total

1. CO 301 Automata Theory 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
2. CO 303 Analysis and Design of 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
3. CO 305 Database Management 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
4. CO 307 Microprocessor and 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
5. CO 309 Wireless and Mobile 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
6. CO 311 Java Programming 3 1 - 4
7. CO 313 Analysis and Design of - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
Algorithms (Pr)
8. CO 315 Database Management - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
Systems (Pr)
9. CO 317 Java Programming (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
10. CO 319 Seminar - 2 - 1 100 - - 100
11. CO 321 Industrial Training - - - 4 100 - - 100
Total 18 8 9 33.5 580 300 120 1000

Note: Duration of Examination for each subject is 3 Hours

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 301 Automata Theory L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Finite Automata and Regular Expression: Finite State System, Basic Definition Non-Deterministic finite
Automata (NDFA), Deterministic finite Automata (DFA), Equivalence of DFA and NDFA Finite
Automata with E-moves, Regular expression, Equivalence of finite Automata and expression, Regular
expression conversion and vice-versa.

Unit 2
Introduction to Machines: Concept of basic machines, Properties and limitations of FSM, Moore and
Mealy Machines, Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machines, Conversion of NFA and DFA by Arden’s
Properties of Regular sets: The Pumping Lemma for regular sets, Application of the pumping Lemma,
Closure Properties of regular sets, Myhill-Nerode Theorem and minimization of Finite Automata,
Minimization Algorithm.

Unit 3
Grammars: Definition, Context free and Context sensitive Grammar, Ambiguity
regular grammar, Reduced forms, Removal of useless symbols and unit production,
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Griebach Normal Form (GNF).
Pushdown Automata: Introduction to psh-down machines, Application of push down

Unit 4
Turing Machines, Deterministic and No-Deterministic Turing Machines, Design of T.M, Halting Problem
of T.M., PCP problem.
Chomsky Hierarchy: Chomsky hierarchies of grammars, unrestricted grammar, Context sensitive
Language, Relation between languages of classes.
Computability: Basic Concepts, Primitive Recursive functions.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. R. B. Patel, & Prem Nath, Theory of Automata and Formal Languages, Umesh Publication, New
Delhi, 1st Edition 2005, ISBN-81-88114-53-7, pp. 1-496.
2. John C. Martin: Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, MGH.
3. Lewis & Papadimitriou: Elements of the Theory of Computation, PHI.
4. Daniel I.A. Cohen: Introduction to Computer Theory: John Wiley.
5. J.E. Hopcroft and J..D. Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and Computation,
6. Introduction to Automata Theory,languages & computations –Hopcroaft & O.D.Ullman,R.Motwani.
7. Theory of Computer Sc. (Automata, Language & Computation):K.L.P.Mishra & N.Chandershekaran.
8. Introduction to formal language & Automata – Peter Linz.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 303 Analysis and Design of Algorithms L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Review of elementary data structures, analyzing algorithms, asymptotic notation, recurrence relations,
Hash tables, Binary search trees.

Sorting and Order Statistics

Heapsort, Priority queues, Quicksort, Sorting in linear time, medians and order statistics, dynamic order

Unit 2
Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques
Dynamic programming - Elements, Matrix-chain multiplication, longest common subsequence, optimal
polygon triangulation. Greedy algorithms Elements, activity-selection problem, Huffman codes, task
scheduling problem.
Advanced Data Structures
Operations in B- Trees, Binomial heaps, Fibonacci heaps, data structures for disjoint sets, strings.

Unit 3
Graph Algorithms
Review of graph algorithms, topological sort, strongly connected components, minimum spanning trees -
Kruskal and Prim's, Single source shortest paths, relaxation, Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford
algorithm, single source shortest paths for directed acyclic graphs, difference constraints and shortest
paths, All pairs shortest paths - shortest paths and matrix multiplication, Floyd-Warshall algorithm,
Johnson's algorithm.

Unit 4
Flow and Sorting Networks
Flow networks, Ford-Fulkerson method, Maximum bipartite matching, Sorting Networks, Comparison
network, The zero-one principle, Bitonic sorting network, merging network.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, 2/e, PHI.
2. Horowitz, Ellis and Sahni, Sartaj; Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia Publications.
3. Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison Wesley.
4. R. B. Patel, Expert Data Structures With C, Khanna Publications, Delhi, India, 2 nd Edition 2004,
ISBN 81-87325-07-0, pp. 1-909.
5. R. B. Patel & M.M.S. Rauthan, Expert Data Structures With C++, Khanna Publications, Delhi,
India, 2nd Edition 2004, ISBN: 87522-03-8, pp. 1-752.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 305 Database Management Systems L T P C

3 1 -

Unit 1:
Introduction Overview of Database Management System, Various views of data, data models, Schemes,
Introduction to Database Languages & Environments, Advantages of DBMS over file processing
systems, Responsibility of database administrator, Three levels architecture of database systems,
Introduction to Client/Server architecture.
Data Models: E-R diagram(Entity Relationship), mapping constraints, keys, Reduction of E-R diagram
into tables, Naming secondary storage devices, Network and Hierarchical Model.

Unit 2
File Organization: Sequential Files, Index sequential files, direct files, Hashing, B-trees index files,
Inverted Lists.
Relational Model, Relational Algebra & various operations (set operations, select, project, join, division),
Order, Relational calculus: Domain, Tuple. Well formed formula, specification, quantifiers.

Unit 3
Introduction to Query Languages: QBE, integrity constraints, functional dependencies & normalization
(Normal forms – upto 5th Normal Form).

Unit 4
Introduction to Distributed Data processing, Object Oriented Database Management systems, parallel
databases, Data mining & data warehousing, Concurrency control: Transaction, Timestamping, Lock
based Protocols, serializability and recovery techniques.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Database System Concepts by A. Siberschatz, H. F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, 3 rd edition, 1997,
McGraw-Hill, International Edition.
2. Introduction to Database Management system by Bipin desai, 1991, Galgotia Pub.
3. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R. Elmarsi and S. B. Navathe, 3 rd edition, 2000, Addision-
Wesley, Low Priced edition.
4. An Introduction to Database Systems by C. J. Date, 7 th edition, Addision-Wesley, Low Priced
Edition, 2000
5. Database Managemnet and Design by G.W. Hansen and J. V. Hansen, 2 nd edition, 1999, Prentice-
Hall of India, Eastern Economy Edition.
6. Database Management systems by A. K. Majumdar and P. Bhattacharyya, 5 th edition, 1999, Tata
McGraw- Hill Publishing.
7. A guide to SQL Standard, Date, C. and Darwen, H. 3 rd edition, Reading, MA: 1994, Addision-
8. Data Management & file Structure by Looms, 1989, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 307 Microprocessors & Interfacing L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
THE 8085 PROCESSOR: Introduction to microprocessor, 8085 microprocessor: Architecture, instruction
set, interrupt structure, and assembly language programming.

MEMORY INTERFACING: Semiconductor memory and its types- Static and dynamic RAM, ROM,
EPROM, EEROM and NOVRAM-Interfacing memory- Interfacing SRAM, DRAM, EPROM etc. Timing
of RAM and ROM signals.

Unit 2
THE 8086 MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE : Architecture, block diagram of 8086, details of
sub-blocks such as EU, BIU; memory segmentation and physical address computations, program
relocation, addressing modes, instruction formats, pin diagram and description of various signals.

INSTRUCTION SET OF 8086 : Instruction execution timing, assembler instruction format, data transfer
instructions, arithmetic instructions, branch instructions, looping instructions, Nap and HL T instructions,
flag manipulation instructions, logical instructions, shift and rotate instructions, directives and operators,
programming examples.

Unit 3
INTERFACING DEVICE: The 8255 PPI chip: Architecture, control words, modes and examples,
Interfacing D/A and AID converters

Unit 4
DMA : Introduction to DMA process, 8237 DMA controller,

INTERRUPT AND TIMER: 8259 Programmable interrupt controller, Programmable interval timer chips.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications with 8085 : Ramesh S Gaonkar; Wiley
Eastern Ltd.
2. The Intel Microprocessors 8086- Pentium processor: Brey; PHI
3. Microprocessors and interfacing: Hall; TMH
4. The 8088 & 8086 Microprocessors-Programming, interfacing, Hardware & Applications: Triebel &
Singh; PHI
5. Microcomputer systems: the 8086/8088 Family: architecture, Programming & Design: Yu-Chang Liu
& Glenn A Gibson; PHI.
6. Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing: Badri Ram; TMH

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 309 Wireless and Mobile Communication L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Radio Propagation Characteristics, Models for Path loss, Shadowing & Multipath fading-delay spread,
Coherence bandwidth, Coherence Time, Doppler Spread Jake’s Channel model.

Unit 2
Digital Modulation for Mobile radio, Analysis under fading channel, diversity techniques and Rake
demodulator. Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communication Multiple Access Techniques used in
Mobile Wireless Communications: FDMA/TDMA/CDMA.

Unit 3
The Cellular concept, Frequency Reuse basic theory of hexagonal cell layout, spectrum efficiency,
FDM/TDM, Cellular System, channel allocation schemes, Handover Analysis, cellular CDMA, Soft
capacity, Erlang capacity comparison.

Unit 4
Wireless standards-GSM, IS-95, UMTS-IMT-2000, Signaling, Call Control, Mobility Management and
location Tracing.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Theodore S.Reppeport, Wireless Communications Principles and Practice, IEEE Press, Prentice
2. William C.Y.Lec, Mobile Cellular Telecommunications, Analog and Digital Systems, Mc-Graw
Hill Inc.
3. Kamilo Feher, Wireless Digital Communications, Modernization & Spread Spectrum
Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Kaveh Pahlavan and Allen H. Levesque “ Wireless Information Networks”, Wiley Series, John
Wiley and Sons Inc.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 311 Java Programming L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction to Java: Importance and features of Java, Concepts of Java Virtual machine (JVM),
Keywords, Constants, Variables and data types, operators and expressions, Control statements,
Conditional statements, loops and iterations. Class definition, adding variables and methods, creating
objects, constructors, defining methods, calling methods, method overloading. Creating an array, one and
two dimensional array, string array and methods String and String Buffer classes, Wrapper classes.
Inheritance: Basic types, super classes, Multilevel hierarchy abstract and final classes, object class,
Packages and interfaces, Access protection, extending Interfaces, Exception handling, Fundamental
exception types, uncaught exception, throw, throws, final methods, creating own exceptions.

Unit 2
Multithreaded programming: Review of fundamentals, Java thread model, synchronization, messaging,
thread class, Run able interface, interthread communication, Monitors, Deadlock, Producer/ Consumer
problems, Wait() and notify(), Performance issues.
Input/Output: Basics, Streams, Byte and Character Streams, predefined streams, reading and writing from
console and files, using Java packages.

Unit 3
Networking in Java: Networking fundamentals, Client/server model, Internet addresses, Sockets,
networking classes and interfaces, using package, TCP/IP and data gram programming, HTTP
protocol and URLs
Event Handling: Different mechanism, the delegation event model, classes, Event Listener Interfaces,
Adapter and Inner classes, Working with windows, graphics and text, using AWT controls, Layout
managers and menus, handling Image, animation, sound and video Java Applet

Unit 4
Programming Graphical System: Reading and writing images, Image manipulation, Printing graphics,
Print Services, Stream print service, Classes and interfaces for Data transfer, Building transferable image
transferring java objects via system clipboard.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Core Java Volume-I and II 2nd edition-Sun MicroSystem
2. “Java –2 The Complete Reference” Patrick Naughton and Herbertz Schidt, second Edition
3. “Programming with Java” E. Balaguruswamy, Second edition, TMH
4. “HTML 4 Unleashed” Rick Dranell, Second edition, Tech media publication

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 313 Analysis and Design of Algorithms (Pr) P C


1. Implement the minimum cost spanning tree algorithm.

2. Implement the shortest path algorithm.
3. Implement the algorithm to compute roots of optimal subtrees.
4. An Euler circuit for an undirected graph is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex and uses
each edge exactly once. A connected undirected graph G has an Euler circuit. If and only if every
vertex is of even degree. Give an algorithm and implement to find the Euler Circuit in a graph with e
edges provided one exists. .
5. Give an algorithm to determine whether a directed graph with positive and negative cost edges has
negative cost cycle.
6. Write an algorithm in which given an n x n matrix M of positive integers is given and that finds a
sequence of adjacent entries starting from M[n,l] and ending at M[I,n] such that the sum of the
absolute values of differences between adjacent entries is minimized. Two entries M[ij] and
M[k,l] are adjacent if .
(a) i- K+ - 1 and j -1, or
(b) I= k and j = 1+ _1 .
For example in the following figure Sequence, 7,5,8,7,9,6,12 is a solution.

