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f1l. (-''"'''i'r',nll'''i-;;'' ·tlt;;,. 11I1t,,.,f)f '" i!"IIi"" W't~ ,o!r-a, W ... ~.]II"" IIlor-.tiJI ""I',,",' LlJ Y.~IIII!r"~'!r.1J11g. II! IIy. f;i''''~~1[.1f~!iii .. _ ~ ~g QJllhii ' .... VI! ~ j.1j ~~ I1.iI 'f[I!'1l

iii Uowed narsh

yon i!! tDO tar

go als rul ~s; (O~ ~iiIIp!i;l:!!al

ml:5(S@dl cop ii!' wit.h!!

S LJ IrV1V [HC TH f I R$ M ,A.G f

WlO'u]d you ee ab~e, to i1Jfvi\1e in the 1. h.Qt:~h."", ccnditions ill'f the Ir~rli Ag@~' 5~nll1!@fl VClh.!lfil~~r.5 tril~d ~~ in thg. ISHC

reality TV sarlss, SW1IMng t'le !'ron Age. Th~ 2. "r.:uJ.e s .•. were strict ~hry had 'll;) lL\ie irI an ilOO~~ -camp' and pr,epare t~ir' oom food \iVtI~lh primiti'o'E!' tools, They ~re not 3 :Ol1J.C-! wed:

to, ib-ri n-gl in anry off ' heir 20ilttr-c;,entury ~$ses.s1om. It wa~ hard wort from m-n-mi1lig1 to hight, and @'o'E!~y.n'Ji@ lit .. mi$.sed ..

som E!thing" from t~ to chocolate to lh.eing ~bl~ ·to ~tt:!~ de~n. One 'iolUrlteel 5. !;;.aU ~~::"B ~il~ Gatwying buik,eit3 of W&ler hmn '!hf! ri'o'E!a' to ~h@ camp,. Others ttuurdl not '6.c:.~-p-~ .. Wit~1I the diffDl:-ll.J • as and ~ett Some, 'Yff!1N~F$ 'th~lJ~ht thing;) had

7 . g~. ;t.Q.(;"~vh~n several vc~IjM.~~ got i~ pOiS!JfI~llIg;

h1J~ th@< ~~gr.~!1lIm~ ,oontimmd. 'Th~ who ~if!~OO to th!! '~nd f~t 'h~ 'd-Jey had adlie¥Ed ltJeir 8 ... gotJJ,s .... - to e-~sri~nc:;.e ihjstotV' aririllive doser ~\O nature, as people didltwo ~ho1JGand ~;m~'O.

[j 1 An~ 'tln,~ fonCiiwirligl :UI;li~\~lmie'mlU troe, (i) Oil' f,[!,!se (~)? (ortrre~~ '~~ne, ~,a lise :s'tiatem etrll~ls:.

.... r "1. (hikllr@trJ ,~@@P at a IDQard ~ngl $ChQol ..

., f. 1, n"t:! hard to find th~ngs ill1l a 'tidy' room.

) {~.,,~ ~IY ... t~,. :ff~~ . .thi.~!3~ ... i.~ ... 9.. Ji t;!y ".~9m, ... f .3. C ~Mz,en~ ~1{)uld ne'o'er ob9'y the, ltiiftj~ (j,f the~r

CQufIlItry .

. Cif.i:;i;·sr.,~. ~b.oul d.¥.$ .. Qbe. y .. t.he.. Jaws;

T ."Or rn [I"" cO[Jnrrv .

....... " ~,. A !(Q:mp. ~(~rilt~d Pruz~r,~ 15 dlifnQIJ~ to sohf~ .

... f 5, vr thi ng~ changed 1Fnr 'the Ibetteirr'. 'th irilgs wer,e bener Ibefore, 'th~ chCllng'ed,

.If .. tJ.tiMQ~. "h~l"¥1.p-d .. f.Q~Tfb~,. b~ tt~;:,~thff.19S T .. l:Nere ~orse .~!pi"'e ,rr2:Y a';Ort~P-Gr.

.,"',. 6. C ats ~rr@ fiIliOf€! gr~('~hd than efeph~ElJt~


II C~I1f~lp~e1l8' th,8' pILu;z~,e usiWIJ9 1111,e tdllllJ,es be'! ow'.

A-cross, ,-+

2. Theli',e(~ II1ID , .... ,. thal~ thi;l e~[t1h is gettBng W~~Tn€!r" 5.. lh@ ... " ... shou~d m the crl me,

8. The p~ple, ~id nat . , .. , _, to '5peak aga~nst the~r kingl. !l Th@ WQm~n ".".' lrrte ba~[s when ~he h@~[d the


D,owrru ,+,

1. YOy'U be fi ne as you do whalt we say.

:3. lhe ,c~ndildlat@ Wa~, ." .. ,. that she wow I ell wilfii. 4.. M~ him far h~1 p, but don't " .. " ... ~f he, reius@s.

6,. I' m tvr~. ~ got any sIleep last Wilight

7 H ls he~llth dlan-g@d far th@' , .. , .. ~N~r h~ startsd the' new medlicirtle.

0 ., b
u M . s ~ n m 12, M

f a 9
r 7 h
d ~. i2 ... VOCABUI LARY BOO'STE.R Ph ra 5 a~ Verbs

W Ch,~(i!~e '~ilI~, (Q~IF~n: ·3ifii(~W@r;

1, !if you s .. tal7d by someone, yoru@V iElren''t, a, tJ!!.ne hi<encl_

2, 3 ..

4.. ~r- s~m~h~ilg st.>3'nds Dut~ m1I Q. ,Qne !€\!'~ry@II1II'!) no tJJ C:€'$ It..

5. ~~ 'Ou stand lj.

- .


[i] ('0 mp~'~te 'the :~elll'~ n{.[8'~, Ulsilng tlH! (XlIneU: ~o rm

..... :t: ,"" 11lli1b'r"'" ","',I \1'''"'''1)", 'W"tir- .,....",m;a .... r "''',,,,,m..ll_ vU ~ r.'~ U [(.I iiiI!~ _"!!r.!I iii __ . I!'~.III 1M~1lI!!!!'!M Yo l.)!i~iP-~'!!!!Y~

1 " ~ had to ,,_" _, .'f?tq.r.4. ._~p ,,_" __ , for ClIFi old Frliiin ,on the bus ..

2. ~ ~:nO'W we can .. 9~'l!!~ . .thr_ql_!fJl:t this crisis


3. Yj~~I""'.l< stOMas for v ..... "ng M· errs 'CI,~ .. ii~t-';··",,,,,

uy.~~!4 I. I I. I I. II •• I. I I. II •• I. I I. II "I ~ ~ 11I1l~ tI~'1l


4. A substmtuw , ,._" .~.t~.9; fl., ir,J,. f>t?r .. _ OL!r tea~her 'when she Wi3S ilL

,,"' ... ~- - - - came up with ,,- -- - ----:-l -.-.I - -". ",Iii, ~Ik - ,j;,. INO Ort€' ... _ .. ,_ ... _ .. ,_, .. ,_,.. . .,_, .. ,_ ... ,_, .. _. anl~ 'golJJ.J [u@ib <:JI~ !.!I ~E'


~ II' - Comg O'c.ros.5, - --;_ ,- .... r - . ;_._ -,--~,_-

'D ~ 'I!€ , ... _ ... _. __ .. ,_ .. _ .... ,. __ , ... __ .. _ S'Om@ SUI all1lQ@' IP€'QP~@ Orli

my tr.a!J121~ ..

