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Pharmacological Research, Vol. 46, No.

5, 2002
doi:10.1016/S1043-6618(02)00210-4, available online at on


G. PELAIA b , R. MASELLI b and G. B. DE SARRO a,∗
a Chair of Pharmacology, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University “Magna

Graecia” of Catanzaro, Regional Pharmacovigilance Center, “Mater Domini” University Hospital,

Via T. Campanella, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy, b Chair of Respiratory Diseases, Department of
Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro,
“Mater Domini” University Hospital, Via T. Campanella, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy

Accepted 7 August 2002

We retrospectively analysed adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with antibiotic therapy and
reported over a 6-year period, from January 1995 to December 2000, in clinical notes of two Pul-
monology Units of “Mater Domini” University Hospital and “Pugliese-Ciaccio” Hospital, both lo-
cated in Catanzaro, Italy.
Antibiotics were responsible for 92 (44.9%) out of 205 episodes of ADRs. In particular, 22 episodes
(23.9%) were observed after penicillin G administration, 19 episodes (20.7%) following ceftazidime
and cefotaxime administration, 16 episodes (17.4%) after therapy with ampicillin, and 35 reac-
tions (38%) were further reported during treatments with other antibiotics. We determined that the
drug–ADR relationship was certain in 63% of the reports; withdrawal of the suspected drug led to re-
covery in 95% of cases. In conclusion, this retrospective evaluation demonstrated that antibiotics are
a common cause of ADRs in hospitalised patients and, therefore, drug surveillance can successfully
identify targeted adverse events.
© 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key wo rds: antibiotics, adverse drug reactions, clinical records, pulmonology, hospitalised patients.

INTRODUCTION Antibiotics are some of the major contributors to drug

hypersensitivity and represent the most frequently used
Pharmacovigilance or post-marketing surveillance aims drugs in hospital practice [5,6]. Although spontaneous re-
to identify and quantify the risks associated with the use porting is, among the several different methods that can be
of drugs [1], thus contributing to better understand the used to detect ADRs, the only surveillance system capa-
most important characteristics of adverse drug reactions ble of routinely monitoring these events [7], it alone can-
(ADRs) and the pathogenic mechanisms involved. Indeed, not provide sufficient guarantee that a particular adverse
ADRs represent a common clinical problem and can be event is a true ADR. Therefore, this approach has to be
responsible for an increased number and/or duration of integrated with other procedures using retrospective data
hospitalisations [2,3]. An ADR is associated with a sig- based on clinical trials and medical reports, in order to de-
nificantly prolonged length of stay, increased economic fine ADRs which are either not time-related or associated
burden, morbidity, and an almost 2-fold increased risk of with chronic drug administration [8].
death [4]. Any drug can cause ADRs, which may range These retrospective analysis carried out to investigate
from mild skin rashes (hives) to a life-threatening allergic ADRs in hospital populations could be very useful to im-
reaction. prove the health care system with regard to both financial
aspects and cost–benefit evaluations. A better health care
can be achieved by applying this knowledge to the indi-
∗ Corresponding
vidual patient, thus trying to avoid possible troubles. The
author. Cattedra di Farmacologia, Dipartimento di
Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica, Policlinico Universitario “Mater
magnitude of these problems implies the need of investing
Domini”, Via T. Campanella, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy. sufficient resources in order to implement programs aimed
E-mail: to identify, assess, and manage ADRs [9]. The purpose

1043-6618/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
396 Pharmacological Research, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2002

of our research was to evaluate, by analysing the clinical Table I

features as well as the frequency of ADRs, the involve- The six axes and total score in Kramer’s algorithm for ADRs
(amended from Hutchinson et al. [25])
ment of antibiotics in such reactions occurring during
hospitalisation. Axis Scoring of evidence for reaction
Favours Uncertain Against

