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SIGnificant Points

August 12, 2010

Budget and Finance Updates
• The Allotments office at DPI has posted School Improvement Grants (SIG) allotments into the Budget Utilization and Development System (BUDS). At this time, LEAs should submit SIG budgets according to the project application. As noted previously, LEAs may budget up to 50% of the
total allotment for the 2010-11 year. The remaining funds should remain in the “Unbudgeted Reserve” line within BUDS.
• The Chart of Accounts (COA) for PRC 143 is currently being revised to provide all available codes for the grant. A copy of the draft chart was originally provided to SIG applicants in April. With input from LEAs, the chart continues to be revised as necessary. Please contact George
Hancock for any questions regarding the COA for PRC 143.
Reminders from Fiscal Monitoring and Compliance:
• When a single payment of $25,000 or more is made to a single contractor, we are required to report information regarding that contractor in the quarterly 1512 reporting, including the FTEs supported by those payments.
• All contracts should be posted in the Statewide Interactive Procurement System (IPS); those over $5,000 must also be advertised in local newsprint outlets.

Orientation Visits
“Orientation Visits” are underway. The purpose of these visits is to address any school specific questions regarding model implementation, to review potential supports at the regional and state level, to review monitoring requirements, and to encourage consistent communication across all
levels. We anticipate sharing information and partnering across schools and districts, realizing the value of peer feedback in implementing the models.

SIG Teacher Leaders

In an effort to increase support to LEAs serving School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools, DPI will deliver a Teacher Leaders Program in the fall of 2010 focusing on improving instructional practices through ongoing, job-embedded, professional development. The program will provide
collaborative opportunities for teacher leaders from SIG schools across the eight educational regions of North Carolina. Additional information will be provided during the orientation visits referenced above.

Round 2 of SIG Coming

A second round of School Improvement Grant funds will be available to eligible LEAs/Schools based on testing and graduation results from 2010. The following timeline (tentative) was provided by the US Department of Education:
September – Guidance to States from the US Department of Education (USED) will be made available
November/December – USED will review State Education Agency (SEA) applications
December/January – USED will approve SEA applications
January – Eligible school districts apply for funds

Web Resources
The School Improvement Grants website is now available within the Program Monitoring Section site located at: SIG Applications and summary information by school/LEA is available at the site, as well as Non-Regulatory Guidance
from the US Department of Education (USED) and powerpoints from recent SIG Webinars.
Please note the USED website below for up to date information concerning SIG guidance and resources:

**For additional information regarding SIG implementation, please contact George Hancock at 910-783-5921 or Donna Brown at 919-807-3959.

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