1 9 6 12
8 7 3 5
5 9 11 4
7 3 2 6

Matrix of Positive Integers.

7. Write a complete LC branch and bound algorithm for the job sequencing with deadlines problem.
Use the fixed tuple size formulation.
8. Write a LC branch and bound algorithm for the knapsack problem using the fixed tuple size
formulation. .
9. The postfix representation of an infix arithmetic expression LDR is defined recursively to the postfix
representation of L followed by the postfix representation of R followed by 0. L and R are
respectively the left and right periods of 0. Consider some examples:
Infix Postfix.
(i) a + b ab +
(ii)(a+B) *C ab + *
(iii) (a-b)/(e*d) ab-ed*/
(a) Write an algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression E. Assume E is presented as a string and that
there exists an algorithm NEXT-TOKEN(E) that returns the next token (i.e., operator or operand) in
E. When all tokens in E have been extracted, NEXT-TOKEN(E) returns. Assume that the only
operators in E are binary +, -, * and /. (Hint: Make a left to right scan off using a stack to store
operands and results. When even an operator is run in E, the top two operands on the stack are its
right and left operands).
10. Write an algorithm to obtain the postfix form of an infix expression E. Again assume E has only the
binary operators +, -,x,and /. (Hint: Make a left to right scan of E using a stack to store operators
until both the left and right operands of an operator have been output in postfix form). Note that E
may contain parenthesis.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 315 Database Management Systems (Pr) P C

1. Create a database and write the programs to carry out the following operation:
 Add a record in the database
 Delete a record in the database
 Modify the record in the database
 Generate queries
 Data operations
 List all the records of database in ascending order.

2. Create a view to display details of employees working on more than one project
3. Create a view to display details of employees not working on any project.
4. Create a view to display employees name and projects name for employees working on projects
<P1 and P3> or <P2 and P4>.
5. Using two tables create a view which shall perfom1 EQUIJOIN.
6. Write trigger for before and after insertion. Detection and updation process.
7. Write a procedure to give incentive to employees working on all projects. If no such employee
found give app. message.
8. Write a procedure for computing amount telephone bill on the basic of following conditions.

Usage of S/w:

1. VB. ORACLE and/or DB2


B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 317 Java Programming(Pr) P C

3 1.5
List of Practical:
Experimental work based upon the course Java Programming course (CO 311).

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 319 Seminar T C
2 2

Concern Teachers/Experts in the selected area must be identified by the students for approval of
the topic. Students are required to submit Three copy of bound report of the seminar One week
before the presentation to office of Head/Concerned faculty (examiner) appointed by the Head.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 321 Industrial Training T C

- 4

Students of the department will go for industrial training just after completion of the 4 th semester
duration of training will be 4-6 week period. Students are free to take training in their the desired
area. But must choose technical area for the training. At the end of the training students are
required to submit One bounded report of the training work performed at their work of place
within one Week of completion of the training to the department.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)

Scheme of Courses/examination
(6th Semester)

Sr. Course Subject Teaching Credit Examination Marks

No No. Schedule s
L T P Internal Theory Practi Total
1 Hu 302 Business Management 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
2 CO 304 Compiler Design 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
3 CO 306 Web Engineering 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
4 CO 308 Software Engineering 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
5 CO 310 Network Programming 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
6 CO 312 Web Engineering (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
7 CO 314 Compiler Design (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
8 CO 316 Software Engineering (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
9 CO 318 Network Programming (Pr) - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
10 CO 320 Seminar - 2 - 2 100 - - 100
Total 15 7 12 28 540 300 160 1000

Note: Duration of Examination for each subject is 3 Hours

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Hu 302 Business Management L T P C

3 1 -

Unit 1
Business Environment: Business concept, nature and objective, Social responsibility of Business
Environment: Meaning of Environment, Constituents of business environment, Economic, social,
political, legal and technological environment.

General Management: Definition, Nature and significance, Henry Fayol’s Principle of Management,
Human Relations Approach, Functions of management (i) Planning (ii) Organization (iii) Starting (iv)
Directing and (v) Controlling

Unit 2
Introduction of financial management, Objectives of financial decisions, status and duties of financial
Executives, Financial Planning tools of financial planning, Management of working capital, Factors
affecting requirements of working capital, Capital structure decision, Features of appropriate capital
structure, Sources of finance.

Unit 3
Personnel management- Meaning, nature and importance. Functions of Personnel Management (a)
Managerial Functions and (b) Operative functions. Job analysis- Meaning and importance. Process of job
analysis, Job Description and Job specification. Human Resource Development- Meaning and concept.

Unit 4
Production Management- Definition and Objectives.
Plant Location: Ideal Plant Location, Factors affecting Plant Location.
Plant Layout: Ideal Plant Layout, Factors affecting Plant Layout
Work Measurement: Meaning, Objectives and Essentials of work Measurement
Production Control: Meaning and importance of production control and steps involved in production

Marketing Management: Nature, Scope and importance of marketing management. Modern marketing
concepts, Role of marketing in economic development. Marketing information system, Meaning nature
and scope of International Marketing.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 304 Compiler Design L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Assemblers, linkers, loaders, compilers and translators, the structure of a compiler, different states in the
construction of a compiler, Design of lexical analyzer, Basic Parsing Techniques, Parsers, shift-reduce
parsing, operator- precedence parsing, top-down parsing predictive parsers, L.R. Parsers, the canonical
collection of L R (O) items, construction of SLR parsing tables, construction canonical L.R. Parsing
tables, Constructing LALR parsing tables implementation of L R Parsing tables.

Unit 2
Syntax-Directed Translation: Syntax-directed translation schemes, implementation of syntax directed
translators, intermediate code, postfix notation, parse trees and syntax trees, three address code,
quadruples, and triples, translation of assignment statements. Boolean expressions, control statements.
Symbol labels
The contents of a symbol table data structures for symbol tables representing scope information.

Unit 3
Run Time Storage Administration: Implementation of a simple stack allocation scheme, implementation
of block structured languages, storage allocation in block structured languages.
Error Detection And Recovery: Error, Lexical-phase errors, syntactic-phase errors, semantic errors.

Unit 4
Code Optimization: The principle sources of optimization, loop optimization, the DAG representation of
basic blocks, value number and algebraic laws, global dataflow analysis.
Code Generation: Object programs, problems in code generation, a machine model, a single code
generator, register allocation and assignment, code generation from DAGs, peephole optimization.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Aho A.V. and Ullaman J.D. Principles of Compiler Design, Addison Wesley
2. Donovan, J, System Programming , TMH
3. D.M. Dhamdhere: Compiler construction- Principles and Practice Mc Milan India
4. David Grics: Compiler Construction for digital computer

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 306 Web Engineering L T P C

3 1 -
Unit 1
Information Architecture: The role of Information Architect, Collaboration and communication,
Organizing information, organizational challenges, Organizing web sites and Intranets, Creating cohesive
organization systems, designing navigation systems, types of navigation systems, Integrated navigation
elements, designing elegant navigation systems, Searching systems, Searching your web site, designing
the search interface, Indexing the right stuff, To search or not to search grouping content, conceptual
design, High level Architecture Blueprint. Architectural Page Mockups, Design Sketches.

Unit 2
HTML: HTML Basic concepts, Good web design, Images and Anchors, Style sheets, positioning with
style sheets. Basic Interactivity and HTML: FORMS, form control, new and emerging form elements.

XML : Relationship between HTML, SGML and XML, Basic XML, Valid documents, ways to use
XML, XML for data files, embedding XML into HTML documents. Converting XML to HTML for
Display, Displaying XML using CSS and XSL, rewriting HTML as XML, the future of XML.

Unit 3
CGI Using PERL: Introduction to CGI, Alternative technologies, The Hypertext Transport protocol,
URLs, HTTP, Browser requests, Server Responses, Proxies, Content Negotiation, The common Gateway
Interface, The CGI Environment, Environment variables, CGI Output, forms and CGI, Sending Data to
the server, form Tags, Decoding from input, Architectural Guidelines, Coding Guidelines, Efficiency and

Unit 4
Introduction, A simple ASP.NET application, Writing ASP.Net Code, ASP.Net Objects, Introduction to
forms: web forms, user controls , custom controls, creating controls at runtime. Validity ASP.Net Pages:
using validations controls, Customizing validation
Databases: Creating Databases, SQL statements, Using Datasets, Data binding, Data binding Controls.
Files: Reading and writing files using ASP.Net

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Thomas A Powell, HTML The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. SCSEt Guelich, Shishir Gundavaram, Gunther Birzneik; CGI Programming with PERL 2/e, O’
3. Doug Tidwell, James Snell, Pavel Kulchenko; Programming web services with SOAP, O’ Reilly
4. Pardi, XML in Action, Web Technology, PHI
5. Yong, XML step by step, PHI
6. Aaron, Weiss, Rebecca Taply, Kim Daniels, Stuven Mulder, Jeff Kaneshki, Web Authoring Desk
reference, Techmedia publications, ASP.Net Chris payme, Techmedia

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 308 Software Engineering L T P C

3 1 - 4
Unit 1
Software and Software engineering- Software characteristics, software crisis, software engineering

Planning a software project-software cost estimation , project scheduling, personal planning, team

Software configuration management, quality assurance, project monitoring, risk management.

Unit 2
Software requirement analysis- structured analysis, object oriented analysis and data modeling, software
requirement specification, validation.

Design and implementation of software – software design fundamentals, design methodology (structured
design and object oriented design), design verification, monitoring and control coding.

Unit 3

Testing – Testing fundamentals, white box and black box testing software testing software testing
strategies: unit testing, integration testing, validation testing , system testing, debugging.

Unit 4
Software reliability- metric and specification, fault avoidance and tolerance, exception handling,
defensive programming.

Software Maintenance – maintenance characteristics, maintainability, maintenance tasks, maintenance

side effects.

CASE tools.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Pressman S.Roger, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Jalote Pankaj, An integrated approach to software engineering ,Narosa Publishing House
3. Sommerville lan, Software Engineering, 5th ed., Addison Wesley-2000
4. Fairley Richard, Software, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata Mcgraw-Hill

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 310 Network Programming L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Socket Programming: Creating sockets, Posix data type, Socket addresses, Assigning address to a socket,
Java socket programming, Thread programming, Berkeley Sockets: Overview, socket address structures,
byte manipulation & address conversion functions, elementary socket system calls – socket, connect,
bind, listen, accept, fork, exec, close, TCP ports (ephemeral, reserved), Berkeley Sockets: I/O
asynchronous & multiplexing models, select & poll functions, signal & fcntl functions, socket
implementation (client & server programs), UNIX domain protocols.

Unit 2
APIs & Winsock Programming: Windows socket API, window socket & blocking I/O model, blocking
sockets, blocking functions, timeouts for blocking I/O, API overview, Different APIs & their
programming technique, DLL & new API’s, DLL issues, Java Beans.

Unit 3
Web Programming & Security: Java network programming, packages, RMI, Overview of Javascript,
WAP architecture & WAP services, Web databases, Component technology, CORBA concept, CORBA
architecture, CGI programming, Firewall & security technique, Cryptography, Digital Signature.

Unit 4
Client Server Programming: Client side programming: Creating sockets, Implementing generic network
client, Parsing data using string Tokenizer, Retrieving file from an HTTP server, Retrieving web
documents by using the URL class. Server side programming: Steps for creating server, Accepting
connection from browsers, creating an HTTP server, Adding multithreading to an HTTP server.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Steven.W.R: UNIX Network Programming, PHI (VOL I& II)
2. Window Socket Programming by Bobb Quinn and Dave Schutes
3. Davis.R.: Windows Network Programming, Addison Wesley
5. NETWORK PROGRAMMING With Windows Socket By Baner .P., PH New Jersey

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 312 Compiler Design(Pr) P C

3 1.5
List of Practical:
Experimental work based upon the course Compiler Design (CO 304).

