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the Scriptures


the Scriptures


the Scriptures

˘ 2010
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Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.

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Examining the Scriptures Daily—2011

English (es11-E)

Made in the United States of America

Examining the Scriptures Daily
“Good morning!” This cheerful greeting is
heard around the world countless times each day.
In whatever form or language, it is usually the first
thing said to family members on awakening or to
others we meet later on. It seems to say: “Hello,
it’s good to see you. Hope you have a nice day.” For
most people, however, it is just an expression. In
fact, when greeted with the words “good morning,”
one individual would often say, “Let’s make it so.”
But what would make a morning “good”?
Some feel that starting the day with a nourish-
ing breakfast is most important. Others equate a
good day with feeling well and being energetic.
Weather conditions can also be a significant factor
in our outlook. To many, having a good day is just
being able to get started and satisfy their needs.
Those needs, however, include more than food,
clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities. When
tempted by the Devil to turn stones into bread, Je-
sus said: “Man must live, not on bread alone, but
on every utterance coming forth through Jeho-
vah’s mouth.” (Matt. 4:4) Yes, we have another ba-
sic need to care for if we truly want to be happy.
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made mention
of it when he said: “Happy are those conscious of
their spiritual need.” (Matt. 5:3) Happiness is pos-
sible because that need can be satisfied through an
understanding of God’s written Word, the Bible.
For many, that spiritual need comes to the sur-
face when they ask: ‘Why are we here? What is the
purpose of life?’ The answer becomes clear when
they are helped to realize that rather than evolv-
ing from lower life-forms, man was created by a
loving God. Moreover, we were formed “in God’s
image,” mirroring some of his qualities. (Gen. 1:27;
Deut. 32:4; Job 12:13; Isa. 40:26; 1 John 4:8) Jeho-
vah created us not only with physical needs but
also with a spiritual need. We have an innate desire
to know and worship God. (Rev. 4:11) By studying
the Bible, we learn spiritual truths—facts about
God, his standards, and his purpose for mankind.
What we learn is for our good because Jehovah
teaches us the best way of life.—Isa. 48:17; Luke
Just as our body needs to be sustained regu-
larly with physical food, our spirituality must be
nourished regularly. Even though we have learned
many spiritual truths, our imperfect minds tend to
forget. We become engrossed in the daily concerns
of life. We are bombarded by the propaganda of
Satan’s system of things. But the inspired Word
of God can teach us, reprove us when necessary,
set matters straight, and keep us “fully compe-
tent, completely equipped for every good work.”
—2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
How important, then, daily reminders from the
Bible are! That is why this publication, the 2011
edition of Examining the Scriptures Daily, is pro-
duced. In it you will find a Scripture text with com-
ments for each day of the year. These daily gems
will remind you of the truths you cherish, of the
need to stay spiritually awake, and of the way
you can please God. (1 Thess. 5:6) The brevity of
the printed comments makes it possible to review
them in just a few minutes. Many do this in the
morning, either by themselves or with their family
at the breakfast table. If you begin each day in this
way, it will truly be a good start to the day.
2011 Yeartext
“Take refuge in the name of Jehovah.”
—Zeph. 3:12.
On January 12, 2010, the Haitian city of Port-au-
Prince was struck by a devastating earthquake with a mag-
nitude of 7.0. Many buildings collapsed, including hos-
pitals, schools, the headquarters of the United Nations
mission, and sections of the presidential palace. More than
225,000 deaths resulted. Not knowing where to go for ref-
uge, people poured into the streets and for weeks after-
ward camped in any open areas they could find. This
proved wise, as aftershocks rocked the city, including one
of 6.1 magnitude that occurred on January 20.
The best place to seek refuge is always a question
when a calamity strikes. Should one stay put or move?
What location will prove safest? Who can be turned to for
help? Decisions are easier when just a relatively small area
is affected. But what if the calamity is widespread, even
Those who think that a global calamity is far-fetched
need to consider the Flood and Jesus’ warning: “Just as the
days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will
be.” And did not Jesus say that unless the great tribulation
was cut short, “no flesh would be saved”?—Matt. 24:22, 37.
Also of note is the prophetic account in Revelation
chapter 16. In verse 14, we learn that demonic expressions
“go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gath-
er them together to the war of the great day of God the Al-
mighty.” The prophecy goes on to relate that “a great
earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men
came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so
great.” (Rev. 16:18) While those statements are symbolic in
nature, they do indicate that destructive events of global
proportions are coming and that there is a great need to
seek a place of refuge. And Jehovah has promised such ref-
uge for those who seek him in true faith.—Zeph. 1:14, 15,
18; 2:2, 3.
Even now, before those foretold events occur, there is
a need to find refuge. Why? After foretelling the Devil’s
defeat and his ouster from heaven at the time of the King-
dom’s birth in 1914, the Bible relates that Satan—full of
wrath and confined to the vicinity of the earth—goes off
to wage war with those “who observe the commandments
of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.”
—Rev. 12:17.
A powerful, invisible enemy who is aware of our per-
sonal weaknesses is a fearsome foe indeed. But there are
those who are more powerful than Satan, foremost of
whom is Jehovah God. What better stronghold, what bet-
ter place of refuge, could there be than in the protec-
tion of the Almighty One himself? With inspired wisdom,
King Solomon wrote: “The name of Jehovah is a strong
tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.”
—Prov. 18:10.
The Hebrew prophet Joel cited the saving power of Je-
hovah’s name when he wrote: “Everyone who calls on the
name of Jehovah will get away safe.” (Joel 2:32) The apos-
tle Peter confirmed this when the Christian congregation
was founded on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. Peter said:
“Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.”
(Acts 2:21) Years later, the apostle Paul made the same
point. (Rom. 10:13) Today, it is Jehovah God in whom we
too must find refuge. He will prove to be our unconquer-
able stronghold!
As the name Jehovah (meaning “He Causes To Be-
come”) implies, God will prove to be whatever is needed in
any circumstances. He will do so for the sake of his people
and in line with his purpose. Jehovah can meet any chal-
lenge successfully. There is no greater refuge in these
trialsome times. It is with this in mind that the Governing
Body has chosen as the yeartext for 2011 these words found
at Zephaniah 3:12: “Take refuge in the name of Jehovah.”


In the following pages, you will find a Scripture text
for each day and comments on that text. The comments
are taken from the Watchtower (w) issues of April 2009 to
March 2010. Figures following the date of the Watchtower is-
sue refer to the number, in order, of each study article (1, 2,
3, 4, or 5) appearing in that issue, followed by the para-
graphs where further comments may be found.
Saturday, January 1 mandments. (John 14:15) Like
Jesus, his disciples displayed
All those desiring to live with
deep love and affection for those
godly devotion in association to whom they preached. En-
with Christ Jesus will also be during persecution and risking
persecuted.—2 Tim. 3:12. death, they ministered to oth-
What precious knowledge we ers and succeeded in preach-
as Jehovah’s servants have! Yes, ing the good news. What affec-
we understand who is to blame tion they felt for those whom they
for deteriorating world condi- helped spiritually! Touching in-
tions. Do we not, then, feel im- deed are the words of the apos-
pelled to share in the field min- tle Paul, who wrote: “Having a
istry so as to inform people of tender affection for you, we were
the identity of the chief trou- well pleased to impart to you, not
blemaker? And are we not hap- only the good news of God, but
py to stand up for the true God, also our own souls, because you
Jehovah, and to explain to oth- became beloved to us.”—1 Thess.
ers how he will put an end to Sa- 2:8. w09 7/15 3:16, 17
tan and to mankind’s woes? Sa-
tan is responsible not only for Monday, January 3
many of the world’s sorrows but [Jesus] cured all who were far-
also for the opposition that God’s ing badly.—Matt. 8:16.
people experience. He is deter-
mined to put us to the test. Jesus Practically everyone must face
Christ told the apostle Peter: “Si- health problems, either his own
mon, Simon, look! Satan has de- or those of family members. Je-
manded to have you men to sift sus’ mental attitude toward the
you as wheat.” (Luke 22:31) Simi- sick serves as an example for us.
larly, each of us who follows in His love moved him to feel pity
Jesus’ footsteps will experience for them and he cured them. To-
trials in some way or other. Peter day, Christians do not have Je-
compared the Devil to “a roaring sus’ miraculous power to heal,
lion, seeking to devour someone.” but they do share Jesus’ com-
—1 Pet. 5:8. w09 4/15 2:5, 6 passionate attitude toward the
sick. May we also strive to treat
Sunday, January 2 others kindly, even when their
We became gentle in the midst imperfections and weaknesses
come to the fore. Let us coura-
of you.—1 Thess. 2:7. geously obey all of Jehovah’s re-
Jesus was patient and under- quirements, even in the face of
standing. When his disciples trials. Finally, let us show Christ-
needed correction, he offered like love to all our brothers, as
it with love. (Mark 9:33-37) He Christ himself did, “to the end.”
encouraged them by expressing Such love identifies us as Jesus’
confidence that they would be true followers. (John 13:1, 34, 35)
effective preachers of the good Yes, “let your brotherly love con-
news. No man has ever been a tinue.” (Heb. 13:1) Do not hold
more loving teacher than Jesus. back! Use your life to praise Jeho-
The love he showed to his disci- vah and to help others! Jehovah
ples impelled them to love him will bless your sincere efforts.
in return and to keep his com- w09 9/15 3:16, 17, 19, 20
Tuesday, January 4 treasures that Jehovah urges his
worshippers to seek. Among such
Safeguard your heart. treasures is “the fear of Jeho-
—Prov. 4:23. vah,” which can be a protection
In the complex world in which and a safeguard for us in these
we live, many decisions need to perilous times. Finding “the very
be made that involve our obe- knowledge of God” can lead to
dience to God. How can we be the greatest honor any human
sure that these decisions are in can have—a close personal rela-
harmony with God’s will? Jeho- tionship with the Most High. And
vah has given us a gift that can with the treasures of God-given
help us greatly in this matter of wisdom, knowledge, and discern-
obedience. It is the conscience. ment, we will be able to deal suc-
What is the conscience? It is a cessfully with problems and is-
special kind of self-awareness. It sues in our daily life.—Prov. 9:10,
11. w09 7/15 1:1-3
acts like an internal judge, en-
abling us to look at the choices we Thursday, January 6
face in life or to reflect on the
actions we have already taken The kingdom of God will be
and to evaluate them as to good taken from you and be given to
or bad, right or wrong. (Rom. 2: a nation producing its fruits.
14, 15) The conscience, however, —Matt. 21:43.
has its limitations. For example,
Jehovah spoke of his people,
if we were to give the desires of
the ancient nation of Israel, as a
our heart too much prominence, collective servant. “ ‘You [plural]
our selfish tendencies might well are my witnesses [plural],’ is the
distort the conscience. (Jer. 17:9) utterance of Jehovah, ‘even my
If we do not rely on the sure, servant [singular] whom I have
unchanging guidance of God’s chosen.’ ” (Isa. 43:10) All mem-
Word, the Bible, our conscience bers of the nation were included
might be nearly useless.—Ps. in that one servant class. How-
119:105. w09 8/15 4:6, 8 ever, it is important to note that
only the priests together with
Wednesday, January 5 the nonpriestly Levites were re-
The fear of Jehovah is pure, sponsible for teaching the nation.
standing forever.—Ps. 19:9. (2 Chron. 35:3; Mal. 2:7) Was the
nation of Israel the slave about
Discoveries of hidden treasures whom Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:
have often made headline news. 45? No. We know that from the
Some finds may have historical words of today’s text, which Je-
or artistic value, but they usual- sus said to the Jews of his day.
ly have little or no effect on our Clearly, a change was to occur.
day-to-day life. However, God’s Jehovah would use a new nation.
Word invites us to search for trea- Nevertheless, when it comes to
sures that truly affect us. The in- spiritual instruction, the work
vitation is open to everyone, and of the slave in Jesus’ illustration
the reward is worth far more than does follow a pattern similar to
any material treasure. (Prov. 2: that of God’s “servant” in ancient
1-6) Consider the value of the Israel. w09 6/15 4:4, 5
Friday, January 7 gel coming down out of heaven
with the key of the abyss and
Keep yourselves clean. a great chain in his hand.” This
—Isa. 52:11. is none other than the archangel
Many years before Isaiah wrote Michael, who will bind the Devil
the above words, good King Asa and hurl him—and evidently the
vigorously pursued a campaign demons—into the abyss. They
to root out immorality in Ju- will be released briefly at the end
dah. (1 Ki. 15:11-13) And centu- of Christ’s Millennial Reign when
ries later, the apostle Paul told perfect mankind will experience
Titus that Jesus gave himself a final test. Thereafter, Satan
to cleanse his followers to make and all other rebels will suffer de-
them “a people peculiarly his struction. (Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10) All
own, zealous for fine works.” (Ti- rebellion against God will have
been removed. w09 5/15 3:20, 21
tus 2:14) In today’s vice-ridden
society, it is not easy—especial- Sunday, January 9
ly for youths—to keep morally
clean. For instance, all of God’s He went journeying from city
servants, young and old alike, to city and from village to vil-
must battle to keep free from lage, preaching and declaring
the contamination of pornog- the good news of the kingdom of
raphy that is displayed on bill- God.—Luke 8:1.
boards, on the TV screen, in
A good teacher makes his stu-
films, and particularly on the In-
dents feel comfortable so that
ternet. Our zeal in heeding God’s
they are eager to involve them-
warnings can help us to develop a
selves in what they are learning
hatred for what is bad. (Ps. 97: and are happy to express them-
10; Rom. 12:9) We need to abhor selves. A loving teacher imparts
pornography in order to “break knowledge because he genuinely
free from its powerful, magnetic cares for his students. He adapts
pull,” as one Christian expressed his teaching to their needs and
it. w09 6/15 2:14, 15 their level of understanding.
He is sensitive to the abilities
Saturday, January 8 and circumstances of his stu-
The Devil has been sinning from dents. When teachers have such
the beginning.—1 John 3:8. love, students will discern it, and
teaching and learning are enjoy-
“At the revelation of the Lord able. Jesus showed that kind of
Jesus from heaven with his pow- love. His greatest expression of
erful angels,” all “who do not love was to surrender his perfect
know God and those who do not human life so that others might
obey the good news about our be saved. (John 15:13) During his
Lord Jesus” will be destroyed. ministry, Jesus tirelessly cared
(2 Thess. 1:6-10) When John saw for people physically and espe-
that same event in vision, he cially spiritually. Rather than ex-
described Jesus and the angel- pecting people to come to him,
ic heavenly armies as going forth he traveled hundreds of miles on
on white horses in order to car- foot to share the good news with
ry on war in righteousness. (Rev. them.—Matt. 4:23-25. w09 7/15 3:
19:11-14) John also “saw an an- 15, 16
Monday, January 10 know Jehovah. (Ps. 77:12) A very
fine way to become even more
The zeal for your house will eat
intimately acquainted with Je-
me up.—John 2:17. hovah is to follow the Christ.
In Jerusalem at the temple in Just think of the glory Jesus
the Court of the Gentiles, Je- had alongside his Father “before
sus discovers “those selling cat- the world was”! (John 17:5) He is
tle and sheep and doves and the “the beginning of the creation by
money brokers in their seats.” God.” (Rev. 3:14) As “the first-
Brandishing a whip made of born of all creation,” he lived for
ropes, he drives out all the an- aeons in heaven with his Father,
imals. Jesus also pours out the Jehovah. (Col. 1:15) During his
coins of the money changers and prehuman existence, Jesus did
overturns their tables. He orders more than just spend time with
those selling doves to take what his Father. He was God’s person-
they have and leave. (John 2:13- al companion. w09 5/15 4:3, 4
16) Jesus’ actions relate direct-
ly to his concern for the temple. Wednesday, January 12
“Stop making the house of my God gave us not a spirit of cow-
Father a house of merchandise!” ardice, but that of power and of
he commands. As Jesus’ disci- love and of soundness of mind.
ples observe these events, they —2 Tim. 1:7.
recall the words penned centu-
ries earlier by the psalmist Da- “Soundness of mind” involves
vid: “The zeal for your house will being able to think and reason
eat me up.” (John 2:16, 17; Ps. sensibly. It includes the ability
69:9) In this 21st century, over to face things as they are—not
seven million Christians manifest the way you would like them to
concern for God’s house. Individ- be. Some immature youths man-
ually, we may ask, ‘How can I in- ifest a spirit of cowardice and
crease my personal zeal for Jeho- mentally try to escape stressful
vah’s house?’ w09 6/15 1:1-3 situations by resorting to exces-
sive sleep or TV viewing, drug
Tuesday, January 11 or alcohol abuse, constant party-
[God] is not far off from each ing, or sexual immorality. Chris-
one of us.—Acts 17:27. tians are admonished “to repu-
diate ungodliness and worldly
We can seek God and really desires and to live with sound-
come to know him. For example, ness of mind and righteousness
the book of creation speaks vol- and godly devotion amid this
umes about God’s qualities and present system of things.” (Titus
abilities. Appreciatively reflect- 2:12) The Bible exhorts “youn-
ing on his creative works can ger men to be sound in mind.”
teach us a great deal about the (Titus 2:6) Heeding this counsel
Creator. (Rom. 1:20) Jehovah has means that you will face prob-
also revealed details about him- lems prayerfully and will rely on
self in his written Word, the Bi- God-given strength. (1 Pet. 4:7)
ble. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) The more Thus, you will develop confidence
we ‘meditate on his activity’ and in “the strength that God sup-
‘concern ourselves with his deal- plies.”—1 Pet. 4:11. w09 5/15 2:
ings,’ the better we can get to 9, 10
Thursday, January 13 The narrative opens our eyes
to events of far-reaching impor-
He went forth conquering and
tance that occurred in heaven
to complete his conquest. and underscores the paramount
—Rev. 6:2. issue of God’s universal sover-
Like D avid, Jesus is a con- eignty. The account of Job also
quering king. Shortly after he deepens our understanding of
was installed as King of God’s what is involved in keeping integ-
Kingdom, he conquered Satan in rity and helps us to grasp why Je-
battle and hurled him and his de- hovah sometimes allows his ser-
mons down to the earth. (Rev. 12: vants to suffer. Furthermore, the
7-9) His victorious ride will con- book of Job identifies Satan the
tinue until he will “complete his Devil as Jehovah’s chief Adver-
conquest,” completely destroying sary and mankind’s enemy. The
Satan’s wicked system. (Rev. 19: book also shows that imperfect
11, 19-21) Like David, though, Je- humans like Job can remain loyal
sus is a compassionate king, and to Jehovah despite intense test-
he will protect the “great crowd” ing. w09 4/15 1:1, 2
through Armageddon. (Rev. 7:9,
14) Furthermore, under the rule Saturday, January 15
of Jesus and his joint heirs, the
The creation itself also will be
resurrected 144,000, there will be
“a resurrection of both the righ- set free from enslavement to
teous and the unrighteous.” (Acts corruption and have the glori-
24:15) Those who are resurrected ous freedom of the children of
on earth will have the prospect God.—Rom. 8:21.
of living forever. What a wonder-
Today, the prospect of living
ful future awaits them! May we
forever on earth fills the hearts
all be determined to continue to
of millions with gratitude to-
“do what is good,” so that we will
ward Jehovah. The prophet Isa-
be alive when the earth is filled
with righteous, happy subjects of iah was inspired to write about
the Greater David.—Ps. 37:27-29. the kind of life that God’s people
w09 4/15 5:10, 11 will enjoy on earth. (Isa. 65:21-
25) Certain trees that were alive
Friday, January 14 some 2,700 years ago when Isaiah
wrote those words are evidently
Let the name of Jehovah contin- still alive today. Can you imag-
ue to be blessed.—Job 1:21. ine yourself living that long with
Moses was about 40 years old strength and good health? In-
when he fled from Egypt and took stead of being a short walk from
up residence in Midian. (Acts 7: the cradle to the grave, life will
23) During his stay in that land, present endless opportunities to
he could have heard of the trials build, plant, and learn. Think of
of Job, who was living nearby the friendships you will be able to
in the land of Uz. Jewish tradi- cultivate. Those loving relation-
tion holds that Moses wrote the ships will continue to grow indef-
book of Job sometime after Job’s initely. What “glorious freedom”
death. The book of Job strength- will then be enjoyed on earth by
ens the faith of God’s servants “the children of God”! w09 8/15 3:
in modern times. In what ways? 17-19
Sunday, January 16 “Do not become wise in your own
eyes.” (Prov. 3:7) Instead, follow
[God’s] will is that all sorts of the wise counsel that Moses gave
men should be saved and come to God’s people in ancient times:
to an accurate knowledge of “Jehovah your God you should
truth.—1 Tim. 2:4. fear. Him you should serve, and
Jehovah’s Witnesses scour the to him you should cling.” (Deut.
earth in search of those who 10:20) By clinging to Jehovah, we
yearn to know and serve God. will be imitating Jesus, of whom
In fact, for the past 17 years it was said: “You loved righteous-
in a row, we have spent over ness, and you hated lawless-
one billion hours annually in the ness.” (Heb. 1:9) Paying atten-
preaching and disciple-making tion to godly wisdom will deepen
work. We do so willingly, although our happiness now and safeguard
the preaching work requires that us in times to come.—Eccl. 7:12.
we sacrifice time, energy, and w09 4/15 3:18, 19
material resources. Like Jesus,
we understand that our loving
Tuesday, January 18
heavenly Father desires that peo- Through one man sin entered
ple acquire the knowledge that into the world and death
leads to everlasting life. (John through sin, and thus death
17:3) Love moves us to help hon- spread to all men because they
esthearted ones to come to know had all sinned.—Rom. 5:12.
and love Jehovah as we do. Yes,
to be truly effective teachers, we The infection rate of sin is
need a threefold love—love for 100 percent. (Rom. 3:23) And
God, love of the truth, and love what is the mortality rate? Paul
for people. As we cultivate that wrote that sin brings death “to
kind of love and display it in our all men.” Many today do not see
ministry, we experience not only sin and death in such dire terms.
the joy of giving but also the sat- They worry about what they call
isfaction of knowing that we im- premature death, but they dis-
itate Jesus and please Jehovah. miss as “natural” the death that
w09 7/15 3:18, 20 creeps up on humans through the
aging process. It is all too easy for
Monday, January 17 humans to forget the Creator’s
Abhor what is wicked, cling to perspective. Our lifespan is infi-
what is good.—Rom. 12:9. nitely shorter than he meant it to
be. Actually, no human has lived
The unwholesome influences for even “one day” from Jehovah’s
that are prevalent in Satan’s point of view. (2 Pet. 3:8) God’s
world could cause us to lose our Word thus says that our lives are
grip on godly principles. For in- as transitory as a season’s growth
stance, association with those of grass or as an exhaled breath.
who do not adhere to God’s laws (Ps. 39:5; 1 Pet. 1:24) We need
—whether at school or at work to keep that perspective in mind.
or through some form of un- Why? If we see the severity of the
godly entertainment—might af- “disease” that afflicts us, we can
fect our determination to do what better appreciate the value of the
is right. Do not let that hap- “cure”—our deliverance. w09 9/15
pen to you! God’s Word warns: 5:3, 4
Wednesday, January 19 by name. He loves his sheep so
much that while on earth he will-
In every way we recommend
ingly gave of himself for their
ourselves as God’s ministers, well-being. (John 10:3, 14, 15)
. . . by truthful speech. As the Fine Shepherd, Jesus ac-
—2 Cor. 6:4, 7. complishes something that David
This certainly proved to be the could never do. His ransom sac-
case with a Witness living in Brit- rifice opened the way for man-
ain. Attempting to sell a car to a kind to be rescued from death.
prospective buyer, he described Nothing will stop him from shep-
all its good points as well as its herding his “little flock” to im-
faults, including those that could mortal life in heaven and leading
not be seen. After taking the car his “other sheep” to everlasting
for a test drive, the buyer asked life in a righteous new world free
the brother if he was one of Jeho- from wolflike predators.—John
vah’s Witnesses. Why did he draw 10:27-29. w09 4/15 5:7
that conclusion? The man had
taken note of the brother’s hon- Friday, January 21
esty as well as his neat appear-
Keep yourselves in God’s love.
ance. The ensuing discussion led
to a fine witness being given. Do —Jude 21.
we likewise bring praise to our This text implies that some ac-
Creator by our good moral char- tion is required on our part.
acter? Paul said: “We have re- What, then, do we need to do in
nounced the underhanded things order to remain in God’s love?
of which to b e ashamed, not We find the answer to that ques-
walking with cunning.” (2 Cor. tion in Jesus’ own words, spoken
4:2) Hence, let us do our utmost on the final night of his life here
to speak truth with our neighbor. on earth. He said: “If you observe
In so doing, we will bring glory to my commandments, you will re-
our heavenly Father and to his main in my love, just as I have ob-
people. w09 6/15 3:19, 20 served the commandments of
Thursday, January 20 the Father and remain in his
love.” (John 15:10) Clearly, Je-
I am the fine shepherd. sus felt that observing Jehovah’s
—John 10:11. commandments was essential to
The years David spent in fields keeping a good standing with his
and on hills tending sheep pre- Father. Now, if that was true of
p ared him for the demand- the perfect Son of God, would it
ing duties and responsibilities of not be true of us also? Primari-
shepherding the nation of Isra- ly, we show that we love Jehovah
el. (Ps. 78:70, 71) Jesus too has by obeying him. The apostle John
proved to be a model shepherd. expressed it this way: “This is
He derives strength and guidance what the love of God means, that
from Jehovah as he shepherds we observe his commandments;
his “little flock” and the “other and yet his commandments are
sheep.” (Luke 12:32; John 10:16) not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3)
Thus Jesus proves to be the Fine Yes, Jehovah does not ask us to
Shepherd. He knows his flock do something that is too hard for
so well that he calls each sheep us. w09 8/15 4:2-4
Saturday, January 22 everlasting life is an essential as-
pect of the good news that we
What will be the sign of your preach. It molds our very out-
presence and of the conclusion look on life. For the most part,
of the system of things? the religions of Christendom
—Matt. 24:3. have ignored the hope of ever-
The initial fulfillment of the lasting life on earth. Whereas
prophecy that Jesus gave his dis- the Bible teaches that the soul
ciples in answer to their question dies, the majority of churches
took place in the first century. Je- teach the unscriptural doctrine
sus spoke of an unusual devel- that man has an immortal soul
opment that would signal that that survives death and lives
the end was imminent. Upon ob- on in the spirit realm. (Ezek.
serving that development, “those 18:20) Hence, many people are
in Judea [were to] begin fleeing skeptical about everlasting life
to the mountains.” (Matt. 24:1, 2, on earth. w09 8/15 1:1, 2
15-22) Nearly three decades lat- Monday, January 24
er, in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul
penned a strong, sobering mes- He that has endured to the end
sage to Hebrew Christians living is the one that will be saved.
in Jerusalem and its surround- —Matt. 24:13.
ings. Unknown to both Paul and
It would be a mistake to low-
his fellow believers, the signal
er our moral and spiritual stan-
marking the opening stage of a
dards, perhaps thinking that we
“great tribulation” was only about
are strong enough to resist the
five years away. (Matt. 24:21) In
effects of bad association, includ-
66 C.E., Cestius Gallus led Ro-
ing when that association might
man troops in a nearly successful
be in the form of violent, immor-
attack on Jerusalem. But then he
al entertainment. Instead, we
suddenly withdrew, leaving open must protect ourselves and our
a window of opportunity for en- children from the corrupting in-
dangered ones to escape to safe- fluences of Satan’s spirit. Com-
ty. w09 5/15 1:1, 2 puter users take pains to prevent
Sunday, January 23 their equipment from becom-
ing infected with malicious vi-
He will wipe out every tear from ruses that can destroy data, in-
their eyes, and death will be no terfere with operation, and even
more, neither will mourning nor take over the machine. Should we
outcry nor pain be anymore. be any less vigilant in protect-
The former things have passed ing ourselves from Satan’s “crafty
away.—Rev. 21:4. acts”? (Eph. 6:11, ftn.) Practically
every day, in some way we have to
Perhaps you recall the joy you choose if we will do things Jeho-
felt when you first learned that vah’s way or not. In order to gain
in the near future, people will salvation, we must obey God and
no longer grow old and die but live by his righteous principles.
will live forever on earth. (John By following Christ’s example of
17:3) You have probably enjoyed obedience even “as far as death,”
sharing that Scriptural hope with we show that our faith is real.
others. After all, the hope of —Phil. 2:8. w09 9/15 2:8, 9
Tuesday, January 25 to weaken in the face of world-
ly pressure. Christian parents
Unless anyone is born from wa- realize that a child’s upbringing
ter and spirit, he cannot enter entails more than providing for
into the kingdom of God. his material needs. Therefore, it
—John 3:5. would be extremely shortsighted
Jesus told Nicodemus that to teach a child to pursue goals
those entering the Kingdom of that would serve only for his ma-
the heavens must b e “b orn terial advantage. Jesus taught his
again.” (John 3:3, 4) Jesus did not disciples to make spiritual val-
ues and pursuits their priority.
stop with that. He then spoke of
(Matt. 6:33) Therefore, in imita-
the hope that is open to the whole
tion of Jesus, Christian parents
world. (John 3:16) Jesus was re-
should also strive to cultivate in
ferring to the hope of everlast-
their children a desire to pursue
ing life for his anointed follow-
spiritual goals. w09 7/15 2:13, 14
ers in heaven and for others on
earth. After speaking to Nico- Thursday, January 27
demus in Jerusalem, Jesus trav-
eled north toward Galilee. On Jehovah God will raise up for
the way, he met a woman at Ja- you from among your brothers a
cob’s fountain near the city of prophet like me.—Acts 3:22.
Sychar in Samaria. He told her: Shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E.,
“Whoever drinks from the water the apostle Peter quoted a proph-
that I will give him will never get ecy by Moses that was fulfilled
thirsty at all, but the water that I in Jesus Christ. Peter was stand-
will give him will become in him ing before a crowd of worship-
a fountain of water bubbling up pers in the temple. The people
to impart everlasting life.” (John were “surprised out of their wits”
4:5, 6, 14) This water represents when Peter and John healed a
God’s provisions for the restora- beggar who was lame from birth.
tion of all mankind to everlasting (Acts 3:11) Peter explained that
life, including those who will live this astonishing act was a result
on earth. w09 8/15 2:8, 9 of Jehovah’s holy spirit operat-
ing through Jesus Christ. Then,
Wednesday, January 26 quoting from the Hebrew Scrip-
The advantage of knowledge tures, he said the words found
is that wisdom itself preserves in today’s text. (Deut. 18:15, 18,
alive its owners.—Eccl. 7:12. 19) Those words of Moses were
likely familiar to Peter’s audi-
If parents strive to apply Bible ence. As Jews, they had a high re-
principles in everyday matters, gard for Moses. (Deut. 34:10)
this will not escape their chil- With keen anticip ation, they
dren’s notice. The parents’ words looked forward to the coming of a
and teachings will carry weight. prophet greater than Moses. That
However, if children perceive a prophet would prove to be not
double standard, they might just a messiah, an anointed one
draw the conclusion that Bible of God like Moses, but the Messi-
principles are not really impor- ah, “the Christ of God, the Cho-
tant or practical. As a result, the sen One” of Jehovah.—Luke 23:
children may be more inclined 35; Heb. 11:26. w09 4/15 4:6, 7
Friday, January 28 states: “David’s fame began to go
out into all the lands, and Jeho-
He has not done to us even ac- vah himself put the dread of him
cording to our sins; nor accord- upon all the nations.” (1 Chron.
ing to our errors has he brought 14:17) Like King David, the man
upon us what we deserve. Jesus w as fearless. As King-
—Ps. 103:10. Designate, he showed his au-
thority over the demons, rescu-
In order to grasp the severity of
ing victims from their clutches.
sin and its effects, we must try to (Mark 5:2, 6-13; Luke 4:36) Even
fathom what it has cost us. That the archenemy, Satan the Devil,
may be difficult at first because has no hold on him. With Jeho-
sin cost us something we have vah’s support, Jesus conquered
never yet experienced. Adam and the world, which lies in Satan’s
Eve initially enjoyed perfect hu- power.—John 14:30; 1 John 5:19.
man life. Perfect in mind and w09 4/15 5:8, 9
body, they could choose to con-
trol their thoughts, feelings, and Sunday, January 30
actions. Thus they were free to
grow as servants of Jehovah God,
Come to me, all you who are
to fulfill the tremendous poten- toiling and loaded down, and I
tial within them. Instead, they will refresh you. Take my yoke
threw away that precious gift. upon you and learn from me,
By choosing to sin against Jeho- for I am mild-tempered and
vah, they lost for themselves and lowly in heart, and you will find
their offspring the kind of life refreshment for your souls.
that Jehovah intended for them. —Matt. 11:28, 29.
(Gen. 3:16-19) At the same time,
Jesus, the perfect Son of God,
they inflicted on themselves and
willingly came to earth to serve
on us the terrible “disease” of
among imperfect and sinful peo-
sin. Rightly, Jehovah condemned
ple. Some of those would later
them. But for us, he holds out the
kill him. Yet, Jesus always main-
hope of deliverance. w09 9/15 5:5 tained his joy and self-control.
Saturday, January 29 (1 Pet. 2:21-23) ‘Looking intent-
ly’ at Jesus’ example can help
In the world you are having us to do the same when oth-
tribulation, but take courage! I ers’ faults and imperfections af-
have conquered the world. fect us. (Heb. 12:2) Jesus invit-
—John 16:33. ed his disciples to ‘get under his
yoke with him’ and thus to learn
As king, David was a resolute from him. (Matt. 11:29, ftn.) What
warrior who protected the land of could they learn? For one thing,
God’s people, and “Jehovah kept Jesus was mild-tempered, and he
saving David wherever he went.” was patient with his disciples de-
Under David’s leadership, the na- spite their faults. On the night
tion’s boundaries were extended before he died, Jesus washed
from the river of Egypt to the riv- their feet, thereby teaching them
er Euphrates. (2 Sam. 8:1-14) In a lesson in being “lowly in heart”
Jehovah’s strength, he became a that they would never forget.
most powerful ruler. The Bible —John 13:14-17. w09 9/15 1:1, 3
Monday, January 31 (Job 1:5) Even when being severe-
ly tested, Job still said positive
Jehovah himself turned back the things about Jehovah. (Job 10:12)
captive condition of Job when he What a fine example! We too must
prayed in behalf of his compan- regularly take in accurate knowl-
ions, and Jehovah began to give edge of Jehovah and his purpos-
in addition all that had been es. We hold to a healthy routine in
Job’s, in double amount. such spiritual activities as study,
—Job 42:10. meeting attendance, prayer, and
the preaching of the good news.
What Job learned about God Moreover, we do everything in
aroused in him the desire to our power to make known the
please Jehovah. In case his fam- name of Jehovah. And just as
ily members might have done Job’s integrity pleased Jehovah,
something displeasing to God or so the integrity of God’s servants
“have cursed God in their heart,” today makes Jehovah’s heart re-
he regularly offered sacrifices. joice. w09 4/15 1:9, 18

