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Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

An analysis of tourism policy development in modern China

Hanqin Qiu Zhang*, King Chong, John Ap
Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Received 28 March 1998; accepted 3 September 1998


Tourism in China has rapidly developed since the adoption of open-door economic reform policy in 1978. There is still little
understanding about the role played by the Chinese government in the development of tourism. This paper represents a "rst attempt
to identify the roles played by the Chinese government in developing its international inbound tourism. The period examined is from
1978, a turning point for China's development, to the present. Generally, the Chinese government has played the following roles:
Operator } involving ownership and provision of the infrastructure for tourism development and operation of tourism business
activities; Regulator } formulating and implementing regulations to control tourism business; Investment stimulator } stimulating
tourism investment through the provision of "nancial incentives; Promoter } spending money on the promotion of tourism in the
international market; Coordinator } coordinating activities of di!erent government departments with respect to tourism; and
Educator } establishing a system of tourism education institutions and providing tourism education and training programs. Analysis
of the policies and government roles in China was examined systematically in terms of demands, decisions, outputs and impacts for
each of the three historical periods identi"ed, namely 1978}1985, 1986}1991 and 1992 to the present. The framework adopted for
examining the policies in terms of demands, decisions, etc. represents the speci"c policy issue components of the tourism policy-
making process suggested by Hall's model (1994). Based on China's experiences, some implications of the governmental roles for other
developing countries are suggested.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: China; Tourism policies; Tourism development; Government roles

1. Introduction sector generally has little experience with the tourism

industry. Governments in developing countries tend to
Following the introduction of the economic reform be more actively involved and have assumed key devel-
policy by Deng Xiao-ping in 1978 (also known as the opmental and operational roles. In socialist countries,
open-door policy), tourism in China has developed rap- where the private sector is small or non-existent, the level
idly and gradually become a signi"cant economic activ- of government involvement would be greater than that
ity. In 1996, visitor arrivals totaled 51.1 million, a 27 fold in countries that have a predominantly free-enterprise
increase from 1.8 million in 1978. In terms of economic philosophy (Jenkins & Henry, 1982).
contribution, tourism receipts increased from US$ 2.6 China is a developing country with a socialist economy
billion in 1978 to US$ 10.2 billion in 1997 (China Natio- and the private sector in the tourism industry is small.
nal Tourism Administration (CNTA), 1985}1998). Total For example, in 1995 state, collective or alliance owned
receipts for tourism earning in terms of foreign exchange hotels (i.e. joint state, collective or stock owned) totaled
from exports increased from 2.7% in 1978 to 6.8% in 2944, accounting for 79% of the 3720 hotels in China.
1996 (CNTA, 1985}1998; State Statistical Bureau of the Private-invested, foreign-invested, or Hong Kong, Macao,
People's Republic of China) (see Table 1). and Taiwan-invested hotels numbered 694, which ac-
Government involvement has greatly in#uenced counted for 19%, with a remaining 2% being stock
tourism development, particularly in developing coun- owned hotels (i.e. owned by a group of share holders
tries with socialist economic systems. Most developing through a stock or limited liability company) (CNTA,
countries are characterized by a scarcity of resources, 1985}1998). With the rapid growth of tourism in China
especially for tourism development, and the private since 1978, most e!orts may be credited to the Chinese
government because most aspects of tourism develop-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 852 2766 6368; fax: 852 2363 9362; ment have been addressed through a variety of policy
e-mail: initiatives and measures.

0261-5177/99/$ - see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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472 H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

Table 1
Summary of China tourism statistics 1978}1997

1978 1985 1991 1996 1997

Visitor arrivals 1 809 221 17 833 097 33 349 757 51 127 516 57 587 923
Foreigners (a) 229 646 1 370 462 2 710 103 6 744 334 7 428 006
Compatriots (b) 1 561 483 16 377 808 30 506 227 44 228581 50 060 913
Overseas 18 092 84 827 133 427 154 601 99 004
Chinese (c)
Tourism receipts 262.90 1 250.00 2 844.97 10 200.46 12 074.14
(Million US$)
Percentage of
Tourism Foreign
Earning (d) 2.7 4.6 4.0 6.0 NA (e)
Number of hotel 137 710 2130 4418 5201
Number of
Travel agencies NA NA 1561 4252 4986
Number of
employees NA 168 357 708 263 1 196 749 1 359 400

(a) Referred to the persons with foreigner citizenship. Overseas Chinese who have already acquired foreign citizenship are also recorded as
(b) Referred to the Chinese compatriots who live in Hong Hong, Macau and Taiwan province of China.
(c) Referred to the Chinese nationals who hold Chinese passports but reside abroad.
(d) Percentage of tourism foreign exchange earning in foreign exchange earning from exports.
(e) The "gure is not available.
1. China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), The Yearbook of China Tourism. Statistics, China Tourism Publishing House, Beijing,
2. State Statistical Bureau of the People's Republic of China, China Statistical Yearbook, International Center for the Advancement of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, 1995.
3. State Statistical Bureau of the People's Republic of China, Statistical Yearbook of China, Economic Herold, Hong Kong.
4. Han, K. H., China: Tourism Industry, Modern China Press, Beijing, 1994.

Although the government has been decisive in guiding In order to provide a systematic analysis of China's
China's tourism development, there is little understand- international tourism policies during the periods identi-
ing about the type and kind of role(s) played by the "ed above, the policies will be examined under the four
government in tourism research literature. Without iden- broad headings of: (i) demands, (ii) decisions; (iii) outputs;
tifying the nature of the government's role, neither past and (iv) impacts. These headings represent the speci"c
tourism development in China can be systematically ana- tourism policy issue components of the tourism policy-
lyzed, nor can future trends be forecasted. making process model developed by Hall (1994). The
The purpose of this paper is to identify the di!erent scope of this paper is to provide an analysis of the
roles that the Chinese government has played in the tourism policies of a centrally planned developing coun-
development of international tourism during three his- try. It does not attempt to empirically test Hall's model
torical periods since 1978, that is, following the adoption nor examine the policy-making process in China. How-
of the open-door policy advocated by Deng Xiao-Ping. ever, it does rely on the use of a component of the
The period before 1978 is also reviewed for comparison policy-making model to guide the assessment and analy-
purposes. The three historical periods examined are as sis of China's policies.
follows: The "rst period is from 1978 to 1985 when Edgell (1987) and Richter (1983, 1989) were two pion-
government regarded the nature of tourism as both poli- eers who analyzed tourism policy-making. Richter for
tics and economics; the second period covers the years example, examined the evolution of Chinese tourism
from 1986 to 1991 where the nature of tourism from the policy, its political environment, and its organization and
government's viewpoint changed to economics over poli- found that it is critical to understand not only the design
tics; and "nally, the third period is from 1992 to the of the policy but the nature of the resources of the society
present when the government decided that tourism and its administrative milieu. Hall (1994), based on the
should be gradually developed in the socialist market work of Easton (1965), was the "rst to suggest a model of
economy model. the tourism policy-making process. He pointed out that
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485 473