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 314 Web Engineering (Pr) P C

3 1.5

1. Chalk out the storyboard and design of Diary Food Limited. As the name reflects your site diary
products and aims at opening an online store. Your storyboard should cover all the features that
you plan to have on the site.
2. Create your own page with your favorite hobbies.
3. Create a Menu or a table of content web page. Each menu item or section of the table of content
should load a different web page. For example, if the user clicks on menu one or section I then
the link should take him to respective menu html or section and so on.
4. Create a web site for your college.
5. Create a frameset that is divided into three sections. The frameset should have three zones.
 The Topmost section of the frameset should take up about just 15% of the browser
window. Name this frame title.
 The middle section should be 70% of the browser window. Name this frame title.
 The lower section should be 15% of the browser window. Name this frame menu. Create
pages for each section. For the lowermost section, create page that loads the content into
the middle section. The topmost section should contain a page describing the web page
6. Create a web page, which displays the map of your country Link, each city /state on the image
map, such that the respective HTML page of the city/state is displayed when the user selects an
7. Add the tickertape applet to your page by customizing it for the following settings:
 Increase the count by one.
 Accordingly update the message count.
 Change the text color to (237,192,171)
 Experiment with changing the scrolling speed.
 Customize the message text as per your page requirement.
8. Incorporate a quest book into the Diary Food Webpage and use Java Script to build validations
into the form.
9. Use Style sheet to modify the following:
 Change background to modify the following.
 Change font type, face and color.
 Align Text.
 Remove underlines from hyperlinks.
10. Use Microsoft’s Personal Web Server to set up your Website.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 316 Software Engineering (Pr) P C

3 1.5
1. (i) Implement Receipt Acknowledgement and updation of Inventory (RAUP)
a) Find unadjusted Functional points (UFP)
b) Calculate FPC by Mark II Method
(ii) To estimate effort and schedule
Calculate the compression factor and the manpower required based on given information
of software.
2. Suggest an action plan for the following risks without compromising the project, process or product
a) Language skills inadequate in two person in a team of five.
b) Specially ordered hardware and software likely to be delivered three months late.
c) Customer and end user not convinced on new technology implementation as a correct choice.
d) Software required interface with other technologies on which the project team has no
3. Implement a Testing strategy for the following software development cases:
(a) Rule based deterministic closed large but simple payroll system for a company.
(b) Development of a customer relation management system for a retail distribution chain. The retail
organization is not sure about the scope, and failure feature.
(c) Modification to existing order processing system for a multi-location multi-product company.
4. Build a work breakdown structure for the following
a) Delivery of the software, initiation to development covering lifecycle.
b) Development of prototype
c) Development of a process for a function
5. In a hospital management system develop the following diagrams for a Ward Service Management
System (SMW).
(a) Work Flow
(b) System Flow
(c) DFD
Develop on effective modular design of SMW using these diagrams.
6. Draw three level DFD’s for CLPS. Modularize the CLPS and structure them top-down as functional
7. Conduct a task analysis for the following users:
(a) officer at railway ticket reservation window
(b) officer at insurance claim settlement desk
(c) clerk at call center, answering queries of customers who have purchased cars from the company.
8. Based on the business model of DEL develop a modular structure for a business system model. Draw
a complete system flowchart.

1. W. S. Jawadekar, Software Engineering Principle and Approaches, TMH, 2004.
2. Pressman S.Roger, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Jalote Pankaj, An integrated approach to software engineering ,Narosa Publishing House
4. Sommerville lan, Software Engineering, 5th ed., Addison Wesley-2000
5. Fairley Richard, Software, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata Mcgraw-Hill

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 318 Network Programming (Pr.) P C

3 1.5

1. Learn Basics of Java language and its development tools/libraries.

2. Generate an editor screen containing menus, dialog boxes etc. using Java.
3. Create an applet with a text field and three buttons. When you press each button, make some different
text appear in the text field. Add a check box to the applet created, capture the event, and insert
different text into the text field.
4. Create an applet with a button and a text field. Write a handleEvent() so that if the button has the
focus, characters typed into it will appear in the text field.
5. Create your own Java Bean called Valve that contains two properties: a Boolean called “on” and an
integer called “level”. Create a manifest file, use jar to package your Bean then load it into the
beanbox or into your own Beans-enabled program builder tool e.g., BDK so that you can test it.
6. Develop a servlet that gets invoked when a form on a Web page in HTML is submitted. Create a
Cookie object and enter/ display value for that cookie.
7. Using Java develop a front end for a contact management program using a flat-file database
containing names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc. You should be able to easily
add new names to the database. When typing in the name to be looked up, use automatic name
completion. The database may be distributed or centralized.
8. Java Networking- Java Sockets and RMI.
9. Programming under development tool

1. Core Java Volume I and II from Sun Micro Systems.
2. Huges, Java Networking, Hut Publication, Pune
3. Java 2: The Complete Reference 4/e; Herbert Schildt, TMH, Delhi.
4. Java Beans Programming from the Ground Up: Joseph O’Neil, TMH, Delhi Java Servlets:
Application Development; Karl Moss, TMH, Delhi.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 320 Seminar T C
2 2

Concern Teachers/Experts in the selected area must be identified by the students for approval of
the topic. Students are required to submit Three copy of bound report of the seminar One week
before the presentation to office of Head/Concerned faculty (examiner) appointed by the Head.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)

Schemes of Studies / Examination
(Semester- 7th)
S.N Course Subject Teaching Credi Examination Marks
o No. Schedule ts
L T P Internal Theor Prac T
y tical
1 CO 401 Mobile Computing 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
2 CO 403 Network Security 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
3 CO 413 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
4 CO 415 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
5 CO 417 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
6 CO 405 Mobile Computing - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
7 CO 413 Departmental - - 3 1.5 60 - 40 100
Elective-I (Pr)
8 CO 407 Minor Project - - 6 3 60 - 40 100
9 CO 409 Seminar - 2 - 2 100 - - 100
10 CO 411 Industrial Training - - - 4 100 - - 100
Total 15 7 12 32 580 300 120 1000

Note: Duration of Examination for each subject is 3 Hour

CO 413 Departmental Elective I

CO 413 (A) High performance Computing
CO 413 (B) Cluster Computing
C S413 (C) Parallel Algorithms
CO 413 (D) Parallel Computing
CO 413 (E) Distributed Computing

CO 415 Departmental Elective II

CO 415 (A) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
CO 415 (B) Robotics Control
CO 415 (C) Neural Networks
CO 415 (D) Expert Systems
CO 415 (E) Bio Informatics
CO 415 (F) Natural Language Processing (NLP)
CO 415 (G) Fuzzy System

CO 417 Departmental Elective III

CO 417 (A) Embedded Systems
CO 417 (B) Image Processing
CO 417 (C) Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
CO 417 (D) VLSI Design

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 401 Mobile Computing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Issues in Mobile Computing, Overview of wireless Telephony, IEEE 802.11 & Blue Tooth, Wireless
Multiple access protocols, channel Allocation in cellular systems.
Data Management Issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive Clustering for Mobile Wireless

Unit 2
Distributed location Management, pointer forwarding strategies, Energy Efficient Indexing on air, Energy
Indexing for wireless broadcast data, Mobile IP, TCP Over wireless.
Unit 3
Mobile Agents Computing, Security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in Mobile computing

Unit 4
Ad hoc network, Routing Protocol, Global State Routing (GSR), Dynamic State Routing (DSR), Fisheye
State Routing (FSR), Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Destination Sequenced Distance –
Vector Routing (DSDV).

 Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley.
2. A. Mehrotra , GSM System Engineering.
3. M. V. D. Heijden, M. Taylor, Understanding WAP, Artech House.
4. Charles Perkins, Mobile IP, Addison Wesley.
5. Charles Perkins, Ad hoc Networks, Addison Wesley.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 403 Network Security L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit I
Attacks, Services, Mechanisms, Security Attacks, Security Services, Model for Network Security
Conventional Encryption and Message Confidentiality .

Conventional Encryption Principles, Conventional Encryption Algorithms, Location of Encryption

Devices, Key Distribution

Unit 2
Public Key Cryptography and Message Authentication.

Approaches to Message Authentication, SHA-1, MD5, Public-Key Cryptography Principles, RSA, Digital
Signatures, Key Management Network Security Applications.

Unit 3
Kerberos Motivation, Kerberos Version 4, PGP Notation, PGP Operational Description IP Security

IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header Web Security

Web Security Threats, Web Traffic Security Approaches, Overview of Secure Socket Layer and
Transport Layer Security, Overview of Secure Electronic Transaction Intruders and Viruses

Unit 4
Intruders, Intrusion Techniques, Password Protection, Password Selection Strategies, Intrusion Detection,
Malicious Programs, Nature of Viruses, Types of Viruses, Macro Viruses, Antivirus Approaches
Firewall Characteristics, Types of Firewalls, Firewall Configuration

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. “Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards” by William Stallings, Pearson
2. “Network Security private communication in a public world”, C. Kaufman, R. Perlman and M.
Speciner, Pearson
3. “Cryptography and Network Security”, William Stallings, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Asia
4. “Designing Network Security”, Merike Kaeo, 2nd Edition, Pearson Books
5. “Building Internet Firewalls”, Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman, 2 nd Edition,
6. “Practical Unix & Internet Security”, Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford, Alan Schwartz, 3rd Edition,

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 405 Mobile Computing (Pr) P C

1. Design a prototype that implements the Cache management for a mobile computing

2. Design a System: The challenges of developing high performance, high reliability, and high
quality software systems are too much for ad hoc and informal engineering techniques that might
have worked in the past on less demanding systems. New techniques for managing these growing
complexities are required to meet today's time-to-market, productivity and quality demands.

3. Peer-to-peer communication system: As computers become more pervasive and homes become
better connected, a new generation of applications will be deployed over the Internet. In this
model, peer-to-peer applications become very attractive because they improve scalability and
enhance performance by enabling direct and real-time communication among the peers. We need
to propose a decentralized management system that manages the peer-to-peer applications and the
system resources in an integrated way; monitors the behavior of the peer-to-peer applications
transparently and obtains accurate resource projections, manages the connections between the
peers and distributes the objects in response to the user requests and changing processing and
networking conditions.

4. Write programs that implement the few sorting algorithms (bubble, selection, etc) for n data. It
stops the operation when the counter for sorting index is at 100, 1000, 10000 and so on, stores the
contents of the registers, program counter and partially sorted list of data, etc. It resumes the
operation after 30 sec from the point of the termination.

5. Write a program that implements the bubble sort for n data. It stops the operation when the
counter for sorting index is at 100, 1000, 10000, and so on, stores the contents of the registers,
program counter and partially sorted list of data, etc. It transfers the code and data across the
network on the new destination and resumes the operation from the point of termination on the
previous node. Finally the result from the last node in the itinerary is sent back to the process-
initiating node.

6. Develop a prototype that performs parallel computation of the same task on different nodes.
Finally process initiator (master node) receives the result and computation time required to
complete the task on an each node and displays to the user. Compare the computing power of
different nodes.

1. Mobility: Processes, Computers, and Agents, Dejan Milojicic, Frederick Douglis, Richard
Wheeler, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (April 19, 1999).
2. Ivan Stojmenovic´ (Editor), Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computingm, Wiley,
ISBN: 0-471-41902-8, February 2002
3. Core Java Volume I and II from Sun Micro Systems.
4. Huges, Java Networking, Hut Publication, Pune
5. Java 2: The Complete Reference 4/e; Herbert Schildt, TMH, Delhi.
6. Java Beans Programming from the Ground Up: Joseph O’Neil, TMH, Delhi
7. Java Servlets: Application Development; Karl Moss, TMH, Delhi.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 413 Departmental Elective I

CO 413 (A) High performance Computing
CO 413 (B) Cluster Computing
CO 413 (C) Parallel Algorithms
CO 413 (D) Parallel Computing
CO 413 (E) Distributed Computing

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 413 (A) High Performance Computing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1

Historical progression leading to current state – types of parallism including temporal, data and
functional. Instructional level parallelism – pipelined processors – super scalar processors – VLIW
processors – multithreaded processors – proposed future processors including trace, multiscalar and super
flow – case studies.

