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Torts 1

Battery o π must know of confinement OR be

• Intentional harmed by it. (Harm can be physical or
o Acting with purpose to produce economical)
consequence, or acting in a way that o It has to be intentional (motive is not a
the reasonable man would know consideration)
consequence is substantially certain to o Unconsented to (exclusion does not count)
occur. (Hidden intent is irrelevant) o Bounded area= no reasonable means of
[VanCamp v. McFoos] [Garret v. escape.
Dailey] o Confinement need not be physical; can be
• Unconsented to accomplished by implicit or explicit
o [Cohen v. Smith] Consent may be threats. (and any amount of time)
actual (expressed) or implied (a o Within limited area (not Taiwan)
manifestation on which a reasonable o Does not have lawful authority or restrains
person could rely)
with illusion to lawful authority [McCann
• Harmful/Offensive v. Walmart]
o To a reasonable sense of personal Trespass to Land
dignity (obj. standard) [Snyder v. • Physical Invasion
Turk] o 2 ways: (1) enter property; (2) extension of
• Contact self
o Touching (can have extension of self o Non-physical invasion ≠ trespass to land
and Π, and it need not be immediate (ex. Light)
(poison or smoke) [Leichtman v. • Of Land
WLW]~light, sound o Includes air above & soil below, to heavens
{also analyze difference between dual intent o Never has to actually touch the ground
and single intent}[White v. Muniz] [Garret v. Dailey] o Is not a matter of ownership (a renter can
{also the concept of transferred intent, either sue for trespass)
the tort, the Π, or both} [Hall v. McBryde]
• Intent
{also, legal insanity is not a defense) [Polamiter v.
Russ] o Only intent required is that ∆ get to the
{Also note Law of Sevens} [VanCamp v. McFoos] challenged location on purpose
o ∆ need not be aware that he is violating
Assault property rights.
• π is placed in apprehension o Sleepwalking ≠ intent ≠ trespass to land
o 1) acting intending to commit battery o Unintentional entry or invited entry is not
2)acting intending to put someone in enough, but if there is a refusal to leave
imminent apprehension of battery becomes trespass
[Cullison v. Medley] [Kaufmann v. Trespass to Chattels
Garnett---No apprehension] • Interferes with π’s right of personal property
o do not need fear, but MIND MUST BE o Personal property= everything you own
TOUCHED except real property
• Apprehension is of an immediate battery o (1) damaging or (2) stealing/taking-
o *words alone lack immediacy, have to dispossession or lost use
be in conjunction with something else o Remedy= $ for loss of use or cost of repair,
[Cullison v. Medley] based on actual damage, not market value
o You need actual conduct of a Conversion
threatening kind • Interferes with π’s right of personal property, to
o With conditional words “If you were exercise SUBSTANTIAL DOMAIN
not my mother, I would….” Not o Personal property= everything you own
usually enough. UNLESS they are except real property
forcing the party to choose between o Interferes = substantial damage or loss.
two tortuous alternatives “I will hit • Remedy= get real market value of item
you or take you purse” Exception:
• Mistaken belief that you own the chattel is not a
When there is legal right, i.e. stolen
defense. 3rd person can be liable
False Imprisonment [McCann v. Walmart] • Is a matter of degree between trespass and
conversion, these factors determine: 1. Extent,
• Act of Restraint ***look at notes duration of control 2. Δ intent to assert a right to the
Torts 2
property 3. Δ’s good faith 4. Harm done 5.
Expense or inconvenience caused

Torts of Outrage

• Restatement elements IIED:

Civil Rights Torts a. Conduct of the defendant was
• Under color of law extreme and outrageous
o A person with state or federal b. Intended to cause severe
authority, or appearance of authority distress or was reckless in risking
(gov’t must make them have that severe distress
appearance) [Brown v. Muhlenburg]
o Can be brought under Fed. c. Actually caused severe distress
[Nickerson v. Hodges] (gold diggers burry a
Constitution or Fed. Statute violations.
fake pot of gold):One of the first cases to
• Third Party Rule
cite an IIED, but claimed malicious
o Can be private citizen conspiring with
deception and conspiracy. Example of
state authority extreme conduct: Taylor v. Metzger
o Can be an officer who fails to protect (African-Am. Woman sheriff, called ‘jungle
citizen Rule, must have passed ‘test’ bunny’ was held to be beyond bounds of
and must have had realistic decency)
opportunity to intervene
1) excessive force was being Further in Nickerson the award was reduced
used 2) that a citizen had been because Π died (this would not happen in
unjustifiably arrested, or 3) modern times)
that any constitutional Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
violation had been committed • Outrageous Conduct
[Yang v. Hardin] o Outrageous= Exceeds all bounds of
(Note: 3 can be satisfied by 14th decency tolerated in a civilized society
due process clause, 4ths o Mere insults ≠ not outrageous
unreasonable search/seizure o Plus Factors: Hallmarks of
[Brown v. Muhlenburg] 8th cruel
Outrageousness- (1) Continuous or
and unusual punishment, and 1983
Repetitive Conduct; (2) ∆ is a common
statute [Alexander v. DeAngelo]
carrier or Innkeeper; (3) π is a member of
• Government Immunity a fragile class of persons (i.e. children,
o Shocks the conscious [Sacramento v. elderly, pregnant woman.)
Lewis] o It is outrageous if you exploit
You can only sue the government
if they allow you to [Alexander v.
• Severe Emotional Distress
o Severe= interferes with daily activities of
o Note on damages: Get attorneys fees if life.
o Must be severe
you win
• Intent
o Recklessness (in addition: purpose, desire,
Torts 3
o Parent/teacher may use reasonable force to
discipline child
• Privilege of Arrest (Also see above to defense of
Defenses to Intentional Torts property)
• Self-Defense o Mistake of Felony committed- only police
1) Reasonable force to defend against tort 2)Reasonable can make mistake. If private citizen makes
deadly force only when the threat is at same extreme 3) mistake, can’t claim privilege.
No requirement to retreat 4) Any excessive force is o Mistake of Person committing felony-
unprivileged 5) That one was provoked is not enough to reasonable mistake allowed
claim self defense 6) There is a right to resist unlawful o Misdemeanors- must be committed in
arrest 7) One can use assault to forestall a crime, even
one’s presence.
when the battery it puts the other party in fear of would
• Necessity
not be privileged
• Defense of Others/Property Public Nec. Public Nec Private
o Timing: must be imminent or in (Common (Governed by Necessity
progress. (No revenge, if threat is Law) Statute or
over and done, timing is no good) Const.)
o Defense as 3rd person must be no more
than if you were the person being
attacked could use If destroying These usually One can trespass
o Reasonable belief that threat is genuine someone’s allow for or destroy
o *Deadly force only in life threatening private property destruction of the another’s
situation. For property, never can use to save public property to save property to save
deadly force. (Kato v. Briney shotgun there is no public, but their own
trap) (Brown v. Martinez Boy shot for liability impose a liability property or life,
trespassing on watermelon field) (Surroco v. to pay on the but they are
o One can use false imprisonment to Geary, government liable for
defend property, put if person detained Destroyed (Wegner v. damages.
is not guilty then the detainer is liable house to save Milwaukee (Ship/Dock
(Great Atlantic v. Paul)And person town from fire) Insurance, law in Cases, Vincent
must be held only as long as necessary MN Constitution) v. Lake Erie)
• Consent Note: If the
o Express- words permitting ∆ to person you are
commit, but person must have moored to unties
capacity to give consent (Reavis v. you and you or
Slominski a)incapacity has to be your property
substantial and impair ability to weigh are damaged
harms and benefits b)Δ must have then they
knowledge of incapacity) become liable
EXCEPTION Cannot consent to crime Ploof v. Putnam
o Implied- (1) custom, usage (sports); (2)
reasonable interpretation (first date Policy Considerations:
kiss) EXCEPTION Cannot consent to When there is not a clear outcome you can use these
crime to arg. For what you think result should be
o Cannot exceed scope of consent • Utilitarianism
(Ashcroft v. King Consented to familial • Social Justice
blood transfusion, was given other • Natural Law
AIDS infected blood) Exception: • Efficiency
Medical professionals may exceed • Cost/Benefit
Kennedy v. Parrot removing appendix,
also operated on cyst
• Discipline
Torts 4
a. Whether the statute is the sole source of the
defendant’s duty to the plaintiff
b. Whether the statute clearly defines the
prohibited or required conduct
Negligence: c. Whether the statute would impose liability
without fault
Negligence may be any conduct that creates an d. Whether invoking the negligence per se
unreasonable risk of harm to others—it is doctrine would result in damage awards
actionable as a tort when that risk comes to disproportionate to the statutory violation,
fruition in actual harm e. Whether the plaintiff’s injury is a direct or
Rule: a) Defendant owed plaintiff a legal duty, indirect result of the violation of the statute
b) defendant by behaving negligently, breached that duty,
c)plaintiff suffered actual injury
d) defendant’s negligence was an actual cause of the
Defenses to Neg. Per Se
injury; and
e) defendant’s negligence was a proximate cause of the
Rule: Unless legitimate excuse for violation of the
injury statute is offered then is Neg. Per Se (Impson v. Structural
Duty: 1. violation was reasonable because actors incapacity
Rule: You have a legal duty not to increase the (ex. Child or med. Emergency)
2. Neither knows nor SHOULD know occasion for
risk to other people. In general duty is that
people have to act as a reasonably prudent 3. Unable to comply, even after reasonable diligence
person would in the same or similar or care (Impossibility)
circumstances. The degree of care varies with 4. Emergency Doctrine, not due to own conduct (ex.
the situation, the standard of care is always Storm or tire blew out)
reasonable care FORSEEABILITY=RPP 5. Compliance would have resulted in greater risk of
SOC, Factors considered when analyzing what duty is: harm to actor or another. (Nurse case)
- Heightened Knowledge or special training,
dangerous instrumentalities same SOC-
different circumstances (Hills v. Sparks, Neg. as a Matter of Law: Rule: No reasonable jury could
Stewart v. Motts) conclude that this is anything but negligence. Judge
Children have childs SOC, except when they are operating determined. (Marshall v Southern Railway, Chaffin v Brame)
a dangerous instrumentality (Robinson v. Lindsay) General
Rule for Children: Duty of children is in exercising the
same care that a reasonably careful child of the same age,
intelligence, maturity, training and experience would
exercise in the same or similar circumstances Hudson v.
- Physical Disabilities, then ‘in same or
similar’ (Shepard v. Gardner)
* Sudden Unforseeable Medical Emergency,
SOC doesn’t change if Med emergency was
foreseeable –epilectic-(Roman v. Estate of
*Mental disability does not change SOC
(Stewart v. Motts)