~ [sap PODl'It !ito p revOOII ,stay aW,BlV from

mit! y~ as, f.a~t ,ars 'C:'Olf1ith"! lilt!

1. 1He. d~dln'lle:~ Onill that he ~WI;e\N" abo~t our IP~,n:::_

,r;:~ rlt(,~, q!.. -, "-" -, "-, "-" "-, r-" -" "-" -'" -"

:2 ,. Ke-~~ off the glras5'!

,;;:tgy., 9,~,if!. "I" f~q_~_ .. _" _" _" _,"

3, There'"s a chalrKe' 1h3!J;' t.h e ralin, wi~1 ~Iett I~pl roan,

.~t9E .. ! "1" I'·! I-! !'. II!" I' -'!. I p •• I-!·· 'I .II-'!'

4, Slklw down I! I can't kle~p· up wi~h )'uu ~

mov.o ~<i! feil <: t t'1~

• ."1 •. -:-.':i': ....... ;r:: ....... ·~".,7117":."., •• ".".,.

5. L~t 's k~~lP !~m w~~kilr~gl larrtill W~ 9~t ~i red . . ~q.f::l. thH!_@ __ .. ,_ ... _ .. _ .. ,_ ... _, .. _, .. _ .. _, .. _, ..

6. We ,can trust her. She wOl!Jlld never ~',et us d~wn,

.~f~,~p.f!,r?J~t-" r,' -., -, r-., -,. -.,." -"

S,uffi xes

m !C:(llmp~~t,~ tlil,e :5le'illte['lj~eS try a,dd~lfrul ,aJ ~,I!rffix. '~\Cl d~~ w,orrds, be~ow.

ild p05511ble' pleas eo sold ~e(og ~i:s,.1i!' d~:!i~it~r lPatienit

1 . H~ Wa<5 nGrd~yr:-~~g~r:1.~~91p.J.~n his big hal and sUlng!ass@s. :2. I hi!flien't gal tihe ,._PJrJ:~~.t)~jf!!_, to wait here afll~ longer.

'::I:, 1-;;" - - 1:-.- -~...!i Th. . - t-. ~~ • - - .r:deasQrrt

,;J tsnet too ~!{)'t tooifiy,e we.alt~i~r liS qU!ite' .. r';"."." •• '.".' •

,.'1_ Th - -",{,C--I"," -;I: ,'1'1,.. - - .. I'k -- ,,.,lLo .. - --- - - disasrroas

"iI- E' o:=~ I E!CtL:l o~ LlI€! @al Ii~ ~qu<:l_f:.E! '!!).;'€!r@' _ .. ,_ _ _ .. , ..

~5. \lVhoenl left I 'fe.~~ a ~,ombirnati;.o~ ()f: jQY anel . , .. ~.~q,~-~~ ~ _ ..

6, Is '~hefe amy ,P.R~ ~l~~·Uty. -0 g enirng a frob iWll youII' <:omD~~,Y?

T, c: ~~I 'I~' i""'-'"""'~- -~...J "n <:"vr"'r:>~ seerts H"'·\:· -"'r\;' O'IG nile.

,f ~_~" _ 1'~-,-,;;~,-,t;'!U ~ ... ~ _ rii- "" .• " .. ,;;" ~ i.l' '-'.;.;, y ''''''';''''''''',." ,

00 (il1lmp~et,~ tin e IPiilS\5~~ ~,ei Iby' add in ~ ~ $l]f~li-~ to en ch word ~iI!l Ibw.aitk~U.

'Sitate~y IHOiline!:5

.AlII Q\l€!F 9 Flitrailn th~r@ ~~' hundroo~ Oof magrllifi~:ell1it st~@ly ~Of1ll~~, b~i~ long ~Q by ,~FI~t,oora~~ ~r h~ge'. .

~, ,.:' ~~~r.,f.9.~ ~ " ., :([uxu i)1' halls. I~r~n~ an1 dl~,~J~ were

IIl;:;.-'J w''iI"I'" .fj'n'" 1Uffi'ltU"'"" ""nd' 'I'"'I' "" bl"""") col J e ctions:

iJ-::-Y .'. ~IL I I~ IIg - III1U ~ " y~ ~~ . ~ r&. 1 •• 11.11 •••• 11.11 •••• 11.

(-L-C\1lec~ 0~ ,eh~na, ~aintjn9::: and 3CU~PtU~~, These ~om~

were maifllta[ned ~W !a~ge numbers of serva ms, leal!ling the~r ~·i'i,...'tAAr'!'i~'"If" A'I_;;jn~"~ ''',~,,,,,,o!> 'ilA ~~~I'I~"'" IL"Ar 3· oF.'l_tertl"'J"il1ffltUrr

.:JJI~;;l U-:~' !JIlL ... v .... ~H.J'I ~u~ ILV ~~~ ,~~. IT-v 01 .?s~,! ..• " .• 'I._:-f.' •••••• _,1

('~nt~taiali), they held 'glrand dinners, p.3 rtlss and ,pa~.

H ... .., be -- ." f' ;:,. ...... ~ - . ----:1.'1 eGDf1IClm~C /-,.. -. 11.

01N@1J~r,. . @-caU5@ 0> ~ Ilb,-"",,filC anu ,"it _ _ .. _ " .. _ \e .onomy,

~h~ng~i 1ft has ~~o[ille' n~nd~lro/ diffIcult fur ths ~ri~to;:r~tr to. m~_llnt~in ·t~~ir ~.m~, '1!1tiIeJ,~,j; 'Whi;'1 ha~re .oP~ril~d1 thsir dOQ~· to tme pl!ibllK:, gMng 5, .",.S~.I";~,q,, "'" ~glulde) tours m the

rooms with . ",'I" C imDre.!!;sjv~ "1m' p""""''''' "rnOt-..n"', ",~...J

I~ 1.11 ~~. I~ Jl VI II.'I.~~.II.'I'''II III 1.1 \ - II'G"~~ ~ IIIi.JUt~ ~H'U

7, .-,k~9-~t.~t~r-- U:~au_ty)., art, ~~ ~elilt5 pE'Ople Lbv-e \1f~ng

,~~",", 00 r~ CnnG:::; S I''':;'''''h) ,,'f' ~Ii"", I';ri; the , .... ,....,'1, "".-.,..,iI ""i,,,,·t'"'I\/

Il!J~"=, 0, _, .. _' __ '._0._, ... ... ,_ .. \,lJ1I'.. 'IJ ~ 11-;;:- ~~ . c' Il"'CUl, Ol]~~U .:olo!l '"=' 'I

homes now gM a bou t 30 mi~lion 'lJisilt.ors ;8I3chi ygar'.


rr '~I~!U~ alill ~'xamph~ ,o,i:

~. :mrn~thi ng you mks hom your ch i~dhooo" A~~i!?pt.. ,~fA y., JQgJr;"~J,, ~r.t~W~:i.,.".".""", :2 _ ,a ruf;@ yau would ~i ke to chalfilg~_




r.jl i"om;~ - ~iC ·i'DIiI-· l!';:;ni'f. ... niI""'I!I'1!' wili"h ~liIlc, 'IJ -'~bl!' b~%n.w.

L.!..J .... _. ·IPr·~~'" ,~!.-@ ;;I"".'~ .. 'l;,JI;;.;!! .. I ... _ .. 1;' '@._;!' ._'1; .. .

