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Norberto R.


Translated by
John Hall
Margaret Pickard Kowarick

Proton Editora Ltda

Avenida Rebouças 3819 – CEP 05401-450
Tel (55 11) 3032-3616 Fax (5511) 3815-9920
Angela Stein

Richard Jones

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Mara Lúcia Szankowski

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Gráfica Energética Ltda.

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Proton Editora Ltda

Avenida Rebouças 3819 – CEP 05401-450
Tel (55 11) 3032-3616 . Fax (5511) 3815-9920
Table of Contents


Part A
The Problem: Capitalism (Total Division)
1. We Live in the Worst Possible Society
2. The Human Being Has Organized a Schizophrenic Society
3. The Capitalist Approach to Economics and the Freudian Approach to Psychology are the
Two Most Alienating Concepts Today
4. Socio-Economic Power is the Major Cause of Human Suffering
5. Capitalism is the Principal Evil of Modern Society
6. Capitalism Destroys the Individual, the Nation and Civilization
7. Capitalism Has Weakened the Economy, the Health and the Life of Humankind
8. Capitalism Has Become a System of Legalized Robbery
9. Depression, Inflation, Deficit, Surplus and Foreign Debt are Merely Symptoms of a
Profoundly Sick Socio-Economic Structure
10. The People are not Economically Well Off Because They are Exploited
11. The Structure of Work is the Principal Cause of Human Alienation
12. The Desire for Immediate Profit Caused Consumerism, Which is Destroying the Real
13. Capitalism Has Created a Very Limited Labor Market
14. The Socio-Economic Structure is the Major Cause of the Human Being’s Alienation
15. Poverty is Caused by the Very Rich Through Usurping the Common Good
16. Because it is Aimed Solely at Monetary Gain, Human Endeavour Today is Generally
17. The Process of Speculation Inevitably Leads Any Nation to Ruin
18. The Creation of the System of Usury is Responsible for Today’s Noxious System of
19. The Fundamental Cause of Today’s Economic Problems is the Megalomania of the
Economists and the Powerful
20. The Economists Complicate the Most Easily Understood Science
21. Without a Trilogical Vision the Economist Organizes an Erroneous Economic System
22. The World’s Entire Economic Financial System is in Ruins
23. The Crash of the Stock Markets is Merely a Symptom of the Severe Sickness of the
24. The American Philosophy of Life Based on Profit has Made This Nation Non-viable
25. Capitalism, Being Wrong, Cannot Last
26. The American and Soviet Socio-Economic Systems Clash Because Their Goals are Similar
27. Karl Marx Denounced Capital for the Individual and Transferred it to the State
28. The United States is an Example of the Terrible Consequences of Capitalism
29. The United States Is Being Destroyed by the Capitalist System it Adopted
30. Reaganomics has Brought Only Apparent Progress to the United States
31. The North American Civilization is Collapsing Because it Lacks a Genuine Base
32. The Americans Can Destroy Humanity Without Using Their Deadly Weapons
33. The End of American Civilization Marks the Final Downfall of the Capitalist System