Tuesday, February 1 Wednesday, February 2

Become an example to the faith- Ezra . . . had prepared his heart
ful ones.—1 Tim. 4:12. to consult the law of Jehovah
Paul was urging Timothy to
and to do it.—Ezra 7:10.
keep applying himself in order One way to prepare our heart is
to make progress in speech, con- by diligently studying the Scrip-
duct, love, faith, and chasteness, tures and Bible-based publica-
as well as in the way he fulfilled tions. Imagine yourself in the fol-
his ministry. He was to strive to lowing situation. Suppose it is
make his manner of life exem- your evening for personal study.
plary. (1 Tim. 4:13-15) When Paul You have just prayed for Jeho-
penned this counsel sometime vah’s spirit to help you to ap-
between 61 and 64 C.E., Timothy ply what you learn from his Word.
was already an experienced el- You have plans to watch a par-
der. In 49 or 50 C.E. when Timo- ticular movie on TV the next
thy was likely in his late teens or evening, yet you know that it
early 20’s, he was “well report- contains some immorality and vi-
ed on by the brothers in Lystra olence. You ponder Paul’s coun-
and Iconium,” who had observed sel at Ephesians 5:3: “Let forni-
his spiritual progress. (Acts 16: cation and uncleanness of every
1-5) At that time, Paul took Tim- sort or greediness not even be
othy with him on his mission- mentioned among you, just as it
ary journey. After observing Tim- befits holy people.” You also re-
othy’s further progress for some call Paul’s advice at Philippians
months, Paul dispatched him to 4:8. As you weigh this inspired
Thessalonica in order to com- counsel, you ask yourself, ‘If I de-
fort and make firm the Christians liberately expose my heart and
in that city. (1 Thess. 3:1-3, 6) mind to such programs, am I fol-
Clearly, Timothy began to make lowing Jesus’ example of strict
his advancement manifest to oth- obedience to God?’ What will you
ers when he was a young person. do? Will you watch that movie
w09 5/15 2:3-5 anyway? w09 9/15 2:5-7
Thursday, February 3 “Without writing a single line, he
set more pens in motion, and fur-
Who really is the faithful and
nished themes for more sermons,
discreet slave whom his master orations, discussions, learned
appointed over his domestics, to volumes, works of art, and songs
give them their food at the of praise, than the whole army of
proper time?—Matt. 24:45. great men of ancient and modern
After raising this question, Je- times.” That remarkable young
sus then went on to say that man was, of course, Jesus Christ.
this slave would be rewarded Said the apostle John: “There
for his faithfulness by being ap- are, in fact, many other things
pointed over all of the Master’s also which Jesus did, which, if
belongings. (Matt. 24:46, 47) Je- ever they were written in full de-
sus, the “master” in the illustra- tail, I suppose, the world itself
tion, did not say that there would could not contain the scrolls writ-
be a multitude of slaves scattered ten.”—John 21:25. w09 4/15 4:1, 2
throughout the various sects of
Christendom. Instead, he clearly Saturday, February 5
stated that there would be only Maintain your conduct fine
one “steward,” or “slave,” whom among the nations.—1 Pet. 2:12.
he would appoint over all his be-
longings. So as The Watchtower At Bethel homes throughout
has often explained, the stew- the world, brothers and sisters
ard must represent the “little work zealously and for no wag-
flock” of anointed disciples as a es, volunteering their time and
collective body, or group. In the energy to help publish the good
context of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus news. Similarly, brothers and sis-
had just referred to these ones. ters who work secularly to care
(Luke 12:32, 42) The “body of at- for their families go about their
tendants,” or “domestics,” refers business in a whole-souled way.
to this same group but highlights (Col. 3:23, 24) This often results
their role as individuals. w09 6/15 in improved job security, as em-
4:1, 3 ployers value their conscientious
attitude and do not want to lose
Friday, February 4 them as employees. Our trust in
Jehovah God will raise up for Jehovah, our obedience to his in-
you from among your brothers a structions, and the care we take
of our meeting places are among
prophet like me. You must listen
ways that we demonstrate zeal
to him.—Acts 3:22. for Jehovah’s house. In addi-
Two thousand years ago, the tion, we want to have as full a
birth of a certain male child share as we can in the Kingdom-
caused a multitude of angels in preaching and disciple-making
heaven to praise God in the hear- work. Whether we are young or
ing of some shepherds. (Luke 2:8- old, by our strenuously uphold-
14) Thirty years later, that child, ing the clean standards associ-
now an adult, began a minis- ated with our worship, we shall
try that lasted just three and a reap many benefits. And we will
half years and yet changed his- continue to be known as a people
tory. Historian Philip Schaff was “zealous for fine works.”—Titus
moved to state of this young man: 2:14. w09 6/15 2:16-18
Sunday, February 6 needed. Because the matter has
not previously been discussed
In the re-creation, when the Son
by the parents, it would be ap-
of man sits down upon his glo- propriate for the mother to in-
rious throne, you who have fol- quire, “Did you ask your father?”
lowed me will also yourselves If the son has not, she should
sit upon twelve thrones, judging discuss the matter with her hus-
the twelve tribes of Israel. band before anything is decided.
—Matt. 19:28. Moreover, a Christian wife would
Jesus told his ap ostles that certainly want to avoid contra-
they would be among those who dicting her husband or challeng-
would rule as kings and judge ing his opinion in front of their
“the twelve tribes of Israel,” that children. If she disagrees with
is, the world of mankind outside her husband about something,
that heavenly ruling class. (1 Cor. she would talk with him in pri-
6:2) He also spoke of a reward vate.—Eph. 6:4. w09 7/15 2:9, 10
for “everyone” who follows him.
Such individuals too “will inher-
Tuesday, February 8
it everlasting life.” (Matt. 19:29) [Christ] obtained an everlasting
All of this is to take place “in deliverance for us.—Heb. 9:12.
the re-creation.” What did Je-
sus mean by “the re-creation”? Among the most imp ortant
Since Jesus used the term with- sacrifices required by the Law
out explanation, he evidently re- were those offered on the an-
ferred to what had been the Jew- nual Day of Atonement. On that
ish hope for centuries. There day, the high priest offered sacri-
was to be a re-creation of con- fices to Jehovah to provide for the
ditions on earth, so that things atonement of sins—first those of
would be as they were in the gar- the priestly class, then those of
den of Eden before Adam and the nonpriestly tribes. (Ex. 25:
Eve sinned. The re-creation will 22; Lev. 16:1-30) The apostle Paul
fulfill God’s promise of “creating was inspired to reveal the mean-
new heavens and a new earth.” ing behind those symbolic ac-
—Isa. 65:17. w09 8/15 2:4, 5 tions. He showed that the high
priest pictured the Messiah, Je-
Monday, February 7 sus Christ, while the offering of
Jesus . . . gave no consideration the sacrifices signified Christ’s
to a seizure, namely, that he sacrificial death. (Heb. 9:11-
14) That perfect sacrifice would
should be equal to God. No, but
provide real atonement for two
he emptied himself and took a
groups of people—the priestly
slave’s form.—Phil. 2:5-7. class of Christ’s 144,000 spirit-
A Christian wife does well to anointed brothers and the “oth-
imitate Jesus by supporting her er sheep.” (John 10:16) When
husband’s headship. (1 Pet. 2: the high priest entered the Most
21; 3:1, 2) Consider a situation in Holy, he foreshadowed Jesus’ en-
which she has an opportunity to try into heaven itself to present
do this. Her son is seeking per- before Jehovah God the value of
mission to engage in an activity the ransom sacrifice.—Heb. 9:24,
for which parental permission is 25. w09 9/15 5:8, 9
Wednesday, February 9 let God’s Word educate and train
our conscience so that it can be
We do have the mind of Christ.
truly useful to us. We need to
—1 Cor. 2:16. listen to our Bible-trained con-
If the flaws of others easily an- science instead of letting our
noy us, we need to ask ourselves, selfish inclinations overwhelm it.
‘How can I better reflect “the At the same time, we should en-
mind of Christ”?’ Try to keep in deavor to respect the consciences
mind that Jesus did not become of our beloved spiritual brothers
upset with his disciples, even and sisters. We make every effort
when they showed a measure of to avoid stumbling them, keeping
spiritual weakness. Consider the in mind that our brother’s con-
case of the apostle Peter. When science may be more sensitive or
Jesus invited Peter to get out of restrictive than our own.—1 Cor.
the boat and walk toward Him 8:12; 2 Cor. 4:2. w09 8/15 4:8, 9
on the water, Peter actually did
so for a while. Then Peter looked Friday, February 11
at the windstorm and began to
I do indeed also consider all
sink. Did Jesus become incensed
and say to him: “Serves you right! things to be loss on account of
Let that be a lesson to you”? the excelling value of the knowl-
No! “Immediately stretching out edge of Christ Jesus.—Phil. 3:8.
his hand Jesus caught hold of him From an early age, Robert ex-
and said to him: ‘You with lit- celled in school. His academ-
tle faith, why did you give way ic achievements as a high-school
to doubt?’ ” (Matt. 14:28-31) If
student qualified him to attend
we ever have to deal with a broth-
any of the best universities in his
er’s apparent lack of faith, can
country. But Robert chose to for-
we figuratively stretch out our
go what many viewed as a once-
hand and help him to gain more
faith? That is certainly a lesson in-a-lifetime opportunity in or-
evident in Jesus’ mild-tempered der to pursue his goal of serving
action toward Peter. w09 9/15 1: as a regular pioneer. (1 Cor. 7:
2, 4, 5 29-31) What motivates Christians
like Robert to expend themselves
Thursday, February 10 in the preaching work? In ad-
dition to their love for Jehovah,
Hold a good conscience. which is the foremost reason,
—1 Pet. 3:16. they appreciate the excelling val-
Sadly, many p eople in this ue of divine education. Have you
world give undue prominence to considered lately what your life
the desires of the heart while might be like if you had not come
paying little or no attention to to a knowledge of the truth? Re-
the standards set out in God’s flecting on some of the outstand-
Word. (Eph. 4:17-19) That is why ing blessings we enjoy as a result
so many people, though endowed of being taught by Jehovah will
with a conscience, do terrible help us to maintain our apprecia-
things. (1 Tim. 4:2) We should tion for the good news and to be
be determined never to be like zealous in sharing it with others.
that! Rather, let us continue to w09 9/15 4:1, 2
Saturday, February 12 23, 24) With the passing of time,
the human life span declined.
We mustered up boldness . . .
Adam lived for 930 years. The
to speak to you the good news. Flood survivor Shem lived for only
—1 Thess. 2:2. 600 years, and his son Arpachshad
How pleasant it is to hear good for 438 years. Abraham’s father,
news! And the best news of all Terah, lived for 205 years. The life
is the good news of God’s King- span of Abraham was 175 years,
dom. This good news assures us that of his son Isaac was 180 years,
of an end to suffering, sickness, and that of Jacob was 147 years.
pain, sorrow, and death. It opens (Gen. 5:5; 11:10-13, 32; 25:7; 35:
the way to everlasting life, re- 28; 47:28) Many people must have
veals God’s purpose, and shows realized what this decline meant
us how to come into a loving re- —the prospect of everlasting life
lationship with him. You would had been lost! w09 8/15 1:3
think that everyone would re-
joice to hear this news that Je- Monday, February 14
sus shared with mankind. Sad- Look out: perhaps there may be
ly, though, that is not the case.
Jesus told his disciples: “Do not someone who will carry you off
think I came to put peace upon as his prey through the philoso-
the earth; I came to put, not phy and empty deception ac-
peace, but a sword. . . . Indeed, a cording to the tradition of men.
man’s enemies will be persons of —Col. 2:8.
his own household.” (Matt. 10:34-
36) Instead of embracing the We too must beware of the in-
good news, most people reject it. fluences from Satan and his wick-
Some make themselves enemies ed system. Worldly philosophy,
of those who proclaim it, even if including secular humanism and
they are close family members. the theory of evolution, shapes
w09 7/15 4:1, 2 people’s thinking, morals, goals,
and lifestyle. False religion plays
Sunday, February 13 a major role in many popular hol-
iday celebrations. The entertain-
As for the tree of the knowledge
ment industry panders to the
of good and bad you must not debased tendencies of the fall-
eat from it, for in the day you en flesh, and much of the con-
eat from it you will positively tent of the Internet poses a real
die.—Gen. 2:17. danger to young and old alike.
Jehovah’s purp ose for man- Constant exposure to these and
kind was made evident at the other worldly trends can easily
very beginning of human history. affect our feelings and attitude
God clearly indicated that Adam toward the direction that Jeho-
would live forever if he was obedi- vah provides, causing us to re-
ent. (Gen. 2:9; 3:22) Adam’s ear- lax our firm hold on the real life.
ly descendants no doubt learned (1 Tim. 6:17-19) Clearly, we need
about man’s fall from perfection, to grasp the meaning of Paul’s
which was confirmed by visible words to the Colossians and take
evidence. The entrance to the his counsel to heart if we do not
garden of Eden was blocked, and want to succumb to Satan’s cun-
people grew old and died. (Gen. 3: ning schemes. w09 7/15 1:5, 6
Tuesday, February 15 on looking at a woman so as to
have a passion for her has already
Upon them be peace and mercy,
committed adultery with her in
even upon the Israel of God. his heart.” (Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:27,
—Gal. 6:16. 28) After stating the Pharisaic in-
The new nation, “the Israel of terpretation of a statement in the
God,” is made up of spiritual Is- Law—“you must love your neigh-
raelites. (Matt. 21:43; Rom. 2:28, bor and hate your enemy”—Jesus
29; 9:6) It came into existence made known Jehovah’s thinking,
with the outpouring of God’s saying: “Continue to love your en-
spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E. There- emies and to pray for those per-
after, all spirit-anointed Chris- secuting you.” (Matt. 5:43, 44; Ex.
tians became part of the nation 23:4) Gaining insight into how
that now served as the slave class God thinks and feels and what he
appointed by the Master, Jesus requires of us equips us to imitate
Christ. Each member of that na- him more fully. w09 5/15 4:6
tion was given the commission
to preach the good news and Thursday, February 17
make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Honor your father and your
But was every member of that mother.—Matt. 15:4.
group to be involved with provid-
ing spiritual food at the proper You youngsters may at times
time? No. The apostle Paul tells be tempted to disobey your par-
us: “Not all are apostles, are they? ents. So, what can help you to
Not all are prophets, are they? follow Jesus’ example and re-
Not all are teachers, are they?” sist temptation? (Matt. 4:1-10)
(1 Cor. 12:29) Although all spirit- Likely, most of your schoolmates
begotten Christians engaged in have little or no regard for Bi-
the preaching work, only a very ble standards. They might try to
limited number—just eight dif- get you to participate in ques-
ferent men—were used to write tionable activities and make fun
the 27 books of the Christian of you when you refuse. Do your
Greek Scriptures. w09 6/15 4: schoolmates ever call you names
6, 10 because you refuse to participate
in certain activities with them?
Wednesday, February 16 If so, how do you react? You
You must love your fellow as know that if you allow yourself to
yourself. I am Jehovah. be intimidated and go along with
the crowd, you will disappoint
—Lev. 19:18. your parents and Jehovah. Where
Jesus showed what God re- would you wind up if you followed
quires of us and how he feels your schoolmates? Perhaps you
about his worshippers. (Matt. have set certain goals for your-
22:36-40; Luke 12:6, 7; 15:4-7) For self, such as becoming a pioneer
example, after quoting one of the or a ministerial servant, serving
Ten Commandments—“you must in a territory where there is a
not commit adultery”—Jesus ex- greater need for Kingdom pub-
plained God’s view of what takes lishers, or becoming a Bethelite.
place inside the heart of a man Will associating with your school-
long before he commits that act. mates help you reach your goals?
He said: “Everyone that keeps w09 7/15 2:16, 17
Friday, February 18 believes him that sent me has
everlasting life.” Jesus also said:
Will God truly dwell upon the
“The hour is coming in which all
earth? Look! The heavens, yes, those in the memorial tombs will
the heaven of the heavens, hear [the Son of man’s] voice and
themselves cannot contain you; come out, those who did good
how much less, then, this house things to a resurrection of life,
that I have built!—1 Ki. 8:27. those who practiced vile things
In ancient Israel, the house of to a resurrection of judgment.”
God was the temple in Jerusa- (John 5:1-8, 19, 22, 24-29) Jesus
lem. Of course, Jehovah did not was telling the persecuting Jews
literally live there. He declared: that he was the one appointed
“The heavens are my throne, and by God to fulfill the Jewish hope
the earth is my footstool. Where, of everlasting life on earth and
then, is the house that you peo- that he would do so by raising the
ple can build for me, and where, dead. w09 8/15 2:10
then, is the place as a resting-
place for me?” (Isa. 66:1) Never- Sunday, February 20
theless, the temple built during I am no part of the world.
Solomon’s reign served as the fo- —John 17:16.
cal point for the worship of Jeho-
vah, where prayers were offered. Surrounded as we are by this
(1 Ki. 8:28-30) Today, Jehovah’s world’s attitudes and conduct, we
house is no stone edifice in Jeru- need courage to resist contami-
salem or anywhere else. Rather, nation. Christians deal with mor-
it is the arrangement for us to ap- al, social, financial, and religious
proach him in worship on the ba- pressures that could cause them
sis of Christ’s ransom sacrifice. to deviate from Jehovah’s righ-
All of God’s faithful servants on teous ways. Many face family op-
earth unite to worship Jehovah in position. In some countries, edu-
this spiritual temple.—Isa. 60:4, cational institutions promote the
8, 13; Acts 17:24; Heb. 8:5; 9:24. theory of evolution ever more ag-
w09 6/15 1:4, 5 gressively, and atheism is gain-
ing more attention. In the face of
Saturday, February 19 such pressures, we cannot merely
The man immediately became hunker down and do nothing. We
must take action in order to resist
sound in health, and he picked
and thus protect ourselves. Jesus’
up his cot and began to walk. example shows us how we can
—John 5:9. succeed. He never yielded to the
In Jerusalem, Jesus restored a world’s influence. He never al-
sick man to health at the pool lowed the world to stop him from
of Bethzatha. To the Jews who carrying out his preaching com-
criticized what he did, Jesus ex- mission or to cause him to low-
plained that “the Son cannot do er his standards for true worship
a single thing of his own initia- and proper conduct; nor should
tive, but only what he beholds the we. Studying Christ’s courageous
Father doing.” After telling them example and reflecting on it can
that the Father “has committed give us the necessary courage to
all the judging to the Son,” Jesus remain separate from the world.
said: “He that hears my word and w09 9/15 2:10, 11
Monday, February 21 wisdom were unmatched among
his contemporaries. (1 Ki. 4:30,
[Job] got up early in the morn- 32, 34) Many of his proverbs were
ing and offered up burnt sacri- written down and are still trea-
fices according to the number of sured by those who seek wisdom.
all [his children]. That is the The queen of Sheba traveled
way Job would do always. some 1,500 miles to test Solo-
—Job 1:5. mon’s wisdom with “perplexing
questions.” She was impressed by
How can we show that we keep what Solomon said and by the
the real enemy in mind when a prosperity of his kingdom. (1 Ki.
tragedy befalls a fellow believ- 10:1-9) The Bible identifies the
er? Instead of distancing our- Source of Solomon’s wisdom by
selves from the affected broth- stating: “All the people of the
er, we act like Elihu of old, who earth were seeking the face of
spoke to Job as a true friend. Solomon to hear his wisdom that
We join our brother in the strug- God had put in his heart.”—1 Ki.
gle against our common ene- 10:24. w09 4/15 5:12, 13
my, Satan. (Prov. 3:27; 1 Thess.
5:25) Our goal is to help our Wednesday, February 23
fellow servant to maintain his
integrity, come what may, and Do not make yourselves like a
thus make Jehovah’s heart re- horse or mule without under-
joice. The first asset that Satan standing.—Ps. 32:9.
caused Job to lose was his live- Some young adults have rushed
stock. Those animals were valu- into marriage, believing that it
able, likely his livelihood. But Job is the solution to unhappiness,
also used them in worship. Once loneliness, boredom, and prob-
the trials began, that was no lon- lems at home. However, the ex-
ger possible. Job had no “valuable changing of marriage vows is a
things” with which to honor Je- serious matter. (Prov. 20:25) At
hovah. (Prov. 3:9) But he could times, young adults do not se-
—and did—honor Jehovah with riously consider the demands of
his lips! w09 4/15 2:7, 8 marriage. Later, they find that
much more is involved than they
Tuesday, February 22 had realized. So before pursuing
Give me now wisdom and knowl- a courtship, ask yourself: ‘Why do
edge.—2 Chron. 1:10. I want to get married? What ex-
pectations do I have? Is this the
When Solomon became king, right person for me? What can I
Jehovah appeared to him in a bring to a marriage?’ To help you
dream and said that He would make an insightful examination,
give him anything he asked for. “the faithful and discreet slave”
(2 Chron. 1:7) Solomon could have has published very specific arti-
asked for more wealth, power, cles. (Matt. 24:45-47) View such
or a longer life. Instead, he un- material as advice that Jehovah
selfishly asked for wisdom and is giving you. Carefully evaluate
knowledge. Jehovah answered what is stated there and apply it.
Solomon’s prayer. (2 Chron. 1: Never allow yourself to become
11, 12) As long as Solomon was “like a horse or mule without un-
faithful to Jehovah, his words of derstanding.” w09 5/15 2:12, 13
Thursday, February 24 tive powers are trained through
use—through application of
Take the young child and its
what they know—helping them
mother and flee into Egypt, and to distinguish right from wrong.
stay there until I give you word; When they are faced with a deci-
for Herod is about to search for sion, this training enables them
the young child to destroy it. to discern what Scriptural princi-
—Matt. 2:13. ples are involved and how to apply
In some respects, the earthly them. “It is necessary for us to
life of Jesus resembled the life pay more than the usual atten-
of Moses. For instance, as babes, tion to the things heard by us,”
both Moses and Jesus escaped wrote Paul, “that we may never
death at the hands of a tyrannical drift away.”—Heb. 2:1. w09 5/15 1:
ruler. (Ex. 1:22–2:10) In addition, 3, 5, 6
both were ‘called out of Egypt.’
Saturday, February 26
The prophet Hosea stated: “When
Israel was a boy, then I loved He will bruise you in the head
him, and out of Egypt I called my and you will bruise him in the
son.” (Hos. 11:1) Hosea’s words heel.—Gen. 3:15.
pointed back to the time when
the nation of Israel, under its di- In this prophecy, we learn
vinely appointed leader, Moses, something about the cost of de-
was led out of Egypt. (Ex. 4:22, liverance. Jehovah would provide
23; 12:29-37) However, Hosea’s a “seed,” a rescuer, who would
words referred not only to a past one day destroy Satan, crushing
event but also to a future one. His him out of existence. However,
words were a prophecy that was that rescuer would suffer along
fulfilled when Joseph and Mary the way, receiving a figurative
returned from Egypt with Jesus wound in the heel. That sounds
after the death of King Herod. painful and debilitating, but
—Matt. 2:15, 19-23. w09 4/15 4:8 what does it mean? Just what
would Jehovah’s Chosen One
Friday, February 25 have to endure? In order to save
Now that we have left the pri- mankind from sin, the rescuer
would have to provide a means of
mary doctrine about the Christ,
atonement, a way of reconciling
let us press on to maturity. humans to God by undoing the
—Heb. 6:1. effects of sin. What would that
Paul not only encouraged the involve? There were early indi-
first-century Hebrew Christians cations that a sacrifice would be
to press on to maturity but also required. When the first faithful
told them what spiritual maturity human, Abel, offered animal sac-
involves. (Heb. 5:12-14) “Mature rifices to Jehovah, he met with
people” are not content to partake divine approval. Later, such God-
only of “milk.” They take in “solid fearing patriarchs as Noah, Abra-
food.” Therefore, they know both ham, Jacob, and Job offered simi-
“the elementary things” and “the lar sacrifices, which pleased God.
deep things” of the truth. (1 Cor. —Gen. 4:4; 8:20, 21; 22:13; 31:54;
2:10) Moreover, their percep- Job 1:5. w09 9/15 5:6, 7
Sunday, February 27 Monday, February 28
The woman was thoroughly de- There is no one like him in the
ceived.—1 Tim. 2:14. earth.—Job 1:8.
Many do not believe that Sa- Job is described as a man who
tan exists. Thus, although they “proved to be blameless and up-
might be alarmed about world right, and fearing God and turn-
conditions, they do not discern ing aside from bad.” It was Job’s
the real cause—Satan the Devil. godly devotion—not his wealth
True, much of the responsibility and influence—that made him a
for mankind’s woes rests with hu- target for the attacks of Satan
mans themselves. Our first par- the Devil. (Job 1:1; 29:7-16; 31:1)
ents, Adam and Eve, chose in- Satan claimed that Job’s wor-
dependence from their Creator. ship of God was based on selfish-
And since then, successive gener- ness, not integrity. Satan alleged
ations have acted very unwisely. that Job would be loyal to Jeho-
Still, it was the Devil who de- vah only as long as God contin-
ceived Eve into rebelling against ued to reward and protect him.
God. He is the one who has de- To provide an answer to Satan’s
veloped among imperfect, dying charge, Jehovah allowed Satan to
mankind a world system under attack that faithful man. As a re-
his control. Because Satan is “the sult, within the course of one day,
god of this system of things,” hu- Job learned that his livestock had
man society displays the same been stolen or destroyed, his at-
basic characteristics that he does tendants had been killed, and his
—pride, contentiousness, jealou- ten children had lost their lives.
sy, greed, deception, and rebel- (Job 1:13-19) Instead of caving in
liousness. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Tim. 3:6; to Satan’s attack, Job said: “Jeho-
Jas. 3:14, 15) Such characteristics vah himself has given, and Jeho-
have led to political and religious vah himself has taken away. Let
conflicts, hatred, corruption, and the name of Jehovah continue to
disorder, which contribute much be blessed.”—Job 1:21. w09 4/15
to mankind’s misery. w09 4/15 2:4 1:3-5