the government's role in tourism is an outcome of its (1966}1976), Deng Xiao-Ping and Chen Yun became the
tourism policy formulation and implementation. There- supreme leaders of the Communist Party of China
fore, an analysis of tourism policy is the most straightfor- (CPC). Any policy change involving tourism matters,
ward way to identify government roles in developing which traditionally served as a political instrument, had
tourism. According to Hall (1994), the tourism policy- to be approved by Deng and Chen. Their attitude to-
making process includes: (1) policy demands from both wards tourism has greatly in#uenced many policy cha-
inside and outside the political system; (2) policy deci- nges. Following the Cultural Revolution, China faced
sions by the political authority which are authoritative backward economic conditions and a serious shortage of
rather than routine; (3) policy outputs; and (4) intended capital. It was in deep need of foreign exchange to "nance
or unintended policy impacts. Policy development is also further economic development activities which was being
set within the context of a policy arena in which interest promulgated in an era of economic reform. The import-
groups, institutions, signi"cant individuals and institu- ance of tourism as a means for accumulating foreign
tional leadership interact and compete in determining exchange was recognized and emphasized by both Deng
tourism policy choices. The policy arena must also be and Chen who delivered important speeches about the
considered within a broader environment including insti- economic bene"ts of tourism. Deng stated &&Developing
tutional arrangements, values and power arrangements tourism should "rst develop those businesses, which
a!ecting tourism policy formulation. A detailed examina- could earn more money''. Chen commented that:
tion of the roles played together with a summary and &&tourism was just like the export of scenic spots, earning
comparison of the key aspects of China's tourism policies foreign exchange more quickly than the export of goods''.
for each period is presented under each aspect of the They also agreed that greater e!ort was needed to devel-
speci"c policy issue component of the policy making op tourism (Han, 1994a; He, 1992). Both Deng and
process (see Table 2). Chen's consistent attitudes toward tourism development
led to positive changes in tourism policy and started
the shift of tourism as a political instrument to one of
2. International tourism prior to economic reform in 1978 economic activities. In this period, the Chinese leaders
regarded the nature of tourism as both political and
Prior to 1978, tourism in China primarily served the economic to achieve a &&double harvest'' in both the
political purpose of promoting the achievements of So- political and economic spheres (Han, 1994a). However,
cialist China, to expand China's political in#uence, and the conditions such as government structure and tourism
to promote international understanding and friendship infrastructure and facilities in this period could not cope
through receiving invited guests and tourists (Han, with the development of tourism as an economic activity,
1994a). The China National Tourism Administration mainly because demand outstripped the supply of facili-
(CNTA) had a promotion division (then named Propa- ties and services.
ganda Division) before 1985 and regularly invited the
foreign press to China. It was the famed National Geo- 3.1. Demand for tourism policies
graphic tour of photographers and writers organized by
CNTA as a political tool in the early 1980s that instantly 3.1.1. Inewective tourism administration
made Xian's terracotta warriors an internationally fa- In the area of tourism administration, a policy was
mous attraction. The propaganda division activities re- introduced which called for the combination of both
mained relatively low key and resources allocated to it government and business functions. The Bureaus of
were not high. It was not until 1988 that the promotion Travel and Tourism (BTT) managed travel agencies na-
role was recognized as being an important function and tionwide while China International Travel Services
when the government embraced this role through devel- (CITS) operated travel services under CITS only. But,
oping marketing campaigns for the very "rst time and actually BTT was involved in travel services operation
doubling the budget. Thus, according to Zhang (1995), because the head or deputy head of BTT was also the
the nature of tourism during the pre 1978 period was general manager of CITS. The combination of govern-
political only. ment with business/enterprise functions resulted in its
inability to play the two-functions e!ectively.

3. Historical period one: 1978+1985 3.1.2. Insuzcient tourism infrastructure and facilities
The 10-year period of the Cultural Revolution from
Zhang (1995) suggested that the nature of tourism was 1966 to 1976 made tourism development a non-issue.
politics plus economics from 1978 to 1985. Since the Upon opening China's doors to international tourists,
adoption of the economic reform policy in 1978, the the receiving capacities in hotels, travel agencies and civil
nature of tourism gradually shifted and changed to an aviation could not meet the demands of a large in#ux
economic activity. After the Cultural Revolution of visitors. Visitor arrivals in 1978, for example, were

Table 2
Summary of the components of Chinese government policies post 1978

Period Policy making Policy demands Policy decisions Policy outputs Policy Government
environment impacts roles

Historical Power arrangement & 1. Ine!ective tourism 1. Separation of enterprise 1. Tourism administra- Intended impacts: Roles of Operator, Regula-
period one signi"cant leaders administration functions from govern- tion became a govern- tor, Investment Stimulator,
(1978}1985) (Deng Xiao-Ping & 2. Insu$cient tourism ment functions ment function 1. Increased Tourism Educator
Chen Yun) infrastructure and 2. Introduction of foreign 2. Increased tourism receipts
facilities investment in the infrastructure & Unintended impacts:
Change of the attitude of 3. Non-pro"t oriented hotel sector facilities } hotels,
the Chinese government tourism pricing 3. Decentralization travel agencies & 2. &&Disorder'' in the
towards tourism 4. Ine!ective management of tourism invest- airlines industry emerged
& poor service quality ment and operation 3. Flexible & pro"t
Nature of tourism shifted 4. Reform controlled oriented tourism
from politics only to
tourism pricing pricing established
both politics and mechanism 4. Enterprise reform
economics 5. Enterprise reform success in the hotel
6. &&Red & Professional'' sector
education policy 5. Di!erent types of
education institutions
Historical Change of the attitude of The goals stated in the 1. Coordination at 1. Coordination Intended impacts: Roles of operator, regulator,
period two the Chinese government &&National Tourism Plan government level mechanism between educator are intensi"ed.
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

