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An Assessement of the
World Bank’s Clean
Energy for Development
Investment Framework
Nannan Lundin and Linus Hagberg
Table of Contents

Preface from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation 1

Executive Summary 3
1. Background and introduction 5
2. Project description 9
3. A developing country/An African context 10
4. A micro-level assessment – from a technical perspective 13
5. Macro-level assessment – from a socioeconomic perspective 18
6. Conclusions and policy implications 27
7. Selected references 30
Acronyms and Abbreviations 32

Author: Nannan Lundin and Linus Hagberg

Coordinator: Göran Ek, Naturskyddsföreningen
Layout: Eleonor Pedersen, Elli Production
Photo: Shutterstock
Print: PÅ Media
Order No: 9078
ISBN: 91 558 0717 8
Produced with economic support from Sida. Sida has not participated
in the production of the publication and has not evaluated the facts or
opinions that are expressed.
an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Preface from the Swedish Society

for Nature Conservation

2.4 billion of the world’s poorest people still lack access to billion US$ a year in greenhouse gas-producing energy
efficient, clean cooking and heating fuels and 1.6 billion are projects, which fuel climate change and often fail to help the
still without electricity. Lack of access to basic energy serv- world’s poor. Financing for renewable energy projects made
ices has serious social, economic and environmental conse- up less than 5 percent of the Bank’s overall energy financing
quences. In many developing countries, most women spend in fiscal year 2006. Whereas the World Bank (IBRD/IDA)
several hours collecting firewood every day. Indoor air pol- increased its lending to the energy sector from 1.8 billion
lution caused by open fires and inefficient stoves claims an US$ in FY 2005 to about 3 billion US$ in FY 2006, the lend-
estimated 2 million lives each year. Without electricity, chil- ing for new renewable energy (without GEF) decreased from
dren cannot learn after dark, medicine cannot be refriger- 139 million in FY 2005 to 136 million US$ in FY 2006.
ated, job development in rural areas is hindered, and safe As this report shows, we are now afraid that also the
drinking water cannot be supplied to many places. Bank’s “Clean Energy for Development Investment
Renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, mod- Framework” will not deliver the desired benefits. It is based
ern biomass and geothermal could generate a double divi- on scenarios for global greenhouse gas emissions at levels
dend for the environment and poverty reduction, and as that would allow “dangerous climate change” as defined by
such present logical responses to the problems of climate the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The
change and energy poverty. Renewable energy sources pro- framework also promotes additional funding for energy
duce insignificant greenhouse gas emissions that lead to technologies that have negative social and environmental
climate change, and they do not produce the other air pol- impacts – such as large scale dams (and speaks favourably
lutants that the burning of fossil fuels creates to the same on nuclear power) – and that will in many cases further
amount, if at all. Renewable energy sources are available contribute to climate change – i.e. coal based technologies.
locally, create local jobs and do not usually have significant The framework does not catalyze the necessary massive
negative social and environmental impacts. shift to renewable energy technologies that could create the
As a key player in international development the World double dividend of environmental benefits and poverty
Bank could play a leading role in providing a framework for reduction.
“fast-tracking” renewable energy investments in the South. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) ad-
Regretfully, however, it is the perception of the Swedish vises the Swedish government and its colleagues in like-mind-
Society for Nature Conservation that the Bank has not ful- ed countries to ask the World Bank to do the following:
filled these expectations. For many decades, the World • End subsidies for fossil fuels and redirect energy financing
Bank’s energy lending has focused on centralized, large- to renewable energy: More than 95% of WB energy financ-
scale, grid-based fossil fuels based thermal power and hydro­ ing is a subsidy to fossil fuels, and about 82% of this goes
power projects. In spite of many promises to “green” its to projects that export energy resources to the north and
energy lending over the past 15 years, the World Bank’s do not improve access of poor people to electricity and
energy sector portfolio still fails to reap the double dividend other energy sources. These resources should instead be
of renewable energy technologies that would fight both pov- directed to renewable energy technologies in developing
erty and climate change. The Bank continues to invest 2 to 3 countries.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

• Significantly step up efforts to meet the basic energy needs International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA)
of the poor: The rural poor are in greatest need of access to has long-standing experience in providing financial aid and
electricity and efficient, clean and affordable cooking and technical assistance to low-income counties with the pri-
heating fuels. Renewable energy technologies based on mary objective of combating poverty, and has great compe-
local availability are particularly appropriate options to tence in the fields of climate and environment. We therefore
support rural off-grid electrification. The World Bank recommend that Sweden provide additional funding for
should massively step up its efforts to support rural elec- Sida’s climate change programme as an efficient and sustain-
trification and renewable energy programs that are owned able way to provide energy and development to the South.
and controlled by local people and based on their needs. SSNC has commissioned this report from IVL – The
•A  dopt guiding targets for greenhouse gas emission reduc- Swedish Environmental Research Institute – in order to
tions: A commitment to reduce emissions in line with the provide a scientific analysis on the development impacts of
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change should the World Bank’s “Clean Energy for Development Investment
guide the selection of investments by the World Bank. Framework”, as well as provide a basis for our positions on
how Sweden can support sustainable climate change poli-
Until these recommendations are fully implemented, we rec- cies. The facts and conclusions in this report should be
ommend that any additional resources, and such are urgently attributed to the authors and not be seen as the official view-
needed, that Sweden and like-minded progressive countries points of SSNC.
make available for energy investment in the developing world
should not be channelled through the World Bank.
In the case of, Sweden, it should draw on its rich experi-
ence in development co-operation with LDCs, and on its
strong commitment to the international community, and Mikael Karlsson
target resources more specifically and efficiently at climate President
and poverty issues via bilateral programs. The Swedish Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Executive Summary

In the face of the pressing global climate change and the national power utilities, have further deteriorated the po-
contemporaneous need for safeguarding the development tential for development and improvement.
prospect, the G-8 Gleneagles Summit 2005 and the recent Against this background, the CEIF proposes the combi-
Bali Roadmap from the UN Climate Change Conference nation of large-scale grid extensions, mini-grid and various
2007 have put great emphasis on substantial, innovative and renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, biomass,
proactive financial support to developing counties, who are geothermal) as technical solutions to increase the energy
most vulnerable, but suffer most from the adverse impact access for the poor as well as to support the transformation
of climate changes. Taking account of the complexity in to low-carbon economies in the SSA region. Furthermore,
energy-poverty linkage and the energy-climate nexus, the support for energy efficiency and advanced clean coal tech-
World Bank (WB), as one of the most important multilat- nologies is also proposed for South Africa, which is equipped
eral financial institutions, has put forward and implemented with a certain degree of indigenous technical capacity and
the “Clean Energy for Development Investment Framework” heavily depends on coal for its energy supply. From a tech-
(CEIF) since 2006. The overall objective of the CEIF is to nical perspective we agree, to a large extent, with the pro-
improve the access to clean and modern energy for the poor posed technological options. The use of local resources in
and to scale-up public and private investments for low- the energy mix should be enhanced and small-scale and
carbon technologies as well as for capacity building in mit- sustainable energy solutions can more efficiently improve
igation and adaptation actions. In this report, from a tech- energy access for the poor at low cost and with minimal
nical perspective and based on a socioeconomic analysis, environmental impact. Nevertheless, despite the increased
we perform a critical assessment of the CEIF in the light of financial commitment to renewable energy sources and
sustainable development and poverty alleviation, with a successful management and utilisation of carbon finance,
particular focus on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in there are serious shortfalls in the WB’s investment frame-
the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Region. work and a substantial risk if missing the window of oppor-
As a highly diverse continent in terms of uneven distribu- tunity of paving a genuine pathway for low-carbon and
tion of natural resources and different stages of economic climate resilient development.
development, the energy issues related to sustainable devel- Firstly, the investment portfolio still favours large-scale
opment in Africa involve many technological, institutional hydropower projects and/or uncertain and expensive tech-
and regional dimensions. While the SSA region, in general nological options in access and low-carbon projects. Even
suffers from energy poverty and heavily depends on fossil more unfortunately, considerable resources are still allo-
fuels such as coal and oil, institutional barriers, e.g. low cated to fossil-fuel based installations and projects.
capacity and lack of both public and private investments in Secondly, the dominance of large-scale projects and large

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

project developers is still pervasive in the Clean Development and market conditions should be taken into account. Energy
Mechanism (CDM). The CDM does not necessarily guaran- policy reforms supported by the WB should integrate with
tee the accessibility of the carbon market to Small and market liberalisation and sustainable initiatives in Africa
Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) who are more active and and link the power access targets with potential targets for
innovative in renewable technology markets. both renewable energy and sustainable development.
Thirdly, while the role of sectoral reforms and private Finally, from a Swedish perspective, different channels of
participation are important for mobilising private invest- financial and technical assistance should be explored. Based
ment, both historical experience and current observations on the long-standing experience of development co-opera-
have illustrated that the “private cash-flow-driven strategy” tion in Africa the Swedish government and agencies could
does not work well in low-income and basic-need domi- contribute to poverty alleviation, integrated with mitigation
nated markets, such as in the SSA-region. Instead, the con- of and adaptation to the adverse impact of climate change.
straints imposed by region- and local-specific institutional

