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Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

Teaching communication skills in science:

Tracing teacher change
Ornit Spektor-Levy, Bat-Sheva Eylon, Zahava Scherz!
The Department of Science Teaching, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rechovot, Israel
Received 6 March 2006; received in revised form 7 October 2006; accepted 23 October 2006


This paper describes a general model for skills instruction and its implementation through the program ‘‘Scientific
Communication’’ for acquiring learning skills. The model is characterized by modularity, explicit instruction, spiral
integration into contents, practice in various contexts, and implementation in performance tasks. It requires flexible
planning and implementation by the teachers. The study investigated how science teachers implemented this model for a
two-year period. Results show that they coped with this task by customizing the program; they underwent a positive
change in perceptions about skills instruction, instructional models, using instructional materials, influence and
involvement in school and beyond.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Professional development; Learning skills; Scientific communication; Teacher change

1. Introduction teachers (Campbell, Kaunda, Allie, Buffler, &

Lubben, 2000). Science educators have begun to
In the third millennium, science teachers face the see their role as preparing all students for a life in a
challenge of bridging the gap between what they world of rapid scientific and technological change,
studied, what is written in school textbooks, and rather than preparing a small group of students for
what is actually known today about a certain issue. highly specialized careers. The shift is toward the
A meaningful understanding of science concepts goal of helping students integrate what they have
and familiarity with the experimental procedures of learned in the science classroom into their daily lives
science are necessary elements of learning science. (AAAS, 1993; PISA, 2003). In this way, the
The ability to communicate this knowledge success- curriculum content is placed in more ecologically
fully is an essential part of science education valid contexts, by making it more enquiry-based
(Germann & Aram, 1996; Sheeran & Barnes, (Bybee, 1997, 2000; Hofstein & Lunetta, 2004; Linn,
1991) and thus, it is a legitimate concern of science Songer, & Eylon, 1996) and by adopting measures
to assess students’ outcomes that tap the students’
!Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 8 9342035;
ability to engage in guided discovery activities
fax: +972 8 9344115.
rather than memory of content per se (Bol &
E-mail addresses:
(O. Spektor-Levy), (B.-S. Eylon), Strage, 1996; Schneider, Krajcik, Marx, & Soloway, (Z. Scherz). 2002).

0742-051X/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 463

It is becoming increasingly apparent that if years. We consider how the instruction of ‘‘Scientific
students are to pursue autonomous learning effec- Communication’’ (SC) skills based on the new
tively, they need the skills to search for information model for skills instruction influences teachers’
that will expand their knowledge beyond what was beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and practices.
specifically learned in the classroom (Borgman, Understanding the change in teachers’ beliefs and
Hirsh, & Walter, 1995; Scherz, Spektor-Levy, & practices as they gain experience in teaching SC
Eylon, 2005); hence, they need the ability to skills is critical if we are to improve students’
communicate effectively (Campbell et al., 2000; scientific literacy, competencies, and achievements.
Scherz, Michman, & Tamir, 1986; Spektor-Levy &
Scherz, 2001). Therefore, in many countries, re- 2. The ‘‘Scientific Communication’’ program
forms in science education have taken place and
new standards were formulated (AAAS, 1993; In 1993 a new reform took place in the Israeli
Atkin & Black, 2003; National Curriculum, The middle school: a new subject was introduced—
standard site, 2003; National Research Council, ‘‘Science and Technology’’—followed by a new
1996; Science Syllabus Primary-Singapore, 2004; curriculum that emphasized learning skills, in addi-
Twenty First Century Science, 2002). These reforms tion to content learning (Israeli Ministry of Educa-
and standards reflect the understanding that one of tion, 1996). As a result, new instructional materials
the most important teacher’s tasks is to equip were developed. One of them was the program ‘‘SC’’,
students with high-order skills that will support designed for developing scientific literacy and learn-
independent learning: inquiry and problem-solving ing skills in science studies (Spektor-Levy & Scherz,
skills, thinking skills, and learning skills (Bereiter & 1999, 2001).1 The program focuses mainly on the
Scardamalia, 1989; Bybee & Ben-Zvi, 1998; Camp- following skills: information retrieval, scientific read-
bell et al., 2000; Costa, 1985; Eylon & Linn, 1988; ing, listening and observing, scientific writing,
Kirkwood, 2000; Zohar & Dori, 2003). information representation, and knowledge presenta-
It is widely accepted that if teachers are to move tion. Each of these skills can be further subdivided
successfully toward these new visions, many tea- into sub-skills. For example, scientific writing in-
chers—experts and novices alike—must make major cludes knowledge of how to write an extended
changes in their teaching practices, and in their scientific report, how to write an essay on a scientific
knowledge and beliefs about teaching, learning, and topic, and how to construct an abstract (Table 1).
the subject matter (Hofstein, Carmi & Ben-Zvi, This program is modular and flexible as will be
2003; Pintó, 2005; Pintó, Couso, & Gutierrez, 2005; elaborated in the next section. More specifically, it
Tobin & McRobbie, 1996; van Driel, Beijaard, & employs an instructional approach unfamiliar to the
Verloop, 2001). teachers, requiring them to design their own
However, even a real willingness to undergo such a sequences of instruction by integrating content and
change does not guarantee its implementation. There- skills attainment. This new approach raises some
fore, given the increasing commitment to professional questions with regard to the feasibility of implement-
development on the part of the educational commu- ing the program, as will be described next.
nity and governments, it is important to identify those
features of professional development that are success-
ful in fostering teachers’ change. 2.1. The instructional model of SC
This study is based on research and theory
concerning the professional development of science The model of skills instruction is based on three
teachers and instruction of skills. More specifically, assumptions:
we present a flexible model for skills instruction that
integrates the instruction of skills into the scheme of 1. Most students do not develop learning skills
content instruction. This model challenges the spontaneously. Therefore, they should be taught
teachers by requiring flexible thinking, decision- explicitly in a well-planned manner.
making, and development of spiral instruction. 1
In 2005, this program was further developed and adapted to
Therefore, it has the potential to influence teaching
the UK KS4 science curriculum, funded by the Gatsby Science
habits and views. Enhancement Programme (SEP). It is entitled ‘‘Learning Skills
We describe here a longitudinal research study for Science’’ and is published by the Nuffield Curriculum Centre
that traced science teachers’ change throughout two (Scherz & Spektor-Levy, 2005).
464 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

