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Assumption quotes

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I Like this quote I dislike this quote If we worked on the assumption that wha
t is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advanc
Orville Wright quotes (American Inventor and aviation pioneer. Brother of Wilbu
r Wright. 1871-1948)
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote I never attempt to make money on the st
ock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next da
y and not reopen it for five years.
Warren Buffett quotes
Similar Quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote Tolerance implies a gratuitous assumpti
on of the inferiority of other faiths to one's own
Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doc
trine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)
Similar Quotes. About: Tolerance quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote In brief, she assumed that, being a man
, I was vain to the point of imbecility, and this assumption was correct, as it
always is
Henry Louis Mencken quotes (American humorous Journalist and Critic of American
life who influenced US fiction through the 1920s, 1880-1956)
Similar Quotes. About: Men quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote The assumption that seeing is believing
makes us susceptible to visual deceptions

Every issue, belief, attitude or assumption is precisely the issue that stands be
tween you and your relationship to another human being; and between you and your

Quotes matching 'assumption'

COLLABORATION, n. A literary partnership based on the false assumption that the
other fellow can spell.
Good intentions will always be pleaded for any assumption of power.
--Michael Gillespiequotes
Men often believe -- or pretend -- that the "Law" is something sacred, or at lea
st a science -- an unfounded assumption very convenient to governments.
What do I consider a reasonable person to be? I'd say a reasonable person is one
who accepts that we are all human and therefore fallible, and takes that into a
ccount when dealing with others. Implicit in this definition is the belief that
it is the right and the responsibility of each person to live his or her own lif
e as he or she sees fit, to respect this right in others, and to demand the assu
mption of this responsibility by others.
If he's - the inference is that somehow he thinks slavery is a - is a noble inst
itution I would - I would strongly reject that assumption - that John Ashcroft i
s a open-minded, inclusive person.
--George W. Bushquotes

Kathleen Hall Jamieson quotes

Similar Quotes. About: Belief quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote Every issue, belief, attitude or assump
tion is precisely the issue that stands between you and your relationship to ano
ther human being; and between you and yourself.
Similar Quotes. About: Relationships quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote The invalid assumption that correlation
implies cause is probably among the two or three most serious and common errors
of human reasoning
Stephen Jay Gould quotes
Similar Quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote There's an assumption by many partners
that no matter what happens to their business, they'll be partners forever.
David Gibbs quotes
About: Partnership quotes.
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote You proceed from a false assumption: I
have no ego to bruise
Leonard Nimoy quotes

