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Is there such a thing called

Character HR ?
Prialal De Silva
People Potential Development Specialist
Coach, Counselor, Mentor

Before we construct a building we lay the foundation. This provides the strength to the entire building
to withstand the weight of the structure. The stronger the foundation, the higher the building can be.
The same is true with every human being. The foundation is his character. Attitudes, personality, traits,
values and behaviour are all outcomes of character. It is the diamond that cuts through all other
diamonds in relation to all dimensions of individuals.

“Of all the properties that belong to honourable men and women,
not one is so highly prized as that of character.”
– Senator Henry Clay

YES. It is true. There is a reality called Character HR. It is not an option. It is not a fancy concept. It
is not a bright idea. It is a reality which has been conveniently overlooked. In fact, the very foundation
or the deep seated roots of any human being is his character. If HR is about human beings then HR
studies definitely includes character. However, research on character is rare in our country and that
probably explains why our HR courses do not have any content on character or character HR. In this
article, let me discuss the following key points with you;

 Definition – Character HR
 What are Character and Good Character?
 The Importance of Character HR
 How to get started using Character HR

 Definition – Character HR
It is ensuring the optimum contribution by employees to achieve organisational objectives while
satisfying their needs and developing them, based on character precepts. This means that all
employee decisions, people decisions can be and ideally must be, made based on their character
rather than merely, qualifications, performance, achievements, which are social values and are not
principles. Principles are, according to Dr Stephen Covey, universal, natural and permanent laws
(character precepts) unlike values that vary from individual to individual, society to society and
nation to nation, which vary according to the experiences and culture.

 What are Character and Good Character?
Character is the stable and clear qualities built into an individual’s life which determine one’s
responses regardless of circumstances (The American Dictionary of English Language). In simple words, character
is what we do when no one is watching us. What does an employee do when his supervisor is not in
the department? What does a youth do when parents are not at home? What does a married person
do when the spouse is not at home?

Good character is the inward motivation to do what is right, according to the highest standard of
behaviour, in every situation (Character Precepts Training Institute). Most of us are good people most of the time
as we do not kill others or rob others. Where we tend to lack most of the time is the level of
standards we maintain in our “good” actions.

• The Importance of Character HR

The character precepts or universal principles have been well researched and developed by the
Character Training Institute, USA. An effort has been made to use these precepts in the practice of
HR, not merely in HR studies. More and more international organisations have realised that use of
character precepts in all people decisions which is what Character HR is all about, has actually
enabled organisations to become more profitable and dynamic. This is a direct result of harnessing
all the positive energy in the organisation in terms of recruiting people of character, motivating and
inspiring people to do what is right according to the highest standards through rewards based on
character, compensating and rewarding people for their good character and helping them to develop
positive character qualities they lack or reduce their abuses. If the roots of a tree are healthy and
strong, there is a great chance that the tree will bear a multitude of flowers and fruits.

 How to get started using Character HR

Human Resource Planning

- An example of a corporate Vision : To be an organization of character
- Character in Policies : Policies on Human Resources, Recruitment and selection, compensation and
rewards, training and Development, etc. I will be glad to share an actual policy adapted by an
organization on training And development based on character.
- HR Plan : the character qualities useful for planning and for effective implementation
- Job Specification or Role profile : need to outline 6-8 character qualities of the ideal job holder
crucial for effective performance on the job ( an actual model is available on request)

Recruitment and selection

- Advertisements : need to mention the key character qualities for the prospective job holder
- Interview form : need to contain questions to discover vital clues on the character of a candidate. I
will be glad to share a form which I have used at interviews I conducted as a senior manager in a
private company.
- Interview questions : some key questions can be from the form mentioned above
- Letter of appointment : need to specify and emphasise on the character qualities the management
expects from the employee.

Compensation and Rewards
- Increments and Bonus : can be as a result of the demonstration of character qualities required for
the job.
- Promotions : having achieved maturity in character qualities identified for higher level of

Performance Management
- Setting objectives / KRA’s : to develop the character qualities required for the job performance
- Performance Evaluation : the appraisal interview to review the progress of development of
character qualities for excellent performance
- Praise on Achievements : public praise and letters of commendation where outstanding character
qualities have been displayed by employees. (actual model available on request)

Training and development

- Needs identification: the character qualities that need to be developed for the current job
- Awareness programs : conduct programs on character development preferably through a trained
internal panel
- Resource material : Posters on character for display in common areas and bulletins to be available
in library for lending and reference
- Development plan: identification of the character qualities that need to be developed for future
higher responsibilities

Research on the 3 most important character qualities of an effective employee

The following are the results of the survey I conducted for the Thesis on Character – The True
Foundation of Human Resources for the Master of Business Administration (Human Resource
Management) among 408 senior managers of diverse organisations in Sri Lanka:

Chart No. 3
Survey Two : Distribution of Highest Votes Cast
Overall Scores of Top 10 Character Qualities






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It is clear that most senior managers perceive that employees with character qualities of
responsibility, initiative and creativity are more effective as these qualities promise results leading to
profitable business.

Non HR
Chart No. 5
Survey Two : Distribution of Lowest Votes Cast
by HR & Non HR Managers
Lowest Scoring 8 Character Qualities
Forgi veness

Humi l i ty

Compassi on

Sel f control

Determi nati on

J usti ce

Vi rtue

Bol dness

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

This indicates the exact situation as far as people are concerned in most organisations. The lowest
preferred or valued character qualities are forgiveness, humility and compassion. In the absence of
forgiveness we have bitterness and revenge on those who hurt us. In the absence of humility we
have arrogance and aggression towards our peers and reports. In the absence of compassion we have
selfishness and greed as for the benefits we enjoy and our career. Is this reality ? If not, we are a
lucky and a fortunate nation. If yes, then we truly need to embrace Character HR.

“The quality of individuals is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.”
– Ray Croc, Former Chairman, McDonalds

As HR professionals, we need to examine on priority basis the inclusion of character precepts in all
HR studies in our institutes and in all HR practices in our organisations. It is not an option. It is the
option, if HR is to contain its true meaning and purpose.
References :
• De Silva, Prialal : Character – The True Foundation of HR 2006, unpublished Thesis, pp 72, 74, 89, 92, 96, 102 & 104
• International Association of Character Cities, Achieving True Success, 2000, 1st Edition, IACS USA, pp 40 & 60
• Maxwell, John C; Be a People Person, 2007, 4th edition, Authentic Books India, pp 22 & 23
• SLITAD Workshop Workbook : Character HR for True Organizational Success on 6 April 2006, Hotel Galadari, pp 3& 6

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