Unit 2

Classification – inter connection networks – vector computers – shared memory parallel computers –
cache coherence – distributed shared memory parallel computers – message passing parallel computers –
cluster of workstations.

Unit 3

Models of parallel compution including PRAM, combinational circuits, inter connection networks, BSP-
Log P – design and analysis of algorithms for a vide variety of computational problems.

Models including message passing – shared memory data parallel – message passing libraries – including
PVM and MPI – High performance Fortran (HPF)

Unit 4

Dependence analysis – loop transformations – transformations for parallel computers including data
layouts, computational and communication optimization. Peformance Metrics –performance lows –
scalability – performance measurement books

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Selim G.Akl – The design and analysis of parallel algorithms – Prentice Hall International Inc,
2. Hwang K. Briggs F.A. – Computer Architecture and parallel processing – Mcgraw Hill – 1985.
3. Angel L.Decegama – The technology of parallel processing, parallel processing architecture and
VLSI Hardware Vol I – Prentice Hall Engle wood cliffs new Jersey 1989.
4. Michael J.Quinn, Parallel computer theory and practice McGraw Hill 2nd Edition 1994.
5. V.Rajaraman and C.Siva Ram Murthy, Parallel computers architecture and programming,
Prentice Hall of India, India 2000.
6. C. Siva Ram Murthy, K.N. Balasubramanya Murthy and A.Srinivas New Parallel Algorithms for
Direct Solution of Linear Equations – John Wiley & Sons Inc, USA 2001.
7. K. Hwang and Z.Xu, Scalable Parallel Computing: Technology, Architecture and Programming,
WCB/McGraw –Hill Inc., USA 1998.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 413 (B) Cluster Computing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Clusters - need for clusters - comparison with parallel and distributed systems - examples - Hardware –
structure - communication requirements – cluster acceleration techniques - UMA, NUMA, NORMA, CC-
NUMA - Cluster setup – Cluster Administration - Dependable Clustered Computing – Meta Computing
Systems, Services, Resources – Performance models – Simulation.

Unit 2
Single system image –
Boundaries, levels – Single system – Application – Kernel – Hardware - Networking, Protocols and I/O –
High speed networks – messaging systems – Xpress transport protocol – load balancing – congestion
management in ATM clusters – Parallel I/O– methodologies and systems - RAID – Parallel file systems-
Network RAM – Distributed shared memory – Multiple path communication.

Unit 3
Process Scheduling, load sharing and balancing –
Symmetric multiprocessors – job and resource management systems-scheduling parallel jobs – parallel
program scheduling techniques – mapping and scheduling heterogeneous systems – load sharing and fault
tolerance management – dynamic load balancing.

Unit 4
Object oriented implementation of parallel genetic algorithms –
MPI and PVM programming – time management in parallel simulation – Climate Ocean modeling –
Biomedical applications modeling - Bench marks – Cost issues – cluster operating systems – standards.

cluster systems-Beowulf – Introduction – history – philosophies – drivers – implementation issues -

Exploiting Cluster networks for distributed object groups and collective operations - A generic
middleware based platform for scalable cluster computing. Clustering algorithms for homogeneous and
heterogeneous systems

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Gregory F.Pfister, In Search of Clusters, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
2. Rajkumar Buyya , High performance cluster computing : Architecture and systems, Volume 1 ,
1st edition, Prentice Hall, USA1999.
3. Rajkumar Buyya , High performance cluster computing : Programming and applications, Volume
2 , 1st edition, Prentice Hall, USA, 1999.
4. F.De Turck, S.Van Hastel, B.Volckaert, P.Demeester, “A generic middleware based platform for
scalable cluster computing”, Future Generation Computer Systems(FGCS), Vol.18, PP. 549-560,
5. Jorg Nolte, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yutaka Ishikawa “Exploiting Cluster Networks for distributed object
groups and collective operations” , Future Generation Computer Systems(FGCS), Vol.18, PP.
461-476, 2002.
6. Karl Heinz Hoffmann, Arnd Meyer “Parallel algorithms and cluster computing: Implementations,
algorithms and applications, 1st edition, Springer, 2006.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 413 (C) Parallel Algorithms L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Sequential model, need of alternative model, parallel computational models such as PRAM, LMCC,
Hypercube, Cube Connected Cycle, Butterfly, Perfect Shuffle Computers, Tree model, Pyramid model,
Fully Connected model, PRAM-CREW, EREW models, simulation of one model from another one.

Unit 2
Performance Measures of Parallel Algorithms, speed-up and efficiency of PA, Costoptimality, An
example of illustrate Cost-optimal algorithms- such as summation, Min/Max on various models.

Unit 3
Parallel Sorting Networks, Parallel Merging Algorithms on CREW/EREW/MCC/,
Parallel Sorting Networks on CREW/EREW/MCC/, linear array

Unit 4
Parallel Searching Algorithm, Kth element, Kth element in X+Y on PRAM, Parallel Matrix
Transportation and Multiplication Algorithm on PRAM, MCC, Vector-Matrix Multiplication, Solution of
Linear Equation, Root finding.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. M.J. Quinn, “Designing Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Computer” by Mc Graw Hill.
2. S.G. Akl, “Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms” S.G. Akl, ”Parallel Sorting Algorithm”
by Academic Press

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 413 (D) Parallel Computing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Parallel Computer Models: The state of computing, multiprocessors and multicomputers, multivector and
SIMD computers, architectural development tracks.
Program and Network Properties: Conditions of parallelism, program partitioning and scheduling,
program flow mechanisms. System Interconnect Architectures. Network properties and routing, static
interconnection networks and dynamic interconnection networks, MPI and PVM architecture.

Unit 2
Processors and Memory Hierarchy: Advanced processor technology- CISC, RISC, Superscalar, Vector,
VLIW and symbolic processors, Memory hierarchy technology, Virtual memory technology (Virtual
memory models, TLB, paging and segmentation).
Bus, Cache and Shared Memory: Cache memory organization, shared memory organization, sequential
and weak consistency models.

Unit 3
Pipelining and Super scalar techniques: Linear Pipeline Processors, Nonlinear Pipeline processors,
Instruction Pipeline Design, Arithmetic Pipeline Design

Unit 4
Parallel and Scalable Architecture: Multiprocessors System Interconnects, Cache Coherence and
Synchronization Mechanisms, Vector Processing Principles, Multivector Multiprocessors and Data Flow

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Kai Hwang “Advanced Computer Architecture”, McGraw Hill.
1. J.P.Hayes “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw Hill.
2. Harvey G. Cragon, “Memory Systems and Pipelined Processors”, Narosa Publication.
3. V. Rajaranam & C.S.R. Murthy, “Parallel Computers”, PHI.
4. R. K. Ghose, Rajan Moona & Phalguni Gupta, “Foundation of Parallel Processing”, Narosa
5. Kai Hwang and Zu, “Scalable Parallel Computers Architecture”, McGraw Hill.
6. Stalling W., “Computer Organization & Architecture”, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 413 (E) Distributed Computing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Fundamentals of Distributed Computing: Architectural models for distributed and mobile computing
systems. Basic concepts in distributed computing such as clocks, message ordering, consistent global
states, and consensus.
Basic Algorithms in Message: Passing Systems, Leader Election in Rings, and Mutual Exclusion in
Shared Memory, Fault-Tolerant Consensus, Causality and Time. Message Passing: PVM and MPI.

Unit 2
Distributed Operating Systems and network operating systems, Distributed File systems. Client/server
model for computing, common layer application protocols (RPC, RMI, streams), distributed processes,
network naming, distributed synchronization and distributed object-based systems.
Simulation: A Formal Model for Simulations, Broadcast and Multicast, Distributed Shared Memory,
Fault-Tolerant Simulations of Read/Write Objects Simulating Synchrony, Improving the Fault Tolerance
of Algorithms, Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization.

Distributed Environments:
Current systems and developments (DCE, CORBA, JAVA).

Unit 3
Advanced Topics: Randomization, Wait-Free Simulations of Arbitrary Objects, and Problems Solvable in
Asynchronous Systems, Solving Consensus in Eventually Stable Systems, High Performance Computing-
HPF, Distributed and mobile multimedia systems. Adaptability in Mobile Computing. Grid Computing
and applications. Fault tolerant Computing Systems.

Unit 4
Mobile agents, mobile agent systems (PMADE, Aglets, Concordia), applications, case study- distributed
information searching on the network

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Hagit Attiya, Jennifer Welch, Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced
Topics, 2nd Edition, March 2004.
2. R. B. Patel, Mobile Computing-A Practical Approach, 1st edition, Khanna Publishing House Delhi
3. Mullendar S. Distributed Systems, 2nd Ed. Addison, Wesley 1994.
4. Tannenbaum, A. Distributed Operating Systems, Prentice Hall 1995.
5. Helal, Abdelsalam A. et al. Anytime, Anywhere Computing: Mobile Computing Concepts and
Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999.
6. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
Third Edition Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education, 2001.
7. Cay S Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Java 2 Vol I and II-Sun Micro Systems-2001

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 Departmental Elective II

CO 415 (A) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
CO 415 (B) Robotics Control
CO 415 (C) Neural Networks
CO 415 (D) Expert Systems
CO 415 (E) Bio Informatics
CO 415 (F) Natural Language Processing (NLP)
CO 415 (G) Fuzzy System

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (A) Artificial Intelligence L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction: Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Evolution of Computing , History of AI, Classical
Romantic and modern period, subject area, Architecture of AI machines, logic family, classification of
Production System: Production rules, the working memory, Recognize-act cycle, conflict resolution
strategies, refractoriness, specify alternative approach for conflict resolution by Meta rules, Architecture
of production system.

Unit 2
Propositional Logic: Proposition, tautologies, Theorem proving, Semantic method of theorem proving,
forward chaining, backward chaining standard theorems, method of substitution. Theorem proving using
Wang’s algorithm.
Predicate Logic: Alphabet of first order logic (FOL), predicate, well formed formula, clause form,
algorithm for writing sentence into clause form, Unification of predicates, unification algorithm,
resolution Robinson’s interface rule, Scene interpretation using predicate logic.

Unit 3
Default and Non monotonic Logic: Axiomatic theory, Monotonicity, non-atomic reasoning using
McDermott’s NML-I, problems with NML-I, reasoning with NML-II, Case study of Truth Maintenance
system(TMS), neural network fundamentals.
Imprecision and Uncertainty: Definition, Probabilistic techniques, Certainty factor based reasoning,
conditional probability. Medical diagnosis problem, Baye’s Theorem and its limitations, Bayesian belief
network, propagation of belief, Dumpster-Shafer theory of uncertainty management, belief interval,
Fuzzy relation, inverse Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy post inverse, Fuzzy Inversion.

Unit 4
Intelligent Search Techniques: Heuristic function, AND-OR graph, OR Graph, Heuristic search, A*
algorithm and examples.
Logic Programming with Prolog: Logic program, Horn clause, program for scene interpretation,
unification of goals, SLD resolution, SLD tree, flow of satisfaction, controlling back tracking using CUT,
command use of CUT, implementation of backtracking using stack, risk of using cuts, fail predicate,
application of cut-fail combination, replacing cut-fail by not.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. A. Konar: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing—Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling of
Human Brain, CRC Press, USA.
2. E. Charniak and D. McDermott: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley
3. Ellinc and rich: Artificial Intelligence, 2/e 1992.
4. Rich and Knight: Artificial Intelligence, 2/e 1992.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (B) Robotic Control L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Robot Anatomy Arm Geometry-Direct & Inverse Kinematics Problem.Arm Dynamics,D Alembert
Equations of Motion, Synthesis of elements with movalulity constraints,manipulations-trajectory
planning,joint interpolated trajectories.

Unit 2
Control of Robot Manipulation-computed torque technique sequencing & adaptive control, resolved
motion control Moluie Robots.

Unit 3
Robot sensing-Range & Proximity & Higher-Level vision, illumination techniques,Imaging Geometry,
Segmentation Recognition & Interpretation.