1. Tourism developed
(1986}1991) towards tourism 1986}2000'' 2. Mass restoration and CAAC* and CNTA** Roles of planner, coor-
1. Improve service development of established as a signi"cant dinator, promoter emerge
Nature of tourism shifted quality tourist attractions 2. Unique atractions industry
from both politics and
2. Develop 3. Aviation reform restored or developed Unintended impacts:
economics to economics infrastructure 4. Intensi"cation of 3. Six state-owned &
over politics tourism education & operated airlines 2. Tourism goals not
training established. achieved due to June 4
5. Regulation of the 4. Airports transferred incident
travel agency and to local government 3. Persistence of poor
hotel sectors of the control service quality
industry 5. Tourism education &
6. Promotion of tourism training system in
6. &&Disorder'' problems
Historical Power arrangement & 1. Tourism further 1. Expansion of the areas 1. Joint venture airlines Intended Impacts: Investment stimulator, regu-
period three signi"cant leader (Deng opened to foreign of foreign investment and travel agencies lator, and promoter roles
(1992}Present) Xiao-Ping) investors 2. Planning and con- set up 1. Tourism industry are intensi"ed
2. Tourism geared to struction of resorts 2. Foreign investment was gradually geared to Operating role in pricing re-
the market economy
Change of the attitude of international markets 3. Decentralization of introduced for the leased to tourism corpora-
the Chinese government and Chinese nationals tourism pricing resort developments. 2. Further expansion of tions
towards tourism: overseas travel 4. Regulation of tourism 3. Construction of 12 tourism as a signi"cant The role of planner ex-
based on the market resorts. tended from the national
Tourism should be mechanism 4. Tourism corporations 3. Achieved goal to plan to resort development
developed in the Socialist 5. Intensi"cation of operating in a free obtain US$8}10 The role of educator con-
Market Economy Model billion in revenue by
tourism promotion market economy tinues and remains un-
6. Permission granted environment 2000. changed
for Chinese national 5. Registration of tour
oveseas travel guides introduced and
6. Establishment of
&&Quality Deposit
System'' for travel
7. HMCs set up
8. Promotion stimulated
tourism growth

* CAAC } Civil Aviation Administration of China.

** CNTA } China Nation Tourism Administration.
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485
476 H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

1.8 million, which exceeded the total accumulated arri- municipalities, or cities either restored or established
vals from 1949 to 1977. In the following year (1979) this their own tourism bureaus like Guangdong Province,
increased by 133% to 4.2 million. However, China only Beijing and Shanghai Municipalities. Later in 1982, the
had 137 hotels for international tourists in 1978 and this State Council separated China International Travel Ser-
rose slightly to 150 in 1979 and the hotel growth rate of vices' (CITS) enterprise functions from SGATT (He,
9.4% was totally inadequate in meeting the basic accom- 1992), and tourism administration became a government
modation needs of this huge surge of tourist arrivals function that would no longer be involved in enterprise
(China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), activities. At the same time, SGATT was renamed the
1985}1998; Han, 1994a). China National Tourism Administration (CNTA).

3.1.3 Non-proxt-oriented tourism pricing 3.2.2. Introduction of foreign investment

As tourism was primarily promoted for political pur- The "rst industry sector allowed foreign investment
poses before 1978, tourism pricing was controlled by the was hotels. All foreign invested hotels were exempt from
government and merely set to cover operating costs. tax for the "rst three years and this exemption was
Prices were "xed and the government was also ignorant reduced to 50% for the following two years. Initially,
of demand #uctuations occurring in the di!erent tourist only two forms of foreign investment were permitted
seasons. } joint ventures and cooperatives, where ownership of
these investments would be transferred to the Chinese
3.1.4. Inewective management and poor service quality side after 10 to 20 years (Han, 1994a). The introduction of
As in every industry in China at the time, the man- foreign investment in hotel development was very suc-
agers' authority in tourism enterprises was restricted. cessful and by 1985, there were 45 foreign invested hotels
China had adopted a planned-economy since 1949 and which represented 85% of total investment in the tourism
resources allocation was fully controlled by the govern- industry (Tisdell & Wen, 1991a). Not surprisingly, hotels
ment with managers having little autonomy. Due to the were the largest foreign investment sector in the tourism
traditional politics-command structure, branch secretar- industry.
ies of the Communist Party of China were responsible for
operation rather than the managers. These factors led to 3.2.3. From centralization to decentralization
decision-making not necessarily based on economic ra- Prior to 1978, civil aviation, travel agencies and hotels
tionality. In the area of service quality, employees in the were funded and operated by the central government. In
tourism industry, like every one else on the government 1984, the State Council decided that central government,
payroll, were entitled to the bene"ts of the &&iron rice localities, individual government departments, collectives
bowl'', meaning that their jobs were safe forever and the and even individuals could invest in and operate tourism
evaluation of the employees were not based on their development projects (Han, 1994a).
performance. Therefore, there were no incentives for em- The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
ployees to be concerned with quality service and its also encouraged local governments and individual gov-
improvement. Cai and Woods (1993) found that instead ernment departments to operate airlines. The State
of providing the necessary interpretation on exhibits and Council issued &&Provisional Regulations on Authorizing
historical events involved, most tour guides either took Civil Aviation Corporation'' which detailed operating
a nap on the bus or waited in the museum gift shop to conditions and approval procedures for establishing and
collect the commission on guests' purchases. Service operating an airline. Various local airlines were thus set
quality, thus, remained far from acceptable international up such as Xiamen Airlines, Xinjiang Airlines and Shang-
standards. hai Airlines (Han, 1994b).
Originally, only the head o$ces of CITS and CTS
3.2. Policy decisions and outputs (China Travel Services) had authority to contact foreign
tour operators. This centralized policy restricted promo-
3.2.1. Separating enterprise functions from government tion of market growth and in 1980 decentralization of
functions marketing promotion to local o$ces was subsequently
Before 1978, the BTT was under the jurisdiction of introduced. However, lack of central control and coord-
Ministry of Foreign A!airs rather than the State Council ination resulted in overbooking, unexpected delays and
(also called the Central People's Government), the su- unsatisfactory itinerary changes. In response to these
preme executive organ under the Chinese constitution. In problems, the State Council further modi"ed its decen-
1978, the State Council upgraded the status of BTT to tralization policy in 1984 and allowed all regional branch
the State General Administration of Travel and Tourism o$ces to contact and sell to foreign tour operators, and
(SGATT) which came directly under its jurisdiction and to notify the visa issuing authorities. However, their sales
SGATT became the sole government body responsible plans were still subject to the approval of CITS (Han,
for tourism administration. Meanwhile, many provinces, 1994a) Prior to 1984, CITS, CTS and CYTS (China
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485 477