Table 1 dents are aware of the process of skills acquisi-

The ‘‘Scientific Communication’’ program: skills and sub-skills tion.
‘‘Scientific Sub-skills (examples)
! Active learning: The process of skills acquisition
Communication’’ skills requires the learner to be active and to actually
use the learned skill. The learner is not only
Information retrieval Information retrieval in computerized aware of the skill but immediately asks to
databases; ‘‘navigation’’ in the
perform it.
library: using catalogs, the Dewey
classification; searching in scientific ! Framework: The instructional materials consist
journals; interviewing experts of a framework of many general activities that
Scientific reading Reading a scientific article, becoming can be used in conjunction with specific contents.
familiar with the structure of These activities are designed so students can
reference books, scientific reports/
practice the different skills as well as the sub-
Listening and observing Lectures, videos, debates, skills, in any given content in science.
demonstrations ! Integration: The teachers are supposed to tailor
Scientific writing Articles, reports, abstracts, a scientific the general activities to specific content areas.
essay The model facilitates the integration of learning
Information Schemes, graphs, tables, drawings/
skills instruction with the science contents,
representation illustrations
Knowledge presentation Oral presentations, multimedia, according to the level and needs of the students
models, a panel of experts, scientific in class.
posters ! Spiral instruction: Throughout the years the
students practice the generic skill of gathering
and analyzing information, representing infor-
2. The teaching of skills should be integrated and
mation, and presenting knowledge. Each year
infused with content learning in science and
students are introduced to different sub-skills in
technology, and it should not be taught as a
depth and continue to practice them several times
separate content-free subject.
in the course of their studies.
3. The learned skills should be applied repeatedly in
a variety of domains and contexts throughout the
! Flexibility and modularity: The instructional
materials are flexible and modular in a way that
curriculum and should not be taught as a ‘‘one-
enables teachers to choose the specific skills and
shot’’ experience.
activities that will be implemented every year. In
this way, the teachers can plan their own
Eilam (2002) elaborated that skill acquisition sequence of instruction according to their agenda
might be better achieved if the emphasis would shift and adjust the activities to the level and needs of
from demonstrating the applications of skills the students.
towards explicitly exposing the skills’ components
and the necessary cognitive operations. It is also
important to promote the students’ ability to 2.2. The instructional materials of SC
construct the mental representations of each opera-
tion and its related conditional knowledge. This Based on the above general model, we developed
requires allocating the necessary time and promot- the program SC. It is a didactic learning package
ing classroom experiences in which students can be that includes an activities booklet for the student, an
active. extended guide for the teacher, several interfaces to
The above assumptions and the literature guided the main topics of the curriculum, and assessment
us in designing the general model for skills instruc- tasks.
tion that furnishes the science teacher with pedago- The following are examples of activities from the
gical and instructional strategies and can be program:
implemented in the science classroom. The follow- (1) In the skill area of Information Retrieval:
ing characteristics describe this general skills in- advertise a scientific journal.
struction model: This activity helps students become familiar with
scientific journals suitable to their level. Working in
! Explicit instruction: The instruction of skills and teams, students are given samples of a scientific
sub-skills is very evident and emphasized. Stu- journal. They have to explore the journals following
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 465