2. Neg. Per Se- is a violation of statutorily created rule or

duty: Two part test to see whether violation of statute
negligence per se (Martin v. Hertzong) **Talk
about broad or narrow
1. Π is a member of the class of persons that the statute
seeks to protect. (Rains v. Bend, Wright v. Brown, Haver
v. Hinson)
2. Accident is within the class of injury that the statute
seeks to prevent (If yes to test * analyze 5 factors from
Rains) (narrow injury supported by Wright and Haver)
Torts 5
sterilize camp experince(Fintzi v. New

Breach: a)Joint and Several- Can enforce total against A, who

can then recoup from B. (Π friendly, meets goal of
Rule: Where the actor has a choice of action he compenation)
should engage in the action that will:
1. Result in the least amount of harm; AND, B)Comparative Fault- Each will pay their own % (not
Π friendly, allows poor to not be deterred, but saves from over
2. Reduce the probability that anything bad will detterance on rich Δ)
happen (must be foreseeable)
Rule: Preponderance of the evidence standard-Each
element of Negligence must be proved more likely than not
(roughly 51% standard)(US. V. Carrol Towing)
Proving Conduct:
• Must meet by a preponderance of the evidence
• LH Formula Apply B<PL analysis- burden of (51%) (US V. Carrol)
preventing harm is less than the probability of injury
x seriousness of harm should the injury occur—if
B<PL then breach of duty; if B>PL no breach • To prove cause you have to prove more likely
(B=burden of precaution, P= probability of accident than not that Δ was negligent (Santiago v. First
L= magnitude of accident) US v. Carrol Towing) Student)

-****Policy For: is flexible and can • If there is a question of fact it should go to a jury
change with the times; is better than any and be upheld (Santiago v. First Student)
other arbitrary standard (Upchurch)
-*****Policy Against- hard to quantify
injuries/probability of injuries; everything
that we do carries some risk and any activity • It is up to jury to determine witness credibility
has some benefit and any precaution some (Upchurch)
• Golden Rule Do unto others as would have done • Can use neg. per se, but may just be evidence of
unto you neg.