Unit 4
Robot Programming Language Characteristics of Robot Level & Task Level languages.Robot
intelligence-State Space search, Robot learning,Robot Task Planning,Knowledge Engineering.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. K.S Fu R.C . CSG Lee-Robotics Control,Sensing, Vision & Intelligence,McGraw-Hill.
2. M.P. Groover,M.Weins,R.N. Nagel,N.C. Odrey –Industrial Robotics,McGraw Hill
3. Andrew C.Straugard-Robotics & AI,PHI
S. Sitharama Iyengar,Alberto Elefes-Autonomous Mobile Robots Control,Planning & Achitecture, IEEE
Computer Society Press

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (C) Neural Network L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction: Concepts of neural networks, Characteristics of Neural Networks, Historical
Perspective, and Applications of Neural Networks.
Fundamentals of Neural Networks: The biological prototype, Neuron concept, Single layer
Neural Networks, Multi-Layer Neural Networks, terminology, Notation and representation of
Neural Networks, Training of Artificial Neural Networks.
Representation of perception and issues, perception learning and training, Classification, linear

Unit 2
Hopfield nets: Structure, training, and applications, Stability
Back propagation: Concept, Applications, and Back Propagation Training Algorithms.
Counter Propagation Networks: Kohonan Network, Grossberg Layer & Training, applications of
counter propagation, Image classification.

Unit 3
Bi-directional Associative Memories: Structure, retrieving a stored association, encoding
associations, memory capacity.
ART: ART architecture, ART classification operation, ART implementation, and characteristics
of ART.
Image Compression Using ART

Unit 4
Optical Neural Networks: Vector Matrix Multipliers, Hop field net using Electro optical matrix
multipliers, Holographic correlator, Optical Hopfield net using Volume Holograms.
The Cognitrons and Neocognitrons: Their structure and training.
Genetic Algorithms: Elements, a simple genetic algorithm, working of genetic algorithms
evolving neural networks.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Li Min Fu," Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence", McGraw-Hill, Inc.
2. Philip D. Wasserman, “Neural Computing Theory and Practice”, ANZA Research Inc.
3. Melaine Mitchell, “An introduction to Genetic Algorithms”, PHI.
4. M. H. Hassun, “Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks”, PHI.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (D) Expert Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Features of expert system, Representation and organization of knowledge, Basics characteristics, types of
problems handled by expert systems, Case study of PROSPECTOR.

Unit 2
Expert System Tools: Techniques of knowledge representations in expert systems, knowledge
engineering, System-building aids, support facilities, stages in the development of expert systems.

Unit 3
Building an Expert System: Expert system development, Selection of tool, Acquiring Knowledge,
Building process.

Unit 4
Problems with Expert Systems: Difficulties, common pitfalls in planning, dealing with domain expert,
difficulties during development.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Waterman D.A.:A Guide to Expert Systems, Addison Wesley Longman
2. Hayes-Roth, Lenat and Waterman: Building Expert Systems, Addison Wesley
3. Weiss S.M.and Kulikowski C.A.:A Practical Guide to Designing Expert Systems, rowman &
Allanheld, New Jersey

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (E) Bioinformatics L T P C

3 1 - 4
Unit I
Bioinformatics objectives and overviews, Interdisciplinary nature of Bioinformatics, Data integration,
Data analysis, Major Bioinformatics databases and tools. Metadata: Summary & reference systems,
finding new type of data online. Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics: Systems approach in
biology,Central dogma of molecular biology, problems in molecular approach and the bioinformatics
approach, Overview of the bioinformatics applications.

Unit 2
The Information Molecules and Information Flow
Basic chemistry of nucleic acids, Structure of DNA, Structure of RNA, DNA Replication, -Transcription,
-Translation, Genes- the functional elements in DNA, Analyzing DNA,DNA sequencing. Proteins:
Amino acids, Protein structure, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary structure, Protein folding and
function, Nucleic acid-Protein interaction.

Unit 3
Nucleotide sequence data
Genome, Genomic sequencing, expressed sequence tags, gene expression, transcription factor binding
sites and single nucleotide polymorphism. Computational representations of molecular biological data
storage techniques: databases (flat, relational and object oriented), and controlled vocabularies, general
data retrieval techniques: indices, Boolean search, fuzzy search and neighboring, application to biological
data warehouses.

Unit 4
Biological data types and their special requirements: sequences, macromolecular structures, chemical
compounds, generic variability and its connection to clinical data. Representation of patterns and
relationships: alignments, regular expressions, hierarchies and graphical models.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. O’Reilly, “ Developing Bio informatics computer skills”, Indian Edition’s publication
2. Rastogi, Mendiratta, Rastogi, “Bioinformatics concepts, skills & Applications”, CBS Publishers
3. Rashidi, Hooman and Lukas K. Buehler, “Bioinformatics Basic Applications” CRC Press.
4. “Bioinformatics” , Addison Wesley
1. Stephen Misner & Stephen Krawetz, “ Bioinformatics- Methods & Protocols”

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (F) Natural Language Processing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Issues; Motivation; Features of Indian Languages; Issues in Font; Coding Techniques; Sorting &
Searching Issues.
Phonology; Words & Morphemes; Segmentation; Categorization and Lemmatization; Parts of Speech;
Taggers; Rule Based; Hidden Morkov Models; Morphology Issues of Indian Languages; Transliteration.

Unit 2
Basic Concept of Syntax; Parsing Techniques; Lexicalized & Probabilistic Parsing; General Grammar
Rules for Indian Languages; Semantics; Pragmatics; Fundamentals; Syntax & Semantics; Indian
Language View Point; Statistical Techniques in Corpus Based Techniques.

Unit 3
Building Indian Language Interfaces to Standard Packages; Multilingual Issues; Specialized Tools for
Indian Language Processing; GIST Cards; ISCII & Unicode Issues for Indian Languages; Speech
Processing & Text to Speech Issues in Indian Languages.

Unit 4
Online Education Tools in Indian Languages; Web Libraries; IT in Rural, Medical & E - Governance
Application in Local Languages; Automatic Taggers; Natural Language Generation; Machine
Translation; Information Extraction; Retrieval; Other Applications in Indian Languages.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. James Allen, "Natural Language Understanding", Benjamin & Cummings Publishing Co., 1995
2. Ronald Hausser, "Foundations of Computational Linguistics", Spring & Verleg, 1999
3. Daniel Jurafskey & James H. Martin, "Speech & Language Processing", Prentice Hall of India,
Steve Young & Gerrit Bloothoof, "Corpus Based Methods in Language & Speech Processing", Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1997

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 415 (G) Fuzzy Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction, Basic Types, Basic Concepts, Representations of Fuzzy Sets, Extension Principle for Fuzzy
Sets, Types of Operations. Fuzzy Complements, Fuzzy Intersections: t- Norms., Fuzzy Unions: t-
Conorms, Combinations of Operations. Aggregation Operations. Arithmetic: Fuzzy Numbers, Linguistic
Variables, Arithmetic Operations on Intervals, Arithmetic Operations on Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy

Unit 2
Crisp versus Fuzzy Relations, Projections and Cylindric Extensions, Binary Fuzzy Relations, Binary
Relations on a Single Set. Fuzzy Equivalence Relations, Fuzzy Compatibility Relations. Fuzzy Ordering
Relations, Fuzzy Morphisms, Sup-i Compositions of Fuzzy Relations., Inf-Compositions of Fuzzy

Unit 3
Fuzzy Measures, Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, Classical Logic: An Overview. Multivalued Logics.
Fuzzy Propositions. Fuzzy Quantifiers. Linguistic Hedges. Inference from Conditional Fuzzy
Propositions. Inference from Conditional and Qualified Propositions. Inference from Quantified
Propositions, Information and Uncertainty, Nonspecificity of Fuzzy Sets. Fuzziness of Fuzzy Sets.
Principles of Uncertainty

Unit 4
Fuzzy Expert Systems: An Overview. Fuzzy Implications. Selection of Fuzzy Implications.
Multiconditional Approximate Reasoning. The Role of Fuzzy Relation Equations, Fuzzy Controllers:
Overview, Fuzzy Neural Networks. Fuzzy Automata. Fuzzy Dynamic Systems.
Fuzzy Databases. Fuzzy Information Retrieval, Individual Decision Making, Multiperson Decision
Making, Multicriteria Decision Making, Multistage Decision Making, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. George J. Klir, Bo Yuan, "Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic", PHI
2. Witold Pedrvcz and Femando Gomide. "An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets", PHI

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 417 Departmental Elective III

CO 417 (A) Embedded Systems
CO 417 (B) Image Processing
CO 417 (C) Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
CO 417 (D) VLSI Design

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 417 (A) Embedded Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Review of Embedded Hardware: Gates - Timing Diagram- Memory –microprocessors Buses-Direct
Memory Access-Interrupts- Built-ins On the Microprocessor-Conventions used on Schematic-schematic.
Interrupts Microprocessor Architecture-Interrupt Basics- Shared Data Problem-Interrupt latency

Microchip PIC Micro controller: Introduction, CPU Architecture- Registers- Instruction sets addressing
modes- Loop timing- Timers- Interrupts, Interrupt timing, I/O Expansion, I 2C Bus Operation Serial
EEPROM, Analog to Digital converter, UART-Baud Rate- Data Handling-Initialization, Special Features
– Serial Programming-Parallel Slave Port.

Unit 2
Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Motorola MC68H11 Family Architecture, Registers , Addressing
modes Programs. Interfacing methods parallel I/O interface, Parallel Port interfaces, Memory Interfacing,
High Speed I/O Interfacing, Interrupts-Interrupt service routine-Features of interrupts-Interrupt vector and
Priority, Timing generation and measurements, Input capture, Output compare, Frequency Measurement,
Serial I/O devices RS 232,RS485.

Unit 3
Software Development: Round–Robin, Round robin with Interrupts, function-Queue- Scheduling
Architecture, Algorithms. Introduction to - Assembler- Compiler –Cross Compilers and Integrated
Development Environment (IDE). Object Oriented Interfacing, Recursion, Debugging strategies,

Unit 4
Real Time Operating Systems: Task and Task States, Tasks and data, Semaphores and shared Data
Operating system Services-Message queues-Timer function-Events-Memory Management, Interrupt
Routines in an RTOS environment, Basic design using RTOS.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. David E Simon, “An embedded software primer”, Pearson Education Asia, 2001
2. John B Pitman, “Design with PIC Micro controllers”, Pearson Education Asia, 1998
3. Jonartthan W. Valvano, “Embedded Micro computer Systems, Real time Interfacing”, Thomson
learning 2001.
4. Burns, Alan and Wellings, “Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages”, Second Edition.
Harlow: Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1997
5. Grehan Moore, and Cyliax, “Real time Programming: A guide to 32 Bit Embedded
Development”, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1998.
6. Heath Steve, “Embedded Systems Design”, Newnes 1997.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 417 (B) Image Processing L T P C

3 1 - 4
Unit 1
Introduction and Fundamentals Motivation and Perspective, Applications, Components of Image
Processing System, Element of Visual Perception, A Simple Image Model, Sampling and Quantization.
Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain Introduction; Basic Gray Level Functions – Piecewise-Linear
Transformation Functions: Contrast Stretching; Histogram Specification; Histogram Equalization; Local
Enhancement; Enhancement using Arithmetic/Logic Operations – Image Subtraction, Image Averaging;
Basics of Spatial Filtering; Smoothing - Mean filter, Ordered Statistic Filter; Sharpening – The Laplacian.

Unit 2
Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain, Basis of
Filtering in Frequency Domain, Filters – Low-pass, High-pass; Correspondence Between Filtering in
Spatial and Frequency Domain; Smoothing Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Lowpass Filters;
Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Highpass Filters; Homomorphic Filtering. Image
Restoration A Model of Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the presence of Noise only-
Spatial Filtering – Mean Filters: Arithmetic Mean filter, Geometric Mean Filter, Order Statistic Filters –
Median Filter, Max and Min filters; Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering – Bandpass
Filters; Minimum Mean-square Error Restoration.