Youth Travel Service which was set up in 1980) monop- of these measures in the hotel sector was quite successful,
olized travel service operations. In 1984, the State Coun- especially with the introduction of western hotel manage-
cil also decided that travel agencies could be owned ment concepts, which had accompanied foreign invest-
privately, as well as collectively and CNTA classi"ed all ment. However, for other sectors such as travel agencies
agencies into three categories. Category one travel agen- and airlines, it was not so e!ective as the politics-com-
cies were allowed to negotiate directly with foreign tour mand and &&iron rice bowl'' privileges were still deeply
operators while the other two were restricted to arrang- rooted.
ing tour-related activities for the foreign tourists coor-
dinated by category one travel agencies. The e!ects of 3.2.6. Tourism education and training
decentralization and liberalization were obvious and the Due to problems of ine!ective management and poor
number of travel agencies increased to 1245 by 1987. The service quality, emphasis on tourism education and train-
number of tourists received by travel agencies also in- ing was stressed by the central government. As tourism
creased from just over 2 million in 1984 to over 3 million served both political and economic requirements, a &&Red
in 1987 representing a 49% growth rate (CNTA, and Professional'' education policy was adopted which
1985}1988; Han, 1994a). aimed at developing tourism employees with the ideol-
The decentralization policy also stimulated domesti- ogy of communism and socialism (&&Red'') and knowledge
cally owned hotel development and many central govern- about tourism management and operation (&&Profes-
ment departments, local governments, government sional''). From 1978 to 1983 when su$cient funds were
enterprises and even individuals participated into hotel not available to establish educational tourism institutes
construction. For example, the Huiqiao Hotel, in the and there was urgent need for manpower, the CNTA
Hepingli District of Beijing, was built and managed by o!ered "nancial and human resources to jointly run
farmers from the suburbs, and the Lantian (Blue Sky) tourism programs with some universities. CNTA also
Hotel in Shanghai was owned and managed by a local air established its own educational institutes and by 1986,
force unit. (Yu, 1995). As a result, the total number of a tourism education system was in place which com-
hotels increased from 137 in 1978 to 710 by 1985. prised 189 vocational schools, 4 secondary professional
schools, and 10 colleges and universities o!ering tourism
3.2.4. Reform of tourism pricing courses (Zhang, 1987). Meanwhile, many managers were
In this period, tourism pricing was directed at making also selectively sent overseas for tourism management
a pro"t and tourism prices increased annually. The gov- training.
ernment thus became aware of demand #uctuations in
di!erent tourist seasons and in 1985, classi"cation of 3.3. Impact of tourism policies
tourist seasons was introduced. The busy, shoulder and
slack tourist seasons were identi"ed where prices for the The goal to earn more foreign exchange was achieved,
busy season would be 6% higher than those of the with tourism receipts increasing from US$ 262.9 million
shoulder season (Hu, 1994). in 1978 to US$ 1.25 billion by 1985, more than a three-
fold increase. The share of tourism receipts in total
3.2.5. Enterprise reform foreign exchange earnings from exports increased from
Adoption of corporate management was "rst initiated 2.7% in 1978 to 4.6% in 1985 and the foreign exchange
by Deng Xiao-Ping. It meant: (1) separation of tourism growth rate from tourism also increased faster than those
enterprises from administrative bodies where autonomy of other exports (CNTA, 1985}1998; State Statistical
on personnel, "nance and operational matters was Bureau of the People's Republic of China, 1995).
granted to a certain degree from higher administration; The unintended consequences that resulted from the
(2) manager command rather than the Party secretary Chinese government's over-emphasis on the quantity of
command where the manager replaced the Party secre- tourism rather than its quality was that the policy al-
tary with the responsibility for overall management; and lowed introduction of foreign investment and decentral-
(3) rewarding sta! based on their performance (Han, ization too rapidly. Without proper planning, lack of
1994). All tourism corporations, that is state-owned en- coordination and central-control resulted in what the
terprises, including travel agencies and hotels, were also Chinese called &&Disorder Tourism'':
permitted to establish a strict appraisal system for sta!. From 1985 to 1988, the growth rate in the number of
Rewards were based on their performance and sta! with hotels, hotel rooms and hotel beds all exceeded the
poor performance could be punished and even dismissed. growth rate of foreign arrivals which represented the
These corporate management measures were in line with main market for hotel demand. As a result, hotel supply
western hotel management concepts in which there is (1) moved ahead of the availability of transportation, espe-
general manager and department manager responsibility; cially civil aviation. In top tourist regions which had
(2) sta! reward based on their performance; and (3) man- adequate transportation infrastructure, places such as
agement based on economic rationale. Implementation Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong enjoyed high occupancy
478 H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

