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Dolomite - powdery fizz, CaMg(CO3)2

Tourmaline – commonly black, 3 sided crystals

Apatite – hexagonal, fizz

Azurite - Blue ,blue streak

Serpentine - Green color

Chrysotile – Fibrous green

Tremolite - White - dark green, splintery/fibrous

Hexagonite – Purple tremolite

Olivine - Yellow - yellow green

Actinolite -Green-yellowgreen,black. (asbestos white-grey), bladed, fibrous

Epidote - green-yellowgreen-greenblack, crystals

Chlorite – greenish mica

Phlogopite – brownish mica

Labradorite – Black labradorescence

Chrysotile - green, fibrous

Corundum - 9, columnar

Wollastonite – fibrous, bladed, splintery, found with calcite and galena

Beryl – hexagonal, translucent, heavy, looks like quartz

Malachite – green botryoidal, fibrous, or stalagmitic

Chalcopyrite - brassy yellow

Andradite - yellow, green, brown, dodecahedra

Silver – Silver, Hackly

Sulfur - Yellow , smells bad

Copper - 2.5-3. Copper. Hackly

Chalcocite - Dark-gray - black, tabular, shiny back-grey streak, smells bad

Gold - Gold, hackly

Pyrrhotite - Bronze - dark brown, weakly magnetic,

Cinnabar - Red - brownish read, red streak, looks like staining

Stibnite - Lead grey, radiating crystals, flexible, smells bad

Pentlandite – Yellowbronze, bronze-brown streak, granular, smells bad

Marcasite – tin-white/bronze, tabular, brittle, smells bad

Antimony - tin-white - light blue, black streak,

Realgar - Red - yelloworange, redorange - red streak, looks like straining

Molybdenite - Black-silvergrey, Platy, smells bad

Covellite – Purple/Blue, Platy, iridescent, smells bad man

Bornite - Copper-red, peacock

Orpiment – Lemonyellow, foliated colums, yellow streak, staining

Cuprite- Dark red, metallic brown/red streak

Zincite- Yellow orange - deep red, disseminated, yellow-orange streak

Magnetite- Black, heavy, magnetic

Ilmenite- Iron black, metallic

Franklinite- Black, redbrown-black streak, occurs with zincite

Hematite- Grey-earthy red, red streak

Bauxite- earthy

Chromite- Black , dark brown streak

Goethite- Yellowish-reddish-dark brown, yellow/brown streak, botryodial.

Rhodochrosite – red
Sylvite - Colorless-greywhite, looks like halite

Magnesite – looks like dolomite, doesn’t fizz

Cryolite – White, 2.5-3, greasy/pearly

Siderite - Pale yellow-tan/grey/brown/green, tabular

Cerussite – White, heavy, twinning

Ankerite - White/Grey, tabular, looks like dolo

Smithsonite - botryodial/reniform/massive, vitreous/pearly

Witherite - White/grey/paleyellow, 3-3.5, twinned, fizzes, translucent

Barite - White/blue/yellow/brown, tabular, heavy, dipyramidal.

Celestite – small tabular/pyramidal crystal groups

Anhydrite – cleavage masses, blueish/purple tint

Angelsite – intense blue/purple color

Scheelite – golden-brown, heavy and soft

Almandine - red/purpleish , dodecahedral

Rhodonite rose-pink, tabular, 5

Enstatite - lamellar/fibrous/massive, 90degree, submetallic-pearly

Augite - Dark green/black, 90 degree, submetallic-metalic

Grossular – Green, dodecahedron

Diopside – dull green, prismatic crystals,

Pyrope – dark red, dodecahedron

Spodumene – pearly, chatoyancy,

Spessartine – orange-yellow dodecahedral

sodalite – royal blue

Amethyst – violet quartz

Onyx – banded quartz

Amazonite – green feldspar, twinning

Orthoclase – pinkish, Carlsbad twinning, (NO GRIDIRON)

Smoky quartz – smoky quartz

Flint – black quartz

Sanidine –dirty looking, Carlsbad twinning

Chert – granular quartz

Microcline – white, tabular, grid twinning

Milky quartz – milky quartz

Plagioclase – twinning feldspar

Rose quartz – pink quartz

Jasper – speckled with black bits.

Perthite - blebs

Opal - opalescence,

Agate - 6.5-7, waxy, microcrystalline quartz

Lepidolite – purple mica

Illite - Grey/white/silvery/green-grey, 1 dir, 1-2, pearly/dull, white streak,

Margarite – pinkish mica

Astrophyllite – brown radiating minerals

Pyrophyllite – white radiating crystals

Chlorite – green mica-

Prehnite – yellow translucent crystal

Kaolinite – white clay

vermiculite – poorly crystalized biotite

mariposite - green, basal cleavage, mica, K(Al,Cr) 2(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2

Serpentine (antigorite) - Dark green, pleated

chrysocolla – blue-green, glassy botryoidal

Staurolite – cross twinning

Anthophyllite – clove brown amphibole, splintery or fibrous

Kyanite – Blue, columnar, fibrous

Hornblende – Black, lots of cleavage fragments

Topaz – prismatic crystals with pyramidal tops, hard

Crocidolite – dark blue fibrous crystals

Chiastolite – crosses in the mineral

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