Historya +1 0 −1
METHODS No alternative illnessesb +2 0 −1
Timing of eventsc +1 0 −2
This study was carried out in two pulmonology divisions Drug levels +1 0 −1
Dechallenged +1 0 −1
of Catanzaro, Italy, located at “Mater Domini” University
Rechallengee +1 0 −1
Hospital and “Pugliese-Ciaccio” Hospital, respectively.
Total score f +7 0 −7
We retrospectively analysed the medical records referring
to patients who were hospitalised between 1 January 1995 a Previous experience of ADR. b No other factor related to

and 31 December 2000. The clinical records of patients underlying disease, as well as no other drug-unrelated aetiology may
receiving antibiotics were reviewed and the following data explain the presence of the clinical manifestation in the patient. c Time
elapsed between drug administration and ADR manifestation; ADR
were obtained: sex and age of the patient, previous history
onset immediately follows drug administration. d ADR either
of drug allergy and therapy duration, possible ADRs and attenuates or disappears after drug reduction or interruption,
drug classes involved. respectively. e ADR reappearance after drug re-administration; not
done in any of the patients analysed in this observational study. f Less
Definition of ADRs than 0 ADR, unlikely; 0–3, possible; 4 and 5, probable; 6 and 7,
An ADR was defined as an untoward clinical manifes-
tation consequent to and caused by the administration of a
particular drug [10] or interacting drugs, excluding inten-
tional overdose, substance abuse and therapeutic failure with Hutchinson’s questionnaire [15]. The diagnostic cri-
[11–13]. The clinical manifestation may be an abnormal teria in Kramer’s algorithm are divided into six axes, with
sign, symptom or laboratory test, or a cluster of abnormal a scoring system incorporated into each axis. The cumu-
signs, symptoms and tests [14]. ADRs were considered lative score corresponds to the probability that the clinical
as serious when: (1) fatal; (2) life-threatening; (3) perma- manifestation represents an ADR (Table I). We compared
nently/significantly disabling; (4) required or prolonged the score obtained for a suspected ADR caused by a drug
hospitalisation; (5) required intervention to prevent per- interaction with the scores obtained for the clinical man-
manent impairment or damage. Only suspected ADRs de- ifestation caused by the single drugs. When a candidate
finable as certain, probable or possible, were included in single drug had a higher score, that drug rather than the
the analysis of antibiotic-associated adverse reactions. interaction was held responsible for the ADR.
Therefore, we defined four distinct classes with regard
Types of ADRs to ADRs causality: (a) Certain: temporal or spatial corre-
ADRs may be subdivided into two major types: lation confirmed by dechallenge and rechallenge and/or
laboratory test; (b) Probable: temporal or spatial correla-
- Type A reactions are the most common ADRs and in- tion confirmed by dechallenge and not induced by disease,
clude nonintentional overdosing, side effects, and drug and/or recovery on withdrawal of the drug if no other drug
interactions which can occur when the patient is taking was withdrawn and no therapy given; (c) Possible: a pos-
two or more medications simultaneously. This type of sible alternative explanation exists when a strict tempo-
ADRs is usually predictable but sometimes unavoid- ral relationship is not clear, and/or a recovery occurs after
able. therapy prescription in addition to drug withdrawal, and/or
- Type B reactions are usually not predictable and include more than one drug is suspected; (d) Unclear causality:
allergic reactions to drugs, intolerance to a specific drug the clinical event could be consistently attributed to either
or an uncommon reaction to a given drug such as skin the underlying disease or to other drug-unrelated causes.
rashes, liver or kidney damage, anaemia, decrease in the Records were screened as positive and then reviewed by
white blood cell count, and nerve injury with possible clinicians, who identified any adverse event and completed
visual or hearing impairment. These reactions typically a detailed Hutchinson’s questionnaire.
develop in a very small number of people, who may
complain of drug allergy or hypersensitivity because of Patient characteristics
genetic differences in drug metabolism or in their body Patient age and sex, hospitalisation cause, and the num-
response to drugs. ber of prescriptions and ADRs were considered. Patients
were subdivided into six age groups: infants, children and
Causality of ADRs adolescents (0–15 years); young adults (16–30 years),
In order to assess the likelihood that ADRs were deter- adults (31–45 years), older adults (46–60 years), el-
mined by antibiotics, a causality rating was assigned to derly adults (61–75 years), and very elderly adults (over
each antibiotic using the validate Kramer’s algorithm [10] 75 years).
Pharmacological Research, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2002 397

Table II
ADRs frequency in all patients treated with drugs and in patients treated with antibiotics

Age (years) Total number of patients Total ADRs Total number of patients ADRs induced by
treated with antibiotics antibiotics
N % N % N % N %

