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Patient Assessment: 51
Integumentary System

History objectives
Physical Examination Based on the content in this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Palpation ■ Identify the assessment skill necessary for the critical care nurse
Assessment of Pressure Ulcers to use when evaluating the health of a patient’s skin.
Assessment of Skin Tumors ■ Identify expected differences in skin color related to racial or
Assessment of the Skin in Older skin tone characteristics.
■ Describe and recognize abnormal changes in skin color.
Assessment of the Skin in Children
■ Recognize and describe skin lesions resulting from increased
■ Describe the significance of rashes related to infection or to
allergic reaction.
■ Identify the pitting and nonpitting edema.
■ Explain the cause of pressure ulcers and at least one scale used
to assess a patient for pressure ulcer development.
■ Describe the features of malignant skin diseases.

he skin of a critically ill person is exposed to insults PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
ranging from diminished blood flow and the resul-
tant risk of pressure ulceration to rashes from hyper- The assessment techniques necessary for an evaluation of
sensitivity drug reactions and opportunistic infections. the integument involve inspection and palpation.
There is often ample opportunity for the critical care nurse
to assess the skin—the intimacy involved in providing care Inspection
to someone who is critically ill, the relative level of undress
of the patient, and the attention to detail implicit in critical Inspection of the general appearance of the skin includes
care nursing make integument assessment an ongoing and assessment of color; determination of the presence of
vital process. lesions, rashes, or increased vascularity; and assessment
of the condition of the nails and hair.
HISTORY Skin color is expected to be uniform over the body, except
for the areas with greater degrees of vascularity. The geni-
When caring for patients with skin disorders, it is important talia, upper chest, and cheeks may appear pink or have a red-
to obtain information from the health history (Box 51-1). dish tone in people with light skin. These same areas may
The information is useful in guiding the physical examina- appear darker in people with dark skin. Additional normal
tion and in determining appropriate interventions. variations in skin color include those listed in Table 51-1.

CHAPTER 51 Patient Assessment: Integumentary System 1201

box 51-1 table 51-1 ■ Normal Variations in Skin Color

Patient History—Skin Disorders
Normal Variation Description
Patient history relevant to skin disorders may be
obtained by asking the following questions: Moles (pigmented nevi) Tan to dark brown; may be flat or
When did you first notice this skin problem? (Also investi- raised
gate duration and intensity.) Stretch mark (striae) Silver or pink; may be caused by
Has it occurred previously? weight gain or pregnancy
Are there any other symptoms?
Freckles Flat macules anywhere on the body
What site was first affected?
What did the rash or lesion look like when it first Vitiligo Unpigmented skin area; more
appeared? prevalent in people with dark skin
Where and how fast did it spread? Birthmarks Generally flat marks anywhere on
Do you have any itching, burning, tingling, or crawling the body; may be tan, red, or
sensations? brown
Is there any loss of sensation?
Is the problem worse at a particular time or season?
How do you think it started?
Do you have a history of hay fever, asthma, hives, pink undertones. In people with darker skin, pallor mani-
eczema, or allergies? fests as a yellowish-brown or ashen appearance (again,
Who in your family has skin problems or rashes? because the usual pink undertones are lost).
Did the eruptions appear after certain foods were eaten? As hemoglobin gives up its oxygen to the tissues, the
Which foods? hemoglobin changes to deoxyhemoglobin. When deoxyhe-
When the problem occurred, had you recently consumed moglobin is present in the cutaneous circulation, the skin
alcohol? takes on a blue cast and the individual is said to be cyanotic.1
What relation do you think there may be between a spe- In light-skinned people, cyanosis may be seen as a grayish-
cific event and the outbreak of the rash or lesion? blue color, especially in the palms and soles of the feet, the
What medications are you taking? nail beds, the earlobes, the lips, and the mucous mem-
What topical medication (ointment, cream, salve) have branes. In those with darker skin, cyanosis evidences itself
you put on the lesion (including over-the-counter as an ashen-gray color seen easiest in the conjunctiva, oral
medications)? mucous membranes, and nail beds.2
What skin products or cosmetics do you use? The yellowish hue of jaundice is indicative of liver dis-
What is your occupation? ease or of hemolysis of red blood cells. In dark-skinned
What in your immediate environment (plants, animals, people, jaundice is seen as a yellowish-green color in the
chemicals, infections) might be precipitating this sclera, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. In light-
disorder? Is there anything new, or are there any skinned people, jaundice is seen as a yellow coloration of
changes in the environment? the skin, sclera, lips, hard palate, and underside of the
Does anything touching your skin cause a rash? tongue. Bickley and Szilagyi recommend using a trans-
How has this affected you (or your life)? parent slide pressed against the lips to “blanch out the red
Is there anything else you wish to talk about in regard to color,” making the yellow of jaundice more easily seen.1
this disorder? Another skin color abnormality is erythema. Erythema
manifests as a reddish tone in light-skinned people and a
From Smeltzer SC, Bare BG: Brunner: Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical–Surgical Nursing (10th Ed), p 1645. Philadelphia, Lippincott deeper brown or purple tone in dark-skinned people. It is
Williams & Wilkins, 2004. indicative of increased skin temperature caused by inflam-
mation. The process of inflammation increases vascularity
of the tissues and this, in turn, produces the color alteration
seen with erythema. Erythema may be expected when asso-
Skin color is determined by the presence of four pig- ciated with a surgical wound, due to the inflammatory pro-
ments: melanin, carotene, hemoglobin, and deoxyhemo- cess inherent in any tissue trauma. It is also seen in disease
globin. The amount of melanin is genetically determined processes affecting the skin, such as cellulitis. In either case,
and produces varying degrees of dark skin tone. Carotene, the erythema is indicative of inflammation.
a yellow pigment, is in subcutaneous fat and is most evident
in those areas with the most keratin, the palms and soles of LESIONS
the feet. Skin color abnormalities, such as pallor, cyanosis, Skin lesions are variously described by their color, shape,
jaundice, and erythema, manifest differently depending on cause, or general appearance (Table 51-3). They are con-
the person’s normal skin tone (Table 51-2). sidered abnormal conditions and arise from many factors.
The degree of oxygenation affects skin color. Hemo- In general, it is important to note the anatomical location,
globin, attached to red blood cells, transports oxygen to distribution, color, size, and pattern of any abnormal skin
the tissues. A diminished flow of oxyhemoglobin through lesion. In addition, details about the lesion’s borders or
the cutaneous circulation results in pallor. In people with edges, as well as whether the lesion is flat, raised, or sunken,
light skin, the skin appears very pale, without the usual should be noted. Finally, the length of time the lesion has

