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Hey! Let me begin with a real quick question: Do you know who you really are?

I bet I got you taken aback by that. That’s good. Because I want you to really think deep about
your answer. I want you to give me an honest, straight-from-the-gut kind of response that will
shock even yourself. I want you to go inside yourself and remove whatever blind sides you have
about your personality that is limiting you from discovering your full potential.

This isn’t meant to be a psychological exercise. And I’ll be damned if you think I’ll give you
steps to follow to know your inner self. Hell, I’m not equipped for that. But let me tell you this:
If there’s something in this world that has greatly helped me improve my business and my
capacity as a businessman, it is this: I got to know who I really am.

Yeah, I’m sure you’re wondering why this is important. Knowing who you really are allows you
to focus on what you really want to do. When you go deep down and drill through the many
layers of your being and discover true yourself, you’ll also know what you want, how you want
it done and go about doing it with as minimum a fuss as possible. You’ll get through all the crazy
obstacles; believe me, even the most impossible of them.

But here’s an even more crucial reason why you should discover yourself: It’s the key that will
enable you to understand what makes your customers tick. Yep, that’s right. When you know
yourself, you get into the kind of business that you have the heart for, that you understand that
you damn well believe in. In the process, you’re already targeting those who are looking for the
answer that you’re offering.

You’re already communicating with them at a deeper level because you have taken the time to
get to the bottom of who you really are. Just a little nudge and they’d be more than willing to buy
your product because you believe in it. They will buy it because they will feel your sincerity in
presenting it to them.

Hammer this deep in your soul, man: Your product is you. You are your product. If you don’t
know who you are, then you are going to present a fragmented version of yourself through your
product. People don’t gravitate towards what is broken. They’ll go for what’s whole.

Take the time to know yourself. That’s going to be your leverage.

To YOUR Success,

Kevin Hutto

If you would like to learn more about Starting a Successful Internet Marketing business, then go to my
site to get my free report called "A Simple Blueprint for Starting an Online
Business". My Online Blueprint Start an Internet Business

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