rates while the occupancy rates were low at the top Table 3
tourist regions with poor transportation capacity and Top 14 tourist cities of 49 major tourist cities 1987
infrastructure like Shaanxi and Guangxi (Tisdell & Wen,
Provinces, municipalities Number of Rank
1991b). & cities tourists
Generally, there was an over-supply of luxury hotels
compared with medium hotels and in a survey of hotels Guangdong provice
conduct in 15 tourist cities in 1985, 70% were luxury Guangzhou 1 850 249 1
class hotels. This arose because the Chinese government Shenzhen 846 511 3
Zhuhai 403 101 6
wrongly estimated foreign tourists demand for luxury Shantou 162 840 12
hotels and believed high tari! of luxury hotels would Beijing municipality 1 077 568 2
bring more foreign exchange. The same survey also found Shanghai municipality 767 713 4
that 35% of the visitors stayed in economy class hotels, Guangxi province
60% in middle class hotels and only 5% in luxury hotels Guilin 503 033 5
Zhejiang province
(Zhao, 1989). As a result, the accommodation problem Hangzhou 291 855 8
remained unsolved. Jiangshu province
Among the 49 major tourists receiving cities identi"ed Nanjing 202 047 9
by CNTA, 14 were distributed over eight municipalities Suzhou 186 401 10
and provinces which received 87% of total tourist arri- Wuxi 109 375 13
Shaanxi province
vals. A list of these cities is presented in Table 3. How- Xian 301 488 7
ever, travel agencies in these eight regions accounted for Fujian province
only 51% of the total number of travel agencies in China Quanzhou 170 232 11
(CNTA, 1985}1998). An imbalance of distribution chan- Fuzhou 107 084 14
nels clearly existed. Total number of tourist arrivals
received by the top 14 tourist
As mentioned previously, travel agencies in China cities (1) 6 979 457
were classi"ed into three categories. The delineation of Total number of tourist arrivals
the three-categories of travel agencies was not clear and it received by the major 49 tourist
was based solely on whether they were allowed to make cities (2) 8 065 739
foreign contacts. Violation of the regulations occurred % of (1)/(2) 86.53%
and service quality still remained poor, especially with Source: China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), The Year-
some tourist guides who were often the target of com- book of China Tourism Statistics, China Tourism Publishing House,
plaints for their poor level of service and questionable or Beijing, 1988.
ethical practices.
During the "rst period (1978}1985), the economic con-
tribution of tourism was recognized and led to the open- consequences of the hotel mismatch were acknowledged
ing up of the country to foreign tourists. Understandably, and ushered the next historical period from 1986 to 1991
the initial in#ux of 1.8 million visitors in 1978 created when a national tourism plan was adopted to guide the
carrying capacity problems, where government owned or further development and prosperity of tourism.
operated facilities and services were hardly able to cope
with the expectations and demands of the international
traveler. A lack of infrastructure and facilities, poor ser- 4. Historical period two: 1986}1991
vice quality, ine!ective administration and manage- In December 1985, the government incorporated
ment led the government to introduce policies designed tourism in the Seventh Five-year National Plan as a key
to separate the enterprise/operational functions of component for economic and social development.
government from its administration functions. To over- Tourism was declared to be a comprehensive economic
come and resolve the problems, the government allowed activity with the direct purpose of earning foreign ex-
foreign investment, introduced tourism pricing and en- change for China's modernization (Han, 1994a; Zhang,
terprise reforms, and established education and train- 1995). This event was a signi"cant benchmark for
ing programs. In this regard, the government played tourism development in China as the attitude of the
the roles of investment stimulator, regulator and educa- central government toward the nature of tourism saw
tor, respectively. This period was also characterized by a change in emphasis from both politics and economics
a lack of coordination, poor levels of service provision, to economics over politics.
and a mismatch between luxury class hotel provision and
visitor needs. The government clearly recognized the 4.1. Demand for tourism policies
need to increase the supply of facilities and services and
to upgrade the quality of service and it acted accordingly. In developing tourism as an economic industry
However, a lack of coordination and the unintended and resolving the problems of &&disorder'' experienced
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485 479

during the "rst period, the China National Tourism Qin Dynasty and the Grand Canal were either restored
Administration (CNTA) prepared the &&National or further developed with new and/or improved visitor
Tourism Plan 1986}2000''. The goal of the "rst phase, facilities.
covering the period 1986}1990, was to enter the ranks
of more advanced tourist receiving countries in terms 4.2.3. Aviation reform
of service quality and infrastructure development, to Structural reform of CAAC was undertaken in 1987
reach a target of 5 million foreign visitors and US$ with the aim of transforming the airlines and airports into
2.7}3.0 billion in tourism receipts. The government independent corporations. For airlines, the CAAC would
paid full attention to the development of aviation, no longer be involved in airline operation and based on
attractions, education, improvement of service quality, the airline teams of the original six regional administra-
and the operation, promotion, and coordination of tions, six state-owned and operated regional airlines
the development of tourism. The plan focused on were set up. These airlines which provided both inter-
21 top tourist cities including Beijing, Shanghai, national and domestic services were Air China, China
Xian, Guangzhou, Guilin and Hainan Island. The Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, China South-
goals of the plan for the second phase from 1991 to west Airlines, China Northwest Airlines, and China
2000 were for China to become an advanced tourist Northern Airlines. The airlines would be responsible
country, to reach the target of 10}12 million foreign for their own pro"ts and losses. Airport operation and
visitors, and achieve US$ 8}10 billion in tourism receipts management was also transferred to local and regional
(Han, 1994a). governments, with the airports in Shanghai and Beijing
the "rst to be taken over by local government authorities
(Han, 1994b).
4.2. Policy decisions and outputs
4.2.4. Intensifying tourism education and training
4.2.1 Coordination at government level During this period, CNTA formulated an education
As coordination was minimal, it was one factor policy, which established a nationwide tourism education
which led to disorder in the tourism industry and the system. Under this policy, all regional tourism bureaus
National Tourism Commission (NTC) was set up by set up their respective departments governing tourism
the State Council in 1988 to assume responsibility education for their region. Annual investment on tourism
for coordinating activities. Coordination initially fo- education by CNTA increased sharply from RMB$ 2.5
cused on civil aviation because its development lagged million in 1979 to RMB$ 40 million by 1988. By 1991, the
behind the other key tourism sectors such as hotel and tourism education and training system in China had been
travel agency. As a result, a coordinating mechanism established, which comprised of 68 colleges and universi-
between the CNTA and the Civil Aviation Administra- ties o!ering tourism courses, 20 secondary professional
tion of China (CAAC) was established whereby CNTA schools, 178 vocational schools, two training centers, one
would provide their most updated visitor arrival fore- tourism education press, and several tourism research
casts to CAAC. Based on these forecasts, CAAC took centers (CNTA, 1985}1998; Han, 1994a).
corresponding actions to meet the demand (Wei & Feng,
1993). 4.2.5. Regulating the tourism industry
The government decided to further regulate the
4.2.2. Mass restoration and development of tourist operations and service quality in the travel agency, tour
attractions guiding and hotel sectors of the tourism industry. Due to
Before 1984, the main emphasis of the Chinese govern- the unclear delineation of the three travel agency catego-
ment was on the provision of tourism infrastructure and ries and with less control over their establishment,
facilities. The development policy for tourist attractions CNTA issued rules to regulate all travel agencies in 1988.
was mainly limited to opening up more cities for tourists, The rules covered matters relating to operating condi-
particularly where historical and cultural attractions tions, approval procedures and penalties against rules
were located. At the National Tourism Conference in violation. This, however, did not change the unfair prac-
1984, awareness was raised of the equal importance of tices and competition created through the use of adminis-
developing attractions and increasing the receiving ca- trative methods to categorize the travel agencies. Al-
pacities of tourist facilities and services. A long-term though violations of the regulations decreased, they still
policy was formulated whereby the government allocated persisted.
RMB$5 billion annually to the top 14 tourist cities for With complaints of poor service quality and the de-
project development. Since then, mass restoration and teriorating ethical conduct of some tour guides, CNTA
development of tourist attractions occurred and many issued a &Ban on Receiving Commission in Tourism'' and
unique attractions such as the Great Wall, Palace Mu- introduced &&Provisional Regulations on Administration
seum (&&The Forbidden City''), Terra-Cotta Warriors of of Tourist Guides'' in 1987 and 1988, respectively. These
480 H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

