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Case study method is a prominent form of research method that

governs a significant place in the social sciences reserch. The investigator makes
investigation of social unit, which may be a person, family, community or entire culture.
The investigator gathers pertinent information about the present status, past experiences,
environmental focus, which contribute to the individuality and behaviour of the unit.
Case study is intensive, integrated, insightfull method of studying a social phenomenon.
It can also be used to illustrate theory. The term "case study" has multiple meanings. It
can be used to describe a unit of analysis (e.g. a case study of a particular organization) or
to describe a research method. The discussion here concerns the use of the case study as a
research method.
The case study data are always gathered with view of tracing in natural history of
the social unit and its relation to the forces in the surrounding milieu. In sum social
researcher tries, by means of case study methods, to understand the complex factors that
ate operative with in a social unit as an integrated totality. Burgess has highlighted the
special potencies of these materials in understanding complex behaviour and situation in
specific details. He refers to these data as a social microscope.
The major credit of introducing case study method to the field of social
investigation must go to Fredrick leplay.
Various media and techniques have been utilized by researchers in the course of
certain excellent case studies, they managed to turn out. The “Yankee City Series”, have
in the course of their case study made use of various methods of data collection like
personal interview, observation, questionnaire, statistical. The criteria for evaluating the
adequacy of the case history as said by John Dollard are:
1. The subject must be viewed as a specimen in a cultural series. That is,
the case drawn out from its total context for the purpose of study must
be considered a member of the particular cultural group of community.
2. The organic motors of action must be socially relevant. That is, the
action of the individual cases must be viewed as a series of reactions to
social stimuli or situations.
3. The strategic role of the family transmitting the culture must be
4. The specific method of elaboration of organic material into social
organism must be clearly shown.
5. The continuous, related character of experience from childhood through
adulthood must be stressed. Such a Gestalt affords a comprehensive
understanding of a person’s life as a continuum.
6. The social situation must be carefully and continuously study specified
as a factor one of the more important criteria is that the person’s life
must be shown unfolding itself in the context of and partly owing to
specific social situations.
7. The life-history material itself must be organized according some
conceptual framework; this in turn would facilitate generalization at the
higher level.
Case histories are replete with valuable information of a personal, private nature.
This information helps the researching to portray not only personality but also the
situation researcher can conduct more effective of particular aspects if he has acquired an
intimate acquaintance with the personal documents.
A case may be considered the gateway to and at the same time the final
destination of abstract knowledge. The social researcher is interested in comparable case
data also forgetting more insight into the similarities that enable him to analyze data to
formulate ultimately the law of their occurrence and relationships.

Case study research is the most common qualitative method used in

information systems although there are numerous definitions, Yin defines the scope of a
case study as follows:

A case study is an empirical inquiry that:

• Investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially

when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident
Clearly, the case study research method is particularly well-suited to IS
research, since the object of our discipline is the study of information systems in
organizations, and "interest has shifted to organizational rather than technical

Case study research can be positivist, interpretive, or critical, depending

upon the underlying philosophical assumptions of the researcher. in and Benbasat
are advocates of positivist case study research, whereas walsham is an advocate of
interpretive in-depth case study research(


1. It is more expensive as it is explorative in nature

2. The generalization based on a single case cannot be applied to the entire
3. There is a strong possibility of subjectivity in results. The investigator
should guard against personal bias which may influence interpretation.
4. Based on the available information certain assumption regarding the rest.

Review of Implementation Process of women development process of Women

development Programme(IFAD)-An Experimental Model A Case study by
Hemalatha Prasad)

Hemalatha Prasad in her case study-Implementation Process of

women development process of Women development Programme(IFAD)-An
Experimental Model.The investigator exploratively tries to understand the women
development programme implemented in Salem district. The objectives of the project are
delineated in detail before proceeding to the details of the universe, Salem district.the
investigator has described the details of the district Salem. All the important details
needed for the study are furnished. in detail.
The investigator has gained detailed information about the
achievements of the project and the performance of the project in Salem district. The
organization structure of the project is shown in detail. the approach envisaged To bring
about empowerment of women is clearly shown.The process of coordination of activities
and the group formation process is explained. For understanding the perceptions about
the project groups,3 blocks of the district of Salem are selected and the socioeconomic
conditions of the members are explored by the investigator.A vivid description of the
group activities pursued by the members,training provided to the group members and the
main thrust highlighted,The role done by the programme staff,NGO staff in the
implementation of project.The study reveals the various income generating activities
pursued,the financial support given,means of availing it,loan disbursement are
explained.The utilization of the loan and repayement schedule is insightfully
explained.On basis of the activities of groups explored,findings are drawn from that and
based on it the investigator has concluded that the capacity building and empowerment of
rural women has been brought about by the enhancement of the group dynamics and
credit facilities for their economic development.

1. K.P.Sharma, 2002, Reserch methodology. National publishing house,jaipur,

3. Hemalatha Prasad,1998,Implementation process of women development
programme(IFAD):An experimental model, journal of rural
4. Bhandarkar P.L. (1979). Methodology and Techniques of Social Research,
Himalayan publishing house, Bombay. pp.243-249

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