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Abduction the carrying away of someone by force

2. Academic relating to college or university
3. Acute (of illness) strong or painful; (of angles) less than 90
4. Advocate one who speaks for another; speak in favor of
5. Alleviate make not as bad
6. Analogy picture or story that helps explain an idea
7. Antonym word that has the opposite meaning to another word
8. Aristocracy upper class society
9. Atheism belief that there is no God
10. Azure light purplish-blue color
11. Belligerent at war; eager to fight
12. Bigamy being married to more than one person at once
13. Brandish carry about conspicuously
14. Bursary money awarded a student to help with studies
15. Carnage savage killing of many people
16. Charlatan imposter
17. Coherent making sense
18. Commotion outbreak of disorder
19. Comprise to be made of
20. Consign send to an address; (of baggage) temporarily hand over; commit forever
21. Contravene (of a regulation) go against
22. Converge come together at a single point or as a single entity
23. Courtesy politeness; an act of politeness; thing given free of charge by a business
24. Curator person in charge of looking after a collection (especially of a museum)
25. Defendant person who is accused of something
26. Denote indicate
27. Designate assign a person
28. Dilemma difficult choice between 2 alternatives
29. Disillusionment abandonment of belief in things as they appear to be
30. Disrupt cause disorder
31. Dormant not active but may be active in the future
32. Duration length of time
33. Efficient using resources such as time and money well
34. Emphasise give particular strength to
35. Entice persuade someone to do something
36. Equivocal deliberately unclear
37. Excavate dig
38. Explicit not hidden
39. Facetious rude
40. Financial to do with money
41. Foreman person in charge of a group of workers
42. Fracture break into pieces
43. Futile useless
44. Glimmer flash of light
45. Habitual commonly used
46. Hesitate pause before saying something or making a decision
47. Hybrid produced by cross-breeding
48. Idealize treat someone or something as perfect
49. Impeccable without fault
50. Inane full of meaningless words
51. Indelible cannot be removed
52. Infirmary hospital
53. Insinuate imply
54. Interrogate ask a series of probing questions
55. Involuntary not controlled by the will
56. Labyrinth complex maze
57. Legitimacy truth or validity of an act or theory
58. Linguistics study of language
59. Lucrative making a good profit
60. Manufacture put together in a mechanical way
61. Massacre mass killing
62. Memento reminder of past events
63. Mimic imitate something (especially for the purposes of humor)
64. Monastery residence of a religious community
65. Narrative writing or speech that tells a story
66. Negotiate discuss the terms of an agreement
67. Obituary notice in a newspaper of someone's death
68. Ominous seen as a sign of things to come
69. Paragon model of excellence
70. Patronize talk down to
71. Permeate pass or diffuse through
72. Pharmacy shop where medicines are sold; the art of dispensing medicines
73. Picturesque having beauty as if in a picture
74. Polytechnic school that teaches applied sciences and industrial skills
75. Precarious easily changed
76. Prejudice thinking ill of someone or against something without knowing the facts
77. Pretentious thinking highly of one's own merit
78. Prohibit issue a command or law forbidding something
79. Provoke call forth; try to start a fight with someone
80. Quarantine place in isolation in as a precaution against disease
81. Recuperate recover from illness or physical hardship
82. Relent cease an activity because pressure or persuasion by others
83. Resemblance looking like something else
84. Salvage rescue objects
85. Sediment dust etc that falls to the bottom of a river
86. Sociable liking to socialize, friendly
87. Squabble fight, usually over something that is not worth it
88. Stimulate make nerves go; make something happen
89. Supine lying face upward
90. Surrogate in place of another
91. Tendency being very likely to do something
92. Translucent allowing some light to pass through
93. Tremor small earthquake; involuntary shaking of the body
94. Trite (of remarks) used to often
95. Unanimity speaking as one
96. Urban of cities and towns
97. Velocity speed
98. Vigilant watchful
99. Vogue in fashion
100. Wily skilled in deception
101. Abhorrent morally offensive