Tuesday, March 1 ones into everlasting life.” “The

righteous ones” who receive ever-
When the Son of man arrives
lasting life are those who loyally
. . . , all the nations will be
support Christ’s spirit-anointed
gathered before him, and he will “brothers.” (Matt. 25:33, 34, 40,
separate people one from an- 41, 45, 46) Since the anointed are
other, just as a shepherd sepa- chosen to be rulers in the heav-
rates the sheep from the goats. enly Kingdom, “the righteous
—Matt. 25:31, 32. ones” must be the earthly sub-
Jesus spoke of everlasting life jects of that Kingdom. The Bi-
in his discourse about the con- ble foretold: “[Jehovah’s King]
clusion of the system of things. will have subjects from sea to sea
(Matt. 24:1-3) He mentioned that and from the River to the ends of
those receiving an adverse judg- the earth.” (Ps. 72:8) These sub-
ment “will depart into everlast- jects will enjoy everlasting life on
ing cutting-off, but the righteous earth. w09 8/15 2:6
Wednesday, March 2 parents, either for good or for
bad. So, parents, ask yourselves:
If anyone wants to come after
‘What message are we sending
me, let him disown himself and to our children when it comes to
. . . follow me continually. the amount of time that we dedi-
—Luke 9:23. cate to TV and entertainment on
How delighted Jehovah must the one hand and Bible study and
feel to see among the congregat- participation in the field service
ed throngs of his worshippers on on the other? What really are our
earth you newly interested ones family’s priorities? Are we setting
and young ones! As you continue a good example by centering our
to study the Bible, attend Chris- lives and our decisions on true
tian meetings regularly, and grow worship?’ God’s law must first be
in your knowledge of the lifesav- in the parents’ own hearts if they
ing truth found in God’s Word, are to rear God-fearing children.
you need to take to heart Je- w09 7/15 2:11, 12
sus’ invitation stated in today’s
text. Jesus is saying that disown- Friday, March 4
ing yourself and becoming his The princely rule will come to be
follower is something you would upon his shoulder. And his name
want to do. What about those of will be called Wonderful Coun-
us who are already walking in selor, Mighty God, Eternal Fa-
the footsteps of Jesus Christ? We ther, Prince of Peace.—Isa. 9:6.
are exhorted to “keep on doing
it more fully.” (1 Thess. 4:1, 2) John and the other three Gos-
Whether we embraced true wor- pel writers point to Moses, David,
ship recently or decades ago, re- and Solomon as men who fore-
flecting on reasons for following shadowed Jesus as God’s Anoint-
the Christ will help us to apply ed One and designated King. In
Paul’s exhortation and follow what way did those ancient ser-
Him ever more fully in our daily vants of God provide foregleams
lives. w09 5/15 4:1, 2 of Jesus, and what can we learn
from these accounts? In brief, the
Thursday, March 3 Bible tells us that Moses was a
These words that I am command- prophet, a mediator, and a de-
ing you today must prove to be on liverer. So is Jesus. David was a
shepherd and a king who con-
your heart.—Deut. 6:6.
quered Israel’s enemies. Jesus
Jesus is an excellent model for too is a shepherd and a conquer-
Christian parents. How so? He ing king. (Ezek. 37:24, 25) While
lovingly and patiently taught his still faithful, Solomon was a wise
disciples by word and example. ruler, and under his kingship Is-
He showed them how to carry rael enjoyed peace. (1 Ki. 4:25,
out the commission that he gave 29) Jesus too is supremely wise
them. (Luke 8:1) Jesus’ disposi- and is called “Prince of Peace.”
tion and conduct toward his dis- Clearly, Christ Jesus’ role resem-
ciples taught them how they were bles that of those earlier men but
to treat one another. (John 13:14- Jesus’ place in God’s purpose is
17) Children tend to imitate their superlative. w09 4/15 4:4, 5
Saturday, March 5 bring happiness to a worshipper
of Jehovah. (Prov. 3:13; 8:32, 33;
Have intense love for one 14:21; 16:20) Jesus emphasized
another.—1 Pet. 4:8. that true happiness stems from
Around the world, Jehovah’s things that are related to the
Witnesses are known for putting worship of Jehovah and the ful-
their Christlike love into action. fillment of God’s promises. Those
Consider the Witnesses who re- who apply the principles found
sponded to the call for help af- in Jesus’ teachings are drawn
ter storms and hurricanes dev- closer to Jehovah, “the source of
astated widespread areas of the life.” (Ps. 36:9; Prov. 22:11; Matt.
southern United States in 2005. 5:8) Christ embodies “the wisdom
Moved by Jesus’ example, more of God.” (1 Cor. 1:24, 30) As the
than 20,000 volunteered, many Messianic King, Jesus Christ has
leaving comfortable homes and “the spirit of wisdom.”—Isa. 11:2.
secure jobs to help their afflict- w09 4/15 5:14
ed brothers. Two fleshly sis- Monday, March 7
ters, widows, packed their be-
longings into a pickup truck and He was being pierced for our
drove over 2,000 miles to help. transgression.—Isa. 53:5.
More than 5,600 homes of Wit-
Isaiah foretold that the Messi-
nesses and others in the region
ah would be rejected, persecut-
have been rebuilt or repaired.
ed, and executed, or pierced, to
In numerous cases, displaced lo-
bear the sins of imperfect hu-
cal Witnesses remained in their mans. (Isa. 53:4, 7) Before he
temporary accommodations for a came to the earth, God’s only-
year or more after their houses begotten Son was aware of what
had been rebuilt. Why? In order our deliverance would cost him.
to make their new home available He would have to suffer terri-
to relief workers. What an exam- bly and then be put to death.
ple of displaying Christ’s mental When his Father taught him
attitude! w09 9/15 3:12-15 those truths, did he shrink back
or rebel? On the contrary, he sub-
Sunday, March 6
mitted willingly to his Father’s
Happy are those conscious of instruction. (Isa. 50:4-6) Like-
their spiritual need, since the wise, while on earth, Jesus obe-
kingdom of the heavens belongs diently carried out his Father’s
to them.—Matt. 5:3. will. Why? He provided one an-
swer in these words: “I love the
Only one human clearly sur- Father.” He provided another in
passed Solomon in wisdom. That these: “No one has love greater
was Jesus Christ, who described than this, that someone should
himself as “something more than surrender his soul in behalf of
Solomon.” (Matt. 12:42) Jesus his friends.” (John 14:31; 15:13) So
sp oke “sayings of everlasting our deliverance is due, in large
life.” (John 6:68) For example, the part, to the love of Jehovah’s Son.
Sermon on the Mount expands on Though it cost him his perfect
the principles of some of Solo- human life, he was glad to do it
mon’s proverbs. Solomon de- for the sake of our deliverance.
scribed a number of things that w09 9/15 5:10, 11
Tuesday, March 8 selves with having the good sense
to find the truth? No. In fact,
If . . . it is I you are looking for,
on our own initiative, we would
let these go.—John 18:8. never have come to a knowledge
Jesus manifested great courage of God. Jesus said: “No man can
throughout his ministry. Exercis- come to me unless the Father,
ing his authority as God’s Son, he who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:
fearlessly “entered into the tem- 44) By means of the preaching
ple and threw out all those sell- work and by means of holy spir-
ing and buying in the temple, and it, Jehovah is drawing sheep-
overturned the tables of the mon- like individuals, “the desirable
ey changers and the benches of things of all the nations.” (Hag.
those selling doves.” (Matt. 21:12) 2:7) Are you not grateful to be
When soldiers came to arrest Je- one of those whom Jehovah has
sus on his last night on earth, he drawn to his Son?—Jer. 9:23, 24.
courageously stepped forward to w09 9/15 4:4, 5
protect his disciples, saying the
words of today’s text. Moments Thursday, March 10
later, he told Peter to put away
Be wise, my son, and make my
his sword, thus showing that the
source of Jesus’ confidence lay, heart rejoice, that I may make
not in earthly weapons, but in a reply to him that is taunting
Jehovah. (John 18:11) Jesus fear- me.—Prov. 27:11.
lessly exposed the unloving false Jehovah permitted Satan to
teachers of his day and their
test the integrity of God’s loy-
wrong teachings. (Matt. 23:13, 23,
al servant Job. As a result, Job
25) Jesus’ disciples would need
lost his livestock, his children,
similar courage because false re-
and his health. But when Sa-
ligious leaders would also perse-
tan challenged Job’s integrity,
cute them and kill some of them.
he had more in mind than just
—Matt. 23:34; 24:9. w09 9/15 2:
12, 13 the man Job. “Skin in behalf of
skin, and everything that a man
Wednesday, March 9 has he will give in behalf of his
soul,” claimed Satan. This chal-
[God] gives undeserved kindness lenge raised an issue that went
to the humble ones.—1 Pet. 5:5. far beyond Job as an individual
How can we qualify to bene- and that has continued long after
fit from divine education? A ma- his death. (Job 2:4) In a vision
jor requirement is that a per- given to the apostle John, Satan
son be meek and teachable. The was seen accusing God’s servants
psalmist David wrote: “[Jeho- following his eviction from heav-
vah] will teach the meek ones his en some time after the establish-
way.” (Ps. 25:8, 9) And Jesus said: ment of God’s Kingdom in 1914.
“You have carefully hidden these Yes, even today, so deep into the
things from wise and intellectual last days of this wicked system,
ones, and have revealed them to Satan is still challenging the in-
babes.” (Luke 10:21) As servants tegrity of God’s servants!—Rev.
of Jehovah, can we credit our- 12:10. w09 4/15 2:1, 2
Friday, March 11 lent grasp of the truth, yet even
he had times when it was a strug-
The [human] creation was sub-
gle for him to preach. To the
jected to futility . . . on the basis Christians in Thessalonica, Paul
of hope.—Rom. 8:20. wrote: “After we had first suf-
The very first prophecy of the fered and been insolently treated
Bible pointed to a “seed” that (just as you know) in Philippi, we
would ‘bruise the serp ent in mustered up boldness by means
the head.’ (Gen. 3:1-5, 15) That of our God to speak to you the
promise provided a basis for hope good news of God with a great
that God would not abandon his deal of struggling.” (1 Thess. 2:2)
purpose for mankind. Consid- In Philippi the authorities had
er Abraham. When being tested, beaten Paul and his compan-
Abraham “as good as offered up ion Silas with rods, thrown them
Isaac, . . . his only-begotten son.” into prison, and confined them in
(Heb. 11:17) Why was he willing stocks.—Acts 16:16-24. w09 7/15
to do this? (Heb. 11:19) He be- 4:3, 4
lieved in the resurrection! Abra-
ham had a basis for his belief. Af- Sunday, March 13
ter all, Jehovah had brought back They will by no means ever be de-
to life Abraham’s reproductive stroyed, and no one will snatch
powers and had made it possible them out of my hand.
for him and his wife, Sarah, to —John 10:28.
produce a son in their old age.
(Gen. 18:10-14; 21:1-3; Rom. 4:19- At the Festival of Dedication
21) Abraham also had Jehovah’s in Jerusalem, Jesus told his op-
word. God had said to him: “It posers: “You do not believe, be-
is by means of Isaac that what cause you are none of my sheep.
will be called your seed will be.” My sheep listen to my voice, and
(Gen. 21:12) Therefore, Abraham I know them, and they follow
had sound reasons for expecting me. And I give them everlasting
that God would resurrect Isaac. life.” (John 10:26-28) Was Jesus
w09 8/15 1:4, 5 speaking only of life in heaven, or
did he also have in mind eter-
Saturday, March 12 nal life in an earthly paradise?
If they have persecuted me, they Jesus had recently comforted his
will persecute you also. followers with the words: “Have
no fear, little flock, because your
—John 15:20.
Father has approved of giving
In many lands we do not face you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
outright persecution, but we do At the time of this same Festi-
meet with disdain and apathy. val of Dedication, however, Jesus
Consequently, we need faith and said: “I have other sheep, which
courage to endure in our work are not of this fold; those also I
of preaching the good news with must bring.” (John 10:16) Hence,
boldness. (2 Pet. 1:5-8) Perhaps when Jesus spoke to those oppos-
you at times find it hard to share ers, his words included both the
in the ministry, or some aspect hope of heavenly life for the “lit-
of it may seem intimidating. The tle flock” and the hope of ever-
apostle Paul was a bold and fear- lasting life on earth for millions
less preacher who had an excel- of “other sheep.” w09 8/15 2:12
Monday, March 14 fice of oversight.” (Acts 1:20-26)
What was the primary concern
Never has another man spoken
of the 12 apostles? The answer
like this.—John 7:46. is found in the words of today’s
The Bible gives us glimpses text, in response to a dispute
of the impact Jesus made on that arose about the daily dis-
those who met him. For instance, tribution of food to widows. (Acts
Gospel writer Luke relates that 6:1-3) The new arrangement re-
people in Jesus’ hometown “be- sulted in Jehovah’s blessing as
gan . . . to marvel at the win- “the word of God went on grow-
some words proceeding out of ing, and the number of the dis-
his mouth.” Matthew rep orts ciples kept multiplying in Jeru-
that those who listened to Je- salem very much.” (Acts 6:7) So
sus as he taught in the Sermon the primary responsibility for
on the Mount “were astound- the spiritual feeding work rest-
ed at his way of teaching.” And ed with the apostles.—Acts 2:42.
John observes that the officers w09 6/15 4:7, 8
who were sent to arrest Jesus
returned empty-handed, saying: Wednesday, March 16
“Never has another man spoken Speak truth each one of you
like this.” (Luke 4:22; Matt. 7: with his neighbor.—Eph. 4:25.
28) Jesus was unquestionably the
greatest Teacher who ever lived. First-century Roman Governor
He taught with clarity, simplici- Pontius Pilate reflected a warped
ty, and irrefutable logic. He skill- view of truth when he cynical-
fully used illustrations and ques- ly asked Jesus: “What is truth?”
tions. He adapted his teaching to (John 18:38) Conflicting attitudes
those to whom he spoke, wheth- about truth abound in our day.
er they were of high station or Many people say that the word
low. The truths he taught were “truth” has various shades of
easy to grasp yet truly profound. meaning or that truth differs
w09 7/15 3:1, 2 from one person to another. Oth-
ers are truthful only when it
Tuesday, March 15 is convenient or expedient. The
We shall devote ourselves . . . to book The Importance of Lying
the ministry of the word. states: “Honesty may be a noble
ideal, but it has little value in the
—Acts 6:4.
life and death struggle for sur-
When Jesus app ointed his vival and security. Man has lit-
12 apostles, their primary work tle choice in the matter—he must
involved being sent out to preach lie to live.” How different it is for
the good news to others. (Mark Christ’s disciples! Jesus’ view of
3:13-15) This assignment was in truth was not philosophical. He
harmony with the basic mean- always spoke the truth. Even his
ing of the Greek word aposto- enemies acknowledged: “Teach-
los, which is derived from a verb er, we know you are truthful and
meaning simply “send forth.” teach the way of God in truth.”
However, as time went on and (Matt. 22:16) Genuine Christians
the Christian congregation was imitate Jesus’ example. They do
about to be established, the role not hesitate to speak the truth.
of an ap ostle became an “of- w09 6/15 3:1-3
Thursday, March 17 thinking in this way can help
us to train our perceptive pow-
He that has seen me has seen
ers. Consider the example of
the Father also.—John 14:9. a Christian named Orchid. She
When we read in the Gospels says: “The reminder that has had
that Jesus felt compassion for the biggest effect on my life is
the needy, empathy for those the one about regular Bible read-
suffering, indignation at his dis- ing. It took me about two years
ciples who reprimanded young to finish the whole Bible, but
children, do we not see the Fa- it seemed that I was meeting
ther feeling the same emotions? my Creator for the first time. I
(Mark 1:40-42; 10:13, 14; John learned about his ways, his likes
11:32-35) Think of how Jesus’ ac- and his dislikes, the degree of
tions shed light on God’s cardi- his power, and the depth of his
nal attributes. Do not the mira- wisdom. Reading the Bible daily
cles Christ performed show the has sustained me through some
tremendous p ower he had at of the darkest moments of my
his disposal? Yet, he never used life.” w09 5/15 1:7
that power for personal gain or
with the intent of harming oth- Saturday, March 19
ers. (Luke 4:1-4) How clearly his
action of throwing greedy mer- The Son of man came, not to
chants out of the temple shows be ministered to, but to minister
his sense of justice! (Mark 11:15- and to give his soul a ransom in
17; John 2:13-16) His teachings exchange for many.
and the winsome words he used —Matt. 20:28.
to reach people’s hearts indicate
that he was “more than Solomon” Reflecting on Jesus’ humble
in wisdom. (Matt. 12:42) What can mental attitude can help us to
we say about the love Jesus dis- ‘conduct ourselves as lesser ones’
played by surrendering his soul in among our brothers. (Luke 9:46-
behalf of others except that “no 48) Doing so contributes to uni-
one has love greater than this”? ty. Jehovah, like the father of
—John 15:13. w09 5/15 4:7, 8 a large family, wants his chil-
dren to “dwell together in uni-
Friday, March 18 ty,” to get along. (Ps. 133:1) Jesus
prayed to his Father that all true
Everyone that partakes of milk
Christians would be united, in or-
is unacquainted with the word der that “the world may have the
of righteousness, for he is a knowledge that you sent me forth
babe.—Heb. 5:13. and that you loved them just as
To attain maturity, we must be- you loved me.” (John 17:23) Thus,
come well-acquainted with God’s our unity helps to identify us as
word, his message to us. Since Christ’s followers. To enjoy such
this message is contained in unity, we must view others’ im-
his Word, the Bible, we should perfections as Christ did. Jesus
be good students of the Scrip- was forgiving, and he taught that
tures and the publications of only by being forgiving can we
“the faithful and discreet slave.” receive forgiveness.—Matt. 6:14,
(Matt. 24:45-47) Absorbing God’s 15. w09 9/15 1:6, 7
Sunday, March 20 involving water when at his com-
mand the waters of the Nile and
With them there was the book of
its reedy pools became blood,
Jehovah’s law.—2 Chron. 17:9. the Red Sea was parted, and wa-
Worldwide we endeavor to ter came gushing out of rock in
teach people from the Bible, the desert. (Ex. 14:21; 17:5-7) Je-
since it is the Word of God. We sus too performed miracles in-
make a special effort to show oth- volving water. His very first mira-
ers the actual words of the Bi- cle was that of turning water into
ble, featuring it in our ministry. wine at a wedding feast. (John 2:
One householder explained to 1-11) Later, he calmed the tur-
Linda, a Witness, that her hus- bulent Sea of Galilee. And on
band had suffered a stroke and one occasion, he even walked on
needed her attention. The house- water!—Matt. 8:23-27; 14:23-25.
holder lamented: “I don’t know w09 4/15 4:9
what I have done that God al-
lowed this to happen to me.” Lin- Tuesday, March 22
da responded: “May I assure you Bad associations spoil useful
of something?” She then read the
habits.—1 Cor. 15:33.
words of James 1:13 and added:
“All the suffering that we and our When it comes to associations,
loved ones experience is not pun- people are like sponges. We tend
ishment from God.” At that, the to absorb whatever is around us.
householder gave Linda a warm Our Creator well knows how dan-
hug. Linda acknowledges: “I was gerous—and how helpful—asso-
able to give comfort by using the ciations can be for imperfect hu-
Bible. Sometimes the verses we mans. Therefore, he gives us this
read from the Bible are ones the wise counsel: “He that is walk-
householder has never heard be- ing with wise persons will be-
fore.” That conversation led to come wise, but he that is having
a regular home Bible study with dealings with the stupid ones will
the woman. w09 6/15 2:7, 9 fare badly.” (Prov. 13:20) None of
us want to “fare badly.” Each of
Monday, March 21 us wants to “become wise.” Je-
Take your rod and stretch your hovah cannot be made any wiser
hand out over the waters of than he is, nor can he ever be cor-
Egypt, over their rivers, over rupted by anyone. Yet, he sets a
their Nile canals and over their beautiful example for us when it
reedy pools and over all their comes to associations. Think of it
—which imperfect humans does
impounded waters, that they
Jehovah choose as his friends?
may become blood.—Ex. 7:19. Jehovah referred to the patriarch
Both Moses and Jesus p er- Abraham as “my friend.” (Isa.
formed miracles, thus demon- 41:8) This man was outstandingly
strating that they had Jehovah’s faithful, righteous, and obedient
backing. Indeed, Moses was the —a man of faith. (Jas. 2:21-23)
first human on record to perform That is the kind of friend Jehovah
miracles. (Ex. 4:1-9) For exam- chooses. He befriends such peo-
ple, Moses performed miracles ple today. w09 8/15 4:11, 12
Wednesday, March 23 of the faith”? Paul wrote: “Con-
tinue applying yourself to public
Satan proceeded to enter right
reading, to exhortation, to teach-
among them.—Job 1:6. ing. Ponder over these things;
The introductory narrative of be absorbed in them.” (1 Tim. 4:
the book of Job describes a gath- 13, 15) Improvement requires dil-
ering in heaven where the an- igent personal study. The expres-
gels took their station before Je- sion “be absorbed” conveys the
hovah. Satan was also present, idea of being immersed in an ac-
and he leveled charges against tivity. How are your study hab-
Job. (Job 1:6-11) Although Sa- its? Are you absorbed in “the deep
tan mentioned Job’s possessions, things of God”? (1 Cor. 2:10) Or do
he focused his attention on chal- you put forth only minimal effort?
lenging Job’s integrity. The term Pondering over what you study
“integrity” carries the thought of will move your heart.—Prov. 2:
being upright, blameless, righ- 1-5. w09 5/15 2:15, 16
teous, and faultless. As used in
the Bible, human integrity de- Friday, March 25
notes a completeness of heart de-
votion to the person of Jehovah.
In brotherly love have tender
Later, there was another gather- affection for one another. In
ing in heaven. Again Satan lev- showing honor to one another
eled charges against Job, saying: take the lead.—Rom. 12:10.
“Skin in behalf of skin, and every- Peter, a recipient of Jesus’ love,
thing that a man has he will give
urged Christians to cultivate “un-
in behalf of his soul.” By say-
hypocritical brotherly affection”
ing that, the Devil challenged the
and to display “obedience to the
integrity not only of Job but of
truth.” They are to “love one an-
any “man” who worships Jehovah.
Thereafter, God permitted Satan other intensely from the heart.”
to strike Job with a painful dis- (1 Pet. 1:22) Today, we need more
ease.—Job 2:1-8. w09 4/15 1:4, 6 than ever to develop such Christ-
like qualities. Already, pressures
Thursday, March 24 on all of God’s people are intensi-
fying. No one should put his con-
The spirit searches into all fidence in any element of this old
things, even the deep things of world, as the recent turmoil in
God.—1 Cor. 2:10. the world’s financial system viv-
Drawing attention to Timothy’s idly demonstrates. (1 John 2:15-
imp ortant assignment, Paul 17) Rather, as the end of this sys-
wrote: “I solemnly charge you be- tem draws ever nearer, we need
fore God and Christ Jesus, . . . to draw closer to Jehovah and
preach the word, be at it urgent- to one another, cultivating genu-
ly.” He added: “Do the work of ine friendships within the con-
an evangelizer, fully accomplish gregation. And Peter emphasized
your ministry.” (2 Tim. 4:1, 2, 5) To the point further, saying: “Above
fulfill this charge, Timothy had to all things, have intense love for
be “nourished with the words of one another, because love covers
the faith.” (1 Tim. 4:6) How can a multitude of sins.”—1 Pet. 4:8.
you be “nourished with the words w09 9/15 3:12
Saturday, March 26 rounding nations began to fear
Jehovah. (2 Chron. 17:10) By vis-
Carefully concealed in [Christ] iting homes at various times on
are all the treasures of wisdom different days, we may be able to
and of knowledge.—Col. 2:3. speak with several members of
To say that all the treasures a household. Many of God’s ser-
of wisdom and of knowledge are vants in modern times have been
“concealed in” Christ does not willing to leave their homes and
mean that they are locked away, move to serve where there is a
out of the reach of anyone. Rath- greater need for zealous Witness-
er, it simply means that to find es. Can you do so? Some of us
the treasures, we must put forth who cannot move away may try to
strenuous effort, and our atten- witness to people who live in our
tion must be directed to Jesus area but speak a different lan-
Christ. This is in harmony with guage. w09 6/15 2:7, 8
what Jesus said about himself: “I Monday, March 28
am the way and the truth and
the life. No one comes to the Fa- [Jehovah] will guard the very
ther except through me.” (John way of his loyal ones.
14:6) Yes, to find the knowledge —Prov. 2:8.
of God, we must avail ourselves of
Contrary to what the Devil
the help and direction that Je-
claims, we give our love to Jeho-
sus provides. In addition to being
vah voluntarily and uncondition-
“the way,” Jesus said that he is
ally. (Rev. 12:10) This heartfelt
“the truth and the life.” This indi- love strengthens us to maintain
cates that his role is much more integrity under test. (Ps. 97:10)
than that of being the means of Love moves us to honor the name
approach to the Father. Jesus of Jehovah, no matter how limit-
also has roles that are vital to the ed we may feel. He sees our good
understanding of Bible truth and motives and does not judge us if
the gaining of everlasting life. we cannot do all we would like to
w09 7/15 1:7-9 do. What counts is not only what
we do but also why we do it. Even
Sunday, March 27
though Job was grief-stricken
They kept going around through and had endured much, he spoke
all the cities of Judah and teach- to his accusers about his love for
ing among the people. Jehovah’s ways. (Job 10:12; 28:28)
—2 Chron. 17:9. In the final chapter of the book of
Job, God expressed his anger to-
When we engage in the house- ward Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
to-house ministry, how thorough- because they had not spoken the
ly do we cover our assigned terri- truth. At the same time, Jeho-
tory? Interestingly, in the third vah indicated his approval of Job
year of his reign, Jehoshaphat by referring to him four times as
sent for five princes, nine Le- “my servant” and by instructing
vites, and two priests. He had him to intercede in behalf of the
them travel through all the cit- wrongdoers. (Job 42:7-9) May we
ies to teach the people Jehovah’s too act in such a way that Jeho-
laws. So effective was their cam- vah views us with favor. w09 4/15
paign that the people of the sur- 2:12, 13
Tuesday, March 29 to choose to obey him or to dis-
obey. Along with such great free-
Jehovah is with you as long
dom comes responsibility, ac-
as you prove to be with him. countability. Our moral decisions
—2 Chron. 15:2. mean life or death for us. They
King Asa’s reforms united the also impact on those around us.
people of Judah as well as a great Because of our inherited imper-
number of people from the king- fection, obedience does not come
dom of Israel who came down to naturally. It is not always easy
join in a grand assembly at Je- to obey God’s laws. Of course,
rusalem. Together they declared when no sacrifice, pain, or incon-
their determination to worship venience is involved, obedience is
Jehovah loyally. We read: “They easier. But how do we respond
swore to Jehovah. . . . And all when there is a conflict between
Judah gave way to rejoicing over our desire to be obedient and “the
the thing sworn; for it was with desire of the flesh and the de-
all their heart that they had sire of the eyes”?—1 John 2:16.
sworn and with full pleasure on w09 9/15 2:4, 5
their part that they had looked
for him, so that he let himself Thursday, March 31
be found by them; and Jehovah Ponder over these things; be ab-
continued to give them rest all sorbed in them, that your ad-
around.” (2 Chron. 15:9-15) Jeho- vancement may be manifest to
vah will likewise surely bless us
all persons.—1 Tim. 4:15.
when we serve him wholeheart-
edly. (Mark 12:30) Sadly, Asa Good judgment needs to be ex-
later resented correction from ercised by young people. Consid-
Hanani the seer. (2 Chron. 16:7- er the advice the ap ostle
10) How do we react when Je- Paul gave to the Corinthians. He
hovah offers us advice or direc- wrote: “Do not become young
tion through Christian elders? Do children in p owers of under-
we promptly take to heart their standing . . . Become full-grown
Scripturally based counsel and in p owers of understanding.”
avoid falling into the trap of re- (1 Cor. 14:20) Heeding the coun-
sentment? w09 6/15 1:7, 8 sel to acquire the ability to think
and reason like a full-grown per-
Wednesday, March 30 son will help young people to
I behold in my members another avoid making serious mistakes. If
law warring against the law of you are a young person, bear in
my mind and leading me cap- mind that becoming mature re-
tive to sin’s law that is in my quires effort. Paul told Timothy:
“Become an example to the faith-
members.—Rom. 7:23.
ful ones in speaking, in conduct,
God created Adam and Eve as in love, in faith, in chasteness.
intelligent creatures and free . . . Continue applying yourself
moral agents. As their descen- to public reading, to exhorta-
dants, we too are free moral tion, to teaching.” (1 Tim. 4:
agents. What does that mean? It 12, 13) Christian youths need to
means that we can decide to do make progress and make their
good or to do bad. In other words, advancement manifest to others.
God has given us the freedom w09 5/15 2:2, 3
Friday, April 1 and those who served Satan.
This enmity quickly became evi-
We all stumble many times.
dent when Abel, a righteous man,
—Jas. 3:2. was killed by his brother. Lat-
What would you do if you no- er, enmity was directed against
ticed that an unmarried friend Enoch, another faithful man
was becoming emotionally at- who lived before the Flood. He
tached to an unbeliever? Out of prophesied that God would come
fear of harming your friendship, with His holy myriads to exe-
would you hold back from voicing cute judgment against the un-
your concerns? Or if your friend godly. (Jude 14, 15) This mes-
ignored your counsel, what would sage was certainly not a popular
you do? A good friend would seek one. People hated Enoch and ev-
the help of loving shepherds in idently would have murdered him
assisting a companion who has had Jehovah not cut his life short.
taken a false step. Such a course What boldness Enoch displayed!
requires courage. Yet, no lasting —Gen. 5:21-24. w09 7/15 4:5
damage will come to a friend-
ship based on love for Jehovah. Sunday, April 3
At times, we will give our friends
“cause for complaint” against The earth will certainly be filled
us, and they too will do or say with the knowledge of Jehovah
things that irritate us. (Col. 3:13, as the waters are covering the
14) However, the measure of a very sea.—Isa. 11:9.
friendship is not how often we sin
Using a beautiful word picture,
against each other but how com-
pletely we forgive those griev- Isaiah’s prophecy depicts the
ances. How vital it is that we transformation of human per-
build strong friendships by com- sonalities that is taking place in
municating openly and forgiving our time. Formerly violent peo-
one another freely! If we display ple have become peaceable. (Isa.
such love, it will become “a per- 11:6-8) Those who were once at
fect bond of union.” w09 10/15 4: enmity with one another because
20, 21 of differences in race, nationali-
ty, tribe, or some other cultur-
Saturday, April 2 al background have learned to
dwell together in unity. Figu-
I shall put enmity between you
ratively sp eaking, they have
and the woman and between ‘beaten their swords into plow-
your seed and her seed. shares.’ (Isa. 2:4) What accounts
—Gen. 3:15. for these remarkable changes?
The supreme example of cour- People have taken in “the knowl-
age and boldness was, of course, edge of Jehovah” and have ap-
Jesus Christ. Still, since the be- plied it in their lives. Although
ginning of human history, bold- God’s servants are imperfect,
ness has always been needed they form a true international
by all of those loyal to Jeho- brotherhood. The universal ap-
vah. Why so? Following the re- peal of the good news and the
bellion in Eden, Jehovah fore- fine fruitage it produces testify to
told that there would be enmity the excelling value of divine edu-
between those who served God cation.—Matt. 11:19. w09 9/15 4:6
Monday, April 4 Jehovah to examine us, as Da-
vid did when he said: “Search
The body of older men laid their through me, O God, and know
hands upon you.—1 Tim. 4:14. my heart. Examine me, and know
The Roman province of Gala- my disquieting thoughts, and see
tia, in what is now Turkey, was whether there is in me any pain-
home to the boy Timothy. There, ful way, and lead me in the way of
several Christian congregations time indefinite.” (Ps. 139:23, 24)
were established after Jesus’ Let us not only pray but also sub-
death. At some point, young Tim- mit to God’s examination and the
othy, his mother, and his grand- counsel of his Word. Jehovah can
mother embraced Christiani- lead us in “the way of time in-
ty and became active in one of definite,” helping us to pursue a
the congregations. (2 Tim. 1:5; 3: course leading to everlasting life.
14, 15) Timothy surely enjoyed w09 11/15 1:1-3
his life as a young Christian Wednesday, April 6
amid those familiar surround-
ings. However, things began to Are you yet holding fast your
change with the apostle Paul’s integrity? Curse God and die!
second visit to the area. At the —Job 2:9.
time, Timothy may have been in
Initially, Job’s wife suffered the
his late teens or early 20’s. Paul
same blows that her husband
took note of the fact that Timo-
suffered. The loss of her chil-
thy was “well reported on by the
dren and the family wealth must
brothers” in the local congrega- have devastated her. (Job 1:13-
tions. (Acts 16:2) Young Timothy 19) It must have hurt her to see
must have displayed a maturi- her husband suffering a pain-
ty beyond his years. Then, under ful disease, causing her to say
the direction of the holy spirit, the above. Then, three men ar-
Paul and the local body of el- rived—Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zo-
ders laid their hands upon Tim- phar—ostensibly to offer Job
othy, setting him apart for spe- comfort. Instead, they used de-
cial work in the congregation. ceptive reasoning and proved to
—2 Tim. 1:6. w09 12/15 1:1, 2 be “troublesome comforters.” For
example, Bildad suggested that
Tuesday, April 5 Job’s children had engaged in
O Hearer of prayer, even to you wrongdoing and deserved their
people of all flesh will come. fate. Eliphaz insinuated that
—Ps. 65:2. Job’s suffering was punishment
for past sins. He even questioned
Jehovah never turns a deaf ear whether those who keep integri-
to the petitions of his faithful ty are of any value to God! (Job 2:
servants. We can be confident 11; 4:8; 8:4; 16:2; 22:2, 3) Under
that he hears us. Even if millions such heavy pressure, Job kept his
of Jehovah’s Witnesses were to integrity. True, he could be fault-
pray to God at the same time, not ed when he turned to “declar-
one would get a ‘busy signal.’ If ing his own soul righteous rath-
our prayers are to be answered, er than God.” (Job 32:2) Still, he
we must approach God with hu- remained faithful through it all.
mility. (Ps. 138:6) We should ask w09 4/15 1:7
Thursday, April 7 them, since they were “skinned
and thrown about like sheep
I shall surely multiply your seed
without a shepherd.” (Matt. 9:
like the stars of the heavens and 36) He was warm, sympathet-
like the grains of sand that are ic, and kind. Further, the reli-
on the seashore.—Gen. 22:17. gious leaders had no true love for
How many his “seed” would God. Jesus, however, loved his
number was unknown to Abra- Father and delighted to do his
ham. However, later that num- will. The religious leaders twist-
ber was revealed. Jesus Christ ed God’s words to serve their own
and the 144,000, who will rule ends, but Jesus loved “the word
with him in his Kingdom, consti- of God”—he taught it, explained
tute the “seed.” (Gal. 3:29; Rev. it, defended it, and lived by it.
7:4; 14:1) The Messianic Kingdom (Luke 11:28) Yes, love permeated
is the means by which “all na- the very being of the Christ, gov-
tions of the earth will . . . bless erning what he taught and how
themselves.” (Gen. 22:18) Abra- he dealt with people. w09 7/15 3:3
ham could not p ossibly have
understood the full significance Saturday, April 9
of the covenant Jehovah made Keep your senses in all things,
with him. Nevertheless, “he was suffer evil, do the work of an
awaiting the city having real evangelizer, fully accomplish
foundations,” states the Bible. your ministry.—2 Tim. 4:5.
(Heb. 11:10) That city is God’s
Kingdom. To receive blessings ‘Doing the work of an evange-
under that Kingdom, Abraham lizer’ means making your min-
will have to live again. Everlast- istry more effective and help-
ing life on earth will be possi- ing others to gain salvation. This
ble for him through the resur- requires developing the “art of
rection. And life eternal will be teaching.” (2 Tim. 4:2) By arrang-
possible for those who survive Ar- ing to share in the ministry with
mageddon or those who will be those who are experienced in this
raised from the dead.—Rev. 7:9, work, you will be able to learn
14; 20:12-14. w09 8/15 1:6, 7 from their teaching methods,
as Timothy learned from work-
Friday, April 8 ing with Paul. (1 Cor. 4:17) Re-
You do not have the love of God ferring to those he had helped,
Paul said that he not only shared
in you.—John 5:42.
the good news with them but also
Among the scribes and Phari- gave of his ‘own soul,’ or used
sees, there were doubtless intel- his very life in helping them,
ligent men who possessed knowl- because they became beloved
edge and the skills to impart it. to him. (1 Thess. 2:8) To follow
What made Jesus’ way of teach- Paul’s example in the ministry,
ing so different from theirs? The you must have the same dispo-
religious leaders of the day had sition as Timothy, who genuine-
no love for the common peo- ly cared about others and ‘slaved
ple. Rather, they despised them, in furtherance of the good news.’
viewing them as “accursed peo- (Phil. 2:19-23) Do you show this
ple.” (John 7:49) In contrast, self-sacrificing spirit in your min-
Jesus was moved with pity for istry? w09 5/15 2:15, 18
Sunday, April 10 (Rom. 15:1) Furthermore, it en-
courages the entire congregation
God is not partial, but in every to reflect Christ’s mental atti-
nation the man that fears him tude. Jesus linked being “lowly
and works righteousness is ac- in heart” with mildness, which
ceptable to him.—Acts 10:34, 35. is part of the fruitage of God’s
holy spirit. (Matt. 11:29) There-
Jesus showed his disciples that
fore, along with studying Jesus’
God does not favor one race or example, we need Jehovah’s holy
nationality over another. (John spirit, so that we can imitate
4:5-26) We, therefore, should re- that example properly. We should
gard all people as our neighbor, pray for God’s holy spirit and
extending love even to those who strive to cultivate its fruitage.
act like enemies. (Matt. 5:43-45) (Gal. 5:22, 23) By thus following
Yet, what did Paul mean when he the pattern of humility and mild-
said that we should speak truth ness that Jesus provided, we will
with our neighbor? (Eph. 4:25) please our heavenly Father, Je-
Speaking truth involves shar- hovah. w09 9/15 1:8, 9
ing information that is factual,
free from any deceit. True Chris- Tuesday, April 12
tians do not twist or misrepre- The Son of man came . . . to
sent the facts so as to mislead give his soul a ransom in ex-
others. They “abhor what is wick-
change for many.—Matt. 20:28.
ed” and “cling to what is good.”
(Rom. 12:9) In imitation of “the Jesus’ course stimulates a re-
God of truth,” we should strive sponse in us. As we think about
to be honest and forthright in all what Christ has done for us, our
our dealings. (Ps. 15:1, 2; 31:5) love for him deepens. In respond-
By choosing our words careful- ing to Christ’s love for all man-
ly, even embarrassing or uncom- kind, we feel compelled to finish
fortable situations can be tact- our assignment before the end
fully resolved without resorting comes. (2 Cor. 5:14, 15) The love
to guile.—Col. 3:9, 10. w09 6/15 Christ displayed was central to
3:4, 5 his accomplishing what God has
purposed for mankind. And the
Monday, April 11 model Christ left for us to fol-
low closely enables each of us to
Have among yourselves the same have a part in that divine pur-
mental attitude that Christ Jesus pose. This requires that we suc-
had.—Rom. 15:5. cessfully cultivate love of God to
the fullest extent possible. (Matt.
We can learn much by imitating 22:37) By observing what Jesus
the faith of those who have spent taught and keeping his com-
many years imitating Christ. mandments, we show that we
Like Jesus, these usually show love him and are determined to
understanding of others’ imper- uphold God’s sovereignty at any
fections. They have learned that cost, just as Jesus did.—John 14:
showing Christlike compassion 23, 24; 15:10. w09 12/15 4:9-11
not only helps us to “bear the Memorial Bible reading:
weaknesses of those not strong” (Events on Nisan 9)
but also contributes to unity. Matthew 26:6-13
Wednesday, April 13 to his faithful apostles apply in
principle to all anointed Chris-
What I teach is not mine, but tians today and, by extension,
belongs to him that sent me. to their “other sheep” compan-
—John 7:16. ions. (John 10:16) No matter what
On earth, Jesus was “the Fa- our background, we can have the
ther’s representative.” (John 16: privilege of being friends of Je-
27, 28) Although Jesus had over- sus. Our friendship with him is of
utmost importance because be-
whelming credentials proving
ing his friends makes us friends
that he was the Messiah, the vast
of Jehovah too. In fact, it is im-
majority of the first-century Jews
possible to draw close to Jeho-
did not acclaim him. Why? Be-
vah without first drawing close to
cause they had their own pre- Christ.—John 14:6, 21. w09 10/15
conceived ideas about the Messi- 3:1, 2
ah, including that he would be Memorial Bible reading:
a political messiah who would (Events on Nisan 10)
liberate them from Roman op- Matthew 21:18, 19; 21:12, 13;
pression. (John 12:34) Thus, they John 12:20-50
could not accept the Messiah who
fulfilled the prophecies that said Friday, April 15
he would be despised, avoided I set the pattern for you, that,
by men, meant for pains and for just as I did to you, you should
having acquaintance with sick- do also.—John 13:15.
ness, and finally killed. (Isa. 53:
3, 5) Even some of Jesus’ loy- What Jesus did in washing his
al disciples were disappointed at disciples’ feet was neither a mere
his not providing political deliv- ritual nor just an act of kind-
erance. But they remained loy- ness. Before relating the account,
al, and in time, accurate under- John wrote: “Jesus, having loved
standing was given them.—Luke his own that were in the world,
24:21. w09 12/15 3:10, 11 loved them to the end.” (John
Memorial Bible reading:
13:1) It was his love for the dis-
(Events on Nisan 9) ciples that moved Jesus to ren-
Matthew 21:1-11, 14-17 der a service usually performed
by a slave. Now they must humbly
Thursday, April 14 do loving things for one anoth-
er. Yes, genuine brotherly love
I have called you friends, be- should move us to display care
cause all the things I have heard and concern for all our Christian
from my Father I have made brothers and sisters. The apostle
known to you.—John 15:15. John, whose feet were washed by
the Lord, wrote: “Little children,
The men sitting in the upper
let us love, neither in word nor
room with Jesus that night in Je- with the tongue, but in deed and
rusalem were convinced that Je- truth.”—1 John 3:18. w09 11/15 4:
sus was the promised Messiah. 20, 21
(John 6:68, 69) It must surely
Memorial Bible reading:
have warmed their hearts to hear (Events on Nisan 11)
