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Storytelling When Creating a Press


Creating a press release is not as straightforward as it looks. Far too many people dive in
without enough knowledge, and without a strong enough central story. They try to tell the
whole story of their business by writing the piece out in full, and then they wonder why
journalists ignore what they send.

Story is important with any press release. Indeed, no such announcement can work
without a strong core idea to interest the media, regardless of how well it is written.
Sadly, people tend to assume that the correct way to go about the process is to simply tell
them about their latest releases and figures. The media is not interested in your business.
It is certainly not interested in giving away publicity with nothing in return. Instead, it is
interested in finding something that will catch and hold the attention its readers.

So how do you work a great story into your press release?

You start with a headline, and not just any headline. It has to be sufficiently attention
grabbing to drag a journalist away from whatever else is in their in-box, sufficiently
intriguing that they then read on, and it must convey the core of the story sufficiently well
that they can begin to see in the first seconds just how much their readers might like the

What you don't do then is write the story. That isn't your job. Your job is to show that
there could be a story there, if the journalist wanted to write it. Your job is to provide an
outline of the main points of the story, and to back it up with some interesting facts in
note form. You can include quotes from yourself at that point, and you should have
already provided a way to get in contact.

Most of the time, the story isn't even about you. Since the whole point of trying to get
publicity in this way is that people haven't heard of you or your business, you simply
aren't newsworthy enough. The trick is to find ways to connect yourself to things that are.
You might be doing something to coincide with a particular event, or dealing with the
fallout of something that has been mentioned in the news. You might even just be in a
position to comment on some new trend.

In the event that you do connect to something very time specific, remember to amend
your release to show that. Most will have the words 'Media Release: for immediate
release' in a prominent spot at the top, but if your release is linked to a particular holiday
or anniversary, you need to say so there. Make life easy for the people who read what you
have written, and they will be more inclined to work with you.
If you take nothing else away from this, take this: press releases aren't about you. They
are about a story that might just catch the attention of a journalist's readers, and that is
what brings the attention back to your business. Remember that, and you'll find yourself
creating a press release that gets plenty of attention.

And you can take the first step towards creating a press release by getting FREE access to
Kate's Englers Famous FREE Publicity Secrets right now. You can get instant access to
these secrets by clicking on or visiting:

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