0–15 153 3.3 3 1.5 59 1.8 1 1.1

16–30 361 7.8 11 5.4 164 5 16 17.4
31–45 597 13 18 8.8 263 8.1 13 14.1
46–60 1019 22.1 45 21.9 723 22.2 20 21.7
61–75 1652 35.8 89 43.4 1386 42.6 31 33.7
>75 830 18 39 19 659 20.3 11 12
Total 4612 100 205 100 3254 100 92 100

Table III
Patient demographics

Characteristics Non-ADRs ADRs induced by other treatments ADRs induced by antibiotics

Man (%) 54.8 56.2 53.2

Woman (%) 45.2 43.8 46.8
Hospitalisation cause Bronchitis (25%), pneumonia (20%), Bronchitis (20%), pneumonia (18%), Bronchitis (15%), pneumonia (32%),
COPD (20%), asthma (18%), fibrosis asthma (27%), COPD (10%), fibrosis asthma (2%), COPD (5%), fibrosis
(5%), lung cancer (5%), other (13%), lung cancer (10%), other (15%), lung cancer (30%), other
diseases (7%) diseases (2%) diseases (1%)
Number of prescriptions 1–2 drugs: 66% 1–2 drugs: 22% 1–2 drugs: 20%
3–4 drugs: 23% 3–4 drugs: 40% 3–4 drugs: 43%
>4 drugs: 11% >4 drugs: 38% >4 drugs: 37%

Statistical analysis by antibiotics vs total number of patients treated with an-

Data were statistically analysed using a computerised tibiotics) (Table II). Patients who showed a documented
system. Comparisons between groups were made us- ADR had more concurrent chronic medical diagnoses
ing the Student’s t-test for continuous variables, and such as pulmonary fibrosis or lung cancer, with respect to
χ 2 -statistics for noncontinuous data. Logistic regression those who did not develop ADRs (P < 0.001) (Table III).
was also performed to examine the relationship between The most frequently reported side effects were cu-
patient age and ADRs induced by antibiotic treatment. taneous (70.5%), gastrointestinal (7.6%) and cardio-
Differences were considered statistically significant when vascular (7.6%) disturbances (Table IV). Most of the
P values were <0.05. We carried out statistical analysis side effects involved penicillins and cephalosporines
using the SPSS statistical software. (Table V). Moreover, 63% of the reports were classi-
fied as certain, 29% as probable and 8% as possible.
With regard to the study population, 12% of side effects
RESULTS were classified as serious ARDs (Table VI). Among the
non-serious side effects (88%), 32.2% were severe and
During the study period, 4612 clinical records and 18 464 67.8% mild (data not shown). Withdrawal of the suspected
prescriptions were analysed. According to the definition drug led to a full recovery from 95% of ADRs (data not
of ADRs and Kramer’s causality algorithm, we reported shown).
that within 205 suspects of ADRs (1.11% of total prescrip-
tions), 92 were induced by antibiotics (44.9%). Patients
with ADRs induced by antibiotics and by other drugs, did DISCUSSION
not show any significant difference in the sex ratio (man
53.2% and woman 46.8%; man 56.2% and woman 43.8%, An ADR is any response that is unintended and undesired,
respectively). and that occurs at commonly used doses. The reaction
The percentage of patients with a reported ADR var- may be idiosyncratic or pharmacologically predictable.
ied among the six age groups. In fact, older patients Cumulative side effects of medications taken concurrently
were more likely to suffer an ADR in comparison with increase the risk of adverse reactions.
all drug-treated patients, as well as with respect to Antibiotics are the most widely used drugs in hospi-
antibiotic-treated patients (P < 0.0001 for total ADRs vs talised patients. Due to limitations of spontaneous report-
total number of patients; P = 0.0160 for ADRs induced ing, pharmaco-epidemiological studies may be the only
398 Pharmacological Research, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2002