him say to them the words of to- Matthew 21:33-41; 22:15-22;
day’s text. Those words of Jesus 23:1-12; 24:1-3
Saturday, April 16 en to prepare a place for them,
they did not understand what he
The bearing witness to Jesus
meant. (John 14:2-5) Later Je-
is what inspires prophesying. sus told them: “When that one ar-
—Rev. 19:10. rives, the spirit of the truth, he
From Jehovah’s first prophet- will guide you into all the truth.”
ic declaration, recorded at Gene- (John 16:13) Only after Pente-
sis 3:15, to the glorious visions cost of 33 C.E. when they were
of the book of Revelation, Bi- anointed by God’s spirit to be fu-
ble prophecies can be correct- ture kings did Jesus’ followers dis-
ly understood only when the role cern that their thrones would be
of Jesus in connection with the in heaven.—1 Cor. 15:49; Col. 1:5;
Messianic Kingdom is taken into 1 Pet. 1:3, 4. w09 8/15 2:13, 14
consideration. That explains why Memorial Bible reading:
(Events on Nisan 13 and 14)
many of the prophecies in the Matthew 26:17-56; Luke 22:7-13
Hebrew Scriptures are puzzling
to those who do not accept Je- Monday, April 18
sus as the promised Messiah. It
We are preaching . . . Christ Je-
also explains why Jesus appears
to be no more than a great man sus as Lord.—2 Cor. 4:5.
to those who do not value the In the Bible, the title “Christ”
Hebrew Scriptures, which con- is used with reference to Je-
tain many Messianic prophecies. sus in various ways, such as Je-
Knowledge of Jesus gives God’s sus Christ, Christ Jesus, and the
people the key to unlocking the Christ. Jesus himself first used
meaning of Bible prophecies that the term “Jesus Christ”—the
are yet to be fulfilled.—2 Cor. 1: name followed by the title. (John
20. w09 7/15 1:11 17:3) This usage clearly draws at-
Memorial Bible reading: tention to the one who was sent
(Events on Nisan 12) forth by God and became his
Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16; Luke 22:1-6 Anointed One. When the title
is placed ahead of the name, as
Memorial Date in “Christ Jesus,” the emphasis
After Sundown
shifts from the person to the po-
Sunday, April 17
sition, or office, held by him. Us-
You will be with me in Paradise. ing the expression “the Christ,”
—Luke 23:43. the title preceded by the definite
article, is another way to empha-
The evildoer to whom Jesus
size Jesus’ office as the Messiah.
spoke needed no explanation (Acts 5:42) Regardless of how the
about Paradise. He knew about title “Christ” is used with refer-
the hope of everlasting life on ence to Jesus, it highlights that
earth in a world to come. What did Jesus was the Anointed One of
require an explanation, however, Jehovah. w09 5/15 4:10, 11
was Jesus’ reference to the heav- Memorial Bible reading:
enly hope. When he spoke to his (Events on Nisan 14)
disciples about his going to heav- Matthew 27:1, 2, 27-37
Tuesday, April 19 thanksgiving. In the Christian
congregation, Jehovah does not
Esau . . . began to embrace [Ja- require us to offer such formal,
cob] and fall upon his neck and material sacrifices. However,
kiss him, and they burst into the apostle Paul shows that we
tears.—Gen. 33:4. are still expected to offer sac-
Prayer can reduce anx iety. rifices. Paul explains that Chris-
Fearing danger from his twin tians should show their gratitude
brother, Esau, Jacob prayed: “O by a life of self-sacrifice. To that
Jehovah, . . . deliver me, I pray end, we have to make our minds
you, from my brother’s hand, over. Through inherited imper-
fection, we are subject to “the
from Esau’s hand, because I am
law of sin and of death.” (Rom.
afraid of him that he may come
8:2) We, therefore, need to be
and certainly assault me, mother
transformed, “be made new in
together with children. And you,
the force actuating [our] mind,”
you have said, ‘Unquestionably
by radically changing our inclina-
I shall deal well with you and I
tions.—Eph. 4:23. w09 10/15 1:1, 2
will constitute your seed like the
grains of sand of the sea, which Thursday, April 21
cannot be numbered for multi-
tude.’ ” (Gen. 32:9-12) Although Come out of the man, you un-
Jacob took precautionary steps, clean spirit.—Mark 5:8.
his prayer was answered when he Jesus took a courageous stand
and Esau were reconciled. (Gen. even against the demons. On one
33:1-3) Read that petition care- occasion, he was confronted by a
fully, and you will see that Ja- demon-possessed man so strong
cob did not just plead for help. that no one could bind that man
He expressed faith in the prom- with a chain. Unintimidated, Je-
ised Seed and gratitude for God’s sus expelled the many demons
loving-kindness. Likewise, our that held the man in their con-
prayers should contain not only trol. (Mark 5:1-13) Today, God
requests but also expressions of has not given Christians the pow-
faith. w09 11/15 2:5, 6 er to perform such miracles. Still,
in our preaching and teaching,
Wednesday, April 20 we too must wage spiritual war-
Present your bodies a sacrifice fare against Satan, the one who
living, holy, acceptable to God. has “blinded the minds of the un-
—Rom. 12:1. believers.” (2 Cor. 4:4) As in Je-
sus’ case, our weapons “are not
Jehovah appreciates willing fleshly, but powerful by God for
sacrifices made by his servants overturning strongly entrenched
to express their love for him and things”—deeply ingrained but
their submission to his will. In wrong religious notions. (2 Cor.
ancient times, he accepted vari- 10:4) In wielding these spiritual
ous animal sacrifices and other weapons, we learn much from Je-
offerings. These were made ac- sus’ example. Jesus’ courage was
cording to the Mosaic Law by Is- based, not on bravado, but on
raelites seeking to obtain for- faith. Ours must be too.—Mark 4:
giveness for sins and to express 40. w09 9/15 2:14, 15
Friday, April 22 That son became John the Bap-
tizer, who announced the com-
Jehoshaphat . . . set his face to
ing of the long-awaited proph-
search for Jehovah. et greater than Moses—Jesus
—2 Chron. 20:3. Christ. (John 1:23-36) As a proph-
Faced with the threat of the et, Jesus spoke about his own
combined forces of Ammon, death, foretelling how he would
Moab, and the people of the die, where he would die, and at
mountainous region of Seir, Je- whose hands he would die. (Matt.
hoshaphat movingly beseeched 20:17-19) To the surprise of his
Jehovah: “O our God, will you not listeners, Jesus also foretold the
execute judgment upon them? destruction of Jerusalem with its
For in us there is no power be- temple. (Mark 13:1, 2) His proph-
fore this large crowd that is com- ecies reach right down to our own
ing against us.” (2 Chron. 20:12, time.—Matt. 24:3-41. w09 4/15 4:
13) After Jehoshaphat prayed, Je- 10, 11
hovah’s spirit moved Jahaziel, a
Levite, to utter words of comfort Sunday, April 24
that instilled confidence in the By this all will know that you
people. (2 Chron. 20:14-17) Yes, are my disciples, if you have
back then, Jehoshaphat and the love among yourselves.
kingdom of Judah received direc- —John 13:35.
tion from Jehovah through Jaha-
ziel. Today, we receive comfort Marcelino, a man in Cameroon,
and direction through the faith- lost his eyesight at work. After
ful and discreet slave class. Cer- his accident, the rumor spread
tainly, we always want to cooper- that he had become blind be-
ate with and show respect for cause he was a witch. Instead
the appointed elders, who work of giving him comfort, his pastor
hard in shepherding us and im- and other members of his church
plementing the directions of expelled him from the congrega-
“the faithful and discreet slave.” tion. When one of Jehovah’s Wit-
—Matt. 24:45; 1 Thess. 5:12, 13. nesses invited him to a meet-
w09 6/15 1:9, 10 ing, Marcelino hesitated. He did
not want to face more rejection.
Saturday, April 23 Marcelino was surprised by what
You will be called a prophet of happened at the Kingdom Hall.
the Most High.—Luke 1:76. He was warmly welcomed, and
he gained comfort from the Bi-
A true prophet is an inspired ble teachings he heard. He be-
sp okesman for Jehovah, one gan attending all congregation
who proclaims “the magnificent meetings, progressed in his Bible
things of God.” (Acts 2:11, 16, 17) study, and was baptized in 2006.
Among other things, his prophe- Now he is sharing the truth with
sying could include announc- his family and neighbors and
ing future events, revealing as- has started several Bible stud-
pects of Jehovah’s purpose, or ies. Marcelino wants the individ-
proclaiming God’s judgments. In uals studying the Bible with him
the first century, Zechariah acted to feel the same love he has ex-
as a prophet in revealing God’s perienced among God’s people.
purpose regarding his son, John. w09 11/15 4:1-3
Monday, April 25 sometimes “a man’s enemies will
be persons of his own household.”
They pained even the Holy One
(Matt. 10:36) How comforting to
of Israel.—Ps. 78:41. know that within the congrega-
Jehovah is not paralyzed by tion, we can find those who will
hurt and disappointment. When stick closer to us than a literal
complications have arisen, Jeho- brother! (Prov. 18:24) As indicat-
vah has promptly taken steps to ed by Paul’s personal greetings at
minimize the bad consequences the conclusion of his letter to the
of what happened. He has also congregation in Rome, he forged
taken long-term measures so many close friendships. (Rom.
that in the end his purpose will 16:8-16) Obviously, the apostle
be fulfilled. (Ps. 104:31) Yes, Je- John too developed many endur-
hovah remains “the happy God.” ing friendships. w09 10/15 3:19, 20
(1 Tim. 1:11; Ps. 16:11) Because
we were created in Jehovah’s im- Wednesday, April 27
age, we have thinking ability and
I came to be beside him as a
practical wisdom, allowing us to
analyze our problems and take master worker, and I came to be
positive action whenever possi- the one he was specially fond
ble. One important factor that of.—Prov. 8:30.
can help us cope with life’s prob- Jesus was not the Originator or
lems is to recognize that cer- Purposer behind the ransom sac-
tain things are simply beyond our rifice. Rather, this means of de-
control. Agonizing over such mat- liverance was a key feature of
ters may lead to added frustra-
Jehovah’s will. The apostle Paul
tion and rob us of the many joys
indicated that the altar at the
associated with true worship. Af-
temple, upon which the sacrifices
ter taking reasonable measures
were offered, represented Jeho-
to resolve a problem, it is best
to move on and focus on more vah’s will. (Heb. 10:10) So the de-
productive endeavors. w09 12/15 liverance we receive by means
2:5-8 of Christ’s sacrifice is something
we owe first and foremost to Je-
Tuesday, April 26 hovah. (Luke 1:68) It is an ex-
pression of his great love for hu-
Give my greetings to the friends mans. (John 3:16) He and his Son
by name.—3 John 14. had enjoyed associating togeth-
Jesus continues to care for us er for countless millions, per-
not only through the oversight haps even billions, of years. The
of loving shepherds but also by Son worked joyously with the Fa-
providing us with spiritual moth- ther as his beloved “master work-
ers and brothers and sisters with- er” and as his Spokesman, “the
in the congregation. (Mark 10:29, Word.” (Prov. 8:22, 31; John 1:1)
30) When you first began asso- What Jehovah endured as his Son
ciating with Jehovah’s organiza- was tormented, ridiculed, and
tion, how did your relatives react? then executed as a criminal is
Hopefully, they supported your far more than we can know. Our
efforts to draw close to God and deliverance cost Jehovah dearly!
Christ. But Jesus warned that w09 9/15 5:12, 14
Thursday, April 28 and if we read it and meditate
on its contents, we prepare our-
“Abraham put faith in Jehovah, selves for tests of faith. Study
and it was counted to him as helps us to understand the issues
righteousness,” and he came to of universal sovereignty and per-
be called “Jehovah’s friend.” sonal integrity. Further, we ben-
—Jas. 2:23. efit greatly from being part of the
What can help you to make earth-wide brotherhood that Je-
good choices as to your friends? hovah supplies with spiritual
Studying Bible examples can food. (Matt. 24:45-47) In each of
prove motivating. Consider the the approximately 100,000 con-
friendship between Ruth and her gregations of Jehovah’s Witness-
mother-in-law Naomi, the one es, meetings are conducted that
between David and Jonathan, instruct us and strengthen us.
or the one between Timothy w09 4/15 2:15, 16
and Paul. (Ruth 1:16, 17; 1 Sam. Saturday, April 30
23:16-18; Phil. 2:19-22) These
friendships thrived for one rea- If you were part of the world,
son above all others: They were the world would be fond of what
based on genuine love for Jeho- is its own. Now because you are
vah. Can you find friends who no part of the world, but I have
love Jehovah as much as you chosen you out of the world, on
do? Be assured that the Chris- this account the world hates
tian congregation is rich with po- you.—John 15:19.
tential for finding friends of that
kind. Such friends will not lead Jesus warned his followers that
you to fare badly in a spiritual they would meet up with oppo-
sense. Rather, they will help you sition from the nations of the
to obey Jehovah, to grow spiritu- world, and on the evening pre-
ally, and to sow with a view to ceding his death, he explained
the spirit. (Gal. 6:7, 8) They will why by saying the above. The
help you to remain in God’s love. apostle Paul experienced the
—Jude 21. w09 8/15 4:12, 13 truthfulness of Jesus’ words. In
his second letter to his young
Friday, April 29 companion Timothy, Paul wrote:
We have a helper with the Fa- “You have closely followed my
ther, Jesus Christ.—1 John 2:1. teaching, my course of life,
my purpose, my faith, my long-
As Jehovah’s servants today, we suffering, my love, my endur-
enjoy important benefits. For in- ance, my persecutions, my suf-
stance, Jesus Christ provided the ferings.” Then Paul added: “In
ransom sacrifice and thus laid fact, all those desiring to live
the groundwork for forgiveness with godly devotion in associa-
of sins. On the basis of that sac- tion with Christ Jesus will also
rifice, we can have a close re- be persecuted.” (2 Tim. 3:10-
lationship with God despite our 12) In writing to the Christians
imperfection. (Jas. 4:8) When fac- in Rome, Paul gave wise counsel
ing trials, we also pray for the on how they should react to op-
support and strengthening aid position. His words can give us
of God’s holy spirit. Additional- guidance in this time of the end.
ly, we have the complete Bible, —Rom. 12:17-21. w09 10/15 2:1, 2
Sunday, May 1 was something better to pursue.
At 1 Corinthians 12:31, he ex-
The wisdom of this world is
plained: “Yet I show you a sur-
foolishness with God. passing way.” The context in the
—1 Cor. 3:19. verses that follow shows that this
The word “wisdom” is used was the surpassing way of love.
loosely. Some say that a person is In what sense was it surpassing?
wise if he has merely accumulat- Paul proceeded to illustrate what
ed a wealth of knowledge. How- he meant. (1 Cor. 13:1-3) If he
ever, the world’s so-called intel- had certain outstanding abilities
lectuals offer no trustworthy and accomplished great things
guidance for finding true mean- but did not have love, what would
ing in life. On the contrary, those he amount to? Nothing! Moved by
who allow themselves to be influ- God’s spirit, he drove home this
enced by such ones end up be- important point. w09 12/15 4:12
ing “tossed about as by waves
and carried hither and thither by Tuesday, May 3
every wind of teaching.” (Eph. 4: Become imitators of God.
14) How different it is with those —Eph. 5:1.
who acquire true wisdom, the
Source of which is Jehovah God! Jehovah God sets the perfect
The Bible tells us that Jehovah example of courtesy. Despite his
is “wise alone.” (Rom. 16:27) He high position as Sovereign of
knows all that there is to know the universe, he treats humans
about the universe, including its with great kindness and respect.
composition and its history. The In addressing both Abraham and
physical laws of nature—upon Moses, Jehovah used a Hebrew
which humans rely for their re- term often translated “please.”
search—are all of Jehovah’s mak- (Gen. 13:14; Ex. 4:6) When his
ing. Thus, he is not impressed by servants commit errors, Jeho-
man-made inventions, and he is vah is “merciful and gracious,
not intrigued by the so-called el- slow to anger and abundant in
evated thinking of human philos- loving-kindness and trueness.”
ophy. w09 4/15 3:1, 2 (Ps. 86:15) He is far different from
some humans who explode with
Monday, May 2 fury when others do not meet
Become imitators of me, even as their expectations. God’s good
manners are also evident in the
I am of Christ.—1 Cor. 11:1.
way he listens to humans. When
The apostle Paul was an im- Abraham raised questions re-
itator of Christ. Because of fol- garding the people of Sodom, Je-
lowing Christ’s steps closely, Paul hovah patiently answered each
had freeness of speech in urg- one. (Gen. 18:23-32) He did not
ing his brothers to become imita- view Abraham’s concern as a
tors of him. Although he urged drain on His time. Jehovah lis-
Corinthian Christians to keep tens to the prayers of his servants
zealously seeking certain gifts of and to the cries of repentant
the spirit that were manifest in sinners. (Ps. 51:11, 17) Should
the first century, such as heal- we not imitate Jehovah by lis-
ing and speaking in tongues, tening when others speak to us?
Paul showed them that there w09 11/15 5:3, 4
Wednesday, May 4 show our appreciation by working
hard to stay clean in God’s sight.
Many are the friends of the rich (2 Pet. 3:14) We will show it by
person.—Prov. 14:20. sharing with others our wonder-
That observation sums up the ful hope of deliverance, so that
tendency of imperfect humans to they too may have a clean stand-
form friendships based on what ing with Jehovah and the hope for
they can receive rather than on an eternal future. (1 Tim. 4:16)
what they can give. Jesus dis- Surely Jehovah and his Son are
played no such weakness. He was worth every bit of the time and
not swayed by a person’s finan- energy we can devote to praising
cial or social status. Jesus was them! (Mark 12:28-30) Think of
known, not for his connections to it! We can look forward to life as
the wealthy and prominent, but God meant it to be, in perfec-
for befriending the lowly and de- tion, forever—all because of what
Jehovah has done to deliver us!
spised. (Matt. 11:19) Certainly,
—Rom. 8:21. w09 9/15 5:15, 17
Jesus’ friends were flawed indi-
viduals. Peter on occasion failed Friday, May 6
to view matters from a spiri-
tual perspective. (Matt. 16:21-23) Have regard for those who are
James and John showed an ambi- working hard among you and
tious spirit when they asked that presiding over you.
Jesus give them prominent posi- —1 Thess. 5:12.
tions in the Kingdom. Their ac-
We must show respect for au-
tion incensed the other apostles, thority. Why is this so difficult for
and the issue of prominence was us to do at times? For one thing,
an ongoing cause of contention. humans in positions of author-
Jesus, however, patiently tried to ity are imperfect. In addition,
correct the thinking of his friends we ourselves are imperfect. We
and did not easily become exas- struggle with an inborn tenden-
perated with them.—Matt. 20:20- cy to rebel. You might wonder,
28. w09 10/15 3:3, 4 then, ‘If it is such a challenge for
us to respect authority, why do
Thursday, May 5 we need to do it?’ The answer
He is a propitiatory sacrifice for comes down to the issue of sover-
our sins.—1 John 2:2. eignty. Whom will you choose as
your sovereign, your ruler? If we
If we appreciate what Jehovah choose Jehovah as our Sovereign,
and his Son have done in order to we need to respect his authori-
deliver us from sin and death, we ty. If we do not, can we truthful-
will show it. (1 John 5:3) We will ly call him our Ruler? Further-
fight against our tendency to sin. more, Jehovah usually exercises
Never will we give in to the will- his authority through imperfect
ful practice of sin and lead the humans whom he entrusts with
hypocritical double life that of- responsibility to care for his peo-
ten goes with it. Such a course ple. If we were to rebel against
would amount to saying that we those humans, how would Jeho-
do not value or appreciate the vah view our actions?—1 Thess.
ransom at all. Rather, we will 5:13. w09 8/15 4:14, 15
Saturday, May 7 request in harmony with His will.
(John 15:16) However, Jesus is
Never has another man spoken “the way” also in a further sense.
like this.—John 7:46. Sin has alienated mankind from
In addition to being a proph- God. (Isa. 59:2) Jesus gave “his
et, Jesus was a preacher and a soul a ransom in exchange for
teacher. He preached the good many.” (Matt. 20:28) As a result,
news of God’s Kingdom, and no the Bible explains: “The blood of
one spoke with greater bold- Jesus . . . cleanses us from all sin.”
ness than he did. (Luke 4:16- (1 John 1:7) The Son has thus
21, 43) As a teacher, he had no opened up the way of reconcilia-
equal. Jesus was zealous in his tion with God. (Rom. 5:8-10) It
efforts to spread the good news, is by putting faith in Jesus and
and he inspired his followers with obeying him that we can have an
that same zeal for the Kingdom. approved relationship with God.
—John 3:36. w09 5/15 4:12, 13
Thus, he laid the foundation for
a global preaching and teach- Monday, May 9
ing campaign that is still con-
tinuing. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 5: I am giving you a new com-
42) Last year, some seven million mandment, that you love one
of Christ’s followers spent over another.—John 13:34.
1,500,000,000 hours in preaching
The love of the true Christian
the good news of the Kingdom brotherhood has no equal in hu-
and teaching interested ones Bi- man society. Just as a magnet
ble truths. Do you have a mean- draws iron, so love draws Jeho-
ingful share in that work? Medi- vah’s servants together in uni-
tating on the example of Jesus ty and attracts sincere ones to
moves us to “stay awake and true worship. Appealing as it
keep our senses” as to what God is, our brotherly love cannot be
will soon do.—1 Thess. 5:2, 6. taken for granted. Think of a
w09 4/15 4:12, 13 campfire burning at night, draw-
ing people to its warm, flicker-
Sunday, May 8 ing flames. Unless those enjoying
I am the way and the truth and the fire supply it with fuel, it will
the life.—John 14:6. go out. Likewise, the wonderful
bond of love in the congregation
Jesus’ words have meaning for will weaken unless we as individ-
those who hope to gain everlast- ual Christians work to strengthen
ing life on earth. (Rev. 7:9, 10; 21: it. How can we do so? The apostle
1-4) How so? Jesus Christ is “the Paul answers: “Go on walking in
way.” That is, he is the only one love, just as the Christ also loved
through whom it is possible for you and delivered himself up for
us to approach God. This is true you as an offering and a sacri-
in the matter of prayer, for only fice to God for a sweet-smelling
by praying through Jesus do we odor.” (Eph. 5:2) So ask yourself,
have the assurance that the Fa- ‘In what ways can I go on walking
ther will give us whatever we may in love?’ w09 11/15 4:1, 2, 4
Tuesday, May 10 select this hope for themselves,
but Jehovah puts his seal, or holy
Look out: perhaps there may be
spirit, upon them. (2 Cor. 1:21, 22;
someone who will carry you off
1 Pet. 1:3, 4) They realize that al-
as his prey through the philoso- though they have received a won-
phy and empty deception ac- derful invitation, it is only that
cording to the tradition of men —an invitation. They must re-
. . . and not according to Christ. main faithful until death in order
—Col. 2:8. to obtain this prize. The anoint-
The apostle Paul likened the ed remnant must do their utmost
ministry of God’s servants to to ‘walk worthily of the calling
spiritual warfare. He wrote: “The with which they were called, with
weapons of our warfare are not complete lowliness of mind,’ do-
fleshly, but powerful by God for ing so “with fear and trembling.”
overturning strongly entrenched —Eph. 4:1, 2; Phil. 2:12; 1 Thess.
things. For we are overturning 2:12. w09 6/15 4:13, 14
reasonings and every lofty thing
raised up against the knowledge Thursday, May 12
of God.” (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) What are Return evil for evil to no one.
some of the “strongly entrenched —Rom. 12:17.
things” from which divine edu-
cation frees people? The burden Paul explained that when faced
of false teachings, superstitions, with hostility, we should not re-
and human philosophies, to men- taliate in kind. Heeding his coun-
tion just a few. Divine education sel is particularly important in
helps people to overcome bad homes that are religiously divid-
practices and to cultivate god- ed. The Christian mate resists
ly qualities. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) It im- the temptation to repay an un-
proves family life. And it gives kind word or act with another un-
those without hope a real pur- kindness. No good comes from
pose in life. This is the kind of ‘returning evil for evil.’ On the
education that is needed today. contrary, such an attitude can
w09 9/15 4:7 only aggravate the situation. Paul
recommends a better way: “Pro-
Wednesday, May 11 vide fine things in the sight of
Brothers, I do not yet consider all men.” In the domestic set-
myself as having laid hold on it; ting, a wife who shows genuine
but . . . I am pursuing down to- kindness to her husband after
ward the goal for the prize of he makes unpleasant comments
about her beliefs may well de-
the upward call of God by
fuse a potentially explosive situ-
means of Christ Jesus.
ation. (Prov. 31:12) As to pro-
—Phil. 3:13, 14. viding “fine things in the sight
Individuals who are anointed of all men,” Jehovah’s Witnesses
by God’s holy spirit receive a have often overcome prejudice by
heavenly “calling,” or “invitation.” providing practical assistance to
(Heb. 3:1; ftn.) This personal in- their neighbors when a disaster
vitation is from God. They do not strikes. w09 10/15 2:3, 4
Friday, May 13 learn war anymore.” (Isa. 2:3, 4)
By acting in harmony with God’s
This man is for a certainty the
spirit, we contribute to the beau-
savior of the world.—John 4:42. ty of the spiritual paradise. How-
One reason why people reject- ever, the future will be even bet-
ed Jesus as the promised Messiah ter. As obedient humans enjoy
was his teachings, which many peace to an unprecedented de-
found hard to accept. Entry into gree under Jesus’ rule, they will
the Kingdom would require ‘dis- reach human perfection. After
owning oneself,’ ‘eating’ Jesus’ they pass the final test at the end
flesh and blood, being “born of the Thousand Year Reign, “the
again,” and being “no part of meek ones themselves will pos-
the world.” (Mark 8:34; John 3:3; sess the earth, and they will in-
6:53; 17:14, 16) The proud, the deed find their exquisite delight
rich, and the hypocritical viewed in the abundance of peace.”—Ps.
these requirements as too dif- 37:11; Rev. 20:7-10. w09 4/15 5:
ficult to fulfill. However, humble 18, 19
Jews accepted Jesus as the Mes-
siah, as did some Samaritans. Sunday, May 15
Jesus foretold that he would be I am the light of the world.
condemned by the chief priests —John 8:12.
and be impaled by Gentiles, but
on the third day, he would rise. Long before Jesus’ birth on
(Matt. 20:17-19) His affirmation earth, the prophet Isaiah fore-
before the Sanhedrin that he was told: “The people that were walk-
“the Christ the Son of God” was ing in the darkness have seen a
judged to be blasphemy. (Matt. great light. As for those dwell-
26:63-66) Pilate found in him ing in the land of deep shadow,
“nothing deserving of death,” but light itself has shone upon them.”
because the Jews charged him (Isa. 9:2) The apostle Matthew
also with sedition, Pilate “surren- explained that Jesus fulfilled
dered Jesus to their will.”—Luke that prophecy when He com-
23:13-15, 25. w09 12/15 3:12, 13 menced preaching and said: “Re-
pent, you people, for the king-
Saturday, May 14 dom of the heavens has drawn
The creation itself also will be near.” (Matt. 4:16, 17) Jesus’ min-
set free from enslavement to istry brought to the people spiri-
tual enlightenment and freedom
corruption.—Rom. 8:21.
from enslavement to false reli-
In the Christian congregation, gious teachings. “I have come as a
we enjoy a true spiritual para- light into the world,” said Jesus,
dise. We have peace with God and “in order that everyone putting
with our fellow man. Note what faith in me may not remain in the
Isaiah prophesied about the con- darkness.” (John 1:3-5; 12:46) Do
ditions that we are experienc- you appreciate the spiritual trea-
ing today: “They will have to beat sures you have found in Jesus so
their swords into plowshares and much that you would recommend
their spears into pruning shears. them to others, both by word of
Nation will not lift up sword mouth and by your fine Christian
against nation, neither will they conduct? w09 7/15 1:12, 13
Monday, May 16 the years, for example, we have
received pointed direction on
The peace of God that excels
dress and grooming, entertain-
all thought will guard your ment, and improper use of the In-
hearts and your mental powers ternet. Do we carefully heed this
by means of Christ Jesus. good counsel so that we are spiri-
—Phil. 4:7. tually protected? What about the
The apostle Paul had an afflic- admonition to establish a regular
tion that caused him much dis- routine of family worship? Have
tress. Whatever its nature, Paul we taken the advice to heart and
did what he could to remove this set aside an evening for that pur-
affliction, praying to Jehovah for pose? If we are single, are we
relief. After the third time, God making time for personal study
revealed to Paul that the “thorn of the Scriptures? Jehovah will
in the flesh” would not be re- bless us individually and as fami-
moved miraculously. Paul accept- lies if we follow the guidance of
ed this fact and concentrated on the slave class. w09 11/15 3:2, 3
serving Jehovah fully. (2 Cor. 12:
7-10) This does not mean that we Wednesday, May 18
should stop praying to Jehovah Speak truth each one of you
about distressing matters. (Ps. with his neighbor.—Eph. 4:25.
86:7) On the contrary, God’s Word
entreats us: “Do not be anxious Does being truthful with others
over anything, but in everything mean that we must disclose every
by prayer and supplication along detail to whoever asks us a ques-
with thanksgiving let your peti- tion? Not necessarily. While on
tions be made known to God.” earth, Jesus demonstrated that
(Phil. 4:6) Jehovah may not take some people are undeserving of
away our problem, but he can re- a direct answer or of certain in-
spond to our prayers by guarding formation. When hypocritical re-
our mental powers. After praying ligious leaders asked him by what
about a matter, we may realize power or authority he performed
the danger of being consumed by signs and miracles, Jesus said: “I
anxieties. w09 12/15 2:10, 11 will ask you one question. You
answer me, and I will also tell
Tuesday, May 17 you by what authority I do these
I am writing you these things things.” When the scribes and
. . . that you may know how older men were unwilling to give
you ought to conduct yourself an answer, Jesus said: “Neither
am I telling you by what authori-
in God’s household.
ty I do these things.” (Mark 11:27-
—1 Tim. 3:14, 15. 33) He did not feel obligated
One way to find our place in to answer the question in view of
the congregation and give evi- their corrupt practices and faith-
dence that we treasure it is to less example. (Matt. 12:10-13;
cooperate fully with “the faithful 23:27, 28) Similarly today, Jeho-
and discreet slave” and its repre- vah’s people need to be on guard
sentative Governing Body. (Matt. against apostates and other wick-
24:45-47) We need to examine our ed men who use trickery or cun-
response to the direction we re- ning for selfish purposes.—Matt.
ceive from the slave class. Over 10:16; Eph. 4:14. w09 6/15 3:3, 6
Thursday, May 19 He addressed Job considerately,
using Job’s personal name. Eli-
Are they not all spirits for pub-
hu commended Job for his up-
lic service, sent forth to minister right course. But he also said
for those who are going to in- that Job had focused too much on
herit salvation?—Heb. 1:14. trying to prove his own faultless-
There are millions of faithful ness. Then Elihu assured Job that
angels in heaven. All of them are serving God faithfully is always
“mighty in power, carrying out worthwhile. (Job 36:1, 11) What
his word.” (Ps. 103:20; Rev. 5:11) a fine example for those who
These spirit sons of God have need to offer counsel today! Elihu
personality, divine qualities, and showed patience, listened care-
free will. They are superbly orga- fully, commended where possi-
nized and have high positions in ble, and offered upbuilding coun-
God’s arrangement. All the an- sel.—Job 33:32. w09 4/15 1:8
gels rejoiced at the ‘founding of
the earth’ and shared with de- Saturday, May 21
light in their assigned work as The heavens and the earth that
this unique jewel in space devel- are now are stored up for fire
oped into mankind’s home. (Job and are being reserved to the
38:4, 7) Jehovah created man “a day of judgment and of destruc-
little lower than angels” but in
tion of the ungodly men.
His “image,” thus enabling hu-
mans to reflect the Creator’s lofty —2 Pet. 3:7.
qualities. (Heb. 2:7; Gen. 1:26) By inspiration, the apostle Pe-
By exercising the gift of free will ter wrote about the future of
properly, Adam and Eve and their mankind, saying the above. What
descendants could have enjoyed will replace the governmental
life in a paradise home as part heavens and the wicked human
of Jehovah’s universal family of society that are present now?
intelligent creatures. w09 5/15 3: (2 Pet. 3:13) They will be re-
1, 2, 4 placed by “new heavens”—God’s
Messianic Kingdom—and “a new
Friday, May 20 earth”—a righteous human soci-
Elihu the son of Barachel the ety of true worshippers. The last
Buzite proceeded to answer and book of the Bible stirs our hearts
say: “Young I am in days and with its vision of mankind lifted
you men are aged. That is why I to perfection. (Rev. 21:1-4) This
drew back and was afraid to has been the hope of believing
declare my knowledge to you mankind ever since human per-
fection was lost in the garden of
men.”—Job 32:6.
Eden. Upright people will live in
After reading of Job’s three Paradise on earth endlessly with-
false comforters, we read of Eli- out aging. This hope is solidly
hu, who had also come to vis- based on both the Hebrew Scrip-
it Job. Elihu first listened to the tures and the Christian Greek
arguments presented by Job and Scriptures, and it continues to
his three companions. Although strengthen faithful servants of
younger than the other four men, Jehovah to this day.—Rev. 22:1, 2.
Elihu showed greater wisdom. w09 8/15 2:16, 17
Sunday, May 22 he was to take the lead among Je-
hovah’s people. Solomon entreat-
Christ [left] you a model for
ed God for the wisdom required
you to follow his steps closely. to discharge the duties of king-
—1 Pet. 2:21. ship in Israel. Solomon’s prayer
As followers of Christ, we de- pleased Jehovah, who gave him
sire to imitate him in our min- not only what he requested but
istry and in our life. Thus, our also riches and glory. (1 Ki. 3:
objective is not only to impart 7-14) If you receive service priv-
Bible knowledge but also to re- ileges that seem overwhelm-
flect Jehovah’s qualities, espe- ing, pray for wisdom and display
cially his love. Whether we have a humble spirit. Then God will
a lot of knowledge or just a lit- help you to acquire the knowl-
tle, an abundance of teaching edge and exercise the wisdom
skills or just a few, the love we needed to care for your respon-
show will go a long way in reach- sibilities in a proper and loving
ing the hearts of those to whom manner. w09 11/15 2:7, 8
we preach. To be truly effec-
tive in our disciple-making work, Tuesday, May 24
we must imitate Jesus by teach- Quit being fashioned after this
ing with love. Of course, to be
system of things, but be trans-
good teachers, we need knowl-
edge of our subject and we need formed by making your mind
skill to impart that knowledge. over, that you may prove to
Jesus helped his disciples to ac- yourselves the good and accept-
quire both, and Jehovah, through able and perfect will of God.
his organization, helps us to do —Rom. 12:2.
so today. (Isa. 54:13; Luke 12:
42) Still, we should aim to teach Such a complete change can
not only with our minds but also be brought about only with the
with our hearts. When knowl- help of God and his spirit. It
edge, skill, and love work togeth- also requires serious effort on our
er, the results can be most satis- part, using our “power of reason.”
fying. w09 7/15 3:4, 5 (Rom. 12:1) It means that we do
our utmost not to be “fashioned
Monday, May 23 after this system of things” with
its corrupt morals, debased en-
Make me know your own ways, tertainment, and warped think-
O Jehovah.—Ps. 25:4. ing. (Eph. 2:1-3) Paul also invites
A desire to please Jehovah us to use our “power of reason” to
should motivate you to pray for prove to ourselves what is “the
wisdom. Moses prayed for knowl- good and acceptable and perfect
edge of God’s ways. “See,” he will of God.” Thus, we engage
pleaded, “you [Jehovah] are say- in Christian activities because
ing to me, ‘Lead this people up we are moved by God’s spirit to
[from Egypt]’ . . . And now, if, demonstrate our heartfelt love
please, I have found favor in your for Jehovah. Furthermore, we are
eyes, make me know, please, your personally convinced that carry-
ways.” (Ex. 33:12, 13) In response, ing out such activities is God’s
God gave Moses greater knowl- will for us.—Zech. 4:6; Eph. 5:10.
edge of His ways—a necessity if w09 10/15 1:2, 3
Wednesday, May 25 moning courage, she did so and
immediately sensed that she had
Paul expressed the desire for
been healed. Jesus was aware
[Timothy] to go out with him. that someone had touched him,
—Acts 16:3. and he looked around to see who
Timothy was presented with an it was. The woman, likely fearing
unusual invitation—to become a rebuke because she had violat-
the apostle Paul’s traveling com- ed the Law, fell down trembling
panion! Imagine how surprised at his feet and poured out the
and excited Timothy must have whole truth. Did Jesus reprimand
been! For years to come, Timo- this poor, suffering woman? Far
thy would travel with Paul and at from it! Reassuringly, he said the
times with others, carrying out words of today’s text. (Mark 5:25-
various missions on behalf of 33) How comforted she must have
the apostles and older men. Paul been to hear such kind words!
and Timothy engaged in travel- w09 9/15 1:11, 12
ing work that contributed much
to the spiritual upbuilding of the Friday, May 27
brothers. (Acts 16:4, 5) Hence, Until I expire I shall not take
Timothy became well-known to away my integrity from myself!
many Christians for his spiritu- —Job 27:5.
al advancement. After some ten
years of working with Timothy, During the time period be-
the apostle Paul wrote to the Phi- tween the lives of Abraham’s
lippians: “I have no one else of a great-grandson Joseph and the
disposition like [Timothy’s] who prophet Moses, there lived a
will genuinely care for the things man named Job. The Bible book
pertaining to you. . . . Like a child of Job, likely composed by Mo-
with a father he slaved with me in ses, explains why Jehovah al-
furtherance of the good news.” lowed Job to suffer and how the
—Phil. 2:20-22. w09 12/15 1:3 matter turned out for him. How-
ever, the book of Job is not mere-
Thursday, May 26 ly an account about one man’s
Daughter, your faith has made trials; it centers on issues of
you well. Go in peace. universal importance. The book
provides insight into Jehovah’s
—Mark 5:34. righteousness in exercising his
Jesus put his pity and compas- sovereignty, and it reveals that
sion into action. Consider one in- the integrity and life prospects
stance. For 12 long years, a wom- of all of God’s earthly servants
an suffered from an abnormal are involved in the issue raised
flow of blood. She knew that un- in Eden. Although Job did not
der the Mosaic Law, her condi- understand this issue, he did
tion made her and anyone who not allow his three companions
touched her ceremonially un- to make him think that he had
clean. (Lev. 15:25-27) Still, Jesus’ failed as an integrity keeper.
reputation and demeanor must This should strengthen our faith
have convinced her that he could and help us to realize that we
and would heal her. She kept can maintain our integrity and
saying: “If I touch just his outer uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty.
garments I shall get well.” Sum- w09 8/15 1:8
Saturday, May 28 God and to one another. Today,
what a pleasure it is to be as-
Faith follows the thing heard. sociated with a worldwide orga-
—Rom. 10:17. nization whose members follow
How can we acquire real faith? the pattern set by those first-
Jesus’ example guides us. He dis- century Christians! We are deter-
played a thorough knowledge of mined to obey Jesus’ command
the Scriptures and complete con- to display genuine love for one
fidence in them. As a weapon, Je- another. However, during these
sus wielded, not a literal sword, last days, people in general are
but the sword of the spirit, God’s disloyal and fail to show natu-
Word. Time and again he sup- ral affection. (2 Tim. 3:1-3) The
ported his teachings with a ref- friendships they do form are of-
erence to the Scriptures. Often ten shallow and self-serving. To
he prefaced his words with the keep our identity as true Chris-
statement: “It is written,” that is, tians, we must rise above such at-
in God’s Word. (Matt. 21:13; John titudes. w09 10/15 4:1, 2
8:17) To build faith that can with- Monday, May 30
stand the trials of the sort that
inevitably come with disciple- The word of God is alive and
ship, we must read and study the exerts power.—Heb. 4:12.
Bible daily and attend Christian Spiritual babes of Paul’s day
meetings, putting into our minds failed to use God’s Word and
the truths that are the founda- test its value by actual practice.
tion of faith. We must also medi- (Heb. 5:13) They did not acquaint
tate—reflect deeply—on what we themselves with the message by
learn, letting it sink into our allowing it to guide them in mak-
heart. Only faith that is alive can ing wise decisions in their lives.
move us to courageous action. To become acquainted with the
(Jas. 2:17) And we must pray for Word of God means to know what
holy spirit because faith is part of it says and to put that knowl-
the spirit’s fruitage.—Gal. 5:22. edge into practice. The experi-
w09 9/15 2:15, 16 ence of a Christian sister named
Kyle shows how this can be done.
Sunday, May 29 Kyle had an altercation with one
These things I command you, of her workmates. What did she
that you love one another. do to heal the breach? She ex-
—John 15:17. plains: “The scripture that readi-
ly came to my mind was Romans
During his final night on earth, 12:18, which says: ‘As far as it
Jesus encouraged his loyal disci- depends upon you, be peaceable
ples to remain friends with one with all men.’ So I made an ap-
another. The apostles needed pointment to meet this work-
to remain close friends if they mate after work.” The meet-
were to endure the trials that ing was very successful, and the
lay ahead and to accomplish the fellow employee was impressed
work that Jesus would soon as- that Kyle had taken that step.
sign them. Indeed, first-century “I learned that we can never go
Christians became known for wrong if we apply Bible princi-
their unbreakable devotion to ples,” says Kyle. w09 5/15 1:8-10
Tuesday, May 31 sincere prayers for help will be
If any one of you is lacking in answered. With the help of the
wisdom, let him keep on asking holy spirit, we will find gems of
God.—Jas. 1:5. wisdom in God’s Word that can
help us to deal with challenges
How can we, as followers of the and make wise decisions. (Luke
Greater Solomon, benefit from 11:13) Solomon was also called
godly wisdom? Since Jehovah’s “the congregator” who “taught
wisdom is revealed in his Word, the people knowledge continual-
we must put forth the effort to
ly.” (Eccl. 12:9, 10) Jesus, as Head
find it by carefully studying the
Bible, particularly the record- of the Christian congregation, is
ed words of Jesus, and by medi- also a congregator of his people.
tating on what we read. (Prov. 2: (John 10:16; Col. 1:18) Therefore,
1-5) Further, we need to perse- we do well to attend congregation
vere in asking God for wisdom. meetings, where we are ‘taught
God’s Word assures us that our continually.’ w09 4/15 5:15