specific instructions, introduce the journal to the and Bennett (2000) proposed a three-stage model
class, and prepare an attractive advertisement to for change: (1) reflective consideration (the process
encourage others to use this journal in the future. In of reflection-on-action), (2) problematizing practice
doing so, they present the structure of the journal, (identifying constraints and dilemmas), (3) changing
its goals, the different sections and give a critique theories and practice (restructuring theories, or
about the level of the journal and its target practice, or both). Thus, teachers’ change and the
audience. In preparing the advertisement, the implementation of a new curriculum, a new
students utilize their creativity and compose jingles, standard, a new strategy, or any new approach
draw posters, and write slogans. cannot be achieved by mere dissemination of novel
(2) In the skill area of Scientific Reading: the ‘‘first ideas. The change should be considered as a process
glance’’ into a scientific article. and should be followed by scaffolding, support, and
In this activity, students acquire the skills of the necessary conditions to facilitate the change
browsing and sorting scientific articles in order to (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002; Eraut, 1975; Wood
find out which are suitable, relevant, and desirable & Bennett, 2000).
for a specific assignment. Thus, a major aim of teacher education today is
By ‘‘first glance’’ we mean skimming through an the development of ‘‘reflective practitioners’’.
article, but nevertheless drawing information from Schon (1983) claimed that the ‘‘reflective practi-
it and becoming acquainted with it. The aim of the tioner’’ needs to reflect critically on the meaning of
‘‘first glance’’ is to decide whether an article is his/her thoughts and actions as a route to the
relevant for the reader’s aims and thus worth enhancement of professional practice. The process
reading in greater depth. Generally, after a ‘‘first of reflection is defined as reviewing, reconstructing,
glance’’ the initial selection of articles can be re-enacting, and critically analyzing one’s own
reduced by around 80%. After the ‘‘first glance’’ performance as well as that of the class, and
the reader should know whether he is interested in establishing explanations based on evidence
the article in terms of its suitability for the assign- (Shulman, 1987).
ment on hand and its scientific level. These reflection processes are especially impor-
In-service workshops and courses were provided tant when teachers need to teach materials that are
for science teachers in order to improve their unfamiliar or new to them, and this is the focus of
mastery of learning skills and to equip them with this article: the instruction of learning skills and SC
the necessary methodology and tools for meaningful skills in science classes. As mentioned before, in
implementation of the SC program. order to teach it, teachers must master these skills
themselves and therefore should be formally trained
3. Professional development of teachers in the skills that they are expected to teach (Rubin &
Norman, 1992). This study follows those teachers
During the 1970s, professional development of through their reflection processes during the im-
teachers was based on the notion that there is a plementation in class. The context of this study is
deficit in teachers’ skills and knowledge. Therefore, unique since the course of the professional devel-
most professional development programs consisted opment of the teachers was a combination of two
of ‘‘one shot’’ workshops aimed at teachers’ mastery aspects: (1) a structured and well-planned training
of prescribed skills and knowledge (Guskey, 1986). course that taught the teachers the rationale and the
This deficit model has been criticized throughout ways to conduct a variety of activities of the SC
the literature (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002; Fullan program as well as actually practicing the skills, (2)
& Stiegelbauer, 1991). The 1980s saw professional a follow-up procedure that consisted of visits to the
development of teachers reflecting a movement teachers’ classrooms and interviews during which
towards organizational development, school im- the teachers were asked to reflect upon their
provement, and systemic change (Guskey, 1986). instruction. However, in order to explore the
Today, as Clarke and Hollingsworth (2002) elabo- feasibility of the instructional model and program,
rated, a significant outcome of the above criticism and its contribution to the development of science
and research is a shift in focus from teachers’ earlier teachers, we did not discuss with the teachers their
conceptions of change (when the teachers are reflections and attitudes. No further scaffolding and
passive participants), to change as a complex support was given to these teachers throughout the
process that involves learning and reflection. Wood 2 years of the study.
466 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

4. Methods The teachers had diverse backgrounds in terms of

their ages (a range of 25–52 years) and in terms of
4.1. Research rationale and questions their experience as teachers (a range of 5–24 years).
Because of their varied educational and profes-
The SC program is modular and flexible. Its sional experiences, these teachers had a variety of
components do not require one preferable order as beliefs, opinions, and practices—a point that will be
most instructional programs do. However, it elaborated later in this article.
requires the teachers to plan their own sequence of
instruction, and to integrate it into the science 4.3. Method
contents. It also requires the teachers to adapt or
customize the program according to the needs of Qualitative research methods were employed in
learners, in different situations. order to answer both research questions.
This study aimed at determining whether science Several data collection techniques were employed
teachers can carry out the task of implementing to gauge and represent the findings in this study.
such a flexible and very demanding model of Interviews were the main technique. Other techni-
instruction. We also wanted to explore and under- ques were observations in classrooms, collecting
stand the change in and development of the beliefs artifacts (e.g., students’ work, teachers’ worksheets)
and actions of science teachers while teaching the that were collected in order to corroborate reported
special activities and the unique strategies of the practices, changes, and beliefs.
program. All teachers participated in face-to-face inter-
In particular, answers to the following were views. Two major interviews were conducted: one at
sought: the beginning of the study, and one at the end of the
study after two school years. These semi-structured
1. How did the implementation of the SC program interviews lasted 1.5–2 h. The interviews were
evolve in the course of 2 years of implementa- designed to explore teachers’ conceptions about
tion? the instruction and acquisition of learning skills, the
2. How did the instruction of the SC program usage of the instructional materials, the ways of
influence the attitudes, practices, and intentions implementing the SC program, and the difficulties
of science teachers? they meet.
Each interview was conducted by one of the
authors, at the participant’s school. Shorter and
4.2. Participants open interviews were conducted while we visited the
participating teachers at school to observe the
Forty-nine science teachers were found eligible to classrooms. These intermediate interviews took
participate in the study and were invited to join it. place 2–4 times throughout the 2 years of the study.
Eleven of the forty-nine original teachers agreed to All interviews were audio-taped and transcribed.
be involved and actually participated in this long- As mentioned, during the two years of the study,
itudinal study. This sample of eleven teachers, in the we visited the ‘‘Science and Technology’’ classes of
initial stage of the research, was heterogeneous in all the participating teachers, observed the implemen-
aspects and we will substantiate this claim in the tation of SC activities, and heard from the teachers
study. about their impressions from the activities that had
The participants were science teachers from taken place in class.
different regions of the country. All had previously When observations in the classroom took place,
participated in a comprehensive course on the SC field notes were taken.
program (minimum of 16 h) and had taught the
program that was integrated into the ‘‘Science and 4.4. Data analysis
Technology’’ curriculum in middle school. During
the 2 years of the study, there was no further Initial data analysis consisted of coding the
guidance or support for the teachers concerning the interview transcripts, field notes, and artifacts for
instruction of the program. issues related to the learning, teaching, and assess-
All participants were females (as are the great ment of SC skills. Teachers’ views from the inter-
majority of the teachers in the country). views were identified through re-examining, re-
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 467