Part B
The Dialectic: Work and Capital (A Complementary Pair)
1. The Capitalist System is a Cherished Illusion of the Twentieth Century
2. The Decay of the United States Shows How a Mistaken Philosophical System Can
Destroy a Nation
3. The Error Does Not Lie in Capital as Such, But in the Way it is Organized
4. The Mistake of Capitalism is To Put Capital Before Work
5. The Two Great Plagues of Present Society are Capitalism (American) and Socialism
6. The Fact the Soviet Union is the Second World Power Shows That Capitalism Does not
Work as Well as is Imagined
7. Marxist Economics are Closer to Reality But Their Politics are Further Away
8. We Must Understand the Genius of Karl Marx in order to Preserve His Incredible
Contribution to Humanity
9. With Some Corrections and Within a Democratic System, Marxism Would be Capable of
Reviving the World Economy
10. The Cause of Human Impoverishment Lies in the Dishonesty of the Economically Powerful
11. Money Cannot Continue Producing Money Indefinitely; Only Work Can Generate Wealth
12. The Economy Will Not Develop Correctly Until it is Based on Reality
13. The Economy can Only Be Called Successful if it Promotes Human Values
14. The Economy of a Country is Not Determined by the Economist But by the True Economic
15. The Cause of Poverty is the Envy Both of the Oppressor and of the Oppressed
16. Because of the Present Ascendancy of the Economic System, Political Democracy is Being
17. To Be a “Master” or To Be a “Slave” Are Equally Injurious to the Human Being
18. The Fundamental Cause of Human Problems is Laziness
19. Sick Individuals Resemble Demons in Their Opposition to Action
20. If Work Has Ceased To Be Attractive it is Because it Has Been Debased in its Purpose
21. People Reject Present-Day Work Also Because it is Against Their Nature
22. Humanity is Being Supported by Those it Most Despises: The Workers
23. It is Vitally Important to Become Aware that the Greatest Problem of Humanity Lies in the
Corrupt Socio-Economic Structure
24. The Social Pact Has Generally Been Organize by People or Groups Against the True
Interest of the People
25. Change Society First; Only Then Will it Be Possible to Change the Human Being
26. A Truly New Discovery Cannot Be Totally in Disagreement with Previous Discoveries
27. Just as We Are Responsible for the Problems of Humanity, So We Are Also Responsible for
their Solution
28. Trilogical Enterprises Can Save the Economic Life of the People
29. The Purpose of Trilogical Enterprise Is To Correct the Sociopathology of Humanity
30. The Value of (Trilogical) Enterprises Comes from Work, Which is the Source of All Wealth
31. The Greater the Number of Members in a Trilogical Enterprise, the More Competitive and
Wealthy it is
32. The Trilogical Enterprise is the Greatest Source of Conscientization, Correcting
Psychopathology and the Structures That Produce It
33. The Trilogical Residence Constitutes the Basic Social Therapy Needed To Form a Truly
Human Society

Part C
The Solution: Conscientization and Action (Unification)
1. Stock Market Crashes Are Important Warning Signs that the Economy Is on the Wrong
2. The 1929 Crisis Began With Adam Smith, But Is Still Capable of Resolution Through
3. The Conscientization of the Errors of Capitalism, and of Socialism, Is Basic to the
Organization of a New Economy
4. How to Avoid Economic Decadence in the Other Nations Allied to the United States
5. All Nations Must Become Aware of Sociopathology If They Are to Solve the Great Human
6. The Source of Conscience Is Correct, Real and Aesthetic Action
7. We Must Awaken People’s Awareness Before They Can Transform Society
8. Only After Conscientizing Reality Is It Possible to Perceive One’s Own Errors and Defects
9. Only by the Conscientization of Its Errors Will the Economic System Be Able to Escape
10. The Most Important Social Conscientization will Come About by the Unification of Work
and Study
11. The Personality of the Human Being Is Formed Principally by the Social Environment in Its
Aspect of Action
12. Only by the Conscientization that Comes through Work (Correct and True) Is It Possible to
Help People To Avoid Being Exploited
13. Material Wealth Is Scarce, But that of Work Is Almost Limitless
14. Action (Correct, Real and Aesthetic) Is Fundamental to All and Any Human and Social
15. Evil Will Be Eliminated Through the Conscientization that Follows from Action
16. A High Level of Productivity Is the Base of the Economic and Cultural Wealth of A People
17. Sophisticated Work Must Be the Basis of the Economy of the Future
18. The Third Economic Phase of Humanity Will Be Based on the Wealth Generated by
Qualitative Work
19. Liberty Is Not As Simple As It Seems, for We Are Not Free To Do Evil
20. Only True Liberty (To Do Good) Can Increase the Wealth of the Human Being
21. The Failure of the American Challenge Means that the True Challenger for Development Is
Now Europe
22. Awareness of Its Errors Will Unite Humanity, Beginning with Europe, Which Is the Basis of
23. After the Renaissance, the Real Birth of Humanity Will Begin, If Europe Conscientizes Its
Errors and Its Values
24. Unification Could Resolve All Human Problems
25. Conscientization of the Evils of Isolationism Is the Only Way for a Country to Return to
26. Only Europe Will Be Able to Unify the World through Conscientization
27. Only a Universal Civilization Such As Europe Will Be Able to Bring About the Trilogical
Revolution in a Form Definitive for Humanity
28. We Must Return to the Unity Which Exists Among All Things, Because It Is The Source of
29. The World of Economics, and the Spiritual World, Form Two Aspects of the Same Universe
in Which We Live
30. All People Should Rejoice, for We Are Entering the Most Marvellous Period of Human
31. Humanity Will Reach the Apogee Foreseen by Its Creator, Because Good Is More Powerful
Than Evil
32. Awareness of the New Science of Sociopathology Is the First Step Towards Resolving All
Social and Mental Problems
33. Conscientization Based on a True Dialectic Has Brought Us to a Universal Synthesis
About the Author