102. Acclaim enthusiastic praise
103. Adamant not willing to change one's mind
104. Affluence wealth
105. Allusion indirect reference to something in speech or writing
106. Animosity anger
107. Apathy not feeling any strong emotion
108. Armada a large fleet of ships
109. Atrocious very bad
110. Babble utter meaningless sounds
111. Benefactor someone who gives money to people or institutions
112. Blatant (of an action) without any attempt to disguise it
113. Brevity shortness
114. Cacophony large group of sounds
115. Carnivorous meat-eating
116. Circumference distance round the outside of a shape
117. Cohesion sticking together
118. Commute travel to and from a place regularly (especially a workplace)
119. Concur agree with; happen at the same time as
120. Connotation a message or association that something either intended seen by other people
121. Consolation something that gives comfort
122. Contusion bruising
123. Corporate to do with corporations ; involving of any group of people acting as one
124. Crevasse deep fissure
125. Cynical believing the motive of someone is bad
126. Defer put off doing something
127. Deport send away from the country
128. Deteriorate get worse
129. Diplomacy art of coming to a peaceful agreement (especially between nations)
130. Dismount get off of
131. Distort twist or bend out of shape
132. Dulcet sweet and gentle
133. Eccentric odd in an endearing way
134. Elapse (of a period of time) passed by
135. Enact act out
136. Epic about profound things or great deeds
137. Exclusion separation
138. Expel force out (especially of a pupil from a school)
139. Fanatic someone who is totally committed to a cause or activity
140. Finite having a limit
141. Foresight ability to make good decisions by anticipating what will happen in the long term future
142. Frantic hurrying to get something done or by fear
143. Galvanize stimulate into action; cover with zinc
144. Gratification satisfaction of desires
145. Harass annoy constantly
146. Hoard secret place to store treasure or money
147. Hygienic clean
148. Idiosyncrasy a behavior that is distinctive to a particular person
149. Incapacitate make not able to do something
150. Indignant of strong opinion
151. Ingenious very inventive
152. Insomnia inability to sleep
153. Intoxicated drunk
154. Isobar line on a weather map connecting points of equal air pressure
155. Languid lacking liveliness
156. Leniency not being harsh
157. Literate able to read
158. Ludicrous silly
159. Maelstrom circular current of water
160. Maternal relating to mothers
161. Menial involving unskilled work
162. Minute 60 seconds; extremely small
163. Modulate (of music) change key; (of speech) change tone
164. Monotonous excessively repetitious
165. Nasal relating to the nose
166. Nocturnal occurring at night time
167. Obligatory compulsory, necessary
168. Omission something that is left out
169. Paramount of the utmost importance
170. Peninsula large piece of land projecting out onto the ocean
171. Perpendicular at right angles to
172. Philosophy rational investigation into profound questions of existence
173. Pinnacle highest point
174. Polytheism belief in more than one god
175. Precaution something done to prevent something else
176. Premature before it was meant to happen
177. Prevalent most common
178. Prolific of work of authors producing many works
179. Pseudonym another name by which someone is known
180. Query question; ask a question
181. Redemption saving
182. Reluctance not wanting to do something
183. Revere hold in high regard
184. Sanction give authorization to do something; measures against a country because
185. Sensuous of the senses
186. Sordid immoral, dirty
187. Squalid morally degraded; unhygienic
188. Stringent highly thought out
189. Subterfuge an elaborate deception
190. Supple bending and twisting easily
191. Susceptible (especially of illnesses) yielding readily to
192. Timid gentle, easily frightened
193. Transmute change form
194. Trepidation strong fear
195. Trivial of no real importance
196. Unbecoming (of behaviour) not suited to polite society
197. Utmost greatest possible
198. Vendor someone who sells something
199. Virtuoso someone who is extremely skilled
200. Voracious greedy; (of animals) feeding in great quantity
201. Abrasion wearing down by friction; an area where abrasion has taken place
202. Accumulate build up a quantity or gather together
203. Adjacent next to
204. Aggravate make worse