U$.~ the P~'~N~·nilt 1P,~rle(.'t COniitirlil,lU)nJ5,,,

!I"hl~dil (10 ok look i!!'fter n-ot get work ourt 1. ~ ;h.9.~·.~~~o .. ~~~na. am mor~liftlg., se pllea~ e.aU 2 , ~'m tired. I "" h,~l!~,~:t., .~,~f:"'., f1\~1:tfn9,." ~nough

$I~ latJah!',

3.. My mum gys ~ _hQV.f? .. !?i!~'_"J.. ~.~_t.qh!r}9 too much TV thb ·~lllmml;r.

4. ~cJIAI long ht;!.v..~ y.o~ w..I$.~ W9(_~.i.i!:g .. out

at th~s gym?

5. r ., ;_.b r:J.'(.~ ... Q~En; the. n~ghboiJr's d:-og s.inee tlt.:=y len,

pooR ~ng afte:r- .

["2J Wri'b~ :Sfi\filit~ ~(Je:5: ~les(riib~fiI,g ~ad~ P~~~I!I~e'. ~5le' 1th,e'

fia:s:t S,em lil'e~ Pas,t lP\ede~t (,o·llItillllll..H!JJ!!IS· ~11lI d ~h,i:!' wmdl~ gli1t@nt D


.hI,JS ! r;;ome t a1te~ ! ~aut t Y1ela~~ .[1111 hqi)jf

'j h ~ bf.J.s FPrfle attEfF' tl"l e..y had Di2 C!:.t'.I wait/'n .... ~ t~), neGI'd . crh" f-\; .. "'"" ,,.,,, " .. , , .. "., .


[[ CQlUillp~eliel the SIE! nlten U~S' with th e 'Ve~bs, hili Ib[(,~cbt5 • IIiJ~i~' thle!' p~'~$~O~ (U' p~~·t 1P\IH$~ct {::OJtn~iiml ~;O~~.

] , We dec~dENJ ito :;lO'J:' fer a rest aier we

• b • .h_q.~. p_~ ~m., -~~·'J~ifl1l,., , .. , {diri,;,-e)' for,ee hours,

.2. I J~Q.v,~,.bs.e~"tf;u;;'!k.kjB_". (look) tOif Rallph aU d~. burtt I a:!!1'1 find hirn,

:3. Why is O~r e~@ctridty' hml ~Q high?' We

... , .... , h.~, ~~ ... n~f: "k~ ~!!,' ,~1~~fJ"., " .. ,. (nQil U~~) that much ·electricity,

.4-., I ,d idil"~ Ir@a~i5e '~hat. h~ ., ... h9.d .. b.~.~n_. ff~.t!?l'-i r;lg .. ., ... (Iist-@n).

5. The ·dogl was dlirrty because i[ b.gr4 .. f?~.r?;n. .. p_1rJ.y}.J1e ... (p lay) irIJ the mud.

h b' '·r·

Ei, Jane is. ,;,-ery artistic. S~e ; ::. ~.~ ... ,. ~~~.; P.. ~.~~; .!,'yg .. , .. ,' .. ,

(pillifllt) ~nLe ~e was d I it~e g~rl.

7, My sp~i~! co ee ~s a~mQst g(m~, "., HaLt~"."."."., you ... 'a~,~a:q'"'''' (drnn~~ ~o

,8" When S~r.~ m~ her husband, s.h~

" .... ,' had, b~~ r:l ,Ji,v;~g,."."." Oiv>S') iln Manc:nes.:ter "(If th Fee' years.

[i ~o:rlll eaeh of th~ pairs of seWli~;e nces·lbe~,ow to· m,1i~e ~!n@ s@.n'te nCE wlirth,~IU1~ dili~Hil9lhll ~ -:the ~(i ~'i n~~ l!ilIea~iriJgl!, U~~ th,e PlIltS1e-!ilt 0[' P,a'S1IPt,~mEd (,g'lii~iifll~OW!:S"

] , M~t brotiher stalrted taUng dlrivi~g ~es.,;sons, flo. tter a year,. he got his I~LenLe. ..

My brothsr ;got ~l.'=i' .. f !~.~IJ~:~ .. .'qft~r:., h.1fi,. ,bgr:J_ .. ,.". ~.~~.~ .. !.~~ !.~_g.,..~~.i.y.~~g ... r~.~.~.'?~~ ... ts: ... ~ ... Y_~.?~: .

. 2. J~'Ck called l~lIFry ~t ~l.OO'. Th@y"r>e sti II ~'Ik~ng.

Jack Bind larry h_~y.~ ... ~_~.~r_.t~}~~~.9 ... ~.t.~~.~ ... ~~q.Q.

3.. I moved to IBrigMan in 1998 .. I ~~i~1 m\J~ there.

I h~.~.~ .. ~~~;~ .. Jiy'~rJg.; s: ;~r.,;B~t_~.~ .. ~,i.r.!S~;;} ~.{.8.

4, They wa~ked around for an hom; Then they fo~nd 'the. shop.

They found ~~~.,~~~p., ~f.~~r.,f~,~:y.,,~~,~,,~~,~.~.

~~J.~~r:9. ~~~.~~~ .. f'?~ .. q.~. hC?~!:"_· .

5, Nancy had a bald y~ar, Then s!UJ.denly ~er lru;-ck ·changoo.,

Na ncy ~.~~ .. ~~~~ .. h.~.~!:~9 ... ~ .. ~~.~ .. y.~~~ ... ~~.~~ .. ~.Udr:Je.MJy

t~y~;/~J~~'r.~~kclu~atii~;:h';~§~jl <J

6,.. KylE' 'reach@s maths. H€!, bE9ari1 t,~amingl ·thre@ :f8ars ago.

K~~e ~.~.~; .. ~.~ ~,r:'1,; .t~. ~E~! r!3. .. ~~_t:h~ .. fpr.. ... th~~~.

,y'q::~, ~~:" •. ,. " .",., " " , '" , " '" ,.". " ., ,.". " ., ,.". " ., ,.". " ., ,." .

III (htQ(li~@· '~)h@, (Q~I!'~·tl: .~Ifi!~~r;

1, We WiNe abl~ to conn nut' the, 'game on Iy a1i1te:r the rain

(] h~d 'sfro1pped b. ira'S ~fiQlp~ c, s.tDp'pedl

2. ~en 'iJiJe.' ViSOke up, ~hing ~ Vi.~itre. ' ...... all fI~ht

§t. ~~ b~~n snO'i.ty\lf"igl @had bee'J1I ffi~ng

o. had snO\t~

.3.. Wih~C",~ ~I!"e you 7 W~ _ ..... about yo~ sll IT1omingl~!

a. &;'3rV~ IiVNri€!di

® ha\f~ Ibeen W'OFI~ying

4. We _., _,., for lun.::h yeste.UddIY_

o met b. ~ad met c, have met

5, You'[€, much too tbtn. ~r's. oWoos that tC<u _ .... ,. prope~.~_

a, tladn1: bssn eatling ;(, dtdn't eat

® h.;i\lein 't ~n @aii:ing

6, ftiO\!!J long .".,' before she jroined the ts !lnlli~ ~m 7

c. worried

~. has I(~, ~nl '!braining (] had Ka't,~ bee~ tra 1ft i~gl

["i[] CIU(liIIlp~'~te '~h,e IHli~sa91e wir~h 'tlil,~ 'C!O m~c,~ f'Olrfil'il, o~: '~llile, 've.rln hil b~!iu:kie't!i. ljlllje 'the Pas·t :S;iiml~~,e a ndl Pas,t