table 51-2 ■ Skin Color Abnormalities

Skin Color Manifestation in Manifestation in

Abnormality Underlying Cause Light-Skinned People Dark-Skinned People

Pallor Decreased blood flow Excessively pale skin Yellowish-brown or ashen

(decreased oxyhemo- color to the skin
globin flow to tissues)
Cyanosis Increased deoxyhemoglo- Grayish-blue color of Ashen-gray color of the
bin in the cutaneous the palms and soles conjunctiva, oral
circulation of the feet, the nail mucous membranes,
beds, the lips, the ear- and nail beds
lobes, and the mucous
Jaundice Increased red blood cell Yellow color of the sclera, Yellow-green color of the
hemolysis, liver disease lips, and hard palate sclera and palms and
soles of the feet
Erythema Inflammation Reddish tone Deeper brown or purple

table 51-3 ■ Types of Skin Lesions

Lesion Description

Blister Fluid-filled vesicle or bulla

Bulla Blister larger than 1 cm
Comedo Plugged and dilated pore, called blackhead or whitehead
Crust Dried exudate over a damaged epithelium; may be associated with vesicle, bullae,
or pustules
Cyst Semisolid or fluid-filled mass, encapsulated in deeper layers of skin
Desquamation Shedding or loss of debris on skin surface
Erosion Loss of epidermis; may be associated with vesicles, bullae, or pustules
Excoriation Epidermal erosion usually caused by scratching
Fissure Crack in the epidermis usually extending into the dermis
Macule Flat area of skin with discoloration, less than 5 mm in diameter
Nodule Solid, elevated lesion or mass, 5 mm to 5 cm in diameter
Papule Solid, elevated lesion less than 5 mm in diameter
Plaque Raised, flattened lesion greater than 5 mm in diameter
Pustule Papule containing purulent exudate
Scale Skin debris on the surface of the epidermis
Tumor Solid mass, larger than 5 cm in diameter; usually extends to dermis
Ulceration Loss of epidermis, extending into dermis or deeper
Urticaria Raised wheal-like lesion
Vesicle Small fluid-filled lesion, less than 1 cm in diameter
Wheal Transient, irregular pink elevation with
surrounding edema

From Allwood, Curry. 2000.