defining, and re-classifying until there was a strong higher than level four, which is higher than level
consensus between the first author and the second three, etc.). Moreover, the difference between
analyst, who is a knowledgeable practitioner with consecutive levels is not necessarily the same.
knowledge of both science education and teacher Sometimes the transition between levels requires
education. We used analytic induction and reason- relatively small changes and in other cases the
ing to develop thematic categories. After several difference between consecutive levels is substantial.
attempts, we proposed categories contrasting and The ‘‘level of proficiency’’ scale is based on the
distinguishing different characteristics in teachers’ analysis of data and our rich field experience while
conceptions. Categories included instructional conducting workshops on SC and supporting
goals, instructional activities, organization of in- teachers in implementation. It enables an in-depth
struction, assessment goals, assessment tasks, tea- analysis that allows comparing between the partici-
cher dilemmas, use of the instructional materials, pants.
and teamwork among teachers in school. A coding scheme was needed to represent the
In the next phase of analysis we compiled the data development of the teachers in the four aspects and
that addressed the topics that emerged and orga- their ‘‘level of proficiency’’. The coding scheme will
nized these data according to the change that be presented with our findings.
occurred, and the nature of the change processes. Two science education researchers revised and
Next, we looked for commonalities and differences validated the ‘‘levels of proficiency’’ and the data
across teachers. Based on that analysis, we identified analysis to ensure the integrity of these analyses and
four main aspects that describe the teachers’ change. findings.
By deciding to focus on four aspects, we were able In the next sections we discuss our findings about
to analyze in detail a subset of the large dataset and teachers’ practices, attitudes, and beliefs about skills
trace patterns in the change process. We are aware instruction, organized around the four aspects
that by focusing on the four chosen aspects, this chosen.
analysis does not portray the full scope of all
changes in ideas and practices. 4.5. Two science teachers
Nevertheless, the four aspects became the orga-
nizational structure for our presentation of results. From the eleven interviewees, two teachers were
Furthermore, it enabled us to define levels of specifically selected for the focus of this article.
proficiency for each of these aspects. Because of space limitations, we selected represen-
A scoring system was established for further tative teachers to provide sufficient depth of
analysis of the change in the different aspects of SC perspectives and experiences. The two teachers’
teaching over time. Following discussions and beliefs and actions and the degree to which those
consultations with experts in science education, an beliefs changed or did not change represented much
ordinal numeric scale of one–five was used to of what we learned from the other teachers during
represent the extent of teachers’ development of the study.
perceptions, views, and professional actions
(Table 2). We chose to use a five-level scale since 5. Findings and interpretations
in most rubrics of alternative assessment one can
find three main levels of performance (low, medium, The findings are presented for each aspect of the
and high) and two more optional intermediate SC instruction: (a) perceptions about skills instruc-
levels. Then we defined each level of proficiency tion; (b) instructional models; (c) using instructional
and attitudes. The scale is ordinal in the sense that materials; and (d) influence and involvement in
each level is higher than the previous one. In most school and beyond. Comparison between the
cases the levels are cumulative, namely, a higher different aspects and changes over time is reported.
level requires the specified behaviors in the lower In this section, we describe in detail, the develop-
level (Table 2: ‘Instructional model’, levels one–f- ment profile of the two science teachers: Ela and
ive). In other cases, levels were judged by experts as Oran, based on their interviews.
consecutive but not necessarily cumulative-repre- Both teachers, like the other science teachers in
senting lower or higher performance (see for the sample, participated in a comprehensive SC
example in Table 2: ‘Influence and involvement in workshop before the research, and both implemen-
school and beyond’, level five was judged to be ted the program in their ‘‘Science and Technology’’
468 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

Table 2
Four aspects of ‘‘Scientific Communication’’ instruction and the ‘‘levels of proficiency’’

Level of Perceptions about the Instructional model Teaching and using the Influence and
proficiency acquisition of skills instructional materials involvement in school
and beyond

Low 1 Instruction of skills is not Instruction of skills over Using instructional The teacher works alone
considered a limited period of time materials of only a
specific skill/chapter/
2 Realizing the importance Instruction and activities Using instructional The teacher collaborates
of skills instruction are scattered with materials of some skills/ with teachers of the same
without implementing it minimal planning and chapters/activities discipline within the
integration into content occasionally school
3 Realizing the importance Intensive instruction of Intensive use of the The teacher collaborates
of skills instruction and skills only with complex instructional materials with other teachers from
being ready to introduce tasks and not throughout different disciplines
opportunities for skills the year within the school
acquisition occasionally
4 Believing that the Well-planned integration Intensive and flexible use The teacher initiates and
systematic planning of of skills and content of the instructional is involved in cooperating
multiple opportunities for throughout the year materials. Adjustment of with the school
the acquisition and sequences and activities management to improve
practice of skills is according to students’ skills instruction
essential needs
High 5 Realizing the necessity of Multi-year planning of Intensive and flexible use The teacher influences
skills’ assessment in spiral instruction and of the instructional and is involved in
addition to planned integration of skills and materials. Adjustment of professional development
acquisition and practice scientific contents activities when needed. and improvement of skills
of skills Development of instruction in school and
innovative activities for beyond the school
instruction and practice
of skills