Unit 3
Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Converting Colors to different models,
Color Transformation, Smoothing and Sharpening, Color Segmentation.
Morphological Image Processing Introduction, Logic Operations involving Binary Images, Dilation and
Erosion, Opening and Closing, Morphological Algorithms – Boundary Extraction, Region Filling,
Extraction of Connected Components, Convex Hull, Thinning, Thickening

Unit 4
Registration Introduction, Geometric Transformation – Plane to Plane transformation, Mapping, Stereo
Imaging – Algorithms to Establish Correspondence, Algorithms to Recover Depth Segmentation
Introduction, Region Extraction, Pixel-Based Approach, Multi-level Thresholding, Local Thresholding,
Region-based Approach, Edge and Line Detection: Edge Detection, Edge Operators, Pattern Fitting
Approach, Edge Linking and Edge Following, Edge Elements Extraction by Thresholding, Edge Detector
Performance, Line Detection, Corner Detection.

Unit 4
Feature Extraction Representation, Topological Attributes, Geometric Attributes Description Boundary-
based Description, Region-based Description, Relationship.
Object Recognition Deterministic Methods, Clustering, Statistical Classification, Syntactic Recognition,
Tree Search, Graph Matching

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition, Rafael C. Gonzalvez and Richard E.Woods. Published
by: Pearson Education.
2. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, R.J. Schalkoff. Published by: John Wiley
and Sons, NY.
3. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, A.K. Jain. Published by Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 417 (C) Digital Signal Processing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction: Signals, Systems and signal processing, classifications of signals, concept of frequency in
continuous time and discrete. time signals. Analog to digital and digital to analog conversion, Discrete
time signals, Discrete time systems, LTI systems, difference equations, implementation of discrete time

Unit 2
Z- transform and its Applications: Z Transform, properties of Z-transform, Inversion of Z transform,
applications of Z transform. Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT), properties of DFT, Linear filtering
methods based on the DFT, frequency analysis of signals using the DFT.

Unit 3
Fast Fourier transform and its applications: FFT algorithms (Radix 2 FFT) algorithm, Implementation of
Discrete time systems, Structures for FIR systems, direct form structure, Cascade form structure, parallel
form, structures for IIR systems, cascade, direct form and parallel form structures.

Unit 4
Design of Digital Filters: Design of IIR filters, Bilinear transformation and impulse invariance method,
Matched Z transformation design of FIR filters with different methods.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, PHI
2.Oppenheim & Schaffer, Digital Signal Processing, PHI.
3.Rabiner & Gold, Digital Signal Processing applications.
4. S.K., .Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, TMH.
5. S. Salivayhan, A Vallavraj, C. Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing , TMH.

B. Tech. (Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering)

CO 417 (D) VLSI Design L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit I
Introduction to CMOS circuits: MOS Transistors, MOS transistor switches, CMOS Logic, The inverter,
Combinational Logic, NAND gate, NOT Gate, Compound Gates, Multiplexers, Memory-Latches and

Unit 2
Processing Technology: Silicon Semiconductor Technology- An Overview, wafer processing, oxidation,
epitaxy deposition, Ion-implantation and diffusion, The Silicon Gate Process- Basic CMOS Technology,
basic n-well CMOS process, p-well CMOS process, Twin tub process, Silicon on insulator, CMOS
process enhancement-Interconnect, circuit elements, 3-D CMOS. Layout Design Rule: Layer
Representations, CMOS n-well Rules, Design Rule of background scribe line, Layer Assignment, SOI

Unit 3
Power Dissipation: Static dissipation, Dynamic dissipation, short-circuit dissipation, total power
dissipation. Programmable Logic, Programmable Logic structure, Programmable interconnect, and
Reprogramable Gate Array: Xilinx Programmable Gate Array, Design Methods: Behavioural Synthesis,
RTL synthesis.

Placement: placement: Mincut based placement – Iterative improvement placement simulated annealing.
Routing: Segmented channel routing – maze routing – routability and routing resources – net delays.

Unit 4
Verification and Testing: Verification Versus Testing, Verification: logic simulation design validation –
timing verification – Testing concepts: failures – mechanisms and faults – fault coverage – ATPG
methods – types of tests – FPGAs – programmability failures – design for testability.

Overview of VHDL

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. “Digital Integrated Circuit”, J.M.Rabaey, Chandrasan, Nicolic, Pearson
2. “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit”, S.M.Kang & Y.Leblebici, TMH
3. ”Modern VLSI Design” Wayne Wolf, Pearson
4. “Algorithm for VLSI Design & Automation”, N.Sherwani, Kluwer
5. ”VHDL”, Bhaskar, PHI
6. “ Digital Integrated Circuits” Demassa & Ciccone, Willey Pub.
7. “Modern VLSI Design: system on silicon” Wayne Wolf; Addison Wesley Longman Publisher
8. “Basic VLSI Design” Douglas A. Pucknell & Kamran Eshranghian; PHI
9. “CMOS Circuit Design, Layout & Simulation”, R.J.Baker, H.W.Lee, D.E. Boyee, PHI

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering)

Schemes of Studies / Examination
(Semester- 8th)

S.No Course Subject Teaching Cr Examination Marks

No. Schedule ed Note:
L T P Inter Theo Pract Total
nal ry ical
1 CO 408 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
2 CO 410 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
3 CO 412 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
4 CO 414 Departmental 3 1 - 4 40 60 - 100
5 CO 410 Departmental - - 2 1 60 - 40 100
6 CO 414 Departmental - - 2 1 60 - 40 100
7 CO 402 Seminar - 1 - 1 100 - - 100
8 CO 404 Major Project - - 12 9 60 - 40 100
9 CO 406 General - - 4 - - 100 100
Fitness &
Totals 12 5 16 32 440 240 220 900
Duration of Examination for each subject is 3 Hour

CO 408 Departmental Elective-IV

CO 408 (A) Data Warehousing and data mining
CO 408 (B) Advanced Database
CO 408 (C) Management Information System (MIS)
CO 408 (D) Distributed Database

CO 410 Departmental Elective-V

CO 410 (A) Distributed Operating System (DOS)
CO 410 (B) Real Time System
CO 410 (C) Unix and Shell Programming
CO 410 (D) Fault Tolerant System
CO 410 (E) Dependable Computing

CO 412 Departmental Elective-VI

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CO 412 (A) Object Oriented Software Engineering

CO 412 (B) Software Verification, Validation and testing
CO 412 (C) Software Project Management
CO 412 (D) Software quality model and testing

CO 414 Departmental Elective-VII

CO 414 (A) Network Programming (Book- Richard Stevens)
CO 414 (B) Client Server Programming architecture
CO 414 (C) High Speed Networks
CO 414 (D) Networks Protocol

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CO 408 Departmental Elective-IV

CO 408 (A) Data Warehousing and data mining
CO 408 (B) Advanced Database
CO 408 (C) Management Information System (MIS)
CO 408 (D) Distributed Database

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 408 (A) Data Warehousing And Data Mining L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Overview, Motivation(for Data Mining),Data Mining-Definition & Functionalities, Data
Processing, Form of Data Preprocessing, Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data,(Binning,
Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human inspection),Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and
Transformation. Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality reduction, Data Compression,
Numerosity Reduction, Clustering, Discretization and Concept hierarchy generation.

Unit 2
Concept Description:- Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization, Analysis of attribute
relevance, Mining Class comparisions, Statistical measures in large Databases. Measuring Central
Tendency, Measuring Dispersion of Data, Graph Displays of Basic Statistical class Description, Mining
Association Rules in Large Databases, Association rule mining, mining Single-Dimensional Boolean
Association rules from Transactional Databases– Apriori Algorithm, Mining Multilevel Association rules
from Transaction Databases and Mining Multi-Dimensional Association rules from Relational Databases

Unit 3
Classification and Predictions: What is Classification & Prediction, Issues regarding Classification and
prediction, Decision tree, Bayesian Classification, Classification by Back propagation, Multilayer feed-
forward Neural Network, Back propagation Algorithm, Classification methods Knearest neighbor
classifiers, Genetic Algorithm. Cluster Analysis: Data types in cluster analysis, Categories of clustering
methods, Partitioning methods. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and Chameleon. Density Based Methods-
DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based Methods- STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Method –Statistical
Approach, Neural Network approach, Outlier Analysis

Unit 4
Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Delivery Process, Difference between Database System and
Data Warehouse, Multi Dimensional Data Model, Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations,
Concept hierarchy, Process Architecture, 3 Tier Architecture, Data Marting.

Aggregation, Historical information, Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers, ROLAP,
MOLAP, HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery, Tuning Data Warehouse,
Testing Data Warehouse.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. M.H.Dunham,”Data Mining:Introductory and Advanced Topics” Pearson Education
2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, ”Data Mining Concepts & Techniques” Elsevier
3. Sam Anahory, Dennis Murray, “Data Warehousing in the Real World : A Practical Guide for
Building Decision Support Systems, 1/e “ Pearson Education Mallach,”Data Warehousing
System”,McGraw –Hill

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 408 (B) Advanced Database Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
DISTRIBUTED DATABASE DESIGN: Design strategies, Distribution design issues, Fragmentation,
Allocation, Oracle DDB design, Distributed database system architecture, Date’s rule for DDBS.

DATA REPLICATION & QUERY PROCESSING IN DDBS : Classification of replica control

strategies, Consistency & Request ordering, The Gossip Architecture, Process groups & ISIS, Replication
in Oracle, Query optimization in Centralized system, Objective of query processing, Query
decomposition, Distributed query optimization algorithms, Query optimization in Oracle.

Unit 2
TRANSACTION PROCESSING & RECOVERY : Centralized & client server architecture, server
systems architectures, parallel & distributed systems, distributed data storage, Transaction property,
distributed transactions, commit protocols, concurrency control in distributed database, availability
,heterogeneous distributed databases, Distributed deadlock management, recovery concepts, recovery
techniques based on deferred update & on immediate update shadow paging, The ARIES Recovery
Algorithm, Recovery in multi-database systems, database backup and recovery from catastrophic failures,
Reliability concept & measure, Site failure & network portioning, directory systems, Database recovery
in Oracle.

Unit 3
SECURITY MANAGEMENT & PL/SQL : Various aspect of database security, Basic model of database
access control, TCSEC Policy identification, Security models, Identification-Authentication-
Authorization, Statistical databases, Data encryption, Security in Oracle, JDBC, Purpose of PL/SQL,
PL/SQL block, structure & type, PL/SQL syntax & programming.

Unit 4
DIFFERENT DATABASES : Parallel databases: Introduction, I/O parallelism. Interquery-intraquery-
intraoperation -interoperation parallelism design of parallel systems. Client/Server DBS, Oracle DBMS,
Distributed processing in Oracle, Oracle network protocols, Network administration in Oracle. Theory of
OO databases, Multimedia databases, Real time databases.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Database system concepts , 4th edition, Silberschatz-Korth-Sudarshan, MH
2. Fundamentals of database systems 3rd edition, Elmasri & Navathe, Pearson education
3. Database concepts & systems ,2nd edition , Ivan Bayross, SPD
4. Database Management System, Rajesh Narang, PHI.
5. An Introduction to database systems, 7th edition, C.J. Date , Pearson education

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 408 (C) Management Information Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Definition of MIS; Systems approach to MIS: Report writing s/w, MIS and Human factor considerations,
concept of organizational information sub-system, MIS & problem solving. Case Studies.

Information Management. Who are the users? Manager & Systems, Evolution of Computer based
information system (CBIS), Model of CBIS. Information services organization : Trend to End-User
computing, justifying the CBIS, Achieving the CBIS, Managing the CBIS, Benefits & Challenges of
CBIS implementation. Strategic Information System, Business level & Firm level Strategy, Case Studies.

Unit 2
Systems from Management & Functional perspective & their relationship: Executive Information System,
Decision Support System Sales & Marketing Information System, Manufacturing Information System,
Human-Resource Information System. Finance & Account Information System. Case Studies.

Unit 3
Firm in its environment, What are the information resources ? Who manages the information resources ?
Strategic planning for information resources. End-User Computing as a strategic issue, Information
resource management concept. Case Studies.

