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1)real time image processing

3)storage devices-recent trends
4)fuzzy logic,
5)semantic web,
8)Citation Mgt.
9)online survey
10)remote security
11)online storage

Semantic web and online storage are the hot topics

Cyber Crime and Security

Open Source Technology
Nano computing
VoIP in mobile phones
Mobile Adhoc Network
Network Security
.Digital smell
4.Stream computing
1. cloud computing
2. AI
3. Network secuirity
4. data mining
cyber crime and security.
mobile adhoc networks
stream computing
cloud computing
High Altitude Aeronautical Platform Stations (HAAPS) is the name of a technology
for providing wireless narrowband and broadband telecommunication services as w
ell as broadcasting services with either airships or aircrafts. The HAAPS are op
erating at altitudes between 3 to 22 km. A HAAPS shall be able to cover a servic
e area of up to 1'000 km diameter, depending on the minimum elevation angle acce
pted from the user's location. The platforms may be airplanes or airships (essen
tially balloons) and may be manned or un-manned with autonomous operation couple
d with remote control from the ground. HAAPS mean a solar-powered and unmanned a
irplane or airship, capable of long endurance on-station “possibly several years.
A high altitude telecommunication system comprises an airborne platform “ typicall
y at high atmospheric or stratospheric altitudes “ with a telecommunications paylo
ad, and associated ground station telecommunications equipment. The combination
of altitude, payload capability, and power supply capability makes it ideal to s
erve new and metropolitan areas with advanced telecommunications services such a
s broadband access and regional broadcasting. The opportunities for applications
are virtually unlimited. The possibilities range from narrowband services such
as paging and mobile voice to interactive broadband services such as multimedia
and video conferencing. For future telecommunications operators such a platform
could provide blanket coverage from day one with the added advantage of not bein
g limited to a single service. Where little or unreliable infrastructure exists,
traffic could be switched through air via the HAAPS platform. Technically, the
concept offers a solution to the propagation and rollout problems of terrestrial
infrastructure and capacity and cost problems of satellite networks. Recent dev
elopments in digital array antenna technology make it possible to construct 100+
cells from one platform. Linking and switching of traffic between multiple high
altitude platforms, satellite networks and terrestrial gateways are also possib
le. Economically it provides the opportunity for developing countries to have sa
tellite-like infrastructure without the funds flowing out of the country due to
gateways and control stations located outside of these countries.
A typical HAAP-based communications systems structure is shown .

HAAP Feeder-band beam

Public/Private networks
Coverage Area
The platform is positioned above the coverage area. There are basically two type
s of HAAPS. Lighter-than air HAAPS are kept stationary, while airplane-based HAA
PS are flown in a tight circle. For broadcast applications, a simple antenna bea
ms signals to terminals on the ground. For individualized communication, such as
telephony, "cells" are created on the ground by some beam forming technique in
order to reuse channels for spatially separated users, as is done in cellular se
rvice. Beam forming can be as sophisticated as the use of phased-array antennas,
or as straightforward as the use of lightweight, possible inflatable parabolic
dishes with mechanical steering. In the case of a moving HAAP it would also be n
ecessary to compensate motion by electronic or mechanical means in order to keep
the cells stationary or to "hand off" connections between cells as is done in c
ellular telephony.


High-Altitude Long Operation (HALO) aircraft present a new layer in the hierarch
y of wireless communications -- a 10-mile tall tower in the stratosphere above r
ain showers and below meteor showers (i.e., high above terrestrial towers and we
ll below satellite constellations).

HALO airplane will be the central node of a wireless broadband communications ne

twork. The HALO Network, whose initial capacity will be on the scale of 10 Gbps,
with a growth potential beyond 100 Gbps. The packet-switched network will be de
signed to offer bit rates to each subscriber in the multimegabit-per-second rang
The airplane's fuselage can house switching circuitry and fast digital network f
unctions. A MMW antenna array and its related components will be located in a po
d suspended below the aircraft fuselage. The antenna array will produce many bea
ms -- typically, more than 100. Broadband channels to subscribers in adjacent be
ams will be separated in frequency. For the case of aircraft-fixed beams, the be
ams will traverse over a user location, while the airplane maintains stationary
overhead, and the virtual path will be changed to accomplish the beam-to-beam ha
ndoff. The aircraft will fly above commercial airline traffic, at altitudes high
er than 51,000 feet. For each city to be served, a fleet of three aircraft will
be operated in shifts to achieve around-the-clock service. Flight operational ta
ctics will be steadily evolved to achieve high availability of the node in the s


