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This article applies to HCN Products:

 Medical Director 3
 BlueChip

Software Versions Required:

 MD3.8 or higher & the 3.9.2 patch applied
 BC2.5 or higher

Due to unexpected behaviour of the MD3 linking procedure before MD3.9.2, it is possible that when a
patient’s major identifiers were modified in Bluechip (First name, surname, DOB), these details were not
updated in MD3, but rather a new patient was created.
This had 2 undesirable results:
1. The patient was replicated in MD3 and the clinical details may now be spread between
the duplicate patient records.
2. The Bluechip Document Transfer mechanism would stop functioning as it would not know
which patient to assign the documents to

Identify the patients with duplicate External_ID values so that they may be checked by the site for their
validity of being duplicate patients.
If they are truly duplicate patients, the site should merge them within MD3 ensuring they merge into the
patient with the currently correct demographic details.
Once this has been completed, remaining duplicate External_ID should be “reset” and a synchronise from
Bluechip to MD3 performed.

This issue requires a two part process.
1. Run the Script ID00000-ReportBCLinkedDuplicateMD3Patients.sql to generate the report in the
HCNInstMngr log file.
2. After ALL appropriate merging has been completed, run the script ID00000-
ResetBCLinkedDuplicateMD3Patients.sql so they are no longer linked to Bluechip to allow the
standard linking mechanism re-establish any missing.

Please find attached to this document the SQL repair scripts to rectify the problem at hand.
 ID00000-ReportBCLinkedDuplicateMD3Patients.sql
 ID00000-ResetBCLinkedDuplicateMD3Patients.sql

Procedure List:
The following procedure will need to be performed on the Server, after all HCN applications have been closed
on all machines.
It also assumes that "SERVER\HCNSQL07" is the SQL server name. You will need to substitute this with the
correct SQL server name when following these instructions (eg. ComputerName\HCNSQL07).

Before you proceed make sure the MD 3.9.2 Patch has been applied.
Link File processor not running

To ensure ALL patients in BlueChip do reside within the MD3 database a synchronise must be run.
This is because at some stage the link may have been broken and as a result the patients do not exist within
1. Synchronise BC & MD - perform a dump of all patients in BC and import them through the import
utility in HCN maintenance.

1. Make sure that All users have exited Medical Director 3 and BlueChip on their computers.
2. Create a FULL MD3 backup through HCN Maintenance.
3. Save the script email attachment ID00000-ReportBCLinkedDuplicateMD3Patients.sql to a location on
your hard drive (eg. My Documents).
4. Start the HCN Mechanic.
a. From the Windows Start menu, Select Run (Start->Run)
b. From the Run window, press the Browse button and browse to the HCNInstMngr.exe file located in
the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Health Communication Network\Common\HCNInstMngr\
c. Once the HCNInstMngr.exe file has been highlighted press the Open button to return to the Run
d. From the Run window, scroll to the end of the file-path.
Note: This can be done by single-clicking on the file-path and pressing the END key on your
e. Press the Spacebar key and type in /mechanic
(the path now should look something like ….Common\HCNInstMngr\HCNInstMngr.EXE"
5. Once the PracSoft Installation Manager Mechanic has opened:
a. Find and highlight the correct server listed within the Available Servers on the left hand side
b. Find and highlight the BlueChip database listed within the Available Databases on the right hand
6. Press the Exec SQL Script button and browse to the file saved in step 3.
After checking the confirmation details are correct, follow the remaining prompts to allow the script to
Note: The script may take a few minutes to complete, please wait.
Note: If a message is displayed indicating ‘SQL Script file <drive\file.sql> Failed to Verify’, and
You will need to re-download the repair script from your email client and re-run this step as it has been
damaged or modified.
7. Open the HCN Mechanic log file to ensure that the script has successfully completed and obtain the
a. If the PracSoft Installation Manager Mechanic is still open:
Press the Installation Log button (bottom left corner) to open the log file.
b. If the PracSoft Installation Manager Mechanic is not open:
From My Computer, browse to the C:\Documents and Settings\All
And Open the HCNInstMngrMonitor.LOG file
Scroll to the end of the file and locate the report described below under SQL OUTPUT for
8. Copy the Report to an EMPTY NotePad / WordPad document for processing and/or printing.
9. Close the HCNInstMngrMonitor.LOG file
10. Close the HCN Mechanic
11. Use the Report to locate the Duplicates in MD3