Unit 4
Introduction to E-Commerce, Business Intelligence. E-Commerce strategy, Electronic Data Interchange,
E-commerce methodology, E-commerce technology, Business application of the Internet. Electronic
Business success strategies. Managing International Information Systems: IIS architecture, Global
business drivers , challenges, strategy: divide, conquer, appease, cooptation, business organization,
problems in implementing global information systems, Computer crime, ethics & social issues.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. MIS A Concise Study, S.A. Kelkar, PHI.
2. MIS managing the digital firm, Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon (Pearson Education).
3. 1 MIS, Suresh K. Basandra (Wheelers)
4. 2 Introduction to computer Information System for Business, Mark G. Simkin, S. Chand & Co., 1996.
5. 3 Analysis & Design of Information Systems, James A. Senn. MCGraw-Hill International.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 408 (D) Distributed Databases L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction Architecture of distributed systems: A detailed review of distributed system
architecture (network operating system, distributed operating systems, etc.) will be presented leading to
distributed database systems. This will then be categorized into (a) federated database systems, (b)
multidatabase systems, and (c) Client/Server systems. Advanced transaction model: For managing data
processing on distributed platform the conventional transaction model needs some improvements.
Discussion of some advanced transaction models suitable for different types of distributed database

Unit 2
Workflow It is a unit of business processing. From conventional viewpoint it is a set of tightly linked
atomic processing units which requires special concurrency control and commit protocols. Discussion of
existing ways of handling workflows.

Unit 3
Query processing and Optimization: On distributed systems a query may be fragmented for processing
on multiple nodes. This give rise to the problem of query fragmentation and distribution which must be
addressed for improving performance. Unit-IV: Application distribution: To support parallel and
concurrent processing of transactions processing application have to be distributed. This gives rise to
application recovery problem. This course will explore new ways of managing application recovery
which is more complex than database recovery.

Unit 4
Transaction management, commit protocol and database recovery: These are system related issues. We
will discuss commonly used schemes and advanced protocols for managing these activities. Buffer
management: Database maintains their own buffer for processing transactions. We will discuss the buffer
architecture and buffer management schemes (replacement, allocation, etc.)

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Distributed Systems: Concept and Design. Coulouris, Dollimore, and Kindberg. AW.
2. Distributed Database Principles and Systems. Ceri and Pelagatti. McGraw Hill.
Recovery Mechanisms in Database Systems. Kumar and Hsu, Prentice Hall. Concurrency Control
and Recovery in Database Systems. Bernstein, Hadzilacos and Goodman, AW.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CO410 Departmental Elective-V

CS 410 (A) Distributed Operating System (DOS)
CS 410 (B) Real Time System
CS 410 (C) Unix and Shell Programming
CS 410 (D) Fault Tolerant System
CS 410 (E) Dependable Computing

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 410 (A) Distributed Operating System L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Architecture of distributed operating system: Introduction, motivation, system architecture type, issues in
distributed operating system, Communication primitive.

Unit 2
Distributed mutual Inclusion: Introduction, classification preliminaries simple solution, non token based
algorithm, Lamport algorithm, Ricart algorithm, Mackawa’s algorithm, A generalized non token based
algorithm, token based algorithm, Broad cast algorithm, Heuristic algorithm, tree based algorithm,
comparative performance analysis.

Unit 3
Distributed dead lock detection: Introduction, dead lock handling, strategies, issues in deadlock detection
& resolution, Control organization, centralized, distributed & hierarchical detection algorithm.

Unit 4
Distributed file system: Introduction, architecture mechanism for building, design issues, log structured
file system.
Distributed Scheduling: Introduction, motivation, issues in load distribution, component of load
algorithm, stabilizing load distribution algorithm, performance comparison, selection of a suitable load
sharing algorithm, requirement for load distribution, task migration, issues in task migration.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Mukesh Singhal & N.G. Shivaratri: Advanced concepts in operati g systems, TMH 2001.
2. A S Tanenbaum : Modern Operating Systems ,PHI.
3. A. Silberschatz, P. Galving, G. Gahne : Applied operating system concepts, Wiley.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 410 (B) Real Time Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction: Definition, Typical Real Time Applications: Digital Control, High Level Controls, Signal
Processing etc., Release Times, Deadlines, and Timing Constraints, Hard Real Time Systems and Soft
Real Time Systems, Reference Models for Real Time Systems: Processors and Resources, Temporal
Parameters of Real Time Workload, Periodic Task Model, Precedence Constraints and Data Dependency.
Multiprocessor System Environment: Multiprocessor and Distributed System Model, Multiprocessor
Priority-Ceiling Protocol, Schedulability of Fixed-Priority End-to-End Periodic Tasks, Scheduling
Algorithms for End-to-End Periodic Tasks, End-to-End Tasks in Heterogeneous Systems, Predictability
and Validation of Dynamic Multiprocessor Systems, Scheduling of Tasks with Temporal Distance

Unit 2
Real Time Scheduling: Common Approaches to Real Time Scheduling: Clock Driven Approach,
Weighted Round Robin Approach, Priority Driven Approach, Dynamic Versus Static Systems,
Optimality of Effective-Deadline-First (EDF) and Least-Slack-Time-First (LST) Algorithms, Offline
Versus Online Scheduling, Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic jobs in Priority Driven and Clock Driven

Unit 3
Resources Access Control: Effect of Resource Contention and Resource Access Control (RAC),
Nonpreemptive Critical Sections, Basic Priority-Inheritance and Priority-Ceiling Protocols, Stack Based
Priority-Ceiling Protocol, Use of Priority-Ceiling Protocol in Dynamic Priority Systems, Preemption
Ceiling Protocol, Access Control in Multiple-Unit Resources, Controlling Concurrent Accesses to Data

Unit 4
Real Time Communication: Model of Real Time Communication, Priority-Based Service and Weighted
Round-Robin Service Disciplines for Switched Networks, Medium Access Control Protocols for
Broadcast Networks, Internet and Resource Reservation Protocols, Real Time Protocols, Communication
in Multicomputer System, An Overview of Real Time Operating Systems.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Real Time Systems by Jane W. S. Liu, Pearson Education Publication.
2. Real-Time Systems: Scheduling, Analysis, and Verification by Prof. Albert M. K Cheng, John Wiley
and Sons Publications.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 410 (C) UNIX & Shell Programming

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Linux Startup: User accounts, accessing Linux - starting and shutting processes, Logging in and Logging
out, Command line, simple commands
Shell Programming: Unix file system: Linux/Unix files, i-nodes and structure and file system related
commands, Shell as command processor, shell variables, creating command substitution, scripts,
functions, conditionals, loops, customizing environment

Unit 2
Regular Expressions and Filters: Introducing regular expressions patterns, syntax, character classes,
quantifiers, introduction to egrep, sed, programming with awk and perl.

Unit 3
The C Environment: The C compiler, vi editor, compiler options, managing projects, memory
management, use of makefiles, dependency calculations, memory management - dynamic and static
memory, building and using static and dynamic libraries, using ldd, soname, dynamic loader, debugging
with gdb

Unit 4
Processes in Linux: Processes, starting and stopping processes, initialization processes, rc and init files,
job control - at, batch, cron, time, network files, security, privileges, authentication, password
administration, archiving, Signals and signal handlers, Linux I/O system.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. John Goerzen: Linux Programming Bible, IDG Books, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Sumitabha Das: Your Unix - The Ultimate Guide, TMH, 2000.
3. Mathew: Professional Linux Programming, vol.l & 2, Wrox-Shroff, 2001. Welsh & Kaufmann:
Running Linux, O'Reiley & Associates, 2000.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 410 (D) Fault Tolerant Systems L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction : Fault Prevention -Fault tolerance – anticipated and unanticipated Faults- Test generation for
digital systems- Combinational logic. Network Boolean difference method test generation for sequential
circuits- fault simulation.

Unit 2
Error Model :General coding scheme – Parity checking code- arithmetic code – code for computer
memories –checking errors in logical operation – communication coding.

Unit 3
Fault Tolerance : Coding technique-fault tolerant self checking and fail safe circuits-fault tolerant in
combinatorial and sequential circuits- synchronous and asynchronous fail safe circuits.

Unit 4
Architecture : Fault tolerant computers - general purpose commercial systems-fault tolerant
multiprocessor and VLSI based communication architecture.

Fault Tolerant Software : Design-N-version programming recovery block -acceptance tests-fault trees-
validation of fault tolerant systems.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. K.K.Pradhan, "Fault Tolerant computing theory and techniques", volume III. Prentice Hall, 2001
2. Anderson and Lee, "Fault Tolerant principles and practice", PH 1989.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 410 (E) Dependable Computing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Reliability: Definition, System reliability, Parameter values, Reliability models for hardware redundancy
– Testing: Various testing methods.

Unit 2
Fault tolerance: Definition, Fault types, Detection, Redundancy, Data diversity, Reversal checks,
Byzantine failures, Integrated failure handling.

Unit 3
Real Time system: Introduction, Characterizing real time systems, Performance measures for real time
systems, Estimating Program run times, Task management and Scheduling – Uni-processor, Fault tolerant

Real Time Communications:

Protocols, Contention based, token based, Stop and go multihop, the polled bus, hierarchical round robin,
deadline based, and fault tolerance routing, Distributed delay constrained method, Dependable real time
channels, recovery approach, Establishing real time channels.

Unit 4
Programming Languages and Tools: Desired Language Characteristics, Data typing, control structures,
Hierarchical decomposition, Packages, Exception handling, Over loading and Generics, Multi tasking,
Task scheduling, Timing specification., Flex, Euclid, Environments, Run time support.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. C. M. Krishna and K. G. Shin, 'Real time Systems', McGraw Hill International Edition, 1997.
2. C. Siva Ram Murthy and G. Manimaran, 'Resource Management in Real Time Systems and
Networks', The MIT Press, 2001.
3. Phillip A. Laplante, 'Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis – An Engineers Hand book',
Printice Hall India, III edition, 1997.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 412 Departmental Elective-VI

CS 412 (A) Object Oriented Software Engineering
CS 412 (B) Software Verification, Validation and testing
CS 412 (C) Software Project Management
CS 412 (D) Software quality model and testing

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 412 (A) Object Oriented Software Engineering L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Design Objects, Class Hierarchy, inheritance, polymorphism, object relationships and associations,
aggregations and object containment, object persistence, meta-classes, Object-oriented systems
development life cycle, Software development process object oriented systems development: a use-case
driven approach.

Unit 2
Object modeling techniques as software engineering methodology, Rumbaugh methodology, Jacobson
methodology, Booch methodology, patterns, frameworks, the unified modeling language (UML).

Unit 3
Analysis Process, Use-Case Driven Object Oriented Analysis, Use-Case Model, Object Classification,
Theory, Different Approaches for identifying classes, classes, responsibilities and Collaborators,
identifying Object Relationships, attributes and Methods, super-sub Class Relationships, Apart of
Relationships-Aggregation , Class Responsibilities , Object Responsibilities.