• JURY: Intuitively, By Neg. Per Se, • Circumstantial evidence gives clues to weather
breech has occurred (allows you to make
Neg. as Matter of Law, by Custom (can inferences which can led to preponderance of
hold to higher standard then Statutes- can be
evidence being met) (Forsyth v. Joesph)
used as evidence)
• Expert testimony is only needed when topic is
• Background Rules (Court made, not something a lay person would not be
knowledgeable about (Dist. Of Columbia v.
binding, rules of thumb) Shannon slide-thumb case)
1. Life above property (Bernier v. • Non-expert witnesses can only testify as to facts,
Edison, Indiana Consol. Ins) not opinions or conclusory statements
Evaluating Conduct:
2. Person who has greater knowledge
(Sinnet) • Custom does not determine SOC (but could be
used as evidence) (TJ Hooper)
3. Foreseeability is low when you are
depending upon an expert (Sinnet v. • Policy manuals do not determine SOC (evidence)
Buchele) (Duncan, followed but wasn’t enough, WalMart,
didn’t follow but okay)
4. If burden is high, and likelihood of injury
is low, then no breach (Lee v. GNLV Corp) • plaintiff must show that the owner either created
5. When one is confronted with 911 he may a dangerous condition or had actual constructive
act in his best judgment without being neg. knowledge of a dangerous condition-can be
(Indiana Consolidated v. Matthew) established by circumstantial evidence (Cracker
6. Degree of harm can be weighed
Barrel) [SLIP] Even if Δ did not cause the danger
against right to protect ones property/ he is liable if enough time passed
Torts 6
• Evidence that customary safety policy was * Crucial impact of res ipsa loquitur is that it allows
plaintiff’s case to go to the jury even though he has not
violated- goes to jury proved a specific act of negligence
* Majority: Res Ipsa creates an inference of
• Mode or method of business operations make it negligence that allows you to survive summary
all to likely that a dangerous situation will judgment and go to the jury- then jury then
decides if it wants to accept or reject the
inference—plaintiff still has burden of proving
the rest of the elements- injury and causation
AOR- *Minority: Res Ipsa creates a rebuttable
Use Soft Crews analysis presumption of negligence- the burden shifts to
1. Did the plaintiff have knowledge of the defendant to prove that he is not negligent—
the risk—objective test-Reasonable it is presumed more likely than not that a duty
person was breached—better for plaintiffs—if defendant
2. Did the plaintiff appreciate the risk- rebuts the burden gets shifted back to the Π, if
objective/fact specific test not Π wins.
3. Did the plaintiff voluntarily expose NEW RULEModern Rule:
himself/herself to that risk? Either inference or rebuttable presumption when:
(Crews v. Hollenbach) Do this when 1. The accident is of the type that normally
analyzing in breach or here (see page does not happen without neg.
12 for when to do what) 2. Δ was more likely than not neg.

*If 2 or more Δ then no RIL (Collins is

a. RIL gives you breech and maybe
duty, still need to prove rest (with
maj. Rule)
b. If no RIL can just default to neg.
RES IPSA LOQUITER c. Π has to exclude other causes when
The Thing speaks for itself. It is a form of “it is easy to do so” (Warren)
circumstantial evidence, the rationale is that facts can d. If Π has superior K then less likely to
sometimes be inferred from other facts. Res Ipsa get RIL, if Δ has superior K than RIL
allows the jury, based on evidence about the accident e. More likely to get res ipsa where
itself, to infer that it must have resulted from some there is no reciprocal risk- because it
negligent act of the defendant. To invoke res ipsa,
is an indicator that the defendant had
plaintiff must show that under the circumstances
negligence is more probable than not (Koch, exclusive control of the
Cosgrove), and must show instrumentality (Wyndemere)
OLD RULE1. The Instrumentality at issue is f. Π is not required to negate other
within the defendant’s exclusive control (Is a possible causes (Wyndemere)
flexible term-Giles) (Cannot have more than one
Δ with the exception of Collins)
2. Accident is of the type that doesn’t
ordinarily happen without some negligence
3. Plaintiff and 3rd parties didn’t cause or
contribute (Is flexible too, can have contributory
neg., Giles)
(Valley and Eaton for all 3 rules)
Torts 7



Rule: Plaintiff must suffer a legally cognizable
harm Preston v Cestaro
4 things to be aware of:
1. injury must have resulted due to the
defendant’s breach of duty;
2. injury can be a loss of market value in many
3. at common law emotional distress alone are
not legally cognizable injuries; what the advent
of IIED and negligent injury of emotional
distress have helped to resolve this
4. At common law future risks created by
negligence generally don’t count as injuries—
this may have changed a bit with the lost chance
* Also plaintiff cannot recover damages if there
was no injury suffered-because injury is an
element of the prima facie case