Wednesday, June 1 Thursday, June 2

Whoever loses his soul for my We pray to God that you may do
sake is the one that will save it. nothing wrong.—2 Cor. 13:7.
—Luke 9:24.
Do we individually pray for holy
What enables Christians to en- spirit, asking Jehovah to help us
dure no matter what trials, dif- display its fruitage of love, joy,
ficult situations, and problems peace, long-suffering, kindness,
they encounter? Basically it is goodness, faith, mildness, and
love based on principle. Such love self-control? (Luke 11:13; Gal. 5:
goes beyond just giving up some- 22, 23) If so, our words and deeds
thing in a material way. It ex- will show that we are walking and
tends to the point of being will- living by spirit. (Gal. 5:16, 25) If
ing to maintain our integrity and we learn that our children are be-
even to lose our life for the sake ing tempted to cheat on tests at
of Christ. (Luke 9:25) Reflect on school, we should pray for them
the faithful course of Witness- and also give them Scriptural
es who suffered in concentration help so that they will act honest-
camps, labor camps, and prisons ly and will not do anything wrong.
during and after World War II. Paul told Christians in Corinth
A young German Witness named the words of today’s text. Hum-
Wilhelm well illustrates this. ble prayers of that kind please
Rather than compromise, he re- Jehovah and speak well of us.
mained loyal when facing death (Prov. 15:8) We can ask that oth-
by a Nazi firing squad. In a fare- ers pray for us, even as the apos-
well letter to his family, he wrote: tle Paul did. “Carry on prayer for
“Above all we must love God, us,” he wrote, “for we trust we
as our Leader Jesus Christ com- have an honest conscience, as we
manded. If we stand up for him, wish to conduct ourselves hon-
he will reward us.” w09 12/15 4: estly in all things.”—Heb. 13:18.
14, 15 w09 11/15 1:10, 11
Friday, June 3 situation. Job’s loyalty withstood
the test. Then Satan claimed
We wish to conduct ourselves
that any human would turn away
honestly in all things. from God if he suffered physical-
—Heb. 13:18. ly. Job suffered, but his integri-
A woman in India accepted a ty was not broken. Hence, Satan
Bible study and in time qualified was proved to be a liar in the case
as an unbaptized publisher. One of that faithful though imperfect
day while returning home from man. What of other worshippers
working on a Kingdom Hall con- of God? In effect, each servant
struction project, she found on of God who keeps his integrity
the ground near a bus station a despite whatever Satan brings
gold chain worth eight hundred against him demonstrates that in
dollars (U.S.). Although of hum- his own personal case, the accu-
ble means, she took the chain to sations of that remorseless ene-
the police station and turned it my are false. w09 4/15 1:10, 11
in. The police officer there could
not believe his eyes! Later, an- Sunday, June 5
other officer asked her, “Why did I shall put enmity between you
you choose to turn in the chain?” and the woman and between
She explained, “Bible teaching your seed and her seed.
has transformed me, so I am an —Gen. 3:15.
honest person now.” Impressed,
he said to the Christian elder who Enmity would persist between
accompanied her to the station: Satan and God’s “woman.” Yes,
“There are over 38 million people Jehovah viewed the heavenly
in this state. If you can help ten organization of faithful spir-
people to become like this wom- it creatures as a beloved wife
an, it would be a great achieve- bonded with him as Husband.
ment.” When we consider the This prophecy provided a sure
millions of lives that have been basis for hope, although the de-
improved by divine education, do tails remained a “sacred secret”
we not have abundant reasons to to be revealed progressively. God
praise Jehovah? w09 9/15 4:8 purposed that one from with-
in the heavenly part of his or-
Saturday, June 4 ganization would crush all rebels
The accuser of our brothers has and that through him “the things
been hurled down, who accuses in the heavens and the things on
them day and night before our the earth” would be brought to-
gether. (Eph. 1:8-10) In Noah’s
God.—Rev. 12:10.
day, a number of angels left their
Jehovah is the Creator of the “proper dwelling place” and ma-
universe, Sovereign of all cre- terialized fleshly bodies in or-
ation. Why did he not ignore the der to pursue selfish pleasure on
Devil’s challenge concerning Job? earth. (Jude 6; Gen. 6:1-4) Jeho-
God knew that neither ignoring vah cast those rebels into dense
Satan nor destroying him would darkness, and they thus joined
resolve the issue that had been Satan in becoming “wicked spirit
raised. The Devil had claimed forces” and vicious foes of God’s
that Job would not remain loy- servants.—Eph. 6:11-13; 2 Pet.
al if he lost his favored economic 2:4. w09 5/15 3:6, 7
Monday, June 6 through the priestly services of
Christ Jesus and his 144,000 un-
They are murmuring against derpriests. (Rom. 8:21) Moreover,
me.—Num. 14:27. Jeremiah and other bold servants
When the Israelites murmured of God in ancient times took
and rebelled against Moses, Je- courage because of Jehovah’s as-
hovah took their reb ellious surance, reflected in his promise
actions personally, as direct- to Jeremiah: “They will be cer-
ed against him. (Num. 14:26, 27) tain to fight against you, but they
God has not changed. If we were will not prevail against you, for ‘I
ever to rebel against those he am with you,’ is the utterance of
has put in positions of authori- Jehovah, ‘to deliver you.’” (Jer.
ty, we would be rebelling against 1:19) Today, when we reflect on
him! The apostle Paul reveals the God’s promises for our future and
right attitude to cultivate toward his assurance of spiritual protec-
those who have positions of re- tion, we are likewise strength-
sponsibility in the Christian con- ened.—Prov. 2:7; 2 Cor. 4:17, 18.
gregation. He wrote: “Be obedi- w09 7/15 4:7, 8
ent to those who are taking the Wednesday, June 8
lead among you and be submis-
sive, for they are keeping watch Each of us will render an ac-
over your souls as those who will count for himself to God.
render an account; that they may —Rom. 14:12.
do this with joy and not with
How should other Christians
sighing, for this would be damag-
view a person who claims to have
ing to you.” (Heb. 13:17) Grant-
been anointed and begins to par-
ed, it takes real effort on our
take of the emblems at the Me-
part to develop such an obedient morial? He or she should not be
and submissive spirit. Remem- judged. The matter is between
ber, though, that we are working this person and Jehovah. How-
to remain in God’s love. Is that ever, Christians who have tru-
goal not worth our every effort? ly received this anointing do not
w09 8/15 4:16, 17 demand special attention. They
do not believe that their be-
Tuesday, June 7
ing of the anointed gives them
They did not get the fulfillment special insights beyond what
of the promises, but they saw even some experienced members
them afar off and welcomed of the “great crowd” may have.
them.—Heb. 11:13. (Rev. 7:9) They do not believe
that they necessarily have more
Faithful ones of pre-Christian holy spirit than their companions
times, such as Abel, Abraham, of the “other sheep” have. (John
Sarah, Elij ah, and Jeremiah, 10:16) They do not expect spe-
looked to a bright and appeal- cial treatment; nor do they claim
ing future. (Titus 1:2) Upon being that their partaking of the em-
resurrected, they will eventually blems places them above the ap-
reach perfection and be “set free pointed elders in the congrega-
from enslavement to corruption” tion. w09 6/15 4:15
Thursday, June 9 Adam’s offspring and made it
possible to give everlasting life
If somebody could overpower
to all who accept him as God’s
one alone, two together could means of salvation. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6)
make a stand against him. And After three days in the grave,
a threefold cord cannot quickly Christ was resurrected, and for
be torn in two.—Eccl. 4:12. 40 days he appeared to his disci-
The strongest friendships are ples, proving that he was alive
founded on a love for Jehovah. and giving them further instruc-
When Jehovah is the third cord tions. (Acts 1:3-5) Then he as-
in a friendship, that friendship cended to heaven to present to
will endure. True, those who do Jehovah the value of his precious
not love Jehovah can also form sacrifice and await the appointed
rewarding friendships. But when time when his presence as Mes-
individuals are drawn together sianic King would begin. In the
by a mutual love for God, their meantime, he had much to do.
friendship will be unshakable. w09 12/15 3:14, 15
If misunderstandings arise, true
friends will treat each other Saturday, June 11
in a way that pleases Jehovah. I am the way and the truth and
If opposers of God try to cause the life.—John 14:6.
divisions, these enemies dis-
cover that friendships among Jesus is “the truth” not only be-
true Christians are unbreakable. cause he always spoke and lived
Throughout history, servants of the truth but also because all
Jehovah have proved their will- the prophecies written about the
ingness to face death rather than Messiah—scores of them—were
betray one another. (1 John 3:16) fulfilled in him. “No matter how
Without a doubt, the most sat- many the promises of God are,”
isfying friendships we can enjoy wrote the apostle Paul, “they
are with those who love Jehovah. have become Yes by means of
w09 10/15 4:3-5 him.” (2 Cor. 1:20) Even “a shad-
ow of the good things to come”
Friday, June 10 contained in the Mosaic Law be-
The Son of man came . . . to came a reality in Christ Jesus.
(Heb. 10:1; Col. 2:17) Jesus is the
give his soul a ransom in ex-
focal point on which all prophe-
change for many.—Matt. 20:28. cies concentrate, and they shed
Jesus’ faithfulness unto death light on his central role in the
resolved an important aspect of outworking of Jehovah’s purpose.
the “sacred secret.” (Col. 1:26, 27) (Rev. 19:10) To benefit from the
He proved to the ultimate degree fulfillment of what God has pur-
that a perfect man can main- posed for us, we need to follow
tain “godly devotion” and uphold the Messiah. Jesus is “the life”
God’s sovereignty despite the se- because he has bought the hu-
verest of tests imposed by Sa- man race with his lifeblood, and
tan. (1 Tim. 3:16) And, as “a cor- everlasting life is a gift that God
responding ransom,” Jesus paid gives “by Christ Jesus our Lord.”
the penalty for sin inherited by —Rom. 6:23. w09 5/15 4:12, 14, 15
Sunday, June 12 we can derive delight and joy.
When matters go wrong in our
O the depth of God’s riches and
lives, the last thing we should do
wisdom and knowledge! How is discontinue our healthy rou-
unsearchable his judgments are tine of worship. In fact, an anti-
and past tracing out his ways dote for sadness is to engage in
are!—Rom. 11:33. activities that bring happiness.
The wisdom that comes from Jehovah tells us that we can find
God lays emphasis on sound delight and happiness in read-
judgment and is based on accu- ing his Word and in peering into
rate knowledge and understand- it regularly. (Ps. 1:1, 2; Jas. 1:25)
ing. (Jas. 3:17) Because Jeho- Both from the Holy Scriptures
vah is all-wise, we are confident and from Christian meetings, we
that his laws guide us in the best receive “pleasant sayings” that
way of living. After all, Jeho- can buoy us up and make our
vah knows more than anyone else hearts rejoice.—Prov. 12:25; 16:
what we need in order to be hap- 24. w09 12/15 2:12, 13
py. (Prov. 3:5, 6) Jehovah’s wis-
dom, along with his other match- Tuesday, June 14
less qualities, can be observed in You, too, widen out.
the things he made. (Rom. 1:20) —2 Cor. 6:13.
From the largest to the smallest,
Jehovah’s works reveal aspects Why did Paul urge the Corinthi-
of his personality. No matter ans to widen out in their love?
where we look—to the heavens Consider how the congregation
above or to the soil beneath our in ancient Corinth got its start.
feet—we find abundant evidence Paul came to Corinth in the fall
of an all-wise and loving Creator. of 50 C.E. Although his preach-
We can learn much about him by ing work there began with dif-
considering the things that he ficulty, the apostle did not give
has made.—Ps. 19:1; Isa. 40:26. up. In a short time, many in that
w09 4/15 3:3, 4 city put faith in the good news.
For “a year and six months,”
Monday, June 13 Paul spent himself teaching and
Because of the pain of the heart strengthening the new congrega-
tion. Clearly, he had deep love for
there is a stricken spirit.
the Corinthian Christians. (Acts
—Prov. 15:13. 18:5, 6, 9-11) They had every rea-
Some Christians have become son to love and respect him in re-
disheartened to the point of dis- turn. However, some in the con-
continuing their personal Bible gregation drew away from him.
reading and their meditation on Perhaps a few did not like his
God’s Word. Their prayers have frank counsel. (1 Cor. 5:1-5; 6:
become perfunctory, and they 1-10) Others may have listened
may isolate themselves from fel- to the slander of the “superfine
low worshippers. Clearly, re- apostles.” (2 Cor. 11:5, 6) Paul
maining in a state of dejection wanted the genuine love of all his
can be harmful. (Prov. 18:1, 14) brothers and sisters. So he en-
On the other hand, a positive per- treated them to “widen out” by
spective will help us to focus on drawing close to him and other
aspects of our lives from which fellow believers. w09 11/15 4:5, 6
Wednesday, June 15 outstanding example of love sets
a high standard for his follow-
If your enemy is hungry, feed ers to uphold. It also motivates
him; if he is thirsty, give him us to show similar love toward
something to drink; for by doing our spiritual brothers and sis-
this you will heap fiery coals ters as well as toward all others.
upon his head.—Rom. 12:20. On the night before Jesus’ death,
his own apostle Peter denied him
Paul doubtless had in mind
three times. (Mark 14:66-72) Yet,
what we read at Proverbs 25:21, once Peter had returned, as Jesus
22: “If the one hating you is hun- foretold he would, Jesus forgave
gry, give him bread to eat; and if him. Later, Jesus entrusted Pe-
he is thirsty, give him water to ter with weighty responsibilities.
drink. For coals are what you are —Luke 22:32; Acts 2:14; 8:14-17;
raking together upon his head, 10:44, 45. w09 9/15 3:1-3
and Jehovah himself will reward
you.” In view of his counsel found Friday, June 17
in Romans chapter 12, Paul could
hardly have meant that the illus- They . . . learn to be unoccu-
trative coals were to inflict pun- pied, gadding about to the hous-
ishment or shame upon an op- es; yes, not only unoccupied, but
poser. Rather, the proverb—as also gossipers and meddlers in
well as Paul’s similar words to the other people’s affairs, talking of
Romans—seems to refer to an things they ought not.
ancient method used for smelt- —1 Tim. 5:13.
ing metal ores. Like “fiery coals,”
Paul indicated that some peo-
acts of kindness can warm the
ple may not be entitled to re-
hearts of opposers and perhaps ceive a full or complete answer.
melt down their hostility. Kind He said that “gossipers and med-
actions can win people over to dlers in other people’s affairs”
a more favorable attitude toward are “talking of things they ought
Jehovah’s people and the Bible not.” Yes, those who pry into the
message they preach. w09 10/15 affairs of others or those who
2:5, 6 cannot be trusted to keep a con-
fidence may find that others are
Thursday, June 16 reluctant to share personal in-
Jesus, having loved his own that formation with them. How much
were in the world, loved them to better it is to heed Paul’s in-
the end.—John 13:1. spired counsel: “Make it your aim
to live quietly and to mind your
Jesus set the perfect example own business.” (1 Thess. 4:11) At
of love. Everything about him times, however, congregation el-
—his speech, his conduct, his ders may need to ask questions
teaching, and his sacrificial about personal matters in order
death—demonstrated his love. to carry out their assigned du-
To the very end of his life on ties. In such a case, our coopera-
earth, Jesus showed love toward tion in speaking truth is much
those whom he met and espe- appreciated and is a great help.
cially toward his disciples. Jesus’ —1 Pet. 5:2. w09 6/15 3:7
Saturday, June 18 tians: “There will also be false
teachers among you.” (2 Pet. 2:1)
I always do the things pleasing
The apostle Paul spoke of “a peri-
to [the Father].—John 8:29. od of time when [people would]
Usually, we are eager to share not put up with the healthful
with others what we know teaching, but, in accord with
about a person whom we love. We their own desires, they [would]
praise, honor, and defend him. accumulate teachers for them-
We do that because we want oth- selves to have their ears tickled.”
ers to feel as attracted to that (2 Tim. 4:3, 4) Satan is involved in
person and his qualities as we misleading people and has used
are. Before we can cultivate love apostate Christianity to obscure
for Jehovah in others, we must the heartwarming truth about
know and love him ourselves. Af- God’s purpose for man and the
ter all, true worship is based on earth.—2 Cor. 4:3, 4. w09 8/15
love for God. (Matt. 22:36-38) Je- 3:2, 3
sus set a perfect example. He
loved Jehovah with his whole Monday, June 20
heart, mind, soul, and strength. Keep my covenant.
Having spent perhaps billions of —Ex. 19:5.
years in heaven with his heaven-
ly Father, Jesus knew him well. Like Moses, Jesus was a media-
The result? “I love the Father,” tor. A mediator acts as a bridge
Jesus said. (John 14:31) That love between two parties. Moses me-
motivated him always to do the diated the Law covenant be-
things pleasing to God. It im- tween Jehovah and the Israel-
pelled him to denounce the reli- ites. In 33 C.E., Jehovah initiated
gious leaders, who hypocritically a better covenant with a new Is-
claimed to represent God. It also rael, “the Israel of God,” which
moved him to speak about Jeho- became a worldwide congrega-
vah and to help others to know tion made up of anointed Chris-
and love God. w09 7/15 3:6, 7 tians. (Gal. 6:16) While the cove-
nant mediated by Moses included
Sunday, June 19 laws written by God on stone, the
O Daniel, make secret the words covenant mediated by Jesus is su-
. . . until the time of the end. perior. Its laws are inscribed by
God on human hearts. (1 Tim.
—Dan. 12:4.
2:5; Heb. 8:10) Thus, “the Isra-
The lifting of mankind to the el of God” is now God’s special
perfection that Adam lost was property, ‘a nation producing the
part of the hope of Israel. The fruits’ of the Messianic Kingdom.
Christian Greek Scriptures ex- (Matt. 21:43) Members of that
plain by what means God will spiritual nation are the partici-
make possible everlasting life for pants in that new covenant. Still,
mankind in Paradise on earth. they are not the only ones to ben-
So why did man’s hope have to efit from it. Untold multitudes,
be rediscovered? Jesus foretold even many who at present are
that false prophets would corrupt asleep in death, will receive ever-
his teachings and that most peo- lasting blessings because of that
ple would be misled. (Matt. 24:11) superlative covenant. w09 4/15 4:
The apostle Peter warned Chris- 14, 15
Tuesday, June 21 purity of the congregation. How
was he to accomplish this? In
Let us press on to maturity. part, by setting a good example
—Heb. 6:1. for others to imitate. Paul wrote
Pressing on to maturity re- to Timothy: “Become an example
quires that we do our utmost to the faithful ones in speaking,
to obey Jehovah. As exemplified in conduct, in love, in faith, in
by Jesus Christ, obedience is of- chasteness.” Paul added: “Ponder
ten learned from the things suf- over these things; be absorbed
fered. (Heb. 5:8, 9) Before com- in them, that your advancement
ing to earth, Jesus was obedient may be manifest to all persons.”
to his Father. However, doing (1 Tim. 4:12, 15) This advance-
his Father’s will on earth in- ment had to do with Timothy’s
volved physical and mental suf- spiritual qualities rather than
fering. Through obedience un- with any position of authority.
This is the kind of advancement
der extreme adversity, Jesus was
that every Christian should want
“made perfect” for the new posi-
to manifest. w09 12/15 1:5, 6
tion God had in mind for him,
that of b eing King and High Thursday, June 23
Priest. What about us? Are we de-
termined to obey Jehovah even Your heart must prove to be
when we are faced with distress- complete with Jehovah our God
ful problems? (1 Pet. 1:6, 7) God’s by walking in his regulations
counsel regarding morals, hones- and by keeping his command-
ty, proper use of the tongue, per- ments as at this day.
sonal reading and study of the —1 Ki. 8:61.
Scriptures, attendance at Chris-
tian meetings, and participation To be heard, prayer must come
in the preaching work is clear. from the heart. Solomon offered
a heartfelt prayer, recorded at
(Josh. 1:8; Matt. 28:19, 20; Eph. 4:
1 Kings chapter 8, before throngs
25, 28, 29; 5:3-5; Heb. 10:24, 25)
assembled in Jerusalem for the
Our obedience, even under ad-
inauguration of Jehovah’s temple
versity, is an indication that we in 1026 B.C.E. After the ark of the
have progressed toward maturity. covenant was placed in the Most
w09 5/15 1:3, 12, 13 Holy and Jehovah’s cloud filled
Wednesday, June 22 the temple, Solomon praised
God. Study Solomon’s prayer,
Stay by these things, for by do- and note its references to the
ing this you will save both your- heart. Solomon acknowledged
self and those who listen to you. that Jehovah alone knows a per-
—1 Tim. 4:16. son’s heart. (1 Ki. 8:38, 39) The
same prayer shows that there is
Prior to writing those words, hope for a sinner who ‘returns to
Paul had journeyed to Macedonia God with all his heart.’ If an ene-
but had asked Timothy to remain my captured God’s people, their
in Ephesus. Why? Some in that pleas would be heard if their
city were becoming a divisive in- heart was complete with Jeho-
fluence in the congregation by in- vah. (1 Ki. 8:48, 58) Surely, then,
troducing false teachings. Timo- your prayers should come from
thy was to protect the spiritual the heart. w09 11/15 2:9, 10
Friday, June 24 known all the believers in Co-
lossae, he wrote the above. Paul
You are my friends if you do also prayed for Christians in
what I am commanding you. Thessalonica. (2 Thess. 1:11, 12)
—John 15:14. Prayers of that kind say much
Jesus did not remain friends about us and how we view our
with his imperfect disciples be- brothers and sisters in the faith.
cause he was overly indulgent Our prayers for anointed Chris-
or blind to their imperfections. tians and for their “other sheep”
Rather, he chose to focus on companions give evidence of our
their good intentions and posi- concern for God’s organization.
tive qualities. For example, Peter, (John 10:16) Paul asked fellow
James, and John fell asleep in- worshippers to pray so that ‘abil-
stead of supporting Jesus through ity to speak might be given him
his most trying hour. Jesus was to make known the sacred secret
understandably disappointed in of the good news.’ (Eph. 6:17-20)
them. Even so, he saw that their Do we personally pray for other
motives were good, saying: “The Christians in that way? w09 11/15
spirit, of course, is eager, but the 1:8, 9
flesh is weak.” (Matt. 26:41) In Sunday, June 26
contrast, Jesus ended his friend-
ship with Judas Iscariot. Even In no way are we giving any
though Judas maintained the cause for stumbling, that our
outward appearance of friend- ministry might not be found
ship, Jesus detected that this for- fault with; but in every way we
mer close companion had allowed recommend ourselves as God’s
his heart to be corrupted. Be- ministers.—2 Cor. 6:3, 4.
cause Judas had become a friend
of the world, he had made him- Some might reason that areas
self an enemy of God. (Jas. 4:4) such as entertainment and dress
Therefore, Jesus had already dis- and grooming are personal mat-
missed Judas when He declared ters. For the dedicated Chris-
His friendship with the remaining tian who cherishes his place in
11 faithful apostles.—John 13:21- the congregation, though, per-
35. w09 10/15 3:5, 6 sonal preferences should not
be the sole determining factor
Saturday, June 25 when making decisions. Consid-
eration must especially be giv-
We thank God the Father of our en to Jehovah’s viewpoint as re-
Lord Jesus Christ always when vealed through his Word, the
we pray for you, since we heard Bible. Its message should prove
of your faith in connection with to be ‘a lamp to our foot, and
Christ Jesus and the love you a light to our roadway.’ (Ps. 119:
have for all the holy ones. 105) Thus we can guard against
—Col. 1:3, 4. developing a spirit of indepen-
dence. We are wise also to consid-
We undoubtedly pray for our- er how the choices we make in
selves, but our prayers ought to personal matters affect our min-
include others—even Christians istry and other people, both in-
we do not know by name. Though side and outside the congrega-
the apostle Paul may not have tion. w09 11/15 3:4, 5
Monday, June 27 “one body.” (Rom. 12:4, 5, 7, 8)
That ministry is similar to the
I have become full of words; spir-
one mentioned at Acts 6:4, where
it has brought pressure upon me the apostles declare: “We shall
in my belly.—Job 32:18. devote ourselves to prayer and to
Although what Elihu spoke un- the ministry of the word.” What
der inspiration was fulfilled in does such a ministry involve?
Job’s restoration, his words are Christian elders use their gifts to
also meaningful to others. They build up the members of the con-
hold out hope for all integri- gregation. They show themselves
ty keepers. Jehovah sometimes to “be at this ministry” when they
gives a message to an individual earnestly provide guidance and
that also has a broader application instruction to the congregation
for mankind in general. This can from God’s Word by their prayer-
be seen from Daniel’s prophecy ful study, research, teaching, and
involving Babylonian King Neb- shepherding. w09 10/15 1:4, 5
uchadnezzar’s dream about the
chopping down of an immense Wednesday, June 29
tree. (Dan. 4:10-27) That dream Whoever does not receive the
indicated that divine sovereignty kingdom of God like a young
toward the earth expressed by a child will by no means enter
kingdom in the line of King David into it.—Mark 10:15.
would be manifested again after a
period of 2,520 years, beginning On one occasion, Jesus’ disci-
in 607 B.C.E. God’s sovereign- ples tried to prevent people from
ty toward our globe began to be bringing their young children to
asserted anew with the installa- Jesus for him to touch. Jesus was
tion of Jesus Christ as heavenly not pleased with his disciples. He
King in the year 1914. Just think of told them: “Let the young chil-
how Kingdom rule will soon fulfill dren come to me; do not try to
the hopes of obedient mankind! stop them, for the kingdom of
w09 8/15 1:9, 10 God belongs to suchlike ones.”
(Mark 10:13, 14) Then, using the
Tuesday, June 28 children to provide an object les-
We have gifts differing accord- son, he said the words of to-
ing to the undeserved kindness day’s text. Think for a moment
about how some of those children
given to us.—Rom. 12:6.
would feel years later when as
Some of the gifts Paul men- men and women, they would re-
tions—exhorting, presiding—es- call that Jesus Christ ‘took them
pecially concern Christian el- into his arms and blessed them.’
ders, who are admonished to (Mark 10:16) Today’s children too
preside “in real earnest.” That will look back with fondness on
same earnestness should be evi- the elders and others who show
dent, states Paul, in the way over- them wholesome, unselfish inter-
seers serve as teachers and car- est. More important, from an ear-
ry out “a ministry.” The context ly age, children who receive such
seems to indicate that Paul here genuine concern in the congrega-
refers to “a ministry” carried out tion learn that Jehovah’s spirit is
within the congregation, or the on his people. w09 9/15 1:13, 14
Thursday, June 30 role, this time as part of “Jeho-
vah’s passover.” (Ex. 12:1-13)
See, the Lamb of God! Further, the Mosaic Law provid-
—John 1:36. ed for the sacrifice of various an-
Throughout the Bible, sheep imals, including sheep and goats.
played a notable role in the re- (Ex. 29:38-42; Lev. 5:6, 7) None of
those sacrifices—in fact, no sac-
mission of sin and approach to
rifice offered by humans—could
God. For instance, after Abra- bring permanent release from
ham had demonstrated that he sin and death. (Heb. 10:1-4) Je-
was willing to offer his son Isaac, sus, on the other hand, is “the
he was told not to harm Isaac Lamb of God that takes away the
and was provided with a ram, sin of the world.” (John 1:29) This
or male sheep, as a substitute. fact alone makes Jesus a treasure
(Gen. 22:12, 13) When the Israel- that outranks any material trea-
ites were delivered from Egypt, sure that has ever been found.
sheep again played a significant w09 7/15 1:14, 15

