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Course Syllabus

Curriculum and Instruction in English
2011 Spring

Professor Contact Information

Lynne Weber
Classroom: CB2 1.206
Office Hours: by appointment
Daytime Phone: 214-346-8126 (my office and voice mail number)
Class Hours: Tuesday/Thursday, 5:30-6:45 P.M

Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions

Students must complete 20 hours of classroom observation in DISD during the semester

Course Description

ED 3380 is a methods course designed to prepare English teachers to become practiced in the knowledge
and skills required of effective professionals in English education on the secondary level. Students in this
course will research and practice strategies pertinent to curriculum, methods of teaching, and classroom

Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes

1. Students will write skill-based lessons and curriculum units that address all levels of Bloom’s
Taxonomy, that strengthen students’ composition, grammar, and reading skills, that employ best
teaching practices, and that are engaging, active, and student-centered.

2. Student will use a variety of effective strategies and techniques for planning classroom discussion,
student projects, group interaction, teacher-based modeling of skills, grammar instruction, reading
instruction, and composition instruction.

3. Students will construct, administer, and interpret meaningful developmental and summative
assessments for language arts classes, including rubrics, scoring guides, performance assessments,
and skill-based tests.

4. Students will teach a mini-lesson to their classmates and will analyze a videotape of their lesson.

Required Textbooks and Materials

Burke, Jim. The English Teacher’s Companion, Third Edition. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Press, 2008.

Preparation Guide for the TEXES exam in English

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Photocopied handouts (keep these in a small ring binder or folder) to be distributed in class

You must bring to class a memory card (4 GB) to record your mini-lesson.

Suggested Course Materials

Sheridan Baker: The Practical Stylist

Assignments & Academic Calendar

Required Papers, Projects, and Assignments:

All assignments should be submitted in typed, double-spaced form, using a standard

12-point font.

“Philosophy of Teaching” essay…

(3+ pages in length) in which you explore your own ideas about what teaching is and how a
teacher should “be.”

Two lesson plans

Mini-lesson and analysis of your video

One thematic six-week unit, prepared in Microsoft Word (ONE document), to be posted to E-
Learning so that your fellow students can download it

Reading: The occasional unannounced quiz will assess completion of reading assignments, as
will discussions of the reading at the beginning of each class.

Reading reflections as assigned

Field observation paper (2-3 pp): a paper analyzing the instructional methods used by the
teachers you observed and the effect of these methods on their students.

You must also turn in the log of class hours signed by the teachers you observe.

Students who are exempt from field observation because they are full-time teachers or full-
time teacher aides must observe two other teachers in their building for at least one period
each and must write the field observation paper.

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Tests and Major Papers: 70%

Thematic unit (double weight)
Grammar test. Students must achieve a grade of at least 80% on this test to receive a
passing grade in the course.
Lesson Plans
Mini-lesson and written analysis of video
“Philosophy of Teaching” essay and redraft
Field observation paper
Discussion: 20%
Discussion of reading assignments
Reading reflections
Final examination: 10%

Students who earn grades of “A” do exemplary, distinguished work. The A+,A,and A- student participates
actively and thoughtfully in class, completes all required reading and related assignments in a timely and
professional way, completes well-written papers, makes oral presentations confidently and effectively, and
consistently demonstrates the ability to make connections between theory and practice.

Please note: grammar and punctuation errors will lower student grades on all assignments. Strive
for elegance, accuracy, and excellence in your writing and speaking!

20 hours of field-based observation hours are required of you as a condition of your

certification. Failure to complete and properly document such observation will result in failure of
the course.

University guidelines require a grade of “A” or “B” in ED 3380/ED 5300 before a student is
permitted to enroll in student teaching.

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Course & Instructor Policies

Attendance Requirements
Regular attendance and punctuality are required in order for students to succeed in this course.
Missing more than four classes during the semester will result in a failing grade. If you must be
absent, please e-mail me any assignment that may have been due that evening. Assignments not
submitted on the evening they are due are subject to the “late” penalty of ten points per day.
Those students with perfect attendance will receive an extra “A” test/essay/project grade.