directives were aimed at regulating all tourist guides over 3 million, far short of the goal of 5 million which had
matters pertaining to their quali"cations, duties, and been set for 1990. Moreover, poor service quality was still
responsibilities. Tourist guides were required to be li- a persistent problem in the hotels, although it improved
censed and had to pass an examination before being primarily in the foreign invested and managed hotels.
granted a license. Service quality improved but only According to a survey conducted by CNTA (Sun, 1989),
to a limited extent since the &&iron rice bowl'' concept one-quarter of Japanese tourists were unsatis"ed with the
was still deeply rooted in the minds of many tourism overall quality of service in China. The ultimate cause in
employees. the slow progress in improving service in the local hotels
In the hotel sector, a majority of luxury hotels that was that neither government nor corporations could
were developed involved foreign capital investment and make breakthroughs with the restrictions of a planned
with the over-supply of luxury hotels, CNTA decided in economy and particularly with such privileges as the
1988 that no further foreign investment in hotels would &&iron rice bowl'' which employees had previously enjoyed
be permitted in main tourist cities (Zhao, 1989; EIU and expected.
Travel and Tourism Analyst, 1989). In addition, all hotels Meanwhile, tourism developed into a signi"cant in-
had to obtain a license from CNTA before they could dustry. By 1991, the industry comprised 2130 hotels, 1561
operate. Hotel construction gradually came under con- travel agencies, and directly employed 708,000 sta!. Ac-
trol. CNTA also issued &&Regulations on the Star Stan- cording to international norms, the ratio between direct
dard and Star Rating of Hotels in the PRC'', the purpose and indirect employees of tourism industry was 1 : 5.
of which was to improve the mismatch between service Based on this norm the total employment provided
quality and rating of the facilities, and to enable China's by tourism was estimated at 3.54 million (CNTA,
hotels to meet international standards. In 1990, CNTA 1985}1998; Sun, 1989).
announced the "rst group of star-ranked hotels (Yu, The second historical period saw the introduction of
1992). Since then, hotel operations in China were grad- policies designed to overcome the problems of &&dis-
ually improved to meet international standards and &&dis- order''. The government assumed the new roles of coor-
order'' problems in the industry were reduced. dinator and planner through the establishment of the
National Tourism Commission and the adoption of the
4.2.6. Promoting international tourism National Tourism Plan, respectively. In the meantime, it
When China "rst opened its door to international continued to intensify its activities as an operator, regula-
tourists, &&China Fever'' and the easing of travel restric- tor and educator. In terms of the latter role as an educa-
tions led to huge numbers of tourist arrivals. This situ- tor, the government through CNTA had established
ation of a &&Seller's Market'' combined with emphasis on a comprehensive and extensive tourism education system
the increasing capacities of tourism facilities and services to accommodate the manpower and training needs of the
caused the Chinese government to do little market pro- industry. The second historical period also saw the need
motion. From 1986 to 1990, CNTA's promotional for and recognition of the importance of international
budget was approximately US$ 1.4 million per year, marketing promotion. Interestingly, marketing promo-
which included the operating cost of its overseas o$ces tion was not initially regarded as a key aspect of govern-
(Bailey, 1987). However, when the growth of tourist arri- ment activity in tourism. However, with the slow down of
vals slowed down for two consecutive years in 1987 and tourist arrivals in 1987 and 1988 and followed by a dra-
1988, followed by the June 4th incident (as o$cially matic drop in arrivals after the June 4th incident in 1989,
described by the Chinese authorities) at Tiananmen intensi"cation and doubling of the budget for marketing
Square in 1989, when total visitor arrivals dropped promotion occurred. Tourism by 1991 had developed
sharply by 23%, it was only then that China gradually into a signi"cant industry and it was clearly recognized
understood the importance of market promotion. The as an important economic activity in China.
promotion campaign } Tourism Year of Dragon was "rst
introduced in 1988. By 1991, CNTA's promotional
budget increased to US$ 3.2 million, representing more 5. Historical period three: 1992+present
than a 100% increase compared to the previous year
(TTG Asia, 1994b). In the spring of 1992, Deng Xiao-Ping announced the
speeding-up and intensi"cation of economic reforms dur-
4.3. Impact of tourism policies ing his tour of Guangdong province. During the 14th
Communist Party Congress in October 1992, a milestone
The policies implemented did not achieve the objec- resolution was adopted with the policy of establishing
tives desired as a result of the consequences of the June a &&market economy under socialism'' which allowed
4th incident. Neither tourism arrivals, nor tourism re- the market itself to determine resource allocation
ceipts achieved the goals set in the &&National Tourism within the guidelines of socialism (Liu, 1993). This signi-
Plan''. In 1991, foreign tourist arrivals were less than "ed that China would open its door wider than before,
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485 481

and its economy would be further geared to the market ment would not impose any tax in the "rst and second
system. years, and imposed half of the normal tax from the third
to "fth year (Tourism Industry Monthly, 1993). From
5.1. Demands for tourism policies 1992 to 1994, total foreign investment amounted to
US$5.45 billion, comprising 79% of total investment in
As an important economic activity, tourism would the industry (TTG Chinese, 1994b).
undoubtedly be closely tied to this general market
oriented policy, meaning that tourism would be further 5.2.3. Decentralization of tourism pricing
opened to foreign investors. This also gradually geared In developing tourism based on market mechanisms,
China to receive international tourists and to promote tourism pricing which was previously set by government
overseas travel of Chinese nationals. Thus, the tourism was decentralized to individual tourism corporations. In
policies formulated in this period were mainly based on 1992, tourism corporations were given the right to stipu-
achieving these two objectives as identi"ed in the &&Na- late their own prices based on domestic and international
tional Tourism Plan 1986}2000''. tourism market demand, and by 1994, all tourism enter-
prises were operating in an market economy environ-
5.2. Policy decisions and outputs ment (Hu, 1994; Liu, 1995).