P'e Iffed '$,imilp!h! er Ccu1iltiln~ol!J s,

Y9:loerN~ (.j:f¥'£I~"lf!!l-, t22t iQ1(L~~.Qttj '_;'fe:ntt.bP~

. - I ~ ," 1"1, ~ , '., n, - , '"I haylSr be e n

SllI1Ce E ie !l~Jte ,1.Sl!:n ON1HJI!l'Y. cnnse S.~i.D,~ . - - .". ta'K'm',Sl

~take) :peop~tt!' on ''lfoya~·t!fi. to, ~,~~ ~)~tr:J, ot the world,

Tb if) is because the technolog ical :;td.V~Ul(,<IPS, of rtb€ '~ast hundred ye~t$ :2 __ ,. ~~~ _ ~rn ilke) ocean itrn"irC.~

:5~&<I,;: - CVtt!'~l :liar"!: Ci!'~o\...,gh f'tliF iI. hol 'diLY, BIJ.J,'~ .J •

wb ali: was it like lEO sail the seas be:fme l~L)P~~ 3 !p!.,~~!?.t~_4( Ili1,V,ent} radar lI].1Jd s~"~'ellite5: In rhe P'~Jj.t1 ocean 'Vo},1J(ges were 'I,?'e,IfY !I"i~ky_ The earlie-st, :Il;3J'I,?~g::l!t.GfS

used only the sIJ.m f srars and win:~~

_I: ... 'It.: .. -LI'''''''' t'[·''''\1'':; Q ddG d 1<. _1_1\

:::.nUl 'l(1,I'~'L~J 'L .u":: , ''':=J' hi •• ,., •• ,.,.,.," 'I""yy}

etli!lil1ITileii.1!~ S;i/:LCh as clocks, ,~n~r-~' and compasses, These reels t~~:il!Mtl. .. d sailors EO c;w~.olll,1I!~e whicih di!l"e(jt~oiTIl, t !hey W~,~~ WJ;Ui1,g' :UIJ, :iI!~.1Jt~ hCiJW ,~o,ng¢hcy ). "11_r?_~,. ~.~.i? n (5i:l[nj bur they were unable to <'Jjt![UL.[E!'~~Ly rn 6:1Ji.SUIe'

how f~f. if.hey 6_ ,.,-- -dk~~.- 0( C'.n,f~l~)., Because tl'IIr thi~, ~1'IIips. (!Iftt[~ ,gOt lost ~t 5e~, ~1>Io:t.;t.Uii(: t~J~Y .7 .... b~:~t .. hn~kA;;)

:[l. W.l',o~JJg., «;,l~rul~Jtion and. 8_ ,. ~)r:J .,- m~~.d') t~hei!l" cl,¢.s rr, u:li !'i:~.Iilt i'i._


[[ C(jl1flllp(lle~)e' the' P,!uisd'ge, willh '~he' eerrsct fonrm of till e viE!lrbs iiln1 hra cke~-5;;, ilJs1E!' ~ Q'efi!JJWlidl QII" ~n UrfrfhiiUiv;e!',

IRie:nlIia~;S5anoe, I~'ai~rs:

~~ y.D!U WQu~d ~i ke rf~ .. _~.~~~ (_rfilO¥V) rnors abo ut h is.tmy. but. you ~n~ jll"l~d of .2.. r:~.9..4~ry_g (re-~d) about it ~n book~" th~n you rrn~y want 3 .. tp .. fjP e e > (go.) to ~I R~n~liS'x![1!c@' Fair. E.ach fair ii5 a lalntasy world which ~:eprod uces an jm~_,g in.alF'j' vi I~~ge in Sh<3kesp." ear~rn [~1iJ~~nd, AEtro~S, "' costumes pr,et~nd 4 .. J_Q .. _~~,_ ,(~~) ~It.hef common people or ~is.torical 'fi 9 ures. They wa~!::: ClJFdllJnd 5, t.~_I_Nr:J8, {t.~II} $ltl;ry~s and platyilfllgl miastrel music from the I1:l2fi1aissani[,~_ You shcu ld hldi curt tlh€! timetabl;g. and plan on

6 .... ~~/~,9 ... _ ,(b~) 'tnm~ 'for th~ ma~n @~nt. which ma~ be

a S,I.1VCl'rd'rfignt OF a ca~ou~fnJll procession. MOSTL mglaln~~rs, do 1:1 lot of res@4!u-cih ~lnd try. ~2k~' (m~~'~) tht;dr r-,~i r, ~5 au henftic 8i5 PQsSJ1ble', Of cou~, . rrm~y VISOIYS 'go rriiillfllty

1 +!I... b th 't t-. I Q I ~arhinClJI 'rn\ ~ bit ~#.

'or I,!]~e UrIi, .'ut', e.y eRn" ~ ie IP i;j., .... " .... ,' ~ ~ EN! I <P! ~ VII

~liMOf)' as weill!

[f ~~writo~ 1lh~, :$e:lirr'~fiI ~~,$ I.lI $hll'Q tlil ~ w~l~,d~, ~fill bra(k~·t~, Do ~Io.l (;ha~lg,e ~he, ,oirrugl~IU;jI~ mealillllll g of ~he· ,~el1lltelil eas,

t . Wh~n did you lb~iJ1l 1i!·X€!rci~ilgl in t.he. gym?' U-kw,s long} ~R.W" I.Qf}f} , h~ Y.'~" .):'QM, ,~~~tJ ,.~r.:~'~i.s:~~, ,~r?, •••

2:. tie e;to~Y~' ~b~ 'th@ ac,dd~nt t\vo houss Jgo. (knOlAln)

~ .,.havf?,:_ krIo. w.i:J_,JJ.~Q!'.1i_t .. the __ ,o.f;;c.lden..t.__f.g r., .... _

two ~1'OUr':S., ,- i'w _. '}

3_ And~ew wait~d fo~' ,a I) oour. Then 3he shewoo up_ \ ... ~:tJjtIR"lg.'

t1~g~~:rh~h,~ff.ot::a--~~~ !~~!.ry,g .. .f.~-r.. ',~"P] =. -_ .

4 (ourc~ you pl@aS'€' dp@nI 't~, aoor fo'!" me? (Vrould you rrllnd}

WqMI4 ",~p',~mind., J2P~mnB- ib« __ do.Qr.._fo.r...,, _

me, p1eosiE2,

5, We spem ,al~ Ill-oming trying to n?pa~FI the camp utst

bw i we w%re' tlm;y;-:;;o@ssut tn,ad}

\i\(~_.h.~d_"l?H.?,qlLffl8r.,tJJn·q·".tg.·r~J?pr the cumpr..lfi.;:.r. tif'lt we. W'ere vrtSQCl: .... s:s:ttl .

ijl 11r,i:li1il s:~ate- 'th,e :Sl!:!'mltellu:es.

i ,. Theee is no doubt that he has oOOyed the ru~~. mQ .. b.~IJ, :du,dQL. dfl, .• q.~~:_. rH _h_:Q _ .¢_b.e:.d¢,

",,~$ .MOor-mas. ......-..-.1 II-. - -_ -II·lor.: I ." -". - __

2 _ .::oai'a has always 'st'~ IU~ m!!' IJ1I ull~noru t sltuanons.

~.'ir.'~ .. ~J ~-~P.r.~,·]J:'!~t,·h~-,. r~e,F?-y.~4.~. ,~~ .. ~~.s

S~ ~ Uac~oh!§.~ {:linc~ 13:::;.