Note: causing inpermanent bodily change but no

pain = no injury – (orphan)
Torts 8
considerations(But for works with 3. All work
with substantial factor test, none work with
If general do #3, and why others no. If asked to
apply lost oppt. Apply approach from Lord v.
Lovitt, also apply all 3 in essay-
1. Traditional- Plaintiff must prove that as a
result of the defendant’s negligence, the plaintiff was
deprived of at least 51% chance of a more favorable
outcome than they actually received. Once a plaintiff
meets this burden, they would recover damages for the
entire preexisting illness or condition.
2. Variation of Traditional- The causation
requirement is relaxed by allowing the plaintiff to submit
their cases to the jury upon demonstrating that a
defendant’s negligent more likely than not increased the
harm to the plaintiff or destroyed a substantial possibility
of achieving a more favorable outcome. If jury buys it- can
get 100% recovery.
3. Lost Opportunity—majority rule-
The lost opportunity for a better outcome is, itself, the
injury for which the negligently injured person may
recover. The plaintiff will prevail if they can show more
likely than not that defendant increased the risk of harm,
but damages are limited to the value of the lost
opportunity. Thus if defendant by their negligence
eliminated a plaintiffs 40% chance of survival, the plaintiff
would be able to recover 40% of damages.
ACTUAL CAUSE: * Lord v Lovett- p 225 plaintiff
broke her neck and doctors misdiagnosed her
3 ways to establish: injury causing her to lose the opportunity for a
1. But for X (most common) (Salinetro v better recovery. Court held that plaintiff may
Nystrom) recover for lost opportunity where defendant’s
2. Substantial Factor Test (Anderson v. alleged negligence
Minneapolis, Dillon v. Twin) when two or more aggravates the plaintiffs injury and deprives
causes concur to bring about an event, then them of a better outcome.
cause-in-fact is established by the substantial * McDaniel v.Org- if Π would not have taken
factor test- was the actors action a substantial advantage of lost opp. Then no damages, but this
factor in bring about the harm should go to a jury (Jorgenson v. Vener)
3. Summers v. Tice rule: where there are * Alexander v Scheid- radiologist reported
multiple defendants, but only one caused the density on lung and concluded the dr should
harm, they can both be held liable and it is up to follow up, dr didn’t and mass grew and
the defendants to apportion liability (only works metastasized. Can proceed because of lost
if Π can prove all Δ’s were negligent (Doe v. opportunity- here no problem with causation- so
Baxter))—do joint and several or comparative, suggests that lost chance can be a part of
pg. 10) causation or in changing the injury
* Verdicchio- Plaintiff couldn’t prove whether
cancer had metastasized at the time of
misdiagnosis. Court says irregardless, the chance
for better recovery was reduced and plaintiff
could recover. Had 85% of survival if cancer had
LOST CHANCE: not metastasized at time of misdiagnosis and
d. Lost Chance—its own animal- could 30% chance of survival if it had.
talk about it under causation because of policy 55% x 5m = 2,750,000 = value of lost opp.
Torts 9
* If defendant’s negligence eliminates the to anyone as a result of his actions- do not
plaintiff’s chance of survival he could be held reach issue of proximate cause (Medcalf
liable for that percentage of chance—i.e. Lost v. Washington, Abrahms v. City of
Opportunity Chicago both not within scope)
* Hypo: Assume that a woman is pregnant and that she is b. Class of Persons: is the person affected
bleeding from her rectum. She tells her OB this, but the OB says
that some bleeding is normal and the patient doesn’t worry about by the act, the class of person foreseen-
the bleeding anymore. After she delivers, she is still bleeding and only liable to the classes of persons risked
sees her primary care doctor who has her screened for colon by negligence- defendant’s conduct is not
cancer. It turns out that she has stage 3 colon cancer. The
doctor’s negligent act did not create the cancer, but let’s say that a proximate cause when the defendant
if the cancer had been caught sooner there is a 49% chance it could not foresee harm to persons
would have been stage 2 cancer and not stage 3. Survival rates situated as the plaintiff is (Palsgraf v.
from stage 2 cancer are substantially higher (80%) than survival
rates from stage 3 cancer (40%). Long Island Railroad (not in class),
* Traditional Approach: No one knows whether cancer was at Mellon v. Holder (not in class and not
stage 2 or 3 when the woman first complained. If it was at stage 3 forseeable)
(here, there is a 51% chance of this), then the woman’s damages
would be $0 because there was not greater than 51% chance of EXCEPTION TOFORSEEABILITY: if you put
survival- only 51%. someone at a risk of harm and it is foreseeable that they
* Modified Traditional Approach- if 40% is more likely than not, would need rescue, the scope of risk then expands to
based on the evidence- then full recovery include the rescuer in the class of persons that are
* Lost Opportunity- Majority Rule- the chance of survival was foreseeable
reduced by 40%- difference between stage 2 and stage 3. - Rescuer can recover from the defendant whose
(Multiply value of life x lost % chance)= value of lost negligence prompts the rescue—this includes cases where
opportunity. (5 million x 40%) = 2 million. There is a 49%
the defendant negligently injures or endangers himself
chance she will suffer $2M in damages (lost chance) and a 51%
chance that catching cancer sooner would have made a difference and the plaintiff is injured in attempting a rescue-
($0 in damages) –so 49% x 2M + 51% x 0 = 980,000 ( % chance only those who are in close proximity in time and distance
it would have been stage 2 x value of lost opportunity) + (% it to the party requiring assistance are within the class of
would already be at stage 3 x damages allowed) = damages potential rescuers and a rescuer must in fact attempt to
awarded if cancer was at stage 2 when misdiagnosis occurred rescue someone (Wagner v International RR)