In this year of 1988 we are beginning to witness the violent deterioration of the United States that I
predicted in 1984, more precisely between April and May of that year, a few months after I moved
to New York with my work in Trilogy. The fact that we came here at the suggestion of European
scientists Paul and Thereza Baden and Elizabeth Macavoy from Poland and Naoum Arikian from
Armenia (the latter a contemporary of Freud’s with a medical degree from Vienna) indicates that
Europeans understand my discoveries.
Every day the newspapers report the sinking of American civilization, although they see it as just a
passing crisis. In USA Today, January 13, 1988 (Section B - Money) they report:

• The Dow slips 16 points as trade fears scare buyers

• Oil prices drop for 5th day
• Pan Am’s loss more than $90 million
• Record year for bank failures: failures totaled 184, up from 138 in 1986 — more than
in any year since the great Depression

I have long been aware of how difficult it is to single out humanity’s single greatest problem. I have
written various books on psychopathology and psychosomatic disorders and others on spirituality,
philosophy, the history of thought, sociology, politics and economics. Yet the topic that is arousing
the most enthusiasm and bringing about a psycho-social transformation is this last one, which deals
with what I have termed “sociopathology”. I believe that I have now hit upon the central difficulty
of the human species, and the central cause of neurosis and psychological and social imbalance.

The human being is subject to heavy pressure by a pathological social structure that has created
demented institutions and seriously affected his mind. In addition, he is afflicted by his own
particular psychological shortcomings, namely envy, selfishness, greed, hatred, theomania,
megalomania and narcissism.

It’s clear that neither psychology, psychoanalysis nor religion have succeeded in solving the
problems of mankind and this is because they have tried to change the individual. These institutions
have long since accepted the social status quo. In fact, they have adapted themselves to it in order to
take advantage of whatever benefits this status quo may have to offer — just as psychoanalysis and
psychology in general have done in seeking to adapt the individual to society.

What I am saying is that without a change in the socio-economic structure, there can be no change
in the behavior of the individual because neurosis, psychosis and physical illness (with their
resulting tensions of anxiety, phobia, anguish, depression) are brought on by the conduct of the
individual, and that conduct is shaped primarily by the social system. Obviously, in some of the
more serious cases, a person’s psychopathological condition may be caused solely by psychological
factors such as envy, megalomania, narcissism, but such cases are exceptions.

Everyone is aware of the fact that there is enormous pressure within society; so much so, that
vacations, clubs and other modes of entertainment have been devised to help man endure his
existence. We have even divided time into three distinct periods to make life bearable: eight hours
of work, eight hours of sleep, and eight hours of everyday activity. Ideally all of our waking hours
should be relaxing, interesting, and even entertaining, and they could be if the present exploitative
social system was eliminated.

It is important for anyone reading this book to keep in mind that I am a scientist from the field of
psychopathology and therefore, in writing about economics, I merely refer to issues that I see before
me. In other words, I have no personal involvement with either capitalism or socialism since I am
neither a capitalist entrepreneur nor a powerful socialist. Instead, I am simply trying to convey what
I see that is wrong and right in the two systems that divide humanity.

Should the reader question why someone from another field is writing about economics, I would
answer that the reality that exists in one sector also exists in any other. With the discovery of this
new psychopathology, which I refer to as a Trilogical discovery, I believe that it will be possible to
comprehend the other aspects of existence and areas of study.

Human society is sick. In fact, it is so profoundly sick that it poses a threat to the individual and his
physical and mental equilibrium because it is impossible to live or feel or act appropriately if the
social environment forces us to live, perceive, and work in an erroneous way. If the reader observes
carefully he will gradually come to see that if a person wishes to be accepted, admired and
encouraged by society in general, he has to cheat, lie and, above all, be a hypocrite. Humility,
simplicity, selflessness and sincerity are not acceptable. There are some exceptions, of course, but
the general rule in most countries is dishonesty.