Friday, July 1 Saturday, July 2

This is my Son, the one that has He kept sticking to Jehovah.
been chosen. Listen to him. —2 Ki. 18:6.
—Luke 9:35. Hezekiah and the inhabitants
Peter, John, and James wit- of Jerusalem invited the whole
nessed the transfiguration. At nation—even those of the north-
that time, they heard a voice ern kingdom—to attend the
from heaven say the above. Our Passover celebration. Runners
obeying the command to lis- sped through the land carrying
ten to the Messiah is a serious letters of invitation. (2 Chron.
matter. (Acts 3:22, 23) Listening 30:6-9) In recent years, we have
to Jesus involves ‘looking intent- shared in a similar effort. We
ly at him, considering his exam- have used appealing printed invi-
ple closely.’ (Heb. 12:2, 3) Hence, tations to invite people in our ter-
we do well to “pay more than the ritories to gather with us in com-
usual attention to the things” we memorating the Lord’s Evening
read about him in the Bible and Meal, in obedience to Jesus’ com-
in the publications of “the faith- mand. (Luke 22:19, 20) We have
ful and discreet slave,” as well as zealously shared in this work.
what we hear about him at Chris- And how Jehovah has blessed
tian meetings. (Heb. 2:1; Matt. this effort! Why, in 2008, some
24:45) As his sheep, let us be seven million of us distributed in-
eager to listen to Jesus and fol- vitations, and a total of 17,790,-
low him. (John 10:27) Can we suc- 631 people attended! It was said
ceed in following the Christ con- of Hezekiah: “In Jehovah the God
tinually? Yes, we can, provided of Israel he trusted.” (2 Ki. 18:5)
that we “keep holding the pattern May it be similar in our case. Our
of healthful words” by practic- zeal for God’s house will help us
ing what we learn “with the faith ‘keep sticking to Jehovah’ with
and love that are in connection the prospect of everlasting life in
with Christ Jesus.”—2 Tim. 1:13. view.—Deut. 30:16. w09 6/15 1:
w09 5/15 4:17-19 16-18
Sunday, July 3 They do not allow class distinc-
tions to curtail the respect their
I, for my part, shall rejoice in
fellow believers and others de-
Jehovah.—Ps. 104:34. serve. (Jas. 2:1-4) The gracious
Jesus’ first-century disciples way that God and his Son treat
simply could not stop speak- people of all nations and ethnic
ing about the things they had groups dignifies such individu-
seen and heard. (Acts 4:20; 5: als and attracts those rightly dis-
28) They knew that Jehovah was posed to the truth. Of course,
with them and would bless them what constitutes good manners
—and bless them he did! In fact, varies from place to place. Hence,
less than 30 years after Jesus’ we do not follow rigid protocol
death, the apostle Paul could in regard to manners. Rather,
write that the good news had we allow Bible principles to give
been preached “in all creation us flexibility in dignifying fellow
that is under heaven.” (Col. 1: humans everywhere. w09 11/15
23) If we want to be truly ef- 5:6, 7
fective teachers, we too need
to make sure that we contin- Tuesday, July 5
ue to strengthen our love for A man’s enemies will be persons
God. How can we do that? By of his own household.
often communicating with God —Matt. 10:36.
through prayer. We also strength-
en our love for God by studying Frontal assaults against God’s
his Word, by reading Bible-based people in general are one thing.
publications, and by attending When opposition comes upon in-
Christian meetings. As we grow dividual Christians from fami-
in knowledge of God, our hearts ly members, it is quite different.
will be filled with love for him. Did not Jesus foretell that this
Then, as we express our love for would take place? Yes, and many
God in words and deeds, others have experienced the truthful-
will observe it and may be drawn ness of his words. (Matt. 10:35)
to Jehovah. w09 7/15 3:8, 9 Teenagers have endured oppo-
sition from unbelieving parents.
Monday, July 4 Some have even been ordered out
This crowd that does not know of the home, but they were tak-
the Law are accursed people. en in by kindly Witnesses. Others
have been disowned. What en-
—John 7:49.
abled such ones to endure mis-
The Jewish religious leaders treatment? Not just their love for
viewed those who did not know the brotherhood but, above all,
the Law as “accursed people” and their genuine love for Jehovah
treated them as such. It was not and his Son. (1 Pet. 1:22; 1 John 4:
so with the Son of God. Martha, 21) There are many other situa-
Mary, Zacchaeus, and many oth- tions in life that call for the love
ers heard him call them by their that endures all things. Within
name. (Luke 10:41, 42; 19:5) While the marriage union, a husband
cultural norms and circumstanc- and wife clothed with this quality
es may dictate how we address are fortified to stick to each other
people today, Jehovah’s servants and keep their marriage intact.
cultivate warmth toward others. —Col. 3:14. w09 12/15 4:17, 18
Wednesday, July 6 from the Christian congrega-
tion, and others were reproved.
Do not hold back good from It is similar today. (1 Cor. 5:11-
those to whom it is owing, when 13; 1 Tim. 5:20) Nevertheless,
it happens to be in the power of when elders who handle these
your hand to do it.—Prov. 3:27. matters show Christlike love, this
Good friendships are not can have a profound impact on
formed by accident. A mutu- the wrongdoer. Like Jesus, elders
al love for Jehovah is the foun- must uphold Jehovah’s righteous
dation. But enduring friendships standards at all times. In doing
so, they reflect Jehovah’s mild-
are a product of hard work and
ness, kindness, and love. When
self-sacrifice. Even siblings who
someone is truly repentant, it
worship Jehovah within Chris-
may not be difficult for elders to
tian families need to work at
“readjust such a man in a spirit
forming a close friendship. How,
of mildness.”—Ps. 34:18. w09 9/15
then, can you make good friends?
3:4, 5
Take the initiative. The apostle
Paul encourages us to “follow the Friday, July 8
course of hospitality.” (Rom. 12:
13) Following a literal course in- [Jesus] obtained an everlasting
volves taking a series of steps, deliverance for us.—Heb. 9:12.
one after the other. Likewise, be- On their last night before the
ing hospitable involves taking a Exodus, some of the offspring
series of small, regular actions. of Israel were in grave danger.
Nobody else can walk the path Soon, God’s angel would pass
of hospitality for you. One way through the land of Egypt, kill-
you can be hospitable is by in- ing all the firstborn. Jehovah told
viting different ones in the con- Moses that the firstborn of Israel
gregation to share a simple meal would be saved if the Israelites
with you. Can you make it a reg- took the blood of the Passover
ular part of your routine to show lamb and sprinkled it on the lin-
hospitality to members of your tels and doorposts of their door-
congregation? w09 10/15 4:6, 7 ways. (Ex. 12:1-13, 21-23) So it
proved to be. Later, the whole na-
Thursday, July 7 tion was in serious danger. They
Try to readjust such a man in a were trapped between the Red
spirit of mildness.—Gal. 6:1. Sea and the pursuing Egyptian
war chariots. Jehovah again pro-
A situation that can be particu- vided deliverance through Moses,
larly heartrending is dealing with who miraculously parted the wa-
serious wrongdoing. Sadly, as the ters of that sea. (Ex. 14:13, 21)
last days of Satan’s system come Great as those acts of deliver-
to their climax, the spirit of the ance were, the deliverance Jeho-
world is taking an ever great- vah performed through Jesus is
er moral toll. The world’s bad much greater. Jesus is the means
or indifferent moral attitudes can by which obedient ones are deliv-
rub off on young and old alike, ered from slavery to sin. (Rom.
eroding their resolve to walk the 5:12, 18) And that deliverance
narrow way. In the first century, is “an everlasting deliverance.”
some had to be disfellowshipped w09 4/15 4:16, 17
Saturday, July 9 to teach that all good people go
to heaven. According to this view,
You . . . appear righteous to
a person’s life on earth is intend-
men, but inside you are full of ed to be transitory—a test to de-
hypocrisy and lawlessness. termine if he is worthy of life in
—Matt. 23:28. heaven. Something similar hap-
Led before the Sanhedrin and pened to the early Jewish hope
questioned by the high priest, Je- of everlasting life on earth. As
sus fearlessly affirmed that He the Jews gradually adopted the
Greek idea of inherent immortal-
was both Christ and the Son of
ity, their original hope of life on
God. (Mark 14:53, 57-65) Short-
earth faded. How different this
ly thereafter, Jesus stood bound
is from the way man is present-
before Pilate, who could have
ed in the Bible! Man is a physi-
freed him. But Jesus remained
cal creature, not a spirit. Jeho-
silent in resp onse to the ac-
vah said to the first man: “Dust
cusations against him. (Mark 15:
you are.” (Gen. 3:19) The earth,
1-5) All of this took much cour-
not heaven, is man’s everlasting
age. To Pilate, Jesus did say: home.—Ps. 104:5. w09 8/15 3:4, 7
“For this I have been born, and
for this I have come into the Monday, July 11
world, that I should bear witness
to the truth.” (John 18:37) Jeho- Roll upon Jehovah your way,
vah had commissioned Jesus to and rely upon him, and he him-
preach the good news, and Je- self will act.—Ps. 37:5.
sus delighted to do so because he Studying the Psalms can enrich
loved his heavenly Father. (Luke your prayers and help you to wait
4:18, 19) Jesus also had love for for God to answer them. Consider
the people. He knew their lives the patience of an exiled Levite.
were difficult. Likewise, our bold Although he could not go to Je-
and fearless witnessing is deeply hovah’s sanctuary for a time, he
rooted in love of God and love sang: “Why are you in despair, O
of neighbor.—Matt. 22:36-40. my soul, and why are you boister-
w09 7/15 4:10, 11 ous within me? Wait for God, for I
shall yet laud him as the grand
Sunday, July 10 salvation of my person and as my
To Jehovah the heavens belong, God.” (Ps. 42:5, 11; 43:5) What
but the earth he has given to the can you learn from that Levite? If
sons of men.—Ps. 115:16. imprisonment for righteousness’
sake were to prevent you from be-
According to the Scriptures, ing with fellow believers in their
mankind will be elevated to per- place of worship for a time, wait
fection on earth. (Rev. 20:1-3, patiently for God to act in your
6, 12; 21:1-4) However, apostate behalf. Meditate on past joys in
religious leaders of Christen- God’s service, and pray for en-
dom have embraced other ideas. durance while you “wait for God”
Theologians twisted the Scrip- to restore you to active associa-
tures to make texts that de- tion with his people. w09 11/15 2:
scribe the heavenly hope appear 11, 12
Tuesday, July 12 ed, whereas Jehovah saw to it
that most of them survived. The
If he does not listen to them,
Scriptures do not teach that each
speak to the congregation. person on earth has a guardian
—Matt. 18:17. angel. Of course, Jehovah could
Are all anointed ones through- send an angel to assist us, but
out the earth part of a glob- help may come in a different
al network that is somehow in- manner. Fellow Christians may
volved in revealing new spiritual be motivated to provide help and
truths? No. Although as a com- comfort. God may give us the wis-
posite body the slave class is re- dom and inner strength needed
sponsible for feeding the spiritu- to cope with “a thorn in the flesh”
al household, not all individuals that afflicts us as if we were being
of the slave class have the same slapped by “an angel of Satan.”
responsibilities or work assign- —2 Cor. 12:7-10; 1 Thess. 5:14.
ments. (1 Cor. 12:14-18) In the w09 5/15 3:9, 10
first century, all were involved
in the vital preaching work. But Thursday, July 14
only a very limited number were Go to the ant, you lazy one; see
used to write the books of the its ways and become wise.
Bible and oversee the Christian —Prov. 6:6.
congregation. To illustrate: The
Scriptures at times speak of “the Consider the instinctive wis-
congregation” as taking certain dom of the ant. (Prov. 30:24, 25)
action in handling judicial mat- Some researchers believe that for
ters. In real terms, though, it every human there are at least
is only the elders who take this 200,000 ants, all of them busily
action in their capacity as rep- toiling on and under the earth’s
resentatives of the congregation. surface. Ants are organized
w09 6/15 4:16, 17 into colonies, and in most colo-
nies three types of ants can be
Wednesday, July 13 found: queens, males, and work-
The angel of Jehovah is camp- ers. Each group contributes in its
ing all around those fearing own way to caring for the col-
ony’s needs. One particular ant,
him, and he rescues them.
the South American leaf-cutting
—Ps. 34:7.
ant, could be called a sophis-
Angels are ever alert to inter- ticated gardener. This little in-
vene according to God’s will. sect fertilizes, transplants, and
They rescued Shadrach, Me- prunes its fungus gardens in ways
shach, Abednego, Daniel, and that maximize yield. Researchers
Peter but did not prevent the have found that this skillful “gar-
deaths of Stephen and James dener” adjusts its efforts accord-
at enemy hands. (Dan. 3:17, 18, ing to the amount of food that
28; 6:22; Acts 7:59, 60; 12:1-3, 7, is needed by the colony. We can
11) The circumstances and is- learn from the ants. They teach
sues were different. Similarly, us that diligent effort is needed if
some of our brothers in Nazi con- we wish to produce good fruitage.
centration camps were execut- w09 4/15 3:7-9
Friday, July 15 sonality, which through accurate
knowledge is being made new ac-
You must not make your souls
cording to the image of the One
unclean.—Lev. 11:44. who created it.” The message
Jehovah wants us to be clean. found in God’s Word, the Bible,
He knows that cleanliness is es- has the power to reveal what a
sential to our well-being. He also person really is on the inside, and
knows that our cleanliness re- it can change the way he thinks
flects on him, our heavenly Fa- and even how he feels about
ther. That is of great importance, things. By coming to an accurate
for people may be drawn to the knowledge of the Scriptures and
God we serve because they no- by conforming his life to Jeho-
tice how we stand out as differ- vah’s righteous standards, a per-
ent from the crowd in this defiled son can become a friend of God,
world. In what ways do we need with the prospect of living for-
to remain clean? Really, in all ever. w09 9/15 4:9
respects. In ancient Israel, Jeho-
vah made it clear to his people Sunday, July 17
that physical cleanliness was es- Our being adequately qualified
sential. (Lev. 15:31) The Mosaic
issues from God.—2 Cor. 3:5.
Law touched on such matters as
the disposal of waste, the cleans- The gifts we may have are due
ing of vessels, and the wash- to Jehovah’s “undeserved kind-
ing of hands, feet, and clothing. ness.” (Rom. 12:3) Therefore, we
(Ex. 30:17-21; Lev. 11:32; Num. should not glorify ourselves. We
19:17-20; Deut. 23:13, 14) The Is- should humbly recognize that
raelites were reminded that their any fruitage we may have in our
God, Jehovah, is holy—which ministry is the result of God’s
means “clean,” “pure,” and “sa- blessing, not our own compe-
cred.” Servants of the holy God tence. (1 Cor. 3:6, 7) In line with
need to be holy as well.—Lev. 11: this, Paul states: “I tell every-
45. w09 8/15 4:18, 19 one there among you not to think
more of himself than it is nec-
Saturday, July 16 essary to think.” It is necessary
The word of God is alive and that we have self-respect and
exerts power and is sharper find joy and satisfaction in our
than any two-edged sword and Kingdom service. However, be-
pierces even to the dividing of ing modest, or being aware of our
soul and spirit, and of joints limitations, will prevent us from
and their marrow, and is able to becoming opinionated. It takes
true humility and conscious ef-
discern thoughts and intentions
fort to recognize that each of our
of the heart.—Heb. 4:12. brothers and sisters is superior to
The transforming p ower of us in one way or another. (Phil.
God’s Word, along with the help 2:3) While privileges of special
that Jehovah provides by means service may bring some into the
of his holy spirit, enables peo- limelight, all will find deep joy
ple to make profound changes in in accomplishing “lowly things,”
their lives. (Rom. 12:2; Gal. 5:22, humble tasks that often go unno-
23) Colossians 3:10 says: “Clothe ticed by men.—Rom. 12:16; 1 Pet.
yourselves with the new per- 5:5. w09 10/15 1:7, 8
Monday, July 18 Hebrews chapter 11 had strong
faith in God’s promise, they did
Out of the abundance of the not know all the details of how
heart the mouth speaks. God would fulfill his promise
—Matt. 12:34. through the Messiah and the
Our speech says much about Kingdom. In that sense, their
us. Jesus’ half brother James faith was incomplete. In fact,
recognized the impact that our even those who were used by Je-
speech can have on our worship. hovah to pen the many Messianic
He wrote: “If any man seems prophecies did not fully grasp the
to himself to be a formal wor- import of what they wrote. Only
through Jesus can faith be per-
shiper and yet does not bridle
fected, or made complete. How
his tongue, but goes on deceiving
essential that we clearly under-
his own heart, this man’s form
stand and recognize Jesus’ role as
of worship is futile.” (Jas. 1:26)
“the Chief Agent and Perfecter of
Our speech can reveal to others our faith”!—Heb. 12:1, 2. w09 7/15
in the congregation the degree to 1:16, 17
which we have progressed spiri-
tually. Accordingly, instead of us- Wednesday, July 20
ing speech that is undignified,
negative, critical, or hurtful, ma- Become kind to one another,
ture Christians strive to build up, tenderly compassionate, freely
comfort, console, and encourage. forgiving one another just as
(Prov. 12:18; Eph. 4:29; 1 Tim. 6: God also by Christ freely for-
3-5, 20) Our readiness to discuss gave you.—Eph. 4:32.
our moral convictions with others Many problems and misun-
and to speak out in defense of derstandings can be reduced or
God’s lofty standards can reveal eliminated by being open, hon-
our devotion to God. (Rom. 1:15, est, and kind in our communica-
16) Righthearted ones will surely tion. For example, when we make
observe how we use the gift of a mistake, do we hesitate to ac-
speech and may follow our exam- knowledge it to our mate, to our
ple.—Phil. 4:8, 9. w09 12/15 1:8, 9 children, or to other close fami-
ly members? Offering a sincere
Tuesday, July 19 apology from the heart helps to
They kept on investigating. promote peace and unity within
—1 Pet. 1:11. the family. (1 Pet. 3:8-10) Speak-
ing truth does not mean that we
In Hebrews chapter 11, we find should be blunt, tactless. Being
Paul’s masterful discussion of rude does not increase the value
faith, which includes a concise of the truth or its impact. Paul
definition and a list of such ex- said: “Let all malicious bitterness
emplary men and women of faith and anger and wrath and scream-
as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and ing and abusive speech be taken
Rahab. With all of this in mind, away from you along with all bad-
Paul urged his fellow Christians ness.” (Eph. 4:31) When we speak
to “look intently at the Chief in a kind and dignified manner, it
Agent and Perfecter of our faith, elevates our message and shows
Jesus.” Why? Although those honor to those to whom we speak.
faithful men and women listed in —Matt. 23:12. w09 6/15 3:8, 9
Thursday, July 21 health problems or other adverse
circumstances. In these “last
Satan went out away from the
days,” such problems may be on
person of Jehovah and struck the rise, but they are by no means
Job with a malignant boil from new. (2 Tim. 3:1) In Bible times,
the sole of his foot to the crown Christians suffered from simi-
of his head.—Job 2:7. lar problems. Accordingly, help-
The Hebrew Scriptures provide ful actions are as appropriate now
details about Satan’s shameful as they were for Christians liv-
role in challenging Jehovah and ing back then. Paul, for example,
leading mankind astray. In the exhorted Christians to “speak
Christian Greek Scriptures, we consolingly to the depressed
find more information about Sa- souls, support the weak, be long-
tan’s opposition to Jehovah, and suffering toward all.” (1 Thess. 5:
in the book of Revelation, we 14) This involves putting Christ-
learn of the vindication of Je- like kindness to work. w09 9/15 1:
hovah’s sovereignty and Satan’s 15, 16
final destruction. The book of
Job adds to our knowledge of Saturday, July 23
Satan’s rebellious course. When If possible, as far as it depends
Satan was present at the gath- upon you, be peaceable with all
erings in heaven, he did not at- men.—Rom. 12:18.
tend with the intention of prais-
ing Jehovah. The Devil had a Genuine Christians are peace
malicious attitude and a sinister lovers and peacemakers. (Matt.
objective. After he accused Job 5:9, ftn.) One way to be a peace-
and received permission to test maker within the family cir-
him, “Satan went out away from cle is to settle disagreements
the person of Jehovah.” (Job 1:12) as quickly as p ossible rather
Hence, the book of Job identifies than allow situations to dete-
Satan as mankind’s merciless en- riorate. (Prov. 15:18; Eph. 4:
emy. w09 4/15 1:13, 14 26) This also holds true within
the Christian congregation. How-
Friday, July 22 ever, Paul goes beyond the need
Men will be lovers of themselves, to be peaceable within the fami-
. . . having no natural affection, ly circle and in the congrega-
tion. He says that we should be
. . . without love of goodness.
“peaceable with all men.” That
—2 Tim. 3:2, 3. includes neighbors, fellow em-
The atmosphere within the ployees, schoolmates, and people
true Christian congregation pro- we meet in our public ministry.
vides a refreshing contrast to The apostle qualifies his coun-
that of the unkind world. By imi- sel, however, saying: “If possible,
tating Jesus, each of us can con- as far as it depends upon you.”
tribute to that wholesome atmo- That means doing all we reason-
sphere. How can we do so? To ably can to be “peaceable with
begin with, many in the con- all” but not to the extent of com-
gregation need our help and en- promising God’s righteous prin-
couragement because they face ciples. w09 10/15 2:7-9
Sunday, July 24 nore them, although they came
to him without an appointment.
Let us work what is good to- He often stopped what he was
ward all.—Gal. 6:10. doing in order to help a dis-
While we wait for the wonder- traught individual. Jesus was ex-
ful future in store for us, Jeho- traordinarily considerate toward
vah’s will is that we enjoy the those who put their faith in him.
good things that he gives us. The (Mark 5:30-33; Luke 18:35-41) As
Bible says: “I have come to know Christians, we follow Jesus’ ex-
that there is nothing better for ample by being kind and helpful.
[mankind] than to rejoice and to Such conduct does not go unno-
do good during one’s life; and ticed by our relatives, neighbors,
also that every man should eat and others. Moreover, such con-
and indeed drink and see good duct glorifies Jehovah and brings
for all his hard work. It is the gift us happiness. w09 11/15 5:5
of God.” (Eccl. 3:12, 13) “To do
Tuesday, July 26
good” includes performing good
deeds in behalf of others. Jesus I have found a ransom!
said that there is more happi- —Job 33:24.
ness in giving than there is in re-
Elihu probably did not under-
ceiving. Acts of kindness toward
stand the full significance of the
our mates, children, parents, and
ransom. (1 Pet. 1:10-12) Still, Eli-
other relatives bring deep satis-
hu’s words reflect the hope that
faction. (Prov. 3:27) Being ten-
God would one day accept a ran-
der, hospitable, and forgiving to- som and set man free from the
ward our spiritual brothers and process of aging and from death.
sisters also results in much joy, Elihu’s words presented the won-
and it pleases Jehovah. (Col. 3: derful prospect of everlasting
12-14; 1 Pet. 4:8, 9) And accom- life. The book of Job also shows
plishing our ministry with a self- that there will be a resurrec-
sacrificing spirit is truly reward- tion. (Job 14:14, 15) Today, Elihu’s
ing. w09 12/15 2:15 words continue to have mean-
ing for millions of Christians who
Monday, July 25
hope to survive the destruction
Daughter, your faith has made of the present system of things.
you well. Go in peace, and be in Elderly ones among the survi-
good health from your grievous vors will return to the days of
sickness.—Mark 5:34. their youthful vigor. (Rev. 7:9, 10,
14-17) Moreover, the prospect of
Among the many things that seeing resurrected ones restored
Jesus Christ learned from his Fa- to the days of their youth contin-
ther was courtesy. Although his ues to delight faithful people. Of
ministry at times placed great course, both immortality in heav-
demands on his time and ener- en for anointed Christians and
gy, Jesus was always patient and everlasting life on earth for Je-
kind. Lepers, blind people re- sus’ “other sheep” depend on the
duced to begging, and others in exercising of faith in Christ’s ran-
need found Jesus ready and will- som sacrifice.—John 10:16; Rom.
ing to help them. He did not ig- 6:23. w09 8/15 1:11-13
Wednesday, July 27 coming fellow worshippers. As we
greet our brothers at the King-
Let fornication . . . not even be
dom Hall and other places, we
mentioned among you. can pay attention to those whom
—Eph. 5:3. we have not seen or with whom
It is a real protection for a we have not spoken recently. Why
Christian to have p erceptive not spend a few minutes convers-
powers that are properly trained ing with them? At the next meet-
to distinguish right from wrong ing, we can do the same with oth-
in a world that is “past all moral ers. In a short while, we will have
sense.” (Eph. 4:19) For example, a had delightful conversations with
brother named James, who regu- just about all our brothers and
larly read and deeply appreciated sisters. There is no need to worry
Scriptural publications, accept- if we do not get to speak with
ed a job where all his cowork- everyone on the same day. No one
ers were women. “While many of should take offense if we are not
these clearly showed a lack of able to greet them at every meet-
moral sense,” says James, “one ing. w09 11/15 4:8, 9
employee seemed to be of good
character and showed interest in Friday, July 29
Bible truth. When we were alone Holy Father, watch over them
in a production room, though, she on account of your own name
began making sexual advances. which you have given me, in or-
. . . Right then I recalled an der that they may be one just as
experience related in The Watch- we are.—John 17:11.
tower regarding a brother who
faced a similar temptation on Jesus looked past the faults of
his job. The article used the ex- his loyal friends and acted in
ample of Joseph and Potiphar’s their best interests. For instance,
wife. I promptly pushed the girl he prayed for his Father to pro-
away, and she ran out.” (Gen. 39: tect them during their trials. Je-
7-12) James was thankful that he sus showed consideration for
maintained a good conscience. their physical limitations. (Mark
—1 Tim. 1:5. w09 5/15 1:13, 14 6:30-32) And he was interested
not just in telling them what he
Thursday, July 28 thought but also in hearing and
Welcome one another, just as understanding what they thought
the Christ also welcomed us. and felt. (Matt. 16:13-16; 17:24-
26) Jesus both lived and died for
—Rom. 15:7.
his friends. True, he knew that he
The Greek word rendered “wel- must offer his life as a legal re-
come” means “to receive kindly or quirement to satisfy his Father’s
hospitably, admit to one’s society standard of justice. (Matt. 26:27,
and friendship.” When a hospita- 28; Heb. 9:22, 28) But Jesus gave
ble host in Bible times received his life as an expression of love.
friends into his home, he let them “No one has love greater than
know how happy he was to see this,” said Jesus, “that someone
them. Christ has figuratively wel- should surrender his soul in be-
comed us in that way, and we are half of his friends.”—John 15:13.
exhorted to imitate him in wel- w09 10/15 3:7, 8
Saturday, July 30 Sunday, July 31
Whatever you are doing, work Inherit the kingdom prepared
at it whole-souled as to Jeho- for you from the founding of the
vah, and not to men, for you world.—Matt. 25:34.
know that it is from Jehovah
you will receive the due reward. Throughout the centuries since
—Col. 3:23, 24. his resurrection, Jesus has faith-
fully supervised the activities of
A way to show that we cher- the Christian congregation over
ish our place in the congrega- which he has been ruling as King.
tion is by closely examining our (Col. 1:13) At the appointed time,
personal circumstances and do- he would start wielding his pow-
ing all we can to ‘glorify our min- er as King of God’s Kingdom. Bi-
istry’ and bring honor to Jeho- ble prophecies and world events
vah. (Rom. 11:13) Some are able confirm that his presence as King
to be regular pioneers. Others began in 1914, as did “the con-
serve in such special forms of clusion of the system of things.”
full-time service as missionaries, (Matt. 24:3; Rev. 11:15) Shortly
traveling overseers, and mem-
thereafter, he led the holy an-
bers of Bethel families through-
gels in casting Satan and his de-
out the world. Many brothers and
sisters assist with Kingdom Hall mons from heaven. (Rev. 12:7-
construction. The great majori- 10) The preaching and teaching
ty of Jehovah’s people are doing work that Jesus began in 29 C.E.
their best to care for the spiritual is nearing its grand climax. Soon
needs of their families and have he will judge all the living. He
a full share in the ministry each will then tell sheeplike ones who
week. We can be confident that accept him as Jehovah’s means
when we offer ourselves willingly of salvation to “inherit the king-
in God’s service and do our best dom.” (Matt. 25:31-33, 41) Those
to serve him whole-souled, there who reject Jesus as King will
is always a place for us in his ar- suffer destruction.—Rev. 19:11.
rangement. w09 11/15 3:6 w09 12/15 3:16, 17

