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WordMasters Sentences

1) The enigmatic way the politician was acting led people to believe that his perplexing
behavior was a result of a recent threat he had received from his rival candidate.
2) “If she says one more word I’m going to throttle her!” Tom thought to himself, but he
suddenly realized that choking Anne in public wasn’t such a good idea.
3) The entertainer’s perfunctory performance was criticized for its lack emotion and
4) Rick thought his mien looked cool, but when he got to school, his appearance was made
fun of.
5) Even though Mr. Sawyer has been trying to elicit the support of the city council
members for months, he still could not draw forth any help.
6) Although Alexander protested that he wasn’t blameworthy for his brother’s
troublesome behavior, Mr. Smith was certain that he was reprehensible.
7) Because the judge liked the nuances in the piano student’s playing, he wrote, “Nice
variations in dynamics and tempo!” on the student’s score sheet.
8) Despite being told over and over again not to disregard the rules, Jack continued to flout
the rules.
9) Because of her mellifluous voice, Hannah aroused applause every time she sang with
her smooth and rich voice.
10) Sherlock Holmes told the young detective not to make conjectures when investigating a
crime because suppositions can often be wrong or biased by personal thought or
11) Mr. Pilkington glanced into his trammel in hopes of finding some fish, but he realized
that he was holding his fishing net backwards and did not catch any marine wildlife.
12) When Benjamin told the animals of Napoleon’s heinous crimes, Boxer suggested
reprimanding Napoleon for his shockingly evil actions.
13) Albert Einstein wiped the patina off his copper Bunsen burner and suddenly realized
that his whole laboratory was encrusted in a green film.
14) When the politician recanted his promise of providing schools with a higher budget,
people were amazed at how quickly he withdrew his statement.
15) The inscrutable work of art baffled art experts with its mysterious meaning.
16) Mr. Frederick’s visage was of an honest, happy man, but under his false facial expression
was a greedy, ruthless criminal.
17) It was difficult to discern the healthiest brand of chips, but I was finally able to
distinguish the snack with the lowest cholesterol content.
18) His raspy voice makes him sound irritable, but he is actually a really nice person.
19) Even though the soldiers tried to extract every civilian from the battlefield zone, it was
impossible to take out every single noncombatant.
20) Soon after Major’s death, the idea of Animalism permeated the deepest thought of
every animal, and soon Animalism penetrated the walls of Animal Farm to spread to
neighboring farms.
21) At first, Clover was tentative about the pig’s actions, but hesitance went away after
Muriel read the commandments to her again.
22) The thought of the upcoming test filled Jason with woe, but he reminded himself that
being a state of distress and affliction wouldn’t help his score, only studying would.
23) Mollie loved to flaunt the ribbons Mr. Jones gave her, but the other animals were
annoyed by the constant showily fluttering of her wearing accessories.
24) Benjamin was the only animal on the farm who was impervious to the pig’s lies and
deceptive information, but his incapability of being affected or disturbed wasn’t of any
help because of his lack of communication with the other animals.
25) Despite being culpable for the overworking and mistreating of the animals on Animal
Farm, Napoleon was never seen by the animals to be guilty or blameworthy in any way.

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