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

1. Background and introduction

As a significant outcome from the G-8 Gleneagles Summit on counties on board in the post-Kyoto agreement and how
“Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development” to establish an efficient but fair North-South burden-shar-
in 2005, the World Bank (WB), together with other regional ing framework.
Development Banks were requested to develop a new invest- The complexities in energy-poverty linkage as well as in
ment framework. The overall objective of this initiative is to the energy-climate change nexus are becoming more criti-
improve the access to clean and modern energy for the poor cal in the near term. The environment space is becoming
and to scale-up both public and private investments for increasingly limited, especially when taking the need for
low-carbon technologies as well as for adaptation capacity preserving a reasonable likelihood of keeping the 2°C
building and actions in developing countries. The agenda threshold into account. More importantly, both ongoing
emerge to be even more important in the context of the Bali and future delays of efficient and timely actions risk making
roadmap from the UN Climate Change Conference 2007. the battle against climate change more costly and time-
It emphasised the enhanced actions of both mitigation of consuming. Delays can be due to narrowly defined national/
and adaptation to climate change as well as the support to political interests in developed and developing countries as
developing countries, in terms of technology transfer and well as because of unsettled issues with technology transfer
financial resources, based on the principle of common but and provision of financial support that developing countries
differentiated responsibilities.1 require when taking common but differentiated responsi-
In such a context, the new investment framework is of great The WB as a multilateral financial institution plays an
importance for addressing the manifold challenges faced by important role in international climate change actions. It
national- and international policy-making bodies, such as: has the capacity of and long-standing experiences in provid-
• The development/poverty challenge: More than 2 billion ing financial assistance, facilitating technology transfer as
people are without clean cooking fuels and more than 1.6 well as mobilising knowledge-intensive and network-based
billion without electricity in the developing countries. human and institutional capacity building in developing
These numbers unfortunately will not decrease signifi- countries. In the face of persistent poverty and increasing
cantly in the coming decades (IEA, 2004). energy need in developing countries on one hand, and press-
•  The climate and energy challenges: More than 300 mil- ing climate change challenges at the global scale on the other,
lion people per year in developing countries are affected the WB is anticipated not only to undertake swift actions to
by climate-related disasters. Coal, as the largest GHG emit- combat climate-induced poverty, but also to demonstrate a
ter source, will nevertheless continue to be the key energy proactive stance and innovative approach when promoting
sources in many years to come (IEA, 2006). low-carbon and climate-resilient development in develop-
• The (emerging) climate- and energy regime challenges: ing countries.
National governments and international communities
(such as the EU) in developed countries are to an increas- 1.1  Key elements of the new investment framework
ing extent giving priority to climate- and energy policies Since the G-8 Summit in 2005, the WB has presented the
at home. It is, however unclear how to bring developing outline of “Clean Energy for Development Investment

1 See, e. g. for more details.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Framework (CEIF)” (World Bank, 2006a and 2006b) and •  Private-public partnership for accelerating policy and
the subsequent proposal of and progress report on “The regulatory reforms and removing barriers faced by private
World Bank Groups’ Action Plan on CEIF” (World Bank, investors.
2007a and 2007b). The key elements in both the CEIF and
followed action plans are briefly presented in Table 1, for an In addition to conventional financing sources, such as con-
overview of the basic facts, on which the assessment and cessional funds and public donations, new financial instru-
analysis are based. ments and approaches have been or are being created:
With the objectives to make and mobilise environmen- •  Carbon Partnership Facility (CPF) and Forestry Carbon
tally responsible and socially and economically sustainable Partnership Facility (FCPF) as new carbon facilities to
investments, the CEIF and its action plans focus on: scale up the use of carbon finance.
•  A
development dimension, with emphases on energy ac- •  Global facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
cess and affordability for the poor. as an important new instrument for adaptation actions.
•  Scaling-up
and climate-proofing��������������������������
investments in and ac- •  Assessment and Design for Adaptation to Climate Change
tions of mitigation and adaptation. – A prototype Tool (ADAPT) as a new technical support
•  Private sector participation to fill financing gaps and spur for climate risk-screening and integrating adaptation into
low-carbon technology innovation and diffusion. project design.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Table 1 Key elements and action plan matrix of the CEIF

Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 3

Access to clean, safe and affordable Transition to low-carbon economy/ Adaptation to & Reduction of
basic energy services for 250 million mitigation ( in G+5 countries) vulnerability
people in Africa by 2030

Key elements Policy reform & regulatory framework Energy efficiency & Renewable Supporting necessary adaptation
energy efforts
Energy access for the poor
Low-carbon technology & Carbon Climate proofing new
finance development projects
Integrating adaptation into
national planning
Development of risk sharing

Action matrix Increase energy coverage for Scaling-up carbon finance. Technical assistance
enterprises, households.
New instruments: Country/ regional case studies
Enhance generation capacity for clean on technology and other strategic
Green Investment Schemes
energy. options
Carbon Partnership Facility (CPF)
Provision of energy services for public
facilities, such as schools and clinics. Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Provide unconnected households with
affordable lighting. Adoption of multi-gas/multi-
sector strategy
Push for clean, sustainable cooking
and heating technology.

Funding needs & $165 billion p.a. needed for electricity De-carbonising power production At least $1 billion p.a. needed for
existing funding gaps supply (incl. $35 billion for electricity needs incremental investments of up project planning and additional
access for the poor). to $30 billion p.a. in non-OECD coun- investments to climate-proof
tries, on top of basic costs for power development project portfolio.
Current private & public resources
$80 billion p.a. available.
Resources from GEF are limited
Concessional support needs to be
doubled to $4 billion p.a. Carbon finance with great potentials,
but with
post-2012 uncertainty.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

1.2  Reactions from stakeholders and the civil society • W hile the urgent need for large-scale “buy-down” of in-
Because of its high-profile and profound future impact, the cremental costs and scaling-up of financial resources are
CEIF has received great attention from interested parties. well perceived, the role played by carbon finance in devel-
While acknowledging the important actions taken by the oping countries is considered far from satisfactory.
WB to contribute to the battle against climate change as well
as to safeguard the development prospect of developing The two new financial instruments: Carbon Partnership
countries, the reactions from stakeholders and the civil Facility and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility raised caution
society, is nevertheless mixed in particular concerning the by many forestry experts who fear the FCPF may benefit indus-
following technical and structural issues: trial scale logging, in particular in light of previous IFI-induced
forestry disasters such as in Congo.
• W hile the role of decentralised renewable sources of en- Bretton Woods Project, 2007
ergy is emphasised in the CEIF and related action plans,
the role and the proportion of investments in fossil fuel- • W hile the fact that the vulnerability of developing coun-
based and large hydropower projects are questioned and tries towards climate changes is well-recognised, both the
criticized. actions as well as financial resources devoted to address
this vulnerability are considered highly insufficient.
“Financing for the energy sector in SSA increased signifi-
cantly in 2007 in line with the Africa Action Plan”, – This For the World Bank entire project portfolio (sampling projects
increase is mostly due to the approval of funding for two mega from FY2003 to FY2006), it was estimated that 55% of the
dams in Uganda ($360 million) and the Democratic Republic project are sensitive to climate risks and about 25% are at sig-
of Congo ($297 million). nificant risk. Furthermore, Bank’s country Assistance Strategy
Global Policy Forum, 2007 papers do not address climate change and variability at all and
often overlook the risks of natural hazards under current cli-
• Despite the importance of technical innovations in the mate conditions.
transition to a low-carbon economy in developing coun- OECD, 2006
tries, the investments in Integrated Gasification Combine
Cycle (IGCC) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) are • W hile the role of private sector participation as well as the
still controversial because of the uncertainty in perform- importance of policy and sector reforms are emphasised,
ance improvement and huge expenses on project imple- the suitability and feasibility of these “Washington con-
mentation and technical equipments. sensus” – inspired approaches in energy sectors in develop-
ing counties remain questioned.
Promotion of IGCC and CCS, which are two untested tech-
nologies for use on coal fired power plants, with low antici- Full-cost recovery models are unlikely to deliver quality, afford-
pated efficiency gains (7–13% for gasification), but add be- able service to a large number of poor users in Nicaragua and
tween 30–60% to the price tag of an ordinary coal burner, Nigeria. The process of energy sector privatisation has reduced
which means more debt for the poorest… poor people’s access to energy because of increased tariffs and
Wysham D., 2006 locked the countries into high oil imports and high carbon
emission in its power generation.
Christian Aid, 2006