CHAPTER 51 Patient Assessment: Integumentary System 1203

been present, and any environmental or medication expo- rash. Attention to the development of a rash in association
sure that may be considered contributory, are also noted.3 with a change in pharmacotherapy is essential to help iden-
Vascular lesions can be either a normal variation or an tify the occurrence of an allergic hypersensitivity reaction.
abnormal finding. Vascular changes considered to be nor- The development of urticaria is often associated with food
mal variants include nevus flammeus (port-wine stain), or drug reactions. Urticaria usually resolves completely
immature hemangioma (strawberry mark), telangiectasis, over days to several weeks as the excess local fluid is re-
cherry angioma, and capillary hemangioma (Table 51-4). absorbed. These lesions are often pruritic, and patient
Abnormal vascular findings include petechiae, purpura, scratching may precipitate secondary skin abrasions, which
ecchymoses, spider angiomas, and urticaria (hives). These can place the patient at risk for localized skin infections.
findings may indicate disease or injury and warrant further Skin infections are most often caused by fungi or yeasts,
investigation by the critical care nurse. and may range from superficial tinea pedis (athlete’s foot)
Petechiae are purple or red, small (1- to 3-mm) lesions to intermediate yeast infections (e.g., moniliasis resulting
easily seen on light-skinned individuals and more difficult from Candida albicans infection) to deep fungal infections
to see in those with dark skin (Fig. 51-1A). They may be (e.g., aspergillosis) that invade the underlying tissues. Most
seen on the oral mucosa and in the conjunctiva. They do often in the critical care setting, fungal and yeast infec-
not disappear when pressure is applied to them.2 Petechiae tions are of the intermediate type and are the result of an
result from tiny hemorrhages in the dermal or submucosal opportunistic infection by normal flora. Antibiotics and
layers. Purpura are very similar to petechiae, only larger. corticosteroids place the patient at risk for these infections.
Purpura may appear brownish-red. Candidiasis presents in the groin and under the breasts of
Ecchymoses are bruises. They may appear as purple female patients with “erythema, a whitish pseudomembrane,
to yellowish-green rounded or irregular lesions, and are and peripheral papules and pustules.” Oral candidiasis,
more easily seen in people with light skin (see Fig. 51-1B). also known as thrush, manifests as a whitish coating of the
Ecchymoses occur as a result of trauma, when blood leaks oral mucosa, especially the tongue. This painful condition
from damaged blood vessels into the surrounding tissue. may produce fissures on the tongue and often restricts a
Spider angiomas are fiery red lesions that are most patient’s oral intake, further compromising the patient
often located on the face, neck, arms, or upper trunk (see from a nutritional perspective.
Fig. 51-1C). Spider angiomas are seldom seen below the
waist. They have a central body that is sometimes “raised CONDITION OF THE HAIR
and surrounded by erythema and radiating legs.”1 These The patient’s terminal hair is inspected daily, noting the
lesions are most often associated with liver disease and hair’s quantity, distribution, and texture. Scalp hair should
vitamin B deficiency.2 be resilient and evenly distributed.
Urticaria is a reddened or white, raised, nonpitting Alopecia refers to hair loss and can be diffuse, patchy,
plaque that often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction. or complete. Hair loss in the critical care setting can be
The lesion often changes shape and size during the course associated with pharmacotherapy. Chemotherapy used in
of the reaction. The edema associated with urticaria is a oncology treatment produces alopecia. Other drugs, such
result of local vasodilation and inflammation, which is as heparin, used for a prolonged time may also be respon-
followed by transudation of serous vascular fluid into the sible for hair loss.6 Hirsutism or increased facial, body, or
surrounding tissue. pubic hair growth is an abnormal finding in the examina-
tion of women and children. Hirsutism has a familial pat-
RASHES tern and is associated with menopause, endocrine disorders,
Rashes identified during inspection may indicate infection and certain pharmacotherapies (e.g., corticosteroids and
or a reaction to drug therapy. Some of these rashes are androgenic medications).2
identified by the names listed in Table 51-3. Identifying A change in the hair’s texture may indicate ongoing
the type of lesion may help in identifying the cause of the health concerns. Hair that is thin and brittle occurs in

table 51-4 ■ Vascular Lesions: Normal Variations

Normal Variation Description

Nevus flammeus (port-wine stain), Range from dark red to pale pink in color and are considered
immature hemangioma birthmarks
(strawberry mark)
Cherry angioma Small, slightly raised, bright red lesions on the face, neck, and
trunk; increase in size and number with advancing age
Capillary hemangioma Red, irregular patch caused by capillary dilation in the dermis of
the skin
Telangiectasis Irregular, fine red lines caused by permanent dilation of a group
of superficial vessels