High Altitude Aeronautical Platform Stations (HAAPS) is the name of a technology
for providing wireless narrowband and broadband telecommunication services as w
ell as broadcasting services with either airships or aircrafts. The HAAPS are op
erating at altitudes between 3 to 22 km. A HAAPS shall be able to cover a servic
e area of up to 1'000 km diameter, depending on the minimum elevation angle acce
pted from the user's location. The platforms may be airplanes or airships (essen
tially balloons) and may be manned or un-manned with autonomous operation couple
d with remote control from the ground. HAAPS mean a solar-powered and unmanned a
irplane or airship, capable of long endurance on-station “possibly several years.
A high altitude telecommunication system comprises an airborne platform “ typicall
y at high atmospheric or stratospheric altitudes “ with a telecommunications paylo
ad, and associated ground station telecommunications equipment. The combination
of altitude, payload capability, and power supply capability makes it ideal to s
erve new and metropolitan areas with advanced telecommunications services such a
s broadband access and regional broadcasting. The opportunities for applications
are virtually unlimited. The possibilities range from narrowband services such
as paging and mobile voice to interactive broadband services such as multimedia
and video conferencing. For future telecommunications operators such a platform
could provide blanket coverage from day one with the added advantage of not bein
g limited to a single service. Where little or unreliable infrastructure exists,
traffic could be switched through air via the HAAPS platform. Technically, the
concept offers a solution to the propagation and rollout problems of terrestrial
infrastructure and capacity and cost problems of satellite networks. Recent dev
elopments in digital array antenna technology make it possible to construct 100+
cells from one platform. Linking and switching of traffic between multiple high
altitude platforms, satellite networks and terrestrial gateways are also possib
le. Economically it provides the opportunity for developing countries to have sa
tellite-like infrastructure without the funds flowing out of the country due to
gateways and control stations located outside of these countries.
A typical HAAP-based communications systems structure is shown .
HAAP Feeder-band beam

Public/Private networks
Coverage Area
The platform is positioned above the coverage area. There are basically two type
s of HAAPS. Lighter-than air HAAPS are kept stationary, while airplane-based HAA
PS are flown in a tight circle. For broadcast applications, a simple antenna bea
ms signals to terminals on the ground. For individualized communication, such as
telephony, "cells" are created on the ground by some beam forming technique in
order to reuse channels for spatially separated users, as is done in cellular se
rvice. Beam forming can be as sophisticated as the use of phased-array antennas,
or as straightforward as the use of lightweight, possible inflatable parabolic
dishes with mechanical steering. In the case of a moving HAAP it would also be n
ecessary to compensate motion by electronic or mechanical means in order to keep
the cells stationary or to "hand off" connections between cells as is done in c
ellular telephony.


High-Altitude Long Operation (HALO) aircraft present a new layer in the hierarch
y of wireless communications -- a 10-mile tall tower in the stratosphere above r
ain showers and below meteor showers (i.e., high above terrestrial towers and we
ll below satellite constellations).

HALO airplane will be the central node of a wireless broadband communications ne

twork. The HALO Network, whose initial capacity will be on the scale of 10 Gbps,
with a growth potential beyond 100 Gbps. The packet-switched network will be de
signed to offer bit rates to each subscriber in the multimegabit-per-second rang
The airplane's fuselage can house switching circuitry and fast digital network f
unctions. A MMW antenna array and its related components will be located in a po
d suspended below the aircraft fuselage. The antenna array will produce many bea
ms -- typically, more than 100. Broadband channels to subscribers in adjacent be
ams will be separated in frequency. For the case of aircraft-fixed beams, the be
ams will traverse over a user location, while the airplane maintains stationary
overhead, and the virtual path will be changed to accomplish the beam-to-beam ha
ndoff. The aircraft will fly above commercial airline traffic, at altitudes high
er than 51,000 feet. For each city to be served, a fleet of three aircraft will
be operated in shifts to achieve around-the-clock service. Flight operational ta
ctics will be steadily evolved to achieve high availability of the node in the s