.3. ~'ve, ~n th inki ng .a,bou'~ ~tOU s~n(~ Y{J'!J m;{i~,

~f~[/Jb~tl.l#.n~~H1~,q-. ~n .. fJ _ 9_~ ~.~~.,_ q.ue

4. Samy Ibulr:~t into te.alr:~ h&:au~e heJ' t'Foth~r ~'iladl 9 on@ too '~a r witlh th@ jok@,.

5_g/,y" ~~~ _ ~-..;b,Q .. 9'. -U-~~Rrl- .I?'?_~~~,~", ,!iY.,. ~.(t r'~Q M 0 "Cl~ra ~.cIQ d,iimasiO'QO {tfos -toM I~ ,B'Fcmil.

,5". iorn Caml2' U p w1~h an idl8a aftelf' he Ihad Ib~~n

thill1llt~ng aiboul it fm ,a wh~~~_

r~Vb'f'~c?fn~~t?ndd~rih4~ft.o~~~~~ fo~ ~ .'.




rr1 La-:ik, fit "i&m,-' t~~I-, ·',of "ih.c. *,-x~ '-nirll tlll,~ -,c~ct: 11iIr--~, Wh~'~: dl- - ~:'Ii..iI thiliilk tlll,- '~-!X,t w~lll~ h- ~Ib-l!it~

L!J -_Q.-- - - ~--~ _'!JJ_~ (ii_ ~ __ '''; Ij,~ __ '''" iiI ~ I~ ii:!5 I;,IJI~ __ 0 YQ it! !I:t! ~ Q __ 'U

possibfe answer's; 9~f1~aro9y. family tr~~s, findirlg out Qhout ene's family rn Re~dl tlIU! t~x,t ,~Irnd (h @(k u~ 'yol!!lr pired h:tii:onsi 'W@~ (Of1(lil!'ct

S e't1.rchin,.q for Our l~oo'u~ ','Vhll;!lI:lI a BrHis~11 Go've:il"Lli111eU'rr websire '1.Vif!~1n O111me in ja Illl,l_!.ny, .2'~JU2, 'i'~ gOlf 50. ].nil:~.~.uo.n vtsnors ~1IiI, ~he: fI-rs [ 'lhlr'!l!!@ hours, The s ute W(fI'!!; Il:IIO'E, as yOI~, might expect, om, ]onery where Iii opt- could win millions. I'rr W~}, an old cen 8-I!JJ 8" li:sru~lg rr'h;e .D1SJOJle,S, iitD,di'iesses, bi.r[ti1Jp~.tH::es and other d.@'l(iL'~~:8 of i1.he 'I~:r~Ui';j,h pop Ull8Jlti.on Uii] the ye8Jr ~,gO].

''L'ViW \"iIolW_~d ,~ 'webs:iite' H~1l;; rhis he ~Qi popu~/m:r? ~'l seems that genem'~if1Ibry" or firil1ng PiTlUIf ,~b!l}ur one's ancestors, is now ;(rUle- ;(rr '.irn'€! ~~IIl)[dd,':~ tJj;gg,e-..~'[ 'IhQibh~@s, MOire 8Jlr'ilrl mi11r~ ~pe.op~,e :trU'-.€!! beeoming amateur derecttves in order to research their 'r'~lilna~y htstory. Some hnp!l! to ]ifjlC~tt:, ri,dil, '~IiJn:g.-h}.£'- ,re~;a U ~. es, 'wbIL~1i.!! others ~!lliililtiJ,l ~{} :Su~v~ w';l.-unUy mY5[e.r.i.~~, 0[' llnd ou [ if f8JlrnII,y' ]ege:nd s are '~H~' tr'iU!1E-, MOO'8/f i IL!Jst '~ii.i',~111· 'to know mo~ ~ beu f rhemselves a~~riI uh,e~'1i" I'O!l)i'~.

ThLj{ do tthe~:r research In m:±lny ways., They' '~:rI!tenr:i.'~~,v :r-e~!i!i:thres rhar :u~ s.t~J~, a~ive ,_ the older,

t~~e better, The;y ,OO'~~,0C'~ ph![rtB~ra~hs ~lnrl deeuments such as birth, rnr~rii'~;~~ and death (er,t~n~m~s, fiJlncl then seereh "0[' IJ"et'1or.-cI,s in the arehlves of near and III ~sta.lT~ towns, They travel to cemeteries :ffar and, ,!!,'!jude ln search ot' graves, And of cnurse, rhe Intern r has revolunonieed rhe world o:f _ge', lilere' are 1i'i!ii}'H/ hundreds ut tnullIIs.j:mds. of fall] 'li\l~b:s;utes. databases, forums and ,e;h;a,tMorn.:s. ar,~ some liJi:l'~erestl.t'lJl results, J,aJrn.e''tt 5(: ... - H, trom En_g~andJ. dis>co-'Ve'red that the mrI[II she had t\h,ol!.!lghli: was her ,granc~:F-B!tb.eJr '!,I\';j_iI'S !Fef::lUy her step-grandfather. J .. :Ul1J,e.s Rogers.; ~, whhe man fr,{Hl:il, the Unit{'''I:I, St.m:t'e5.; 'r-ou1J]d ~, bl aC'k sla· . ancestor, In A'w'ltr~l~a, ''ii\ began @JS a (U~011:Y 'for C'oml1!,1cts. IP~Op~~ used to b~ ashamed 0'[ ~h@~If" o]"~g[ns, fi[):dary. however, i:t's, chic '~Q f~:n:dI -oillJ~: that 'yolUll' gr-eat-gr,iifrL.cI:£tltih!fr ''li\l~S it!r1l1JJrpD,rtt1ec] to Sydney for Mealing horsesl

So, Wb~i'-"3 the -1f&180tl behind all iJlrr,er~:~a ill '~;h~ 'pas~? 'l1Od8Jy's ~od,(dy ~ mi:IJny lPeop,~i!?: fee] h)!tiJ.e-ly ifiJJtilD alienared, Finding OIUl_'~ 1'~lIei!f l"'Oor$i giiVifS ~~!0'(JI~if,: 'the 8!EIilJSe of belonging that '~hey l,a,di:~

3] Onoo5!e the bes~: ,i:IIllIl~il'iNer ~((nmill'llg til) thlB' text" 'l , Th~ 8,ri' Ish G-~rn ment ~b~lte plf01J~ded

i nformatio~ about '"

Q. a lotte~y,

b. tJhe B~~~i~~ Gove.mment.

c. places to Vi5~t in IBrWa,in. @ IBritish P@iJlPf,@ m the past

2. Most peop~e who, do ". a. hops to gl~t rich"

(§) a[€! i nt'E'r€:5te!d ln '[nElir a-r~g ins.

c. work as. dletectirlJes,

d. ;:;:Orj'"l€! T!'C1(f1f] rich tam~I~@s,

(!] (fiIilllPI~~~' me :seltlftelTl~e-,~ wlith ~llIlmmll:ai!'iOfn t~rra the 'te:oct..

~ 1"1- - R- - - ... nt ,~, -=-. 1- - f - ----I . - - -- ....... ,.- Ik l'Je:ttinll'J

~ . i'~qpl~ Wof:Jj n. 11.0 ~D 'im' am~ y my::; U2JUi25 IU~ 3· _ ..... _" ..... .;$ ...

~~ r.:-~:" i~f~.~m.~ t.~ gr.'" .~,~ ~~f.. t:h~ ir-,. g,rJ.~~~.t9.r:s. :2. In ths v""Q~k:l -of g~n@'~ logy, the' l[nwm~t is ~ ~,4:;;:~nr1 I

r.esuH:ing .J~ .. molly:. _chang.e 5:................. .

.3. .Pa~ R(jge.r~ wa~ ~u~prisedl that .. qt1.~,. Q.f., hh~ .. , .. ,,".