A. Petechiae/purpura B. Ecchyrriosis

figure 51-2 Terry’s nails, seen in people with chronic diseases

C. Spider angioma such as cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, and type 2 diabetes mel-
litus. (Used with permission from Bickley L: Bates’ Guide to Physi-
figure 51-1 Abnormal vascular lesions. (A, used with permission cal Examination and History Taking [8th Ed], p 110. Philadelphia,
from Kelley WN: Textbook of Internal Medicine. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.)
Lippincott, 1989. B, used with permission from Bickley L: Bates’
Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking [8th Ed], p 106.
Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003. C, used with per-
mission from Marks R: Skin Disease in Old Age. Philadelphia, JB Lip-
pincott, 1987.) Palpation
The skin is palpated for texture, moisture, temperature,
mobility and turgor, and edema. In addition, during pal-
pation any evidence of discomfort arising from the areas
hypothyroidism. In those with severe protein malnutri- palpated is noteworthy.
tion, the hair color may appear reddish or bleached and
the hair texture is described as coarse and dry.7
Also not to be overlooked is the presence of infection
or infestation of the scalp and hair. The patient’s scalp and Texture refers to the smoothness of the skin surface. It
body hair is inspected regularly for evidence of flaking, requires gentle palpation to assess. Rough skin occurs in
sores, lice, louse eggs, and ringworm.7 During the inspec- patients with hypothyroidism.
tion, the hair is parted in several areas to reveal the under-
lying scalp. MOISTURE
The skin may be described as dry, oily, diaphoretic, or
CONDITION OF THE NAILS clammy. Dry skin may be seen in the patient with hypo-
thyroidism. Skin is oily with acne and with increased
Nails, like hair, can be overlooked in the rush of critical activity of the sebaceous glands, as in Parkinson’s disease.
care nursing; however, a careful inspection as part of the Diaphoresis may be a response to increased temperature
“routine” assessment can reveal information about the or increased metabolic rate. Hyperhidrosis is the term given
patient’s general state of health. The nail bed is very vas- to excessive perspiration. Bromhidrosis refers to foul-smelling
cular and is an excellent location for assessing the ade- perspiration. Low cardiac output states may produce skin
quacy of the patient’s peripheral circulation. The capillary that is referred to as clammy.
refill test, done by blanching the nail beds and then releas-
ing the pressure, should indicate a return of the pink tones
in less than 3 seconds. Nail beds that are bluish or purplish
in tint may be indicative of cyanosis; nail beds that are pale Temperature is usually assessed with the dorsal surface of
may indicate reduced arterial blood flow. the hand to identify the general skin temperature as warm
When the angle of the nail is 180 degrees or greater, or cool. The skin’s temperature can also be used to assess
clubbing is said to be present (see Chapter 24, Fig. 24-2). the possibility of reduced blood flow from an arterial insuf-
Clubbing is attributed to chronic hypoxemia. Other shapes ficiency. In this case, the skin may be noticeably cooler dis-
that the nail takes on may provide clues to deficient nutri- tal to an occluding lesion.
tional states of the patient. Chronic disease states such as
cirrhosis, heart failure, and type 2 diabetes mellitus may MOBILITY AND TURGOR
affect the nails by producing Terry’s nails.1 These nails are Mobility and turgor provide information about the health
whitish with a distal band of dark reddish-brown color, of the skin and may yield information about the patient’s
and the lunulae may not be visible (Fig. 51-2). A spoon- fluid volume balance. When assessed centrally, over the
shaped nail, called koilonychias, is associated with iron- clavicles, the skin is expected to lift up easily and quickly
deficiency anemia. Bands across the nails, especially in the return into place. Skin mobility may be decreased in scle-
older adult, may indicate protein deficiency. White spots roderma or in a patient with increased edema. Skin turgor
on the nails are associated with zinc deficiency.7 is decreased in the patient with dehydration.1
CHAPTER 51 Patient Assessment: Integumentary System 1205