Title: Cryptography & Steganography with Watermarking

Description: Cryptography & Steganography with Watermarking
Everyone has secrets; some have more than others. When it becomes necessary to t
ransmit those secrets from one point to another, it's important to protect the i
nformation while its in transit. There are many aspects to security and many app
lications, ranging from secure commerce and payments to private communications a
nd protecting passwords. One essential aspect for secure communications is that
of cryptography. In the past, cryptography is heavily used for military applicat
ions to keep sensitive information secret from enemies. Cryptography presents va
rious methods for taking legible, readable data, and transforming it into unread
able data for the purpose of secure transmission, and then using a key to transf
orm it back into readable data when it reaches its destination. The most secure
techniques use a mathematical algorithm and a variable value known as a key. Cry
ptography uses a single key to encrypt i.e. changing data so that it is unrecogn
izable and useless to an unauthorized person and decrypt a message i.e. changing
it back to its original form.
There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms Secret Key Crypto
graphy, which uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. Public Key C
ryptography, which uses one key for encryption and another for decryption. Hash
Functions uses a mathematical transformation to irreversibly encrypt information
. The goal of cryptography extends beyond merely making data unreadable; it also
extends into user authentication, Privacy/confidentiality, Integrity, Non-repud
Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of infor
mation security. Information security deals with several different trust aspects
of information. Another common term is information assurance. Information secur
ity is not confined to computer systems, nor to information in an electronic or
machine-readable form. It applies to all aspects of safeguarding or protecting i
nformation or data, in whatever form. Cryptography can also be defined as the sc
ience and art of manipulating massege to make them secure.In this the original m
essage to be transformed is called the plaintext and resulting message after tra
nsformation is called the ciphertext.
Security is a complicated subject, which can be tackled by trained experts. As c
omplexity increases, we need to understand the basics of security in a network w
orld. We propose possibilities to develop adaptive steganographic techniques in
general. Steganography refers to the practice of hiding secret message in commun
ications over a public channel so that an eavesdropper cannot even tell that a s
ecret message is being sent. The aim of this study was to investigate implement
and evaluate a number of common methods of pixel-based Steganography. All the st
eganographic methods are based on the manipulation of LSB of pixel values or the
rearrangement of colors to create LSB, which corresponds to the message being h
idden. In addition to these, a technique called digital watermarking is discusse
d which provides a means to embed copyright and other information for identifica
tion and tracking.
Steganography is the art of passing information in a manner that the very existe
nce of the message is unknown. Steganographys intent is to hide message, while c
ryptography scrambles a message so that it cannot be understood. The goal of Ste
ganography is to hide message inside other harmless messages in a way that does
not allow any enemy to even detect that there is a second secret message present
. Steganographic messages are often first encrypted by some traditional means, a
nd then a cover text is modified in some way to contain the encrypted message, r
esulting in Stegotext. Steganography includes a vast array of techniques for hid
ing messages in variety of media. Among these methods are invisible inks, microd
ots, digital signatures, and covert channels and spread spectrum communication.
Steganography is being vastly used through the media of text, images, and audio.
In this the idea is that a codeword is embedded in the document by altering part
icular textual features .As infringes make identical copies of documents without
paying royalties or revenues to the original author this method is used. Printa
ble documents are marked with a unique codeword that is indiscernible to readers
, but can be used to identify the intended recipient of a document just by exami
nation of a recovered document. Three features are identified in this method as
Digital technology offers new ways to apply Steganography techniques, including
the ability to hide information inside digital images. A digital image is an arr
ay of numbers that represent light intensities at various points. Combined, thes
e light intensities or pixels form the images raster data. Images with 640 x 480
pixels and 256 colors can contain up to 300 kilobits of data. But it is more ty
pical to see digital images in sizes of eight-bit or 24-bit files. This provides
an excellent opportunity for hiding information, especially in image sizes of 2
4-bits. Each pixel on a computer monitor selects from three primary color variat
ions: red, blue, and green. Each color is represented by a single storage byte.
With 24-bit images, three bytes are allocated for each primary color (hence eigh
t bits per byte multiplied by three bytes).
Represented in binary values, for instance, a white background is 11111111, 1111
1111, and 11111111. Pixel representation makes up a file's size. Thus a 24-bit i
mage displayed in high resolution (1,024 x 768) has more than 2 million pixels,
producing a file over 2MB in size. The larger the file, the greater opportunity
there is to apply Steganography techniques. The downside to this of course is th
at large file sizes might induce unwanted suspicions. To deal with this, file co
mpression is used. There are two kinds available today: Lossy and loss less. Bot
h methods compress files to save storage space, but do so differently. This is i
mportant because certain compression applications can interfere with hidden mess
ages. Lossy compression is the most efficient space saver, but does not retain t
he original images exactness. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is an exam
ple of such compression. A loss less approach, in contrast, retains the integrit
y of the original image. Images saved as GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) or BMP
(bitmap file) apply loss less compression.

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