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

2. Project description

Against the above background, the objective of this assess- •T  o address the short-run socioeconomic impact of the
ment report is, from a technical perspective, and based on CEIF, in terms of market and institutional conditions on
a socioeconomic analysis, to examine the CEIF in the light the least developed countries in the SSA-region.
of sustainable development and poverty alleviation, with a • To assess the long-term socioeconomic impact of the CEIF,
particular focus on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the in terms of sustainable human and technological develop-
Sub-Saharan African (SSA) region, as well as in the context ment on developing countries.
of the recent development of middle-income developing By integrating micro- and macro-level analyses, and from
counties in Africa, such as South Africa. a policy-making perspective, policy implications in the fol-
lowing fields will be taken into consideration (Chapter 6).
Prior to the detailed assessment, we first provide a brief •T  o what extent and how quickly the WB has managed, or
overview of a developing country/an African context in will manage to make a meaningful shift and scale-up of its
terms of the structure of the power sector, access- and ef- energy portfolio towards clean, renewable energy options.
ficiency lag as well as the climate vulnerability that the poor- • To what extent the carbon trading and carbon finance will
est regions are facing (Chapter 3). The assessment of the not only generate sufficient emission reductions and cash
CEIF is based on the combination of a micro-level analysis flow, but also contribute to sustainable development in
of different technical options included in the investment developing countries, in particular in the least developed
portfolio (Chapter 4) with a macro-level analysis of the in- ones.
vestment performance and strategy from the standpoint of • To what extent the WB investment in clean energy will
poverty alleviation and sustainable socioeconomic develop- meet the need for narrowing the energy demand-supply
ment (Chapter 5). More specifically, the following key ques- gap in developing countries, in particular when taking
tions are addressed: country-, region- and local-specific economic, social and
•T o identify the technical issues involved in the CEIF, e.g. institutional conditions into account.
the distribution of the technology investment portfolio •F  rom a Swedish perspective, which strategies/options can
and its implied strategic priorities. be relevant for the Swedish government and agencies to
•T o outline the feasibility of implementation in terms of assist with poverty alleviation and to promote low-carbon
cost-effectiveness, accessibility and environmental im- economic development when providing foreign aid and
pacts associated with identified technical issues. investment in Africa?

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

3. A developing country/An African context

African countries are highly diverse and include a number tricity delivered, but also affects the financial performance
of OPEC oil producers, such as Nigeria, Algeria and Libya, of the power utilities, of which most are public-owned.
as well as coal-rich South Africa. In the contrast to these The African power sector is also overwhelmingly domi-
energy-rich countries, the energy-poor countries in the nated by conventional thermal power generation, in forms
sub-Saharan region face great challenges and suffer from of large coal-fired power plants in South Africa and large
grave poverty because of the lack of access to modern oil- and gas-fired power plants in North Africa and Nigeria.
fuel and electricity. In addition, desertification and defor- Thermal power generation thus accounts for 80% of Africa’s
estation caused by the use of fuel wood mutually reinforce total electricity production in 2004, while hydropower gen-
each other. In recent years, climate change in the form of eration contributed 16.5%, nuclear power 2.5% and renew-
higher temperature and more frequent extreme weather able energy sources 0.6%.
events has made the situation even more severe. Therefore, Both production and consumption of electricity were
the energy issues in the sustainable development involve dominated by South Africa and five Northern African coun-
various institutional, technological and regional economic tries, which account for above 80% of Africa’s total produc-
dimensions. tion (539 TWh) and consumption (477 TWh) in 2004. The
remaining 46 SSA countries (excluding South Africa and
3.1 The structure of power sector in Africa: Nigeria) accounted for less than 20% of production and
technical, financial and institutional consumption.
performance2 In terms of carbon emission, the SSA-region has the least
The Africa power sector is characterised by small systems, per-capita emission level worldwide. However, because of
with over 75% of the continent’s installed capacity coming absence of efficient introduction of clean technology and
from South Africa and North Africa. The installed capac- low energy efficiency, the carbon intensity, which is meas-
ity of most SSA countries ranges from 10 MW to 2000 MW. ured as national carbon emission per unit of GNP has re-
In addition, only 14 out of the 53 African countries have an mained constant in the past decades, instead of decreasing
installed capacity of 1000 MW and above, which implies as in many industrialised countries.
that over 80% of SSA countries have small systems with less
than 1000 MW of installed capacity.
It is also important to note that, in these SSA countries, Table 2 Carbon dioxide intensity comparison (IEA, 2004)
the effective power capacities are only a fraction of installed Co2 intensity 1990 Co2 intensity 2003
capacities. The system loss, due to poor maintenance on the tonne per million US$ tonne per million US$
Region (value, year 2000) (value, year 2000)
transmission and distribution systems as well as faulty de-
sign factors, can be as high as 41%, which is very high com- Africa 444 441

pared with the international standard of between 10–12%. Europe 510 396
The poor technical performance in form of high level of
USA 701 562
system loss not only further constrains the quantity of elec-

2 The facts on the power sector in Africa presented in this session are based on the information from the annual World Energy Outlook, which is conducted by International Energy Agency (IEA, 2004 and IEA,
2006) and the information from the UN Economic Commission for Africa website:

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Most African electricity supply utilities have been govern- to eradicate extreme poverty worldwide. Because of the
ment-owned and operated. The urban areas have been the strong link between income-level and access to modern
priorities for grid supplies and the location for generating energy services, to reduce the proportion of people living
capacity. As providing grid electricity to dispersed rural on less than $1 a day by 50% by 2015 is closely associated with
population is expensive, technically difficult (often ineffi- increases in electrification rate and reduction in inefficient
cient) and with limited return on investment, to date, no use of biomass for cooking and heating. Therefore, to bridge
SSA countries has managed to provide a grid to reach a ma- the access- and efficiency gap in power utilisation, together
jority of the rural population. The limited energy supplies with the above structural problems in the power sector are
to rural areas in Africa made energy very expensive for the the key sustainability issues in the poorest countries in
poor, in relation to their income level and is getting more Africa. If the MDGs were to be reached, 500 million people
expensive because of the oil price shock since 2006. For in- more would need to be electrified and 700 million people
stance, the energy poor Africa spend about $17 billion a year would need to switch away from unsustainable biomass in
on fuel-based lighting (such as fuel-based kerosene lamps) 2015. Furthermore, the females (and children) in the labour
and/or battery lighting. force suffer most from the health problem and unproductive
labour utilisation, associated with traditional biomass.
3.2  Access- and efficiency lag and poverty Thus, “energy has an explicit gender dimension when con-
In year 2000 the United Nation (UN) adopted eight sidered from the poverty point of view” (EAC, 2006, East
“Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs), which aimed African Development Strategy).

Figure 1 Power poverty and the Millennium Development Goals (IEA. 2004)
Million people
People to switch
away from traditional
biomass to reach MDG

People to gain
access to electricity
to reach MDG

500 2002

2015 Reference Scenario

0 2015 MDG target

People without electricity People relying on traditional biomass

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

3.3 Climate vulnerability versus aid In the face of urgent and increased need for financial re-
and adaptation deficit sources as well as enhanced effectiveness in international
The developing countries, in particular in the poor SSA- climate change actions, the multilateral financial aid to
region (also South Asia) are more vulnerable to climate Africa, excluding debt relief and humanitarian aid, has
change in form of extreme weather events and larger vari- hardly increased since 2004.
ability of weather. These countries are highly dependent on In terms of multilateral financial aid to deal with climate
the agricultural sector, which accounts for around 20% of change in developing countries, the “adaptation deficit” is
their GDP and more than 50% of their total labour force, even more apparent. The amount of adaptation related
but at the same time, face constraints of limited arable land funds reached only $26 million by the end of 2006. Some
as well as poor soil quality (UN, 2008).3 The economic re- estimates show that the support to a new global investment
sources available as well as the institutional capacity for in adaptation of at least $86 billion annually, or 0.2% of
dealing with climate change are highly constrained in the OECD counties’ combined GDP, is needed to climate-proof
poorest African countries. Furthermore, at the household infrastructure and build the resilience of the poor to the
level, with limited access to insurance, social safety nets and adverse impact of climate change (UN, 2008).
savings, the adaptation to the climate change of the poor
population is to a large extent, on a “self-help” basis and they
could easily be locked into a downward cycle of poverty.