The Report lists the details of the Bluechip patient, then below that the duplicate MD3 Patients.
If the MD3 Patient Record is indeed a duplicate - check Letters, Scripts, Progress Notes, etc.
Merge the duplicates together, keeping the MD3 patient who’s demographics match Bluechip
(Enable the “Include inactive patients” filter in MD to find any inactive duplicate patient, so that they can be
merged as well)
If the MD3 Patient Record’s Name does NOT match the clinical records,
Update the MD3 Patient Record’s Name appropriately

RESET External_ID
Once all possible duplicates have been merged and incorrect names fixed, run the following Reset SQL script
to ensure any remaining MD3 duplications have their External_ID reset to allow the normal Linking Mechanism
to match unlinked Bluechip Patients to MD3 Patients based on their Demographic details.

1. Make sure that all users have exited Medical Director 3 and BlueChip on their computers.
2. Create a FULL MD3 backup through HCN Maintenance.
3. Save the script email attachment ID00000-ResetBCLinkedDuplicateMD3Patients.sql to a location on
your hard drive (eg. My Documents).
4. Start the HCN Mechanic.
a. From the Windows Start menu, Select Run (Start->Run)
b. From the Run window, press the Browse button and browse to the HCNInstMngr.exe file located in
the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Health Communication Network\Common\HCNInstMngr\
c. Once the HCNInstMngr.exe file has been highlighted press the Open button to return to the Run
d. From the Run window, scroll to the end of the file-path.
Note: This can be done by single-clicking on the file-path and pressing the END key on your
e. Press the Spacebar key and type in /mechanic
(the path now should look something like ….Common\HCNInstMngr\HCNInstMngr.EXE"
5. Once the PracSoft Installation Manager Mechanic has opened:
a. Find and highlight the correct server listed within the Available Servers on the left hand side
b. Find and highlight the BlueChip database listed within the Available Databases on the right hand
6. Press the Exec SQL Script button and browse to the file saved in step 3.
After checking the confirmation details are correct, follow the remaining prompts to allow the script to
Note: The script may take a few minutes to complete, please wait.
Note: If a message is displayed indicating ‘SQL Script file <drive\file.sql> Failed to Verify’, and
You will need to re-download the repair script from your email client and re-run this step as it has been
damaged or modified.
7. Open the HCN Mechanic log file to ensure that the script has successfully completed and obtain the
a. If the PracSoft Installation Manager Mechanic is still open:
Press the Installation Log button (bottom left corner) to open the log file.
b. If the PracSoft Installation Manager Mechanic is not open:
From My Computer, browse to the C:\Documents and Settings\All
And Open the HCNInstMngrMonitor.LOG file
Scroll to the end of the file and locate the report described below under SQL OUTPUT for RESET
8. Copy the RESET External_ID report to an EMPTY NotePad / WordPad document for Printing.
9. Close the HCNInstMngrMonitor.LOG file
10. Close the HCN Mechanic
11. Use the RESET External_ID report as a reference to the Duplicates in MD3 that had their External_ID
12. To re-synchronise BC & MD, perform a dump of all patients in BC and import them through the
import utility in HCN maintenance.
13. Enable the link File processor.

Note: Once the repair process has been completed, the files should be deleted from the computer.
These scripts should never be run without recommendation by Technical Support.

Note: These scripts should never be given or used at other surgeries without recommendation by
Technical Support.

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