205. Ambiguous having more than one possible meaning
206. Annotate make notes on
207. Appease lessen the anger of
208. Arrogant having a high opinion of oneself
209. Auditory to do with hearing
210. Baffle confuse
211. Benevolent showing goodwill
212. Bleak providing little help
213. Brittle easily snapped when bent
214. Cameo very short appearance in a film
215. Cataclysm disaster
216. Cite refer to (especially in a formal document)
217. Collaborate work together
218. Compensation money given to make up for injury or mistake that was the fault of someone else
219. Confide tell a secret to
220. Conquer take control of by force
221. Contagious (of a disease) able to be spread by infection
222. Convalesce recover from illness
223. Corporeal having a physical form
224. Crevice long narrow opening
225. Deceit deception, lying
226. Defiant not giving in
227. Derelict a wreck
228. Deterrent a punishment designed to stop others wanting to commit an offence
229. Diplomat person skilled in maintaining peaceful relations between countries
230. Disobedience not doing what someone says
231. Diversity many different
232. Drab dull
233. Edible able to be eaten safely
234. Eliminate get rid of
235. Endurance ability to stay
236. Epidemic disease
237. Eulogy speech made to give praise (especially to someone who has died recently)
238. Exempt excused from having to do a certain duty
239. External on the outside
240. Forfeit give up something as a penalty; silly thing that the loser of a party game has to do
241. Frigate warship
242. Genealogy the study of ones family history
243. Gratuity small amount of money given for a service
244. Harmonious musically pleasing; of things that go well together
245. Hoarse harsh sounding
246. Hypothesis tentative theory not yet verified
247. Illicit contrary to law or social morals
248. Implicit implied
249. Incendiary causing fire
250. Indulge give in to a desire
251. Inherent present as an essential part
252. Integrity completeness and ability to stay complete; moral soundness
253. Intricate full of many small parts
254. Jape action or remark intended to be amusing
255. Laud give praise to
256. Legitimate in accordance with accepted principles
257. Lethargic tired
258. Literal not a figure of speech
259. Malevolent with bad intentions
260. Maudlin of insincere sentiments
261. Mercenary person hired to fight for a country other than their own
262. Misogyny hatred of women
263. Mogul wealthy businessmen
264. Mundane found in the ordinary course of events
265. Nausea feeling of sickness
266. Notorious famous for bad deeds or tragic accidents
267. Obnoxious bad smelling; rude
268. Opaque not able to see though
269. Paraphrase express the same meaning in different words
270. Penultimate second to last
271. Perpetrator one who commits an offense
272. Physics the science of matter and energy
273. Pioneer person participates in the early development of a new way of doing things
274. Ponder think about carefully
275. Precede go before something
276. Premonition vision or strong feeling of what will happen in the future
277. Probation period of time after offenders are released from prison where they are monitored closely
278. Propaganda heavily biased distributed by the authorities to persuade people of their cause
279. Psychiatry the branch of medicine concerned with treating mental illness
280. Radical having an extreme point of view
281. Regime government; their laws
282. Reminiscence thinking about past times in a sentimental way
283. Revile not like
284. Sarcasm ironic wit
285. Sentinel person appointed to keep watch
286. Speculate guess about what would happen in the future
287. Stagnate stop flowing; stop moving forward
288. Subconscious in the mind without being aware of it
289. Subterranean under the ground
290. Supplementary something given in addition
291. Suspense fear or excitement about what is going to happen next
292. Torque twisting force
293. Transparent able to be seen through
294. Tribute a speech or act giving honor to someone else; money paid by country to another in return for protection
295. Twinge muscle spasm
296. Ulterior (usually of motives) hidden
297. Undermine take away from
298. Verify make sure it is true
299. Visualize have a picture in one's mind
300. Vulgar offensive, rude
301. Abrupt sudden; with sudden stops
302. Acknowledge let someone know something has been received; admit to be true
303. Adjunct something added on to something else but not an essential part of it