Figure 2 Core development aid to Sub-Saharan Africa 2000–2006 (UN, 2008)

Total net ODA to SSA in
constant 2005 US$ billions







10 Net Debt Relief Grants

5 Humanitarian Aid
Development Projects, Programmes
0 and Technical Co-operation
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

3 The exact numbers for the SSA is 16% of GDP and 58% of total labour force, and 17% of GDP and 55% of total labour force in South Asia in 2004.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

4. A micro-level assessment
— from a technical perspective1

A majority of developing countries heavily depend on fossil social risks that have to be cautiously addressed and has
fuels as coal and oil for their energy needs. Of the 47 poor- shown difficulties to attract private participation, many
est countries, 38 are net importers of oil, and 25 import all small and medium run-of-river projects have low environ-
of their oil (Worldwatch Institute). Access to energy for the mental consequences, no resettlement complications and
poor in developing countries has, to a large extent, been limited financial risk, which make them bankable by the
enabled through government subsidies for grid extensions private sector. Small run-off-river hydropower is an option
or supply of fossil fuels. In the CEIF, the combination of both for grid, mini-grid and off-grid applications.
large-scale grid extensions, mini-grid and various renewable Mini-grid applications are village- and district-level iso-
energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal) is lated networks with loads between 5 kW and 500 kW. As the
proposed as technical solutions to increase the energy access WB recognises, mini-grid or off-grid solutions based on
for the poor as well as to support the transformation to low- renewable resources such as hydro, solar, geothermal or
carbon economies in developing countries. Furthermore, biomass are often most cost-effective for rural and peri-
support for energy efficiency and advanced clean coal tech- urban areas in the least developed countries, at a cost level
nologies is also proposed, for middle-income developing of US¢ 6–15/kWh. For improving the energy access of the
countries, which are equipped with a certain degree of poor with minimal climate impact, these renewable tech-
indigenous technological capacity and heavily depend on nologies are many times the best option.
coal for their energy supply. For small isolated loads, off grid solutions of renewable
technologies (including solar PV, small wind, pico-hydro
4.1 Technological options for energy access and geothermal) are estimated to be the most cost-effective,
for the poor4 although they are still relatively expensive (US¢ 30–50/
4.1.1 Grid, mini-grid or off grid applications kWh), with pico-hydro as a notable exception at only US¢
In low-income developing countries where both the size of 12/kWh. The cost for a small, stand-alone gasoline or diesel
the grid and the load growth are small, it is often more eco- engine generator is estimated at US¢ 45–60/kWh.
nomical to add several small power units than a large central Furthermore, the cost for several of these renewable tech-
power plant. Taking advantage of local renewable resources nologies with high initial cost will decline considerably
such as wind, hydro, biomass or geothermal and construct- when both the leaning- and scale- effects are in place, as in
ing smaller power stations may provide energy security and the case of conventional technologies. From the standpoint
avoid some of the uncertainty associated with international of technological feasibility and cost-effectiveness, as the WB
fuel prices as well as the risk associated with financing and (2007) states, it is not a question of “if,” but ”when,” the goal
constructing large-scale power plants. The cost of small grid of a self-sustaining solar PV or wind power market in devel-
connected geothermal and wind power are estimated at US¢ oping countries will be reached.
4–6/kWh and several biomass technologies (biomass gasi-
fier, biomass steam and waste-to-power via anaerobic diges- 4.1.2 Mini, micro and pico hydropower system
tion) are all estimated to cost around US¢ 5–7/kWh. While Mini and micro-hydro power projects are usually run-of-the-
large hydropower is associated with high environmental and river schemes that divert some of the water flow through civil

4 The technical descriptions of various energy technologies provided in this session are mainly based on information from the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP, 2007).

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

works, for example, an intake weir, fore bay, and, for micro- dangered species, loss of livelihood and passage of migra-
hydro options, a penstock. Since no water catchments or tory fish species in hydro power plants. According to The
storage is needed, the environmental impacts are very small. World Commission on Dams (2000), large dams generally
A drawback of these applications is seasonal variation in flow, have a range of extensive impacts on rivers, watersheds and
making it difficult in some cases to balance load with power aquatic ecosystems and can lead to irreversible loss of fresh-
output. A pico-hydroelectric power plant is much smaller water species and ecosystems. Large dams have so far dis-
than a micro-hydro (a few hundred Watts), and incorporates placed 40 to 80 million people. In tropical areas the risk for
all of the electro-mechanical elements into one portable de- great emissions of methane from shallow dams, where veg-
vice. They are typically installed on the river or stream em- etation is not removed prior to inundation, is also signifi-
bankment and can be removed during floods or low flow cant. Therefore, the climate impact of large hydropower
periods. The power output is sufficient for a single household plants in tropical regions can be quite high if it is not man-
or small business. Because micro- and pico-hydro systems aged properly. A case study from the Tucurui Dam in Brazil
are simple, scalable, reasonably reliable and at low cost, they shows that the GHG emissions per kWh are similar or up to
provide a source of cheap, independent and continuous power double as high as for conventional thermal plants based on
without the need for environmental safeguards. fossil fuels (World Commission on Dams, 2000).
A hybrid solar photovoltaic-wind power configuration Taking account of all the risk factors associated with
is a potentially attractive arrangement for small loads (100 social and environmental sustainability, the large hydro-
kW or less) in an off-grid or mini-grid configuration. It al- power project might not end up so cost-effective. For pov-
lows each renewable resource to supplement the other, in- erty alleviation, it is also questionable with large hydro-
creasing overall reliability without having to resort to other power projects. The poorest are, in principle excluded from
backup sources such as diesel generators. the grid-connection, while smaller off-grid or mini-grid
solutions are often the only cost-effective solution to achieve
4.1.3 Large hydropower power access to the poor in rural areas. Furthermore, the
A large part of the investments on renewable energy of the potential negative impacts from large dams will also pre-
WB has been large hydropower projects (>10 MW), as this dominantly affect the poor.
is considered the most cost-effective grid connected renew-
able energy application, but nevertheless controversial. 4.1.4 Biomass technologies
On the one hand, large hydropower increases energy In many developing countries there are vast biomass resourc-
security and adds reserve capacity to back up intermittent es that are used very inefficiently. Biomass is predominantly
sources, such as wind and solar (and thermal). Since it relies used for cooking, lightning and heating in very inefficient
on local renewable resources, the dependency on increas- stoves. Such traditional use of biomass has significantly neg-
ingly expensive fossil fuels is reduced. Hydropower storage ative impacts on various dimensions of sustainable develop-
projects- when designed and operated in a sustainable way ment, which involves deforestation, local (indoor- and out-
can help manage the drought and flood stresses of natu- door) pollution because of incomplete and inefficient
rally volatile hydrology and contribute to water security. combustion as well as health problems in forms of respira-
On the other hand, there are potential environmental tory diseases and unproductive labour use (in particular
and social impacts, which include sediment transport and female labour force).
erosion, relocation of populations, impact on rare and en- By assuring sustainable forestry and energy crop cultiva-

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

tion, biomass steam power plants is a low-carbon alternative which passes through a turbine to generate electricity.
for grid applications that will lead to regional development, Design steam temperatures of sub-critical plants have nor-
employment and more efficient use of biomass for energy mally been set at 540°C. The adoption of new high strength
supply. The use of local biomass resources such as wood or ferritic steels has recently enabled the steam conditions to
agricultural residuals will provide energy security and avoid be raised above 25 MPa, 566°C, with the current maximum
some of the uncertainty associated with international fossil boiler outlet steam temperature being about 593°C to 600°C
fuel prices. In urban areas waste-to-energy projects can (so-called “Ultra-Super Critical (USC)” conditions). With
mitigate the methane emissions from landfills and provide higher steam conditions, the thermal performance increas-
energy from a cheap resource. Waste combustion heat and es. According to the WB (2006a), a conventional small sub-
power plants or anaerobic digestion of municipal waste are critical coal plant in Asia has an efficiency of just 25%
two low carbon energy technologies that also address in- whereas a large supercritical and ultra-supercritical coal
creasing waste problems in developing countries. plant have an efficiency of 36% and 42% respectively (Table
For mini-grid applications there are two particularly 3). The emissions of CO2 for the sub-critical coal plant is
promising technologies according to ESMAP (2007) – biogas estimated to about 1360g CO2/kWh compared to about 940
digesters and biomass gasifiers – that may be the most cost- and 810g CO2/kWh for a supercritical and ultra-supercrit-
efficient. The digestion residual can be used as fertilizer in ical coal plant, respectively. The CO2 emissions from these
local agriculture. new coal plants are lower, but are still very high compared
to renewable energy or natural gas.
4.2  Technological options for low-carbon economy According to ESMAP (2007), conventional power gen-
The technological options proposed in the CEIF for tran­ eration technologies (open cycle and combined cycle gas
sition to a low-carbon economy focus on the following turbines [CCGTs], coal- and oil-fired steam turbines) re-
approaches: main more economical for most large grid-connected ap-
1. Low-cost and high-impact solutions based on existing plications, even with increases in oil price forecasts. Using
financially viable technologies. This includes efficiency Super-critical or USC for very large (over 500 MW) power
improvement of existing coal thermal plants and hydro- plants is estimated most cost-effective when fuel prices are
power plants, insulation of buildings, and loss reductions high and CO2 reductions are sought.
in power transmission and distribution. In the CEIF, new efficient coal technologies are consid-
2. New technologies such as supercritical and ultra-super- ered important near-term initiatives for the transition to a
critical coal technologies and later integrated gasification low-carbon economy in developing countries. From a near-
combined cycle (IGCC) with carbon capture and storage term financial point of view, these clean coal plants may
(CCS) should be promoted to substitute conventional, less sound wise, as they are estimated to be most cost-effective.
efficient, sub-critical coal plants. Natural gas is important However, a continued reliance on coal for power production
as a bridging fuel in the transition period until renewable will not tackle the climate change sufficiently. Substituting
energy technologies become commercially viable. old and inefficient coal plants with more efficient plants will
lead to less CO2 emissions per generated kWh. But the total
4.2.1 New efficient coal plants emissions will still increase rapidly with every new installed
Coal-steam electric power plants typically have a pulverized unit as long as the power production is based on fossil fuels.
coal (PC) boiler where coal is combusted, creating steam To really achieve emission reduction, these technologies rely