Table IV
Antibiotics involved in ADRs
Antibiotics Doses Route and times ADR
N %

Penicillin G 1 000 000 U i.m. b.i.d. 22 23.9

Ampicillin 1g i.v. b.i.d. 16 17.4
Cefotaxime 1g i.v. b.i.d. 10 10.9
Ceftazidime 1g i.v. b.i.d. 9 9.8
Piperacillin 1g i.v. b.i.d. 6 6.6
Amoxicillin 1g i.v. b.i.d. 5 5.5
Ciprofloxacin 400 mg i.v. b.i.d. 5 5.5
Methylprednisolone + cefotaxime 1 mg kg−1 + 1 g i.v. b.i.d. 2 2.1
Rifampin 1.5 g i.v. b.i.d. 2 2.1
Ceftizoxime 1g i.v. b.i.d. 2 2.1
Ceftriaxone 2g i.v. d.i.e. 2 2.1
Clarithromycin 500 mg o.s. b.i.d. 2 2.1
Ampicillin + sulbactam + methylprednisolone 3 g + 1 mg kg−1 i.v. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Ampicillin + sulbactam 3g i.v. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Ampicillin + sulbactam + bromexine 3 g + 8mg i.v. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Ampicillin + doxycycline 500 + 100 mg o.s. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Erythromycin 500 mg o.s. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxypyridazine 100 mg o.s. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Ofloxacin 300 mg o.s. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Imipenem 500 mg i.v. b.i.d. 1 1.1
Sulbactam 1g i.v. b.i.d. 1 1.1

Table V
Descriptions of ADRs as reported in medical records

ADRs Other treatments (N = 113) Antibiotics (N = 92)

Descriptive classes % %
Skin and appendages Rash (28), hives (14), itching (11) Rash (43), hives (18), itching (9.5)
Gastroenteric system Nausea/vomiting (7.2), diarrhoea (5.2) Nausea/vomiting (4.2), diarrhoea (3.4)
Cardiovascular system Hypotension (8.3%), tachycardia (3.2) Tachycardia (5.1), hypotension (2.5)
Nervous system Dizziness (0.9), forgetfulness (0.8), lethargy (0.7), Dizziness (1.1), forgetfulness (1), lethargy (0.8),
headache (0.3) headache (0.4)
Respiratory system Cough (6.2), dyspnoea (1.7) Dyspnoea (1.5), cough (0.7)
Connective tissue 2.7 1.1
Haematologic system Thrombocytopenia (2.3), leukopenia (1.2), anaemia (0.9) Leukopenia (0.7), trombocitopenia (1.5), anaemia (1.1)
Neuromuscular system Muscular pain (2.7) Muscular pain (2.2)
Mucous membranes Oedema (2.7) Oedema (2.2)
Total 100 100

Table VI
Serious ADRs induced by antibiotics

Drug Doses Route and times ADR (N)

Penicillin G 1 000 000 U i.m. b.i.d. Serious angina (2)

Cefotaxime 1g i.v. b.i.d. Serious angina (1); lipothymia (1); leukopenia (1)
Amoxicillin 1g i.v. b.i.d. Psoriasis (1)
Ampicillin 1g i.v. b.i.d. Arrhythmia (1)
Ceftizoxime 1g i.v. b.i.d. Extrasystoles (1)
Ampicillin + sulbactam + 3 g + 1 mg kg−1 i.v. b.i.d. Bronchoconstriction (1)
Ceftazidime 1g i.v. b.i.d. Stevens–Johnson syndrome (1); dyspnoea +
tachycardia (1)

source of information about the benefit–risk profile of reactions, as well as to evaluate which antibiotics are
medications received by hospitalised patients [16]. mainly involved in such events. The characteristics of
In the present study, we reviewed ADRs induced by hospitalised patients and drug administration records
antibiotic agents in hospitalised patients in order to deter- were reviewed to determine whether adverse reactions
mine the prevalence and the clinical expression of these occurred.
Pharmacological Research, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2002 399