EDEMA because they do not recognize the discomfort from being

Edema is classified as either nonpitting or pitting. Nonpit- in one position for extended periods. Similarly, patients
ting edema is that which does not depress with palpation. with sedation or frequent analgesic dosing are at increased
Nonpitting edema is seen in patients with a local inflam- risk for problems related to their immobility. Patients
matory response and is caused by capillary endothelial with poor circulation, such as that caused by hypotension,
damage. In addition to the edema, the skin is usually red, heart failure, or peripheral vascular insufficiency, are also
tender, and warm. Pitting edema is usually in the skin of at higher risk because of the underlying possibility of tis-
the extremities and in dependent body parts. Pitting edema sue hypoxia. Lack of movement then serves only to accel-
is identified as edema that retains the depression made erate the process of pressure ulcer development.
when palpated. This type of edema can be further classi- Identifying those individuals most at risk for pressure
fied by the depth of the depression and, occasionally, by the ulcer development is a focus of assessment. Recognizing
amount of time it takes the pit to rebound (Table 51-5). that there are certain features that increase a patient’s risk
for development of pressure ulcers allows the critical care
nurse to increase surveillance and implement preventa-
ASSESSMENT OF tive treatment modalities. Problems with sensory percep-
PRESSURE ULCERS tion, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction
and shearing forces increase the patient’s risk for develop-
The development of pressure ulcers in the critically ill ment of pressure ulcers, which are debilitating and expen-
patient is a preventable complication. The difficulty arises sive to treat. Critically ill patients are among those with the
most significant limitations of these parameters, and there-
in the patient with multiple-system dysfunction with con-
fore are at very high risk for the development of pressure
comitant fluid, electrolyte, and nutritional deficiencies.
Common pressure ulcer points include the occiput, scapula,
Many tools for assessing pressure ulcer risk use a point
sacrum, buttocks, ischium, heels, and toes. It is the pressure
system.8,9 The Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore
applied by the weight of the body that causes a reduction in
Risk, recommended in the guidelines set forth by the U.S.
arterial and capillary blood flow, leading to these ischemic
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and widely
events. Therefore, frequent position changes are required
used in hospital settings, requires the daily assessment of
to prevent the development of pressure ulcers. Pressure
six parameters and provides a numerical score ranging
ulceration on the toes occurs as a result of the pressure of from a very high risk score of 6 to a very limited risk or
the bed linen on the feet. Dressing devices and wound minimal risk score of 2310 (Fig. 51-3). Adults with a score
appliances can place pressure on underlying skin, result- below 16 (18 for older adults) are considered at risk and
ing in reduced blood flow. The back of the neck of the specific interventions to prevent the development of ulcer-
patient with a tracheostomy tube must be assessed because ation are recommended. There has been some work done
the tube holder may be applied too tightly. The tape secur- to establish the relative risk among those with darker-
ing a nasogastric tube must be regularly removed and the pigmented skin using a higher cut-off score of 18.11 A 2002
condition of the tip of the nose and nares assessed for study by Bergstrom and Braden compared cut-off scores
changes resulting from pressure from the tube. for black and white populations and found no difference
Assisting the patient with frequent position changes is between scores, but a score of 18 best predicts pressure
crucial in preventing pressure ulcers from developing. In ulcer risk for both groups.12
addition, keeping the skin clean and dry is requisite in the During assessment of the skin, the nurse must be vigi-
prevention of pressure ulceration. Moisture increases the lant for signs of skin breakdown (Fig. 51-4).
risk for maceration of the skin and promotes its breakdown.
Infectious matter in wound drainage or feces increases the
risk that an ulcer will progress and become a major source ASSESSMENT OF SKIN TUMORS
of sepsis.
Patients with decreased sensation (e.g., from brain or Benign nevus and seborrheic keratosis are common, benign
spinal cord injury or from a peripheral neuropathy such as skin lesions. The benign nevus or mole appears in the first
that caused by diabetes) are at greater risk for ulceration two to three decades and its appearance remains unchanged

table 51-5 ■ Pitting Edema Scale

Scale (1+ to 4+) Measurement Description Time to Rebound

1+/4 2 mm Barely detectable Immediate

2+/4 4 mm Deeper pit Few seconds
3+/4 6 mm Deep pit 10–20 sec
4+/4 10 mm Very deep pit > 20 sec

