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The German Personal Pronouns

Nominative Singular
Nominative Plural
Difference of 3 'You' = Ihr, Sie, Du
4 meaning of “Sie”
Verb Endings = conjugation
Note: Pronomen “sie” (they) is capitalize because its starts at the beginning of the
sentence. The usage of “sie” (they) is on lower case if its within the context of a
The 4 “Sie's”
3rd Person Singular :
Sie =YOU (formal)
Note: always starts in a Capital “S”; If you're referring to someone higher than you, a colleague, someone you
haven't met, for strangers or people you don't know well.

3rd Person Singular :

sie =she
Note: always starts in a lowercase “s”; female.

3rd Person Plural :

sie = they (Sila)

2nd Person Plural

Sie =YOU (y'all or you all)
Note: always starts in a Capital “S”;
YOU - “du, ihr, Sie”

Sie for formal address (Wie heißen Sie? - What is

your name?)
Note: use Sie if your using "Mr." (Herr) or "Ms./Mrs." (Frau) in English.
The formal Sie is always capitalized.

du (plural, ihr)
ihr for the familiar (Hans, hast du
deinen Mantel? - Hans, do you have your coat?).
Note: Sie is for strangers or people you don't know well.
Du is for God, children, pets, close friends, and family members are
addressed as .
Verb Endings = conjugation
Main Entry: conjugation
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: combination

Notes: the forms of verbs are said to be arrayed in conjugations

Conjugation for "play":

1st person
When the speaker is the performer of the (action) verb

singular plural
the “I form”, (the “ich form”) the "we form", (the "wir" form)


1st person singular: ~e 1st person plural : ~en

Ex. Gehe Ex. Gehen

Sample Sentences:

Ich gehe einkaufen Wir gehen einkaufen

Ich trinke ein bier Wir trinken ein bier
2 person
When the subject performing the verb is the person to whom you are speaking.

singular plural
the “you form”, (the “du form”) informal the "y'all form", (the "ihr" form)
(“Sie”) in formal situations (singular and plural)


2nd person singular: ~st 2nd person singular: ~t

Ex. Gehst Ex. Geht

Sample Sentences:

Du gehst kaufen Ihr geht einkaufen

Du trinkst ein bier Ihr trinkt ein bier
Sie trinken ein bier

Note: Sie/sie always have the ~en verb ending

3 person
When the subject performing the verb is the person, thing or idea that you are
speaking about.
singular plural
the “he, she or it form”, (the “er/sie/es form”) the "they form", (the "sie form")


3rd person singular: ~t 3rd person singular: ~en

Ex. Geht Ex. Gehen

Sample Sentences:

Er geht kaufen Sie gehen einkaufen

Er trinkt ein bier Sie trinken ein bier

Note: Sie/sie always have the ~en verb ending

Oral Exercise
Fill in the missing ? With correct Personal Pronouns.
? kommen heute

Habt ? das Geld?

Ist ? Da?

Kommen ? heute

? spielt tennis

? laufe zu schnell

? spielst tennis

? trinken ein bier

? arbeitest jedentag

? fragt nur einmal

? gehe heute abend in disco

? fragt nur einmal


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