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Table 3 Coal plant technologies and estimated efficiency, cost and CO2 emissions
(World Bank, 2006a and ESMAP, 2007)
Sub-critical Super critical USC IGCC Fluidized bed
Plant (Asia) (Asia) (OECD) (OECD) (OECD)

Plant size MW 50 600 500 300 500

Efficiency 25% 36% 42% 42% 40%

US¢/kWh > 4.47 4.29 4.29 5.39 –
generating cost1)

CO2 g/kWh 1362 938 811 811 851

1) Economic assessment of total generating cost for a plant size of: Subcritical: 300 MW, Supercritical: 500 MW, Ultrasupercritical: 500 MW, IGCC: 300 MW. ESMAP (2007).

on CCS and the WB has considered coal power technologies mining are still major environmental and social issues.
with CCS as the most important pathway for the transition Clean coal is also referred to as CCS, where carbon dioxide
to low-carbon economy in developing countries in the me- is separated and sequestered from the flue gas from conven-
dium term. tional coal plants and then transported and permanently
Nevertheless, the WB concludes also that, most current stored in geological formations, deep ocean masses or in the
planning methods are inadequate for comparing fuel-inten- form of mineral carbonates. IGCC is an emerging coal tech-
sive thermal generation technologies with fuel-free capital nology with much better environmental performance than
intensive renewables, such as hydro, wind, and geothermal conventional coal plants and is suited for carbon capture
because of difficulties in handling fuel price risk systemati- from the syngas prior to combustion.
cally (World Bank, 2007d). However, in the longer run, it The WB (2006a) has estimated the cost for conventional
will be increasingly beneficial with renewables, which does and new power plant technologies with CCS. The untested
not use fuel and has much less environmental impacts. Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is consid-
ered the most suitable coal technology for CCS. With CCS,
4.2.2 ”Clean coal” technology and Carbon capture the estimated generating cost will increase with 20–55% for
and storage IGCC, and 40–70% for a supercritical coal plant or NGCC
To mitigate the high emission levels of SO2, but also NOx, (Natural Gas Combined Cycle). However, these figures do
and toxic compounds from coal combustion, new “clean not include cost of CO2 transport and storage, which is es-
coal” technologies are being developed, and promoted by timated to increase the energy cost by an additional 30–60%
the WB in the CEIF for pollution mitigation in energy pro- (IPCC, 2005). For new supercritical pulverized coal (PC)
duction in developing countries. Depending on how the plants using current technology, the extra energy require-
“washed” compounds are deposited, these technologies can ments for CCS range from 24–40%, while for natural gas
reduce the regional health and pollution problems associ- combined cycle (NGCC) plants, the range is 11–22% and for
ated with coal plants. The emissions of CO2, however, re- coal-based IGCC systems it is 14–25%, resulting in increased
main high and pollution and health problems from coal fuel consumption (IPCC, 2005).

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

In addition, there are still many uncertainties with the CCS Finally, these coal technologies with CCS are suitable for
technology. CCS is still untested and critics point out that very large plants (>500 MW) due to high capital costs and
there are still no proven CO2 storage facilities. Ocean stor- at the same time, dependent on efficient distribution sys-
age is poorly understood and the storage will not be perma- tems to a storage reservoir for the captured carbon. This is
nent. 30–85% of CO2 would be retained after 500 years for an option for large grid applications in middle-income de-
depths 1000–3000 m, according to IPCC (2005). In well- veloping countries with vast resources of coal, if the CCS
selected geological formations, CO2 can be trapped for mil- technology proves to be reliable and cost-effective. However,
lions of years and 99% of CO2 are likely to be retained over environmental, social and health problems often associated
1000 years. Even with CCS, the power production will not with the coal mining industry in developing countries (such
be emission-free. Capture, compression, transportation and as China) still remain.
injection of CO2 are energy intensive processes, which will To summarize, for many developing countries, which are
cause additional emissions of both CO2 and other substanc- already highly dependent on imports of fossil fuels for their
es along the CCS chain. According to a life cycle analysis, energy needs and/or with inefficient use of large-scale power
CCS reduced the CO2 emissions by approximately 80% dur- generation, it is important to enhance the use of local re-
ing the life cycle for an IGCC plant. However, the emissions sources in their energy mix. In particular, the small-scale
of SO2 and NOx increased with 20% and 60% respectively and sustainable renewable energy solutions will more effi-
(Mayer-Spohn, 2007). Another life cycle analysis of CCS ciently improve energy access for the poor, but with low cost
applied to conventional pulverized coal plants shows simi- and minimal environmental impact.
lar results; the CO2 emissions can be reduced by about 75%
whereas the emissions of human toxical, eutrophicating and
acidifying compounds increased considerably (Zapp et al,

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

5. Macro-level assessment
– from a socioeconomic perspective

From a socioeconomic perspective, the WB’s investments 5.1 An overview of the investment portfolio
and strategy for clean energy involve two important issues – a quantitative analysis
that need to be taken into serious consideration, namely: The World Bank Group (WBG), i.e. the World Bank, its in-
• How to build an energy infrastructure and institutional house facilities and its private affiliates IFC and MIGA has,
capacity to meet the large incremental energy demand in in its Action Plan made a clear statement of its ambition to
developing countries? “address poverty reduction, mitigation and adaptation to-
• How these energy projects and technical assistances should gether”.
be/are being implemented, and how this will affect local
and global sustainable development?

Table 4 Sector breakdown of WBG Energy Lending FY03-07 (in US$ millions)
% in total
Energy sector FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY 2007

Low-carbon 237 299 781 1461 677 19

Access 684 475 627 727 482 13

Blended low-carbon & access 128 52 440 281 757 21

Transmission & distribution 90 103 200 645 469 13

Oil, gas and coal 325 496 529 1037 628 17

Thermal generation 461 191 76 510 360 10

Other energy 462 100 196 130 231 6

Grand total 2388 1716 2848 4794 3604 100

Total low-carbon 365 351 1221 1794 1434 40

Total access 813 527 1067 1008 1239 34

In terms of investment in energy access for the poor, the invest- trification. For instance, cases of rural electrification only
ment amounted to $1.2 billion. However, this figure was to a meeting lighting needs are many, while good lighting will
large degree, inflated by the amount of “blended low-carbon only improve comfort in the vicinity (ADB Finesse Africa
and access”, which was up to $757 millions because of two large Newsletter, 2006). The electrification program design needs
hydropower projects in Congo and Uganda. Otherwise, the to be an integrated and holistic approach, which addresses
access investment has decreased since FY 2005. the need for the overall human development in terms of
In addition to the need for increased investments in en- lightening, heating, educational and business activities.
ergy access for the SSA-region, a multi-functional strategy/ One of the strongest arguments, raised by NGOs and the
approach is required to more efficiently address the local civil society against the WBG’s energy lending has been the
need of energy services for households and communities. large share of fossil-based investments in oil, gas and coal
The current energy access projects are often based on a projects. According to the calculation by the Bank Informa­
single-functional approach with a traditional view of elec- tion Centre, the IFC provided more than $645 million to oil

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

and gas companies in FY 2007, which resulted in a statement extent, still flare gas as waste. This wasted energy is equivalent
by 200 organisations from 56 countries to call on the WBG to to 12 times the energy that the continent uses and the flaring
“tackle the issues of energy poverty and build clean energy releases carbon directly into the atmosphere.
pathways rather than subsidising big oil”. From the WBG’s In terms of renewable energy and energy efficiency, there
own statistics, it shows that $628 millions were allocated to has indeed been steadily increasing support for renewable en-
“Oil, gas and coal” lending, which accounted for more than ergy and energy efficiency, which can be motivated by several
17% of the total ($3.6 billion) in FY07. factors. First of all, the climate change has increased the aware-
While the local production of oil and gas by large compa- ness of the importance of other energy options than coal and
nies in Africa is, to a large extent for export, the benefit brought oil. Furthermore, the oil price shock and the (expected) com-
to the local population is highly limited. Furthermore, the mercial maturation of clean technologies provide further op-
adverse social and environmental impacts associated with the tions for clean energy development. According to figures from
oil and gas production have been substantial. For instance, the WB (2007d), the cumulative WBG financial commitments
according to an earlier IEA study (2000) and the WB’s own to new renewable energy and energy efficiency during FY
estimates, the oil and gas extraction plants in Africa, to a large 1990–2007 exceeded $11 billion.

Figure 3 World Bank Group Commitment for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (World Bank, 2007d)
Annual US$ millions Cumulative US$ millions
1,600 14,000

1,400 12,000


400 Hydro > 10 MW
2,000 New renewable energy
Energy efficiency
Cumulative commitment





In FY 2007 commitments for new renewable energy and en- financing reached 25% of total energy commitments in
ergy efficiency were $683 million and $751 million was com- FY2005–2007, and 40% in FY 2007. (However, this measure
mitted for hydropower projects greater than 10MW per facil- has been questioned and criticized as an overstatement of the
ity. The share of new renewable energy and energy efficiency WBG’s commitment to clean energy).