PROXIMATE CAUSE Other considerations (Notes)

-Is the harm of the same general nature that was 1. Manner of Occurrence- Manner of
created by the Δ’s negligence [WHEN DOING occurrence doesn’t really matter
ANALYSIS DO IN TERMS OF NARROW V. unless it is completely unique and
BROAD CONSTRUAL, use policy and therefore unforeseeable (Hughs v.
particular facts applied to rules] Lord Advocate, Doughty v. Turner)
Ways to think of: 2. Extent of Harm- if you harm the
1. (One to focus on) Scope of plaintiff then you are responsible for
risk/forseeability (: type of harm; class everything that happens to them
of person; manner of occurrence/extent Thin Skull Rule: Restatement 435(1)Rule: When defendant’s
conduct otherwise qualifies as a proximate or legal cause of the
of harm) plaintiff’s harm, the defendant does not escape liability merely
2. Intervening Tortfeasor because the harm was more extensive than anyone foresaw or
3. Policy Considerations, we have to draw a could have foreseen
Fire Cases- extension of thin skull- when a person’s negligence
line in causal continuum somewhere starts the fire, they are equally liable for the consequences
4. Duty, what would a RPP do? Apply whether they foresaw them or not
Learned Hand formula.
SCOPE OF RISK (also look at manner/extent; 2. Intervening Tortfeasor- - When
cut off liability, acts of god): tortfeasors act in sequence, the first tortfeasor
a. Type of Harm- compare what is will often argue that the second is an intervening
foreseeable with what actually happened- cause that supersedes him and cuts off liability—
defendant is only liable for types of an intervening cause that lies within the scope of
injuries risked by his negligence- - if a the foreseeable risk, or has a reasonable
reasonable person would foresee no harm connection to it, is not a superseding cause
Torts 10
(Austenmiller v. Dostek, Deridian v. Felix) (Not
forseeable: Sheehan v. City of New York,
Ventricelli v. Kinny)
- any unfolding events caused by ∆’s negligent
act and π’s injury even though bizarre could be
foreseeable and proximate—up to the jury to
decide (Marshal v. Nugent)
-If you are neg. then injuries that happen after
you are held liable for as well (Anaya)
- If it is foreseeable that negligent action will
cause intervening tortfeasors to come forward,
then that brings more people within the class of
persons in the scope of risk
- If the intervening tortfeasor was intentional
then likely to cut off liability (Watson v.
Kentucky and Indiana Bridge and RR)
(Policy: New with intentional tortfeasors:
compensation, you as a business have a duty (to
x, install y) because of your financial gain)


responsibility- when an intervening tortfeasor
steps in, original tortfeasor’s liability gets cut off
and all responsibility gets shifted to intervening
--tortfeasor (Pittsburg v. Horton, Kent v.


intervening ‘acts of god’ can cut off liability
unless they are foreseeable—i.e. if you build in
San Francisco and don’t take earthquakes into
consideration when you construct—you are
liable because it is foreseeable there could be an