Perhaps you are asking yourself in what way the social structure is sick. I can give all kinds of
examples: under a capitalist system, the practice of putting money before work; money lending and
financial speculation in which money is used to generate money; working as an employee which
thereby enables others to make a living by exploiting their fellow beings; the custom of admiring
people with power, most of whom are parasites of the populace; the practice of working solely for
one’s own benefit; the fact that huge areas of land are held as private property by a few individuals;
the manufacture of weapons, toxic substances and products that are harmful to nature; the
destruction of the flora and the fauna; the fact that millions of people are allowed to die of
starvation and exposure; the scant attention given to health and loving one’s neighbor; the polluting
of the rivers, seas and air; and so on, and on, and on. In fact, we could even say that we are doing
just about everything the wrong way, as though we were children of Satan.

When a social system is pathological it is short-lived and soon destroys itself. Consider, for
example, the immense industrial complex of the United States, which was destroyed because the
economic structure left so much to be desired. The dissatisfied workers formed unions and held
strikes, which after a time caused the powerful vested interests to transfer their industries to other

The truth is that human society seems to have turned into a furious monster that attacks and
destroys the saints and the geniuses, the very same way Satan himself does, defiling and damaging
all of the wonders of the Creator. We are, indeed, victims of the social situation.

What impresses me most at the moment is the fact that the behavior of the human being is almost
wholly determined by the environment in which he lives, and this is true to such an extent that a
person develops or not depending on how sane or pathological is the society in which he grows up.
Americans, for example, are absolutely incapable of Interiorization; that is, of looking inside
themselves and entering into contact with their true feelings and intentions. This is because they
were born into, and continue to live in, an entirely exteriorized civilization devoid of contact with
the inner self. This causes them to see danger in others and never in themselves, which explains
why these people invade other countries.

When Dr. Claudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco was putting together a booklet called The ABCs of
Analytical Trilogy, an American patient of hers, a psychotherapist herself, contacted the translator of
the booklet and requested copies of the finished chapters without asking the author’s permission.
This attitude that Americans are known for all over the world, this way of helping themselves to the
riches and good things that others possess, must stop. And it will, but only when the country has
finally lost all of its economic power.

Latin America was a peaceful region when it was under the influence of Europe. The so-called
southern Cone formed by southern Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, bore a resemblance to
European countries. São Paulo, Santiago, Buenos Aires and Montevideo were like bits of London,
Paris and Rome embedded in South America. But after the United States took over the leadership,
this region became almost unlivable. Wherever the American eagle goes claiming to be bringing
peace, the result is despair! The intention of the American is to have all peoples submit to his will,
working to make him richer and more powerful — a feat he has succeeded in accomplishing since
World War II. Today he is even using other people’s money to make them work for him.

Human society is indeed inverted. The most unbalanced are in control and the ordinary, normal
people are working for them, the lazy and the dishonest are living at the expense of the hardworking
and the honest, the truly capable are suffering privation while the unproductive wallow in plenty.
We go from one crisis to another because we are living under an inverted social order. It is possible,
however, to correct this problematic situation if we can disinvert it. The step is to become fully
conscious of the problem; the second will then come automatically, meaning we will automatically
take the correct stand so that finally everything functions as it should. Indeed, nothing can ever be
successful unless it is in keeping with its true nature.

A thinker or scientist who defends the interests of the people is attacked by the social establishment
of the moment, which makes use of every possible means to keep the populace from knowing the
truth. This is what happened to Socrates, to the Hebrew prophets, especially Moses and above all to
Jesus and his true followers, to the Medieval thinkers like Origen, Abelard and William of Ockham,
the Renaissance philosophers such as Sir Thomas More, Giordano Bruno and Galileo, and even to
the modern men of thought like Descartes, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx and Walter
Benjamin. Similarly, untold numbers of musicians, painters, writers, sculptors, and architects have
died at an early age mainly because they were crushed by the social system.

This book could have been called Trilogical Economics, or An Economy in Transition because its
aim is to provide the elements necessary for a more accurate study of economics. The economic
principles I set forth here are admittedly not definitive. Rather they represent a transition from the
existing capitalist models to a final condition in which the human being will finally be freed from
slavery to money. Considering that an abrupt change to the latter is not feasible, we must first
traverse an intermediate, transitional period until we achieve the full humanization of existence. I
am trying to open a new path for economics by furnishing some elements that could be fundamental
to the understanding of this crucial, worldwide issue. Obviously, this orientation will need to be
perfected and broadened in the future if this work is accepted.