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Figure 4 World Bank Group Annual Hydropower Financial Commitments, 1995-2008 (World Bank, 2007d)
US$ millions





1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Note: Data on FY08 is Q1.

In the past years, the WBG has been re-engaging in hydro- and human consequences. Furthermore, in the current cir-
power, for the purpose of both energy and water security. 35 cumstance of increased climate variation, the reliance on
hydropower projects have been approved since 2005, amount- large hydropower in Africa may impose additional risk to the
ing to $1.6 billion in commitments. In Africa, four projects sustainability of the energy supply because of its dependence
were approved in Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Uganda on rainfall, which makes it vulnerable to drought. Many
as efforts to utilise the vast “underexploited hydropower re- countries in the SSA regions have experienced serious drought
sources and the potential for further expansion as a low- in the past, which has affected hydropower generation.
carbon solution to increasing energy access”. The projects in Being aware of the critics, the WBG attempts to attract
Africa are motivated by the need for regional water manage- private investments in small- and medium run-of-river
ment, which aim to develop a river basin and power pool, to projects, which have limited financial risks, low environ-
enhance regional co-ordination, development and sustain- mental consequences and without resettlement complica-
ability of water resources. However, these mega-projects have tions. But the scope of such projects is limited, with a few
been criticized, because of the environmental risks and social projects in South Asia and Latin America.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Figure 5 World Bank Group Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Commitments by region, FY 2007
(World Bank 2007d)
Annual US$ millions






New RE
100 Hydro > 10MW

In terms of investments in energy efficiency, the WBG has bilisation of financial resources from public donors, the
invested $3.1 billion in energy efficiency in around 120 great emphasis has been put on the private sector engage-
projects in 40 countries since 1990 (World Bank, 2007c). ment and the acceleration of the access of developing coun-
However, there is a significant concentration in Europe, tries to carbon finance in the scaling-up scheme of the CEIF.
Central Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, in a few sectors, such The question is, if these two approaches can really help to
as industries, district heating and electric power. The number fill in the financial gap between demand and supply of en-
of projects to provide modern and efficient lighting tech- ergy, while maintaining affordable prices and in a sustain-
nologies for grid-connected and off-grid consumers in able way in the poorest regions of Africa?
Africa is still very limited. It is to a large extent, due to weak
interests from private banks in energy efficiency projects. It 5.2.1 Regulations and sector reform:
is also reflects the absence of Small- and Medium Sized economical conditionality
Enterprises (SMEs) in the market. Furthermore, from both Rural electrification programmes are very costly, due to low
supply- and demand sides, the efficiency issue is of particu- population density, combined with low electricity prices.
lar importance, in supply-limited but demand-increasing Together with low-level of demand per capita, it imposes
regions such as Africa. It is a largely neglected issue so far, great difficulty of achieving profitability and economies of
both in the sector reforms and in multilateral aid to Africa. scale through capacity expansion for public electricity sup-
pliers. Furthermore, the institutional capacity and efficiency
5.2 The role of the private sector and carbon of public utilities are often low in these least developed coun-
finance- A qualitative overview tries and there has been serious price distortion that deprived
In addition to expansion of concessional finance and mo- the public-owned utilities of opportunities for expansion.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Against the above background, the WB, together with many social problems, while the access to the poor was not nec-
national governments and multinational funding agencies essarily improved because the supply network does not
promotes privatisation of national power utilities as alter- expand, hand in hand with privatisation.
native solutions and sector reform is often referred as a pre-
condition to attract capital investment in energy infrastruc- 5.2.2 The role of carbon finance:
ture. For example, In the case of Bujagali hydropower, to CDM & new carbon finance instrument
make the project bankable, the Uganda government under- Through public-private partnership and the Clean
took power sector reform, to allow the electricity price to Development Mechanism (CDM), the WB has managed to
“remain at or near cost-reflective level”, or, in other words bring 10 national governments and 654 private sector firms
to increase prices as well as to carry out the privatisation of from industrialised countries to developing countries. They
its national utilities. In most cases, the removal of subsidies, have entrusted the WB to manage more than $2 billion of
associated with privatisation and liberalisation led to a high- funds for the purchases of carbon emission reductions in
er tariff, which was less affordable to the poor. In a medium non Annex-1 countries (World Bank, 2007c). However, the
run, due to the limited per-capita consumption, the econo- financial leverage potentials offered to African countries so
mies of scale in electricity supply are still difficult to reach far, has been very limited, which can been seen clearly in the
and the unit price is therefore unlikely to fall. Moreover, the regional and sectoral distribution of CDM projects.
technology required, is often a form of stand-alone with The CDM and the role played by the WB, as the largest
renewable energy generation, such as small- and mini and public carbon finance broker have been criticized, because of
pico-hydro installation for basic human services, such as incentive distortions involved as well as structural shortfalls,
energy need in daily life, health, education and water supply. such as:
Such common and public goods will not be able to generate •  Low hanging fruits: the CDM structure favours large
immediate returns for private investment. It implies that projects, large enterprise groups and industrial end-of–
the very poor population most in need of basic energy serv- pipe projects in sectors with significant environmental and
ices will not benefit much from private investments. social impact, such as iron/steel industry, chemical indus-
Consequently, such narrow-defined “market-orientation” try, coal industry and large hydro.
and cash-flow driven privatisation process lead to outcomes •  Narrow definition of sustainability requirements in CDM
that are not in line with sustainable development: and the failure of the CDM to deliver on its sustainable de-
• From the supply side, the production of electric power is still velopment objective are considered a structural failure. The
skewed towards fossil-based and large-scale solutions, while CDM only attaches a market value to emission reduction,
the support for increasing the supply of renewable energy is but not necessarily to sustainable development aspects.
still limited. •  In a long-run perspective, CDM can indeed generate ad-
•  Many African countries have introduced private manage- ditional financial resources, but may also cause a delay of
ment and ownership in the electric power sector, e.g. the transformation to low-carbon economies in both the
Independent Power Producers (IPP), but most of them are North and South.
fossil-fuel plants instead of renewable energy producers.
• Market reform often leads to an increase in the energy
prices as a result of subsidy removal and the reform of state
monopolies also frequently leads to layoffs and further

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Figure 6 Location of CDM projects (World Bank 2007c)

Primary CDM annual
India 12%
volumes transacted (MtCO2e)
R. of Asia 7%
Africa 3%
Other & Unsp.
61% 300 Africa
Other & Unsp. 7%
R. of Latin America
Brazil 4% Brazil
R. of Asia
R. of Latin America 6% India
0 China
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

2006 2002–2006

Figure 7 Assets classes of CDM projects (World Bank 2007c)

Primary CDM annual

volumes transacted (MtCO2e)
N2O Other 500
13% 13%
6% 400
HFC Wind 5% Other
34% Biomass 3% 300 CMM
Other Renewables 2% LFG + waste
EE+Fuel s.
EE+Fuel c. 9%
Agro-forestry 1% Renewables
CMM 7% 0 HFC
Animal Waste 2% LFG 5% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

As a share of volumes contracted in 2006 2002–2006

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

On the other hand, there are indeed adjustments that have governance and meaningful participation of stakeholders
been implemented or are in the process of being introduced, in developing countries, as well as fair treatment of forest-
which can bring significant improvements to and have a dependent communities and indigenous forest people.
positive impact on the carbon market: However, the track record of the WB in terms of sustain-
o Introduction of the Bio Carbon Fund and Community able forest governance and management has been poor.
Development Carbon fund will make financing more ac- Examples include industrial logging in Congo as well as
cessible and feasible for small-scale CDM projects. IFC-projects for soya expansion in the Brazilian Amazon
• A programmatic instead of project-based approach, which and palm oil production in Indonesia.
shifts from stand-alone projects to multiple projects on a
programmatic basis, can generate significant “scale-up” 5.3 Climate adaptation and technology
effects of the CDM. development – a long-run perspective
5.3.1 Need for scale-up for climate change adaptation
Nevertheless, the current carbon market is not yet large While the facts of the additional climate vulnerability and
enough to generate significant funding for international acute situation faced by the poor population in the SSA-
climate change actions. The proposed new instrument FCPC region are well-known in both political debates and to the
aims to scale-up the forest carbon market, through “avoided public, the international co-operation on adaptation has
deforestation” (AD). The AD approach is so far excluded been characterized by “chronic under-financing, weak coor-
from the CDM, but is considered a potential positive incen- dination and a failure to look beyond project-based response”,
tive for the post-2012 climate change regime. Taking account according to an assessment by the UN (UN, 2008).
of the fact that 20% of global emission is the result of defor- The WB has enhanced its ambition of “mainstreaming”
estation, the AD projects have great potential to contribute adaptation lending and increased its adaptation-related ac-
to the preservation of biodiversity as well as to bring addi- tivities from around 10 to 40 projects, during 2005–2007.
tional income to resource-rich developing countries. In terms of investment/aid portfolio and technical as-
The WB has already planned, with the support of the G8, sistance, the WB has also made attempts to enlarge the scope
for an investment fund with $250 millions to support AD of its portfolio, to cover the integral parts of the foundation
projects in Indonesia, Brazil and Congo (Griffiths, 2007). for successful adaptation planning. For example:
However, on top of criticism related to pure technical and • Information for effective planning (e.g. CAS/CAP )
methodological issues, the WB’s plan of implementing • Infrastructure for climate-proofing
FCPC in the view of sustainable development has already • Insurance for social risk management and poverty reduc-
been questioned. According to many NGOs the social, rights tion (e.g. CCRIF )
and accountability issues involved in the plan have not been • Institutions for disaster risk management (e.g. GFDRR)
sufficiently addressed in the following aspects:
• The finance plan for FCPF assumes that the fund will op- However, the assessment of GEF by the UN reveals that, there
erate almost entirely on market-based funds by 2014. But is still an apparent “financial inadequacy”. Furthermore, the
there is an emerging consensus among proponents of AD supported projects are often a limited response to adaptation
that a mixed approach, involved both public funding and challenges because of its focus on “climate-proofing small-
participation is required. scale projects or infrastructure projects against short-term
• The successful implementation of FCPF requires good and incremental risk”. Furthermore, the project designs are