classes. Ela entered our study with 17 years of teachers in the study, a change could be
experience as a science teacher. She has continu- detected.
ously participated in various in-service courses to
update her professional knowledge. She was the 5.1. Perceptions about the acquisition of skills
coordinator of the science studies in her school.
Oran has been a science teacher for 7 years. She also Teachers have a variety of beliefs and perceptions
participated in different in-service courses through- about how instruction should take place and what
out the years but to a much lesser extent. Using the should be taught. During this research their
knowledge gained from these courses, she tried to perceptions about the acquisition of skills were
initiate new instructional methods in her school but changed (Table 3a).
without much success.
The initial profiles of these two teachers are very 5.2. Instructional model
different. Therefore, we chose them to illustrate our
methodology. As mentioned before, the SC program was
Based on the level of proficiency and scaling developed according to the following characteris-
presented in Table 2, we analyzed the professional tics: explicit instruction of skills, integration of SC
development of the two teachers during the 2 years instruction with scientific contents, modularity and
of study (Table 3a–d). flexibility, and spiral instruction. The rationale of
They exemplify two different stages of experience the program is that acquisition of skills cannot be a
in class and different stages of confidence in ‘‘one-shot’’ experience, and it must be distributed in
teaching—yet in both cases, as with all other a spiral manner throughout the years. Therefore,
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 469

Table 3

Interviewee Description Quote Level

(a) Perceptions about the acquisition of skills: Ela and Oran—at the beginning of the study and after 2 years
Ela—beginning of Ela is an experienced teacher in skills ‘‘...What is important to me is not the content Level 4: Believing
study instruction. When the study began, itself but how to learn the content. If the that the systematic
she had already fully implemented student acquires the skills for independent planning of multiple
the program ‘‘scientific learning, he will manage with every subject. opportunities for the
communication’’ and felt committed The essence of instruction is the teaching of acquisition and
to skills instruction. She was aware of learning skills. The content supplies the context practice of skills is
the need not only to teach the skills for skills instruction’’ essential
but also to create learning
opportunities for the students to
practice and implement the skills they
had learned
‘‘yFor example, in the chemistry lesson, I sent
the students to gather information in the
library... They came back from the library and
started to tell what they had found, and all of a
sudden a discourse started ... So they practiced
the skill of gathering information and I gained
a wonderful start for the lessony’’
Ela—after 2 years After two years she continued to hold ‘‘I believe that skills acquisition is very Level 4: Believing
the same view and she made no important. It is an integral part of instruction, that the systematic
progress toward including skills and if it is not implemented as a continuous planning of multiple
assessment in her instruction. She process it has no meaning!...You can call it opportunities for the
emphasized the importance of ‘learning skills’, I also call it ‘working tools’y acquisition and
learning skills instruction, yet she did I told the class: ‘I am coming with a toolbox practice of skills is
not mention skills assessment full of skills and from time to time we will take essential
out one and will learn it’’’
Oran—beginning of Oran, understands the importance of ‘‘... The acquisition of learning skills exposes Level 2: Realizing
study learning skills instruction. She tends the learner to the intrinsic value of learning: the the importance of
to grant acquisition of skills a high effort to accomplish a learning task, the skills instruction
affective value. However, she opportunity to demonstrate one’s own abilities, without
admitted that she herself had to to receive help. These things increase one’s implementing it
acquire learning skills before starting involvement in studies and encourage
to teach it motivation and independent learning’’
‘‘...The program exposed me to aspects that I
did not think about before, such as information
representation, reading a scientific text, and
various teaching methods. For example, I admit
that I did not know about the Dewey
classification and all the indexes in the library.
We, as teachers, have to first absorb the
learning skills we acquired and then implement
skills instruction’’

Oran—after 2 years After two years, Oran still utilizes the ‘‘...I teach learning skills so that the students Level 5: Realizing
acquisition of skills but also put them will better understand the content. I teach the necessity of skills
into action. She implemented more learning skills because my goal is to enable assessment in
and more activities of ‘‘scientific them to learn independently’’ addition to planned
communication’’ and shifted the acquisition and
main goal of her instruction from practice of skills
mainly content to the integration of
skills and content. She understood
that the instruction of skills must
include application of assessment
methods that assess students’abilities
and skills
470 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

Table 3 (continued )

