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Dengue fever: Introduction

Dengue fever, also called dengue, is a potentially serious

disease caused by a virus. There are four types of dengue
virus that can cause illness in humans. Dengue viruses are
transmitted between humans by the bite of an infected
Aedes mosquito.
Dengue is rare in the U.S., but is common and a serious
public health threat in warm sub-tropical and tropical areas
of the world. These include areas of Central and South
America, Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, the Middle East, Australia, the Caribbean and the South and
Central Pacific. Dengue fever is most common in urban areas and outbreaks occur commonly during the
rainy season when mosquitoes breed heavily in standing water. The incidence of dengue fever is on the rise
worldwide, and in some areas of Asia, complications of the disease are a leading cause of serious illness
and death in children.
Mosquitoes pick up a dengue virus when they bite a human who is already infected with the virus. The
mosquito then carries it in its own blood and spreads it when it bites other humans.
After a dengue virus enters the human bloodstream, it spreads throughout the body. Symptoms appear in
about eight to ten days after a bite from an infected mosquito. Symptoms are flu-like and can
include high fever, nausea, vomiting, body aches, and headache.
Most people can recover from dengue fever, but some cases can progress into a life-threatening
complication called dengue hemorrhagic fever. Symptoms of this disease include severe,
uncontrolled hemorrhage and shock.

Primary Cause of Dengue fever

The primary cause of Dengue fever is the result:

• of an infectious agent.

What causes Dengue fever?

Causes: Dengue fever: Virus caught from mosquitoes bites (Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus
Dengue Fever: NIAID (Excerpt)
People get dengue virus infections from the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. Mosquitoes become
infected when they bite infected humans, and later transmit infection to other people they bite. The two main
species of mosquito,Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, have been responsible for all cases of dengue
transmitted in this country

Related information on causes of Dengue fever:

As with all medical conditions, there may be many causal factors. Further relevant information on causes of
Dengue fever may be found in:

Risk factors for Dengue fever ,Contagiousness for Dengue fever, Genetics of Dengue fever

Hidden causes of Dengue fever

Dengue fever as a complication of other conditions:

Other conditions that might have Dengue fever as a complication may, potentially, be an underlying cause of
Dengue fever. Our database lists the following as having Dengue fever as a complication of that condition:

• Mosquito bite

Symptoms of Dengue fever

The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Dengue fever includes the 20 symptoms
listed below:

High fever - up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit,,Severe headache,,Retro-orbital pain - pain behind the eye

Severe joint pains, ,Muscle pains ,,Muscle aches, ,Swollen lymph nodes, ,General

Children get non-typical symptoms

Fever Weakness Prostration Pain behind the eyes Severe muscle pain Slowed heart rate Enlarge lymph
nodes Maculopapular rash

Dengue fever: Complications

Review medical complications possibly associated with Dengue fever:

Fatigue Tiredness Dengue hemorrhagic fever - this can cause several serious complications:


Dengue fever Tests: Book Excerpts


• History and physical examination - Fever
• History and physical examination - Purpura
• History and physical examination - Purpura
• History and physical examination - Fever [Pyrexia]
• Physical examination - Fever
• Physical examination - Rash Accompanied by Fever
• Physical examination - Petechiae and Purpura
• Diagnostic Approach - Purpura/Petechiae/Excessive Bleeding
• Diagnostic Approach - Fever of Unknown Origin

Treatments for Dengue fever:

The first step in treating dengue fever is prevention. Prevention measures include
controlling mosquito populations in warm sub-tropical and tropical areas of the world. This includes draining
areas and objects that can hold standing water and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, such as old
tires, puddles, and bird baths. Wearing insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon
eucalyptus and wearing protective clothing that covers the whole body are also important preventive
There is no definite treatment for or vaccine to prevent dengue fever. Most people who get dengue fever will
recover in about 2 weeks to a month by getting plenty of rest, increasing fluid intake and taking
acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever and body aches. People with dengue fever should not take aspirin or
medications that contain aspirin because it increases the risk for severe bleeding.
Hospitalization and intensive care is required for people who develop the life-threatening complications
of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome These complications can occur in anyone but
happen most often in children.
The list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Dengue fever includes the following list. Always seek
professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.

Treatment List for Dengue fever

Symptomatic and supportive Bed rest Fluids

Fever medications - though aspirin is not advisable according to some sources

Aspirin - some sources recommend aspirin (ask your doctor for current advice)
Pain relief medications Acetaminophen Codeine Pethidine - in severe cases Calamine lotion - for rash

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