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

often outside the institutional framework of national plan- and technical assistance is to promote energy technology,
ning for poverty reduction and long-tem strategy for climate which in turn will contribute to sustainable development
change adaptation. in developing countries in a long-run perspective. The role
of such a long-run strategy was also stressed in the CEIF.
Table 5 The Multilateral adaptation financing account, However, there is a great diversity in both income-level and
(UN, 2008) technological as well institutional capacities among African
Total countries. Each African country faces different challenges
disbursed in the process of creating indigenous standards and low-cost
Total pledge Total received (less fees)
Adaptation fund (US$ million) (US$ million) (US$ million) technology as well as when establishing fruitful South-
Least Developed South knowledge sharing and renewable policy learning.
156.7 52.1 9.8
Countries Fund Consequently, the requirement for action by the WB varies
Special Climate
considerably across countries.
67.3 53.3 1.4
Change Fund In the case of grid applications, many African countries
Adaptation Fund 5 5 –
have inherited European standards for their distribution
networks, standards that were adopted to high density, high
Sub-total 229 110.4 11.2
demand centres in Europe. As a consequence, it often re-
Strategic Priority
50 50 14.8
sulted in oversized networks with unnecessarily high costs
on Adaptation
for connecting rural load. African counties need to decrease
Total 279 160.4 26 the per-connection cost and develop their own locally adapt-
ed low-cost standards. For instance, Tunisia and South
In addition to “financial inadequacy”, the “technical inad- Africa are making efforts to address this technical issue.
equacy” of the WBG’s funding to adaptation has also been For off-grid and mini-grid applications, there are sev-
examined from a governance perspective, in terms of effi- eral technical challenges, such as the access to appropriate
ciency, fairness and responsiveness (See, e.g. Möhner and solutions, especially on the mini, micro and pico hydro
Klein, 2007). The need of developing countries is defined categories as well as building up infrastructure for manu-
both in terms of the need to be able to access to adaptation facturing, installation and operation.
funds as well as the need to be able to use the funds in line In the case of South Africa, as a coal-rich country, it has
with their country-specific adaptation circumstances and rather different circumstances and has much higher carbon
requirements. The GEF is criticized, in particular, on the intensity than other African countries. This is also the moti-
ground of the inadequacy in responding to the need of de- vation for the resources that South Africa has devoted to
veloping countries. On the one hand, the amount of funds “clean coal technology” and it has managed to become world
provided by ODA is much larger than what is available under leader in certain technologies, such as coal-to-liquids, under-
the GEF, due to the inefficient GEF activity cycle. On the ground gasification and pulverised coal combustion, etc.
other hand, adaptation has to compete with other more im- However, it is still important to bear in mind that the low
mediate development priorities. consumer price of coal-based electricity is due to heavy sub-
sidies and does not reflect the true investment- and produc-
5.3.2 Indigenous technology development tion costs. Furthermore, including the externality associated
One of most important tasks of the WBG’s financial support with coal-based electricity production, in forms of resource

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

depletion, air pollution and climate change, such production

imposes a huge cost for the South African society.
On the other hand, the estimates of the potential contri-
bution of renewable energy in South Africa shows that sev-
eral renewable energy technologies could be cheaper than
new fossil fuel options within a relative short time span (10
years) and renewable electricity generating technologies
(such as biomass, land fill gas, solar PV, wind and hydro)
can generate up to 90% of the electricity needs by 2050
(Banks, D. and Schäffler, J. 2005). Nevertheless, this opti-
mistic outcome is conditional on a proactive and concerted
development, which starts now!
In such a context, the WBG should make a constructive
contribution in its technical assistance to promote and fa-
cilitate a proactive low-carbon strategy in developing coun-
tries, such as South Africa, which aims to depart from the
fossil fuel dependence and pave the pathway towards renew-
able energy, taking advantage of its rich natural resources.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

6. Conclusions and policy implications

6.1  General concluding remarks on CEIF needs to be addressed with higher priority and strategic
Based on an integrated micro- and macro-analysis we see importance. In the current situation, while the large devel-
both strengths and weaknesses of the CEIF. The new frame- oping counties, such as China and India are flooded by
work has made certain improvements and created innova- “low-hanging fruit” CDM projects, the poor and small de-
tive approaches in the fields of carbon finance and project veloping counties in Africa have hardly any access to carbon
design for adaptation actions. It also raised the awareness finance. The skewed regional and sectoral distribution of
of the urgent funding needs for international adaptation CDM may impose unnecessary and destructive “competi-
action and the potential for a low-carbon transition pathway tion” for CDM market share among developing countries.
in developing countries. Furthermore, the CEIF has also It is also a potential strategic barrier for developing counties
highlighted the importance of the combination of financial to commit to emission targets in the future climate nego-
and technical assistance and the synergies between techni- tiation when a large portion of low-cost and simple reduc-
cal and institutional capacity building as well as the private- tion opportunities have been take away by those “low-hang-
public partnership. ing fruit” CDM projects.
However, the weaknesses of the CEIF are also evident and While the role of sectoral reforms and private participa-
in some cases so serious that they risk missing the window tion are important for mobilising private investment, both
of opportunity of paving a genuine pathway for low-carbon historical experience and current observations illustrate
and climate resilient development. that the “private cash-flow-driven” strategy does not work
Even though the technical options for clean-technologies well in low-income and basic-need dominated markets, such
are clearly outlined and the advantages of small-scale solu- as in the SSA-region, where there is insufficient business and
tions using local and renewable resources are convincingly investment infrastructure. Instead, it requires new and in-
demonstrated, the WBG’s investment portfolio still favours novative financing schemes such as private-public partner-
large-scale hydropower projects and/or uncertain and ex- ship (from both the investor side and the recipient side) and/
pensive technological options in access and low-carbon or micro-credit schemes. In other words, the reforms need
projects. Even more unfortunately, considerable resources to be integrated with the objectives of poverty reduction and
are still allocated to fossil-fuel based installations and environment mainstreaming, instead of narrowly defined
projects. In other words, the WBG’s energy investment port- in terms of sector efficiency and cash-flow generation.
folio is far away from a meaningful and creditable shift to a Finally, the problems faced by developing counties are
clean and sustainable energy mix for developing countries. often due to constraints imposed by region- and local-spe-
At the current stage, the dominance of large-scale cific institutional and market conditions. For example, the
projects and large project developers is still pervasive in the experiences from the WB’s Solar PV initiative shows that, a
CDM, even though carbon finance and carbon trading can large-scale, fully commercial solar PV off-grid market in
be relatively easily scaled up by applying a multi-sectoral developing countries turns out to be overly optimistic. The
approach and including AD project. The CDM does not need to increase manufacturing capacity and supply of new
necessarily guarantee the accessibility of the carbon market material were substantial when supporting solar PV in rural
to SMEs who are more active and innovative in renewable electrification programmes. More importantly, at the cur-
technology markets. From the standpoint of developing rent stage, there are few African countries with comprehen-
counties, how the carbon market can contribute to local sive legislation linking liberalisation and privatisation of
sustainable development and technology development national utilities with an increase of renewable energy from