Interviewee Description Quote Level

‘‘I told the students that to learn how to learn is

the most important goal. And I would prefer to
teach mainly that’’
"After I started to implement the program, I
also started to think how to evaluate students’
implementation of skills that were learned. I am
not sure whether the assessment tasks I use can
diagnose the different levels of skills
performance. But it shows that there was
progress. Previously, none of the teachers in my
team thought to assess skills performance’’
(b) The instructional model of Ela and Oran—at the beginning of the study and after 2 years
Ela—beginning of Ela described how she and her ‘‘We felt that what we tried to do in the last Level 3: Intensive
study colleagues conducted ’Project-Based month and a half was too intensive. This instruction of skills
Learning’ and what happened when intensive method of instruction that we applied only toward
they tried to teach several learning is not meaningful learning. We missed the complex tasks and
skills in a short time in order to point! We must distribute the skills instruction not throughout the
support the project throughout the year’’ year
Ela—after 2 years After 2 years she looked back and ‘‘Each learning skill can be subdivided into Level 5: Multi-year
could see the change. She even many sub-skills. We distribute the skills planning of spiral
realizes the meaning of spiral instruction throughout the three years of JHS. instruction and
instruction In the past we concentrated it all in the 8th integration of skills
grade. Nowadays we understand that it must be and scientific
taught throughout the three years in an contents
attractive manner...Two years ago I did not
understand it. The practical experience with the
students leads to the understanding that
learning skills instruction must be a continuous
and spiral process throughout JHS. If we
taught the skills of gathering information from
a variety of sources in the 7th grade, then we
must practice that skill in other learning
situations in the next years in different
Oran—beginning of Oran thought that once a skill is ‘‘Actually we do not integrate the skills Level 2: Instruction
study taught, the students could easily instruction into the subject matter we teach. and activities are
transfer its implementation to other The goal is to teach the skills and not scattered with
learning situations as well as without necessarily in the context of the subject learned minimal planning
further practice in class, so that the students will be able to and integration into
transfer it to any subject matter’’ content
Oran—after 2 years Oran learned from her own ‘‘Today I understand that if we do not practice Level 4: Well-
experience and realized that learning the skills in different learning situations, they planned integration
skills acquisition is a long and will fade away. We must integrate and practice of skills and content
continuous process and therefore the learning skills in various topics and contexts throughout the year
must be well-planned and integrated and in different stages of the learning process’’
with the content

(c) Description of the usage of SC instructional materials by Ela and Oran—at the beginning of the study and after 2 years
Ela—beginning of Ela feels confident enough to plan ‘‘It is important that each student in class will Level 4: Intensive
study different sequences of the program’s experience the process of skills acquisition. We and flexible use of
activities to match her students’ make sure that if a student was absent or does the instructional
needs. She takes into consideration not understand something, he receives support materials.
the heterogeneity of the class and and guidanceyUsually, there are students in Adjustment of
makes sure that each student will class who learn the skills and the content sequences and
have the opportunity to acquire the rapidly, and they receive enrichment activities. activities according
learned skills Those students who have difficulties are to students’ needs
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 471

Table 3 (continued )

Interviewee Description Quote Level

referred to the teacher. The demands are

different according to the heterogeneity of the
Ela—after 2 years Ela developed new and innovative ‘‘With the help of the librarians, I developed a Level 5: Intensive
activities for teaching learning skills game in the library. Through the game they and flexible use of
that create opportunities for the learn about the different sections of the library the instructional
students to implement and perform and the ways to locate textbooks, journals, etc. materials.
the skills they have acquired They have to work as a team, to locate certain Adjustment of
information resources, to find in the textbook activities when
or article the answer to a question and other needed.
tasks. If they accomplish all the tasks, they Development of
receive full credit. If they need help, the innovative activities
librarians and the science teachers act as for instruction and
supervisors, but it reduces the number of points practice of skills
they get’’
Oran Beginning of Oran was working sporadically with ‘‘I usually work with the students’ activities Level 1: Using
study the instructional materials of book and the teachers’ guide. I do not want to instructional
‘‘scientific communication’’ rely only on textbooks. I want to enrich my materials of only a
instruction so I implement some activities of specific skill/
‘Scientific Communication’’’. chapter/activity
Oran after 2 years After two years of gaining more ‘‘I pick as many activities as I can and adhere Level 2: Using
experience with the learning package, to the book. I guess that for the next year we instructional
she felt that she still had to improve will have some conclusions and we will plan our materials of some
her instructional plan and work on instructional sequence and improve our learning skills/chapters/
integrating the ‘‘Scientific skills instruction’’ activities
Communication’’ program into the occasionally
(d) Influence and involvement in school and beyond: Ela and Oran—at the beginning of the study and after 2 years
Ela—beginning of Ela honestly wants to share her ‘‘For two years I implemented ’Scientific Level 4: The teacher
study knowledge and experience with other Communication’ and the other science teachers initiates and is
teachers at school. She wants to make watched my excitement and the activities that involved in
sure that she can do it right, so she went on in my classes. I asked the principal to cooperating with the
demands more instructional hours add two weekly hours for science studies. Then school management
from the principal of the school it was legitimate to ask the other teachers to to improve skills
join me. After they saw the learning products instruction
they wanted to join me’’
‘‘yWe have been working as a team of science
teachers for several years, we have good
working relations and we are very creative.
Still, we are not satisfied. We are working on it

Ela—after 2 years After 2 years, Ela, as the coordinator ‘‘The implementation of ’Scientific Level 5: The teacher
of the science teachers in her school, Communication’ in the science lessons changed influences and is
succeeded in motivating her the whole learning atmosphere in school. We involved in
colleagues and in having them taught our students how to gather information, professional
committed to the process of organize, and present it. We implemented development and
‘‘Scientific Communication’’ activities to practice those skills. Then, teachers improvement of
instruction. This teamwork and the from other disciplines reported that it became skills instruction in
products that resulted from the easier with the students when they asked them school and beyond
learning process changed the learning to accomplish learning tasks that required the school
atmosphere in school. Teachers from implementation of skills that were learned in
other disciplines could see that science lessons. The students needed less
change. It encouraged Ela to support and worked better independentlyyIn
approach science teachers in other addition to the support of science teachers in
schools as well my school, I also conduct in-service courses and
train science teachers from other schools in my
472 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

Table 3 (continued )

