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Engliat Yaraion by Darid Melis SCERE 41 SEADON PUPPET THEATER. (4933) Interior. Right. ve geo a transpareat rectecgle, like a worie screen, aad ve hear ‘che wound GAMELIN MUSIC. She HEAD TITLES start to roll, in+ (aixupted by weird, translucent figeres taking shape ot the acceen. Fhey are the ghostly inha>itanta of gwerld of snedews, bowing ead danc— dag, in ha lamplight at rhe whe of Ceres puppeteer, acting aut the ola story of fama and Ravana to the wosie of the Ganelin, the Chinese ‘band = bella, drums, and a xylo— phoue. There are & few scattered spec= Sasora, drowsing to the lullaby and watoking the twitching puppets threagh halt-closad ayaa. Ericka show through the flaicing paint ef the walls. at tha back, pink, {rescosd Buddha boise - fas Fok of the theater in big lap ‘a trey, smaenir ous of the two aide doors denging to the atley svings open 2 that sends a ripple through the 7 THREE Be: of the band. pt view, banging the door fe one paya any at- Sacine eesiyy an old O21y cualy employed in she Place, vho bas just cama down a stairway hidden at the back aud watches the Ehree men with beady ‘lack eyes. One of the men - PASIUITE = standa waard by the doar. The other tve Bick an aisle and move down it. Sue they're aot locking for grod -4 } fhey peer at the faces in the qudience, dim in the flickering light...a quick, professional Once-over thet doesn't hide the wiclence umlexy the skin, The biggest and brawnicet — SAL - gtopa by one of the drowsers and Lifta the hat from over his oyes to see bis face. ihe crower fishy, drugged oe drunken eyes ~ and tries to focus. Before he can, SAL drops ‘the hat and moves on. Wot the man he's after. Hig buddy « CARMINE « 4s working the back rows where the dark is deepest. “Eo comes across a man and a woman whose tongues ere entwined like a couple of snakes. His fece is hidden by Hera, ci8- MIDE pulls them apart and flicks @ flame in their eyes. The vouan forty and dregeed wears tired Een, shaved lately. CARMINE givea a stunt of disap~ CASA give moves on, but the boy wanta to play the nero for hie lady fairy and be grabs CAR~ GagHtNe staches bis puter ani trom tue game poaket we our a Long-barveled Pistol. fhe boy lets go. He knows what be The Having impressad Him, CARMINE warns to Her. Shs is decidedly pumpled, her blouse a wrinkled $estanous to impetuous youtn. o siipa ‘the leng barrel in among the ruffles, opens her blouse, and teases the nipples ef har sloppy breasts.

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