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 Exploring Artworks and Digital environments online

  Year 10    one day workshop

    Online excursion in Second Life (SL)

    !    Previous tutorial on SL. Avatar setup, basic movement

control and grouping, teleporting as well as some practice at 3d building in SL. All students
will need a pair of headphones (we will be able to talk in class).

" Exploring # #Art Making and Critical and Historical studies

$%%&  # ' 5.2 and 5.4() *%% LS. 3 and L.S 5

# + # ,%%( #Use online media as a way to explore the conceptual framework of

artist, audience and artworks. Think of ideas for their own artwork and see a variety of ways
to make digital artwork for online content.

# + # ,%%( & #Navigating and manipulating online content for the purpose of
creating artworks and how they may be displayed, sold and documented. Making artworks
online using SL 3d modelling.

    Students will be organised into working groups both

in the computer lab and online to explore and create content (see excursion task sheet).
The whole class will be in one general group for class objectives like teleporting handing out
SL notes and controlling content access for activities. A teacher will be assigned to each
group as a facilitator and sentinel.

 (   Computer lab/ laptops, USB Headsets (teachers), Headphones

(students), USB, pen/pencil and note book.

 c-   Risks will be those already assessed in association
with school and NSW DET online policies about virtual excursions and general computer
use. Students will have already gained parents/guardians permission to use SL when they
first started to create avatars at beginning of unit. Each group (5 students) will have a
teacher or parent helper to supervise activity in-world. Expectations of student behaviour will
be the same as those on any external excursion. Students will be given regular breaks and
small exercises to ensure proper blood flow and posture is supported.

  Have student classes and groups already planned and created in SL. All
teachers, support workers and volunteers will have to have already visited the locations
planned for the excursion and sampled the student tasks.

   Students VAPD will be assessed on the recording of their documentation
of the excursion and further research toward their major work which the student will have
begun in SL and will finish as a group 3D digital image.

- c./(c: Avatar, MMPORG, Web 2.0, Virtual, Second Life


Utilising social constructivist learning theory, students will collaborate with each other to
achieve the tasks set out for them. Teachers will act as facilitators as the students use the
guidelines and set tasks to explore the content together. Assisted learning techniques will
also be used such as peer support and the More Knowledgeable Other (MKO) to engender
the concept of Vygotsky¶s zone of proximal development. Students in each group will have
specific roles to contribute toward the group tasks. The computer itself will also be
considered as an MKO.

Scaffold the tasks in the excursion so that more complex and challenging concepts and
activities are worked on towards the end. Scientific concepts of online and digital artmaking
will be explored like the mathematical coordinates for object placement that deal in ratios
with the use of measurement and literacy involved in reading and documenting information
found. Their mapping as paradigms will be expected to lead to student¶s process of a major
work and assessment within the unit.

Coordinate with teachers of other disciplines to find out about the things students are
learning in class to see if they can be incorporated in the excursion and if the teachers
themselves would like to participate in the excursion. Each group will have a teacher to
facilitate and monitor the students¶ interaction they do not need only be the students¶ art

Have clear consequences for certain types of behaviour, i.e. what will and will not be
accepted and what conduct is expected. Many educators support the use of computers to
aid education (Alvarez, 2007). Marc Prensky and Richard Bartle are leading proponents.
Giving students the tools that they are already natives in within school learning is a
necessity for successful engagement in learning.

  0 1 " + % + #2#  Please see hand out

- $ # What kinds of digital format where used in the places you visited? How do
you make things in SL? What kinds of programs can you use to make 3d art and web 2.0
content? What elements from SL would you like to use for your major work? What kinds of
things could we do for our own school using SL?

 /(  Cross curriculum and key competency areas of learning

transference. Art students making content for use by other disciplines (science models,
historical events etc). Promotion of higher mental functioning through analysis and
(-  !   Skills from students¶ personal experience of online content,
prior knowledge of image making using computer software. Partnership with higher learning
institutions (Sothern Cross University) to provide safe and educationally appropriate
scenarios for students as well as building links to further study.

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