5.2.1. Expanding the areas of foreign investment 5.2.4. Regulating tourism based on the market
Prior to 1992, foreign investment was only allowed in During this period, CNTA had to oversee an industry
the hotel sector and with a more open &&Economic reform based on market forces more than ever before. The &&Tour
policy'', travel agency and aviation operators were no Guide Registration System'' was introduced in 1995 to
longer restricted. In 1991, CNTA announced a policy improve the service quality and competence of tour
which allowed Chinese nationals to join overseas tours guides. All tourist guides were required to be licensed
organized by the China Travel Services to Hong Kong with CNTA, and only those who passed the CNTA's
and neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, quali"cation examination were eligible for registration.
and Thailand. The government's relaxation of the rules The registration of guides would be revoked if com-
for traveling overseas encouraged people to travel plaints from tourists were serious and found to be true.
abroad (Zhang & Qu, 1996). Foreign aviation investors One of the aims of the regulation was to eliminate the
were allowed to operate any aviation business jointly &&iron rice bowl'' bene"ts and transform tour guides from
with China except for those related to aviation control. national cadres to self-employed workers, who would be
Based on this policy, foreign investors could operate joint subject to market demands. The registration process of
venture airlines with China and also could invest in tour guides was fully implemented in 1997 (Qian, 1995).
commercial airports (TTG Chinese, 1994a). By 1994, The &&Provisional Regulations on Quality Service
China had also set up 15 aircraft maintenance and ground Guarantee Funds of Travel Agencies'' issued by CNTA
services corporations with foreign investors from Hong in 1995 required all travel agencies to deposit a sum of
Kong, USA, Singapore and Indonesia, with Hainan Air- cash with CNTA as a means to guarantee the provision
line the "rst airline in China to receive foreign investment. of quality service. The deposits would be used as indem-
nities to compensate customers when services provided
5.2.2. Planning of resort construction were not up to standard or conditions either stated in the
Prior to 1992, vacation travel in China traditionally contracts or according to state standards were not met.
comprised sightseeing at natural and man-made scenic The fund would also be used when agencies were unable
spots. In making tourist attractions more adaptable to to refund pre-paid fees due to bankruptcy or any other
the needs of the international market, the State Council special circumstances. These regulations were directly
decided in 1992 to build 12 state-level resorts to combine aimed at encouraging travel agencies to be more con-
simple sightseeing with holidaymaking. Resort construc- cerned with customer's satisfaction more so than before
tion would employ both state and foreign investment (Liu, 1995).
with the majority interest held by the former including Although China's airlines had improved their services
state-level resorts such as the Golden Stone Beach in considerably, there was still a gap in service provision in
Dalian, Stone Old Man Holiday Resort in Qindao, Ya- terms of punctuality and in-#ight service, especially when
long Bay in Hainan, and Hengsha in Shanghai. The compared to their international counterparts. Market
travel markets for these resorts are mainly for interna- competition in the aviation industry is keen and except
tional tourists (Beijing Review, 1994). for the three most successful airlines (Air China, China
The Chinese government also o!ered attractive incen- Eastern and China Southern), all other airlines in China
tives for foreign investment in the state resorts and a 24% have been operating at loss (TTG Chinese, 1994c). As
tax allowance was o!ered. For tourism corporations, a result, CAAC stopped issuing licenses to set up a new
which operated more than 10 years, the Chinese Govern- local airline (Gayle, 1994).
482 H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

The service quality of many domestically owned hotels campaigns. The other impact was that China's tourism
also did not generally meet international standards and gradually geared itself to the free market economy envi-
employing foreign hotel management companies ronment. Moreover, China's tourism industry further
(HMCs) was very expensive. Therefore, the establishment expanded and by the end of 1995, China had 3720 hotels,
of Chinese HMCs to meet market needs was encouraged. 3826 travel agencies and around 34 airlines, directly
In encouraging and regulating the HMCs, CNTA issued employing 1 million people and indirectly employing an
the &&Provisional Methods on Administration of Hotel estimated 5 million (CNTA, 1985}1995; Gayle, 1994).
Management Companies'' regulation in 1993 to control In this third and current period, the government's role
the approval procedures and operating conditions of of investment stimulator, promoter, and regulator in-
HMC's. By 1995, China had 19 HMCs. CNTA helped tensi"ed. The operating role which previously regulated
the hotels by providing a good training base and human tourism pricing was relaxed so that tourism corpora-
resources to set up the HMCs so that these Chinese tions would determine it themselves, and the role of
HMCs could improve their service quality and gradually planner was extended from the National Plan to involve-
replace the foreign HMCs ment in the establishment of a speci"c tourist product
(that is, state resorts). A de"nite shift in policy occurred
5.2.5. Intensifying tourism promotion in this period whereby adoption of a socialist market
CNTA actively engaged in tourism promotion and the economic approach with Chinese characteristics was
budget doubled from US$ 3.2 million to 6.4 million introduced.
between 1991 and 1993 (TTG Asia, 1994b). CNTA also,
for the "rst time, formulated a number of promotional
strategies consisting of &&Theme Years'', &&Major Markets'' 6. Discussion
and &&Niche Markets''. The &&Theme Years'' generally tar-
geted its markets. The theme in 1997 was &&Visit China Choy (1993) argued that there are no &&a priori'' reasons
1997'' based on the return of Hong Kong to Chinese for believing that the government of a developing coun-
sovereignty where CNTA capitalized on this historic try would have su$cient expertise to develop tourism
event to attract more tourists. The &&Major Market'' strat- successfully in the absence of a strong and tourism-ex-
egy focused on speci"c countries with strong annual perienced private sector. However, in the case of China,
growth potential (e.g. South Korea in 1994 and Germany government involvement has been successful in the devel-
in 1995). The &&Niche Market'' emphasized speci"c mar- opment of tourism from its initial stages to the present
ket segments where CNTA promoted speci"c tourist day. The Chinese government has played various impor-
products to the targeted segment. For example, for the tant roles: Operator } involving the provision of the
Muslims in the ASEAN countries, CNTA promoted infrastructure for tourism development and through
relics on the Silk Road, and for high-school students, ownership and operation of tourism businesses; Regula-
promotion of the martial arts and calligraphy was under- tor } formulating and implementing regulations to run
taken (TTG Asia, 1994a). To e!ectively launch their the tourism businesses; Investment stimulator } stimulat-
promotional campaigns, China o$cially joined the Paci- ing tourism investment by granting "nancial incentives;
"c-Asia Travel Association (PATA) in 1993 and also Promoter } spending money on the international promo-
took every opportunity to attend and/or hold regional tion of tourism industry; Coordinator } coordinating the
and international exhibitions. Since 1991, both visitors activities among di!erent government departments with
and tourism receipts had enjoyed sustained growth and respect to tourism; and Educator } establishing tourism
CNTA acknowledged that this growth has resulted from education institutions and providing tourism education
its international promotional e!orts (Beijing Review, and training programs.
1994). During the past two decades, when China had opened
its doors to international tourists, the role and nature of
5.3. Impact of tourism policies tourism has changed signi"cantly. Tourism has trans-
formed from being initially a political tool, which was
Tourism during the third period fully recovered from centrally controlled to an economic one which is now
the dramatic drop in visitor arrivals experienced in 1989 driven by market forces. Tourism has also emerged as
and it then developed rapidly. Both visitor arrivals and a signi"cant economic industry. Given the nature of
tourism receipts peaked in 1995 with the share of tourism China's economic development under communist rule
receipts in total foreign exchange earnings from exports with strong central government control, it is not sur-
increasing from 4% in 1991 to 5.9% by 1995. The goal set prising to "nd that the government played a key
in the National Tourism Plan to generate US$ 80}100 and decisive role in shaping the development of tourism
billion in revenue by 2000 was achieved. It is generally through the adoption of a series of policies. For each
considered that these remarkable achievements have of the historical periods identi"ed, the roles played
mainly occurred as a result of the mass promotional by government and the accompanying policies were
H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485 483