304. Ailment illness
305. Amorous full of romantic love
306. Antenatal before birth
307. Appraise rate the performance of
308. Aspirations hopes and dreams
309. Aurora colored streaks of light in the sky caused by charged particles
310. Banal devoid of freshness by being used or done too often
311. Bereaved of a person who has recently lost a family member or friend
312. Bolster improve support for
313. Brooch a decorative pin
314. Candid (of speech) straightforward and honest
315. Centenary 100th anniversary
316. Coalition alliance
317. Colloquial used in informal speech
318. Competence ability to do something responsibly
319. Confiscate take away
320. Conscience feeling about things that are right and wrong
321. Contemporary of the present time; of the same time period
322. Convene meet together in a formal way
323. Cosmetic product designed improve a persons looks; to do with the way things look
324. Criteria conditions by which something is judged
325. Decisive determining the outcome
326. Deficiency lack of something needed
327. Deride treat with contempt
328. Dexterity skill
329. Discern judge
330. Displace cause something to move from its usual place
331. Dogma belief accepted for ages and not challenged or thought logically
332. Drastic (of actions used to prevent or cure something) extreme
333. Efface remove by rubbing off
334. Eloquent expressing yourself clearly
335. Enigma difficult mysterious puzzle
336. Epilogue part of a book or play which is at the end; closing talk
337. Evade get away from
338. Exhilarate exciting in a good way
339. Extravagance unnecessary spending
340. Fickle likely to change suddenly
341. Flippant not showing the proper respect
342. Formidable very strong
343. Frivolous not serious
344. Geology study of rocks
345. Grievance something that is held against someone
346. Heinous wicked
347. Hostile full of hatred
348. Icon (in computers) small picture that represents a file; religious painting
349. Immaculate really tidy; without anything out of place
350. Impromptu not rehearsed
351. Incidentally by the way
352. Inept clumsy
353. Injunction formal command, (especially to prevent someone from doing something)
354. Intercede try to reconcile differences between two parties
355. Introversion not going out
356. Judicial of courts or judges; using careful judgment
357. Legion a large military unit; association of ex-servicemen
358. Lenient not strict, merciful
359. Levity lack of seriousness
360. Litigation legal proceedings
361. Mandatory necessary under law or regulation
362. Meager of a hardly sufficient amount
363. Mileage number of miles a vehicle will travel per gallon of petrol used
364. Missive written message to a person or organization
365. Momentum product of a bodies mass and its velocity
366. Mystic beyond ordinary understanding
367. Nautical to do with ships and sailing
368. Novice someone new to a particular activity
369. Obsolete old and useless
370. Parable story designed to convey a moral message
371. Parody humorous sketch or song designed to make fun of another song or film etc.
372. Perceive sense
373. Physiology branch of biology dealing with the processes of an organism
374. Pneumatic to do with air
375. Potent powerful
376. Precipice steep cliff
377. Preoccupation an obsessive interest
378. Prerequisite something that is necessary to have beforehand
379. Procrastinate put off doing things that should be done
380. Protocol proper things to be done
381. Psychopathic having a severe mental illness
382. Ratify express approval
383. Rejuvenate give new life to
384. Reprimand telling off
385. Revoke take away
386. Satire making fun of something in a sophisticated way
387. Significance meaning
388. Spinster unmarried woman
389. Subtle difficult to detect; tactful
390. Suppress stop or put down by force
391. Temerity fearless daring
392. Tranquility peace
393. Transplant move from one place to another (especially of human organs or plants)
394. Triplicate (of documents) in 3 copies
395. Typical having the qualities that are commonplace or average for a specific category of people or things
396. Ultimate one that there is none better than
397. Unique being the only one of its kind
398. Versatile able to suit different purposes
399. Vitality feeling of being alive,energy
400. Vulnerable easily hurt
401. Abundant present in great quantity
402. Acoustic to do with sound; (of musical instruments) not electrically powered