Braden Scale
Date of
Patient's Name Evaluator's Name Assessment
SENSORY PERCEPTION 1. Completely Limited: 2. Very Limited: 3. Slightly Limited: 4. No Impairment:
Unresponsive (does not Responds only to painful Responds to verbal com- Responds to verbal com-
Ability to respond meaning- moan, flinch, or grasp) to stimuli. Cannot communicate mands, but cannot always mands. Has no sensory deficit
fully to pressure-related painful stimuli, due to discomfort except by moaning communicate discomfort or which would limit ability to feel
discomfort diminished level of con- or restlessness. need to be turned. or voice pain or discomfort.
sciousness or sedation. OR OR
OR has a sensory impairment has some sensory impairment
limited ability to feel pain which limits the ability to feel which limits ability to feel
over most of body surface. pain or discomfort over 1/2 pain or discomfort in 1 or 2
of body extremities.
MOISTURE 1. Constantly Moist: 2. Very Moist: 3. Occasionally Moist: 4. Rarely Moist:
Skin is kept moist almost Skin is often, but not always, Skin is occasionally moist, Skin is usually dry, linen only
Degree to which skin is constantly by perspiration, moist. Linen must be changed requiring an extra linen change requires changing at routine
exposed to moisture urine, etc. Dampness is at least once a shift. approximately once a day. intervals.
detected every time patient is
moved or turned.
ACTIVITY 1. Bedfast: 2. Chairfast: 3. Walks Occasionally: 4. Walks Frequently:
Confined to bed Ability to walk severely limited Walks occasionally during day, Walks outside the room at least
Degree of or nonexistent. Cannot bear but for very short distances, twice a day and inside room at
physical activity own weight and/or must be with or without assistance. least once every 2 hours
assisted into chair or wheel- Spends majority of each shift during waking hours.
chair. in bed or chair.
MOBILITY 1. Completely Immobile: 2. Very Limited: 3. Slightly Limited: 4. No Limitations:
Does not make even slight Makes occasional slight Makes frequent though slight Makes major and frequent
Ability to change and changes in body or extremity changes in body or extremity changes in body or extremity changes in position without
control body position position without assistance. position but unable to make position independently. assistance.
frequent or significant changes
NUTRITION 1. Very Poor. 2. Probably Inadequate: 3. Adequate: 4. Excellent:
Never eats a complete meal. Rarely eats a complete meal Eats over half of most meals. Eats most of every meal.
Usual food intake pattern Rarely eats more than 1/3 of and generally eats only about Eats a total of 4 servings of Never refuses a meal. Usually
any food offered. Eats 2 1/2 of any food offered. protein (meat, dairy products) eats a total of 4 or more
servings or less of protein Protein intake includes only 3 each day. Occasionally will servings of meat and dairy
(meat or dairy products) per servings of meat or dairy refuse a meal, but will usually products. Occasionally eats
day. Takes fluids poorly. products per day. Occasionally take a supplement if offered. between meals. Does not
Does not take a liquid dietary will take a dietary OR require supplementation.
supplement. supplement. is on a tube feeding or TPN
OR OR regimen which probably meets
is NPO and/or maintained on receives less than optimum most of nutritional needs.
clear liquids or IVs for more amount of liquid diet or tube
than 5 days. feeding.
FRICTION AND SHEAR 1. Problem: 2. Potential Problem: 3. No Apparent Problem:
Requires moderate to Moves feebly or requires Moves in bed and in chair
maximum assistance in minimum assistance. During independently and has
moving. Complete lifting a move skin probably slides to sufficient muscle strength to lift
without sliding against sheets some extent against sheets, up completely during move.
is impossible. Frequently chair, restraints, or other Maintains good position in bed
slides down in bed or chair, devices. Maintains relatively or chair at all times.
requiring frequent repositioning good position in chair or bed
with maximum assistance. most of the time but occasion-
Spasticity, contractures or ally slides down.
agitation leads to almost
constant friction.

Braden Scale Scores Total Score

1 = Highly Impaired NPO: Nothing by Mouth
3 or 4 = Moderate to Low Impairment
Total Points Possible: 23 IV: Intravenously
Risk Predicting Score: 16 or Less TPN: Total parenteral nutrition

figure 51-3 The Braden Scale is a widely used screening tool to identify people at risk for pressure ulcers.
(Courtesy of Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom. Copyright, 1988. Reprinted with permission.)

over time. These lesions have clearly defined borders, are distributed on the trunk and face. Precancerous lesions
uniform in color, and round or oval in shape. The nevus is (actinic keratoses) are thick, rough patches that develop on
periodically assessed for changes because a change may sun-exposed areas of the skin, especially in fair-skinned
indicate dysplasia of the tissue and the risk of melanoma. people (see Fig. 51-5B). They are described as “white, scaly
Seborrheic keratoses are common, yellow to brown lesions keratotic (horny) lesions on the exposed areas of the body.”
that are described as velvety when touched1 (Fig. 51-5A). These lesions require attention because there is a risk for
These lesions are often multiple and often symmetrically development of squamous cell carcinoma.4 1 LINE
CHAPTER 51 Patient Assessment: Integumentary System 1207

figure 51-4 Stages of pressure ulcers. (Used with permission from Weber J, Kelley J: Health Assessment in
Nursing [2nd Ed], p 133. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003. Illustrations used with permission
from Makelbust J, Sieggreen MY: Pressure Ulcers: Guidelines for Prevention and Management. Springhouse, PA,
Springhouse, 2001.)