Like most of my previous books, this one is divided into three parts. In the first, I show the origin of
economic problems, including the total disunity that exists in this area where money is given far
more value than action. I show that this condition is similar to that of the schizophrenic who has
created a division in his inner self and left his feelings to stagnate. In fact, this was what prompted
me to write the book Auto Sentimento (Self Feeling) in 1976 in which I show that if a person is to
have equilibrium, he must perceive and be in contact with his feelings.

In the second section of the book I discuss the scientific method to be used in solving the problem;
or better, I explain the dialectic that must be developed between work and capital so that existing
distortions can be corrected. In this study, we must remember that it was Hegel’s platonic dialectics
that led humanity to extremes. I show here how true dialogue or dialectic uses two realities to reach
a third reality. In this case, the true dialectic is a combination of action (work) and money (two
realities), not fantasy and material wealth or work and illusion, as we see happening today.
In the third part of the book I offer the ultimate solution to the problem, which is reached through
conscientization (conscientious awareness) brought about by combining two realities (work and
capital) and by perceiving the errors of platonic, Hegelian dialectics, which include the attempt to
unite money and illusion or action and fantasy. Such errors destroy real action, which can result
only from a combination of two realities such as work/intelligence, action/development,
wealth/reality, money/use of it.

Those who fail to act on the discoveries I have made, originally set forth in my book, Liberation of
the People, will do so because they do not want to change their current situation. Either they are
busy exploiting other peoples (as the Americans do) or they are in such a complete state of
alienation that they cannot be awakened. Therefore, this book is intended primarily for those who
work and who, through working, recognize that they are being exploited and want a new kind of

We must admit that an era in the history of humanity is ending. We could call it the capitalist, or
socialist, or Marxist, or Christian, but the name is actually not important. What is important is the
fact that another epoch is about to begin, and that this one that will be the best of all because it will
be triune (triple-fold) in essence. We are on the threshold of a probably the greatest revolution in all
of human civilization because what is happening today is that it is now possible to restore the world
to the people, for they are of this world, not some other planet. The people belong to this place, this
epoch, not to another time after death.

The human being has only one life and that is the one he is living today, not for some future
existence in eternity — even though that future is not refuted. Therefore, what we want is to live our
lives here on earth as those who possess the wealth do because the riches of the earth belong to us
all, not just to the few shrewder people who have taken possession of it all.

And I would like to say something even more important: all this that is ours has actually been taken
from us. More correctly, it has been stolen from us by some of the most dishonest individuals on
Earth, thus impoverishing us. And even worse is the fact that these individuals are determined to
keep us in poverty.

The third point here is this: we want to work and evolve and produce and love our fellow humans,
but we are prevented from doing this by the envious, despotic economic power that in its folly holds
us back and mires us in ignorance.

The aim of my work is to awaken the people and make them aware of their consciousness through
which the path to be followed becomes clear, while at the same time all the errors made by socio-
economic life (which must be corrected) are also highlighted. I recommend that you also read my
book, Liberation of the People, as this provides an explanation of the causes of this terrible situation
in which our society finds itself.

Bringing all of this to the area of economics, we can see that the American people are unable to
accept the consciousness of their decadence, which is precisely why they have not recovered. After
I wrote The Decay of the American People, which was published on January 1, 1985, copies were
sent to all of the political figures in America, including Senators, Congressional Representatives,
Governors, and Mayors as well as to the President himself, representatives of the CIA and the
Pentagon, and the news media in New York and Washington (the New York Times, Newsweek, U.S.
News & World Report, Business Week, Time.) We also appeared regularly on radio programs and
presented a cable television program for four years, and the result of all this was … total silence. In
fact, former radio personality, Susan Berkley, informed me that a memo had been circulated at ABC
and other networks expressly prohibiting that any information about Analytical Trilogy be
transmitted to the public. And since it is the media that shapes social consciousness, we can
conclude that this power has entirely sold out to economic interests, at least in the United States.