Unit 4
Object Oriented design process, corollaries, design axioms, design patterns, object oriented design
philosophy, UML Object Constraint Language, Designing Classes : The Process, Class Visibility,
Refining Attributes, Designing Methods and Protocols, Packages and Managing classes, Designing
interface objects, View layer interface design, Macro and Micro level interface design process.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Ali Bahrami, Object Oriented Systems Development ,:McGraw Hill, 1999
2. Rumbaugh,Object Oriented Modeling and Design, PHI, 1997
3. Forouzan, Coombs and Fegan: Introduction to data Communications and Networks TMH, 1999.
William Stallings: Data and Computer Communications 5/e, PHI.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 412 (B) Software Verification, Validation & Testing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Introduction: What is software testing and why it is so hard?, Error, Fault, Failure, Incident, Test
Cases, Testing Process, Limitations of Testing, No absolute proof of correctness, Overview of
Graph Theory & Discrete Mathematics.
Functional Testing: Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Class Testing, Decision Table Based
Testing, Cause Effect Graphing Technique.
Unit 2
Structural Testing: Path testing, DD-Paths, Cyclomatic Complexity, Graph Metrics, Data Flow
Testing, Mutation testing.
Reducing the number of test cases:
Prioritization guidelines, Priority category, Scheme, Risk Analysis, Regression Testing, Slice
based testing

Unit 3
Testing Activities: Unit Testing, Levels of Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing,
Debugging, Domain Testing.
Object Oriented Testing: Issues in Object Oriented Testing, Class Testing, GUI Testing, Object
Oriented Integration and System Testing.
Unit 4

Testing Tools: Static Testing Tools, Dynamic Testing Tools, Characteristics of Modern Tools.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.
1. William Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
2. Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, Nguyen Quoc, “Testing Computer Software”, Second Edition, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993.
3. Boris Beizer, “Software Testing Techniques”, Second Volume, Second Edition, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990.
4. Louise Tamres, “Software Testing”, Pearson Education Asia, 2002

5. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach”, Fifth Edition,

McGraw-Hill International Edition, New Delhi, 2001.
6. Boris Beizer, “Black-Box Testing – Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and
Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1995.
7. K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
8. Marc Roper, “Software Testing”, McGraw-Hill Book Co., London, 1994.
9. Gordon Schulmeyer, “Zero Defect Software”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

10. Watts Humphrey, “Managing the Software Process”, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Inc.,
Massachusetts, 1989.
11. Boris Beizer, “Software System Testing and Quality Assurance”, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 1984.
12. Glenford Myers, “The Art of Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1979.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 412 (C) Software Project Management L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Conventional Software management: Evolution of software economics. Improving software economics:
reducing product size, software processes, team effectiveness, automation through. Software
environments. Principles of modem software management.

Unit 2
Software management Process: Framework,: Life cycle phases- inception, elaboration, construction and
training phase. Artifacts of the process- the artifact sets, management artifacts, engineering artifacts, and
pragmatics artifacts. Model based software architectures. Workflows of the process. Checkpoints of the

Unit 3
Software Management Disciplines: Iterative process planning. Project organizations and responsibilities.
Process automation. Project control and process instrumentation- core metrics, management indicators,
life cycle expectations. Process discriminants.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Software Project management,Walker Royce, Addison Wesley, 1998.
2. Project management 2/e, Maylor.
3. Managing the Software Process, Humphrey.
4. Managing global software Projects, Ramesh, TMfH,2001.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 412 (D) Software Quality Models and Testing L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Software Quality: Meaning and scope, software quality factors, software quality metrics, relationship b/w
quality factors and quality metrics, quality management system, software reviews, formal technical
reviews, correctness proof, statistical quality assurance, clear room, software engineering, standards of
software quality assurance.

Unit 2
Software Reliability: meaning and its relation with software quality, reliability modeling-exponential
failure time models (viz., Jelinski Moranda model, Schneidiwind’s model, Musa’s basic execution time
model, hyberexponential model), Weibull and gamma failure time model (viz. Weibull model, S-shaped
reliability growth model), and infinite failure category models (viz. Duane’s model, geometric model,
Muse-Okumto model). Types of failure, bath-tub Curve, Exponential law of reliability.

Unit 3
Software Testing: Meaning. Scope and its relationship with software quality, software testing techniques:
white box testing, basis path testing, control structure testing and black box testing, etc.
Software testing strategies: unit testing, integration testing, validation testing and system testing, etc.

Unit 4
Concept of repair and maintenance, concept of availability and its relation with reliability and
maintainability, preventive maintenance, Software maintenance, the management of reliable software,
Automatic error detection and error correction.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Software Quality: Concepts and Plan, by Robert H Dunn Prentice Hall International
2. Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction and application by John D.Musa, McGraw Hill
3. Software Reliability Engineering By Michele R Lyu , McGraw Hill
4. Effective methods of Software Testing, by William E Perry, Wiley.
5. Concepts of Reliability by L SriNath
6. Software Reliability By K.K. Aggarwal
7. Software Reliability by H Koptez.
8. C.R. Vick & C.V. Rama Moorthy: Handbook of Software Engineering CBS Publishers &
Distributors, Delhi.
9. Software Engineering, K K Aggarwal, New Age International Publication, New Delhi
10. Mark Paulik, The capability Maturity Model-Guidelines for improving the software Process, Addison
11. Michael, Deutsch, Willis, Ronald r-Software Quality Engineering –A Total Techinical and
Management approach, Prentice Hall.
12. Ginac, Frank P, Customer Oriented Software Quality Insurance, Prentice Hall.
Wilson, Rodney C, Software RX secrets of Engineering Quality Software, Prentice Hall.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 414 Departmental Elective-VII

CS 414 (A) Network Programming (Book- Richard Stevens)
CS 414 (B) Client Server Programming architecture
CS 414 (C) High Speed Networks
CS 414 (D) Networks Protocol

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 414 (A) Network Programming L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Socket Programming: Creating sockets, Posix data type, Socket addresses, Assigning address to a socket,
Java socket programming, Thread programming, Berkeley Sockets: Overview, socket address structures,
byte manipulation & address conversion functions, elementary socket system calls – socket, connect,
bind, listen, accept, fork, exec, close, TCP ports (ephemeral, reserved), Berkeley Sockets: I/O
asynchronous & multiplexing models, select & poll functions, signal & fcntl functions, socket
implementation (client & server programs), UNIX domain protocols.

Unit 2
APIs & Winsock Programming: Windows socket API, window socket & blocking I/O model, blocking
sockets, blocking functions, timeouts for blocking I/O, API overview, Different APIs & their
programming technique, DLL & new API’s, DLL issues, Java Beans.

Unit 3
Web Programming & Security: Java network programming, packages, RMI, Overview of Javascript,
WAP architecture & WAP services, Web databases, Component technology, CORBA concept, CORBA
architecture, CGI programming, Firewall & security technique, Cryptography, Digital Signature.

Unit 4
Client Server Programming: Client side programming: Creating sockets, Implementing generic network
client, Parsing data using string Tokenizer, Retrieving file from an HTTP server, Retrieving web
documents by using the URL class. Server side programming: Steps for creating server, Accepting
connection from browsers, creating an HTTP server, Adding multithreading to an HTTP server.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

4. Steven.W.R: UNIX Network Programming, PHI (VOL I& II)
5. Window Socket Programming by Bobb Quinn and Dave Schutes
6. Davis.R.: Windows Network Programming, Addison Wesley
7. NETWORK PROGRAMMING With Windows Socket By Baner .P., PH New Jersey

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 414 (B) Client/Server Architecture L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Client/Server System concepts : Introduction – Concepts – 2-Tier Architecture – 3-Tier Architecture – N-
Tier Architecture – Benefits of Client/Server – Case study of N-Tier Architecture – Client Server Models
– Gartner Classifications – Middleware – Database connectivity and its need - Upsizing – Down sizing –
Right Sizing – Characteristics – Types of Servers and Clients – Future of client server computing.

Unit 2
Client/Server System Architecture: Client/Server building blocks – Hardware, Software, Middleware –
Types of Middleware – DDE, OLE, MOM, Transaction processing Monitors, ODBC – Need for database
connectivity – Design overview of ODBC – Architecture – Components – Applications – Driver
Managers – Drivers – Data Sources – ODBC2.5 and ODBC 3.0 – Operating System Services – Base
Services – External Services – Service Scalability.

Unit 3
Client/Server Databases: SQL database Servers – Server Architecture – Multithread Architecture –
Hybrid Architecture – Stored procedures – Tiggers – Rules of client/server transaction processing –
Transaction Models – Chained and Nested transactions – Transaction Management Standards –
Distributed Database characteristics – Introduction to Data Warehousing and Data Mining.

Unit 4
Client/Server CORBA-Style: Distributed CORBA Objects – OMG’S Object Management Architecture –
CORBA 2.0 Intergalactic ORB – CORBA Services - facilities – Business Objects – 3-Tier Client/Server,
Object style – Evolution of CORBA- CORBA Static and Dynamic Method invocation
RMI Interfaces and Classes – RMI Scenario – The JDBC Architecture – JDBC Interfaces – JDBC
Scenario – Java Bean Component Model – Overview – Comparison of Middleware Technologies.

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Robert Orafali, Dan Harkey and Jerri Edwards, “Essential Client/Server Survival Guide”, John Wiley
& Sons Inc.,1996
2. Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey, “Client/Server Programming with JAVA and CORBA,”, John Wiley,
Second edition.
3. Dawna Travis Dewire,“ Client/Server Computing”, McGraw-Hill Computer Science Series.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 414 (C) High Speed Networks L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
High Speed Lans: Fast Ethernet, Switched Fast Ethernet – Fddi, Sonet / Sdh: Frame Structure,
Architecture Layers, Pay Loads – Frame Relay: Protocols And Services, Congestion Control.

Unit 2
ISDN: Overview, Standards, Interfaces and functions, ISDN Layers: Physical, Data link, Network, -
Services – BISDN Architecture and Protocols.

Unit 3
ATM Networks: Protocol Architecture, ATM Layer, Cell Structure, Cell header, ATM Adaptation Layer,
Various types, Segmentation and Reassembly, Convergence sub-layers

ATM Traffic and Congestion Control: Service categories, Traffic related attributes,Traffic management
framework, Traffic management, ABR traffic management, Signaling, Protocol signaling, Meta signaling,
TCP/IP over ATM.

Unit 4
Optical Networks: Wavelength Division Multiplexing, Optical Networking evolution, Network
Architectures, Enabling Technologies, Various issues in Wavelength Routed Networks, Optical Circuit
switching, IP over ATM over SONET over WDM, IP over SONET over WDM, IP over WDM – Various

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. William Stallings, 'ISDN and broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM', Fourth edition, Pearson
Education, 2000.
2. Rainer Handel, Manfred N. Huber, and Stefan Schroder, 'ATM Networks – Concepts, Protocols,
Applications', Second edtion, Addison Wesley, 1994.
3. C.Siva Ram Murthy and G. Mohan, 'WDM optical Networks – Concepts, Design, and Algorithms',
Printice Hall India, 2002.

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

CS 414 (D) Network Protocols L T P C

3 1 - 4

Unit 1
Inter Networking Concepts: Application level - Network level Interconnection – Internet Architecture –
Interconnection through IP Routers, Internet Protocol (IP) – Connectionless Datagram Delivery, routing
IP datagrams, errors and control messages (ICMP). Subnet and Supernet Address extensions – User
datagram protocol (UDP).

Unit 2
Routing Cores: peers – Algorithms – Autonomous Systems – Exterior Gateway Protocol Multicast
Address. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Implementation. TCP/IP over ATM
networks: ATM cell Transport , Adaptation Layer, IP Address Building in an ATM network – Logical IP
subnet Concept – ATM-ARP packet format. Socket Interface: UNIX I/O – Paradigm and Networks I/O
Creating a socket – Inheritance and Termination connecting socket to destination addresses – obtaining
information about hosts, networks, protocols, network services. Bootstrap and auto configuration –
Domain name system.

IPX/SPX Programming: Invoking IPX – Event control block – IPX packet header, IPX commands –
Event Service Routines – Receiving and Sending IPX messages – SPX header – SPX command –
Receiving and sending SPX messages.

Unit 3
Multimedia Networking: Streaming Stored Audio and Video – Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) –
RTP basis – RTP packet header fields – RTP Control Protocol – RSVP – essence of RSVP – path
messages – Transport of reservation messages – IP Telephony Protocol – Voice and Video over IP with
RTP and RTCP. Session Initialization Protocol (SIP) – SIP messages – Advanced Services with SIP – SIP
Security – Media Gateway to Media Controller Protocol (MGCP) – Multicast Routing Protocol.

Unit 4
Remote Login (Telnet, Rlogin): File Transfer and Access (FTP, TFTP, NFS), Electronic mail (SMTP,
MIME) – Internet Management (SNMP, SNMPV2) – Internet Security and Firewall Design – Post Office
Protocol (POP) – Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).

Note: Eight questions will be set by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all at least one from each unit.

1. Barry Nance, Network Programming In C , Prentice Hall, 2001.
2. Douglas E. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Prentice Hall, 1998.
3. James K. kurose and Keith W.Ross, Computer Network – A Top Down Approach Featuring the
Internet, Pearson Education Inc., 2001.
4. Oliver Hersent, David Gurle, and Iean Pierre Petit, IP Telephony – Packet Based Multimedia
Communication System, Pearson Education Inc., 2001. E.D. Tylore, Networking Handbook, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2000


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