Monday, August 1 that we can perceive the dan-

gers that lurk in Satan’s world.
Keep your senses, be watchful.
One way we can be watchful is by
—1 Pet. 5:8. taking advantage of the spiritu-
The rock badger is a compar- al protection that Jehovah makes
atively small creature that available to us. Study of God’s
can teach us important lessons. Word and attendance at Christian
(Prov. 30:26) First, note that meetings should not be neglect-
this animal does not leave itself ed. (Luke 4:4; Heb. 10:24, 25) Fur-
vulnerable to attack. Rather, it thermore, just as the rock badger
takes advantage of its keen eye- thrives in a close-knit communi-
sight to see predators from afar, ty, we need to stay close to our
and it stays close to holes and fellow Christians so that we can
crevices that can provide lifesav- enjoy “an interchange of encour-
ing shelter. Similarly, we need agement” with them.—Rom. 1:
to have sharp spiritual vision so 12. w09 4/15 3:11-13
Tuesday, August 2 with each individual member of
the slave class before making de-
An angel from heaven appeared cisions. (Acts 16:4, 5) Members
to him and strengthened him. of the great crowd appreciate
—Luke 22:43. the spiritual food produced un-
The angels could have prevent- der the Governing Body’s direc-
ed Jesus’ arrest and cruel death. tion. But at the same time, while
Instead, however, an angel was respecting the slave as a class,
sent to strengthen him. In accord members of the great crowd are
with Jehovah’s purpose, Jesus careful not to elevate any indi-
died a sacrificial death and fur- viduals who claim to be part
nished proof that a perfect man of that slave. No Christian who
can maintain integrity to God genuinely receives the anointing
despite being tested to the lim- with God’s spirit would want or
it. Jehovah therefore resurrect- expect such treatment.—Acts 14:
14, 15. w09 6/15 4:18, 19
ed Jesus to immortal heavenly
life, giving him “all authority” and Thursday, August 4
making angels subject to him.
(Matt. 28:18; Luke 24:4-7; Acts 2: Light itself has flashed up for
32; 1 Pet. 3:22) Jesus thus proved the righteous one.—Ps. 97:11.
to be the principal part of the Although most religions that
“seed” of God’s “woman.” (Gen. 3: claim to be Christian deny the
15; Gal. 3:16) Jesus knew that it hope of everlasting life on earth,
was wrong for him to put Jehovah Satan did not always succeed
to the test by expecting angels in obscuring the truth. Down
to rescue him if he were to en- through the ages, a few care-
gage in reckless behavior. (Matt. ful Bible readers saw flashes of
4:5-7) So let us imitate Jesus’ ex- truth as they understood some
ample by living with “soundness aspects of how God will restore
of mind,” not taking unnecessary mankind to perfection. (Matt. 7:
risks, yet facing persecution con- 13, 14; 13:37-39) By the 1600’s, Bi-
fidently.—Titus 2:12. w09 5/15 3: ble translation and printing had
11, 12 made the Holy Scriptures more
widely available. In 1651, one
Wednesday, August 3 scholar wrote that since through
Peter lifted him up, saying: Adam men “have forfeited Para-
“Rise; I myself am also a man.” dise, and Eternall Life on Earth,”
—Acts 10:26. so in the Christ “all men shall be
made to live on Earth; for else
Today a limited numb er of the comparison were not prop-
anointed men have the respon- er.” (1 Cor. 15:21, 22) One of the
sibility of representing the slave English-speaking world’s famous
class. They make up the Govern- poets, John Milton (1608-1674),
ing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. wrote Paradise Lost and its se-
These spirit-anointed men over- quel Paradise Regained. In his
see the Kingdom work and the works, Milton referred to the re-
spiritual feeding program. As ward that the faithful will re-
in the first century, though, the ceive in an earthly paradise.
Governing Body does not consult w09 8/15 3:8
Friday, August 5 able to greet others. Is it your
custom to greet people? Or do
What benefit will it be to a man
you often walk by without a smile
if he gains the whole world but or a pleasant word? With no bad
forfeits his soul?—Matt. 16:26. intention, a person could de-
One distinct way that divine velop a habit that is in reali-
education prepares us for the ty ill-mannered. In this regard,
coming of Jehovah’s day is by consultant Donald Weiss wrote:
helping us to set proper priori- “People resent it when others
ties. The apostle Paul wrote to look through or past them. . . .
Timothy: “Give orders to those The remedy is simple: Greet peo-
who are rich in the present sys- ple. Talk to them.” If we do not
tem of things not to be high- let aloofness or coldness on our
minded, and to rest their hope, part chill our contact with oth-
not on uncertain riches, but on ers, we will have good results.
God.” Even if we are not affluent, w09 11/15 5:8, 9
we can benefit from this divine-
ly inspired counsel. What does Sunday, August 7
it involve? Instead of storing up God will wipe out every tear
material riches, we should strive from their eyes.—Rev. 7:17.
“to work at good” and “to be rich
in fine works.” By putting spir- During his Thousand Year
itual matters first in our lives, Reign, Jesus will fully live up to
we ‘treasure up for ourselves a all his titles, such as “Wonder-
fine foundation for the future.’ ful Counselor, Mighty God, Eter-
(1 Tim. 6:17-19) Such a course nal Father, Prince of Peace.”
of self-sacrifice reflects practi- (Isa. 9:6, 7) His Kingdom rule will
cal wisdom. (Matt. 16:27) In view lift humans to perfection, includ-
of the nearness of Jehovah’s day, ing those resurrected from the
each of us does well to consider: dead. (John 5:26-29) The Messi-
‘Where am I storing up treasure? ah will guide willing humans to
Am I slaving for God or for Rich- “fountains of waters of life,” en-
es?’—Matt. 6:19, 20, 24. w09 9/15 abling obedient mankind to enjoy
4:11 a peaceful relationship with Je-
hovah. (Rev. 7:16) After the final
Saturday, August 6 test, all rebels, including Satan
If you greet your brothers only, and his demons, will be “hurled
what extraordinary thing are into the lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:
you doing? Are not also the peo- 10) How wonderfully and flaw-
lessly Jesus fulfills his role as
ple of the nations doing the
the Messiah! A paradise earth
same thing?—Matt. 5:47. will be filled with redeemed hu-
In the fast-paced life that is mans, who will live forever in per-
common in many places today, fect health and happiness. Jeho-
two people often pass each other vah’s sacred name will have been
without saying “hello” or “how are cleared of all reproach, and the
you?” Of course, no one is expect- rightfulness of his universal sov-
ed to speak to everyone pass- ereignty fully vindicated. What a
ing by on a crowded sidewalk. grand heritage lies just ahead for
In many other situations, how- all who obey God’s Anointed One!
ever, it is appropriate and desir- w09 12/15 3:18, 19
Monday, August 8 grow out of its infancy stage
and reach maturity. (1 Cor. 13:8-
Safeguard your tongue against
12) Then he concluded with the
what is b ad, and your lips words of today’s text. Eventually,
against speaking deception. things that we have faith in will
—Ps. 34:13. become reality, and therefore
When his apostles repeated- the need for faith in them will
ly argued among themselves as end. Hope in promises we long
to who was greater, Jesus firm- to see fulfilled will no longer be
ly but patiently helped them entertained after all things have
to understand the need for hu- become new. But what about
love? That will never fail, or end.
mility. (Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-
With everlasting life in view, we
48; 22:24-27; John 13:14) Similar-
will surely see and understand
ly, while firm for righteousness,
ever more facets of God’s love.
Christian elders today do not lord
—1 John 2:17. w09 12/15 4:20, 21
it over God’s flock. (Mark 10:42-
44) They imitate Christ by be- Wednesday, August 10
ing “kind to one another” and
“tenderly compassionate” in their You, too, widen out.
dealings with others. (Eph. 4:32) —2 Cor. 6:13.
By being candid with our broth- If the interests that we share
ers but not overly frank, we can with some Christians separate us
express what is on our mind with- from others, we need to “widen
out being offensive. Indeed, nev- out.” It would be wise to ask our-
er would we want our tongue to selves, ‘Do I greet both older and
be “sharpened like a razor,” using younger ones in the congrega-
it to inflict painful wounds with tion?’ Greeting others is the first
abusive or degrading speech. (Ps. step in welcoming them. (Rom.
52:2; Prov. 12:18) In this way, we 15:7) It is a step that can lead to
honor God and promote unity enjoyable discussions and lasting
in the congregation. w09 6/15 3: friendships. For example, when
10, 11 those attending conventions and
assemblies introduce themselves
Tuesday, August 9 to others and begin talking, they
Now, however, there remain look forward to seeing one anoth-
faith, hope, love, these three; er again. Kingdom Hall construc-
but the greatest of these is love. tion volunteers as well as those
—1 Cor. 13:13. sharing in relief work often be-
come good friends because they
Among Jehovah’s people today, get to know one another’s fine
we see the wisdom of pursuing qualities through the experienc-
the surpassing way of love. Tru- es they share. The opportunities
ly, it excels in any and all situa- for forming lasting friendships
tions. Note how the apostle Paul abound in Jehovah’s organiza-
emphasized that truth. First, tion. If we “widen out,” our cir-
he pointed out that gifts of the cle of friends will grow, intensify-
spirit would pass away and that ing the love that unites us in true
the Christian congregation would worship. w09 11/15 4:5, 7, 10
Thursday, August 11 1:19, 20) Jesus warned some in
his day in no uncertain terms,
You are the ones that have but never once did he say any-
stuck with me in my trials. thing that was hateful or was in-
—Luke 22:28. tended to cause pain. (1 Pet. 2:
Jesus was generous in giving 23) Rather, he left the way open
of his time, affection, and re- for wrongdoers to repent and re-
sources. As a result, people were turn to Jehovah’s favor. Indeed,
drawn to him and were happy to one of the main reasons for Je-
give to him in return. (Luke 8:1-3) sus’ coming into the world was
From personal experience, Jesus “to save sinners.” (1 Tim. 1:15)
could say: “Practice giving, and Remember that the Scriptur-
people will give to you. They will al arrangement for judicial action
pour into your laps a fine mea- within the congregation protects
sure, pressed down, shaken to- the flock and may move a disci-
plined wrongdoer to repentance.
gether and overflowing. For with
—2 Cor. 2:6-8. w09 9/15 3:6, 7
the measure that you are mea-
suring out, they will measure out Saturday, August 13
to you in return.” (Luke 6:38)
Of course, some did try to asso- He will save his people from
ciate with Jesus purely for what their sins.—Matt. 1:21.
they could get out of him. These Jesus not only rescues us from
false friends abandoned Jesus our past sins but also opens the
when they misunderstood some- way for us to enjoy a better fu-
thing he said. Rather than give ture. By delivering them from
Jesus the benefit of the doubt, slavery to sin, Jesus saves his fol-
they jumped to a wrong conclu- lowers from the wrath of God and
sion and turned their backs on brings them into a loving rela-
him. In contrast, the apostles tionship with Jehovah. The de-
were loyal. Their friendship with liverance from sin that Jesus
Christ was often tested, but they provides will in due time in-
did their best to support him dur- clude freedom from its grim ef-
ing good times and bad.—John 6: fects—sickness and even death.
26, 56, 60, 66-68. w09 10/15 3:9, 10 To visualize what that will mean,
consider what happened when
Friday, August 12 Jesus went to the home of a cer-
We do have the mind of Christ. tain man named Jairus, whose
—1 Cor. 2:16. 12-year-old daughter had died.
Jesus reassured Jairus: “Have no
When a wrongdoer rej ects fear, only put forth faith, and
Scriptural counsel or tries to she will be saved.” (Luke 8:41,
shift the blame for his wrong, el- 42, 49, 50) True to his words, the
ders and others may feel indig- girl rose from the dead! Can you
nant. Knowing the damage the imagine the joy of her parents?
person has already caused, they Then you have an idea of the sur-
may be tempted to express their passing joy that will be ours when
own feelings about the individu- “all those in the memorial tombs
al’s actions and attitude. Yet, an- will hear [Jesus’] voice and come
ger is damaging and does not re- out” in the resurrection.—John 5:
flect “the mind of Christ.” (Jas. 28, 29. w09 4/15 4:17, 18
Sunday, August 14 As we reflect on such things, we
grow in our love for Jehovah, for
You have sayings of everlasting
he is the Giver of all good things.
life.—John 6:68. Ultimately, our love for God, obe-
If a teacher cares about what he dience to his commandments,
teaches, his enthusiasm will be and faith in the ransom sacri-
evident, exerting a powerful in- fice will result in our complete re-
fluence on those whom he teach- lief from the adversities of im-
es. On the other hand, if a teach- perfect life and lead us to lasting
er does not truly appreciate what joy. (1 John 5:3) In the meantime,
he teaches, how can he expect his we find comfort in knowing that
students to value what they are Jehovah is well-aware of all the
hearing? Never underestimate things that afflict us. Moved by
your example as a teacher of his love for us, Jehovah will res-
God’s Word. Jesus said: “Every cue us from calamity.—Ps. 34:19.
well-trained student will be like w09 12/15 2:16, 17
his teacher.” (Luke 6:40, The New
Berkeley Version in Modern En- Tuesday, August 16
glish) Jesus loved what he taught. We, although many, are one
He knew he had something pre- body.—Rom. 12:5.
cious to share—the truth about
his heavenly Father, the very Paul compares anointed Chris-
“sayings of God.” (John 3:34) Like tians to members of a body serv-
a piercing light, the truths that ing unitedly under their Head,
Jesus taught exposed what was Christ. (Col. 1:18) He reminds
bad and highlighted what was spirit-begotten Christians that
good. They brought hope and a body has many members with
comfort to humble ones who were different functions and that they,
deceived by false religious lead- “although many, are one body in
ers and oppressed by the Dev- union with Christ.” (Rom. 12:4)
il. (Acts 10:38) The love Jesus In a similar vein, Paul exhort-
had for truth is found not only in ed anointed Christians in Ephe-
his teachings but in all he did. sus: “Let us by love grow up in all
w09 7/15 3:10, 11 things into him who is the head,
Christ. From him all the body,
Monday, August 15 by being harmoniously joined to-
I will be joyful and rejoice in gether and being made to co-
your loving-kindness, in that operate through every joint that
you have seen my affliction; you gives what is needed, accord-
have known about the distresses ing to the functioning of each
respective member in due mea-
of my soul.—Ps. 31:7. sure, makes for the growth of the
Even while undergoing trials, body for the building up of it-
we can find joy in whatever ma- self in love.” (Eph. 4:15, 16) Al-
terial gifts we have received though the “other sheep” are
from Jehovah. Furthermore, a not part of the composite body
breathtaking sunset, a majes- of Christ, they can learn much
tic landscape, the antics of young from this illustration and do their
animals, and other wonders of share to contribute to Christian
nature cost nothing, yet they can unity.—John 10:16. w09 10/15 1:
fill us with awe and bring us joy. 9, 10
Wednesday, August 17 display characteristics similar to
those of the Devil. Their mind
We have gifts differing accord- may be poisoned by a critical at-
ing to the undeserved kindness titude toward individuals in the
given to us.—Rom. 12:6. congregations, Christian elders,
It is important to scrutinize our or the Governing Body. Some
circumstances because, to some apostates oppose the use of the
extent, our place in the congrega- divine name, Jehovah. They are
tion depends on what we are able not interested in learning about
to do or are in a position to do. Jehovah or in serving him. Like
For example, the place a brother their father, Satan, apostates
occupies in the congregation dif- target people of integrity. (John
fers in some respects from that 8:44) No wonder servants of Jeho-
of a sister. Age, health, and oth- vah avoid all contact with them!
er factors also influence what we —2 John 10, 11. w09 4/15 1:14, 15
are able to do in Jehovah’s ser- Friday, August 19
vice. “The beauty of young men is
their power,” states Proverbs 20: Become full-grown in powers of
29, “and the splendor of old men understanding.—1 Cor. 14:20.
is their gray-headedness.” Youn-
When we strive to make spiri-
ger members of the congregation
tual progress, our mind stays fo-
may be able to do more phys- cused on “the more important
ically because of their youthful things.” (Phil. 1:9, 10) We thus
energy, whereas older ones ben- grow in our appreciation for God
efit the congregation greatly be- and for all the provisions he has
cause of their wisdom and expe- made for our benefit. (Rom. 3:
rience. We also need to bear in 24) A Christian who is “full-grown
mind that anything we are able to in powers of understanding” de-
do in Jehovah’s organization de- velops such gratitude and enjoys
pends on God’s undeserved kind- intimacy with Jehovah. A sis-
ness.—Acts 14:26; Rom. 12:6-8. ter named Louise admitted that
w09 11/15 3:7 for some time after baptism, her
main concern was the impres-
Thursday, August 18 sion she gave to others. “My heart
Even yet [Job] is holding fast was not ablaze with the desire to
his integrity, although you in- serve Jehovah,” she said. “I re-
cite me against him to swallow alized that I had to make some
him up without cause.—Job 2:3. changes if I was going to feel that
I was giving everything I could to
The Devil tested Job both when Jehovah. The biggest change was
he was prosperous and when he to throw my whole heart into his
was destitute. Clearly, Satan has worship.” By putting forth such
no compassion for the needy or effort, Louise developed ‘firm-
for victims of calamity. He hates ness of heart,’ and it proved to be
people of integrity. (Job 2:3-5) vital when she faced a distressing
Nevertheless, Job’s faithfulness health problem. (Jas. 5:8) Louise
showed that Satan is a liar. Sa- said, “I struggled greatly, but
tan was the first creature to turn I really drew close to Jehovah.”
apostate. Modern-day apostates w09 5/15 1:15, 16
Saturday, August 20 ing our worship clean, avoiding
any contamination from false re-
Fear began to fall upon every ligion. We keep ever in mind the
soul, and many portents and inspired warning that is found in
signs began to occur through the today’s text. Today, we stay spir-
apostles.—Acts 2:43. itually clean by refraining from
even touching what our heaven-
Infuriated by what Jesus’ dis-
ly Father views as unclean in a
ciples were accomplishing, the
religious sense. That is why, for
religious leaders arrested Peter example, we carefully avoid the
and John and ordered them not false religious celebrations and
to speak about Jesus. Upon be- holidays so popular in today’s
ing released, the two reported to world. True, it is a challenge to
the brothers what had occurred, remain clean. But Jehovah’s peo-
and they all prayed about the op- ple strive to do so because this
position they faced, requesting: helps them remain in God’s love.
“Jehovah, . . . grant your slaves —Jude 21. w09 8/15 4:20
to keep speaking your word with
all boldness.” The result? “They Monday, August 22
were one and all filled with the Keep on asking in faith.
holy spirit and were speaking
—Jas. 1:6.
the word of God with boldness.”
(Acts 2:41; 4:24-31) Notice that Regardless of your circum-
it was Jehovah’s powerful holy stances, always pray in faith. If
spirit that helped the disciples you are facing a test of integri-
speak God’s word with boldness. ty, follow the counsel of the dis-
The courage to speak the truth ciple James. Turn to Jehovah in
to others, even to opposers, does prayer, and do not doubt that he
not rest with us. Jehovah can and can give you the wisdom need-
will give us his holy spirit if we ed to cope with your trial. (Jas.
ask him to do so. With Jehovah’s 1:5-8) God is aware of any dis-
help, we too can come off victori- turbing thoughts you may have,
ous in the face of any opposition. and he can guide and comfort
—Ps. 138:3. w09 7/15 4:12-14 you by means of his spirit. Open
your heart to him in full faith,
Sunday, August 21 “not doubting at all,” and accept
the guidance of his spirit and
Turn away, turn away, get the counsel of his Word. Child-
out of there, touch nothing un- less Hannah, one of the Levite
clean; get out from the midst of Elkanah’s two wives, prayed for a
her, keep yourselves clean. son and had faith that her prayer
—Isa. 52:11. would be answered. (1 Sam. 1:9-
18) Your taking time to meditate
We need to be clean on the in- on her prayer on that occasion
side as well as on the outside. We may well enrich your own prayers
strive to keep our thoughts clean. and help you to see that even
We adhere faithfully to Jehovah’s sadness over a distressing prob-
standards of moral cleanness, re- lem can be overcome if you pray
gardless of the sexual degrada- in faith that Jehovah will answer
tion of the world around us. Most you.—1 Sam. 2:1-10. w09 11/15 2:
important, we insist on keep- 13-15
Tuesday, August 23 Timothy, Paul wrote: “I recollect
the faith which is in you without
Take my yoke upon you and
any hypocrisy.” (2 Tim. 1:5) Still,
learn from me, for I am mild- Timothy needed to make his gen-
tempered and lowly in heart, uineness as a Christian mani-
and you will find refreshment fest to others. Paul’s two letters
for your souls. For my yoke is to Timothy provided exhortation
kindly and my load is light. on several areas of conduct. For
—Matt. 11:29, 30. instance, Timothy was to avoid
the pursuit of riches. The love of
Christians have the responsi-
riches is a sign of spiritual defi-
bility to ‘receive their broth-
ciency. In contrast, Christians
ers kindly,’ to treat them as
Jesus would have treated them, who find contentment in a sim-
showing genuine concern even ple life, “having sustenance and
for those we may never before covering,” manifest spiritual ad-
have met. (3 John 5-8) As Je- vancement.—1 Tim. 6:6-8; Phil.
sus took the initiative in showing 4:11-13. w09 12/15 1:10, 11
compassion to others, so should Thursday, August 25
we, always being refreshing to
others. (Isa. 32:2; Matt. 11:28) You must keep my statutes and
Each of us can show kindness my judicial decisions, which if
by taking an active interest in a man will do, he must also live
the welfare of others. Look for by means of them.—Lev. 18:5.
ways and make opportunities to
do so. Reach out! “In brother- When giving the nation of Isra-
ly love have tender affection for el the Law, Jehovah stated the
one another,” urged Paul, add- above. Since they could not live
ing: “In showing honor to one an- up to the Law’s perfect stan-
other take the lead.” (Rom. 12: dards, however, the Israelites
10) That means following Christ’s were condemned by the Law and
example, treating others with needed a release from that con-
warmth and kindness, learning demnation. (Gal. 3:13) After Mo-
to show “love free from hypocri- ses, Jehovah inspired other Bi-
sy.”—2 Cor. 6:6. w09 9/15 1:17, 18 ble writers to mention the hope
of everlasting life. (Ps. 21:4; 37:
Wednesday, August 24 29) For example, the psalmist
The love of money is a root David concluded a psalm about
the unity of true worshippers at
of all sorts of injurious things.
Zion with the words: “There Jeho-
—1 Tim. 6:10. vah commanded the blessing to
Saying the right things with- be, even life to time indefinite.”
out doing the right things would (Ps. 133:3) Jehovah inspired Isa-
make one a hypocrite. Paul was iah to prophesy about everlast-
well-acquainted with the hypoc- ing life on earth. (Isa. 25:7, 8)
risy of the Pharisees and the Like a suffocating “envelopment”
damaging result of their course. —a blanket—sin and death have
More than once, he cautioned weighed heavily on mankind. Je-
Timothy against such insinceri- hovah assures his people that sin
ty and pretense. (1 Tim. 1:5; 4: and death will be swallowed up,
1, 2) But Timothy was not a hyp- or removed, “from all the earth.”
ocrite. In his second letter to w09 8/15 1:14-16
Friday, August 26 Paul counsels Christians not to
avenge themselves but to “yield
All things, therefore, that you
place to the wrath.” To whose
want men to do to you, you also wrath is Paul referring? He could
must likewise do to them. hardly mean that we should give
—Matt. 7:12. free rein to our own wrath. Clear-
After the first human p air ly, we yield place to God’s wrath.
sinned, the redemption of sinful As Christians, we know that it
mankind became an important does not belong to us to take ven-
part of Jehovah’s purpose. Je- geance. The psalmist wrote: “Let
hovah provided Christ’s ransom anger alone and leave rage; do
sacrifice to make that redemp- not show yourself heated up only
tion possible. (Rom. 5:8) Further- to do evil.” (Ps. 37:8) And Sol-
more, Jehovah provided his Word, omon counseled: “Do not say: ‘I
the Bible, which gives guidance will pay back evil!’ Hope in Je-
to man on how best to cope with hovah, and he will save you.”
inherited imperfection. (Ps. 119: —Prov. 20:22. w09 10/15 2:10
105) In his Word, Jehovah pro-
vides direction to help people Sunday, August 28
maintain strong, happy families. Our Father in the heavens, let
Regarding marriage, the book of your name be sanctified. Let
Genesis states that a man must your kingdom come. Let your
“stick to his wife and they must will take place, as in heaven,
become one flesh.” (Gen. 2:24)
also upon earth.—Matt. 6:9, 10.
During his earthly ministry, Je-
sus emphasized that marriage Our prayers to God reveal our
was intended to be permanent. motives, interests, and desires.
He taught principles that when Jehovah knows what we are in-
applied would help family mem- side. Says Proverbs 17:3: “The re-
bers to avoid attitudes and con- fining pot is for silver and the fur-
duct that threatened their mar- nace for gold, but Jehovah is the
riage or the happiness of their examiner of hearts.” God sees
family.—Matt. 5:27-37. w09 7/15 what is in our heart. (1 Sam. 16:7)
2:2, 3 He knows how we feel about our
meetings, our ministry, and our
Saturday, August 27 spiritual brothers and sisters. Je-
Do not avenge yourselves, be- hovah is aware of what we think
loved, but yield place to the of Christ’s “brothers.” (Matt. 25:
wrath; for it is written: “Ven- 40) He knows whether we really
geance is mine; I will repay, desire what we pray for or we are
merely repeating a set of words.
says Jehovah.”—Rom. 12:19.
“When praying,” said Jesus, “do
Even with “those not favorably not say the same things over and
disposed” toward our work and over again, just as the people of
our message, including outright the nations do, for they [wrong-
opposers, we will keep ourselves ly] imagine they will get a hear-
“restrained under evil” and act ing for their use of many words.”
“with mildness.” (2 Tim. 2:23-25) —Matt. 6:7. w09 11/15 1:12, 13
Monday, August 29 Even if we are isolated, our pe-
titions to Jehovah unite us with
Make for us a god who will go “the entire association of [our]
ahead of us, because as regards brothers in the world.” (1 Pet.
this Moses, . . . we certainly do 5:9) Jehoshaphat and his people
not know what has happened to followed Jahaziel’s God-given di-
him.—Ex. 32:1. rection. With what result? They
came off victorious in the ensu-
Applying what we have learned
ing battle and returned to Jeru-
from the Scriptures can be a
salem “with rejoicing” and “with
challenge, particularly when cir-
stringed instruments and with
cumstances are difficult. For ex- harps and with trumpets to the
ample, shortly after Jehovah lib- house of Jehovah.” (2 Chron. 20:
erated the sons of Israel from 27, 28) We likewise respect Jeho-
Egyptian bondage, they “fell to vah’s direction given through his
quarreling with Moses” and kept channel and join in praising him.
“putting Jehovah to the test.” w09 6/15 1:9, 11, 12
Why? Because of a lack of water
to drink. (Ex. 17:1-4) Less than Wednesday, August 31
two months after entering into
a divine covenant and agreeing Moses was by far the meekest of
to do “all the words that Jeho- all the men.—Num. 12:3.
vah [had] spoken,” they violated Moses showed b oldness in
his law on idolatry. (Ex. 24:3, 12- speaking to Pharaoh, a ruler who
18; 32:2, 7-9) Whatever their rea- was viewed, not as a mere repre-
son was, the Israelites “refused sentative of the gods, but as a
to become obedient.” (Acts 7:39- god himself. Pharaoh’s word was
41) Paul urged Christians to ‘do law; he ruled by decree. Power-
their utmost’ to avoid ‘falling into ful, arrogant, and stubborn, Pha-
the same pattern of disobedi- raoh was not accustomed to hav-
ence’ that the Israelites showed ing others tell him what to do.
when they were afraid to enter It was before this man that Mo-
the Promised Land.—Heb. 4:3, ses, a meek shepherd, appeared
11. w09 5/15 1:11 repeatedly—unbidden and un-
welcome. And what did Moses
Tuesday, August 30 foretell? Devastating plagues.
They came to consult Jehovah. And what did he demand? Per-
—2 Chron. 20:4. mission for several million of
Pharaoh’s slaves to leave the
Just as Jehoshaphat and his country! Did Moses need bold-
people gathered together to seek ness? Absolutely! (Heb. 11:27)
Jehovah’s guidance, let us not During the centuries that fol-
neglect regular attendance at lowed, prophets and other faith-
congregation meetings along ful servants of God continued to
with our brothers and sisters. If take a courageous stand for pure
we sometimes find ourselves in worship. Satan’s world was not
sore straits, not knowing what to kind to them. Paul states: “They
do, let us follow the fine example were stoned, . . . they died by
set by Jehoshaphat and the peo- slaughter with the sword, . . . they
ple of Judah and turn to Jeho- were in want, in tribulation, un-
vah in prayer with full trust in der ill-treatment.”—Heb. 11:37.
Him. (Prov. 3:5, 6; Phil. 4:6, 7) w09 7/15 4:6, 7
Thursday, September 1 thing, by praying for holy spir-
it, you acknowledge your reli-
Mere man sees what appears to
ance on Jehovah. For example, if
the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he someone came to you for aid, you
sees what the heart is. would do whatever you could to
—1 Sam. 16:7. help him, one reason being that
He did not look like a king. he asked you to assist him, show-
Rather, to the prophet Samuel, ing trust in you. (Compare Prov-
he appeared to be nothing more erbs 3:27.) Likewise, Jehovah
than a young shepherd boy. Yet, finds pleasure in your asking him
God could discern David’s heart for his spirit, and he will give it
condition, and it was pleasing to to you. Another way to come un-
him. With God, it is not the mere der the influence of God’s spir-
outward appearance that mat- it involves our meetings, assem-
ters; it is what a person really blies, and conventions. Paying
is on the inside. So when Samu- attention to the program is very
el learned that Jehovah had not important in understanding “the
chosen any of the seven older deep things of God.”—1 Cor. 2:10.
sons of Jesse, he asked that the w10 3/15 2:8, 9
youngest be brought in from the
pastures. The account says: “Ac- Saturday, September 3
cordingly [Jesse] sent and had You are my witnesses.
[David] come. Now he was rud- —Isa. 43:10.
dy, a young man with beautiful
eyes and handsome in appear- Have you made a dedication to
ance. Then Jehovah said: ‘Get God in prayer, and are you hop-
up, anoint him, for this is he!’ Ac- ing to get baptized? From your
cordingly Samuel took the horn study of the Bible, you very like-
of oil and anointed him in the ly now know that your life should
midst of his brothers. And the be focused on praising Jehovah,
spirit of Jehovah began to be not on merely pleasing your-
operative upon David from that self or acquiring material posses-
day forward.”—1 Sam. 16:12, 13. sions. (Ps. 148:11-13; Luke 12:15)
w09 4/15 5:1, 3 As a dedicated Christian, your
life will have the highest purpose.
Friday, September 2 You will be happy because you
The prayer of the upright ones are doing the divine will. (Rom.
12:1, 2) Jehovah’s holy spirit will
is a pleasure to [Jehovah].
produce in you such godly quali-
—Prov. 15:8. ties as peace and faith. (Gal. 5:22,
We need to keep asking for Je- 23) God will answer your prayers
hovah’s help and guidance. He and bless your efforts to conform
can “do more than superabun- your life to his Word. Your minis-
dantly beyond all the things we try will be joyful, and living in
ask or conceive.” (Eph. 3:20; Luke the way that God approves will
11:13) How would you answer, strengthen your hope of everlast-
though, if someone inquired, ing life. Moreover, making a ded-
“Why should I continue to ask if ication and getting baptized will
God already knows ‘what things show that you really want to be
I am needing before ever I ask one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Isa.
him’?” (Matt. 6:8) Well, for one 43:11, 12. w10 2/15 4:4, 5
Sunday, September 4 When we display these qualities
in our daily activities, our ad-
I must declare the good news of vancement will be made manifest
the kingdom of God. to all. When Paul told Timothy
—Luke 4:43. to be exemplary in chasteness,
Why did Jesus make God’s he was alluding to a very specif-
Kingdom the main theme of his ic area of conduct, that of sex-
ministry? He knew that he him- ual morality. Especially in Tim-
self as King of that Kingdom, othy’s dealings with women was
along with his resurrected spirit- his conduct to be above reproach.
begotten brothers, would deal He was to treat “older women as
with the root causes of man- mothers, younger women as sis-
kind’s woes—sin and the Dev- ters with all chasteness.” (1 Tim.
4:12; 5:2) Even acts of immorali-
il. (Rom. 5:12; Rev. 20:10) Hence,
ty that might seem to be secret
he commanded his followers to
are known to God and are cer-
proclaim that Kingdom until
tain to become known to fellow
the end of the present system
humans eventually.—1 Tim. 5:24.
of things. (Matt. 24:14) People w09 12/15 1:12, 13
who merely profess to be follow-
ers of Christ do not engage in Tuesday, September 6
this work—in fact, they cannot.
Why? For at least three reasons: Become kind to one another,
First, they cannot preach what tenderly compassionate, freely
they do not understand. Second, forgiving one another just as
most of them lack the humility God also by Christ freely for-
and courage needed to face the gave you.—Eph. 4:32.
ridicule and opposition that may
Paul described Christlike love
result from sharing the King-
this way: “Love is long-suffering
dom message with their neigh-
and kind. Love is not jealous,
bors. (Matt. 24:9; 1 Pet. 2:23) it does not brag, does not get
And third, false Christians do not puffed up.” (1 Cor. 13:4) Rath-
have God’s spirit.—John 14:16, er than holding grudges against
17. w10 1/15 3:6 our brothers and sisters, may
we heed the admonition of to-
Monday, September 5
day’s text. Our striving to cul-
Women [should] adorn them- tivate and show Christlike kind-
selves in well-arranged dress, ness at all times and in every
with modesty and soundness of situation brings us rich rewards.
mind.—1 Tim. 2:9. Jehovah’s spirit will be able to
operate freely in the congrega-
Women who are modest and tion, producing the spirit’s good
sound in mind in their choice fruitage. In addition, when we
of dress and grooming, as well follow the pattern Jesus left and
as in other areas of their per- help others to do the same, our
sonal life, set excellent exam- happy, united worship will bring
ples. (1 Tim. 3:11) This princi- joy to God himself. Therefore, let
ple applies to Christian men us constantly strive to reflect Je-
too. Paul admonished overseers sus’ mildness and kindness in our
to be “moderate in habits, sound dealings with others. w09 9/15 1:
in mind, orderly.” (1 Tim. 3:2) 18, 19
Wednesday, September 7 that we should make our peti-
tions known to God “along with
Be careful! Do not do that! All I thanksgiving.” We certainly have
am is a fellow slave of you and reason to express sentiments like
of your brothers.—Rev. 22:9. those of David found at 1 Chroni-
Jehovah’s angels provide us cles 29:11-13. Jesus thanked God
with fine examples of humble for food and for the bread and
service. Certain angels refused to wine used at the Lord’s Evening
disclose their names to humans. Meal. (Matt. 15:36; Mark 14:22,
(Gen. 32:29; Judg. 13:17, 18) Al- 23) Besides expressing similar
though there are millions of spir- gratitude, we should “give thanks
it creatures in heaven, the Bi- to Jehovah” for “his wonderful
ble reveals the names of only works to the sons of men,” for
Michael and Gabriel. This may his “righteous judicial decisions,”
and for his word, or message, now
serve as a safeguard against our
available in the Bible.—Ps. 107:
giving angels undue honor. (Luke
15; 119:62, 105. w09 11/15 1:5-7
1:26; Rev. 12:7) Our worship, in-
cluding our prayers, should go Friday, September 9
only to God. (Matt. 4:8-10) The
angels also set an example in pa- Husbands, continue loving your
tience. Though they are intensely wives, just as the Christ also
interested in knowing God’s sa- loved the congregation.
cred secrets, they are not privy —Eph. 5:25.
to all of them. “Into these very
Jesus was “mild-tempered and
things angels are desiring to
lowly in heart.” (Matt. 11:29) He
peer,” states the Bible. (1 Pet. 1:
was also a man of action. Nev-
12) So, what do they do? They
er did he abdicate his respon-
wait patiently until God’s due
sibilities. (Mark 6:34; John 2:14-
time for his “diversified wisdom”
17) He kindly gave counsel to his
to “be made known through the
disciples, even repeatedly when
congregation.”—Eph. 3:10, 11. necessary. (Matt. 20:21-28; Mark
w09 5/15 3:14, 15 9:33-37; Luke 22:24-27) Still, Je-
Thursday, September 8 sus did not berate or humili-
ate them, nor did he make them
Do not be anxious over anything, feel unloved or incapable of car-
but in everything by prayer and rying out what he was teaching
supplication along with thanks- them to do. Instead, he praised
giving let your petitions be made and encouraged his disciples.
known to God.—Phil. 4:6. (Luke 10:17-21) No wonder Jesus
gained the respect of his disci-
“To supplicate” means “to make ples by his loving and compas-
a humble entreaty.” Especial- sionate treatment of them! Jesus’
ly during danger or persecution example teaches husbands that
should we beseech Jehovah for Christian headship is not a posi-
help and guidance. If we prayed tion of harsh domination. Rath-
only when we needed something, er, it is one marked by respect
however, what would that re- and self-sacrificing love. w09 7/15
veal about our motives? Paul said 2:4-6
Saturday, September 10 to the nations the good news
about the unfathomable riches of
The peace of your sons will be the Christ.” (Eph. 3:8) It is not
abundant.—Isa. 54:13. difficult to imagine Paul’s enthu-
The world has nothing that can siasm as he taught others about
rightly be compared with our Jehovah and His purposes. The
spiritual paradise. This is es- good news found in God’s Word
pecially evident at international enables us to come to know the
conventions, where our brothers Creator and to enter into a loving
and sisters from many nations, relationship with him. That good
languages, and ethnic groups news provides satisfying answers
come together in an atmosphere to life’s important questions and
of peace, unity, and brotherly has the power to transform our
love. The spiritual paradise that life, to infuse us with hope, and to
we enjoy stands in stark contrast fortify us in times of adversity.
with the deplorable conditions w09 7/15 3:12, 13
in the world today. (Isa. 65:13,
Monday, September 12
14) By proclaiming the Kingdom
message, we have the privilege Go on walking in love.
of extending to others an invita- —Eph. 5:2.
tion to enter the spiritual para-
Each Christian should ask him-
dise. It is also a blessing to assist
self, ‘Do I make myself available
those who have recently become
to others or do I often appear to
associated with the congregation
be too busy?’ Habits that are not
and would benefit from train-
wrong in themselves can some-
ing in the ministry. As directed times raise barricades to conver-
by the elders, we may be blessed sation. If we frequently use a cel-
with the privilege of helping cer- lular telephone or use earphones
tain new ones, even as Aquila and to listen to recordings in the pres-
Priscilla “expounded the way of ence of others, for example, we
God more correctly” to Apollos. may send the message that we
—Acts 18:24-26. w10 2/15 4:12, 13 prefer not to have their company.
If others often see us engrossed
Sunday, September 11
in looking at a handheld comput-
There is eagerness on my part to er, they might conclude that we
declare the good news . . . For I do not care to speak to them. Of
am not ashamed of the good course, there is “a time to keep
news.—Rom. 1:15, 16. quiet.” But when we are around
people, it is often the “time to
Like Jesus, his disciples loved speak.” (Eccl. 3:7) Some might
and valued the truth about Jeho- say, “I prefer to keep to myself” or
vah and Christ so much that op- “I don’t feel like talking in the
posers could not discourage them morning.” Nonetheless, engag-
from sharing it with others. Paul ing in friendly conversation even
considered it an honor to pro- when we are not inclined to do
claim the truth. He wrote: “To so is evidence of love that “does
me, . . . this undeserved kindness not look for its own interests.”
was given, that I should declare —1 Cor. 13:5. w09 11/15 4:12
Tuesday, September 13 all the Scriptural counsel that
the elders gave them, but they
These have been written down
will certainly remember that
that you may believe that Je- the elders respected their digni-
sus is the Christ the Son of God. ty and treated them with love.
—John 20:31. Elders should never rush to put
Just like the first-century Jews, a wrongdoer out of the congre-
most people today ignore the ev- gation. They ought to show that
idence of the Messiah’s presence. they want erring ones to return
They too want a political messi- to Jehovah. Thus, when a sinner
ah or at least one who will work later has a change of heart, as
through human political rulers. many do, he may be deeply grate-
You, though, came to know that ful both to Jehovah and to the
Jesus is now reigning as King “gifts in men” who made it easier
of God’s Kingdom. Were you not for him to return to the congrega-
thrilled to find that out? Just tion.—Eph. 4:8, 11, 12. w09 9/15
like the first-century disciples, 3:7, 8
you were moved to proclaim: “We
have found the Messiah.” (John 1: Thursday, September 15
41) Today, when you talk about We became reconciled to God
the truth, do you highlight Je- through the death of his Son.
sus’ role as the Messiah? Doing —Rom. 5:10.
so will enhance your apprecia-
tion for what he has done for None of us have a natural father
you, what he is doing now, and who could pass on to us life as it
what he will yet accomplish. Like should be—perfect life. (1 Tim. 6:
Andrew and Philip, you no doubt 19) We were not born as sons of
have talked to your relatives God because when the first hu-
and friends about the Messiah. man pair sinned, the human race
Why not approach them with re- was separated from its loving Fa-
newed zeal and show them that ther and Creator. (Compare Deu-
Jesus Christ is indeed the prom- teronomy 32:5.) From that time
ised Messiah, God’s means of sal- onward, the world of mankind
vation? w09 12/15 3:2, 20, 21 has lived outside Jehovah’s uni-
versal family, alienated from
Wednesday, September 14 God. Nevertheless, as individuals
The fruitage of the spirit is love. we can request that God accept
us into his family of approved ser-
—Gal. 5:22.
vants. How is that possible for
It is tragic that some are un- sinners such as we are? The apos-
repentant and must be disfellow- tle Paul answered with the words
shipped, yet it is heartwarming of today’s text. At baptism we
to know that a large number of make a request to God for a good
such ones later return to Jehovah conscience so as to be acceptable
and his congregation. When el- to him. (1 Pet. 3:21) Prior to bap-
ders show a Christlike attitude, tism, however, there are steps we
they help to smooth the way for must take. We must get to know
the person to have a change of God, learn to trust him, repent,
heart and eventually to return. In and change our ways.—John 17:3;
the future, some of these former Acts 3:19; Heb. 11:6. w10 1/15 1:
wrongdoers may not remember 11, 12
Friday, September 16 to ‘make disciples of people of
all the nations, teaching them
Make me know your own ways, to observe all the things he had
O Jehovah; teach me your own commanded them.’ He promised
paths. Make me walk in your them that he would be with them
truth.—Ps. 25:4, 5. “all the days until the conclusion
What if we simply lack moti- of the system of things.” (Matt.
vation to do more in Jehovah’s 24:14; 26:1, 2; 28:19, 20) As Je-
service and are inclined to coast hovah’s Witnesses, we have an
active share in a work that had
along in the congregation? Paul
its beginning in the first centu-
states: “God is the one that, for
ry. No other work is equal in im-
the sake of his good pleasure, is
portance to the lifesaving work of
acting within you in order for you
Kingdom preaching and disciple
both to will and to act.” Yes, Je-
making. How vital it is, then, that
hovah can act within us and af-
we be effective in our ministry!
fect our will, or desires. (Phil. 2:
w10 2/15 1:1, 2
13; 4:13) Should we not, then, ask
Jehovah to make us want to do Sunday, September 18
his will? King David of ancient
Israel did just that, as shown in Make disciples of people of all
the words of today’s text. We can the nations, baptizing them in
do the same by praying that Je- the name of . . . the holy spirit.
hovah will make us want to do —Matt. 28:19.
what pleases him. When we re-
Jehovah is the Source of holy
flect upon how Jehovah God and spirit. He uses the spirit to open
his Son feel about what we do in the hearts and minds of the bride
serving their interests, our hearts class to understand his Word, the
are filled with appreciation for Bible. The spirit impels them to
them. (Matt. 26:6-10; Luke 21: extend the invitation and explain
1-4) That feeling of gratitude can Scriptural truths to those who
move us to beg Jehovah to make have the prospect of living for-
us want to make spiritual ad- ever in Paradise on earth. What
vancement. w09 11/15 3:9, 10 about those who accept the in-
vitation, become disciples of Je-
Saturday, September 17 sus Christ, and extend the invita-
They were . . . filled with tion to still others? The spirit is
the holy spirit and were speak- involved in their case too. Hav-
ing the word of God with bold- ing been baptized ‘in the name
ness.—Acts 4:31. of the holy spirit,’ they cooper-
ate with and rely on the spirit to
Three days before his death, help them. Think also of the mes-
Jesus told his disciples: “This sage preached by the anointed
good news of the kingdom will and the growing great crowd. It
be preached in all the inhabit- comes from the Bible—the book
ed earth for a witness to all written under the direct influ-
the nations; and then the end ence of God’s spirit. Thus, the in-
will come.” Before his ascension vitation is extended by means of
to heaven, the resurrected Je- holy spirit. We are, in fact, direct-
sus commissioned his followers ed by that spirit. w10 2/15 3:12
Monday, September 19 long-lasting happiness. The hon-
or of being “God’s fellow workers”
I actually do not know how to makes them happy, yet their ded-
speak, for I am but a boy. ication is not to a work but to our
—Jer. 1:6. appreciative God. (1 Cor. 3:9) No
When Jehovah assigned Jere- one could be more appreciative of
miah to be His prophet, Jeremi- their self-sacrifice than he is. He
ah said the above. Later, he even will even restore his loyal ones
said: “I shall speak no more in his to their youth so that they can
name.” (Jer. 20:9) Yet, with Jeho- benefit from his care forever. (Job
vah’s encouragement, Jeremiah 33:25; Heb. 6:10) Dedicating your
was able to preach an unpopular life to Jehovah brings you into a
message for 40 years. Jehovah re- close relationship with him. The
Bible says: “Draw close to God,
peatedly reassured him with the
and he will draw close to you.”
words: “I am with you, to save you
—Jas. 4:8. w10 1/15 1:18, 19
and to deliver you.” (Jer. 1:8, 19;
15:20) Just as Jehovah strength- Wednesday, September 21
ened Jeremiah, he can help us to
do what he expects of Christians We wish to conduct ourselves
today. The key factor is to rely honestly in all things.
on God. The Bible says: “Trust in —Heb. 13:18.
Jehovah with all your heart . . . We are living in an age of ram-
In all your ways take notice of pant dishonesty, so it may be dif-
him, and he himself will make ficult to resist the temptation to
your paths straight.” (Prov. 3: be less than honest with an em-
5, 6) We reveal that we trust in ployer. When applying for a job,
Jehovah when we avail ourselves many resort to outright lies.
of the help he provides through They may, for instance, exagger-
his Word and through the con- ate their
gregation. If we allow Jehovah to ´ experience
´ or education
on a resume in order to obtain a
guide our steps in life, nothing better or higher-paying job. On
will prevent us from being faith- the other hand, many employees
ful to him. w10 1/15 2:7, 8 claim to be working when they
are actually attending to person-
Tuesday, September 20 al matters, though that is con-
You cannot slave for God and trary to company rules. They
for Riches.—Matt. 6:24. may be reading material unrelat-
ed to their job, making person-
Dedicating ourselves to Jeho- al phone calls, sending personal
vah and thereafter living in har- electronic messages, or brows-
mony with that dedication by ing the Internet. True Christians
doing his will brings more hap- do not view being honest and
piness than being dedicated to truthful as something optional.
anything or anyone else. For ex- (Prov. 6:16-19) Thus, Christians
ample, many people devote their give their employer a full day’s
life to the pursuit of material work for a full day’s pay. (Eph. 6:
wealth without attaining true 5-8) Being a conscientious work-
happiness and genuine satisfac- er can also bring praise to our
tion. However, those who dedi- heavenly Father.—1 Pet. 2:12.
cate themselves to Jehovah find w09 6/15 3:13, 14
Thursday, September 22 was likely no more than 13 years
old, he moved from his native city
Keep walking by spirit. of Tarsus to Jerusalem to study
—Gal. 5:16. under the highly esteemed Law
We need God’s spirit so that teacher Gamaliel. (Acts 22:3) In
we can lead a life dedicated to time, Paul began to stand out
him. Your goal is to serve Je- among his contemporaries, and
hovah forever. Through God’s had he continued in that course,
Word and his spirit-directed or- he might have risen to promi-
nence in Judaism. (Gal. 1:13, 14)
ganization, holy spirit will move
When he accepted the good news
you in the right direction. If you
and took up the preaching work,
have been studying with Jeho- he left all of that behind. Did
vah’s Witnesses, enjoying spiritu- Paul regret the choice he had
al association with them, but you made? No, as the words of today’s
have yet to take the vital steps text show. Like Paul, Christians
of dedication and baptism, ask today make sacrifices for the sake
yourself, ‘Why should I hesitate?’ of the good news.—Mark 10:29,
If you recognize the holy spirit’s 30. w09 9/15 4:13, 14
role in accomplishing Jehovah’s
will today and appreciate its op- Saturday, September 24
eration, then take the steps you You will receive power when the
have learned to be right. Jehovah
holy spirit arrives upon you,
will richly bless you. He will gen-
and you will be witnesses of me
erously provide his holy spirit for
you. If you were baptized years
both in Jerusalem and in all Ju-
or decades ago, surely you have dea and Samaria and to the
experienced the influence of the most distant part of the earth.
holy spirit. You have seen and felt —Acts 1:8.
how God can strengthen you with The resurrected Jesus told his
his spirit. That can continue to be disciples the words above. The
the case—yes, into the endless work that began then is being
future. Thus, be determined to done on an unprecedented scale
keep on walking by holy spirit. today. Close to seven million Wit-
w10 3/15 2:17, 18 nesses of Jehovah are declaring
the Kingdom message in over 230
Friday, September 23 lands, spending nearly 1.5 bil-
I do indeed also consider all lion hours a year in the minis-
try. How thrilling it is to have a
things to be loss on account of zealous share in this never-to-be-
the excelling value of the knowl- repeated work! As in the first cen-
edge of Christ Jesus my Lord. tury, the global preaching work
On account of him I have taken today is done under the direction
the loss of all things and I con- of God’s spirit. If we respond to
sider them as a lot of refuse. the spirit’s direction, we will dis-
—Phil. 3:8. play “the greatest freeness of
speech” in our ministry. (Acts 28:
Prior to his becoming a Chris- 31) By all means, then, let us be
tian, the apostle Paul was be- guided by the spirit as we declare
ing groomed for success in the the good news of God’s Kingdom!
Jewish system of things. When he w10 2/15 1:17, 18
Sunday, September 25 (3 John 9, 10; Luke 22:24-27) If we
have wrong desires, honesty in
Let anyone that wishes take life’s praying to Jehovah God can ex-
water free.—Rev. 22:17. pose them and help us to change
An open invitation has been ex- before they become firmly en-
tended to humans by means of trenched. Christian wives may
holy spirit. The invitation is to have a keen desire that their hus-
“come” and satisfy one’s thirst bands serve as ministerial ser-
with a very special type of water. vants or elders. These sisters may
It is not ordinary water composed work along with the feelings they
of two parts hydrogen and one express in their private prayers
part oxygen. Though literal wa- by striving to conduct themselves
ter is essential for sustaining life in an exemplary manner. This
on earth, Jesus had in mind a dif- is important, for the speech and
ferent type of water when he said conduct of a man’s family have
a bearing on how he is viewed
to a Samaritan woman at a well:
in the congregation. w09 11/15 1:
“Whoever drinks from the water
15, 16
that I will give him will never get
thirsty at all, but the water that I Tuesday, September 27
will give him will become in him a
fountain of water bubbling up to Jehovah is my helper; I will not
impart everlasting life.” (John 4: be afraid. What can man do to
14) The extraordinary water that me?—Heb. 13:6.
humans are invited to partake In our day, as in times past, the
of imparts everlasting life. The truth continues to divide people.
water of life represents all of Some respond favorably, while
God’s provisions for recovering others neither understand nor
obedient humans from sin and appreciate our form of worship.
death and giving them unending Some criticize, ridicule, or even
perfect life in Paradise on earth. hate us, just as Jesus foretold.
—1 John 4:9, 10. w10 2/15 3:3, 4 (Matt. 10:22) At times, we are the
target of misinformation and ma-
Monday, September 26 licious propaganda through the
You, though, are not to be that media. (Ps. 109:1-3) In this world
way.—Luke 22:26. alienated from God, it takes
boldness to preach as Jesus did.
Honest prayer to Jehovah re- What will help you to do so? Look
garding our motives can help us to the future. Keep strong your
to discern the truth about them. love of God and neighbor. Pray to
For instance, is eagerness to Jehovah for courage. Always re-
serve in a position of oversight member, you are never on your
among God’s p eople really a own, for Jesus is with you. (Matt.
humble desire to be helpful and 28:20) Holy spirit will strengthen
to do the most we can for the you. And Jehovah will bless and
advancement of Kingdom in- support you. Therefore, may we
terests? Or could it be that we be of good courage and say the
want to have “the first place” or words of today’s text. w09 7/15 4:
even wish to “lord it over” others? 15, 18
Wednesday, September 28 soften the attitude of those who
insult us. (Titus 2:7, 8) Paul rec-
A true companion is loving all ommended: “Let your utterance
the time, and is a brother that is be always with graciousness, sea-
born for when there is distress. soned with salt, so as to know
—Prov. 17:17. how you ought to give an an-
When composing those words, swer to each one.” (Col. 4:6) If
Solomon may have had in mind we make it a habit to be cour-
the friendship that his father, teous to family members, fellow
students, coworkers, members of
David, enjoyed with Jonathan.
the congregation, and people in
(1 Sam. 18:1) King Saul wanted
the neighborhood, we are better
his son Jonathan to inherit the
prepared to face mockery and in-
throne of Israel. But Jonathan
sults in a way worthy of a Chris-
accepted the fact that Jehovah
tian.—Rom. 12:17-21. w09 11/15
had chosen David for this privi-
5:11, 12
lege. Unlike Saul, Jonathan did
not become envious of David. He Friday, September 30
did not resent the praise David
received, nor did he swallow the If anyone loves the world, the
slander that Saul spread about love of the Father is not in him.
David. (1 Sam. 20:24-34) Are we —1 John 2:15.
like Jonathan? When our friends The world and its fleshly spir-
receive privileges, are we happy it stand in opposition to Jeho-
for them? When they suffer hard- vah and his holy spirit. Hence,
ships, do we comfort and support Christ’s true followers do not
them? If we hear harmful gos- merely refrain from being a part
sip about a friend, are we quick of the world. They reject it at
to believe it? Or, like Jonathan, heart, knowing that as the dis-
do we loyally defend our friend? ciple James wrote, “friendship
w09 10/15 4:11 with the world is enmity with
God.” (Jas. 4:4) It can be a chal-
Thursday, September 29 lenge to heed James’ words in a
If they have persecuted me, they world that offers countless temp-
will persecute you also. tations. (2 Tim. 4:10) Jesus there-
—John 15:20. fore prayed in behalf of his fol-
lowers: “I request you, not to take
Responding in kind to dispar- them out of the world, but to
aging comments does not pro- watch over them because of the
duce good results. How should we wicked one. They are no part of
react? The apostle Peter wrote: the world, just as I am no part
“Sanctify the Christ as Lord in of the world.” (John 17:15, 16)
your hearts, alw ays ready to Ask yourself: ‘Do I strive to be
make a defense before everyone no part of the world? Do others
that demands of you a reason for know my stand on unscriptural
the hope in you, but doing so to- celebrations and customs as well
gether with a mild temper and as on those that may not have a
deep respect.” (1 Pet. 3:15) Our pagan origin but clearly reflect
displaying courtesy—respond- the spirit of the world?’—2 Cor. 6:
ing mildly and respectfully—may 17; 1 Pet. 4:3, 4. w10 1/15 3:15, 16
Saturday, October 1 our persecutors, we try to en-
lighten them, realizing that some
For this I have come into the
among them may be acting out
world, that I should bear wit-
of ignorance. (2 Cor. 4:4) We en-
ness to the truth.—John 18:37. deavor to heed Paul’s counsel as
Jesus knew that the best way of found in today’s text. One way
life centered on serving God and to bless opposers is to pray for
bearing witness to the truth. He them. Jesus said in his Sermon
knew that he would be tested se- on the Mount: “Continue to love
verely and put to death. (Matt. your enemies, to do good to those
20:18, 19; Heb. 4:15) Shortly after hating you, to bless those curs-
Jesus was baptized, Satan tempt- ing you, to pray for those who are
ed him to abandon the best way insulting you.”—Luke 6:27, 28.
of life—but to no avail. (Matt. w09 10/15 2:13, 14
4:1-11) This teaches us that re-
gardless of what Satan does, we Monday, October 3
can maintain our integrity. He
Peter said to them: “Repent, and
is likely to focus his attention
let each one of you be baptized in
on those approaching baptism as
well as on newly baptized ones. the name of Jesus Christ for for-
(1 Pet. 5:8) Opposition may come giveness of your sins, and you
from well-intentioned but mis- will receive the free gift of the
informed family members. Yet, holy spirit.”—Acts 2:38.
such tests afford us opportunities
Think of the religious situation
to manifest fine Christian qual-
of those Jews and proselytes who
ities, such as respect and tact,
heard Peter. They had already
when we answer questions and
accepted Jehovah as their God.
give a witness. (1 Pet. 3:15) These
And from the Hebrew Scriptures,
experiences can therefore have a
positive effect on those who lis- they knew about the holy spir-
ten to us.—1 Tim. 4:16. w10 2/15 it, God’s active force used during
4:14, 15 creation and thereafter. (Gen.
1:2; Judg. 14:5, 6; 1 Sam. 10:6;
Sunday, October 2 Ps. 33:6) But they needed some-
thing more. It was vital for them
Keep on blessing those who per- to understand and accept God’s
secute; be blessing and do not be means of salvation—the Messiah,
cursing.—Rom. 12:14. Jesus. Hence, Peter highlighted
We know that our Christian ac- their need for being “baptized in
tivity will provoke the anger of the name of Jesus Christ.” Some
our enemies, for Jesus warned us: days before, the resurrected Je-
“You will be objects of hatred by sus commanded Peter and others
all the nations on account of my to baptize people “in the name of
name.” (Matt. 24:9) Consequent- the Father and of the Son and
ly, we are not surprised or dis- of the holy spirit.” (Matt. 28:19,
couraged when we meet up with 20) That had profound meaning
opposition. (1 Pet. 4:12, 13) Rath- in the first century, and it still
er than feeling animosity toward does. w10 3/15 1:2, 3
Tuesday, October 4 their generosity abound. For ac-
cording to their actual ability,
Offer your very selves to him: yes, I testify, beyond their ac-
a living sacrifice, dedicated and tual ability this was, while they
fit for his acceptance.—Rom. of their own accord kept beg-
12:1, “The New English Bible.” ging us with much entreaty for
the privilege of kindly giving and
Before someone who is alienat-
for a share in the ministry des-
ed from God can become a mem- tined for the holy ones [in Ju-
ber of God’s family of approved dea].” (2 Cor. 8:2-4) Although
servants, he first needs to make a poor themselves, Christians in
solemn promise to Jehovah. To Macedonia were very generous.
understand why, imagine a re- They considered it a privilege to
spectable father who shows kind share with their needy brothers
interest in an orphaned youth in Judea. w09 10/15 1:12
and wishes to adopt him as a
member of his own family. The Thursday, October 6
father is known to be a good man. [Jesus] continued in retirement
Still, before accepting the youth in the deserts and praying.
as his son, the man wants the boy
—Luke 5:16.
to make a promise. So the man
says, “Before I accept you as a Jesus often withdrew from the
son, I need to know that you will crowds in order to pray to his Fa-
love and respect me as your fa- ther privately. (Matt. 14:13; Luke
ther.” Only if the youth is willing 6:12) We have the same need for
to make a solemn promise will solitude. In calm prayer under
the man admit him into his fami- peaceful conditions, we are likely
ly. Is that not reasonable? Sim- to make decisions that please Je-
ilarly, Jehovah accepts into his hovah and are in our best spiritu-
family only those who are willing al interests. However, Jesus also
to make a vow of dedication to prayed publicly. At our meetings,
him. w10 1/15 1:13 loyal men represent the congre-
gation in public prayer. (1 Tim.
Wednesday, October 5 2:8) Fellow believers should be
able to say “amen,” meaning
Share with the holy ones accord- “so be it,” at the end of such
ing to their needs. a prayer. To do so, however,
—Rom. 12:13. they must agree with what was
said. There is nothing shocking
Our love for our brothers will or tactless about Jesus’ model
move us to “share with the holy prayer. (Luke 11:2-4) Moreover,
ones according to their needs” he did not itemize all the needs
and according to our ability. Even or problems of each person in
if we have few of this world’s his audience. Personal concerns
goods, we can share what we are suitable subjects for private,
have. Writing of Christians in not public, prayer. And when
Macedonia, Paul stated: “Dur- representing a group in prayer,
ing a great test under affliction we should refrain from including
their abundance of joy and their confidential matters. w09 11/15 1:
deep poverty made the riches of 17, 18
Friday, October 7 are those who ridicule or oppose
us. (2 Pet. 3:3) Opposition may
Let those in Judea begin fleeing
come from those in authority,
to the mountains.—Luke 21:21. from schoolmates or workmates,
During their flight from Jerusa- or even from close family mem-
lem, Christians needed to show bers. Add to this our own person-
Christlike love for one anoth- al weaknesses, such as shyness
er, even as Christ had shown and fear of being rejected. A mul-
love for them. They surely had titude of factors can make it dif-
to share whatever they had with ficult for us to exercise “freeness
one another. But Jesus’ prophe- of speech” and speak the word
cy reached far beyond the razing of God with “boldness.” (Eph. 6:
of that ancient city. He foretold: 19, 20) Boldness, however, does
“There will be great tribulation not mean bluntness or rudeness.
such as has not occurred since (Col. 4:6) While being bold, we
the world’s beginning until now, also want to be peaceable with
no, nor will occur again.” (Matt. all.—Rom. 12:18. w10 2/15 1:3, 4
24:17, 18, 21) Before and dur-
ing that “great tribulation” yet Sunday, October 9
ahead, we too may face hardships Taste and see that Jehovah is
and deprivations. Having Christ’s good.—Ps. 34:8.
mental attitude will help us to
get through them. At that time, If you have been sharing in the
we will need to follow Jesus’ ex- preaching and teaching work
ample, showing unselfish love. for some time now, you have no
In this connection, Paul coun- doubt had opportunities to taste
seled: “Let each of us please his and see that Jehovah is good.
neighbor in what is good for his Have there been times when you
upbuilding. For even the Christ sensed the help of his spirit as
did not please himself . . . Have you were presenting the good
among yourselves the same men- news? Have you seen others’ eyes
tal attitude that Christ Jesus light up as Jehovah opened their
had.”—Rom. 15:2, 3, 5. w09 9/15 heart to pay attention to the mes-
3:9-11 sage? (Acts 16:14) Has Jehovah
helped you to overcome obsta-
Saturday, October 8 cles, perhaps opening the way for
They were . . . speaking the you to expand your ministry? Has
word of God with boldness. he supported you in times of dif-
ficulty, enabling you to continue
—Acts 4:31.
serving him when you felt that
Our God-given work of King- your strength was giving out?
dom proclamation is a privilege (Phil. 4:13) When we personal-
beyond compare. However, it is ly experience Jehovah’s helping
not without challenges. While hand as we carry out our minis-
some people readily accept the try, he becomes more real to us
good news of God’s Kingdom, and we feel even closer to him.
many prove to be like those living (Isa. 41:10) Is it not a blessing to
in the days of Noah. They “took be one of “God’s fellow workers”
no note until the flood came and in the grand work of divine edu-
swept them all away,” said Je- cation?—1 Cor. 3:9. w09 9/15 4:
sus. (Matt. 24:38, 39) Then there 14, 15
Monday, October 10 wise advice. (1 Cor. 10:12) Inter-
estingly, Timothy was told that
Your loyal ones will bless you. in “later periods of time some
—Ps. 145:10. [would] fall away from the faith,
In prayer, remember to praise paying attention to misleading
and thank Jehovah. There are so inspired utterances and teach-
many reasons to do so! For exam- ings of demons.” (1 Tim. 4:1) All
ple, David was eager to extol Je- in the congregation, including
hovah’s kingship. (Ps. 145:11-13) those in positions of responsibili-
Do your prayers show that you ty, need to be like Timothy in dis-
appreciate the privilege of an- playing strong, unwavering faith.
nouncing Jehovah’s Kingdom? By taking a strong stand and de-
Words of the psalmists may also cisive action against apostasy, we
can make our advancement man-
help you to express to God in
ifest and be an example in faith.
heartfelt prayer your gratitude
w09 12/15 1:16, 17
for Christian meetings, assem-
blies, and conventions. (Ps. 27:4; Wednesday, October 12
122:1) Gratitude for your pre-
cious relationship with God may Do not severely criticize an old-
move you to pray from the heart er man. To the contrary, entreat
with thoughts like these: “I shall him as a father, younger men as
laud you among the peoples, brothers, older women as moth-
O Jehovah . . . For your loving- ers, younger women as sisters
kindness is great up to the heav- with all chasteness.
ens, and your trueness up to the —1 Tim. 5:1, 2.
skies. Do be exalted above the
heavens, O God; let your glo- Paul encouraged young Timo-
ry be above all the earth.” (Ps. thy to have respect for all mem-
bers of the congregation. We too
57:9-11) What heartwarming sen-
should treat older Christians as if
timents! Do you not agree that
they were our mothers and fa-
such touching words from the
thers and the younger ones as
Psalms can affect and enrich your our siblings, that is, children of
prayers? w09 11/15 2:18, 19 our own parents. When we have
Tuesday, October 11 that attitude, none of our dear
brothers and sisters will feel like
He is . . . mentally diseased over strangers in our presence. As we
questionings and debates about engage others in upbuilding con-
words.—1 Tim. 6:4. versation, we contribute to their
spirituality and emotional well-
Could Timothy risk toying with being. A brother working at a
the harmful ideas that were infil- branch office fondly remembers
trating the congregation? No, for several older Bethelites who reg-
Paul urged Timothy to “fight the ularly took time to speak with
fine fight of the faith” and turn him in his early days at Bethel.
away “from the empty speeches Their encouraging words made
that violate what is holy and from him feel that he really was part of
the contradictions of the false- the Bethel family. Now he tries to
ly called ‘knowledge.’ ” (1 Tim. 6: imitate them by conversing with
12, 20, 21) There can be no doubt his fellow Bethelites. w09 11/15 4:
that Timothy followed Paul’s 13, 14
Thursday, October 13 his actions indicated to observ-
ers that nothing is more impor-
There is more happiness in giving tant than regular worship of Je-
than there is in receiving. hovah! (Matt. 5:16) Daniel was
—Acts 20:35. willing to die rather than neglect
There is no body of knowledge his spiritual routine. What about
more precious or more impor- us? What sacrifices are we mak-
tant than the good news. It is a ing or are we willing to make in
priceless gift that has been given order to declare the good news of
to us, bringing us great joy. And God’s Kingdom with constancy?
it brings us added joy when we Why, we should not let a month go
share that gift with others. What by without speaking about Jeho-
vah to others! If at all possible,
can you do to strengthen your
should we not endeavor to partic-
love for the good news even fur-
ipate in the ministry each week?
ther? While reading God’s Word,
w10 2/15 3:14, 16
pause at times to reflect on what
you read. For example, imag- Saturday, October 15
ine yourself accompanying Je-
sus during his earthly ministry Always [be] ready to make a
or traveling along with the apos- defense before everyone that de-
tle Paul. Picture yourself in the mands of you a reason for the
new world, and envision how dif- hope in you.—1 Pet. 3:15.
ferent life will be. Reflect on
“Handling the word of the truth
the blessings you have received
aright” involves more than ex-
through your obedience to the plaining Scriptural truths accu-
good news. If you keep your love rately. (2 Tim. 2:15) We should be
for the good news strong, those careful that we do not use the Bi-
whom you teach will sense that ble to intimidate people. Though
love. For good reason, then, we we can use the Scriptures to de-
should carefully ponder what we fend the truth, as Jesus did when
have learned and pay attention to he was tempted by the Devil, the
what we teach.—1 Tim. 4:15, 16. Bible is not a club with which
w09 7/15 3:13, 14 to browbeat our listeners. (Deut.
6:16; 8:3; 10:20; Matt. 4:4, 7, 10)
Friday, October 14 When handled properly, what can
Your God whom you are serving the truth of God’s Word accom-
with constancy, he himself will plish? (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) Scriptural
rescue you.—Dan. 6:16. truth can overturn “strongly en-
trenched things,” that is, expose
The prophet Daniel demon- false doctrines, harmful prac-
strated the importance of reg- tices, and philosophies that re-
ularity in worship. (Dan. 6:4-10, flect imperfect human wisdom.
19-22) He did not change his spir- We can use the Bible to cut away
itual routine—his habit of pray- any ideas that are “raised up
ing to God “three times in a day, against the knowledge of God.”
. . . as he had been regularly The teachings of the Bible can be
doing”—even for one month, al- used to help others bring their
though that meant being thrown thinking in line with the truth.
into the lions’ pit. How clearly w10 2/15 2:11, 12
Sunday, October 16 dom of choice to all people. His
Word says: “You must choose life
[God’s] will is that all sorts of
in order that you may keep alive,
men should be saved and come you and your offspring, by loving
to an accurate knowledge of Jehovah your God.” (Deut. 30:19,
truth.—1 Tim. 2:4. 20) He wants us to express our
We engage in a campaign to love for him by freely choosing
help people break free from false to serve him. Rather than rob-
religious teachings, including the bing us of freedom, belonging to
the God we love will surely make
practice of idolatry. Our house-
and keep us happy. As sinners,
to-house ministry enables us to
we do not deserve to belong to
meet all sorts of people. One
a perfect God. Only God’s unde-
young Asian girl rememb ers
served kindness makes it possi-
how her mother performed ritu-
ble.—2 Tim. 1:9. w10 1/15 2:17-19
als in front of numerous images
in their home. Reasoning that Tuesday, October 18
not all the images could repre-
sent the true God, the girl of- One man died for all.
ten prayed that she could get to —2 Cor. 5:14.
know his real identity. When she How did you feel upon learn-
answered a knock on the door ing what the Son of God did for
of her house, she found two Wit- you? (2 Cor. 5:15) Likely you felt
nesses who were ready to help deep gratitude. That helped to
her learn the true God’s distinc- move you to dedicate your life
tive name, Jehovah. And how to God and to ‘live no longer for
grateful she was to learn the yourself, but for him who died
truth about idols! Now she dem- for you.’ Being baptized in the
onstrates commendable zeal by name of the Son means acknowl-
sharing diligently in field service, edging what Jesus has done for
helping other people spiritually. you and accepting his author-
—Ps. 83:18; 115:4-8; 1 John 5:21. ity as “the Chief Agent of life.”
w09 6/15 2:6 (Acts 3:15; 5:31) Previously, you
had no relationship with the Cre-
Monday, October 17 ator, and actually you had no val-
Both if we live, we live to Jeho- id hope. But by exercising faith
vah, and if we die, we die to Je- in the shed blood of Jesus Christ
hovah.—Rom. 14:8. and being baptized, you now
have a relationship with the Fa-
Just as our confidence in a sur- ther. (Eph. 2:12, 13) “You who
geon may grow as we learn of his were once alienated and enemies
reputation, so our trust in Jeho- because your minds were on the
vah will grow as we continue to works that were wicked,” wrote
learn about him. Hence, we con- the apostle Paul, “[God] now has
tinue to study God’s Word care- again reconciled by means of [Je-
fully because that will help us to sus’] fleshly body through his
love him in a way that will dis- death, in order to present you
pel any fear of belonging to him. holy and unblemished.”—Col. 1:
(1 John 4:18) Jehovah grants free- 21, 22. w10 3/15 1:11
Wednesday, October 19 ions. Even so, he may feel that if
he does not associate with them,
Return evil for evil to no one. he is being disloyal. If you face
Provide fine things in the sight this challenge, remember that
of all men. If possible, as far as a true friend will be happy that
it depends upon you, be peace- you are trying to improve your
able with all men. life. He or she may even want to
—Rom. 12:17, 18. join with you in learning about
Jehovah. On the other hand, false
Displaying good manners in friends will “go on speaking abu-
difficult situations brings good sively of you” because you do not
results. In Japan, for example, run with them to “the same low
a certain Witness faced ridicule sink of debauchery.” (1 Pet. 4:3, 4)
from both a householder and his Really, it is these friends who are
guest. With a courteous attitude, being disloyal to you, not the re-
the brother left the door. As he verse. w09 10/15 4:12, 13
continued preaching in the terri-
tory, he noticed that the guest Friday, October 21
was watching him from a short
distance away. When the broth- You husbands, continue dwell-
er approached him, the man ing in like manner with [your
said: “I’m sorry about what hap- wives] . . . assigning them
pened. Even though we said un- honor.—1 Pet. 3:7.
kind things to you, I noticed that How can a husband exercise his
you kept smiling. What do I have authority and at the same time
to do to be like that?” Because treat his wife as someone wor-
that man had lost his job and his thy of honor? One way a hus-
mother had just died, he lacked band can honor his wife is by
all hope of being happy. The Wit- carefully considering her point
ness offered him a Bible study, of view and her feelings before
which the man accepted. Soon he makes decisions that affect
he was studying twice a week. the family. Perhaps a decision
w09 11/15 5:12, 13 has to be made regarding a move
or a change of job or regarding
Thursday, October 20 everyday matters, such as where
Bad associations spoil useful to take a vacation or how to ad-
habits.—1 Cor. 15:33. just the family budget so as to
cope with the rising cost of liv-
When a Bible student begins ing. Because the family will be
to make changes in his lifestyle, affected, it would be beneficial
he may face a real challenge re- and kind for the husband to con-
garding friendships. He may have sider his wife’s opinion, as it may
companions whose company he help him to arrive at a balanced,
enjoys but who do not live by more considerate decision, and it
the Bible’s moral code. In the will be easier for her to support
past, he may regularly have spent him. (Prov. 15:22) Christian hus-
time socializing with them. Now, bands who honor their wives gain
though, he sees that their activi- not only the love and respect of
ties could have a bad influence on their wives but, more important,
him, and he feels the need to lim- the approval of Jehovah.—Eph.
it his contact with such compan- 5:28, 29. w09 7/15 2:6, 7
Saturday, October 22 “The word of God is alive and
exerts power,” wrote the apos-
Beg the Master of the harvest
tle Paul, who made it his cus-
to send out workers into his har- tom to reason from the Scrip-
vest.—Matt. 9:38. tures. (Heb. 4:12; Acts 17:3) So if
Jesus did not stop with just say- it has not been your custom to
ing what is quoted above. After use the Bible regularly in your
speaking those words, “he sum- ministry, why not make it your
moned his twelve disciples” and goal to do so? Perhaps you could
sent them out on a preaching, or select a few key texts that ex-
‘harvesting,’ tour. (Matt. 9:35-38; plain what God’s Kingdom is and
10:1, 5) Later, Jesus “designat- how it will solve specific prob-
ed seventy others and sent them lems that concern people in your
forth by twos” to do the same neighborhood. Then be prepared
work. (Luke 10:1, 2) The need to read them as you preach from
for more Kingdom proclaimers is door to door. w10 1/15 3:7, 9
also great today. The worldwide
Memorial attendance for the 2009 Monday, October 24
service year was 18,168,323. It ex- Remove vexation from your
ceeded the total number of Jeho- heart, and ward off calamity
vah’s Witnesses by over 10 mil- from your flesh; for youth and
lion. The fields are indeed ripe the prime of life are vanity.
for harvesting. (John 4:34, 35) We —Eccl. 11:10.
should, therefore, pray and ask
for more workers. But how can “O youth, enjoy yourself while
we act in harmony with such re- you are young! Let your heart
quests? We can do so by becoming lead you to enjoyment in the
more effective ministers as we days of your youth.” (Eccl. 11:9,
zealously share in the Kingdom- Tanakh—The Holy Scriptures) So
preaching and disciple-making wrote wise King Solomon of an-
work.—Matt. 28:19, 20; Mark 13: cient Israel. The Originator of
10. w10 2/15 2:1, 2 this message, Jehovah God, cer-
tainly wants you youths to be
Sunday, October 23 happy. More than that, Jeho-
He reasoned with them from the vah wants your joy to last be-
Scriptures.—Acts 17:2. yond the time of youth. How-
ever, those days of youth are
Christ’s true followers give the often marred by painful mistakes
interests of God’s Kingdom pri- that may affect a person’s future
ority in life, proclaiming it world- happiness. Even faithful Job be-
wide, with the help of Jehovah’s moaned having to face “the con-
spirit. (Zech. 4:6) Are you hav- sequences of the errors of [his]
ing a regular share in this work? youth.” (Job 13:26) During ado-
Are you trying to improve as a lescence and the following early
Kingdom proclaimer, perhaps by years of life, a young Christian
spending more time in the minis- often has to make weighty de-
try or by being more effective in cisions. Bad judgment can leave
it? Some have tried to improve deep emotional scars and create
the quality of their ministry by problems that may affect the rest
making better use of the Bible. of his life. w09 5/15 2:1
Tuesday, October 25 (Prov. 8:30) Nevertheless, person-
ally enduring in faith as a hu-
Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s
man despite suffering proved his
things to Caesar, but God’s complete integrity. Although he
things to God.—Matt. 22:21. was a perfect man, Jesus did not
What sort of “things” do we owe try to remain perfectly obedient
Caesar, that is, the governmental on his own. He prayed for God’s
authorities? When Jesus uttered help to remain obedient. For us
those words, the discussion cen- to remain obedient, we too need
tered on taxes. So to maintain a a humble, prayerful attitude.
clean conscience before God and For this reason, the apostle Paul
men, Christians obey the laws counseled Christians: “Keep this
of the land, including those per- mental attitude in you that was
taining to the paying of taxes. also in Christ Jesus,” who “hum-
(Rom. 13:5, 6) But we recognize bled himself and became obedi-
that Jehovah is the Supreme Sov- ent as far as death.”—Phil. 2:5-8.
ereign, the only true God, whom w09 9/15 2:2, 3
we love with our whole heart,
soul, mind, and strength. (Mark Thursday, October 27
12:30; Rev. 4:11) We therefore Love never fails.—1 Cor. 13:8.
render to Jehovah God submis-
sion without reservation. (Ps. 86: Love is a basic human need.
11, 12) Many countries offer so- Yet, genuine love of God and
cial programs or services to help neighbor is woefully lacking. We
those in need of material sup- see happening what the Bible
port. There is nothing wrong foretold about these last days.
with a Christian’s receiving such Men are “lovers of themselves,
assistance—provided that he lovers of money, . . . lovers of
qualifies. Speaking truth with pleasures rather than lovers of
our neighbor would rule out giv- God.” (2 Tim. 3:1-5) God’s Word
ing false or misleading informa- warns us against misguided love.
tion to governmental authorities And the Bible describes what
in order to receive public assis- happens when such love takes
tance. w09 6/15 3:16, 17 root in one’s heart. (1 Tim. 6:
9, 10) Though Demas was asso-
Wednesday, October 26 ciated with Paul, Demas turned
Christ offered up supplications to loving what the world offered.
and also petitions to the One (2 Tim. 4:10) The apostle John
warned Christians against this
who was able to save him.
very danger. (1 John 2:15, 16)
—Heb. 5:7. Loving the world and its transito-
Jesus’ experience as a human ry things and ways is not com-
on earth taught him new as- patible with loving God and what
pects of obedience. (Heb. 5:8) It originates with him. We are no
may seem that there could be part of this world, though we are
nothing more for Jesus to learn still living in it. Thus, we have the
about serving Jehovah. After challenge of avoiding the world’s
all, he had enjoyed intimate as- distorted view of love. It is vi-
sociation with Jehovah for un- tal that we not let ourselves be
known aeons and had been God’s trapped by misguided or pervert-
“master worker” during creation. ed love. w09 12/15 4:1-3
Friday, October 28 ries for missionaries. The apos-
tle Paul and his companions were
Let the sayings of my mouth
“forbidden by the holy spirit to
and the meditation of my heart speak the word in the district of
become pleasurable before you, Asia”; nor were they permitted to
O Jehovah.—Ps. 19:14. go into Bithynia. We do not know
Today, many simply do not exactly how the spirit prevent-
want to hear what the Bible says. ed their going into those places,
If we are to persevere in speak- yet it is clear that the spirit led
ing the word of God, it is im- Paul into the vast field of Europe.
portant that we study the Scrip- He received a vision of a Macedo-
tures in a manner that allows nian man pleading for help. (Acts
us to absorb their message fully. 16:6-10) Today, Jehovah’s spirit is
Regularity—not a hit-or-miss ap- likewise directing the worldwide
proach—should mark our study preaching. w10 3/15 2:10-12
habits. How important it is that
Sunday, October 30
we take time to meditate on what
we read, so that Bible truths sink The dragon grew wrathful at
deep down into the heart! Sure- the woman, and went off to
ly, we should strive to improve wage war with the remaining
the quality of our personal study. ones of her seed, who observe
Another way to benefit from Je- the commandments of God and
hovah’s holy spirit is to “consid- have the work of bearing wit-
er one another to incite to love ness to Jesus.—Rev. 12:17.
and fine works, not forsaking the
gathering of ourselves togeth- The apostle John saw an “an-
er.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) Exerting our- gel flying in midheaven, and he
selves to be in regular attendance had everlasting good news to de-
at Christian meetings, listening clare as glad tidings to those who
carefully, and applying what we dwell on the earth.” (Rev. 14:6)
learn are fine ways to be guided Jehovah’s servants are thus as-
by the spirit. w10 2/15 1:11, 12 sured of angelic backing as they
preach the good news of the es-
Saturday, October 29 tablished Kingdom despite the
The spirit and the bride keep on Devil’s vicious opposition. To-
saying: “Come!”—Rev. 22:17. day, angels do not lead us to
honesthearted ones by speak-
The spirit, working through the ing to us as an angel spoke to
anointed bride class, is extend- Philip and directed him to the
ing this invitation regarding life’s Ethiopian eunuch. (Acts 8:26-29)
water. If you have accepted the However, many modern-day ex-
call to “come!” are you deter- periences give evidence that an-
mined to say, “Come!”? What a gels behind the scenes are sup-
privilege it is to be able to share porting our Kingdom-preaching
in this lifesaving work! This vital work and guiding us to those
work is now being accomplished “rightly disposed for everlast-
under the guidance of holy spir- ing life.” (Acts 13:48) How im-
it. We read how the holy spirit portant it is, then, to share in
was involved in the first centu- the ministry regularly!—John 4:
ry in opening up new territo- 23, 24. w09 5/15 3:17, 18
Monday, October 31 Gal. 5:22) Sheeplike ones cannot
help but be moved when they see
You must love your neighbor as such love. For example, when a
yourself.—Matt. 22:39. young Jewish man in Israel at-
That love (a·gape in Greek) is tended his first Christian meet-
a moral love that takes into ac- ing, he was amazed to see Jewish
and Arab brothers worshipping
count duty, principle, and pro-
Jehovah side by side. As a re-
priety, but it can be warm and sult, he began to attend meetings
intense. (1 Pet. 1:22) It is reflect- regularly and accepted a Bible
ed in selfless words and deeds. study. Do you show such heart-
(1 Cor. 13:4-7) Because love is felt love to your brothers? And
a product of God’s holy spirit, do you make it a point to extend
it enables true Christians to do a warm welcome to newcomers
what others cannot do, such as at your Kingdom Hall, regardless
overcome racial, cultural, and po- of their nationality, skin color, or
litical barriers. (John 13:34, 35; social standing? w10 1/15 3:18, 19

