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Anesthesiology 2008; 109:825–9 Copyright © 2008, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Postoperative Malignant Hyperthermia

An Analysis of Cases from the North American Malignant
Hyperthermia Registry
Ronald S. Litman, D.O.,* Christopher D. Flood, M.D.,† Richard F. Kaplan, M.D.,‡ Yung Ly Kim, M.S.,§
Joseph R. Tobin, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.C.C.M.㛳

Background: The initial presentation of malignant hyper- MALIGNANT hyperthermia (MH) may occur when a pa-
thermia (MH) may begin in the postoperative period. However, tient with an inherited MH-susceptible mutation is exposed
the maximal latency period between the end of anesthesia care
to one or both types of anesthetic triggering agents (i.e.,
and the onset of postoperative MH is unknown. The authors
hypothesized that this latency period is short and is not mani-
volatile inhalational agents and succinylcholine). In most
fested by hyperthermia as the initial presenting sign. The au- reported cases, signs and symptoms consistent with the
thors sought to test this hypothesis and to describe the clinical hypermetabolic nature of MH have occurred during admin-
characteristics of postoperative MH by analysis of suspected istration of the triggering agent. However, there are some
cases in the North American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry. reported cases in which the onset of MH began in the
Methods: Of 528 possible or suspected cases of MH in the postoperative period. The definitive latency period be-
North American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry, the authors
tween the discontinuation of an anesthetic triggering agent
identified 64 possible reports of postoperative MH. The records
were reviewed in detail by the authors, each of whom assigned
and the beginning of the manifestations of MH varies from
a qualitative score of “likely,” “not likely,” “not enough infor- case to case, but the maximal latency period is unknown.
mation available,” or “not applicable” (where MH was not the Therefore, the aim of this study was to define these latency
final definitive diagnosis). Postoperative MH was confirmed periods and to describe the clinical characteristics of pa-
after a consensus meeting of the three senior authors who tients in whom signs and symptoms of acute MH began in
reviewed in detail all possible “likely” cases. the postoperative period, by using a database of suspected
Results: The authors identified postoperative MH in 10 sub-
MH episodes in patients included in the North American
jects. All received volatile agents and 5 also received succinyl-
choline. All demonstrated signs characteristic of acute MH, in-
Malignant Hyperthermia Registry (NAMHR). Furthermore,
cluding generalized rigidity, hypercapnia and/or tachypnea, we examined the existing published cases of postop-
tachycardia, and hyperthermia. No subject demonstrated hy- erative MH in an attempt to lend clarity to these cases
perthermia as the presenting sign. The latency period between using current knowledge regarding the clinical and
the anesthesia finish time and the onset of a sign indicative of pathophysiologic aspects of MH. Based on our review
acute MH ranged from 0 to 40 min. of the existing literature and our experience as MH
Conclusions: Postoperative MH is uncommon, occurring in
hotline consultants, we hypothesized that postopera-
10 of 528 suspected MH cases (1.9%) reported to the North
American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry. Postoperative MH
tive MH represents a small overall fraction of existing
began shortly after completion of the anesthetic care. Hyper- MH cases and usually is identified in the early postop-
thermia was not a presenting sign of MH. erative period.

* Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School

of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. † Resident, Department of Anesthesi- Materials and Methods
ology and Critical Care, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Current position: Anesthesia Group of Albany, Albany, New York.
‡ Professor and Chief, Division of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Children’s After approval from the Institutional Review Board of
National Medical Center, Washington, D.C. § Medical Student, Yonsei Univer-
sity Wonju College of Medicine, Kangwondo, South Korea. 㛳 Professor of
the Stokes Research Institute of The Children’s Hospital
Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Win- of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we obtained
ston-Salem, North Carolina.
de-identified data on the 528 possible or suspected cases
Received from the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, The
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Submitted for
of MH that were included in the NAMHR database as of
publication February 3, 2008. Accepted for publication July 11, 2008. Supported January 1, 2005 (Microsoft Excel; Redmond, WA). The
by internal funding from the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care,
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the
NAMHR, which was established in 1987, merged with
Department of Anesthesiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Phil- the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United
adelphia, Pennsylvania. North American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry re-
sources were made possible by funding from the Malignant Hyperthermia Asso-
States in 1995 to provide ongoing support for collection
ciation of the United States. of data. The Registry is currently directed by Barbara
Timothy J. Brennan, Ph.D., M.D., served as Handling Editor for this article. Dr. Brandom, M.D., at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh,
Eisenach was not involved in the decision-making process.
Pennsylvania.# The goal of the NAMHR is to acquire and
Address correspondence to Dr. Litman: Department of Anesthesiology and
Critical Care, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th Street and Civic
disseminate case-specific clinical and laboratory informa-
Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. tion relevant to MH susceptibility to facilitate research.
This article may be accessed for personal use at no charge through the Journal
Web site,
The goal of the NAMHR is also to facilitate clinical care
# NAMHR Web site. Available at: of patients by releasing detailed patient-specific informa-
res_NAMHR.htm. Accessed July 11, 2008. tion to their anesthesiologists when the patient has given