403. Adversity difficulties in one's life
404. Alias another name by which one is known by
405. Anachronism something that belongs in another time period
406. Anticlimax an event that is expected to be exciting but turns out to be disappointing
407. Archaic very old
408. Assets money and things of financial value; anything one has that can be useful
409. Averse strongly opposed to
410. Battalion an army unit usually made up of a headquarters and 3 or more companies
411. Bewilder confuse
412. Botanical to do with plants
413. Bureaucracy red tape
414. Canine to do with dogs
415. Cessation stopping of a process or activity
416. Coerce force someone into doing something
417. Commemorate (of a ceremony or memorial) ensure a person or event is remembered
418. Component part of something
419. Conjecture a theory not yet strongly supported
420. Conscientious caring about other people; paying attention to a task
421. Contingency an event that could possibly happen (especially one in which something goes wrong)
422. Convenient making things easier
423. Counterfeit fake
424. Culinary of food
425. Deduce reason by looking at the evidence
426. Delusion false belief
427. Descendent someone who is the son or daughter through birth
428. Differentiate decide
429. Discreet hidden tactful
430. Distraught deeply upset
431. Domestic to do with houses and homes; to do with the internal affairs of a nation
432. Drowsy tired and sleepy
433. Effervescent (of drinks) sparkling; (of people) exited
434. Elude get away from
435. Enlighten make more aware
436. Equestrian to do with horse riding
437. Exaggerate say something was bigger than it was
438. Exorbitant too high price
439. Fabricate make something physical; make up an false story and tell it as the truth
440. Fictitious of untrue stories
441. Foreground objects in a picture that appear near the viewer
442. Frugal avoiding waste
443. Fumble move about or look for something clumsily
444. Gesticulate express through movement of the body
445. Gullible willing to believe anything
446. Humane not causing unnecessary suffering
447. Iconoclast someone who attacks traditional ideas
448. Immutable unchangeable
449. Impudence rudeness
450. Incongruous lacking in harmony
451. Infamous famous for doing something bad
452. Innovation a new idea
453. Interlude intervening period of time
454. Invigorate give new life to
455. Kimono loose Japanese robe
456. Legislation law
457. Ligament tissues of the body that connects bones, cartilage, muscles or organs
458. Loathe hate
459. Loiter stand around at a place with no purpose
460. Manifesto statement of purpose
461. Mediocre moderate to inferior quality
462. Militant likely to go to war; showing a fighting temperament
463. Mitigate absolving someone from blame
464. Monarchy country that has a king or queen
465. Narrator someone who tells a story
466. Negligence failing to act with proper care and responsibility
467. Nuance subtle difference
468. Obstinacy stubbornness
469. Paradox a statement that contradicts itself
470. Patriotism support and love for one's country
471. Perjury lie under oath
472. Persecute cause a person or group of people to suffer (especially. because of their beliefs)
473. Physique physical condition that a human body is in
474. Polygamy being married to more than one person at a time
475. Potential the ability to do
476. Predicament unfavorable situation
477. Prerogative privilege
478. Proficiency showing good knowledge and skill on a subject (especially practical one)
479. Prototype machine or invention in the testing stage not ready to be sold
480. Pyrotechnics explosives used for in a public display or a film
481. Ravenous very hungry
482. Relapse go into a condition you had before
483. Reprisal retaliation against an enemy
484. Riposte quick reply
485. Sedate make drowsy
486. Simultaneous occurring at the same time
487. Spontaneous not planned
488. Stigma bad thing attached
489. Subordinate under the authority of
490. Succumb consent reluctantly
491. Surcharge additional charge for
492. Tenant one who stays a house they do not own
493. Transition act of changing from one state to another
494. Treachery act of betrayal
495. Tripod something with three legs
496. Tyrant cruel dictator
497. Vaccinate innoculate against disease
498. Vertex highest point; point where lines intersect
499. Vocation job
500. Waive (usually of rights) give up something

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