QnCI?,.SJar:;-s., .was,. a,. black .,sJav,e,." .. , .• , "", ... "., .. , . 4. I iii t,ooay's sod~t~. g~~il~alo;iy hel ps pElopl€! .to .. (i~d 01)+ about' t~~Ir' {extgnde.d} fcmiltes and tb' 'me/h'e' 'fh'e'm' 'fee r f~o T-'"fh e'Y" "{:ie1ci"M'§" ., .. , .

151 Pi ndl words in th,e: text t~,art nH~~fill th,e: 1r)~PQ$ilt~, o~~:;

t , ,desc.e:rndtants (p\;'IIF.3og~ ~ph ;2 ~

2. I~f@ (pa.r.a;glraph 3)

3. proud 'tvaraglFallph 4),

,4,. QI~ena~iOIilJ (par~gmp'h 5)

..... 9n,~'".~ .

........ d.~.~i h .


• II. I I. I •• II. I I. I •• II. I I. I •• II. I I •

..... . ~.~.dq.!:l,gi.~fJ .

3. Mdlny; toda:y .,'

a. try to hid@ th ~ilr roots.

b. a[€! not illlt~i':es.ti!d ln gen lSalog y~

c. ~re c-onvia:s,

@ f~~~ convkt ~nc~stClirS of! Fe fa~NDn~IbI>e.

4. Th~ maun pUlfPO!1€!' of this, ,~rtid~ ~~ to ,.,

@ d~~l'i be ,a ~QP:unar ~oblby.

b. a@scr! b@ th~' ~oQl@ of th~ ~nlmrn@"~ in g:~n~a~ogy. (:. Pf\Ot.est 'the, ~I ienatiorIJ 0'[ m-odem sodt'l~.

d. discu~:s th e o~iQ~Iil6, of Au~i;Falllian f ~mUlie~.

ul Alii M1e[' OIf;4le, ow '~h@ 'iIT,o~lllOWUI1il91Ii!1l!J1@s;tiollli:~ iilm! 'yOl!!lf Ji!'o,t,~b~o It"

~ . If y1J~ wanted to ifi nd o~t about ~(O~lr roots, 'iNht.:;;h reidtu- ... e. wou~~ y.ou i~1,ervhNi1 Vifhy wou~d he I she be ,a good per'Sol'JJ tG iWh'~,er ... ~ell,;,,'?

2. You ar~ research ing VOl[Jlr fa m~ty hi~t.Q ry, What wou lei ~ou ~ike to find ()uG HO'W wOl.!td yo~ do in

Ac:'c~pt aU I'ogh;;al Qnd gr-omma ticaUy

co r-r'lect cn:sWe:rS,



[jJ (h'oose '~jh~' (O~i!'!e~t ,ail!,i~ie'r;

1 ,'h~lel DUIrrin911 '500n I was tdlildng on the phone, mv mother was lIryiW1lQ tc (a~1 me.

2. L1 Wacsn't. ~41csYJ bU!li: I~@';d; I by '~~@! time I~~~ WB adhieve<d ow r g 001,

3" lDo.m1d prepal@d '!!h~ food, Am,~r ! UNill1 /~'~am1,whi~ the ~.t of us CQ[iIlpl~il~ about hOVil hllJ1f!g ry w@ ~re,.

4. ,/1;; cal"' dlf01J@ up and Imn 1f~~' b~g~inn~ing ~e-~,~m 'W!) '1I1Ii~' it ! '!l)n~ willTht~r ai~ om couslns cali'iJi.~ mil flung nnto t @' hQ1J~ ..

5" ~ V!J.tJ\ii't 1~.z.I\I€' as, 'soon a"s: ~ 'ithellili I'm su re,

YOUl' r~ f€l@lDng better.

6. IFr~~ grCl m:JmO!tJLer was bor World War U"

7, ~. At last I E\i'en~uany I was rright€'ned, hut ~al ned some (,Q!,nifrdeThce,


[l] CO\l1Iilp~,e!te 't~1Je IHli5:Sagle wiirth IP~rr,a ~es 'W'mlil~1 Us>em' UI'~9'1~'~ge! QOl p~91e ,29 'o,f rii)!!II~ '$,tullh'!l1Iit'S; 80011(. Do [l!l)'~ l!i ~li!i th ~ ~~l:~lml~ ~hlr~s~ ~OrE' ':mh~ljfi 'Q.jfiIOO, iihiell'!e- may b~ Ili'IIllliil':.e 1lh,al!il Ol'llie- 'C(liil'~ed aif1i~,Wi\\lil'.

" .r-'t) .. ,JfI .

.. In.

. '_ '&11,0 'If),,r,'' se '8,8

iVII.m:1tN ,l!:~·.J'ULP,.3 'YER'NA~ .1.8i,2- OCT 2:, 181,2

I J + aJ I be:_qan 'I ........ "" .. 1'" 1...".'""" "'...,.,,-.. - 11 =[J"l""II"".,,~

,. wri~n.'I"l:if'"'f'r;":;:if ~,,:.,'l': ,1::.,11"'.'. mu .. !;!IllI ,,,.,.U..,:r,,,, .

:r()~ lI.1"iililde ,:,1 'be~ with st~~~:te frlenJ ~ thatt he' could '~['JJ'I,IeI

9~~ud ehe world ~'~ 80 d8!yJ" 1... .t'.~:,_,~~.t?r.?..,.~~ .. , ... , .. , tl~ey cOlU'~dl, he and his se rvant l>eft: LondbFli .

.., A fte.r IL","C' 'I .11.,.. L. ,I C.- . . ,:,- iI:;',., .', J. _, .. , .. , ... , .. ,., .. ,., .. , .. , ... , .. ,", .. ,_, .. ,. w!;;y J.0I,.U refl(:H~_ JUI~ [1;"1, ~4fVPt,

ith€y took a sllimp to ,~[1Ld,ia, 4 ... ', .. , ,p.~r:.~~9., "",' .",. their rime tn Ind ~fi.i diLey had lors 0 ' advenrores, a ~1f!;O:j;1_;g [hen)

rmd"i,1i if:~e:ph8!nit3 ;i,l:n.J resc IlI,UlI1Ig: a [Jd~.1LC~-·:1i' "

5 .. , a a ,.ht?~,.lJY.i?:~t:., .. ,. d1tey went by [th~:p w HOii:ilg Kong aJnd. on to San Frr:'dnc isoo, tl~d:n.g [the pTUDGiESS

'''j!~~.~ rhem 6 While 'i'I~""v """, .. ~ ; . ....,,'r,,;,,]~ "rf'I,(j' 1~' [,qi!. L 'L" ~';;_ L~. . . .. .... , .... , .. , ..• , .. ,., .. ,., .. , •. , •.• , .... , .. , !.._~ .... J 'L'j} .... n .. 'L li:~........ ~,~, "Co

across th,€ United Stares, rogg'f1. S€ rvam 'W"di.S captured by Nanve A~\i1Ie'rk~H18. btliit FO€ln d~dn~~ leave

-1' •• " •• , Mn..tiJ. .. , .. ".".". l~e '\w.1i}1 :[',~~cu.i,e~L

g_ '1r:.z{!;r, /~~~/,~~~t ~hl.~~Y reached 'E11g~~:~ t but

L.-ven I' uaHY", I:>

,Fl};gg ~o~t the bet beCF,iXIRe he was five minutes Iare,

H e ". 'I', • n, th~rJ ! 1· ... , .. ,;il that 't

UW, ver, , ~,~ ~',Y~int'iJ~.Uy··I·"sP''Oh dln:~~au nat ~

Wi-l!& aCITII,Ji;ll.l y a ,d~l.y earrh,<f'i!' chan be had [hou,!:g:h:~"

bocl'!.'IJIs.t:, tht::y ~l1liJ u,rJfSSt:d mlilany time zones,

I O· In·f he ~nd I ~.~., ,.,.-. .. ,.[L~, IL'Ti" . .",["".,.1 "". ,"'",,,,, , ,', , ... ' ":' Rr:f~f~y'.""" .. ' i ~,',,_ ·,-n". ,u,,- U M::" • .;0. ....... .... .......... u

:rUt.l'liTueJ the [In['il!c.t":SS.