Quotes matching ' Every issue, belief, attitude or assumption is precisely the iss
ue that stands between you and your relationship to anothassumption'
I admire the martial and commanding attitude with which the right honourable gen
tleman treats the facts. He stands no nonsense from them.
--Winston Churchillquotes
If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper i
nsights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those
that challenge our convictions.
I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who,
reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of
what has been passing in their time.
--H. Trumanquotes
People who merely believe and don't think always forget that they continually ex
pose themselves to their own worst enemy: doubt. Wherever belief reigns, doubt l
urks in the background. But thinking people welcome doubt: it serves them as a v
aluable stepping-stone to better knowledge.
--Carl Gustav Jungquotes
The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the m
ost ancient and dangerous of human illusions.
--Robert Lyndquotes
In modern times the belief that the ultimate explanation of all things was to be
found in Newtonian mechanics was an adumbration of the truth that all science,
as it grows towards perfection, becomes mathematical in its ideas.
--Alfred North Whiteheadquotes
Join in the new game that's sweeping the country. It's called "Bureaucracy". Eve
rybody stands in a circle. The first person to do anything loses.
By a strange enantiodromia, the Christian spirit of the West has become the defe
nder of the irrational, since, in spite of having fathered rationalism and intel
lectualism, it has not succumbed to them so far as to give up its belief in the
rights of man, and especially the freedom of the individual.
--Carl Gustav Jungquotes
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it is not utte
rly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a wides
pread belief is more often likely to be foolish than sensible.
--Bertrand Russellquotes
Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose fu
rther developments, a future--and also because we live as if our only task was p
recisely to have relationships with other people.
--Albert Camusquotes
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation,
with liberty
and justice for all.
--Francis Bellamyquotes
I think a relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it
dies. Well, what we have on our hands here is a dead shark.
--Woody Allenquotes
Be frank and explicit with your lawyer ... it is his business to confuse the iss
ue afterwards.
An egghead is one who stands firmly on both feet, in mid-air, on both sides of a
n issue.
--Homer Fergusonquotes
University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.
--C. P. Snowquotes
If he's - the inference is that somehow he thinks slavery is a - is a noble inst
itution I would - I would strongly reject that assumption - that John Ashcroft i
s a open-minded, inclusive person.
--George W. Bushquotes
"But," you might say, "none of this shakes my belief that 2 and 2 are 4." You ar
e quite right, except in marginal cases -- and it is only in marginal cases that
you are doubtful whether a certain animal is a dog or a certain length is less
than a meter. Two must be two of something, and the proposition "2 and 2 are 4"
is useless unless it can be applied. Two dogs and two dogs are certainly four do
gs, but cases arise in which you are doubtful whether two of them are dogs. "Wel
l, at any rate there are four animals," you may say. But there are microorganism
s concerning which it is doubtful whether they are animals or plants. "Well, the
n living organisms," you say. But there are things of which it is doubtful wheth
er they are living organisms or not. You will be driven into saying: "Two entiti
es and two entities are four entities." When you have told me what you mean by "
entity," we will resume the argument.
--Bertrand Russellquotes
A professor is one who can speak on any subject -- for precisely fifty minutes.
--Norbert Wienerquotes
There's something different about us -- different from people of Europe, Africa,
Asia ... a deep and abiding belief in the Easter Bunny.
--G. Gordon Liddyquotes
In the middle of a wide field is a pot of gold. 100 feet to the north stands a s
mart manager. 100 feet to the south stands a dumb manager. 100 feet to the east
is the Easter Bunny, and 100 feet to the west is Santa Claus.
Q:Who gets to the pot of gold first?
A:The dumb manager. All the rest are myths.
You just know when a relationship is about to end. My girlfriend called me at wo
rk and asked me how you change a lightbulb in the bathroom. "It's very simple,"
I said. "You start by filling up the bathtub with water..."
Men often believe -- or pretend -- that the "Law" is something sacred, or at lea
st a science -- an unfounded assumption very convenient to governments.
The case for universal suffrage and political equality does not rest on any supe
rstition that all men, by acquiring the vote, become equally wise or equally int
elligent. It rests, both historically and philosophically, on the belief that if
any section of the community is deprived of the ability to vote, then its inter
ests are liable to be neglected and a nexus of grievances is likely to be create
d which will fester in the body politic.
--David Thomsonquotes
Of course a platonic relationship is possible -- but only between husband and wi
Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and s
aying: "Now it's complete because it's ended here."
The high belief in the perfection of man is appropriate in a man of the cloth bu
t not in a prime minister.
--Winston Churchillquotes
[It is] best to confuse only one issue at a time.
This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-
government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a litt
le intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better
than we can plan them ourselves.
--Ronald Reaganquotes
From Thomas Sowell's principles for seeing through rhetoric: 11. You can always
create a fraction by putting one variable upstairs and another variable downstai
rs, but that does not establish any causal relationship between them, nor does t
he resulting quotient have any necessary relationship to anything in the real wo
You call to a dog and a dog will break its neck to get to you. Dogs just want to
please. Call to a cat and its attitude is, "What's in it for me?"
--Lewis Grizzardquotes
In the gospels themselves factual reports, legends, and myths are woven into a w
hole. This is precisely what constitutes the meaning of the gospels, and they wo
uld immediately lose their character of wholeness if one tried to separate the i
ndividual from the archetypal with a critical scalpel.
--Carl Gustav Jungquotes
The most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman is that one
of them be good at taking orders.
--Linda Festaquotes
Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now
stands I Will Fight No More Forever.
--Chief Joseph of the Nez Percequotes
The world is very different now...and yet the same revolutionary beliefs for whi
ch our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the
rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of Go
--John F. Kennedyquotes
Belief has already conquered the summit which thinking tries to win by toilsome
climbing.... Therefore let the believer rejoice that others, too, seek to climb
the mountain on whose peak he sits.
--Carl Gustav Jungquotes
Because one does not see that love is an activity, a power of the soul, one beli
eves that all that is necessary is to find the right object--and that everything
goes by itself afterward. This attitude can be compared to that of a man who wa
nts to paint but who, instead of learning the art, claims that he has just to wa
it for the right object, and that he will paint beautifully when he finds it.
--Erich Frommquotes
Any road followed to its end leads precisely nowhere. Climb the mountain just a
little to test it's a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the
--Bene Gesserit proverbquotes
Let's just say that where a change was required, I adjusted. In every relationsh
ip that exists, people have to seek a way to survive. If you really care about t
he person, you do what's necessary, or that's the end. For the first time, I fou
nd that I really could change, and the qualities I most admired in myself I gave
up. I stopped being loud and bossy ... Oh, all right. I was still loud and boss
y, but only behind his back.
--Kate Hepburnquotes
People seem to think that the blanket phrase, "I only work here," absolves them
utterly from any moral obligation in terms of the public -- but this was precise
ly Eichmann's excuse for his job in the concentration camps.
ABSURDITY, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opini
--Ambrose Biercequotes
COLLABORATION, n. A literary partnership based on the false assumption that the
other fellow can spell.
It did not occur to me that my being with two men continuously would interest an
yone or arouse anyone's misgivings. I asked for an invitation for Heinrich too,
as often as it seemed possible, when Paulus and I were invited to a social gathe
ring. I felt the set of rules others lived by was irrelevant. My childhood attit
ude -- every attempt to adjust is hopeless and you might just as well follow you
r own attitudes -- must have carried me.
--Hannah Tillichquotes
Everything is worth precisely as much as a belch, the difference being that a be
lch is more satisfying.
--Ingmar Bergmanquotes
Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.
--Mahatma Gandhiquotes
The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy.
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
--Messiah's Handbook : Reminders for the Advanced quotes
If you give Congress a chance to vote on both sides of an issue, it will always
do it.
--Les Aspinquotes
The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusions.
--Maurice Chapelainquotes
Belief in the supernatural reflects a failure of the imagination.
--Edward Abbeyquotes
Fantastic doctrines (like Christianity or Islam or Marxism) require unanimity of
belief. One dissenter casts doubt on the creed of millions. Thus the fear and t
he hate; thus the torture chamber, the iron stake, the gallows, the labor camp,
the psychiatric ward.
--Edward Abbeyquotes
What do I consider a reasonable person to be? I'd say a reasonable person is one
who accepts that we are all human and therefore fallible, and takes that into a
ccount when dealing with others. Implicit in this definition is the belief that
it is the right and the responsibility of each person to live his or her own lif
e as he or she sees fit, to respect this right in others, and to demand the assu
mption of this responsibility by others.

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