Tuesday, November 1 Wednesday, November 2

The two will be one flesh. For everything there is an ap-
—Matt. 19:5. pointed time.—Eccl. 3:1.
Marriage is a relationship that When we are being represent-
requires a high level of commit- ed in public prayer, we need to
ment. Two people who mere- display reverential “fear of God.”
ly live together without getting (1 Pet. 2:17) There may be a prop-
married can never enjoy real se- er time and place for some ac-
curity; neither can their children. tions that would be inappropriate
But partners who are committed at a Christian meeting. For in-
to each other in honorable mar- stance, suppose someone sought
riage have an impelling Scriptur- to have all in a group link arms or
al reason for striving to resolve hold hands during such a prayer.
their difficulties with love when This might offend or distract
problems arise. (Matt. 19:6; 1 Cor.
some, including visitors who do
13:7, 8; Heb. 13:4) In Bible times,
not share our beliefs. Some mar-
people benefited from having
binding contracts in business and riage mates might discreetly hold
employment. (Matt. 20:1, 2, 8) hands, but if they embraced each
Today, the same holds true. For other during public prayer, those
example, we benefit from having who got a glimpse of such con-
a binding written agreement, or duct might be stumbled. They
written contract, before we begin might think or get the impres-
a business venture or start work- sion that the couple was focusing
ing as an employee in a company. on their romantic relationship
Hence, if commitment enhances instead of reverence for Jeho-
relationships such as friendship, vah. Out of deep respect for him,
marriage, and employment, how let us therefore “do all things
much more will making an un- for God’s glory” and avoid con-
reserved dedication benefit you duct that could distract, shock,
in your relationship with Jeho- or stumble anyone.—1 Cor. 10:31,
vah! w10 1/15 1:6, 7 32; 2 Cor. 6:3. w09 11/15 1:19
Thursday, November 3 Nothing can impede God’s abili-
ty to handle matters successfully.
Follow the course of hospitality.
In a world marked by immorality,
—Rom. 12:13. war, unreasonableness, disobe-
Hospitality is sometimes ex- dience, mercilessness, partiality,
pressed by inviting someone for a and hypocrisy, Jehovah has had
meal, and when this is done in ample opportunity to demon-
love, it is commendable. But if strate to his creatures what real
we show initiative, we will dis- wisdom is. The disciple James
cover many other ways of being said: “The wisdom from above is
hospitable. For one thing, if our first of all chaste, then peace-
means or our strength do not al- able, reasonable, ready to obey,
low us to invite others for a meal, full of mercy and good fruits,
sharing a cup of coffee, tea, or not making p artial distinc-
some other beverage is also a tions, not hypocritical.”—Jas.
way of showing hospitality. Chris- 3:17. w10 1/15 4:14
tians who strive to learn anoth-
er language so as to preach the Saturday, November 5
good news among foreigners who I am making all things new.
have moved into the territory of —Rev. 21:5.
their congregation can truly be
counted among those who are fol- Those who have not as yet
lowing the course of hospitality. made a definite decision in fa-
Of course, many of us are not in vor of Jehovah should prayer-
a position to learn another lan- fully consider the benefits that
guage. Still, all of us can have a God’s way of ruling will bring to
meaningful share in helping for- mankind. Human rule has been
eigners by making good use of unable to solve the problem of
our booklet Good News for Peo- crime, including terrorism. God’s
ple of All Nations, which contains rule will remove all the wicked
a Bible message in many lan- from the earthly scene. (Ps. 37:1,
guages. w09 10/15 1:12-14 2, 9) Man’s rule has led to inces-
sant warfare, but God’s rule will
Friday, November 4 make “wars to cease to the ex-
O the depth of God’s riches and tremity of the earth.” (Ps. 46:9)
wisdom and knowledge! How Why, God’s rule will even restore
unsearchable his judgments are peace between humans and an-
imals! (Isa. 11:6-9) Poverty and
and past tracing out his ways
hunger have been constant fea-
are!—Rom. 11:33.
tures under human rule, but
Immediately after Adam and God’s rule will eliminate them.
Eve sinned, Jehovah revealed the (Isa. 65:21) Under God’s rule, the
way that he would undo all the old and the sick will delight in a
bad effects caused by their rebel- return to youthful vigor. (Job 33:
lion. (Gen. 3:15) Such immediate 25; Isa. 35:5, 6) Indeed, the earth
action, as well as his progressive- will become a paradise in which
ly revealing details of this pur- there will even be a resurrection
pose to his servants, brought Je- of the dead.—Luke 23:43; Acts
hovah’s wisdom into sharp focus. 24:15. w10 1/15 5:16, 17
Sunday, November 6 rael. Orpah indeed “returned to
her people and her gods,” but
He spoke with boldness . . . , Ruth did not. (Ruth 1:15) She
giving talks and using persua- acted on her faith and knew
sion.—Acts 19:8. to whom she wanted to belong.
To “persuade” means to “win She told Naomi: “Do not plead
over.” The one persuaded is “so with me to abandon you, to turn
convinced that [he] puts confi- back from accompanying you;
dence in someth[ing].” When we for where you go I shall go, and
persuade a person to accept a where you spend the night I shall
Bible teaching, we are winning spend the night.” Because of her
him over to place his trust in that choice to serve Jehovah, Ruth
teaching. To accomplish this, we benefited from God’s Law, which
need to convince our listener of made special provision for wid-
the truthfulness of what we say. ows and for the poor and land-
less. Under Jehovah’s wings, she
When you introduce a scripture,
found happiness, protection, and
focus attention on the impor-
security. w10 1/15 2:4
tance of knowing God’s think-
ing on the subject. After posing a Tuesday, November 8
question and getting the house-
holder’s response, you may want The women telling the good
to say something to this effect, news are a large army.
‘Let us see how we can get God’s —Ps. 68:11.
mind on the matter.’ Or you By having a full share in the
might ask, ‘What does God have ministry and by willingly mak-
to say about this situation?’ In- ing sacrifices for that work, sis-
troducing the text in this way ters prove that they treasure
emphasizes that the Bible is from their role in the congregation.
God and helps build high regard In writing to Titus, Paul stat-
for it in the mind of the listener. ed: “Let the aged women be rev-
w10 2/15 2:14, 15 erent in behavior, . . . teachers
of what is good; that they may
Monday, November 7 recall the young women to their
Your people will be my people, senses to love their husbands, to
and your God my God. love their children, to be sound in
—Ruth 1:16. mind, chaste, workers at home,
good, subjecting themselves to
As a girl, Ruth had probably their own husbands, so that the
worshipped Chemosh and the word of God may not be spoken
other gods of Moab, but she came of abusively.” (Titus 2:3-5) What
to know the true God, Jehovah, a force for good the mature sis-
and she married an Israelite who ters in the congregation can be!
had come to take refuge in her By respecting the brothers who
land. (Ruth 1:1-6) Later, as Ruth take the lead and by making wise
and her sister-in-law, Orpah, decisions in such areas of life as
started out with their mother-in- dress and grooming and enter-
law, Naomi, for Bethlehem, Na- tainment, they set a fine example
omi urged the two young wom- for others and show a high regard
en to return home. It would not for their own place in the congre-
be easy for them to settle in Is- gation. w09 11/15 3:13, 14
Wednesday, November 9 as those who are taught spir-
itual truth produce “fine fruit.”
Do not let yourself be conquered The two kinds of fruits have be-
by the evil, but keep conquering come clearly manifest during this
the evil with the good. time of the end. (Dan. 12:3, 10)
—Rom. 12:21. False Christians have a distort-
The apostle Paul knew from his ed view of God and often a hyp-
own experience that a persecu- ocritical form of godly devotion,
tor can become a faithful disci- whereas those having spiritual
insight worship God “with spirit
ple of Christ and a zealous ser-
and truth.” (John 4:24; 2 Tim. 3:
vant of Jehovah. (Gal. 1:13-16,
1-5) Ask yourself: ‘Do my conduct
23) In another letter, Paul stat-
and teachings clearly harmonize
ed: “When being reviled, we bless;
with God’s Word? Do I beauti-
when being persecuted, we bear
fy the truth in the eyes of those
up; when being defamed, we en- searching for it?’ w10 1/15 3:1, 2
treat.” (1 Cor. 4:12, 13) Accord-
ingly, a true Christian will heed Friday, November 11
the words of today’s text. The
source of all evil is Satan the Dev- Fo rgi v e w ha t ev e r you h a v e
il. (John 8:44; 1 John 5:19) Jesus against anyone; in order that
revealed that his anointed broth- your Father who is in the heavens
ers have “conquered [Satan] be- may also forgive you.
cause of the blood of the Lamb —Mark 11:25.
and because of the word of their
Though you were baptized in
witnessing.” (Rev. 12:11) This
the name of the Son, you are
shows that the best way to con-
keenly aware of your own sin-
quer Satan and the evil influence
ful inclinations. That awareness
he is exercising over the present is helpful every day. For exam-
system of things is to do good by ple, if someone offends you, do
our work of witnessing, preach- you bear in mind that both of you
ing the good news of the King- are sinners? You both need God’s
dom. w09 10/15 2:13-15 forgiveness, and you should both
be forgiving. To emphasize this
Thursday, November 10
need, Jesus gave an illustration:
Every good tree produces fine The master of a slave canceled
fruit, but every rotten tree pro- his debt of ten thousand talents
duces worthless fruit. (60 million denarii). Later, that
—Matt. 7:17. slave would not release his fel-
low slave who owed him 100 de-
Jesus said that those false- narii. Jesus then made this point:
ly professing to serve him would Jehovah will not forgive the one
be distinguished from his true who does not forgive his broth-
followers by their fruits—their er. (Matt. 18:23-35) Yes, being
teachings and their conduct. baptized in the name of the Son
(Matt. 7:15, 16, 20) Indeed, peo- means recognizing Jesus’ author-
ple are inevitably influenced by ity and striving to follow his ex-
what they take into their ample and teachings, including
mind and heart. (Matt. 15:18, 19) that of being willing to forgive
Those who are fed falsehoods others.—1 Pet. 2:21; 1 John 2:6.
produce “worthless fruit,” where- w10 3/15 1:12
Saturday, November 12 tion is that some with whom you
once associated may be puzzled
The word of God is alive and at your new way of life and may
exerts power.—Heb. 4:12. ‘speak abusively of you.’ (1 Pet.
What p ower God’s word, or 4:4) Yet, do not overlook the fact
message, has! In a figurative that you have since cultivated
sense, the message emanating new friendships, the most impor-
from the Bible is sharper than tant being with Jehovah and Je-
any man-made sword, for it figu- sus Christ. (Jas. 2:21-23) It is also
ratively pierces to the dividing of vital to get to know the broth-
bones and their marrow. Scrip- ers and sisters in your local con-
tural truth reaches the inner- gregation, part of “the whole as-
most part of a person and pene- sociation of brothers” throughout
trates his thoughts and emotions, the world.—1 Pet. 2:17; Prov. 17:
exposing what he really is on 17. w10 3/15 2:14, 15
the inside. That truth can exert
its transforming power and can Monday, November 14
bring about genuine changes in Make friends for yourselves by
a person. (Col. 3:10) Yes, God’s means of the unrighteous rich-
Word can change lives! Moreover, es, so that, when such fail, they
the Bible is a book of match- may receive you into the ever-
less wisdom. It contains helpful lasting dwelling places.
information that can show peo-
—Luke 16:9.
ple how to live in this complex
world. (Ps. 119:105) It is a tre- One way that those of the oth-
mendous help when we are deal- er sheep class can help Christ’s
ing with problems or are mak- brothers is by financially sup-
ing decisions about our choice of porting the preaching work. Je-
friends, entertainment, employ- sus encouraged his followers to
ment, dress, and so forth.—Ps. make friends for themselves by
37:25; Prov. 13:20; John 15:14; means of “the unrighteous rich-
1 Tim. 2:9. w10 2/15 2:4, 5 es.” Not that we can buy friend-
ship with Jesus or Jehovah. Rath-
Sunday, November 13 er, by using our material assets
Our being adequately qualified to further Kingdom interests, we
issues from God.—2 Cor. 3:5. prove our friendship and love, not
just in word, but “in deed and
As an ordained minister, you truth.” (1 John 3:16-18) We pro-
have a ministr y to p erform. vide such financial support when
(Rom. 10:14) You may not feel we engage in the preaching work,
fully qualified to shoulder such when we donate money toward
a responsibility. But, as is the the construction and mainte-
case of the anointed, it is God nance of our meeting facilities,
who qualifies you. You can live and when we contribute funds
up to your dedication by doing toward the worldwide preach-
your best and relying on God’s ing work. Whether the amount
spirit. Granted, it is not easy we contribute is small or great,
for us imperfect humans to live both Jehovah and Jesus certain-
up to our dedication to our per- ly appreciate our cheerful giving.
fect God, Jehovah. One complica- —2 Cor. 9:7. w09 10/15 3:17
Tuesday, November 15 for the sake of the good news who
will not get a hundredfold now in
The drawing near to God is
this period of time, houses and
good for me.—Ps. 73:28. brothers and sisters and moth-
We cannot fully enjoy the ben- ers and children and fields, with
efits of being a member of Je- persecutions, and in the coming
hovah’s family without making a system of things everlasting life.”
vow of dedication. So we dedi- (Mark 10:29, 30) First-century
cate ourselves to God because, in Christians, such as Lydia, Aquila,
spite of our imperfection, we de- Priscilla, and Gaius, were among
sire to belong to him and are re- those who provided “houses” and
solved to be loyal to him, come became “brothers and sisters and
what may. (Matt. 22:37) When mothers” to fellow believers, as
we dedicate ourselves to God, Jesus had promised.—Acts 16:14,
we perform an act of faith. Why 15; 18:2-4; 3 John 1, 5-8. w10 2/15
is that so? Our faith in Jehovah 4:7, 8
makes us confident that drawing
close to God is good for us. We Thursday, November 17
know that it will not always be All those taking refuge in [Jeho-
easy to walk with God while liv- vah] will rejoice; to time indef-
ing among “a crooked and twist- inite they will cry out joyfully.
ed generation,” but we trust in —Ps. 5:11.
God’s promise to support us in
our efforts. (Phil. 2:15; 4:13) We Jehovah’s Witnesses are not im-
know that we are imperfect, but mune to the calamities that be-
we are confident that Jehovah fall mankind in general. Many of
will deal mercifully with us even God’s people have been victims
when we make mistakes. (Ps. 103: of crime, war, and other injus-
13, 14; Rom. 7:21-25) We have tices. Natural disasters, poverty,
faith that Jehovah will reward sickness, and death cause much
our resolve to keep our integrity. distress. (Rom. 8:22) We are also
—Job 27:5. w10 1/15 1:14, 15 victims of our own imperfection.
(Ps. 38:4) And, like Jesus, true
Wednesday, November 16 Christians are hated and perse-
What actually will there be for cuted. (Matt. 10:22, 23; John 15:
us?—Matt. 19:27. 20; 16:2) Does this mean that true
Christians pursue a life devoid
Peter wanted to know what the of joy and happiness? Should our
future held for him and for Je- lives be marked only by sadness
sus’ other disciples. To devote and grief until the end comes?
themselves fully to the Kingdom- Clearly, Jehovah wants us to be
preaching work, they had made happy as we await the fulfillment
important sacrifices. (Matt. 4:18- of his promises. Time and again,
22) What assurance did Jesus give the Bible describes true worship-
them? Jesus indicated that his pers as happy people. (Isa. 65:13,
disciples would be part of a spir- 14) Yes, it is possible to experi-
itual brotherhood. He said: “No ence considerable joy, peace of
one has left house or brothers mind, and contentment even in
or sisters or mother or father or the midst of calamities. w09 12/15
children or fields for my sake and 2:1-3
Friday, November 18 peal helped the remnant of the
bride class to reach more peo-
Euodia I exhort and Syntyche I
ple with the invitation. In 1929,
exhort to be of the same mind in the March 15 issue of The Watch-
the Lord.—Phil. 4:2. tower contained an article enti-
Euodia and Syntyche, two tled “Gracious Invitation.” In
Christian sisters in ancient Phi- part, the article stated: “The
lippi, apparently had some dif- faithful remnant class join [the
ficulty in resolving a problem that Most High] in the gracious invita-
arose between them. A heated tion and say, ‘Come.’ This mes-
dispute between Paul and Bar- sage is to be proclaimed to those
nabas became public knowledge who have a desire for righteous-
and resulted in their going sepa- ness and truth. It must be done
rate ways for a while. (Acts 15:37- now.” To this day, the bride class
39) These accounts show that continues to extend that invita-
true worshippers are not im- tion. w10 2/15 3:8
mune to disagreements. Jehovah
provides us with help to resolve Sunday, November 20
conflicts and restore friendships.
Jehovah, give attention to their
But he requires something of us.
Imagine that you and a friend are threats, and grant your slaves
going to take a trip by automo- to keep speaking your word
bile. Before you can begin your with all boldness.—Acts 4:29.
journey, you must put a key into After the apostle Paul and his
the ignition and start the car’s companions had been ‘insolently
engine. The process of resolving treated in Philippi,’ how did they
personal differences is also start-
‘muster up boldness’ to speak
ed with a key. The key is hu-
to those in Thessalonica? “By
mility. (Jas. 4:10) That key allows
means of our God,” wrote Paul.
those at odds with each other to
(1 Thess. 2:2) Jehovah God can
begin applying Bible principles.
dispel our fears and give us simi-
w09 11/15 4:15, 16
lar boldness. When challenged by
Saturday, November 19 “rulers [of the people] and old-
er men and scribes,” the apos-
The spirit and the bride keep on tles Peter and John said: “Wheth-
saying: “Come!”—Rev. 22:17. er it is righteous in the sight
The anointed followers of of God to listen to you rather
Christ have been extending that than to God, judge for your-
invitation since as far back as selves. But as for us, we cannot
1918. In that year, the public stop speaking about the things
talk entitled “Millions Now Living we have seen and heard.” Rather
May Never Die” offered hope that than praying to God for persecu-
many will gain life in a paradise tion to stop, they and fellow be-
earth after the battle of Arma- lievers made supplication, saying
geddon. A talk given at the con- the words of today’s text. Jeho-
vention of Bible Students at Ce- vah helped them muster up bold-
dar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1922 ness by means of his spirit. (Acts
urged listeners to ‘advertise the 4:5, 19, 20, 31) God’s spirit can do
King and his kingdom.’ This ap- the same for us. w10 2/15 1:4, 5
Monday, November 21 cepted Jesus as the Messiah were
the first members of that new
I have put life and death before
nation. (Dan. 9:27a; Matt. 10:6)
you, the blessing and the male- Later, many non-Israelites were
diction; and you must choose life also included in this nation, for
in order that you may keep alive, Peter went on to say: “You were
you and your offspring, by loving once not a people, but are now
Jehovah your God, by listening to God’s people.” (1 Pet. 2:10) This
his voice and by sticking to him. new nation is made up of anoint-
—Deut. 30:19, 20. ed Christians, who have the heav-
enly hope. They are “the Israel of
Israel proved unfaithful to
God.” (Gal. 6:16) In a vision, the
God, but the three basic require-
apostle John saw that these spir-
ments for life cited by Moses have
itual Israelites number 144,000.
not changed. They were restated
—Rev. 14:1, 4; 20:6. w10 3/15 4:2-4
by Jesus and others. First, ‘we
must love Jehovah our God.’ We Wednesday, November 23
demonstrate that we love God by
acting in accord with his righ- God recommends his own love to
teous ways. (Matt. 22:37) Sec- us in that, while we were yet
ond, ‘we must listen to Jeho- sinners, Christ died for us.
vah’s voice’ by studying God’s —Rom. 5:8.
Word and obeying his command-
ments. (1 John 5:3) This calls for By studying the Scriptures and
our regular presence at Chris- progressively taking in knowl-
tian meetings, where the Bible is edge of Jehovah, we can grow
discussed. (Heb. 10:23-25) Third, in appreciation for his attributes
‘we must stick to Jehovah.’ Re- —his justice, p ower, wisdom
gardless of what we must face, let and, above all, superlative love.
us always exercise faith in God Jehovah manifests justice in all
and follow his Son.—2 Cor. 4:16- his ways and in his perfect law.
18. w10 2/15 4:16, 17 (Deut. 32:4; Ps. 19:7) We can re-
flect on all of Jehovah’s creative
Tuesday, November 22 works and be in awe of his su-
The kingdom of God will be tak- perior wisdom. (Ps. 104:24) The
universe also gives proof that Je-
en from you and be given to a na-
hovah is the Source of dynam-
tion producing its fruits.
ic energy and inexhaustible pow-
—Matt. 21:43. er. (Isa. 40:26) What can be said
The apostle Peter clearly iden- about God’s dominant quality,
tified this new nation. He wrote his love? It is expansive and af-
the following to his fellow Chris- fects us all. He expressed that
tians: “You are ‘a chosen race, a love in providing the ransom for
royal priesthood, a holy nation, mankind’s redemption. This pro-
a people for special possession, vision is available to the whole
that you should declare abroad world of mankind. (John 3:16, 36)
the excellencies’ of the one that God’s offering Jesus as a propitia-
called you out of darkness into tory sacrifice for our sins ought
his wonderful light.” (1 Pet. 2:9) to stir love within us in return.
As foretold, natural Jews who ac- w09 12/15 4:5, 6
Thursday, November 24 can be very distressing. Describ-
ing her reaction when a close
I need not be considered! God
friend stopped serving Jehovah,
will announce welfare to Pha- one sister said: “I felt as if some-
raoh.—Gen. 41:16. thing inside of me died. I thought
Godly parents in Bible times my friend was firmly grounded
made sure that their children in the truth, but she was not. I
learned basic points of courtesy wondered if she had been serving
in the home. Consider the polite Jehovah just to please her fami-
way in which Abraham and his ly. I then began to reassess my
son Isaac addressed each other at own motives. Was I serving Jeho-
Genesis 22:7. The good training vah for the right reasons?” How
from his parents was evident also did this sister cope? “I threw my
in the case of Joseph. When im- burden on Jehovah,” she says. “I
prisoned, he was courteous even am determined to show Jehovah
to his fellow prisoners. (Gen. 40: that I love him for who he is, not
8, 14) His words to Pharaoh show just because he provides me with
that he had learned the prop- friends inside his organization.”
er way to address a person of w09 10/15 4:14, 15
high office. (Gen. 41:33, 34) The
Ten Commandments given to the Saturday, November 26
sons of Israel included this com- Those who embraced his word
mand: “Honor your father and heartily were baptized, and on
your mother in order that your that day about three thousand
days may prove long upon the souls were added.—Acts 2:41.
ground that Jehovah your God is
giving you.” (Ex. 20:12) One way Jehovah wants us to enjoy the
for children to honor their par- best way of life. People can live
ents was by having good man- in various ways, but only one
ners at home. Jephthah’s daugh- way is the best. We can do noth-
ter showed outstanding respect ing better with our life than con-
for her father by complying with form to God’s Word and learn
his vow in a very trialsome situa- from his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus
tion.—Judg. 11:35-40. w09 11/15 taught his followers to worship
5:14, 15 God with spirit and truth, and he
commissioned them to make dis-
Friday, November 25 ciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20; John 4:
Let us work what is good to- 24) By living in harmony with Je-
ward all, but especially toward sus’ instructions, we please Jeho-
those related to us in the faith. vah and enjoy His blessing. When
those “rightly disposed for ever-
—Gal. 6:10.
lasting life” become believers and
When Bible students are aban- get baptized, we have sound rea-
doned by former friends who sons to say to them, “Welcome to
have no love for God, members the best way of life!” (Acts 13:48)
of the congregation can fill the During the first century of our
void. What, though, if a friend in- Common Era, thousands of peo-
side the congregation decides to ple from different nations em-
turn his or her back on Jehovah, braced the truth and gave public
perhaps needing to be disfellow- evidence of their devotion to God
shipped? Such a circumstance by being baptized. w10 2/15 4:1, 2
Sunday, November 27 such things as “fornication, un-
cleanness, loose conduct, idola-
When they beheld the outspoken-
try, practice of spiritism, enmi-
ness of Peter and John, . . . they ties, strife, jealousy, fits of anger,
got to wondering.—Acts 4:13. contentions, divisions, sects, en-
Holy spirit is the most powerful vies, drunken bouts, revelries.”
force in the universe, and it can (Gal. 5:19-21) In a sense, you “put
empower humans to do Jehovah’s the practices of the body to death
will. Under its influence, the first- by the spirit.” (Rom. 8:5, 13) It
century Christians accomplished will help to set your mind on the
a tremendous preaching work. things of the spirit and cooperate
They preached the good news “in with its leadings, rather than let
all creation that is under heav- yourself be controlled by fleshly
en.” (Col. 1:23) When we consider desires. w10 3/15 2:4, 5
that most of them were “unlet-
tered and ordinary,” it becomes Tuesday, November 29
obvious that they were motivated Hilkiah the priest found the
by a stronger force. Living in a book of Jehovah’s law.
way that allows holy spirit to di- —2 Chron. 34:14.
rect our lives can also motivate us
to carry out our ministry coura- Hilkiah handed the book to the
geously. The combined benefits of royal secretary Shaphan who,
constantly praying for the spirit, in turn, began to read its con-
diligently engaging in meaningful tents to Josiah. (2 Chron. 34:14-
personal study, prayerfully medi- 18) What was the effect? The king
tating on what we read, and reg- immediately ripped his garments
ularly attending Christian meet- apart in grief and instructed the
ings can help us to be “aglow with men to consult Jehovah. Through
the spirit.”—Rom. 12:11. w10 2/15 the prophetess Huldah, God pro-
1:13, 14 vided a message condemning
some of the religious practices
Monday, November 28 that had been carried on in Ju-
Keep walking by spirit. dah. Yet, Josiah’s good efforts to
remove idolatrous practices were
—Gal. 5:16.
noted, and he remained in Je-
“Walking by spirit” involves ac- hovah’s favor despite the calami-
cepting the action of the holy ties predicted for the nation as a
spirit upon you, allowing the whole. (2 Chron. 34:19-28) Sure-
holy spirit to influence you. You ly our desire is the same as Jo-
might say that it means to be gov- siah’s was. We want to respond
erned by the holy spirit in your to Jehovah’s direction promptly,
daily activities. Galatians chap- taking to heart the warning ex-
ter 5 brings out the contrast be- ample of what can happen if we
tween being under the influence allow apostasy and unfaithful-
of the holy spirit and that of the ness to encroach on our worship.
flesh. (Gal. 5:17, 18) If you are un- And we can be confident that Je-
der the influence of the holy spir- hovah will note with approval our
it, you seek to refrain from the zeal for true worship, just as he
works of the flesh. Those include did in Josiah’s case. w09 6/15 1:20
Wednesday, November 30 it sex relations. Such spiritual-
ly harmful plagues have caused
He will give his own angels a millions to lose their love for
command concerning you, to God. (Ps. 91:7-10; Matt. 24:12)
guard you in all your ways. How comforting it is to know that
—Ps. 91:11. heavenly angels guide and pro-
tect us so that we can preach
Satan has trapped many with a the good news. (Rev. 14:6) Also,
selfish desire for independence. “the faithful and discreet slave”
(2 Cor. 11:3) He catches others provides spiritual food to protect
by promoting greed, pride, and us against the teaching of evolu-
materialism. Still others he mis- tion, the enticement of immoral
leads by such philosophies as pa- desires, the pursuit of riches and
triotism, evolution, and false reli- prominence, and numerous other
gion. (Col. 2:8) And many have harmful desires and influences.
been lured into the trap of illic- —Matt. 24:45. w10 1/15 2:12, 13

Thursday, December 1 Friday, December 2

You, too, widen out. Jehovah . . . , cause it to hap-
—2 Cor. 6:13. pen, please.—Gen. 24:12.
Have you ever felt that there Bible study makes it evident
is just no one in your congrega- that you should always pray for
tion whom you can befriend? If God’s guidance. Consider what
so, could it be that you are re- happened when the patriarch
stricting your view of who can Abraham sent his eldest servant
be a friend? (Rom. 11:13) Paul —likely Eliezer—to Mesopota-
did not restrict his friendships mia to obtain a God-fearing wife
to those of his own age group. for Isaac. As women drew wa-
For instance, he and Timothy be- ter at a certain well, the servant
came close friends despite a dif- prayed to Jehovah: “What must
ference in age and background. occur is that the young woman to
Today, many young ones treasure whom I shall say, ‘Let your water
the friendships they have formed jar down, please, that I may take
with older members of the con- a drink,’ and who will indeed say,
gregation. “I have a very dear ‘Take a drink, and I shall also wa-
friend who is in her 50’s,” says ter your camels,’ this is the one
Vanessa, who is in her early 20’s. you must assign to your servant,
“I can tell her anything that I can to Isaac.” (Gen. 24:13, 14) The
tell friends my age. And she cares prayer of Abraham’s servant was
about me so much.” How are answered when Rebekah watered
such friendships formed? Vanes- his camels. She soon accompa-
sa says: “I had to seek this friend- nied him to Canaan and became
ship out and not just wait for it to Isaac’s beloved wife. Of course,
come to me.” Are you willing to you cannot expect God to give
build friendships with those out- you a special sign. Yet, he will
side your age bracket? Jehovah guide you in life if you pray and
will certainly reward you for your are determined to be led by his
efforts. w09 10/15 4:9, 10 spirit.—Gal. 5:18. w09 11/15 2:3, 4
Saturday, December 3 self-importance, caused humans
to reject Jehovah’s way of govern-
Let anyone hearing say:
ing. As a result, our first parents
“Come!”—Rev. 22:17.
joined Satan in challenging Jeho-
Those who hear the invitation vah’s rightful authority and be-
to “come” are invited to say, came sinners in His sight. (Rom.
“Come!” in resp onse. For ex - 5:12-14) Of course, Jehovah knew
ample, the August 1, 1932, is- how their disrespectful and re-
sue of The Watchtower stated on bellious course would turn out
page 232: “Let the anointed en- for them. However, that inevita-
courage all who will to take part ble outcome had to be made ob-
in telling the good news of the vious to all intelligent creatures.
kingdom. They do not have to Hence, time was needed to set-
be anointed of the Lord in order tle the issue and to demonstrate
to declare the Lord’s message. It convincingly that the rebels were
is a great comfort to Jehovah’s utterly wrong. w10 1/15 4:1, 2
witnesses to now know that they
are permitted to carry the waters Monday, December 5
of life to a class of people that
may be taken through Armaged- My food is for me to do the will
don and given everlasting life on of him that sent me and to fin-
the earth.” In 1935, the identity ish his work.—John 4:34.
of the “great crowd” mentioned Being dedicated to Jehovah re-
at Revelation 7:9-17 was made sults in happiness because it in-
clear. And these, having appre-
volves the giving of ourselves. Je-
ciatively heard the message, have
sus stated a basic truth when he
made a dedication to God, under-
said: “There is more happiness
gone water baptism, and joined
in giving than there is in receiv-
the bride class in actively inviting
ing.” (Acts 20:35) Jesus fully ex-
others to ‘come and drink life’s
water free.’ w10 2/15 3:9, 10 perienced the happiness of giv-
ing during his earthly ministry.
Sunday, December 4 When necessary, he went without
rest, food, and comfort so that
It will not turn out well at all he could help others to find the
with the wicked one. road to life. Jesus found delight
—Eccl. 8:13. in making his Father’s heart re-
Sooner or later the wicked will joice. Jesus said: “I always do the
have to be brought to justice. things pleasing to him.” (John 8:
(Prov. 5:22; Eccl. 8:12) That is 29; Prov. 27:11) Thus, Jesus point-
comforting news, especially for ed his followers toward a satisfy-
those who love righteousness ing way of life when he said: “If
and who have suffered injus- anyone wants to come after me,
tice and mistreatment at the let him disown himself.” (Matt.
hands of the wicked. Foremost 16:24) Doing so draws us closer
among the wicked who will be to Jehovah. Could we place our-
brought to justice is Satan the selves in the hands of anyone else
Devil. (John 8:44) Back in Eden, who could care for us more lov-
Satan, consumed by feelings of ingly? w10 1/15 1:16, 17
Tuesday, December 6 need to respect the way Jesus di-
rects those dedicated to Jehovah.
Rejoice with people who rejoice; Christ is using imperfect humans
weep with people who weep. in the local congregation, partic-
—Rom. 12:15. ularly the spiritually older men,
Paul’s counsel in this verse can the appointed elders. The provi-
be summed up in two words: sion of having such men appoint-
Show empathy. We need to learn ed is “with a view to the readjust-
to understand and even share an- ment of the holy ones, . . . for the
other person’s feelings. If we are building up of the body of the
aglow with the spirit, our feel- Christ.” (Eph. 4:11, 12) Even if an
ings of shared joy or compassion imperfect human makes a mis-
will be evident. When 70 disciples take, Jesus as King of the heav-
of Christ returned joyfully from a enly Kingdom is able to handle
preaching campaign and related the matter in his time and way.
the good results of their work, Je- Do you believe that? w10 3/15 1:
sus himself “became overjoyed in 13, 14
the holy spirit.” (Luke 10:17-21)
He shared their joy. On the oth- Thursday, December 8
er hand, Jesus ‘wept with peo- You people will again certain-
ple who were weeping’ when his ly see the distinction between a
friend Lazarus died. (John 11:32- righteous one and a wicked one,
35) We want to follow Jesus’ ex- between one serving God and
ample of showing empathy. When one who has not served him.
a fellow Christian rejoices, we —Mal. 3:18.
wish to share his or her joy. Simi-
larly, we should be sensitive to As you reflect on those words,
the pains and heartaches of our ask yourself: ‘Do I blend in with
brothers and sisters. Often, we the world, or do I stand out as
can bring much relief to fellow different? Do I always strive to
believers who are suffering emo- fit in with my secular associates,
tional pain if we take the time to whether at school or at work, or
listen to them with a truly sym- do I remain firm for Bible princi-
pathetic ear. w09 10/15 1:15, 16 ples, even speaking up when
appropriate?’ (1 Pet. 3:16) Of
Wednesday, December 7 course, we do not want to appear
Put on the new personality. self-righteous, but we should
—Eph. 4:24. stand out as different from those
who do not love and serve Je-
In line with your wholeheart- hovah. If you see room for im-
ed dedication to God, you want provement, why not pray about
to imitate Jesus to the best of the matter and seek spiritual
your ability. This involves con- strength through regular Bible
tinuing to work at putting away study, prayer, and meeting atten-
the old personality and putting dance? The more God’s Word be-
on the new. (Eph. 4:20-23) When comes a part of you, the more you
you come to respect a friend, you will produce “fine fruit,” includ-
likely try to learn from his ex- ing “the fruit of lips which make
ample and good qualities. Like- public declaration to [God’s]
wise, you want to learn from name.”—Matt. 7:17; Heb. 13:15.
Christ and imitate him. You also w10 1/15 3:4, 5
Friday, December 9 he gave his only-begotten Son,
in order that everyone exercis-
Rejoice in the hope. Endure un-
ing faith in him might not be
der tribulation. Persevere in destroyed but have everlasting
prayer.—Rom. 12:12. life.” (John 3:16) Could God have
Romans chapter 12 gives us shown his love for mankind in
abundant counsel on how we a more remarkable way than by
should react to opposition. We sending his only-begotten Son to
should not retaliate in kind. earth in order to ransom sinners?
We should try to overcome oppo- (John 15:13) This great demon-
sition with acts of kindness. To stration of love also served as a
the extent possible, without vio- pattern for humans, giving them
lating Bible principles, we should the opportunity to reflect God’s
endeavor to live peaceably with self-sacrificing love in everyday
all men. Even when faced with life, even as Jesus did.—John 17:
outright hostility, we do our best 25, 26. w10 1/15 4:11
to conquer evil with good, re-
membering that vengeance be- Sunday, December 11
longs to Jehovah. In addition to
There arose no little disturbance
all this wise, practical counsel,
Paul gives three admonitions. concerning The Way.
Since we could never do all these —Acts 19:23.
things without Jehovah’s help, The early disciples of Christ
the apostle advises us to “per- belonged to “The Way.” (Acts 9:2)
severe in prayer.” This will en- This expression was fitting be-
able us to follow his further coun- cause those who became follow-
sel to “endure under tribulation.” ers of Christ adhered to a man-
Finally, we need to keep our ner of life that centered on faith
minds fixed on the future that Je- in Jesus Christ and on imitat-
hovah holds in store for us and ing his example. (1 Pet. 2:21)
to “rejoice in the hope” of ever- The disciple-making work has
lasting life, be it in heaven or on
sped up in these last days and
earth. w09 10/15 2:17, 18
is now being done in over 230
Saturday, December 10 lands. During the past ten years,
more than 2,700,000 people have
God is love.—1 John 4:8. made the decision to serve Jeho-
The fear-inspiring and wonder- vah and be baptized in symbol of
ful way in which we are made their dedication to him. That is
bears witness to God’s love. Je- an average of over 5,000 individu-
hovah also lovingly provided hu- als every week! The decision to be
mans with a beautiful home con- baptized is based on love for God,
taining everything necessar y knowledge of the Scriptures, and
for their happiness. (Gen. 1: faith in what they teach. Bap-
29-31; 2:8, 9; Ps. 139:14-16) But tism is a milestone in our life,
once wickedness was introduced for it marks the beginning of an
into the human family, Jeho- intimate relationship with Jeho-
vah expressed his love in new vah. It is also a demonstration of
ways. How? The apostle John confidence that he will help us to
quotes Jesus as saying: “God serve him faithfully.—Isa. 30:21.
loved the world so much that w10 2/15 4:2, 3
Monday, December 12 not unreasonable in what he ex-
pected of Moses. Jehovah ‘taught
A diligent inquiry and a careful
him what to do.’ (Ex. 3:11; 4:1,
search were made by the proph- 10, 13-15) Since Moses accepted
ets.—1 Pet. 1:10. the help offered, he experienced
As holy spirit operates upon the joy of accomplishing God’s
you, you manifest godly qualities, will. Jehovah is just as reason-
“the fruitage of the spirit.” (Gal. 5: able in what he expects of us. He
22, 23) You realize, though, that understands our imperfect na-
this calls for effort on your part. ture, and he wants to help us.
To illustrate: A farmer cultivates (Ps. 103:14) Serving God as a fol-
the land. Of course, sunshine and lower of Jesus is refreshing rath-
water are necessary; without such er than overwhelming because
he cannot expect any harvest. We such a life course benefits others
might compare holy spirit to sun- and makes Jehovah’s heart glad.
shine. Holy spirit is needed for us w10 1/15 2:6
to manifest the fruitage of the
spirit. Yet, what would be pro- Wednesday, December 14
duced without the farmer’s hard Humble yourselves in the eyes of
work? (Prov. 10:4) Yes, how you Jehovah, and he will exalt you.
cultivate the soil of your heart —Jas. 4:10.
makes a difference in the quality
and quantity of the fruitage of the The Bible contains excellent
holy spirit in you. So ask yourself, counsel on resolving conflicts.
‘Am I permitting holy spirit to (Matt. 5:23, 24; 18:15-17; Eph.
produce its fruitage by working 4:26, 27) Unless we humbly ap-
along with it?’ In order to come ply that counsel, however, mak-
under the influence of the holy ing peace will be difficult. Waiting
spirit, we must read and meditate for the other person to show hu-
on God’s Word. If you are doing mility is not the solution when we
that, you are imitating the fine ex- too are holding the key of humility
amples of the prophets. w10 3/15 in our hand. If our initial attempts
2:6, 7 to make peace seem unfruitful for
some reason, we should not give
Tuesday, December 13 up hope. The other person may
Come to me, . . . and I will re- need time to sort out his feelings.
fresh you. Take my yoke upon Joseph’s brothers dealt treacher-
you and learn from me, for I ously with Joseph. It was a long
am mild-tempered and lowly in time before they faced him as
prime minister of Egypt. Final-
heart.—Matt. 11:28, 29. ly, however, they had a change
You may have wondered if you of heart and begged for forgive-
will be able to do what Jeho- ness. Joseph pardoned them, and
vah expects of you. It is easy Jacob’s sons became a nation
to feel overwhelmed by the pros- that had the privilege of bear-
pect of being a servant of God, ing the name of Jehovah. (Gen.
living by his law, and speaking 50:15-21) By maintaining peace
in his name. For example, Moses with our brothers and sisters, we
felt inadequate when he was sent contribute to the unity and joy of
to speak to the Israelites and to the congregation.—Col. 3:12-14.
the king of Egypt. But God was w09 11/15 4:16, 18, 19
Thursday, December 15 17-27) Are you proud to bear the
name of your heavenly Father?
Be obedient to those who are tak- Do you help others to come to
ing the lead among you and be know that holy name? A woman
submissive, for they are keeping in Paris, France, heard that Jeho-
watch over your souls as those vah’s Witnesses knew the name
who will render an account; that of God, so she asked the next
they may do this with joy and not Witness she met to show her that
with sighing, for this would be name in her Bible. When she read
damaging to you.—Heb. 13:17. Psalm 83:18, the impact was pro-
found. She began to study the
A way that all of us can prove Bible and is now a faithful sis-
that we are friends of Christ is ter serving in another land. So be
by cooperating with the direction proud to bear God’s name and, in
provided by congregation elders. imitation of Jesus, to make that
These men are app ointed by precious name manifest to all.
holy spirit under Christ’s direc- w10 1/15 3:13, 14
tion. (Eph. 5:23) At times, we may
find it a challenge to obey the Saturday, December 17
Bible-based direction given to us If you, although being wicked,
by the local elders. We are likely know how to give good gifts to
aware of their imperfections, and your children, how much more
this may distort our view of their so will the Father in heaven give
counsel. Still, Christ, the Head holy spirit to those asking him!
of the congregation, is pleased to —Luke 11:13.
use these imperfect men. There-
fore, the way we react to their The most direct way to receive
authority directly influences our God’s holy spirit is to ask for
friendship with Christ. When we it. Indeed, we should constant-
overlook the faults of the elders ly pray for holy spirit. If cer-
and joyfully follow their direc- tain aspects of the ministry—do-
tion, we prove our love for Christ. ing street witnessing, preaching
w09 10/15 3:18 informally, or working business
territory—intimidate us, we can
Friday, December 16 pray to Jehovah for his spirit and
ask him to help us muster up the
Everyone who calls on the name needed boldness. (1 Thess. 5:17)
of Jehovah will be saved. That is what a Christian wom-
—Rom. 10:13. an named Rosa did. When a fel-
low worker, disturbed by a report
As Jehovah’s Witnesses, how on mistreated children, cried out,
can we personally live up to our “What is this world coming to?”
unique name? For one thing, we Rosa could not pass up such an
must faithfully bear witness to opportunity to give a witness.
God. Also, we should tactfully What did she do to get the cour-
expose religious falsehoods that age to speak up? “I prayed to Je-
malign our Creator, such as the hovah and asked for his spirit to
doctrine of hellfire, which in real- help me,” says Rosa. She was able
ity attributes to the God of love to give a fine witness and make a
the cruel traits of the Devil. (Jer. follow-up arrangement. w10 2/15
7:31; 1 John 4:8; compare Mark 9: 1:6, 7
Sunday, December 18 for his holy spirit. “When I am
weak,” wrote the apostle Paul,
It is not you whom they have re-
“then I am powerful.” (2 Cor. 4:7-
jected, but it is I whom they 10; 12:10) Paul knew that God’s
have rejected from being king spirit can make up for human
over them.—1 Sam. 8:7. weaknesses, regardless of their
Through the prophet Samuel, nature. Thus, God’s active force
Israel demanded a visible, human can strengthen you whenever you
king. Jehovah told Samuel to feel weak and in need of help.
grant their request. Although Je- Paul wrote that he could “take
hovah permitted Israel to have a pleasure in weaknesses.” It was
visible king, he warned them that when he was weak that he felt
rule by a human king would come holy spirit operating on him. You
at a price. (1 Sam. 8:9-18) His- can experience the same feeling!
tory demonstrated the truth of w10 3/15 2:16
Jehovah’s warning. Being ruled
by a human king led to serious Tuesday, December 20
problems for Israel, especially Accept . . . the sword of the spir-
when that king proved unfaith- it, that is, God’s word.
ful. With that example of Israel —Eph. 6:17.
in mind, it is not surprising that
throughout the ages, government Applying the principles found
in the hands of humans who do in God’s Word makes it possi-
not know Jehovah has failed to ble for us to get along well with
bring permanent good results. others. (Matt. 7:12; Phil. 2:3, 4)
True, some politicians invoke With the road ahead figurative-
God’s blessing on their efforts to ly well-lit, we are able to take
achieve peace and security, but into consideration the long-term
how can God bless those who do effects of our decisions. (1 Tim.
not submit to his way of ruling? 6:9) The Scriptures also fore-
—Ps. 2:10-12. w10 1/15 5:8, 9 tell God’s purpose for the fu-
ture, helping us to pursue a life-
Monday, December 19 style that is consistent with that
May the God who gives hope purpose. (Matt. 6:33; 1 John 2:17,
fill you with all joy and peace 18) What a meaningful life a per-
by your believing, that you may son can enjoy if he allows godly
principles to guide his life! Think,
abound in hope with power of
too, of what a powerful weap-
holy spirit.—Rom. 15:13. on the Bible is in our spiritual
Even with helpful friends warfare. (Eph. 6:12) Paul called
around you in the congregation, God’s word “the sword of the spir-
you may still find it difficult to it.” When presented effectively,
cope with daily challenges. What the Bible’s message can free peo-
you have to contend with may at ple from spiritual bondage to Sa-
times leave you feeling lost, as if tan. It is a sword that is saving
you were in a long tunnel of prob- lives instead of destroying them.
lems. That is especially a time Should we not strive to wield it
for you to turn to Jehovah, asking skillfully? w10 2/15 2:5, 6
Wednesday, December 21 on him. Since then, billions of
their descendants have reject-
Any weapon whatever that will
ed Jehovah’s authority. For some
be formed against you will have 6,000 years, Jehovah has ob-
no success.—Isa. 54:17. served acts of idolatry, violence,
Just as we constantly have to murder, and sexual perversion.
protect ourselves from physical (Gen. 6:5, 6, 11, 12) Furthermore,
dangers, such as accidents, crim- he has heard despicable lies and
inals, or infections, so we must blasphemies. Even God’s own
act continuously to protect our- true worshippers have on occa-
selves from spiritual dangers. sion hurt his feelings. (Ps. 78:40,
Hence, we should regularly take 41) The pain that Jehovah feels
advantage of the guidance that when his people reject him is cer-
Jehovah provides for us in our tainly great. (Jer. 3:1-10) Clearly,
publications and at congrega- bad things happen, and Jehovah
tion meetings and assemblies. We feels deeply distressed when they
seek the advice of the elders. And do.—Isa. 63:9, 10. w09 12/15 2:4, 5
do we not benefit from the vari-
ety of qualities displayed by our Friday, December 23
Christian brothers and sisters? Your father and your mother
Indeed, our association with the will rejoice.—Prov. 23:25.
congregation helps us to b e-
come wise. (Prov. 13:20; 1 Pet. 4: The value of training our chil-
10) We have no reason to doubt dren to be well-mannered cannot
that Jehovah can protect us from be overestimated. To get along
anything that could cause us to well as adults, young ones need
lose his approval. (Rom. 8:38, 39) to learn the proper way to greet
He has protected the congrega- visitors, to answer the telephone,
tion from powerful religious and and to eat a meal with others.
political enemies whose aim has They should be helped to un-
usually been, not to kill us, but to derstand why they ought to hold
separate us from our holy God. doors for people, show kind-
w10 1/15 2:14, 15 ness to the elderly and sick, and
offer to help those carrying heavy
Thursday, December 22 packages. They need to under-
All have sinned and fall short of stand the importance of sincere-
ly saying “please,” “thank you,”
the glory of God.—Rom. 3:23.
“you are welcome,” “may I help
Jehovah has the entire universe you?,” and “I am sorry.” The best
under his authority. He lacks way to train children to be cour-
nothing and needs no one. How- teous is by setting a good exam-
ever, Jehovah must have felt ple. Thus, children will be able
some disappointment when one to make friends and will main-
of his spirit sons rebelled and be- tain peace with others. They will
came Satan. God must have been be well-equipped to work with
affected later when some oth- employers and coworkers. More-
er angels joined in the rebel- over, children who are courteous,
lion. Think, too, of the p ain mannerly, and upright will bring
felt by God when Adam and Eve, their parents joy and satisfac-
the masterpieces of his physi- tion.—Prov. 23:24. w09 11/15 5:
cal creation, turned their backs 16-18
Saturday, December 24 be both gracious and forthright.
Wise King Solomon wrote: “Oil
They with one accord raised and incense are what make the
their voices to God.—Acts 4:24. heart rejoice, also the sweetness
Think about your own prayers. of one’s companion due to the
Do they reflect your keen inter- counsel of the soul.” (Prov. 27:9)
est in Jehovah’s Kingdom, in the Is that how you view any counsel
doing of his will, and in the sanc- you receive from a friend? (Ps.
tification of his holy name? (Matt. 141:5) If a friend expresses con-
6:9, 10) They should. Because cern about some course of action
of persecution or other trials, that you are taking, how do you
prayer often includes pleas for react? Do you view the comments
help to serve Jehovah with cour- as an act of loving-kindness, or
age. When the Sanhedrin ordered do you take offense? w09 10/15 4:
Peter and John to stop ‘teaching 17, 18
upon the basis of Jesus’ name,’ Monday, December 26
those apostles courageously re-
fused to quit. (Acts 4:18-20) After His enemy came and oversowed
being released, they told fellow weeds in among the wheat.
believers what had happened. —Matt. 13:25.
Then all those present petitioned
Jesus tells us that the enemy
God for help in speaking his word
“is the Devil.” The weeds are de-
with boldness. How thrilling it
scribed as “the sons of the wick-
must have been when that prayer
ed one.” (Matt. 13:38, 39) In a
was answered, for they were literal sense, the weeds that Je-
“filled with the holy spirit and sus referred to were probably the
were speaking the word of God bearded darnel. This poisonous
with boldness”! (Acts 4:24-31) As plant closely resembles wheat in
a result, multitudes became wor- its early stages before it reaches
shippers of Jehovah. Prayer can maturity. What a fitting picture
also strengthen you to declare of imitation Christians, those
the good news boldly. w09 11/15 who claim to be sons of the King-
2:21, 22 dom but do not produce gen-
uine fruitage! These hypocritical
Sunday, December 25 Christians who claim to be fol-
Let your utterance be always lowers of Christ are really part
with graciousness, seasoned with of the “seed” of Satan the Devil.
salt.—Col. 4:6. (Gen. 3:15) Jesus did not say that
the wheat would become weeds.
Paul was specifically referring So this illustration does not por-
to the way we should talk to tray genuine Christians who fall
those “on the outside,” that is, away from the truth. Rather, it
those who are not our Christian points to a deliberate effort on
brothers. (Col. 4:5) Surely, if non- the part of Satan to corrupt the
believers deserve respect when Christian congregation by in-
we speak to them, how much troducing wicked people into it.
more so do our friends inside the By the time that the last apos-
congregation! Good friends value tle, John, was old, this aposta-
each other’s opinion, so commu- sy was clearly evident.—2 Pet. 2:
nication between them needs to 1-3; 1 John 2:18. w10 3/15 3:5, 7
Tuesday, December 27 Kingdom, which benefits oth-
ers. Doing that out of our heart’s
Keep testing whether you are
abundance is an evidence that we
in the faith, keep proving what observe God’s commandments
you yourselves are.—2 Cor. 13:5. with a pure motive. Our broth-
By b eing “on fire with the ers around the globe persevere
Spirit,” we can demonstrate in observing God’s command-
increased boldness in our house- ments despite facing apathy and
to-house ministry and when wit- outright rejection of the King-
nessing informally. (Rom. 12:11, dom message. They do not let
The Bible—An American Trans- up in their efforts to accomplish
lation) What if we have lost our their ministry fully. (2 Tim. 4:5)
zeal for the ministry or our fervor Likewise, we are moved to share
for it is not what it used to be? knowledge of God with others as
Then an honest self-examination well as to observe all his other
is in order. Ask yourself: ‘Am I commands. w09 12/15 4:7, 8
still aglow with the spirit? Do
I pray to Jehovah for his spir- Thursday, December 29
it? Do my prayers show that I Consider the patience of our
rely upon him to do his will? Do Lord as salvation.—2 Pet. 3:15.
they contain words of apprecia-
tion for the ministry entrusted to Jehovah’s qualities of patience
us? How are my personal study and long-suffering would scarcely
habits? How much time do I take have come so prominently to the
to meditate on what I read and fore had it not become necessary
hear? How involved am I in con- for him to deal with human im-
gregation meetings?’ Reflecting perfections, sins, and shortcom-
on questions such as these can ings. Jehovah’s willingness to do
help you identify areas of weak- so for thousands of years dem-
ness and take corrective mea- onstrates that he possesses these
sures. w10 2/15 1:14, 16 marvelous qualities to a perfect
degree, and for that we should
Wednesday, December 28 be most grateful. We are all sin-
Out of the abundance of the ners, and we all stumble many
times. (Jas. 3:2; 1 John 1:8, 9) How
heart the mouth speaks.
grateful we should be that Jeho-
—Matt. 12:34.
vah is willing to forgive “in a large
How can we demonstrate our way”! (Isa. 55:7) Consider also this
love of God in response to all that fact: Having been born as imper-
he has done for us? The inspired fect sinners, we are in a posi-
answer is significant: “This is tion to experience the profound
what the love of God means, that joy we feel when God forgives us
we observe his commandments; our errors. (Ps. 51:5, 9, 17) Per-
and yet his commandments are sonally experiencing that heart-
not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3) warming characteristic of Jeho-
Yes, love of Jehovah God moti- vah strengthens our love for him
vates us to observe his command- and encourages us to follow his
ments. That is one reason we example in our dealings with oth-
bear witness about his name and ers.—Col. 3:13. w10 1/15 4:15, 16
Friday, December 30 Saturday, December 31
No man can come to me unless [Paul] reasoned with them from
the Father, who sent me, draws the Scriptures.—Acts 17:2.
him.—John 6:44.
Reason from the Scriptures in
Jehovah has lovingly drawn a way that is convincing. Using
each of his servants into a rela- heartfelt entreaty and sound log-
tionship with him. Out of all the ic, Paul convincingly reasoned
billions of people on the earth, with others from the Scriptures.
Jehovah has extended a personal (Acts 17:4) Like him, endeavor
invitation to us to be a part of to reach the heart of your lis-
his congregation today. Accept- tener. ‘Draw up’ what is in it
ing this invitation was the best by using kind questions that re-
decision we ever made. It has giv- flect personal interest in the in-
en our life purpose and meaning. dividual. (Prov. 20:5) Avoid be-
And what joy and satisfaction
ing blunt. Present arguments in a
we experience because we have
clear and logical manner. They
a place in the congregation! “Je-
should be supported by satis-
hovah, I have loved the dwelling
of your house,” said the psalmist. fying evidence. Your statements
He also sang: “My own foot will should be solidly based on God’s
certainly stand on a level place; Word. It is better to use one text
among the congregated throngs I well by explaining and illustrat-
shall bless Jehovah.” (Ps. 26:8, 12) ing the point than to read two
The true God has a place for each or three scriptures in rapid suc-
of us in his organization. By con- cession. Using corroborative evi-
tinuing to follow theocratic direc- dence can also ‘add persuasive-
tion and by staying busy in God’s ness to your lips.’ (Prov. 16:23) At
service, we can keep our precious times, it may be necessary to do
place in Jehovah’s arrangement. research and provide additional
w09 11/15 3:16, 17 information. w10 2/15 2:17

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