Late Assignments

Assignments turned in late without the instructor’s permission carry a penalty of ten points per

Course Content by Week

January 11 Course orientation and introductions
Sign up for mini-lesson slots
Goal-setting: What do you need to learn in this class?
Hand out Slouka article

Reading Assignment to be discussed on January 13: Harper’s Magazine

article (Slouka, Mark. “Dehumanized: When Math and Science Rule the
School.” Harper’s Magazine, September 2009, pp. 32-40.)

Writing Assignment due on January 13: Write a 1- page reaction to the

Slouka piece.

January 13 Discussion of Harper’s article (small/whole group activity)

Turn in reaction papers on Slouka article

Reading Assignment to be discussed January 18: “Teaching Thinking in the

English Class,” Ch. 9, Burke text

January 18 Introduction to skill-based planning and thinking skills

Discussion of reading assignment

Reading assignment to be discussed on January 20: “Teaching English in the

Twenty-First Century,” (Introduction to Burke text)

January 20 Discussion of reading assignment

Planning and brainstorming for “Philosophy of Education” paper
What does research tell us about best teaching practices?
“Favorite Teacher” Exercise
Requirements for the paper

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Reading Assignment to be read before January 25: “August” and “Thinking
about Teaching and Learning (Ch. 1 and 2, Burke text). This reading
assignment will help you do your “Philosophy of Education” paper

January 25 Out of Class Assignment

Write “Philosophy of Teaching” paper (3+ pages, typed) outside of class.
Bring a printed copy of the paper to class.

Reading Assignment for January 27: “Teaching Speaking and Listening,”

Ch. 8, Burke text. Write a 1-page reflection on the piece and on your personal
experience of speaking and listening in an English classroom.

January 27 Grammar diagnostic test

Student paper line-editing simulation
Philosophy of Teaching essay due

Reading Assignment for February 1: “Teaching Speaking and Listening,”

Ch. 8, Burke text. Write a 1-page reflection on the piece and on your personal
experience of speaking and listening in an English classroom.

February 1 Demonstration of lesson planning techniques

1-page reflection due
Class lesson planning/assessment activity

Assignment due February 3: Read one entire issue of English Journal (any
issue from the past two years). These are NOT available online unless you are
a subscriber. They ARE available in the UTD library. Write a one-page
reflection on the experience, listing and commenting on ideas you learned from
the reading.

February 3 Return and review of diagnostic grammar test

Review: “The Least You Should Know About Grammar and Mechanics”
One-page reflection on English Journal due

Reading assignment to be discussed February 8: “To Grammar or Not to

Grammar”(handout) by Constance Weaver
Write a one-page reflection on the reading assignment.

February 8 Teaching grammar in context/ “The Write Way to Teach Grammar”

1-page reflection on the Weaver article due

Reading assignment to be discussed February 10: “The Place and Purpose of

Vocabulary Instruction,” Chapter 5, Burke text

February 10 Discussion of reading

Vocabulary instruction methods

Reading assignment to be discussed February 15: “Teaching Writing: From

Practice to Performance,” Ch. 7, Burke text

February 15 Grammar Test (It’s the Real Thing)

Discussion of reading
Return of “Philosophy of Teaching” paper

Before Feb. 17: Revise your “Philosophy of Teaching” paper

Bring both your edited and revised drafts to turn in.

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February17 Teaching composition/Assessing composition
Collect revisions and edited drafts of “Philosophy of Teaching” paper

Reading assignment to be discussed Feb. 22: “Teaching Reading in High

School: The Continuum of Possibilities,” Ch. 4, Burke text. Write a 1-page
reflection on the reading assignment.

February 22 Close reading and literary analysis techniques

Choosing skills and texts for your lesson
Reading reflection due

Before February 24: Decide on a text, write an objective, and begin

brainstorming activities for your lesson

February 24 Seminar and questioning techniques

Explanation of lesson planning process
Explanation of mini-lesson requirements
Distribution of guidelines and scoring rubric for first lesson plan assignment

Before March 1: Write your first skill-based lesson. Make copies of the lesson
for your workshop group and the instructor (3 copies).