'~. B R:.Al NISTO,R M:: 11'111 ilillk, filii tlile ,d~I;!Malltte-rs; ~liIdl !evellill1't§~, whfi:fIi and wmlere '~ne story 'wok, pla~,~~ ~:illild wnatt prQ!bl~~ 'Qrr dijffitl!JIl~ty th~ (lI1!l~I~,~,tt,~~~; h~dl to $@,II'v'~'.

2. [) RGAJN i~E 'Y'ClIIlJR IIOIEA'S:: Com plrete the pl~fi wutllili 'YID'(lUr' ii:dl~81S, '[1i)ii5~' k~r-'Vo~d5 ailii r:llplill~.a~e~:)..

PLiN: A, IN:a ~fJalile

Pa~8Jgr'8~h 1 ~ Set tn~ scene (ctmraGle~s, ~im8 3nd plaes, lnt roduce lh~' s itu@~jo n).

3. FC,N5US,OIN LAflUlIJIAGiIE:: Use, USii1!\ftd' !lul,,~a,ge o Iil P~!!J~ 2'8i of '~he :S,'ttliJd!en1lf-s E:~~k: '~O' iii e_;1[p li'O,I)I.

4~ W;RliE: Po" If1R51' DRAFT •



. ffl1/~d 1'& !i.'TI'p..!l fru- tJ; Mrr.:1'iJV~

'!f we:-d f1~ t~PI"':;L!: lrm!. d.l1~ tl''.I101:'t!"rto''':!: of .!:'::-'il-Il!"M' ~ !I,.~':~ 1f.1fi(m ~ pd~f" t~Ji'{~~ Chr'r''(


Accept ,glf k.igiG[jf and grammrJtka'Jy corr e c:t 'Cil rJ S"Wers.


1. Reg ia Ang~c.:Njm begafIJ dmiftJg a. the· C ivi I WaiF.

® the· mC'd~Ull er~l.

c. W{J;r~d Waf:' It

d. the Dark Ages.

.2. On@' of '~h€l .ailrrls -of P.~~a AnglClmm is '~ s%GJltiI '~hat

a. . he V1ki ng~ were brutsl,

b. the· p~pl~, wlthhlJ IBa-~ in foug ht amongl theroselves..

(S) '~i9hting Wai5. not '~h€!, ma~n acti!Jut~:. ~_ people, b,uHtt theiu- O\Ni'Ii houses.

,:3. At Ur!Jiiig H1istor~ @-v@n'~. soci@l~y members

o FrIiI~ not wear g~a~es_

lb. se~1 dothes and ,eqruipmem tc -'/Ii~itors.

c, "Ii:;!k. !Jis.itOFS not. to ibrihg iirtJ tigalf@tt@5 or hand bag So .. d. do re5ear·'(~.

4. .A;~ 'bhe begli nfIJi ngl., a [basic: set oOf' 'L~lYtheg and weapom costs aibou'~

o £,100.

b. f1,(JOO'.

c. £50_

d. £400 .

5. [) ulrniig the coombat dil5lP~.a~s.

dl. ttl;;::. 'fig hters dire, '9 ua~afli~eed saf,ely_ b. dUithenlidtry is the first p Jiority.

L p!Ktpl~ alfE! iil1l glr€at dang@r..

@ ~pl-e are 'Someli mes hurt.

6., Ili'Ii ~he' 'Lombill dli$pld~~ mefflibers. WhD ,[lIre' women a n~er partjcipate.

ill ha{!;8 1'0' w@aa- rnen '5 dolli@5 ..

C MMe to w~a~ women's dottlles_ d . rr~er shout.

7. O~af doe> rtOi~ erIJjoy .8J. rWing horses,

b cook iWllg ,

e. do~ng 'Lombilil d1isplay~. @ ~ilfilg on ship~.

8. A '14. Y€ilIF old

al. must join with h~s or her parents. b UUli fight un th ~ o[.p:mlb~t di~p~ay5_ o can joi n alone _

d. must w:a:· Jot! r m.ore years to f~Qlht.


[1] R'@placi:1 '~h@ 'Wod 5 ilrrl DO lid 'wi~n a w~rrd Qr p!h!l',~$e '~:!fP d~i ~is,t b!!~!Qw\,

distu.rb stanDi Ollllt tidy' !iibrid

C!l:impncatil!'1IlI !9f1~1 '~ilIIm~ fOund anow~

1 ,. Our p;j).npose is '~\Q' win tnE' gam€L .. "". ganl.. .... " ....

.2. ~ hke kee pi ngl my bedroom dealill and ~·ea~.

.......... tid.y: .

3. You can '~~sit ~ny time you I ike. .t.f.\';!'m e., r..QJlIJd. ....• 4,. ~O'W I~te' .~re students ~t theo b~trdi ngl schQo1

-""r"""'"tt··-·..:II,., -...... . .. ,' ""'lJ"",wLJ..J

piEilnll~ ,':e~ !lD ~:ll.<:IiY U!=L "" ... ~ ~rho" •.• !::.,IOt""" ..... ,, __

S. Ths i~ a wlli!P'n~\It ,corriU21ng fQ'~'UI;!. G;Qrnplir;;;a-ted". ".-_ \'i 1H5 bri@h'~ or.ange je.!l~s !lfie 'iJler.y nmli't,eatb'~e ill a crowd. . .... ::nt;~~.d .. Qt).t. ••••..

7 You 5hOUlldnlit be' so inf1~)!!;ibh!' wah J"W'UF ch i~d FeR

'" .. ," virict: .. " .

8 ~im try not 't,o bm~~l'" '~OU. " A[~..f.~r..,~"_,, _

[!] (g'iiJ1plli~cte ~he S'~fii,~!il(J~5: I.b'y ~g ~iiiro,g a s~ffij~ t'Q e~!oh wo"r,d ~Ifll brrad~)e't!!ii.