Although based on the science of psychopathology, Analytical Trilogy also embraces philosophical
and spiritual elements. In other words, Analytical Trilogy is basically a science that is now entering
the area of social pathology, which is the underlying cause of the whole issue of psycho-social
difficulties. Sociotherapy and psychotherapy are two distinct sciences, but the latter is subordinate
to the former. In fact, if psychotherapy has not been as effective as it should have been it is because
there has been no dialectic, no simultaneous realization of social therapy, the two being the
formative bases of the human spirit.

The process of sociotherapy can be compared to work while psychotherapy itself can be compared
to money. If psychotherapy is not subordinate to sociotherapy, the result is confusion and loss of
equilibrium, as happens when capital is detached from the activity that generates it.

To what extent has Analytical Trilogy already influenced humanity? In the opinion of psychoanalyst
Marc Andre Keppe, since 1978 when I launched my discoveries in my first book, A Consciência
(Consciousness), in Brazil my work has reached over 40 million people, In the United States, more
specifically in New York, penetration has been considerable and numerous psychoanalysts,
psychosomatic physicians, psychologists and even economists use it. For example, in 1987 Norman
Cousins not only published a book entitled The Pathology of Power, which is the sub-title of my
book, Liberation of the People, he also used my discoveries. On page 23 of his book he wrote, “The
tendency of power to become a theology, admitting no other gods before it,” make reference to a
term I coined called Theomania, which signifies the desire to be godlike, a condition that is
characteristic of sicker people.

In the February 22, 1988 edition of Newsweek, there was a special report entitled Is America in
Decline? in which Professor Edward Luttwak of the Center for Strategic and International Studies
in Washington said that the problems of this country are shoddy education, poor service, low
productivity and excessive legalism, and this following the orientation I provided in my book,
Decay of the American People, where I showed the decadence of U.S. education, work,
productivity, philosophy of life and so on. The author of the article, Evan Thomas, also repeated
some facts I had presented when speaking of the generosity and optimism of these people in the
past, the value of the European immigrants, and the erroneous political direction that the country

On page 9 of Decay of the American People, I commented on the work of Robert B. Reich in his
book, The Next American Frontier (New York: Times Books, 1983), mentioning the fact that he
perceived the relative decline of the country as being the result of: 1) the progress being made by
Japan and Europe; 2) the absence of mass immigration of the kind that took place between 1870 and
1920; 3) the fact that U.S. progress was a direct extension of Britain Industrial Revolution. On page
10 I remarked that Reich had made no reference at all to the attitude of the human being. We
promptly sent Reich an autographed copy of my book. Then in 1988 Foreign Affairs magazine (Vol.
66, No. 3, pp. 516-528) published an article of his entitled, The Economics of Illusion and the
Illusion of Economics, in which he says:
Societies, like individuals, often want to avoid facing their most
pressing problems. Recognizing reality can be painful; addressing it
can be even more painful requiring sacrifice and change. Thus
societies, like individuals, often deny that their problems exist. Or
they erect straw men, which are not the real problems at all, and try to
confront them instead. Or they deny responsibility for problems,
blaming others. America has been using all these ploys to avoid
coping with its economic mess.
Some still deny a problem exists ... The stock market crash of October
19 came as “reality therapy.”

That was precisely the theme I used most constantly in my book, and which Reich is now copying.
What goes on in this country is truly incredible; influenced as they are by the capitalist spirit, which
advocates living off the labor of others Americans simply do not respect the rights of others.

At the end of the article, Reich writes:

Denial, escapism and self-righteous indignation toward others are
common defenses against such pain, no less for a nation than an
individual ... Our immediate responsibilities in the coming year are to
accept the truth about ourselves.

One has only to read my work to recognize these phrases immediately.

In the December 14, 1987 edition of Newsweek, we read:

He (Mikhail Gorbachev) does not envy us. He believes that America is
a cruel and decadent place where profiteers “throw people into the
street”. He claims that the Soviet and American people have much in

On page 40 of Liberation of the People I wrote:

It is evident that the two (Gorbachev and Reagan) are arch rivals, not
because their peoples hate one another, but because the interests of the
powerful of the two countries clash.