Calm Waters analogy: cuts off liability

Torts 11

- Joint and Several Liability- you can enforce
the claim against any tortfeasor,
and if one tortfeasor pays the entire
amount they can get ‘contribution’ from the
other tortfeasor for their
proportional amount; better for plaintiff- more
likely to be compensation—
not really applicable in comparative fault
jurisdictions any more
- Comparative Fault/Several
Liability- Plaintiff’s recovery is generally
reduced by their negligence
to reflect their fault; and each faulty party must
bear their share of losses.
Here, the tortfeasor is only responsible for their
portion of the claim—pro-
defendant rule in that they only have to pay there
share—plaintiff can’t get all
of their money from one party and then expect
them to get
contribution elsewhere-plaintiff bears risk
of this if defendant is judgment proof.
Torts 12
conduct and any intent with
respect to harm created; and
b. Strength of the causal connection
between the person’s risk-creating
conduct and the harm

Rescue Doctrine and Comp. Fault:

-there is no comparative fault on the part of the
rescuer unless the rescuer acts recklessly
—encourages policy of protecting and
encouraging rescuer (Ouelette v. Carde)
- rescue doctrine applies even when a 2nd rescuer
is rescuing the rescuer—this applies as long as it
is foreseeable that someone might have to save
the rescuer (Govich v. North American System)