quite distinct and pivotal in shaping the nature and service standards. The government will need to contin-
direction of tourism. The initial role of government as an ually monitor progress on these matters well into the
operator has changed now to that of coordinator and next century to ensure the standards are improved to
planner, while the role as educator has continued international expectations.
throughout each of the three historical periods. The es-
tablishment of an extensive tourism education system
under the auspices of a tourism administration (i.e. 7. Implications and conclusions
CNTA) acknowledged the need for properly trained and
educated personnel to service the employment demands The experience in China has demonstrated that it has
of the industry. Education continues to play an impor- been possible to actively develop tourism so that it can
tant role as China strives to become a leading tourism become an important economic industry. A number of
country and to meet international standard levels of implications for other developing countries have been
service. identi"ed as follows:
Despite the best of e!orts, the unintended conse- (1) In a developing country where resources are scarce
quences of &&disorder'', persistence of poor quality service and there is an absence of a strong and experienced
and impact of the June 4th incident which saw a dramatic private sector, government taking an active role in the
drop in tourism arrivals in 1989, led the government to development of tourism is essential (Jenkins & Henry,
adopt new roles to overcome the unexpected problems 1982). Without active government involvement, it is un-
that had arisen. In respect of &&disorder'', the government likely that any industry players would have been able to
assumed the roles of coordinator and planner with the formulate a series of actions to foster and promote the
adoption of the National Tourism Plan. The issue of development of tourism. These roles will vary according
poor quality service is a di$cult one to tackle given the to the situation and needs of the industry, and one would
&&iron rice bowl'' mentality of the workers. For those who also expect the roles to change over time;
are formally educated in hospitality and tourism this is (2) Commitment and control are also important fac-
not a problem. However, for many tourism employees tors leading to the successful development of tourism.
who do not have the bene"t of formal training, there has This commitment and control is no doubt fostered in
not really been any incentive to improve standards of a country with a socialist background where central
service. The recent announcement by Zhu Rong-ji fol- planning has been widely accepted and practiced. None-
lowing his appointment as Premier in 1998, to cutback theless, the lesson for other developing countries is that
government expenditure and no longer subsidize un- with a high level of commitment and control, one is able
pro"table enterprises will force employees in government to guide development without incurring too many ad-
or collective owned enterprises in particular to either verse impacts. In having control of the development of
shape up, otherwise they may "nd that they may not have tourism, minimization of the negative impacts parti-
a job. Although adoption of the socialist market model cularly upon the communities involved will help enhance
has been in place for six years, the recent measures the acceptance of tourism;
announced by Premier Zhu certainly adds impetus for (3) With scarce resources, governments also need
enterprises, be they tourism ones or not, to get their act to carefully nurture its investment stimulator role to
together so that they are run e$ciently, meet market introduce as well as control foreign investment. In the
demands, and satisfy the customer through the services case of China, foreign investment was carefully con-
provided. trolled so that the necessary facilities and expertise
Interestingly, it was not until 1990 that the Chinese could be brought in without &&selling out'' one's assets
recognized the need and importance to internationally to foreign interests. Furthermore, the introduction of
market their country in a concerted manner. The concept foreign investment was carried out in such a way
of marketing would, at best, not be very well understood that mutual bene"ts were gained for both host and
and used, given that China enjoyed an unprecedented foreign participants;
growth in tourist arrivals for nearly a decade from 1978 (4) The roles of coordinator, planner and regulator
to 1987 and as it was a very popular tourist destination should be played in the initial stages of tourism de-
during that period. However, as arrivals began to stabil- velopment in order to plan and control the orderly
ize and fall, the government had to assume the role of development of tourism, otherwise ad hoc and imbal-
promoter and began to develop marketing strategies and anced development may result, as in the case of
campaigns to attract international tourists. Tourism in China's experience during the "rst historical period
China has certainly come a long way from one that has (1978}1985); and
been based on a centrally planned economy to one now (5) In the absence of any formal education and training
based on market needs. Time and continued experience programs, it will be necessary for an educator's role to be
with the market will, no doubt, enable Chinese tourism played so that the skills of the local people will be
to #ourish and eventually meet internationally accepted su$cient to be able to provide the necessary level of
484 H.Q. Zhang et al. / Tourism Management 20 (1999) 471}485

service and for some to have the necessary expertise to References

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