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Name: ___________________________________________ Period: ________ Date: _________

Rostow’s Theory of Industrial Development Human Geography
The following information corresponds to Chapter 26 in your textbook. Understanding history requires that you
identify the causes of past events and determine their effect on history. Usually and event, an idea, or a situation
results from several causes. Underlying causes are long-term, whereas immediate causes lead directly to an event.
Walter Rostow, a twentieth century economic historian, discussed that every society develops according to a
dynamic production pattern that consists of five stages.

How to Determine Cause and Effect: political, social and religious revolution rather than
1. Identify the main point of your study or reading. economic revolution. Moreover the French were
2. Determine the underlying causes. For example, committed heavily to ground warfare in Europe; and
did new ideas cause people to act in a particular they cheated on shipping and naval strength … when
ships mattered greatly …
Britain alone was in a position to weave together
3. Identify the immediate cause(s). For example,
cotton manufacture, coal and iron technology, the
did Britain first industrialize because they had a steam-engine, and ample foreign trade to pull it off.”
surplus of workers from the countryside?
4. Formulate a conclusion about the significance of Applying the Skill:
the causes and effects of the historical event(s). Answer the following questions using the previous
reading, your text, and the chart below:
Developing the Skill: 1. What were the underlying causes for France’s
Economists often wonder why industrialization inability to industrialize?
suddenly “takes off” at a particular time and place. 2. What were some immediate and underlying
Read the following excerpt from Walter Rostow’s, causes for G.B. industrializing first? Include one
The Stages of Economic Growth: for each: political, social, economic, ethic.
“Now, why Britain? Why not France? … The French 3. Discuss at least two effects on society through the
… were too rough with their Protestants. They were
process of industrialization.
politically and socially too inflexible, caught up … in
4. Many nations are past Stage 5. Create your own
… a caste society. The best minds and spirits of
eighteenth century France … had to think about column entitled High Technology, depicting the
modern world. Use the chart below as a source.

Rostow’s Theory of Industrial Development

Stage One: The Stage Two: Stage Four: Stage Five: Age of
Stage Three:
Characteristics Traditional Preconditions for Drive to Mass
Society Takeoff Maturity Consumption
• largely • surplus of agr. • rapid expansion • technology • more use and
agricultural & capital of industry extends to all production of
Economy (>75%) • expansion of • surge of sectors durable goods
• limited trade & technology • labor-saving • service sector
production manufacturing • commercial agr. devices are made dominates (>50%)
• new middle class
• beginnings of a • increasingly • urbanization
• shift to the
• hierarchical commercial dominant • increase in skilled
Society suburbs
social structure class w/ some entrepreneurial and professional
• population growth
urbanization class workers
• powerful
• regionally-based • centralized • industrial leaders • social welfare
Political Power in the hands of national are highly • more resources for
the landowners government influential military & security
• emphasis on
• resist change, • rising spirit of • increased • increased
Values focus on old progress and investment of acquisition of
• expectation of
traditions openness capital for profit consumer goods

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