Interviewee Description Quote Level

district. As part of these courses I scaffold the

teachers in implementing the ’Scientific
Communication’ program’’
Oran—beginning of At the beginning of the study Oran ‘‘We tried to implement the ’Scientific Level 2: The teacher
study collaborated with other science Communication’ program as much as we can, collaborates with the
teachers in her school working as a but I feel that we need more support and teachers of the same
team, planning the instruction resources in school. However, I cannot change discipline in the
together. In her response she or demand things’’ same school, they
described her efforts and those of her plan the instruction
colleagues together and
support each other
Oran—after 2 years Toward the end of the study, Oran ‘‘My colleagues (science teachers) and I are in Level 3: The teacher
tried to cooperate with teachers from the middle of the process of integrating skills cooperates with his/
other disciplines in order to share and instruction. We are at a stage in which we have her colleagues and
conduct learning skills instruction in to plan together how we are going to integrate with other teachers
other subjects as well the program in the best way that fits our from different
resources, since we do not have extra hours for disciplines within the
that. However, I already began cooperating school
with the Language teacher regarding visual
representations of scientific text’’

teachers were asked to describe their methods of SC these outcomes encouraged Ela to train other
instruction (Table 3b) and observations in class teachers.
were made in order to corroborate the reported The qualitative data presented here illustrates the
data. complexity of skills instruction. The two teachers,
Ela and Oran, realized throughout the two years of
the study that there are no shortcuts. Learning SC
5.3. Using the instructional materials
skills requires a continuous effort. The instruction
of the skills should accompany students all the years
As was described before, the SC program is
of their studies. Towards the end of the study Ela
modular and flexible. It consists of a framework of
general activities that can be integrated in conjunc-
tion with any scientific content. These character- yI can say that I noticed our own professional
istics enable the teacher to choose his/her own development when I realized that at the begin-
sequence of instruction and activities according to ning we implemented many ‘Scientific Commu-
the needs of the class. During the study, we noticed nication’ activities in a relatively short period of
different levels of relying on the instructional time-and it was a mess for the students. And then
materials of the program (Table 3c). this whole big ‘salad’ turned to be well planned
and scattered throughout the 3 years of JHS.
Even science teachers from the high school
5.4. Influence and involvement in school and beyond
wanted to continue this process. It is all because
of our planned, organized, and spiral sequence of
In this study, we wanted to determine whether
teachers change their attitudes and intentions when
instructing the SC program. We found that this These two teachers started from very different
change does occur, but we also found that this levels in all four aspects. Ela was more experienced
change can benefit other teachers: Ela indicated in ‘‘Science and Technology’’ instruction and in SC
(Table 3d) that teachers from other disciplines instruction in particular. In her interview she
reported that the students are also more skilled presented a high level of proficiency regarding the
and need less support in their lessons. Realizing use of the instructional materials and the relations
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 473

with the school management, and showed further ence and practice, and those teachers were already
progress after 2 years. Regarding her perceptions, convinced and sure about the value of SC instruc-
no change was detected while analyzing the inter- tion. Therefore, to make further progress it may
views. Oran, at the beginning of the study, demon- take more time and the gradual realization that
strated very low levels in all aspects. After 2 years, there is room to improve. In contrast, in the case of
she is still acquiring the professional skills of Oran and teacher H., who at the beginning of the
teaching SC. However, she presented the highest study expressed an initial level of perceptions
level of perceptions (see Fig. 1). We will discuss regarding skills acquisition, we could detect a great
these issues in the next section. change in perceptions over the 2 years. This may
imply that some teachers can ‘‘see’’ the goals of
5.5. Schematic representation of qualitative data instruction and develop advanced perception re-
garding that aspect in a relatively short time and
As was described before, the scoring system was others need more time and experience to reach the
established to help in analyzing the data and to same views.
detect the change in the different aspects related to Influence and involvement in school and beyond is
SC teaching over time. The numeric values of 1–5 also an aspect that cannot be taught during
were used to represent the extent of teachers’ teachers’ training. It requires personal characteris-
development of perceptions and actions (Table 2). tics such as leadership and motivation to initiate
Equipped with this scoring system, we re-analyzed changes by coordinating with the management of
the interviews with the other nine participants. In the school or to take the role as teachers’ trainer.
order to represent the teachers’ change over the 2 Yet only two teachers showed no change in that
years, we designed a scheme of proficiency and aspect (Teachers D and F, Fig. 1).
located all interviewees on that scheme according A prominent change appeared in the aspect
the scoring analysis (Fig. 1). This scheme demon- Instructional model. This may imply that teachers
strates that each of the teachers had a different who implement the SC program change their model
profile at the beginning of the study. However, they of instruction as they become more experienced.
all showed progress after 2 years of SC instruction. They are more convinced that instruction of skills
Out of the 44 incidents measured (four aspects of should be well planned throughout the years in a
eleven teachers), only in five incidents was there no spiral manner, integrating both skills and contents.
change in one of the aspects (teachers A, C, D–F). Fig. 1 also shows the change within the aspect of
Out of these five, in three cases no development was Teaching and using the instructional materials: at the
detected in the aspect of ‘‘perceptions about the beginning of the study all teachers (accept Ela) used
acquisition of skills’’ (teachers A, C, and E). In the the instructional materials with no further change or
other two cases, there was no development in the modification. Some were using a very specific
aspect of ‘‘Influence and involvement in school and activity, some were using various activities occasion-
beyond’’. It is not surprising that development in ally, and others were using the instructional materials
these two aspects was less pronounced, since the aim intensively. However, after 2 more years of SC
of the comprehensive training course that all instruction the majority of the teachers became
participants experienced was mainly to instruct familiar with the generic characteristics of the
science teachers how to teach and use the SC materials and realized that these materials can be
instructional materials and to become familiar with modified according to the needs of the teacher and
the rationale and characteristics of the instructional class. They took advantage of the flexibility and
model. Perceptions develop through experience and modularity of the program and adjusted the se-
practice, and cannot be taught directly. Most quences and activities according to students’ needs.
teachers changed their perception to a higher level Some teachers even started to develop innovative
according to our analysis. Some teachers showed at activities for instruction and practice of skills.
the beginning of the study a high level in that aspect. We concluded that (a) teachers improved their
Teachers A, C, and E expressed a high level of level of proficiency in all four aspects that were
perceptions about the acquisition of skills already at examined and especially improved their model of
the beginning of the study (level four) and did not instruction of skills, (b) teachers who participated in
make further progress in that aspect maybe because the study hold considerably advanced perceptions
of a ceiling effect: perceptions develop with experi- concerning skills instruction and developed con-
474 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