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008 825


their consent for such a release to the NAMHR. Registry agents. This initial screening yielded 215 potential cases
functions are consistent with the Health Insurance Port- for analysis. These cases were then subjected to a pre-
ability and Accountability Act of 1996, Office for Human viously described MH clinical grading score to determine
Research Protections, and The University of Pittsburgh the likelihood of the patient having a true MH episode.1
Institutional Review Board regulations. Based on clinical signs and laboratory data, a score less
The NAMHR is populated by submission of an Adverse than 20 represents a MH likelihood of “almost never,”
Metabolic Reaction to Anesthesia (AMRA) report** by the “unlikely,” or “somewhat less than likely,” and therefore,
medical practitioner who contacted the Malignant Hy- these patients were excluded from further analysis, leav-
perthermia Association of the United States hotline for ing a total of 64 patients with potential postoperative
advice or suspected a possible MH reaction in a patient. MH. The available AMRA records from these 64 patients
Hotline consultants who suspect a possible MH episode were then reviewed in detail by four anesthesiologists,
encourage and assist the caller with preparation and which included three senior-level attending physicians
submission of the report to NAMHR. The submission of who are Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the
an AMRA is voluntary and underestimates the true num- United States hotline consultants (R.S.L., J.R.T., R.K.) and
ber of calls or MH cases available. There is no definitive one senior (clinical anesthesia year 3) anesthesiology
method with which to confirm the pathologic diagnosis resident (C.D.F.). Each of the four independently re-
of MH susceptibility in any given patient because the viewed the available information and made a determina-
AMRA is usually submitted before diagnostic testing. tion of the likelihood of MH using the terms “likely,” “not
Furthermore, to protect the confidentiality of the pa- likely,” “not enough information available,” or “not ap-
tient, the AMRA does not contain identifying informa- plicable” (where MH was not the final definitive diagno-
tion. Therefore, cross-referencing to additional data- sis). Subsequent to this initial analysis, the three senior
bases, as would be available from contracture or genetic authors met and reviewed each possible “likely” case in
analysis testing sites, is not possible. When the NAMHR detail, and by consensus, arrived at a final number of
receives an AMRA with the contact information of the cases to include for this report.
reporting anesthesiologist, that person is often con- In an attempt to further clarify a patient’s definitive
tacted by NAMHR staff for additional information and diagnosis based on clinical or contracture testing of the
details regarding the case (personal verbal communica- 64 cases analyzed, one of the authors (R.S.L.) obtained a
tion, Barbara Brandom, M.D., Professor of Anesthesiol- de-identified biopsy center database (from NAMHR), and
ogy, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Chil- a de-identified Malignant Hyperthermia Association of
dren’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the United States hotline log database from similar years
April 2008). covered by the NAMHR database. An attempted cross-
Subject reports were eligible for analysis if there was reference was made between all 64 eligible patients and
evidence from the AMRA that the initial signs of an MH these databases using approximate year of incident and
reaction occurred after the completion of the anesthetic other clinical factors in an attempt to gain more insight
or surgical procedure. Although the AMRA contains de- into the final diagnosis; however, it yielded no further
tailed information about the anesthetic episode, it was diagnostic information.
not specifically designed to determine when, in the pa-
tient’s clinical course, the MH symptoms first appeared.
Therefore, we determined this information by the AMRA Results
question that indicates the status of the patient at the
time of onset of the adverse metabolic reaction: A pa- The initial screening of the 64 eligible patients re-
tient identified for inclusion was noted to be in the sulted in a variety of opinions among the reviewers,
recovery area or intensive care unit at time of onset of ranging from 12 to 28 “likely” cases. The consensus
the signs or symptoms of the reaction. The “latency meeting of the three senior authors resulted in a final
period” was defined as the time between the discontin- determination of 10 postoperative MH cases (table 1).
uation of the volatile anesthetic and the time of the Their ages ranged from 6 to 75 yr (age was not spec-
development of the first MH-related sign. If the discon- ified in 2 subjects). The years of the suspicious reac-
tinuation time was not listed, we used the anesthesia end tions ranged from 1995 to 2003 (1 was not specified).
time to calculate the latency period. In addition, the All subjects received volatile agents and 6 also re-
free-text narrative portions of all 528 cases were exam- ceived succinylcholine. All subjects illustrated signs
ined to determine whether the reaction may have begun and symptoms consistent with those known to be
in the operating room but after completion of the surgi- characteristic of acute MH, including generalized ri-
cal procedure or discontinuation of the anesthetic gidity, hypercapnia and/or tachypnea, tachycardia,
and hyperthermia. All subjects exhibited a mixed re-
** AMRA report form. Available at:
spiratory and metabolic acidosis. Eight subjects exhib-
Accessed July 11, 2008. ited generalized rigidity, and 1 exhibited abdominal