Our retrospective analysis demonstrated that 3% of The organ/system distribution of ADRs was similar
patients who received an antibiotic during hospitalisa- within patients developing ADRs to antibiotics or to other
tion, developed an ADR; antibiotics caused more than treatments. Indeed, more than 85 and 76% of ADRs in-
44.5% of the ADRs detected in hospitalised patients, and duced by antibiotics and other treatments, respectively,
there was no significant difference between male and affected skin and the gastroenteric and cardiovascular
female. These data are quite consistent with those of a systems. With respect to other treatments, skin was the
previous study made by Lemozit et al. [17] who showed body district most involved in ADRs induced by antibi-
that antimicrobial drugs were involved in 31 and 22.1% otics. It has been reported that cutaneous adverse effects
of the ADRs recorded in hospitals and private medicine occur in 2–3% of hospitalised patients, and the use of
practice, respectively. The relatively high percentage of several common drugs is associated with a greater than
ADRs to antibiotics detected by us could depend on the 1% incidence of skin reactions. It is noteworthy that ap-
wide use of these agents for the treatment of infectious proximately 3% of all disabling injuries occurring in hos-
exacerbations of chronic pulmonary diseases. Moreover, pitalised patients are attributable to cutaneous reactions
by using the Kramer’s algorithm [10,15] and statistical [24,25], and in agreement with these data we observed
comparisons we detected the highest percentage of ADRs that the most important ADRs affected skin. In addition,
within the group of patients with an age ranging from 61 using a MEDLINE database research, Bigby showed that
to 75 years. Such a percentage is similar to the results skin is an important target of ADR manifestations [26];
of previous studies performed using an algorithm in hos- likewise, Chosidow pointed out that antibiotics must be
pitalised patients [18,19]. Furthermore, our observations considered high risk drugs for skin reactions [27].
are consistent with recent studies showing that the inci- In agreement with the results of other reports [28],
dence of ADRs in the elderly is estimated to be two to most ADRs detected in our study were type A reactions,
three times higher than in young adults [20]. This high and in particular they were dose-related. Many of these
percentage is probably underestimated, in fact in many were well-known reactions resulting from either primary
older adults is difficult to recognise an ADR because it or secondary pharmacological actions of the prescribed
can mimic some features of their age-related disease. drugs, such as gastrointestinal effects, tachycardia or
In fact, medications can induce dizziness, forgetfulness, leukopenia.
drowsiness and lethargy and these effects should not be Another feature of ADRs refers to their “seriousness”,
confused with “ageing” effects. In agreement with litera- and we demonstrated that 12% of the reported ADRs could
ture data, according to our study the potential adverse drug be classified as “serious”. Such a finding may indeed de-
interactions were, therefore, more common in elderly pend on the frequent occurrence, in hospitalised patients,
patients, and this could be explained by the higher num- of several concomitant diseases which require numerous
ber of concurrent medications rather than by age-based medications as part of their daily treatments. Therefore,
factors [21]. hospital practice seems to predispose to a higher incidence
In our retrospective evaluation, penicillin G resulted to of adverse effects and interactions related to antibiotic
be the most frequently involved antibiotic in both types agents, thus possibly being associated with an increased
A and B ADRs (23.9% of cases). Previous study, showed risk of experiencing severe ADRs. In our retrospective
that penicillin-induced type B reactions such as anaphy- analysis, psoriasis was recognised as a serious ADR in-
laxis is responsible for the majority of all drug-elicited duced by amoxicillin, and this event could be related to
anaphylactic deaths in the United States. Patients with a low CYP2C activity. In fact, recent paper show that any
history of a previous reaction have a 6-fold higher risk drugs metabolised by CYP2C can induce severe psoriasis
of experiencing a further reaction on subsequent expo- related to decreased CYP activity [29]. In contrast, the se-
sure, compared with those without a previous history [22]. rious angina induced by penicillin G may depend on both
The most important risk factors for drug hypersensitivity A and B types of ADRs, possibly related to patient charac-
are related to the chemical properties of drugs and to the teristics, prescribed drugs, and body response to drugs. In
age of patients. This observation is consistent with the nat- fact, patients who complained of angina after penicillin G
ural history of drug allergies, and it is noteworthy to point treatment were elderly subjects receiving associations of
out that hypersensitivity reactions to penicillin depend on more than four drugs. Therefore, angina onset could have
the presence of preformed antibodies [23]. The likelihood been favoured by an age-related low hepatic cytochrome
of a prior exposure to penicillins increases with age, and P450 activity, combined with the cardiovascular effects
therefore, older patients develop an allergic ADR more attributable to interactions among several different drugs
easily than young people. [30].
Moreover, our results indicate that another important However, is important to underline that there are sev-
risk factor for the development of type A ADRs is rep- eral limitations to our study. The most important limita-
resented by the number of drugs associated in prescribed tion is represent under-reporting of suspect ADRs. In fact,
therapies. In fact, in agreement with other literature data doctors seem unaware of the need to report well-known
[13,14], our observations have confirmed that the use of serious reactions and need more guidance on what to re-
multiple drugs is more related to ADRs than the presence port. Under-reporting, may also occur because doctors are
of concomitant diseases. under the misconception that they need to be absolutely
400 Pharmacological Research, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2002

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