Pre Post

a b
Package Package
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 6
Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model


c d e
Package Package Package
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model

System System

f g h
Package Package Package
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model

System System System

i j k
Package Package Package
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model Perceptions 1 Model

System System System

Fig. 1. Professional development profile of 11 teachers (at the beginning of the research-pre, and after two years of implementing the
‘‘Scientific Communication’’ program-post) in four aspects defined by the scoring system in Table 2. Package ¼ teaching and using the
instructional materials; System ¼ influence and involvement in school and beyond; Perceptions ¼ perceptions about the acquisition of
skills; Model ¼ instructional model.

siderably during 2 years of SC instruction, (c) most practicing skills and therefore started to modify
teachers gained confidence and became better the instructional materials according to their own
convinced about the necessity of teaching and instructional plan and needs.
O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477 475

6. Discussion change’’ is open to multiple interpretations, and

each interpretation could be associated with a
Skills instruction is considered a demanding task particular perspective of teachers’ professional
because it requires the teachers to master the skills development. They describe six perspectives regard-
themselves. It requires not only to plan the content ing teachers’ changes:
instruction but also to constantly integrate skills
instruction and practice. It requires changing the ! Change as training—change is something that is
assessment methods. Previous research showed that done to teachers; that is, teachers are ‘‘changed’’.
teachers need support during this process (Pintó, ! Change as adaptation—teachers ‘‘change’’ in
2005; Pintó et al., 2005). response to something; they adapt their practice
It is important to emphasize that most of today’s to changed conditions.
teachers did not experience instruction of skills ! Change as personal development—teachers
during their pre-service studies. ‘‘seek to change’’ in an attempt to improve their
The program ‘‘SC’’ presents an approach for performance or develop additional skills or
learning skills instruction that is unfamiliar and strategies.
challenging for most teachers. The aim of the study ! Change as local reform—teachers ‘‘change some-
presented here was to determine whether they can thing’’ for reasons of personal growth.
cope with such an approach and how they change ! Change as systemic restructuring—teachers enact
while carrying out that flexible instructional pro- the ‘‘change policies’’ of the system.
gram. This was to be achieved by examining the ! Change as growth of learning-teachers ‘‘change
instructional methods and strategies that a group of inevitably through professional activity’’; tea-
science teachers used for implementing and teaching chers are themselves learners who work in a
learning skills through the SC program. Our learning community.
findings indicate that they understood the rationale
of the instructional model. Most of them custo- The study presented here showed that the
mized the instructional materials according to their instruction of SC and the emphasis on skills
needs and improved their practices. Baumgrartner acquisition during science studies facilitated tea-
and His (2002) contend that customizing instruc- chers’ change in several alternative perspectives:
tional materials requires a deep understanding of Change as adaptation—teachers changed their
the nature of the original innovation and the instruction according to the demands of the SC
contextual factors that shaped its design. program; change as personal development—tea-
Interviews that were conducted with eleven chers in the study improved their instructional
science teachers showed that each teacher had a performance and developed their teaching strate-
different profile of proficiency at the beginning of gies; change as local reform—teachers showed
the study. However, after 2 years of SC instruction, willingness to make efforts for personal growth;
all of them progressed. These results show that the change as systemic restructuring—teachers enact
instruction of SC changed their attitudes, practices, the ‘‘change policies’’ of the system and influenced
and intentions. their colleagues in school or outside school; change
This qualitative study demonstrated the potential as growth of learning—the teachers that partici-
of the program ‘‘SC’’ to serve as a supportive pated in the study were themselves learners who
environment for teacher change and professional work in a learning community and constantly
development. As evident in this study, all teachers improve their instruction.
that were interviewed showed improvement in four Beyond the scope of this research, the resulting
aspects that were examined concerning SC skills teachers’ profile of development may serve as a tool
instruction: perceptions about skills acquisition, the for evaluating what aspects of skills instruction are
instructional model, teaching and using the instruc- difficult for teachers. Furthermore, evaluating
tional materials, and influence and involvement in teachers’ profiles over time provides a measure of
school and beyond. We can further describe the teachers’ professional development. The scoring
teachers’ change in this study, according to Clarke system that we developed and the schematic profile
and Hollingsworth (1994). They identified a number may serve as tools to evaluate individual teachers so
of alternative perspectives for the term ‘‘teacher that more accurate scaffolding can be tailored to the
change’’. They argue that the notion of ‘‘teacher needs of individual teachers.
476 O. Spektor-Levy et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 462–477

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