1. Trad/Common Law Contributory
Rule: no matter how small plaintiff’s WITH TRAD/COMMON LAW
liability is, there is no recovery (Butterfeild v. CONTRIBUTORY NEG.
Forrestor) (very few states use) a. Last Clear Chance Doctrine- Under
2. Pure Comparative Fault- look at plaintiff’s traditional contributory negligence, if the
% of fault and that reduces the verdict defendant could/should have discovered
3 Modified Comparative Fault: plaintiffs peril, then the defendant must bear
A. Sollin: plaintiff gets recovery only if their 100% of the responsibility—cuts off all liability
fault is less than all other defendants- of the negligent plaintiff
49% or less. (Sollin v. Wangler) • Under Comparative fault this is no
B. Wisconsin- plaintiff only recovers if their defense- Courts will just assign % of fault
fault is equal to or less than others so to π and ∆
50% or less (Wassel v. Adams) b. Plaintiff’s Illegal Activity- Generally, if
c. Maine Rule: requires the jury to make a plaintiff was harmed negligently while engaging
reduction of damages based on what it in illegal activity they wouldn’t recover. (Baker
considers to be equitable and just. –policy v. Kallas, Alami v. Volkswagon, Zysk v. Zysk)
reason- gives flexibility to jurors; • Some jurisdictions have relaxed this,
negatives- allows for prejudice without particularly comparative fault—where
justification they just assign percentages
Restatement 3rd of Torts §8 Factors for assigning c. Intentional/Reckless Conduct- A plaintiff
shares of responsibility include: charged with contributory negligence was traditionally
a. nature of the person’s risk- allowed a full recovery against a reckless or wanton
creating conduct, including defendant.
awareness or indifference with • * In comparative fault jurisdictions- reckless
actions % of fault are assigned; in the case of
respect to the risks created by the
Torts 13
intentional actions- plaintiff’s liability is still cut 4. All other general contracting
off procedures (Lack of capacity,
d. Mitigation- Traditional rule: If you fail to coercion, consideration)
mitigate/minimize damages then you lose out on 5. Was it a K of adhesion (generally
the entire damages because you are seen as an not okay because of policy
intervening tortfeasors; under comparative fault- reasons)
just apportion fault 2.Implied assumption of risk-in comparative
Instances where Comparative Fault Won’t fault- this is not a defense, goes under breach
Apportion Liability/Contributory Negligence analysis- for exams do analysis under both—
Not Available Use Crews analysis
Intentional/Intervening Tortfeasors, and Other 1Did the plaintiff have knowledge of the
Public Policy Reasons risk—objective test-Reasonable person
-Hold Dr.s accountable, even when Π is at fault 2Did the plaintiff appreciate the risk-
for original injury (Mercer v. Vanderbilt objective/fact specific test
University) 3Did the plaintiff voluntarily expose
-Special rules for manufacturers need to have himself/herself to that risk?
safety precautions (Bexiga v. Havir) (Crews v. Hollenbach) Do this when
-Self abuse or destructive acts cut off neg. (ex. analyzing in breach or here
Suicide, McNamara v. Honeyman) Dobbs Law of Torts- Traditional assumed risk rules
-You are allowed to take risks to own property find tacit consent when the plaintiff, knowing of the risk
(Leroy Fibre v. Chicago M and St.P) and appreciating its quality, voluntarily chose to confront
it. Dobbs argues that you don’t really need assumption of
risk as a bar in a comparative fault system. Because the
consent really goes to effect the duty of the defendant—if
the plaintiff consents to a type of risk, this changes the duty
**only applies to non- owed.
(DEFENSE) Prevailing Rule for Implied AOR
1. Contractual Assumed Risk: Restatement -If a plaintiff is reasonable in facing a
Rule- Parties should be able to contract with risk, she is not negligent except when she
each other and this should be binding—so unreasonably confronts a known risk then
whenever there is a valid contract, it should bar her negligence in doing so reduces
all of plaintiffs claims recovery of damages (Betts v. Crawford)
-Things to Consider when trying to figure out Restatement: if you have a contractual
whether the release should be valid and binding: assumption of risk, then defendant is relieved of
1. Did the plaintiff have bargaining all liability; but if there is an implied assumption
power? (If 2 are sophisticated then of risk- then defendant’s liability maybe reduced
less valid) by comparative fault percentages
2. Is the service provided essential or
was it a choice? If it is essential 3. Assumed Risk as a Limited Duty/No
then the release is probably Negligence on part of Defendant
invalid (Tunkl v. Regents of The plaintiff only assumes the risk that are
University of CA) inherent in the activity in which they are
3. What is the scope of the engaging, they don’t assume the additional risk
agreement? Does the scope of the created by the defendants negligence (Siragusa v
agreement include the particular Swedish Hospital, Sunday v Stratton Corp.)
injury—in torts the scope • Assumption of risk in comparative fault
generally only includes the type of jurisdiction is no real defense; you just
negligence that is inherent in the go up to the analysis of breach in that
type of activity itself (Moore v. the consent/assumption of risk given is a
Hartley Motors) factor in the consideration of the
circumstances. In other words, when you
Torts 14
assume the risk inherent in the activity statute of limitations begins-
then you relieve the duty of the defendant Sciele
in this regard. (Turcotte v. Fell) 4. Extended discovered, permenant
• In sports cases analyze under what Δ’s damage and role.
duty under the circumstance were 5. Actionable Injury Rule- minority
(Gauvin v. Clark- MA) rule- the statute doesn’t start
running until plaintiff discovered
or should have discovered both
negligence and causation
In Trad. Comparative Fault: Δ (if doc tells you SOL runs, if is common K then
MA: Duty SOL runs)
If no jurisdiction: Breach, Δ
Things that will Toll the Statute of
1. If someone purposefully conceals
information from the plaintiff to
prevent a law suit- acting
fraudulently will toll the statute—
but, wearing a mask to conceal
your identity during the tort will
not toll it because it is not
purposeful concealment to
bringing the suit
2. Tolling for disabilities- generally
STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS the statute will be tolled for
Statute of Limitations- Under state law, you have minors or mental incompetence
a certain amount of time to bring your claim and 3. AZ tolling statute- incarcerated
if you don’t bring your claim during that period persons when disc/ release from
of time you are out of luck. prison, whichever 1st
4. Equitable Estoppel- if there is an
Approaches to when the Statute of affirmative misrepresentation, and
Limitations will begin: the plaintiff relies on this to their
1. Accrual Rule: At the time of the detriment-this will toll the statute
first exposure to the tort, even —i.e. doctor says he works for a
though the individual may not private practice, but turns out he is
know of it- rule from Crumpton state employee
and Shearin (least Π friendly) Note: Notice Bar- some states will require the
2. Whenever the last exposure to the plaintiff to give notice before filing-this will in
treatment or when employment essence shorten the statute of limitation
was terminated
3. Discovery Rule-Majority Rule-
the statute begins to run when the
plaintiff discovered or should
reasonably have discovered the
injury; when you find perm.
Injury and know Δ role. just ADDT DEFENSES
because you suspect a danger it
doesn’t necessarily count as 1)Compliance with Statute
discovery; but if everyone knows Miller v Warren- hotel didn’t have smoke
of a particular danger then the detectors and customers got injured during fire.
Torts 15
But the building code did not require smoke
Holding: Complying with a regulation is
competent evidence of due care, but not
conclusive evidence of due care
• Compliance with a statute or regulation is
not a defense. Statutory requirements
usually reflect the minimum standard of
care. Compliance with the statute is some
evidence of due care

Preemption- generally if there is a conflict
between fed and state law, or there is an area
where fed law occupies the field- the fed law
trumps state law
2 ways:
1. Case law- judges determine if fed trumps state
law; meaning if there is a state cause of action is
preempted by federal law means that you don’t
have a state claim- but you can still bring federal
2. Federal statute or law specifically says that
federal law trumps state law (FDA does not bar)

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