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I did this Christmas lesson last year.

I went found frankincense incense very inexpensive

and some myrrh resin online so the girls could smell it and know what it is. I also
purchased chocolate gold coins. I gave the girls each of these items as I talked about

Three Wise Men are known to be the three men from the east who came to visit Lord
Jesus in manger. They were of noble birth, educated, wealthy, and influential. They were
the philosophers, the counselors of the realm. How many were there? The answer is we
don't know - there is no record of how many
there were. Tradition says there were three
wise men, probably because there were three
gifts given. These are the Three Wise Men and
we have traveled far to tell you our story.

(Have counselors read wise men parts)

Wiseman #1 - When Jesus was born in

Bethlehem, Herod was the king. We traveled
from the east to Jerusalem, and when we
arrived we asked," "Where is he that is born
King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in
the east and have come to worship him."

Wiseman #2 - When King Herod heard this –

he was troubled. He gathered the chief priests
and the scribes together and demanded that
they tell him where Christ should be born. They told him," He will be born in Bethlehem,
for it was written by a prophet." King Herod then came to us and asked us to go find the
Christ child and return to tell him where the child was so that he may also worship him.

Wiseman #3 - We departed and followed the star with exceeding great joy. The star led
us to the place where we saw the young child and his mother, Mary. We fell on our knees
and worshiped him. We opened our treasures and presented him our gifts. Our gifts
revealed something about whom Jesus is and what he came to do.

Why does Matthew go to the trouble of identifying the gifts that the Magi gave? One
possibility is to demonstrate that this event is a fulfillment of prophesy. Fulfilling Isaiah's
prophecy that gold and incense brought by Gentiles would honor the heavenly king
[Is 60:6].

We all know what gold is and its value. Frankincense and myrrh are gum resins (or sap)
from trees grown around northern Africa and Saudi Arabia and during Jesus' time were
worth as much or more than gold. Used as oils and as incense.
Pass out gold.

Why would they give him gold?

Gold - This was a gift for a King. The song says "Born a King on Bethlehem's plain,
Gold I bring to crown him again." We often speak of the wise men as kings when
actually they were philosophers and magicians. But the idea that Jesus is the King of
kings is expressed in their arrival. The gold is a symbol of Jesus' Kingship. Of course
Jesus had no need of a Gold crown to demonstrate to the world his kingship. Partially
because his Kingdom was not of this world. He was not a Monarch like Caesar or
Cleopatra who ruled for a short time over a limited territory. Jesus was there at creation
and was King of the entire universe. He was not to reign by force, but by love. And as the
King of Kings he would wear a crown on earth - a crown of thorns.

Who knows anything about Frankincense?

Frankincense - This was a gift for a Priest Frankincense was used in worship. It was in
the Temple worship and at the Temple sacrifices that the sweet perfume of frankincense
was used. What would this represent? This gift demonstrates Jesus' priestly role. The
function of a priest is to open the way to God for men. Jesus made it possible for men to
enter into the very presence of God. He would also offer a sacrifice for the sins of the
world. This gift also suggests that Jesus himself is worthy of worship. The Gold shows
that he is a King but the Frankincense reveals that he is God in the flesh. Not only will
this child lead people to worship God. He himself will also be worshipped.

Myrrh - This was a gift for a Savior. This is the strangest and most shocking of all the
gifts. Of course like Gold and Frankincense, Myrrh was a valuable commodity, even
more costly than gold. Myrrh was used to embalm the bodies of the dead. Who would
give embalming fluid to a King much less a child king. What would this represent? But
the gift was prophetic just like the others. Jesus' death as the lamb of God slain for the
sins of the world is the truth behind the gift of Myrrh. Jesus came into the world to live
for men, and in the end, to die for men. He came to give eternal life to men. It is also used
is many medicines. In fact, Mark 15:23 He was crucified, Jesus was offered "wine
mingled with myrrh to drink, but He did not take it." This medicinal purpose
foreshadowed his role as a healer, the Great Physician.

Each of the gifts of the wise men reveal something about who Jesus is and what he came
to do. The gold shows that Jesus came to rule the hearts of people as the King of kings.
The Frankincense speaks of Jesus' role as our great high priest making offerings for the
faithful and that Jesus came as God in the flesh - the object of our worship. And the
Myrrh reminds us that Jesus came to die for the sins of the world, that He is our Savior.
As we contemplate the gifts of the Wise Men, we can give thanks and remember Him in
recognition of the gift of the divine mission He was to perform to save us all.

Wise Men (and Young Women) still seek Him.

Never did the Savior give in expectation of receiving. He gave freely and lovingly, and
He gave eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf, and legs to the lame; cleanliness to the
unclean, wholeness to the infirm, and breath to the lifeless. His gifts were freedom to the
oppressed, forgiveness to the repentant, hope to the despairing, and light in the darkness.
He gave us His love, His service, and His life. And most important, He gave us and all
mortals resurrection, salvation, and eternal life.
We should strive to give as He gave. . .

What can I give Him,

Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would give Him a lamb,
If I were a Wise Man,
I would do my part,—
But what I can I give Him,
Give my heart.

To give of oneself is a holy gift. I would like to play a Christmas song. While this
Christmas song is playing, I would like each of you to write down a gift that you could
give to Christ this Christmas, As you look inside your heart, let the spirit direct you, to
offer one thing that would bring you closer to Christ. Is it a character trait you would like
to develop, a weakness that is hindering your relationship with Him, a service you would
like to give? What is one thing you could offer that would make you more like Him?

Play song, "Silent Night". Tell story of Nativity. Bear testimony.

P.S. - I found both frankinsense and myrrh on e-bay for really inexpensive. And I think
you can find both of them in an incense stick at just about anywhere they sell incence.
Just call around. I had it burning so the girls could smell it (we came to my house for the
lesson.) One other thing I did with this lesson was I made a small white stocking for each
of them. I have a poem that talks about everyone in the family having a stocking and this
one is for Christ to remember Him when you see it hanging. They put the items in the
stocking as I gave them out, along with the paper that they write what they want to give
the Savior. I also wrote up a handout with much of the info on it so they could do this for
a Christmas Eve lesson with their families.
ADDITIONAL IDEAS - I was using the basic outline sent in by Sally Tielemans "The
Three Wise Men" for my Christmas Lesson, but have a nice addition to it. I substituted
her Little Drummer Boy for Ted Soward's beautiful video of the Mormon Tabernacle
Choir singing "What Shall We Give to the Babe in the Manger". I am also tying this into
the 2009 theme by suggesting they consider one of the treasures/gifts mentioned in the
theme scripture as something they give to the Savior this year. (Idea shared by Melinda
Randall / ga12162008)

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