However, Gorbachev states further along in the article cited above that “capitalism is not on the
point of collapse,” whereas I am demonstrating that the entire typically capitalistic system is

On page 22 of the aforementioned issue of Newsweek, Gorbachev is quoted as saying that “The
capitalism of the 1980’s is leaving more millions of people without jobs,” and that “Wealth and
power are being increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few.” On page 74 of Liberation of the
People, I wrote, “The power that rightfully belongs to the many has been taken by the few, in
detriment to all.”

U.S. News & World Report quoted Gorbachev as saying in 1987 that “There is no reason why
anyone should assume the role of an omniscient, implacable oracle. There is no state that has
nothing to learn from others. We are all teachers and pupils one way or another.” On page 178 of
Liberation of the People, I wrote, “Freud maintained that the cause of all human problems was to be
found in sexual life, whereas we believe that the cause is to be found in the attitudes of envy,
megalomania, theomania and inversion.”

What I find incredible is the ease with which the Soviet people understand my work.

Gorbachev declared that the Soviets have now entered a decisive phase of Perestroika (New York
Times, January 13, 1988, page A1). I believe that unless he accepts the unification that I propose he
will not succeed in reaching his goal. Inasmuch as he took inspiration from my Trilogical work, he
must accept it wholly or it will not be possible for him to carry out his plan.

Whether they be in the field of psychopathology, psychology, psychosomatic medicine, politics,

economy or even spirituality and philosophy, the discoveries I have made have been accepted by
many people the world over — most of whom fail to cite the source of their “inspiration”. There
have been some exceptions, notably in Finland, Portugal and to some extent Sweden, all countries
which have opened their doors and where the media does not put up so much resistance. In Brazil as
in the United States it is a common occurrence to have someone take what another person has
discovered and promote it as though it were theirs — an attitude I attribute to the dishonesty with
which the capitalist regime has imbued the spirit of these peoples.

To terminate this subject I would like to show how Reverend Jesse Jackson obtained such great
success in his campaign to be chosen as the Democratic Party candidate for president of the United
States. Several clients, including Lisa Daumas, Marilyn Camacho, Marcia Bull and Rose Simon,
delivered copies of my books to Jackson and explained the economic and political orientation I
follow. In he April 4, 1988 edition of the New York Times page A1, we read:
Rev. Jesse Jackson talks in general terms of fighting the menace of
drugs, ending “economic violence” against the poor.

It is clear that he did not delve deeply into what I discovered, yet he is using it with excellent
results, having gained second place in party preference. If he is ever elected we will see whether he
succeeds in putting into practice what he now perceives.

This book substantiates the unification I have achieved of all fields of knowledge which makes it
possible to analyze the socio-economic structure. Since reality forms the basis of this unification, it
is possible to examine all areas from the same perspective. Even more important is the fact that it is
now possible to perceive all of the errors that have been built up around any science. Indeed, this is
what I am trying to accomplish in reference to today’s major problems of capitalism (and socialism)
in the same way that domination by the nobility and the clergy was the primary problem in the
Middle Ages.

For the reader to have a better understanding of what Analytical Trilogy is, he should begin with my
latest book and work through to the first one, thus: Work and Capital, Liberation of the People, The
Decay of the American People, The Kingdom of Man (2 volumes), Contemplation and Action,
Glorification, Liberation and Consciousness. Although the fundamental discoveries remain the
same throughout, the most recent area of sociopathology has brought the bases of Trilogy to

This book could also have had a subtitle such as Trilogical Economics, A Genuine Economy, or The
Basis for an Authentic Economy. Most human beings think that civilization has reached its apogee.
In fact, it has not even begun its true development yet. All of the machines that have been invented,
the means of communication and transportation, the system of work, the sciences, are just
beginning their journey of thousands of miles. We have gone only a mere ten yards so far.
Practically speaking we are stagnating, whether it be in the area of art, industry, science, religion or
the social realm. We have no more geniuses in these fields, making it appear that intelligence has
been blocked. Nevertheless, this whole problem can be solved if people become aware of the cause.
I am showing that if the first part of this book is understood; that is, if the psycho-social problems
that derive from the socio-economic system (capitalism and socialism) are understood, and the
second part of the book (the dialectics of work and capital) are perceived, then automatically we
will acquire a consciousness that will enable us to build a new structure — one that will bring us
long-desired social peace. Europe could, in the space of four years, rise to a level of development
greater than ever before, and in eight years reach a level of perfection that otherwise would take a
hundred years.

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