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the plexions, those prone to sunburn, and those with a family
United States. It is estimated that 40% to 50% of those history of melanoma.14 The most common location for the
who live to age 65 years will be diagnosed with skin cancer development of these lesions is on the trunk in men and on
at least once.14 Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are the legs in women. The tumors have irregular borders, are
often grouped as nonmelanoma skin cancers. Basal cell dark brown or black, and are usually larger than 6 mm. The
carcinomas are found exclusively in light-skinned people, American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends a monthly
and arise from the hair follicles on the head and neck. Pro- self-assessment for melanoma using the “ABCDs.”15 A is
longed and cumulative exposure to the sun is recognized for asymmetry; B is for borders (are they irregular, ragged,
as the cause of basal cell carcinoma. These tumors are slow notched, or blurred?); C is for color (dark brown or black,
growing and rarely metastasize but do cause local skin red, white, or blue?); and D is for diameter.
destruction and disfigurement. Basal cell carcinomas appear Figure 51-5 provides pictures and descriptions of these
with pearly borders, depressed centers, and rolled edges3,13 benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions. While in a
(see Fig. 51-5C). critical care setting, it is possible to do a thorough assess-
Squamous cell carcinomas affect the skin and the mucous ment for suspect skin lesions that may be cancerous, refer
membranes. Like basal cell cancers, the primary cause is the patient to a dermatologist or oncologist, and have
exposure to ultraviolet light. Radiation and tissue damage treatment initiated much sooner than would otherwise
from scars, ulcers, and fistulas may give rise to squamous be the case.
cell carcinomas. These cancers can be invasive and are more
malignant than basal cell cancers if not treated promptly. As
it develops, the carcinoma takes on a hyperkeratotic appear-
ance and may ulcerate and bleed3 (see Fig. 51-5D). ASSESSMENT OF THE SKIN IN
Malignant melanomas are highly metastatic lesions OLDER ADULTS
that come from the melanin-producing cells of the body.
The worldwide frequency of malignant melanomas is With aging there are some expected changes to the integu-
growing more rapidly than any other cancer except lung ment (Box 52-2). With loss of underlying fat tissue and
LONG cancer. Those at highest risk include those with fair com- decreased vascularity of the dermal layer, the skin thins,

A. Seborrheic Keratosis B. Actinic Keratosis C. Basal Cell Carcinoma

D. Squamous Cell Carcinoma E. Malignant Melanoma

figure 51-5 Benign, premalignant, and malignant skin lesions. (A, B, and D courtesy of Sauer GC: Manual of Skin
Diseases [5th Ed]. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1985. C, Bickley L: Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History
Taking [8th Ed], p 107. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003. E, American Cancer Society.)

wrinkles, and loses turgor. Prolonged or repeated sun expo- dark brown, flat macules and may be seen in isolation or in
sure results in a yellowed or thickened appearance. Purple clusters on sun-exposed areas of the face or hands.4
patches or macules from blood leaking into the tissues after In the older adult, hair color often transitions to gray
minimal injury may appear. These lesions are called actinic because of diminished melanin. Reduced hormone levels
purpura and occur because the underlying capillaries lose result in a change in the size of the hair follicle and pro-
the protection from hypodermal fat. Dry and flaking skin duce the change from coarse terminal hair to softer vellus
results from decreased sebaceous and sweat gland activity hair and the thinning of hair seen in both sexes. However,
and is not unexpected in the older adult patient.1,2 Solar the opposite change, from vellus to terminal, occurs in the
lentigo, sometimes called “liver spots,” appear as light to hair of the nares and on the tragus of men’s ears.2
Decreased peripheral circulation produces changes in
the nails. They grow more slowly but are often thicker and
box 51-2 more brittle, and have a tendency to split into layers. Mobil-
ity restrictions over time may result in an unkempt appear-
Expected Changes in the Integument ance of nails in the older patient and may require attention
of Older Patients and care by a podiatrist.
The risk of pressure ulcer formation in the older adult
■ Loss of underlying fat tissue and decreased vascularity of is increased because of greater mobility limitations and
the dermal layer lead to thinning of the skin, increased impaired peripheral circulation from cardiovascular, neuro-
wrinkling, loss of skin turgor, and actinic purpura. logical, and metabolic disorders. Once developed, pressure
■ Sun exposure over a long period of time leads to yel- ulcers in this population heal more slowly and are often
lowing and thickening of the skin and the development complicated by the older patient’s diminished immune
of solar lentigo. response.
■ Decreased sebaceous and sweat gland activity leads to
dry and flaking skin.
■ Decreased melanin leads to graying of the hair. ASSESSMENT OF THE SKIN
■ Reduced hormone levels lead to thinning of the hair IN CHILDREN
and transition from terminal to vellus hair.
■ Decreased peripheral circulation leads to slowed nail The assessment of a child’s skin is much the same as that of
growth and brittle nails that split easily. an adult’s, but it is important to recognize that some find-
ings take on a different significance because of the nature of
CHAPTER 51 Patient Assessment: Integumentary System 1209