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

local and national resources. Furthermore, while the sub- Therefore, Sweden should draw on its rich experience in
sidies for fossil-fuel based power generation are still sub- development co-operation with LDCs and strong commit-
stantial, the incentive legislation and structure for renew- ment to the international community to explore other chan-
able energies are either non-existing or insignificant. As one nels that target resources more specifically and efficiently
example, in many African countries there are no national at climate and poverty issues.
targets specifically to increase renewable energy. The WB The Swedish government and its agencies have, over the
should therefore support energy policy reforms which in- last few years, taken several positive initiatives to address
tegrate liberalisation and sustainable initiatives in Africa the importance of climate change and the environmental
and link the electrification targets with potential renewable dimensions in international development co-operation:7
targets.5 • Sweden is supporting the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) through participation in the Poverty
6.2 The policy implication for Sweden’s international and Environment Initiative, whose objective is to help poor
energy and development co-operation countries integrate environmental concerns into their na-
For the period of 2007–2010, Sweden will contribute 850 tional investment plans and anti-poverty strategies, and
million SEK to the GEF for multilateral climate co-opera- the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC), which
tion.6 There are instantly recognizable reasons to argue that aims to prevent environmental problems from leading to
the CEIF, at least in the current form, is not the most optimal conflicts between and within countries.
multilateral channel, through which the financial as well • Sweden will contribute 50 million SEK to the EU:s initia-
human resources from Sweden can contribute to the clean tive of Global Climate Change Alliance as a part of the EU
and sustainable development in the LDCs. Firstly, the heav- co-operation to reduce poverty.
ily skewed investment portfolio towards fossil-based energy
sources and large-scale hydropower projects of the CEIF is In addition to the multilateral initiatives, many bilateral
not consistent with the clean and renewable energy profile agreements are also in place to support developing coun-
that Sweden stands for. From a technical viewpoint, it does tries. Some of them are with a particular focus on Africa:
not represent the innovative and small-scale environmental • The Swedish International Development Co-operation
technological solutions that the Swedish business sector has Agency (SIDA) has long-standing experience in providing
comparative advantages in. Secondly, the lack of clearly financial aid and technical assistance to African counties
defined renewable priorities and targets in the CEIF makes with the primary objective of combating poverty.
it difficult to reach measurable and sector-specific results • The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimydigheten) is pro-
that facilitate low-carbon transition and development. moting its energy development co-operation with African
Finally, the overrepresentation of large enterprises and ac- countries in the form of the Swedish-East African
tors with substantial market power, in both carbon finance Programme. As a concrete example, capacity building for
and investment projects could also jeopardise the principle CDM in Uganda has already been initiated.
of transparency and grass-rooted equality.

5 There are already some good models in Africa. For example in Kenya, the government has set a target of 25% of electricity generated to come from geothermal by 2020.
6 See for more details.
7 See, e.g. and more details.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

The link between climate change and poverty, as well as the In the recently released “Klimatberedningen”, both market-
need for support and assistance for the poorest is to an in- based instruments such as CDM and foreign aid are consid-
creasing extent becoming the focus of Swedish foreign aid ered viable instruments for promoting climate-related and
and development policy. However, there are still substantial environment- friendly international development co-oper-
gaps that need to be bridged in the near future: ation. However, uncertainty remains regarding how much
• In terms of development co-operation, the support to the resources Sweden should devote in the Swedish home mar-
SSA-region has traditionally focused on humanitarian aid ket and how much should be invested in developing coun-
in the fields of public health and regional conflicts. Only tries/transition economies outside Sweden. This uncer-
recently has the aspect of climate change received more at- tainty reflects a narrowly defined view on the legitimacy of
tention. To integrate international development co-oper- “the good example” in the battle against climate change.
ation with national climate change actions is a complex task Instead, the “power of the good example” should be fully
and requires extensive institutional and implementation exploited both at home and in a global context. This can be
capacity. The knowledge and experiences of the Swedish achieved, through financial support and technical assist-
governmental agencies need to be enhanced rapidly. ance from both public and private sectors, as well as by the
• W hile there is increased interest in cooperating with de- regulatory framework, through which private-sector par-
veloping countries in the fields of renewable energy and ticipation in form of carbon trading and other voluntary
clean environmental technologies, the “hotspots” have climate compensation will be encouraged. Sweden has in-
been China and India where there is market potential for deed the possibility and potential to integrate the develop-
the Swedish environmental technology sector. In contrast, mental dimension into its proactive image in global climate
Africa has not been a prioritised geographic area. The cre- and environmental issues. The efforts made to mitigate and
ation of public-private partnerships to support sustainable adapt to the adverse impact of climate change outside
development in Africa and at the same time introduce Sweden, in particular in the poorest developing countries,
cost-efficient and local-adapted technological solutions are not only motivated by the cost-effectiveness in emission
from the Swedish environmental technology sector re- reduction and the competitiveness of Swedish industry.
mains a challenge. They are also a demonstration of Sweden’s genuine com-
• Finally, an integrated and holistic approach, which include mitment to take the common, but differentiated, responsi-
dimensions such as policy dialogue, foreign aid, energy and bility with its strong political willingness and technological
environment technology and political influence require capability.
long-term strategic planning and highly structured and
efficient co-ordination and implementation both at home
and in recipient countries. So far, based on the experience
from other developing countries such as China, the progress
achieved by the Swedish actors has been limited.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

7. Selected references

ADB Finesse Africa Newsletter, 2006:

Banks, D. and Schäffler, J. 2006: The potential Contribution of Renewable Energy in South Africa. RAPS Consulting,
EAC, 2006: East African Development Strategy.
ESMAP, 2007: Technical and Economic Assessment of Off-grid, Mini-grid and Grid Electrification Technologies,
ESMAP Technical Paper 121/07 December 2007
Griffiths, T., 2007: See “red”? –“Avoided deforestation“ and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.
IEA, 2000: World Energy Outlook 2000. IEA, Paris.
IEA 2004: World Energy Outlook 2004. IEA, Paris.
IEA 2006: World Energy Outlook 2006. IEA, Paris.
IPCC, 2005: IPCC special report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Prepared by working group III of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Metz, B., O.Davidson, H. C. de Coninck, M. Loos, and L.A. Meyer (eds.).
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA
Mayer-Spohn O., 2007: Parametrised LCA of Electricity Generation in an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
(IGCC) with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). SETAC Europe 14th LCA Case Study Symposium in Gothenburg ‚
4th of December 2007.
Möhner, A. and Klein Richard J. T., 2007: The Global Environment Facility: Funding for Adaptation or Adapting to
Funds. SEI

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

UN, 2008: Human Development Report 2007/2008. Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world. UN,
New York.
World Bank, 2006a: Clean Energy and Development: towards an investment framework. DC2006-0002, World Bank,
Washington, DC.
World Bank, 2006b: An investment framework for Clean Energy and Development: A progress Report. DC2006-0012,
World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank, 2007a: Clean Energy for Development Investment Framework : The World Bank Group Action Plan.
DC2007-0002, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank, 2007b: Clean Energy for Development Investment Framework: Progress Report on the World Bank Group
Action Plan. August, 2007. World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank, 2007c: State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2007. Washington, DC
World Bank, 2007d: Catalyzing Private investment for a low-Carbon Economy – World Bank Group Progress on
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Fiscal 2007. Washington, DC.
World Commission on Dams, 2000: Dams and development – A new framework. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London
and Sterling
Worldwatch Institute: Energy for development The Potential Role of Renewable Energy in Meeting the Millennium
Development Goals. Paper prepared for the REN21 Network by The Worldwatch Institute.
Zapp P, Schreiber A, Kuckshinrichs W, 2007: Screening LCA of Fossil Power Plants with Carbon Capture and Storage
(CCS) via Membrane Technology and Case Study of Fossil Power Production with Amine-based Carbon Capture
Technology. SETAC Europe 14th LCA Case Study Symposium in Gothenburg ‚ 4th of December 2007.

an assessement of the world bank’s clean energy for development investment framework

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADAPT Assessment and Design for Adaptation to Climate Change – A prototype Tool
AD Avoided Deforestation
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEIF Clean Energy for Development Investment Framework
CPF Carbon Partnership Facility
ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
FCPF Forestry Carbon Partnership Facility
FY Fiscal Year
GEF Global Environment Facility
GFDRR Global facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
GHG Greenhouse gases
GNP Gross National Product
IEA International Energy Agency
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFI International Financial Institution
IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
IPP Independent Power Producers
LDC Least Developed Countries
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
NGCC Natural Gas Combined Cycle
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
ODA Official Development Assistance
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
PC Pulverized Coal
PV Photovoltaic
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
SMEs Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
USC Ultra-Super Critical
WB World Bank
WBG World Bank Group

As a key player in international development the World Bank could play a leading role in provid-
ing a framework for “fast-tracking” renewable energy investments in the South. Regretfully,
however, it is the perception of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation that the Bank has
not fulfilled these expectations. For many decades, the World Bank’s energy lending has focused
on centralized, large-scale, grid-based fossil fuels based thermal power and hydropower projects.
In spite of many promises to “green” its energy lending over the past 15 years, the World Bank’s
energy sector portfolio still fails to reap the double dividend of renewable energy technologies
that would fight both poverty and climate change.

SSNC has commissioned this report from IVL – The Swedish Environmental Research Institute –
in order to provide a scientific analysis on the development impacts of the World Bank’s climate
strategy document “Clean Energy for Development Investment Framework”, as well as provide
a basis for our positions on how Sweden can support sustainable climate change policies.

Naturskyddsföreningen. Box 4625, SE-116 91 Stockholm.

Phone + 46 8 702 65 00.

The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation is an environ­

mental organisation with power to bring about change. We
spread knowledge, map environmental threats, create solu-
tions, and influence politicians and public authorities, at both
national and international levels. Moreover, we are behind one
of the world’s most challenging ecolabellings,
“Bra Miljöval”(Good Environmental Choice). Climate, the
oceans, forests, environmental toxins, and agriculture
are our main areas of involvement.

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