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008


Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of Subjects with Suspected Postoperative Malignant Hyperthermia

Estimated Time
Interval Range
between GA
Duration of Finish and
Subject Year of Age, Triggering Additional Anesthetic Surgical Anesthetic Clinical Signs, in Order of Beginning of
No. Reaction yr Sex Agent(s) Agents* Procedure† Care, min‡ Occurrence§ MH, min

1 1995 19 M Isoflurane Propofol, N2O, fentanyl, General surgery— 80 Hypercapnia, tachypnea, 15

nalbuphine, rocuronium, unspecified generalized rigidity, dark
neostigmine, urine, rapid temperature
glycopyrrolate increase to 39.1
2 1999 25 M Isoflurane Midazolam, famotidine, Oral surgery 174 Tachycardia, tachypnea, 16
scopolamine, propofol, hypercapnia, rapid
N2O, fentanyl, morphine temperature increase to
40.3, abdominal rigidity
3 1995 75 M Isoflurane Midazolam, propofol, N2O, Kidney stone 140 Tachycardia, tachypnea, 10
fentanyl removal cyanosis, generalized
rigidity, rapid
temperature increase to
40.3, diffuse bleeding
4 Not 25 M Isoflurane, Ranitidine, midazolam, General surgery— 91 Tachycardia, rapid 5
specified succinylcholine droperidol, thiopental, unspecified temperature increase to
N2O, fentanyl, morphine, 41.8, hypercapnia
vecuronium, neostigmine,
5 1998 36 F Isoflurane, Propofol, fentanyl Obstetrics 35 Tachycardia, tachypnea, 40
succinylcholine rapid temperature
increase to 42.8,
cyanosis, generalized
6 1999 26 M Isoflurane, Propofol, rocuronium Kidney stone 58 Tachypnea, cyanosis, 7
succinylcholine removal tachycardia, rapid
temperature increase to
41.7, generalized rigidity,
7 1996 12 M Isoflurane Midazolam, propofol, N2O, Plastic surgery— 230 Generalized rigidity, 10
fentanyl unspecified tachycardia, tachypnea,
hypercapnia, rapid
temperature increase to
8 1996 Adult M Isoflurane, Midazolam, propofol, ENT, plastic 660 Tachycardia, generalized 15
succinylcholine vecuronium surgery— rigidity, tachypnea,
unspecified hypertension,
hypercapnia, rapid
temperature increase to
9 2001 6 M Halothane, Propofol, N2O, fentanyl, Plastic surgery, skin 135 Tachycardia, generalized 5
succinylcholine rocuronium, ondansetron graft for burn rigidity, tachypnea,
10 2003 44 M Isoflurane, Midazolam, sodium citrate, Orthopedic— 440 Generalized rigidity, 0
succinylcholine N2O, fentanyl, morphine, unspecified tachypnea, hypercapnia,
cisatracurium, cyanosis, tachycardia,
neostigmine, rapid temperature
glycopyrrolate increase to 40.0

* The Adverse Metabolic Reaction to Anesthesia report (AMRA) does not distinguish between premedications and anesthetic agents. † The AMRA lists surgical
service, and not specific surgical procedure, although sometimes it is included in the narrative section. ‡ The AMRA lists anesthetic induction and end times
but not surgical start and end times. § Some signs may have occurred concurrently.
ENT ⫽ ear, nose, and throat; GA ⫽ general anesthesia; MH ⫽ malignant hyperthermia; N2O ⫽ nitrous oxide.

rigidity. No subject demonstrated hyperthermia as the ity, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension just as he
initial presenting sign. All subjects were treated with was extubated. Prior to that he was resting comfortably
dantrolene and survived the event. on his stretcher awaiting postop x-ray results.” Al-
Latency periods in all patients ranged between 0 and though no time of anesthetic discontinuation was
40 min. In two patients (1 and 3 in table 1), the time of listed, we assigned a latency time of 0 min. In the
discontinuation of the volatile anesthetic was listed on remaining 7 patients, the latency periods were as-
the AMRA—these latency periods were 15 and 10 min, signed based on the difference between the time of
respectively. In patient 10, the AMRA was accompanied the first MH-related sign and the anesthesia finish time.
by a narrative statement: “Pt developed muscular rigid- These ranged from 5 to 40 min.