1 , We lfIea-e irnpress~d by ~he's.o@d:(:!u,s,!1,e; s.~ ". -of h~r ~~'tWr. {~niQU5)

:2. Teac:ning ~equ~res, a lot of .. {i:eg.t.~gJ:lif~ ...• , ,(p~ientl .3. c,ombi~e3 ~m~ath~f1 g ~t~ ,. 9r.~<::e..fu1. .. ,. movements. (grace,)

4" Vf ~u i3f@ '!Jt.rrong~ it'$ prefEF-Q,tdc ... to i3dmi'~ It '(pre'~e-r) ,5. Wnat is the 1R!?,~:,?j-b..i.Ut.y;--. of our cat t,1)IUn~ off the roof a sscond t~flIl~? (po~Rb,le)

6. PUl'lis:hiWlg child ren is not atwa"rj5, .f;ff!?t . {eff,ocU

ill (,omlilpll'E!ite Uue p'8i~sa91e wirt~ till e wnms, 0 ~ IP~lra ~e~ below,

'lEDpl!! with doubt tQO hI!' came '~hroug"

iilI ppmi:u:hin!ll hi)rd~y

Ima i"sht col ~apse

The ''toeiU 2i1II:Il:Ul

At the t~~ the Soc,pnd M~llennium W~~, , there wa~ QIFe!iJtt '(ear that the W'Orld's

corneuter <"'JJ~1i''''''I'!i"i''' wou 1...11" colla 1'?5 ~ 1,-. ",A'I no

~~~IID-" _"'l:iill -:J"1-';11I!!:i:! ~~~ .UI 1&' 11.11 •••• 11"'- ••••• 11.111.1. [I !';ii~y ~

to totai chaos. Pe:ssi m ists pr~iet.ecj that humanity would guddlen~y have to, 3' •. &',Clp-~L.wi_t.h._.,_, a world i~l which @I~dridt~ ban~$ and lndustry VrtOuld no !iJl1lg€:F f'undlmll ~

;a 4" "_,,. _". h.Qc~h .... "'_ .. ". Il@--W rea~i~y that WQU Idl be lijl@ g'oinQ back ito' the Middle Ag ~S, Now tnart bh~ MillennhJlm h3~ come and gon~, the~ is no S. . -- .. -. rlQwbt. "_., _". ~h.;;lt many people 6. wel'lt. . .t.aa . .tflr:. in th eirr preJic:th()fiI~ O'f disa~t,er. The ,comp ute~s of the, wmrd 7. 4.Qm~. tht':Q{ll,9h Hte Lha~ge of cel1i~uU'Y with ver.~ f,E'W problems. llill '~a£t mo~:t of 1U3 La n 8" ,,_. ".huCJ;Hy ,,_. "_,, .. _" ~,ememb~[ the lp.~m!it and h~$i't.E'ri.a of Dec:eimb@~r 1 '999"


IT (Qrnilpil ertle' thl!ill p~ss~'!II@ 'Wi~h ~@ [IOUiI'@d' fQmro 'of the v~rbs ii'r. ibN!.Ii:ke":"

liirue S,malll po~ Vall:rJI'litie

~:~:~ ;~~~t.;~V~~~~.~~~:; ~a~:~~:

(,~ntur~ P~Op~i;! oftsn 1. - ... e e .. piJB, d .. -e a e e a e (di@) .of tihis,

wrrible, dlise~~. Edw~lFd Jenner,. ijln Eli1g!l~h ,dOI;;,tOI'i;

3 i,l1V~jII1i*~ (invenU the small~ox vaccirtle il"]

'17'96. ]enne:r 4 •••• hf;td. f:. ~etl (werk) irl a sl'lll~111

'I~ f ~ wOF"'RmQ I .....Ii '/1." . l

VI ~age or Se\teiFa., ye,ars W!1e~ 119 notrceYi til ~dt none 0'1

the people iNtho ~oo!ked alter (oW!;

5. .,:.,; , JUJd-, .. "., ;,' __ ne~r _ ... ,., .r::a.u9ht, ,,,.,.,., (o::at-eh)

smampo~.. H@ .(onduci-ocl thart this was because _ tlh~~

~ hcd be:~ M t - 'k) .- - .....", "'I~ th 1-

'0_ " ... " .. __ ~"" .. ~T'~-'~"""'" ,,-- "!,wor '. ne<.3lr ,,-,,_,'I!!S i:lI II 'le! IF ~!JE!51'

wh ic:tr¥l~e·'~'~ed1 them toa les:~ seriou s d1isea~ (~II~dI C'CWVPO){. H@, r§~I~se-d tnatt t!h~ (O'WPQ)! 9 Hm 7 ...... ~d . .ma:d(i1 ..... (makie~ them immum~ to'

:timalm pox. He then 8. . ' (d~rdeo) to

'tFrj ij"IJj<::Cti~gl oowpox 'gerrn5 into 01 yeung boy. leter JIO~lowad by smalllrPClJ( geflll'l3_ Most c'r 'the, \li!lager~

-II'h· ... -·LI' J - - -.~ <'> l1ad 11-- -.\ h··.- --'.- . .-.1

!L oug~ U'L @iJllrl6', ~_ """ "" "",, " " \ O~J i5 mmu,

burt the E'~pE'rime\llt WbrkM:! ~ th@ boy dld not b€!c:c:m~ m. BeCiiIlJS~ of jerlll1le~~s V41C'(:ine, '!!~Fy t~ people'

1 0_ --J~CJ.v.e .. died",,,,, .. (di~) ,pf smal~pox in the p~stt lIvvO (-eJliWrie~.

[I_ R@w~iilt@, ~h@ 'fJliJ!II~[)rw1 rrI'9 '5elili!~'liic:e'.5! u $iWlJ~1 tIDI@i WQrd~ ~ ~ b~~io.ket5 .. Do I~Q~ ~h ilifi!lg ~ th ~ ~r~g ifi! all ill! ~iiifiili~g of tntl, seif'lit\~!iI'!l:'~s.

1 , M~rtnal started ~oolk;~ng for ~ job srrx w@.~k~ ~g 0, (f.or) ~~,r_tb~)[.: h.q~ _ .~~_~.n. _l q~_k. i_~'9",_f~r .. ~. J 9_l?, . .f_~_r. "_.,,

SJ..'( we er.. s- . . _ .

2:, I file patient w..ould I i~e to 3pea~ to y-o It His 'ri Ie is on

Ylo.m desk. '(who~)

Th~. IJPttf.':'!f~. ~~~.~~r.' ~~!f} ... ~~ .. ~.~ .. y.~~r. .. 4.~~~ ....

_ wo rAa rlI''i.€ Q .srJi2l (ll"t TO _ VQlJ.

3, ['m gojng to s.oop'1ralT] two to. tour a.·dock ilii;s,

aftarncon. (aifi thr~ 0' dock)

At +hre« o'c'oc.k. TMfs afternoon I wj~f be

4, 5J~:t~~~~- ~~.~- ~,~~ .. ~~"~~~" ;~~~I' ~'~~'~'~,~d"_""'-' ." .. ,,- ..

{.apor.Ciglts~d 'k'r}

Sb.~ .. ¥fp.dQf}i.~d .. fRr. .. ~hj.?M fAt18t .

5, Seol!.lll [;S, one 'of the mast popu~~ed dti~, i n the "!!'1\!'QlrlIcl It. ~ the C3p iiita I rn Sotlfth (~h) '::'eo~a W11~.h ):; ~ at t~s. m05T POI?(,oI~(jIt~(;rci fles I tl

-t~~ _w.:tIdd_ i~ .. t.h~~ . ~~.l'l_Q.Ld .5::U, .1. S~ql,tL .,-:,<·hkh rs '. t:~, .r:~l~it~l_ c.f SOlJ 1" fl,Kq. .. ~9.., 1!iI Or...:! 9_fth~ !nO:; 1'" pfjptJ~~T(::d

t"i T1ne. Sur ange rna iii woutd n t eave - u,eruse~Jtfe5 m tl")3 wortd.

rh~ ..'rt. mQn .. r:~.fM$.~d .. f.fI .. J~.(J1-f~, ...•........

7, We vvod:edl for 4lln hQ1JF_ The~ 'loV@ s,topped to' ,~~t (W"Orkilrng~

.. W:-~fo,:l_~.,~ryf~q~}itJ!iI-_6?Lg,! bQYr'.!!h"n 8, 'fg thIS ~?!nfr~~. ~b~ong)

;p~~,~. :f:.~j;? -d~Ij ",k~.J_Qll!j. .t~. ,Y.OM.?' -., -". -, .. ,"'-, .'.,' -,.


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