the child’s skin. Normally, the skin of a child is soft, smooth, c. reddened or white, raised inflamed lesion with transu-
and slightly dry. Skin that is locally very dry may indicate date vascular fluid in the surrounding tissue.
eczema, cradle cap, or diaper rash. Skin that is excessively d. small, pinpoint, nonblanching lesion.
dry throughout the body may indicate a vitamin A defi- 3. Which one of the following statements about oral candidiasis
ciency or may be related to frequent bathing.16 is true?
Because of reduced total sun exposure, dark lesions, a. It is a painless manifestation of an opportunistic infection.
considered an expected finding in an older adult, may indi- b. It manifests itself as a white, crusty lesion of the patient’s
cate a malignant change in a child. Bruises in a child may lips and hard palate.
indicate nonaccidental trauma and attention is paid to the c. It is a painful white coating of the oral mucosa and
location of the bruises and to the color. As a bruise ages, tongue.
it changes color from purplish to greenish. The critical
d. It is the result of systemic Staphylococcus infection.
care nurse must be sure that special attention is paid to the
skin of children in critical care settings related to lesions 4. Skin turgor is best assessed
from infectious disease; the skin is assessed for any rashes a. peripherally over the patient’s forearms and shins.
that may indicate bacterial or viral infection. b. peripherally at the nail beds.
c. centrally over the trunk.
d. centrally over the patient’s clavicles.
5. Which of the following phrases describes basal cell carci-
clinical applicability challenges noma?
a. Depressed center, rolled edge, pearly border
Self-Challenge: Critical Thinking b. Scaly white lesion
c. Large, dark black lesion with irregular border
Mrs. Louise Hooper, a 62-year-old widow, has been in d. Light brown lesion that feels velvety when touched
the medical-surgical intensive care unit (ICU) for the past
2 weeks after a diagnosis of respiratory failure and pneu- 6. Cyanosis in an African-American patient can best be identi-
monia. This patient’s medical history includes obesity, type fied by assessment of the
2 diabetes mellitus, and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- a. palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
ease (COPD). She has been intubated and on mechanical b. earlobes.
ventilation. She has received continuous enteral feed- c. conjunctiva and oral mucous membranes.
ings through a nasogastric tube, numerous antibiotics, and d. dorsal surface of the forearm.
dopamine for blood pressure support during her first 3 days
in the ICU. She has a triple-lumen central venous access
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and, at that time, will also have a percutaneous gastric feed- 1. Bickley LS, Szilagyi PG: The skin. In Bickley LS (ed): Guide to
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b. increased tissue vascularity.
tion and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Adults: Pressure Ulcers in
c. decreased hemoglobin levels. Adults: Prediction and Prevention. Clinical Practice Guideline no. 15,
d. decreased interstitial pressures. AHCPR publication no. 92-0047. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health
2. Urticaria is best described as a Care Policy and Research, Public Health Service, U.S. Department
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a. purple, irregular lesion caused by tissue trauma. 11. Lyder CH, Yu C, Emerling J, et al: The Braden Scale for pressure
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ing legs. Hispanic elders. Appl Nurs Res 12(2):60–68, 1999

12. Bergstrom N, Braden BJ: Predictive validity of the Braden Scale OTHER SELECTED READING
among black and white subjects. Nurs Res 51:398–403, 2002
13. Huether SE: Structure, function, and disorders of the integument. Byers PH, Carta SG, Mayrovitz HN: Pressure ulcer research issues in
In McCance KL, Huether SE (eds): The Biological Basis for Dis- surgical patients. Adv Skin Wound Care 13:115, 2000
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14. National Cancer Institute: What you need to know about skin can- Hayes KVD: Skin wellness and illness. In Condon MC (ed): Women’s
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15. American Cancer Society: Detecting skin cancer. 2003. Available at body, the skin can offer valuable information about the general health Accessed July 1, 2003 of an older person. Nurs Older People 15(2):29, 2003
16. Hockenberry MJ, Wilson D, Winkelstein ML, et al. (eds): Wong’s Strayer SM, Reynolds P: Diagnosing skin malignancy: Assessment of
Nursing Care of Infants and Children (7th Ed). St. Louis, Mosby, 2003 predictive clinical criteria and risk factors. J Fam Pract 53:210, 2003
Chapter 51—Author Queries
1. Please cite ref. 4 in the text, in numerical order. It is cited later,
between refs. 13 and 14, but presumably it should be cited first
between refs. 3 and 5.
2. Refs. 13 and 14 were switched to preserve numerical order of citation.

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