March 1 Skill-based lesson due

Analyze, review, and assess lesson plans in workshop groups

Before March 3: revise your lesson and prepare your revision for submission
to the instructor as a final draft; also, read : “Issues in Teaching English—
Inevitabilities,” pp. 377-435, Burke Text

March 3 Polish your lesson and post it on E Learning by 9 PM

Your attendance of this “virtual” class will be documented by the submission of
your lesson.

March 4 Midterm grades posted

March 8 Mini-lesson 1 ________________________

Mini-lesson 2 ___________________________
Discussion of reading

Reading Assignment to be completed before March 10: “Measuring Student

Progress,” Ch. 11, Burke Text; write a 1-page reflection on the reading.

March 10 Focus on Assessment

Activity: Construct a rubric and score a set of papers
One-page reflection due

Before March 22: Review the objectives for teaching grammar and
composition. Choose one grammar and one composition objective for your in-
class lesson. Brainstorm possible activities for your lesson.

March 14-19 Spring Break

March 22 Writing lessons about grammar: during this class, you will write a
grammar/composition lesson using materials furnished by the instructor.

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For Next Time: Polish and type your grammar/composition lesson

March 24 Submit lessons for instructor review

Mini-Lesson 3 _________________________________
Mini-lesson 4 ______________________________________

Special topic: The Needs of Boys in Language Arts Classes

Reading assignment to be discussed March 29: “Composing a Curriculum,”

Ch. 10, Burke text

March 29 Introduction to the thematic unit/Discussion of reading

Return of Lesson 2 (with scored rubric)

Mini-Lesson 5 ___________________________________________

Before March 31: Write field observation paper

March 31 Paper on field observation (2-3 pp.) due; in-class check of progress on field
observation hours. Bring your documentation sheet to class.
Check of ideas for thematic unit
Construction of the preliminary skeleton unit

Mini-Lesson 6 ____________________________________________

Before April 5: Gather the materials you will need to create your thematic unit.
Bring these materials and a laptop or notepad so that you can work on your unit
in class next week.

April 5 Workshop session on creating the thematic unit. Bring the resources you will
need, including a laptop if you have one.

Mini-Lesson 7 ______________________________________________

Before April 7: Complete the rough draft of your thematic unit. Make copies
of the unit draft for your workshop group and the instructor (3 copies).

April 7 Peer analysis, review, and assessment of unit plans

Mini-Lesson 8 ___________________________________________

Before April 12: Revise unit plan according to the advice of your group

April 12 At-home work on thematic units and PowerPoints (no class meeting)
Post Unit on E-Learning by 9 PM Monday to get credit for this “virtual” class.
April 14 Read-around of thematic units
Mini-Lesson 9 ___________________________________
Mini-Lesson 10 __________________________________

Reading assignment to be discussed April 19: “New Directions in

Teaching English: Implications,” pp. 319-275, Burke text

April 19 Mini-Lesson 11 _______________________________________

Mini-Lesson 12 _______________________________________
Discussion of Reading/Read-around of thematic Units

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Reading assignment to be completed before April 21: “From Becoming to
Being an English Teacher,” pp. 440-497, Burke text. Prepare a one-page
reflection on the reading.

April 21 Mini-Lesson 13 _______________________________________

Mini-Lesson 14 _______________________________________
Discussion of Reading/Read-around of units
One-page reflection due

Before April 26: Make sure all of your observation hours have been completed.
Bring documentation of your observation hours to class.

April 26 Mini-lesson 15 _________________________________________

Mini-lesson 16 _______________________________________________

Special topic: The Disengaged Student

Before April 28: Make sure all of your observation hours have been completed.
Bring documentation of your observation hours to class.

April 28 Final Exam Review

Discussion of student teaching issues and concerns
Observation hours due

May 3 Reading Day—class does not meet

May 5 5:30-6:45 PM: Final Examination/Course Evaluation

To access university policies and regulations, please go to

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