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008


Discussion regard to presenting signs and the short latency time of

onset after the completion of the general anesthetic. Of
As Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United note, none of the published cases presented with hyper-
States hotline consultants, we (R.S.L., R.K., J.R.T.) have thermia without additional signs of acute MH.
been impressed by the relatively large volume of calls Postoperative rhabdomyolysis in patients with proven
from anesthesiologists seeking advice on the possibility MH susceptibility is more common. In all reported cases,
of MH in patients with postoperative fever. Although the initial presentation was the onset of brownish dis-
numerous publications attest to the fact that postopera- coloration of the urine, which then prompted further
tive fever is common2– 8 and not caused by MH,9 we evaluation and discovery of rhabdomyolysis. Classic
believe that many anesthesiologists are under the im- signs of MH such as generalized rigidity, tachypnea,
pression that the onset of MH may be delayed well into
tachycardia, and hyperthermia were absent. It is pres-
the postoperative period. Therefore, we undertook this
ently unclear whether patients who present with post-
analysis of the NAMHR to further understand the inci-
operative rhabdomyolysis and subsequently demonstrate
dence of postoperative MH and its clinical characteris-
an abnormal caffeine– halothane contracture test result
tics. Our major findings are as follows: (1) Postoperative
have an MH-causing mutation or a subclinical muscle
MH is uncommon—we believe it occurred in 10 of 528
disease, which results in a false-positive contracture test
suspected MH cases (1.9%) reported to the NAMHR; (2)
when postoperative MH occurred, it usually began
There are a number of limitations inherent in this
shortly after completion of the surgical procedure or in
the initial stages of the postoperative period; and (3) methodology of examining an extant database that has
hyperthermia was not the initial presenting sign in any of been populated with cases of indeterminate cause. The
these cases. NAMHR database relies on voluntary reporting of suspi-
Postoperative MH has been reported in the anesthetic cious cases from anesthesiologists. These cases may or
literature. A careful evaluation of these published cases may not have been discussed with Malignant Hyperther-
reveals that they seem to follow one of four clinical mia Association of the United States hotline consultants,
patterns: (1) classic acute MH occurring shortly after and in most cases, we suspect that the final diagnosis of
the completion of surgery and the general anesthetic MH was not confirmed by contracture testing. Although
(table 2)10 –13; (2) atypical MH manifesting as delayed each record was closely examined for a final diagnosis,
rhabdomyolysis in patients subsequently identified as none made any mention of diagnostic testing for MH or
MH susceptible by contracture testing14 –17; (3) unsub- alternative diagnoses. However, as recently pointed out
stantiated reports made doubtful by the absence of by Burkman et al.22 and Hopkins,23 in the absence of
positive contracture testing or unconvincing clinical contracture testing, the precise diagnosis of MH is diffi-
characteristics18,19; and (4) cases in which the initial cult because there is no single pathognomonic feature
presenting signs of MH seemed to begin in the intra- and there are multiple differential diagnoses. Therefore,
operative period.20,21 it is possible that we unknowingly included cases that
Classic MH with an initial presentation in the postop- were not true MH and, conversely, omitted cases of true
erative period is rarely reported; in addition to the cases MH. Furthermore, retrospectively reporting a cohort
we found in the NAMHR, we could only identify three from an existing database is subject to limitations of
additional published reports.10 –12 The clinical character- incorrect data entry and, most importantly, absence of
istics of these patients resemble our cohort of cases with all possible cases of postoperative cases of MH that have

Table 2. Previous Reports of Classic Postoperative Malignant Hyperthermia

Study Time to
(Year of Age, Symptom Diagnostic
Publication) yr Sex Procedure Onset Presenting Signs/Symptoms Medical History Modality

Beldavs 22 F Ovarian cystectomy ⬍1 min Generalized rigidity, Spontaneous leg CHCT13

et al.10 cyanosis, hyperthermia cramps, sister with
(1971) to 105°F, hypotension high CK after GA
Newson11 10 M Correction of Not available Tachycardia, tachypnea, Undescended testicles, Clinical only
(1972) velopharyngeal (patient in generalized rigidity, lumbar vertebral
insufficiency recovery hyperthermia, cardiac anomalies, high-
area) arrest arched palate
Britt12 4 F Cystoscopy On arrival to Tachycardia, tachypnea, Unusually muscular, CHCT of
(1988) PACU cyanosis strong family history family
of MH members

CHCT ⫽ caffeine–halothane contracture test; CK ⫽ creatine kinase; GA ⫽ general anesthesia; MH ⫽ malignant hyperthermia; PACU ⫽ postanesthesia
care unit.

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008


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Registry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), for their assistance.
a patient subsequently diagnosed as malignant hyperthermia susceptible.
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Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008

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